percentstardust · 1 year
“chad shouldn’t have survived scream vi—"
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shi-daisy · 10 months
Better End
Hi everyone, today we have a fix it fic for the squad where the only pov we have is Tatsuki. Day 2, 3 and 4 are smudged together cuz mama is doing other projects and needs to focus but Ulquihime Week is sacred and we are going for it! Hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week 2023- Day 2 Dance, Day 3 Scandal, Day 4 Brekaing the 4th wall
Better End
It was as if she'd been written out of their lives. Just like the time the arrancar took her.
Ichigo was strangely calm, and so was Kazui. Tatsuki hated it when her best friends didn't tell her things. She thought that was over since high school.
"Give it some time, she'll be back soon, and we will be written properly."
She didn't know what that meant. Not until she woke up one morning in her apartment and there were papers for a dojo in her desk. "What the...?"
Tatsuki went over to the kitchen and saw many pictures on the fridge, she was posing with kids that won martial arts competitions. A flash of memories rushed through her mind and she quickly headed to where she now knew her best friends would be.
The kindergarten was full and it was hard to get to the front of the dance classroom. Tatsuki heard whispers as she tried to find a good place.
"Her ex-husband is here with their child. How can she do this?"
"They divorced cuz they got married young. Her new fiance is so different from Kurosaki. Makes me wish she wasn't such a good teacher so I could switch schools"
"Scandalous to bring your boy and ex-husband to a performance with your new man."
Finally she saw it. Orihime achieving her dream of being a children dance teacher, by the side of a man she'd only had described when Tatsuki comforted her on sleepless teary nights.
'He should've been saved. We should've been together!' Orhime had lamented repeatedly until she suddenly stopped and continued on with her life.
Tatsuki knew she wasn't over it. She'd seen her wearing the silver bracelet whenever she could. But now she had changed the bracelet for a ring of gold and emerald.
"Hey, you made it!"
Ichigo's voice startled her, as Tatsuki sat down beside him and Kazui, as they were ready to see Orihime perform a dance with Ulquiorra.
"Is this it? The rewriting thing you mentioned?"
"Yeah...I think you know that that our lives were not going in the direction we wanted. Now they are and we don't need to worry. This time, we'll all be okay."
She didn't question it. Not when she saw Keigo, Mizuiro, Chad and Uryu in the distance siting down and waving at them. The quicy didn't have a doctor's uniform, their tall silent friend was the one in veterinarian attire. Keigo seemed giddy to be waring his ramen's shop attire, and to her surprise Mizuiro was wearing a wedding ring, and accompanied by a smiling happy lady.
At the center of it all was her best friend dancing gleefully with the man she loved, no longer dulled, tired and conforming, but thriving either her old fire and zest. He too looked doffrent from expressionless nihilistic man Orihime described, as he was smiling brightly at the sight of the redhead, letting her lead the dance and happily supporting her. They looked like the couples Orihime had onceenvied, but there was no need for that anymore.
"When they're done we should all go get ramen at Keigo's. I have a feeling his shop will be full now."
Ichigo smiled, ruffling Kazui's hair as the boy admired his mother's performance. "Sounds like a plan."
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sabineelectricheart · 11 months
Pranks and Horror Movies
Summary: Chad, who is definitively not scared of ghosts, watches a horror movie with his girlfriend. She has a wicked idea.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 3200
Notes: I’m not a big, strong guy. I’m afraid of ghosts.
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Blood, guts, and gore were things that Chad was used to. Hell, he even liked them, he thrived on violence and aggressivity, having plenty of space to exercise it out in the pitch.
In regards to his cinematographic inclinations, the sight of blood and death made his heart thump in satisfaction. He loved seeing people go down as either heroes or villains, with everything out in the open, measured through a simple and direct fight scene. It never got to him, he never suffered loss or outrage, he merely celebrates the experience.
Spooky movies, on the other hand, got him very badly. Ghosts, gremlins, poltergeists, witches... Anything like that scared the shit out of him. He detested the fact that there is something that he could not touch, a battle he is only able to win through wit and arcane rituals.
However, Chad is also a proud man. He did not want to be a coward and admit his fears, so he agreed when his girlfriend asked to put a spooky movie on.
Barbara had an agenda, of course. She had a bit of an inkling that he was not as fearless as he made himself believe when it came to the outwardly, thanks to his overreaction when she was watching Supernatural at his TV. He had just got back from a class to find her catching up with a completely benign episode and immediately told her to turn the channel.
"What's wrong?" She asked innocently. "Don't tell me you're afraid of ghosts."
"I'm not afraid of fucking ghosts!" He exclaimed.
Barbara snorted and shook her head. He was totally afraid of fucking ghosts, but she decided to take pity on him. She changed the channel and let it go that day.
For that day, of course. There were lots of ways to weaponize that information, and Halloween seemed like the perfect opportunity.
So, she proposed they watch a horror movie, to celebrate the creepy holiday in style. For some weird reason, he agreed, after just a reasonable amount of resistance, which was curious. It could have been an attempt to show that he was a big, strong boy who was brave enough to fight ghosts, but maybe, just maybe, it had more to do with the fact that he wanted to get over his little phobia.
Oh, well, the college student decided to remain positive. Perhaps something good would come out of it. Life is strange and unpredictable, and he should be prepared to deal with situations in other manners than with his fists, his money and his privilege.
And, well, it is fun to see him squirm a little. It is not as if the movie is going to hurt him.
So, Chad was nervous. A little bit. However, he was trying to keep a collected and casual demeanour, there is no reason to shame himself any further. He was sitting on the sofa, his arm draped across his girlfriend’s shoulders while she laid her head on his chest and played with the ends of his shirt, helping him to calm down.
They were barely ten minutes into Paranormal Activity and the tension was killing him. Not just within the movie creepy climate, but also the slight pain in his shoulder, locked in a defensive position, while he waits for the scares and tries and prepare for them before they even happened.
He was already regretting agreeing to watch this shit.
"You alright?" The young woman murmured quietly against his collarbone, her warm breath tickling the hairs on his chest.
"Yes." He confirmed. His voice came out much quieter than intended.
Barbara lifted her face up slightly and raised an eyebrow. He swallowed thickly and looked away to avoid meeting her gaze. He knew how vulnerable he sounded, and he hated himself for that.
"I'm, uh, I'm fine." He stutters.
It was hard to lie to her. She had that piercing cold gaze that could easily coerce grown men into revealing their secrets, but thankfully she knows when to press and when to let go, and so she did. Let him marinate in his frightened state for a little longer, perhaps then the macho attitude can be peeled off.
In the spooky silence, he felt his phone vibrating and almost jumped out of his skin. She giggled at him, clearly amused by his overreaction.
Chad glared at his girlfriend as if daring her to laugh anymore and took his phone out of his pocket. A few years shaved off of his life and all he has to show for it is a message from his mom asking if he could make it for lunch tomorrow, to which he replied with a very short, "Sorry, no" and placed the device on the coffee table.
With an awkward cough, he settled back in and tried to pretend he did not just almost shit himself. She smiled at him, obviously not fooled at all, but decided not to say anything else once again and focused on the screen again.
Chad sighed in relief and relaxed against the cushions.
As they watched, her hand found its way under his shirt and traced little circles on his skin, as she usually did when he needed comforting and, as always, would refuse to say anything on the matter. Slowly, he felt himself grow even calmer and more at ease.
Things proceeded fairly well, until it got to the bit when the Ouija board's planchette moves seemingly by itself.
Oh, fuck no. He bit his lip, tensed up once again and squeezed her hand tightly, to the point it hurt. She hummed in response and turned around to look at him.
"Scared?" She asked, playing it cool.
The football player opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but closing it again after realising that nothing was coming out.
He gave her a fake smile and continued to hold her hand. "Pfft, no. No. No way. I'm enjoying it so much."
He was still shaking inside, but he refused to show her. If he was being honest with himself, he was not having fun. Not at all. He could feel Barbara studying him, probably figuring out if he was lying or telling the truth.
He kept his eyes on the TV and hoped that she would not ask why he would suddenly gone all pale and nervous.
Typically, a traditional scary movie date night has the guy being all macho and unbothered and the girl being all wimpy and stuff like that, which was not happening with them. It was a role reversal of sorts. Being scared instead of her was fine, or so his Inner Barbara, the nagging voice inside his head, insisted with him.
Alas, Chad insisted. Throughout the whole movie, he claimed to be fine. He pretended that he was perfectly okay with all the creepy things that happened, that he was not really freaked out, and that he was actually having a wonderful time. He is not going to give her the satisfaction of seeing him flinch every few seconds. He knows he does not have anything to prove, but he still feels awkward in just letting it go.
Around three-quarters into the movie, she got up to get a drink and left him all by himself, leaving him to stare blankly at the screen as all the demonic shenanigans happened, with the only sounds in the room consisting of his breathing and the sound of the TV.
When Barbara returned, she placed her drink on the coffee table and tried to sit back on the couch, yet she found herself being pulled onto his lap and pressed against his body. She stared at him in surprise as his hands found their way around her waist, his thumbs tracing her hips.
"The end of a movie tends to be the scariest, y’know?" He explained, trying his hardest to come off nonchalant. "Just wanted to make sure you don't get scared or anything."
This time it is so obvious that she did not believe his reasoning at all that even he noticed the way her eyebrows were drawn together and her eyes narrowed suspiciously. He cursed himself internally for being stupid enough to think that she would buy it.
Of course, she had not bought it at all. She grabbed his chin gently, tilting his head up, forcing him to meet her gaze. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes, and he knew that it meant trouble. He groaned inwardly but remained quiet as she leaned forward and kissed him.
"Thank you, babe. That's very sweet of you." She cooed and patted him on his cheek softly, before turning and leaning back against him so she could continue watching.
Using their new position to his advantage, Chad could use her midsection to hide behind. He would pretend he was really interested in kissing her shoulder or the curve of her neck and would tilt his head downwards, giving him enough time to casually take his eyes off the screen. Also, he could use her aromatic hair to obscure his vision and she could not see how his face changed into a grimace of fear.
It was perfect.
What was even better was that the movie was nearly over anyway. The credits rolled, and she heard the TV click off immediately.
Yeah, that was fucking done. No more. Absolutely no more.
"Well, I guess we should call it a night." The woman said, yawning exaggeratedly and stretching her arms above her head.
Chad nodded silently and wrapped his arms tighter around her. As he pulled her close, he rested his head on top of hers, feeling her soft hair brush against his cheek.
There was no way he was sleeping in a bed tonight, so he let all his weight dip to the left and flopped them both down so they were lying against the couch cushions. It was a tight fit, but it was how both of them liked it. He shifted slightly, so that he was on his side with his arm draped over her waist as they spooned.
"Goodnight, Barbs." He mumbled as he closed his eyes.
"Night, baby." She whispered softly, bringing his hand up to her lips to kiss his knuckles and then returning it to its previous position.
It seemed to Chad as if Barbara had immediately fallen asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. Himself, on the other hand, did not have the same luxury of sleepiness as her, so he stayed awake long into the night staring at the ceiling, coming and going with creepy thoughts in his head. What if the ghost demon thing jumped out of the TV and started shit? What could he do about it? Shoot it? Stab it? Scream at it?
With that in his mind, he took one deep breath, then another, and then another, until his eyes started feeling heavy. He blinked, and his thoughts became muddled, until he finally falls down asleep.
Suddenly, his eyes open again quickly. He does not know for how long he has been asleep, but his girlfriend was not there anymore, and he had a quilt thrown over him. She must have gone to bed, he concludes.
There was a noise coming from the windows and the front door that woke him up from his restless sleep. Deep in thought, he just assumed he was imagining the light scraping sound that came from behind him. When he turned towards the source, however, nothing appeared. He blinked a couple of times and looked around, but everything was still as silent as it had been a minute ago.
It must have been just his imagination. Right?
So, he just lays there thinking and hoping his nervousness would pass eventually and he could go to the bedroom and join Barbara under the soft covers. Maybe he would finally be able to sleep well if he stopped freaking out, but that does not seem that is happening any time soon.
The scratching noise began again, this time closer to where he was lying than before. He sat up slowly and scanned the room with wide eyes, but nothing was there. Panic rose up in his throat and his breathing quickened.
Then the door handle rattled. Chad gulped audibly and looked towards the door with trepidation. The scratching sounds were getting louder and louder until they stopped abruptly as the door slid open slowly.
A flash of white illuminated the darkness of the room as the light turned on briefly as the door slammed shut. He froze in place. Everything seemed stuck in place around him, except for his racing heartbeat.
Chad looked back at the dark hallway leading to their bedroom and neither saw or heard anything, pointing to the assumption that Barbara was still resting peacefully. How in the hell was she sleeping at a time like this? What kind of person sleeps through this kind of nightmare scenario?
He does not want to run over there, wake her up and risk sounding like a fucking pussy. It might still be nothing, and even if there is something, what a short, thin girl like her can even do?
All of a sudden, the TV lit up again, shedding a long shadow behind the couch, and he could hear the familiar sound of static. His chest constricted as the screen flickered to life. His eyes widened, but he still remained absolutely still.
This is not real. He was clearly dreaming. Duh, that is why Barbara is not reacting.
"Oh, you're not dreaming yet, boy." A voice resounded through the room.
Okay, so now the ghost is speaking to him. Awesome.
It was a familiar voice, breathy and throaty, one that he heard sometimes on the shell of his ears. Barbara spoke to him like that sometimes, when he looked lost socially or before a big speech at the Investments Club, when he needed a little help or a confidence boost, she was there to give him some pointers. Or if she wanted to distract him during debriefs by saying something extremely dirty without the others knowing to make him blush.
However, this voice did not sound like hers, but rather what he would imagine her mother would speak like, if she had smoked for many years. It was slower. more threatening, more comically evil and witchy, but somehow familiar.
Chad tried to recall when and where he had heard this voice before, but all that came out of his mouth was an unintelligible croak.
"You really are quite cute, aren't you? I like that. Very adorable."
Suddenly, the lights went completely dark and the man screamed as loud as he possibly could. It was high-pitched and sounded ridiculous, but he did it anyway.
Unable to keep her facade up anymore, Barbara finally let out her giggle. It had been so difficult to keep it inside as she messed with him.
She gingerly put her head through the front door to watch him squeal like a little girl, as her boyfriend covered his face and realised it was her the entire time.
"You're such an asshole." Chad whined and squeezed her tightly, making her squirm a bit as he buried his head in her neck.
"An asshole? Me?" The voice, which he now recognized came from his Bluetooth speakers on the kitchen counter, asks petulantly.
Well, shit. It was her horrible impression of Bette Middler in Hocus Pocus, that is where he recognised it from. She had connected her phone with the speakers and the TV, left for the front yard and woke him up by tapping on the window.
"Sorry, baby. I know it was mean, but your scream was hilarious." The woman said between laughs, coming through the door.
Chad sighed. "I hate you."
She giggled once more, laying back in the couch and turning to rest on her back, tugging him on top of her so she could envelop him entirely in her arms. One hand went to his hair to hold the back of his head while the other moved under his shirt to trace shapes against his lower back.
"Love you too, big guy." She purred into his ear, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple and grinning wickedly when his expression softened ever so slightly.
Her smile grew wider when she felt him relax against her and wrap his own arms around her, pulling her closer to him.
Barbara continued stroking his hair in silence for a while before breaking it and whispering, "Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, whatever." He replied quietly, his nose touching the skin of her collarbone.
He was so close that she could feel his breath fanning against her neck, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.
"Do you want to pick the movie next time?" She asked, her tone playful and innocent.
The football player hummed and nodded slowly against her skin. "More than anything."
He then plants a few kisses along her collar bone, earning an amused laugh from her. He lifted his head to look up at her, and her eyes met his for a brief moment before fluttering closed as he gave her a sleepy smooch on the lips.
Her fingers tangled themselves in his hair as she tilted her head to deepen the kiss, and suddenly Chad had forgotten all about her prank. He forgot that he was supposed to be mad at her. He forgot everything as he kissed her.
"I love you." He breathed after pulling away slightly, glaring at her playfully. "And you're not going to scare me like that again, got it?"
Despite how funny she found it, Barbara smiled and nodded before leaning in for another kiss, only for him to stop her halfway. She blinked a few times and then frowned a bit.
She laughs. "Yeah, I promise. I’ll only use my genius for good from now on."
That clearly was the answer he wanted as he closed the gap between them once again. Over time, the kiss became slower and lazier, each movement more languid than the last. She ran her hands through his hair absentmindedly, her nails lightly scratching his scalp. They would have to stop at some point.
When they did, it was just a matter of time before he would inevitably fall back asleep. Right now, however, he is not willing to let go of this moment, to let go of the warmth of her body pressed against his as she curled around him protectively.
Her name slipped from his mouth in barely a whisper, and she shushed him gently, placing a kiss on his forehead.
"Sleep." She cooed lovingly.
His eyes slowly closed and his body relaxed. His arms and legs went limp, and his breathing evened out.
Barbara kept her eyes closed as she held onto him, listening to the calming beat of his heart mixed with the steady rise and fall of his chest. The sound of his scream replayed over and over in her head as she chuckled to herself.
Yeah, Chad was a big, strong guy and totally not a weird, skittish nerd. Totally.
College Craze Masterlist
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👯‍♂️👯‍♂️LIKES, SHARES, SHARES TO STORIES, SAVES AND COMMENTS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!!👯‍♂️👯‍♂️ ........ I did it This is my biggest felony yet........DW i dont rly ship them but this one kinda IM SORRY TO MY FOLLOWERS IF YOU DIDNT WANTBTO SEE SHIPS THIS WAS JUST TOO FUNNY SOMEHOWWWWWW Completed this like last night im sobbing Im gonna go apeshit crazy soon over this it's so horrendous i love it @kuhory hope your collection thrives 😳😳😳 And tysm @princedoesstuff for requesting greenland x antartica the request art is rly rly happy right 😏... *sobs on floor* Im gonna dissolve I thought the arms of chile and argentina were their bodies at first... so uh argentina was half shirtless in the WIP... no more questions my villian arc has risen TYSM for the latest post btw!!!! Yall chad at it sia wth 🤤💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅 Ive got a few more artworks that im gonna post pretty soon but at the same time im scared- do yall wanna see it? It's an underrated country btw 👀👀👀👀👀 Im in misery Why does argentina look so fine here oh my g No i hate the effort here i thank yall tho 💀💀💀💀💀 i'll compensate for this i promise 👍👍👍👍👍 (Skip this part if u dont wanna see updates of me LMAO) Ive got exams the next few weeks 😭😭😭😭😭 so actually idk if i can still post THAT often... and especially the last quarter of 2022 :(((((( i will be around for yall during the holidays dw!!! I wanna focus on school lately if yall dont mind :vvv HAVE A GREAT DAY/MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING/NIGHT AHEAD!!!! Tysm for having your eyes killed by this lov yall 💗💗💗💗💗 god has abandoned us 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 ⚰️ Tags: #countryhumans #countryhuman #countryhumansargentina #countryhumanargentina #argentinacountryhumans #countryhumanschile #countryhumanchile #chilecountryhumans #countryhumansredraw #countryhumansmeme #countryhumansship #countryhumansargchi #argchi (...🗿) #countryhumansgreenland #countryhumangreenland #countryhumansantarctica #countryhumanantarctica (stay safe out there you two,,,) #countryhumansgreenlandxantarctica #countryhumansart #countryhumansdrawing #countryhumansfanart #countryhumansartwork #country #art #digitalart #fanart #drawing #medibang #medibangpaint #artistsoninstagram (at Felling Happy and Wonderful) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgn3f4BpyJF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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backtoyuta · 3 years
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NCT 127: at a frat party
❁ [Taeil] Introverted confidant; Taeil is the guy you go to to seek solace in when you're not really feeling the vibe. Maybe the music sucked, the drinks weren't having an effect on you or it was too rowdy, whatever the problem was you could always sneak away or locate him somewhere a little quieter and just observe the mess from a distance. He'll laugh appreciatively if you took the initiative to sneak some snacks or drinks laid out and ruffle you hair playfully to thank you, making astute remarks about how drunk his friends are and groan about how he'll probably have to carry one of them home later. It's likely that you'll both be stuck with the task of making sure everyone gets home safe, shove bread in someone's mouth in hopes of it helping somehow even if you're not totally sober yourself. Maybe he gets really into the party once in a while, and when he does he benignly encourages you to let loose yourself and join in the fun, however it's almost always a guarantee that you'll end up taking a breather from the noise together in the garden, the part of the living room that isn't occupied, in desperate situations a random storage cupboard (Everybody got the wrong idea with that one) (No, you never quite lived it down). It's a nice feeling to see his expression perk when he finally sees you, the quick hug you always exchange, the knowing glances when your social batteries are already dying and its time to dip.
❁ [Johnny] Life of the party; Being the extroverted king he is, Johnny is the guy you might end up holding onto his sleeve for most of the night, figuratively. The guy that knows everyone, he'll happily adopt you if you look like you feel out of your depth and kindly make you a drink and usher you towards a group to try and let loose. Being with Johnny means a lot of attention, being introduced to people here and there and him playfully picking on you during drinking games, volunteering to make a fool of himself when someone dares you to do something a little too outrageous. Johnny is the comfort you need whilst simultaneously the reason for your death because drunk Johnny means a lot of shameless flirting and eye contact from across the kitchen counter, as well as keeping you close to his side and out of reach when someone else tries the same thing on you. At some heinous hour in the morning the rooms are considerably emptier, discarded cups everywhere and chiller music is humming from the bluetooth speakers, you could kid yourself that it was just you two even though you're sitting in a pool of people. His arm swung casually around your shoulders, "Did you have a good time?" Falling from his mouth slightly slurred and giving you an affectionate squeeze and a lazy kiss to the top of your head when you nod your head yes.
❁ [Taeyong] Hangover mum no. 1; We all know Taeyong has his maternal vibe going on, but lest we forget he too is a guy in his mid twenties looking for a good time. That being said, he wasn't surprised when Johnny dropped you off to his charge, the smell of alcohol radiating off of you, your appearance looking a lot more fragile from what he remembered when you first arrived that evening. He was incredibly patient, letting you rest in his bedroom while you sipped your water, salty pretzels at the ready for when you got the munchies and if disaster struck, he didn't judge when he pushed your hair back for a tactical chunder. He would assure you that you weren't keeping him from his friends when it had been a little while, and would keep a close eye on you when you rejoin the group, just a cup of lemonade in your grasp as a means of preventing a relapse. He's the guy that doesn't pressure you to join during drinking games, is perfectly content to give you his hoodie and let you sidle up to him as means of comfort and just observe everyone else admitting to disgusting truths during Never Have I Ever. At the end of the night he walks to your pace, will listen and hum attentively at any drunken musings that fall out of your mouth he knows you'll regret telling him tomorrow.
❁ [Yuta] King of the drinking games; Yuta isn't the type to shy away from a good time, and he's always front and centre when it comes to lowkey humiliating himself in Ring of Fire, truth or dare, or any of the classics. His confidence outweighs the most disgusting things he's admitted to doing, the embarrassment of what someone dared him to do and you've never seen someone chug a drink with so much gusto. Always manages to come up with the most evil questions, hitting right where it hurts and you dread when his turn rolls around again and his gaze lands on you. He's impressed when you take up his dares with dignity, or admit shamelessly to any hidden tattoos or piercings. If you caught his interest, will switch on the scorpio and keep his gaze trained on you for the rest of the night, will try and pry any information out of you by keeping you included in conversations and will 100% invite you to his room when the party is over. His demeanour reads as chaotic, he thrives being around his friends, but you somehow manage to unlock that calmer more intuitive part of him when he catches you outside the bathroom to check that he didn't go too far during one of the infamous games being played in the living room.
❁ [Doyoung] Hangover mum no.2; We've all seen the sweet and caring side of Doyoung jump out before, so if you're on your merry way towards being wasted he can't help but intervene to make sure you're ok. Don't be fooled though, he doesn't really have the patience of Taeyong, so expect a whole lotta tough love. He won't hesitate to flick you on the forehead when you get a little too in his face, though he deliberately doesn't do it too hard. Inadvertently gives off the impression that you're a nuisance as he scoffs and sighs at you weeping over a packet of crisps, has to later make a point of assuring you that "you're fine, you should just know better". There's an air of fondness that lingers when you settle down a bit and start to enjoy yourself at a more acceptable level of tipsiness and he insists that he walks you home. "Begrudgingly" hands over his jacket when you complain about being cold even though that was his plan all along, and takes mental notes of all the ridiculous drunken comments you make so he can torment you with them later.
❁ [Jaehyun] The guy who may or may not be responsible for your death; One thing about Jaehyun, he's the guy who's terrible at mixing drinks. Don't look at Johnny, he won't help you, when you asked for sex on the beach expect anal on the rocks because Jaehyun knows jack shit about ratio of alcohol to mixer. Don't worry too much, as much as it's his fault for accidentally getting you trashed, he takes as much responsibility for looking after you and making sure you have a good time. Lowkey turns into a frat boy cliche, the hat is on backwards and he's already tugging your arm to coerce you into being his partner for beer pong. He drinks most of the cups whenever you lose to make up for the terrifying concoctions he had you drink earlier and celebrates over excessively when you win by wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and lifting you in to the air slightly. His harmless nice chad vibes make for good company and there's the tingly feeling of chemistry when he laughs loudly at your jokes, eyes turning into little crescents and dimples popping, he watches proudly and thinks "that's my girl" when you make all his friends laugh with you.
❁ [Jungwoo] Level 300 clinger; whether you're moving between groups, leaving to get more food, or shifting to get a better view of the beer pong table, Jungwoo will find a way to squeeze in next to you some way some how. You can always feel an arm ghosting around your waist or around your shoulders, or hear his giggle right there beside your ear. After spending so much time on your feet, you both eventually flop on the sofa, a tangled mess of limbs whilst you try and catch your breath. People keep asking if you're together because of the excessive physical contact, and you hate how he thrives at you scrambling awkwardly for an answer to convey that wasn't the case while he just smiles innocently, making no effort to debunk the comments. There's a high chance that if either of you end up staying over in the other's house, he'll make sure he'll consensually sleep right there next to you, talking randomly about any topic that crosses his mind until you fall asleep. The mornings involve laughing at each other's bed head until you tune into your hangover's, sharing the one bottle of water while scrambling for painkillers and nagging at each other for not cutting either of you off when you went too far.
❁ [Mark] Lightweight; to keep it short and simple, Mark Lee proved himself to be a bit of a lightweight from the get-go, and now here you were, the room dim and bass thumping while Mark laughs loudly at whatever Johnny was saying and you haven't even been there for an hour yet. Mark is the guy that is kinda hard to keep track of, you thought you saw him in the kitchen but now he's messing around with Haechan in the garden and each time you regroup with him he's even more drunk than before. He always finds you eventually, maybe you were taking a load off at the snack table, munching crisps and replying to texts when a lanky arm swings over your shoulders and Mark's smily face is way too close to your line of sight asking if you're OK. If he feels he's neglected you for too long he overcompensates by ushering you to his current group and making a point of pulling a fold out chair right next to his, his laugh dominating the conversation even if the joke wasn't that funny. When the night draws to a close, he settles down, the lack of people taking a toll on his energy and that's where he engages in conversations way too deep for a frat party and way too personal for just friends, though you never worried, there was no way he would remember any of this tomorrow.
❁ [Haechan] Partner in crime; That one friend who you end up hanging with the whole night, even if that wasn't the intention. Haechan doesn't fear drunkenness, it doesn't seem like he fears anything, and he'll always without fail drag you down with him. He's the guy that cheers obnoxiously when you down your shot, always picks on you in the drinking games because he loves to see you embarrassed and the one you sneak away with to try cigarettes even if it turns out you don't really like them. His famous last words are always "I'll do it if you do it" and that's the story of how you both ended up jumping into a neighbour's pool completely wasted, and now hoarding the bottle of tequila. Haechan is the guy that kind of makes you make a complete fool out of yourself, but always assures you that nobody will remember by the morning and to just live in the moment. Your favourite part of these frat parties is always looking through your photos the next day and laughing at all the horrendous selfies and videos he took before you noticed he had your phone for the last 15 minutes.
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alolanrain · 3 years
More on Eric Kingler and the league. (This is super long and I’m sorry i can’t put a read more since I have no computer)
Unlike his League who mostly have separated teams for their gyms and personal use, his team is used for both!
His starter is a shiny Eevee, named Miku and the only named Pokémon on his team, followed closely by his Goodra. Both being seen as his starter since he caught Goodra as a Goomy the same day he got Miku. His home town is Sherdee and the forest, Bikwood, is where he also captured his Dreepy which is now a Dragapult. The rest of his team is Blissey, his Grandma’s starter his Aunt gave him after winning the Champion title and also replaced his Braviary who quickly died of Pokémon specific cancer, Sawsbuck and Drampa.
Eric Kingler team: Miku (Gigantamax/Eevium Z), Goodra, Dragapult (Dynamax), Blissey, Sawsbuck, Drampa (Dynamax/Dragon Zcrystal)
Unlike most league members who have the option to Dynamax and or use different zcrystals with different Pokémon but don’t, Eric regularly trades out who does what on his team. Though he does tend to lean towards Miku but has the advantage on non-verbal signals during fights, Vincent taught him that, Eric is actively trying to catch himself and change that.
Sherdee is placed more in the lush side of Mount Vince, though not as close to the base of said mountain like Snow Cap who circle completely around the mountain in a very weird circle shaped town with parts. Winery’s, farmland, and general green rolling hills cover most of Sherdee’s north side while the south side is more population dense. East side is more lush wood dense, think more of Cali’s red oaks then anything, where most of the dark and poison typing mingle. The west side, towards New Loc, is a thinner more wet type of bog land where water and grass thrive. This is where Kalos is receiving most of the helping Pokémon through the trade.
Despite the extremely popular wineries and being the Champions home town, Sherdee is not that populated like New Loc or even Benene on the other side of the mountain. Filled with drillers and generally older people. The west side of Mount. Vince is just generally where older people move to go retire and live. The lush shady and green land is much more gentle then the harsh dry lands of the east side. Salond is the only town thats mostly filled of young adults and trainers. And having the second and last gym on the League docket especially helps.
Though Jackson is usually found in Lily’s gym, to the point it’s basically his gym mission to come drag him from his friends gym back to his, and prefers the quiet Sherdee brings. It’s also where he mostly gets his dispensed weed and other things of that nature. The poison gym is based around the more populated zone of Sherdee, south east to be exact where the majority of poison and dark type live. Vincent Ghoul, heavily named after the mountain, is the dark gym leader and also a pretty sick dude and his gym is based in the north west despite a lot of dark types don’t naturally live there. Despite his only communication being signing since he’s selectively mute, which Jackson lords over everyone else because he’s the only one that can keep up with Vincent, he’s a very social person. A big contrast against other dark type trainers who are cut off and cold.
He’s Eric and Jackson’s collective second rival and met them at the second gym, the electric one, in Soland. The gym leader, General Chad Manley, was screaming directly in Vincent’s face. Jackson was the first to move to confront the retired General but it was Eric who silently beat down the man in a one on one battle with his personal Toxtricity (Amped Form) with Miku. The issue clearly came to the light when Chad refused to give Eric and Vincent the Shock Badge on the fact that he refused to believe they both fairly beaten the man. Making them call in the nearest Officer Jenny who had to inform the league, it took half a month of precious time and a very public event of one of the chairmen threatening to terminate the general to get their badge. Jackson actually got his as a consolation for waiting and unable to battle. Making him feel he was inferior to Vincent and Eric and making their three way rivalry very wobbly with the other two trying their best to restore faith in their friend.
He makes it his mission to somehow becomes Chad’s boss in some way and now he’s sitting as the strongest gym leader of Orago and Chad’s boss. Despite also being the forth strongest gym, Vincent is very much on par with both Jackson and Eric. Having grown with the boys he just chooses to stay where he’s at. Because it didn’t matter if he was the forth weakest or the second strongest, he would still be placed in Sherdee, and being the forth gym means he gets to meet a lot more trainers. Vincent is also one of the only gym leaders to rarely use his Zoroark, his very beloved starter, in official battles. Opting to keep her out most of the time unless a really strong trainer comes through.
Unlike Galar, and now recently Alola, Orago does have an Elite section. Though its not an Elite four but an Elite three. It’s taking into account that instead of eight gyms there’s nine in the region. It’s a debate that Eric and Jackson have constantly as well. Jackson doesn’t want to become an Elite four for many reasons, the main one being that if he’s moved to the same building the other three and Eric are constantly at Jackson cannot give Eric a safe place to come and hide in when things get to much for the stoic man along with the ability of his gym being a bunker if the two Team’s gain serious ground against Eric. The second one being that he’d have a shit ton more paperwork and thats not flying by him at all. Eric’s side is that they can spend more time together, it’s unspoken between the pair but Jackson can easily tell the mans non-verbal point, and Jackson doesn’t have to switch teams which he hates doing.
It doesn’t cause any stress on the League as a whole but it can get annoying for out-of-Region trainers who travel to take part who naturally assume there’s just eight and the badge holder just has an extra slot just in case. Only to go and sign up only to realize there’s an extra gym that they miss and now can’t participate in the last conference, which is mockingly called the Wine Conference from how much Eric and the head Chairwomen drink just to stay on the line of sanity.
Lily comes in much later, once Eric works Jackson into the bug Gym and Vincent into the dark gym, she comes takes over the poison gym. Unlike older and more traditional Regions like Kanto and Hoenn who usually give their position to the next of kin, Orago has a rule that you strictly cannot do that in any sense. Also that gym ladder positions will change constantly, like each gym is in a different spot almost every year, the only constant ones are Vincent, Lily, and Jackson because they know their strength and weakness to keep their ladder position the same.
Water and Rock usually change the most due to their type difference, Electric very rarely moves and if it does it goes down, and this system has caused the League to hand out maps to every trainer with that years ladder. Ghost and Ice are the second most popular to move but unlike every years its every three years like clock work. The Ice Gym Leader is unable to properly work out her team, being wheelchair bound and unable to properly track through the snow, so it usually fluctuates from the lack of trainers. Cadenza Flicker, the Ghost gym leader, has no problem with the situation at hand. Unlike the others who hate having to constantly switch.
Cadenza Flicker and Mini Tooks are not best friends but their close. Unable to see each other as often as they wish since Mini is again wheelchair bound and unable to travel through thick snow like other trainers and Cadenza’s large flame burns that cover a majority of her body keep her from staying in the snow for long. Though, once the summer arrives and the majority of the snow melts, Cadenza moves her team up to Mini’s gym to keep the girl company until fall comes around.
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twaigfraggle · 3 years
Watch through ?????: Wembley’s flight (As requested by @muppet---man)
Oh how I’ve missed doing these...
Fun fact: This is one of three episodes I haven’t seen. We’re going in blind!
Clapping to the theme is such a serotonin boost istg...
Sprocket wants to be an inventor...and fly...Me too man me too...
Doc, let him thrive!
Sprocket CAN fly!!!
Wembs is angry...
Believe in yourself Wemby!
Wembs wants to fly..
He’s a hero!!! LITTLE LAD
HELP?!?!?!? WHAT?!
A spider fly?! MAGIC?! OKAY?!
Love a good Richard Hunt role...
What a chad!
He wants a sandwich you loon!
Pussyfooting....Thats an old word...
Wembs wants to fly? He does? Cool cool...
Mara was right this ep is wild...
He can only fly three times...
“A fond see you around...”
My babiessssssssssssssss
He wants to show off!
Their faces when Wembs tells his story...
Robo being goobers is for me...
Wembley...he’s so excited!
Once again, Wembley needs better friends...
This is making me upset...
Red, such an older sister! Saves his life!
He’s so angry...
He get’s rightfully angry.
His own best friend doesn’t believe him....
Poor Boober...getting yelled at and run down...
WOW! He really just bailed...Just like that....
Poor sprocket...Let him show off...
Doc just wants him safe...
“Why did they send me away?”
- The one who chose to leave.
Aw no...Poor baby...I’m like disheartened...
I’m gonna ya yeet the other four into the gorgs garden. I’m so angry at them.
Guilt...As they should...
Oh gosh...
“Don’t encourage him!” Red, dude...chill lol.
He’s gonna surf...
Male fail.
Red looks so done...Poor girl lmao
The fairy godmother is back...
Creepy friends...
Marlon go away challenge.
I’m so uncomfortable right now.
His lame friends are here...
Wembley run...
Wembley...you poor thing...
I hate everyone but Wembs rn...Literally...
This episode is so infuriating...
“A little present from my husband, wife,” (Poly god mother)
I love the way Richard Hunt sings...
Steve too...I love their voices...
THE H A R M O N I E S!!!!
He did it! Happy boy! I’m thrilled! As he should!
The way he’s not showing off! A humble boy! I’m just annoyed he didn’t get to stick it to his rude friends.
He’s back...Poor kid...
Wobo moment...that was for me...
Wembley still deserves better friends...Like seriously...
Sprocket doesn’t want to fly lol
Final thoughts.
Wembley deserved better.
Rating: 5/10
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finalgirldean · 3 years
you guys just hate to see a poly chad thrive (robert singer)
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Sorry I know you’re focused on the GF crossover but I was wondering what your take on Milo and friends in the 2nd dimension?
I know it looks like I'm focused on the GF crossover bc I keep answering asks about it but tbh I don't even know if I'm gonna write it lmao the more I think about it the more complex it sounds and it would have to take a solid 50k words at the least — which, to be fair, is nothing compared to some of the Supernatural fics I've written, but I've also spent three to four years on most of those. I feel like just answering asks about it is better bc it gives me the same euphoria that comes with writing long and complicated things but it doesn't take a million years lmao
Regarding MML in the second dimension part of the ask... Well, I have A Lot Of Thoughts™ so here's a cut so y'all can skip it if you want lmao
I hate to be That Person™ that makes things dark and gloomy, but I don't think 2D Doof let Milo live. The two biggest threats to his rule in Danville were OWCA and Murphy's Law. He was able to turn the OWCA agents into cyborgs and enslave Monogram, but that's because they're only a threat if they go against him. If he enslaves all of OWCA, they're not only no longer a threat; they become an advantage. Milo, on the other hand, is a threat by nature. The only thing that could change that is some invention like the suit from The Phineas and Ferb Effect, but that would take too much time and effort on 2D Doof's part for something so ultimately useless. Channeling and directing Murphy's Law would just be a more unpredictable way of dealing with things he doesn't like, and he has a robot army for a reason. That basically means Milo is an unnecessary risk to his power, and he needs to be eliminated.
That would probably be the same for Mr. Murphy, too. He's just as unlucky and just as much of a risk. Mrs. Murphy and Sara would be petrified after seeing what 2D Doof did to their family — and without an ounce of regret, too — so they'd do whatever he wanted them to just to avoid being sentenced to the same fate.
Melissa is enough of a badass that I can see her in the Resistance on the other side of Danville. I think Diogee would stick with her, because with Milo gone, she's the next best thing. He'd help with rescue missions where he could, too.
Zack never would have moved to Jefferson County, but I'm assuming he was still in the tri-state area before he moved given that we see the Lumberzacks multiple times, so he's presumably also under 2D Doof's rule. I think he'd be absolutely fine. He'd do what he's supposed to do, and he'd be a model citizen.
Amanda would be the same, I'd assume — she thrives on order, and in that dimension, order comes from 2D Doof and his rules. She wouldn't like it, but she'd respect it. Chad and Mort are without a doubt either in prison or Goozim food because they made the mistake of coming up with a conspiracy about 2D Doof. Bradley would get too brave over something and face 2D Doof's wrath. Elliot would lowkey be thriving because as fucked up as this dimension is, at least nobody gets hurt, right?
Dakota and Cavendish would just stay away. They may be a pair of idiots, but they're smart idiots, you know?
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Case Closed (Part 2/2) - Shalaska - pureCAMP
A/N - Part two! This is a monster of a fic and I hope it provides some joy! And terror and emotions.
One evening, Alaska found Sharon stood waiting at her desk, a guilty expression plastered across her face. Out of the corner of her eye, Alaska saw Jinkx frantically throwing a thumbs up in her direction, but she quickly ignored her friend’s overexcited encouragement and smiled.
“Hey, Needles. You okay?”
Sharon nodded, then shook her head. “Look, I’m a total asshole, but… I know you get off work early tonight, and I’m in for a long one,” She began, her tone apologetic. “I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but it’s my mom’s birthday tomorrow and I don’t have time to get her anything and I completely forgot to go yesterday. I know what I want to get her, but would you mind picking it up for me and dropping it off at my place when I get home? You’d be doing me a huge favour.”
She trusts me, Alaska’s mind supplied. Another part of it replied shut up.
“Of course! I know the feeling. I love my mom.” Alaska grinned. “Can’t believe you forgot to get her a present. How old is she turning?”
The guilt on Sharon’s face increased. “Sixty.”
“Sixty?! It’s a big birthday and you forgot? Hey, everyone, Needles hates her mom!”
“I do not!” Sharon defended herself, and then laughed. She grabbed Alaska’s hand and squeezed it, and Alaska tried not to overthink the action at all. “You’re a lifesaver, Lask, thank you so much. Here’s the money, here’s what I want to get her. You’re amazing.”
“I know.”
It wasn’t long until Alaska was off, and as she left the precinct, she waved at Sharon to show her she’d remembered, and then made her way to the superstore. Her evening plans had been pretty relaxed anyway, mostly consisting of binging the rest of her DVR and eating cheap popcorn in bed, so she didn’t mind the extra chore too much. 
Besides… it was Sharon. Embarrassing, but little else needed to be said.
Alaska was mindlessly musing on her sudden appreciation for Sharon as she perused the shelves, locating the perfume she’d asked for with ease (the scent wasn’t much to her taste, but given it was for a sixty year old woman, she shrugged it off). Jinkx had hinted that maybe Sharon liked her too, but then provided no evidence whatsoever and, as a detective, Alaska thrived on evidence.
Maybe she should make a case file about it and decipher it like she would for a crime. No… that was dumb. Sharon had her seven shades of confused, that was for sure.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn’t notice the man in a crude balaclava stalking past, a couple of aisles away. Thankfully, he didn’t see her, but as soon as her eyes registered it, she was fully alert. The man was pushing a shopper along with him, who followed his orders in abject terror. Alaska’s heart sank.
This had to be a robbery at best, or possibly even a hostage situation at worst. This was bad. Alaska was unarmed, and she had seen the glint of the gun pressing into the civilian’s back from the man herding her away. As she ran, she realised this was definitely not a solo operation, and things could get ugly fast.
Without a gun, Alaska knew she needed to hide. She stuffed the perfume into her back and crept along the aisles, furtively checking for any movement before she progressed. As soon as she was safe, she could call for help, but in the meantime, she needed to stay alive if she was to help any of these civilians. The squad needed to know about this. Sharon… Sharon needed to know about this.
The furniture display was mercifully empty. Alaska knew she had to think fast, and quickly decided the wardrobe was her best bet. At least she knew there was nobody nearby, and she could hide in there if only for a moment whilst she contacted her friends for backup. This was bad.
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Bring squad + backup to superstore asap, armed robbers
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Civilians taken hostage. Hiding in wardrobe, don’t have a gun
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Several guys, all in balaclavas. Counted six, could be more
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Plz be careful and be quick. 
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: Mobilising now. On our way.
There was a sound of footsteps squeaking on the linoleum. Someone had walked into the furniture department.
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: I hear footsteps. My hiding place might be found
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Not sure how this will play out. Just in case I don’t get a chance to say it, I really care about you. You mean the world to me.
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: Seven minutes away.
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: You’re amazing inside and out.
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: It won’t end like this.
The wardrobe door flung open. Alaska stashed her phone and held her breath as a pair of steel grey eyes met her, along with the barrel of a gun. 
“Move. Now.”
In any other situation, Alaska might’ve resisted. She’d done this before, following orders before surprising them with a quick escape and pulling a gun of her own, given that most robbers didn’t want to die as much as they just wanted to have control over their hostages. If only she had a fucking gun with her. She was an idiot. If she didn’t play this right, she and a bunch of civilians would die. 
She did everything in her power to stay calm as she was directed by one of the robbers into a small, lockable room, probably used by the staff. There were about thirteen others, their hands bound in zip ties and their eyes wide and frightened. Alaska was forcibly pushed in with them, tied the same way, and shoved to the floor.
The guard stood watch over them was tall and intimidating, his face also covered and the pistol at his side doing nothing to alleviate the terror that Alaska and the others felt. She had faith in her friends, of course, but she knew that one wrong move could cost a life. Again, if she had a gun, he would be easy to take down. Alaska had tackled guys twice his size many times in her career, but the sheer helplessness that she felt only worsened her fear.
One of the hostages, clearly the most fearful, had been gagged as well as tied up. He was writhing frantically, desperate to scream even through the gag. Without a second thought, the guard raised his pistol and fired it into the hostage’s foot. As he shrieked in agony, the rest of the room screamed.
Alaska took a moment to accept that this really could be it. At least, for now, she could hopefully bring some comfort to the civilians. After the gunshot, an alert on the guard’s earpiece caused him to leave the room from some privacy. This looked like it was going to be Alaska’s only chance, so she seized it.
“Everybody listen. I’m a detective, my squad are only a minute or two away. Everything is about to be under control, please stay calm and do what they say for the time being. Is anyone able to take off his gag?”
In times of crisis, Alaska knew she had to use her training and control the room. A woman beside the wounded man, who was sobbing from the pain, leant in as close as she could, and with some difficulty from her bound hands, managed to pull the gag out of his mouth. He looked as if he was about to scream again, but at Alaska’s kind but firm gaze, he just whimpered.
“Good.” Alaska surveyed her surroundings. “I’m positive there will be an ambulance when we get out of here, too. We’re in this together.”
A woman of about forty shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. “We’re all going to die in here. They’ll shoot us all like they shot him.”
Alaska did her best to look away, but still found herself drawn to the pile of blood pooling around the man’s foot at which the woman had pointed. She longed to provide more comfort, to reassure them that nobody was going to die and everything was going to be alright, but she knew she couldn’t. Those kind of promises couldn’t be guaranteed, and all of her training for years had advised against them.
“Please stay calm and wait for the reinforcements, okay? That’s all we can do.”
The guard returned, his eyes blazing. His gaze immediately fell on the injured hostage, who without the gag was crying and hyperventilating from the trauma.
“Who removed the gag? Who?!”
No one spoke. Everyone seemed to know that this was not the time for heroism.
“I did.” Alaska’s heart was racing. “Let us go and your charge won’t be as harsh. You’re facing life imprisonment for this. These people are innocent.”
The masked guard shrugged, levelling his pistol at Alaska’s chest. “May as well serve life for murder then.”
Alaska closed her eyes and held her breath. At the very least, she would die in service. 
“Freeze! NYPD, you’re under arrest.”
By the time Alaska’s eyes had opened, Latrice already had their guard with his arms pinned behind him, offering a tense smile in Alaska’s direction. Detective Michaels was busy at work freeing and escorting the hostages out, her gaze filled with relief as she freed Alaska and called in the paramedics.
“The rest of the squad are outside. They’ll be beside themselves to see you.”
There was no time to waste. The overwhelming chaos of a taped-off crime scene was practically joyous in comparison to the bleak terror of the little locked room, and Alaska just stood and tried to catch her breath as she took in the flashing red and blue lights, the officers bustling around, the ambulances and police cars pulled up around her. It was hauntingly familiar, yet eerie to have been part of the ordeal, not part of the rescue mission. 
Jinkx was in a huddle of panicked family members, always the best at offering support and comfort whilst the victim’s statements were being taken by Sasha and Shea. Latrice appeared a few moments later with her perp cuffed, followed by Detective Michaels - who Alaska had never quite felt comfortable calling Chad, despite her unthreatening nature, and was beginning to realize in the midst of it all that such trivial things like names didn’t matter. Three more guys were already cuffed and in police cars.
Just a few feet behind her, Sharon was wrestling another masked criminal into a car. When she finally succeeded and looked up, her expression was one Alaska never wanted to forget. If the sun dawning on a new day could be an emotion, it was written all over Sharon’s face and Alaska wanted to live in it.
“Are you okay? Holy shit, I was so afraid for you. Please tell me you’re okay.”
Alaska knew she needed to respond but she couldn’t; she needed to take in every detail of Sharon’s face and appreciate every inch of her because the moment it had hit that she might not see tomorrow, her mind had taken her straight to the woman stood before her, her brow creased and her eyes sparkling, terrified, her chest heaving. She had texted Sharon because she needed police backup, and she had texted Sharon because the first person that sprang to her mind in a life or death situation was her.
“I’m fine. They didn’t hurt me.”
Sharon’s eyes were startlingly blue. “Thank god. I was so worried, I couldn’t believe it. This was all my fault, I put you in this horrible situation all because I stupidly forgot to get a stupid gift for my mom. You could’ve died all because I sent you here, wrong place and wrong time.”
Inexplicably, Alaska felt calm. Nothing else in the world existed except for the two of them, having a conversation. There were no sirens or flashing lights, no imminent trauma or fear from a hostage situation. Perhaps it was the shock settling in, numbing her to her surroundings, but somehow, she mustered a reassuring smile.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. It wasn’t your fault. And here,” She handed over the bag, the perfume miraculously still inside. At the sight of it, Sharon’s eyes filled with guilty tears. “I put your change in with the gift and receipt.”
Sharon was speechless for a moment, wordlessly taking the bag and doing her best to swallow back her tears. They were stood inches apart, both still trembling from the ordeal, and Alaska’s heart almost broke at the uncharacteristic wobble of Sharon’s lip.
“You’re so…” She trailed off, her voice thick. “I’ll never be able to forgive myself for doing this to you, I’m so grateful you did my stupid errand but more than that I’m so happy you’re alive. I kept torturing myself the whole time, what if you didn’t make it and the last time I spoke to you face to face, I asked you to do something for me that didn’t even matter? I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to this, and I-”
Alaska’s smile was soft, gentle. “Sharon.”
“-I felt so awful. I just-”
She needed to shut up, Sharon needed to shut up and Alaska couldn’t think of any other way to shut her up so she chose the only logical option, wrapping her arms around Sharon’s shoulders and kissing her until she fell quiet. It took hardly a second for Sharon’s lips to respond, deepening the kiss as she held Alaska’s face against her own and melted into her embrace. It said everything that she had been trying to - that she was afraid, that she cared, that after everything that had happened, the thought of wasting a moment more of any precious time they had with each other seemed in itself to be a felony. Sharon was cold but her lips were warm, her body felt like home despite how much it shook. Nowhere in the world was safer than this.
When they pulled away, Alaska longed to pull her back into another embrace, but she resisted. Sharon’s cheeks were furiously red and her mouth hung open slightly, as though she couldn’t believe what had just happened. Alaska understood exactly how she felt.
“I’m so glad you’re alive,” Sharon’s voice was a whisper, almost swept away in the chaos of the scene, but to Alaska’s ears it was the only sound in the universe.
Alaska reached for Sharon’s hands. “I couldn’t have died without letting you know how I feel.”
Sharon giggled. “Did we actually just kiss?”
“In the middle of a crime scene?”
“I think so.”
“And… did all of our squad witness it?”
Alaska turned. Jinkx, from her short distance away, was beaming from ear to ear, and Shea and Latrice were watching as though they were in the midst of a rom-com, not an actual crime scene. At least it wasn’t the whole squad, she reasoned. Willam would be all over the gossip.
“Most of them.” She laughed. “This doesn’t have to be anything, Sharon, I just… You were talking so much. It was the only way to get you to be quiet.”
“Alright, let’s go back to the precinct.” Sharon replied, her voice soft. “Looks like we’re all in for the long haul tonight.”
The grin on Alaska’s face stayed there all night.
There weren’t really any texts exchanged between Alaska and Sharon over the gratuitous weekend that Alaska was given off work to cope with the stress of the robbery. In that time, she chalked up their kiss to a rush of adrenaline from the chaos of the event, and contemplated changing her number so that her embarrassing texts would never haunt her again. 
Thankfully, everything seemed business as usual when she came back into work. She was immediately summoned along with the others into the briefing room, where her usual greeting from Sharon of a nod and a smile was no different to any other day. 
Still, Alaska averted her eyes when Sharon stood in front of the room to lay out her case.
“Okay, this one is pretty massive. I’m talking fraud, I’m talking identity theft, I’m talking hundreds of thousands of people affected by this. Anthony Bennecci is one of our most prolific identity thieves and I just got word from one of my sources that he’s planning on selling the government laptop he stole tonight. We could potentially arrest both the buyer and the seller if we play this right.”
Tidicue nodded thoughtfully. “Alright. I want Needles, Thunder, Royale and Monsoon on it. Sergeant, make sure there’s no shenanigans on this mission. I trust you and only you with a task of this importance.”
Latrice laughed uproariously as the rest of the officers left the room, settling into their duties. Alaska frowned at her, confused.
“What the hell was that about?”
Before Latrice could even answer, the unmistakable sound of Willam cut in. “I believe our Captain is referring to your little horndog makeout session from the other night that absolutely everybody knows about.”
Fucking Willam. It would be a mistake to underestimate the squad’s receptionist given her detective-like ability to uncover gossip and secrets from events that definitely had no way of being present at. Whoever her sources were, they were good. 
That being said, Alaska had extra reason to mentally curse Willam out over her blasé mentioning of the incident. The two were old school friends, practically raised together, and if there was anyone who could read Alaska like a book and identify the signs of a crush without needing any verbal confirmation, it would be Willam. So Alaska knew damn well that Willam could tell she liked Sharon and could tell that she wanted to forget the entire kiss had ever happened because it obviously didn’t mean anything - and she could tell that Willam had brought it up purely to rattle her.
Willam could be a little sadistic sometimes. Alaska loved her, but she was terrifying.
“Fucking hell, Willy, I swear I saw you at your desk two minutes ago.” Sharon swore, and then frowned. “Anyway, we kissed once for like, half a second because we were both happy she wasn’t dead. You’re overreaching a little.”
And you’re underreaching, Alaska thought, trying to ignore how her heart sunk at Sharon’s words and instead nodding in faux-agreement. Maybe the kiss meant nothing to Sharon, but that didn’t mean it was some peck on the lips, over in the blink of an eye.
Whatever. It didn’t matter.
Jinkx and Latrice exchanged knowing looks at Sharon’s defensive words, but to Alaska’s relief, said nothing. At least they were being professionals, for once. 
The incident, as Alaska was now calling it, didn’t arise again as they planned and began to execute the mission. Sharon had tracked Bennecci’s phone from an altercation an officer had with him a week ago, and found the location of a restaurant he was planning to go to that evening. From there, they had followed Latrice’s orders to set up surveillance in the most nondescript car they had, and headed out. 
As it turned out, high-brow criminals like Bennecci tended to have a lot of money, and the restaurant they pulled up outside of was more extravagant than Alaska had ever seen in her life. Her idea of a fancy night was a trip to Olive Garden and a bottle of white wine, whereas this place took fancy to a whole new level.
“Oh… uh, bad news, guys.” Jinkx stared at her phone. “This place is fully booked. There’s no way you’re going to be able to get in.”
Sharon sighed. “I need to catch this guy, I’ve been working on this forever. There must be something we can do.”
Latrice cleared her throat. “Hang on. I have an idea. Needles, take your hair down. You too, Thunder. And I think…” She dove into her jacket pocket, and then crowed triumphantly. “Yes! I knew I had my brown lipstick on me. Jinkx, borrow your red one to Sharon. You need to look convincingly dolled up.”
Knowing better than to question Latrice, as both her superior and a good friend, Alaska just laughed. “Damn, Sarge, I’m feeling a little objectified right now. Is there a reason for your makeover?”
As always, Latrice’s screech of laughter was a thing of beauty. “Shut up! Here, Needles, I’m trusting you with this so you best not fucking lose it, or I’ll eat you bitch. Now do you see my plan?”
Alaska saw the plan. In the palm of Sharon’s hand, at which she was staring in complete disbelief, Latrice had placed a shining silver ring, studded with tiny diamonds. Everything started falling into place all of a sudden.
“Hang on, why does she get the ring? Why can’t she propose to me?”
Latrice rolled her eyes, playfully. “Eh, you’re more butch. We’re subscribing to traditional gender roles here to try and make it more realistic to your average couple. Besides, that ring definitely won’t fit either of you anyway, but you can just keep it in your jacket and if anyone asks, show them and say you’re getting it resized. The story is - you’re a newly engaged couple. Congrats.”
Jinkx clapped her hands in glee. “I always knew this day would come!”
This was fine. Alaska was just casually pretending to be engaged to her colleague, who she was also kind of maybe a little bit in love with, who didn’t appear to return her affections, for the sake of an undercover mission so they could keep tabs on an identity thief. Just normal everyday stuff, really. Loathe to act as though any of the plans had got to her, Alaska squared her shoulders and dug in deep to her charms - even if others preferred to call it cockiness. She wore it well, after all.
As they walked inside, she made sure to put her arm around Sharon’s waist to make them look convincing as a couple. A few feet away from them, at the hostess stand, another couple stood waiting.
“That’s Bennecci,” Sharon whispered. “Keep eyes on him. Let’s go.”
They stood behind, smiling politely as the hostess informed Bennecci and his date that their table would be ready shortly. When she noticed them approaching, she faltered.
“Hi, do you have any tables for two?” Sharon asked sweetly, Alaska almost laughing at how much honey she had poured into her voice. Whatever this dumb schtick was, Sharon was really committing to it. 
The hostess winced. “I’m so sorry, the place is really busy tonight.”
They had caught Bennecci’s attention. He turned around and studied them for a moment, his hand all the while resting similarly around his date’s waist. His eyes were dark and calculating, but his smile seemed genuine. He had no reason to suspect them, after all.
“Oh, really? We were really hoping to get in… we just got engaged tonight, and we had our very first date here. Isn’t that right, darling?”
Sharon leaned into Alaska’s side, giggling and simpering. Alaska’s heart did a backflip.
Bennecci shrugged at the hostess. “There’s always an exception for love, right, ma’am? Always gotta bless the little lovebirds.”
The hostess nodded. “I’m sure I can find you something. Just wait here one moment.”
It took all of Alaska’s willpower not to be her typical annoying self and offer a mighty high five. Instead, she squeezed Sharon a little closer and shot a look of gratitude towards Bennecci - something she never thought she’d do. 
He was a tall, typically attractive Italian man who, according to Sharon’s case file, was fifty five years old. His hair was thick, dark and neatly styled, and clung to his arm was his much younger girlfriend, a tiny thing of bright highlight, glossy pink lips and bleached blonde hair. She couldn’t have been much more than twenty one.
“Congratulations!” The girlfriend trilled, clapping her hands in excitement. “Oh, I love weddings! My name’s Farrah, this is Tony!”
Bennecci nodded in acknowledgement. “Have a wonderful night, you deserve it.”
The hostess returned, four menus in her hands. “Right this way.”
By some strange trick of fate, the tables she had managed to locate were right next to each other - they would have an easy way to keep eyes on Bennecci all night, right up to knowing when he would be leaving. Latrice and Jinkx were stationed outside to spot him anyway, but Alaska fired off a quick text updating them on their good luck and then fell back into her role as acting fiancée. She could be especially loving since Latrice had allocated them enough for a decent meal from the department’s funds.
The moment they were seated, Farrah was all bubbles and sunshine and personal questions. Alaska wondered, briefly, if she knew that her boyfriend was a criminal or not. She spied the laptop bag at his feet, confirmation that the drop-off would be tonight, even if sweet Farrah didn’t seem to know anything about it!
“So! Tell us about yourselves! Names, how did you meet - oh - how did you propose?!”
Sharon faked a laugh. “Oh, I’m Sophia.”
“I’m… Blanche.” Alaska panicked. She hoped neither of them would catch her instinctive reference, although Farrah was definitely too young to recognise it. Judging by the looks on everyone’s faces, it was only Sharon who had noticed anything.
“Right,” Sharon continued. “We met a couple of years ago on a… champagne tour in France. We just hit it off right away, came here for our first date when we got back and here we are.”
Bennecci called over a waiter and spoke to him quietly whilst Farrah gasped and aww’d at the made-up story. Alaska’s stomach felt like it was twisted up in knots. She had, for the most part, been able to separate her growing feelings for Sharon from any kind of detective work she had to do, but now, undercover as a happily engaged couple, the lines were becoming uncomfortably blurred. Sharon’s easily unwavering commitment to the act certainly didn’t help Alaska’s situation at all.
A minute or two later, the waiter Bennecci had called over returned, an expensive bottle of champagne and two glasses on his tray. He placed them down on Alaska and Sharon’s table, then smiled and left.
“From us,” Bennecci said. “A gift, for the happy couple.”
As the meal went on, Alaska let her mind wander a little. She spoke and laughed and flirted on autopilot, expert enough by now on undercover acting to not be suspicious even when she was stuck inside her head. It was all so artificial, and yet it hurt - seeing Sharon across from her at a fancy restaurant, her lips painted red and her smile shining, her proud, albeit fake giggle as she showed off Latrice’s ring to Farrah’s eager gaze. All of it was a lie, and yet Alaska couldn’t help but wonder how things would be if it was real.
If Sharon really was her date. If they really were lovebirds, doted on by another couple purely for how happy they were together. 
The night drew to a close. When Farrah excused herself to the bathroom to touch up her makeup, Bennecci mumbled something about talking to the chef, picked up the laptop bag, and headed off.
Sharon stood up. “Okay, we gotta follow him. Let’s go.”
Dropping the act made Alaska feel a little more grounded, but it didn’t necessarily make her feel better. She followed Sharon through the tables, holding her by the hand to keep up the ruse, deciding to just shut off her brain altogether and focus on the man they were trying to arrest.
“The chef must be the buyer,” She hummed, peering down the corridor. From their vantage point, they could see just enough into the kitchen to where Bennecci was, conversing with one of the chefs. “Do you think he’ll make the drop-off here?”
Sharon frowned. “I don’t know, maybe he’s-  oh, he’s looking this way.” She paused. “Okay, this is happening.”
There was no time to ask what was happening, because before Alaska knew it, Sharon was kissing her. It was surprisingly soft, and tender - not rushed and desperate like their weekend encounter had been, but sweet and gentle and longing. When they pulled apart a few moments later, Alaska wanted to spend an eternity observing how beautiful Sharon looked, but had to level her gaze at Bennecci, who had approached, and smiled guiltily.
“God, sorry… we were just-”
Bennecci held a hand up to stop them. “Don’t worry about it. I know how it is to be young and in love.”
Sharon feigned a coy, embarrassed look, although Alaska noticed how her eyes had darted down to note that he was still holding the laptop bag, and thus hadn’t made the drop-off yet. “We just can’t keep our hands off each other… I’m just so in love with her, you know?”
Alaska’s heart hurt. 
There was little else to say as they exited the restaurant just after Bennecci. Sharon got into the car, returned Latrice’s ring and they started tailing his car a few metres behind, all conversation falling to the mission and only the mission. It was a good thing, given that Alaska was sure the mention of a second kiss in only a few days would be enough to finish her off.
Of course, they were acting as an engaged couple, so the impulsive action made sense. But at the same time, Sharon was confusing the living daylights out of Alaska’s mind.
Latrice watched as the car came to a stop, pulling over a safe distance behind and observing through her equipment. “Where is the buyer…. Oh, I see. Smart. He’s leaving it in that shrubbery, he’s not meeting with the buyer face-to-face. We need to split, two of us tail Bennecci and two of us wait to arrest the buyer.”
“These two can’t tail Bennecci, he’ll recognise them.” Jinkx pointed out, much to Alaska’s chagrin. “The two of you need to wait by the shrubbery in case anyone comes along. That way we can easily get two big fish between us.”
Sharon nodded. “Right. Okay, let’s do this. Is the backup squad car waiting for us?”
“It’s just down the street.” Latrice told them. “Get out, get going. Bennecci is setting off, we gotta follow.”
And then they were alone, in the darkness, stood against the thick trunk of a tree in the midst of the park as they watched for anyone walking past. Alaska couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“You kissed me.”
Sharon didn’t react. Her eyes were firmly rooted on the ground. “We needed to look like we weren’t spying.”
“I know. It was a good cover-up.” Alaska acquiesced, but pushed on. “I’m not mad about it. I’m just… You’re confusing me.”
Alaska took the silence as a hint to continue. “I know you probably read my messages from the other night and knew exactly what I was saying. I’m done hiding it, everyone saw anyway. I told you that I like you because I didn’t want to die having kept it a secret. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but we’ve now kissed twice and it feels like you’re just fucking with my head. But I know you’re better than that, and you would never intentionally hurt me, right?”
Sharon sighed. The seconds in which Alaska had to wait for a response seemed to stretch out forever, and it was excruciating.
“I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m just… trying to make sense of all this.” She looked up, meeting Alaska’s eyes. “I mean, what are you? A colleague? A friend? I don’t know how to navigate this. Ever since that stupid fake date, I mean it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed hanging out with you but…”
“Everything feels different since then.” Alaska finished, and Sharon nodded. “I don’t know how to go about this either. But I have to know if you feel the same when we kiss or if I’m just being strung along. Do you feel anything?”
Sharon swallowed. “I feel everything. I’m just not good at talking about this kind of thing. I always thought romance and dating was embarrassing… I’m terrible at it. My last relationship was three years ago and it ended in this weird stalemate. We weren’t unhappy, we just didn’t feel anything. It was like we wasted two years that we could never get back. I don’t know how I’m supposed to be sure of my feelings when it’s been so long without anything.”
“I don’t know either.” Alaska shrugged. “I just feel a lot when we kiss, and hanging out with you is fun, and I enjoy your company. Even when we’re at work at 3am and you’re stressed and short-tempered and I’m even getting on my own nerves. I still like you even then. I don’t even like Willam then, and I grew up with her.”
Sharon laughed.
“I’m not saying that we should dive right into a relationship or whatever, I just… maybe one day, when you feel more ready, we can take things slow and talk about this more. Because I like you, Sharon.”
In her peripheral vision, Alaska saw a man enter the park and start to wander, casually yet intently, towards the shrubbery when Bennecci had hidden the laptop bag. He stopped as soon as he noticed that he wasn’t alone, glaring straight in their direction.
“He’s here. The buyer,” Alaska hissed, as quickly as she could. “Well, here we go again.”
Their third kiss in a few short days was Alaska’s favourite kind - she had Sharon pressed against the tree trunk, somehow falling into a natural rhythm as though they were made to fit together. Sharon’s hands cupped Alaska’s cheeks, wantonly pulling her closer, needing to feel more of Alaska’s body against her own. Alaska took control of the pace, cracking one eye open to see if the buyer was convinced and then melting back into the embrace. Nothing felt as good as this.
As soon as they heard the rustling of the shrubbery, they broke apart and reached for their guns, aiming them at the buyer who immediately froze in horror and dropped the laptop bag.
“NYPD, freeze!” Sharon yelled. “We’re professionals! You’re under arrest!”
Once he was cuffed and in the awaiting squad car, they received word from Latrice and Jinkx that they had managed to corner and arrest Bennecci too. Back at the precinct, Sharon offered Alaska a tired smile and the weakest high-five they’d ever exchanged.
“Hey… if it’s not too forward, do you want to come over to my place tonight and talk about this? We can try and get on the same page… I like you too, Alaska.”
Alaska smiled, and was surprised at how light she felt inside. “Of course. I’d love to.”
They talked. There was more kissing, in the soft light of Sharon’s living room. Then Alaska went home, still reeling from the effects of a kiss goodbye, and spent the whole night lying awake in pure giddiness. 
Sharon lay awake with bright red cheeks, thinking about how she’d shared countless swift stolen kisses with Alaska, who had taken her on a terrible date for an elaborate joke, who always made her laugh, who worked well with her, who was her colleague, who was making her head spin.
There were some ground rules. They would take things slow, try dating without the entire world knowing, keep things light and fun, and not have sex right away. It seemed pretty fair. Also, they were kind of dating. So everything was perfect.
Willam was on Alaska’s case immediately. It was a pretty slow day at work, a good chunk of Alaska’s cases solved but with mounds of paperwork still to be completed. As much as Tidicue was fair with assigning cases, Alaska knew that it particularly bothered Latrice when all of the paperwork was undone, so she stayed late and dedicated the day to the world’s most boring task.
It had just hit eleven when she sauntered over to Alaska’s desk. The department had mostly emptied out - Sharon had left about half an hour ago, a wave and a smile her subtle goodbye. It was the perfect scene for an interrogation, apparently, as Willam’s expression was nothing if not scheming.
“Hello, best friend! Got time to talk?” She perched herself on Alaska’s desk, swiping all of the files into the open drawer as she did so. Willam cared very little about her job or anyone else’s, and sometimes Alaska regretted recommending her for the precinct.
Alaska rolled her eyes. “No, Wills, I was very clearly working.”
“But now you’re not!” She shrugged cheerfully. “So you can talk. I want to talk about how you’re definitely fucking Sharon, at the very least friends with benefits but I’m detecting a hint of emotion, so maybe-”
Alaska cut her off before she could continue. “Willam! Fucking hell, not here! We’re trying to keep things on the down-low.”
Willam’s face lit up, delighted. “Say no more! Grab your coat, we’re going to Shaw’s.”
“I have to work!”
As expected, Alaska’s protests fell on deaf ears. “Mhmm, I don’t see any work here. Let’s go drink and talk about your illicit slam-piece. I have some stories of my own to tell you about this hot Australian girl I met at a vegan protest. I was only there to get involved in the tits out kinda vibe, but…”
She was impossible to escape. Before Alaska even knew it, she had been dragged out of the station and into the bar, where Willam promptly ordered two margaritas and continued her story. The Aussie girl was called Courtney, and apparently they had hooked up four times in the space of a week between the hours of 1am-4am. Safe to say, Alaska didn’t hold out hope that she’d be a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding anytime soon.
A notification buzzed on Alaska’s phone.
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: <3
Alaska had texted earlier to make sure she had gotten home safe. She smiled at the confirmation, and then looked up to find Willam’s disturbingly white, wolfish grin bared in her direction. 
“So… detective on detective action. That’s gotta be a hot porn category, right?”
“You’re such a whore, Wills, oh my god.”
Willam shrugged nonchalantly and sipped her drink. “Come on, sis! I’m dying for some dirty deets on this, you can’t stiff me out! Lowkey always wondered what Sharon’s like in bed, she’s kinda hot. If you won’t tell me, I’ll have to bang her myself.”
The sheer forwardness of it all made Alaska burst into laughter. “Oh my god! You need to slow that libido down. I’ll tell you the bare minimum but it’s not like I have anything to share yet anyway.”
“You… don’t?” Willam looked confused. “I thought y’all were fucking, I could read your vibes and you’re both definitely giving off fucking vibes. I’m never wrong, what gives?”
For some reason, Alaska felt kinda embarrassed. Willam had hated her last girlfriend, who she’d been with for only about six months and broken up with a year ago. The breakup had been swift and painless, but Willam had rejoiced for a week, and ever since then Alaska had wondered if she just had bad taste in women or whether her best friend was an asshole. Needless to say, Willam was definitely an asshole. A loveable asshole, at least. 
“We’re… dating? I guess? We’re taking things slowly, trying it out before we make any big decisions.” Alaska confessed, then turned serious. “Don’t tell any of the squad, okay? We don’t want them knowing until we’re ready… if we get there.”
“Gross!” Willam exclaimed, pushing shots in Alaska’s direction. “I’m kidding, I guess that’s cute. I take it she’s the reason you’ve been wearing that cologne to work that you only wear when you’re trying to attract someone? Don’t think I don’t recognise that scent, bitch, I bought it for you in our senior year and it got you your first girlfriend. This ain’t my first time at the rodeo.”
Alaska laughed. “Sure, yeah, she is. I like her a lot, she’s fun to hang out with. Between you and me…” She paused and lifted her glass. “And these shots… I hope things work out for us. That would be cool.”
She knocked them back and winced. “Your alcohol taste is the worst.”
“Gets ya drunk,” Willam replied. “I wanna get wasted and I wanna fuck someone in this bar. Let’s go.”
“Oh my god, hi! You answered!”
“You called me! Hi, Laska!”
“What’re… what’re you still doin’ awake? I’ve been drinking with Willam!”
“Oh, Willam! I love her!”
“Me too!”
“I’ve been drinking a lil bit too! Where are you?”
“Gonna get in an Uber… too drunk to drive.”
“You should come hang out with me! I’m home ‘cus all my boring friends left!”
“Hey, I will! Bye bye, Tedective Needles!”
Alaska rolled over in bed, satisfied, her chest still heaving from exertion. Beside her, laying flat on her back with flushed pink cheeks and lips parted slightly, Sharon offered a smile. She was breathless, shining with sweat, and Alaska noted she was in the exact same state. The first orgasm had been sobering - the second mind-numbing, the third overwhelming, and the fourth rendering them both carefree and exhausted. 
Sharon was so fucking pretty. She made the prettiest noises, wore the prettiest lingerie, and could swirl the prettiest patterns with her tongue.
“We broke a rule.” She breathed, her eyes sparkling as they met Alaska’s.
Alaska pulled Sharon close, pressing their bodies together. “Mmm, yeah. I guess we did.”
The way Sharon’s eyes had darkened at the sight of Alaska in her boxers had sent shockwaves through her entire body, and as she relived the moment in her head, she stroked her hand along the curve of Sharon’s hip.
“It was so worth it.” Sharon grinned. “You are so gorgeous…”
Alaska bit her lip as Sharon started kissing into her neck, careful enough not to mark her skin. Maybe it was her post-orgasm haze, but it seemed to Alaska like this could really work out.
“All you, baby,” Alaska told her, arching her neck to give her some more room. “That’s all you.”
“Be mine, then,” Sharon punctuated each of her words with a kiss. “I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. Just be mine.”
There were varying reactions to their decision. Captain Tidicue told them solemnly that under no circumstances would she allow it to interfere with their work performances, then broke into a wide grin and laughed, totally unbothered by the change. Latrice and Chad offered polite congratulations, whilst Sasha and Shea high-fived one another and seemed to be collecting bet money from some of the uniformed officers. As for Jinkx and Willam - while both were ecstatic, they soon fell into a somewhat playful, somewhat serious argument over who had called it first.
(It was probably Jinkx, but Alaska didn’t fancy ruining Willam’s carefully constructed reputation, so she opted to not get involved.)
They were just… dating. And working together. It was fun. Sometimes they would go on cases together, other times separately, and then at the end of their shifts, they might head out on a date somewhere, or other times they’d go home and have mindblowing sex, or other times they’d go home and binge Netflix shows and eat ungodly amounts of ice-cream in their pyjamas.
Sometimes Alaska would look at Sharon in the middle of a mundane task, like washing the dishes in her apartment or bagging some evidence at work, and would wonder how she got so lucky. Then Sharon would voice her exact thoughts directed the other way, and Alaska would be sure that somehow, she had struck gold.
Time flew by. Families met families, friends met friends, criminals still committed crimes and they still brought them in, day after day. Action-filled days turned into weeks, which turned into months, and within the blink of an eye, their one year anniversary had started sneaking up on them. It had quite possibly been the best year of Alaska’s life, she thought, even as she walked into work wearing one of Sharon’s embarrassing old Hot Topic t-shirts with her uniform.
“Girl, what happened there?” Shea laughed, nudging Latrice to get a closer look. “Did your emo phase hit you again?”
Alaska laughed sarcastically. “Thanks, Shea, but no. This is Sharon’s monstrosity, not mine.”
“I liked Pierce The Veil,” Sharon shrugged, interjecting. “I don’t see the issue with it.”
“Anyway,” Alaska continued, determined to defend herself for the sake of her own pride, “There was a situation with my clothes last night, and none of them are wearable today.”
Latrice seemed amused, but unconvinced. “You don’t have a drawer full of your shit at this point? You’ve been dating for like, a year.”
“A year today!” Alaska winked, proud that she had memorised the date. “And yeah, I do. Turns out Sharon’s apartment has this antiquated sprinkler system that activates when the fire alarm goes off unexpectedly. It also turns out that I am a great chef, and Sharon is a terrible one.”
Sharon harrumphed. “I prefer ‘culinarily challenged’.”
“You heard it here first, folks, she’s a challenge.” Fully expecting Sharon’s mock-indignant shove, Alaska swiftly stepped out of the way to avoid it and grinned, too amused by herself to even pretend otherwise. Sharon folded her arms, but she was laughing too.
Shea shrugged. “I don’t get why you don’t just move in together. Makes life easier for both of you.”
“We’ve been planning to,” Sharon told her, “We just can’t get past the debate of whose apartment to choose. They both have equal shit points and good points.”
Tidicue stepped out from her office. Alaska wondered for a moment if their Captain was going to weigh in on the debate, but her unusually grave expression was unsettling. Everyone turned to look at her, a foreboding silence filling the room.
“A prison truck just overturned a mile down the road and seven high security prisoners have escaped and are now loose in the city. We need to bring them in as quickly as possible so that no civilians get hurt. Needles pair with Michaels, Thunder pair with Royale. We need to get going, now.”
They all but ran to gear up, studying the files Tidicue had handed them as they did. The crimes ranged from murder to grand larceny to arson, and the prisoners seemed like they were going to be nasty pieces of work. Perhaps it was a little bit unprofessional of her, but Alaska’s excitement for the thrilling task and her competitive nature seemed to rear their heads at the same time.
“That’s so sweet of the Captain to try and involve you two,” She smiled sweetly at Sharon, everyone aware that the playful argument was mainly aimed at her. “As if we’ll need you. Bless her, she really does have a big heart. Anyway, Sarge, I believe we have seven prisoners to single-handedly arrest and bring in?”
Latrice seemed happy to play along, and nodded. They turned towards the door before Sharon stopped them, her arm held straight out in offer of a damning handshake.
“Seven prisoners. Whoever catches the most gets to keep their apartment. Loser moves in with the winner.” Her eyes were gleaming, her own innate desire to be the best rivalling Alaska’s in the best way possible. God, Alaska loved her so much. Her determination almost made her look evil - it was hot.
Alaska shook her hand. “Deal. You’re on, Needles.”
Sharon shrugged noncommittally and sauntered out. “Let’s go, Chad. We got this shit in the bag.”
“Later, bitches!” Chad called after them.
Alaska, for one, was shell-shocked. “Did… did that just happen?!”
“You mean, Detective Michaels calling us ‘bitches’? Yes. Yes it did.” Latrice was equally as baffled. “Okay, we gotta move. You have an apartment to keep.”
It was a day of pure chaos. They remained in contact through their phones and walkie-talkies and signals whenever possible, determined to both ensure everyone had been caught for the safety of the city, and to try and win yet another stupid precinct bet. Latrice and Chad were completely unaffected by the results of the bet overall, and yet it seemed to have highlighted a fierce competitive streak within them both too. Chad was one hundred percent Team Needles, all the way, and Latrice was intent on saving Alaska’s apartment at all costs.
At their third arrest - the escaped arsonist, who they caught digging around in a bin in some dingy alley for discarded lighters - they paged Sharon and Chad, wondering how they were doing. On a police front, they needed to know who to look for and where. On a personal level, this was war. Alaska knew that they’d managed two so far, and their three meant that there was only one prisoner standing between winning or losing the bet.
Chad answered them. “Follow us on GPS, we’re tracking two guys that witnesses saw running together. That is, if we haven’t got them both and won by the time you get here.”
“10-2, copy that.”
Latrice tapped into the GPS on the police van they’d been granted special use of for the manhunt. Their current nemeses were about twenty minutes away, and depending on how long it took them to locate and chase down the prisoners, it could make it or break it.
“Just floor it,” Alaska insisted. “We have to catch these guys. For, uh, the good of the city.”
Latrice snorted derisively. “And for your apartment! Screw impartiality, I’m on your team and we’re going to fucking win.”
They were four minutes away when Chad paged them. “Thunder, Royale, do you read?”
“10-2, what’s going on?” Alaska answered, taken aback by Chad’s abrupt tone. 
“10-38, ambulance needed. Got the prisoners, one of them had a knife on him. Sharon needs help.”
Alaska’s heart leapt into her mouth. “C-Copy that. We’re two minutes away, take the prisoners in. Calling the ambulance now.”
The moment they arrived on scene, Latrice helped Chad move the prisoners into their van, and get them back to the station. Alaska flew to Sharon’s side, where a small group of concerned civilians had flocked around her.
“NYPD, please move out of the way! Fuck, Sharon!”
Somewhat reassuringly, Sharon looked okay. She offered a weak smile and waved limply, her other arm resting on a table as she sat outside one of the random food establishments on the street. One of the civilians quietly explained how she’d used her scarf as a tourniquet to help with the bleeding, and that she’d noted that Sharon seemed otherwise unhurt. Alaska could already hear the ambulances, mere seconds away.
“What happened? How did he…?”
Sharon shook her head. “It was stupid, I don’t know why I didn’t pat him down or anything. We were just cuffing them and he managed to sharply pull his hand away from me, pull out the knife and just slash at random. He couldn’t see what he was doing, I don’t think he even knew if he was gonna get me. I’m alright, but my arm fucking hurts.”
The panic in Alaska’s chest started to settle as the EMTs rushed over. Alaska thanked them for their help and got into the ambulance along with Sharon, which she could tell provided her girlfriend some small comfort. As fearless as she pretended to be, she wasn’t invincible. She held Sharon’s good hand the entire way into the hospital, just in case.
“You won the bet, at least?” Alaska joked, distracting her from the doctors cleaning and bandaging the wound. She was lucky - it wasn’t severe, it hadn’t nicked any main arteries - but it still hurt like a bitch, and Sharon’s face definitely emulated that.
Sharon laughed shortly. “Right. Four arrests to three. Go me!”
“So, I’m moving into your place. This is a pretty big step.”
Even in pain, Sharon had a way of looking mesmerising. At the end of the day, Alaska didn’t even care about the dumb bet. As long as Sharon was okay, it didn’t matter whose place they decided to live at. The point was that they’d be together, and it would be home. Their home.
“No, you’re not.” Sharon conceded, smiling in spite of herself. “We’ll move into yours. The neighbourhood is nicer, and you live right by that really good Chinese place…” She laughed. “Plus, I’m injured, and whatever I say goes until I’m better. Also, you have a bath and shower. That’s fancy as fuck.”
Alaska cracked up. “Okay. Okay, I’m down. Happy anniversary, babe. I’m sure you’ve had a great day.”
Sharon puckered her lips for a kiss, making Alaska laugh before she leaned forward to give in. “And you’ll watch Jeopardy with me tonight? And Return of the Living Dead?”
“Ugh, fine. Yes, I will.”
Alaska’s lease expired a year and a half after Sharon moved in with her. After that, they decided to look for somewhere else, and found a nice place that seemed doable on their salaries, in good condition, not too far from work and in a nice area (featuring all of their shared favourite takeaway spots). 
Life felt good. There was everyday mania, like underground drug rings and dirty cops and corruption, but at the end of the day they could retire home knowing they’d done a little good for their home. And once they were home… Alaska loved sharing her life with Sharon.
Sergeant Latrice Royale took the Lieutenant’s exam and passed it on her first try. The squad went out for drinks to celebrate, and Alaska recalled a very drunk karaoke group consisting of their new Lieutenant, herself, Sharon, Willam and bizarrely Captain Tidicue, butchering Wannabe by the Spice Girls as loudly as they could.
Detective Chad Michaels was promoted to Sergeant as the position needed filling. She then announced that she was expecting her second child, and Alaska and Sharon became very very proud god-parents of a little girl called Morgan.
Willam continued to fuck her way through New York with reckless abandon, or so she claimed. Alaska already knew that the wild escapades she kept describing were all with that Courtney girl, who she ended up finally meeting in a bar after six months of wheedling and begging to be introduced to her. She seemed pretty nice.
Detectives Shea Coulee and Sasha Velour were dating. Alaska was baffled at how she somehow had no idea, and upon asking Sharon about it, was met with hysterical, disbelieving laughter and “Babe, you’re the stupidest lesbian I’ve ever met. And I’ve met so many stupid lesbians.”
Detective Jinkx Monsoon remained one of Alaska’s closest friends and biggest supporters of her relationship. She made hints every couple of months, doing her best to be subtle - often pointing out that various dresses she had in her closet would make great bridesmaid outfits if ever they were needed.
Detective Sharon Needles… well, she was laying against Alaska on the couch, both of them spooning and watching some documentary together. She was still the prettiest girl Alaska had ever seen, and according to her, Alaska was and would always be the only woman in the world. In the midst of theorising about an old true crime case and who really did it (“Come on, Lask, I can come up with theories as we’re watching! We’re literally qualified to do that!”) she paused, shuffled onto her back so she could see Alaska properly, and smiled.
“What? What is it? Do you want more popcorn already?” Alaska asked her.
Sharon chuckled. “Nah, not this time. I want to get married.”
“We should go ring shopping, then.” Alaska mused, casual as anything. 
“Yeah, we should.” Sharon agreed.
There was a pause. The documentary kept playing - surprise surprise, the killer was a white male.
“Is that it?” Alaska couldn’t hold in her laughter any longer.
Sharon cackled with her. “Yep, that’s all. We’re engaged now, low effort proposal.”
Another pause. Then she continued, “Of course that’s not it! Come here so I can kiss you senseless and fool you into marrying me.”
The ceremony was beautiful. Alaska wore a fitted tuxedo, Sharon wore a white dress, and Alaska realised she’d never seen her fiancée - her wife - in white before.
Jinkx cried a lot. Willam pretended that she didn’t.
The brides barely took their eyes off each other.
“Mrs Needles.”
“Mrs Thunder.”
It felt good to say. It rolled off their lips nicely.
Captain Tidicue officiated, on their request. “You have the right to remain married. You are entitled to kiss the bride.”
So, she did.
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Cozy knits, cardamom donuts, and turtledove butterflies
There's something so warm and inviting about hand knitted stuff. Maybe I'm biased because I'm a knitter, but there's really something special about knitting things. With needles and yarn, the possibilities are endless!
This gyroid event is a cozy knitwear theme, a collaboration between Daisy Jane, Tiffani, and Rowan. Collecting gyroids around the camp has been putting me in the mood to knit again, specifically a big project.
It's been years since I've made a sweater but I really feel like making one. Sweaters tend to be a hit or miss with me, which is why I rarely make them. Measurements aren't my strong suit but they're a big deal if you're making clothes. Constant counting as well because you have to make sure you have the exact amount of stitches or else everything's off. Also, it takes commitment to make a sweater, even a simple one, so that's another reason why I stick to simple projects like scarves.
I'm in the process of looking up simple sweater patterns so let's see how long this spark of motivation lasts. Making a sweater can be frustrating and time consuming, but it really is rewarding when it's finally finished.
Tiffani and Rowan are here with us at the camp to join in on the event as well as take a well deserved vacation. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen either one - Tiffani had dropped by the camp a couple years ago while Rowan's been out and about traveling the world. It was a pleasant surprise to find out that they've been working on gyroid designs with Daisy Jane.
I'm glad to see many entourage members thriving, especially after things went downhill with the university. Tiffani started her own fashion line called Stellar where everything's ethically made and a good portion of the proceeds go to charities that help abuse victims. Being a survivor of child abuse, Tiffani puts a lot of time and effort to use her influence to spread awareness and resources to help those who need it.
Rowan, a figure skater, is the co-founder of Stellar. He too grew up in an abusive household and is also an activist for abuse victims as well as the trans community. He's got an interesting story, one of victory as he and a couple friends were responsible for taking down a corrupt fashion design label.
In fact, he's working on a memoir tentatively titled "How I Destroyed Traynor's By Being Super Fake". The title alone sounds like an interesting read. People have approached him for years about writing a book, something he was considering as he had a lot to say about his father and stepmother. By now enough time has passed that his ex-family are beyond caring so he can freely talk about them without dealing with their associates threatening him.
Rowan always had a complicated relationship with his father. His mother died of cancer when he was ten and he never forgave his father for not letting him say goodbye to her. Not too long after that Wilfred married his mistress Caitlin and Rowan gained two step-siblings, Portia and Chad. Wilfred and Caitlin created Traynor's Fashion, an elite luxury label that developed quite a reputation.
Growing up in that household was torture for Rowan, so he left as soon as he could. He found solace in ice skating, an activity he and his mom bonded over. Rowan practiced for hours while his so-called family mocked him and eventually his efforts led to him getting a scholarship with a shot at a career in competitive figure skating.
Unfortunate circumstances and burnout forced Rowan to go back home, where he was known as the loser who couldn't kick it in the real world. Determined to get out, Rowan tried to work his way up in Traynor's, only to remember that hard work at a place like that won't get him anywhere, especially for someone like him. Rowan considered fashion design as a backup if figure skating didn't work out, but Traynor's was the absolute last place he wanted to start over. He only stayed for a few months before getting kicked out because of Portia and Chad.
Rowan would’ve been broke and homeless if it weren’t for aspiring fashion designers Victor, Ella, and Michele. The three were screwed over by Traynor’s and were trying to put together evidence to bring the company down. Victor used to work there before getting thrown under the bus in order for the company to save face. If it wasn't for that alone, Victor would've quit anyway because of the toxic environment and questionable ethics. Michele, another fashion designer, had her career end before it even started when Portia and Chad stole her work and accused her of plagiarism. Ella was the founder of Fairytale Castle, a small fashion company that ended up shutting down because friends of Wilfred and Caitlin were sent to harass her and sabotage her designs.
With Rowan on their side, exposing Traynor’s corruption became a reality. By disguising himself as a snooty fashion designer named Creighton Adcock, Rowan was able to infiltrate the studio. He wore a ridiculous getup and sported an exaggerated English accent - the more fake he came across, the more believable he was. It was pure torture, having to pander to his so-called family but it was so totally worth it.
The big expose took place on an important night for Traynor's and overnight the company fell. Spite and revenge had never been sweeter. Most of the employees as well as Rowan's ex-family were stacked with numerous charges like harassment, assault, embezzling, tax evasion, unethical practices, etc - they got what they deserved. Of course, there was backlash but once that died down, Rowan and the others were ready to move on.
Rowan went back to ice skating, though more for performance than competition - which was the reason why he almost quit in the first place. While posing as Creighton, Rowan had to sit through some shit, so to unwind, he would go out to the ice rink. Being on the ice made him realize how much he missed skating, though not the competition part. Rowan always says he's more of a performer than a competitor - the latter being the reason why he almost gave up because it took away the fun for him.
As for fashion, he does some design on the side like Tiffani. Then the two got together and launched Stellar earlier this year. He considers his relationship with fashion design as a sort of love-hate thing. For obvious reasons Rowan grew to resent it, especially when his father tried to force him into the business. He didn't hate it entirely, but when it's associated with people who failed to give you a good upbringing, it's hard to separate the two. Though since meeting Jamie and going back to skating, Rowan's slowly stepping back into the fashion design world after being on the fence about it for so long.
Joining forces with Tiffani and starting Stellar was unexpected. The partnership just came together and before they knew it, they were coming up with a bunch of ideas together. I honestly was surprised to hear from Jamie that Rowan was working on fashion designs. Then Stellar launched not too long after and it's actually been kinda therapeutic for Rowan and Tiffani.
I'm glad that both of them are out there living their best lives, far, far away from their abusers - most of whom are in jail, thankfully. They got lucky and after what they've been through, they want to do whatever they can to help other abuse victims. They're the kind of people who keep their word and they actively work to make the world a better place. No performative bullshit here.
Tiffani and Rowan have been here for a couple days now, enjoying the camp and all its lovely scenery. We've been collecting knit gyroids around the camp and checking in with OK Motors. Rowan had some car trouble so it was lucky that it managed to survive the long trip from Peace Coast to here. Since his car's pretty old, the repairs will take a while, which he doesn't mind. Beppe's also throwing in a free paint job so the car will be like new once it's finished.
Yesterday we went to the mountain trail, where not only we found gyroids, but also turtledove butterflies. They only show up around this time and after three years, I finally got to see them! I hardly venture around these parts because it's kinda out of the way but now I'm slowly expanding my horizons.
Turtledove butterflies are such majestic creatures. From the way they flutter about, their soft blue and white patterned wings contrasting nicely with the mountain view - like straight out of a lovely painting!
There's so much around the camp that I have yet to explore, I hope one day I'll know these places like the back of my hand.
Along the way and back we collected gyroids. Crafting gyroid furniture is always fun, seeing what kind of stuff we can make from them. I love the cozy knitwear aesthetic so much, it's easily one of my favorite themes! Tiffani, Rowan, and Daisy Jane did an amazing job with the designs. Given how much fun they had with the planning, there's likely going to be a second collaboration in the future, which I'm definitely looking forward to.
In between collecting gyroids and camp activities, we also got into knitting. That's why I've been in a knitting mood again. Rowan just learned how to knit last year and it's his new favorite hobby. He made a pair of leg warmers that look super snazzy, Tiffani's working on a cute beanie, Daisy Jane got started on a pretty lace scarf, and I just finished with a beaded headband.
Now I'm looking for sweater patterns and I already have some saved. Since I'm rusty with clothes, I'm sticking to something simple. The seed stitch ones are catching my eye as it's a simple pattern that looks nice, especially in pastel since that's what I've been into lately. Hopefully by tomorrow I have settled on a pattern so I can get started while I'm in the mood.
Today was a chill day where we stayed at the main camp. In between crafting, collecting, and camping, we baked donuts. I was kinda intimidated by donuts because it involves using the deep fryer but the whole process itself isn't too complicated. Making the dough was easy, using the deep fryer took some getting used to.
We made a bunch of different kinds - cardamom cream, apple cider, vanilla spice, and pumpkin pecan. The cardamom and vanilla ones are from Emilia Eats, the apple cider from Rustic Kitchen, and pumpkin pecan from Calico Bakery. They're all great, though if I had to choose, my favorite would be the cardamom cream. Pumpkin pecan comes a close second.
Since the donuts were a hit, we're thinking of baking cookies next. Tiffani wants to try out a black sesame recipe, Daisy Jane bookmarked a maple hazelnut recipe, Rowan has his eye on chocolate chip cheesecake cookies, and I always wanted to try earl grey shortbread.
Right now, we're enjoying donuts while knitting and crafting gyroids. Rowan's really becoming a pro at knitting as he wants to take on cables next. I kinda have a love-hate relationship with cables - they look good but take a bit of effort. I'll admit I haven't quite mastered them yet as I can't do a simple cable without having to refer to a pattern as a reference.
Warm, cozy knitwear and fresh baked goods - it doesn't get any better than that!
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unohanadaydreams · 5 years
Hello Mars! I wanted to tell you that your works are so good - I can read them all day))I also have a request! Renji / Kensei / Sado / Shinji / Uryū and/or any of the other characters found out that s/o is actually Quincy! Their reactions, emotions, what will be their relationship with s / o from now on) I will be very glad to read such your work) of course, if you have the time and desire to answer this request) xoxo
Okay, so I’m gonna assume we’re talking a human quincy like Uryu but this was SO fun, thank you for the ask! I maybe got a little carried away with how long they are so that’s why it took a while since it wasn’t something I had time to write in only a couple sittings!
Renji Abarai
Out of the shinigami on this list, he’s one of the most willing to start a relationship with a human with powers that he isn’t certain of as long as you’re trusted by the Karakura Gang.
His reaction is boisterous and borderline overkill, firstly because you kept something so important about yourself from him and secondly because his captain has well and truly drilled rules into his spine, and although he’s a natural rebel, he has lived the consequences of the Seireitei punishing those he cares about. His panicked first thoughts are his worry for you.
“I’ve brought you to my division, fuck.” He’ll say while gripping your arms with the inclination that if he lets go, the Central 46 will snatch you away.
He might have a knee jerk reaction of suspicion after the initial panic, but the more he lets the feeling simmer, the more he’ll realize it’s unfounded. You hang out at Urahara’s shop far too much for there to be something truly suspicious about you. (Urahara and Yoiruichi could map your natal chart)
He really thrives on affection and closeness in a relationship, so it becomes hard to keep everything going unless you are extremely determined and persistent; he is busy as a fukotaicho, he’s afraid for your well being, and he’s a bit hurt. He’s a romantic dork who wants a comfortable trusting love and the quincy bombshell? Not it. He feels like an idiot for not realizing what your powers were and for leading you into SS, a place full of people who fucking hate quincies.
The ball is in your court in terms of convincing him everything will be alright. Hint: resident soutaicho Shunsui isn’t intimidating to approach and has all the answers if you’ll agree to at least a sip of sake with him. He’s certainly not procrastinating on paperwork, just being accommodating ofc.
”Maa, of course, little sprig. The paperwork’s already done; Nanao-chan filed it on your first visit.”
If all goes well, don’t forget to get your hands ready for some serious massage work while you reassure him that you do trust him, that the Soutaicho always knew what you were, and to sooth the tension that’s been rooted in his body ever since you confessed your powers. He’ll want you near to him, so pack some luggage for a vacation to the SS if you don’t already live there; this ordeal awakened his insecurity BIG TIME.
Kensei Muguruma
To even be in a relationship with him, since he’s a taicho, you’d need to be in the SS a fair bit and it’s unlikely you’ve gotten away with keeping your powers a secret from those that matter. Shunsui knows, Central 46 knows, the Royal Guard knows. They’re not taking chances after Aizen and the Sternritter.
You’ll have to tell him you’re a quincy very early on in the relationship, because he’s not someone to let stuff like that slide; what’s your favorite meal, what’s your favorite band, how are you in SS all the time without being a shinigami assigned to a division?
As long as you’re honest and forthcoming fairly early on, I imagine he wouldn’t have much of an external reaction, other than to berate you for thinking it was such a big deal you tried to hide it. He’ll crush you in a hug and ask you if anyone in the Seireitei has given you shit for it while nagging you for letting that sort of thing affect you. Or was it in the human world? He isn’t above beating the shit out of a human. (In his mind, you must be insecure because people have hurt you over it in the past, like you’re some sad puppy.)
Internally, he’ll probably have to tamp down on the attitude he was old enough to inherit from those who fought in the quincy wars. He might tense up when you use your powers in the beginning, but after Aizen, he’s figured SS has learned their lesson on letting menaces operate freely. And, he knows you enough to be in a relationship with you, meaning he knows you pretty fucking well. You being a quincy doesn’t change things and he’s sort of pissed you thought it would but it’s early on and everyone has baggage so he’ll just be a little extra Tsundere™ for a while.
If, by some weird twist of fate, you were able to keep this information from him until well into the relationship, I think it would be a solid game over. Kensei doesn’t just hand out his trust to anyone and you lied to him/held back the truth about your powers but also about yourself. Not only that, but you didn’t trust him? You didn’t trust the person you chose as your romantic partner? You thought so little of him; thought of him like an enemy? He’s overwhelmed with how wounded and furious he is. Because you don’t distrust someone you love like that. He’s stubborn and hurt and will end things angrily and bitterly.
Sado “Chad” Yasutora
He has the absolute biggest non reaction. Uryu asked Chad about you, since he wanted to know who the other quincy in town was and assumed Chad knew. His friend was pretty shocked to find out Chad didn’t know but agreed to let you tell Chad and hopefully Uryu when you were ready.
He doesn’t know why you held back the information, but he’s patient and understands that some information is more precious than others and he’s really touched you trusted him with this piece of you. He loves and accepts every part of you. Why wouldn’t he? He would comfort you a lot and thank you for telling him, recognizing the intimate and vulnerable moment for what it is. He would probably tell you something about himself in exchange to deepen the moment and hope to make you feel more at ease.
He would make sure to tell you that he already knew and how and explain why he said nothing until you decided to open up about it. He offers to introduce you to Uryu, someone who you could relate to, and tells you about his friend, who he values, the quincy who he has trusted with his life time and time again.
Nothing changes, really. He’s relieved he can express his concern and worry about you fighting hollows now that he doesn’t have to pretend he’s ignorant to you being a quincy. He understands why you do it, but he still prefers frequent check ins while you’re on duty. Expect him to make you a little pack with emergency supplies and bentos with loving little notes everyday.
Shinji Hirako
Honestly, I can’t imagine you being able to pull the wool over Shinji’s eyes. If he can figure out that Aizen was up to no good before anyone else, he can find out that you’re a quincy.
He would be sly and subtle at first, trying to get you to admit it. Prodding at you with small jabs that make you wonder if he knows or if it’s a coincidence. He can’t find anything malicious about it, but it still sets off his paranoid tendencies that you’re trying to hide it. He has a lot of baggage left over from Aizen. It’s just something about trying to hide your powers that really sets him off. It hits too close to his past trauma.
If you didn’t ask him if he knew, he would confront you about it, a little annoyed you didn’t take the chances he provided. No matter your reason for withholding the truth, Shinji would be a little hot and cold after that, a little all over the place with his attention and affection because he can’t figure out if this was connected to something else, if there’s a pattern somewhere.
He would set up little traps and tests for a while, trying to catch you in other lies that relate to you being a quincy, trying to see if there’s a pattern or if you were just scared or insecure or whatever your reason was. Whether you catch on depends on how observant you are. After he’s had some sake and a hot soak somewhere to soothe his nerves, he’ll tell you a bit about what happened with Aizen, something that’s really hard for him to do, because he realizes he’s making this into a hunt without prey and he wants you to know why.
As long as you maintain a good standard of communication after this, things will be alright. Shinji may have had some adverse reactions, because he’s a very hyper analytic and paranoid man, but he’s also logical and can see when a pattern isn’t there. The majority of his tension over this is internal.
Take him to the human world and go indulge in some live music together, tell him that you’re happy he accepts you, and he’ll give a toothy smile and rub your noses together, acting like it was never a big deal in the first place before he blows a raspberry on your cheek and leads you to some of his favorite old haunts.
Uryu Ishida
He knows you’re a quincy, since all quincy are great at sensing reiatsu, and although his standard is to act aloof, he’ll be pretty excited that you are and that would manifest as really intense looks. He’s never had anyone but his grandfather and father to relate to, and his father hardly counts.
He wouldn’t be able to contain himself after a while and asks you about it before you could reveal anything. He understands you probably have your reasons, but if you’re in a relationship, he wouldn’t be able to hold back his curiosity or concern. Why would you possibly hold back this information from a fellow quincy? He can help you. He’s here for you. You can tell him anything and he’ll still be standing beside you; it’s you and him against the world.
He would love to spar with you, to talk about ways to improve and grow your powers, to fight alongside you and keep Karakura town safe, side by side. It’s sort of like a fantasy come to life for him. He always dreamed that there were more quincy out there and he can’t believe he’s so lucky to be dating a daydream come to life.
He would absolutely sew you both matching outfits. They wouldn’t be the exact same, but they would be extremely complimentary to one another. In fact, he would most likely make a small wardrobe for you both, for the different seasons.
He might be a little melodramatic about the whole thing and make little comments about how absolutely destined and fated you are to be with one another, but he’s certainly not with you just because you’re a quincy. Uryu is very honest and although you’re both quincy, you’re the person he loves first and foremost and it’s because of that, his feelings for you and your feelings for him, that make him feel so poetic about it.
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elitespacefreak · 5 years
what did you think about the iz movie?i loved it!!
IT WAS AMAZING!! There was definitely the feeling of “I can tell it’s been almost two decades because this particular thing feels really stiff” but that was mostly in the beginning in regards to some voice acting (I’m sorry Wally but Red sounded like a frat boy named Chad) and the scene/cut pacing.
Otherwise I loved it so much! Even when I hated it I knew it was because that’s what Jhonen would have wanted so I loved it even more. I mean to see this actually for reals come to life is so incredible? My 12 year old self used to sit at home on my computer after school and browse deviantART for hours just being in total awe that this show, which had already been cancelled by then, still had such a flourishing community. No other fandom I looked up had the sheer volume or weird, bizarre spin off things that, at face value seemed to have nothing to do with the show at all? I remember when Invader Zim was ranked number on on fanfiction.net for having the most fanfiction. Like, the fuck???? I don’t know if Jhonen has literally any idea what kind of a cult following he’s created, and I still don’t get how it’s continued to thrive with the intensity it’s maintained.
But if you told 12 year old me there would be a movie in 2019, I’m sure I would not have believed you. Or I would assume that, at best, it would have been something by SoapyWaffles or The Doom Movie. But an official release authorized by Jhonen? Absolutely not, and I’ve never been more happy to be wrong~
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the-pallid-king · 5 years
He can’t stay in their apartment after the first year of being alone. When he packs everything up, he unintentionally finds the very few small treasures you keep. He sits on the floor to gently go through each one, smiling to himself as he remembers some of them and where thy came from before carefully wrapping them up and putting them somewhere safe. He packs up the blankets into boxes, hesitating when he goes to fold your favorite before changing his mind and putting it with his mother’s old quilt. He moves back home and commutes to school. He might as well. It’s not as if he has anything better to do with his time and he knows his family started worrying months ago. Soul Society has an internal war, something about prisoners escaping. He almost doesn’t go when they send for him. But he can’t let innocent people die over a personal grudge, so he arrives late, does his part, and leaves when it’s over. He receives word from Urahara a month later via letter that they’ve decided to compensate him for his work. He figures that means Shoten credits like with the local shinigami, but it’s not. It turns out Byakuya spearheaded the suggestion, the details, all of it. As a noble house, they have investments even in the human world. He wonders when it dawned on them that his help had become so reluctant they decided to pay for it. It goes into an account he doesn’t bother learning much about. It feels like bribe money, but he’s not dumb enough to refuse it. He is doing their work. The second year, he starts his internship at the hospital and he doesn’t have much time to worry about it. He sees Ishida from time to time, but Chad is in training, so visits with him are rare and he travels a lot for his fights. Inoue is easier to keep contact with, she makes most of the effort. It would be comfortable, except he hates seeing her worry about him, and he never knows what to say to make it stop. There are other interns at the hospital, and sometimes he lets them pester him into going out, but after months, he still has trouble with their names. The tenuous friendships don’t last. At the end of the second year, he realizes he hates the hospital, the thousand regulations that used to help distract are annoyances now. Hates that he’s crammed himself into work and study harder than ever before just to keep from thinking about you. He wants to think about you. He wants to be with you. He drops out of his medical classes and quits his internship. But with so much more free time, the loneliness is worse than before. He doesn’t try making gargantas anymore. They never work, and no matter how many times he’s done it, it still stings somewhere deep in his chest every time a path fails to open.
As it turns out, he thrives in Hueco Mundo. He’s always been a powerful hollow. It doesn’t take long to put himself at the top of the food chain. He enjoyed a very cozy existence with you in the living world, but it’s almost too easy to revert to a creature that doesn’t need all that comfort, to change gears from security and ease to instinct and violence. The only hollows he doesn’t bother with are the remaining arrancar, mostly. It’s not for lack of ability or interest, but he’d promised, what seems like a lifetime ago now, not to hurt your friends and he doesn’t have much of you left. His word doesn’t extend further than that, though. As far as he’s concerned, Seireitei voided their end of the agreements he had with them. He knows that you’d hate it, but the first time he catches a whiff of shinigami within reach, he lets himself be a hollow and enjoys the variety in his diet. Yet he’s far from content. With you, he got a taste of happiness, a peek at what it was like, and he yearns desperately to fill the hole in his chest that gives his kind their name, more so now than ever before. Being known isn’t enough, earning a reputation in Hueco Mundo doesn’t sate him. He needs more and he doesn’t know what that more is. The biggest structure in this world is a massive, mostly dead castle. Claiming it for himself doesn’t keep him occupied for long enough, leaving him bored and wanting when he’s finished. He haunts the empty halls like a ghost, trying to figure out what he’s missing, but the only thing that comes to mind is you, and he can’t have you. He’ll never have you again. When a few brave or stupid hollows start creeping through the castle again, he curls his lip and flashes teeth to send them on their way, but most of them hold little interest for him, too weak to bother making a meal out of unless he were to get desperate. He never goes long without eating anymore, though. It’s the one thing that holds any real interest for him in this world and he has too much down time to fill. Soon enough, the most bold of them start following him on his hunts like scavengers picking at his scraps, and though they learn quickly not to come anywhere near while he’s eating lest they end up dessert, he doesn’t do anything about it when he gets bored or distracted and leaves his meal still breathing and they take advantage of the easy snack he left them. Before he knows it, he’s picked up on a few names. It feels strange to have someone to talk to again, like he’s forgotten how to hold a conversation. But they’re doing their damnedest not to step on his toes and he’s chasing them off less and less, and there’s something appealing in the unspoken deference they show to him and what he’s capable of.
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
Queen {Part 2}
Sooooooo everyone really liked the first part (thank you so much for that!), so here’s a part two. At this point, I don’t know how long this will be. lmaooo
Words: 1.6k
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Taglist: @beautifulbashfulblackqueen @lavitabella87 @idilly  @ashanti-notthesinger @palmsofgranate@maliadestiny @blackpantherimagines @texasbama @profilia @90sinspiredgirl @msincognito67@onyour-right  @janellemonaenae @ilcb7 @SUNFLOWER-HOE @chaneajoyyy @amethyst09 @sarcastic-sunshines @melanisticroyalty @forbeautyandlife @fentybabyy @theresnomoregoodones@missumuch1918  @simplyjaydaa @-harmonytbh @simplyyamberr @sisterwifeudaku @purple-apricots @heyauntieeee @youcantkillamutant @tadjoa @mejustme06 @bugngiz @aieyr @bamakakechick@blackbypurpose @yourwonderbelle @multipersonalitygirl @chefjessypooh @hamato-rue159@blublubleu @elaindeereads @girlie94 @nubian-queen18 @autumn242 @romanticcandle @nubian-queen18 @girl-with-the-pen @headhunchess @afraiddreamingandloving @thatbish27 @almostpurelysmut@blkintrovert @xxthotii @muhhhkrysta @dreamlloudly @k-o-jass @yoyolovesbucky @kileynoelle852@mademoiselleoya  @silentlikethe-g-inlasagna  @bossyboyd03 @royallyprincesslilly @kumkaniudaku@brianabreeze  @bigdaddyashhh @pocoberry @madamslayyy @nyxy97 @imuhhhkrysta@kaykay4454fan @phambili-myking@esther-adri  @bluesaladexpertpsychic @vibranium-soul@yoyolovesbucky @syreanne
Queen (2)
“This is something new- the Casper Slide: part 2.”
You laughed loudly at how those iconic words ignited a damn near stampede as individuals of all ages ambled onto the dance floor.
“What ya’ll sitting down for?” One of your husband’s cousins asked as she noticed you hadn’t made any attempt to move off his lap. Chadwick’s arm around your waist seemed quite comfortable. “You better get on up here and dance.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Unless Chadwick over there done got all hollywood on us.”
Chad smiled and laughed. “Come on, Karen, you know it’s not like that.”
You looked over your shoulder. “Then come on, Mr. Boseman.” He arched a sly brow. “Mrs. Boseman wants to dance.” You pried his protective arm from around you and pulled up the pants of your outfit. As you went to look at your husband, you saw that he was now standing, his hand moving to your hip as the two of your maneuvered your way on the dance floor.
“Over here, Queen.” Kevin waved you over and you laughed at the scowl on Chadwick’s face. Even though he gave his brother his blessing to call you that, it never failed to irritate him to hear someone other than himself using his special nickname for you.
“I’ll get behind you,” Chadwick said with a small smile as he patted your butt. You rolled your eyes. You knew exactly why he wanted to get behind you.
“Alright, we gonna do the basic steps.” DJ Casper prefaced before sending out the instructions that had the whole lot of ya’ll moving to the left, right, and hopping. You and Kevin would giggle amongst yourselves as he maintained this dangerously fierce expression while getting down just as good as everyone else.
You’d give your husband the side eye whenever it came time to “cha cha” because somehow you always ended up backing up into him, his hands briefly gripping your hips and pulling your ass into him before you lightly pushed him away to finish dancing.
He was honestly too much at times.
One dance turned into several as the DJ played all of the classics: Cha Cha Slide, The Electric Slide, The Macarena,  The Wobble, The Bikers Shuffle, and even the newer hits like Juju On That Beat, The Nae Nae, and the Do It Like Me Challenge which you and Chadwick’s nieces slayed.
Of course, when newer songs that didn’t necessarily have a set dance came on, the older individuals started to wane out as the younger generation dominated the floor.
You danced over to your husband, shaking your hips to “In My Feelings” by Drake. “CB, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you’ll never ever leave from beside me, cause I want you, and I’m down for you.” Chad shook his head while neglecting to respond but happily turning you around to allow you to playfully twerk on him.
You really were having a good time, your mind completely off the tense subject brought about by Chadwick’s aunt just yesterday. Then again, you wondered if it was also due to the absolute havoc that your man released upon your body once you two got back to the hotel. Honestly, you sometimes wondered just how you hadn’t ended up pregnant already, your husband always wanting and willing to bend you over.
You and Chadwick were just sitting at a table (well, he was sitting in a chair but you were rightly positioned on his lap) as a group of teenagers attempted to show a couple of the older individuals how to milly rock.
“I’m glad that we came,” you announced, enjoying being so close to him, physically and emotionally. “I’ve missed this. Being around family.”
Sometimes it was tough being so far from home, you and Chadwick living in Los Angeles while the majority of his family was on the east coast and yours down south.
You smiled as he placed a gentle kiss against the back of your neck. “We needed this.”
You smiled wryly. “You needed this, my king.” You giggled, practically visualizing the eye roll and shady look that he was sending your way, but it was true. Your poor husband had been working nonstop ever since you two met three years ago, having been paired up by Vogue for their new Authors on Actors segment.
“A king,” you moaned as he put on the accent, something he rarely did in interviews but always did for you whenever you wanted to hear it. The man really couldn’t say no to you for a lot of things. “-only needs his queen.”
“Babyyyyy, Lebron is already married so that won’t work.”
“You know what,” all traces of the accent disappeared as you laughed after peaking over your shoulder to see him with the biggest scowl.
You could tell that it was nearing time for you two to depart as his hands couldn’t stop exploring your body, his mouth constantly nipping at the side of your neck. Ready to finally give in and say your goodbyes, you rolled your eyes and felt irritation take over at who you saw approaching.
“Hey, Chadwick, baby.” Aunt Celia greeted with her usual fake smile. You started to get up so that he could hug the elder woman but decided against it, pushing your back further into his chest to ensure that he got the hint you weren’t moving.
You could tell that he sensed the shift in your mood. “Hey, Auntie.”  
“You see how that turned out for him,” You muttered as you took a sip of your Arizona Strawberry Lemonade.
Chadwick lightly tapped you, but you offered no visible response.
“Now, did your wife tell you what we were discussing yesterday?” The church usher questioned, taking one of the empty seats on the opposite side of the table.
“It wasn’t a really a discussion,” you quickly interjected. “It was more so you talking at me.”
“Child, don’t be silly.” She waved off your correction which only further aggravated you. “I was simply trying to talk some sense into you.”
“I think I have a full tank, Aunt Celie.”
“Okay,” Chadwick interjected, sensing that you were getting ready to snap. “Someone wanna tell me what’s going on?”
“Well, I was just telling your flippant little wife-”
“-That she needs to stop worrying about writing all these books of hers and start working on giving you some children-” Celie sassed before swinging her neck and starting to fan herself. “Unless what folks are saying is true-”
“And just what are they saying?” Chadwick interrupted, his tone challenging as he tightened his grip around you.
“That she can’t even have kids.” You knew it. You fucking knew it. “Why else would she be so lackadaisical and tight-lipped towards the subject’?”
“Why is this all on me? Maybe it’s Chadwick who’s been the holdup. Maybe we’ve been trying, and it just hasn’t happened yet. Hell, maybe we don’t even want children.” You threw your hands up, completely unwilling to hold your tongue any longer. “The point is is that you’re being very invasive, disrespectful, and hurtful by continuing to badger me over supposedly not being a “good wife.” What goes on between me and my husband is between us. So I’d appreciate it if you and anyone else who has strong opinions about what I’m doing with my uterus would promptly and politely shut the entire fuck up.”
You pushed Chadwick’s arms from around you, stood, and marched off through the crowd of people whilst praying that no one interfered as you desperately tried to find a place of solitude.
“Queen!” Damnit. It was Chadwick. “Baby, wait.”
“I’m fine, Chad.” You lied, wiping at your eyes as you continued to walk. Eventually, quickly too, he caught up with you, his hands resting on your shoulders. “I said that-”
“No, you’re not.” He easily dismissed, never taking his eyes off of you. “Queen, don’t listen to Celie. She’s old, nosy, and thrives off getting under people’s skin.”
“But what if she’s right?” You found yourself whispering as he cupped your neck. “What if I can’t have kids?”
He looked hurt that you could even allow such a question to leave your mouth. “What?”
“Chadwick, with how sexually active we are, how careless we are, don’t you think I should have gotten pregnant by now? I’m not even on birth control.”
You hated that Celia’s words and sentiments were starting to get to you, but you also couldn’t deny the possible validity of her statements.
Not being on birth control while being as sexually active as you and your husband were….it seemed out of the norm, and it was a daunting possibility that you had to consider.
Your husband shook his head. “It just hasn’t happened for us yet.” His fingers rubbed soft motions against your neck as he moved closer to you. “And if for some reason, it doesn’t happen, then that’s okay too.”
“No, it’s not okay.” You boldly disagreed. “I-I want children. We want children.” A beat. “R-right?” You stomach absolutely dropped as your husband darted his eyes, avoiding your burning gaze of approval. Your knees felt weak. “You don’t want children?”
“I didn’t say that,” he quietly defended.
“It’s what you didn’t say,” you pulled away from him after pushing his hands off you. You honestly felt like you were about to have a panic attack at any second. “When the hell did you come to this decision? Because it’s not what we discussed before and shortly after we got married.”
He shut his eyes and looked around as a few people started to enter into the hallway. “Baby, can we talk about this later?”
“What is there to talk about?” You weakly shrugged your shoulders, your tears creating a fog over your eyes. “It seems as though your mind is already made up.”
You wanted to acknowledge the absolutely devastated expression on his face at your words as you yanked your arm away when he went to grab for you. But you couldn’t bother to care too much, your heart aching from this bombshell of a revelation. You didn’t know what, when, or why your husband had apparently changed his mind concerning such an important and monumental matter.
Like you’d said before, you’d both agreed that you wanted children, at least two, no more than four, and you were always looking forward to the day that you could make that happen.
Now, it seemed like such a distant memory and a daunting realization.
This change of heart could be detrimental to your marriage.
This could be the end of your marriage.
Me: Let me write this cute little Chadwick fluff. I need a break from the angst.
*after it’s finished*
Me: .......You dumb bitch.
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rosedalemike · 6 years
The Mood: Blog #7 “What even is mainstream...even??”
started like 3 weeks ago...     Is taste in music really subjective? Or is it perspective? Obviously there's a common formula to pop (which is short for popular) that makes a song more digestible to the general public- more commercial (Intro, verse, chorus, re-intro tease maybe, verse2, chorus2, bridge, Chorus3 with a little re-intro maybe). A simple hook and dancy beat never hurt, either. Then of course there's the performance and production. I'd argue that a lot of a song's approval/success has to do with the mix of the song (but for most, that's more subconscious). 
I'd say at least 90% of us are really looking at lyrics as the main check-box; are they relatable/do they flow? Then, with all those key elements in mind (and some others, depending on the goal) the authenticity of it all. From the structure to the lyrics to the performance(s) to the production to the mix/master; do they all compliment each other in a friendly and/or interesting way?
     So with all that in mind, there are some things that are subjective: Relatable - that depends on the demographic/individual. But some lyrics are literally relatable to everyone. 
Performance ?? - Sure, everyone knows a good singer/drummer/guitarist when they hear one. But taste is the real subjective factor. Does the player's ability get out of hand and distract from the authenticity of the song? Technicality and raw emotion have heavy hands but sometimes less is more. "Music is not a sport," but to some shredders, it is! (Part of what makes Blink 182 so powerful is Travis Barker's ability to blow your mind with a fill rolling into that big finale... I can already hear the haters "Overrated! Overrated!") On the other hand, sometimes Bono being passionately flat is what gives U2 their cool factor.
Authentic - Like relatable lyrics, that mostly involves the individual's history. What has the artist/listener's ears been brought up with? What sounds/methods have been retired and what is trending? (Maybe a dancy trap beat wasn't prescribed in the original Alicia Keys' version but definitely authentic in the Jay-Z remix.)
Lyric Party:
"Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of" - Alicia Keys 
Cool - what even is cool? If you follow the pop formula/structure are you no longer cool? If you have a low-fi mix/master, are you automatically cool? That's all subjective but trends definitely play a big roll. And these days; what even is mainstream?
    I'd say Nickelback is mainstream. However, a lot of people hate Nickelback simply because it's cool to hate Nickelback. Nickelback is not my cup of tea, but they definitely cover all those bases in my opening paragraph pretty well. They've mastered being commercial and there's a few Nickleback choruses that I can probably sing word-for-word. It's just odd to me when bands that sound like Nickelback hate Nickelback. That's like when bands that sounded like Blink 182 hated Blink 182. I will go on to argue that these commercial bands didn't necessarily sell out, they just got better (to the general public). So don't hate! Especially if you're hating for your own pride. Like what you like. Leave pretension to the hipsters.
    I guess the main thing that inspired me to write this was from playing my very first sold out show in Columbus, OH at A&R bar. Obviously, I had very little to do with the 200+ people crammed into this awesome venue. I opened the show for 30 minutes and maybe 35 of the 150 people in the room (at 7:30) were there to see me. The other bands sold out of all their tickets and brought the big awesome crowd. The band that played after me pulled out a Nickelback cover; "Animals". Lyric Video Party!!!
   I genuinely thought they were joking at first! Then they played through the whole thing and everyone was singing along. I was slightly confused. Here I was as part of the first sold out show of my life, in the most thriving music scene in North America, and everyone was getting down to some Nickelback...
    It got me thinking. Maybe it isn't so much that Nickelback isn't cool, maybe ROCK MUSIC in general is no longer cool - everywhere but Columbus, OH!!! Nickelback is the biggest rock band of our time and it is cool to hate them. What is cool then? Nicki Minaj?? Lane Del Re?? Steve Aoki?? Game of Thrones?? I'm sorry Nickelback haters but if I had to choose a night of Game of Thrones or a Nickelback concert you might just catch me sticking a foot above a stadium crowd singing along to "How you Remind Me".
LYRIC PARTY: "Look at this Photograph!!" - Nickelback
    I've been to a Nickelback show and it was awesome! Bryan's actual cousin, Daniel Adair, is their current drummer and we went back in 2011 or something. It was an awesome show! I'd go again!
   Then it got me thinking back to perception. Is Nickelback just not my cup of tea because of the subjective ingredients (lyrics, performance, vocal/tone style, commercial structure)? Probably. I do like how polished their production is. Maybe people check out my music and think the same thing so they don't bother to come see it live. Then when they accidentally see my live show they're giving me the ol' "I'm not generally into that genre of music but I loved your set! Keep it up!" 
LYRIC PARTY:"THIS IS HOW! YOU REMIND ME OF WHAT I REALLY AM!" - Relatable Nickelback lyrics :o
   Anyway, there's another blog that mentions Nickelback a bunch... Guess I'm just really a closet Nickelback fan! Chad Kroeger, sign my band!
I haven't had much time to write this week with the tour being so busy. The inbox and calendar are owning my life almost more than my excessive gear. 
That that sold out show at A&R was awesome. I wish I could play for that many people every night. I did lights for Black Coffee's set, too. I learned their new album/setlist on my long drives. It's pretty solid. Check it out here: 
    I congratulated them and told them I enjoyed my many many listen-throughs and Ehab said something along the lines of "Thanks! I know, it's not really with the contemporary/mainstream"...So that too kind of inspired this blog. So you can thank Ehab, Nickelback (they're totally not Nickelback-y, more like if Led Zeplin had a kid with The Darkness...)
How good is this by the way: VIDEO PARTY:
....if you’re into that go buy Black Coffee’s new record.
Then I drove home Sunday and had a week of booking and video editing while watching my Maple Leafs get my hopes up once again. Next season will be better! So will my next blog!!!
Here’s a long podcast to make up for my two weeks of nothing:
There are some solid shows coming up this week. Check up on my insta/twitter to see how you can win tickets too! TONIGHT - St.Louis, MO @ Fubar - 8:00 set time, ALL AGES, $10 cover https://www.facebook.com/events/361308634360127 Thursday, May 10th - Memphis, TN @ Hi Tone - 9:30ish set time, 18+,  $5 cover https://www.facebook.com/events/1969577906705144/ Friday, May 11th - Nashville, TN @ Phat Bites (Amazing food) -  8:00 doors/ 9ish set time - All Ages , $5 cover https://www.facebook.com/events/2020957568144443/
Saturday, May 12th - Springfield, MO @ Outlands' Front of House - ALL AGES , $7 cover https://www.facebook.com/events/212996439451410/ Tuesday, May 15th - Norman, OK @ Red Brick Bar - 8:30 doors/10ish set time - 21 +, FREE SHOW https://www.facebook.com/events/568521663507443 Wednesday, May 16th - Amarillo, TX @ Leftwoods - 8:00 doors/set time, 21+, FREE SHOW Thursday, May 17th - Santa Fe, NM @ ACOUSTIC SET @ Cowgirl (amazing food) - 7:30 doors, 8:00 set time, ALL AGES, FREE SHOW (unbelievable food...seriously) Friday, May 18th - Albuquerque, NM @ Jam Spot - Doors at 6:30, 8:45 set time, ALL AGES, $10 tickets, $12 doors Tickets: https://www.ticketstorm.com/e/21145/t/https://www.facebook.com/events/385121958563821/ Saturday, May 19th - Colorado Springs, CO @ Triple Nickel - Doors at 8pm, 9:00 set time, 18+, $7 coverhttps://www.facebook.com/events/985147721649093 Wednesday, May 23rd - Denver, CO @ Lost Lake - Doors at 7:00, 9:30 set time, 18+ **But** all ages welcome with adult company, Tickets $8, Doors $10Tickets: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1677879?utm_medium=ampOfficialEvent&utm_source=fbTfly
https://www.facebook.com/events/222640314958871 Thursday, May 24th - Boulder, CO @ ACOUSTIC at Illegal Pete's Pearl, 9:00 start, ALL AGES (awesome food) FREE SHOW
Friday, May 25th - Fort Collins, CO @ Aggie Theatre - Doors at 8pm, 9:45 set time, 18+, $10 Tickets**, $15 at the door  (FREE TICKET GIVEAWAY ON INSTAGRAM @rosedalemike)
Ticket link: http://ticketf.ly/2FZp97J
https://www.facebook.com/events/149017892592176/ Thanks!
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