allaboardthevespa · 10 months
Lay It All on Me
Well, the finale has been out for a few hours now, and after getting past the Five Stages of Grief about it ending and what happened to Ellie...my brain started to cook up this little oneshot. I kinda don't like how down-played Ellie's screentime was after her elimination - I would've loved to see more genuine cuddly comfort between her and Gabby. So I thought "fine I'll do it myself". Here's a oneshot where Gabby gives Ellie some comfort after the finale.
The evening after the season finale, the Disventure Campers had all been taken to the motel for a party to celebrate Miriam’s victory. Most of the contestants were in the halls of the motel, partying and having a great time. Even after everything that happened, everyone was making the most of the wild events of the season and having fun with their friends.
That is, except for two.
Ellie sat outside the building, ignoring the sound of the blaring music from within the building. She wished she could have fun with everyone else right now – hell, even Fiore was having a good time – but all she could concentrate on right now was her regrets. She’d been through a lot, she’d done some things she wasn’t proud of…and in the end it felt like it was all for nothing. Her eyes stung with tears of pain. She just wanted to escape from a troubled life and start following her dreams…and she’d lost her one shot at it.
“Hey, Ellie?”
The freckled one shot up briefly as she heard those two words, wiping some tears from her face and turning in its direction to notice a certain brown-haired nature-lover. She had a sympathetic expression on her face and appeared to be hiding her hands behind her back. “Hey, Gabby,” Ellie mumbled in greeting, blue eyes dim with sadness and regret. “What are you doing out here?”
“I’m here because…I wanted to talk to you,” the brunette admitted. “I’m…so sorry things didn’t go the way they should have.” She approached Ellie, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I know how much you needed this…and I wish there was something I could do to make it better.” “I know,” Ellie responded glumly, “And I’m glad you’re here for me. I’m sure things will get better…” She wiped another tear trickling down her cheeks, “I’m just…not sure when.” “Of course I’m here for you, bestie,” Gabby cooed, “I’m truly sorry things didn’t work out, but I’m gonna support you every step of the way.”
And at this point, the brunette now whipped her hands out from behind her back, revealing she was carrying a bouquet of fresh pink peonies. “By the way,” stammered the Tree Hugger, blushing, “I picked you these…I know there’s no way it’s enough to make up for what happened, but…I guess it’s just my way of letting you know I’m gonna do what I can to get you through this.” Ellie blushed too, but now, a genuine smile had found its way onto her face. “G-Gabby…” she gasped, taking the flowers, “I just…wow…this is really sweet of you.” Gabby sat down next to Ellie and started stroking her hair as she nuzzled her face into the soft petals of the bouquet and deeply inhaled their sweet, fresh scent. For that moment, the feelings of pain and sadness faded from the workaholic’s mind. A glowing warmth formed inside her heart as the sweet scent of peony and the feeling of Gabby’s hand softly petting her hair soothed her to her very core.
Eventually the Minimum Wage Worker pulled back from the bouquet, sighing in pleasure. “Ahhhh…that’s nice,” she purred, “Thank you, Gabby. Thank you so much.” The redhead turned to wrap her arms around her girlfriend, nuzzling her face into the crook of her neck. Gabby returned the hug, keeping one hand on Ellie’s head and putting her other arm around her back. “You’re welcome, bestie,” she responded. “You let me know peonies were your favorite flowers back at camp after all. And even if you’re hurting about how things went…I thought I’d give you these, to show you that I’m thankful that you’d show kindness to someone like me, and that I’m always gonna be here for you.”
Ellie felt tears beginning to mist up in her eyes again, but this time, they were tears of joy. “Gabby…” Ellie tried to think of some way she could express her gratitude for the nature lover’s kindness and affection, but no words could possibly express just how happy she felt to have Gabby by her side.
At the end of the day, there was only one sentence Ellie could possibly come up with to express just…how much she appreciated this wonderful human being.
“Gabby…I love you.”
The moment Gabby’s mind registered those words…a rush of pure joy shot through her body, one quite unlike she’d ever felt. After years of neglect and loneliness, she’d found someone who didn’t just genuinely care about her, but someone who appreciated her presence and wanted her to stay in their lives for a very long time. Before that moment, Gabby didn’t think she’d ever be lucky enough to hear someone tell her that…and yet, here she was. In an instant, she found herself crying tears of joy of her own, and the two girls tightened their warm, comforting hug, as Gabby brought one of her hands to Ellie’s cheek, stroking it gently. She paused for a moment to admire her beautiful face – her breathtaking sapphire eyes, her adorable freckled complexion, her soft ginger hair and her heartmelting smile – then, finally spoke again, pushing her forehead against Ellie’s own, “I love you too.”
And with that, the two girls embraced one another in a deep, warm, loving kiss – a moment they’d been awaiting ever since they’d realized their feelings for one another. Silently they promised one another that no matter what, they’d stick by one another’s side, regardless of what life would throw at them next.
And deep down, Ellie knew that even if she didn’t win, she had found something worth way more than one million dollars.
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