#YWiztober 12
dduane · 2 years
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From So You Want To Be A Wizard (meta): the New York City subway’s mostly-abandoned City Hall Station, in 3D render -- setting the scene for the lair of the Eldest.
(This 3D reproduction of the City Hall station available at Daz omits some details -- specifically the brickwork of the beautiful and then-trendsetting Guastivino arches--which I’ve gradually been replacing. Some of them are present in the above render, but others are merely approximated for the time being so that I can just get on with things. :)  ...The artist, and the director’s chair, are added for scale [and to remind me that this isn’t an actual scene render, but the prep for one].)
...Lighting in this render is somewhat subdued, as the version that appears in the book does so under conditions significantly different from our-world ones. Reference image below from a bright day in the (glorious) actual station, now that the WW2 blackout paint has finally been removed from most of the glass ceiling:
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