#Yana is mentioned
derangedfujoshi · 4 months
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Her words not mine!
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warmmilk-n-honey · 1 year
So lets talk about why the psychosexual elements of Sebastian and Ciel's relationship don't work for me and why I don't think it's thoughtfully addressed enough to justify its existence within the manga. I've wanted to write about my thoughts on this for a while and since my dadbastian post like two people have said they want to hear about this, so here you go.
Warning for discussions of CSA and the sexualization of children within the manga
The main reason, it's just fanservice and the thing is, even if this aspect of their relationship was explored or addressed the fact that it is used as fanservice fotter shows that Yana has no intention of exploring this in a thoughtful way, she just likes sexualizing kids. I'll be repeating this point a lot because it's like basically my thesis... So strap in!
I've seen people say that Yana is trying to illustrate that Sebastian takes pleasure in human suffering, and they use Ciel's panic attack during the circus arc as an example. I would say even if this was her intention-which it definitely could be, it still falls flat because ultimately the reader is meant to be titillated by the way it's framed. It doesn't matter what is trying to be said when we as the reader are meant to be taking pleasure in Ciel's pain and exploitation. That's why it doesn't work for me regardless of Yana's intention, there is no empathy for Ciel's trauma, not actually if we are meant to enjoy his suffering on some level. Lolita for example may be from Humbert's perspective but Dolores herself is not fetishized by the framing, the erotic scenes between the two are written as gross and unappealing, but this couldn't be less the case in the way she draws scenes of Sebastian and Ciel, we are meant to find it sexy. You could say we are meant to see it as Sebastian sees it, but I still don't see that as an excuse to sexualize a child character for the reader's enjoyment. Besides, there are many instances where Ciel is sexualized completely independently of Sebastian. For example in the public school arc there's that scene where Maurice ambushes Ciel...
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It is very clear that Yana has fetishized Ciel's trauma and powerlessness in this moment for the sake of the reader's enjoyment, Sebastian's not even in this scene. I can't think of any other reason to frame the scene this way other than that we are meant to find a 13 year old csa victim sexy! What does this scene actually say about Ciel's character? That he finds some kind of masochistic pleasure when he is victimized, perhaps as a coping mechanism? Well that's never addressed within the actual text, that's not consistent with his character. See how I can just make shit up to make the fanservice seem like it serves an actual purpose? Like it's pretty clear Yana didn't think too hard about this scene other than the fanservice aspect of it.
On that note, Yana also likes to sexualize Sebastian and Ciel's power dynamic while not fully addressing the psychological effects this would have on Ciel. All of it is too sub textual for her to actually explore why a child survivor might have complicated feelings/desires towards a protector who is also being predatory towards him. It honestly makes me understand peoples love for Alois more, even if that aspect of his character isn't written in a respectful or descent way. At least his sexual feelings towards Claude are somewhat acknowledged, and Alois shows interest in his own sexuality (again doesn't make sexualizing a child okay but y'know what I mean). On the contrary we are meant to see Ciel as an effectively heterosexual character who hates Sebastian and has no complicated feelings/desires for him what so ever, so the fact that they are sometimes framed in a way that can be taken as romantic is rlly weird, both narratively and character wise. Also unlike Alois, Ciel shows no interest in sex or his sexuality-in fact he seems quite repulsed by anything sexual, so I find it even more insidious that the "camera" constantly has this voyeuristic view of his body-in the fan service and in the official art. Unlike Alois, Ciel clearly doesn't want to be perceived as "sexy," so why does Yana sometimes draw him posed in suggestive ways or with a sultry expression on his face? 🤔
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this is kind of a bad example cause he's not "trying to look sexy" but still, sexualizing his body!
This next point is a bit disconnected from Ciel and Sebastian's framing but I feel like it still relates to some over arcing issues with how Ciel is portrayed.
So let's talk about Ciel's sex repulsion, and only being a survivor when it's coinvent for the plot. Let us not forget that Ciel was also victimized by women, but Yana shows a complete disinterest in what a survivor would actually be feeling in moments where he has his boundaries violated by girls and women. We all know the scene with Sieglende that's played only for laughs, or when Nina violates his boundaries, or when Ran-Mao shoves her tits in his face. We see Ciel is visibly uncomfortable by these instances and even when he sees a scantly clad woman, but all of this is played for comedy in the typical shonen manga way of guy gets flustered when he see big booba. Again none of it is meaningfully explored nor addressed. Is he actually sex-repulsed because of trauma? Or is his displeasure in those situations meant to be funny manga hijinks? Sometimes I truly think Ciel's status as a CSA survivor is just there for shock value (or worse titillation *shudder*) and to tie into her themes about the dark depths of humanity. The problem with that is that she is not thinking through the implications of having a character with this kind of trauma. Like he's triggered by someone touching his scar but not a grown woman shoving her tits into his face?! Make it make sense. Also by making it into comedy I find it dismissive of the fact that boys can be abused by women.
Before my conclusion, I just want to add that often times the fanservice can be taken as extremely subjective. There are many scenes of Ciel and Sebastian that can be taken as sexual if you want to see it that way, but can also be seen as parental. I fully believe this is intentional and you are meant "to see what you want to see" so to speak. It's one of the reasons I find it so funny when people who sexualize their relationship get mad at dadbastian, like you do realize she also makes them have pseudo parent child interactions on purpose right? (it can also be seen as a part of the fetish, eww)
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In conclusion, basically what I'm trying to say is that Yana never thought of deeper reasons for why Sebastian and Ciel's relationship is portrayed the way it is, she is simply catering to shippers as well as fulfilling her own desires. She also handles Ciel's status as a survivor of sexual abuse very poorly. I've never read her past work because I'm not subjecting myself to that shit, but I have seen some panels of it compared to Black Butler, and I think it's is very clear that she has certain kinks that she likes to slip into Black Butler with no regard for how this muddies the narrative. She is the definition of the author slipping in their poorly disguised fetish! Even if I didn't think it was fundamentally gross, which I do, I also think it's just shitty story telling, most of this fandom is convinced that Sebastian and Ciel are romantically interested in one another, when the text itself couldn't be more to the contrary! And I can't even blame them for thinking that because Yana directly feeds into it! It's like a fucking ouroboros of shitty fanservice and lowbrow humor.
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rayroseu-reblogs · 10 days
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ON THE LOW just realized what Sebek is describing here is Knight of Dawn's life... OGMG... 😭😭😭😭 not him being disrespected as a king (i feel like at the end the humans followed Henric and not Dawn and thats why they got a disagreement on the land leading to the war inside the Kingdom of Swords), being used as a knight, and also was hated as a child (as per this upbringing described by Sebek)... DAWN.... 😭😭😭😭
imagining that Dawn wasnt taught about anything about faes, only that he must kill them, yet he still dream to understand them even if the Silver Owls forced him to be ignorant and subservient to their selfish greed 😭😭😭✨✨✨
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sovamurka · 7 months
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Balor and Yana in Andrey Vasin's style, my beloved <3
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olibensstuff · 1 year
Sorry if this has already been asked but do you watch or listen to anything while drawing? And what’s your favorite song/ music genre??
HIII!!!!!! My favorite genres are hip hop and rb/soul type stuff!!!! Most of my drawing playlists consists of stuff like Guinnesses by MF DOOM and I’ve been loving you by Otis Redding! Something about those genres are just so so much fun to listen to while doing creatives!
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snoopyana · 26 days
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need to come on here and remind yall, i mean BUSINESS when it comes to chenle, hendery, kun, renjun, ten, jisung, jeno, haechan and doyoung.. in that order. big business
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aloisapologist · 1 year
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will be spreading my “ciel had a crush on soma” agenda in the next chap of waeood (worst named fic). I’m literally right about this.
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malaierba · 2 months
Well in other news I think I'm dying (said the least dramatic latin moot u have)
(potentially triggering discussion of bodies, weight, periods)
I just got my period for the third time this month. Like I JUST got it and it's a lot, you wouldn't guess I had it just last week.
And it's absurdly triggering to me. I usually lose my period when I restrict, and I only get it more than once a month when I'm above a certain level of body fat. And right now I'm on the higher end of that body fat percentage, and yes I'll admit it I've been (trying to) restrict but not even that much. I'm being sane and safe about it, I really just want to get back to the bf% I had before I started my last job which fucked me over in all ways imaginable as I'm pretty sure everyone saw lol.
But fucking hell I was feeling normal this morning, you wouldn't believe how the reflection on the mirror changed before and after I saw. And I feel so bad. Like I FEEL bad. Everything feels off.
Man idk this is so annoying, so bad, no wonder everything hurt so much at the doctor yesterday. Literally what's going on. This stupid fucking womb has always been such a huge headache I swear to god, from debilitating cramps all through highschool that literally could only be treated with pain injections + bleeding so much I was left anemic for two weeks after my period every single time, to losing it for 8 months at a time pretty much periodically since 2018 (again, my fault, undereating does that) to the point I know have osteopenia, to cysts in my ovaries, to... Whatever is happening right
And when I go to gynos they never know what to make of it. They wanna put me on birth control and I really don't want to, nothing sounds less like a solution to me. The list of secondary effects are absurd I don't want it.
I don't know. What a completely fucking awful way to start this day, this is so triggering. This feels like I need to correct something as fast as I humanly can, and I know from experience that I'd much rather swing in the opposite direction, even if tanking your hormones does come with side effects such as "being tired all the time" and "being a huge bitch with 0 patience".
I mean it's kind of bad isn't it? 3 periods in a month? My anemic ass that's DEFINITELY not eating enough iron? Did I mess up somehow? What did I do wrong now that's making my body punish me for it
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lesbianillyana · 1 year
my PERSONAL new mutants ranking do not @ me
Sam (sorry)
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
The BatB wolves getting a mention in the game must be a sign from the universe
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Sometimes I think about Sieglinde and Othello interacting.
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cherrybear-artist · 2 years
Can we all agree that making the bears (mostly panda) fall in love with a human girl in the show is very weird and wrong? like, if they were humans who can turn themselves into bears it would not be a huge problem to me, but noooo "let's make a panda bear, a ANIMAL being obsessed about getting a HUMAN girlfriend because it's fun watching that 💕💕💕💕"
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pop-roxs · 2 years
i wonder if reapers can starve. cuz we know they have to like eat n drink n shit. so can they starve?? how would that work? doesnt that mean that they can just kill themselves again by just straight up not eating? im so confused
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sovamurka · 1 year
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Demonslayer Vol. 2, ch. 17 and ch. 22
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out
@becauseshesmiledatme @becauseshesmiledatme @becauseshesmiledatme @becauseshesmiledatme @becauseshesmiledatme @becauseshesmiledatme @becauseshesmiledatme @becauseshesmiledatme
Tagged you eight times because I'm a little shit like that and because you are THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EVER. FIGHT ME.
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minakoaiinos · 8 months
Ik in the past decade or so anime adaptations have tried to adapt mangas exactly and even gone back and done other versions of anime just to make sure to adapt the source material and that's a good thing and definitely has its place, but also I genuinely think we should let people make up 100+ filler episodes again
#there are sooo many concepts that i feel like would lend well to the sailor moon format of do fuck all#like no anime lately can just have two dumb ass episodes in a row where they put on plays.#bsd could have so many mini mystery episodes. it could be like wan 80% of the time and on manga plot 20% of the time#and i don't think that every anime that diverges from the source material is necessarily ruining the source material#ik i went on about bb 2 a lot last year and there is a lot i disagree with but ultimately idc bc the manga and anime are separate to me#but for one thing some anime try so hard to just adapt the manga and the story doesn't lend well to the 12 ep format and it makes a story...#...feel like it's just starting and that's all a story gets and there are times i feel like animes in those positions could benefit from...#...having closure if some sort even if the source material is a little bent. especially some romance ones.#and also there are situations like utena where someone can play with your source material and make something new and interesting from it#without fully forsaking your story#i also feel like people need to be more open to original anime? ik a fair amount are made but here especially and on mal they are poorly...#...received and it's like. no one will have any fun with anime any more. they won't watch anything silly or filler and it's so disappointing#getting into 90s anime has really broadened my perspective here and i am not talking about what yana posted earlier#ik i mentioned her on this post bc i can't shut up about bb but. this has been on the brain a while unrelated to her.
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