#Yandere Dio brando
thornybubbles · 8 months
Fourth Wall (JJBA Yandere Scenario)
Scenario: Recently, you’ve moved on from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure to a different anime series and fandom. You realize that this was a terrible mistake.
Note: This is based on a prompt I saw on Tumblr ages ago. I just expanded on it a bit. 
Warnings: Typical Yandere behavior, threats, abusive behavior, possible harm towards reader, mental distress, anti-comfort. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you read. 
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Changing fandoms wasn’t that unusual for you. You would find a new anime, fall in love with it, then it became your new hyperfixation. After a while, the process would repeat. This is what happened with you and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the series anymore, you just moved on to a new anime/manga. Still…it felt different this time. You weren’t sure why, but ever since you moved on to your new favorite series, you had this unexplainable feeling of guilt wash over you every time you watched an episode of your new favorite anime or read the latest chapter of the manga. Stranger still, there was an underlying feeling of dread as well. 
As many times as you’d changed fandoms, you’d never experienced such feelings before. It was uncomfortable and you wished that you could move on to your new obsession without any strings attached. It was ridiculous, really. Why should you feel guilty about a change of taste? You weren’t hurting anything. No one would be affected by it. And yet, you still felt unnecessary shame over changing fandoms. You guessed it had something to do with the lingering attachment you had for certain characters from various parts throughout the series. It almost felt like you were leaving them behind somehow. Another silly notion. They were fictional characters and did not exist outside of the world within JoJo. They had no knowledge of you, much less having knowledge of your “betrayal”. You decided that it was stupid to dwell on it and dived headfirst into your new favorite series. That guilty feeling would surely fade after a while. 
You got the perfect opportunity to binge your new favorite anime one day. It was one of those days when you were fortunate enough to have nothing to do. All of your responsibilities had been dealt with and you had no plans other than to sit on your ass and watch your new favorite show until bedtime. Sure, you could go out with friends, but you really just wanted to chill by yourself for the day. So anime binge party it was. You made a comfy nest of blankets and pillows on the couch and set up your laptop on the coffee table. You got some snacks and a drink, made yourself comfortable on the couch, and pressed play on the screen. You relaxed into the softness of your pillows and blankets and immersed yourself in another world for a few hours. 
About ten episodes in, you had to go to the bathroom very badly. All of that soda you’d drunk was taking its toll on your bladder. You paused the video, untangled yourself from your blankets, and stiffly power-walked to the bathroom. Once you relieved yourself, you washed your hands and went back into the living room. You snuggled back into your blanket burrito and reached over to start the video, but something wasn’t right. On the screen wasn’t the anime you’d been watching. It was the first episode of Phantom Blood. 
Did you accidently click the wrong thing in your haste to pause the video and rush to the bathroom? 
That had to be it. 
It was the only thing that made sense. 
You clicked off of the JoJo episode and went back to the previous page which took you back to the episode of the new anime you’d been watching. You found the place in the episode that you left off on and pressed play. You settled back in your comfy nest and watched the rest of the episode. You watched for another hour or so. During the opening of one of the episodes, you suddenly found yourself watching the opening for an episode of Battle Tendency. You sat up straight and stared at the screen in shock and confusion. 
“What the fuck?” you muttered under your breath. 
You refreshed the page and the episode started properly. That’s the second time your video was suddenly changed to an episode of JoJo. The first time you assumed that it was because of an accidental click but now you weren’t so sure. You hadn’t been touching anything when it happened the second time. All you were doing was staring at the screen when the switch happened. Why did it keep happening? Some kind of glitch with the streaming service? You didn’t know, but it was a bit annoying. You hoped that wouldn’t be a constant thing while you were trying to watch your show. 
The rest of the day went by without further incident. Eventually, you noticed that it had grown dark and you decided that your day of doing absolutely nothing needed to come to a close. You closed your laptop and reluctantly pried yourself off of the couch. As much as you wanted to just lay there in your blanket nest, you knew that you’d get a much better sleep in your bed. So you hobbled off to your room; your mind on nothing but getting a decent night’s sleep. 
You woke up a few hours later with a dried out mouth and an aching throat. You swallowed a few times, wincing at the sandpapery feeling of your tongue against the inside of your mouth. Well that’s what you get for sleeping with your mouth wide open. You flung the covers off of you grumpily and climbed out of bed. You stumbled into the kitchen, not daring to turn the light on and submit your sleep sensitive eyes to an onslaught of painful luminosity. You made your way over to the counter, grabbed a glass, and staggered over to the sink. As you were filling the glass you suddenly had the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. You assumed that it was your sleep fogged brain at work. After all, part of the reason you woke up was because you were having a disturbing dream. You tried to remember what the dream was about, but you couldn’t piece the memories together to get a full picture. You just remembered being in a place that made you uncomfortable and meeting someone that was familiar to you, but their presence frightened you. You just couldn’t remember the details. It kinda made you want to stay awake for the rest of the night but you decided against that. You knew you’d feel like shit the next day if you didn’t get back to sleep. There was nothing worse than waking up with a splitting headache due to lack of proper rest. You downed the glass of water and put the empty glass in the sink. 
You suddenly became aware of a strange odor in the air. What was that smell? Smoke? God, was something burning?! You took another sniff of the air and recognized the smell as specifically cigarette smoke. Okay, so that meant that your house wasn’t burning down. That was good news, but why would you be smelling cigarette smoke? The only way you would be smelling cigarette smoke is if it were coming from in the same room as you…
You heard the sound of rustling fabric from somewhere behind you. You spun around and immediately spotted the outline of someone sitting at your kitchen table. You could also make out the small glow of a lit cigarette sticking out of their mouth. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could make out some details of the figure. They were large, broad shouldered, and wore a long white coat, and on their head rested an oddly shaped hat. In the miniscule amount of light in the room you could make out the glint of gold accessories on both their hat and coat. 
“No way…” you gasped in a quiet voice. “No way in hell…” 
The figure lit a lighter and held it to the wick of the candle that was located in the middle of the table. Once the candle was lit fully, you could see the figure better. It was as you expected, Jotaro as he appeared in part four was sitting at your kitchen table, glaring at you as if you were less than dogshit. 
“You recognize me?” he scoffed and took another drag from his cigarette. “I’m surprised. I thought you forgot all about me… about us….” 
You backed up against the counter, unable to believe what you were seeing and hearing. 
Jotaro glanced down at the cigarette in his hand. He held it up in front of him. 
“This is your fault, you know.” he sneered. “I quit smoking, but after you abandoned us, I started the habit again. I’ve been tolerant so far because I was stupid enough to think that you’d come back eventually. Maybe you were just taking a break and you’d come back when you were bored… that was my stupidity. I’ll own up to that. But when I realized that you’d thrown us aside like trash, well, I got pissed. I guess I took up smoking again just to stay sane…” 
You were so appalled at the fictional character seated at your table that you hadn’t been paying much attention to what he was saying. Slowly the words began to filter into your mind and of everything he said, one thing stood out the most…
He said “us”. He said that you had abandoned “us”...
That’s when you became aware of the other figures lined up behind Jotaro. 
You could make out their shapes and features in the candlelight. Jonathan stood there looking as utterly brokenhearted as a man could be. Joseph had a smug grin on his face as if he’d just caught you committing a crime. Josuke’s face was contorted in a vicious snarl while his fists were clenched by his sides. Ever so often his left eye would twitch indicating that he may be on the verge of a psychotic break. Giorno offered you a placid smile that was off putting when set against the coldness of his eyes. 
Your eyes darted nervously from one face to another before finally settling back on Jotaro’s. It was too much. You pushed away from the counter and ran out of the kitchen. A voice that probably belonged to Jonathan called out for you to stop but you paid it no attention. Luckily the kitchen was right next to the front door. Once you were outside, you could run to the neighbor’s house and get them to call the police. You wouldn’t dare tell them the truth. What would you even say? You couldn’t tell them that five fictional characters from an anime had invaded your house. They’d think you were on something. You would just tell them that someone had broken into your house. That’s all. Honestly, you didn’t know what the hell the police could do against them, but you didn’t know what else to do. You reached the front door but your hand froze just as you were about to unlock the door and yank it open. 
Two people were staring down at you from the window in the front door, two people you recognized. Kars looked down his nose at you with a haughty expression. He looked ever so much like a strict parent that had just caught his kid trying to sneak out of the house. DIO on the other hand had the most sadistic smile on his face. He made a “come-hither” gesture with his clawed hand as if he fully expected you to just open the door and throw yourself at him. Their eyes glowed with a hellish light and you couldn’t take the sight of them. You screamed and backed away from the door. As you stepped back, you saw two other familiar faces staring at you from the windows on either side of the door. Doppio had one hand pressed against the glass while the other hand held a rock from the garden to his ear as if it were a cell phone. One of his eyes had changed to a jade green color and glared at you with intense rage. His other, normal eye had a pitiful, disappointed look in it. From the other window Kira stared at you with an utterly emotionless expression. You didn’t dare speculate on what kind of thoughts could be going through his head at that moment. You screamed again and started to turn and run towards the back door…
“Star Platinum!” 
Suddenly you were held tight in an iron like hold. An invisible hand covered your mouth preventing you from screaming anymore. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that you were being held in place by Jotaro’s Stand. Struggling in Star Platinum’s grip was useless so you just hung there in midair as Jotaro approached you. 
“We weren’t done talking.” he snapped. 
He leaned in slightly and you got a whiff of cigarette smoke mixed with cologne. 
“Now you listen and you listen good,” he started to say. He held up a single finger.
“One. Just one more chance. That’s all you get. Come back to us and there won’t be a problem. Leave us again and it will get ugly.” he said, glancing up at the villains peering through the windows. His upper lip curled in disgust when he locked eyes with DIO and Kira, but only for a moment before his eyes were back on you. 
“Is that understood?” he asked. 
You nodded your head, whimpering behind Star Platinum’s invisible palm. 
You don’t know what happened after that. You just woke up in your bed with a pounding headache. 
“Fuck…” you groaned, pressing your hands to your temples. 
You felt awful. You could only guess that you just simply didn’t sleep very well. Damn nightmares. What was with that dream? Was it all because you felt guilty about leaving the JoJo fandom? You grumbled and rolled out of bed. You were going to need to take something for that headache. First you needed to get a glass of water. You stumbled off to the kitchen getting an uncomfortable feeling of deja vu. The moment you entered the kitchen, your eyes glanced to the kitchen table and you nearly fainted. 
The candle was out, but it was smoking as if it had only been put out mere moments ago. The cigarette butt that rested on the saucer that had been used as a makeshift ashtray was also still smoking. 
That night you made it a point to sit down and watch a few episodes of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure starting with Phantom Blood. You planned to rewatch the entire series from the very beginning all the way to Stone Ocean. With each episode you watched, you noticed that ever so often a character’s eyes would slide over towards you as if making sure you were still there, watching them. Sometimes it would be one of the main characters. Sometimes it would be one of the villains. Sometimes it would be a side character. Regardless, they all kept checking to see if you were watching. Every day, you would make it a point to watch at least one episode of JoJo, no matter what. You didn’t dare skip out on your daily dose of JoJo. You also never went back to the other anime you’d been watching after you left the JoJo fandom. No, you learned your lesson. You were familiar enough with Jotaro’s character to know that he only gave people one chance and no more. Just like with Rubber Soul and Steely Dan. He gave them both a chance to leave mostly unscathed but they both decided to turn on him at the last minute. They both were punished severely. You weren’t going to make that same mistake. 
So you sat there on the couch, stiff and terrified as you watched your “favorite” anime… 
… like a good little fan should…
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Yandere Dio Brando (part 1)
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Dio would be a possessive, manipulative and mentally sadistic yandere.
he would definitely "fall in love" with you just because Jonathan liked you.
This would really be the only reason to begin with.
And in his opinion, that would be perfectly sufficient.
Dio could be REALLY charming at first.
It would be very likely that you would fall for it.
And if you did there would be no way out.
Dio would develop feelings for you slowly.
And he really wouldn't know what to do with them.
Dio really doesn't understand anything about love.
His possessive and jealous side would often come out.
Especially if you said ANYTHING positive about Jonathan.
Actually, Jonathan's name should never be mentioned.
That would be an instant punishment.
And Dio's punishments are nasty.
They would not be visible.
No one would ever notice the toxic nuances in your relationship.
And no one would believe you either.
Dio would seem like the perfect partner.
Maybe he targets the area covered by the clothes.
Like hands, feet, etc.
Or it would be mental…
If you have a dog, be careful.
Sometimes Dio could be bonding.
If you would obey him.
These moments would be rare.
But there would be these.
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What WOULD'VE happen if its the jofoes who saw a kid up skirting reader aka their darling?
I know they're villains and is very much cruel, but they wouldn't kill a child...right? (1-8, since the jofoes in P-9 haven't been revealed yet.)
Hmmm I could see a couple of instances of that happening, sadly (but I mean they are villains, but some are more restrained than others, perhaps more for image than anything)
Yandere! Part 1 (Pre Vampire) Dio - I could see this going with him yanking the brats hair and shoving them to the ground. It’s fairly easy for him to maintain his positive status to outsiders, so he could have something happen to them later (but I’d consider this the best outcome for that kid).
Yandere! Post Vampire Dio
Big chance this kid may die by being manipulated by Dio himself, he might decide to turn them/zombify them by apologizing and groveling (chance they could attack their own family). There’s also a chance the kid could just flat out be devoured by the other zombies, the blond wouldn’t even flinch at that. If he’s sorely out of patience he might kill/maim them himself, but it never would come to that. Keep in mind Dio was the type to turn a mother into a vampire and she ended up eating her own child.
Yandere! Kars
Absolutely no cares given about slaughtering a child, not even joking here. He only cares about you, not some slimy brat that decided to pull some nonsense on you. He’d probably lick you clean of the blood afterwards as well. No matter how mad or upset you got, would not make him anymore remorseful for the dead body strewn on the ground.
Yandere! Part 3 DIO
You’d more than likely be held captive in the mansion he’s in, within Egypt so this happening is unlikely. But in the unlikely event something like this happens, he’ll state how brazenly stupid such a move was. Unless he can use the kid in someway, he really doesn’t care what happens to them. So he might “punish” the kid as he sees it fit or have a stand user take care of them.
Yandere! Yoshikage Kira
As long as this kid didn’t see his rather “unusual” indulgences in the past, he doesn’t see a need to murder them right there, though I could see him consider it internally, where the kid wouldn’t be seen. He’s absolutely miffed however, and does grab their hand in a painful way though. Gives them the nastiest glare and reprimand there is, and the kid probably runs off heavily unsettled.
Yandere! Diavolo
Doppio is likely the one to take care of this of course, not that Diavolo he himself isn’t miffed. This probably just makes him consider to keep you locked away somewhere permanently. (This probably happens shortly after this little thing). Doppio makes sure to get it through this kids head, with the harshest grip known to man, that you don’t go doing that to anyone. Let alone anyone he or his boss likes.
Yandere! Enrico Pucci
His reaction is interesting, he is irritated perhaps even a bit visibly by this child’s behavior. He can’t let this kid get away with deciding to upskirt his darling either. He also is a priest image wise, so he has that to consider when punishing this adolescent person. He still has a firm grip on them and decides to take them aside and talk. He’ll face away from you while doing so, and moments later the kid is suddenly apologizing. You can’t tell if Pucci has an uncanny knack for speaking with people or if it’s something else. (It’s likely both).
Yandere! Funny Valentine
He’ll stop this kid almost immediately and there’s a sound of a smack to the back of the head. A stern look and a small speech about respect, Funny Valentine somehow manages to make the kid shame with those words. He wouldn’t let the kid run either and would personally escort them back home to their parents. As busy as he is as a president something childish like that won’t be overlooked by him. There’s a brief dark look in his eye, he can pull the strings to make things happen, he just doesn’t feel the need to expend them here. He does ask you to follow him closer for now on, (maybe an extra guard but he finds it more efficient to be the one to protect you)
Yandere! Toru
He certainly doesn’t appreciate it, and somehow they end up tripping or have some little mishap happen. Yet there’s a bit of a hum in his voice when he tells them he shouldn’t be doing such a thing to people. Any anger or frustration that gets thrown off at Toru, he nonchalantly brushes off. Suggesting the kid apologize, and nothing more will come of it. But there is a stern veiled threat in there somewhere that makes the kid decide to walk off.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
I see you got Jojo's Bizarre Adventure on the request list. What about this concept: yandere part 3!Dio with a darling who is a Joestar(perhaps Jotaro's relative of some sort), that came to Egypt with the rest of Stardust Crusaders to kill him. Romantic please!
I made the pairing more platonic because while I love writing romantic Dio... but he is technically part of the Joestar family due to Jonathan in part 3? His intentions are ambiguous but I made the pairing platonic, I'm sorry :(
Not proofread, expect mistakes!
Yandere! DIO with Joestar! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Possessive behavior, Inner conflict, Murder, Manipulation, Sadism, Kidnapping, Human pet mention, Angst, Forced companionship.
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Dio with a Joestar! Darling opens up idea that I adore.
He's dedicated his life to eliminating Jonathan's bloodline.
Since stealing Jonathan's body he can sense his descendents.
So obviously he knows of Joseph, he knows of Jotaro...
He knows of you.
He obviously keeps an eye on the whole group.
You're the older sibling of Jotaro, much more behaved than the younger Kujo... in terms of not getting thrown into jail 24/7.
You have developed a stand like every Joestar after Dio inflicted himself with an arrow.
As a result you join the Crusaders to help save you and Jotaro's mother, Holly.
Dio fully expects to kill you along with the rest.
However, as you go through trial after trial... stand user after stand user... Dio finds himself getting more and more interested.
An obsession with you makes the vampire conflicted.
After all... he's meant to kill you.
He wants to kill Joseph and Jotaro, but why not you?
You obviously want him dead... but he keeps thinking of others plans for you.
The obsession he has for you makes the vampire irritated.
He isn't quite sure why he's so fond of you... this isn't like him.
He may even blame it on Jonathan somehow.
He thinks he doesn't have to kill you... maybe he can just toy with you?
Kill your friends and family in front of you... trap you with him... control you....
Such thoughts are much more appealing to him than outright killing you.
He often sends minions to watch your progress.
He orders them to tell him all about you, learning about you eagerly like some research project.
I personally think the feelings he has towards you are more akin to something familial if you're a Joestar.
He blames it on Jonathan's blood making him go all soft towards you.
For one reason or another Dio wants to keep you while getting rid of the rest.
His intentions no doubt are to make you some sort of servant.
Yet at the same time he can't help but feel a certain fondness that makes him want to care for you.
Care for you?
He's a hypocrite... but he always has been, hasn’t he?
Eventually Dio may cave into his odd obsession.
You don't leave his mind and he can't quite take it anymore.
Eventually he'll kidnap you.
It may be before his big battle, it may be after.
Dio intends to win and isolate you.
Hopefully that's enough to soothe his soft fondness towards you.
When Dio eventually encounters you he makes his intentions clear.
He's going to kill your friends... he's going to kill your grandfather... he's going to kill your brother...
But he won't kill you.
Your loved ones perishing in front of you should be enough of a punishment, yeah?
Dio can't help but feel attached as his eyes land on you.
A Joestar... but one he wants to spare.
You're an enigma to him.
An enigma he plans to keep to himself.
Far as he knows he's succeeded in his goals by killing everyone but you.
You may have a stand but you're not as powerful as him.
Especially when he has the Joestar blood from Joseph and Jotaro in his veins now.
You're completely powerless against him.
He can pull you into his lap and treat you well... you'll be the perfect pet for him to play with.
He wants to be cruel to you... but part of him wants to be comforting.
Unable to push his fondness towards you away... he reluctantly embraces it...
He embraces you.
Even as you squirm... he doesn't let go.
You're his now... all his...
Reluctantly... yet also because he feels he has to... he cares for you as though you were a sibling he never had... or had lost long ago.
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princelylove · 9 months
yknow dio is a little freak. all of them. all of them dios are just freaks. they're a little weird. a bit silly. your peon that's rewatching phantom blood--- 🌸 anon
I think every Brando is a little Off, no matter how hard they try to present otherwise. 
Giorno is a little too perfect, DIO is… himself, Diego’s mood swings will always ruin the act he puts on for you… you really cannot win. 
There’s a very consistent theme between my interpretations of them, and it’s fairly obvious what links them! Ambition and possession drive their very beings. There’s always more in the world, and it’s going to be theirs. Why settle when their goals are, arguably, extremely obtainable? 
The hidden theme is violence, by the way. Giorno may be calm, but that’s arguably the worst part. Would you rather deal with Diego, who could rip your head off of your shoulders whenever he hears something he doesn’t like, or with Giorno, who smiles softly while telling Guido to shoot only your legs? They don’t take kindly to transgressions. 
They all smell nice though! It doesn’t matter that you’re isolated, you smell roses constantly. Roses and orchids, in Giorno’s case. 
I, ironically, see DIO as the most romantic. He cares about you choosing him, about wanting him, and about how you generally think of him. In his old age (Which is crazy to say about a mental 25 year old, physical 125 year old…) he’s calmed down, if you prefer the Dio that’s in constant fight or flight mode then you need to go back a few parts. 
You can get away with a lot more if you’re dealing with an older DIO, he finds it amusing to see your little tantrums. Aw, my poor thing, it’s alright. Walk out of the room, blink, and you’re back where he’d prefer you to sit. You arguably have more freedom with him than his counterpart and son, he actually lets you out of his sight, as long as you have an escort. Vanilla isn’t so bad, and if you don’t like him, you can take someone else. Mariah won’t give you a hard time if DIO tells her to behave, and you know what? Hol Horse can be entertaining when he isn’t in one of his “I could totally shoot DIO…” moods. I recommend taking Vanilla, as he doesn't try to amuse you the entire time. 
Younger Dio, DIO in general actually, just wants to be loved. If you can’t do that for him, he’ll break you in. You get whatever you ask for- gifts, quality time, lack of quality time… of course, if you’re not spending time with him, you’re spending it alone. You’d be a free range darling if you weren’t so bent on denying him the simple thing he requires. All of those privileges I just mentioned won’t be happening until you give him something. Anything. 
He stares at you like he needs to study you and you’re ever-changing. Dio cares about you more than he cares about himself, which is a pretty bold statement. The man who announces his every word is suddenly gently whispering to talk to you- he’ll even physically lower himself to get on your level. DIO’s adjusted fairly well to modern culture, but not modern courtship. His face has been carrying him in his endeavors. 
Giorno takes after his father in many, many ways, but with him, you’re meant to choose him from the beginning. There isn’t a need to break you in if he can successfully lure you in. Whenever you argue against him, he always brings up the very simple fact that you chose him. He didn’t kidnap you, he never forced you, these are all your choices that got you here. He extends this philosophy to his subordinates in Passione- it doesn’t matter if they die for him because they willingly joined, even if they joined because “Oh my god Boss is kinda hot…” 
He does love to play, though. This little prince loves his toys, and more often than not, he’ll take up your offer to play with him. Let’s play chase, or wrestle. He may not be strong, but he fights dirty. He knows you’re not playing, and genuinely trying to kill him, so it’s hardly fair if he doesn’t. If you pin him while he has a bodyguard working, he’ll pretend to be in distress (Which, he actually is, but he’ll play up the damsel in distress act to make Mr. Mista act quickly), and soon you’ll find yourself on the ground with a gun to the back of your head, or on the ground struggling to get Sheila E off of you. 
Perhaps you should pick chess next time. 
Although, Mr. “We have to steal a hundred cars!” is just not normal in general. Who comes to that conclusion naturally? Odd. The way he just knows things is weird, too. Things you haven’t mentioned to anyone are treated as if they’re common knowledge. His presence is unnerving, and it’s difficult to point out why. His voice is charming and, if anything, soothing to hear. He has the voice of someone you could listen to for hours without a hint of fatigue, he always smells wonderful, he doesn’t overstep any of your personal boundaries, which must be a natural thing, since you never gave him a formal list. 
Diego has no such luxury of bodyguards or a humanoid stand that can pin you for him (Except in the alternate universe where he has the world), so it’s up to him to restrain you himself. He has….. So many complexes that I’d have to do an independent character study from this post to truly get into it. Diego likes to play too, sure, but he won’t call it playing- he calls it you giving him attention and finally worshipping him. While DIO and Giorno are you-centric, Diego is no such thing. Love him. Worship him. Be obsessed with HIM why does he have to be obsessed with a stupid human being like you.
Diego can be a little rough, but it isn’t intentional. All of his fake gentlemanly habits went out the window when he transformed for the first time- Which he mourns a little bit, but won’t make the effort to get back into, so he can’t possibly miss prissy, aristocratic life that much. Hotpants has to regularly put him in his place, and when she learns about you… she’ll give you a couple tips for it, but won’t help you out. That’s your problem. Sure, vent to her about how he’s eating rocks again, whatever, she’s not helping you escape. 
Diego naturally tilts his head to the side to see you better despite being human and not needing to. Whenever you get up to leave he pounces on you and digs his nails into your legs so you can’t move, and he’ll smell you whenever he lost track of you for a bit to check who you’ve been around. If it’s not someone he trusts (Which is about two people, one being dead.), then you’re in for a new scar or two. 
But even with their yandere ‘tendencies,’ they’re also just…. Odd! All of them! What do you mean do I believe in fate you are a STRANGER.  This list is so funny. Princely/Angelic type who can’t be left alone, man with a god complex who learned self control just for you, and a feral dog you trained on accident.
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
sometimes all the time i just wanna be spoiled and praised by my yanderes ,,.., i love being good and doing what they want so they say nice things and reward me!! esp if someone like dio or lucifer praise me knowng they dont do it to most people <33 it fills me with so much euphoria and makes me so horny knowing they treat me special because i do stuff they want me to do -📱
Dio and Lucifer withhold their praise, treating kindness like gold.
Lucifer seems to be more likely to go around and tell others under no circumstance are you to be praised; maybe going the route of insulting you around them and rewarding them with his jovial attitude if they insult you (because mind you, Lucifer convinces everyone that he's hard to please, and if throwing someone else under the bus gets them an easy way to keep Lucifer pleased, then it's a necessary sacrifice). And with no other way to get your praise, you'll have to do whatever it takes to make Lucifer smile at you, calling you clever, or diligent, expressing that he's proud of how you've grown.
Dio on the other hand seems like he's going to send the same message, but why bother with being subtle? You will be publically degraded and humiliated constantly. Be it in the streets of London, or in the front hall of his Manor in Cario, you will be embarrassed for Dio's amusement. And the message of your indecency makes its way around the right circles-- London thinks you've lost your value from being goaded into trouble by Dio. And Dio's servants think you're a weak toy, to be trodded on by their master.
Either way, Dio becomes the only person who is capable of regarding you fondly, even if he is usually your tormentor. He extends aid by letting you rinse out your wounds in his bathroom, carrying you if you need. Propping you up against his headboard as he sits next to you, reading. Asking you about your philosophy as he reads, listening intently to your answers, praising you for a unique insight into a passage he's reading, and lying against you as he reads some more. You're quite comfortable, you know.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Any JoJo characters you want with a darling who is terrified of them and genuinely believes they're out to hurt them because they know them for having a bad reputation or they saw them following them around.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, stalking, threats, manipulation, control, abduction
Darling is terrified of them
Dio Brando
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🩸​Everyone else seems to be utterly charmed by his charisma yet you are one of the few that stray away from the young man. You've heard the stories from Jonathan and Erina and know that both of them would never lie so you do your best to avoid Dio. You're loyal to your friends which is something Dio takes notice of and as admirable as your loyalty might be, he wants to make the Joestar's life a living hell so he wants to steal you away as well, one of the very few people who still stand up for him. Initially he just goes on about it as usual with his charm and his charisma yet you reject him, flee from him since you're scared of the man. He's more amused initially, sees it as a small and fun challenge you provide him with. Your fear of him is adorable since he loves being in the domineering position yet he wants to change that attitude of yours into one of adoration. You suddenly receive much attention from him as he seemingly pops up wherever you are and it freaks you out.
🩸​He's beloved in the town so he uses all of his supporters to get closer to you, your friends are soon after his admirers as well as he infiltrates your circle of friends. They end up dragging you along when he hangs out with his admirers though his attention stays most of the time on you. They adore him which results in you breaking contact with them since they're unable to understand your fear yet running to the Joestar will be futile, Dio makes sure. You're alone and defenseless, perfect for him since there's no one who could interfere now. He still portrays himself as charming as ever, offers you to walk you home on late nights which never requires your consent since he does it anyways. Sometimes he's especially extravagant, gifts you red roses or other fine presents which you reject and throw away. Dio is terrible as he even starts seeking out your parents who end up urging you to get to know this fine gentleman better and it's then that you're convinced that he wants to ruin your life as well.
🩸​As amusing as this game is where you play the frightened and adorable mouse, at one point Dio grows a bit frustrated with your constant rejection and fear since he is rather arrogant and his ego takes a few scratched because you don't fall for his charms. He grows obsessed with the thought of having your affection for himself, your love for himself. He's suddenly more possessive, grows spiteful if you ever mention Jojo in front of him, ends up mocking the Joestar and boasts that he's better, that he's taken away everything from him. Forceful and hungry kisses from his sides as he starts following you everywhere. Sugar-coated threats to stay with him and spend more time with him or otherwise he will end up humiliating that precious friend Jojo of yours even more. Imidiate abduction the moment he's turned into a vampire who fawns in a sickenly sweet way over your clear fear of him. Dio is stronger now though, has an army of underlings and is sure that he can manipulate you into adoring him.
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☀️​You're screwed in every sense the moment you catch the interest of this Pillar Man here. Kars is an individual shown to have absolutely no remorse to fulfill his goals and is more than willing to ruthlessly cheat and use all means necessary to obtain what he wants. Precisely why his darling is finished when he grows so obsessed with them since he sees himself as superior, won't take their own feelings into consideration and just kidnaps them. He's awfully possessive, wants to own you for himself. Whilst he knows what your first reaction will be after being kidnapped, he somehow expects you to understand your position quickly and obey him. You're only a human after all whilst he is incredibly close to being the perfect being, a god. You should consider yourself honored that he has decided to keep you by his side to watch how he conquers the world for himself. Kars is more sadistic so he probably enjoys your fear if it means that you don't go against his word.
☀️​He doesn't mind a little bit of fear, in fact he might even prefer it that way. Only plain fear isn't his ultimate goal either since similar to Dio, he also wants that his darling at least adores him a bit. He is less charming about it though, you already know what he is after all and he is more forceful anyways. He teaches you very much like a owner teaches his pet. Whilst he does look down on you for being a mere human and gives you due to that the clear impression that he looks down on you and doesn't respect you, if he discovers over time something he admires about you he might tend to see you a bit better than the average human though you're still under him. Initially you just get this terrifying grin of his when he notices your fear, is definitely not above mocking you for your weakness and expresses the difference in power on multiple times by literally forcing his touches on you.
☀️​You have no chance to escape him anyways, not when he has Esidesi and Wamuu by his side, though Kars alone is a force to be reckoned with. The Pillar Man struggles when he realizes that he might desire more than just your obedience, he might get somewhat snappy for a while, especially when with you, when he catches himself growing softer when you're actually genuinely nice and don't only look at him in fear. He despises the soft spot he develops and how he actually feels sometimes guilty for installing so much fear into you to the point where you genuinely believe he is going to kill you. He grows to care a bit more and start viewing you as something more potential than just a little pet. He attempts to be a bit more nicer by giving you presents and being more friendly around you yet there is this annoyed scoff on his face when you hurry away from him out of fear. He'll somehow make you love him though, no matter through what methods.
Kujo Jotaro
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🌌Jotaro has a certain reputation for being a violent delinquent, he's even been arrested once before. So even despite his good looks and most girls in school swooning for him, you can't help but feel intimidated by him. You just can't read him besides the few times where he snaps at someone if they bother him, decide it's best to just avoid him. So when you start to realize that his eyes constantly seem to follow you around whenever you enter his field of vision, you start to break out in cold sweat. Even if he isn't talking with you, the sheer intensity of his stare alone has you already shivering whilst you try to think about something you might have done to potentially annoy him somehow yet you can't think of anything. So you try to avoid him even more, flee to the toilet or outside as soon as you spot him in the crowd. You try to somehow ignore him and the few times you dare to turn around, you shrink as soon as you two meet eyes. Those unreadable and hard eyes which seem to drill through you.
🌌​Jotaro is a perceptive guy, one who appears to be somewhat conflicted about his growing obsession. He keeps his distance due to that, mainly observes you from a bit further away. He's most likely aware of his cold and intimidating exterior, knows he has a bit of a bad reputation yet when he notices how you quickly turn around and run away as soon as you see him, he can't help but feel a bit let down. The man has troubles expressing himself, tries especially hard to not let anyone notice his obsession over you which is why he often comes over as rude and cold as he is yet he doesn't wish that you feel scared of him. He always feels a bit hurt when you hurry away as soon as he tries to approach you, how you can't even muster the strength to look him into his eyes and how your voice is quiet when you do talk to him for a bit only to cut the conversation as short as you can. He's more patient yet the growing frustration gnaws his patience slowly away.
🌌​He really does attempt to show you that he doesn't plan to yell at you or hurt you, he's quite hurt when he hears from others what you think of him. He tries to help you with school stuff, offers you to carry something when you struggle to do so alone. But all of his approaches are shut down quickly, no matter what he attempts to do. He bottles all of his frustration up even if he comes over as even more rude if someone gets on his nerves due to his supressed frustration. Jotaro at the very least tries to not snap and be rude when you're somewhere around though so he doesn't worsen your image you have about him even more. Eventually his patience runs dry though and he decides to be a bit more forceful. He drags you somewhere where the two of you are alone, makes sure to trap you so you don't run away and forces you like this into a conversation. He admits that your irrational fear of him hurts him and that he wants to get to know you better.
Yamagishi Yukako
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💇‍♀️​Her mere presence around others, normally very aloof and unwelcoming, is probably enough to make you a bit scared around Yukako already. She just appears as such a tough and cold woman yet you freak out even more when she suddenly starts following you anywhere. Her cold exterior seemingly disappears around you as she becomes sweet and coddling around you in an excessive way which freaks you out even more. Lunchboxes are prepared for you which she feeds you herself, any struggles in school she ends up helping you in frighteningly scary and strict ways and worst of all is her prone side to lashing out when something doesn't go her own way. Yukako seemingly lives in her own world where she expects you to do as she says, reciprocate her feelings and let her coddle you as she does. But instead she becomes a living nightmare for you since you are terrified of another violent outburst from her side even if she snaps out of it for a moment upon realizing that she slipped up and returns to her sweet and shy act.
💇‍♀️​You should know though that trying to avoid Yamagishi Yukako will end in terrible results. You anger her immensely by avoiding her like you do and she is a short-tempered woman so you increase the danger of her next violent outburst only tenfold. She is a girl who seeks out what she desires though so she quite literally hunts you down. When she sees you hanging out with someone else, she becomes crazily jealous and isn't shy to use her Stand Love Deluxe against anyone she thinks stands in her way of capturing you. Whilst she might try to keep up her sweet act for a while in an attempt to guilt-trip you, she's quick to abandon it and reveal her true nature if you were to ever tell her that you're absolutely terrified of her and fear that she might end up hurting you due to her ugly temper. Her left eye twitches in irritation before she loses it, blames you for seeing her in such a terrible light when she only tries to love you. She can't see the fault in herself, instead blames you and everyone around you.
💇‍♀️​She kidnaps you after you reveal how you truly feel about her, is determined to teach you better than that. You shouldn't talk to your lover like that after all, seems like she has to educate you a bit more. That is just basically brainwashing you into returning her affection and she is insanely strict with it. Your meals, your drinks and whether you have access to the toilet or not depends on how good she deems you to treat her. If you end up continuing to express your scared attitude around her, she tends to lose her patience and lash out loudly at you again though at one point she notices that she only scares you further with this and attempts to revert back to her nicer act. You're trapped inside her house as long as she doesn't think that you deserve to go outside so as long as you are immensely scared of her, you continue being a prisoner who is forcefully trained inside her house. Yukako ends up forcing all her affection onto you too since she sees it as the only way to get you used to it so you stop to feel scared.
Narancia Ghirga
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🧡​He falls so incredibly hard for his darling, is a lovesick puppy yet Narancia's upbringing has caused him to develop a certain behavior that ends up terrifying you. As endearing as he might be at first, his emotions are a mess and his darling notices that quickly. He's overly aggressive, prone to attack someone and you've heard the rumors about him threatening and even hurting people you might have met somewhere before. He's literally a timebomb and you are his trigger. Stay with him and pay attention to only him and he's merely a clingy and affection-starved mess, leave him and spend time with someone else instead and you have him already growing violent. You notice with horror how he ends up stalking you messily, follows you around everywhere and seems to cling onto a kind gesture you did for him once as some sort of confession from your side. He's emotional, cries and begs for you to stay and manipulates and guilt-trips you to only spend time with him.
🧡​Narancia is in despair when he realizes that you are terrified of him, the look you give him shatters his heart and he most likely bursts out in tears sooner or later. He despises the fear in your eyes since it hurts him terribly. He might grow frantic, run to you and try to explain frantically that he'd never hurt you. He adores you way too much! Unable to understand that his behavior might creep you out since he's oblivious to his obsession, he turns his ire for a while to everyone around you. Surely they must have told you bad things about him which results in even more aggressive behavior from his side. It isn't until you yell at him one day when you catch him following you again that he creeps you out and that you are horrified due to his violent outbreaks and terrifying clinginess, that you want to be left alone from him since he's insane. He's frozen in his tracks as you hurry away from him, starts crying frantically soon after and you don't dare to turn around when you hear him shrieking your name.
🧡​Congratulations, you've done it! Narancia has abandonment issues, is absolutely terrified that his darling might leave him so he's bound to break at one point. He can't handle you fearing him and avoiding him, his heart is already a bloody mess so he can't take anymore. He's especially frantic due to him being aware that he's your biggest fear. Somehow he manages to convince himself that by kidnapping you and keeping you to himself, he can clear up the misunderstanding you two have going on. Somehow he will find a way to fix this broken relationship and your perception of him yet he can't help his cries when you express your fear against him especially strong. He's paranoid, ties you up so you can't run away and constantly clings onto you to show you that he won't hurt you. Occasionally he might suffer from another small meltdown though where he cries and shouts at you that you don't even give him a chance.
Narciso Anasui
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💓​You've been warned by fellow inmates about Anasui, you've been informed about his weird tick to disable everything and how he murdered his girlfriend and the man she was cheating with. Even as another prisoner, you can't help but fear him a bit as well and even if you two might be separated due to s/o being female and him being normally very quiet and aloof around others, you can't help but get slight shivers. Unfortunately for you it only takes a small thing for Anasui to gain interest in you. Don't think that distance will save you since he finds a way to stalk you and steal your things. Even if you have no proof that it's him, you still know that the sudden disappearance of your things and even the loss of a few strands of your hair is his doing. You just have a gut feeling whenever you two meet eyes and he gives you this besotted smile of his, whenever you hear him calling your name as if you're his everything. What he perceives as utterly romantic, you perceive as utterly obsessive.
💓​Anasui may try to play the noble and romantic guy as much as he wants, you are not blind to the stares he gives anyone who gets too close to you, a scary glimmer in those pink eyes of his. You know well that he's at fault whenever an inmate you got along especially well with or someone that attempts to flirt with you suddenly disappears and at the very best a few scattered limbs of them are found. You fear that his mere obsession might lead to him committing the same crime against you he committed before against his previous lover. Taking his fascination with disabling things into consideration, you think that you have a valued reason behind your growing anxiety. You try to avoid him as good as you can, spend most of your time gladly in your cell if it means that you don't have to face him. You only hear the stories from others of how Anasui seems more irritated and more aggressive which only increases your fear. The male grows more violent the more he doesn't see you which increases his longing.
💓​Sadly he is not one to give up, instead he starts planning how he can lure you out of your cell to see you again, uses Diver Down mercilessly to his advantage. Once you two cross paths, he's quick to use his Stand to prevent you from running away from him, catches you as you are about to trip and fall down. You poor thing are shaking in his arms, terrified of the man who is tightly holding onto you and whispers sweet words of love and promises of a future together in your ear and how he's terribly missed you. His touches and his closeness is highly inappropriate yet he doesn't see the wrong in it. You might express your fear as much as you want, it completely flies over his head and instead he only seems to dote on you even more. In the worst case he shuts you up with a kiss which he will enjoy whilst you might want to burst out into tears. When you two are forced apart, he tells you that he'll always watch over you which only adds to your growing paranoia as you realize that you're not even in your cell safe.
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dilfartist · 2 years
His one and only (short)
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Tw; {Nsfw, kidnapping, dark themes, Nsfw mentions, cheating, Dio’s an asshole, Stockholm syndrome}
A/n; sorry if this is bad. I've been going into writer's block and I wanted to try writing something to get me into the mood again. Hopefully you enjoy!
None of your futile endeavors have silenced the noises. Even with both hands pressing against your ears, the moans and squeals of sexual ecstasy were audible.
As much as you would like to simply leave the room and explore the mansion’s halls to pass the time, Dio wouldn't allow you to. Even if you were to quietly leave the room for a second, Dio would know.
And you didn't want to double the punishment. Staying in the room itself was a punishment.
Anytime you deny Dio sexual pleasure, Dio leaves and returns an hour or two later with random women he bought home from the street or bar. Each one surpasses you in attractiveness, making you feel self-conscious.
Though you don't care for Dio’s opinions - or so you tell yourself- it always pains you to see the difference between you and the woman Dio brings home.
He chooses each one carefully. Searching for a woman or women that have something you’re insecure about. You find yourself questioning the truth of his words. Dio claims you to be the woman he adores and yet sees a woman with no resemblance to you attractive.
Perhaps, the love he preaches is faux. A lie to cover the fact he enjoys having a piece of his past around.
During the session, he leaves the door ajar for all the sounds of pleasure to slip into the room you’re told to stay in. You hear all the dirty words he tells them- all the ones he uses when you agree to sleep with him- only this time does he sound like he's enjoying himself more.
Then when the session comes to an end, he murders the women, drinks their blood, and kicks their bodies off to the side, allowing you to enter the room once again. He’d cuddle you still covered in the scent of the women as a reminder of what took place not too long ago; right in the bed, you lay in.
Usually, you could bury your emotions, however today that was not the case.
Salty tears dripped down your chin, staining the shirt one size too large. “Stop.” you pleaded quietly. Who were you pleading to? Yourself, or maybe even God; you didn't care who, as long as your tears ceased
The headboard of the bed smashing against the wall foreshadowed Dio’s climax. If you wanted to save yourself the embarrassment, then you'd act quickly to hide your face.
Swiftly you spun the armchair you sat on, grabbing the closest novel in reach, skipping pages to seem engrossed.
“Ah, Dio!” A female voice squealed, unmistakably climaxing. On cue, the headboard’s banging comes to a halt.
For a couple of minutes, the mansion was in complete stillness. Something so normal shouldn’t form a pit in your stomach, but it did.
Then suddenly, the door to the bedroom opens with a whine. You shiver, gripping the novel closer. You started to read, to really give the impression you’ve been reading the whole time.
“Ah, there you are dearest.” Dio coos, spinning the chair to face you. Dio must already know you've been crying, since there is amusement clear in his tone. Although the book covers the devil’s face, you can sense the smug smirk he wears.
In the blink of an eye, the novel is set aside. Dio takes your face into the palms of his hands, bringing you forwards to examine your puffy eyes.
“Please, Dio, leave me alone for once.” you feel yourself close to tears again. You want to push his hands away, but you can't; you know he won't allow it.
“Why do you cry?“ Dio jeered curiously. “From the begging of our youth, you’ve denied my advances, so why do you cry?”
He wanted you to say it. He wanted to hear you utter the words you’ve tried so hard to deny.
“I have no choice but to love you, Dio. Ever since the night, you turned me immortal all those years ago: I've had no one else to rely on. Only for you to throw away everything by sleeping with other women.”
Humiliated by the confession, you cover your face. You don't want to see Dio’s satisfied expression, it was the last thing you wanted.
“There's no need to be jealous, dearest.” Dio uncovers your face by taking your hands into his own.
Gently, Dio kisses the back of your hand. His eyes meet yours, “For you shall always be my one and only.”
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
You're Mine (Pt. 3 Yandere Dio Brando x Reader)
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Small Summary: Your family gave you to Dio in exchange for money and riches. Dio took a liking to you even though you would reject him and even fight him so he wouldn't touch you. He began to have a liking for that.
Small mentions: SPOILERS, f!reader, manipulation, toxic relationship, Yandere Dio, ownership, biting, marking, possessiveness, suggestive praise kink
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Why?! Why am I the only one that lives?! He killed those girls like it was nothing. Why?!
I was the only one that didn't throw myself at his feet. He's had countless women and he choose me, the only one that wasn't as interested in him as the others were. He sucked their blood and disposed of their bodies. Where do I go? Where can I hide? I need to escape him before he gets to me.
"Where are you, my princess?" Dio called for me, his voice echoing throughout the mansion, "You can't hide from me forever." I knew I couldn't go far from him, the last I heard was that Enyaba was teaching him how to stop time. I don't understand what she meant by that, but I know I'm in danger with each passing second. He may have stopped time a few times already and maybe watching me now.
Why can't you just let me go, Dio? I rejected him and would even fight against his hold at times, and yet... he still wants me. What makes you want to have me? I don't want to be here I need to escape. I made my way towards the front door opening it, the sounds echoed throughout the empty mansion.
"I see you're trying to leave me," His voice sounded closer I turned around, and he was standing at the top of the staircase, "You can go, but you won't get very far." When I opened the door there was a bird... a falcon to be exact. It stared at me with what I can sense was murderous intent. A chill went down my spine as I made eye contact with it, "I won't hurt you... just let me pass." The bird opened its mouth, and no sound was heard but I knew something wasn't right. I quickly shut the door, there was a loud thud that followed. That bird must be one of those things with supernatural powers.
I looked at the stairway, Dio was no longer there. "Where did he go?" I said to myself as I looked around and couldn't find him. If I were to somehow make it out that bird would come looking for me or he'll send his men to come and look for me. He's watching me I know that, I can still feel his presence nearby. 
I walked up the stairs, I excepted my fate being with Dio. I stood at the entrance of his room, "Princess I've seen you've given up on trying to leave, why's that?" I was now sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around me as he placed his head on my shoulder. "I don't have anywhere to go... and if I did leave you would punish me for it." He tightened his embrace a bit, "I would punish you for leaving me... I must know, why do you want to leave? Didn't your family bring you to me? Were they not drunks and only cared about money? My love, you're better staying here with me." 
He kissed my neck leaving a trail of kisses on my shoulder and back. I closed my eyes to hold back any tears. "I promise, I'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated." Before I know it, I was now pinned onto the bed with Dio hovering over me. "Now, now, princess don't cry." He wiped away a tear that slid down my eyes, I hadn't even noticed the tear had escaped my eyes, "I won't be rough with you this time around. Think of this as a gift from me to you." He gently placed a kiss on my lips. "Lo-lord Dio-"
"I want you to call me just Dio. Now that you're mine, formality is not needed from you. I want to hear you say my name until you can't anymore." My heart raced as he was now forcibly kissing me. I was glad it didn't go beyond that.
On that day I became Dio's property. I'd try escaping a few more times after and he always found me and punished me. I gave up and was now by his side when he needed me and when he didn't need me. "Good girl. You've learned your place. You're all mine and no one else's."
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Request for One-shot are open!
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diosnumber1slut · 1 year
Dom DIO X Sub Fem Y/n
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CONTAINS: (ddlg, spanking, degradation, humiliation, facial, sexting, mention of 18+ media being sent, if you squint very hard slight praise, yandere themes, y/n is a brat, brat-tamer DIO, yandere DIO)
First person, italic used for thoughts & texts
{Oh btw I also did a little insignificant playlist that you can listen to when you're reading it or maybe if you want to listen to it on a daily basis then go ahead!}
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“Daddy I’m back~” I said as I stepped in his luxurious penthouse.
Everything was in the colours of black and crimson with some touches of gold, the night skyline was absolutely breathtaking seen from above.
I didn’t find him anywhere so I decided to go and take a look in his office and when I opened the door I saw him sitting in his black leather chair with his back facing me “Well look who’s back~” then he said to me in a particular relaxed but still imposed tone “Sit down.” so I said as I sat down “Is there something wrong daddy?” then he replied to my question, menacingly, “So… how’s your ex doing without your presence hmm…good?” A voice inside of my head told me that he knew clearly that I had sex with my ex this evening but then that voice died out and I responded with “Y-yes he’s doing good without me…” “I stuttered fuck!” then he said “Then why were you at your ex boyfriend’s house this evening?…” then my blood froze as he turned around to face me then he stood up and there I saw his towering self, eclipsing me, “You respond to my messages and calls immediately but this evening you weren’t answering so I decided to track your location down and I saw that you were at your ex’s house…” he said teasingly as he approached me then he raised my head with his hand under my chin “You’ll be punished severely for it my naughty little slut…Now go to my room and wait for me.” he said in a menacing tone “Ok daddy…” I stood up and then I went straight to his room.
I waited for him patiently feeling a sort of suspense raising inside me. “What will he do? I wonder…~” I said between me and myself then all of a sudden the door opened “You’ve got some explaining to do…” he said in an imposing tone as he came towards me. He had only his black pants and white shirt on, his amber eyes were burning with wrath and his golden locks were flowing with each of his perfectly calculated steps then all of a sudden I was bent over his lap and then the first spanking of the night strikes my ass, I mewled out his name in pain then he spoke “What did I say about fucking other boys…” I said in a weary tone “I’m sorry daddyyy!~” he said furiously as he continued to spank me “You’ve been a very bad girl…”; after half an hour of spanking he took me off of his lap and bent me over the bed and rammed his entire length inside of my pussy and still gave me more of his generous spankings as he fucked me.
His pace was brutal and sadistic truly meant to hurt, then I saw that he took my phone from my purse and decided to take a video of myself getting fucked all the way out then he said “Say hi to your ex!” He roared angrily; I just moaned loudly begging him to have mercy on me then he chuckled darkly then I heard him say “Lay even a finger on her and I’ll kill you…Got it?” then he finished recording the video and continued to fuck me.
As he released himself inside of me he took his raging shaft out and took my phone again and took a quick pic of my wet womanhood spilling with his essence then he inserted it into my mouth, I felt myself gagging onto his enormous raging member.
I felt like if I was in a photoshoot for how many pictures he was taking of my messy self sucking on his throbbing cock “Was my little slut starving for daddy’s cock?…I mean after fucking your worthless ex you must be desperate for my precious touch~” He said tauntingly and as a response I hummed in ecstasy as his cock hit the back of my throat constantly then he chuckled menacingly looking down at my drooling mess.
He decided to start fucking my ass then he took a video of it; he gave a playful spank at my ass cheek “Ah!~” I moaned then he said “Ahh…my naughty little slut serves me so well…she’s literally made for me…~” he furiously said “Her existence is only meant for pleasuring my deepest carnal desires…” he said angrily as he finished recording.
I was going in overdrive with pleasure as his cock plowed in and out of my mouth then he decided to take some pictures of me sucking his cock dry “You look so pretty while you suck my cock~” I looked up at him “Aww such a cute little thing that you are…And to think that you are only mine~” he chuckled tauntingly “Hmmm?” he hummed and he faced at my phone and then he noticed three notifications from my ex, he immediately grabbed my phone and saw some texts coming from him that read “go fuck yourselves!”-“I hate you both!”-“I will kill you both!” then he laughed darkly at the ominous threats, he then said “Yeah keep on sucking my cock…Ngh- good girl~”. He just kept on going until he felt that he was going to come then he took his cock out of my throat and came all over my face and breast “Ooooh fuck yeah my sweet little girl…~” then he picked up my phone once again took one last picture at my messy self covered in his thick cum and sent it to him and then to my ex then he said out loud what he was texting to him “She belongs to me…touch her and I’ll make sure you’ll regret the day you’ve met her.” then he picked me up by my waistline and began kissing me roughly and passionately then he broke the kiss and said to me “Swear that you’ll never see any other guy but me…” then I said “I swear daddy~” then he said “Good…” then I said “I’m feeling sleepy daddyyyyyy…~” then we went to sleep together and before I fell asleep he patted my head and said “You’re such an obedient girl…you deserve a reward.” I then replied “Really?!” He then said “Yes…Tomorrow I’ll take you out wherever you like.” then I said “Thank you so much Daddy Dio I love you!” He then said as he gave a kiss on my forehead “I love you too my dear…” and then we both went to a peaceful slumber.
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dead-lausen-journeys · 5 months
Ayoo— I have a Series going on!
i apologize for being kinda dead here, but this is why, I'm literally obsessed with jjba rn and I can't focus on literally anything else. So, I'm making a yandere series over on my Wattpad that will cover all parts of JoJo, 1—9. It's called the Journeys Across!, series! Phantom Blood is out rn. So it'd be cool if y'all checked it out! 🙂
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thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The Jo-Foes: Dio/DIO)
Note: I'm going to post each character separately so I can get these out faster. I'm not satisfied with how this one came out. It felt really rushed at the end.
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Jealous Dio is… complicated. When his mother died, Dio thought that his ability to love had died with her. His heart had all but shriveled into a pitiful lump of muscle that pumped pure hate through his veins instead of blood. When he met you, a friend and classmate of his foster brother, Jonathan, he despised you just as he did everyone else. He thought you to be annoying, crude, and loud. You were no better than the shrill voiced shrews that hung around in the seedy taverns and alleyways of the slums. You were nothing but a filthy guttersnipe that had no business mingling with the upper class, and he had intended to put you back in your place. 
He bullied you as relentlessly as he did Jonathan, but his tactics were a bit different. At school, Dio sat behind you in class. Sometimes he would grab your braid and dip it into his inkwell, then play it off like an accident while his lackeys snickered at your outrage. Sometimes he would run past you after school and knock your books out of your hands. Once he managed to knock them right into a mud puddle. You screamed and stomped your foot at him while he grinned back at you. Then there was the time he put a snake on your desk causing you to get a rather unpleasant surprise when you lifted the lid. It wasn’t poisonous, just a garden snake he found and brought to school especially to torment you, but that didn’t stop you from screaming bloody murder in the middle of class and causing a commotion. 
Bullying you felt different than bullying Jonathan. With Jonathan, it was merely a part of his ultimate goal to take the Joestar inheritance for himself. He hated naive, noble-hearted fools like Jonathan and enjoyed making the boy miserable, but it wasn’t the same kind of joy as he got from making you angry. Dio started tormenting you mostly because he wanted to separate Jonathan from any friends he had, but you were stubborn. Nothing he did seemed to drive you away. He started to see you as a challenge. Bullying you had become something of a game for him and he started looking forward to seeing your angry face every day. 
As time went on, you, Dio, and Jonathan had grown older and something had changed in the dynamic between you and Dio. While Dio was purposely treating Jonathan more civilly in an effort to throw suspicion off of himself in his plans to get George Joestar out of the way, you had begun to treat him rather coldly. You no longer glared at him whenever he spoke to you. Now you looked down your nose at him with a stony expression. It very nearly drove him mad. You had no right to look at him that way! Dio wouldn’t allow anyone to look down on him… especially not you!! 
Over the years, Dio came to a realization. He liked you. He genuinely liked you. It wasn’t simply a tolerance he developed for you in the same way he tolerated the sycophantic stooges that followed him around. He had actually developed a fondness for you. At some point he realized that his bullying you wasn’t just for his own amusement. He wanted your attention. Though, now he wouldn’t settle for your anger. He wanted your approval. He wanted your affection. To have you look at him as if he was nothing but a slimy toad squirming at your feet made him want to strangle you. 
Dio couldn’t say what it was that drew him to you in the first place. Maybe it was the way your cute face scrunched up when you yelled at him? Could it be the way your eyes glistened when you smiled? Or perhaps it was your care-free attitude that pulled him in? Maybe it was all of those things. All that he knew was that his initial opinions on you had changed. Regardless of your humble upbringing, you had grown into someone of taste and refinement on par with the most noble-born debutante. And yet you still had that fiery side to you that he adored when you two were children. The problem was that whenever you cast your eyes upon him, your smile would drop and your eyes grew cold and empty. He couldn’t have that. 
“Why do you look at me with such disdain?” He asked you one day. “Don’t tell me you’re still angry about all the things I did to you when we were children?” 
You turned to him, eyes cold as ever. 
“I look at you this way because you can’t fool me, Dio.” You said, voice just as cold as your eyes. 
“Fool you?” Dio asked. 
“You may have everyone in town eating out of the palm of your hand and even Jonathan seems willing to let bygones be bygones, but I’m not. The things you did to me were nothing but childish games, but what you did to Jonathan was monstrous and I will never forgive you for it.” You said, before turning on your heel and walking away from him. 
Dio’s hands tightened into fists. He ground his teeth so hard he thought his jaw would break.
Always Jonathan!!
He should have known that blue haired buffon was the reason you were acting like this. You were so disgustingly loyal to his foster brother that it seemed impossible to separate the two of you. Dio would find a way to pull you away from Jonathan, though. No matter what it took, he would have you to himself. He would have to put his plan into play soon, and then he could find a way to sway you to his side. If not, he would force you to accept him. No one denys Dio Brando and gets away with it.
That’s how you found yourself snatched away from all you knew, trapped in a castle full of monsters with no known way to escape. Your mind was reeling at everything that had happened to you in the past few days. Jonathan had found out that Dio had been poisoning his father and confronted him with the police. The confrontation ended with Jonathan’s father being murdered, the Joestar mansion being burned to the ground, and Dio becoming some kind of real-life vampire. You found out that Jonathan was recovering in the hospital and planned to go and see him, but you never got the chance. In the middle of the night, Dio himself showed up at your house and took you away. Why you didn’t know. All that you knew is that what little humanity that remained in Dio had been expunged completely. He was now something wholly other and you were terrified of him. 
Dio had swept you away to a creepy old castle in a town you’d never heard of and locked you away. The whole place was crawling with zombies, vampires, hideous chimeric creatures that were mixtures of human and animal, and other things that you didn’t think existed outside of those sleazy penny dreadful horror stories your parents forbid you from reading. You spent most of your time cowering in the corner of the room trying to come to terms with your situation while Dio draped himself across a velvet tufted chaise and watched you. 
“Do stop all that wincing and trembling.” He said, scrunching up his nose. “It doesn’t suit you at all.” 
You glanced over your shoulder at him, but caught a glimpse of the inhuman look in his eyes and had to look away. 
In the past, you had always referred to Dio as a monster, but now he was a monster in the very literal sense of the word. You couldn’t wrap your head around it. Such things as vampires shouldn’t exist in the real world, but here you were, stuck in a room with one. You were on the verge of having some kind of crisis. 
“Did you hear me?” Dio’s voice called out to you in irritation. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. You just wanted to stare at the stone wall and pretend that none of this was happening. You heard Dio getting up and shrank in on yourself, closing your eyes tightly. 
Dio scowled. This is not what he wanted from you at all. Where was your fiery spirit? Where was your disdain? He’d gladly take your cold stares over this cowardly side of you that started  showing since he took you. Part of him, though, felt that this was exactly what you deserved for daring to look down on him. Still, it was beginning to annoy him. 
He crossed the room and knelt down next to you. 
“Are you really so frightened of me, my pet?” He whispered directly into your ear. 
You screamed and covered your ears. You started sobbing. 
Dio wasn’t having it. He snatched your hands away from your ears. 
“You dare try to drown me out?” he bellowed. “You will hear me!” 
He spun you around to face him. 
“And you will see me!” he snarled. 
“Dio, please!” you cried. “Let me go! Just let me go home!” 
You continued to beg him to let you go, but no matter what you said your pleas fell on deaf ears. He had no intention of letting you go now that you were in his grasp. He’d wanted you all to himself for so long, was it really too much to ask that you want him back? 
Looking at your fearful expression was taking a toll on him. He wasn’t sure, but the feeling it stirred within him may have been guilt. It was hard for him to tell, because guilt was something he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Unable to take your pathetic sobbing and pleading, he placed a hand over your mouth. You froze in terror, feeling his claws lightly scrape against your cheek. 
“Whatever happened to my little wildcat?” he asked in a despondent tone. 
The genuine despair in his voice caught you off guard, but you remained wary. You didn’t trust Dio any further than you could throw him. 
“What happened to the vicious little hellion that would kick me in the shins and call me nasty names? Are you so easily cowed by what I’ve become?” he asked. 
You suddenly found yourself pressed up against his chest as his arms encircled you. You stiffened up, mind going blank and unable to process what was happening. He was so cold. Not an ounce of body heat could be felt. His heartbeat was barely there. It beat as if it was only doing so out of habit, but not fully dedicated to the task. There was truly nothing human about Dio anymore. 
“I didn’t think you would ever be this easily frightened. I suppose I should have suspected it with how you reacted to the snake.” he said, his thoughts going nostalgic. 
“Do you remember the snake, my love? How you screamed… though not nearly as loudly as the teacher!” 
Dio released a laugh that echoed throughout the room. It was joyful but slightly tinged with melancholy. It didn't sound right coming from him. It sounded too normal. Too wholesome. Too human. His laughter died down after a moment and he sighed, laying his head over the top of yours. 
“Y-you can’t k-keep me here, Dio,” you said, still desperately trying to make him see reason. 
Dio grimaced at your stubborn need to pester him about letting you go. Couldn’t you see that it would never happen? Couldn’t you understand that you were destined to be with him for all eternity? 
“What makes you think that I can’t?” Dio murmured against the top of your head. He nuzzled into your hair, enjoying the texture of it against his skin. 
“J-Jonathan will come for me!” You cried. 
Dio suddenly grasped you by your upper arms and glared down at you. You had never seen him with an expression so furious before. 
“JONATHAN! ALWAYS JONATHAN! CAN YOU THINK OF NOTHING ELSE?!” His voice had all the fearsome rage of a dragon’s roar. 
You shrank away from him, turning your head to the side and squeezing your eyes closed. You were certain he would strike you, but he never did. Instead he apologized, something you never thought you would hear him do. 
Then he snapped your neck. 
You slumped backwards in his arms, your head hanging at an odd angle. Dio stared at you in dismay. While he fully intended to kill you, seeing the aftermath of it still upset him. Of course, he wasn’t as upset as he should have been, but in his world, death no longer held much weight. He cradled your body and rose from the floor. He went over to the overstuffed chaise and laid you down on it. He arranged your body in a position so that you looked as if you were only sleeping. 
“As much as I loathe it when you mention that buffoon’s name, you are right, my dear. I have no doubt Jonathan will come for you and try to take back the only thing I could never take from him.” he spoke to your unhearing corpse. 
He slid a claw against his wrist, slicing it open. His thick blood poured from the wound, dripping down onto the floor and seeping into the stone. He reached over and sliced a deep cut into your throat. Your own blood gushed forth, staining your clothes crimson. He held his dripping wrist over your throat, mingling his blood with your own. After a moment, both the wound on his wrist and your throat began to heal and seal up. The effects of his blood were already working their dark magic on you. 
“But when he finds you, he will know that I have claimed you fully, and he will never be able to take you from me. You are mine for all of time.” 
Jonathan did come for you as you expected. He found you in Dio’s room, resting on a chaise in what he thought was a deep slumber. He shook you, gently slapped at your face, but nothing seemed to rouse you. 
“Mr. Joestar,” Speedwagon spoke solemnly. He took off his hat and placed it over his heart. “I don’t think she’s with us anymore.” 
Jonathan looked at  Speedwagon with horror. 
“No! That can’t be true!” he shouted, tears welling up in his eyes. 
He’d lost so much, he couldn’t bear to lose you too. Not the little loudmouth that had become like a younger sister to him. 
“Please,” he whispered as he held you to him. “Please don’t go…” 
Imagine his surprise when you opened your eyes. 
Jonathan reeled back in shock, falling on his backside. His shaggy haired friend let out a cry of horror. 
Your eyes were not as Jonathan remembered them. Their color had changed to a golden yellow with slight tints of red. They glowed like hellfire embers. They looked down at Jonathan with confusion. 
“Jonathan?” you said.
“She’s been turned, Mr. Joestar!” Speedwagon shouted. 
Jonathan didn’t really need Speedwagon to tell him that. No human had eyes like that. When he came to Dio’s castle to rescue you, his only worry had been if Dio had killed or brutalized you in some way. The thought of Dio turning you into a monster like himself never even crossed his mind. 
“Jonathan?” You queried, worry in your voice. 
The fear in his gaze filled you with dread. You knew, though. You could feel the burn of Dio’s blood in your veins. You could feel it sluggishly coursing through you and it made you want to vomit. You glanced down at your blood soaked clothes and at your black clawed hands and screamed.
Jonathan refused to kill you. He simply couldn’t bring himself to do it. He could see in your eyes, inhuman though they were, that you weren’t the evil villain that Dio was and he wanted to help you. He said that there may be a cure for your “condition”. You wanted to believe that was true, but you had a feeling that nothing could reverse what Dio had done to you. You were a vampire now, and you would have to live for all of time as a monster that shouldn’t exist. 
Jonathan brought you back to stay with him and Erina. They were due to get married soon, but he wanted to make sure that you were safe and protected. You were surprised by how easily Erina welcomed you, especially since you were no longer human and tainted by the blood of the man that drove her away for so long. Jonathan told you that Dio was dead and that he couldn’t hurt you anymore. You knew that simply wasn’t true. Your blood told you. You could feel that he was still out there somewhere. You tried to warn Jonathan of this, but you didn’t think he took you seriously. He and Erina got married and decided to go on a cruise for their honeymoon. You warned them once again to be careful. It wasn’t long after that, that Speedwagon gave you the terrible news that their ship had sunk. Erina survived, though and was with child, but… Jonathan was dead. 
Along with Speedwagon, you proved to be a valuable friend to the Joestar family, using your vampiric abilities for the benefit of Erina and her descendants. You knew that’s what Jonathan would have wanted. She was grateful for it and you were grateful for her continued protection and support. You followed the Joestar family journey right up until young Joseph fought with the Pillarmen. You helped him as best as you could. It was because of you that he had so much insight on vampires and knew how to take down Straizo. When Kars was defeated, you assumed that things would quiet down. It did… for a little while. 
At some point during the late 1980’s, an elderly Joseph came to you with bad news. Dio was alive and somewhere in Egypt. He told you that he, his friend Avdol, and his grandson Jotaro were going to the Middle East to face him. He told you that you were to be sent to a hidden place to be guarded by Speedwagon Foundation agents to keep Dio from finding you. Unfortunately, you never made it to your destination. Dio’s minions had been searching for you ever since he’d been pulled up from what should have been a watery grave. His minions intercepted your trip to the Foundation safe house, killed the agents accompanying you, and took you straight to DIO. 
And now you stood before a part of your past that you thought you’d never have to deal with again. 
DIO seemed different from the last time you saw him. It wasn’t just that his demeanor had become even more otherworldly,  he seemed to have grown taller and bulkier than you remembered. He had such a smug look on his face as he looked down at you. 
“Did you really think you’d seen the last of me?” he asked, a small smile playing on his lips. 
“I had hoped that was the case.” You stated harshly. 
DIO’s smile broadened. He seemed delighted by your snark. 
“How I missed you, my little wildcat.” He cooed and rose from his throne. As he walked up to you, his silhouette took on a vaguely familiar shape. It reminded you of someone, but you couldn’t remember who. DIO stopped in front of you, towering over you and grinning in a devilish way. 
“I look different, don’t I?” he said with thinly veiled glee. “Care to guess why?” 
The Dio you remembered had a lythe and athletic build, but this DIO looked like a powerhouse. You couldn’t understand why, though. How had he gained such a body when he’d been locked in a coffin under the sea for so many years? It’s not like he had the means to do any bodybuilding. 
DIO pointed a claw-tipped finger at a scar that circled around his neck. 
“In that fight with Jonathan, I’d been beheaded. My original body was destroyed so I had to procure a new one. And you’ll never guess who’s body I chose to replace it with.” DIO said. 
His eyes seemed to glow brighter as he told you this. He was very clearly amused by your growing discomfort. You had grown tired of the guessing games. 
“Who’s body, DIO?” You asked. “Who’s body is it?” 
“I’m surprised you don’t recognize the body of the man you were so disgustingly close to in your human life.” DIO mocked. 
Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open in shock and horror. 
“NO!” you cried. 
“Yes.” DIO said. “I took Jonathan’s body as my own after I killed him!” 
You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry and pull at your hair. But you didn’t. It wouldn’t do any good now. 
“Don’t be so upset.” DIO said as he drew you into an unwanted embrace. You tried to break free from him, but his hold was too strong. 
“I always hated how close you were to Jonathan. Even as a child, before I fully understood my feelings for you, I wanted to separate you from him. But you always stuck by him no matter what. So, this is an ideal situation isn’t it? I get to have you and you get to have your precious Jonathan.” 
DIO laughed cruelly as you shed tears for the first time in many, many years.
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yandere-wishes · 7 months
Who are your fav authors on here, why and what are your fav fics from them?
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Anon, I don't think you're aware of the beast you've just unleashed!
So strap in cause this is going to be long.
Right off the bat, we have, @thefudge. I'm trying so hard not to sound like a deranged fangirl right now. But trust me when I say that I am OBSESSED with every single thing they write! I have read their fics SO SO many times and It's impossible to pick a single favorite one. So here are my top 5
Waiting for the barbarians
Within you is everything I am
I won't be these clothes I burn
His little dead wife 
god complex
Honestly, guys go check out their work they have so many stories spanning countless fandoms. They're literally the ones that got me into Star Wars in the first place! @thefudge I SWEAR I'm not a crazy fangirl, I just really love your writing and works!!
@yandere-romanticaa goes without saying, I've been a HUGE fan of Ana's since literally forever. She was actually one of the Yandere blogs that inspired me to start writing on Tumblr. Again I can't pick just one of her works I love so here's a top 5 list
Wanna Be yours 
Yandere! William Moriarty 
Yandere! Miguel O'hara
Yandere! Nikolai #1 and #2
Yandere! Dazai comparisons
She writes for so many fandoms and updates very frequently. She's also such an amazing and fun person so hearing her stories is always a treat!! Love you lots bestie!!
@fragileheartbeats is another amazing author I love her frigid aesthetic and how it adds a layer of etherealness to all her stories. Her scenarios are magical and written in such a way they evoke such sweet feelings. Honestly reading her stories makes me feel like I'm wrapped in a blanket with hot chocolate watching as the snow silently falls outside. 
Cute little things that melt their hearts (jjk) 
White Swan (jjk) 
How it feels to be loved by them (jjk) 
First kiss (jjk) 
When they become dads (jjk) 
These five are my TOP FAV works from her they're honestly so well-written and utterly adorable!! Guys I'm not kidding go follow her, she is literally my wify!!
I'm new to their work. BUT "A Coffin Made of Glass" is so beautifully written. It's dead dove yet so utterly bewitching. It takes place in the space between famous Star Wars scenes and gives a more in-depth view of the character's actions and sentiments. 
@spacexseven, omg where do I even begin? Okay, so they just have such a natural way with words. Their stories flow SO smoothly it's honestly astonishing! They've written two Childe fics, "Broken Vows" and "Mandatory Obligations" that I'm wholly obsessed with. The dialogue they write also feels so natural and forthcoming, it's absolutely enticing!!
@rrairey another author whose work I've recently gotten into!! If you're a Sukuna fan then her blog is the place to go. 
Sukuna vs Plushie (a literal BANGER!!)
Gojo vs Plushie
Seriously, go check out her work!! The way she writes dialogue between the characters and the reader is so utterly perfect. It makes you feel as if you are right there saying those exact words. The scenarios (although) fictional feel so real thanks to her wonderful writing style. 
@dear-yandere needs no introduction, she's a staple in the yandere community. Her stories always blend love and creepiness to a perfect extent. Can I take a moment to just appreciate how poetic and GORGEOUS all her stories are?? Like seriously!! "Almost god" is my favorite fanfic of ALL TIME!! And don't even get me started on "Cry for Me"!! 
This turned out long I don't think anyone was expecting an essay. To be honest I consume more fanfics than published books nowadays so I guess it's a given to have such a long list. 
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zwolfgames · 5 months
Hii! If it's not too much trouble to ask, can you make a Yandere DIO x Child Reader who escaped and is now with the Crusaders? (Reader would have a strong Stand) 🙃
(So idk wether this was meant as like biologically DIO's kid or not but I just went with unrelated because i dont know how many hoes DIO had back in Stardust Crusaders. Also, how does one think up a stand, lol.)
Requested: Annon
Warnings: Slightly OOC DIO, silly kidnapping, bizarre
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(3rd person POV)
Life had been turned upside down for you lately. As a poor ten year old alone on the streets of Cairo, you had expected this year to be the same as last year.
Just surviving and having your Stand help steal food.
Thus is the life of a street rat. Kicked out by their abusive father...
But just a month ago, when you were once again getting your Stand to filch some fruit from a night market, you got spotted.
A tall, impending figure had stopped in the alleyway to look down at you.
His piercing golden eyes made you freeze once you were in his field of vision. Did the air just get colder or was that you?
"Tell me of your stand, Child."
The man had spoken, all those nights ago. Truthfully, you hadn't know what a Stand was back then. So he pointed to yours. All you really knew of it was that nobody else could see it... So why was he looking straight at it?
With such intrest too.
Before you could actually talk to the man, he had leaned down and poked something into your head, thats the last thing you could remember.
"So yea, thats all I remember..." You spoke to this strange band of people.
That disintrested looking fellow had been the one to rip whatever that weirdo so long ago put into your head... A 'Flesh Bud'. A means of controlling people, or so you've heard from that french guy and his green clad fellow as they were complaining about the time they had yours.
So they had been attacked by the blonde guy too?
"You have a hell of a Stand kid." The oldest guy pats your shoulder, he looks pretty buff for an old guy. Who are these people.
"My stand? Ah- you mean Arnold?" You made your stand appear. You faintly remember it just... appearing one day when you were being chased by street dogs... It kinda saved your hide. Named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, as you had heard that name on a tv in a store once. Very creative, obviously.
"Yes... Arnold. Does it perhaps do special things. Like superpowers?" The old man asks. Trying not to look back at how one of his friends is being patched up from all his cuts.
"Why should I tell you my secrets?" You cross your arms defiantly.
"Because we saved you, don't you want to defeat who-ever did this to you? Huh, kid?" The old man nudges you with his shoulder.
"Not really. Who are you guys anyways, you don't look like locals at all." You take a step away from the man.
"I'm Joseph Joestar, thats my grandson Jotaro and his friend Kakyoin... Thats Polnareff, and the one you almost blasted to bits is Avdol." Josephs eye twitches as he look back at his hurt friend.
"I didn't do anything." You retort quickly.
"You did, because of this flesh bud. A vampire named Dio was controlling you-" Joseph starts.
"I'm not controllable." You stick your tongue out.
"Oh yea, so then you almost killed Avdol by yourself?" Joseph replies with the same childish tone.
"That was my twin brother, you've got the wrong person." You smirk like the annoying brat you truly are.
The argument gets more heated as Joseph refuses to listen to the sass of a dirt covered child.
Meanchile, in a dark dark room in a castle far away- No, a mansion just a couple of streets away, a certain blonde seethes.
Another one lost. Those damned crusaders... Joestars.
They had taken away many of his subjects.... His pawns.. But this was by far the worst.
A child, a powerfull child. He had plans for you. Shattered, all in a single fight.
Dio clenches his fist and a piece of the parchment he's pretending to read rips.
He wasn't attached... Not at all. You were just strong. And.. Too similar to him. A scumbag of a dad, he had looked into your mind that night you two locked eyes. And he had seen... Things that reminded himself too much of himself. The only diffrence between you two was that you weren't just born evil. A bummer, really. He's always wanted to see a maniacal kid.
But... Oh dallit, who's he kidding, he did get attached. And really he doesn't understand why. You were a dirty, foolish child...
But you had potential...
Dio had always planned to be the lonesome ruler of his ideal world... But you were.. ideal enough. Yes.
You could like... stand next to him and chirp about whatever useless tought you had this time.
Something to quench the silence he's grown to hate after years of being confined to a coffin under the sea.
It's a miracle that you hadn't gotten on his nerves, really. He usually hated all kids. But well, maybe it's that mischievious glint in your eyes. Makes him think too much of his time back in his living ages.
So, ofcourse he sent two of his stand users out to retrieve you.
Wich is how he had leanred of your capture by the Joestars.
Oh he had wanted to gag, what if they made you into the same goody-two-shoes all Joestars pretended to be?
Disgusting. He's have to end your suffering in that case...
But for now, he could wait for his pawns to bring you back. Maybe you were ready for the no flesh bud treatment.
Probably not. But hey, who knows what other nonsense you'd come up with if he let you be that free.
If only his pawns would hurry up! He's bored!
"I'm not helping you, I've got things to do." You declare to Joseph for the sixth time now as they kept on asking you to help them get to Dio.
"We'll give you lots of food." Jotaro pipes in with that same bored tone, seemingly having figured you out after his grandfather had tried convincing you the whole time.
"I'm in. This way."
You hum and start walking. Joseph yaw falls open dramatically as Jotaro walks past him with a slightly proud aura.
The group of guys follow you around the sunny streets of Cairo as you walk to the mansion you just so faintly remember.
Actually... you don't really remember much of your mind controlled times. A faint face of the vampire that had enslaved you... a slight sensation of a hair ruffle. For the rest it's mostly gone.
But who knows, with what these guys have been telling you, this Dio figure is quite the bad guy. And you'd be getting food. So...
The first round roof of the mansion had appeared in your field of vision, you had attampted to call out before someone just jumped onto you from above.
Now this man you remembered just faintly. Cowboyish looks, an attitude and the most annoying smirk.
"Gotta ask you not to struggle kid. Dio's been whining about you for a week now." Hol Horse huffs as he picks you up at the scruff. Glaring at Jotaro's group of friends.
"Let me go or I'll blast you to bits." You declare simply. Crossing your arms childishly.
The cowboy's eye twitches and he takes it as a bluff.
Stupid idea, really.
You activate your stand, Arnold, and use it's ability that you have yet to name. The crystal like being grabs ahold of Hol Horse and sharp crystals grow out of his arm, piercing his skin.
This effectivly drops you as the man screams in pain behind you.
So that's what you had done wit Avdol then? Yikes. Since when did you even have this ability? Must be Dio's fault.
Tough, this seemed way too easy. You were proven right moments after as you were ambushed by a pretty woman... Who you actually didn't know.
She surpisingly just hoisted you over her shoulder mid run and ran away from the Crusaders as they yelled for the woman to stop. You could sense her stand... So this must be another one of Dio's henchmen.
Altough your stand was super duper cool and epic, you're an untrained kid who doesn't know what they're doing.
So you weren't that great at summoning your stand without concentrating fully. And all these jolts you got from this womans fast running weren't helping your concentration.
A puprle vine suddendly wrapped around the womans ankle and she fell to the floor, dropping you as you rolled along the sandy pavement, scratching your skin and further staining your clothes with more dirt.
Joseph had stopped the womans kidnapping attempt. Wich was cool but damm that fall hurt!
The rest of the crusaders came running to you and the unknown stand user. This time it was Polnareff who picked you up like you were damm nothing. To prevent you from getting snatched again.
"You didn't say you were some kind of prized possesion. What does Dio want with you?" Polnareff yells dramatically.
"As if I know! I barely remember him!" You huff back.
"Are you perhaps his offspring?" Kakyoin asks a lot more calmly.
"What? No, I know my dad, he's an asshole but we've got the same hair, so we're obviously related." You shake your head.
"Thats the stupidest explenation I've ever heard." Jotaro sighs while Joseph ties the woman to a pole so that she can't chase again.
"What can I say, never been to school." You shrug with a matter of factly face. Polnareff looks bewildered while the others have taken on a bit of a pitying look. Wich you really don't like.
Seriously, life could be worse.
 Polnareff had loosened his grip slighly as he must have felt safe or something. A stupid descicion really, as a faint barking was coming from down the alley before you.
You caught a glimpse of a funny looking dog with big ears barking up at the sky before you got lifted up really fast by sharp talons.
A hawk, a damm hawk got you.
How was this thing even carrying you? Sure ten year olds aren't big an you don't grow a lot on the street but this is just bizarre!
The hawk dropped you off in the fountain of Dio's courtyard.
Landing with a splash into the unkempt water. Good thing this wasn't deep becasue nobody had ever tought you how to swim...
The hawk squaqed hard before flying back up to protect the mansion you had been brought back to.
Now if you knew one thing about vampires it's that they can't come into the sun or they expolde or something.
So you made it your mission to stay here in the sun as long as possible... Wich.. isn't that long, it was almost sunset... Shit.
"Tought you could run off, child?" A sultry voice spoke from the dark halls surrounding the courtyard.
Two piercing yellow eyes looked straight at you. That same feeling of impending doom hit you again.
"Why don't you come to me. I promise not to harm you..." Dio whispers in a slightly sweet manner. Wich really made it even less convincing.
He'd probably snap your head right off for even attempting to talk to the Crusaders.
You didn't want to walk towards him. But the alluring feeling the man possesed made you take a shaking step.
Screaming in your head to stop wasn't working.
Slowly but surely you were walking out of the suns warm embarce and into the darkness of a vampire's lair.
You're gonna die, oh my god!
The vampire held his hand out so elegantly for you to take, sharp- well kept nails the only indicator of the underlying nature of this predator.
Your hand reached out for his, out of your control. Damm this creature's charm.
The moment your warm hand touched ice cold flesh you were dragged into the darkness and into a strong body.
You were held tightly against the man as he ran a hand trough your hair before you were out like a light. Seriously, what kind of powers does this asshole even have?
The next thing you knew, you woke up in a dark room. Feeling a bit.. cold?
You open your heavy eyes, looking for any sign of life in this room. Closed curtains... unlit candles. Now where in the fuck-knuckles were you now?
"Y/N, would you like to know something?" That same deep voice spoke from behind you. You turn around and face the vampire on his fancy couch, lazing around.
"Not really.." You mutter unsurely.
"Hah, still the same kind of annoyance as before. How I've missed you." Dio muses down at you as if looking at a little lapdog. Wich techically you had been.
"Fine, what's the thing I need to know?" You sigh.
"I've made you a vampire, just like me. Isn't that generous of me my little Y/N? Now we can talk forever." Dio smirks as if this was his best idea ever.
You deadpann and walk over to a curtain to go kill yourself full on vampire way.
"No, foolish child. Come back here." Dio tsks in annoyance and whatever control he has over you now pulls you back to stand behind his couch.
Wow, can't even sit in this place huh?
"Do you not understand why I share my gift of immortality with you?" Dio muses, smiling again. Tough that teeny tiny spark of softness doesn't go unnoticed to your trained eyes.
You just shake your head. Who knows, even age old vampires could be pedo's-
"You... are similar to me. I simply wish for you to have a better life then I had."
Dio speaks a bit less... confidently.
Now, that's something you had never expected from the blonde..  Ever.
Where's the uncaring cold villain you knew? The guy that killed his servants for failing?
Why was he looking at you as if his words were genuine?
And why was it affecting you like this?
"Y/N, when Jotaro Joestar and his group make their way to my estate, I want you to stay firmly beside me. Do you understand me?" Dio narrows his eyes as he stands up to tower over you. That sinister shadow casting over his face to get you to comply.
You just nods your head. Wich apparently isn't good enough for him as he squishes your cheeks between his hand.
"Use your words, child." Dio tsks.
"I'll stay at your side..." You speak up, not like you actually would... they were coming here to kill Dio... You didn't wnat to die aswell...
Dio sighs and ruffles your hair roughly before leaving the room to go do whatever the hell he does all day.
You hear a little lock click shut, once again trapping you somewhere, tough unlike last time, you have full control of your mind...
Dio didn't need a henchmen anymore, not of you.
He couldn't even understand it himself. Maybe deep down he missed a brother he could bully.
So just sit in that tower and don't complain and everything would be alright.
He wouldn't let those crusaders take you away from him again...
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Thank you for the request! Also available on Wattpad/Tumblr.
Dio was a bit OOC but I really don't know how to get this man to like a kid, i think he'd throw one out of a window if given the choice. Xd.
Have a nice night/ Day!
Words: 2502
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
If it isn't a bother, could you write a few head canons of part 3!Dio with a reader who is his minion but just- absolutely hates it?
Mf doesn't even fight anyone, they just kinda stay behind Dio with a disapproving look at everything he does
Uhhh... I'll tweak it a bit but I'll do something similar. Time to feed my JJBA brainrot...
Yandere! DIO with Minion! Darling
Short Concept/Idea
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Sadism, Egotistical yandere, Mentions of being a human pet, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Many of DIO's minions either join him willingly or with help of a fleshbud.
You don't particularly enjoy the job but didn't hesitate enough get a fleshbud.
You have a stand but don't really fight.
How do you get away with this?
DIO has to like you/tolerate you enough to let it slide.
Maybe it's something similar to Pucci where he uses you more for conversation than... canon fodder.
He finds you interesting... so you don't have to fight.
As long as you entertain him.
Even then you loathe the idea of being near DIO at times.
He's no fool, he picks up on it rather quickly, but he says nothing.
In fact he takes joy in playing with your thoughts.
The only reason he isn't forcing obedience in you is because you have him interested.
How... lucky? Unlucky?
You no doubt feel it's unlucky since you hate even keeping him company.
Don't mistake this as him giving you control though.
If you step out of line DIO is sure to correct you.
Just because you're his favorite doesn't mean you have free reign.
Instead of sending you off to kill the Crusaders he keeps you in his mansion.
If you won't fight maybe you'll like the occupation of pet more?
You should consider yourself lucky... you're the favorite and don't even have to do much of anything.
Just remember he lets you get away with things because he likes you.
If you fight him or try to leave... he will stop you.
He'll restrain you with his stand and place a fleshbud on you if he has to.
Unless you'd like to beg for forgiveness, yeah?
DIO is sadistic, if he wanted to punish you for your actions he will have fun with it.
You may hate your job... but there's no getting out of it now.
DIO commands you to stay with him for entertainment as his minion (or possible pet in the future)...
Disagree and you'll hate what happens.
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princelylove · 6 months
❥⁠ your highness, i hope you are having a wonderful day and i hope you are well. (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
i would approach you to ask your opinion about the lyrics of the song and the character that for some reason made me relate to it in every way. (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡
house of the balloons / glass table girls ──── the weeknd.
( and the character i mentioned would be dio, dio brando. )
You asked this right after I changed my icon from Dio to Leone. How amusing. 
“But you belong to me.” cutting to a more aggressive “You belong to me.” would be easy lyrics to use, since Dio is evidently the possessive type, but it’s probably not Dio saying those words. 
Dio did what he had to do to survive before he found his golden ticket. His father’s death takes him out of that life- he doesn’t have to play chess with drunkards or sleep around to eat, his glass is always full, and he rarely feels the wind at his back.
The shrill synths, the bassline- it’s uncomfortable. This is fun to me is what Dio tells himself, over, and over, and over again. 
Some songs I’d assign him, for various reasons:
Fallen Angel, by King Crimson.
The Love from a Dead Orchestra, by Versailles. 
Vampire Romance, by Sito Magus.
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