#Yandere elbert
judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
Elbert Greetia - Ch. 21 - Romantic Route Quick Quip
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Not 100% accurate. Cybird owns everything. Contains spoilers. Alternate translation marked ///
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After returning to Crown castle, Victor and crew greets Elbert, Kate, Roger and Alfons. After everyone reunites Victor dismisses everyone. El asks if he can speak to William and Victor about something without Kate.
Kate is worried about Elbert, but leaves so they can speak. He then asks them for the client list of those involved with the recent incident. William hands Elbert the dossier and remarks that the name El is looking for is listed on page 19 - the name of the person who requested Kate’s abduction.
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Elbert: Jeffrey….
Victor's smile deepened as he heard the horrifying tone of his voice, as faint as a single drop of rain falling in the dark night.
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Victor: That’s right. The butler of your mansion.
William: Among the clients on that list…
William: Are people who’ve made repeated malicious requests, especially those who are in a position to appease the judiciary.///Are people who’ve made repeated malicious requests, especially those who are in a position to bribe those in judicial positions.
William: As I said earlier, we the Crown, are planning to condemn them.
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William: But, what to do with him, who is a first time offender, and who has no power? I think I’ll leave him to you.
William: How about it?
Elbert: Oh. 
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Elbert: Thank you…Leave it to me.
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I got chills when I read Elbert’s last sentence. CHILLS. Jeffrey is gonna get it like the piece of disgusting trash he his. London is about to turn red.🍿🥨🍭
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Yandere Silver Headcanons
adhlbfypfqeyvf If you want to know why this is coming out of nowhere... I've been cooking (talking) with friends about this concept for over a month and now I'm going to dump it all onto you 🤡 This interpretation of Yan!Silver is in part based on Elbert Greetia from Ikevil 💀 so uh… be warned…
Regular Silver, staring at this monstrosity: 😨 TRIGGER WARNINGS: (slow burn) yandere themes, (unintended) emotional manipulation, gaslighting, spying/stalking, unhealthy possessiveness and obsession, mentions of blood, (Silver’s) delusions, minor character death
***PLEASE NOTE: writing yandere content is NOT the same as supporting or approving of these behaviors irl. This is also NOT what I believe Silver is canonically like; this is only meant to be a creative reimagining/"what if" scenario.***
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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It all starts off like a fairy tale come true. But like Hansel and Gretel stumbling upon the witch’s candy house or a frog set into a simmering pot, the heat—the horror—isn’t fully cranked up in the very beginning. A dream doesn’t start like a nightmare, the nightmare comes later. And you, like the fool you are, were lured in by the promise of sweets and a prince.
The boy you've been crushing on for the last several weeks shyly approaches you and confesses. Handsome, earnest Silver takes your hands in his and gives you that lopsided smile you've been admiring from a distance. He swears himself to you as your loyal partner, vowing to protect you from the things that slither in the dark and prey on the unsuspecting. To keep you from hurt and sadness forever and ever.
You're giddy—positively over the moon and the stars—to finally (and proudly!) call yourself his. Every time you look at him, you swear it feels like a thousand butterflies are fluttering in your chest, or like you’re losing yourself in the aurora of his eyes.
You tell him his eyes are mystifying and unique, that they’re something you could stare at forever. He doesn’t seem to get it at first, but is pleased nevertheless and thanks you for the compliment.
It’s not until a few weeks later that the ramifications come. One day, out of the blue, Silver gifts you with a piece of jewelry (a ring, a necklace, an earring, etc; whatever your preference is!). Embedded in it is a clear gemstone that refracts the light in pastel pink, baby blue, and pale purple… exactly like his eyes.
He helps you secure it on for the first time and oh, how gentle his touch is as his fingers brush against your skin. Silver gives that small smile that melts your heart. “There. This way, you’ll always have ‘me’ watching over you,” he says, lightly tapping the aurora-colored jewel, “even if I am not right at your side.”
Sometimes you feel Silver’s own gaze lingering on you too. You know him to be an airhead or half asleep most of the time, so the thought never occurs to you that this spacey behavior is odd. But once or twice, when you’re stealing glances back at him, you notice a seriousness set in his eyes, a darkness creeping into the light. The same deadset look that scares off children and makes others mistake him for someone far more aggressive than he actually is, you think.
He lingers close when you walk to and class together, his protective instincts sending him into action to catch you if you so much as stumble, and remove errant leaves and petals that tumble onto your hair. “I have you,” he reassures you, oblivious to the electricity in his touch and how it makes you leap. “Don’t worry.”
Silver acts as though you’re as delicate as glass and as pure as freshly fallen snow. It’s not uncommon for him to praise your positive traits (while totally overlooking your flaws) or talk about how good of a person you are—and that also drives him to keep you that way. Untouched, untroubled. He’s so quick to steer you away from stressful situations or charging in to settle an issue himself, typically by talking down the aggressors. That’s thoughtful of him… right?
He has the habit of falling asleep on you when he gets to be comfortable. You usually don’t mind it, but sometimes he gets a little too clingy in his sleep. It’s hard to pry him off when he looks so peaceful and mutters your name under his breath while he has your body in a death grip.
Silver takes you on quiet nature strolls. You often drift off the beaten path and wander deep into the woods behind NRC, far, far away from the other students and staff. The sun sinks and sinister sounds come from the dark—you get nervous and leap into his arms, asking Silver if you should turn back now. He agrees every time, walking you back and wishing you sweet dreams. By the time you collapse into your bed from exhaustion, you don’t realize he has stolen you away for the entire day for himself.
It’s strange. You start to get the sense that you’re seeing Silver in your dreams just as much as you see him in the waking world. Rarely do you fully recall the details of your dreams, but there’s always that vague feeling of catching a flash of silver hair or feeling the heat of his eyes uncomfortably pressing into you when you wake up.
You tell him about this and joke that maybe he’s using his UM to haunt your dreams. “It’s impossible. You’re not Rook-senpai,” you laugh. He chuckles at the idea. But oh, how weird. Somehow the conversation tends to steer toward whatever you happened to recall of last night’s dreams. If Rook appeared in your dream, Silver coincidentally slips him into the discussion. Lightly probing questions like, “What is your opinion of Rook-senpai?” and, “Are you comfortable around him?”
Silver tells you about the stories his father has shared with him from his travels. Many are folklore from different regions in Twisted Wonderland, but more recently he has been fixated on fairy tales from the Shaftlands. “A couple finds true love and live happily ever after, nothing able to tear them apart…” he says dreamily. “It sounds just like us.”
Silver appears stoic on the outside, but you know that’s not the case. A few months into the relationship, you become acutely aware of his insecurities and his low self-worth. Not strong enough, not long-lived enough, not alert enough, not… enough. He will never be able to repay his debt to his father, Silver has confided in you many times.
“It’s okay. You’re here now, and you’re doing your best to keep the people you love safe.” You do your best to soothe him in those moments of weakness, for which he is thankful for. With shining eyes, auroras in the dark, he whispers, “You’re so kind to me.” Raptly, as if beholding a higher being. “What did I do to deserve someone like you…?” And there it is again, that seriousness, the light fleeing from him, as he vows to repay your kindness.
You’re acquainted with Silver’s animal companions and get along with them. Now you’re noticing them everywhere, not just around Silver. In fact, you see them without Silver. Birds in the trees, a rabbit hopping alongside you, the stag poking its head out from the bushes.
Then those animals reappear when you meet up with Silver later, looking all innocent, while Silver asks you about your day. If there’s a slight discrepancy (due to poor memory) or a detail you overlooked, he’ll gently correct you or clarify. “Blueberry muffin? As I recall, you had a cranberry muffin for a midmorning snack.”/“Ah, you forgot to mention you asked Ace if you could borrow a pencil for the exam.” You blink, surprised. How did he come upon all that information? How can he recite your day better than you can? It doesn’t hit you until much later that his animal friends have been serving as his eyes and ears.
He sincerely apologizes to you when you confront him about it. “Please tell them I don’t appreciate them snooping!” you cry out. Silver promises he’ll ask them to curb their curiosity—and while it’s true that you no longer see the animals following you, you can still feel their beady gazes around every bend and corner. Paranoia claws at your scalp, and you try to calm your doubts with one thought: No way would Silver be encouraging this. I must be imagining things.
You try to get your mind off of your worries by hanging out with your classmates. Sebek, ever boisterous and over-the-top, uplifts your mood. Pretty soon, you’re chatting away with him at the lunch table (even if he loudly refers to you as a HUMAN), paying no mind to the shadow that has fallen over it until a deadly quiet voice speaks up.
“Sebek.” It is so cold, so hollow, it startles both you and Sebek when you realize the speaker is Silver. “I don’t like it when you talk with them like that.” Sebek makes to say sorry to his fellow knight—or is it to challenge him? You never find out, for Silver has grabbed you by the wrist and is yanking you away from him.
He doesn’t let go until you’re in a secluded area of the courtyard. There’s a red mark left behind, and it causes tears to well up in him. Silver collapse like a house of cards. He’s extremely apologetic—he has hurt you, hasn’t he? He failed to protect you. How terrible. He shouldn’t have done that, shouldn’t have been so petty and jealous.
It breaks your heart to see Silver a mess, blaming himself so profusely for what happened. You do whatever you can to calm him, and eventually the conversation somehow turns to you accepting some fault. It’s not, though, the little nagging voice in your head protests. You silence it, prioritizing the emotionally vulnerable Silver. “I’m sorry, I should have considered your feelings and avoided giving Sebek the wrong message. I’ll avoid getting all buddy-buddy with him in the future, okay?”
And it happens again, again, again. One by one, your friends are cut off from you in a similar manner. It’s always something they do or say that concerns your boyfriend, something that impedes or disrupts that pristine, picturesque fairy tale he has laid out in his head.
Silver’s presence in your life becomes increasingly invasive, like unwanted briars creeping into a garden, thorns cutting off your access to air. He’s soon consuming every second of your day, whether physically beside you or planted in your worried thoughts like a demon disguised as a guardian angel. You can’t do anything anymore without feeling anxious and watched.
He starts to talk about… strange things. Tall towers, glass coffins, the bars of a bird cage. All manner of motifs pulled from fairy tales, items and places meant to keep a character shackled and stowed away from the world. “I feel bad for the person locked up in them,” you’d tell him. “Sometimes,” Silver murmurs mysteriously, “people will take drastic measures to protect the ones they love.” You cannot explain why, but those exchanges leave you feeling immensely uneasy.
You timidly share your experiences with people you think are safe. Silver’s dorm members, his friends, his family. The people who know him best, who can maybe talk some sense into him. To your dismay, your concerns fall upon deaf ears. You earn many blank looks and dismissive comments, all citing Silver’s good nature. (“He loves you very much. This is his way of demonstrating that, he’s just sort of clumsy with it. Give him another chance.”/“That doesn’t sound like him. Are you sure you’re remembering it correctly?”/“You’re overreacting.”)
It beats down your spirit, starts to make you question your own judgment. You second-guess your words and actions. Is your perception of reality right when everyone else is telling you that you’re wrong, that Silver could never harm a fly.
Then comes the guilt like a wave crashing into you as you think about all the good times you’ve had together. Rose-colored days under a balmy blue sky. Your thoughts are like a brewing storm, and every evening when you tuck into bed, dread, unease, and uncertainty follow you.
You’re waking from the lovely dream that was a whirlwind romance, seeing Silver for the imperfect and obsessive person that he is. Unfortunately, you don’t have the heart to bring up the tough subject with him. He looks so darn happy with you, continues to dote on you and act the part of a valiant knight. Your mouth will open, then close again before any words can come out. It hurts, it hurts, and it is eating you up from the inside out.
You bottle it up for Seven knows how long, but it comes torrenting out one night. Silver is walking you home as per usual when you blurt out the suggestion of taking a break from each other. He stills, hurt crumpling his face. And then he has you by the shoulders, softly demanding to know what is wrong, has someone made you feel unwell? You, it’s you, you’re suffocating me, you want to say, but you cannot.
Silver presses and you resist, the two of you taking up the middle of main street with your desperate quarrel. He’s becoming increasingly frantic and desperate, his eyes dark and obsessive. It’s then that a passing mob student angrily speaks up, giving you a rough shove. You meet the hard ground, pain shooting through you. “Move already!” he gruffly stomps by—but he’s caught by Silver, his expression like clouds that have drowned out the moon. “You put your hands on them just now,” he says evenly. “Please apologize.”
“Like hell I will! They shouldn’t have been in my way,” the mob student grumbles. He attempts to leave but to no avail. There’s Silver walling off his escape route, an icy fury overtaking him.
You can’t bring yourself to watch what happens next. Wrenching your face away, you do your best to block out the horrible noises that come. The crunching of bones, the dull thud of flesh against something solid, agonized screaming. And then it’s silent.
You slowly gather the courage to dare a look at the scene. The world tilts, and bile rises in your throat. Silver calmly stands over a fallen figure. The street—and him—are painted in red. The mob student isn’t moving. Not anymore.
He smiles. The small, awkward one that once made your head buzz and cheeks flame. It only yields a gaping hole in your heart now. Silver strolls toward you, caked in blood but acting as though he isn’t.
You’re too paralyzed with fear to attempt backing away or rejecting his advances when Silver tenderly embraces you. You tremble violently, hiccups and tears spilling out.
A hand strokes your hair, his voice a lullaby to soothe you. “Shhh, shhh, shhh, it’s okay. You’re safe. I took care of the big, scary monster. You don’t need to look at it—it’s not fit for your eyes.”
Silver holds you and allows you to sob until you’ve tired yourself out and into a dream. He will carry you home, setting you down on your mattress like laying a corpse in its glass coffin and taking in the sight of you from the foot of the bed.
Not realizing that he, the knight, is the monster that keeps his beloved in a gilded cage. His arms and body, the bars that lock you in. Irony is a cruel mistress, and twisted is the love that it propagates.
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myusuchaa · 2 months
Elbert Greetia Route - Endings and Story Suggestion List
Hii so I wanted to make a couple of lists with premium/his side stories to buy in main route as well as which ending to go for on your first play-through!
Also these are just my personal and humble suggestions based on what I enjoyed, and what I can see after multiple play-throughs on JP and now ENG. I am not encouraging spending nor saying these are the only ways to go. Please play the way you like! <3
If you want more details on Elbert's inner monologue/emotions:
Ch. 9 His Side "Lost in the Flower Garden" (unlocks on 2nd play-through) (one of my faves)
Ch. 13 His Side "Longing for the Distant Surface"
Ch. 18 His Side "On the Beach where You Stood" (unlocks on 2nd play-through) (pure poetry)
If you want to focus on steamy romantic stories in main route:
Ch. 14 Premium "Tempted by Pleas and Urges"
Ch. 19 Premium "Reaching for Dawn and Happiness"
If you want an even more well-rounded character story:
Ch. 4 Premium "Growing Closer on a Secret Beach" (another fave of mine)
Ch. 10 Premium "Desired by Maddening Greed"
Ch. 13 His Side "Longing for the Distant Surface"
Choose Blind Love Ending If...
You want canon closure, something that feels like he is growing as a person, bittersweet and calm ending, a bit more soft romantic
Choose Mad Love Ending If...
You want something with peak period-piece drama, more action, darker emotions weaved into very sweet moments
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aquagirl1978 · 2 months
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Mad About You
A/N: Happy Route Release Day, Elbie! Pairing: Elbert Greetia x Reader Prompt: jealousy strikes while on a mission Word count: 560 Tags: yandere themes
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“Elbert, what’s gotten into you?”
You rubbed your wrist, sore from where his long fingers had gripped you when he dragged you from the ballroom, only letting go after nearly shoving you into the carriage.
He looked down, his ocean eyes lingering on your wrist; it was already a bright shade of pink. Suddenly bashful,  he wasn’t sure where to start. “I’m sorry, I know that wasn’t like me…” he mumbled.
“No, it wasn't, Elbert. We were on a mission. Everything was going according to plan and then you yanked me away and dragged me from the ballroom.” 
Hauntingly beautiful, Elbert just sat there and stared into your eyes silently.
“What are we going to tell Victor?” Panic stricken, you grabbed Elbert’s hands in yours, his gaze lingering on your joined hands. 
“Don’t worry about Victor, I’ll deal with him….” he said in a hushed voice. “Though, the man who danced with you earlier should worry. He should be glad I didn’t step on his shadow.”
“Elbie?” Your voice was fraught with worry as you turned to face him.
His cheeks flushed as he looked away. “I didn’t like seeing you dance with someone else. He…had his hands on you.”
“It was like I didn’t exist,” he added under his breath. “It should have been my hands on you. Not his.”
When he lifted his face and looked at you again, his eyes had darkened like the sea during a storm. 
“I coveted you from the day you crossed my path until you became mine.” Your heart ached; there was a time not so long ago where Elbert was not so forthcoming with his feelings towards you.
In a flash, he pulled his hands free from yours. He moved his hand to your shoulder, his fingers digging into your flesh, as he leaned closer to you, his body almost on top of yours.
“Elbert…” you whispered his name, your heart pounding in your chest as heat rose in your body. If this was his reaction to being jealous, you liked it. More than you felt you pro
For a moment, everything stilled. You both gazed at one another; his eyes narrowed, piercing you in your place. And then it was like every emotion he had been controlling up until this point suddenly burst, the flood of feelings unleashed as he captured your lips in a hungry kiss. His tongue probed your lips, seeking entrance to your mouth. His kisses grew urgent, leaving you breathless. 
He pulled away, breaking the kiss, a soft, sweet whimper escaping your throat. Cradling the back of your head in his hand, he gently guided your body to lie flat on the carriage seat. His knee pressed between your thighs as his body hovered above yours. 
Like a man driven mad with lust, Elbert gazed into your eyes once more, his breathing heavy as he brought his lips to your neck.
“Even if you have to dance with someone else tonight, at least they will know that you are claimed.” Pressing his mouth firmly against the column of your neck, his teeth slightly sunk into your skin, marking you as his. You let out a soft moan, the pain of his bite pleasurable, and growing more so as his tongue traced over his mark. 
“You are my robin. Mine. And I want everyone to know it.”
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee @kookie-my-little-sunshine  
@ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @judejazza @randonauticrap
@xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777
@silver-dahlia @lunaaka @ikesenwritings @sh0jun @natimiles  
@valkyyriia @queengiuliettafirstlady @justpeachyteastea @kalims-pessimist-bestie @shadowylakes    
@writingwhimsey @candiedcoffeedrops   @lucyw260 @nightfoxqueen
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lemons-2-limes · 2 months
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More Elbert rote tidbits, this man is a certified yandere.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Chapter 14
Chapter 13
The next day, an art dealer from "Bernal Trading Company" came to Elbert's mansion—
Of course, the people in Elbert's mansion invited him in without suspicion, as a "business partner of Elbert."
(Now that I know he's from the trading company, facing him like this...)
(Honestly, it's really... painful.)
I was allowed to attend the business meeting as Elbert's secretary, but every time I put on a polite smile, my chest feels heavy knowing he's from the organization that tried to kill Daisy.
Elbert is calmly talking business with the art dealer, but...
(Surely Elbert is feeling this pain too.)
The memories of the day Daisy died, the time we spent together, make me certain of that.
(Does he look the same as always... because he's used to enduring pain?)
Art Dealer: These are all first-class items that can only be obtained here.
The art dealer lined up the brought artworks and jewelry, and asked Elbert enthusiastically.
Art Dealer: Is there anything that suits the Count's taste?
Elbert: ...All of them.
Art Dealer: ...Pardon?
Elbert: Leave them all here.
Elbert made an immediate decision after just a brief look at the items on display.
Art Dealer: ...I see. I had a vague idea from the previous party and rumors, but my, my.
The art dealer, looking as if he was up to something, narrowed his eyes under the brim of his silk hat like razor blades.
Art Dealer: The Count is quite obsessed with beauty too, isn't he?
Elbert: ...Me "too"?
Art Dealer: ...This is a suggestion for you, as I see you as a true collector.
The art dealer straightened his posture and lowered his voice, as if he was about to share a secret.
Art Dealer: Gabriel Bernal, the head of our trading company, will soon be hosting an auction.
(The head of the trading company means—he's the boss of this criminal organization.)
Art Dealer: The star item is the world's most beautiful and rare blue diamond, over 60 carats.
Art Dealer: We would like to invite you to the auction. How does that sound?
(This means... we've been recognized as someone to "invite into their territory," right?)
Accepting this invitation would undoubtedly be an important step forward in the Queen's mission.
Elbert: ...Yes, definitely.
Art Dealer: Ah, wonderful! We will send you an invitation later.
Jeffrey: Then, let's proceed with the payment here.
When the conversation ended, Jeffrey, who had been waiting nearby, stepped forward and ushered the art dealer out of the reception room.
As he was leaving, my eyes and his met for a moment.
Jeffrey: ...
It was only a brief moment of eye contact, but I felt something clingy.
(He probably doesn't like me. That's natural, I guess...)
This morning, I visited Elbert's room early.
I wanted to prevent what happened yesterday from happening again during his morning dressing.
(At least while I'm in this mansion, I don't want Elbert to suffer as much as possible.)
For that, I don't care if someone glares at me.
Elbert: The most beautiful jewel in the world, huh...
Elbert: ...I wonder what it's like.
His muttered words brought my attention back to Elbert beside me.
Kate: Indeed... I'm curious too. It must be incredibly beautiful.
Elbert: ...If you say so, it might be.
Elbert's eyes, framed by golden lashes and resembling jewels themselves, gazed up at the sky as if imagining it.
(A 60-carat jewel... I can't even imagine it.)
It might be so beautiful that everything I've seen before pales in comparison.
(When Elbert sees it, he might not want me anymore.)
He might think that wanting me, thinking I'm beautiful, was a mistake.
(Although that would be the best outcome for him, so he wouldn't get hurt...)
(...But it would also be lonely.)
I shook my head hastily at the thought that suddenly crossed my mind.
(What am I thinking?)
(What I want is for Elbert to think, "I don't need to collect beautiful things anymore.")
Elbert: ...Kate.
Kate: Yes!
Elbert: ...
My response was louder than I intended, and Elbert blinked in surprise.
Elbert: You shook your head and fell silent, so I thought you might have felt sick.
Elbert: ...Is something wrong?
Even after saying he wanted to "obtain" me as if I were an object, he still showed the same casual concern as always... It made my chest tighten with pain.
Kate: Thank you. I was just thinking about something.
Elbert: I see... That's good.
Elbert: ...
Elbert: ...Were you thinking about something other than me?
Kate: Eh!? Um... It also included you, Lord Elbert...
Elbert: ...I see.
Elbert seemed satisfied and his expression softened a little.
Elbert: There's nothing else to do in this mansion... Let's return to the castle today.
(I see... We've already grasped the chance to infiltrate Bernal Trading Company.)
(There's no reason to stay in this mansion anymore.)
Kate: Okay, I'll get ready right away!
The sooner we can leave this mansion, the better.
(Crown Castle is safe for Elbert, and besides... there will be fewer chances to be alone.)
(Then I should be able to calmly think of a way to make him stop atoning.)
Kate: Then, excuse me. I'll see you later.
Elbert: Yeah.
Alfons: ...
As the reception room door closed and Kate's footsteps faded away—
Alfons, who had remained silent throughout the business discussion, finally spoke.
Alfons: ...What a miscalculation.
Elbert: ...What are you talking about?
Alfons: I told you over and over again that Kate isn't beautiful.
Alfons: Why did you suddenly say you want to obtain her?
In response to the question, asked as if out of curiosity, Elbert glanced at the door where Kate had left.
Elbert: ...I don't know.
Elbert: I just... thought she was beautiful—
Elbert: —and that I had to obtain her.
His eyes were clouded with a dark, heavy obsession.
Alfons: ...I see.
Alfons let out a sigh, as if giving up on something.
Alfons : Then, shall I prepare a glass coffin?
He rested his cheek on his hand, propped on the armrest of his chair, as if watching a play whose ending he already knew.
We left Elbert's mansion before dusk and returned to Crown Castle. The next morning—
Victor: My dear Elbert, Alfons, and Kate! How is breakfast at the castle after so long?
Victor: Oh...? Oh my, oh my?
(Ah... I think I know what he's going to say...)
Victor: Well, well, it seems Elbert has completely taken a liking to Kate.
Harrison: Taken a liking, you say... That's...
Alfons: El is trying to seduce her.
(That's not wrong, but it's not right...!)
I retorted in my mind and glanced at Elbert beside me.
(This morning, when I finished getting ready and left my room, Elbert was waiting for me,)
(And he invited me to have breakfast together...)
And now, I'm having breakfast feeling his gaze beside me.
Elbert: ...
(I've felt Elbert's gaze many times before,)
(But this might be the first time it's lasted this long...)
Kate: Um... Is there something on my face...? Did I sleep on it wrong or something?
Elbert: No... There's nothing. You look beautiful.
Kate: Oh, thank you. ...Then, why are you looking at me like that...?
I couldn't bring myself to ask him directly, so I trailed off.
Elbert: ...I want you to think about me as much as possible.
Elbert: ...So you don't have time to think about anyone else.
Kate: Ah... I see...
Elbert: Yes...
Suddenly, the food lost its taste.
(I know it's all for the sake of "obtaining" me, but...)
(...If someone I like said this to me...)
(I'd be happy... and the reason wouldn't matter anymore...)
I look down, embarrassed by my flushed cheeks, and pretend to concentrate on cutting my asparagus, but...
Alfons: That's the spirit, Elbert. Kate's fall is just a matter of time.
Kate: !? Alfons...?
I was startled by his words that seemed to be egging Elbert on, and I looked up.
Where did his stance of warning me to stay away go?
Alfons, sitting across from Elbert, is smiling as if he can see through my agitation.
Alfons: Unfortunately, it seems it's too late...
Alfons: So, I think I'll enjoy this as a spectator.
(...I see.)
(He won't warn me anymore, and he won't stop Elbert either...)
I thought it was natural since I ignored his repeated warnings, but I was still stunned by his complete change of attitude—
Elbert: ...Kate. Look at me.
Elbert: ...
As soon as he finished speaking, Elbert cupped my cheeks in his hands and turned my face towards his.
Elbert: ...You spend more time staring at Al than me.
Kate: ...That's not...
Elbert: It is...
Unable to bear the close proximity of his overwhelming beauty, I squeezed my eyes shut.
Elbert: Why are you closing your eyes...? Open them.
Kate: I-I'll open them if you let go...
Elbert: ...You won't look at Al?
Kate: I won't! I won't, so please...
The hands that were holding my cheeks let go, and I slowly opened my eyes.
I suppressed my wildly beating heart and looked back into his blue eyes.
Elbert: ...
A satisfied smile appeared on Elbert's lips, and my breath hitched.
(I was naïve to think I could stay calm if we weren't alone.)
There's no way I can stay calm when Elbert looks at me like this.
Victor: This is making me envious. Right, Harrison?
Harrison: Hey, stop putting your arm around me. You're interrupting my meal.
I came back to my senses at the playful banter from the other end of the table.
(I need to change the subject...!)
Kate: By the way, Lord Elbert, aren't you going to eat?
Elbert: ...? Eat what...?
Alfons: Don't be silly, El. It's obvious she's talking about Kate.
Kate: No, I mean breakfast!
Elbert: ...Oh, right... I forgot.
Elbert stared at his breakfast for a moment, then—
He pierced a slice of apple from the fruit salad with his fork and brought it to his mouth with a graceful gesture.
Kate: Lord Elbert, is the apple delicious today too?
I asked, remembering the day we went to town for lunch together.
Elbert: ...Yes. ...It's delicious.
With that one word, the tension and anxiety from earlier washed away like a receding tide, leaving my chest filled with warmth and happiness.
(Just hearing him say the apple is delicious doesn't tell me what's in his heart, but...)
I'm happy that he said it's delicious, just like that day, and a smile spreads across my face.
Kate: ...That's good.
Elbert: ...
(I was so caught up in being wanted by him that I almost lost sight of what's important.)
(I want Elbert to smile.)
I remind myself of this as I continue eating, and Elbert beside me starts to eat little by little as well.
Kate: This asparagus is delicious. It's very sweet.
Elbert: ...Yes.
As we finished our breakfast peacefully, Victor spoke to me.
Victor: Oh, right. Kate, could you spare me a moment after breakfast?
Kate: ...? Yes, of course.
Elbert: ...
Kate: "Interim report"...?
Victor: Yes, since you've been taking notes as a Fairytale Keeper, I thought it might be time.
Kate: Yes, I understand. I'll compile it into a formal document and submit it.
(...Wait, but what can I report on...?)
The moment I agreed, I realized I could only write about Elbert.
Kate: Um... I'm sorry. I don't know much about anyone other than Lord Elbert yet.
Kate: Barely anything about Alfons...
Victor: Oh, that's fine. Just Elbert for now.
Victor: There's no rush, so take your time. That's all from me. Sorry for calling you out so suddenly.
(As a Fairytale Keeper, my condition for returning to my everyday life is to record how the cursed ones "commit sins as destined by fate.")
("The cursed are destined for a tragic end"–)
I recall hearing that before.
(If I remember correctly... the curse Alfons told me about Elbert when we first met was...)
("The Greedy Queen")
Just as I was about to leave the room after bowing, I turned back to Victor.
Victor: What's wrong?
Kate: ...I'm a little curious.
Kate: Lord Elbert's curse... What is the tragic end that "The Greedy Queen" meets?
His jet-black eyes lock onto mine, holding my gaze captive.
For a moment, silence engulfs us, as if a veil of night has fallen.
Victor: "Unfulfilled and gaining nothing." That's the end of his curse.
(Unfulfilled... Gaining nothing.)
Kate: ...Thank you.
A heavy weight settles in my chest, as if I've swallowed a stone.
It's as if I've been told that I can never save Lord Elbert from the depths of his dark sorrow.
Elbert: ...Kate.
As I leave the parlor, Lord Elbert is waiting by the window, leaning against it.
Kate: Lord Elbert...! What are you doing here?
Elbert: I was waiting for you. ... I want to spend as much time as possible with you.
His matter-of-fact response makes my heart flutter sweetly again.
(This is to steal my heart... to have me.)
(That's how it should be, but...)
The love hidden in my heart, whispered sweetly, makes me hope for something more.
Elbert: ...What were you talking about? With Victor?
Kate: We were talking about my work as a Fairytale Keeper. He told me to submit an interim report.
Elbert: I see...
Kate: What's on your schedule today, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: Nothing in particular. ... Just a bit of paperwork, same as you, until that auction.
("I could say, 'Let's each do our own work,' and get some time to think alone.")
(But I don't want to leave Lord Elbert alone, especially after he just returned from that mansion...)
Kate: Well then, shall we take it easy today? Is there anywhere you'd like to go?
Elbert: ...Anywhere is fine, as long as I can be with you.
Elbert: I'd prefer a place where we won't be disturbed by others.
Lord Elbert stares intently at the parlor door.
(...Could it be that he's bothered by the fact that I was called by Victor...?)
Sensing something akin to jealousy in his gaze, my heart flutters again.
(I wish this were just simple jealousy...)
Suppressing such thoughts, I shift my focus to what lies ahead.
Kate: Then, going to town is out of the question.
Kate: If possible, I want to do something that Lord Elbert would truly enjoy, but...
Kate: What do you find enjoyable, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: ...Enjoyable...?
Seeing his face, as if he's never even considered it, pains my heart.
How much has this man neglected his own joy and pleasure?
(I want to spend time in a warm, bright place.)
(A place where sadness has no room to enter.)
Kate: ...How about a picnic? I know a lovely flower field with no one around.
Elbert: ...A flower field with no one around...
Elbert: It might make me want to run away with you, but...
Elbert: If you're okay with that, let's go.
Chapter 14 Premium Story
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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omkookie · 1 year
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere themes, Imprisonment, Character death/murder/ suicide. 15+ // F!MC.
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“Insanity– a state of being mentally ill and deranged.”
A state of madness.
A state of madness that he is in.
He keeps you locked in his room, he prevents you from seeing anyone. He doesn’t even let Alfons inside of his room because he deems his only friend a threat. He doesn’t want him or anyone else to look at you. He wanted to gouge out the eyes of everyone who has ever looked at you.
He’s lost all self control, his thirst for finding the most beautiful thing finally winning over.
His curse is relentless, his mental state is crumbling. You were beautiful, but recently you’ve been looking dull and less beautiful. It’s like you’ve lost all of your sparkle and shine.
No matter how many things he tried to cheer you up, He couldn’t bring back the spark in your eyes.
You were unfixable. And because you were unfixable, he started growing bored of you.
You used to make him happy. he got butterflies whenever he heard your voice, and he got giddy whenever you touched him… Now, you wouldn’t speak and never touched him.
Your resemblance to a doll was out of this world, anyone who could have looked at you now would assume that you were made of porcelain because of your perfect makeup, well fit clothes, and beautiful clear skin.
Because your resemblance to a doll is so big– he decided to turn you into one to bring your beauty back.
He wipes the blood off of his hands by rubbing them against his clothes, before he resumes cleaning and stitching you up.
He turned you into a lifeless puppet.
As he attaches the prosthetic eyes which perfectly resemble your once shiny ones, he feels proud of his work....
Until he comes back to his senses and realizes that he killed you.
He murdered you, the love of his life and apple of his eye. He turned you into a doll, and as he stands in the pool of your blood he stares at the dry blood still staining his hands in horror.
He used to think that Alfons told him you weren’t beautiful just to protect you, But now… Alfons was right. Elbert should have listened to him– you were beautiful, but only when you were alive.
You’re no longer beautiful. your unnaturally pale skin and corpse-like appearance horrifies him. He lost his most beautiful thing, and his lover.
He lost you.
That realization hits him with force, and hard sobs wreck his body as he cries over what he’s done.
In the end, he can’t take it anymore.
He curses himself as he stabs himself to death, refusing to stop thrusting the knife into his chest despite the burning pain, even when he hears loud banging on his door.
Please forgive him for what he’s done. In the end, he’s drowning in a pool of your own blood mixed with his own because he failed you.
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He failed both you and himself, and as he stares at your lifeless body that’s held up on a stand, he closes his eyes, praying that you’ll forgive him for everything, and that in death he will be released from this living horror.
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Yandere Elbert for Anon 🩷
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ellisgirl · 1 year
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valnyte · 1 year
Hearing the chirping bird in Elbert's PV knowing full well he had a bird taxidermied and locked up in a cage from his One Day Pretend Lovers events has me going o((⊙﹏⊙))o
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senia-nee · 1 year
I made an English Translation of Elbert's Trailer from YT.
I hope it might help from someone who are interested to Lancelot's Yandere Version
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otome-obsessions · 23 days
Ayo, did we just get a reasonable, healthy yandere?
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Aight, I gotta admit, I wasn't an Elbert girly before finishing his route but...
He's genuinely a sweet man beneath the layers of trauma.
He's conscious of his darker urges and their potential consequences.
He centers his entire world around building a life that makes you both happy.
He's filthy fucking rich.
I'm really jumping the gun here, but I'm so looking forward to his second route! Seeing how Kate and Elbert develop as time goes on will be so satisfying. I just want my obsessive sad boy to be an obsessive happy boy.
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judesmoonbeauty · 8 months
Elbert Greetia Promotional Poster
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yansil converging
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Don’t underestimate yourself, there’s actually already three of you, YanSil/j 😭
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Which makes this a follow-up/spiritual successor to this post, I guess? (Here, have another meme of it:)
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myusuchaa · 3 months
Ikemen Villains: Ghost House Report - Elbert Greetia 100K Love Points Story
from the 2024 summer story event
FYI has themes of afterlife, spiritual, some r18 stuff
this is a fan translation. i do not own anything. Cybird reserves all ownership to in-game content.
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦
This mansion, which is rumored to be haunted, might be the base of criminal activity.
We came to investigate as part of Crown’s mission.
I chose to work with Lord Elbert. It was within minutes of starting the investigation that I realized this place was truly haunted.
Elbert: Kate, be careful where you step. It seems the floorboards are aging and have become brittle.
Kate: Thank you very much Lord Elbert.. but.. more importantly….
Every time he advances down the hallway, a ghost approaches him.
Ghost of a woman with braids: My… what a beautiful man.
Ghost of a guy with mustache: Ah, yes… that melancholy profile… I can hardly take it.
Ghost of a thin woman: More.. to be.. by your side…
It’s hard to believe, but Elbert’s beauty seems to attract even ghosts.
(So many ghosts…. It’s scary..)
(But I can’t say that out loud. I have to keep an eye on him until the end of the mission so that nothing bad happens to him.)
In contrast to myself - who was incredibly nervous next to him - Elbert moved down the hall gracefully, despite there being so many ghosts surrounding him.
We stopped at the door of the innermost room when he turned to me.
Elbert: Kate, why don’t you start searching each room one by one?
Kate: Uh.. E-.. Lord Elbert.. there are so many ghosts.
Kate: Are you feeling sick in any way?
(Something strange was bound to happen with the ghosts being so clingy.)
Elbert: Ah… at this moment, nothing in particular.
He looks at me and suddenly smiles.
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Elbert: There’s no need to worry. I’m used to being surrounded like this.
Elbert: What’s more, ghosts don’t have shadows. I don’t have to worry about stepping on them.
Elbert: It makes it easier to move than usual… it feels nice.
Kate: Heheh… that is true.
(No matter who he is surrounded by, he’s always wary of making the other party sad.)
His kind smile makes me smile too.
Elbert: … I’m glad you smiled.
Elbert took my hand in his.
Elbert: I’m here with you… you’ll be okay.
Kate: Ah… thank you, Lord Elbert.
(He was also concerned about me being scared of the ghosts.)
I’ve been saved by his smile.
(I still need to be vigilant, but since he’s with me, I don’t have to be so scared.)
After seeing that I calmed down, Elbert stopped and opened the door to the room in front of us.
-a man and woman standing in the center of the bedroom turned to look at us at the same time.
(!! There’s people in a place like this?!)
(Wait— no… they’re also ghosts.)
Their outlines are a bit more distinct than others, but if you look closely you could tell they were slightly transparent.
It’s an out of body experience.
Sexy woman ghost: Oh?? Why you’re so… so beautiful!
Ghost of young man: Finally, I’m glad to see you.
Elbert: ……………
(Although I’m no longer surprised by seeing ghosts… they speak as if they were waiting to see him.)
Sexy woman ghost: All my waiting was worth it to enjoy this!
The eyes of the woman ghost were sparkling at Elbert.
Kate: !!
Elbert: Eh…
Elbert was unable to move, as if he was in a bind.
The ghosts following us suddenly burst forth.
Ghost of a woman with braids: Oooh!! He has such a beautiful figure too!
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Ghost of man with mustache: Aaa, aah aaaahhh..!!! I can look at you forever! I must draw you in this!!
Ghost of a thin woman: Ahhh you must join us!
Sexy woman ghost: Hah.. hmm, the ghosts of this mansion are quite lovely aren’t they?
Sexy woman ghost: A human as beautiful as a bisque doll, huh..
Sexy woman ghost: But humans eventually grow old, their bodies decay, right?
Sexy woman ghost: Though the soul.. the soul remains unchanged no matter how many decades pass!
Sexy woman ghost: Why, look at me! I’m as beautiful as ever!
The ghost of that woman who was pleading to him slowly approaches Elbert and whispers seductively in his ear.
Sexy woman ghost: That’s why… you should stay here..
Sexy woman ghost: Would you like to keep that beautiful figure…. and have fun with us?
Kate: Wh- what did you say…
Ghost of young man: Don’t you understand?
A male ghost suddenly cuts in.
Ghost of young man: This woman is right. No matter how beautiful you are, human bodies have a physical limit..
Ghost of young man: If you become like us… you can be with the person you love forever.
Ghost of young man: Isn’t that right, my love?
Sexy woman ghost: Indeed, my soul is unchanging- my love is unchanging!
Sexy woman ghost: Be with the one you love for all eternity!… there is no greater happiness!!
Elbert: The one I love… to be with them forever… an unchanging..love…
Elbert: ……..with Kate…….. forever…….
Elbert: ……….it may be nice.
Kate: Elbert?!-
I felt an unusual presence, and suddenly the room filled with more ghosts.
(What? Ghosts from all over the mansion have come to this room?)
Sexy woman ghost: Heh.. if it’s been decided then..
Sexy woman ghost: ..would you like to join us now?
With that statement as the signal, ghosts emerged from all angles.
It was as if all of them were welcoming in a friend.
Elbert: !….
All the ghosts cling to Elbert, and before I knew it our hands were torn apart.
Kate: Aah!!
The ghosts piled on top of each other around him like one huge mass.
Elbert stood in the center of them, completely covered.
Kate: No!! I don’t want that, you can’t do this! You can’t take him!
I jumped into the mass of spirits, and desperately grasp for Elbert.
My arms reach around him as he stands there, swaying.
Elbert: ..Kate!
Elbert’s gaze met my eyes with a startled look.
Ghost of young man: Ah, of course you too.
Kate: !!!!
(Shit! I’ll become a spirit too!)
Ghost of young man: You’re going to spend eternity with him. Aren’t you happy?
(……ha.. that may make me happy, but not like this… )
(I can’t let it happen.)
It felt like the very core of my body was being sucked into a vacuum.
I felt myself losing consciousness but tried to stay awake with all my might.
Kate: …E..El-…. El… Elbert..
— even if my resistance was futile
These arms that are holding him… I’ll never let go.
Elbert: ……………
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Elbert: … I have no intention of becoming your “friend”.
Kate: !
Elbert: I ….. want to spend my time with Kate in this world.
Elbert: Kate, I …… I can feel the warmth of your hands.. in this world.
Kate: -Elbert!!
He casts a sharp gaze at the ghost lovers.
Elbert: So please… stop this.
Sexy woman ghost/ghost of young man: Kyaah-!/ Wha-?!
With those words from Elbert’s voice, the ghosts were blown back by a terrible force.
At the same time, the pile of spirits that became one body began to disintegrate.
Mass of spirits: !! ~
As soon as the screams of the ghosts disappeared, the room fell silent.
Ghost of young man: Tch, well, well….
The ghost form of the young man had come back together by the side of the woman ghost.
Ghost of young man: It seems they like it as they are.
The man smiled mischievously and fell against the desk.
The woman puffed out her cheeks at this remark.
Sexy woman ghost: Hmmph.. pfft, and here I thought I’d have fun doing this and that with such a beautiful person.
Kate: ! ?
Ghost of young man: ..You wouldn’t have any fun anyway if you forced someone to join, would you? Besides…. you have me.
Sexy woman ghost: Ah.. yes. Can you satisfy me today, too?
Ghost of young man: Why of course. Let’s go to the next room.
Sexy woman ghost: Hehe…. Well. You two take your time.
The woman shoots a sultry look at the man before they disappear into the white walls.
The room fills with silence once again.
Kate: …what in the world just happened?…
Elbert: ….. I don’t know. But..
Elbert hugs me tightly.
Elbert: We’re certainly still alive, I'm here.
Kate: ….Elbert
My anxieties and fear welled up as I buried my face in his chest.
In response, his arms wrapped around me stronger.
Kate: I’m so glad you’re safe.
Kate: I wondered what to do if you did become interested in being a ghost.
Elbert: …..I’m sorry I made you worry.
Elbert: …Being with you forever, a future like that….. it is one of my wishes. So I did consider it.
Elbert: But just then, I felt your touch… and I decided not to choose that.
Kate: From my touch?
Elbert: Your hand that touched me was so warm.
Elbert: Your warmth which I love.
Elbert: The moments that you hold me and love me…. I can’t let go of them.
When I saw him smile, I felt even warmer.
Elbert: I feel like it’s a shame I missed the chance to be with you forever….
Elbert: I haven’t given up on that sentiment though… I’ll keep searching for a way.
Elbert: I will forever seek out everything that concerns you.
Kate: Elbert…
(Looking for a way to stay with me forever is the same as continuing to seek my existence.)
I will gladly answer his greedy calling with all my being.
Elbert: … Kate.
Elbert: I want to feel more of your warmth.
Sea-blue eyes laced with heat start to approach me-
Kate: Nn-…
His moist lips meet mine, and he slips his tongue inside.
The silence in the room was painted over by the sound of water as we sought each other's bodies.
With a thud my back slammed against the wall, I felt his palm trace upwards on my thigh, sliding under my dress hem.
Kate: Unn… El… Elbert..
Elbert: Your facial expressions, your voice…. give me everything.
Kate: Aah-
One of my legs was suddenly lifted—
A hot and throbbing, swollen feeling was pressed against my sensitive spot, moistened with anticipation.
(I can feel him… his heat.. his essence.)
Elbert: At this moment….. I want to steal your beautiful self, I want to take you away…
I give in to the pulsating heat and his dripping breath-
-and lost myself in a beautiful dream.
I tried to support my back, which was feeling weak.
As I was leaning against Elbert for support, trying to catch my breath:
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Sexy woman ghost: …ah hehehehe… you showed me something nice indeed.
Kate: UH!???
The ghost of the woman from earlier was peaking through the wall, only half of her body was visible.
(They…. They saw??!!?!)
Elbert: ….. you’re still here.
Ghost of young man: Oh we just wanted to make sure you guys were satisfied.
The ghost pops out of the wall.
(Even.. a man… saw..)
I feel so embarrassed I simply want to disappear.
Sexy woman ghost: ……ahhh I’m jealous of you. Heyyy, I want to feel you toooo.
She says this as she turns to the male ghost.
Sexy woman ghost: I want to make passionate love to you just like these young kids.
Ghost of young man: If that is your wish…. Shall we go to the next life?
Sexy woman ghost: To meet you again…. I’ll definitely find you. That’s my promise.
Ghost of young man: Ah, of course.. I will find you. That is my promise as well.
The two forms become one, and they shine brighter in that moment.
Then, they were gone.
Suddenly the air in the room becomes lighter.
Kate: ….. this means they.. passed on?
Elbert: Mm, most likely…
(The words of that woman had deeply swayed me. It seems certain that they truly desire each other.)
Kate: Those two… I hope they can find and love each other in the next life.
Elbert: …. Ah. I hope so.
As he said that, a kiss fell on my neck. The heat within me stirred.
Kate: Nn! Lord Elbert!….. we’re still on a mission…
(Because just a while ago… I was so caught up by him..)
Elbert: …even on missions, I need to take breaks.
I tried to gently push him off, but it led nowhere. He kissed me on the nape of my neck, then on my cheeks.
An achingly sweet feeling arises.
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Elbert: You look beautiful even when you’re troubled like this. I can’t get enough of you.
Elbert: I want you as you are now.
Kate: Nn..
My lips were bitten, stolen without asking.
(I feel the same as you.)
Eventually we may end up like those ghosts, in a world I don’t know, two spirits as one.
(So while I’m still alive… while I’m in this body… I want to feel his skin, his warmth, to the fullest.)
Intertwining, mind and soul, savoring each other’s existence.
We’ll enjoy this lifetime, together.
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦
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freckled-lili · 2 months
Of course the two Villains that I'm interested in (Elbert and Ellis) are the yanderes. *facepalm*
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chronicmisfit · 3 months
Showing my friend IkeVil
So a few warnings before I get into this: Alfons slander, Roger slander, Victor slander, Rude language in general, many random twisted wonderland references, and some risque images of a couple characters.
Sorry some of the coloration is fucked, I tried to fix it and can't.
Me = Orange Him = green
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Alr here’s the first guy
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He looks like he'd call me slurs while also being the gayest mf ever
sksksks Anything else?
Bro must struggle playing piano with them long ass purr nails I respect the dedication HE GOT THE COLOR PALETTE OF THAT ONE ROBOT THAT EVERYONE ON TWITTER IS MAKING CORN OF BOOTHILL??
Okay I will tell you about him now, and I want you to react again once i do His name is William Rex, he is one of my favorite two, he has the power to command someone to do what he wishes against their will, and he likes to help people become their own master.
Alright azul 2.0 I see what you’re doing Does he have a cringe gamer bf to top it off
He’s not the one I would compare to Azul
OOO I wanna guess which one it is
His curse is called the Curse of the Self-Righteous Monarch, so he's evil Riddle William’s* Is
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Alright so stick in the ass guy, I get it replying to 'William’s*', William Afton Ar ar ar ar
Next guy
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That’s a whole ass final boss of twinks
Pfffff okay before I tell you more, do you or do you not think this is the guy who I would compare to azul
err no
you’re right
doesn’t give azul vibes from that stare He gives tiktok fuck boy
This is Liam Evans, he has the power to turn invisible from the curse of the Curious Cat (che'nya core), he is depressed and is so curious that he keeps trying to do things that would kill him
nvm i take back he’s cooler than any tiktok fuckboys
adfjhsflasjfhkdhkjlasfd HOW IS HE COOLER
Depressed Rizz or smth
Fair Next guy
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sighs Sighs Sighs
Smash, sadly
that’s fine he’s the most normal boyfriend-wise of them all
if you ignore the pathological lying
All fictional husbands have to be a little insane its fine
His name is Harrison Gray, he has the power to tell when people are lying from the curse of the lying fox. He likes to read mystery novels.
I like him I want him
Lemme send you a NSFW pic if i can find one
MC is a girl btw (L moment)
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next guy
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Damn you thought you could slide in a french guy and have me not notice/j
God bless
This is Lord Elbert Greetia, he is an Earl. He has the power to make someone see their saddest moment when he steps on their shadow (he has trauma from this). His curse is the curse of the Greedy Queen (Vil core). And he has an obsession with hoarding beautiful things (he is the yandere of the cast)
Dragon Core with the last one
dragon core omg you’re right I almost forgot this asshole’s name ;~;
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HE'S SUS (i still love him, but he aint a fave)
His name is Alfons Sylvatica, he can change people's perception by touching the nap of their neck and whispering in their ear. His curse is the magic mirror. He has probably fucked half the cast of this game.
Me personally? I think he’s cringe
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… Tempting
yes Exactly Next guy
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(Note: He grew on me since this convo)
His name is Roger Barel, he can hear anything within 100m of him (selectively, so he wouldnt hear you fucking harrison). His curse is the traitorous huntsman (rook core but looks like trey). He drinks beer and wont stop flirting with Alfons' MC You see the resemblance right?
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I hate that I see it Trey I’M so sorry you have to be compared to an ugly ass bitch
pffff Next guy
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btw lemme know when you think someone might be the guy that reminds me of azul
emo He’s either really nice or manipulative ass
You’re right he’s def one of those
my bet has to be on the latest
I mean he looks manipulative AGAHAHAH Sorry emo boy if you are not…
His name is Ellis Twilight, he has the power to bind people's hands together by tapping their head via the curse of the briar thorns. He is obsessed with happiness and will do anything to make someone else happy (once they have their happiest moment he will kill them) ([friend] likes him- [friend] is banned from playing the game for 2 more years tho)
Awe he's so sweet!!!! (What the fuck) AHAHAH
AHSHS Yeah I could’ve guessed it was
like in alfons' route (unreleased rn) it goes so into detail-
I want him dead Negative rizz
Next guy
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Is this the azul
There's only one more guy after this so i wanna wait until i send his pick before answering just so you know all the options What do you think of this guy
I like this one I would Bottom text Would He may look a tad bit evil but i’ll allow it
replying to ‘i like this one’, I don't (similar to crowley ah-)
This is Victor. We don't know his surname. We don't know his curse. We don't know his power. BUT HE IS THE DAD OF THE GROUP, dad jokes, cockblocking harrison and MC, magic tricks
(NOTE: I figured out what his power is since then-)
I want him
kskssksksks There’s like- no content for victor On tumblr
(NOTE: I found which tag the victor content is on)
I hate it here
Final guy
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Is THIS the azul one
remember william-? he was one of my favorites? (one moment i need to get some images)
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HIS NAME IS JUDE JAZZA, he can put someone to sleep by tapping their forehead via the curse of the thirteenth wizard (idk why wizard, it's just malleus core-). HE IS A MOBSTER, A SADIST, AND HE GETS OFF BY BULLYING MC, I LOVE HIM He’s ellis’ boss btw
more like dude zaza BAHAHAHA
Jude and William are my husbands <3
Got two hands for the two of them
Jude legit would give you a check and tell you to write whatever number you want on it... but then make you work to pay him back for it. So he is sugar daddy, but also kinky William canonically would use his power on MC for sex while he's drunk So you like- Harrison, Victor and Jude?
responding to the william info, DAMN Nods
I’m gonna be doing harrison’s main story route after I finish william’s I’ll send you any nsfw or near nsfw ss i see
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