#Yay trade! :D
sysig · 11 months
Art trade request for my darling child Lucifer please!
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Day 21 - Quiet please, you're blushing very loud
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allyheart707 · 8 months
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Hi :D
You are such an amazing writer and an incredible artist
You’re always so kind and your posts brighten my day
you inspire me so much
I still can’t believe we’re mutuals
Anyway I hope you have a great day!! ^-^
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Awwww oh my gosh thank you! You are a pretty great artist yourself! I have already seen so much improvement in your art since the first time I started following you to now! I can't wait to see what you continue to create from here! I can totally believe were mutuals- you are just as cool as I am. No need to doubt yourself ^-^
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onlyonewoman · 1 year
Current AO3 news from Facebook group:
ADMIN: “Just a few things. Yes, the attacks are still happening so site availability will be spotty at best. This is NOT an attack on the actual content. All stories, user data, etc are safe. DDOS attacks basically overwhelm the servers with requests to the point they cannot handle the load and failover. DDOS attacks last until one of two things happens, either the person/group gets bored and moves on to a new target. Or the site owner finds a way to fortify the servers against the attack. That means this could last for a while. With that in mind, let's all try to keep the panic, humorous or otherwise to a minimum. It's annoying and frustrating, certainly, but it's not the end of the world. The site will eventually be back, it's just going to take time and patience.” In short: - Our content is safe. - Our user data, stories etc are safe. - It’s a DDOS attack meaning it’s basically an attempt at overwhelming the servers, meaning: - DON’T KEEP REFRESHING THE AO3 PAGE!!! - It will last for a while, but there is no need to panic. Copied from one of the reblogs: “To simplify:A DoS or DDoS attack is analogous to a group of people crowding the entry door of a shop, making it hard for legitimate customers to enter, thus disrupting trade and losing the business money.” Also, YES, KEEP REBLOGGING to let people know! The less of us trying to reload the page the better! In the meantime, this is basically me:
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Edit again, because this little post got a life of its own and now I feel like Pippin lighting the beacon of Minas Tirith :D
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casinoroyale · 10 months
Hi everyone!! Theseus cquackity viceduo zombur revivebur here.
This blog has seen several hiatuses (my bad seriously my bad), and bouts of irregular posting. So I'm sure people who regularly check it have noticed that we (Fiona @quackbur and I) haven't been posting daily anymore and haven't for a bit now. So below the cut I'm gonna talk more about that, and our plans for this blog going forward
For starters, I love roleplaying on this blog so much, as does my cohost Fiona @quackbur. Fiona has done so, so much writing for this and I feel kind of bad for taking her credit over the past two or so years, so props to her for being such a good sport and for everything she's done. This blog wouldn't exist without the shared passion she had for it.
To get sappy, I love the friends I've made in bedrockverse, they remain some of my best and closest companions. I would not trade the times I've spent with them for the world. Beau, Holly & co, Met & Co, and Thunderbottles are some of the loveliest, most supportive, and insanely talented people I have ever had the pleasure of writing with and meeting.
This includes people who aren't part of the bedrockverse that I've written with!! Shoutout to Javi anonymous-jey casino-duckling, TGM the-g-m duckofthelaw, and AD anonymous-dentist therealnoodleman. It was so much fun bringing all the quackverses together, and I respect all of you so much as writers.
AND that also includes EVERYONE who has interacted with her!!!!!!!!!! Everyone who has sent asks (thank you so much, sorry we're terrible at replying), reblogged threads, commented, posted/liveblogged, DREW FAN ART (BLOWS OUR MINDS. THERE'S BEEN SO MUCH INCREDIBLE ART CREATED, WE CANNOT THANK ALL OF YOU ENOUGH), even just liked a thread, thank you. Seriously, it has meant a lot to us to be part of this community, and have so many people enjoy this blog. Insert Pitbull image happy you enjoyed.
So, going forward it would make us really happy if you all pictured casinoroyale as happy. He has songbird-sunrise, goofygoop, and a nation full of citizens that she loves. She babysits for tubbolul and latenightmining, and terrorizes rp!emduo not infrequently. All we really wanted was to bring c!quackity to a happy place and I feel we've done that. Of course he still has shit days, as a ptsd baddie, but the good days are more common. And if we never get to it (though I hope someday we do, maybe in the form of a collaborative one-shot or fic) know that casinoroyale and songbird-sunrise DO eventually get [REDACTED]. And one of them DOES get [REDACTED]. That was always the plan! Yay! [REDACTED]!
Not to say that we don't have more arcs planned for this blog, because we do! I just don't know when/if/how they'll ever get written, especially because a lot of my friends have moved on from their rp blogs as well. But I really do still feel happy with where he's at and happy with everything I've done. This is a project I'm really, really proud of and I will always look back on fondly.
None of this means that I'm not interested in c!Quackity or DSMP as a whole anymore, either. Actually that couldn't be further from the truth. But now I'd like to be able to focus on fics, and other forms of writing, which I've been doing more recently :D actually, you can read a short one shot I posted for exile's anniversary HERE
If you've made it this far into this long, sappy post, THANKS!!!!!! The TLDR; this blog is on an indefinite hiatus, and won't be returning to its formal glory, and that's okay. We had a really good run. Now, off we go to other things
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 7 months
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Hey, Scarlet Sparks from the Squid Research Lab here! I'm here to tell all you inkfish about "The Best-Worst Salmon Run Team"- also known as the Bar Team! These frantic fish are here to save the day from... drunk fish? Bar customers? Whatever it may be- they're here and they're going to make their names clear!
Mix is a nervous, overworked mixologist from back in Inkopolis Square... though he never seems to be able to get back home! On the clock and in uniform 24/7, this clammy, unconfident Octoling is always ready to fight! He might look unintimidating, but he packs a punch (if you're a salmon, that is), and works so much he might as well be C-Egg-O more than Mr. Grizz himself! Don't be fooled, though- this bartender might be a Salmon Run enthusiast, but he couldn't win a round of Anarchy to save his beak, and is still in C-. His favorite weapon: the Snipewriter, to make up for his shaky hands.
Drunkie is a drink enthusiast, and always has a Tacticooler on hand. Being Mix's best customer back home, he's picked up a few things about being an Eggsecutive. Currently swimming at a solid A- in Anarchy and a Profreshional +1 in Salmon Run, this silly cephalopod is a jack of all trades, master of none. His favorite weapon: the Tri-Slosher Nouveau, for its fizzy bombs and fizzy drinks!
Kopi is a spunky, spiky cephalopod ready to fight and win! Frenemies with Mix and Drunkie, she's the one most often starting the fabled bar fights Mix has to stop. Not to mention, she's a mechanical scientist, and was able to find out a way to place two of her tentacles on her back... and somehow get past Turf-War security every time. A quick, mobile fighter, she stands at an X +1300 in Anarchy and an Overachiever in Salmon Run. Her favorite weapon: The good old, classic Hydra Splatling, to whir up and splat a whole team in the blink of an eye!
Kumo is a friendly fellow with a spring in his step and a welcoming air! Good friends with all three of the other team members, this defender is always ready to do anything for his team with his trusty roller, no matter the cost! He'll always take time to have a drink or two with the rest of them, and somehow hold the arguing group together with it. He's pretty good in Splat Zones and Turf War, and is a force to be reckoned with in Salmon Run! He swims at an A in Anarchy and a Profreshional +3 in Salmon Run. His favorite weapon: his perfect Splat Roller, for an easy change of playstyle no matter the way the game goes.
That's all for now! I'll be back soon with some more information on some further teams and idols spotted in these lands! Thanks for listening!
OHHH this took a long timeeee,, reblogs VERY appreciated!! /nf
These characters are owned by @mixology-expert (me), @drunk-an0n, @kopi-taocc, and @kumo-taoc and are originally from the fandom TAOCC. This marks the beginning of a new series of me putting the TAOCC cast in Splatoon! Fun, right?? :D
#splataocc is the tag for this!
And the splashtags were made using the splashtag generator!
YAY more is SOON to come!! For now, it's almost time for side order EEEEEE :D Cya!
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poarkchop · 3 months
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I wanted to introduce my 2 new fave mlp oc's!! Batberry and his sister Berrybite!
They follow the vampire fruit bats across Equestria to keep them in check. It's rumored that their grandfather was a batpony, which gave their family the ability to communicate fluently with bats!
Batberry keeps a long record of where they've been and who they've met. He knows each vampire fruit bat by name and can tell them apart easily. Berrybite is still learning the ins and outs of the family trade. Their parents work on a little berry farm in one corner of Equestria, where they welcome fruit bats as they come and go.
When they arrived in Ponyville, Applejack was the first to greet them. Once Batberry explained their work, she was a bit dissapointed they hadn't arrived when the bats devoured Sweet Apple Acres. Batberry, of course, asked how they dealed with the bats, and was immediately entranced with the idea of batponies being a real possibility. While Applejack and Batberry met up with the rest of the mane 6 to talk more about this, the Cutie Mark Crusaders welcomed Berrybat with open hooves.
Berrybite is homeschooled by Batberry as they travel, but if they have the option, she joins the local school for class. Berrybite is actually super shy around new people, mainly because she stands out so much compared to everypony else (not that she'd ever change though). When she warms up to somepony, usually with a nudge from her brother, she becomes a bright and energetic little filly :D!! She's become pretty good friends with the CMC, though she's insistant that she doesn't need help figuring out her cutie mark, since it'll have to do with fruit bats anyway.
Also, their makeup is actually there from birth, and their clothes are passed down from generation to generation. Batberry also wears a cowboy hat to protect his eyes from the sun as they travel, and he lets Berrybite rest on his back or in a wagon. They both have strange unrecognizable accents that they've gotten from their lives on the road and are both usually quiet and reserved. Applejack cannot tell if Batberry is a colt or a mare. The batpony ancestor rumor sprouted out of nowhere, but when Berrybite met Granny Smith, she insisted it was true, and that their grandfather saved their farm when she was a filly.
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
HOBI REQUESTS YAY! okay so at first i was thinking it might be hobi's birthday and he stays late at the studio regardless of the day and comes home to reader all tired and drained, but then reader has such a sweet surprise for him when he gets there (whether it be a cake, flowers, balloons, etc.) and it just seems like he can breathe again without the weight of his work on his chest, even if it's just for that night, he can fall asleep with no problem.
OR, considering it's in the name of jess' birthday, it could be reversed? reader's birthday and hobi has the sweet surprise instead? i don't have an idea of what specifically would be demanding so much of reader's attention, but coming home to hobi with his pretty smile on such a day seems like something so beautiful.
that's all i could muster up as of now, 🙃 if you chose to, feel free to play around with it until it's something you are comfortable with! <3
thank you so much for the request! i went with the first one and i hope you enjoy it! <3
(side note: i banged this out in one sitting so i'm tentatively optimistic that my writer's block is cured. we'll see. thank you all for your patience and not showing up in my ask box with pitchforks.)
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pairing: hoseok x reader genre: est. relationship au; fluff, a tiny bit of angst warnings: hobi's kind of going through it so there are allusions to poor mental health, otherwise this is mostly fluff. just being there for your person when they're having a tough time. no gendered pronouns used. unedited. rating: e for everyone wordcount: 1k listen to: novo amor - anchor
Hoseok had heard once that babies born in the winter are stronger.
Something about mothers being able to absorb more vitamin D during the summer months.
As he collapses onto the floor of his studio, sweat and exhaustion blurring his vision, he thinks those people are full of shit. What has being born in winter gotten him besides muscle cramps and seasonal depression? Because he’s also at a higher risk for that, which those people lauding his athleticism tend to leave off of the discussion.
He sighs. He’s twenty-nine now, and there’s something truly haunting about the inevitability of time. Can’t slow it down, can’t make it go faster; he just has to sit here and take it. Next year he’ll be thirty, thirty-one the year after that, and on and on it’ll go for the rest of his life.
All he has are these little joys: the squeak of his new sneakers on the studio floor, the kids in his class finally nailing their routine, those peach iced teas he likes being buy one get one free this week at the convenience store next door. He has you, too, but you were smart and traded in your two-cent dreams for the corporate world and now you’re spending his birthday on a business trip to Singapore.
Yoongi would call him an asshole for that, probably. He has friends. Friends who want to see him, buy him a drink and give him gifts, and he appreciates the effort, he does, he’s just… tired. Fatigue has seeped into all of his bones and left him nothing more than a husk of a person. It’s been months of this same unending grind, and he’s running out of self to give.
At least Singapore is warm this time of year. In Seoul, beyond the frosted windows of his studio, there’s nothing but gray-brown slush and a patch of black ice he can’t melt no matter how much he salts it.
“Fuck this,” he mutters.
It’s nearing nine o’clock. He needs to get home; needs to eat something and drag himself into a hot shower before he crawls into bed and spends the entire weekend there. Needs to reply to all the texts on his phone wishing him a happy birthday. Needs to tactfully and politely turn down all the invitations. Needs to post some bubbly, colorful message on social media thanking everyone for the well-wishes and attach a photo from a few weeks ago because he hasn’t been smiling much lately.
First, though, he needs to get off the floor.
He usually likes his walk home. Likes pressing his face to the glass to look at all the window displays when he’s not in the mood to shop. Likes seeing other people go about their days, live their lives. Likes looking at all the ways the city reflects sunlight and fades to husky gold. Likes walking under the cherry blossoms in the spring; likes it even more when a few petals stick to his shoulders and you laugh and brush them off as soon as he comes through the door.
It’s hard to get off the floor when none of that is out there.
But he does it anyway, because maybe he has a bit of that winter strength. He packs up his stuff and sits at the bus stop, counts his exhales as they materialize in front of him, thankful for the heavy coat you’d bought for him a few years ago, now well-worn and no longer itchy. He sits at the back by himself and sends half-assed replies to all of those texts. Scrolls back to stare at the photo you’d sent him this morning—fresh from sleep and barefaced, lips pursed together in a kiss, thumb and pointer fingers together in a heart.
Slush sticks to his shoes as he ducks inside the building. Nearly trips climbing up the stairs, because the two of you live on the fourth floor and it feels too lazy to take the elevator, even when his muscles are screaming from a long day at the dance studio. But it keeps him moving. Keeps him upright and functional when all he wants to do is rot away.
His shoes are dry by the time he reaches the door, soaked into the carpet lining the hallway. His hands still bear the cold—red and unsteady, it takes him a few tries to punch in the code. Gets it wrong twice, and he takes a second to just… stand there, head resting against the door, feeling the weight of the world come down on him.
He’s not sure what he thought twenty-nine would be like, but surely it wasn’t this.
And maybe if he wasn’t feeling so low, he would’ve noticed. Your keys in the bowl by the door, your shoes in the rack. The light on in the kitchen. The smell of the miyeokguk simmering on the stove. The sound of your footsteps as you meet him where he stands, shoulders slumped, eyes brimming with tears and exhaustion.
There are hands on his face. Soft, he thinks. They’re touching him so softly, treating him just as delicately as he feels. He leans into it; recognizes the perfume stuck to the wrist. Knows it smells like home and an aching he can never seem to put a name to, and you don’t hesitate to wrap him tightly in your arms.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” he says, words waterlogged and hesitant as he speaks them into the crook of your neck. Nothing feels real, and he doesn’t trust himself to open his eyes.
You tangle your hands in his hair. Scratch lightly against his scalp. “I got an early flight home. Got back this afternoon.” This is where someone else would ask if he’s okay, try to pry apart his ribcage and look at all the ugly parts, but you don’t. There’s just a small intake of breath and the reluctance to let him go. “The miyeokguk is almost ready,” you say instead. “Do you want to take a shower while I get everything ready?”
Hoseok is reluctant to let go, too, but he’s at his best when he has a task. Needs something to accomplish, something to check off on his imaginary to-do list, so he nods. Pulls away and immediately misses your warmth. Takes your face in his hands and presses a kiss to your forehead. Thank you, it says. I needed you here.
You already know, though. You always do.
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boxwearsock · 3 months
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Art trade with @cloudypandaaaa yay! :D
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coyoteofthewest · 21 hours
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Yay another wolfquest art trade with Triste :D
Also thank you for the notes/likes/reblogs and stuff recently, I don't know anything about tumblr ettiquette or whatnot but I am grateful for the compliments :)
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pudding-parade · 8 months
And to round out the Planet Zoo spam...
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The red pandas have arrived in my fledgling zoo! :D And the female is already pregnant, yay! And I have another female sitting in quarantine waiting for me to get the habitats set up. They're soooooooo cute! I can sit in the game and just watch their antics for hours. Just watching the animals running around, exploring their habitats, and playing with their toys is one of my favorite things to do in the game.
Pay no attention to the brick barrier. It's definitely temporary; I just needed something non-climbable to keep the little buggers in...while I build them an elaborate set-up that they can climb. And also work on their goddamned barn. LOL Eventually, their habitat will have more natural barriers.
They'll actually have two sort of adjoining habitats, linked by a barn that gives keepers access to each and that includes hard shelter for the pandas, one small area for each habitat. They're generally solitary animals, so this habitat here will be for probably two females and any juveniles they birth until those juveniles mature, while the other will be for one adult male. When a female is ready for breeding, I can just plop her into the male's habitat and then remove her once he's done his job. This will allow me to breed the pandas and then release matured offspring to the wild (while sometimes keeping the best ones for further breeding), all while avoiding inbreeding. Releasing animals to the wild earns you "conservation credits," which you use to purchase animals, and since red pandas are endangered, you earn more for them. (You can also earn sometimes more credits by selling animals on the trading market for conservation credits than by releasing to the wild, but trading isn't something I want to focus on for this franchise.)
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
if its alright and if there are still slots (lol) may i ask for a lee gonta and ler kirumi from danganronpa v3
i headcannon her to be quite a scary ler 😚
(Requests are closed- this is an older request!)
Ooo, wait I love this??? They'd make such a fun pair! Slime, I've gotcha! :D I don't know if I achieved scary Ler energy from Kirumi in this one, but I had a blast writing it! I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @sevenincubistolemyheart @giggly-toybox @happy-trenchcoated-impala
Gonta Gokuhara was a gentleman, first and foremost.
But Kirumi- she was what Gonta called “the ultimate gentleman”.
Poised and polished at all times, Kirumi seemed to always be cool headed and wise. She defused tense arguments with soothing words and cups of warm tea, and always went several steps above for everyone- regardless if they showed their appreciation or not. Gonta couldn’t think of a time he’d ever seen the ultimate maid flustered or even angry.
Granted- he had heard a rumor or two that she threw Oma into the nearest trashcan when he kept asking her dumb questions- but that was neither here nor there.
Gonta admired her. She made things so effortless, while all his attempts at being more gentlemanly ended in disaster. He still felt bad for the time he tried to push in Shinguji’s seat and slammed him in so fast he bruised a few ribs, or the time he went to hold the door open for Akamatsu and accidentally took it off the hinges. Both parties had forgiven him, but the shame remained all the same.
Deciding what needed to be done, he got up and went to search for the maid. There was only one way to fix this predicament.
“You want me to train you?” Kirumi seemed surprised by the offer, halfway through dusting the various plants in her lab. “Why? I’m not as well versed in Entomology as you are-”
“Oh no!  Gonta wishes to learn to be a better gentleman from you!” He was quick to correct her, stiffening when he saw her flinch. Whoops- way too loud. “Sorry- Gonta sorry. I got excited..”
“No, no you're fine.” Kirumi walked over, patting his arm with the gentlest of smiles. “You’re not even the closest to being the loudest in this group. But really- are you sure you want me to teach you? I’m rather old fashioned in my etiquette, and I’m not the best of teachers around..”
“Gonta has faith in you!” Gonta nodded enthusiastically, eyes glittering. “Please, Tojo-sama. Show me how to be a better gentleman.”
Kirumi paused, considering. Then she sighed with a smile, tucking away her duster as she curtsied. “Very well. I will do my best to teach you.”
“Yay!” Gonta began to cheer.”
“But!” She cut him off, pointing a finger at him. “I’m not gonna go easy on you. No mistakes will be accepted.” Her eyes danced, an aura of danger began to surround her, making her seem suddenly much larger than life. For once, Gonta felt rather small. “Be ready, Gonta Gokuhara.”
Gonta could only nod, gulping down his nerves.
Whatever Gonta had pictured as a result of making a mistake, this wasn’t it.
“Straighten up- now hold that position when you eat.” Kirumi instructed, voice cool and clear. It wasn't the first time she said it, but her tone never betrayed a single hint of annoyance or irritation. “Come, Gokuhara- didn’t I tell you to hold it?”
“Ahehehaha! Hehehehhahahaha!” Gonta struggled to sit up straighter as that dastardly feather duster wiggled against his lower back. The trade of Kirumi’s talent and punishments; whenever he made even the slightest of errors, she’d get him with it! If Gonta were being honest- it didn’t feel nearly as bad as he imagined.
Granted- he’d only ever seen teaching in books and shows where they’d wield wooden swords and rulers. He was happy Kirumi wasn’t that old fashioned. “Gohohohnta sihiihtting strahhahaight!”
“Hmm..yes, that is correct.” Nodding, Kirumi came around to his side, eyeing him. “Now, which is your soup spoon?”
Easy. Gonta picked it up. Kirumi smiled.
“Very good. First course fork?”
Correct again.
“Main course?”
Gonta held them up as she called them. It took a few rounds of feather dusting to get it right, but he felt confident. Pleased, Kirumi nodded. “Very good. Now- here’s a challenge. How do you place down your silverware when you’re taking a break?”
Gonta looked at the plate, trying to recall the earlier positions Kirumi showed him. There were at least five. He dared a peek, feeling anticipation bubble in his gut when she reached for her duster. “G-Gonta thinks…” He looked at the plate and silverware in hand, panicked. “Gonta…Gonta can’t remember.”
Kirumi hummed, nodding. She walked over to him, coming behind. “First- we have finished.” She took his hands in hers, guiding them to show him. “Got it?”
Gonta nodded, she continued.
“This is to signal a break, excellent…didn’t like…next plate. There you are. Makes sense?”
Gonta nodded, feeling a bit more confident. “Yes!”
Then the tickles came.
“Aehahhahaha!” Gonta yelped, dropping the silverware as he tried and failed to block out her hands. “Geahhahhahaha! T-Tohoohoohhojohohoohoho- shahahahahmahahhah! Aheahhahahha!”
“Let’s try this again. Now- using your fingers- what is the signal for finished?” She asked against his shoulder, a laugh in her voice as Gonta squeaked and giggled, curling into himself. “Come on, you know it.”
“Ahehahahaha- F-Fiihihihihnsihed?” Gonta shakily held out two fingers straight.
“Good. Now show me taking a break?”
“Aheahhahaha!” Gonta willed his hands to move, arms too busy pressed tightly into his sides as her nimble fingers danced across his ribs. At times she walked them up his biceps, giving them a few pinches as she went to really get him laughing. “Lihiihihke thihihihis?”
“Close, a little more open..there you go. Good. Now- show me excellent.”
One after the other, Gonta struggled to make hand signs as Kirumi tickled him seemingly endlessly. By the final question, he was breathless and flushed, leaning into the table as Kirumi released him from her clutches. “Ahehehea..ahehahahaa…hehehe..”
“You’ve done well. Even when under stress, you remembered your manners. As is a true gentleman.” Kirumi nodded, leaving briefly. When she returned, she had a cup of tea in hand. For a moment, Gonta wondered if there’d be more lessons regarding it.
“That should be enough for today. We can pick this up tomorrow.” Kirumi nodded as she placed the cup on the table. Then she paused, stiffening all over.
“Tojo-sama?” Gonta asked, surprised to see her so still.
“Oh, pardon me.” She coughed, her cheeks a rare tint of pink. “I seemed to forget myself. I shouldn’t be making assumptions of your future plans like that.”
“Why? I want to come back tomorrow.” Gonta’s words seemed to darken her cheeks, eyes widening a fraction. “You’re a good teacher, Tojo-sama. I feel like I’m becoming a better gentleman through you.” He turned to her, straightening his back and raising his hands. He pointed his fingers in the direction she taught him was “excellent”. “Gonta rates you with an ‘excellent’!”
Kirumi stared, and Gonta carried on smiling. His face cracked when he saw her eyes well up. “Tojo-sama? Oh no- Gonta messed up, didn’t he?”
“No-no, not at all.” She let out a wet laugh, wiping at her eyes. “I’m just- that made me really happy. More than you realize.” She smiled, something new and warm and what Gonta would describe as adorable in her expression as she curtsied. “I’d love to keep teaching you etiquette, if you’ll have me.”
“Gonta wouldn’t have it any other way!” Gonta cheered, making her laugh softly. “For now, let us have tea!”
“Yes…may I make one small request though?” Kirumi asked as she sat down, taking the cup offered to her.
“Hm? Sure, what is it?”
“Please…there’s no need to refer to me as Tojo-sama. I feel like we’ve gotten close well before these lessons. You’re my friend. I’d like you to refer to me as one.” She seemed to shake some in her cup, cheeks hot and eyes averted. Gonta never thought he’d witness such a composed woman so shy.
“Of course…Kirumi.” He watched her relax, smiling in her tea. “But please call me Gonta. We’re friends after all.”
“Yes. Yes, Gonta- we are.”
Thanks for reading!
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brunnyazt · 4 months
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Hi, you can call me "brunny" or "n3ssie"! My pronouns are she/they, I'm a 20 years old hobbyist artist and I mainly draw fnaf vanny/vanessa & glitchtrap!
some info!
I have multiple art styles. I really like to experiment new stuff and study art I like so my art is inconsistent, and I still didn't find a style that I'm satisfied with :(
I unfortunately draw on phone on ibis paint and you can find the brushes I use on my carrd
I don't post often and it takes me a while to finish my drawings world's slowest drawer
Mainly fnaf, but sometimes I will reblog other stuff I like (persona, honkai 3rd, honkai star rail, jjk, old internet aesthetics, dividers, stamps, blinkies)
I can accept suggestions/requests/collabs/art trades
You can use my art as pfp/banner/edit/board with credit
Do not repost my art, even with credit
Do not use for NFT or AI "art"
my art tag is my art ✮
to see art reblogs others art
dividers/blinkies/stamps ✮ resources archive ✮
I'm more active on Twitter. So follow me there :D
this fixed post will be updated when necessary
carrd | twitter | cara
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vanny stamps i made yay!!!
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glitch divider | website themed divider
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vexifeye · 2 months
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ART TRADE TIME!!! Not sure if anyone does that here but yay let's try anyway :3
they're finally open gang!! Now that I'm finished up with owed, I'm looking to trade with people! :D
*I will be prioritizing people who can draw humans, as I'll mainly be looking for art of Nathan! However I'll look at everyone nontheless and will be open to all options :3*
If you're interested, please comment below what type of trade you'd like to do, and if I pick you, I'll give you a dm! I can draw all sorts of stuff - humans/humanoids, anthros, dragons, animals, robots, anything you'd like that's a creature!
Thank you for taking a looksie! After this, I'll be working on my 1k DTIYS YAAAAY 😆
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What if fresh had an fem s/o that was scemo? And they were almost as tall as him in cute black and pick boots and *bribed* him to switch clothes with each other?
Sincerely -Ghost 🪶
Haha bribing yay :D
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Fresh would most likely stare at his partner, while thinking about it. Did he want to trade clothes for a little while? He never thought he would meet anyone that was the same height as himself, to be honest.
He was like 6'9? He didn't really remember this bodies height. "For sure broseph, why not?" He chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. As long as he didn't have to take off his glasses, he was fine with it.
When they traded the clothes, and he looked down at himself messing with the fabric he realized it felt… strange. He was so used to wearing such bright colors to try not to look like a threat, acted like this, honestly to not look like a threat.
Now look at him.
Eh, weird but fun. He would wear the clothes as long as you wanna keep wearing his, he doesn't really need to wash them cause skeletons don't like sweat or anything but they do need to be washed, to be 100% honest with you lol.
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dem0nguy · 8 months
Ive been infected by the AU bug (Ive got like 5 different AUs for MB now help—)
HOWEVER, this does give me an excuse to ramble about said AUs >:3
So how bout I ramble about the one I ever-so-conveniently drew art for?
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Ima be honest, I originally created this just so I could put the sillies in fancy outfits. But then I added lore…
(The outfits in question:)
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(Before I start ima just say that none of the characters go by their aliases, bc it just wouldn’t make sense here (and like, their names are cool and get no use in the show, they need use >:/ ))
So Jim(Sheriff) and Ryan live in a poor rural town in the middle of nowhere. Ryan works as a blacksmith, and Jim is an aspiring inventor (he’s not very good at the inventing part… just the ideas.)
Ryan wants Jim to learn how to be a blacksmith like he is, because it’s a reliable job and he doesn’t see Jim going very far in his inventing career.
Obviously, Jim doesn’t listen to him.
On one particularly boring day, an aspiring entrepreneur/inventor rolls into town. He introduces himself as Max(Shooter) Kojima, and says he’s looking for someone to help jumpstart his business with him. Jim quickly volunteers, but Ryan stops him, and forces him to come home.
Jim, however, is a persistent little bitch. So he sneaks out at night and joins up with Max; who gives him a prototype bionic arm as a gift.
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Somewhere along their journey, Max reveals that he stole a powerful source of energy contained in a gem (*cough* MORPHONITE *cough*) from the lead entrepreneurs, Wart and Verruca, and plans to use it for his own inventions.
Jim is honestly so awed by the gem that he doesn’t care if it was stolen or not.
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(At this point, Ryan has realized Jim is missing. So he sets out on a mission to find him)
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Unfortunately, Max and Jim were not the only ones after the gem. Vegan-Su and BP steal it from them, so the two set off on a mission to get it back.
When they finally confront Vegan and BP, they explain that the gem was created by their father (Dr. White) and was stolen from him. So they were trying to get it back. But Max and Jim don’t care, and just as they’re about to walk off with the gem; Alexander(Brutux) steals it from them. All four then decide to work together to get the gem back.
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Alexander works for Wart and Verruca, and was sent to go find the gem. But he doesn’t actually know what it is, nor the importance of it. When Jim, Max, Vegan, and BP catch up to him, they explain that the gem was created by Dr. White. Alexander then proceeds to fanboy about Dr. White and join the group.
(Jim and Max were gonna steal the gem back, but now they’re in too deep to get out so yk….)
(Also unrelated but Jim and Max are gay for each other bc you don’t just run off with a man in the middle of the night and NOT fall in love with him.)
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The five start on their way to Dr. White’s place, just before they reach it, Jim gets a letter. The letter states that Ryan has been kidnapped by Wart and Verruca, and if the gem isn’t returned to them, he will be killed.
So they change course, and head for Wart and Verruca’s business place: Panic Mechanics (I’m so good at naming things/j) They make the trade for Ryan (who thoroughly scolds Jim, but is thankful for being saved.) Then unsure of what to do next, they head to Dr. White’s place.
(Dr. White is kinda like an inventor with questionable ethics and a weird way of doing things. He’s relatively well known, but his unpredictably doesn’t make him “famous” per se. His books are what most people (including Alexander) know him for.)
When they arrive, Dr. White explains that Wart and Verruca will try to drain all the energy in the world using that gem, so everyone has to come to them for power/inventions. (Capitalism, yay)
So they head right on back to Panic Mechanics, just in time to stop Wart and Verruca’s plan, saving the world. (AND THE GAYS GET TO KISS >:D)
That’s pretty much all, thanks for listening to me ramble! :3
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Aaaa did an art trade with @befuddled-calico-whump and yay!!! Isaac art!!!!
It is. Really fucking gory. Be awarned.
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Look at him he’s so suffering shaped <2
Inspired by a writing I’m gonna post for WIJ :D
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