#Yeah it's the LA Beast gif
watermelonstar · 7 months
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sansaorgana · 3 months
Hi Lily!! It’s been awhile, how are you? I just saw your new Benny fic and ran to request another bc I love your writing so much 💞 What are your thoughts about soft!Benny coaxing a nervous reader onto his bike for the first time? Can you imagine those mesmerizing baby blues hovering over you as his deep, soothing voice promises, “I won’t let anything happen to you, baby girl.”
hello, Lee! 💚 it feels nice to see you again 🥺💐 this fic is so Lana Del Rey that I should get sued by her tbh 🙈😭
I had to close my requests for now because I got so many 🙏🏻
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“I won’t let anything happen to you, baby girl,” Benny looked deep into your eyes as he leaned in, trying to convince you to hop on his bike after you had left the pub with all the other guys.
You bit on your lower lip and giggled nervously. You had been curious about the bikes for a while now – especially after starting to date a biker. Not any biker but Benny Cross himself on top of that. But still, you were nervous. There were so many accidents, you heard about them every day. And you knew the way Benny was driving – it was careless. You were already worried enough about him.
Whenever he was visiting you, you would play that song by The Shangri-Las “The Leader of The Pack” and he would sigh and roll his eyes.
“Promise me I won’t ever have to cry on this song, Benny,” you would always say and he would stop all the playful expressions.
Because Benny couldn’t promise. He had even mentioned once – drunk on beer – that he would want to die on the road. To die like he was living. You had been sitting in his arms by the bonfire but you had to stand up and walk away after hearing that; to hide in Kathy’s car and cry a little.
You would always go to the meetings in someone’s car. You knew it was a little ridiculous considering the fact you were dating a biker but…
“I promised my ma that I would never ride that beast,” you batted your eyelashes at him. “She let me go out with you on that condition,” you reminded him.
“Baby,” Benny put his hands on your shoulders to move you away slightly from the road at the sight of other gang members hopping on their bikes to drive away. “I’m gonna be slow and careful, come on. I won’t even go past the speed limit with you in the back, I promise,” he put his right hand on his chest where his heart was. “You’re my pretty lil’ dollie, I won’t anything bad happen to you.”
“Why do you care so much about it, Benny?” You bit on your lower lip and looked into his eyes, trying to understand.
“It’s somethin’ I love. Somethin’ I’m excited about. I want you to try at least once. Want you to know what I’m talkin’ about and… Yeah, it’s a nice feelin’. Want you to experience it, okay?” He booped you on the nose. “Please, one time. I would never break the law with you in the back.”
“Well, if so… Then I should be always riding with you, don’t you think?” You teased with a wink and took a deep breath in. “Okay, fine.”
“No, no, don’t fine me, baby. You gotta want it, I don’t want to force you,” Benny shook his head and fixed one of the rings on his fingers nervously.
“I want it, Benny. I mean it. I’ve been curious for some time, I’m just…” You took a deep breath in. “I’m a chicken.”
Benny chuckled at that.
“Yeah, you are,” he nodded and hopped onto his bike before looking back with a daring look on his face and an eyebrow raised.
“What?!” You gasped. “You were supposed to deny it!”
“Well, I didn’t,” he shrugged. “You comin’ or what?”
You laughed at him and rolled your eyes before clumsily getting behind him. He moved forward to give you more space and when you felt like you were comfortable enough, he reached to the back and grabbed your hands to wrap them around his torso.
“Pat me on the chest if you want me to stop,” he told you. “I’m starting the engine now,” he warned and you nodded before swallowing a lump in your throat. You liked that he was talking you through it, it was making everything easier.
The act of starting the engine was pretty aggressive. He kicked his boot and jumped as the motorbike roared like a lion and you felt fresh sweat droplets forming on your back. So, that was it. You would ride a motorbike now.
When he started driving, at first you got a little dizzy and felt as if you were about to fall down. You clung to him with all your force and felt him chuckle as you moved as close as possible and leaned your cheek on his back and closed your eyes, too scared to open them.
“Keep your eyes open, baby!” You heard his voice and you sighed. You hated how well he knew you already. So, you forced yourself to flutter your eyelids open as your fingers dug even further into his jean vest.
It was a warm summer evening and the sun was slowly setting in pink and orange hues. Benny was driving you out of town and into the cornfields, into the infinite open road where the horizon seemed to be a beautiful and an unreachable dream.
You gasped at the sight and moved your face away from his back to let the warm breeze tickle your skin as you kept looking around in awe. You suddenly understood everything. Everything.
You had been asking Benny many times before to explain to you what was that about the road that he loved so much but he never knew how to put it into words. Now you understood that there were no words to describe that feeling. It felt unearthly – the freedom, the sudden lightness of being. The infinite amount of possibilities to just keep driving and getting lost, starting a new life in a different state or crashing against the truck. Yeah, you even understood now what he meant when he had said he would want to die on the road. You understood even that.
Riding the motorbike made you feel invincible. You were immortal, you were one with the road, with the American land, with the pink and orange skies, with the badlands and with the desert. With the cornfields and The Grand Canyon. You loosened your grip on Benny’s vest once you began to feel more comfortable and steady but you leaned in again to let your lips brush the sensitive skin behind his ear. Your hot breath over him as you kissed his pulse point before whispering the words you had never expected you to say:
“Faster, Benny. Go faster,” you pleaded and leaned back again.
You felt his hesitation for a moment but then the engine roared again and you smiled at the feeling of him speeding up. It was a real beast that Harley. It was big and shiny and heavy. A prince of the road, you thought, with only good ol’ Cadillac earning the name of The King.
Benny was going faster and faster as the sun was setting and you couldn’t help the feeling you wanted to crash with him. Maybe not now but one day – two young lovers tied forever in the act of tragic death. Like in the movies. Perhaps the movies had messed too much with your head. And in this moment you actually loved America. And everything it was standing for.
You pouted when Benny turned around to take you back to town. You didn’t want him to. You wanted him to keep driving and take you to the motel and in the morning to keep driving further, to start a new life somewhere or keep the life on the road. Together. Like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde or Jack Kerouac.
He slowed down again once you were back in town and he took you right home. When he parked the bike in front of your house, it felt like you had just awakened from a dream.
Holding onto his waist, you clumsily hopped off the motorbike and took a step ahead to be able to face him.
“And?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh, Benny…” You didn’t know where to start. You suddenly remembered all the thoughts you had on the back of his bike but now you were ashamed of them. It was like having sex – after the high was gone, you no longer liked the obscene things that were turning you on while it lasted.
“What? Thought you liked it,” Benny sighed.
“I did! Too much, perhaps,” you explained as your cheeks heated up and you bit on your lower lip. “I don’t think it’s good for me, though. I don’t think I should keep riding. It’s messing with my head,” you confessed and Benny chuckled at you.
“But now you understand?” He asked with hope in his voice.
“I do,” you nodded with all seriousness. “Everything.”
“Good,” he nodded back. “Goodnight kiss for Benny?”
“Goodnight kiss for Benny,” you nodded with a chuckle and leaned in to cup his face and join your lips together with a smile. “Be careful,” you whispered and watched him drive away.
But on your way from the driveway to the front door of your house, you had a feeling, somewhere deep inside, that it had not been the last time you were on that goddamn Harley.
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lilmaravilla · 2 years
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley Headcanons
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This man has been taking over my life so I am going to let him take over yours! >:) I hope you guys enjoy!
This tall tatted man is head over heels for you but will obviously not admit it. For all the shit that he has been through, he sees it best you don’t find out. 
He wants to keep you safe as well so it is best that no one knows what he is feeling. You’re his weakness. You make him vulnerable and you don’t even know it. That is why no one can know in case they want to hurt you. 
Soap has already figured him out. I mean c’mon the way that Ghost keeps his eyes glued to your being when you walk into a room. Or when you are speaking. The way he keeps his eyes on you during a mission. 
Alejandro noticed it as well. So when I say that Soap and him partner up to tease the poor man and make him jealous any chance they get, I mean it. 
When Ghost gets jealous, he goes silent. A little too silent. There’s no doubt he’s murdering whoever is near you with his eyes. It should be him who even gets to be that close to you. 
When on missions, you could say he is your bodyguard. Whether he is always by your side, in front of you, but mostly behind you. He makes sure no one hurts you. Shots fired? He’ll push you behind him or behind any barrier to cover you. 
“You think I can’t defend myself or what?!” 
“Bloody fucking hell, Y/n! I am just trying to protect you!”
“I don’t need you to protect me! I can protect myself!”
Remember Soap trying to make him jealous?? Yeah one day he takes it too far by pretending he’s about to kiss you. Oh boy, the jealous and silent Ghost turns into a beast and shows you who you belong to. He confesses and tells him how seeing you near another man makes his blood boil. 
“El fantasma al fin gano a la chica.” (The ghost finally won the girl!) from Alejandro.
After a night of love-making (and you barely being able to walk) he is much closer to you. Soft touches here and there are given by him. Almost in reassurance that he’s near and that he’s here for you. 
Patience is key when being with him. He is still trying to get accustomed to letting his feelings out for you. 
Special treatment as you’re the only one who can take off his mask and kiss those lips of his. The only one who really gets to see his face. 
Him just staring at you with adoring eyes as your hands reach up to his balaclava and gently take it off. His heart nearly beating out of his chest. He is staring at an angel. His very own angel. And you are crazy as hell if you think anyone will ever harm his divine angel.
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tenaciousjalapeno · 11 months
Testing the Cat Lady, Part 2
Pairing: LA Buggy the Clown x Reader
Summary: Captain Buggy drags you back to his ship to show you around your new home
Warnings: language
Word Count: 1,600
A/N: Tried to match the energy of the emotionally drained character, so hopefully that shines through
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The door that Buggy takes you through leads straight back to his colorful ship, where the crew leisurely sprawls across the main deck. “Listen up, freaks,” he shouts, instantly drawing the attention of his crew. “This little looker and the furball are the newest members of the show. We’re going to show them a warm welcome, got it?” Cabaji and Bear-boy arrive, rolling a barrel of whiskey to their captain’s side. “Why don’t you introduce yourself,” Buggy quietly urges you with a nudge forward. As much as you don’t want to, the emotional blows the man has put you through has wrung any and all fight out of you. At least for today. You nervously stutter out both your and Mango’s names to the crowd. It looks to be about twenty people, give or take. They give a collective welcoming shout in return.
Several pairs of hungry eyes scan your body up and down. Being ogled at is nothing new to you, but something about so many people – pirates, at that – doing it at once sends a shiver down your spine. Luckily, this doesn’t go unnoticed by your new captain. “Touch either of them, and you lose your hands,” he coldly states to the crew. All of their gazes immediately drop. Buggy tells you that he’ll give you a tour after he gets some other work done, then disappears back into the tent.
Everyone seems friendly enough and bombards you with questions throughout the afternoon. The whole situation is a bit overwhelming, but nothing you can’t handle. Mango stays settled in your lap the entire time, which helps ease your tension. Not much, but enough. From listening in on some nearby conversations you learn that Bear-boy is the Mohji that Buggy spoke of earlier. If it weren’t for him, you could very well be sitting here with a cat-sized hole in your heart. A wave of guilt washes over you, and you decide that apologizing to the poor guy is the least you could do to make up for his bandaged arms. “Hey! Mohji, right?” you ask after striding over to him.
He nervously eyes Mango, but smiles warmly at you nonetheless. “Yeah, that’s right.”
“Uh, so Captain Buggy said you’re kind of responsible for keeping Mango safe. I wanted to say thanks, and sorry on behalf of this guy.” Mango crawls his way up your shoulder as you speak and stares at Mohji with distrust.
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” he says, brushing the matter off with a wave of his hand. “I would’ve done the same if I was in his boots. I’m actually glad to have him around! Now Richie finally has another cat to keep him company.”
You perk up at his words. “You’ve got a cat too?” No matter how many cats you’ve seen in your days, you’re always excited to meet a new one.
“Yeah, he’s my best buddy! Come on, I’ll show you.” With that, Mohji leads you back to the tent. Pulling back the curtain to a side room, your heart hits the floor. Holy shit! It wasn’t a cat. It was a lion. A big one. He lays comfortably on a blanket and barely acknowledges your entrance. To your shock, Mohji seems completely at ease around Richie and goes as far as rubbing the massive beast’s exposed belly. Even more to your shock, Mango is also unfazed. He leaps down from your shoulders and confidently struts over to the lion that is, no joke, easily a hundred times his size. After a minute of sniffing each other, Mango curls up against Richie for a nap. That cat of yours has always been brave, but sometimes he leaves you truly gob smacked.
You sigh and shake your head at the little orange cat. Once your heart settles, you pelt Mohji with dozens of questions about his, ehh, strange choice of pet. He seems ecstatic to finally have a new person to show Richie off to. Gods know that it isn’t often that they get a new member to the crew. Engrossed in the conversation, you don’t notice that with each question, he inches closer and closer, until a voice shouts behind you.
“Back off, Mohji. Remember what I said about losing your hands?” Buggy enters the tent, surprising the both of you. His face bares a wide smile, but his voice is edging on hostile. The combination is frightening, but at least he seems to be looking out for you. Kind of. Maybe?
“Y-yes captain! I was j-just introducing these two to Richie,” Mohji stutters out fearfully.
Your captain circles the cowering man. “That better be all it was. You,” he says, turning back and setting his watercolor eyes on you, “Grab the furball. I’m going to show you around.” You nod and hoist Mango into your arms. Buggy leads you back toward the ship and yells behind him to Mohji, “Not everyone who likes cats wants to see your dick!” The statement leaves you flustered. Being able to tell if people were flirting with you or not was a gift that you weren’t exactly graced with. In fact, it’s gotten you into a lot of trouble in the past, but it looks like the captain has saved you this time around. You almost consider thanking him, but you’re still too caught up on the whole “capturing you and forcing you to join his crew” thing to show any gratitude.
He takes you to the lower deck of the ship, pointing out the kitchen, laundry, storage rooms, and other main areas before stopping abruptly at a door. You nearly stumble into him, but he catches you by the shoulder and steadies you. The contact makes you blush, but you dismiss it as a weird fear response. After all, he did threaten to kill your cat just this morning. Though you pegged him as an idiot before, the ordeal really drove home that he wasn’t someone to be trifled with. “This’ll be your room,” Buggy states, opening the door and motioning for you to step in. It’s small, but surprisingly clean and even has its own bathroom. You survey the room from its center, taking a minute to fully soak it in.
“Is there something wrong with it?” Buggy huffs, snapping you back to reality. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed and an expectant look in his picturesque eyes. Try as you might not to notice, the position does a great job of framing his biceps. The sight makes your stomach flip. As cruel and intimidating as he is, it’s impossible to deny that he’s, well, nice to look at. Even with the clown nose.
“Oh, no. It’s nice,” you hurriedly say. “I guess I was just expecting a shared quarters or something.”
He looks away and shifts his weight. “Well, there is, but I figured since you’ve got that guy, you might need your own space so he doesn’t bother anyone. That and I don’t trust some of those other shitheads around you.”
With a puzzled look, you try to ask, “What do you-,” before he cuts you off.
“Anyway, we’ll talk about my plans for you in the morning. My room is next door if you need me. Don’t bother me unless it’s important,” he says gruffly before heading to his own room. Rude. That blue-haired clown’s mood swings today are really leaving you in a daze.
Closing the door, you see that two little bowls and a large bag of cat food rest on the floor behind it. Once again, you blush, though you don’t know what to dismiss this one as. You set Mango down and fill his bowl with food, which he eagerly starts crunching on.
Familiarizing yourself with your new home, you take another look over everything. A dresser against the wall reminds you that you’re going to be in need of some new clothes, seeing as everything in your house is probably trashed. Still, you decide to open it up and check out the drawers. To your pleasant surprise, it’s filled with your clothes as well as a few of your other personal belongings. A smile spreads widely across your face and you let out a small fit of giggles. Never in a hundred years did you think you’d be so happy to see your clothes, books, and dinged-up old lute. It clicks that this is probably what he was referring to when he said that he had other work. Maybe he’s not as evil as I thought.
In the room next door, Buggy leans over the counter in his own personal bathroom, washing grease paint from his face. He’s lost in his own thoughts. Uncharacteristically, he actually felt guilty about his show earlier. Countless people had been tortured by his own two hands and malicious methods over the years, but never before did he show an ounce of remorse. In fact, it had become something of a hobby at this point. The screams and tears he’d elicit typically brought him satisfaction, but something about yours stirred a foreign feeling in him. Maybe it was just how small you looked standing there, or maybe it was the desperation in your watery doe eyes. Maybe it was any number of things. Fucked if he knew.
 Through the wall, he can hear your giggles, to which he responds with a low groan. “Damn shidiot,” he mumbles to his reflection.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 8 months
My take on Monster N from @electrozeistyking
Under the cut for graphic description of violence and body horror. Murder Drones is known for the violence and body horror but still
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Uzi tried screwing around with the Solver thingy on N (V wouldn't let her do shiz and tbh i agree Uzi shouldn't be near a lab because the first thing she'll do is make mustard gas that spawns funky fungus everywhere it touches) aaaand it got a biiiittt too far and she fucked up! A little!
N pretty much started feeling this random sharp pain in his... Well- everywhere, like he's tryna grow but can't, and also his temper was... Affected quite a bit. As in he gets a little angrier a little easier. As in you hurt Uzi he's eating you after he's done slamming you around a la Hulk with Loki in that one movie
Aaaand at some point yeah he's finding the reason for his random sharp pains :)
He has a beast form now that activates whenever he's stressed or overstimulated and boy is it painful when he transforms
His design, instead of being N but beeg, it's N with flesh and bones all over, increasing his size by a LOT
He's FERAL feral in this form, roaring and all that jazz, mighty impulsive and follows instinct instead of thought (his instincts boils down to "cause of stress has to disappear, unless it's Uzi she can give good pets")
Basically bye golden retriever hello Straight Up Parent Bear That's Protecting It's Children™
Of course he purrs and is capable of being chill in this form, he just needs a certain goth girl to help him snap out of it... And deal with his pains after turning back a few minutes later. Yes he can turn back but it hurts just as much and leaves him kinda cranky lol
Oh yeah! And he's a teensy bit cruel in this beast form! That good ol' Disassembly Drone liking for murder and playing with their food!
Basically: Nuzi has an incident learning about the Solver and now N is pretty much fucking pissed off and feral lmao
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kousaka-ayumu · 3 months
"The Winter Has Arrived! Cure Schnee Is Born!"
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The story starts with a 16 year old girl running in a some sort of a school uniform.
The girl has dark pink hair with ice blue streaks, and sapphire blue eyes, she wore a black collared undershirt, a dark blue skirt, a red bow tie, white blazer, and white knee length socks and black mary jane shoes. Her name is Fuyumi Hoshiakari. A first year at Royal Sword Academy.
"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late for class!!!" She yelled to herself as she scolded herself for being late to class.
Unfortunately she didn't watch where she was going and ended up slightly bumping into a girl her age.
The girl is a tiger beast-girl with dark purple hair with a light purple streak. She wore the same uniform as Fuyumi though replaced by a light purple cardigan and white thigh high socks, and black shoes. Her name is Hoseki Héxie.
"Oh! I'm so-sorry I didn't mean to bump into you! Gotta go bye!" Fuyumi said as she apologize for bumping into the tiger girl before leaving, as she running towards the classroom she's supposed to be in, class 1-B.
Then she opened the door "Sorry I'm la-" She said before it was revealed that the classroom is empty except for Neige LeBlanche and a brunette girl named Risumi Philippa.
"Morning LeBlanche-kun, Philippa-san!" She said, "Morning Hoshiakari-san!" Neige said "Morning.." Risumi said
Slowly but surely the rest of her classmates have arrived and now class has started.
Lunch have arrived and everyone is doing their own thing, and Fuyumi is eating curry with her friend Risumi.
It's been a 3 days since she entered Royal Sword Academy and she absolutely love it.
She ended up in Myrsina, a dorm based on the Princess of Beauty's kindness.
"How is it going for you Risumi?"
Risumi is her first friend who's from the Alcidesdawn a dorm based on the Glorious Heroes's spirit.
"It's okay.." She said as she ate her slice of chocolate cake, if anything she didn't really care much, the only thing she needed from the academy is to study and graduate from here.
But nope, the 16 year old girl decided to make the 14 year old her friend, but then again the ice blue streak girl's warmth yet energetic energy is endearing yet annoying to her.
It was only until the bell rang, guess it was class again.
School was over and a lot of the students went back to their dorms, some of them went to the library to study like Hoseki, went to do their club activities like Kiko, hanging out with their friends like Seiza, or just went back to their dorms like Risumi.
With Fuyumi, she went back to Myrsina and in her room, in her pj's.
It was a looooong day, well she gotta get ready for tomorrow, slowly but surely she fell unto slumber.
Unexpectedly she woke up in a destroyed and abandoned castle, she was confused. Where is she? What is this place? But where is this place?
Suddenly a wind blow past her hair and she saw a figure in the distance and said figure was a girl.
The girl looked a lot like her except her hair was in a long side ponytail and is wearing a some sort of a white outfit.
Suddenly she started to walk towards the ice blue streak girl and she started freaking out, hold up what is she gonna do?! Should she run and hide?! Should she-
Unexpectedly the ponytail girl's hand touch her face and everything goes white.
Dream ends
Fuyumi suddenly woke up from her sleep, it was still morning she looked at the alarm and it's 5:10 am.
"What the heck is that dream?" She asked to herself as she get off her bed and went to the closet to pick up her uniform, looks like she's going to get ready for the day.
God it was a wild day for Fuyumi, at least now she took a seat at PE as the teacher have gotten the other students to do jogging and some of the others to any exercise that Fuyumi didn't knew about it.
As she was watching everyone else to do their own thing, someone sat besides her.
It's Hoseki, from her first day.
"A bit exhausted?"
"Yeah, never thought PE would be so difficult, no wonder big brother said you get the hang of it. Oh yeah, sorry for bumbing into you yesterday." Fuyumi apologies.
"No it's okay, you didn't see it coming."
"I'll introduce myself again, my name is Hoshiakari Fuyumi nice to meet you." The ice streak girl said holding out her hand to the beast-girl.
"Héxié Hoseki, nice to meet you to." She replied, shooking her hand.
"Fuyumi! There you are, I was looking alll over for you." A voice said, both of them looked over and saw Risumi running slowly towards the 2 of them.
Hoseki eyebrows the strange cracks on Risumi's skin though it goes unnoticed by Fuyumi.
"Risumi!" Fuyumi said holding out her arms as if she wanted to hug the brunette, only for said brunette to held her face.
"No hugging Fuyumi, we're just met yesterday."
"Aw come on!"
Hoseki giggled at the sight of those 2, they were met yesterday and already friends with each other, that's cute.
Only for the bell to ring, it means lunch time.
Now it's history class AKA the last lesson and Fuyumi looks bored at this, suddenly something caught her attention outside.
There we're 5 little creatures right near tree, some of them looking very injured.
The first one was some sort of a tiny animal and it looks like a polar bear, wore a light blue cloak with white fluffs and a blue snowflake centered around their chest along side a pink snowflake tiara on their head.
The second one was a lavender eastern dragon with gold and red accents and a crown almost reminiscent of a fengguan and a music note necklace.
The third one was a green-coloured peacock with the feathers fading from green to seaform alongside a leaf necklace.
The fourth on was a orange cat with yellow star patterns, red rose flower crowns with a crown on top of the head, and a star shaped collar.
The last one was a pastel pink dove with broken wings and a heart-shaped necklace around the neck, and a gold anklet.
The polar bear and the dove looks hurt, she gotta help it.
Suddenly the bell rings, now school is over, as all her classmates left the classroom, she opened the window and jump from it, and she ended up landed into a pond wetting her shoes and socks in the process, but that's the least of her concern, she rushed out of the pond and went towards the injured polar bear who is clearly in pain.
"Hey uh guys we have company!" The peacock said, then she stopped and walked towards them slowly and gently.
"Shhh, it's okay I'm here now.." She said quietly as she held out her hand looking like she's reaching them, the polar bear saw the ice streaked haired girl, and slowly reached out their paw towards her.
As their paw and hands meet each other a soft light glows and a snowflake marking appeared on her hand, then the glowing stopped, but not only that but the injuries faded away.
"H-how did-?" Before she could say anything....
"Holy celestine they're bonding!" The cat said. 'Bonding?' That's what she thought into her mind, and before she knew it, the bear hugged her by the arm.
"Thank you for saving me!" The polar bear said, looking at her in the eyes and it's light purple.
Fuyumi felt she died like there, they looks so cute!!
Suddenly she snapped out of her mind and looked at the creatures.
"Wait, who are you?" She said.
"My sincere apologies for that, for your questions-"Suddenly the cat interrupted the dragon.
"We are named the Sunshine Crusaders, we came from the land called the Ravindra Garden-"
"Hey don't interrupted me!"
"Excuse me? I was only given her an explanation of where we came from!"
"But that doesn't mean you should interrupted my speech!"
But before the argument could escalated the dove got in between them.
"Can we please don't argue? Cause we're in a public space here."
It hit Fuyumi's head"You guys can stay at my room if you like."
"For that said, I sincerely apologize for the argument that we caused in you're presence young human." The dragon said the 6 of them we're in her room and she's in her dorm uniform.
"It's okay, can you explain more about yourself?" She said.
The dragon clearing his throat and continue "As Galaxie said we are the Sunshine Crusaders, we came from the land of Ravindra Garden, it's going to be a long story."
"Once upon a time there was a land called the Ravindra Garden, that's where we the Sunshine Crusaders come from.
It was a world of multiple possibilities, multiple dreams came true from wishes which we're made from individuals from other dimensions.
But our beautiful land was attacked by the Lady of the Dead named Ammit and her husband Lord of the Dead Sullivan, their army destroyed our homes.
Our rulers, Queen Celestia and her husband King Helie fought them along side their armies.
But our rulers eventually lose, Sullivan have controlled several of our friends turning them to puppets and brought back the dead turning them into soulless beings."
"That's why we came here, to escape from those 2." The dragon finishes, the other Crusaders looked at the ground. Fuyumi couldn't help but felt horrible for them, she couldn't imagine having to run away from her home, especially when her younger sister is heavily sick.
But before she thought about it more, there was a knock on the door, promoting the Crusaders to hide.
It was Neige "Fuyumi, just wanted to let you know that dinner's ready in the dining room." He said outside of the room.
"Ah! Coming!" She said, then she looked at the Crusaders "Be right back." She said as she left the room.
Dinner was delicious, not only that the food is great but also she could chat with their classmates of course she couldn't tell them about the encounter she had today, but something caught her ears.
"Have you heard the news?"
"No, what is it?"
"5 people went missing."
"What?! What happened to them."
"I don't know, the only thing I know it's that they're went missing like a week ago."
"Who are they?"
"A 25 year old woman, a 14 year old girl, a 16 year old boy, a 17 year old girl and a 18 year old boy."
"That's a lot.."
"It is."
"I just hope that they're returned safe and sound."
"Yeah, me too."
Like that said having 5 people missing is very disturbing to her, what happened in the outside world.
Then she looked the treats that Neige gave her, it was a batch of high quality sweets look like it came from a luxury bakery. The more she think about the Crusaders, the more she realized that they're hungry.
She went to her room and saw that the Crusaders we're on the desk, "Hey guys."
They stopped what they we're doing and looked at her "Hold on, is that food?!" Galaxie said with stars in her eyes. "Yes, it is Neige gave it to me a while ago but you guys can have it." She said as she placed the basket on the desk, only to have the Crusaders invading it.
She was surprised but quickly turned into a pout "Geez at least leave some for me?" The polar bear heard it and gave her a cookie which she thank it and ate it.
She opened her closet and taken out her PJs.
She place it on her bed, "Just realized something I never ask you guys for any of you're names." She said as she place her tiara to a safe place.
"Ah! My name is Demetria." The polar bear now known as Demetria said.
"I'm Xuánlǜ, and this moron of a cat is Galaxie." The eastern dragon now known as Xuánlǜ said as she finished her tart.
"Galaxie, also not a moron Xuánlǜ!" The star type cat named Galaxie said.
"Nice to meet you guys."
Little did she know that she was watched from a crystal ball, it's from the Lady of the Dead Ammit, who wore a veil concealing her identity.
"Looks like we got a problem on our hands, Acheron."
A boy came out of the shadows right in front of her, he had black hair with an orange ombre, dark gray eyes, and wore a black v shape shirt, orange jacket with yellow flames on the sleeves, dark grey shorts, black tights and orange sneakers. His name is Acheron.
"The fuck do you want, old lady?" He said.
"May I suggest you to watch you're language, however I have mission for you." She responded.
"What is it?" He asked.
She showed the crystal ball to him and it showed Fuyumi sleeping with Demetria.
"Why do you show me some female twink?"
"It's not a female twink Acheron, it's our enemy."
"Our what?!"
"You need to get rid of her and the Crusaders."
"Got it old lady." He responded before he dissapeared in a smoke, she covered her mouth and nose as he did that.
The next day Fuyumi carried Demetria in her pocket as she was walking down the hallway of Royal Sword, it was lunch time after all.
It was only until she heard a scream, it's coming from the field, and before she knew it, everything became murky.
"What the?!"
"It's from the field, let's go there Fuyumi!" Demetria said. "Let's go!"
As she arrived at the field, her eyes widened in horror.
Everyone was unconscious including Hoseki and Risumi.
"So you the female twink that Lady Ammit was talking about."
"Ammit? You mean the Lady of the Dead?!" She yelled out in shock, how did this dude know Ammit, unless.. "You worked for her?!"
"Duh of course I did fucker! Now give me the bear!"
"You mean Demetria? No!"
He sigh as he put his hand on his forehead"We're just met and you're now being an annoying bitch, that's it. You leave me know choice."
"Rise up Soulless!" He yelled out as the skull marking on his hand glowed red
And before she knew it, an attena rises up from the ground, immediately startling her.
"What the?!"
And it's revealed to be a butterfly, but instead of the usual beautiful ones she saw back home, it was horrid, the wings now has eyes on both and it's a giant. The name is Mariposa Sin Alma
"Azalea?" Demetria respond, Fuyumi looked at him, and the butterfly monster. "We have no time, we got to run now!"
Then she started running away and Mariposa Sin Alma started to fly after both of them, holy heck Fuyumi is afraid wait not afraid, she's freaking terrified!
As she continued running through the field avoiding it, that was until she accidentally tripped over a boulders causing her to fall down accidentally injuring her knee. "Ow!"
"Nowhere to run? Little bitch?" A voice said it's Acheron.
She is terrified, she didn't go to Royal Sword for this! As she's clutching Demetria who is clinging unto her, the snowflake marking on her hand started glowing.
"Now gave me the bear or I'll get red of-"
"I won't let you have them." She said"What did you just say you-"
"J-just leave him alone!!" She yelled with all her might as a ray of ice blue light suddenly hit her and push Acheron back and thrown Azalea a cross the field and crash it unto the school walls.
Fuyumi opened her eyes and she's now in a snow forest in the clear sky with the sun shining in the background.
"W-where am I?" She asked, "You're in the realm of Metamorphosis!" They said.
"Realm of what?" She asked, but before she say anything Demetria clung unto her wrist and the they became a watch, a square shape watch with snowflake details.
"W-what is this?" She asked "It's a transformation item, you're a chosen warrior PreCure!" Demetria said from the watch.
"PreCure?" She was confused at first, but she realized that if it was meant to protect them and the other Crusaders, then she do it. "Alright, I'll do it."
"PreCure.... Royale Charge!" Her body is covered in a ice blue glow, her black gloves appear, then her white boots with ice blue details appear, curls herself into a ball and when she uncurls herself, she is now wearing a white off the shoulder dress with the ice ribbon in the front, a dark grey waist-ribbon and a gray ribbon, the off-shoulder sleeves have a navy blue frill, the dress has a ice blue frill, the center of her chest has a light bluish purple heart with a ice-blue bow and a dark grayish blue tights, her hair is now ice blue that fades into light purple tied up in a right-side ponytail with a golden tiara. The place is now burst into a bundle of snow, she flew down.
"May the snowdrop bloom! Cure Schnee!" She said as she opened her eyes which is now light purple, and stroke a pose.
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And before Acheron knew it, everything became winter, a bundle of snow, the whole school is now in a snow globe with the students now asleep peacefully.
"C-Cure Schnee?!"
When Fuyumi now, Cure Schnee opened her eyes, she was surprised, how did she?!
"You know what? Doesn't matter, Soulless get her!" Acheron ordered, the butterfly get on her feet. Schnee was angry at him for what he had done to Azalea.
Suddenly Mariposa Sin Alma threw herself at the ice blue haired girl, she jumped super high, avoiding the Soulless. 'W-what is this?! First I transformed into this PreCure warrior, now I just what?!' She thought to herself trying adjust unto this situation 'It's okay! You get used to it!" It's Demetria's voice from her watch.
Suddenly she landed on the ceiling of the snow globe, then blasted herself to punch the butterfly monster who caused a lot of damage unto the castle.
The butterfly monster let out a roar which let out a black light from the mouth only to be turned into snowflakes when Schnee creates a shield to protect herself.
She took a deep breath, suddenly the scene transition to her watch which shines bright, the light came out of the watch which became a shape of a snowman. "PreCure! Snowman burst!" The snowman threw itself at the butterfly monster, causing an explosion upon impact.
And it also hit Acheron causing a batch of snow to fall upon him, causing a "Blegh!" From him.
Everything is now back to normal as the building rebuild itself, but not only that but the Mariposa Sin Alma have been purified, returned into a smaller form which is a black body with pink butterfly wings and a flower crown on her head, Schnee rushed towards her and check on the butterfly. She seems to be unconscious for now.
"Did I go too far?" "I think you did." Now she feels guilty for what she had done.
But before she knew it, a pair of hands which look like it came from the midnight sky wrapped themselves around her.
"𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖊𝖗."
That's what she heard before Azalea was taken away.
Note: I crossed-posted from my wattpad account.
Taglist: @zexal-club @yukii0nna @fair-night-starry-tears @queen-of-twisted @yumeko2sevilla @sundove88 @cherryartemis0
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 11 months
NCT Spooky Season [Day 17]
Bone App The Teeth
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TW: Man-Eating Monsters, Language, Semi-Mature Themes(?) Genre: Romance, Comedy Pairing: Huang Guanheng x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 0.6K Prompt: “Take them they’re tastier! … I would know!”
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Yesterday] | [Tomorrow] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: I LOVE WHEN THE PROMPTS LINE UP WITH THE MEMBER LMFAOOOO Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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You know what they always say!
The odds of getting eaten by a man-eating monster are low but, in fact, never zero.
"Oh my god!" Your shout seemed to echo across the forest while you and Hendery bolted through the dense wood. "Why did we come here again?!"
"To make out in a secluded area, duh!" Hendery matches pace with you, looking over his shoulder every now and then to see how far the monster was.
"This is what we get for being horny, huh?"
"C'est la vie!"
"I don't think you're using that right," you both turn a corner and continue running. Of course, the one time you needed it to work, Hendery's car decided to stall and die, leading you and him to make this run on foot while the monster, very menacingly, walked toward you both. "Did we lose it?" The not-so-distant howl answered your question. "Oh, we are fucked!"
"We'll be fine!" You and Hendery skid to a stop in front of a dead end. "Nevermind, you're right, we're fucked."
"Christ, Hendery, of all the ways to die, right?" You groaned into your hands. The monster's heavy footsteps become apparent and you both turn over to look at it.
"Who knows, maybe it can be reasoned with?"
"Sure, you try talking to the monster who looks ready for dinner."
"Yeah... uh..." Hendery looks around, as if trying to find some sort of inspiration. "Hey, Mr. Monster," the beast snorts and Hendery swallows down a nervous sound, "look, look, I'm not tasty. I mean, I'm all sweaty from running, my skin's tough from all these gains, and also I'm too gorgeous to be eaten, am I right?" He nudges you.
"What about me?"
"Take them, they're tastier!" Hendery makes a move to run and your jaw drops. "Trust me, I would know!" He bolts and you take off after him.
"Hendery you little-" you run faster and he does too, now escaping your wrath as much as the monster's hunger. "When I get my hands on you Hendery-"
"Save it for when we're out of the forest, baby!"
"That monster is going to be the least of your worries, I swear to god!" You were gaining on him and he ran faster, muttering silent prayers as he did so because only the lord would know that you were right.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Hendery keeps cursing to himself as he hops over rocks and twigs, and soon a beacon of hope appeared before him. "Over there! We're almost out of the woods!" And, for a moment, you forgot your own anger and you followed him out and back into society. "We made it!"
"We're alive!" You both hold each other tight and with relaxing muscles, then you push him off. "You're such a dick for that!"
"What? Was I wrong?" He shrugs.
"You are so embarrassing, you told a whole stranger about our sex lives!"
"Hey, whoa, you're the one making assumptions! You know I bite when I get overly-excited!"
"That's true, you do," you nodded, "but still! If I wasn't so pissed I would've- oh my god, if I wasn't so pissed we'd be dead right now."
"Oh you sly little man!"
"Gotta think outside the box, (Y/N), that's how you survive horror movies."
"I'll give that one to you!" You and Hendery stand still with small smiles. Until you hear the snort of the beast behind you. "It's behind me, isn't it?"
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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inspiredwriter · 7 months
Leo 2003, Stefany 2003, Mikey 2003 and Anastasia 2003 :*camina por la cuidad de nueva York*
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Leo 2003 : Ah sí de vuelta nuestro Manhattan no ha cambiado nada 😃😊🏙️*mira los alienígena* bueno excepto los extraterrestres que ya viven en la tierra 🙂😅👽🌎
Stefany 2003 :*abraza a Leo del brazo*es cierto tortuguita por lo menos ya no pueden esconderse de las sombras en el futuro 🥰😉💖💕
Mikey 2003 : estás de lo correcto amiga😀😁✨*pone sus manos en la cabeza* Pero hay muchos villanos peligrosos para pelear mientras estemos aquí nada mal sucederá😏😉👹🤼‍♂️ también proteger a mi bella princesa que está aquí😘🥰💞💝❣️
Anastasia 2003 : Oh mi Mikey eres muy valiente que no temes a nadie 😃🥰💕❣️💘* besa a Mikey en la mejilla* Muah ~😚💋💗💞💝*escucha un ruido* ¿chicos escucharon eso? 😟😕🔊
Stefany 2003 : Sí siento que proviene de este callejón 🤨🫤👉*señala el callejón* Lee, quizás sean pandilleros callejeros a veces asaltan en esos lugares del barrio 🤔😨
Leo 2003 : No tengas miedo cariño Mikey y yo iremos a ver solo ustedes quédense atrás de nosotros 😉☺️💖💕❣️*saca sus espadas* veamos si son ellos o no intentado secuestrar alienígenas otra vez😠🤨👽⚔️
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Anastasia 2003 :*mirá desde lejos* chicos creo que no Son pandilleros veo ahí que está escondido en las sombras viendonos😟😨👁️*abraza a el caparazón de Mikey* mi amor protéjame 🥺😣💓💕
Mikey 2003 : descuida mi princesa nos encargaremos 🥰😤💕💘💖* saca sus mushakus*¡Oigan sé que están escondidos en las sombras salgan de su escondite y no les daremos daño! 😠🤨💢
Dark Stefany and Dark Anastasia :*sale su escondite de las sombras* jajajaja, como quieras tonta tortuga 😈😆
Stefany 2003 :¿pero que Quiénes son ustedes? 😲😡
Dark Stefany : nosotras somos sus versiones más mejoradas 😈😼✨*saca sus garras*nuestros amos nos crearon para destruirlas con las tortugas😉😆 🤼‍♀️
Anastasia 2003 : pero es imposible son parecidas a nosotras ustedes son mitad mutantes😲🤨👹
Anastasia 2003 : bueno fuimos creadas por su ADN y no modificaron con una especie animales para hacerlo las más fuertes y te diligentes 😉😈🧬💪*mueve sus alas y frota en el aire* Ahora somos su versión más mejoradas que nunca 😆😈
Leo 2003 : suficiente de explicaciones ustedes dos 😡🗡️💢*apunta a su espada a Dark Stefany*ni se les ocurra para lastimar a Stefany y Anastasia 😤😠💓💕
Mikey 2003 : si, solo Dinos Quiénes son sus Amos? 🤨😡💢
Dark Stefany :*mueve su cola*claro que los presentaremos o que Adivinen lindas damas no vinimos solas😼😈👭¡amos ya pueden salir ahí estan los buenos que nos pidieron para su venganza! 😈😄
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Dark Leo and Dark Mikey :*sale de atrás de Dark y Dark Anastasia* jajajaja, es hora de La venganza tortugas 😈😝🗡️🤜🫷
Leo 2003 and Mikey 2003: *Take out weapons* Apparently, you didn't learn anything from the last fight!😠😤⚔️
Leo 2003: Stefany, Anastasia, you better hide somewhere while we fight😠😟
Mikey 2003: Oh yeah, this place is not for pretty ladies😤😠
Dark Anastasia: Bla za za, what can you say about us, orange, Stef and I are also very beautiful😝😈
Mikey 2003: Hey, I'm not talking to you, evil beast!😡🤬 *Spins nunchucks*
Dark Mikey: You'll regret talking about my lover like that!😡😈💖💗💘💞 *Hugs dark Anastasia around the waist* Grrr~🥰😈💓💕
Dark Leo: *Caresses Dark Stefany's chest* Our squad has grown since our last meeting, turtles!😏😈💝❣️💗💞 And by the way, my Stefany is more beautiful than yours😆😈💓💖💕
Dark Stefany: Hahaha~🤭🥰💗💕 *Affectionately pushes Dark Leo away* Get away, cutie, I asked you not to caress me in front of others🤗😈💓💘❣️💞
Anastasia 2003: Come on, Stefany, it's time for us to leave here😰😖 *Approaches the stairs*
Stefany 2003: Yes, friend, I hope the boys can handle them😥😣 *Approaches the stairs*
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Dark April and Dark Joi: *Grab Stefany and Anastasia and tie them up* Don't even hope to escape from us, you little cowardly girls!😆😈
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corinnalovesf1 · 6 months
Your New Obsession: Everything Formula One
If you're into fast cars and intense competition, then Formula One might just be your new obsession. This adrenaline-pumping sport is all about speed, skill, and drama on and off the track. Get ready to dive into the world of Formula One racing and discover why it's one of the most exciting sports out there.
What the Heck is Formula One Anyway?
Alright, let's break it down - Formula One, or F1 if you wanna sound cool, is basically the top tier when it comes to car racing. Imagine all the speed freaks and car geniuses coming together for like, the ultimate showdown of racing across the globe. It's not just any race; it’s the big leagues, where the cars are more like rockets on wheels and the drivers are kinda like superheroes of the track.
These aren't the cars you see cruising down the street. Nah, F1 cars are on another level – think supercharged engines, sleek designs, and tech so advanced it makes your smartphone look like a toy. And the folks behind the wheel? Pure talent. We’re talking about the crème de la crème from all over the world, battling it out in a mix of skill, speed, and sheer nerve.
It’s an international spectacle, with races happening in some of the coolest locations on the planet. From the glamour of Monaco to the speed temple of Monza, every race is a new adventure. And yeah, the competition is fierce, but that's what makes it so gripping. Whether you're into the technical wizardry that goes into the cars, the strategy that plays out on track, or just the raw excitement of racing – F1's got something for ya. Trust me, it's a whole new level of racing.
The Need for Speed: How F1 Cars Are Different
Okay, lemme lay it down for ya. F1 cars? They're like the superheroes of the car world. We're not talking about your run-of-the-mill, drive-to-the-grocery-store kind of cars. These beasts are engineered to be the fastest, slickest machines on the planet. Picture this: engines so powerful, they make thunder sound like a kitten purring. Aerodynamics so on point, they could slice through air like a hot knife through butter.
And the tech? Oh boy, it's like something outta a sci-fi movie. Teams throw down millions just to tweak and tune their rides to perfection. We're talking innovations that haven't even hit the public eye, all designed to shave off a millisecond here and there. Because in F1, every millisecond counts.
These cars can blitz from 0 to 60 faster than you can say "Formula One". Hitting speeds that'd make your eyes water, they're all about pushing the limits of what's possible on four wheels. And it's not just about raw speed. It's the precision, the handling, the way these cars can hug a corner at breakneck speeds without missing a beat.
So yeah, F1 cars? They're in a league of their own. Pure, unadulterated speed machines that redefine what it means to go fast.
The Big Names You Gotta Know
Alright, so you’re getting into Formula One, right? Now it’s time to talk about the superstars of the track – the drivers who make magic happen at crazy speeds. First off, you gotta remember the legends – Michael Schumacher and Ayrton Senna. These guys are like the OGs of F1, setting records and making jaws drop back in the day. Fast forward to now, and it's all about dudes like Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen. Hamilton? The guy's practically F1 royalty with wins that have him rewriting the history books. And Verstappen, he's the young gun giving the vets a run for their money with some insane driving skills.
But hey, it's not just about these two. The grid's packed with talent, from seasoned pros to eager rookies all gunning for that top spot. Each race is their chance to shine, to pull off those heart-stopping moves that have us on the edge of our seats. Remember, in F1, it’s not just the car but the driver that makes all the difference. So, next time you're watching, keep an eye out for these names. They're not just competing; they're putting on a show, making history, and, yeah, maybe causing a little drama along the way. Trust, you don’t wanna miss it.
Race Day: What Goes Down
Yo, picture this - it's race day, and the vibe? Electric. Drivers are all lined up, looking like warriors in their sleek, shiny cars, itching to hit the gas. The moment the lights go out, it's go time. These races? Not for the faint of heart. We're talking edge-of-your-seat action from the jump.
Pit stops become like these mini-dramas – teams hustling to get their driver back on track ASAP, changing tires faster than you can send a text. Strategy? Oh, it's king. Choosing when to pit, what tires to rock, and how to outsmart the competition makes all the difference.
And the overtakes – man, they're like watching a high-speed chess match. Each move is calculated, with drivers pulling off maneuvers that'll have you gasping. One slip, and it's game over. But nail it, and it's glory. Every turn, every straight, it’s all about pushing to the limit while keeping it cool under pressure.
So, when race day hits, throw on your team cap, grab some snacks, and get ready for a rollercoaster of speed, strategy, and straight-up adrenaline. F1 race days? They're the real deal.
The Tech That Fuels the Sport
Alright, buckle up 'cause we're diving into the geeky goodness that is F1 tech. This ain't just about having the fastest car on the track; it's about packing that ride with so much cutting-edge tech, it'd make a rocket scientist do a double take. Picture this: cars so advanced, they're practically from the future. We're talking hybrid power units that squeeze out every drop of power, aerodynamics that could teach a falcon a thing or two, and materials so light yet strong, they seem straight out of a superhero movie.
Teams are out here playing 4D chess with their tech, pouring stacks of cash into R&D to get that edge. It's all about innovation, baby. From software that predicts weather down to the last drop of rain, to tires that grip the track like they're glued down, the tech in F1 is nothing short of mind-blowing. And the best part? Today's bonkers F1 tech could be in your car tomorrow. That's right, this racetrack wizardry trickles down, making your ride smoother, safer, and yeah, cooler. So next time you're watching a race, remember, you're peeking into the future of driving. Ain't that something?
The Drama Off the Track
Oh man, let me tell ya, the drama that unfolds off the track is almost as juicy as the races themselves. Picture this: you've got rivalries that are so intense, they could easily be the plot of a blockbuster movie. Imagine teams throwing shade like it's their job, and drivers getting into it over the smallest things. It’s like, one minute they're all professional, shaking hands on the podium, and the next, they're throwing helmets and words that definitely ain’t PG.
And don’t even get me started on the controversies. From sneaky tech modifications that push the rules to the edge, to strategy calls that have everyone scratching their heads, there's always something brewing. It's like, every race weekend serves up a side of drama that keeps everyone talking long after the checkered flag has waved.
So, if you thought F1 was just about the cars and the speed, think again. The off-track antics add a whole layer of spice that makes following the sport a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions. Whether it's a feud that's been brewing for seasons or a fresh scandal that's just hit the news, there’s always some tea being spilled in the F1 world. And honestly? It’s pretty darn entertaining.
How to Join the F1 Fandom
Jumping into the F1 fandom is like getting an all-access pass to the coolest club out there. First things first, snag yourself a race weekend – check the schedule and clear your calendar. You’re gonna wanna see the action live, trust me. Get comfy and dive into a race; the speed, the strategy, it'll have you at the edge of your seat in no time. Then, hit up the socials – Twitter, Instagram, Reddit – they're your go-to for all the juicy updates, memes, and fan theories. You'll find yourself in the middle of passionate debates and celebrations in no time. And hey, don’t forget to pick a team or a driver to root for – it makes the whole experience even more thrilling. Whether you’re all about the underdogs or the reigning champs, there’s a place for you. So, gear up, and let's get you into the world of F1. It’s more than just racing; it’s a lifestyle.
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portcls · 1 year
muse: henry marrow plot: henry is a shallower than a kiddie pool actor and he was recently cast to play a cowboy in a big movie. he's shadowing your muse, an actual cowboy, to prepare for the role. extra info: could be a random person the studio hired or maybe someone he used to know before he moved to LA. editor: beta
“Yeah, no.” Henry said as he shook his head disapprovingly. Horses were majestic on the Internet, but in real life, they were scary creatures. “Maybe they could CGI the horse or something.” He scratched the scruff on his face and tried, though failed, to hide how terrified of the beast he was. “Do all cowboys ride horses anyway? It’s 2023, why don’t you ride a motorcycle? Now, there’s an idea, cowboys on motorcycles. We should pitch that to the studio.”
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Lion King (1994) Lyric Meme
Under the cut you will find 50+ lyrics from the 1994 version of The Lion King to use for your enjoyment!    
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Circle of Life
1.      “From the day we arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun, there’s more to see than can ever be seen. More to do than can ever be done.”
2.      “There’s far too much to take in here, more to find than can ever be found.”
3.      “The sun rolling high through the sapphire sky keeps great and small on the endless round.”
4.      “It’s the circle of life and it moves us all through despair and hope, through faith and love, til we find out place on the path unwinding in the circle of life.”
  I Just Can’t Wait To Be King
5.      “I’m gonna be a mighty king so enemies beware.”
6.      “I’ve never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair.”
7.      “I’m gonna be the main event like no king was before.”
8.      “I’m brushing up on looking down.”
9.      “I’m working on my roar.”
10.   “Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing.”
11.   “Oh, I just can’t wait to be king.”
12.   “I think it’s time that you and I arranged a heart-to-heart.”
13.   “If this is where the monarchy is headed, count me out.”
14.   “This child is getting wildly out of wing.”
15.   “Everywhere you look I’m standing in the spotlight.”
16.   “Let every creature go for broke and sing.”
  Be Prepared
17.   “I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog’s backside.”
18.   “Thick as you are, pay attention! My words are a matter of pride.”
19.   “It’s clear from your vacant expression the lights are not all on upstairs.”
20.   “We’re talking kings and successions, even you can’t be caught unawares.”
21.   “Prepare for the chance of a lifetime.”
22.   “Be prepared for sensational news.”
23.   “A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer.”
24.   “I know it sounds sordid, but you’ll be rewarded when at last I am given my dues.”
25.   “Be prepared! Yeah! We’ll be prepared…for what?”
26.   “For the death of the king.”
27.   “No fool, we’re gonna kill him.”
28.   “Great idea! Who needs a king!”
29.   “No king, no king, la la la la la la.”
30.   “Idiots! There will be a king! I will be king!”
31.   “Stick with me and you’ll never go hungry again.”
32.   “It’s great that we’ll soon be connected with a king who’ll be all time adored.”
33.   “Of course, quid pro quo, you’re expected to take certain duties on board.”
34.   “The future is littered with prizes and though I’m the main addressee, the points that I must emphasize is you won’t get a sniff without me!”
35.   “Prepare for the coup of the century!”
36.   “Be prepared for the murkiest scam.”
37.   “Decades of denial is simply why I’ll be king undisputed. Respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder I am.”
38.   “My teeth and ambitions are bared.”
  Hakuna Matata
39.   “Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase!”
40.   “It means no worries for the rest of your days.”
41.   “It’s our problem-free philosophy.”
42.   “I’m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned.”
43.   “Not in front of the kids.”
44.   “Hakuna Matata.”
  Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
45.   “I can see what’s happening and they don’t have a clue.”
46.   “They’ll fall in love and here’s the bottom line, our trio’s down to two.”
47.   “With all this romantic atmosphere, disasters in the air.”
48.   “Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings?”
49.   “So many things to tell her, but how to make her see the truth about my past?”
50.   “He’s holding back, he’s hiding. But what I can’t decide.”
51.   “Why won’t he be the king I know he is? The king I see inside?”
52.   “Stealing through the nights uncertainty, love is where they are.”
53.   “If he falls in love tonight, it can be assumed his carefree days with us are history.”
54.   “In short, our pal is doomed.”
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pitchshitterarchiver · 7 months
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Pitchshifter on blog spot: Thursday, July 9, 1998
“Man is it hot in Arizona. They have misters outside all the shops to spray water over the customers because they don't want them to die from heat exhaustion before they reach their credit limits on those cards. Before the show I go shopping with Jim. We need some tacky useless shit to take home for our loved ones. My dad (the Reverend D Clayden) likes hats, so I buy him a Tempe Sun Devils baseball cap. I'm sure he's going to love that.
I already got my Mum a jewellery box with a picture of Elvis shaking hands with President Nixon on the top from Gracelands. I thank you. That's possibly the classiest piece of tacky shit on the planet. I'm such a good son. Jim buys his Dad a paper weight with a scorpion encased within in. Classy.
The show is amazing. It's a 750 capacity venue totally sold out. There are a lot of goths in the crowd which I find unusual for somewhere so hot. How the hell can you walk around in the desert with a full length black leather overcoat and face paint? There must be pools of melted goth on every street corner. The ones who couldn't make it back to their coffin. People must tread in them like melted chewing gum stuck to their boots. "look out! melting goth!"
For the first time in my musical career underwear is hurled at me from the crowd. Someone threw a black lacy underwired bra at me while we were playing. I couldn't see who it was because of the bright lights. She could have been a doll, she could have been a beast. I guess I'll never know. That thing was big though. I don't really know that much about bras being your average dumb male, but that thing looked sizeable. 'C' or a 'D'? whatever the hell those letters mean. That thing looks like it could be WAY further down the alphabet. We're talkin Omega here. It's hanging up in the bus somewhere. A shrine to fast living. After the show I give the rest of the band the slip and run off with a car full of people I just met to a live hip hop night at a little local hideaway. The tunes were fat, the break dancing was funny, the pitchers were unending. Before I knew it I was up there dance hall style whooping it up with B boys and girls. Wiggle and wine! Back on the bus I ask Stilly (Pitchshifter's stage tech) what the gig is going to be like tomorrow because he's done it before.
"Last time I came here with the band Carcass someone threw a bag ofmushrooms up on the stage at Geoff the singer."
"Yeah, only it wasn't a bag of mushrooms."
"No? What was it then?"
"A dead rat."
Viva Las Vegas?”
-JS clayden on blog spot
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
How would you write your version of Descendants?
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So glad you asked! I've been sitting on this one for awhile.
The first thing I would do if I was given the chance to rewrite descendants would be to out a little less focus on Mal.
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate her. I just think that the writers made a mistake focusing most of the media on her instead of trying to give everyone equal or close to equal screen time and you know why I think that?
Well, think about it. We know about alot of horrible things she did. Before and after leaving the isle. And because they didn't take more time to show her as your average teen with hobbies and friends that she cares about in the later movies, it makes it very easy to dislike her.
Which is hardly fair when you think of it because I'm sure the other vks did alot of bad things too. But do we see Mal's friends doing bad things the level Mal did? No? And why's that? Because they focused too much on Mal and we only really got to see the others doing normal kid stuff, saving the world, or doing the same stuff as Mal.
Which makes her friends look like saints while making her look like an irredeemable person instead of a kid making dumb mistakes because she crew up in a toxic environment.
So, of I had the chance to rewrite it, I would make sure to show more of Mal being a kid. More of her nice side. Have her apologize even if it's not verbal while also showing some shady stuff the other vks (as well as the aks) did in their past so they'd be on more even ground.
If I HAD to add siblings, I'd have a good reason for why they weren't mentioned before. I.e. them being much younger or having a bad relationship with whoever they're related to.
Then I'd try to not delete characters because just because you don't use them often doesn't mean they stop existing. In my opinion, more side characters/one off character just fleshed out the world more and makes it seem more realistic.
Which is why I don't get too annoyed with descendants/Melissa de la Cruz for making characters up (The former royal adviser of Agrabah, whoever the fuck Ariana Rose is the kid of, etc.) because it just adds to the world and makes it seem more realistic. Because, assuming that a good 20 years takes place between descendants and the other disney flims, it makes sense. Because alot can happen in 20 years.
But moving on from that. I'd also do my best to make the time line clear and give the kids consequences. But not full on banishment or getting sent back to the isle consequence unless it's absolutely necessary.
I'd have little moments fleshing friendships between the main characters and their friends' partners because hey, if they're gonna be with that person you might as well get to know them.
Oh and I'd not just completely forget pets prior to Dude existed and have an explanation for what happened to them/where they were even if it was just a simple throwaway line about old age or Cruella or 'with cousin'.
The sequels would count as canon because fuck that stupid rule. Carlos is gonna have family other than just fucking Cruella.
I'd also have the kids' development be more realistic. Show more hints of resentment and distrust towards the adults. Not have them just be fine with being Beast and Belle who they are barely ever around without those 2 and fairy godmother having to work for it.
I'd also have the kids rightfully in therapy/have them not forget that their parents were abusive/terrible because what the fuck descendants. I'm sorry but as a kid who was emotionally abused, that shit does not sit right with me and I would not teach kids that they have to forgive their abusers.
And to be perfectly honest, I'd probably have done it as a live action series or multi series. Like yeah, there would be song numbers sprinkled in but not too many in one episode , you know. Or I'd find a way to incorporate the music without it seeming to werid.
And it would be disney still but a bit more.. mature... because I'm gonna be honest, the series probably would have done a bit better if they took a boy meets world approach. Like you know how they talked about adult things sometimes-- I.e drugs, abuse, etc. It would have been more interesting and realistic.
And I'd also try to make the characters' make more sense. Like when Doug acts like a complete dick in d2 by assuming Evie is cheating on him and not seeming concerned about Ben? I'd have at least one or two small scenes of set up. Like a nasty note in his locker or a joke in bad taste that makes him question himself. And I'd have him at least question if Ben was okay.
I'd just do alot of things slightly differently while keeping them mostly the same.
I like the contrast between the isle and Auardon. I like the outfits most of the time (Lonnie's would definitely be fixed. Except for like 2 of her dresses-- the one she wore at both big parties in d1 and d2 -- and her pjs because those were cute. But the others would be more culturally appropriate or.. you know.. more modern because what the hell Chad is wearing normal clothes as is Doug. Let Lonnie wear some cute modern clothes that are popular in China. Ones that fit her personality. Ones that match her dad and mom's colors other than just PINK. Audrey's mainly pink. DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES HER BLEND IN YET STAND OUT AT THE SAME TIME.
I would leave the chocolate chip scene in because, hey, maybe Mulan learned how to make them from one of her friends and decided to see if her kids liked them?
I'd just in general try to make things make more sense and have the characters actually be more than one dimensional like some of the descendants characters can be. Ya know?
Oh and Mr Deley would have definitely gotten an earful from FG or coach Jenkins or Snow fricking White if I wrote it.
I'm sorry but threatening to expell a kid with a troubled home life for a first offense is fricking discrimination and he would either shape up or get the fuck out.
Coach Jenkins would also become more a permanent figure because it annoys the hell out of me that we just got to see controlling adults for the most part instead of supportive/understanding ones! Like, dude, come on!
I am a woman of principle and I stand by my opinion that Belle, Beast, and Fg need to chill the fuck out and stop gulit tripping, manipulating, and treating these young adults like small children who can't think for themselves. I also stand by my opinion that Mr Deley is horribly biased and needs some sense smacked into him.
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
ryuketsu for the ship meme,,
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OTPs of all time... 🥺
They are EVERYTHING to me: This one is probably pretty self-explanatory. I made a whole blog about them, have a page listing my meta about them that's... not small, and they're the reason I watched the series at all. Just in terms of the pure impact it had on me, I'm not sure if any piece of fiction can ever top that scene of Ryuko hugging Senketsu in the bathroom (Episode 5). It's what kickstarted my realization that monsters—and monster romance—is my favorite niche.
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Concept is more appealing than execution: Buuuut I feel like there's a lot of missed potential here. An earlier version of the story, where Life Fibers were more individualized, where Senketsu struggles with the two sides of his identity, feels stronger. As I put it before:
I think a more fleshed-out examination of Life Fibers, where they’re not just mindless, vicious beasts, would have provided a much more compelling plot—especially with writer Kazuki Nakashima consistently stressing that Kill la Kill is ultimately a story about “a lonely young woman meeting and losing an irreplaceable partner” and his attempt to “make a form of intimacy that transcends love and species”! I adore Ryuko and Senketsu, don’t get me wrong, but I feel that their love and friendship would have been even more powerful had it actually represented a real coming together of humans and Life Fibers. As it turns out, an older draft of the series does go further with the concept, and while I can understand it getting scrapped for being “too much,” I’m still attached to the possibilities and wish the final product had gone more in that direction.
They drive me crazy/insane /pos: Yeah... that's probably clear....
Relationship goals <3: On the one hand, I'd be the first person to point out their flaws, but on the other... I just think they're so sweet. One of my favorite things about them is their good communication, which I've written... a bit about. But seriously, that moment in Episode 2 where lonely, closed-off Ryuko tries to open up to Senketsu? One of my favorite gosh-darn scenes in this show.
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Also... get you someone who looks at you the way Ryuko looks at her uniform.
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(I don't think she ever has these sparkly eyes for anyone else in this show.)
People that ship them need therapy I think: I mean... it is a ship composed of a girl and her alien clothes.... But if it can work for Venom, it can work for Kill la Kill, too!
I blorboed so hard that they're basically my OCs now: Yeah, probably, lol. (I say, thinking wistfully of the 150,000-ish words of my Kill la Kill fairytale AU that I've only ever posted snippets of and that probably has so little to do with the actual series that it could pass as original fiction.)
I need a 30k hurt/comfort fic on my desk by Monday: It's been a long time since I looked at Kill la Kill fic, but I remember that Senketsu wasn't even tagged in 10% of the stories on AO3 back in the day. I'm desperate for more about these two, and there's so much hurt/comfort fodder. Death, what it means to be human, feeling like you're unworthy of the one you love...
Who even thought of this?? This is a crackship: It feels like it should be, but... they were totally teasing it, I swear!
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They're going to be the death of me: Yeah, probably...
They,,, kimss,, holde handss,,,,: Plz... I think a lot about that one scrapped design of Sync'd Sen where Senketsu's hand was over Ryuko's “so that they would always be holding hands as they fought.”
Plus that time Ryuko deliberately put Senketsu's glove on before going to sleep in the manga.
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And how they hold hands on a happy beach date...
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Yeah. I will never be over them ever.
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disneydancepants · 3 years
Headcanon: the Disney Americas
When I was writing up my Disney Villains name list, I came across an interesting tidbit. Unlike Yzma or Kuzco, Kronk actually has a confirmed full name: Kronk Pepikrankenitz.
What started with little hints in Emperor's New Groove and really culminated in Kronk's wedding daydream during Kronk's New Groove turned into actual confirmation that Kronk is Jewish! You can read more about it here:
Wait, you may be thinking... How is an Incan character Jewish? How did Judaism reach Peru prior to colonial genocide? Well, strap yourselves in! I have a tale to tell you.
I was reading about Sapa Inca (Incan Emperors) to try to find a possible full name for Kuzco when I came across this info on Wikipedia:
"Túpac Amaru became the Inca ruler after Titu Cusi's death in 1571. Titu Cusi's close companion Martín de Pando, who had worked as a scribe for the Inca for over ten years, and Augustinian Friar Diego Ortiz were blamed for killing Titu Cusi by poisoning him. Both were killed."
Emperor Cusi was killed by his scribe/close companion, who he had known for over a decade, and that scribe's (presumably hunky) minion? Via POISON?!
Cusi? Kuzco? Cusi?! KUZCO!
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There's no evidence that Kuzco is based on or inspired by Titu Cusi, but that's a crazy coincidence. Kuzco's name is actually taken from the ancient Incan city of Cusco, and he was originally going to be named Manco Capac--the first Incan ruler and founder of Cusco, iirc. Despite initial drafts, Kuzco ultimately was NOT meant to parallel the actual Manco Capac. For starters, Yzma lived through emperors prior to Kuzco taking the throne. So he clearly isn't the founding ruler.
Here're my thoughts. Judaism, spinach puffs/empanadas, and all the other anachronisms exist because the Disney Inca have already had European contact. Titu Cusi was one of the last Sapa Inca before Pizarro and the Spanish murdered them all.
The real Inca didn't have Yzma. Y'know the diabolical dinosaur who also happens to be a scientific and alchemical genius. The genius who makes the potions. The potions that can turn humans into animals. Those potions.
Trivia time! Anyone remember who the only other animal besides Kuzco in Emperor's New Groove is who talks? No, not the squirrel. He only speaks squirrel.
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That fly. You may have come across internet theories saying that fly is also a polymorphed human, and I agree with them. I believe that fly is the last remaining member of Pizarro's conquistadors.
Yzma saw through Pizarro's facade and...
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Fly potion in their soup. Boom, baby. The Inca liked some European influences though and adopted them into their culture. Kronk's parents or grandparents liked the idea of Judaism and converted. Maybe, somehow, some Jewish people sought asylum from the Inquisition by coming to New World and integrated. The diner waitress knows some Yiddish, so Kronk isn't isolated in his faith.
This takes us to Pocahontas. When the English arrive in Virginia, Ratcliffe or somebody mentions the "Spanish success" finding gold in the New World. I guess they didn't hear the full story of what happened to Pizarro. Or Cortes...
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Yeah, killing all the Aztecs and taking their gold didn't work out so great...
The peace agreement I vaguely sorta remember King Jimmy making with Pocahontas in her sequel apparently doesn't hold up, as eventually the United States are formed (see The Princess and the Frog).
I'm still trying to wrap my headcanon around Bayou de Orleans being in Auradon on the Descendants map. I feel like Fairy Godmother, Genie, and Sofia the First (her Amulet of Avalor has magic that can transcend time-space) must have gotten together and done a Convergence of the Spheres type thing a la The Witcher.
I kind of want to write a fanfic now about King Adam/Beast forming that treaty. You know Beast tried to get Mr. Cedric thrown into the Isle, but there's no way Sofia was having that.
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pintsizemama · 3 years
Heroes & Heartbreak
Chapter 14
Summary: The DEA agents collect pictures from the truck and release them to the press. They are all suspended, and Steve is kidnapped. Ari accompanies Eduardo to La Catedral to transfer Escobar. Ari comes to a realization about her and Javier.
Pairings: Javier Peña x OFC Ariana Morgan—DEA Agent and daughter of Pablo Escobar
Fandom: Narcos
Rating: Explicit 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 13,738 (Yikes!)
Warnings: language, jealousy, kissing, SMUT, PiV sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, misogyny, murder, trading sexual favors, adoption, kidnapping, blackmail, strained father/daughter relationship, gun fight, violence, fist fight, angst—Javi’s a huge asshole...let me know if I missed anything, and I’ll happily add it here!
A/N: Alright…it’s been a while, so sorry for the delay! But hopefully, this beast of a chapter will make up for it a bit. This takes us through the end of Season 1. A LOT happens in this chapter. Like I said in the previous chapter, I want to move the story forward to get to some of the good stuff I have planned.
I included conversations from the episode to help anyone who hasn’t seen it or hasn’t watched it in awhile. Sorry if it feels redundant if you’ve seen the show a million times like me.
As always, feel free to let me know if I need to correct the Spanish translations!
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Chapter 13 Chapter 15 Series Masterlist Main Masterlist AO3 Join my Taglist
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They gathered pictures for weeks from the truck. Once they felt that they had enough incriminating evidence, they took the photos to Eduardo Sandoval.
“So what is this?” He asked them. “What am I looking at exactly.” Javier shot him a look. He was still not a big fan of the Vice Minister.
“Club Medellín,” Javier answered, his hands on his hips. Steve began laying the pictures out on Eduardo’s desk.
“This was all shipped into La Catedral,” he told the Vice Minister. “We got some big screen TVs, nice stereo equipment”—He pointed out each item as he named them.—“That’s a roulette wheel, a little bit of liquor. Glad to see the judges could come down with the official from the airport. Javi’s pretty keen on this Jacuzzi.” Ari smirked at that one, remembering in vivid detail what Javi said he would do to her in a Jacuzzi. Javier gave her a smoldering look, his mind in exactly the same place. Eduardo looked up and saw the look that passed between the partners. “Don’t forget the jukebox,” Steve continued, “with the hookers. Of course, the lobster.” He tapped the final photo.
“This is...” Eduardo began. “Shit, this is good.” He looked up with a huge grin. “I’ll take this to the president right away. See if we can get this asshole into a real prison.”
“Great,” Ari said. “Keep us in the loop, yeah?” Eduardo nodded.
“Of course,” Eduardo agreed. “Maybe I can tell you how it goes over dinner soon?” When Steve saw Javi clench his jaw he stepped in.
“A phone call should be sufficient,” Steve said calmly. “We gotta get going. Let us know what Gaviria decides.” Steve quickly ushered his partners out of the office.
“What the hell was that?” Ari asked him.
“What?” Steve asked innocently.
“You need to answer all questions for me now, Murphy?”
“No,” Steve replied. “I don’t think it was appropriate for him to be asking you on a date while we’re working. Just figured I’d save you the awkwardness.”
“I appreciate it, Steve,” she said softly, “but I can handle this kind of stuff just fine on my own.” Steve raised an eyebrow at that. “I get asked out all the fucking time. I have no problem turning men down, or saying yes, when I want to.”
“What?” Javier asked angrily. “You get asked out all the time?”
“Yeah,” Ari said with a shrug. “No big deal.” Javi gritted his teeth.
“Well, all the more reason to take the help when you can get it,” Steve cut in. “Let’s get back to the embassy. Hopefully Gaviria will order Escobar transferred soon.” Ari nodded and followed him out. Javier was quiet the rest of the afternoon. He stayed out of their office as much as possible. Ari didn’t think anything of it. Javier would get into...moods from time to time. She just let him sort his shit out and come back to them when he was ready.
Her and Steve were working quietly in the office when Javier walked in. He approached Steve and grabbed his coffee mug off his desk before sitting down on it. Steve placed the photos he had been looking at facedown when Javi came in.
“The word from Sandoval is, Gaviria’s isn’t gonna do shit about Escobar’s violations,” Javi told him, taking a sip of his coffee. Steve shook his head in disappointment.
“Carrillo was right,” Steve said quietly. “He won.” Javi noticed the photos on the desk.
“What are those?” He asked. Steve pushed them closer to Javi with his pencil.
“These are a list of, uh...my accomplishments,” Steve murmured. Javi picked them up and sorted through them. They were pictures of the bodies from the raid that killed Poison and Sure Shot. Javi placed them back down on the desk.
“You shred these,” he ordered Steve. He stood to walk back out, but Ari stopped him.
“He’s really going to do nothing?” Ari asked Javier. He nodded. “This is bullshit.”
“Yeah,” Javi agreed. “Hey, Ari, can you come with me to the records room? I have an idea and need some help with the files.”
“Sure, Javi,” Ari agreed, following him out of the room.
“Want me to come?” Steve called out.
“You have photos to shred,” Javi hollered back. Once they reached the records room Javi locked the door behind them.
“What exactly are we looking for in here?” Ari asked. Javi grabbed her and pressed her up against the wall, his mouth claiming hers in a desperate kiss.
“Javi,” Ari whispered, breaking her mouth away from his. “What are you doing?”
“I need you, querida,” he murmured against her lips. “Please.” She looked into his eyes. Sometimes he felt she could look straight through to his soul when she looked at him like this. Ari could see something stirring in his depths, and she knew this was one way Javi handled things when he felt out of control.
“Ok, Javi,” she consented.
“Can you be quiet for me, baby?” He whispered. “Don’t wanna get caught.”
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Good girl,” he murmured. He turned her around and pressed her up against the wall. His broad chest pushed against her back.
“This has to be quick,” he warned her. “Steve will be looking for us soon.” Ari nodded in understanding. Javi unbuttoned her pants and pulled them and her panties down to mid thigh. Her cheek was pressed against the wall. Javi brushed her hair out of the way and kissed her neck. When he began to suck she nudged him.
“Watch the marks, Javi,” she scolded.
“Excuse me?” He whispered.
“The last time we met with Sandoval you practically painted me in bruises,” she explained. “They were a bitch to cover up.” Javi smirked. That had been exactly his intention.
“So don’t cover them up,” he murmured, sucking on her skin once more.
“So everyone can just assume I’m getting fucked regularly?” Ari groaned.
“You are getting fucked regularly, querida,” Javi said softly.
“I don’t want anyone to know that,” Ari said quietly. Javi nudged her jaw with his nose.
“Would it be the worst thing in the world if people knew I made you scream in pleasure every night?” Javi said in a low, dangerous voice.
“I don’t want a reputation,” she gasped as his fingers dipped between her legs and circled her clit. “I’ve worked hard to get where I am…I can’t jeopardize that for a hot fuck.” Javi swallowed thickly. He didn’t like how casual she made what they had sound. But he knew he had never indicated he wanted it to be more…hell, he wasn’t even sure he did want it to be more.
“So, I’m just a hot fuck?” He growled against her throat as he sunk two fingers deep inside her.
“You’re so much more than that, Javier,” she moaned.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned and ground his hard dick against her ass. “I need you. Right fucking now.” He quickly unzipped his pants and pulled them down just enough to pull out his aching cock. He lined himself up and plunged into her in one thrust. They moaned in unison.
“Hold on tight, querida,” he murmured into her ear as he grasped her hips and brutally pounded into her. Ari’s hands slapped up against the wall next to her head.
“Fucking hell, Javier,” she groaned.
“You drive me fucking crazy, Ariana,” Javi growled. “You’re all I think about, and when I see that son of bitch hit on you”—his hands gripped her tighter—“it sets something off in me. Something I’ve never felt before.” Ari leaned her head back to rest against his chest. She reached up behind her and cupped the side of his face. He turned to look into her eyes.
“It’s called jealousy, Javi,” she said quietly, “and it’s a completely normal emotion to feel.”
“Not for me,” he grunted, thrusting harder into her.
“There’s a first time for everything,” she whispered. Javi pressed his forehead against her temple and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. His arms wrapped around her middle and he pulled her close to him, slowing his thrusts to lazy pumps.
“I’m fucking scared,” he whispered brokenly. Ari felt tears well up in her eyes at his desperate confession. She ran her hands through his hair and gently scratched his scalp—she knew that always made him feel good. She looked deep into his eyes.
“You don’t have to be scared with me, Javi,” she told him in a soft voice. “I will never hurt you. You’re safe with me, baby. Always.”
“I know,” he said squeezing her tighter and stopping the motion of his hips. “But I also know I will hurt you…I’m gonna fuck this up. I don’t know how to do any of this. And you deserve so much better than what I can give you, hermosa.” He swallowed thickly. She watched him with soft, nonjudgmental eyes. “You’re not safe with me, baby…and I don’t know how to change that.” A small smile graced her gorgeous face.
“Then let’s try to figure it out together, ok?” She whispered. Javi nodded tersely, fear still rampant in his eyes. He kissed her deeply and began thrusting into her warm, welcoming heat once more. He pressed himself tight up against her back, forcing her against the wall once more. She moaned at the feeling of being completely surrounded by him. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, desperately breathing her in. His fingers found her clit once more, and he rubbed frantically to bring her to orgasm.
He felt her pussy convulsing around him and quickly covered her mouth with his to capture her cries as she came. A couple more thrusts and he followed her into ecstasy. He grunted as he painted her walls with his desire. He pumped shallowly into her, riding out his high. Finally spent, he all but collapsed against her and the wall.
“Thank you, querida,” he murmured and pressed a kiss against her temple. He helped her clean up and fixed their clothes. He reached out to unlock the door.
“Wait!” Ari called suddenly. He quirked a brow when he saw her grab a couple random files. “Steve thinks we came in here to get files…don’t wanna come back empty handed.”
“Good thinking,” Javi said with widened eyes. He couldn’t believe he had been careless enough to forget a detail like that. His emotions and Ari really clouded his judgment.
“I got you, baby,” she whispered and leaned up onto her tips toes to press a soft kiss to his lips. She opened the door and breezed through, looking professional and put together. Javi stared after her in amazement.
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A couple weeks passed, and the DEA agents were getting antsy. Gaviria still refused to do anything about Escobar, and they felt lost. When Navegante reached out to Javier and said he had some intel, they felt like they may finally have caught a break. They met with Navegante that night, outside the city.
“Let’s talk about Don Pablo Escobar,” Javier said.
“There are rumors,” Navegante said, “that he killed Galeano and Moncada.” Javi and Steve laughed, thinking he was joking.
“Where, in jail?” Steve asked. Navegante smiled wryly.
“Yeah, yeah,” he laughed quietly. “‘In jail.’” He raised his hands to make air quotes.
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Javi said in disbelief. “They’re partners.”
“Maybe there’s no such thing as sense with Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria,” Navegante offered. Ari knew he was telling the truth. Escobar didn’t always think clearly when he felt betrayed.
“Bullshit,” Steve cut in. “Where’d you get it?”
“The relatives of the men he killed...are up in arms,” Navegante told them. “The poor fellows went in, but they never got out...I want to ask you a serious question now. How bad do you want Escobar? How far are you willing to go in this matter?”
“What are you proposing?” Javier asked, obviously interested.
“Well,” Navegante continued, “we both have access to information that could benefit the other.”
“No,” Steve said immediately, shaking his head. “No, we don’t trade information.”
“Just hold on a second,” Javier argued. He felt Ari subtly squeeze his hand, signaling him to back down, that she agreed with him. He squeezed back letting her know he understood.
“No,” Steve said firmly. “He’s an informant, Javi.” Navegante smirked.
“If you are not willing to trade information...maybe you would be willing to trade something else?” He offered the trio.
“What?” Steve asked, trying to conceal his anger.
“Well,” Navegante said, “you mentioned that I am your informant, and I’ve heard what your partner here,” he nodded towards Javier, “does with most of his informants...so maybe I could get the same treatment?” The three DEA agents looked stunned.
“You want Javier to fuck you?” Steve asked incredulously. Navegante chuckled at Javier’s horrified expression.
“No, no,” Navegante assured them. “Sorry, Peña, you’re a good looking guy, but I’m not into men.”
“So, what the fuck do you want?” Steve asked, losing his patience. Navegante’s gaze slid over to Ari.
“Do you show your informant’s as good a time as your partner?” He asked her in a low voice. This was not something Navegante normally did. He wasn’t used to dealing with women in his line of work, but his bosses in Cali wanted him to bring Ariana Morgan to their side.
He figured it was worth a shot. These Americans seemed willing to do just about anything to bring down Escobar. Maybe if he got this beauty into his bed, she would be more willing to share DEA secrets with him. His bosses would be very pleased. Plus it would help his reputation if he was fucking Escobar’s daughter. Ari’s eyes widened when she realized what he was asking.
“No fucking way!” Steve shouted as Javier growled, “Over my dead body.” Navegante put his hands up in defense in front of him.
“Whoa, whoa, calm down,” he said calmly. “Can’t blame me for trying.” He smiled darkly at Ari. “She’s far too beautiful to be dealing with men like us. It’s going to get her killed one day...or worse.” Javier felt his gut clench in fear. He wanted to get Ari as far away from this man as possible right now.
“Sorry, pal,” Ari finally said. “I’m afraid I’m not up for negotiation. For anyone. Ever.” Navegante nodded.
“Alright, then we are back to information,” he said.
“Whatever you got cooking, it stinks,” Steve said, angrily, “I don’t want it. Appreciate the tip. Let’s go.” Steve stalked away angrily.
“Your partner here...may need some convincing now,” Navegante said with a smirk. He looked back at Ari. “My apologies for being too forward. You will have nothing to fear from me. I don’t force my affection on women.” Ari nodded her acceptance of his apology. “I know how badly you want to bring your father down...consider my first offer.” Javi and Ari looked at each other, an understanding passing between the two of them. They nodded their goodbyes and followed Steve.
Later that night they sat in their office pouring over the photos from the truck driver. Steve handed Javi a photo.
“Moncada and Galeano going into La Catedral, last stamped 9:20,” Steve said.
“Every return from this day forward,” Javi murmured while flipping through the rest of the photos, “no Moncada, no Galeano.” He looked up at Steve, who made a motion across his throat signaling the men were killed. Javi nodded.
“Fuck,” Ari said quietly. She looked between her two partners. “Gaviria needs to know this. Maybe this will get his head out of his ass.”
“I doubt it,” Steve said. “He’s gonna keep burying his head in the sand to try to keep the peace in Colombia.”
“What do you suggest we do then?” Javi asked him.
“Take these photos to the press,” Steve said simply. “Let the public hang him.”
“You sure about that?” Javi asked him carefully.
“What other choice do we have?”
“We should warn the driver,” Ari told them. “He’ll have a target on his back the second those photos are printed.”
“Yeah,” Javi agreed. “Steve, you get a hold of him, I’ll call my contact at the paper.”
The next morning they were walking down the hall at the newspaper office.
“You sure?” Javi asked them once more.
“We can either play politics, or we can do the job,” Steve told him. Ari nodded.
“Well, we were never any good at playing politics anyway,” Javi said. A little while later they stood quietly in an office while the journalist looked through the photos.
“What do you think?” Javi asked him. The man continued looking through the pictures and sighed.
“These photos are worth looking into,” he said after a moment. “And believe me, I’m going to.” He laughed quietly as he looked at the final photos. “If it’s true, this is gonna cause a shit storm, you know?” Steve just lifted his eyebrows and smirked as he looked at Javi and Ari. “Be right back.” The journalist walked out, leaving the DEA agents alone.
“Gracias,” Javi called after him. “Well...” Javi sighed, leaning against the edge of the desk. Steve and Ari flopped into the chairs in front of him. “Fuck President Gaviria.”
“Fuck Noonan,” Steve offered.
“Fuck La Catedral,” Javi shot back.
“And fuck Pablo,” Steve said.
“Fuck Pablo,” Ari agreed with a grin.
The story ran a couple days later, and then all the news outlets around the world picked it up. It was a shit storm indeed.
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The DEA agents sat in the office at the embassy surrounded by coworkers. They were watching the news coverage on the leaked photos. A cheer went up when the news anchor mentioned the disappearance of Moncada and Galeano. Agent Owens approached them.
“Agent Peña,” the CIA agents said. He handed him a bottle of whiskey.
“What’s this?” Javier asked.
“It’s from upstairs,” Owens told him. He lightly slapped Javier on the shoulder and handed Steve a card before walking away.
“Oh, I get a card,” Steve said sarcastically. Steve ripped the card open while Javi unscrewed the top of the whiskey. “Oh, CIA,” Steve said, tossing the envelope over his shoulder. “‘Congratulations, Central Intelligence Agency.’”
“Poetic,” Ari mocked with a grin. Javier poured the whiskey into a coffee mug.
“This is uh...” —Javi started, looking around nervously— “this is blowing up a little bit more than we expected, no?” Steve held his coffee mug in front of Javi, who began filling it with the whiskey.
“Well, hopefully, the son of a bitch rots in jail,” Steve said.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Javi warned him. “We got to transfer him first.”
“Gaviria can’t ignore us now,” Ari said, grabbing her coffee mug. “Don’t bogard all the whiskey, Peña.” She held her mug out expectantly. Javier grinned and gladly poured a substantial amount in for her.
“Hey, DEA assholes!” They heard from across the room. They looked up to see one of Noonan’s people looking at them. “The Ambassador wants to see you. Now.”
“All of us?” Weaver called out.
“No,” he corrected. “Just the Troublesome Triplets.” Steve groaned at the hated nickname.
“Are they ever gonna cut it out with that shit?” Javi grumbled.
“Maybe if we stop being trouble,” Ari said with a chuckle.
“Well, that’ll never happen,” Steve laughed.
“True,” Javi nodded.
“I like being trouble,” Ari confirmed. “Means we’re doing our job.” The men nodded in agreement.
“Let’s go,” Javi sighed as he stood up. “Time to get yelled at.”
“I forbade you to leak this,” Noonan scolded as she slapped the newspaper on the table.
“How do you know it was us?” Javi asked. “Escobar has a lot of enemies.”
“Of course it was you,” she scoffed.
“Whoever did this,” Steve said calmly, “it doesn’t really matter now. What’s done is done.” Javi nodded in agreement. “Ambassador, like you said, this is a Colombian matter. What do we care?”
“I’m filing a report with the Board of Personal Conduct in Washington,” Noonan warned them.
“Ambassador—” Javi began to protest.
“—Good,” Steve cut in, “report to Washington. “Cause if something isn’t done, every American down here associated with the government is gonna look like a fool, including you.” A look of trepidation passed between Ari and Javi. Steve was pushing his luck talking to Noonan like that.
“I wasn’t finished,” Noonan barked. “Until further notice, you’re all suspended.” She looked at Ari. “I expected this kind of behavior from them. But I expected more from you, Agent Morgan.” Ari’s shoulders tensed. “Go home.” The agents filed out of the Ambassador’s office.
“Fuck,” Ari cursed quietly once they were outside the embassy. She leaned back against the wall as Javi and Steve lit cigarettes.
“It’s alright, Ari,” Steve assured her. “Noonan’ s just pissed. She’ll see this was the right move.”
“She’s filing a report on this, Steve,” Ari reminded him.
“So?” He shrugged.
“So?” Ari said angrily. She pushed off the wall and rounded on her partners. “So? You have no fucking idea, do you? I’ve had to work my ass off. I’ve had to be fucking perfect in every goddamn thing I do in this job. One mistake, even the tiniest fucking slip up, and I’m knocked back down to the bottom. Just a secretary playing DEA agent.”
“Ari—” Steve began.
“—No,” she cut him off. “You have no idea. Now I have a suspension on my record too. If she gets pissed enough and sends us back to the US, my career is done. I’ll never get an opportunity like this again. These fucking assholes have just been waiting for the chance to put me ‘back where I belong’.” She ran her her hand through her hair. “Why did you have to be all cocky and antagonize her?”
“Sorry,” Steve said sheepishly. “I didn’t really think about how her reaction could affect you. I’ve been suspended before…and it didn’t change anything.”
“That’s because you’ve got a dick,” Ari scoffed. Javi squeezed her hand gently—a subtle show of his support.
“Fuck, Ari,” Steve sighed. “I’m sorry. We can sort this mess out.” Ari nodded, not really believing him.
“Listen, I know we all agreed on this,” she told him. “We all knew the consequences. It’s not on you. I’m just pissed.”
“I know,” Steve agreed, “but I could have handled her a bit better.”
“Yeah you could have,” Javi said with a shake of his head. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“I don’t know,” Steve shrugged. “I figured it was done…they couldn’t back track now. I got overconfident.”
“I get it,” Ari sighed. “I was riding that high this morning too.” The men finished their cigarettes. “I guess we got some vacation time now, huh?”
“Looks like it,” Javi said.
“Connie will be happy to have some help with the baby,” Steve murmured. “We started adoption proceedings.”
“Really?” Ari’s face lit up in a smile.
“Yeah,” Steve said with an even bigger smile. “We couldn’t stand the thought of giving her up.”
“That’s amazing!” Ari cried happily. She wrapped Steve in a big hug. “Congratulations, daddy.”
“Thanks,” Steve said hugging her back. He pulled away and shook Javi’s extended hand.
“Congrats, man,” Javi said warmly. “She’s a beautiful little girl.”
“Yeah she is,” Steve agreed. “We’re naming her Olivia.”
“I love it,” Ari decided. “This makes me so happy.” She paused and chewed her lip. “When we found her…before we left, I promised Natalie we’d keep her daughter safe and find her a loving home. Thanks for allowing me to keep that promise, Murphy. She’s lucky to have you and Connie.” Steve’s eyes were suspiciously moist after Ari’s admission.
“We’re the lucky ones,” Steve said quietly. They all agreed and decided to head home to wait out their suspension.
A couple hours later Ari and Javi were stretched out on his couch drinking beer, watching shitty TV, and making out. The shrill ringing of the phone broke them out of their bubble. Javi reached over Ari and answered it.
“Peña,” he murmured. He looked down and saw Ari below him. She was too enticing to pass up. He pressed kisses to her throat as he listened on the phone.
“Javi?” Connie said worriedly.
“What’s up, Connie?” He asked before sucking on the side of Ari’s neck. Her hands tangled in his hair and pulled slightly to shoot him a warning look. The last thing she wanted was Connie to hear them making out like teenagers.
“It’s Steve,” she rushed out. “I think something happened to him.”
“What?” Javi said, immediately sitting up.
“His car was abandoned outside,” Connie told him. “I can’t find him. Can you come upstairs?”
“We’ll be right there,” Javi agreed and hung up the phone.
“What’s the matter,” Ari asked as she sat up.
“Connie said something happened to Steve,” Javi stood and helped Ari up. “Let’s get upstairs and find out what the fuck is going on.” They practically ran up to the Murphy’s apartment. Connie opened the door and they followed her inside.
“The car was outside the garage,” Connie told them worriedly, “still idling, the keys still in the ignition.” She was pacing back and forth while Olivia cooed in her high chair. “I’ve called his phone twenty times.”
“Did you call embassy security?” Javi asked.
“No, I wanted to talk to you first,” she replied.
“Good,” Javi said. “Don’t.” He shook his head.
“What?” Connie asked surprised. “Why not?”
“Nothing,” Javi tried to assure her. “I just…I don’t want to ring any alarms before I check things out.”
“What are you guys up to?” Connie said angrily.
“Connie,” Javi said gently, standing to try to calm her. “Just try to relax, ok?” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sure everything’s fine.” Connie scoffed. “I’m gonna take care of this. I’ll find out where he is, alright?” Just then Olivia started crying. “Look, I’ll make you a drink.” Connie picked up Olivia and swayed her back and forth.
“It’ll be alright, Connie,” Ari assured her. Connie sighed, not believing her. Javi handed Connie a drink.
“We’ll head over to the embassy and see what’s going on,” Javi told Connie. Ari followed him out into the hallway.
“Javi, wait,” she pulled him to a stop. “I’m gonna stay with Connie for now. She’s freaking out.”
“Good idea, hermosa,” Javi agreed.
“If you need my help, just call, alright?” Ari asked him.
“I will,” Javi murmured. His hand cupped the side of her face. They couldn’t speak the words, fear clogging their throats, but their eyes said it all. They were terrified. For Steve, and for each other.
“Stay safe, Javi, please,” Ari whispered. He nodded.
“You too,” he whispered back. He kissed her softly, pouring all his worry and affection into that one kiss. He pressed his forehead to hers once their lips parted. “I’ll be back soon.” With that he bounded down the stairs and out of the building. Ari sighed and put her brave face on. Connie and Olivia needed her to be a rock for them right now. They didn’t need to know how scared she was for Steve. She squared her shoulders and went back inside. Connie gave her a questioning look.
“I’m gonna stay here with you guys,” Ari told her.
“I don’t need a babysitter,” Connie said grumpily. “I’m not gonna freak out.”
“I didn’t think you would,” Ari assured her. “But if someone took Steve…or is targeting the DEA in any way, well, you and Olivia could be in danger. I want to stick around and make sure you’re both safe.” Connie swallowed.
“Shit,” she whispered. “This just got very real.” Ari wrapped her in a hug.
“It’s ok,” Ari murmured. “We’re gonna get through this. I’m sure Steve is alright. Narcos can’t exactly kill a DEA agent.”
“Why not?” Connie asked. Ari sat her down and told her all about Kiki and the US retaliation. Connie seemed to relax a bit more after hearing that.
“So, it’s probably nothing serious then, right?” Connie practically begged.
“Yeah,” Ari immediately agreed. Connie sighed at sat back against the couch. She smiled when Olivia crawled over to her.
“Steve said you’re going ahead with adoption,” Ari mentioned.
“Yes,” Connie nodded. “We fell in love with her. “I can’t imagine anyone else raising this perfect little girl.”
“Me either,” Ari agreed. She could see Connie was still distraught. “Do you wanna watch TV or something?” Connie shook her head.
“What’s going on with you?” Connie asked, turning to face Ari. “We haven’t had much time to catch up lately. I could use the distraction.”
“I’ve really just been working a lot,” Ari said with a shrug.
“No interesting men?” Connie pressed.
“Plenty of interesting men,” Ari laughed, “but I’m not dating any of them.” Connie laughed, and it warmed Ari’s heart to see her relaxing a bit.
“What about that guy?” Connie asked. “The one we talked about over dinner.”
“Eduardo?” Ari said, raising her eyebrows.
“Yeah,” Connie said with a nod. “Take him up on his offer yet?”
“No,” Ari frowned.
“You should,” Connie said.
“I don’t know,” Connie answered. “You deserve to have some fun.”
“I have fun,” Ari grumbled.
“Drinking yourself stupid with Javi and Carrillo doesn’t count,” Connie laughed. When Ari’s face fell, Connie sobered instantly. “Sorry, I forgot about Carrillo.”
“It’s fine,” Ari shrugged off. “I just really miss him.”
“Have you heard from him?” Connie asked gently.
“Yeah,” Ari told her. “We talk on the phone at least once a week. But it’s not the same.”
“I know,” Connie lamented.
“So, who’re you fucking?” Connie asked suddenly. Ari practically choked in shock.
“What?” She sputtered.
“I hear noises from downstairs,” Connie explained. “Can’t all be coming from Javi’s apartment.” Connie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“That man has a lot of sex,” Ari offered as an explanation. “It’s not coming from my place.” Connie just stared at her for the longest few seconds of Ari’s life. She hated lying to her, but she was scared to admit anything was going on between them.
“Ok, Ari,” Connie said, clearly not convinced, but willing to play along. Ari sat back in relief. She wasn’t ready to have that conversation just yet.
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The palace was in a frenzy. The leaked photos and suspected murders in La Catedral had the nation in an uproar. Gaviria and his advisors had decided to transfer Escobar.
“Ya le dieron la orden a Ariza de poner bajo custodia a Escobar,” (General Ariza has orders to secure Escobar) Gaviria told Eduardo as they walked quickly through the halls of the palace. “Ahora bien, quiero que vayas y legalices su translado aquí a Bogotá.” (I want you to go there and legalize his transfer to Bogotá.)
“¿Cómo así que lo legalice?” (What do you mean ‘legalize’ it?) Eduardo asked.
“Sí, que lo formalices,” (Formalize it) Gaviria confirmed. Eduardo nodded in understanding. “Y le dices que esto es solo temporal mientras renovamos La Catedral para que sea más segura.” (You’ll reiterate that this is a temporary relocation while we renovate La Catedral to make it safer for him.)
“Tú y yo sabamos que eso no es verdad,” (We both know that’s not true) Eduardo scoffed.
“Pero es lo que le tienes que decir a Escobar mientras encontramos una guarnición militar en cual meterlo,” (But it’s what you’ll tell Escobar until he’s safely inside a military brig) Gaviria insisted.
“Sí, presidente,” (Yes, Mr. President) Eduardo conceded, slightly exasperated. The president stopped walking.
“¿Qué pasa?” (What’s wrong?) He asked his most trusted friend and advisor. Eduardo stopped and turned back to Gaviria. He walked back in front of him.
“Tengo un mal presentimiento,” (I’ve got a bad feeling about this) he said. “Escobar no se irá fácilmente.” (Escobar will not go easily.)
“Lo se mi amigo,” (I know, my friend) Gaviria said gently. “He presentado una solicitud al embajador de los Estados Unidos para que el agente Morgan de la DEA lo acompañe a la prisión.” (I have put in a request with the US Ambassador to have Agent Morgan from the DEA accompany you to the prison.)
“¿Qué?” (What?) Eduardo half shouted, then lowered his voice. “No puedes querer ponerla en medio de Escobar y todos sus hombres.” (You cannot mean to put her right in the middle of Escobar and all his men.)
“Ella se asegurará de que la transferencia se lleve a cabo de manera pacífica,” (She will ensure that the transfer happens peacefully) Gaviria insisted. “A pesar de todo, Escobar ama a su hija. No permitirá que la pongan en peligro. Es nuestro mejor curso de acción.” (Despite everything, Escobar loves his daughter. He will not allow her to be put in harm’s way. It is our best course of action.) Eduardo was seething with rage and fear. He did not want Ariana anywhere near that monster, but he knew César was right.
“Eduardo,” Gaviria said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder, “yo confío en ti…y esto es muy importante como para mandar a alguien en quien no confíe completamente.” (I trust you...and this is too important to leave to someone I don’t trust completely.) Eduardo considered his words for a moment.
“Estoy a su servicio, presidente,” (I’m at your service, Mr. President) he said after a moment. “Usted muy bien lo sabe. Y nada me haría más feliz que hacer pagar a ese hijo de puta todo lo que ha hecho.” (You know that very well. Nothing will make me happier than to see that asshole get the justice he deserves.)
“Muy bien,” (Very good) Gaviria said, pleased. “Estoy seguro de que el embajador Noonan aprobará mi solicitud, así que asegúrese de pasar por la embajada antes del aeropuerto para recoger al agente Morgan.” (I am sure Ambassador Noonan will approve my request, so make sure you stop by the Embassy before the airport to pick up Agent Morgan.) Eduardo nodded as Gaviria walked away. He did not like this at all, but he would make sure no harm came to his favorite DEA agent.
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“Where the hell is he?” Connie cried, pacing anxiously. It had been hours since Javi had left, and they hadn’t heard anything from him. Ari had managed to keep Connie distracted and calm for the most part, but once the sun had set, she started to unravel.
“I’ll try calling him again,” Ari said softly. Before she had the chance to pick up the phone, there was a knock at the door. Connie wretched the door open before Ari even had the chance to warn her back—just in case it was a threat and not Javi or Steve.
“Where have you been?” Connie snapped as Javi walked in. She shut the door and followed behind him. “You don’t even answer your phone?” Javi’s shoulders were tense with stress. Ari could tell just from his body language that he had no news—and he was worried.
“Sorry,” he said quietly, “I’ve, uh…I’ve been working on it.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Connie spat angrily. “Doing what?” She threw her arms up in frustration. Javi’s face showed his stress and defeat. Connie instantly looked regretful.
“I’m sorry,” she sighed. “I’m just trying to hold it together.” She sat down heavily. “God, I just wanna go home. I want my husband back.” She paused and looked between Steve’s best friends. “Do you think he’s alive?”
“Yeah,” Javi said immediately. Connie just stared at him.
“No,” she said finally. “You’re just not sure he’s dead.”
“Connie,” Ari said, coming to sit next to her, “I told you, they’d be insane to kill him. Steve is alive, and we’re gonna find him.” Javi nodded in agreement. “We’re going to the ambassador right now. We’ll bring Steve home.”
“Ok,” Connie whispered before gripping Ari in a tight hug.
“I’ll call you as soon as we talk to Noonan,” Ari promised. Javi followed Ari out. As soon as the door closed she turned to face him.
“What do we know?” She asked calmly.
“Not much,” Javi sighed. “There’s no trace of him…I didn’t want to sound the alarm too soon and risk whoever has him getting spooked and killing him.” Ari nodded in understanding.
“It’s been too long though,” Ari said. “We have to go to Noonan.”
“I know,” Javi said defeatedly. “I’ll drive.”
A short while later they were walking into the Ambassador’s office.
“Now what?” She barked. Ari looked at Javi wondering how many times he had pissed Noonan off today.
“I’m sorry, Ambassador,” Javi began. “We have a situation.”
“Damn right we do,” she said gruffly.
“Hey, partners,” Steve said from his spot at the side of the room, casually sipping whiskey. Ari and Javi looked at each other in shock and relief. Steve was alright. He filled them in quickly on where he had been—the ‘guest’ of Pacho Herrera, one of the godfathers of Cali and Navegante’s boss.
“That Herrera’s a pretty good host,” Steve told them as they walked down the hall after leaving Noonan’s office. “Makes a mean cocktail, gives you door-to-door service right to the embassy.”
“What did Herrera say?” Javi asked.
“What’d he say?” Steve returned before grabbing Javi’s shirt and slamming him against the wall. “What’d he say?” Javi grabbed the front of Steve’s shirt as the two men scuffled for a moment. Javi dropped his hands, seeing how upset Steve was. The tension between the two was palpable.
“Steve,” Ari said putting her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged her off.
“Did you fuckin’ give him that information?” Steve asked Javi softly. “He’s got pictures on me, he’s got tape on me, Javi.” They just stared at each other, waiting. “Answer me.”
“What?” Javi said in a voice just above a whisper.
“Did you give that shit to Herrera?” Steve asked again.
“Do you think I would do that to you?” Javi countered.
“Are you playing with Cali, Javi?” Steve dropped his hands from Javi’s shirt. “That your version of ‘all in’?”
“I got one goal,” Javi whispered deeply, holding up a finger. “Get Escobar.”
“That’s not an answer,” Steve warned. “Who gave him the fucking photos?” Just then Russell walked down the hall.
“Hey,” he greeted as he walked by. Steve looked Javi up and down, contempt on his face.
“See you around, Jav,” he said as he walked away. “I’m gonna go call my wife.”
“Steve!” Ari called, but he just waved her off. “What the fuck?” She turned to Javi. “Did you do this, Javier?” She asked him in a low voice. “And don’t even think of fucking lying to me.”
“Ari,” he whispered. She gasped when she saw the truth in his eyes.
“How could you?” She asked, horrified.
“It was Navegante’s idea,” Javi explained. “They needed some leverage so Steve would play ball…we need their intel if we’re gonna bring down Pablo.” Ari threw her hands up in frustration.
“Javi,” she scolded. “I want to make this happen more than anyone, but fucking Christ, we have to be able to trust each other!” She remembered back to Steve going behind Javi’s back and getting Barry Seal killed. “We cannot go sneaking around each other. We all have to be on the same goddamn page!”
“Querida,” Javi murmured. The look of fury she shot him shut him right up.
“Let’s get out of here,” she said after a moment. “We’re still suspended. Note even supposed to be in the building right now.” Javi nodded and they drove back to the apartment in silence. Javi pulled up in front of the building and parked the car. He turned to Ari.
“I’m sorry, Ari,” he said sincerely. “You’re right…I should have found another way to make this happen…should have been honest with Steve.” Ari lay her head back against the seat and sighed.
“Just please stop making these crazy, rash decisions, Javi,” Ari warned him. “Talk to me first, alright? I’m worried that you’re so focused on catching Escobar that you’re gonna fuck up and get yourself killed.” She turned her head to look him in the eye. “I don’t want to lose you.” He picked her hand up and kissed it hard.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised. She nodded in acceptance.
“You gonna pull into the garage?” She asked when he still sat in the car.
“I have to go somewhere,” he replied.
“Want some company?” She asked.
“I, uh,” Javi rubbed the make of his neck. “I have a meeting.” Ari’s eyes widened slightly.
“Oh,” she said softly. “Got it.” She stepped out of the car and closed the door. “Goodnight,” she called through the open window. She rushed into the building, hoping it was too dark for him to see the hurt in her eyes. Javi sighed when she disappeared. She thought he was meeting one of his girls. And he let her think that. Because he didn’t want her to know the truth. His meeting was with Navegante. And he didn’t want Ari anywhere near that man.
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Ari locked her door and leaned against it. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Javi was going to have sex with another woman. Again. After his confession in the records room, she thought he might be coming around…but no, still the same broken, scared Javier. She wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Suddenly, the rage she felt earlier bubbled back up inside her. Why the fuck was she going to sit at home—alone—and cry while he went out and got laid? Fuck him. She’d go out and get laid too.
She planned to take a shower and then head out. Her stomach growled, and she was reminded that she had barely eaten anything. She went into the kitchen to toss something together. She didn’t want to drink on an empty stomach if she was looking to pick someone up. She grabbed a frozen dinner and popped it into the oven. She sat down on the couch to listen for the timer. It wouldn’t take long, and she didn’t want to be in the shower and not hear it. She lay her head back against the couch and sighed. She was really fucking tired.
Ari jolted awake at the shrill ringing of her phone. She peeled herself off the couch and stumbled to the phone.
“Hello?” She said groggily. She heard a chuckle on the other end.
“Good evening, Agent Morgan,” Laura, the Ambassador’s secretary, said. “Did I wake you?” Ari glanced at the clock to see it was not nearly late enough for her to be asleep.
“Yeah,” she told Laura, “rough day.” She guessed the stress of the day finally caught up with her, and she had passed out waiting for her dinner. Shit, her dinner! She ran to the kitchen, stretching the phone cord to the max. She sighed in relief when she realized her apartment wasn’t on fire…probably because she forgot to turn the oven on in the first place. She rolled her eyes at herself.
“What can I do for you, Laura?” Ari said into the phone. She was sweet, and as far as Ari knew, hadn’t slept with Javier yet. Ari liked her immensely.
“Ambassador Noonan is requesting a meeting with you,” she answered. Ari stretched her arm over her head.
“When?” She mumbled through a yawn.
“Right now,” Laura told her.
“Now?” Ari asked, cocking a brow. “Did she forget she suspended me this morning?”
“All I know is that it’s very important,” Laura insisted.
“Alright,” Ari conceded. “I’ll be there soon.” She hung up the phone and went into the bathroom. After relieving the pressure in her bladder and washing her hands, she brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her hair. She had never gotten into the teasing and nonsense that women did with their hair. She preferred to keep it smooth and natural. She pulled it up into a high ponytail to keep it out of her way. She changed out of her rumpled clothes. She opted for a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. She was still technically suspended, so no need to dress to impress. She grabbed her gun, badge, and the small wallet she used instead of a purse. After tucking them all away into her pants, she left her apartment and made her way to the embassy.
A short car ride later and she was striding up to the Ambassador’s office. Laura couldn’t help but admire her as she walked by with a smile. She had been woken from a dead sleep not twenty minutes earlier, and here she was raring to go and looking gorgeous. Laura had no idea how she did it.
“You wanted to see me, Ambassador?” Ari asked as she entered her office. Just then she saw Eduardo standing near the windows. “Vice Minister, nice to see you.” He nodded in greeting, a tense look on his face.
“Agent Morgan,” Noonan said, gesturing to the seat in front of her desk. “I have a task for you.”
“I thought I was suspended,” Ari said as she sat.
“Not anymore,” Noonan said with a grimace. “We’ve received an official request from President Gaviria himself.” Ari’s eyebrow’s lifted at that. “They are going to transfer Escobar tonight. The army is there, but he is sending in Vice Minister Sandoval to complete the transfer...Gaviria wants you there to ensure it goes smoothly.”
“What?” Ari asked, surprised.
“They believe your presence will keep Escobar in line...stop him from doing anything reckless or dangerous.”
“Just because I’m there, doesn’t mean he won’t resist,” Ari insisted. “He won’t leave with the military. My presence will not change that. If anything, we run the risk of him taking me with him.”
“I have considered that,” Noonan said, “but Mr. Sandoval has assured me he will not allow Escobar to leave with you.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea, ma’am,” Ari argued.
“Regardless, you’re going,” Noonan demanded. “That’s an order,” she added when Ari went to argue.
“Fine,” Ari bit out.
“You’ll fly to Medellín immediately,” Noonan told her. Ari nodded and practically stormed out of the office. Eduardo followed closely behind.
“I’m sorry about all this, Agent Morgan,” Eduardo said quietly.
“It’s fine, Vice Minister,” she responded.
“Please, call me Eduardo,” he insisted.
“Only if you call me Ari,” she replied. They smiled at each other.
“Agreed,” he said. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this. Believe me, I did not want you to get involved like this.”
“Me either, but it’s part of the job, right?”
“Unfortunately,” Eduardo said with a smile. “Shall we?” Ari nodded and they left the embassy and climbed into the car that would take them to the airport.
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“We’re here,” Eduardo said quietly as they pulled up to La Catedral. Ari sighed.
“I don’t like this,” she said again.
“I know, me either.” They got out of the car and started walking towards the soldiers. Sandoval asked one of them where the general was. He pointed them forward.
“Buenas noches, general,” (Good evening, General) Eduardo said, approaching the man.
“Señor viceministro,” (Mr. Vice Minister) General Ariza said.
“¿Cómo le va?” (How are you) The two men shook hands.
“Encantado de vero,” (Pleasure to see you) Ariza answered. He turned to Ari. “Buenas noches, señorita Escobar.” (Good evening, Miss Escobar)
“Agente Morgan,” she corrected.
“Ah, si, mis disculpas,” (Ah, yes, my apologies) the general offered.
“¿Dónde estás Escobar?” (Where’s Escobar?) Eduardo asked. The general went on to say that Escobar was still in the prison and his orders were just to secure the perimeter and wait for them. Sandoval argued with him, telling him the President gave very different orders.
Eduardo wanted to go in. His plan was to go inside and get Escobar to come out. Ari did not like this plan. They were not supposed to go into the prison. She had a feeling if they went in Escobar would not let them out.
“Yo no puedo permitir que usted ponga su vida en peligro,” (I can’t allow you to put yourself in danger) the general insisted.
“¿Usted cree que Escobar es tan imbécil para matar a un viceministro de justicia hoy, aquí, delante de la cuarta brigada? Por dios, por dios.” (Do you think that Escobar is dumb enough to kill the Vice Minister of Justice right in front of the fourth brigade? For God’s sake.)
“Lo cubriré,” (I’ll cover him) Ariana said suddenly, against her better judgement. Both men looked at her. “Estoy armado, entrenado y Escobar no permitirá que ninguno de sus hombres me haga daño. Puedo mantener a salvo al Viceministro.” (I’m armed, trained, and Escobar won’t let any of his men harm me. I can keep the Vice Minister safe) The general mulled over her words for a minute. He nodded, agreeing to her plan. The two walked back to the gate.
Ari and Eduardo walked through the gate with two guards and approached the entrance to La Catedral. They were greeted by Velasco.
“Viceministro, buenas noches,” (Vice Minister, good evening) he said. “Ari, es bueno verte de nuevo. Pablo lo está esperando. Siga.” (Ari, it’s good to see you again. Pablo is waiting for you. Go on.) Sandoval told the guards to wait there, and they entered the prison. Escobar was there surrounded by his men.
“Buenas noches, Viceministra. Ha pasado mucho tiempo.” (Good evening, Vice Minister. It’s been awhile.) Escobar walked up to them. “Mi corazón, te he echado de menos.” (My sweetheart, I have missed you.) He went to hug Ari. She held up her hand to stop him.
“Eso es lo suficientemente cerca,” (That’s close enough) she warned.
“¿Le negarías un abrazo a tu papá?” (You would deny your papa a hug?) He asked, hurt.
“Vengo en nombre del presidente Gaviria,” (I’m here on behalf of President Gaviria) Eduardo cut in, trying to save Ari from having to answer. “Tengo órdenes de escoltarlo a una prisión en Bogotá, temporal. El gobierno ha decidido hacer unas adecuaciones aquí en La Catedral por su seguridad y la de todos ustedes caballeros.” (My orders are to escort you to a temporary prison in Bogotá. The government has decided to make some improvements at La Catedral for your safety and everyone else’s here.)
Escobar did not believe him. He knew this was all a set up to get him out of La Catedral. He insisted he was innocent of killing Galeano and Moncada. No matter Sandoval’s assurance, Pablo was not buying it.
“Nosotros teníamos un trato. Ustedes lo están rompiendo,” (We have an agreement. You’re breaking it.) Escobar insisted. “¿Por qué los americanos no me iban a secuestrar y mandarme a los Estados Unidos? Bush quedaría muy contento en meterme en una cárcel gringa, como hizo con Lehder, como hizo con Noriega, ¿sí o no?” (What guarantee do I have that the Americans won't kidnap me and take me to the US? Bush would be very happy to stick me in a gringo jail, like he did to Lehder, like he did to Noriega, right?)
“Eso no va a pasar,” (That's not gonna happen) Sandoval promised, “le doy mi palabra.” (you have my word.)
Escobar was still unconvinced. Eduardo was growing agitated. Pablo’s men shouted at him not to trust them. That’s he be killed. He held up his hand to quiet them. Eduardo brushed his knuckle across his eyebrow in frustration.
“And you, mija?” Escobar turned to her. “What do you promise me?” She noticed his switch to English, which meant he did not want his men to know what they discussed. As far as she knew, Velasco and Blackie were the only ones here who spoke the language, and it was far from fluent.
“I can promise you that there are no Americans waiting out there to kidnap you,” She assured him.
“Really?” He asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Yes,” she replied. I’m the only American here. My partners are home enjoying their evenings. Not here dealing with this bullshit.” He smirked at her sass. “I promise if you leave with us peacefully, you will arrive in Bogotá alive.” Father and daughter stared each other down for several long, tense seconds. He was so proud of her, even if she was working to bring him down. She was tough and so much like him, and she didn’t even realize it.
“Rechazo respetuosamente su oferta, Viceministro,” (I respectfully decline your offer, Vice Minister) he said finally, looking at Sandoval. Eduardo looked at him for several long, tense seconds. Ari felt the hair on the back of her neck tingle. Pablo’s men were itching for violence.
“Voy a decirle al Presidente cuáles su posición. Permiso.” (I'll inform the president of your position. Excuse me.) He and Ari walked out to the gate.
“Señor Viceministro,” (Mr. Vice Minister) Escobar called out from behind them. They turned to see Escobar and all his men in the courtyard...holding guns. “¿Para qué va a caminar tanto si tenemos un teléfono aquí en mi oficina?” (Why walk all that way when I have a telephone in my office?)
“Prefiero llamar al Presidente desde afuera de la cárcel, gracias,” (I'd rather call the president from outside the prison, thanks) he said, swallowing his fear. The guard slammed the gate shut. Eduardo pushed them out of his way. “¿Qué están haciendo? ¡Déjanos salir!” (What are they doing? Let us out!)
“Don’t do something stupid,” Ari warned Escobar. He raised his eyebrow, but offered no words. “You’re really gonna hold us here?”
“It’s not every day we're honored with the presence of a Vice Minister of Justice,” Pablo said simply. “Besides you and I have some catching up to do. Come on.” Ari shot Eduardo a look that could only be interpreted as ‘I told you so’. He sighed, and they reluctantly went back inside. Ari couldn’t help but think how pissed Javi and Steve were going to be when they found out about all this.
Sandoval made the call to the President, but he claimed his office hung up on him. Ari had noticed while he was on hold he asked Escobar how long they would be held hostage. She knew immediately that Gaviria was on the other end of the line, and Eduardo was letting him know the situation without Escobar being able to negotiate with the President. She was impressed with his actions. Escobar told Eduardo that Gaviria betrayed them both.
“Tal vez el Presidente nos está traicionando a los dos,” (Maybe the president is betraying us both) Eduardo told him. “Puede tener razón. Pero ¿sabe una cosa? Yo estoy dispuesto a sacrificarme si eso significa acabar con usted.” (You could be right. But you know something? I'll sacrifice my life to make sure you're dead.) Ariana felt her admiration for the Vice Minister grow at those words. He was much braver and more honorable than she had previously thought. Velasco whispered something in Pablo’s ear.
“Su amigo Gaviria ha ordenado a las Fuerzas Especiales que le hagan una redada a la prisión con usted aquí adentro.” (Your friend Gaviria has ordered Special Forces to raid the prison while you're still inside) Escobar informed them. Eduardo smiled wryly.
“Yo hubiera hecho lo mismo,” (I would have done the same thing) Ari moved to the window. She wanted to look to see if there was a route they could take to get out of there when Special Forces came in.
Eduardo’s eyes slid over to watch Ariana, standing off to the side.
“I see the way you look at my daughter,” Escobar said in a low tone, not wanting to draw Ari’s—or his men’s—attention to the conversation. Eduardo’s gaze snapped back to Escobar. “She is not for you. Do you understand?” Eduardo chuckled a little.
“It’s not me you have to worry about,” he told the criminal. Escobar looked around.
“My men would never touch her—” he started.
“—Not your men,” he interrupted. “She’s caught the attention of someone else...someone not good for her.” He thought bitterly of Javier and his many conquests. Ari deserved much better than him, and he hoped Peña had enough decency to keep his hands off her.
“Who?” Pablo asked menacingly. Eduardo looked away. He wasn’t about to give the DEA agent’s name to Escobar, no matter how much he hated the man. “Who?”
“Sir,” Velasco said quietly. “We’ve been keeping an eye on her, like you asked us to.”
“Do you know who he’s referring to?”
“I think so, boss,” Velasco said, moving closer to ensure Ari didn’t hear. “Javier Peña, her partner.”
“Hmm...” Escobar murmured. “The one that fucks all our girls at the brothels?” Velasco nodded. “And he’s just shown an interest in her?”
“No, sir,” Velasco said. “It’s more than that.” Eduardo felt his stomach clench.
“Elaborate,” Escobar insisted.
“We’re pretty sure they’ve been fucking,” Velasco murmured. “A lot.” Escobar clenched his fists again and took a deep breath.
“Lo trataremos más tarde,” (We will deal with that later) he said finally. “Ahora mismo tenemos que superar esta mierda. No lo maten.” (Right now we have to get through this shit. Don't kill him.) He pointed to Sandoval. “If he dies... it will be at the hands of his own government. Ariana will come with us.” Eduardo immediately protested.
“She will stay with me,” Sandoval insisted.
“I will not let my daughter go again,” Escobar argued. “Especially now that I know that she’s fucking that piece of shit DEA agent. I will keep her safe.”
“Boss,” Velasco interjected, “we can’t have the heat of the Americans and DEA if we have to go on the run.”
“He’s right,” Sandoval quickly added. “Gaviria is keeping the Americans out right now. If you take her, he’ll let them come in full force.”
“Hmm,” Escobar grunted. He didn’t like it, but they were right. “Very well. She stays with the Vice Minister. And she stays alive.” He ordered two men to stay close to Ari to make sure Special Forces didn’t accidentally shoot her. He stood up and looked down at Eduardo. “Good luck, Vice Minister.” He walked over to his daughter. “Ariana.” she turned to him. “I do not know when we will see each other again.” He sighed deeply and moved forward. She went to back away, but realized the windows blocked her in. Escobar wrapped her in a tight hug. “I know how hard this is for you, mi alma, but I want you to know, despite everything, I love you. And I’m proud of you.” He placed a kiss to the top of her head, pulled back, and cupped her face gently. “Until we meet again.” He quickly left the room with his most trusted men. Ari walked over to sit next to Eduardo, a dazed look on her face. Eduardo took her hand in his. A few moments later Special Forces entered the yard. Escobar’s men began shooting. Ari grabbed Eduardo and threw him down to the ground. She got down next to him, crouching low.
“Stay low,” she told him, head swiveling around, looking for cover. “I’m gonna get you out of here.” Eduardo looked up at her. Her eyes were cold, her face calm. It was like she was a different person suddenly. A dangerous, calculating person. The two men Escobar had ordered to watch Ari grabbed them. They rushed them through the prison and barricaded them in an office. They flipped over tables and ducked behind them. Ari quickly shoved Eduardo under the desk.
“Stay down,” she whispered to him, crouching in front of him. She pulled her gun from the waistband of her pants. She peaked over the top of the desk to see the two men facing away from them, eyes trained on the door. She raised her gun and fired two quick shots, one to the back of each of their heads. Eduardo flinched at the gunfire.
“It’s alright,” she assured him. “Our best bet is to wait in here until Special Forces comes in to sweep. Don’t want to get caught in the crossfire.” She kept her weapon handy, but ducked back down in front of the desk. She didn’t want to take the chance of one of the soldiers mistaking her for a sicario. A few moments later and the soldiers were barging into the room. Ari tucked her gun away quickly to not spook one of them. They found the two behind the desk quickly.
“¡Alto! ¡Alto!” (Don’t move! Don’t move!) A soldier shouted.
“¡Soy yo, so yo, so yo!” (It’s me, it’s me, it’s me!) Eduardo called out, hands up. They told them to stay low and keep moving. They quickly fell into formation around the two of them and got them out of the prison.
After the chaos settled, they were sitting with a medic, getting checked over. Eduardo had just called Gaviria to let him know he was alright. After he hung up, Ari asked for the phone. She looked at it for a moment and sighed, finally dialing the number. It rang twice before he picked up.
“Hey, Javi,” Ari said, biting her lip. Eduardo stiffened next to her when he realized who she called. He could hear Javier’s voice through the phone, but Ari didn’t realize that.
“Hey, querida,” Javi said, his voice dropping lower. “Why are you calling me so late? Want me to come over? I miss you, baby.” Eduardo felt anger burn through his body.
“Umm...,” Ari said, trying to decide how to tell him what happened. “I’m not home…I went to La Catedral.” Silence.
“I went to La Catedral with Sandoval to transport Escobar.”
“Dammit, Ari, why they hell—”
“—Noonan ordered me to,” she cut him off. “She said Gaviria requested it because it would be a smoother transition with me there. Escobar would be more likely to trust the transfer if it was me.”
“And did it work?” She chewed her lip, her telltale sign of stress. “Ariana, I can practically hear you gnawing at your lip, just spit it out.”
“No, it didn’t work,” she sighed. “They didn’t have him in custody before we got here like they told us he would be. He ended up taking me and Eduardo hostage and Special Forces came in...and he got away.”
“Wait, he took you hostage? Hermosa, what the fuck? Are you alright? Are you still there? I’m coming to get you.”
“Javi,” she stopped him. “I’m leaving in a couple minutes. Heading back to the embassy. I’m fine. I’ll tell you everything once I’m back. We’re flying, so we’ll be back in about an hour or so.”
“Alright,” he said, calming down a bit after hearing you were ok. “I’m calling Steve, we’ll meet you at the embassy.”
“Ok, Javi, I’ll see you soon.” She hung up the phone and handed it back to Eduardo. “Thanks for letting me use that.” He nodded. Trying to push down the anger he felt at Peña. He didn’t deserve Ari. He was just using her like he did all the other women. She deserved to be treated like the goddess she was. He vowed to make sure he would be there to pick up the pieces when Javier Peña inevitably broke her heart.
Javi wasted no time calling Steve. He picked up on the third ring.
“Murphy,” Steve answered tiredly.
“Escobar’s out,” Javi said without preamble.
“What?” Steve asked forcefully.
“He’s fucking out,” Javi repeated. “He took Sandoval and Ari hostage during the siege, and when the army went in, he escaped,”—he suppressed a grin— “walked right out.”
“What?” Steve said taken aback. “Ari was there? What the fuck is going on?”
“Noonan sent her,” Javi explained. “Ari just called me...she’s alright. They got out safe. She’s on her way back to the embassy. I told her we’d meet her there.”
“Pick me up in ten minutes,” Steve said through the phone. “I’ll meet you downstairs.” Javi hung up. He lit up a cigarette to help calm his nerves. The thought of Ari trapped in that prison scared the shit out of him. He quickly finished the cigarette and went to grab Steve.
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The ride to the airport was quiet, both Ari and Eduardo deep in thought. Once the plane was in the air, Eduardo decided to gently broach the subject of Javier.
“You and your partners are close?” Eduardo asked her quietly. Ari turned from looking out the window to face Eduardo.
“Yes,” she answered. “We’re all each other have down here.”
“So you’re like family,” he ventured. Ari nodded. “Like brothers...”
“In a way, I guess,” Ari said evasively.
“Somehow I doubt you see both of them that way, Ari,” Eduardo countered. Her eyes widened slightly.
“I’m not sure what you mean, Eduardo,” she hedged. “Are you suggesting I play favorites with my coworkers?” Eduardo swallowed, not sure if he wanted to venture down this path.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” he finally decided to say.
“You don’t have to worry about me,” she insisted. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
“I realize that,” he said. “Especially after tonight. You are quite a vision when you are in your element.” He paused. “Thank you for what you did in there. I don’t know if I would have made it out safely without you.”
“I’m sure you would have,” Ari told him. “I saw a different side of you tonight. You are much braver and smarter than I initially took you for.” He cocked a brow, wondering what she meant. “I know Gaviria was on the phone. You let him know we were hostages without giving Escobar the chance to negotiate with the president. Very smart.”
“I’m impressed you figured it out,” Eduardo said. “Especially when Escobar did not.”
“Escobar’s arrogance gets in the way of his intelligence sometimes,” she offered. “He just assumes people will fall in line because they fear him.” Eduardo hummed in agreement.
“I still cannot believe he is your father,” Eduardo said quietly. Ari tensed at his words. She hated any reminder of her relation to the drug lord.
“He is, unfortunately,” she said in a low voice.
“I’m just amazed that a monster could create such an angel,” Eduardo continued.
“I’m not an angel,” Ari said with a small laugh.
“Oh, but you are,” he insisted. “You just don’t realize it.” He paused, considering his next words. “I imagine you must take a great deal after your mother.” Ari swallowed, her thoughts turning to her sweet mother.
“Yes,” she said quietly. “I do share a lot of qualities with her.” She sat up a bit straighter. “But I also share some with my father.” Eduardo raised an eyebrow. “It’s true. Cold, calculating, pragmatic, ruthless...I can be all those things too. But it is necessary in this line of work, is it not?” Eduardo nodded in agreement.
“You’re different than him though,” he pressed. “He is the way he is to further his wealth and ego. You do it to stop the evil in this world.” Ari smiled sadly.
“‘Sometimes you have to do bad things to catch bad people,’” she said under her breath.
“What?” Eduardo asked.
“It’s just something Javi, Steve, and I say to each other,” she said with a sigh.
“Ariana,” he said quietly. She met his eyes. “You’re a good person.” He saw the doubt in her eyes. “You are. I admire you very much. I still want to take you out to dinner sometime.”
“Eduardo,” she began.
“It’s alright,” he said, raising his hand. “Just know that the offer is there, if you ever want to take me up on it.” She nodded. “You deserve better than Peña.” A look of horror washed over her face.
“What?” She asked in terror. Eduardo felt terrible for her reaction, so he quickly backpedaled.
“I see the way he watches you,” he corrected. “Don’t fall for his charms. He is not the type of man to be committed to one woman.” She visibly relaxed when she realized he was speaking hypothetically.
“I know that,” Ari assured him. “Javi and I are just partners. Nothing more.”
“He could never treat you the way you deserve,” he said quietly. “I wish you would give me the chance to worship you the way I know you should be.” Ari couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her.
“You make me sound like a god or something,” she teased.
“I sometimes wonder if you are,” he murmured.
“Nope, just a woman,” she assured him. “Eduardo, I think you are a great guy, but I don’t want to get involved in anything that could jeopardize what we’re doing down here.”
“I understand,” he said quietly. He felt anger at Peña. Eduardo knew the charismatic DEA agent was the real reason Ari was turning him down. The rest of the flight, as well as the ride back to the embassy, passed in companionable quiet. Eduardo wanted to make sure Ari was safely delivered back before he returned to the palace. They strode into the dark and quiet embassy. It was late and almost everyone had gone home for the night.
“Are your partners here?” Eduardo asked her. He didn’t want to leave her stranded there without a ride home.
“They’re probably in our office,” Ari said over a yawn. She was so fucking exhausted. They made their way to the DEA office. Javi and Steve were leaning against the desk smoking when they walked in. Javi stubbed out the cigarette, jumped up, and rushed to her side.
“Are you alright, querida?” He asked, grasping her shoulders and looking over her for any signs of injury.
“I’m fine, Javi,” she assured him. “Just tired.”
“What the hell happened in there?” Steve asked when he reached her side.
“It was a shit show,” Ari sighed. It was at that moment that Javier noticed Sandoval.
“What the fuck were you thinking bringing her in there?” Javi spat at the vice minister.
“It wasn’t my decision,” Eduardo argued. “I was adamantly opposed to it, but the president and your ambassador had other ideas.”
“And your expert negotiating skills got her taken hostage,” Javi ground out. “You brought her right back to that fucking monster. He could have taken her with him. Fuck, she could have accidentally been shot by your military.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Eduardo shouted. “It’s the reason I argued with César about this plan. The last thing I wanted was to put Ari in danger.”
“Well, you did a great fucking job of that,” Javi shouted back. “Maybe if you weren’t thinking with your dick, you would have convinced Gaviria to keep her the fuck outta this!”
“Excuse me?” Eduardo growled, his eyes narrowing.
“You’ve been panting after her since the moment you met her,” Javi fumed. “I bet you loved the idea of getting her all to yourself for this, huh?”
“Javi,” Steve warned, stepping closer to the two men.
“Fuck off, Murphy,” Javi spat towards his partner. He turned back to Eduardo. He jabbed his finger into the man’s chest. “I’ve seen the way you look at her. Maybe you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get her alone. Hmm? Your emotions clouded your judgement on this, Sandoval. You’re so desperate to get in her pants, you were willing to risk her fucking life!”
“Javier!” Ari shouted. “That’s enough,” she said in a softer voice. “Eduardo had no say in this matter.” Javi scoffed.
“Listen to me, you son of a bitch,” Eduardo bit out, causing Javi to turn his attention back to him. “I would never intentionally put Ari in harm’s way. And you’re one to talk...I’ve seen the way you look at her. Jealous you may have some competition?”
“Fuck you,” Javi growled, shoving Sandoval. That shove seemed to ignite the powder keg that had been building between these two men. All of sudden they were pushing and throwing punches.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Steve yelled, getting between the two men. He grabbed Sandoval as Ari placed herself in front of Javier and pushed him back.
“That’s enough!” Steve shouted at them.
“Javi,” Ari said softly, drawing his attention down to her. “Stop.” Javi was panting, a fiery rage burning bright in his eyes.
“You two need to calm the fuck down,” Steve demanded. “You’re acting like a couple of fucking teenagers fighting over the head cheerleader.” Ari rolled her eyes at his comparison. She would have never been a cheerleader.
“I think it’s time we all went home,” Ari suggested. “It’s been a long fucking day. Everyone is exhausted and saying things they don’t mean.” She looked pointedly at Javi and Eduardo. “Let’s just get some sleep, alright?” The two men glared at each other over Ari’s head. Finally, Javi nodded tersely, his jaw clenched tightly.
“Very well,” Eduardo agreed with a reluctant nod. “Sleep well, Ari. And thanks again for everything tonight.” Ari nodded.
“Goodnight, Eduardo,” she offered. With that Sandoval left the office.
“What the fuck was that?” Steve asked, turning to Javi.
“I don’t know,” Javi sighed. He ran his hand through his hair. “I was pissed. Ari should have never been put in that situation.”
“It wasn’t his fault,” Ari reminded him. “He didn’t want either of us in there.” Ari decided not to mention how Eduardo had gone against Gaviria’s instructions and entered the prison. That would set Javi off again.
“I know that,” Javi begrudgingly agreed. “That guy just rubs me the wrong fucking way.”
“Could it have anything to do with the fact that he eye fucks the shit outta Ari every time he sees her?” Steve asked with a smirk.
“Dammit, Steve,” Ari groaned when she saw Javier getting angry again. Steve just chuckled. “Let’s get the hell outta here. I’m fucking exhausted.”
“Good idea,” Steve agreed immediately. “Let’s go.” A few minutes later they were back at the apartment building. Steve bid them goodnight and headed upstairs. Ari was walking towards her apartment when Javi stopped her.
“Querida,” he said, tugging on her hand. She stopped and turned to him. He pulled her against his chest and cupped the side of her face. “I need you.”
“Javi,” she sighed. She was so tired...but a part of her felt the same. This whole day had been absolute hell, but it was like every event of the day served to remind them just how precarious their situation was. Steve could have been killed instead of just ‘borrowed’ for the day. Escobar could have taken her with him. She could have met her end from a stray bullet at the siege. The next time one of the cartels decided to play dirty could mean her standing over Javi’s lifeless body. Any moment could be their last. Suddenly she didn’t feel as tired as she had moments ago.
“I need you too,” she whispered finally. He claimed her mouth in a deep, hungry kiss. It was unlike any kiss they had shared before. There was so much emotion in that single kiss. Like they both realized how quickly this could all end. Javi pulled her into his apartment.
That night was different. Their encounters were usually rough and adventurous and dirty. This time felt...desperate and meaningful. Javi took his time, despite the overwhelming urge to bury himself in her. He held her close and whispered loving words in her ear. He held her tight, afraid she would slip away. When their bodies finally joined, it was slow and deep. All the other times they fucked. Clear cut and simple. This time...this time Ari could only describe this as making love. For the first time Ari felt as if Javi truly cared for her. She had to fight back words she knew would scare him away.
He was insatiable. He had almost no recovery time between coming. He was hard again almost immediately. Javier had no fucking clue how he was managing it, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t get enough of her. They spent hours savoring each other’s bodies. When he finally had tired out his body, Ari fell into a deep slumber, completely wrung out from the events of the day. Javi lay back on his pillow smoking a cigarette.
He could have lost her today.
He was terrified at the thought. It was bad enough when he was frantically searching for Steve. He couldn’t help but think about Ari being taken. Then to find out she was in Escobar’s clutches again...he shivered at the thought of her disappearing without a trace. Because he knew that is exactly what would happen if Escobar ever got a hold of her again. He would take her far away and they would never see her again.
He was so deep in thought he didn’t realize he had smoked half a pack of cigarettes. He glanced at the time and saw how late, or he guessed early, it was. Ari was sleeping soundly next to him. He was so tempted to snuggle in next to her and lose himself to sleep. To feel her warm, soft body pressed against him for the whole night...but Javier Peña was a stubborn, broken man, and he would not let his walls down
“Ari,” Javier said quietly, as he gently shook her shoulder. “Wake up.” Ari grumbled in her sleep, trying to turn over. “Hey,” he said a little louder. “C’mon, baby. You gotta get up.” Ari slowly opened her eyes.
“What’s the matter?” She asked huskily, her voice heavy with sleep. Javi couldn’t help but notice she looked adorable when she woke up: sleepy eyes, mused hair, and an expression of such pure innocence he had yet to see on her before.
“You fell asleep,” he told her. “You gotta get up. Head back to your place.” Ari’s sleep addled brain was trying to process the words Javi was saying to her.
“Huh?” She mumbled, still too tired to comprehend.
“You need to go home,” he tried again. She groaned and turned back over.
“Don’t wanna,” she slurred, her face half buried in the pillow. “I’m sleepy. Leave me alone.” Javier almost smiled at how grumpy and cute she was right now.
“Come on, Ari,” he said, voice a little more stern. He needed her to go. Now. He was way too tempted to let her stay the night in his bed.
“Can’t I just stay?” She asked sleepily.
“No,” he said in a low voice. “Ari, get up. Now.” Ari rolled over at the harsh, cold tone he used. She was definitely awake now.
“Javi?” She said in a small voice, not sure why he was behaving this way.
“Go home, Ari,” he said coldly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Ari scanned his face, hoping to find some trace of kindness or affection. He was cold and closed off. “Ari,” he warned. She swallowed thickly. She didn’t want to let her emotions show, but she was tired and vulnerable. She sat up and scrambled off the bed. She grabbed her clothes and dressed quickly, avoiding Javi’s eyes.
“See you tomorrow,” she said quietly once she was fully dressed. She practically ran out of his apartment, wanting to get to the safety of hers. Javier heard the front door close softly, and he sat back against the headboard. He let out a deep sigh and lit a cigarette. His heart clenched as he replayed the last few minutes in his head.
The look on Ari’s face when she realized he was actually kicking her out of his apartment...how she couldn’t even look at him...how quickly she had fled the apartment, like she couldn’t stand to be near him a moment longer than necessary...it nearly broke him. Why the fuck did he keep doing these things to her? And why the fuck did she put up with him?
He took a long drag of his cigarette and wished for the millionth time that he was a better man.
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As soon as Ari’s door shut she leaned heavily against it and the tears fell. She didn’t cry. The tears fell unconsciously. As if her eyes were raining. She felt numb. She couldn’t believe Javier had woken her up and kicked her out. She knew he was closed off, but she really had no idea just how much until tonight.
She thought, after the way he had made love to her tonight, they were making progress. How wrong she had been. Hadn’t she learned this lesson enough by now? Every time she thought she had climbed over the walls he built around his heart, Javi shoved her back down to the bottom.
She slowly trudged back to her bedroom and stripped off her clothes once more. She really wanted to go to sleep. She was absolutely exhausted from the day: Steve’s kidnapping, being taken hostage in La Catedral, Javi and Eduardo’s argument, and the hours of exquisite pleasure Javier had wrung from her. But more than sleep, right now, she wanted a scalding hot shower to wash away the day.
So, she fought through her exhaustion and stepped into the hot, steamy shower. While she washed, she repeatedly reminded herself that what they had meant nothing to Javi. It was just a distraction...a way to let go of the stress and tension of their lives. She knew he cared for her…but he was too set in his ways to let her into his heart. Now she had a decision to make—continue what they were doing or end it. If she was going to continue to have a physical relationship with him, she needed to keep her perspective clear. She needed to understand exactly where she stood with him.
Javier Peña did not love her. And he never would.
She stepped out of the shower, the tears having stopped at some point while she washed. She dried herself and collapsed into the bed naked. She pulled her blanket around her and finally lost herself to sleep.
A/N: Please don’t hate me! Please don’t hate me!!! This was a necessary evil to set up what’s to come! Hang in there!!! Good times are coming…eventually!
Chapter 15
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