#Yes I was born in the year of the rat
olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
I’m on a Peter kick rn so pardon me.
‘His animagus is a rat, how did they not realise??’ Fuck off. (politely) in Chinese culture, rats represent working diligently and thriftiness. If you were born in the year of the rat you are quick witted, resourceful, smart and hard working.
and sure, he wasn’t brave or courageous. But did you think about the fact that there was a god damn war going on? He was probably scared for his and his families lives? Maybe he thought James and Lily could fight off Moldy for a fourth time? Maybe he trusted Dumbledore to have extra protection measures in place? Maybe he was just trying to end the war because he was just so. tired. of. fighting.
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navree · 1 year
people talk about pumped up kicks as the premiere "school shooting song that is really catchy" but they're fools because i don't like mondays by the boomtown rats is right there and has been for nearly fifty years.
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
the rat grinders timeline
after this last episode i feel like i need to clarify all of this so i can get an idea of what the scheme actually is. anyway:
pre-high school:
porter is a scion of the house of cliffbreaker, formerly the house of sunstone, who sought to take the name of ankarna and shift her divine domain from dawn and justice to war and conquest. the house expressed frustration with ankarna for not being willing to strike ruvina or cassandra and after the sundering of the cliffs of calcoth, went into hiding as the cliffbreakers.
porter is nominally a paladin of ankarna, but wishes to take her place as a deity of war and conquest, to be able to strike down cassandra and ruvina.
freshman year:
the high 5 heroes form on the first day of school: kipperlilly copperkettle, lucy frostblade, oisin hakinvar, ivy embra, ruben hopclap, mary ann skuttle.
that same day, the bad kids get detention and face down the corn cuties in the cafeteria. kristen and gorgug die and get brought back by aguefort. jace and porter are the first teachers on the scene; they are established as a duo. may have been attempting to install the rage crystals in kristen and gorgug.
kipperlilly notably doesn't like riz, and feels that the bad kids are getting special treatment. all of the rat grinders have animosity towards the mad kids in some manner.
the high 5 heroes take easy quests that they know they will succeed at.
kalina enters the spy's tongue curse with jace and porter, and is only able to talk about ragh because he was tangential
prompocalypse: kalvaxus falls. yes! is borne in the gym. crown of the nightmare king is stolen. ragh sees arianwen with kalina, then jace and porter and gets kalina transferred into his body via a lay on hands from porter.
sophomore year:
at some point, the high 5 heroes are brought in by jace and porter and start facing high level monsters after they are defeated by porter/jace, thus grinding them for xp.
name change from high 5 heroes to rat grinders--ivy, oisin, ruben, and mary ann for, kipperlilly and lucy against.
lucy is given an mcat for paladin classes so that she might become the champion of ankarna (old)
porter kills "lydia barkrock", likely seeking to release and/or destroy bakur
kalina splits off to raise the nightmare king again, with assistance from angwyn and arianwen abernant. she is defeated and thus unable to work with jace and porter for a time. the nightmare king is apparently integral to the raising of porter as a fetal deity; perhaps as an associated deity, the nightmare king would guide his ascension.
nightmare king is reconstituted as cassandra, championed by kristen applebees.
the rat grinders go on their own spring break quest to the mountains of chaos, presumably to visit the temple of the fallen sun. they are accompanied by jace stardiamond. they do not find the name of ankarna, but likely start establishing the teleportation circle.
after the quest, they are all implanted with the rage crystals and start manifesting more power and anger. this is presumably because they died. and were resurrected.
lucy goes back on the agreement and reaffirms her commitment to ruvina. she withdraws her change of deity paperwork. the rat grinders + porter kill her and bury her in the far haven woods.
porter has correspondence with bobby dawn about collaboration and the potential uses of devil's honey.
mazey phaedra is elected student body president and is given a faculty request to remove the inaugural period of following student body president from the bylaws
summer of the night yorb:
night yorb is released; the bad kids spend the summer chasing down the cult of the night yorb and building the solar lasso. they are out of elmville and generally focused on the red waste
church of sol/helioic church loses followers due to the long night
kipperlilly prepares to run for student body president
the rat grinders request buddy dawn as their replacement cleric
kipperlilly tracks down eugenia shadow and threatens to dig up her grave, after waiting until the first moment of her junior year
ruben writes “in space no one can hear you scream” and it becomes the song of the summer, outcompeting fig and the cig figs. he later writes "get mad!" with porter's advice
the loam family faces embezzlement charges wrt frosty fair and the location of frosty fair (the festival of frost) moves to the thistlespring tree
thistlespring tree is established as a root warden for elmville
the soil is laced with rage crystals
kvx bank changes from red to blue, signaling the presence of oisin's ancestor as their backer
junior year:
aguefort goes on holiday with ayda to the dawn of time (time quangle). gilear goes on holiday with hallariel. this leaves the school in the hands of grix, who was intended to eliminate threats to the school, and jace stardiamond as vice principal. the existing magical protections on the school are still present--they cannot kill mazey and elmville cannot be plane shifted while the AAA is in session.
kipperlilly begins campaigning only to be faced with the ineffable kristen applebees and her campaign manager, the ball
porter refuses gorgug's initial mcat request, hoping to incite rage in him
porter starts taking ambrosia to prepare his body for ascension, using rage to contain himself and not proceed to the afterlife.
the loam family is murdered and their case is dropped
cassandra comes to the astral plane and is trapped and killed. she remains in stasis, surrounding and protecting ankarna
fabian hosts the first party of the year: oisin starts setting his ping-pong ball traps and steals adaine's mephits in order to alter the cloud rider engine. ivy sees fig, transformed as lucy. the bad kids interact with buddy. ankarna pushes yes! through to kristen. gertie, who has been supplying the devil's honey, becomes nemeses with fabian
fig multiclasses as a paladin and is taught by porter--she is encouraged to rage, and pushed away from being a paladin of cassandra.
buddy is also encouraged to become a paladin and gets mcat paperwork
ruben performs at frosty faire and starts the ritual at the thistlespring tree--grix shows up to stop him and is defeated by the bad kids
yolanda badgood follows up with jace about lucy's death--she is brought to the far haven woods and killed. the bad kids find the bodies
the bad kids go to fallinel and find the name of ankarna on the ancient menhirs, and are faced with divine intervention from cassandra and galicaea, unbeknownst to the rat grinders.
they eliminate the curse of the armor of pride and remove bakur from lydia barkrock
fig writes dawn of justice and takes dominion of ankarna's original domain
bobby dawn fails kristen and sends the bad kids to the last stand
kristen catches kipperlilly killing buddy dawn during the last stand
buddy is raised by porter using a rage crystal
rat grinders go to ground, and prepare to go back to the temple of the fallen sun. constant nondetection from ruben, oisin, and possibly ivy
adaine catches jace stardiamond with a scrying into his office
bad kids do teacher evaluations: fig does porter & zara as one instead of two--this gives them the sacred scroll with the name of the intended deity written by the previous deity's champion. zara tells fig one was never submitted for her.
fig writes righteous rebel, makes her oath to ankarna, and releases both songs as singles that rocket up the charts
ruben sees wanda childa die
bad kids go to the temple of the fallen sun and investigate. fig is vindicated about porter.
fig gives the false name (bacharath) to porter and he stuns her in the hall
riz gets into his office and figures out the ascension scheme
the bad kids go to ruben's house and go through the rat grinders' plans
election night: the storm is triggered, the plans for seacaster manor are triggered; cloud rider engine is set and the enchanted ping-pong balls go off. they plan to have oisin's ancestor strike down the bad kids as they make ready to transport elmville during graduation.
the ritual
the ritual is centered on aguefort adventuring academy and requires certain things:
the location where a god was borne (the gym)
the ascending deity (porter), who is a champion of the new domain and has a body prepared for ascension
mortal followers seeking to change the domain/raise ankarna (the rat grinders + jace)
divine attributes of the deity (hammer, armor, etc.)
the writing of the name of the fetal deity on sacred scrolls by the champion of the old deity (fig)
the physical divine domain (elmville, suffused with rage crystals and transported to the astral realm), which requires the removal of the protections on the town that were cast by aguefort
the metaphorical divine domain (ruben's song get mad)
the nightmare king, as an associated deity and the one who would nurture the new deity
and the name of the old deity (ankarna) that they might sunder it and in her image make a new god
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prankprincess123 · 1 year
I find it really funny that in Star Wars, Han is canonically about the same age as Kanan & Hera (only a few years younger even in old canon), but because of how they grew up they veiw people 10y younger than them completely opposite ways.
Like Kanan & Hera grew up in active war zones with Generals as parents. They were forced to grow up FAST. They had to be functionally adults before they got a chance to be teenagers. And resultingly they look at anyone young enough to not remember the Clone Wars as babies. They see an angry Mandalorian teenager as the toddler she was in the Clone Wars, drawing on walls to express emotions she can't otherwise express. They see a force sensitive street rat as the tiny crecheling who wasn't even born till the final days, and wouldn’t have even entered the temple until a few years after the war, but who would have ended up his Padawan eventually anyway. And they adopt both in a heartbeat. They're in their 20s and see these teenagers, and are just like "Ah yes, our kids," and they are VERY much parental figures with an obvious generational gap.
But while Han does remember the Clone Wars vividly, he wasn't on or anywhere near the front lines. And he didn't have anyone actively raising him. He didn't have a chance to grow up and got stuck in a mental standstill during adolescence. So he looks at Luke & Leia, and he sees peers. It doesn't matter that he lived through an entire war before they were born, cause he sees very little difference between that one and the one they're currently in. He sees them as his own age group just a little younger and treats them accordingly. He treats them as friends and equals. Leia isn't a kid in his eyes, she's a spitfire woman who has seen more war than he has. And there's a little bit of big-brother-ing to Luke - but more based on Luke's naïvety than age. Theres nothing to suggest he views any real age gap between them, let alone a generational one.
But they're still the same age, and from what we see of their interactions are very much peers and friendly rivals themselves. Which makes me laugh at the confusion Han would react with to realizing that Hera's children are older (even if only by 2 days) than the twins and childhood friends with Leia...
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littlegodzilla · 9 months
Well I heard someone might be a little down in the dumps today. It's been a while since I've posted anything here, but I wanted to do a little something to make you feel better.
I hope you like it
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I can try.
Daryl Dixon x Fem Reader.
One shot.
@celtic-crossbow birthday present.
Warnings: M. Friends to lovers. Smut.
Words: 10k.
Summary: You and Daryl are good friends, but sometimes is good to try new things.
"No. Stop... wait..." You gasp with a frown. "Stop, stop."
"What's wrong?"
"That I can't... I can't."
"It's not going to work...I'm going home." You push his hands away from you, getting up from the bed, reaching for your clothes.
"But what's wrong with you? I thought you..."
"Yes, I wanted to, but you've been looking for my spot for fifteen minutes... it's not going to go well, I'd better go." You shake your head getting dressed.
"But don't leave me like this! At least let me finish."
"Use your hands, like I'm going to do when I get home." You tell him and quickly leave the room.
"You're such a bitch!"
You hurry out of the house, adjusting your jacket to your body, the weather is still nice, but the nights are starting to get cold. Your feet move fast towards home, you want to get home as soon as possible and get into bed, you'd even like to disappear if possible.
Things have changed. A lot if you stop to think about it. Alexandria has changed for a few years now, after the Wolves, the hordes of Walkers, The Whisperers and some Communities that tried to take over yours, but finally Alexandria is safe and you all live in tranquility, or at least what this new world allows you. Since then, since you have settled there, you have allowed yourself to free yourself a little, of course there will always be guards to keep, to go out for supplies, to fight, but when all is quiet, you allow yourself to be who you were before. You spend days on the porch or in the garden, reading, watching the clouds move, you help in the fields, with the animals, you teach the children, who are more and more in the community. You have boyfriends. You have sex, arguments, breakups. It almost feels like your old life, but something is not right now.
You have been dating Nathan for a few months now, thanks to Deanna you have a new calendar and the days don't go on forever. You've been going out with him for a while now, he's nice, you get along well, you have fun... but in bed you don't quite click. It's frustrating and a bit embarrassing, you've been running away like a rat, but you'd rather cut the relationship before things get even more strained.
You get home. You're going to spend a few days at Rick and Michonne's house, the last storm that hit Alexandria washed away part of the roof of your house, now you entertain yourself in the morning to fix it with the help of other colleagues, but you still have for a few days. You close the door with some violence, your anger coming out.
"Dun be so noisy. There’re children sleepin’." You hear a voice in the darkness.
"Fuck, Daryl!" you jump, holding a hand to your chest. "What the fuck are you doing in the dark?"
"I've just come up now." He says turning on a small light in the dining room. "Rick and I are gonna out fer  few days."
"Well turn on the light, you could kill someone with a heart attack." You growl, looking sideways at him, he shakes his head.
"Sorry." He apologizes, you can feel his gaze running up and down you, making you nervous. "Bad night?"
"Frustrating." You reply in a curt tone, making it clear you don't want to talk about it. "Where are you going?" You'd rather change the subject. You know Rick doesn't get out of the community much since RJ was born helping Michonne with whatever she needs.
"Dunno. Not too far. Maybe a couple of days, no more than a week." he answers your question, shaking out his backpack a bit, rearranging the things inside. "Back Rick wants to go to Hiltop, need anythin’ from there?" he wants to know, you stand for a moment thoughtfully and gesture to him.
"Wait." You nod and trying not to make any noise, you go up to your room, coming down shortly after. "Here, give it to Maggie, please." You hand him a small letter. He looks at it, but nods, tucking it into his vest pocket. "Thank you. Have a safe trip and be safe." You ask.
"A'right. Night."
"Good night." You whisper looking at him again and go up to your room.
You've been traveling with Rick's group since they showed up by the Greene farm where you too had taken refuge after your parents were bitten and Hershel locked them in the barn. Your first impression with Rick Grimes' group was rough and wild, but you will never regret following him after that, thanks to him you had a real home in the prison, thanks to him you were still alive, thanks to him you now have this community, you are safe and happy. They are your family now and you know you can trust them, Maggie, Tara, Michonne, Rosita, they are your friends you can vent to, Carol sometimes acts more like a mother and that's not much older than you, but it's her instinct above all else. Carl and Sophia are little siblings to all of you, as are Judith and RJ. 
You lie in bed, curling up, feeling your body pulse, the heat coursing under your skin, but you ignore it, your head dull, the anger still lingering. You close your eyes and try to sleep.
"Good morning." Michonne greets you that morning, carrying little RJ in her arms.
"Good morning." You greet her by putting the coffee pot on the stove for breakfast the two of you. "Hey, shorty." You touch his nose and smile looking at Michonne out of the corner of your eye. "Quiet night?"
"Until Rick left...I think he feels it, he's been restless after that." She tells you, tucking the child into her arms.
"Daryl told me it wouldn't be many days, they'll stop by Hiltop when they get back." You tell her, she nods and sighs.
"Sometimes I miss getting out and exploring the world."
"Me too, you can leave the little one with Rosita or Carol, for a few hours I don't think they'll mind."
"I know, but now I have the constant fear of... not coming back." She whispers and you look at her pityingly. 
"Hey that's not going to happen, you're our samurai, no one can take you." You joke and she laughs low, chuckling. "Sit down, I've made breakfast."
"Thanks. If you keep this up I don't know if I'll let you go home." She jokes too. "Speaking of which, you came early last night, usually when you meet Nathan..."
"Yeah, well... we broke up..."
"Broke up? Why, what happened?" she sets RJ down in his highchair accepting the coffee you hand him. 
"It wasn't working... we didn't quite click..." You explain on top of it, but start to explain more when she prods you a little.
"You know Nathan is going to get hysterical, they're going to say a lot of bullshit..."
"I don't care, at the end of the day I took off leaving him halfway through." You shrug your shoulders as you braid your hair into a braid.
"If you see him get too nervous, we can get him to shut up."
"Don't worry, Michonne, I'll manage." 
After breakfast, you leave the Rick family's house, to go to work in the fields and with the animals, that afternoon you have guard duty too, it's going to be a long day, but at least it will help you to keep your head busy.
The whispers, gossip and looks soon spread through the community. Nathan, completely pissed off with you, goes out of his way to make it clear to every man in Alexandria that you are a slut. You try not to make a big deal out of it, but two weeks have passed and your neediness continues to grow and no one pays any attention to you, which makes the situation more frustrating
Daryl and Rick have been back from patrol for a week now, they've brought some people with them, they've made new deals with other communities that are starting to expand, they've even brought more supplies. They are at the bar that opened a year ago having a home brew, it's not great, but it's drinkable. Abraham, Eugene and Glenn are with them.
"We're expanding the southern part of the community." Rick explains to Glenn since he hasn't been around for a while. "We're opening up the walls bit by bit, keeping an eye on the hordes of Walkers and slowly moving the houses out of the compound."
"That's a good idea, we're expanding the farming area too, there are more and more of us and the houses are getting too small."
"If ya guys need help with construction we can form a posse." Daryl says as Abraham nods.
"Thanks, I'll talk to Maggie and Jesus." He nods grateful for the support of those who have always been his family.
"I tell you guys don't let that bitch fool you." They hear talking from another table. "She dried up and took off." He growls again. Daryl frowns.
"Who are they talking about?" Glenn asks curiously and Eugene snorts saying your name. Daryl's blue gaze bores into him.
"Apparently they had a relationship. But the thing didn't work out. They broke it off and he's running around talking all kinds of shit." He keeps talking, this time Abraham. "I've threatened to smash his face in, but he won't fucking listen to me." Daryl sees the anger under the ginger mustache.
"I'll have to go talk to him myself." Rick snaps tongue in annoyance.
"Hey, Nathan." Daryl raises his voice and almost the entire bar falls silent. "Why dun ya keep yer voice down?"
"What do you say, Dixon?" he replies, rising from his stool. Rick and the others tense up, but Daryl remains calm.
"That yer talkin’ shit ‘bout someone who ain't here and can't defend herself." He turns his head to look at him. "Besides, it's bullshit."
"And what the fuck do you know?" he roars, but Daryl doesn't flinch.
"I know ‘cause I've been with her too." His companions' eyes widen so wide they look like they're going to pop out of their sockets. "Ya should stop sayin’ she's a slut, maybe ya weren't able to touch her like she deserved." He spits at Nathan with a growl at the end of the sentence.
"And you do, redneck? Since when do you know what a pussy is?"
"Better than ya, like I see." He replies and when the man wants to pounce on him, the bar owner grabs him and pulls him out of there by force.
"Have you slept with her?" Abraham asks unable to contain himself any longer.
"Nah." He shakes his head, drinking from his beer.
"And why the fuck did you tell her that?"
"To get him to stop sayin’ that shit about her."
"But now they'll think she's your girlfriend." Rick tries to understand. "That's not going to get any guy to want to be with her again." Daryl gives them all a sidelong glance, and goes back to drinking from his beer.
"She's gonna be pissed." Eugene says what they're all thinking. "It's not like she's flirting with the men in this community all day, but she has her needs. Just like everyone else." Eugene says again. Daryl gives them a sidelong glance, but shrugs it off as unimportant.
It's frustrating. And you're pissed off. You don't know what's wrong with the men in the community, but they all avoid you like you're cursed, have a fatal disease, or worse. You don't need a steady partner either, but maybe you do need someone to give you some fucking affection.
"Is it that you guys are avoiding me or what's going on?" you growl when another fellow member waves at you from afar, but he looks scared.
"No, it's just... we don't want any trouble."
"Trouble about what? Hey if it's about Nathan, I understand being pissed, but that's only ever happened to me with him..."
"No, it's not about that, Daryl already said he had a big mouth."
"Daryl? I-I don't understand..."
"You're his girl, he said so. I'll pass on Dixon having me in his crosshairs."
You're speechless, you can't even defend yourself from what he just said before he walks away. What  Daryl talked to them? That you're his girl? What's that all about? You don't understand anything. Yet as the pieces start to fall into place, your brow furrows, your cheeks flush as anger bubbles under your skin. You emerge from the bar almost like a basilisk ready to talk to the archer. You discover the motorcycle parked next to Rick's house, so you don't hesitate, you walk determinedly towards the basement door and slam it with all your might.
"Dixon, I know you're in there!" you bang on the door again. "Your bike is outside!"
You're tempted to turn around the house, go in the front door and kick down the basement door inside, but it's too late, surely the kids are already asleep. Then the door opens, Daryl looks at you confused from the other side, his hair is disheveled and his eyes are narrowed, it looks like you've woken him up. At another time you'd feel sorry for him, but you're still angry, so you walk in uninvited, crossing your arms.
"What are you doing?" You bark.
"What?" he grunts, rubbing his eyes. You realize then that he's only wearing his jeans, bare-chested and barefoot.
"What have you been going around saying?" you insist shaking your leg nervously.
"What ‘bout? The beer from the bar still has my head choking." He rubs his hair and cross his arms, hands under his armpits.
"What have you told Nathan? Or all the guys in the community? That we're boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"No. I didn't say 'girlfriend'." He shakes his head, understanding what you're saying at last. "I just shut his mouth. He was goin’ around callin’ ya slut and frigid. I just made him think the problem was his ‘cause he didn't know how to touch ya."
"That was my problem! You had no business butting in." You snort in frustration. 
"I didn't want him to keep talkin’ bout ya like that." He's not upset, that much is obvious and it stresses you out more.
"Now all the guys are ignoring me! It's like they're afraid of me. No, they're afraid of you."
"M? Ain't gonna do anything to them."
"No, but they think I'm your girl." You remind him, waving your arms nervously. "You can go to the bar and talk to them, clear it up. Tell them we broke it off or it was a shag. But we're not together anymore."
"’kay." He shrugs. "Sorry."
"Well..." You tell him going to the door again. "Anyway... thanks." You look sideways at him. "I know you just wanted to help me and I appreciate it, but I deserve it too."
"Dun think so."
"I left him half-heartedly, I got frustrated, I couldn't... no matter how much he..." You have to admit you're embarrassed to talk about this with Daryl. "So he had a right to say all those things about me." You shrug turning back towards the door.
"I can try." Daryl speaks and you stop.
"What?" you turn to look at him.
"It's frustratin’, the need, wantin’ to finish but not getting there..." He advances towards you, slowly, calculating his steps. Your eyes follow his every advance feeling goosebumps rise on your skin. "Even when yer alone in yer room, it's as if ya've suddenly forgotten how yer own body works.”
"Y-yes..." You gasp, his thumb brushing your lower lips, his blue eyes sinking into you.
"I can try..." He says again. "Maybe it was just Nathan, that he really didn't know what he was doin’."
It's possible, but you're so enraptured in his gaze that you're unable to respond. Daryl holds you by the back of the neck, his nose brushing against yours.
"I only have one condition, close yer eyes."  He whispers very close to your mouth.
You hesitate for a few seconds, not quite sure if you want to figure out how this is going to go on, but your eyes close. Seconds later, Daryl's lips are on yours, very lightly, slowly, they feel warm, but not nervous. The sensation makes you snap your eyes open, seeing Daryl staring at you. He breaks the kiss, but his hand is still holding the back of your neck.
"Close yer eyes."
"Y-Yes." You nod closing them again.
This time his mouth encompasses yours completely, his fingers closing tighter against your skin and hair, you don't hesitate to reciprocate, his lips moving against yours, his tongue entering your mouth and you moan low resting your hands on his bare chest. Daryl kisses the line of your jaw, down your neck, you throw your head back, leaning against the door. Daryl's mouth continues to run down your neck, you feel him bite against your racing pulse and you moan at the pleasure coursing through you. You close your eyes tighter, tempted to open them again to see what he's doing.
A squeak escapes your mouth as Daryl pulls you away from the door to make you walk towards his room. He pulls your shirt off, his large hands caressing your wide hips, moving down to your ass as his mouth kisses and bites your shoulder, moving down to your chest. Daryl's hands grip your ass tighter lifting you a few seconds off the floor then sitting you on his bed. Daryl kneels in front of you, his fingers brush your cheeks and lips, you can't see him because your eyes are still closed, but he smiles at you for being so obedient.
He unclasps your bra, his mouth once again running over the skin of your shoulders as he pulls down the straps of your bra before tossing it to the floor.
"Daryl..." A gasp escapes you.
His fingers grasp one of your breasts, he bites and kisses its shape before catching your nipple in his mouth, which he plays with inside his mouth, sucking, licking and nibbling at his pleasure, not neglecting your other nipple which he fiddles with between his fingers getting your head to start spinning, pleasure forming in your stomach, your body jerking. Daryl releases your nipple with a wet sucking sound, licks your skin with the gate of his tongue, from your sternum, down to your navel as he guides your body to lie on the bed. He bites your navel, licks your soft, bulging skin. His deft fingers unbuckle the belt of your pants as well as your boots quickly leaving you in your panties on his mattress. Daryl stops, giving you a little time to catch your breath, he sees you agitated, he doesn't want to make you nervous. He gets up from the floor, you are tempted to open your eyes again when you hear the sound of his belt slapping against the bedroom floor. You lick and bite your lip, waiting for what else Daryl is going to do with you. You feel his body lay down next to you, his mouth runs down your cheek and neck again, one of his arms wraps around your shoulders under your body, his other hand again caresses your belly, your hips, his fingers tighten on your thick thighs to spread your legs apart. You jerk, his hand under your neck covers your eyes as the fingers of his other hand caress your clothed pussy. You hold your breath for a few seconds, your heart racing, your skin too sensitive to his touch.
"Yer scared?"
"No..." You assure him and swallow hard.
"Anxious." He understands then, caresses your mons, slowly moving down, finding the opening of your folds, feeling the dampness of your underwear. "Needy." He kisses your cheek, your mouth, your tongues tangle in a passionate battle.
You arch your back, Daryl's fingers begin to move in circles over your clit, you spread your legs wider to give him better access, still kissing. You dare to touch him at last, one of your hands grips the back of his neck, pulling his hair slightly, your other hand holds his wrist, not stopping him, perhaps daring to guide him a little, before reaching for your breast and stimulating your own nipple. The hunter's pupils dilate, at the sight of you, his fingers on your clitoris move faster.
"Ya like this, ain't ya?" he whispers against your ear, catching that same nipple you're touching, in his mouth, you withdraw your hand, moaning louder.
You're so close, you can feel it, how the pleasure starts coursing through your whole body to pool in your lower belly, you're so close already, your eyes roll under Daryl's palm.
"No, not yet." He denies you and his fingers stop the moment.
"What?" you sound desperate, but you don't care, you were touching the best orgasm in a long time and he's denied you.
"Hold on a little." He asks you, releasing you.
Again the urge to open your eyes and say what he's thinking comes over you, but you hold tightly to the sheets as Daryl grabs your panties by the edges of the waistband. You lift your hips to help him get rid of them, the garment getting tangled around one of your ankles. Your heart races faster as you are aware of what Daryl wants to do to you and you bite your lip again.
"Nathan didn't know how to touch ya." You hear him speak. "I barely touched y’ and look how yer already." He scoffs, his fingers running along your folds.
"Don't... Don't talk about him now." You protest with a thread of a voice hearing him chuckle.
Daryl settles between your legs, spreading them a little further apart, his thumbs parting your folds watching your entrance press against nothing. When his tongue brushes your skin, hot, wet, you jump, your hips thrust against his mouth and Daryl devours you like a starving man. His tongue runs up and down your cunt, between your folds, prodding at your entrance, working its way in, he grunts and purrs at your taste, his lips close and press against your clit, sucking, pressing to heighten your pleasure. Which soon begins to swirl in your lower belly again. You close your eyes tightly, clutch the sheets between your fingers, until your knuckles turn white. Your legs jerk, in your mind you beg for it not to stop again. The air gets stuck in your lungs as one of his fingers finds its way into your core moving in and out, adding a second finger, increasing the pleasure, you spread your legs further apart, moving your hips against his hand. You feel him getting closer and closer, stronger and stronger. Daryl has no intention of stopping, but the point he's taking you to is too much.
"Daryl, wait, wait..." You moan, but you can't stop him in time.
You cum, with a long moan, in surprise and pleasure, you let yourself go, feeling yourself squirt and splash on Daryl's face. It's not the first time you've cum like this, it had happened to you before with other boyfriends who had known how to touch your exact spots, but from experience not everyone liked the experience and you didn't want this to ruin the moment.
"Fuck... Daryl, I'm sorry..." You say apologetically, covering your face with both hands.
"Did ya squirt?" He lifts his head, licking his lips. "I've never seen a woman do that..."
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Can ya do it again?"
"Can we pretend it didn't happen and..." You uncover your eyes and look at him, you can't help yourself. "What?"
"Could ya do it again?"
"I- I don't know..." You stammer, completely confused, it's the first positive reaction you've had to this.
“Find out?"
He kisses you again, intense, needy, his teeth biting your lips, his tongue fucking your mouth, his hand covers your eyes again and you close them just the same, lying back, letting his fingers cover your core again, overstimulating your clit, fucking you with his fingers, bringing you to another orgasm, this time faster than before. Your fingers tangle in his hair, you can't help it, and you bite him on the cheek as you cum again, soaking his fingers. Daryl protests at the bite, but his fingers don't stop until you close your legs and hold his wrist.
"Turn around." He tells you in a husky voice.
He releases you and turns away from you.
You do as he asks, turn around, hug the pillow, using it to cover your face, spread your legs apart, dig your knees into the mattress and raise your hips. Behind your back you hear Daryl rummaging for something and the tearing of plastic. You're about to say that at your age you're not worried about getting pregnant, but you're grateful that he's worried about the possibility or you getting something. You gasp as he returns to your side, pushes you slightly further forward, holds you by the waist and guides his cock to your entrance, pushing himself inside, bit by bit. You open your eyes wide, holding your breath, feeling him stretch you, working his way up until he's wedged inside you. You hear him huff and puff, gripping your hips with both hands, he slowly pulls out again, tearing a gasp from you, and you groan as he thrusts in a single thrust, taking on an almost cruel rhythm. Fucking you fast and hard, his fingers digging into the skin of your wide hips. Your moans echo in the room, muffled by the creak and squeak of the bed with each thrust Daryl delivers.
"Oh my God..." You moan holding onto the pillow, bucking your hips against his cock, moving to the opposite direction of his thrusts.
"Fuck..." You hear him say and his movements become more desperate.
The pace is fast, clumsy, sloppy, he's reaching his limit, you can sense it by how tightly he grips your body. But that's not what surprises you the most, it's the fact that he's going to get you to cum again. Three times, since before the apocalypse that hasn't happened to you.
"Daryl, Daryl!" you moan, your toes curling as you tense and clench around his cock.
You hear him curse through his teeth and your orgasm takes over as he spanks your ass hard as he too cums staying still inside you as he unloads and fills the condom. 
You both need to catch your breath, you can feel him rocking forward, but he doesn't quite land on your body, his fists are resting on the mattress. You gasp hard against the pillow, trying to process everything that just happened, to stop your knees from shaking.
Daryl steps carefully away from you, you hear his footsteps getting lost down the hallway, all the way to the bathroom, you guess, until you hear the flush of water running. Maybe it's your cue. Maybe it's time for you to grab your clothes and leave. You don't wait for him to tell you. Still feeling weak in the knees, you grab your clothes from the floor, get dressed quickly, leaving the room with your shoes still in your hand. You pass him at the bathroom door. You don't quite know what to say, but he doesn't seem to expect you to either.
“Night." He says.
"G-good night..." You reply, lowering your gaze, walking out of the basement.
You're not sure you'll be able to sleep that night with how fast your heart is beating.
You watch the sunrise. Lying in your bed, looking up at the ceiling, you slowly watch the moon leave its place for the sun, the first rays are annoying, but then you get out of bed. Ready to go on with your daily routine. That makes you think, what's going to happen now between you and Daryl? How should you talk to him? Look at him? What exactly did it mean?
You've known Daryl for years, you've seen him change, that transformation that earned the trust of his entire group, you've seen him fail, make mistakes, but also be loyal, faithful, a friend and protector, you've even seen him joke and laugh when he thought no one was watching. You know his true loyalty is with Rick and Carol, they are the most important people to him, even though he loves the whole group, they are the ones he would give his life for the most. Still, being wandered back and forth and in prison, he took time and patience to teach you how to defend yourselves, how to hunt and how to be invisible. You can say you are friends, almost certainly, you know that if you asked him for help or a favor, he would do it. But this is different. You're not blind, Daryl has his own charm. Many women have noticed that appeal too. Quiet and grumpy, but at the same time he has a big heart. It's also true that you've never seen him with a woman or a man either, but it's clear he knows what he's doing and how he's doing it... maybe before the world went to hell he was in a relationship, or in his travels from community to community he's met other women he's had fun with... no, Daryl's not like that, you don't see him that way.
You let out air loudly through your mouth, trying to stop thinking about it, you adjust your clothes and leave the house to head to the farm area, Olivia gave you a list of things that needed to be replenished in the store room; Beans, tomato, squash if there were still any left, you were starting to plant cabbages as well and although they are not your cup of tea, you are excited to see how the first ones are starting to emerge, slowly forming.  It's ironic, how little you loved getting up early on your parents' farm to help them with the work in the fields and how much you treasure it now. You still hate mosquitoes, though.
"Good morning." You raise your head when you see Carol right in front of you, with such a characteristic smile. You smile too.
"Good morning, Carol." You greet her, carefully plucking some tomatoes, dropping them in the box you bring with you. "Do you need anything?"
"I've come to get some carrots and squash to make a couple of pies." She tells you walking into the field with you. "I talked to Olivia and she gave me permission." She jokes, making you smile again. "How are you, I see you in a better mood than you've been these days." She comments absentmindedly and you open your eyes wide.
You know you can't hesitate with her, Carol is quiet but she knows how to observe and as the mother of the group, she will worry if she sees you take too long to answer or try to make up a lie.
"Y-yes, it's just that I went to talk to Daryl yesterday." Your voice trembles for a second and you clears your throat. 
"Oh, so that was you, Michonne said someone almost woke RJ up because they were banging on the garage door."
"Don't worry, I think Rick already calmed her down."
"Argh, I don't want to know about that..."
"So were you able to talk to Daryl?" She asks you again, helping her pluck the carrots. "You know he sometimes acts without thinking, but he doesn't mean it."
"It's like you're talking about a puppy or a child..."
"What's the difference?" she jokes, making you laugh, but yes, if you told her what Daryl had done to you she wouldn't think of him as a child.
"We were able to talk and he told me he'd clear it up, so I was more at ease."
Carol shoots you a curious look, you frown slightly, waiting for her to say something, but the woman remains in a state of mystery. When you finish filling your boxes, you walk together toward Olivia's storage room.
"What, are you going to tell me what's on your mind or not?" You say because you can't stop seeing her smile.
"It's nothing, it's just that your 'courtship' gave a lot of buzz."
"Oh yeah?" You look at her curiously.
"Sure, believe it or not, Daryl has a lot of popularity among women." She nods, your eyebrows raise higher making her laugh.
"But... I've never seen Daryl with a girl... Do you know if he's ever had a girlfriend?"
"Well, we know he's tricky when it comes to making friends, but yeah, I know he had a thing with a girl he met in the woods... you know, after what happened with Negan, that time he took to himself." You nod. "And Connie..."
"I knew it!" You blurt out, perhaps shouting louder than you should have. "I knew it...I thought it was so cute that he wanted to learn sign language." You laugh softly, Carol nods. "But Connie."
"She's in the Commonwealth, you know she comes to see us from time to time, but last time, she told us she'd met someone there."
"Poor Daryl..."
"He was the first one to be happy for her, he's always been so good at heart."
"Yes... And what about the other girl?"
"I didn't know her." She shrugs. "But he told me she didn't want to come to Alexandria, he made her choose and when Daryl went looking for her, she was gone."
"...Do you think he misses her?"
"I don't know, this happened even before Connie, maybe he has her as a good memory, but I don't think so... Why?"
"No, curiosity, like I'm telling you, I've never seen him with a woman and... now you've blown me away."
"Daryl is so much more than you think."
Those words ring in your ears for the rest of the day. Yes, it's true, you found out that very night, when you showed up over there and he did with you whatever he wanted, whatever you let him, but it's not just that. You've discovered that Daryl has his little secrets, he's had his romances, his little love stories. None of them have ended, maybe, well and maybe that's why he's still elusive but it makes you want to know more, it makes you think about you, what has what happened meant to him? Should you talk about it?
"Hey..." His voice pierces your ears, making you raise your head. You're helping Olivia with the warehouse inventory and he's peeking through the garage door.
"Hi..." You whisper, you feel nervous and your hands move awkwardly, you don't know where to put them and you fold your arms. "Are you here to get something?"
"Carol." He answers with a nod. "I was told she had gone to the orchard, have ya seen her?"
"She came all the way out here with me, she was bringing some stuff to make some pies, I guess she's home."
"Nah... she ain't there, I've already looked for her."
"Uhm... maybe she's at the mill, or she's gone to help Rosita with Coco..." You give him several options seeing how he shrugs. "Is something wrong?"
"No, I'm gonna go to Hiltop." He tells you. "Maggie and Glenn need help there, I'm taking a group for a few days. I just wanted to say goodbye."
"Oh... You've already got the posse closed?"
"Yeah, wanna come?" He shifts his body weight from one foot to the other, squeezing the crossbow band with his hand.
"Uhm no, if you've already got it all organized."
"No, ya can come, if ya wanna, the more hands we have the better." He shakes his body, raising his hands.
"Okay." You nod, you really feel like going to Hiltop, see Maggie, maybe talk to her about what happened with Daryl. "I'll pack the backpack and..."
"Okay, let Rick know, we'll wait for you at the gate."
It looks like things haven't changed between you and Daryl. You're relieved about that. Thinking about how you should act from now on was weighing you down a bit, but the hunter doesn't show any sign of discomfort, or approach either, it's a bit disappointing, but you prefer it that way, you don't want the friendship you have with him to be ruined. Once you have your pack ready, you grab your Halberd and run off in search of the group, Daryl is waiting for you along with a couple of wagons with the horses, your companions and the gear you're going to need.
"Hop on." The archer says to you, looking at the bike. You nod, climbing on without hesitation. It's not the first time you've ridden together on his bike.
On the ride nothing is out of the ordinary, except for how fast your heart feels. You're used to riding the bike with him, but your head is going a mile a minute. Daryl slows down a little as you ride over the bridge you built a few years ago, the vibration of the wheels going over it sends a tingle through your body and you hug a little tighter to Daryl's body. He looks over his shoulder at you, smiles and speeds off again. Arriving at Hilltop fills you with excitement, you almost jump off the bike when the gates open and you finally stop. Maggie, Glenn and Jesus are the first to greet you. You run straight to your friend, hugging her tightly. It's been days since you've seen her, she takes care of the whole community with her husband and Jesus, she had too many obligations on her back.
"I didn't know you were coming."
"I joined the group at the last minute." You smile, hugging Glenn and Jesus too.
"Good, because I hadn't gotten around to responding to your letter yet." He looks at you apologetically and you shake your head. "We've been pretty busy."
"I can see that, I love how you guys are rebuilding it, after what happened with the Whisperers." You sigh. "It's almost like going back to our parents' farm."
"Yeah... come on, we'll show you where you'll be sleeping these days." Glenn gestures for you to leave your things there.
The wagons are put aside, the animals are taken to the stable. Your companions are housed in different wooden cottages and you and Daryl are taken to another, slightly larger, two-bedroom cottage. 
"We didn't know you were coming, but I guess you don't mind sharing the house."
"No, no problem." Daryl shakes his head. "It's not the first time."
"No, I remind you that I was the one putting up with his snoring in prison." You joke and hear him snort.
"My snoring? The one moving the walls was you."
"No way!" You look at him offended, watching a small smile form on his mouth.
"I'll leave this here." He changes the subject, dropping his backpack on the couch. "I'm gonna go with the others, to find out what we're doin’ tomorrow."
"Okay, I'm going with Maggie and Jesus." 
"Okay." He nods before leaving the house.
With your friend and Jesus you go up to the main house of Hilltop, they have restored it, it is almost as majestic as it once was, no doubt they are trying their best to preserve that place. You feel a little uneasy, you didn't want to make a big deal out of it, seeing that Daryl hasn't changed his attitude towards you, but after what Carol has told you about his courtship, you need to talk to someone about it.
"We've been scouting the northeast area, we've covered more ground since the last checkpoint, across the bridge. We've found some settlements..." Maggie begins to speak as you enter her office. 
"I've slept with Daryl." You throw up, unable to contain yourself any longer. Jesus and Maggie raise their heads at the same time.
"What?" is all you can say.
"Are you dating Daryl?" he dares to ask. He doesn't want to get too much into the conversation, but curiosity gets the better of him too.
"No..." You avert your gaze, but you know you've captured Maggie Rhee's undivided attention.
You forcefully release air through your mouth, wanting to shake off the weight you feel on your back. You start talking, you tell her what happened with Nathan, how the relationship started to deteriorate, the little connection you had in bed and how you left his house leaving him in the middle. You then explain to him that Daryl tried to defend himself in his own way, tangling things up a bit more and when you wanted to talk to him, things cleared up, but you were surprised by his proposal.
"Was he the one who told you?" Maggie is getting more and more intrigued.
"Yes...and it was..."
"Okay! I don't want to know so many details!" Jesus refuses. "I'm leaving, when you're done, we'll talk." He tells you and leaves quickly.
"But don't say anything. Daryl keeps treating me as usual, it's not weird or awkward... I don't want things to get complicated."
"But...do you like him?"
"Daryl? Well..." You get quiet all of a sudden.
"Come on, haven't you ever thought about it?"
"I don't know. Have you?"
"No! I have Glenn."
"Let's see...he's changed a lot since we met him at your dad's farm...not just physically, I'm aware of that, but I never thought he...well nor that he could...like me." You shrug.
"Why not?"
"I don't know!" you groan in despair, covering your face with both hands. "I always thought Carol and him, but... well, we're friends..."
"Glenn and I started out that way." He tells you. "Sort of... and now we're married and we have Hershel."
"That last part doesn't bother me, getting pregnant at my age..."
"You can always adopt, like Aaron."
"First we'll figure out what this is, then we'll talk about kids..."
Maggie smiles broadly, you feel your cheeks flush, but you try to concentrate on what's important, the plans your friend was talking about with Jesus, the settlements found, the departures to talk to them, expand the circle of allies or prepare for a new battle. You spend hours planning, talking, rewriting everything they have to show it to Rick and Michonne, planning something also with Ezekiel. When you finish with your meeting you make a dinner for all the people of Hilltop, you use a huge kitchen that they have installed in the main house, there are a few of you who move between the stoves and tables, leaving everything ready. You feel your heart warming up as you look around you, discovering that everyone is enjoying that moment, the peace and calm that surrounds all those people. You look across the table when your eyes connect with Daryl's on the other side, next to Glenn and a few others, he stares at you, you can see him smiling sideways, a smile forms on your mouth as well and you look away, focusing on the food on your plate.
Your heart beats so hard you feel it pounding against your bones.
When dinner is over you feel your body pass you a ton. After all the travel, the community involvement and then the relaxation you've felt from being at dinner, it has taken all your strength. As you enter the house you almost throw yourself on the couch, but Daryl holds you down.
"No, no." He says. "Go to bed." He orders you. "Tomorrow we're gonna start work and ya need to be in top shape."
"Get used to it, although I dun think ya care sometimes." He subtly pushes you toward the room you've decided is going to be yours. You know what he means. You've understood his little dig. You turn to look at him, but he just points to your room with his chin. "Night." He says and disappears into his own room.
"Good night..." You whisper at his door.
Things are definitely business as usual. You know what Daryl is doing, he's feeling out the situation, trying to figure out the same thing you are, that everything is fine, that there's no conflict, that you can still call each other friends. Still, you can't help but smile, he tries to flirt with you too, carefully, dropping his words, waiting to see their effect. You wonder again what would have happened if that woman had returned with him to Alexandria or Connie hadn't stayed in the Commonwealth.
Jobs are hard at Hilltop, everyone cooperates to raise the houses, expand the walls surrounding the city, protect the fields, outside Hilltop, so that the Walkers don't enter and destroy everything. Also to keep the animals safe.
Maggie has wanted to know on several occasions how things have been going with Daryl, if there have been any problems, you repeat to her several times that no, it's fine, not to insist on it. Anyway, you come home exhausted every day, the only thing you think about is taking a shower and going to sleep.
Your body is much more relaxed when you get out of the shower, the mist on your skin is the perfect sign that you've used up all the hot water. You feel a little bad for Daryl, but you know he'll understand.
"Rough day?" You hear Daryl's voice from his bedroom door.
"Same as yours." You look at him, he's showered too, before you, so he was already home when you've arrived.
"Come..." He whispers in a little roar that ruffles your hair.
"Okay." You whisper as well walking over to where he is.
Your body weighs down on Daryl's, you arch your back feeling the pleasure coursing through you as the archer, grabbing your ass, helps you move over him and he cums letting out a gasp in a grunt. You lay back on his chest, trying to catch your breath, Daryl's hands are still on your ass, you can feel his fingertips close, squeezing your ass, almost making you laugh.
"I don't know if I'll be able to go to my room..." You say with a trickle of voice.
"Ya can stay here. Dun gotta leave."
There they are again, those same young women who have been after him for several weeks now. You frown slightly. Daryl has just returned from another trip of a few days, this time he brings some gasoline and parts that will be used to reinforce the walls of the community and continue its expansion, your people come and go constantly, some of you stay longer inside the high walls to take care of the city, but he is constantly out, which makes seeing him come back always a relief.
As soon as he drops the bike in front of his front door, there's already a group of girls nearby, wanting to help him, all talking at once, hovering around him, touching him without his permission. What do they intend?
"I think if you keep staring so hard you'll get some of them blown up." You listen beside you. Your heart leaps inside your chest, you raise your head, discovering Carol right next to you. You didn't even realize when she got there.
"I don't know..." You try to make something up, but she sits, on the porch, grabbing another shirt to help you. You're mending some clothes, small holes, adding patches of denim or leather to make them sturdier. Out of caution.
"Are these the girls you told me about?" She asks you again, you just nod.
"They've been after him like headless chickens for weeks." You sigh fixing your gaze for a moment on the patch you're sewing, the last thing you need is to stab a finger. "No matter what time, they're always waiting for him in front of his house."
"How do you know that, do you spy on him?"
"What? No! But we're neighbors, I see them walking past my house and..."
"I don't think you need to worry. I'm pretty sure Daryl has no interest in girls that young."
That shuts you up, also stopping in your tasks. You look up directing your gaze back to Daryl, the girls and now Rick is talking to his brother, the two of them seem engrossed in an important conversation. Ignoring the archer's small fan club.
"I-I don't mean age... Daryl can be with whoever he wants, but it bothers me that they think it's so simple, that he's going to notice them dressed... like this..."
You can feel that like this slipping out of your mouth. There is disappointment and frustration in such a small word. They're young and you understand that, despite the world you live in, they like to draw attention to themselves, feeling safe behind those walls, but you don't think those tiny jean shorts and tight t-shirts are the right bait with Daryl.
"You think Daryl isn't a man who notices pretty legs or a pair of boobs?" Carol asks, mockery and irony shaking her question. You grunt, shaking your head.
"No, of course he'll like those things, but I mean..."
"Are you afraid they'll take him away from you?" Attacks Carol again and that leaves you speechless.
After what happened at Hilltop, you've talked to the group. You've ended up telling them all, whatever is going on between you and Daryl. Maybe your main idea was to take a load off your mind, to clear your head, but you were also hoping for some kind of advice, some encouragement from them. But you only found curiosity and gossip, which makes that every time Daryl is around or comes up in a topic of conversation, mocking looks fall on you, wanting to disappear.
"No. I'm not afraid they'll take him away from me. He's nothing of mine." You fight back, feeling yourself start to get angry, nervous. It always happens to you when you're cornered. "But I think if they knew him well, they'd know that Daryl is not one to be swayed by first impressions, and it's obvious that they're just trying to get his attention because of his physique..."
"They want to have fun with him, yes, that's obvious." Carol agrees, calming down her game a bit when she realizes she's pulling on you too much. "But you know Daryl and you shouldn't worry. I doubt he'll fall for their game."
"I'm not worried...but I find it a little depressing that every day they do the same thing, like hoping that in the end, out of desperation, he'll agree."
"As I say, I don't think you should worry, he's clear about his own interests." Says the white-haired woman again.
You raise your head once again directing your gaze towards the hunter. Rick nods his head several times, Daryl speaks and expresses himself with his whole body, with quick and nervous gestures, but both men seem to come to an agreement. Rick taps him on the shoulder affectionately, helping him with the gas canisters he has brought, Carl is also there to lend a hand, Abraham and Olivia, who notes down everything the archer has brought. Leaving the bike and the empty trailer, Daryl is left alone again, well, the group of young people is still by his side, waiting to get his attention, but the man passes by. Between his hands he fiddles with a piece of paper, it looks like a new list of things to do or bring. You tense slightly as you realize he is walking directly toward your house, toward Carol and you. The girls call out to him, but they stay back, they never get too close when he's with any of you, whether it's Denise, or Rosita or whoever, they prefer to talk to him when he's alone. Or at least try to.
"Here comes Romeo."
"Carol!" you groan, looking at her with wide eyes.
"Hey Pookie!" The woman greets him, ignoring your reproachful voice. "How was the ride?"
"Fine, fine. I brought gas from a stand that traded it for Walkers, they have huge barrels, ain't sure where they get it from or how it stays stable, but it'll help us for a few days." He comments with his voice in a growl. Carol nods. "I've also brought some parts Eugene needed for the radio, I'm going with him to the Commonwealth to see Princess and Merce, Rick has some stuff for them." He shrugs. You raise your eyebrows.
"You're leaving again?" you blurt out, perhaps sounding more distressed than you intend.
"Yes, tomorrow, I'll get some sleep today, pack a car with everything I need and leave early." She nods chewing her lip several times.
"But you just got here..." it sounds almost stupid and you watch as he just shrugs, not understanding why it's a problem.
It's not a problem, there's no problem really. You understand that it's his job, that despite how long Alexandria is his home, Daryl is more comfortable outside the walls, it's his spirit animal, it's who he is. But it's a selfish feeling, you'd like to see him at least a few days over there, calmly, simply enjoying the day, with you, perhaps, doing nothing else. A single heartbeat, strong, forceful against your chest makes you aware of what you have just thought. Your pulse quickens as your face must reflect everything you are thinking, for the faces of your companions change, they look worried.
You want him to stay in Alexandria, with you.
"Are you okay?" Carol asks you.
"Y-Yeah, just..."
"Wanna come to the Commonwealth?" Daryl's voice brings you out of your bubble completely.
"What?" you feel a little stupid for your question.
"It's a good idea." Rick's presence catches you by surprise. You hadn't even seen him, he's there, standing in front of you, hands on hips, with a kind and calm gesture, but at the same time he has an amused gleam in his eye. He knows something, surely Michonne has told him something. "Juanita is going to need help organizing the party she has planned, I'm also going to send Rosita, Enid, Eugene and another group to help, to organize it with Max as well."
"Yes, that's a good idea, besides it's been days since you've been out, I'm sure Connie will be glad to see you." You're encouraged by Carol, for a second you want to ask if she'll be happy to see you or Daryl, but you bite your tongue in time.
"Well, okay, that way I can see how Princess is doing too." You agree although still a little nervous. Daryl nods his head.
"Get some clothes ready, a backpack and we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning."
"Okay..." You nod watching as they all slowly leave, leaving you alone again with Carol.
"You really like him." She comments. It's not a question, there's no hesitation. She just mentions something so obvious it makes you shudder.
"I..." You gasp nervously, looking at Daryl.
"It's possible that you always liked him, but that none of them would have noticed."
"Sounds like a cheesy romance novel..." You mutter and she laughs.
"More like an erotic novel, don't you think?" she jokes getting your cheeks to flush bright red.
You decide to set about getting your things ready after your conversation with Carol. You don't want to think about it too much. Have real feelings for Daryl. Not just the sporadic sex you two have. That makes you nervous and anxious at the same time, you'd like to talk to the archer, ask him if he feels the same way too, but at the same time, you're afraid that he doesn't, and it will all end drastically and awkwardly for both of you.
You leave your backpack, your weapons, your things in general ready at the side of the bed. You go over the edge of your halberd, it's been days since you've been outside the walls of Alexandria, you want to have everything ready so that there won't be any problems later. At night you find it hard to fall asleep, you are nervous about the trip, it's nothing new, it has always happened to you. Sitting on your couch, with a book in your hands and a dim light, you try to lure yourself to sleep so you can go to bed when you hear a knock at the door. Frowning slightly, you put the book down on the couch to open the door. Daryl is on the other side. Maybe in another situation you'd be surprised he was there, but not now. A small smile forms on your mouth in greeting, he gives you a sidelong glance before entering the house as you step aside. The door closes slowly, neither of you needing to say anything. You lean against the wall as Daryl leans into you, kissing you slowly. Your arms go around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
Falling asleep after that was much easier.
The next morning, the two of you wake up in your room, not for the first time, here or in Daryl's basement, since that night at Hilltop, sleeping together is also an option and in the mornings it doesn't feel strange, neither the situation, nor the conversation. Daryl gives a gentle touch to one of the legs lying on top of his, waking you up completely. You rub your eyes lazily to look up at him out of the corner of your eye. He looks asleep too, but greets you with a small smile.
"Morning." He grunts, you just hum, unable to find your voice yet. "I'm gonna go home to get my things, gotta everythin’ ready?"
"Yes...but, don't you want some breakfast first?" You offer, looking at him already with your eyes fully open and awake. He shakes his head.
"I'll eat something while I get the bike organized." He comments, you nod letting him free, you move your legs aside, Daryl gets up looking for his clothes.
"Okay, so I'll meet you later at the main house by the warehouse to get the wagon and horses."
"Okay." He nods, getting up, putting on the black sweater and vest.
Even today you find it painful to look at his back, there are many new scars due to the new world you live in, you all have them, but nothing compared to what the hunter has tattooed on him from his previous life. You sigh, earning Daryl a raised eyebrow, you shake your head.
"I don't know if I'll be able to get up." You joke, not wanting to worry him with your real thoughts. Daryl laughs through his nose, lowering his head, hiding his red cheeks with his hair.
"Don't be long, the Commonwealth is far, we need all day to get there, dun want us to get caught in the night." He asks you and you nod your head.
"Yes, sir." You smile, earning an intense stare, but the archer leaves without another word.
Later, already prepared, with your pack and weapons with you, you're finishing off the last few boxes in the wagon, Olivia making a list of everything you're taking with you as you tie the horses to the wagon. Daryl approaches down the same street, Rick meets him at the door of the house, greeting him with a gentle touch on the back to which the hunter responds with the same touch. Eugene and the rest of the group accompanying you are also ready to leave.
"I'll go ahead with the bike." Daryl says. "We'll position ourselves around the wagon to avoid any kind of assault or any Walkers getting too close."
"The group stay well aware, we know what the way there is like, we have communities that are allies, but there are always people who don't respect the rules." Rick speaks as well. "Don't waste ammunition unnecessarily, but don't be intimidated either."
"Don't worry, boss." Abraham says getting into his car. "We'll call in on the radio as soon as we get there."
"Go carefully." He asks you and you all set off.
Before you leave the community you see Carol standing by the front door, waving goodbye to you. A mischievous smile runs across her mouth and you look down, you know what's going through her mind and you don't want her to see your face turn red. A new trip with Daryl, which will keep you out of the community for a few days, surely Princess will offer you the hunter's old apartment, where he lived with the Grimes family. Thinking about it makes your stomach clench, butterflies flutter loudly almost making you dizzy. You shake your head to get those thoughts out of your head. The trip is going to be a long one, you need to stay alert on the road, the last thing you want is for your companions to end up in trouble because of your fantasies.
Princess and Merce are waiting for you at the huge gates of the Commonwealth when you arrive late at night. The sun is already setting leaving the uncertainty of the night behind you, but it has been an intense journey. You have been caught in an ambush of Walkers, two or three of which you have been able to deal with without much trouble, but further along the same road, they were cutting you off. Among them there was still some Whisperer, guiding them, using them as a shield to continue to survive. The supplies and yourselves are fine, but you arrive tired, covered in blood and mud, which does not prevent your friend from hugging you when you enter the community. Juanita gives Daryl a gentle hug, she has known the hunter for less time than some of you, but has learned that displays of affection with him are brief, with the rest she allows herself to give you a tight hug, smiling broadly and even laughs when she hugs Rosita, excited. Yumiko, Magna and Connie are also waiting for you in the main square, Max runs directly to hug Eugene who wraps his arms around her, happy to see her again. Merce approaches you giving you a handshake, the soldier is still stiff and formal, despite no longer working under anyone's orders. 
"It's good to see you again." You hear Daryl mutter, out of the corner of your eye you see him gesturing to Connie. She smiles broadly, giving him a hug that he accepts without hesitation.
You don't like the way you feel at that moment. Connie is a wonderful person and an excellent friend, for your stomach to cringe like that when you see them together, you don't like it. You don't want to feel that way. You and Daryl are nothing and they seem to fit together perfectly. You wonder again what would have happened if the two of them had decided to stay in Alexandria or come to the Commonwealth together. You'd possibly see Daryl a lot less and you'd never have figured out those feelings you have for him.
"Shit..." You mumble under your breath. Magna looks up, they're getting the stuff from the cart where you are.
"Everything okay?" she asks you leaving several boxes in a small trailer being taken away by other soldiers from the community.
"What? Oh, yeah, it's just... it's been a long trip." You lie, though not entirely. Truth be told a shower and a bed wouldn't hurt right about now.
"Okay, let the boys take care of this, come with us." Princess says, taking her partner's hand and you all walk towards the main building. You have a small meeting at the entrance. Max hands out a few things among you, apartment keys, a few bags with some towels and food already prepared.
"We have placed most of you in your old apartments, the rest of you are also relocated to various houses. If you don't know how to get there, we'll drive you, I think some of you are coming to the community for the first time." She says looking at some of the companions who have come with you.
"There is hot water so you can take a shower, the apartments are clean and we have prepared something to eat for you." Max explains as well. "We guess you guys are exhausted, we'll talk about the party tomorrow."
"Daryl." Merce speaks after a while observing the situation. "You guys we've put you in Rick and the kids' old house. Where you were living."
"A'right, thanks... I figure it's time for a well deserved rest." He looks at you, your body trembles, you didn't expect him to invite you, although it's clear, where else would you go? Well maybe in some other apartment, or with Rosita and Coco.
You detect out of the corner of your eye how Connie looks at the two of you, curiously, and then she smiles biting her lip. You open your eyes wide, nervous, feeling your cheeks burn. Something knows, something senses, which is reaffirmed when Daryl gives you a tap to get your attention, you snap out of your self-absorption to look at him.
"Y-yeah, see you tomorrow." You smile a little.
"Is there something I should know?" You listen to Merce talk to Princess.
"Later at home I'll explain it to you." She replies kissing your cheek. "Everyone to rest." She gives the others permission to retire.
"You're good at being the boss." Rosita tells her, cradling Coco in her arms.
"Nope. Merce take care of everything, I just pretend I know what I'm talking about." She jokes, making the small group laugh. "People are a lot calmer now that things aren't ruled...well, like they used to be." He shrugs.
A party. The thought keeps running through your mind as you walk the dark but quiet streets of the Commonwealth. True, things are quiet, it almost seems like the world you once knew, but that's... you still remember the first party in that world of the dead. When you arrived in Alexandria, not knowing what was going to happen, who these people were, or if things would work out. Deanna invited you all to a party to welcome you, seeing dresses, party clothes, high heels inside the closet of what would be your new home made you a little dizzy, making you think that that community would not stand for long.
You were glad you were wrong about that.
"It's been a while since I've celebrated Christmas." You comment, not sure if you said it loud enough or just thought it. When you feel Daryl's gaze on you, you know you've caught his attention.
"We've never celebrated." He mutters, not giving it a thought. You look at him in surprise.
"Well, when I was a kid, but I don't remember much...it was just another day my dad came home drunk." He shrugs.
"I'm sorry to hear that..." You whisper pityingly. You know little and less about Daryl's life, only what he's told you, and truth be told, he's never been too cheerful.
"It's not like I care." He shakes his body. "We can do it so the kids can enjoy a different kind of day, gifts, sounds good to me."
"I have to figure out what to get Judith and RJ."
"It's not like you have much of a choice." He tries to joke and you laugh through your nose.
"You're right..." You stand there for a moment thinking. "Do you want to come with me to the mall?" You say it as a joke, but at the same time it's true, you'd like to take a quick trip to the mall near the Commonwealth, “I'm sure it's stripped down, but just to try it out.”
"To the mall next door?" he asks catching you by surprise. "Do you think there will be anything left?"
"I-I don't know, but I'd sure like to take a look."
"Okay, we can make a list, bring stuff for the kids here too..."
"And for us, I mean... I'm sure the others will be excited too."
"I guess."
A small smile tugs at your mouth, biting your lip to try to stifle it a little and not annoy the hunter, but you feel his gaze on you, one eyebrow raised, questioning.
"Nothing, I'm just excited by the idea. Just from imagining the kids opening the presents." You laugh softly and he seems to catch it, snorting.
"You like kids." He understands, looking sideways at you, opening the apartment door. "But I've never seen you with one."
"The world went to shit, Daryl, remember? The thought of bringing a baby into this world scares me, I know we're safer now, that things are different than they were in the beginning, but..." You shrug, venturing inside the house, right behind him. "Besides at my age the chances of me getting pregnant are very small..."
"But it's not impossible." You cut off your thoughts. You look at him, twisting your head slightly, smile trying to joke and put your hands on your hips.
"Is it that you want a baby, Dixon?"
He looks at you, there doesn't seem to be any expression on his face, but the intensity in his eyes make your smile falter, forcing you to hold your breath for a few seconds before he shakes his head.
You, maybe.
"Nah, who'd want another Dixon for the world?"
"I know of a group that would love to help you with that." You can't bite your tongue in time. By the time you're aware of what you've said, Daryl is already looking at you with raised eyebrows and a pursed mouth. How stupid.
But you know his question is rhetorical. That he understood perfectly well what you were referring to, he's just trying to set the conversation straight. You're standing there, in the middle of the living room of the apartment, now it feels incredibly small to you, feeling suffocated, you'd like to leave the conversation there, tell him goodnight and tomorrow will be another day. But Daryl turns on his axis and walks towards you a couple of steps.
"You mean the group short shorts?" He says with an amused edge to his voice.
Oh. He's noticed it too. You think, but of course, how can you not? As Carol told you, why wouldn't nice legs and little ones still in place get his attention? They'd get your attention too if you'd like those things. You shake off those thoughts, taking a small step back, looking at him sideways.
"They are always waiting for you when you come back from some mission..." You try to justify yourself.
"They're just looking for attention. Besides I don't think I could handle all four at once. I'm not that good." 
Your gaze shoots to him, there's a small smile on his mouth at the same time the tips of his ears look reddened. You hold each other's gaze for a few seconds before you laugh and lower your head, hiding the laugh between your teeth.
"I have no intention with any of them." You say again. "I don't like them following me around either, but they don't listen to me."
"Bark, you're good at it when you're angry." You prod him and he snorts.
"I think you like it when I bark at you." He smiles moving a little closer to you.
"You don't bark at me...you just growl at me." You smile wanting to tease him, Daryl growls, brushing his nose against yours, a chuckle escapes you.
"You want me to growl at you?" he whispers against your lips, you nod.
Opening your eyes you feel Daryl's arm around your waist, pressing you against his chest, fully asleep, or so it seems. Slowly, not wanting to wake him, you look up, discovering how calm and relaxed he seems. His other arm under his head, his disheveled hair falling over his eyes, his mouth half open, letting out several sighs that don't become snores. It is a privileged view that you try to burn into your mind. Very slowly you move between his arms, kissing his chin, the line of his jaw, but the movement wakes Daryl, putting him on alert. His huge hand covers your mouth as he turns sharply, standing over you. Your heart races at the sight of his still sleeping eyes. As he begins to become aware of where he is and who you are, he snorts and slowly lowers his hand from your mouth.
"I'm sorry. I was asleep..."
"I know, it's a miracle I didn't know existed." You joke and he rolls his eyes.
"Shut up. What were you doing?"
"Looking at you."
"That's creepy." He jokes and you laugh quietly.
"I like looking at you, you're so cute." You continue to sting watching his ears turn red.
"Why didn't you roll over and go back to sleep?"
"Because we have to go get the kids presents." You smile wider seeing him get a small smile too.
"Okay." He grunts letting you off the hook, sitting down on the bed to get his clothes and get dressed.
It's been days since you've dreamed of that time. Before you and Daryl started this relationship. The Christmas that changed everything for you.
Your relationship with Daryl started to become more evident and continuous from that first night in the Commonwealth. You went next to the mall, talking to Princess, Merce and Max about your gift idea, everyone thought it was a good idea and put together different requests from kids and teens in the community to try to bring everything. While you were looking for the last requests before Christmas day, the party was all organized, the room where it was going to be held was fully decorated, even a Christmas tree had been put up and was being surrounded by lots of presents, but some were left behind and you were doing your best to find them when you and Daryl heard a very soft cry coming from one of the tents.
There you found Oscar, a baby just a few months old, begging for attention, possibly starving. His mother was chained up not far from him and it was evident that she had not long ago been transformed. You didn't even hesitate, Daryl gave his mother rest and then took little Oscar in his arms, he was wrapped in a blanket with that name embroidered on it, so you decided to leave that name for the baby. When you returned to the community there was a small commotion when you saw the baby in your arms, many questions plastered on the faces and eyes of your companions.
"You were supposed to go for gifts for the children, where did you get that one?" Princess asked for the others.
You explained to them what had happened at the mall and no one doubted that you had done the sensible thing. On the other hand, the idea of adopting Oscar didn't cross your mind at first, in fact your idea was to leave him at the Commonwealth, surely someone would take care of him, but Daryl didn't think so.
"We kept it. We found him."
"Daryl, it's a baby, it's not a toy. You can't just… claim him..."
"And what yer gonna do, leave him here for someone to raffle off." He snorted and you opened your mouth but then closed it. If you thought about it...
"I'm just trying to find him a family."
"We could be his family!" He barked and you looked at him with wide eyes.
"In Alexandria, I meant... all of us, in the community... you..." mumbled looked visibly nervous. You knew there was something struggling to get out but his mouth refused to spit it out.
"Fine, we'll take him with us to Alexandria, but you can't force me to have a baby, Daryl." You tried to make him understand. "Much less if I have to take care of it by myself."
Again you saw that gesture in him, like chewing his lip as his eyes searched for a spot to look other than you, the ideas building up in his head, but his mouth still didn't want to speak.
"You know Daryl. If you have something to say to me, say it, it's not good to keep things to yourself." You provoked him to speak, but he just turns and walks away. "I thought so..." You growled.
As Rick arrived with the others, even Carol with Ezekiel from The Kingdom, you had to explain again how you had found Oscar, earning you some funny looks from your friends, but you wanted to ignore them, however, in your mind Daryl's words followed, maybe you should take Oscar to Alexandria, he will be safe there too, after all there will be other mothers there who can help you if you had doubts, plus other children he could make friends with. Maybe you should listen to Daryl. During the day you took care of Oscar, taking care of him, bringing out your maternal instinct. It's not that you don't like children, you loved taking care of Judith and RJ, but you never thought you would become a mother. That day with Oscar in your arms, you ended up making the decision that you would be his mother and that he would come back to Alexandria with you. 
Daryl got to you before you got to him. At the ball, after getting everything ready, the archer appeared through the party room, walking straight towards you.
"Daryl listen..."
"I wanna have a baby with ya." Your words got stuck in your throat. "Ya asked me if I wanted to have a baby, yes, if it's with ya." You were unable to speak, Daryl was breathing heavily, his nose swelling, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Saying all that was complicated for him, it was clear he'd had an intense argument with himself. "You said you didn't think you could have babies and suddenly Oscar has shown up...it's...I dunno..." He was stunned, he simply couldn't get his thoughts together and it was overwhelming him.
"Is that what you want? It would be a commitment... very long term, Daryl, it's..."
"Yer my girl, ain't ya? A commitment..."
"I'm your girl?" your heart raced violently at those words.
"Ya wanna a ring or somethin’?" he asked leaving you speechless once again.
The sparkle on your finger captures your attention, pulling you back out of the memories. You didn't need a ring for Daryl to make it clear how he felt, his words had already done that, but still the archer showed up with a ring that symbolized a little more of how he felt.
"You're such a romantic, Dixon." You laughed with him accepting the gift.
"We were already friends. The sex is fine. All that was missing was the baby." He told you and you laughed.
"Mom?" You hear in the hallway, putting you both on alert.
"Shall I go?" asks Daryl who is already sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Please, I'll be right there and fix some breakfast."
"Okay." He leans over giving you a kiss. "Coming, champ."
"Daddy!" replies Oscar with an excited shout.
You sit on the bed for a few more seconds, enjoying just that, the feeling that is enveloping you, in the distance, you hear Daryl's voice and Oscar's laughter enjoying his father's attentions. You close your eyes feeling goose bumps, your heart racing. How everything has changed with a few simple words.
"I can try…”
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scatterbrainedbot · 11 months
are your rat sons rat sized after their mutation or person sized? somewhere in-between?
an excellent question! heres what im thinking:
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so despite being exposed to the mutagen at exactly the same time as Splinter, i think it takes a few years for the boys to develop any physical signs of mutation (ie size or more humanoid proportions). instead they show more signs of mutation in their intelligence, rapidly developing skills in things like verbal (and non verbal) communication, problem-solving, recognition of themselves and the concept of other people, etc etc.
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basically they mentally develop like wickedly smart and chaotic little human toddlers, but in only-slightly-bigger-than-average rat bodies, up until theyre about two or so. then they start getting growth spurts. (yes this is largely because drawing tiny rat babies clamoring over an entirely unfazed happy turtle papa fills my heart with endless joy)
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around age four ish is when i think theyre approaching like clearly anthropomorphized 'oh that is a child' status. theyre much smaller than a human kid their age would be, and they face a lot of mishaps in which they learn the hard way they can no longer squeeze through every tiny gap in sight (donnie def gets stuck inside serval appliances).
around seven ish they also cant all fit on splinters back at the same time anymore :(
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now, while this is very much an Alternate Universe and not really gonna be more than vaguely parallel to the '03 verse, it is born of the 03 verse, and one of my favorite things of '03 is how those boys feel like absolutely massive tanks of turtles that are in fact hilariously miniature whenever on screen next to any average sized human person. in a similar vein, no one in this house is getting even close to 6ft. short kings all around.
so the answer i suppose is, eventually, mostly human sized, just very short human sized!
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currentfandomkick · 4 months
Took a bit to finish this as Work Hell and exhaustion (and editing for format ReasonsTM)
Enjoy, and let me know if there’s anything in particular you want explored next, and i’ll see if i can add it to the list for the drabbles (the characters hijack everything so no guarantees)
Masterpost Here
Contrary to popular belief, Skulker is good at his job.
He knows how to craft a perfect trap, how to hunt virtually every type of ghost, and has succeeded every time with enough persistence. The halfa was proving an excellent challenge and reminder that hunting took time and planning.
The issue was he also knew his prey was being hunted by another, and this one’s motives were unknown. This ectopus made it clear that it intends to drown the whelp in either form, and that. That annoyed Skulker.
He followed the rules of hunting. Do not go after pregnant entities, or those capable of during their respective spawning season(s). Only hunt what is permitted. Always release your prey if they are endangered, but you may take something to commemorate the event.
Skulker’s choice was the halfa’s first pelt. He’d grow a new one in a year or so, and it would give the halfa time to acclimate to the zone rather than guarding the portal and the whole of Amity so viciously.
But this Ectopus ignored the rules of engaging with the halfa—only treat Phantom and Fenton as the same person when the “ghost hunting”parents were not around. No need to put the child at risk long term.
Halfas were extinct in the realms far longer than most were certain of, a few reigns before Pariah at least. And Skulker was well aware most of the ghosts and Neverborn he interacted with were born well into the Age of Anarchy as Ghost Writer and the record keepers were so fond of calling it.
And it was only after Pariah’s ‘sleep’ began that the liminal population declined on the Living’s side. Apparently species like Sampson’s took quite the hit, most no longer existing. Sampson was one of two Purpler Back Gorillas alive.
Understandably, the liminal gorilla was frustrated. Non-liminals failed to comprehend ghost speak, their culture was almost dead due lack of population and they were treated more like a lab rat than a person.
That was before encountering the first liminal—admittedly halfas pushed the limits of liminality—she’d found existed besides herself. The whelp’s understanding of the language was basic, but he hasn’t had his first shedding yet nor did he seem to interact with other liminals often either.
Skulker was not idiotic enough to ignore the Whelp’s need for his ghost parent’s protection. It was the issue of getting Sampson around Amity to protect the whelp from this “Taco” ectopus that was an issue.
He made sure to bring a fruit basket from the Realms, and included a shedding from a birdlike entity.
Sampson snarled until he left the offering.
“I have news about your son. He is ill,” Skulker began.
Sampson growled ill???Howexplain
“Likely the overhunting from Taco the Ectopus, as the whelp calls them, but there may be other causes. He’s rather old now to not have undergone his first shedding—don’t look at me like that we both know he is—and is experiencing soul form regression. there are those in the Realms who can help.”
Sampson beat her chest. yesHelphow?
“We need to bring him to Realm’s doctors. He may need to reside in his haunt, or require treatment of a number of things. I am not certain, but this Taco may require independent capture and containment. The doctors will know better,” Skulker admitted.
“… yes we can go once we have the whelp—does his core have a particular sensation attached to it?”
“I’ll let the doctors know when we arrive. Do you want to bring him in his small form, or one of his usual two?”
“He should be headed to the aquarium tonight, shall I set up the blob ghost perimeter?” It was the easiest way to monitor one’s prey and lire away competition… and confirm whether or not this “Taco” is targeting the whelp personally or as an ecto source.
He’s hoping the latter, but has a sinking feeling it will be the former. And he will have to hide the stupid finned brat in his prosthetic…
He should see if his girlfriend or her friends don’t mind helping him distract the intruder from the whelp.
Johnny and Kitty are rather fond of their ex. And Ember is insistent on setting up more playdates between her frightmate Youngblood and the whelp. Something about them being ‘same font different hat’ that he didn’t quite get. Oh well, if it didn’t involve animals, weapons, tactics or hunting he rarely gave it much thought in life, let alone his afterlife.
With Sampson’s (terrifying) blessing, Skulker got to work.
Masterpost Here
Tags: @skulld3mort-1fan @theizzyof3malec3 @brattysleepyreader @sebas-nights @elidaweirdotaku0520 @bianca-hooks123 @the-autistic-spider @laurcad123 @just-lurking-here-dont-mind-meh @atinygracie @stars-obsession-pit @wanderwithwings @aibhilin-atibeka
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
I’m having dramatic thoughts about Damian being born to Fem!Bruce ok I’m having THOUGHTS
(TW for alluding to Damian’s conception being nonconsensual)
Okay so set the stage of our Drama- Fem!Bruce (or just AFAB idc) is out on patrol or something and League Parent (Either Talia as in canon, or Ra’s if we’re feeling the creepy old man tonight) drops Damian off with “Hey, watch our son that you birthed and then I stole and let you think was dead for ten years, there’s some infighting in the league.”
(If we’re using Ra’s as dad then Talia is absolutely trying to kill Damian for the position of heir)
Bryce is, understandably, shocked. Her other children? Even more so. Because what do you mean you had a biological child? How did we not know about this?!
Damian isn’t old enough to be pre-robin unless he was cryogenically frozen. Did Bryce really hide a whole fucking pregnancy from them?
Dick is screaming, Jason shows up because he has to see this shit for himself, Bryce is standing in silence, staring at the results of every single test she can think of to confirm that yes, this is her son, this is her Damian, all the info matches up…
Tim tries to speak up, but Jason just turns on him, asking if he’s ready to be replaced too. Bryce didn’t even have to go looking this time!
Tim looks him dead in the eye and points out the birthdate(and death date) on file for Damian Wayne.
It’s exactly eight days before Jason was taken in.
How did Dick and Jason not know about this?
Because they weren’t there.
In the short period of time when Dick was striking out on his own, and before Bryce picked up Jason, League Baby Daddy of your choosing shows up and takes advantage. A simple greeting, a spiked drink, a blurry night, and a pregnancy test later…
Bruce is, as always, in any universe, is terrible at communication. But honestly she can be excused in this case. How exactly do you tell your wayward son ward that, after chasing him off because he was “being reckless” and “putting himself in danger,” you’ve gone and gotten taken advantage of, trusted someone that you had absolutely ZERO business trusting, and now you’re pregnant with an Al Ghul baby? And you’ve decided to keep it? That this isn’t you replacing him or demanding he return, because you understand his need for space, but also you desperately want him back with you because you’re scared but you can never admit it?
How do you do that in a text? Because Dick is not answering the phone.
You don’t. Thats a conversation you have face to face. So the messages Bryce leaves are all “there are some changes and i’d like to talk to you” “there may be a new member of the family soon” “please answer me chum”
Dick doesn’t answer.
Meanwhile, Gotham crime is being weird because “hey robins gone! Dynamic duo is out!” And Bryce is being careful because of her belly and sometimes she has to take breaks and hormones are bullying her and nothing is going her way right now.
And them she goes into labor too soon.
And something goes wrong (League Baby Daddy happens) and she’s told her baby is dead, and now she’s lost two children.
She recovers, and goes back out onto the streets, taking her rage and pain out on the criminals that got a little too bold with her in a hospital bed…
And then there’s a street rat jacking the tires off the Batmobile.
The fucking audacity. The guts. The challenge in his bright blue eyes, the sneer on his lips, the shaggy black hair. Skin just a bit darker than hers, not quite an Al Ghul’s deep olive but somewhere in the middle.
Is this what her Damian would have looked like? Is this what her son would have grown up to be?
Maybe its the hormones, maybe she’s projecting. She knows its a bad idea, but Bryce takes the kid home. Alfred gives her a knowing and slightly disapproving look, but accepts the new child with open arms, because there’s worse things. Jason fits in easily, and soon enough, Batman has a Robin again, and Bryce is smiling again, and begins to heal from the pain of losing Damian.
But Dick? Dick is PISSED.
Upon seeing news of a new Robin/Wayne, he finally looks though his messages, and comes to the wrong conclusion that Bryce was looking for a kid to replace him this whole time. She might have tried to get his input, but had eventually made a decision like this without him. And so he’s back, and he’s angry, and Bryce gets defensive because Jason is a good kid and she can’t use her dead baby to win an argument, not when the wound is so fresh.
So life continues. Jason dies, comes back, is angry because he listened in on a few arguments and now ALSO thinks Bryce actively hunted him down to be Robin, and now she’s done the same with Tim.
Bryce keeps quiet, because how is she supposed to explain after all these years? Jason is right to be angry. She let her emotions get the better of her and dragged a sweet boy into her life. The loss of all three if her children was her own fault, because she put him into the line of fire. There’s no excuse for that.
So years pass. Tempers settle somewhat, Bryce holds her grief close to her chest because she can’t do that to her children, but… then Damian is back. And it all explodes.
The story comes out in bits and pieces. Tim figures out a timeline based on the rest of the info in the file, and Bryce and Alfred slowly fill it in.
And like- they’re all still angry, and it is justified, because what the fuck, Bryce. But also…
Dick is horrified. He had been so angry, so so angry, reading those messages that he now knows, with this new information, were a cry for help. Bryce had been desperate and scared and wanted nothing more than to just talk to him after their fight, and when he had come back after something like this had happened he had immediately started another fight.
Jason isn’t sure how to feel. He hadn’t been taken in to be a replacement soldier, he had been taken in to be a replacement son. What is he supposed to do with that? Knowing that Bryce had seen him at his worst, and taken him in and shoved down her grief to help him?
Tim is wondering if every time Bryce backed away with an unreadable expression, it hadn’t been keeping herself emotionally distant, it was grief for the sons she had lost.
Steph is realizing that Bruce wasn’t lying, when Steph had to give her own baby up and Bryce had hugged her and said “I understand.”
Damian is sitting in a corner wondering what the ever-loving FUCK is going on. Why is everyone crying this is pathetic. Father take him home he prefers the threat of imminent death.
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thecutepoison · 6 months
Guys, I'm kinda freaking out... we learned last episode that in the abscence of the previously estipulated successors, the position of principal of aguefort would fall upon the student's council president, right?
I'm going to state the obvious for a second. It's a given that Kipperlily is trying to win the election for more reasons than a personal achievement. She was 100% aware of the gap in the rules, which would mean Aguerfort's joke would be interpreted as the only manifestation of his will. This is the girl who said she's busy studying the student government and takes active joy in finding loopholes in the rules (like acing the year bc the rogue teacher found her).
But what is her angle here? It's a powerful position for sure, but the Rat Grinder's must be after something specific. So I started asking myself what specifically would help them in the plan of raising this Forgotten God from the dead. Aguefort's office must have dangerous items aplenty given the incident with the crown and his general personality. Do they want access to that?
Then it dawned on me.
Lydia Barkrock's body is under the fucking school.
For those who don't remember, in sophomore year it was revealed that Arthur Aguefort cloned Lydia while she was sleeping and placed her soul into a new body, hiding her original one in the depths beneath the school. Crazy ass move bc he did that without warning her, but that's what prevented Kalina from permanently killing Lydia in season 2 - upon the clone's death, she gained consciousness in her original body.
It's only fair to assume that Aguefort made this precaution again after sophomore year for the same reason: Lydia's death would entail Bakur's escape. And if Kipperlily is elected and becomes the principal... it's very likely she would have access to Lydia's original body since it's on school ground. Her vulnerable, unconscious body, the only thing preventing the fiend from escaping.
That's really bad, guys. Bakur knows how to do the divine ressurection ritual, he only failed because he picked the wrong place. But the Rat Grinders do know a place that would work!! Kipperlily specifically asked Jawbone about Yes! and he did tell her that this god was created by Kristen when she died in Prom and went to corn heaven. So, a god was born in corn heaven - that's why the Rat Grinders personally requested Buddy Dawn, a cleric of Helio. Maybe by using him, they can pass through the pearly gates to perform the ritual. After all, Arthur Aguefort did the same thing using Kristen.
Basically, if Lydia dies, all pieces fall in place for them. Together with Bakur, they have all the info necessary to pull this God from the Astral Plane back to existence. They would just have to kill her unconscious body and slay the clone holding her soul. What they lack right now is the access, which solved by gaining the position of principal.
PS: Also, there's a rat society under the school?? Perhaps it's close to where Lydia's body is localized?? Idk Brennan is insane
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shadow-fell · 10 months
Notes on Cazador's Spawn
Mostly for my own reference but hey, someone else might find it useful.
Cazador Szarr becomes the Master Vampire of Baldur's Gate in 1276 (list of master vampires) completing the Rite of Perfect Slaughter on his master, Vellioth.
Astarion's gravestone gives his years as 229-268 DR. There are two assumptions we can make here: the first is that this is just being written without the 1, so he's turned in 1268 DR. The second is that it isn't DR, but instead meant to be Northreckoning - which would make the dates 1261-1300 DR.
We have a few choices here: if it is in DR, either the 1276 date is wrong, or Astarion was somehow turned before Vellioth was killed. Because of that, I think it's a bit easier to assume NR, especially since he's "one of the first" and not "the first". But this is a bit nitpicky.
For the rest of the spawn:
Petras is around ~1390 ("one hundred years eating rats and dogs" from the Flophouse convo)
Yousen is around ~1430 ("only sixty years" after Cazador's defeat)
Dalyria was Physician General to the Parliament of Baldur's Gate (journal). The Parliament of Peers was founded in the mid-1400s, so she would have been turned after this point ~1450
Leon is at least from 1486 (6 years of favored spawn) maximum ~1480 (turned while Victoria is alive based on diary)
Violet and Aurelia have nothing that concrete. However, Violet does offer a prayer to Kelemvor after Cazador's defeat, so I'm going to assume she didn't pick up worship of a new god as a vampire, which makes her turning after Kelemvor's ascension in 1358.
This leaves us with like a century gap, with Astarion (and maybe Aurelia) being turned around 1300 and everyone else in the 1400s. But there's an answer to that as well...Jaheira and Astarion have a party banter
Astarion: Cazador always warned us to stay clear of this neighbourhood. Never said why, though. Jaheira: The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth. Astarion: Ah. Yes, that was probably it.
The original BG games are set 1368/69 - so probably around then or shortly after is when Jaheira killed at least one of the spawn; we can assume there's a few more that got killed and replaced in the 1400s to get back up to magic number seven.
(more on the Szarrs below the cut)
The Szarrs were a merchant family. In 1479, they had been wiped out in an attack that destroyed their home in Tumbledown in the Outer City, leaving only Cliffside Cemetery within large caverns, and which were home to strange lights that could be seen from the river. Rumors about the Szarrs being seen as ghosts were commonplace.
The crypts under the Szarr Mansion we see in BG3 are the Tourmaline Depths, discovered by Donnela Szarr the architect - based on the article while she was Master Vampire in 1138-1204, but potentially earlier. I think it is reasonable to assume that the Depths are connected to the Cliffside Cemetery and Szarr family crypts underground (deeper than the Sewers or Undercity).
Amanita Szarr, or Lady Incognita, has a series of journals dated to 1477 recounting her turning.
Alturiak: describes that she was raised near Anga Vled, and rarely visited her 'Uncle' Cazador
Tarsakh: summoned on her thirteenth birthday
Mirtul: references every living (well, vampire) Szarr as Uncle Cazador, Granddam Fistula, Great-Aunt Dralia, and Cousin Blovart.
Kythorn: describes being turned, imprisoned in the attic. for refusing to participate. Then she drank human blood, and at least a year later, sent up a captive.
Flamerule: "succumbed" and declares herself Lady Incognita.
These span over 6 months (skips Ches after Alturiak). Reasonably, I think these were written during the period of the "captive" sent up, which puts her turning proper probably in 1476, born ~1462. We can probably date the death of her parents to be the killing of the Szarrs, while she was very young. About 15 years before 1479 is perfect time for a ghost story to develop while gangs to take over.
(Anga Vled is a gnomish village between Baldur's Gate and Elturel, along the Risen Road - so not far at all from where Act1/2 are set)
If we assume that the relations Amanita describes are accurate, the tree would look like this. Given that they're an elven family (or at least, Cazador is elven) that means we have a lot of space to work with, timeline wise, but the quotes around 'uncle' might mean he's actually Dralia's son or Amanita's great uncle, to give a bit more space.
??? (Donella Szarr?) |-------| Dralia Fistula |-------|--------| Cazador ??? ??? | | Blovart Amanita
The question is: if the Szarr family are all vampires, then what does it mean that they haven't shown up? And that Vellioth was apparently not a Szarr but was still the Master Vampire (and definitely in charge over Cazador?) Who turned them?
My personal theory goes something like this:
Donnela Szarr, wealthy (but not Patriar) elven merchant has at least two children, Dralia and Fistula (probably not real name because come on)
some time from 1019-1138, Donnela Szarr, while investigating the tombs below her family's estate, encounters Hideous Gathwycke and is turned as his spawn.
1138, Donnela Szarr kills him and becomes Master Vampire
Donnela turns Vellioth
Donnela potentially turns her children to grant them immortal life
1204, Vellioth kills Donnela, becomes Master Vampire
Vellioth takes control of the Szarr family (intimidation, magic, or potentially turning Dralia/Fistula, if they're his spawn and not Donnela's)
Cazador is turned by Vellioth (at least 1260, probably earlier)
1276, Cazador completes the Right of Perfect Slaughter
~1460, other Szarrs die; Amanita sent to the countryside.
~1475 Amanita turned
I imagine that Cazador was fairly young when Donnela was killed (young enough to not be turned yet), and knew Vellioth already, even if it might have been some time before he was turned. I'd put him at no more than 100 when Vellioth becomes Master Vampire; their relationship (and "martinet") feels very 'strict teacher' which makes me wonder if he was a tutor beforehand.
The debate is whether the Szarrs were killed for mundane reasons (rival merchants), by vampire hunters, or by Cazador himself. If he killed them, it might be for refusal to let him turn them into vampires (Blovart as the exception), or some level of sibling rivalry? Amanita's parents are presumably not vampires since she was turned, but that doesn't remove the chance of monster hunters.
Based on the timeline, Blovart may have died sometime after Lady Incognita's entries, placing Leon as his replacement for the seven spawn (maybe the Favoured Spawn room was his by default, and became a competition after? The fact it only goes back 6 years is interesting). Perhaps related to how she left or died herself.
Dralia and Fistula's absence might be that they don't live with him, but I could also see if they discovered the Rite of Ascension and tried to usurp him and got killed for it. Cazador is fascinated by the idea of family, and I could see him very much wanting to keep his family intact but also has no qualms about killing his own mother / aunt if they actually posed a threat to his real goals.
All of this + the Lady Incognita stuff is very rough, presumably a lot of it having been cut with the Upper City/shift in direction for Cazador's story. For more links/information, there's also this masterlist.
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“Harry didn’t name any of his kids after Remus because he’s saving that option for Teddy!”
Wrong. Harry didn’t name any of his kids after Remus because it wasn’t personal enough.
James Sirius is named after his two fathers; Lily Luna is named after his mother and one of his and Ginny’s best friends. Albus Severus is named after two wizards who were incredibly influential for Harry’s development and safety (I have a HC on why on earth Harry decided to name his child after Dumbledore and Snape, but that’s a separate post entirely). None of his and Ginny’s kids are named after Remus, not (just) because they wished to save the name for Teddy, but because of Teddy.
Harry looks his orphaned godson in the eyes one day, a year or two after the Battle, and realises how fucked up it was that Remus, despite technically being able to, never visited him. He can’t imagine leaving Teddy all alone like that, in a family he might know doesn’t look favourably upon magic. There’s a chance that Lily may have told Remus about Petunia and Vernon and their bigotry, their hatred. And Remus, for some reason, didn’t come look.
Harry looks that little boy in the eyes and realises how weird it was that Remus didn’t admit to having been the best of friends with James Potter until late into Harry’s third year. Harry can’t fathom that, if Teddy was Ron and Hermione’s kid and both Ron and Hermione died, he’d be able to talk to the spitting image of Ron with Hermione’s eyes (but starved, intense, broken, thirteen years old and remembering his parents’ murders) and not say, “Your parents were my best friends. Let me tell you about them; let me tell you all that you want to know.”
Harry figures he’d move mountains to keep Teddy safe and happy. Harry figures that Sirius would’ve done the same, considering he mustered up the strength to break out of Azkaban after twelve years and swim to Britain to ensure Harry’s safety at the smallest sign of danger. Sirius lived in a cave and ate rats for Harry with dementors breathing down his back: Harry knows with utmost certainty that, if Sirius had had the freedom to do so, he would’ve burnt the country down for Harry.
Remus didn’t do that for him, wouldn’t have, be it for a lack of freedom or a lack of want. Remus was ‘Lupin’ to Harry even in death, even after being named godfather to his son. Harry had to convince thirty-seven year old Remus to stay with his pregnant wife at seventeen. Harry got blown into a wall for his efforts, was given the honour of becoming godfather months later. Harry liked Remus, still loves him even, but there’s nothing Harry wouldn’t do for Teddy and there was very little Remus did for Harry, and there’s that.
Later, Harry doesn’t even suggest naming a child after Remus. Ginny doesn’t even ask. None of their children are named after Remus, because Harry is a man who is quick to anger when it’s about innocents, a man whose forgiveness only goes so far. He’s never been truly bothered by his own situation, but he’s bothered by the mere idea of Teddy ending up in a similar one and him doing nothing.
Remus did nothing. That’s the crux of it. That’s why.
(After Lily Luna is born, Teddy asks if ‘Luna’ is for his dad. Harry looks at Ginny, and Ginny looks at him, and Harry does what Remus taught him: he swallows his apprehension and lies.
“Yes,” he says, raking his fingers through Teddy’s fluffy, turquoise hair. He thinks he’ll raze cities for this child. “But we saved ‘Remus’ for you.”)
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What if the reader was still a child? I’m not talking 13–14 years old, but what if they were 8–9 years old and they were reading and watching Bungou Stray Dogs because the characters looked "pretty" and they weren't even affected by all the blood and stuff? They just took comfort in the characters since their home life was not so great.
My little guardian
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD characters x GN! Child! Abused! Reader
Focus: Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Abused! Reader
Tumblr media
Description: During last Family Reunion, you have heard about an anime. The characters look pretty, so you decide to watch it.
Found Family. Biological family is a bunch of awful jerks. Child Reader.
Warning: Mentions of parental neglect. Abuse. Bulling. Reader are an unwanted/unplanned child. Kids consuming not age appropriate media (child watching/reading BSD). Mentions of terminating the pregnancy. Mentions of torture. Chocking. OOC. Platonic Yandere. English is my second language.
You are sure, that Family Reunions are boring. No one wants to talk to you.
Your parents and other adults were having their boring talks. Your older brother and cousins were running around the backyard, playing tag. You wanted to play with them, but they don't let you join.
Your brother even drags you away to the other side of the backyard and whispers in your ear.
"[Y/N], you already have a game to play, remember? Our parents and you are always playing it. Be a good unwanted sibling, play it and don't bother me."
With that, your brother turns around and returns to your cousins.
You sniff. You are so bored. The game, that your parents wants you to play, is boring. You don't want to play it anymore.
The game is called "What others will say". Your parents have been playing it for nine years. (Ten, if that time, you eavesdrop on them, they weren't mistaken). Ever since you were born. (Or even earlier).
Playing in "What will others say", means doing and saying specific things.
"You can't take the phone with you on a Family Reunion. You should talk to alive people, not look in the screen. What would others say? Yes, your brother can have his. He is older than you, don't question, why he can take his phone."
"You can't tell anyone, that your brother hits you. What will others say?"
"You can't have this toy. We already spent too much money on them. What will others say?"
"What do you mean, all toys we bought, we gave to your brother and you didn't get any?! How dare you say it out loud? What will others say?"
"You can not cry because your brother pushed you down the stairs. What will others say?"
"You can't ask your aunt if you can have more food on your plate. What will others say?"
"Why you didn't terminate ... when we had a chance?"
"I couldn't get rid of it. What would others say?"
"Why you didn't insist ... in the orphanage?"
"I can't. What would others say?"
Boring, stupid game...
You sniff one more time. Stupid adults. You decide to go back inside. Maybe, you will find something interesting there.
All adults were inside. They were talking, discussing their adult things.
They didn't pay any attention to you. But, you heard a couple of whispers, when you passed some of your relatives.
"unwanted" "fault" "pill" "broke" "liked process"
For you, this whispers doesn't make sense. What "pills"? What was "broken"? Whose "fault"?
You passed a group of your much older cousins. They were already in.a high school, so they don't want to speak to a "pipsqueak", like you. One of your cousins bring their girlfriend with them. Now all of them were discussing something.
"I tell you, Dostoevsky is smarter than Dazai!"
"No, Dazai is smarter! Besides, he looks cuter than the Rat Man"
"Are we really having a heated discussion about an anime?"
Anime? You know about anime. Japanese cartoons. You like anime. Your parents aren't against you watching anime. You are silent, while watching it, and doesn't bother them with questions.
So, does adults watch anime too? Maybe, if you ask, they will tell you a name of this anime?
You wanted to take a step towards them, but your cousin, the one who bring their girlfriend, hiss at you.
"What are you looking at? Go, play somewhere else."
You quickly go away. You don't want them to do something bad to you. Yes, you really want to learn the name of the anime, but, you don't want to be hurt because of your curiosity.
For the next ten minutes, you were walking from one part of the house to another. Walking around, doing nothing is better, than sitting on one place, doing nothing.
During your 'walk' you go to the balcony. You noticed your cousin's girlfriend. She is standing there, talking on a cell phone.
A keychain was attached to the phone. The keychain looks like a tiny man with brown eyes, short, dark brown hair. The man is wearing a sand-colored trench coat, black vest over a striped dress shirt, a bolo tie,
white pants and dark brown shoes.
You take a quick glance on Girlfriend's phone case. There is the picture of the same man, but taller and more detailed, on her phone case.
You can't turn you from keychain and phone case. They are so pretty.
Girlfriend finish talking on the phone and turns around. She gasps, after noticing you.
"Y-you scared me"
You feel, that your cheeks become warm. You are embarrassed, that she noticed your staring. But you still can't take your gaze from the keychain.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to. It's just, your keychain and phone case look so cute. Does that character have a name?" explain you, looking at the keychain. Girlfriend also looks at it.
"My keychain and phone case? His name is Dazai Osamu."
You mentally repeat the name. You must not forget to look up this character on the Internet.
"Dazai Osamu? He is from anime, right? Can you tell me the name of the anime? Can you tell me, please? I like anime and want to see as much anime as I can."
Girlfriend looks skeptical.
"It's not an anime for kids. What have you been watching? Pokémon?"
You start listing every anime you have seen.
"Yes! I also have seen Chi's sweet home, Bananya, Naruto, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Shaman King, Gurren Laggan..."
Girlfriend quickly puts her hands over your mouth.
"Okay, you can stop. Kiddo, most of this anime are not for kids. Aren't you afraid of watching them?"
You shake your head. You step back and answer.
"No. They help me, when Dad and Mom are arguing, or Derek, my older brother, is being a jerk."
Girlfriend bits her lip. She looks hesitant. Then she takes a little notepad from her purse and writes something down. Then she takes the page from the notebook and gives it to you.
"Here, I wrote it down."
Your smile became bigger. You take the page and read the text on it. Right above her number, there was an anime name.
Bungou Stray Dogs
"Thank you, miss" your eyes are shining. Now you have more anime to watch."
Girlfriend smiles sadly at you. Then she removes her keychain and gives it to you.
"You can have it, kiddo. Dazai will be your lucky charm."
You take the keychain with trembling hands. You sob and hug Girlfriend's leg.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, miss! I will always treasure him!"
Girlfriend pets your head.
"You can call me Martha, kiddo. And you are welcome."
You looked up at Martha.
"Then you can call me [Y/N], Martha"
Martha smiles. You don't notice, that she has tears in her eyes. Martha remembers, what her partner tell her, when today she asked, why they drove you away.
"Babe, [Y/N] are an unplanned child. Their parents liked the baby making process. So, when mother run out of pills, and father's... protection broke... he-he, they got them as a consequence. Wanted to get rid of them, when they still were inside the mother, but granny forbid it. What would others think, if they knew? When the brat were born, parents wanted to leave them in the hospital. And, once again, granny forbid it. What would others think, if they knew? So, kid are unwanted by their parents. They are unwanted by other relatives. And I also don't want this kid to like me. So, let the brat do their own thing."
Martha sighs. She herself was an unplanned child. But her parents love her. So why this family hates poor kid for been born? Martha and pet your head again. You smile and, after thanking her again, you go inside the house again.
You are a good kid. Martha thinks, that, maybe, she should rethink her decision about dating your cousin.
A few hours later, the Family Reunion is finally over.
You are riding home. You are sitting on the backsit of your parents' car. Your brother was sitting near you. Derek was watching something on his phone. Your father is driving, while your mother is sitting next to him.
The page, with anime name and Dazai's keychain, are in your pocket. You didn't show it to your parents or brother. Derek will take the keychain away. Even if he doesn't like anime, he likes to bully you.
You can't wait to finally go home. You want to start watching new anime as soon as possible.
In one week, you finished watching anime. You enjoyed it so much.
The characters were pretty. You liked all of them.
You weren't bothered by blood, by death.
This anime helped you with zoning out.
"It was your fault! If only you tell me that it wasn't the safe day..."
"And who insist on us doing it?!"
"Dazai, you looked so cool, when you were in Mafia."
"F-Fyodor, you are so smart! You tricked evil Ace!"
"Go on, Atsushi! Go on, Akutagawa! Catch Pushkin, so Mister Fukuzawa and Mister Mori become healthy again..."
You hide under the blanket. With phone in your hand and with cheap headphones covering your ears, you were watching the last episodes of Bungou Stray Dogs. You were holding Dazai's keychain in your free hand.
You find manga and light novels on the Internet. You start reading it from the beginning.
Manga and Novels were as enjoyable as anime.
Manga and Light Novels help you with zoning out.
"Hey, unwanted sibling! Mom and Dad are going to order pizza! And we won't gibe you anything! You will go to bed hungry again!"
"Yosano, don't blame yourself. You are not an Angel of Death"
"Hey, [Y/N], why won't you just disappear? You are making Derek boo-boo-bear and his folks upset. They will be better without you"
"Kunikida, don't be upset. Yosano will treat you."
"Hey, [Y/N], lil sibling! Please, do me a favor and get lost in the woods! You are poisoning my life! My perfect life!"
"Mister Fukuchi, did Mister Fukuzawa upsets you in your past? Maybe, you can talk it out."
You hide under the blanket. With phone in your hand and with cheap headphones covering your ears, you were reading Bungou Stray Dogs manga and Light Novels. You were holding Dazai's keychain in your free hand.
"Bungou Stray Dogs. Mayoi Inu Kaikitan" was installed on your phone.
The game was easy and nice.
You love playing it. Dazai's keychain was always with you, when you were playing the game.
For you, the keychain become your little protector.
You start to draw. In a cheep sketchbook, you draw yourself and BSD gang.
On your drawings...
...You were eating waffles with Atsushi and Kyouka...
... You were petting cats with Fukuzawa...
...You were playing detectives with Ranpo and Poe...
...You were listening to Fyodor's playing cello...
...You were doing magical tricks with Gogol...
...You were playing with Q and Elise...
... Dazai was protecting you...
... And all the characters were glad having you near them.
Derek was a wanted child. After your parents had you, they start spoiling him.
They let him bully you.
They protect him, if he bully other kids.
Then, one day, he got too far.
After school, you saw him. He and his friends had knives. They were torturing a blind homeless man.
You were scared. You want to help the poor man. But you were so afraid.
"Do what must be done"
Kunikida's main ideal.
You quickly take a picture of your brother on your phone and hurry to the police station.
You were home alone. Your parents try to save Derek. But, it seems, this time, he will be punished.
You were playing BSD Mayoi. You had a backpack with your sketchbook and keychain in it with you. You did an eleven pull.
The purple moon shined above Yokohama.
And your parents got home.
The door to your room was opened. Your mother's hands squeeze your throat. Your father looked equally angry.
You tried to breathe. Your father raised a belt above you.
You didn't notice, that you finally get a Kirako Haruno SSR card.
The moment Kirako waked up, she grabbed the nearest person. Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Kirako tried to shake him. She was shouting.
"Please, tell me that you can send someone to their world! Quick!"
Everyone gathered around Kirako and Fukuzawa. The president tried to calm her down.
"Kirako, please, calm down, explain, what's going on?"
"We have no time! [Y/N]'s parents going to kill them! We need to hurry! Please, they are just a child. They are unloved by their family. They see us as their friends. We need to save them!"
Kirako choked on her tears.
"They have a Dazai's keychain. They call it their little protector. We can't abandon them."
Grave silence.
The sand-colored blur ran towards the unfinished portal.
Loud noise. Bright light.
And right before them were standing a woman, who was chocking a nine-year-old kid and a man, who was ready to strike a kid with a belt.
"Hands off, bastards!"
Dazai's fist hit your mother's face. Her grip loosens. Both she and you fall on the ground. Before your father can react, Tetchou's ability already pierced his hand, that was holding a belt.
You were coughing. You tried to breathe in as much air as you can.
Someone picked you up and hugged you. You heard a voice. Familiar voice.
"You are safe. You are alright." "Poor thing" "I will keep you safe" "Osamu will keep you safe"
"Dazai?" asked you, still dizzy. He smiled and kissed your temple and forehead.
"Yes, I am here. We are here. You are safe."
"My parents?" quietly ask you, hugging Dazai in return.
"Don't worry about them. Just sleep. There is nothing to worry about."
You listen to Dazai and slowly fall asleep.
When Dazai was carrying you towards infirmary, Yosano tried to take a look at you, to make sure that you are not harmed. The look Dazai gave to Yosano... Everyone realized, that, for now, Dazai won't let anyone near you.
Dazai carry you to the infirmary and, after taking off your backpack, putting you on the bed and covering you with a blanket, returns to the others.
Your parents were on the floor, held down by Chuuya's ability. They looked terrified.
Father spoke first. "Who are you? What's going on? Where are we?"
Mother growl. "How dare you hit me? I was disciplining that bantling..."
One kick in the face from Pushkin shut mother down.
The grave silence. Then BSD characters start talking.
"Doesn't matter, who we are" Akutagawa. Rasenmon opens its maw.
"It's not like you will understand" Atsushi. Sharp tiger's claw glimmer in moonlight.
"Doesn't matter, what is happening now" Fukuzawa. His sword was sharp and deadly.
"What matters, is what you have done." Verlaine. The look in his eyes doesn't promise anything good.
"Doesn't matter, where are you" Ranpo's smile doesn't look friendly.
"It's not like you can return home" Mori. Elise was ready to attack.
"You are monsters, who were hurting Our Dear Guiding Light" Teruko. She was ready to tear your parents apart.
"And it's unforgivable" Hawthorne. He was growling.
"But don't worry. We won't kill you. For now." Gin. She lazily played with her blade.
"We will teach you a lesson." Fyodor. He was looking at his hands, thinking, if he should use his ability oh your parents.
"We will beat you up." Goncharov. Earth start trembling.
"With legs" Kunikida. Tazer in his hand let out a loud buzzing sound.
"With your own legs" Twain. He cocked the trigger.
"You know what is the best part?" Ayatsuji. The smoke from his cigar slowly disappeared.
"Your legs would still be attached to your body" Gogol. His grin looked madder, than before.
One moment later, your parents screamed.
You woke up a few hours later. At first, you thought, that Dazai from yesterday was just a dream. But, you quickly realized that it was real. Because the first person you saw at the morning was Dazai. He was waiting for you to wake up.
"Mourning, my little one. Are you alright? Ready to met others?"
You nodded shyly.
"I am alright. But... I am afraid of meeting others. What if they won't like me?"
Dazai smile and pick you up. He rubs your head. He went towards the Infirmary door.
"Don't be silly. Everyone here loves you. You are safe here. You are loved here."
Dazai slowly open the door and walked inside the ADA office.
Immediately, you and Dazai were surrounded by other BSD characters.
"Hello, [Y/N]!"
"Hi, [Y/N]!"
"You are finally here!"
"We have been waiting for you!"
"You are so cute!"
"Want to spend time together?"
"Want some breakfast?"
They were smiling.
They love you.
You are wanted.
You smile at them in return.
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thevalleyisjolly · 10 months
As an intrinsic part of their Mortal heritage, I like to think that all the Half-Elven in Middle-earth have at one point in their lives (but most especially their youths) had a fairly unflattering haircut that they genuinely believed was the hottest shit ever:
Dior had a long feathered mullet that was a pure flex to show off how naturally full and voluminous his hair was. He only cut it once the twins were born and it became too much work to maintain while looking after two babies.
Elúred and Elúrin got their hands on an unattended bottle of hair dye when they were five and gave themselves skunk hair bangs that took months to wash out.
Elwing once experimented with teasing her curls into a big 80's hairdo because people told her how her father used to have big hair.
Eärendil had to cut his hair after a lice scare onboard one of Círdan's ships and went for a bowl cut that he thought would be quick and easy to do. Unfortunately, the bowl he used was a little too small and the high fringe made it look like he was wearing a small hat made out of hair. Idril had conniptions. Tuor managed to hold in his laughter until he could reach the privacy of an inner room. Elwing demonstrated the incredible power of love by both saying yes to his proposal and offering to neaten his fringe so that it at least looked a little less choppy.
Elrond stubbornly sported a man bun undercut for two whole years after he lost a bet with one of Maedhros' Mortal retainers and Maglor made a sighing comment about how he shouldn't worry because his hair would soon grow back out "nice again."
Elros gave himself curtained hair in solidarity with Elrond so that Maglor would get off his back, and kept it until the first time he commanded a war party and got good-naturedly ribbed to hell about looking like a 14 year old kid.
Like father like son, Elladan wore a rat tail for a few years after one of the Dunédain wagered he couldn't pull it off. He really couldn't, although he thought it looked great and was forever trying to do fancy styles with it until Elrohir staged a sibling intervention.
Elrohir maintained a buzzcut for nearly fifty years after his parents a little too amusedly said that he could do whatever he liked with his appearance now that he was of age.
Arwen went through a phase in her 200s where she dyed her hair with whatever colours she could get her hands on. The silver was very nice (Celeborn was extremely proud) and the blue highlights were interesting but still managed to work. She even made a decent ginger. However, the attempt at Arafinwëan gold just ended up a washed-out bleach blonde that is to date the only thing that has ever stunned Galadriel into utter speechlessness.
+Although not born Mortal, Lúthien spent a full Valinorean year with feathers instead of hair while trying to shape-shift into a nightingale. It actually made for quite an aesthetic when she took the time to preen them properly, but as she was far too busy running around having adventures with Daeron, the effect was more often ruffled bird's nest than sleek wings.
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fantasy-relax · 2 months
Sweet Alpha Dangerous Omega
Part 12 Part 13
Writing the instructions for Lucia's “special care,” anger at the words spoken against her made her blood burn but remembering the abuse you had been subjected to caused her to lose control of her strength destroying the pencil in her hand.
Opening her desk drawer, she took out another one and continued writing however her thoughts continued to wander.
How is it possible that Bela was incapable of watching over a human?
If she doesn't have time to pay attention to you then she should have left you under her command at least she would have something to distract herself while her punishment is revoked.
“Alpha accepted her punishment even though she was only fulfilling her duty to defend us.”
Cassandra rolls her eyes at the Omega's sad statement from her.
“Oh, yes the powerful Alpha defended us from the cruel and evil servant, I'll finish writing this and I'll go look for her to blow her as a reward.”
An image of her stay with you crossed her mind causing her to drop her pencil in favor of covering her face grunting in annoyance as she felt the heat of her blush.
"Your fault"
"Be quiet"
She hated how you acted like a weakling when she remembered perfectly how you had no problem forcing her to submit to your will of course that she was the one who had total control over the situation using you to satisfy that stupid need that had been annoying her for years.
You are just a tool to deal with her Heat she will use you until your life comes to an end and when her Omega starts acting insufferable again, she will simply look for a new distraction.
Of course, if you don't end up dead first because of another error on Bela's part.
Miss Perfect thinking she knows everything when she can't even take care of a starving peasant alpha.
With how easy it is for to leave the smallest amount of the swarm to watch over you.
Closing her eyes she focuses on the part of her that she left in your room.
She only does it because she knows you're useless in taking care of yourself.
The first thing she sees is how you jump out of bed even though you should still be resting, you really are an imbecile.
“Alpha is very careless with her health”
“An Idiot is what she is.”
She dodges your attacks with ease before showing mercy and leaving only a fly with you.
The last thing she needs is for you to get hurt again.
Letting out a laugh as she sees how you resign yourself to her presence, she rests on your neck.
“How warm”
“It's nothing special”
Normal, being treated like that is completely normal for you.
“How dare them to treat our Alpha like that!”
Insults? Normal.
“Filthy bitch” “Disgusting rat” “Scum”
Violence? Normal.
*BAM* “How dare you?!”
The pain made her vomit the little she had eaten.
Contempt? Normal.
"You can bandage yourself; I don't understand why you look for me, that's weakness S¨***, you shouldn't be weak"
Breathing hurts, moving hurts.
“You should never show weakness, or do you want to end up like your mother?”
“Be used and discarded”
 The smell of putrefaction is overwhelming.
“Killed by a parasite”
She didn't ask to be born, father.
"My girl"
"You are safe"
"You are at home"
“Mom will never hurt you.”
Returning to the present, the first thing she sees is her mother kneeling in front of her with her arms outstretched waiting patiently for her. Cassandra jumps up hugging her neck, hiding her face on it, immersing her in a scent that promises security and love, hands capable of breaking marble gently stroke her back, the ringing in her ears drowned out by the purring coming from her mother's chest.
Mother, Alcina Dimitrescu.
The images Memories fade like water between fingers.
The normal.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Entering her studio, the first thing she does is go to her easel. Which, while old is in good condition.
With a light squeeze the wood is fractured which is more than enough to justify needing a new one.
“Our sisters should stay away from our Alpha.”
Her sisters spend more time with you than with her she should have stopped it as soon as she found out about the private classes.
Cassandra had to use all her self-control not to growl as she talked knowing full well that her sisters would use it against her.
“We knew that Daniela wouldn't think twice before touching”
The smell of the sweets that her younger sister unceremoniously devoured hid yours easily.
Also, why the fuck does Bela know that detail about you? You are supposed to have a separate room to sleep in, you had nothing to do in any other room specially her sister's.
“Alpha shouldn't wear our sister's clothes.”
Bela was the one who punished you unjustly, why did you forgive her so quickly?
“To avoid conflicts in the Pack”
Still, why did you agree to wear her clothes?
Do you also prefer her older sister?
"Is not like that"
Have you already wandered off?
“No, Alpha wouldn't do that.”
Towards the responsible, maternal and feminine Bela.
“Alpha is ours!”
The Perfect Woman.
If Bela had been an omega...
“Alpha not…”
Would you have chosen her over her?
“I gave you clear instructions and you still do it wrong. Didn't my sisters teach you to read?”
Others would have run with their tail between their legs upon hearing the venom in her voice, you stood firm and despite the air of seriousness with which you acted, your scent gave you away.
Happiness, adoration, sadness, determination.
Every time she visited the workshop, the moment you noticed her presence you stopped everything you were doing to focus all your attention on her.
"As it should be"
Growling to avoid purring, she destroyed the six easels you had created in one day in seconds.
“Again, and don't use so much varnish this time.”
“Whatever you want, Lady Cassandra.”
She left the workshop ignoring her omega's protests to stay with you longer.
Cassandra can't help but rub her eyes and pinch her arm hard to make sure she's woken up from her nap.
“It's not a dream” The Omega comments despite sharing the same confusion.
In front of her is an Alpha kneeling with her head lowered and in her hands is a white rabbit's fur, the skin is white as snow without cuts that detract from its beauty, simply impeccable.
“For you Lady Cassandra.”
“A courting gift”
At what point do she grab it?
“Sweet alpha, good alpha”
Clenching her jaw she threw the fur to the ground.
“Pathetic,” Making sure to keep her tone of voice neutral, she spoke. “You couldn't even complete my order and you come with more garbage, out of my sight.”
“Take it back! Apologize!” Despair and anger emanated from her omega.
"Shut up!"
A voice distracted her from the discussion.
“If you don't want it, I'll keep it, after all it's too nice a gift to be wasted.” Bela held her fur carefully in her hands. “There's no problem, right, Alpha?”
“It's our gift!”
She could feel the blood on her palm, her nails had pierced her skin.
“No problem, Bela.”
“Alpha stop! How can you do this?” She didn't know if the question was towards her or towards you.
“White looks good on me, don't you think?”
"Take it back!"
The blonde caressed your cheek, and you rested your face on it closing your eyes calmly.
“You are so sweet, dear Alpha.”
“Our gift…”
"I don't care"
“Our alpha…”
"I don't care"
"Why are you doing this?"
"I don't care"
“She would hate us…”
"I don't care"
"Why do you hate me?"
"I don't care"
"I am you…"
-------------------------------------------------- -
From that day on her omega remained silent, she felt her presence but not a sound came from her.
It was what she had always wanted so why the hell did she feel so bad?
Her visits to the workshop continued, the easels you made were perfect however the mere thought that you would go after her sisters the moment you had more free time caused her immense fury that led her to destroy it to avoid it.
Your visits also continued and the silence in her mind remained.
Even after seeing her sisters show off the gifts that she had rejected, her omega did not utter the slightest complaint or comment.
The discomfort inside her grew more every second.
“Cass, I really can't believe you reject gifts as beautiful as these.” Just hearing Bela's voice caused the hair on the back of her neck to rise.
“Alpha is really a sweetheart, she is so gentle and hard-working,” Daniela commented as she walked next to her, “it would be a waste to leave her alone, I think I'm going to ask her if she wants to be my mat-
The redhead didn't finish her sentence before being pushed with such force that she went through the wall and the bookshelf behind it.
Transforming into her swarm Cassandra left before Bela could reproach her for her actions.
Silence, in her mind there was only silence.
It was then that she felt it, her Heat had arrived.
And everything turned black.
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dead-lights · 1 month
grand occult baking championship || episode 1.7
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Just a little interlude before judgment!
In case you haven't seen it, I've been posting little interviews with the cast. Please feel free to send me questions, anonymously or not! I'll put them up in batches between posts.
first // prev // next
Most characters have canon origin stories! It's just Elle, L, Brandy, and Morgyn who don't. Caleb isn't wrong about how long it would take to get through it all, but I can make some space at the bottom of the post :)
Most of this comes from dialogue from Werewolves, which I put up here.
Celene & Lou: attacked by Greg while on a date after Lou provoked him - she took the cure, he thought he could ride it out.
Lily: fled into the tunnels when Vlad tried to turn her, where she was bitten by a rabid werewolf. Spent years wandering around feral before Kristopher found her.
Caleb: turned by Miss Hell in a bar bathroom with the door on backwards. It's unclear whether he asked to turn or not, but I'd say most likely not.
Jacob: got lost in the woods as a small child after being traumatically separated from his family. He was hunted by a werewolf and a vampire, and then rescued by Kristopher.
Wolfgang: visited Moonwood Mill to escape the rat race in San Myshuno, decided he liked the werewolf lifestyle, and asked Kristopher to turn him.
Inna: turned by Caleb in the official trailer. Based on promotional material and the paintings from vampires, she seems to have been a thrall for centuries before that, possibly as early as the 1600s.
Darrel: born a spellcaster. Because he has the strong bloodline trait, he must be at minimum a 3rd generation caster.
Emilia: recently ascended according to her household description, presumably by Morgyn, since they're the only sage she knows by default and they're both friends with Grace and Tomax.
Elle: born a vampire during the first half of the Century Conflict. Her parents were former spellcasters who were turned during Operation Eternal Flame.
Brandy: attacked and almost killed by a member of her girlfriend Samantha's coven of origin. Samantha turned her to save her life.
L: an orphaned street urchin. Was accidentally transported to the Magic Realm after pickpocketing a spellcaster and taking his Glimmerstone. She met Keisha and immediately started badgering her for power and secrets.
Morgyn: a teen runaway. They found instructions to get into the Magic Realm in a library book, thought the whole thing sounded extremely rad, made their way to Glimmerbrook, and immediately started badgering Tess for power and secrets.
I wanted a Century Conflict veteran, which is why I made Elle so old. Brandy possibly has a mundane brother, so I didn't want her to have been born vampire. I love foundlings in stories (yes, I'm a big Mandalorian fan, fuck off) so yeah Morgyn and L are foundlings.
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gentrychild · 11 months
I don't think you'll have it canon to Anyone as you have a different backstory in mind, but I'm imagining Anyone AFO telling the Anyone circle his crazy backstory and them thinking he's just screwing with them while Yoichi is just like :/ in the vestige world hearing it
This is not canonical in the Anyoneverse and in any of my fics because it would wreck my AFOs. (Except maybe for the twin part. I need to see what I wrote.) However, I know exactly how the reveal would go in Anyone.
AFO: "Back in my days, we didn’t have it easy like you spoiled brats! The only minions we got was the one we spare from our daily slaughter because their powers were useless and because your brother couldn’t stop whining about how killing was bad and how he just wanted to go to pre-school!"
Izuku: *already put his let's-ignore-the-evil-white-cat playlist and has been playing with his earbuds for the past five minutes*
AFO: "And let's not even talk about having to take care of Yoichi since I was born. Some people to raise their siblings as teenagers. I started doing it five minutes after I was born."
Izuku: *head bobbing with the music*
AFO: "I didn’t even become a villain for a motive as mercantile as money. I just stumbled into it, between the moment my mother gave birth to me by the river and rats immediately tried to eat me, and the moment I had to learn to swim to escape the rats. While carrying my brother."
Izuku: *does not hear one word*
AFO: "And did I get a word of thanks for making sure my brother and I survived? No, it was always "Don't daily kill people, Big Brother!", "Could you please slow down with the slaughter, Big Brother?", "Oh, a comic book not too stained with blood!"..."
Izuku: *silently singing along the lyrics of the new All Might movie soundtrack*
Dabi, Kurogiri, Hawks and Shouto: *huddled in one side of the bar, absolutely horrified, their brains about to explode*
Nagisa, listening to them from home: "What the fuck?"
Hawks: "Shouldn't we do something after hearing this? Like put him in therapy ASAP?"
Kurogiri: "Where will you find a therapist that can undo two centuries of *waves at all that AFO is*
Dabi: "I feel that urge to go home and to apologize to my family and to cherish them."
16 year ago:
Hisashi: "I had problems with my brother back in the day so I think that, for this one, we should study ahead with the behavior training."
Inko: "I am so glad you're saying that because I kinda plurged for child-rearing-books with your credit card."
Hisashi: "Child rearing books?"
Hisashi: *promptly hides the Training Your Puppy For Dummies book behind his back*
Hisashi: "Yes, that’s definitely what I was talking about."
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