#Yes the minis are smaller than food fight himself
snappydragonsclaw · 1 year
Fun fact did you know the only skylanders who are shorter than food fight is the minis?
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
More Boyfriend Headcanons: Leo Edition
• "leo can you-" "-already on it." "you don't even know what it is." "doesn't matter."
• never late to anything, he will call or text if he is
• you think mikey's puppy eyes are irresistable? leo's has him beat
• very mature but if you put on music, he will dance with you ridiculously with no hesitation
• often hums to you while you're falling asleep
• you don't wanna talk out the fight you just had? okay, enjoy killing the big ass spider by yourself that somehow ended up in your shower
• has a very steady hand so if you wear eyeliner, he will gladly do it for you and it's always even
• cheek pincher
• "it's just blood, y/n, no need to be upset. i'll clean up, you go shower."
• "i don't shave, but let me help you cause you've knicked your face 5 times now and it's stressing me out."
• "well don't you look so happy to see me this early in the morning."
• "honey, have you seen my-nevermind! i found it!"
• if he's feeling extra playful, prepare for mini pranks like dumping cold water on you in the shower or scaring you
• you have a skin care routine? yes, he is all in
• gives you the bigger piece of chocolate or food item always
• he's mad at you? he calls you dear
• panicks when you call him leonardo cause then he knows he's in trouble
• does the sidewalk thing where he walks on the traffic side
• he gets extremely clingy when he's drunk
• short circuits whenever you throw a pick up line at him
• can and will smack your ass randomly
• insists on fixing things for you, which he does successfully (mostly), but he's the reason why your toaster exploded and you had to get a new counter top
• doesn't matter that he's 3 times your size, if he's in the cuddly mood, you are now his body pillow
• will nuzzle into your neck from behind
• snores
• he only used the 5 in 1 body wash (iykyk) until he met you and now he will only use dove body wash because of you
• will make you tea all the time
• will leave you written reminder notes everywhere
• acts like he hates when you have to help him clean his shell, but he can't stop the churring noises he makes when you do
• since you're smaller than him, your footsteps are lighter, but since he's well trained, sneaking up on him is nearly impossible (you did get him once, but he continuously denies it)
• praise, praise, and more praise
• will watch those cheesy romance movies (if you like them) with you
• will cover you with a blanket if you fall asleep in the recliner or on the couch
• oh you're ticklish? for your own good, try to keep it a secret
• type to ask you to let him know where you're at/who you're with/how long will you be. it's not to be controlling, it's incase of emergency
• gives you space to be independent but can't help himself to micromanage when he sees you doing yoga/exercizing cause you're "doing it wrong" (you're not, it's his excuse to sneak little peeks)
• no problem with getting you tampons/pads if you have periods
• no problem with helping you bind or tuck if you're trans and working through transitioning
• very good bedside manner. of course he'll rub your tummy if you're feeling bad, it's so soft
• very bad at not parenting you...work in progress but he won't realize it unless you put him in his place
• good at reading emotional ques, not the best at executing comfort but he tries
• he's still learning and growing but he's a quick study. he'll learn and adapt just for you
• he definitely said 'i love you' first
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sweetyaoigirl · 3 years
Hii, could you write an angst/fluff Deidara x Reader where was Dei hurt during a fight and after he was not returning home, reader would go to look for him and then after she found him, she would take care of his injuries.
Yes of course ^^
I hope you enjoy anon <3
Warnings: Blood, cursing, little bit yandere reader
(Also Deidara is a bit tsundere X3)
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It was another boring day as usual in the Akatsuki base.
I woke up and the first thing I noticed is that Deidara is missing.
Early mission ? Yeah but he will be fine. I'm just worried about how many people will he blow up again. Actually I'm not. I don't care about the others. I was only invited to the Akatsuki because of my assassin skills.
Even if leader praise me I simply don't care. In my opinion Deidara is the only normal person here.
Also the most important person to me. I took a liking to that evil terrorist man.
Everyone in the base is teasing me about that.
They are even making fun of me that how can I love someone who is smaller than me. (if you are not that tall reader-chan I'm sorry you can read it how you want X3 ) .
Some days I would like to slice their throats open. But I can't do that because of leader. And Deidara would also be not happy about that.
But because of my assassin skills they can't predict my moves since my kunai is pressed against their throats long time ago.
I smile as I prepared my breakfast thinking about flustrated Deidara every time I compliment his art.
His cheeks always turn pink and says that he knows it even without me saying that. He is so cute when he is like that. If only he knew about my little crush towards him. The whole base already knows that but only Dei is the one who is so blind. But it doesn't matter. I ate my breakfast and sat on my bed.
So how should I spend my free day without mission ? I guess I should paint my nails. The color is coming off. I grabbed my nail polish that was on my shelf and I painted my nails f/c.
When it dried off I stood up and admired my painted nails.
Good. I walked my way to Deidara's room and gently opened the door in case some explosion would fly off.
He used to prepare traps because of Tobi.
When I fully opened the door I noticed all the mess on the floor. He was probably in hurry and leaved his room messy. Geez.
I'm bored so I guess I will clean it. I lazily started cleaning room and when I finished I tossed myself on his bed.
He should be grateful. But I can't just lay on the bed the whole day. I should go train for the rest of the day. By that time Deidara should be back. I stood up and go outside.
The weather was nice, ideal for training.
Let's get started.
It was night already so I decided to return to the base. Deidara should be here any minute. I will make him something for dinner. I started preparing food with a smile on my face.
I put a lot of oil in the meat to make it more delicious and when it was finished I placed it on the table with my eyes widened. It was a little burn up but the taste should be fine. In that minute Sasori came to kitchen and looked at the food that was on the plate.
What is that ? Even my puppets wouldn't eat that if they could to. Sasori said as he leaved.
I grabbed a pan and clenched my fist.
I hate to admit it but he's right. I'm not really expert at cooking but I tried. And he is puppet too so what was he trying to say ? Nevermind I will just lay here and wait for Deidara. I made myself comfortable on the chair I was sitting and laid my head on my hands.
Soon I drifted into a deep sleep.
When I woke up I rubbed my eyes and noticed Zetsu eating human. Great right in front of me.
Hey ! Did Deidara returned ? I asked the plant creature.
He just ate the human and disappeared without saying anything.
Weird creature. At least answer me.
I will go ask the others about Deidara. Maybe they know something.
After I asked every single member nothing came out of their mouths. What is wrong with them ? I'm pretty sure Deidara already had a birthday. Everyone is acting weird. Even Tobi was silent when I asked him. He is the loudest member of the Akatsuki and he should be worried about Deidara. I mean he is always calling him senpai senpai which is pissing me off but now nothing. No I didn't asked everybody. Leader gave him the mission so he should answer me.
I knocked on his door and no one came off. Maybe he is not here. Just when I wanted to leave the door opened and revealed Pain himself.
Leader can I ask about Deidara's mission ? When will he come back ?
Out of my way. I'm busy. He said in that cold tone in his voice.
Even leader ? What is wrong with them ?
Deidara should be already back. He should be here even sooner since he is using his clay bird. I sneaked into the leader's office to search for the files about Deidara's mission. So 2 days mission huh. He should be back today. I was worrying for nothing. Maybe that's why leader didn't answered me.
He is going to be fine. He is going to be fine. I'm sure of it. But my mind was saying something else. Is he okay ? Or is he already coming back ?
No no calm down Y/N. He is going to be fine. If he won't return today, he should be here early in the morning. I reassured myself.
But all day I thought only of Deidara. I don't have a good feeling about this. I came out of the base and sat next to big rock.
I hugged myself as I continued trembling.
Come back as soon as you can Dei. I closed my eyes and few tears escaped from my eyes.
I woke up at the next day but Deidara was nowhere to be seen.
This is bad. He should be here. Something must happened. I must go save him. But I don't know where he is. What should I do ?
The files...
Of course I just need to read where he is.
I sneaked into the office to read about Deidara's mission.
Near the hidden wind village ? I will be right there. Wait for me Deidara. Just be safe. I packed a bunch of kunai and mini shurikens just in case and run away from the akatsuki base.
I was running for my life to get in here as soon as possible.
Did they outnumbered him ? The wind village is very dangerous place even I know that.
Damn it why is it so far ?! How many days will it took me to get here ? There is nothing I can do about it. I must just run.
Why did leader let Deidara go alone ? Even he knows that it is very dangerous country.
Another timeskip ╰(▔∀▔)╯
I made it in one day. That is incredible. Okay where is Dei ? I noticed someone laying on ground and run up to the it seemed like wounded person.
When I look closely it was Deidara.
T-that's no way. Deidara wake up ! Come on you are not dead are you ? Wake up this is not funny !
Don't leave me Dei. I placed my hand on top of his bloody hand.
Are you kidding ? There is no way you can die that easily. I sobbed.
W-who i-is there ? Deidara asked.
It's me Deidara. Y/N. I said now with a smile on my face.
W-wha what a-are you doing here ? He asked weakly.
You were not coming back and I was worried about you. I said.
Y-you came a little late. I can't feel my leg. I don't even know if I still have my leg. Deidara chuckled.
What ? I checked his leg and my eyes widened.
With my eyes I could tell he was stabbed more like twenty times.
His entire leg was covered with his blood.
I can't believe that you survived that. Why didn't you come back ?
T-there were so many of them. I-I'm not asking for your help. He caughed blood from his mouth.
His entire body is covered with nasty wounds.
I will help you stand up Deidara.
W-who asked you to help me hmm ?
I came on my own ! I will help you if you like it or not. I placed his hand around my neck.
Do whatever you want. He said avoiding my gaze.
Is your other leg okay ?
Yeah. I can move freely with my other leg un. B-but I'm not saying thank you.
You don't need to. I'm afraid you will lose more blood if we keep walking the whole time to the base. I should have bring some healing supplies.
Don't talk nonsense. Let's move. I faced death so many times.
But now you have someone who cares about you !
I don't care if someone cares about me or not. Just go away.
Deidara are you okay ? Hey stay with me ! He is losing a lot of blood. There is no chance that he will survive if we keep moving.
Y/N I'm afraid that we will not make it in time to the base.
I have my last words.
What are you saying ? Stop joking.
Tell Sasori danna that my art is better than his.
This is your last words ? You idiot. I smiled at him with tears rolling on my face.
And I want to tell you something too. I always admired you. You are such a fine women un. Too bad I won't see you again.
I will watch over you. Deidara fell on ground.
Stop joking ! You are not dying ! This isn't even like you to say such a nice words to me. Or is it because you are really dying ? I clenched my fists as I fell on my knees.
Don't leave me don't leave me don't leave don't leave me don't leave me !!!! I yelled.
No. I refuse to accept this ! I won't let you die ! I know that you can still survive. We will get to the base in no time.
I ripped a fabric from my shirt and wrapped it around Deidara's leg.
The wince in pain means that he is still alive. Thank Jashin.
We crossed the river and I tried to clean his wounds.
When I saw the wounds that were deep and the blood were escaping from them, I ripped my shirt again many times in order to bandage all the wounds.
I'm glad that I'm wearing my Akatsuki cloak because I used almost the whole shirt for Deidara's wounds.
I panted heavily as I dragged Deidara with me. I couldn't feel my legs but I kept walking. I don't know how many hours are we even walking.
With a lot of breaks and walking I looked up at the two rock platforms.
We are home Deidara. I turned to face the still unconscious Deidara.
I opened his door with my leg and gently laid him on the bed.
I changed his bandages and cleaned his wounds.
Ughhh. He grunted.
It might hurt a little bit but you will be okay. I caressed his cheek and it seemed like he calmed down.
I came to my room to put something on beneath my akatsuki cloak and then I returned to Deidara's room. He was sleeping peacefully so I decided to let him rest.
The next day Deidara finally woke up.
Where am I un ? He asked still sleepy.
In the base. I'm suprised that you woke up so soon. I said.
You ! You bringed me here ?! Alone ? Are you out of your mind ?! Who would go so far for me ?!!
Me. I'm so glad that you are okay. I hugged him tightly.
Ow ow my wounds ! Are you out of your mind ? Who allowed you to hug me un ?!
Sorry I couldn't helped myself. I just want to say welcome back. I said shily.
You are really big idiot going so far for me. He smiled.
Is that true that I'm important to you ? I asked.
What ? What are you saying un ?
You said it. You even said that it's too bad I won't see you again. Do you feel the same like me ? I asked all curious.
Shut up ! I never said something like that. It must be your imagination. I would never say something like that even if I would die. Deidara crossed his arms.
Is that so ? But I remember that you said it. I teased.
Leave me alone ! I would never say such a bullshit.
Right right. I will leave you now. I opened the door my leg already outside but voice stopped me.
Wait ! Maybe what I said is true but don't you dare say it to others you got it un ?!
I smiled at his confession.
Yes don't worry. It will be our secret. I winked at him.
Also.....thank you......for saving me. He tried to hide his blush but I noticed it.
I will never let something bad happen to you ever again Dei.
Shut up ! Just because you are a little bit taller than me doesn't mean that I can't protect you too !
So you would protect me too ?
I-I didn't said that ! Just shut up !!!
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Reflecting Light
Chapter One
Chapter Ten:
The rebellion base was huge.  Remus had not expected anything so massive to be the main force fighting against his former home.  He was a little surprised they weren’t more of a talked about threat.  Maybe The Light just wanted them all to think there weren’t a lot of people against them, when that was clearly the opposite of the case.
Janus was bringing them in to dock, and Virgil was standing up next to him as the rest of the crew was working down on the deck to help with that process.  Remus got another pass this time due to the child sitting on his shoulders to get a better view of what they were approaching.  Virgil and Janus both seemed amused at Remus and Thomas’ awe.
“Your home is amazing!” Thomas called, turning quickly to Virgil and Janus.
“Woah, careful kid, I don’t want to drop you,” Remus called, reaching up to steady him.
“Sorry!” Thomas called down.  “But isn’t it cool?”
“It’s very cool,” Remus agreed with a smile.  “I like the garden.”
There was in fact a huge garden out in front of the base, complete with fruit trees, long lines of crops, and some flowers that seemed to be planted either for tea or for beauty’s sake.  Remus had never seen anything like that in his home growing up.
“Yeah, it can sustain the whole base,” Virgil said.  “This isn’t all, by the way, there’s more garden’s around back.  Just the part up here would hardly sustain everyone in the rebellion and all the towns.  Though Janus and I used the garden more for the climbing trees when we were kids.”
Thomas gasped in excitement.  “Can I climb the trees?”
“As long as someone is there with you,” Janus said with a smile.
“Okay, I pick Remus!”
“Someone who will make sure you’re safe instead of deciding to climb the trees with you,” Janus amended.
“Rude,” Remus said, shooting not at all serious glare at Janus.  “I will have you know this child’s safety is my second highest priority.”
“Which is right after?”
“Having fun.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
Thomas giggled and leaned over so he could see Remus’ face.  “I like having fun too.  That’s why you’re my favorite.”
“Hey, I’m wounded,” Janus exclaimed, as Virgil pressed a hand to his chest with a similar spirit involved.
Thomas laughed again.  “Too bad, Remus is my favorite!” he called, sticking his tongue out towards Janus and Virgil.
Virgil turned to Remus, shaking his head.  “We bring you aboard our ship, we house you, feed you, care for you, and you betray us.”
“You should have seen it coming,” Remus said, reaching up to high five Thomas, who gladly did so.  “I have not known any children since I was one myself, but I can say for a fact that they all love me.”
Virgil sighed and shook his head.  “They probably will.  It’s your crazy uncle energy.”
“Crazy uncle Remus!” Thomas called, wrapping his arms around Remus’ head, and coincidentally over his eyes, blocking Remus’ view.
“I’ve gone blind,” Remus said.
“You will never see again!” Thomas proclaimed loudly.
“Well, that’s a real shame,” Janus said casually.  “I guess he can’t supervise your tree climbing then.”
“Okay, wait, he can see again!” Thomas called, and the hands were suddenly gone from Remus’ eyes.  It was good timing too, as the ship was landing at that moment.
They’d landed alongside many other ships, and over to the side, a large set of double doors had opened and out of it walked an older man wearing a sweater vest and a pair of nice pants, along with glasses that were revealed to be a little crooked on his face as he approached.
“Welcome home, everyone!” he called as he boarded the ship.  Everyone down below smiled and waved along with friendly chatter, and Remus immediately got the impression that the man, who could only be Janus and Virgil’s father, was well liked.
He came up towards the top of the deck last, and smiled immediately at Remus and Thomas.
“Janus, Virgil, did you pick up a couple of extra people on this trip?” he asked.  Remus would have greatly disliked that question, and he figured Thomas would have too, if not for the large smile and the easygoing tone it was asked with.
“Uh, kinda, yeah,” Virgil said, rubbing the back of his neck.  “This is Remus, he snuck on as a stowaway and we just kinda… kept him.  And Thomas came from the orphanage last stop, we’re actually gonna have to talk about him.”
Now Thomas seemed uncomfortable, and ducked down behind Remus’ head.
“Hey, it’s okay, kid,” Remus said, reaching up to give Thomas a hand to squeeze.
“Oh yeah, nothing bad, I promise,” Virgil reassured.
“How could I ever think anything bad about someone as adorable as yourself, anyway?  I’m Emile,” Emile said, walking forward and holding out a hand, which Thomas tentatively shook.  “It’s lovely to meet you.  And you as well, Remus.”
“Hey,” Remus said, giving a mini-salute.  “Sorry I snuck onto your son’s ship, but I can’t promise I won’t do it again.”
Emile laughed.  “Honest, I like that,” he said, and Remus winced inwardly.  If he was going to describe himself, he had far too many secrets to count ‘honest’ as one of the words he’d use.  “We’re always happy to welcome new people, whether they’re looking to help, or just need a place to stay.”
“Dad,” Janus said, rolling his eyes.  “You don’t need to give them the slogan.”
“It’s a true slogan,” Emile said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at Janus.  “I can’t ask everyone who comes here to be comfortable with fighting The Light, some just got away from situations that would leave them very uncomfortable with doing so.”
Remus blinked, taking a minute to try and absorb that idea.  Back at The Light, if he ever admitted to being uncomfortable with anything, he was told to suck it up, smacked, or smacked and told to suck it up.  But he doubted that with what Emile just said that would be his main course of action.  That meant he might not have to fight Roman.  Something in Remus’ chest that had been tense since he’d run from The Light finally started to loosen.
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil said, crossing his arms and leaning back against the railway over the main deck.  “But anyway, we’re not staying long.  I mean, Thomas and Remus can stay if they want to,” he said, although Remus could already tell he didn’t seem happy about the idea.  “But we only came because we ran out of food.  We have a few more stops to make.”
“Alright,” Emile said, although he didn’t look very happy about that either.  “But you’re staying the night, you hear?”
“Alright,” Virgil said, in the tone of voice he used when he was pretending to be very annoyed.  He turned to Remus and Thomas a second later.  “Do you guys want a tour?”
“Oh!  Oh, yes please!” Thomas called happily.  “I wanna see where you and Janus grew up!”
“Well, unfortunately,” Emile said.  “The two of them have to get the food situation handled for the rest of your trip.  But I can do that while they’re busy.”
“What?  Dad!” Virgil exclaimed.
“You can join when you’re done,” Emile said with an amused smile.
Neither Janus or Virgil looked happy about this development, but they didn’t complain as Remus and Thomas followed Emile down to the deck and off the ship.  Thomas waved to everyone as they went, who all smiled as they waved back.  Thomas had pretty quickly become everyone’s favorite person on board.  The kid lit up the space around him.
“So you saw the garden as you came in,” Emile said as they walked past the garden to the doors.  He pulled them open, and revealed a long hallway with numerous doors and a few people milling about.
“Hey Remus, let me down!” Thomas called.  Remus reached up and picked Thomas up off his shoulders, then set him down on the ground, holding on to his hand so he could be sure Thomas wouldn’t run off to talk to someone and get lost in this giant base they’d never been in before.
Thomas waved at quite a few people as they passed, and everyone once again waved back with a smile.  Emile stepped up to Remus’ other side as they walked.  “Well he seems to make friends easily, doesn’t he?” he asked.
Remus smiled a little himself and nodded.  “It’s very offensive to people like me, who cannot make friends to save their life.”
Emile laughed.  “Oh, I don’t know,” he said with a smile.  “You seem to have won over both of my sons.”
“That was different, I impressed them by sneaking onto their ship.  I intimidated them into friendship.”
“Ah, yes, you’re very intimidating,” Emile said, with an amused look that meant he definitely didn’t believe that in the slightest.  Remus was going to have to change that, but that could happen after they finished their trip.
They made their way down the long hallway as Emile introduced them to a couple of people, and turned right at the end, heading down a second hallway with significantly more people there.  They headed down that way a little as Emile showed them the cafeteria, which was much smaller than the cafeteria from The Light, but there were apparently multiple throughout the base, so that made more sense.  The cafeteria was pretty full at the moment, as it apparently usually was, and quite a few people recognized Emile as they walked through it, waving to him and then introducing themselves to Thomas and Remus.
They headed out the other side of the cafeteria into what Emile said were sleeping quarters.  Most rooms were pretty small due to the sheer number of people that were there, but unlike Remus and Roman’s room as a kid, most were decorated, and quite a few themes spilled out into the hallway, making the whole stretch a mish-mash of colors and decorations of all different kinds, many of which shouldn’t have worked together but somehow did, like the room decorated with flowers and bees right next to the one covered in bats and pumpkins.
They headed down to a couple of empty rooms at the end of the hallway, where Emile said they could have free reign to pick one out, as even if they were going to be following Janus and Virgil on trips they would likely spend a fair amount of time here.  Thomas pulled away from Remus’ hand and ran off to look in several rooms as Remus hung back a bit with Emile.
He turned to look back down the hallway again, taking in this place that he never thought he would see.  His life had changed more than slightly since he’d met Janus and Virgil.  He couldn’t be sure if he’d like it here more than back home.  The idea that no one would hurt him on purpose was… nice, though Remus still wasn’t sure how much he could trust it yet.  And he wasn’t sure how easily he could stomach the idea of fighting against Logan, Patton, and Roman, or even just staying with people who did.
He hadn’t been sure what to think about them in everything that had happened lately.  If what Virgil had said about such treatment being undeserved was true, Remus didn’t want to think about the possibility that without him there, they’d move on to someone else.  What if Roman got hurt because he’d left?  Remus wasn’t sure how he’d live with himself.
“Are you alright?” Emile asked suddenly.
Remus started and turned back to face him.  “Huh?”
“You looked bothered for a second there.  Are you alright?”
Remus swallowed.  “Fine.  I’m just… thinking.”  He turned back to face Thomas, who was still running between rooms, and tried to make a massive decision in a couple seconds.  Unsurprisingly, he didn’t get very far.
“Are you worried about Thomas?” Emile asked.  “I got the impression from Virgil introducing him that he was in trouble.  That’s the tone he always uses when he’s worried about someone.”
Remus winced.  “You should probably ask him and Janus about that.  I’m not so sure I’m… qualified to tell you.”
“Oh?” Emile asked, sounding curious.  “Why do you think that?”
Remus hesitated again and sighed.  “Thomas came from the orphanage at the last stop we made.  Virgil and I found out that the person who runs the place was hurting him, which Virgil said was super not okay.”
“Well I would hope that’s what he’d say,” Emile said, crossing his arms as his look turned more curious.  “But why exactly would you not be qualified to tell me that?”
Ah, he was running up against that giant decision again.  “…How do you feel about Light soldiers?” he blurted out suddenly.
Emile gave a small knowing nod, and Remus was definitely fucked, and not even in the good way.  “I don’t think I could tell you,” he said.  “I haven’t to my knowledge ever met a Light soldier, so I’m not sure what their life and experiences have been like.  If I happened to meet one, I can promise you I would hear them out before I made a decision.”
Remus didn’t say anything to that.  He waited long enough that Thomas stuck his head out of the room he was currently in.  “I like this one!” he called.  “Remus, you can take the one next to it, okay?”
“You got it, kid!” Remus called with a mini-salute.  Thomas nodded like that was acceptable and then disappeared back into the room.  Remus was quiet for another moment.  Finally, he turned to face Emile.
“I don’t know how I can trust you,” he said finally.
“I don’t know why I would ask you to,” Emile replied.  “Although I do have to tell you that if I get any kind of sense that you might hurt my sons, I’m not going to trust you.”
Remus didn’t say anything again.  He wasn’t sure what to say, but he also very much did not like the silence.
“Hypothetically,” he started.  “Let’s say that there was a soldier from The Light who might have gone through something kinda similar to Thomas.”
Emile nodded.  “Alright.”
“And he ran away and ended up on a random ship that completely accidentally was led by the sons of the head of the resistance.  And it really was accidental.  This soldier did not at all intend to make that ship the one he picked.  He just… wanted out.”
“Duly noted.”
“But he didn’t really think there was anything wrong with the way he was treated,” Remus muttered, looking away.  “Not until he came across Thomas and realized that wasn’t okay either.  And then he started questioning everything a little bit.  He was never really sure if The Light as a whole was something he agreed with or not, and by that point he was already very close with two leading members of the resistance anyway, and he’s pretty sure he’s not going to betray any of them.  He’s definitely not going to go back to The Light.  Would this soldier have to worry about getting killed or made a prisoner if he was found out?”
Emile smiled reassuringly.  “No, he wouldn’t,” he said.  “And I sincerely hope this hypothetical soldier can one day come to realize that the way he was treated was not okay.”
Remus wasn’t entirely sure what to say to that, just crossed his arms and looked back towards the room Thomas was still in.
He was about to head towards it when Emile spoke up again.  “Have you thought about telling Janus and Virgil about this?”
Alarm bells immediately went off in Remus’ head.  “What?” he asked, turning back to Emile.  “But— but Virgil was already pissed when he found out what happened with Thomas, if I tell them about my past they’ll hate me!  And I don’t want them to do that!”
To Remus’ surprise, Emile just laughed.  “What makes you so sure they’ll hate you?”
“What— because they—”
Remus,” Emile interrupted, shaking his head.  “I raised them better than that.”
Remus blinked, and looked down slightly as he processed the statement.  “Oh.”  He looked down.  “Yeah?”
Remus thought about that another second.  “Okay,” he said finally.  “I’ll think about it.”
Both Remus and Emile glanced over to see Thomas in the doorway of the room he’d picked again.  “Are you two gonna come look at my new room or what?”
“Sorry about that, Thomas,” Emile said, as they both started over.  “We were just talking.  So you like this room, huh?”
Remus didn’t end up telling Janus or Virgil that night.  They ate dinner and went to some of Virgil and Janus’ favorite places around the base instead.  Janus spent most of his time in the planning room when he was needed there, and in the library when he wasn’t.  Virgil spent his time similarly, although his free time was spent playing or writing music.  Thomas enjoyed that part very much, although Remus was pretty sure Virgil would be playing different songs if Thomas wasn’t around.
Remus hadn’t given a ton of thought to what he liked to do before, as back home he’d spent most of his time either doing something the others liked doing, or breaking the rules for fun when he thought he could get away with it.  He didn’t mind the idea of writing songs with Virgil.  He might try that sometime, as long as Thomas wasn’t around, because he would definitely be scolded if Thomas heard the kind of songs he’d enjoy writing.
They went to bed fairly early since they had to get up the next morning.  Remus stayed in the room next to Thomas like he’d planned, and slept alright considering everything that was on his mind.
Remus got up when Thomas did the next morning, which was far too early for Remus’ liking, but it’s not like he could do much about it when Thomas ran into the room and threw himself on top of his chest.
“I want breakfast!” Thomas called happily.  “Janus said they’re making pancakes!”
“What the hell is a pancake?” Remus wheezed out, moving Thomas off of his chest and onto the bed next to him.
Apparently he had said something truly horrible, because Thomas gasped like Remus had killed a puppy in front of him.  “How do you not know what a pancake is?!  Did Shane never let you have pancakes?”
“Uh, I don’t think that was unique to me,” Remus said, scratching at the hair on the back of his head.
“Shane didn’t let anyone have pancakes?”
Remus laughed a little.  “That wasn’t up to Shane, kid.  The people in charge picked the food we got to eat.”
“Oh my gosh, they’re horrible too!” Thomas exclaimed.  “You have to come eat all of the pancakes now, come on!”  He grabbed Remus’ hand and pulled them both out of the room and back towards the cafeteria before either of them had even changed out of their pajamas.
Luckily they didn’t seem to be alone in that, as most people in the cafeteria were clearly not dressed yet.  Remus found Jackson and Steven near the door of the room, and headed over to them with Thomas waving as they did so.
“Good morning!” Thomas called happily.
“Morning,” Steven said with a smile.
“You guys, you guys,” Thomas said, tugging on Jackson’s hand.  “Remus said he’s never had pancakes!”
Jackson gave him a look.  “What horrible place did you grow up in?”
“Ask your mom,” Remus replied on instinct.
Jackson stuck his tongue out at him.  “Joke’s on you, I have two dads.”
“Dammit.  How am I supposed to defend against the gays?  I can’t fight my own people, Jackson.”
Jackson laughed.  “Exactly.  You’ve trapped yourself.”
“You’ve trapped me.  It’s your own fault for having two dads.”
“Well now I have a whole ship full of parents, I win!” Thomas called, which made the other three adults there burst out laughing.
“You aren’t wrong, kid,” Remus said, ruffling Thomas’ hair.
They reached the front of the line at that point, and they were each handed a plate of three flat fluffy cake-like things.
Thomas thanked the men serving the pancakes and walked over to a nearby table, which happened to be the one that Virgil and Janus were sitting at with Emile.  Remus, Steven, and Jackson joined a second later.
“G’morning,” Remus said.
“Remus has never eaten pancakes!” Thomas announced to the table.  “Everyone watch him as he takes a bite.”
“Oh great, that’ll be fun,” Remus muttered under his breath.  He shoved a bite in his mouth before anyone could reply to or fully process Thomas’ sentence.
“Yep, it’s good, I don’t know how I’ve gone my whole life without eating this, you all truly live a luxurious life,” Remus said through a mouthful of food.
Virgil snorted.  “Dude, don’t talk with your mouth full, you’re disgusting,”
“Thank you,” Remus said, with his mouth still full.
They were supposed to be leaving after breakfast, but Remus thought that maybe they should call it off when he noticed Janus.  He’d known he wasn’t a morning person, but he didn’t normally have a library of books to stay up in all night.
“Uh, you sure you’re not gonna collapse, Jan?” he asked.
Janus moved his exhausted look over to Remus.  Remus was fairly sure he was trying to glare at him, but he was too tired for it to come across properly, and it really just resulted in Remus starting to laugh.
“Don’t worry, I’m flying the ship today,” Virgil said with a smirk.  “He’s gonna nap for another couple hours when we start flying.”
“Hey, that’s just not fair,” Steven said.  “None of the rest of us get to nap.”
“Talk to me after you can organize the cargo properly, Steven,” Virgil said.
Steven stuck his tongue out and Virgil laughed.
They gathered the food and other cargo they’d need for the rest of their trip onto the ship after breakfast, and everyone started preparing to launch as a couple people came out to wish them goodbye.
Thomas had announced very loudly that he wanted to go with Virgil and Janus again, and there was no way Remus was going to stay here without his new family, so they both planned on saying goodbye to Emile before heading back on board.
Virgil and Janus were talking to him as they walked up.
“And make sure you’re back on time this time around,” Emile said.  “I never see you two enough.”
“We’ll be back on time, don’t worry,” Janus said, giving Emile a quick hug before turning back to the ship.  “Now I’m going back to bed.”
“Enjoy you’re beauty sleep, Princess!” Virgil called.
“I will, thanks so much!”
Virgil shook his head after Janus and laughed a little as he headed for the ship too, calling a goodbye with a comment that he should get ready to fly.  Thomas ran off after him before Emile turned to Remus.
“Remus, remember what we talked about, okay?” Emile said, raising an eyebrow.  “Give it some thought?”
Remus sighed.  “Yeah, yeah,” he said, waving his hand dismissively.  “I’ll think about it.”
Remus waved too as he headed off to the ship and followed Thomas and Virgil up to the wheel.  They took off not long after, with Remus standing next to Thomas who wanted to lean over the side and wave to Emile as they took off.  It was only when the rebellion base was finally out of sight that they both headed over next to Virgil again.
“Alright,” Virgil said.  “We’ll be in the next town by lunch, probably.  We’ve only got a couple more places to stop at and then we’re going straight back home.  We’ve got some strategizing to do.  I think we’re actually going to make a strike somewhere soon.  You should know the area, Remus, it’s close to where we picked you up.”
Remus stilled.  Okay.  Well that made his decision for him.  “Virgil, I have to tell you guys something.  Can I talk to you and Janus after we make the drop off today?”
Virgil looked curiously at him.  “Sure.  Is everything okay?”
“It’s fine.  Just… stuff.”
Virgil’s look turned much more concerned.  “You’re sure it can wait?  You’re not in trouble, right?”
Remus shook his head.
Thomas tugged slightly on his arm, and Remus looked down.  “Promise?” he whispered, looking like he had much more of an idea what was going on.
Remus nodded.  “Promise,” he said, both to Thomas and to Virgil.
Virgil nodded a little when he looked back up.  “Okay,” he said.  “Yeah, of course we can talk.”
Remus nodded a little and looked out at the horizon.  The sun was behind a cloud at the moment and they were flying past a flock of birds that Remus let his gaze settle on.
He wasn’t going to fight the people he’d grown up with.  If they were striking the area he came from, that meant he could run into Roman.  And he wasn’t going to fight his brother, no matter what he ended up deciding about The Light.
It would be fine.  Emile said that Virgil and Janus wouldn’t hate him.  And they wouldn’t make him fight the people he grew up with.  He had evidence of that at this point.  It was going to be okay.
They arrived in the town they were heading for right around the time Virgil said they would.  Thomas was told to stay on the ship that time, as they were behind schedule now and couldn’t risk the delight of a child when met with a market to shop in.
They only had to deliver supplies to a couple shops before heading home, so Virgil, Remus, and Janus each took a couple of boxes and headed for one of the shops before they’d meet back at the ship.
Remus delivered to a nice woman who gave him a free meal, which Remus appreciated but which also reminded him of the conversation he was going to have with Janus and Virgil after lunchtime.  Now he had no excuse to put it off.  Dammit lady, don’t you know it’s rude to give people a free lunch?
…That sounded better in his head.
However, fortunately— unfortunately?  Why did this have to happen today— Remus stumbled across an excuse to put off the conversation the second that he stepped out of the shop.
Remus froze the second he heard the voice, and then it was followed by a rough hand on his arm and Remus couldn’t breathe.  He was spun around to face someone he hadn’t thought he’d ever see again.
“Remus, what the actual hell?” Roman said, pulling Remus closer by the arm, and Remus didn’t like that at all, thanks.  He looked around the street to find it empty.  Of course it was.  Everyone must have left the moment they saw The Light soldier.
“Let go of me,” he growled, shoving Roman backwards.
“Like hell,” Roman snapped, pulling Remus closer, and before Remus could consider whether this was really a good idea he reached out and shoved Roman off of him, then turned to run.
But Roman must have been either quicker or more determined than he realized, because he’d barely made it a couple steps before Roman grabbed his arm again, and yanked him backwards.
“Hey, you’re not leaving until you answer some fucking questions!”
“Let go of me,” Remus said, not liking the way his voice suddenly sounded weaker, and taking a step backwards towards the wall.  He was trying to find it in him to listen to the voice in his head telling him this was Roman, not Shane, and Roman had never once hurt him.
Roman must have picked up on something, though, because he finally let go of Remus’ arm, though he didn’t move far enough away for Remus’ liking.
“Seriously, Remus, what the hell?  Why did you just vanish suddenly?  Are you seriously traveling with the heads of the rebellion?  Don’t tell me you’ve actually turned traitor.”
“Get away from me,” Remus said, moving along the wall.  “You can’t make me go back.  I can’t do it again.”
Roman’s gaze turned confused.  “Can’t do what again?”
“Look I know you don’t think it’s a big deal,” Remus said, squeezing his eyes shut.  “None of us thought it was a big deal, but it’s not— Virgil said it’s not okay.”
“You are traveling with Virgil?” Roman asked, taking a step closer.  “Remus, seriously, what—”
“Get away from me,” Remus snapped, still backing away, but he didn’t make it more than a couple steps before a different, also familiar arm grabbed him, and this one spun him around and slammed him into a nearby wall.
“You little piece of shit,” Shane hissed in his ear.  “You actually did run away like a cowardly traitor.”
“Shane!” Roman called in the background, sounding shocked.  Remus couldn’t imagine why.  What had he thought would happen?
“And here I thought you couldn’t possibly turn out to be any more worthless than I already thought you were,” Shane growled.  “You had to go and prove me wrong.”
Remus pushed weakly against the wall in front of him, but couldn’t really get anywhere with the way his arms were shaking.
“Oh, you’re not getting away again,” Shane snapped, pulling Remus back just enough to have force when he slammed his head into the wall again.  Remus blinked, suddenly dizzy.
“Go on then, you little pest.  Say it.  Tell me what you are.”
Remus braced himself against the wall again, trying to think past the way his chest was constricting.  “No,” he got out.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Shane growled.  “I’m sure I didn’t hear you properly.  Say it.”
Remus winced and dropped his arms, trying to muster the will to raise them again.  “I— I— I’m—”
The presence at his back was suddenly gone, and by the time Remus spun around Shane was on the ground, a shadow being cast over him by Janus, who lifted up and slammed his foot down on Shane’s head, knocking him out.
“That,” he said.  “Is quite enough.”
Remus turned and leaned against the wall, trying to push himself up.  “Janus—”
Janus turned to face Remus, and his breath caught when he saw the anger on Janus’ face.  He cast half a glance down the street to Roman, then looked back at him, and Remus’ heart fell to his shoes.
“We’re leaving in ten minutes,” Janus said, moving to stand over the guard again.  “Be back on the ship by then.  Virgil, come help me carry this piece of shit.”
Remus looked back towards the end of the street, where Virgil was standing and staring at him, with a face more shocked than angry.  Remus tried to come up with something to say, but after a minute Virgil’s face hardened and he moved forward to help Janus pick up Shane.  They both carried him around the corner and out of sight, and Remus finally managed to push himself off of the wall.
Remus turned around, finding Roman looking shocked and a little stricken.  “Remus, what—” he started.
“You—” Remus cut him off.  He breathed in for four seconds and held it, looking back towards the direction Virgil and Janus had taken Shane.  Something in his chest snapped in half.  “You brought him here?”
Remus turned back to Roman.  “You were going to bring me back?  With him?”
“Back?  Hang on, Remus—”
Remus spun back around and buried his hands in his hair.  “Holy fuck, Roman,” he choked out.  “Look, I know what things are like back home, but you didn’t even consider what you were doing for a second?”
“Woah, hang on.  You think I—”
“Shut up!” Remus screamed.  People must have heard him, because they started poking their heads back out of houses and around corners.  “Shut up, you—”  He took a deep breath and tried to calm down the thoughts racing through his head.  “They might just kill you if you go home empty handed,” he muttered.
“Fine, come back to the ship if you want,” Remus said, starting for the edge of the street himself.  “But stay the fuck away from me, do you understand?”
He walked around the corner without looking back.
Chapter Eleven
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ichika27 · 3 years
The World Ends with You
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(Yeah, it’s the same screenshot I used for my post about ep. 1. I couldn’t get a new one so...)
Ah, first week without the TWEWY anime to look forward to. I’m actually kinda sad cause I’d miss waiting for the episode every Saturday night (Ani-One posts theirs on that day here). I have some stuff I wanna say about the anime so I thought I’d make one of these plus this is a good way to end the twewy anime blog post series I make every week. I’ll try not to spoil until the very bottom of this post which will have a spoiler warning.
Also, this will be very long and rambly as most of my fandom posts are haha.
A boy named Neku wakes up in the middle of Shibuya with no memory and finds himself as a player in the Reaper’s Game. For a week he must partner up with a girl named Shiki and both of them must complete missions, battle creatures called noise, and survive as failure meant erasure.
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Neku Sakuraba - our main protagonist who somehow lost his memories and is now playing the Reaper’s Game. He’s a loner who isn’t too keen on getting close to anyone let alone working alongside anybody - unfortunately for him, it’s a requirement if he wants to survive. As a player he has an assortment of abilities to fight off noise and other enemies (in the game this meant he can use a lot of different pins).
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Shiki Misaki - the nice and friendly Shiki becomes Neku’s partner in the Reaper’s Game. Unlike Neku she has knowledge of the game and fills Neku in on things he doesn’t understand. Her ability is to control her stuffed toy called Nyantan/Mr. Mew which she uses in combat.
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Beat - the tough skateboarding player, he’s somewhat more like the typical hot-blooded shounen protagonist when compared to Neku. He’s protective of those he care about especially his game partner, Rhyme. He uses his skateboard in battle.
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Rhyme - Beat’s game partner who is a lot kinder and calmer than him. Rhyme tends to be the one to reason with Beat when needed and the two are always seen together.
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Yoshiya Kiryu - a mysterious boy who seem to know more than he lets on and acts at times acts suspicious. He prefers to be called by the nickname Joshua.
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Sanae Hanekoma - a cafe owner who helps out Neku and the others and would give them advice. His advice prove to be very helpful and Neku takes them to heart. Seem to have a lot of knowledge about the Reaper’s Game but doesn’t seem to be a reaper himself.
(I tried my best to not be spoilery in the character descriptions so some names weren’t written in full)
The World Ends with You (or in the original Japanese “Subarashiki Kono Sekai”/It’s a Wonderful World) is an anime based on the video game of the same name. It had to compress an entire game’s worth of story within it’s 12 episode run which meant they cut out a lot of things and combined some scenes to quickly run through them. It’s theme song is the anime version of the game’s original OP “Twister” although this wasn’t what was originally planned but an incident involving the band who sang the original theme forced them to make changes. The original voice actors from the game also reprised their roles for the anime. The series is created to be watched before the release of the long-awaited sequel game.
The art style is made to be similar to it’s game version (with a bit of change to adapt it as an anime like when it comes to body proportions). They also retained the effect of the characters from the UG (players/reapers) being brightly colored while those from the RG having darker/muted colors. While the noise are obviously cg, I personally liked this since they’re said to be from a different plane anyways so it’s a nice contrast to those from the UG and RG. They had to update the setting though as years had passed since the original game’s creation and they had to model anime version of Shibuya to what it’s real life counterpart now looks. The characters are also given smartphones instead of the flip phones they had in the game (anime-only watchers who are gonna play the game would have to get used to them still using flip phones though lol).
Okay so story-wise... it’s rushed. Of course it is. They shortened it so that what’s left would mostly be important plot points from the main story but they cut out many scenes that consist of character interactions and several little things that could’ve fleshed out the characters more. The gameplay is also made simpler with some mechanics taken away and the mini games weren’t adapted (RIP to Reaper Creeper and Tin Pin Slammer, especially the latter as you’re severely missed). The game boast an assortment of characters and some NPCs have their own stories but due to the anime’s limited run time, they had to either be cut out (and are just given cameos) or given smaller roles (and their stories weren’t adapted). They did, however, give a few bits and pieces of information that weren’t in the game such as some details about certain characters and one supporting character was given a bit more screentime that they did in the game version.
Despite the rushed nature of the series (which may or may not affect how one views the story itself), the anime made sure to adapt several important scenes and the dramatic stuff is made worse... like, they really had to make some deaths harder to take. The battle scenes were nice as well although my biggest complaint about them is that the boss fights were over too quickly. There were scenes that were changed for the anime version and there are those that I liked and those I didn’t but there are many which I think was as good as the game’s version.
Do I recommend the anime? The game is better, the characters and story are more fleshed out and the way the character/relationship development happens is better paced so of course, me, biased already would tell you to play the game instead if you haven’t yet. Do I recommend those who played the game to watch the anime? Yes! Yes I do. I think the anime is better watched when you’ve played the game and know the stuff that they cut out cause it’ll make better sense that way. Plus I found it enjoyable seeing the scenes from the game animated and the characters are speaking whole dialogues and moving. It’s great!
Even if the anime wasn’t perfect, like I mentioned before, they did their best to condense the entire main story in a 12 episode series and it tried to be as faithful as it could to the original story so despite the deviations when it comes to how things got to the way they did, if you summarize important plot points, they would be the same (with some details changed). Overall, it was very enjoyable and it wasn’t as bad as I feared when I heard how many episodes the anime was going to have.
Some spoiler thoughts:
It would’ve been better if the anime had more episode count than just 12. Cramming a 3 week story of game into just 12 made the thing very rushed with Week 1 only getting three episodes, Week 2 getting four, and final Week getting five. They had to get to the good stuff so they cut off a lot of scenes where the characters are interacting with each other which means they suddenly get character developments and relationship developments too quickly. It might not be that obvious to anime-only watchers but to me, it felt kinda sudden and it feels like it doesn’t work out well story-wise since Neku had to learn how to trust other people and make friends and with how he started vs. how he came out of it contrasting each other.
By the way, they made the characters look good in the anime. Especially Joshua. Have you seen Joshua? He’s so pretty in the anime. I want a picture of him I could stare at anytime I want to (I do not own a phone, sadly).
I like how they gave Eri more scenes though and that they changed her outfit for the anime so she won’t look exactly like UG!Shiki. All of her scenes though made me feel like I wish the anime gave closure to Shiki’s own story by showing us her and Eri making up. Another scene I liked in the anime is Neku’s fanboying of CAT when he finds out the truth. It was adorable.
Some info was taken away from the anime. Beat and Rhyme leaving home had scene dialogue and unlike Beat just narrating it in-game but they didn’t mention specifically why he was angry and his trouble at home. Joshua wasn’t present when Sota and Nao gave Neku a pep-talk either which is a shame cause I think that helped Josh as well. 
I mentioned before how the anime made things go too fast. They cut off chunks of not-main-plot story that let the characters interact with each other more which means each game day is shortened as well. I think it made sense that Neku wakes up at the scramble in the end and not stressed out because he didn’t go through as much as his game counterpart did. That said, game Neku learned a lot from more than just the main cast in the game compared to the anime so I like his character development in the game better.
They took away Tin Pin Slammer. I am sad and disappointed. I was hoping so bad for Another Day to be adapted even if it’s an OVA. That and the ramen incident are part of Josh’s week which meant some side of him wasn’t shown (I mean, anime fans don’t know he wasn’t there on week 3 since he’s busy playing a kid’s game elsewhere and how he could talk about food like he is from a cooking anime). Speaking of Josh, they made him very suspicious from the get-go in the anime. I understand as there’s a limited run-time and they can’t really afford to be subtle about it but it meant some of the fun interactions with Neku is gone and so are some scenes where they actually got along. At least they had ice cream together, I guess?
(I have more to say when it comes to Joshua cause he’s my fave character but this is long and my thoughts on it would make this way longer. I might make another post.)
In the end, it wasn’t perfect but the anime was fun and enjoyable enough that I found myself looking forward to it every week. Seeing scenes I recognize from the game in animated form (with voice acting!) felt exciting and awesome. I’ll miss this show and I still wish it was longer.
If you’ve read this far well, thank you. And also I’m confused why but still hopefully that was a good time-killer. I have so many other things I wanted to comment on but that’s for another time. Maybe.
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aikrus · 4 years
Another Day, Another Life (Tenya Iida x Villain!Reader)
Fandom: Bnha / Mha  Warnings: Angst, amnesia, swearing, weed, coping with death, hallucinations  Words: 3,456 Requested by: No one, but requests are open!  Request/ Description: Casualties are expected in a war, but when a child dies no one is ready. No one knows how to react. The death of a teen can tear people apart, it can rip people into shreds to never be put together again, but is it better or worse if they’re not actually dead?
          Toga was far from an ideal friend. She was clingy and rude, she talked too much and she cared primarily about herself. She was weird and difficult to get understand, and you never really knew where she stood. She wasn’t perfect, but having her was a blessing in disguise. 
“Y/n, we’re heading out, are you ready?” While she wasn’t perfect, she was pretty close to it. Himiko had a strange way with words, and she could always make the world feel smaller than it was. Her voice was like warm honey on a spoon; hazy caramel color and sweet, perfect for recovery.
“I’m ready, thanks for grabbing me,” Y/n wasn’t close to anyone. It was hard to get attached when the overwhelming threat of having friends ripped away from her grasp constantly loomed over her. She kept her distance, but it was hard not to get sucked into being friends with the blonde.
“Of course!” Her bright smile feels like it should be un-nerving, it holds malice and hatred, it’s the smile of a girl who has been rejected her entire life- but it almost makes others smile back. And so, Y/n’s face was covered with the rare grin; which had become scarce. 
“It really isn’t that big a deal, but Shigarki is getting trigger-happy. We should hurry, I’m pretty sure Dabi will set his hands on fire if we don’t leave soon!” Her voice dripped sugar, and Y/n found herself hurrying. She put her phone into her side pocket, and she secured her outfit. 
The pair walked out of Y/n’s assigned room, and they made their way to the group scattered around the bar. “I thought you all were ready? Let’s get a move on!” Y/n said, there was an unusual lightness to her tone.
The group had started to pass through the given portals Kurogiri had made for them, and one by one they stepped through. In the end, only Dabi and Y/n were left standing with the tall void-like man. 
“Hey,” the gruff man had grabbed a hold of Y/n’s y/s/c arm, and he had lightly pulled it back.
“What’s the deal, Dabi?” She asked, not rudely, but he could tell she didn’t appreciate the physical contact. They were far from close. When Y/n woke up, Dabi could tell something was off about her. Not wrong necessarily, she just had a very unique vibe that he felt was oddly familiar. 
“It’s just...” he sighed and shook his head, “Nevermind. It doesn’t matter.” 
Whatever it was that Dabi was going to tell her obviously didn’t matter that much, so she shook it off and went through the portal. 
“You feel it too, don’t you?” Kurogiri looked him in the eyes with a knowing gleam in his eyes.
Dabi nodded and walked through the portal- it would be cruel to tell her- he decided as soon as he saw her laughing with Toga. She has no memory of it, and she just recently started to act like herself again, why would I ruin that for her?
Amnesia was a tricky situation for anyone to deal with. It was dangerous to the person suffering from it, due to how trusting and gullible they become- but it is significantly worse for those of them who have their memories of the victim intact.
Dabi was one of those lucky people- so is the majority of the other people on the team. They can all think back to at least one memory of the spunky girl they have grown to care for. She was always so strong, yet somehow she was always overshadowed by her over-zealous classmates. Those stars that tried to outshine her magnificence- Dabi could only hope they would burn out soon.
He had been one of the first to meet the girl, and boy was she hard to forget. If her physical appearance didn’t grab his attention- her striking y/e/c eyes and flawless y/h/c hair- her quirk definitely did. 
GateKeeper was a well-known up-and-coming hero and student at UA’s school for future hero’s, she was the receiver of the most interning opportunities, and she was respected by almost everyone. Named after her quirk, GateKeeper- or rather, Y/N, is able to access the gates between different planes. 
She can visit the gates of hell, she can see the holy light of heaven, she can see the Mormon’s different kingdoms and the fields of Aaru. She can walk along the banks of river Styx with those about to be reincarnated. 
She can see spirits or those who have passed, and she can comfort those who have lost love ones. With this power, she has been given the ability to have the power of those who have died where she is standing. She can call on the remaining spirits to help her, and she has the power to reap souls. 
Dabi had spent countless hours thinking about the girl who froze him in place- she showed him his worst fear and didn’t bat an eye. She was fierce and protective of all the other students, she stood in front of them and, with her small undead army of soldiers who could never move on, defended them till her last breath. If only she had died.
The fight hadn't lasted long, the pros took out most of the b-tier criminals, and the students were fighting here and there. With All-might out of the picture, it was anyone's guess how the fight would go.
Who would have thought that a single girl who wipe the floor with them? Ahh yes, in a flash of light she managed to subdue the vast majority of the villains, if only she hadn’t lost consciousness- then maybe she wouldn’t have been snatched away so easily. 
It was hard to believe that Iida would skip school. For the first handful of days after the attack, he dragged himself to his classes- half-conscious and unwilling to be aware of his surroundings.
Eventually having to push himself to get out of his bed- let alone go to school- grew too much for him. He settled with walking to the canteen when everyone else was out to get food before going back to his room. 
He was never one for dramatics, but Iida knew there was nothing he could do. He had failed her, the love of his life slipped through his fingers- never to be seen again.
Day after day he listened to a voicemail left months before the incident- he was never happier for his phone to be dead than when he knew he could hear her talk to him again. 
And while Iida had his outlet for his sadness, his classmates were going more and more concerned with every passing minute. 
Midoriya would double take when he heard her voice through his wall, and, silently, he would press his ear against it just so he could make-believe she was still with them.
“Hey, Tenya! I guess you’re busy huh? Haha! It’s so weird to talk to your voicemail- I’ve never had to before. Well, I miss you! Remember that just because it’s Christmas and I’m not with you doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to celebrate with your other friends!
I just want to remind you how much I love you! You are such a great boyfriend, and I’m glad that you’re mine. I was planing on FaceTiming you while we have Christmas dinner, but since I can’t I guess this will have to do~
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight
We're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland
Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
To sing a love song
While we stroll along
Walking in a winter wonderland
In the meadow, we can build a snowman
We'll pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say, are you married?
We'll say, no man
But you can do the job when you're in town
Later on, we'll conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid
The plans that we've made,
Walking in a winter wonderland”
She cleared her throat and laughed a little, “That was really awkward, but I hope you’ll accept my mini Christmas gift! I’ll wait to open the one you got me until I’m with you again. I love you Tenya, merry Christmas!”
Once again, the shrill ring of an ended voicemail echoed through his room. Wiping away a stray tear- Iida sat down at his desk.
Everything had been going so perfect, everything was going exactly to plan. His brother had been in recovery, they had been going smoothly, classes had finally declared winter-break, and then... everything fell apart. The storm had been brewing, and brewing, and then it came- and then it destroyed everything in its wake. 
It’s hard to accept a loss that you didn’t see happen. He didn’t get the goodbye, or the I’ll never let go. There was no body to hold on to, no one in the casket which was lowered to the ground. Nothing to show that his lover was gone- only the empty dorm room and phone number that gave no answer. 
The school had opened it’s doors during winter break for all the students and parents to come. Some of her closest friends only ever saw her in the hallow walls of UA, and now they didn’t have the chance to see her anywhere else.
There was really no good way to deal with it. ‘It’. Iida despised that word now- ‘it’ was the only way people described the death of his girlfriend. As if death was a taboo word, ‘it’ was all people talked about and yet their words meant nothing. 
Tenya was doing his best- fighting every single fucking day at a time. He hated what he had turned into. He hated the state of being that he devolved to be. Every trait she adored about her boyfriend diapered.  Failing to go to class and snapping at those that came close enough to bother him. He had always gotten cold when faced with misery, resolved and retreated in himself- he had never seen himself as someone who would take up smoking to feel better.
Weed always seemed so far beneath him, it felt like something nothings did to feel better about themselves instead of working hard at bettering themselves, but now even Denki wasn’t eager to help him. Last time he visited the blonds room Kaminari rejected him, saying that he wasn’t getting high in the right way and that he was worried Iida would become a drug abuser with how things were turning up. 
Tenya hated himself more that night. He hated himself and he hated everyone else. He hated Uraraka, who coped with baking Y/n’s favorite cookies and eating them to the movie they would watch during their own girl’s night. 
He hated Momo too, she still got straight A’s and seemed to be just fine- pretending like we didn’t hear her obnoxious sobs at two am. He hated Mina too- she had no place wearing Y/n’s hoodie to school everyday. It was a shitty thing to do. 
He’s pissed at Deku as well- Midoriya the hypocrite. Knocks on his door every day with his missed classwork and with his judgement, pressuring him to leave his room. Everyone knows his grade’s have gone down since her death so who is he to talk about attending class. 
He hates Bakugo, who only ever yelled at her even when she joked around with him- who’s words she laughed at but really made her drown in her insecurities when she was suppose to be secure in her boyfriends arms. Fuck Bakugo, for glaring at her empty seat next to him like he didn’t openly mock her when she got a grade lower than him. Fuck him for screaming at 3am and breaking the school punching bags. Fuck him for feeling bad after hurting her. Fuck him for being her friend. Fuck him for giving a shit. Fuck everyone.
Aizawa sighed once he sat at his desk. Classes would start in half and hour and he was still crying. His silent tears burned down his cheek and all he could fell was the raw aching in his throat and the headache that felt like it was killing him slowly. 
He saw it then. In that classroom starring at her desk, he can see it happening. 
The cold breeze had moved his hair into his face, giving the villain a second outside of his hold. One second- yet it was long enough for him to disappear into the ground. 
“Dammit,” he hissed, looking around him. 
He heared Mic’s screech at a crowed of them on his left, and the majority of his students stood tall on his right. Everything was chaotic, but a Nomu appeared from the forest line everything exploded. 
He felt a familiar chill crawl over his skin, signifying Y/n using one of her ultimate moves ‘Fallen Heros’. AS what looked like hundreds of dead warriors of different generation’s rose from the ground- some in modern military uniform and others in ancient armor- and surrounded the giant Nomu. 
More appeared- in uniquely them outfits. They were the dead pro-heroes, the ones who passed during a fight they’ll never get to finish. The ones who either dine at Valhalla or will never be at peace after failing. 
A woman with black hair flew as she fought- with more ease than the others that were in spirit form. It was safe to assume that this was her quirk. The other that sent momentary shock waves through the gathering was Sir Nighteye, who waisited no time wiping out the waves of villains. 
Aizawa took notice of Y/n’s body floating in mid-air. The cost of her quirk- she had to keep note of all those she called upon. If one of the fallen are out of her sight for too long her body replicates what the dead’s went through, and she would eventually die from the injury. 
The dead soldiers ended the battle very suddenly, and, as their spirits returned to the afterlife, a large explosion of dust swallowed the crowed. 
Once they could all see, and the hectic environment calmed, Iida’s voice cut through the air. He was screaming as loud as he could, frantically running around the field of people. 
“Y/n!” He had shouted, his voice becoming horse. “Y/n!” Everyone became deathly pale and still as the horror of realization came upon them. She was gone. 
“Y/l/n?” Aizawa had shouted, starting the shove peoples shoulders to get to where she was. 
“Y/l/n now is NOT the time to play games!” He had hopefully prayed. His face fell along with his voice as he made it to where she had been floating. A scorched square of land had taken her place. 
His mind tried to go back and see the rose dead she had summoned, he looked frantically for a scorched soldiers face, but he couldn't find one. Even then it wasn’t hard to guess at what had happened.
No one near her had heard her screams, but with the noise coming from everyone in the dust storm, it would be unlikely that they would have been heard whether she screamed or not. 
He was right there. He saw her. He was less than three yards away. How did he let this happen?
He remembers looking around for a corpse of a soldier, but he wondered if, with Y/n dead, they would be able to live anyway. 
He pinched the bridge of his noes, wiping away the pools of tears from his stinging eyes. Rubbing them with his palm, his vision blurs when he looks up. Yet, even with the lines blurring, what he sees is unmistakable.
“Y/n?” He asked, seeing her figure sit on the top of her desk. 
“Calling a student by their first name,” she teased lightly, “how unprofessional,”
“Are you...” he stopped and starred at her, “Are you really here? Is this a part of your quirk?” 
“C’mon Eraserhead, like I would know. If you’re right then you’re right. If you’re wrong then I’m just a fixation of your brain and I wouldn’t know it,” She tried to reason, hopping off of her desk. 
“Damn... you’re right. I’m going batshit crazy,” he sighed, closing his eyes again.
“So,” Y/n smirked, walking up to his desk and bending over, placing her hands on her locked knees, “Wanna talk about why you’re fantasizing about your dead, female, super fucking hot, student?”
He groaned out annoyed and clawed at his eyes, “Why the fuck is that happening? I hate that, I hate this, cut this shit out!” He shouted, pushing his hand into his covered corneas. 
“What shit out?” Hizashi asked, stepping into his classroom.
“Nothing Mic, just overthinking,” he responded, slamming his eyes open looking for his student. 
“Alright Shouta, just remember that I’m across the hall if you ever need to talk,” 
Sighing once he noticed Y/n had vanished, he wondered if this was confirmation that he was hallucinating. Needless to say, Y/n definitely responded to her situation exactly how he would expect her to when she figured out her action’s had no consequence- like a little shit who needs to be put into detention. 
God, even thinking that last sentence made Aizawa feel dirty. He’ll definitely need to scrub his skin red after that. 
Breakfasts in the mornings have changed a lot since school opened back up. Y/n was always made a plate of food and a drink every morning, it varied in who made it every couple days. No one vocalized what the food at her usual spot on the couch meant, but it was an unspoken rule that it would stay undisturbed. 
No one was entirely sure who cleaned it up when they were in class. They were pretty sure it wasn’t Iida, the seat was clear even when he was in class with them. 
Everyone missed her voice in the mornings. Whether she was complaining about late nights (to which Denki or Mina would yell get some in her direction after) or she was cracking jokes to help wake everyone up, her voice still rung in the air leaving a hole of silence where it once was. 
People’s sentences often drifted off half way through as their eyes caught themselves on her corner seat, where she once curled up into half a ball as she placed her plate of breakfast on top of a throw pillow. 
As people would shuffle off to class, everyone would throw a look over their shoulder and give a moment of their time to the friend they would never get to see again. 
Taking one more look at the lock-screen of a phone she couldn’t unlock, she wondered who it was on her screen. A boy with strikingly unique features had white ice cream smeared from his noes down to his lips, and a small smirk was percent on his face. Lights from a Ferris Wheel and fairy lights lit up the dark night sky behind him, and what looked like her knuckles were in front of the camera, showing their interlocked fingers. 
It was a cute photo, but it was so foreign to her it made Y/n wonder if the phone was even hers. She sighed after staring at the keypad, asking for her password. The face id had been disabled after it shut off, and all she could do was hope she would remember what is was.
“You okay?” Toga asked, placing a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she responded, taking in the forest clearing Toga had taken her off to, splitting off from the rest of the group. “What are we doing here Himiko?”
“The other members want to know how much control you still have over your quirk. They thought I would be the best person for you t be around when we do this,” She explained, a soft smile on her face as she explained. 
“Huh,” Y/n had a few thoughts running around in her mind, “Shigiraki didn’t want you to tell me did he?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?” She teased, a wide smile on her face.
“I dunno... it felt like someone whispered it in my ear, if that makes sense?” 
“Who knows, that could be one of the parts of your quirk,”
“What exactly is my quirk?” She asked, glaring at one of the birds near them who had grown to be too loud. 
“It’s kinda hard to explain. The easiest way that I know how to explain it is that you’ve got a strong connection to the dead. You can talk to them, visit them I think, and most importantly you can summon them to fight for you,”
“Fight for me?” Y/n echoed. She wasn’t quiet sure why, but that phrasing felt weird... it almost felt off... 
“Yup!” Himiko cheered, bouncing slightly. 
“Alright,” Y/n sighed, shaking her arms, “Let’s give this shit a try,” she declared, moving her arms slowly from beneath her hips, struggling to get them above her waist.
In front of her, a muddy figure rose from the ground, it’s shoulders cracking as it took a deep breath of clean, fresh, air.
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
hi can i please emergency request 1-3 haikyuu boys comforting their s/o who’s just really anxious. not panic attack anxious— more so just unable to function properly & unable to stop overthinking? you can choose whichever characters.. thank you. <3
I’m so sorry you’re feeling anxious and probably overwhelmed. Unfortunately I know that feeling quite well so I’m happy to do this for you and who knows, maybe I’ll even help myself out in the process! Fingers crossed!! 
For you I have a Tsukki scenario and HC’s for Yams and Kuroo! 
Tsukishima Kei
I’ve said it a thousand times but Tsukishima isn’t good at comfort, not really. He’s the first one to make a sarcastic comment or poke a stick at any insecurity he can find, but you’re not doing the thing where you fight back and it’s all banter and fun. Instead he made some remark, doesn’t even remember what he said now but one minute you were laughing and the next you were curled in on yourself and giving him some half assed attempt at a fake smile; like he wouldn’t see the difference. 
He doesn’t like it. 
He wants to apologize but he’s not really sure what he did wrong, only that something he said wasn’t as funny to you today as it has been in the past. 
“What is it? What’s with you today?” he asks, with much less of a bite to it than normal. He’s usually obnoxious and loud about it, and then teases you for spacing out. This time, his voice is much softer than you’re used to and when you glance up at him, his eyes are calculating but warm.
“Nothing, I’m-”
“No you’re not,” he says, huffing out a short breath. 
He pulls you in against his chest, softly stroking the back of your head a few times before he speaks again. “Want to try that again? This time with the truth, please.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong I’m just...I’m really overwhelmed right now. I can’t stop thinking about everything in my life falling apart,” you answer, trying to take in a deep breath of his scent. The cologne you got him for Christmas matches perfectly with his natural scent and it smells so much like comfort that the words keep spilling out. “Every little thing I do feels like a hundred step process and I pick apart each step looking for ways I can or do mess it up. Even when I finally finish something it doesn’t help. I either move onto the next thing and start stressing about that or I get caught up in how much more is left unfinished.” 
“Like what? Tell me what you have left to do, all the things that are plaguing you right now, in this moment,” he says, as if it’s simple. As if you can even get all the words out. 
You start making a list of all the things you haven’t completed, chores you haven’t done, people you haven’t contacted. It takes a few minutes but he listens patiently.
“Okay and how long would it take you to do these things if you weren’t having so much anxiety about it?” he asks, eyes curious but there’s something hiding in the warm golden gaze you’re used to. 
“I don’t know...not long probably...anyone else could have already had it done…” you say, biting your lip. 
He kisses the top of your head and shakes his while looking down at you. There’s a lot of these things that I obviously can’t do for you, but there are some I can. And until you feel better, I’ll take care of those. In the meantime...everything else can wait.” 
“WHA!WHAT?” you say, looking at him as if he’s insane. 
“It can wait.” 
“Are you….are you insane? I can’t just put off everything in my life.” 
“Yes you can.” 
“Kei I can’t-”
He pushes his lips to yours with force but only long enough to shut you up. 
“Yes, you can. I’m giving you permission. Take some time away from everything, including your thoughts. We’ll go somewhere together, have a little fun, relax...just the two of us. I know it won’t solve everything, and that the same stress and worries will be waiting on you when we get back but for now, you can leave it behind.” 
You think about it for a few minutes, it’s tempting, God is it tempting but… can you really do that? Can you just take off for an unknown destination for an unknown amount of time and just leave your whole life behind you?
“So, you coming?” he asks, holding his hand out to you with a knowing smirk. 
As if you could ever refuse him. 
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Tadashi Yamaguchi
Tadashi would notice immediately that something was different. He’d let it go for a little while, thinking maybe it’s just a temporary shift in mood but your smile isn’t as bright or wide anymore and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better so he brings over some of your favorite snacks and finally gets the nerve to ask what’s bothering you. 
When you tell him, he holds you in his arms. He tells you that he understands a little about what you’re feeling. But while he doesn’t know exactly what you’re going through, he’s been plenty anxious before and he just wants you to feel a little less alone.
He offers any help he can provide and as hard as it is to do, you take him up on the offer for anything at all that you can put off, even if it’s just straightening up the apartment or letting him cook a meal or two for you. 
Anything helps, and he’s happy to be of use.
He tries to keep you distracted unless you’re actively working on something. He wants you to get everything done but he doesn’t want your mind going a million miles a minute for no good reason. 
He offers to facetime with you every night until you fall asleep, unless you want to invite him over so he can make you cocoa and tell you bedtime stories. He’ll blush and stutter a bit but if it means that he gets to take care of you even in the smallest way he wants to do it. 
When you’re not together he’s constantly texting you and trying to make sure you have something other than your anxiety to keep your mind occupied, eventually it does help and you’re able to get some things done and you start to function a little better. 
If it goes on for too long, he will shyly ask you if you’ve thought about seeing a doctor for it. He just doesn’t want you to suffer if you don’t have to. 
He silently hopes things get better soon because he just loves you so much and it hurts him to know you’re hurting. 
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo has been busy with work so you have to tell him what’s happening before he notices, but once you do he drops everything to see if there’s any way he can help. 
You tell him all you really need is a distraction from time to time and he comes through brilliantly. 
He plans out over a dozen little mini-dates for the two of you that you can share daily or every other day at least. It’s honestly one of the most romantic things he’s ever done for you.
There’s a coffee date in the morning which usually just consists of him dropping off your favorite drink and some kind of pastry from the cafe nearby on his way to work. He leaves it on the nightstand if you’re still in bed and kisses your forehead at least once before he takes off.
He texts you pretty much hourly and mid morning you always get a quick selfie of him while he’s at work, just a little something to brighten your day. If you’re feeling up to it you can always send one back but he makes sure you know that it’s okay if you don’t. 
He calls you on his lunch break without fail, and you chat for at least ten minutes of it, sometimes he pushes you to vid chat so he can see that you’re up and eating something too. 
He asks you to find one song that makes you think of him every day, and you enjoy going through different playlists and stations on your phone to find the right thing that fits, it’s actually a really good distraction. 
Every time you make progress on something he asks that you tell him about it and no matter how small the task, he always praises you as if you’ve just won the Olympics. 
He buys a dozen puzzles, not huge ones with 5000 pieces but smaller ones that you can work on together and finish in one evening (usually) He gets coloring books and crayons too and you give a weird look but he promises they’re more for him than you, and you realize quickly he wasn’t lying about that. 
He is genuinely fierce with some Crayola. 
Dinner is usually takeout for you both but he makes sure that you have some healthy options as well as some of your favorite comfort foods, and that you eat a little of both. 
When bedtime rolls around he tries to pull himself away and go home but more often than not, you invite him to stay and he’s never been so pleased, even if all you want to do is cuddle up and listen to him sing to you. 
It is a very good way to fall asleep.
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flowapuddle · 4 years
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Haikyuu x Athletic! FEMALE Reader
okay so enjoy this book and the chapters, please don’t copy or take credit of it - Puddle ❤️
Chapter 1
The Sisters From The States
“Is this where volleyball is held at?” You questioned looking at the building and raising a eyebrow
“I assume yes since the principle told us where to go” You heard Aaliyah mutter under her breathe as she was with her bored face also examining the building
“Well let’s go inside I am pretty sure there has to be volleyball players in their” You say as you approach the metal door and opening it as you both walked into the gym
Once walking inside you see boys practicing volleyball you caught a glimpse of a boy doing a quick attack jump serve almost immediately the ball came zooming towards you as you dodged out of the way almost getting hit in the face with the ball
“Oi!” You shouted after you gained your balance
As the ball meet the ground it bounced off as that was the only thing you can hear, everyone was dead silent eventually
You heard a bit of whispering going on as everyone had their eyes on you making you slightly uneasy as you cleared your thoart a bit
“Is this...where ummm volleyball is held?” You questioned as you looked around the room finally noticing it was all boys practicing and only two girls that looked like mangers on the side
A boy with sliver hair walked forward and smiled gently at you breaking the awkward tension in the room or really in the gym
“Ahh yes this is where volleyball is held though, sadly this is the boys volleyball team and not the girls. We don’t have a girls team anymore” He said as gently as he kept his smile on his face
You tilted your head in confusion slightly “No girls volleyball what do you mean? Their has to be a girls volleyball”You said with frown as you slightly furrowed your eyebrow
“No they were unfortunately they were shutdown a few weeks ago since there wasn’t enough girls that went to try out for them”
“Oh I see...Then why would the principal tell us they had a girls volleyball team..?” You questioned out loud and started to think deep into thought
While you were thinking you failed to notice the boys starting to crowd around you as your sister slightly backed away from them not liking crowds of any sorts
“I am sorry I have never seen you around school before and, you look very familiar” The same boy with sliver hair questioned
“Ah, right..er sorry I didn’t introduce myself I am still new to this whole thing umm my name is Imaah (Y/n)” You said as you looked around the crowd of boys
“And this is my older sister, Imaah Aaliyah”
“Sup” Aaliyah added as she did a lazy peace sign from were she was standing away from the crowd
“We are from the states if you couldn’t tell; we moved here one week ago” You said as you looked at boys as you smiled
“Y-your the AMAAH (Y-Y/N) FROM VOLLEYBALL MONTHLY!!!?” One of the boys yelled out he was taller than you and he had shaved head
You kept smiling as you meekly nodded your head “P-people still read those things...hahaha” you said nervously
“Well yeah any sport player would read that—“ He was cut off by a smaller boy who was a couple inches shorter than you having one piece of blonde stranded tip laying on his forehead
“I guess so yeah” You said with a chuckle
“Wow, this a dream come true” He mumbled before he looked like he was going to dramatically faint with his friend
With all the boys reacting differently it made you slightly kinda nervous in a sense
“Oi” You heard a voice behind you as it was coming from Aaliyah as she was still leaning against the wall with arms crossed
All the boys gushing over well really two boys gushing over you stopped
“My sister needs to be part of a club if I remember correctly, she needs to be part of this volleyball club. Since this is the only sport she is interested in.” She stated bluntly looking at everyone
“Who’s the captain of this team” She asked as each one of the boys all at once stepped away from someone towards the back what assume was the captain making him sweetdropped
“Some kind of team I have” you can only imagine him saying to himself
Aaliyah leaned off the wall and walked towards the person slightly towering him, she was 182.88 cm tall (6’0 ft)
He swallowed nervously as his face turned red not because it was because a pretty girl that was taller than him no no no it because he was nervous as hell
“Let my sister be a manger” Aaliyah said more like a statement and less like a question he nodded
“Of c-course! We will g-gladly expect her!” He said chuckling stepping back a bit to look at her instead of having to look directly up towards her
“Jeez Aaliyah, don’t kill the man....it already looks like he is about to pee his pants” You said mumbling out as sweatdropped
“Why would I kill the man?” Aaliyah questioned out walking away from him as he took in a big breathe of air being able to finally breathe
“Since I am going to be the manger, you have to be the manger also Aaliyah!” You said cheerful catching her off guard as she walked next to you looking down at you with a frown
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After a couple of hours of being in the gym with the guys and convincing your sister to be manger they introduce themselves to the both of you. Then even wanted to celebrate getting two new manger by getting some meat buns
“Wow, so your telling me in the states they also have junior olympics!!” Hinata said with a smile as you were walking next to him answering his questions as you sister was on the otherside of you
“Yeah they do, it’s pretty fun over there and it’s cool to meet new people and a couple of sport celebrities” You said with a chuckle following the boys infront of you
“Do you do anything besides volleyball?” Hinata questioned keeping his smile as he looked at you
“Yeah I enjoy watching Aaliyah basketball games and help her workout. Other than that I try to keep myself to do things that are sports related” You said as you chuckled
“Amazing, you have to teach me your serving technique!i have seen it a couple of times and try to teach myself but I could never get it down” He said jumping up and down infront of you having a bright atmosphere, he was like a big bright ball of sunshine
“Sure we can start tomorrow” You hummed out as you the volleyball team walked into the convent store
“Sakanoshita market?” Aaliyah hummed out looking around blinking “it looks like a liquor store to me” Aaliyah said in English only you understood making the volleyball boys look at her crazy
As she blinked at them “What?” She questioned
“You spoke another language” Daichi said slightly in awe
“Well we are from the states it’s obvious we speak another language other than Japanese” She said in her stoic voice walking past him and down one of the isles to look at different things
You walked to him patting his shoulder noticing how his awe state went into a glumly type of state
“She’ll warm to everyone eventually give her time” You said with a encouraging smile as he looked at you for a while and nodded his head blushing
“Anyways let’s try out what you call a meatbun I have never had one before neither has Aaliyah” You said encouraging looking at the team
Daichi nodded his head and left you with the group to grab some meatbuns as he had almost chest full of meatbuns and walked towards the counter to pay for them and getting a plastic bag to put them in
He came back with a plastic bag and smiled lifting it up “Alright let’s go” You heard him say as he walked out of the little mini market as everyone followed behind him
Everyone was outside of the shop as he held open the plastic bag smiling looking at Aaliyah and you
“Go ahead grab the first one!” He said with a warm smile as he let Aaliyah and you grab a meat-bun first
You grabbed the item as you opened it and bite down into it as your eyes went big and chewed on it “Oh wow so delicious! You have to take a bite of it Aayliah!” You said eating the meat-bun as savoring the flavor
“umm...” Aaliyah said a bit hesitantly looking at the food item
“Don’t be nervous try it!” You said encouraging her as you kept eating yours almost finish with it
“I don’t know” Aaliyah mumbled out slightly still contemplating the idea of eating it
The meatbun was snatched from her hand as Sugawara smiled at her “Say ah” He said sweetly with his eyes shut
Aaliyah blinked at him and furrowed her eyebrows she stared at item as you along with the team watched the 3rd year feed Aaliyah her with curiosity
“Ahh” She said quietly as he placed the meat-bun in her mouth letting her take a bite of
Almost immediately you can tell she liked it as her eyes pupils grew a bit in size and her face soften and her body instantly became more relaxed as she kept chewing
You smiled at the two but the moment was ruined completely
“AALIYAH LET ME FEED YOU MY MEAT-BUN TOO!!!” both Tanka and Nishinoya yelled very very loudly
Making Aaliyah snap out of her calm and dazed state as she visible became more tense as her pupils sharpened and her bored facial expression came back onto her face
She grabbed the meat-bun from Sugawara hand and glaring the three boys “I know how to eat on my own” She said trying to keep her glare as a visible pink blush was on her deep umber brown skin as she looked away from everyone eating the rest of the meatbun
You smiled at Sugawara giving him a thumbs up and eventually looked down at your risk watch looking at the time
“I think Aaliyah and I should start—“
Before finishing your sentence there was a man with blonde hair pushed back by a black stringy headband as he held a mop in his hand and a cirgreet in his mouth yelling
“Again...?” You said questioning outloud
“First time is when Tanka and Hinata fighting over the last meat-bun...” Daichi said with a sweatdrop
“Sorry coach” Daichi mumbled quietly as volleyball group of boys began walking away from the shop at a very fast pace before getting hit in the head with mop
Everyone walked the same way for a while having conversation with either you or your sister as everyone slowly started to break off when they would get to their stop
“We can walk you home if you like” Said Daichi with Sugawara and Nishinoya the only three boys left
“We don’t want to trouble you with walking us, besides you don’t have too it’s just one block ahead” You said with a nervous smile
“Ah none of us mind plus we are only doing are job as both of your senpais!” Noya said with his hand on his hips smiling pointing at himself
Aaliyah furrowed her eyebrow visibly confused “How are you any of you my so called senpai? When I am about to turn 18?” She said questioned raising her eyebrow looking at all three of them “the only one that should be calling you senpai is literally my sister” She said pointing at you the two still continued to walk
The three boys were quiet for a second before
“YOUR ABOUT TO TURN 18?!” They all yelled in unison
Aaliyah winced at the loud noise frowning
“Shut up your voices” She said bluntly, glaring at the three before walking to the what seemed like a gate and typing in some numbers on a keypad
The gate was steel black with the word “I” in a fancy font in the center of the gate showing what the boys only assumed to be your residences
They boys stared in awe never seeing something like this before
“Woah, I didn’t think your house would be on a hill I have never seen something like this before” Daichi said in a amazement
“Yeah, due to both of our parents and who they are we can afford something like this!” You said smiling looking up to the house on the hill
“Cool!” Noya said staring in amazement
“Wow, I wonder how I can only imagine how big it is on the inside” Sugawara said out loud as the gate opened up
Allowing Aaliyah and you access inside the gated estate
“Maybe next time the volleyball team can come over, and we can have dinner at my place! My parents wouldn’t mind I am sure” You said walking past the gate inside
You kept walking to catch up with Aaliyah being a couple steps behind her as you turned around smiling at the boys waving one of your arms
“BYE SENPAIS SEE YOU TOMORROW AT SCHOOL!!!” You shouted smiling happy
You saw them clutch there shirts were their hearts were at as they were visable heart struck in a good way
You eventually caught up to Aaliyah as you smiled up to her she looked down at you with a visable bored face as she ruffled your hair like always
You two walked up the hill as you got inside and mostly you told your parents about everything that happened today making them have a smile
“You knew moving out of the country would be so fun” You thought before you fell asleep
A/n: Just to clear up a few things
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( this is what the house mansion looks like from the back of it, this is we’re you live, yes your rich)
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(This is what the front of the house looks like but without the steam coming from the water)
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( this is the gate that opened in case you couldn’t picture it, but instead of a B there is a I on since it’s your last name)
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(This is what your sister looks like she is the one on the right, yes your sister is POC don’t worry about the girl next to her that’s just another one of my OC’s that won’t be included in the story)
(Also let me clarify, you play volleyball and Aaliyah plays basketball)
Thanks for reading see you in the next chapter - Puddle ❤️
Chapter 2 is here !!!
Chapter Story Board
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fedoraqueen · 4 years
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During leave on Courescant, Clone Captain Blueberry is called to aid Commander’s Fox and Thorn in a daring rescue mission to save those too injured to be effective for the Grand Army of the Republic and euthanized. Their goal is to give them a new chance in recovery.
Blue stared at his feet awkwardly. He rarely felt this nervous but other Commanding officers brought that out of him, He nervously glanced from his feet to his side. Thorn is sprawled over his chair looking bored and staring off into space, he quickly looks back to his feet feeling very small next to the commander. " So-" Blue jumped to his feet at the sudden noise and backed away quickly, Thorn stares at him with wide eyes. Blue flushes, " Sorry... I wasn't expecting you to say anything..." Thorn chuckles and straightens out, " I'm sorry I scared you." " You didn't scare me, I was surprised." " Oh I'm sure." " I'm glad because that's what happened." Blue sits back down, slightly less nervous. " As I was saying before, Do you know why you're here?" " No. Honestly I was told Fox wanted to see me and that usually translates to 'you did something wrong' which to be fair, while on patrol I did break formation to help a nice lady with her groceries." " You're not in trouble, just don't mention that to him." Blue gets a confused look on his face, " Then why am I here?" Thorn lowers his voice and leans down to be closer, " We need you to do the guard a favor." Blue stares at Thorn for a moment then scoots away mind racing, What favor? There are a LOT of favors for me to do. I can cook is it that? I didn't bring any food to cook Them! Do I have time to go get some- Fox stepped out of his office and waved them in. Blue nervously stepped inside, Thorn close behind. Fox sat down at his desk and motioned to the chairs infront of him, Blue hopped up into one of them, sinking into the too plush beaten down seat. " Thank you for coming Blueberry." " Thank you for having me." He wiggles forward, fighting the chair. He glances to Thorn who was casually leaning back, crossing his legs. He awkwardly tried to mimic him without sinking further into the quicksand chair. " So you're probably wondering why you're here." Fox says, staring into him. Blue nervously laughs, feeling like he's being interogated again, " Y-yes sir, what's this-" " I've always thought that your battalion was useless." Blue deflates and sinks into the chair, " Oh." " And you aren't exactly what I'd call commanding officer material by any span of the mind." Blue sinks even further into the chair, wishing to shrink into nothing and never be seen again. " Fox." Thorn says bluntly. " Sorry. I need to ask something from you blueberry." Blue raises a brow, still sulking in the puffy chair. " Depends on the favor after calling me and my men useless." " I need you to take one of our guards." Blue sits up suddenly and intently, " Who is it?", He liked helping guards. " You don't have to-" " Fox. Who is it?" Fox sighs and starts pacing, blue stands and offers his arm out to stop him, " We can take them it doesn't matter-" " No one can find out about this, The chancellor has ordered that defective clones from the guard are to be... well." Fox suddenly looks much older, like he was on his last legs, Blue knows the look well. " They're to be euthanized." Fox spits out angrily. " Like I said we'll take them no questions asked." " Will your general though-" " I can handle the fallout if she doesn't agree, and the only reason she wouldn't is because I didn't properly get the paperwork done." Fox gains a look of relief that changes into concern again, " We'll help you smuggle Him out of the hospital." Blue nods slowly, " What happened to him? Why are we getting him..." " There was an accident during a patrol in the lower levels. A forklift fell from one of the upper levels... Both arms were severed, we lost a few good men." Blue feels sick, he wouldn't know what to do if he got his limbs torn off. He shakes his head out and rubs his eyes, feeling himself tear up at the idea of what fox lost. " I'm sorry fox... do you need a hug?" " ...." " W-was that weird? Did I say something weird-" " A hug would be nice." He says softly. Blue pauses not expecting that response but goes for the hug, standing higher on his toes and plopping his head on Foxes shoulder. " I know how it is Fox." Blue says softly. " Just promise he'll be safe." " I Promise he'll be fine." Fox squeezes him tighter, Blue struggles to not to squeak from the sudden pressure. Blue feels his feet leave the ground as fox stands straight, Thorn chuckles from his position in his chair. " Don't crush him Fox." Fox pulls away quickly, dropping blueberry to the floor. Blue stumbles back then promptly falls over, Fox coughs into his arm awkwardly, blushing slightly. Blueberry sits up from the floor rubbing the back of his head. " Ow..." " I'm sorry, that wasn't proffessional." " We're Brothers fox, and I've been thrown further than that," He springs up to his feet and rubs his hands together excitedly, " Let's focus on breaking your guy out." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue was sulking outside the Hospitals back door, crossing his legs as he awkwardly sat on the speeder. Fox and Thorn had been in there for an hour getting their brother and he was getting anxious, not to mention the calls from Recovery one with messages of ' If you're not here in fifteen minutes I'm feeding you to paulo'  ' Did you fall down the sink at 79's?'  and his personal favorite  from Paulo ' Thahali says Rex kidnapped you back to the 501st, please don't go with them I'll miss you.' He did message them back but kept it vauge ' I'm bringing a surprise' He set down his communicator and glanced around the alley, It was covered in filth that he could smell everything in it. He closed his eyes and took a gentle breath in, Rotten fruit, putrid meat, death, rot, Fox and Thorn's boots. He coughed at the last one and rubbed his nose, trying to get rid of it. Clone stench always got to him, it reminded him of too many failed rescue missions. He glances back to the door, no one coming out, he slips off the speeder and closes his eyes again. Focusing on His brothers scents he shut his eyes again. The trail starts here then they stand by the door, then they go inside, there's other brothers and civies in there, two twi'lek, three torgruta, five clones. They go up a flight of stairs... He lost their scent after that, nose twitching in disappointment. As much as he hated using his extra sense, he couldn't help but use it. He was surprised he didn't end up with a name like dog or hound. A smashing sound breaks him from his dazed thoughts, he spun towards the source, spotting Thorn and fox with a third brother paired with a fourth, both wrapped in a blanket. He tilted his head. " I thought there was only one." " We couldn't leave him. General Fisto caught us and had us take him as well." Blue nods, already hearing the lecture from Thahali. He helped them get on the speeder, carefully strapping the drowsy recovering brothers in. Thorn took the drivers seat, Blue hopped into the shotgun seat only to have Fox lift him up and set him in the back. " Hey..." " You're fine in the back. Lets go." Thorn laughs and pulls out of the alley, merging into the flow of traffic, heading towards the recovery ship. Fox was shaking in his seat, looking from side to side. " Fox are you okay-" Blue sets his hand on his shoulder. " We're in so much trouble, Palpatine's going to kill us, we're all going to die." Fox started to hyperventalate. Thorn pats his back, soothing him from his position, " He'll never know fox. We'll be fine and Hodge will be safe." Blue  zones them out and perks up, finally getting a name for one of the newbies, he peeks under the blankets and finds a brother with no arms and another with no legs. The armless one was sprawled out as much as he could, shaking slightly but still asleep, Tattoos of circut boards cover his shaved head, paired with scruffy brown stubble. He was a bit smaller than most Clones but he was still large enough not to be considered a mini clone such as himself, Hodge started snoring softly, still asleep. Blue carefully covers him up again, turning towards the other one. He's met with a mop of curly black hair and a massive scar on his face, with a healthy dosage of drool coming from his mouth. The brother is missing his legs from the knees down, fresh scars and teeth marks scour his flesh on his neck where an obvious bitemark lays. He was definately above average, or would be with his legs still attatched but he still had stature. Thorn pulls over into another alley and turns the engine off. " what are we doing here?" " We're going to recovery on foot." Blue nods and helps unload his brothers into a hovering bin, Fox guides them through the back alleys to recovery zero where Thahali stands, tapping her foot. Thorn curses under his breath and fox freezes. Blueberry walks around them and perkily walks to Thahali. " Hello T-" " Cargo hold. Now." Her eyes are narrowed into slits; she looks at the other clones, " Hello Fox, Thorn, Just bring them into the medical bay, Whiskers can help you there." The two commanders pull them into the ship, Blueberry attempts to slink away after them. Unfortunately he's grabbed by the force and floats after Thahali into the Cargo hold. She sets him down in one of the open crates and leans on it, glaring down at her captain. " Do you want to explain to me what happened." " Well Fox said I needed to go to his office and it turns out the chancellor has ordered instant termination of non functional clones and I thought that was what we were supposed to do-" She holds up her hand in a 'stop' motion, he looks down and away. " I don't care about that. Why didn't you tell me?" He rubs the back of his neck, not sure what to say. He didn't really think about that part, He had wanted to go and get the target as fast as he could, he was on a search and rescue mission again and managed to succeed this time around. " Well?" " I... I didn't think to." He says, scratching at his neck now. " You didn't think to." She hisses. He winces, starting to get more nervous, You failed. you failed her. She's going to send you back to reprograming. " N-no?" She puts her forehead down onto the edge of the crate, " Do you have any idea on how worried I was?! what if they caught you?! they'll put you back in that Pen!" He shrinks back a bit, " Hindsight is 20-20..." She grabs him and pulls him into a tight hug, he winces and stiffens. " Just... don't do that again. We're partners." She starts to cry, " I don't know what I would do if you were sent to prison or to Reprogramming or anything." He relaxes slightly and nuzzles into her neck, hugging back quietly. They stay like that for a moment before she pulls away, wiping her eyes. " Let's go meet our shinies." He nods and gives a little laugh, " Master Fisto sends his encouragement." " Then we know they'll be good with us."
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales from Mount Othrys
Ajax: Fidget Spinners IX
           Pax assumed, “Are we there yet?” would earn him a hard enough slap to the head to kill him. At least, Pax reasoned, he wouldn’t have far to go if he died.
         “Hey, Lou Ellen?” Pax huffed. “If we die in Tartarus, where do we go? The current court of the dead probably isn’t handing Paradise Passes to Kronos supporters, but—like—are we just here, undead, wandering in Tartarus and trying to find out way back to the Underworld, so they can pass judgment and send us back here?”
         The thought made him tremble. This was definitely a place that had never been on his bucket list and, he would burn the bucket list of any friends that suggested it.
         They hadn’t gone far, or Pax didn’t think they had gone far. The landscape was monotonous in its I’m-evil-and-depressing way and time didn’t feel right. He didn’t know how to explain it beyond that. The deprivation of sun and sky was making his head loopy. He was from the Caribbean; this cavernous, sunless nowhere felt like it violated nature, even if he had enjoyed swimming in the occasional cenote.
         Apparently this question was worse than, “Are we there yet?” Axel, despite his seeming exhaustion, wound up a hand to slap Pax across the back of the head.
         Lou Ellen weakly grabbed at Axel’s elbow before he could strike.
         With no fight, he lowered his fist.
         Everyone was exhausted. Lou Ellen looked sickly in this burnt orange haze. By now, they could see the giant rock that she was leading them to. It should have only been a mile away, max, but Pax had no idea what that would mean on this terrain.
         “Let’s just not die,” she suggested. There was no giggle. She sounded too tired for that. Her hand stump was tucked firmly under her opposing armpit. She wouldn’t let either of them see it. Pax had a creeping feeling that something was wrong with it.
         Axel had offered to turn around, to look for a way to scale the buffs behind them. Neither Pax nor Lou Ellen—especially not Lou Ellen with her missing hand—would be able to make that climb. Judging by the occasional stagger to Axel’s step, helping the two little ones was wearing him down.
         He had offered this after they passed some humanoid bones. Monsters, unfriendly ones, monsters that earned the name monsters, had been feasting there. Axel hid them, commanding they not make a sound.
         He was afraid of getting overwhelmed down here. Since he was afraid, Pax knew to be afraid.
         But, Lou Ellen said their destination wasn’t far.  And, Pax suspected, she knew going back would mean failing to climb that buff, and—in the unlikelihood that they succeeded—going back into the clutches of Hades’ army. Which, again, might have just meant a one-way ticket back here. Might as well get acquainted with their neighbors if this was the inevitable end.
         “Wow,” Pax said, “I think the gloominess, acidity, and potential demise is ruining my mood. You know what we all need? A Matthias prank. Like, a good, old hack job. Remember that time Matthias ‘accidentally’ shot Luke in the butt with a bow?”
         That earned him a slight smile from Lou Ellen and a choked laugh from Axel.
         The stupid rock ahead of them seemed a lot closer. Pax could make out the glint of chains against its blackened surface.
         “It was a mini-toilet plunger with enhanced super glue on the tip. Luke had to cut it out of his clothing,” Lou Ellen said. She even giggled. “He never did figure out who did it.”
         Axel sighed, but the sound thinly covered his amusement. “Luke didn’t know who did it and no one would rat Matthias out, not even Morpheus. He said he was sleeping… we had to do an extra mile of running every morning for a month as punishment.”
         “Totally worth it,” Pax and Lou Ellen agreed.
         The massive rock didn’t protrude as high into the air of Tartarus as Pax was expecting.
Pax squinted and felt his spirits almost splinter again; something withered up there. They knew it would be on the rock, but seeing the humanoid thrashing, likely in anticipation, was different than hearing Lou Ellen and Axel discuss the myth.
         He wondered if the others saw it. Axel must have. Despite his exhaustion, his pace had picked up, bringing them ever closer to some smaller rocks at the base of the big one.
         “I’ve never met someone whose name is so many words. Like, how do we nickname him? Pro? Me? The? Us?”
         “The ‘e’ in ‘the’ isn’t the same,” Lou Ellen muttered, like she knew Pax needed Alabaster here to criticize Pax’s absurdism.
         “It’s too long a name to call him,” Pax decided. “Do you think ‘Rocky’ would be offensive?”
         “Yes,” Axel said.
         By then, the sight was disturbing.
         Like in the myths, there was a titan chained, semi-upright, to the rock, full spread-eagle. Though, Pax suspected he wouldn’t like the description, “spread-eagle.” From what Pax could see, the guy was huge—at least ten feet tall. He wore a tattered piece of material might have once been a Greek chiton. The torso piece was so ripped to shreds, it was impossible to tell for sure.
         They made it to the smaller rocks at the base before anyone spotted the second part of the myth.
         Axel, of course, saw it first. He grabbed Pax and Lou Ellen and dragged them behind the lower lying rocks. At the same time, a piercing screech echoed around Tartarus.
         Pax could hear the titan release a soft, despondent wail. Bits of sand and rock clattered down off the massive one as the titan renewed his struggles.
         Pax bit his lip. He was pretty sure this guy was crying. He could hear a soft, weeping noise.
         When Pax looked up, he could see why.
         The attacker moved too fast for his eyes to follow it in the sky. One moment, he thought he saw a wingspan larger than a minivan and talons the length of two Pax arms. The next moment, there was a blur diving at the rock above them.
         Axel stood up and drew his sword.
         “Axel, what are you doing?” Pax hissed. “Massive bird of prey. In diving formation.”
         The talons must have dug into the rock above them. The whole thing shifted eerily. The titan released a despairing howl.
         “The eagle will leave once it’s done feeding!” Lou Ellen reminded Axel.
         Axel unsheathed a knife from his belt, digging it into the side of the rock like a climbing pick. “It’s the principle of the matter.”
         Axel’s golden eyes glinted with fury. Although Pax knew there was no way to dissuade him, he clutched at his brother’s arm, then foot as Axel dragged himself up the rock’s façade. Axel’s muscles bulged with strain. Considering how much extra weight he’d taken to make sure Pax and Lou Ellen’s journeys were easier, Pax figured—and kind of hoped—Axel would overexert himself and flop back onto the ground.
         He did not.
         “’Axel’s principles’ is not what I want to write on your obituary! It does not have a ring to it and I cannot write it into a jingle,” Pax pleaded. A jingle was already forming in his head, but he tried to banish the morbid tune.
         Axel had already shaken Pax off and was half-way up the rock.
         Prometheus screamed.
         Something leaked over the ledge above them.
         Lou Ellen and Pax jumped away from each other. Blood. They’d been splashed with the Titan’s golden blood.
         “Come on!” Lou Ellen said, “We have to do something.”
         She scrambled around the base, picking up smaller stones that had chipped off the big one in this eon long struggle. Pax went to help her. As they gathered, he could see the stump of her missing hand. The skin around the edges looked blackened, as though with gangrene. She had been hiding how quickly the magic was failing.
         They took a few stumbled steps away from the rock, so they could see over the ledge.
         Even from this distance, Pax felt his mouth go dry.
         The eagle looked nothing like the one plastered all over American logos. Its feathers were black, except the hint of some brown towards the head. The only colorful thing on it was its golden beak, now speckled with red. One black clawed foot had anchored into Prometheus’ hand, a talon puncturing him right in the wrist, crucifixion style. The other dug into the rock.
         Golden blood leaked from a gash in Prometheus’ stomach. A coiling rope appeared to hang out and Pax nauseously thought about how convincing Alabaster’s fake intestines were. He doubted the things spilling from Prometheus’ gut were just sausages. If they were, he had a lot of questions about Titan biology.
         Lou Ellen grew flustered, seeming to realize her throwing arm was half-missing.
         “Need a hand?” Pax offered, his voice trembling.
         “You have better aim anyway. I would probably hit Axel,” Lou Ellen said, looking relieved.
         Axel had made it to the ledge. Soon, the eagle would notice him.
         Pax dumped his extra stones at their feet.
         Other than darts, Pax didn’t have great aim with projectiles and he definitely didn’t have the strength to throw such a distance. However, he did have specialty knowledge and equipment: any good prankster needed a slingshot.
         He grabbed a stone the size of his palm and slipped a slingshot out of his back pocket, the one Matthias had made for him for special occasions.
         In a blink, he’d aimed, fired, and bapped the bird in the head.
         The stone smacked into feathers then flopped onto the tortured Titan’s stomach. Pax would feel bad (and a little grossed out) about hitting the Titan’s exposed wound after they were done saving him.
         “Hey birdie!” Lou Ellen shouted. “Over here!”
         They hadn’t done much damage, but they had caught its attention. The eagle released another piercing scream. Its head snapped in their direction.
         That was all they needed. In the moment of distraction, Axel had scrambled up to his feet beside the bird.
         Before Axel could slice into the bird’s back, its entire body blurred. One moment, it was about to be cat food. The next, the bird’s body had quarter turned. Its beak snapped backwards. Axel’s sword barely deflected that deadly point—sharp enough to cut apart a Titan’s stomach.
         At the force of the attack, Axel almost fell backwards off the rocky plateau.
         “Keep firing!” Lou Ellen shouted, shoving another rock into Pax’s palm.
         Pax fumbled with the ammo, shoved it into the sling, and took aim. In the test of strength, Axel was losing this battle (which felt backwards. In the world of avian vs. feline, Pax generally voted on the one with more teeth.) The glint of Axel’s sword turned into a smear as he and the bird parried talon, beak, and blade blows. Axel kept nearly losing his balance, twisting to avoid the occasional, cartoony pinwheel.
         Pax became very happy that Axel had trained for trapeze before they were taken from their Uncles carnival troop.
          With Lou Ellen’s cheering, Pax released his rock. The projectile caught the eagle’s wings as they extended, looking like a black tidal wave of death.
         The eagle was not happy to have its dinner interrupted. To be fair, Pax supposed it would be super rude to have someone attack you when you’re trying to enjoy some raw spleen.
         At the ammo strike, the wing fluttered violently. Ignoring the strike like it had the average velocity of a beach ball, the eagle arched its body—it was getting ready for take off. As Lou Ellen handed another rock up to Pax and he took aim, he knew take off would be bad. Even with Axel’s cool Mayan features, Pax boys were not born for aerial combat, trapeze training or not.
         “We need to get closer!” Lou Ellen shouted. She must have realized they weren’t doing enough damage from this distance. However, if they got too close to the bluff, Pax wouldn’t be able to shoot over the ledge. Still, they had to try and get a sweet middle spot. He took a careful step closer, already loading the next projectile that Lou Ellen had shoved his way.
         The eagle arched back onto one talon to strike down with the other.
         Axel went down.
         Lou Ellen and Pax screamed—
         The eagle clawed at Pax’s downed brother, pecking violently. Even with their attacks—Pax now unloading rock after rock, shrieking for Lou Ellen to load him up with the largest ammo they could fire, this wouldn’t be enough. Some tiny voice in Pax’s head whispered that this was just like the time he’d seen Julian almost kill Axel in the arena. He was about to lose his brother, and there was nothing he could—
         Axel rose back to his feet on the other side of Prometheus. The bird continued to claw and peck at the spot Axel had been.
         Pax’s jaw dropped when he realized what had happened.
         The eagle was pecking where Axel had pinned one of its wings with his sword.        
         Lou Ellen’s and Pax’s screams went from horror to cheers.
         He couldn’t tell if Axel had used a trick of the Mist, was actually that fast, or if Prometheus had somehow distracted the bird and helped Axel. Honestly, Pax didn’t care.
         All Pax cared about was how awesome his older brother looked when Axel lunged onto the bird’s back and plunged his dagger into the back of the bird’s head.
Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed and are staying safe! Stay tuned next week to meet our Titan of the hour—Rocky—I mean Prometheus.
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helloalycia · 5 years
my apple // commander lexa
summary: Lexa sees you fighting and is impressed by your skill, and she offers you a place in her army, but you (to her surprise) turn her down.
warning/s: mentions of violence.
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          The sword came down at me so fast that I almost got slaughtered in my place, but I managed to see it coming and react just in time to roll out of the way and watch the blade pierce the ground where I was once stood. My breathing deepened as I watched the heavily-built grounder have troubles as he attempted to pull his sword back from the ground, and took this as my opportunity to kick him in the side of his stomach, knocking him to the ground.
         A grunt of pain escaped his lips as he hit the ground with a 'thud'. Before I could try and run away as planned, three more grounders, just as large as the one that decided to reprimand me for stealing one of his apples, raced towards me to defend their friend.
         "Well, this isn't good...," I mumbled to myself, glancing down at the apple that was peeking out of my pocket.
         The three grounders circled me, swords drawn and expressions grim. Bystanders watched the mini fight that was about to take place, and no guards bothered to stop it, leaving me by myself to handle this. The fourth grounder helped himself up and pulled his sword from the ground, stepping forward. He did not look happy.
         "Come on, guys," I tried to reason, smiling cheekily. "It was just one apple."
         No response. Only grunts of annoyance.
         I chewed on the inside of my mouth as my nervousness grew. The longer they circled me like predators, the clammier my palms felt, but it didn't change the fact that I wasn't afraid. Nervous, yes. Kind of.
         "Can I at least get a sword to make this an even fight?" I attempted a final joke, shrugging my shoulders lightly.
         With a clenched jaw, the first grounder ignored my question and moved forward with agility and speed, making me jump into a fighting stance and defend myself from his well-aimed but sloppy strikes. Not having a weapon of some sort was definitely a bad thing, but it didn't deter me from fighting back.
         Dodging the grounder's terrible strikes and attempts at hurting me (thanks to my much smaller frame), I managed to knock him onto his backside and disarm him immediately. His eyes were wide as he watched me with a slight fear, seeing that I had the power to kill him. I wouldn't though.
         Instead, I fought off the rest of his grounder buddies who now figured I was an actual threat. Taking on three boulders of men was a tiring task, but not an impossible one. I dodged, ducked, struck, and pierced when and where I needed to, and found it pretty easy to injure them all to the point where they were unable to touch me. The whisk of a sword missing me was a sound I had become accustomed to during my many unnecessary battles, and that was thanks to me learning to look after myself all of these years.
         I smiled victoriously to myself as I looked around at the four injured grounders who were groaning on the ground like children.
         "I told you it was just one apple," I said knowingly, an amused smirk on my lips.
         "Over there! Get her!"
         My eyes widened when I looked up and saw some of the Polis tower guards in the distance, running towards me with their fully-armed selves. That was strange. Polis guards had never bothered to stop a fight that broke out in the streets. Why was this any different?
         Not wanting to get arrested however, I dropped the sword to the ground with a 'clang' and legged it the opposite way, away from my pursuers.
         It was easy for me to outrun the Polis guards, and even easier for me to blend in with the civilians of Polis enough for them to not recognise me. It was always the same old pattern with me. Rob a thing or two, either manage to get away with it or encounter a small fight here and there, win the fight, then enjoy my feat by feasting on whatever the stolen good was.
         You'd think I would get put off by stealing because of the whole 'getting arrested' aspect, but it didn't really bother me because I never got caught. Fighting was an easy skill that I had acquired in the past twelve years of my life. My parents left me, leaving me to have to learn to look after myself, so that's what I did. And that's why I can defend myself as easily as I do.
         Now I found myself sitting on a bench behind one of the small buildings in Polis, pulling one of the apples from my pocket. It was shiny, red, and looked delicious, and I just couldn't wait for it to be in my stomach.
         The juicy-looking apple was literally inches away from my lips, so close to being devoured. I was finally going to be able to eat for the first time today. So close, but then–
         "What are you doing?"
         I gritted my teeth as I lowered the apple, looking to the person who was preventing me from enjoying my win as I usually did. I admit, I was a little startled to see the Commander of the twelve clans stood before me, veiled in the shadow of the alleyway. She wasn't wearing her armour, but a robe like any other grounder would, making me do a double take to confirm it really was the prestigious leader.
         I rolled my eyes as I groaned lowly. "What does it look like I'm doing?"
         She straightened her posture up from leaning against the wall and quirked an eyebrow, probably surprised by my direct attitude. I honestly couldn't give one about kissing up to her. People were scared of her, but I had so many things that she could imprison me for that the last thing I was worried about was getting imprisoned for bad behaviour.
         "It looks like you are about to eat a stolen good," she stated, her intense green eyes murky with authority but also interest, which was odd.
         I pursed my lips. "What, are you going to arrest me?"
         I figured that was exactly why she had followed me, seeing as she was a much better warrior than any of her guards. I may have been able to outrun them, but I don't think I could ever outrun her.
         She almost smiled. Almost. But if even a hint of amusement appeared on her face, it disappeared within a millisecond.
         "No. I am not here to arrest you."
         I raised an eyebrow as I studied the stoic expression she wore, confused to what she was doing. It was the only reason she could be here. Was this a trick?
         I stood up, throwing the apple in the air and catching it in my hand. "Listen, Commander or whatever. If you aren't going to arrest me, I'll be on my way. Right?"
         As I was about to walk past her and take a long-awaited bite of my stolen apple, it was whisked from my hand and grip. I raised both eyebrows as I looked to Lexa, who was leaning against the wall again, throwing the apple in the air repeatedly, a teasing smirk on her lips.
         "Are you actually kidding me right now?" I complained, my stomach growling as it reminded me of my hunger.
         She caught the apple for the final time before studying it in her fingerless-gloved hand. I watched as she rotated it between her fingers, her attention on the apple as she knew it was torturing me.
         "I've been watching you recently," she said, certainly surprising me. "You like to steal."
         I narrowed my eyes at her, wondering where she was going with this. "Is this some kind of game? You're going to arrest me, aren't you?"
         "You fight exceptionally well," she continued, her eyes flickering up and meeting mine. "Who taught you?"
         She began tossing the apple again, and I decided to reach forward and grab it before she could stop me. She smiled a small, impressed smile.
         "I taught myself," I said, before finally getting the chance to press my mouth against the apple. However, before I could actually take a bite, the apple was gone from my grasp again.
         I groaned loudly this time, only to see her staring at me with humoured eyes. What did she want? If she wanted to teach me a lesson, could she just do it already? I was hungry!
         "If you had some more guidance with your fighting, I'm sure you would make a fine warrior for Polis," she suggested, pushing off the wall and stepping forward to me.
         "And if you gave me my apple back, my stomach would stop rumbling," I countered, clenching my jaw with annoyance. "A lot can happen with actions. Now can I leave?"
         She shook her head, earning an eye-roll from me again. "Why don't you want to put your skills to good use instead of stealing things that aren't yours? You will get food and money with this job. Why wouldn't you want that?"
         I ran my hand through my hair. "No offence, but your guards are very stupid. They don't even know what they're doing. Why would I want to be part of an army that can't even catch a simple thief?"
         Shaking my head with frustration, I turned around and began to walk away, knowing I needed to go and steal again because the crazy Commander wouldn't give me my apple back, and I wasn't going to let her waste anymore of my time by discussing useless things.
         "Y/N," she called, making me stop and turn around with a hand on my hip.
         Not saying anything, she tossed the apple in my direction and I caught it immediately, feeling even more confused than before as I watched her walk past me. I looked down at the apple before turning around and looking at the green-eyed leader blend in with her people. She looked over her shoulder and caught my gaze before nodding with a hint of a smile on her lips, then going away.
         "What the heck?"
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minicoopdetat · 4 years
character study.
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FULL NAME: August Levi Cooper
HOW IS IT PRONOUNCED?: August like the month, Chicken Coop- ER
IS THERE A MEANING BEHIND IT?: His mom loves a good hippy-esque name and fall is her favorite time of year. Fall’s a shitty name though and her choice was between Autumn and August, depnding on gender.
NICKNAMES: Coop. Cooper. Coop deville. Coop de Tat. Mini Coop. (( all of which he came up with))
AGE: 23.
DATE OF BIRTH:  April 2.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Salinas, ca.
HOMETOWN: Salinas, ca
LOCATION: Dayton, California
EDUCATION LEVEL: BA in Biological Science.
OCCUPATION: Vet Tech at the local Animal Clinic
ADDICTIONS: Sex. Sexting. Saying the work Fuck or any variation of it. Partying
HEIGHT: 5′10
BODY TYPE: fuckin ripped. that’s all you need to know
HAIR STYLE Geled and combed to bedhead perfection
STYLE: varies, very party boy chic, but can clean up well if need be. 
TATTOOS: he has seven ‘dragon balls’ in various places ( 1:inner wrist, 2: inner wrist, 3: shoulder blade, 4: hip , 5: behind his ear, 6: back of neck 7:ass); nightwing symbol (ankle); squirtle squad shades ( coming soon )
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal. optimistic. passionate. outgoing. confident
NEGATIVE TRAITS: loud. tactless. gullible. dramatic. reckless 
WHAT DO THEY CONSIDER TO BE THE BEST AND THE WORST PART OF THEIR PERSONALITY?: Best part? His confidence. It’s something he was picked at for as a kid. He was way TOO MUCH and there were times he felt bad about his high energy, but he’s grown to embrace it and wear it that EXTRANESS like a fuckin gym badge. Worst part? What do you mean worst part? It’s all great. Unless you count the part where he can get over whelmed/overstimulated. Or you know, the fact he gets conned on the regular due to his trusting nature.
ANY TALENTS?: He’s a 3rd degree blackbelt and speaks Japanese. His epic pkmn battling skills. 
WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS?: dying alone and forgotten. skeletons. 
DO THEY HAVE ANY PHOBIAS?: not the universe its self, but the idea that one life is nothing but a speck, maybe tinier, in the grand scheme of things
WHAT IS THEIR SOFT SPOT?: friends & family. animals. underdogs. his ears and his collar bone.
LIST 3 PET-PEEVES THEY CAN’T STAND: shoes in the house. shoes in general. passive agressive behavior.
BEST MEMORY:  When his entire family came out to his last soccer game to be his cheering section despite being ousted by the rest of the team. He sat the bench, due to the fight, but they made a big deal out of it anyway.
WORST MEMORY: His first panic attack. He was in 4th grade and being sent to the principal’s office. It was a rainy day, so they’d been stuck inside the entire time and gym wasn’t for another hour or so. It was the classic struggle for him and Ms. Donaldson. She wanted him to sit still and well-- he needed to move. In kindergarten, pacing around, wiggling, bouncing, all that might’ve been excusable cause Kindergarteners were little. They couldn’t help it. But a nine year old? She had trouble giving him the same leeway so to make an example of him, she sent him to the principal’s. Fine. He didn’t care until he got half way down the hall and suddenly it felt like his chest was on fire. It tightened and he found himself struggling to breathe, leaving him light headed and trembling. He thought he was fucking dying and it didn’t help that he could see a class coming from the computer lab. So rather than let anyone see him, he ducked into the nearest broom closet and shut the door. Didn’t help. It was small. Too small and he tried the door. It didn’t budge. He tried again. Nothing. The room felt like it was getting smaller and smaller, his chest tighter to the point he was sobbing and banging on the door. He was going to die in there. He was sure of it. And he had so much to do. He hadn’t finished the last Saga of DBZ. He needed to take his black belt test. He never even got to ask Chelsey C out to get ice cream and he was so so sure he could score at least a kiss on the cheek and he leaned against the door, fists slamming on the door one last time before it opened, and he tumbled out into the floor. The principal, along with a good chunk of the his class were standing there as he crumpled and curled into a ball. Two minutes. That’s how long he’d been gone and how long it took for him to derail the first half of his school year. He did his best to ignore the teasing and generally did a good job. It wasn’t his last incident, but it was certainly the worst.
BIGGEST SECRET: He could’ve been a dad a few years ago. It was a random hook up and he was scared shitless, but planned on stepping up to do the right thing. She had a miscarriage though and he still wonders what his life would be like if she hadn’t.
BIGGEST WISH: To live life to the fullest, help animals out and have a strong support system. Oh and to prove Carol Baskin murdered her husband.
BIGGEST FEAR: Dying without anyone truly seeing him. He’s accepted himself, mess and all. He refuses to let anyone change what makes him him and refuses to beg anyone to see past his loud obnoxious self, but sometimes it’s all so exhausting. the idea of dying, and being thought of as just another insignificant fuck boi is fucking crushing.
FIRST KISS: Chelsey C. at the park across the street from the ice cream shop.
FIRST LOVE: Samantha Ruiz.  
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND:  Adam Birch. Danielle Fitzgerald
CHILDHOOD PERSONALITY: Cooper was even more loud and showy than he is now. He had the energy of five Energizer bunnies and reeked havoc on the school. He actually had a special room dedicated to him at one point that the teacher just let him get his energy out in. Most of it was positive, though there were moments he became overwhelmed, angry or distraught. At first it was seen as dramatics, but it quickly snowballed to the point his teachers were requesting medicine of some sort. His mother enrolled him in therapy and they worked on rounding out his moods. It worked well enough that he was able to get by aside from a panic attack every once and a while. Other than that, he was and still very much is a high energy guy.
TURN ONS: Daddy kink. Confidence. Doe eyes. Independence. Glasses. Eye contact. Dirty Talk. Honesty. Wax play. Playful banter/teasing/laughing during sex. Having his hands restrained. Marking. Boldness. A pulse.
TURN OFFS: Bathroom play. Indifference. Judgement. Cynicism. Bullies (emotional or physical)
MOTHER’S NAME: elizabeth cooper
RELATIONSHIP WITH MOTHER: His mother is his biggest supporter and he loves her to death. She was there for him when he was struggling most and let him know it was ok to be him, no matter what other people thought or felt.
FATHER’S NAME: maxwell cooper
RELATIONSHIP WITH FATHER: His relationship with his father isn’t as close as he and his mother, but they love each other and have their own way of showing it.
SIBLINGS: maxwell cooper jr (36), summer cooper (34; heartborn), dawn cooper (32), buzz cooper (30; heartborn), willow cooper (28), skye cooper (26; heartborn)
PETS: Satoshi; “foster” dog
ROLE MODELS: His parents. His brother. Joe Exotic. Goku. 
FAVORITE PLACE: The animal shelter.
FAVORITE ANIMALS: White Tigers. Otters.
FAVORITE BOOKS: Most comics. The Giver.
FAVORITE MOVIES: Most of the Bond Movies. Hunger Games. Clue. Cabin in the Woods.
FAVORITE MUSIC: Anything by Usher. Childish Gambino. Doja Cat. MJ. Anything and everything really.
FAVORITE FOOD: Mexican. Steak. Crab Rangoon. THE RANGOON MOTHER.
DO THEY CURSE?: Excessively.
WHAT’S THEIR WORST HABIT(S)?: Talks about his dick too much. Clicks his tongue. Can’t sit still long periods of time. Trusts anyone and everyone.
ARE THEY AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL?: Both. But leans toward Night Owl.
HOW TIDY IS THEIR ROOM?: Incredibly tidy as is the rest of his place.
HOW LONG TO THEY USUALLY TAKE GETTING READY?: About an hour on a good day. He’s got a routine and he doesn’t sacrifice quality for speed.
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heartfeltheart · 5 years
Alchemy: Magic Vs. Science
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Chapters: 24/25 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Series: Part 1 of 9. Summary: Magic and Science, are they the same or are they completely different? It just takes one person to point out all up and downs. Along with breaking the stereotypes that come up with being a wizard, alchemist and most of all being human. Thank you, @amynchan! D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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“English and Edward’s accented voice.” “Amestrian or another foreign language.” “Written notes.” ‘Thoughts.’ First Name: Informal Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy others)
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Edward couldn't help it, he started to grin at the turn out for the Battle Royal. Each of his thirteen students had brought along the maximum of students they were required to bring along. On top of that, each of the Heads of Houses brought along a couple of their own students to watch the show. There are several individuals in the empty field looking on with disbelief. 'Ah... the non-believers... we'll see by the end of the day if they are still non-believers.'
"It appears we'll have more spectators..." Roy stated to Edward with a slight smirk on his lips. He glanced over at the castle to see students piling over each other to peek at the windows and others actually are at the courtyard away from the scene but not close enough to fully see. "Wanting a sneak peek of what true alchemy is like..."
"They're curious and the fact rumor travels extremely fast here." Edward waved him off. "Is everyone ready?"
"The Ministry Officials are here and ready to critique us every step of the way." Roy responded with a shrug, he pulled out his ignition gloves with a heavy feeling falling over him. "I take it they don't know about you, Alphonse and myself?"
"None of them know and they don't have the knowledge to take note of it. If they do take note of it... distract them and pull their attention elsewhere." Edward stated as he rolled his shoulders to release some tension. "It makes things far more fun to mess with them."
"True... true..." Roy snorted, he put on his gloves, he then smirked at the former Alchemist when he saw his future opponents wave at him from the other side of the field. "How about we get this show on the road?"
"Alright... Get ready with Al to create the stands, if they want a show, might as well make it one." Edward grinned, he clapped his hands together and somewhere out there... something grinned manically at the consequences of that day.
The moment Alphonse Elric and Roy Mustang created a mini arena, mainly creating a couple of stands for the spectators and a couple of obstacles, mainly boulders with varying sizes. In all, it looked like a very tempting fight to see for the Magical Community that are given front row seats. The eight students that have previously watched a fight between Alchemists are giddy with excitement. This is going to be amazing!
The entire arena went quiet when General Mustang stood in the middle of the arena. "Welcome, welcome! Welcome to the Battle Royal! A battle to the death!"
Roy flinched at the glare that Riza sent his way from her spot in the stands. He laughed nervously and coughed into his gloved hand to regain his composure. "Anyway... We were invited to your lovely...haunted... school! Mr. Edward Elric, Headmaster Dumbledore along with Emperor Ling and myself, have decided to create this little show... To showcase not only Alchemy but showcase what Amestris and Xing have to offer. Alphonse Elric, Mei Chang, Scar, myself, Emperor Ling and the Emperor's top bodyguard Lan Fan will be battling each other in last one standing match. Do not blink or you might miss the entire show..."
Edward snorted when he saw Roy snapped his fingers and flames flew up toward the sky causing everyone in the crowd to look on in awe. Just a snap of his fingers and he already has the crowd eating out of his hand. Clever. Very clever.
No one knew how to describe what is occurring down in the arena floor. Many of them had seemed fights, magical and non-magical alike. But this... This just takes the cake in so many levels to the point it makes many wonders... are they holding back? Yes. Judging by the fact how Mr. Elric only liked mildly impressed or scoffed at the many close class that is occurring down below.
The audible sounds of snaps ringing out throughout the arena which quickly followed by a massive burst of flame. Bright light engulfing the area which was quickly followed by destruction none had ever seen before. What seemed to take the cake for everyone is the fact two of the opponents that showed no Alchemical skill are at the same level as the others. The only things that they had on them are short blades, bombs and... is that a metal arm?
Yeah... that's a metal arm that is shooting out bombs...
Pale, terrifying and expressions filled with alarm at what is occurring in front of the Ministry Officials. They had anticipated something simple and complete laughing stock in all their opinions. That thought process grew when Emperor Ling and Princess Mei decided to join this Battle Royal. The moment the battle started... they began to wonder... Who the bloody hell are these... PEOPLE! If that is what you want to call them. They aren't even human, how could a simple human do all of that! That is completely impossible. How are they able to jump that high? Dodging at such speeds?
And by Merlin's beard! The only one that appeared to not be in shock by what is occurring down there is Mr. Colonel Edward Elric. The young man is actual calmly answering questions that were shot his way about the battle. If anything, he isn't treating this as a form of entertainment, but an actual life lesson.
"General Mustang control is meticulous..."
"Miss. Chang abilities primarily focus on healing or long range form."
"Alphonse, well-rounded. Prefers hand to hand combat of using staffs as a primary weapon."
"Mr. Scar... run. Just run."
"Emperor Ling... get food to distract him. You might get a chance."
"Lan Fan? Hand to a hand specialist, you mess with the Emperor, then you better watch out."
The whole situation is absurd to the point they are at complete disbelief. As much as they want to deny, deny, and deny, they cannot deny this. How could they? The Student-Faculty of Hogwarts is here as witnesses to this, along with a good handful of professors. Here's the kicker, if they deny this then both Amestris and Xing will call them out and the repercussions of that... only makes them shudder.
Then... there's the few within the group that are watching, the wheels in their mind spinning a thousand miles a minute. There are so many possibilities, so many future possibilities and opportunities that could occur if the dealings between all three counties are done. Of course, all dealings in their favor. Imagine it? Witches and Wizards able to do such feats, to have an army of them with such power? It is so close, they could just reach over and take it for themselves.
What really caught everyone's attention and fact, is that the Emperor of Xing had brought along the Amestrians as bodyguards. It is obvious by the fight down below... he appears far more capable of taking care of himself.
The moment the Battle Royal came to an end, the crowd roared out their approval of the fight. It is by far the most remarkable event many of them had ever seen. If this is what Alchemy had to offer, then they want to know more, learn what exactly what the true meaning of Alchemy is like. Too bad for many that dream will sink or sail for many the moment the Alchemy Teacher stood up and down to the arena floor.
"Well... Did that exceed all of your expectations?"
All throughout Hogwarts, the students rambled on and on about the Battle Royal. No one could stop gossiping on said subject. It was so unbelievable to many and if it weren't for the fact that so many students and professors had laid witness to it, disbelief would be the emotion many would have. But no, everything is true... except for adding a few more details here and there. Just to make it all more exciting for the listener.
"Was that what you saw over at Amestris, Terrance?" Fred and George asked their older classmate.
"Similarly, what we saw is General Mustang and a Major Armstrong. Even if it was of a smaller scale to the Battle Royal, it was still rather epic to watch." Terrance grinned at the twins as the three of them headed over towards the Great Hall for dinner. "Even what we saw, it is still on a small scale. All of them were holding back or were not in their element to showcase their abilities to the fullest. It's amazing..."
"Do you believe..."
"We could do that one day?"
"Maybe...if we continue with our learning and possible training." Terrance replied honestly, not fully knowing the answer to their question himself. "Dr. Marcoh told us back in Amestris that there are different branches of science and that is the same with Alchemy. General Mustang specializes in fire, Major Armstrong mixes alchemical skill with physical power, and along with that, he told us he knew a couple of individuals that dealt created metals, weapons, explosions and let's not forget Miss. Mei is s Alkahestric. Alkahestry performs a higher medical transmutation than Amestrian Alchemy and is able to perform it in long distances, unlike Amestrian Alchemy. There are many forms of alchemy which one would choose to study and perform."
"I want to make things go boom..."
"Very big boom..."
"What about Mr. Scar?"
"Er... I... don't know? I heard someone else asked Mr. Elric about and he got all quiet about it..."
"Wait... You guys are also going to have Alphonse teach here?" Edward asked, taken aback by what was being told to him. He is sitting behind his desk with a cup of hot tea and a plate of food on his desk. The Mustang Unit, Scar, Dr. Marcoh, Ling, Lan Fan, Mei, Alphonse along with Severus and Filius are sitting around the classroom with their dinner. Everyone who could speak English spoke the language for Edward's new friends. Well, here and there. Some information is better left incomprehensible. "Who made this up?"
"The moment the Ministry Officials saw Alphonse perform alchemy, they wanted him to become the 'Alchemy Professor'." Roy snorted into his own cup of steaming hot tea. "They wanted to replace you with your brother. Fortunately, with Dumbledore's help, we convinced them that won't be necessary. I won't bore you with the details right now, the end result is having you and Alphonse alternate years."
"And what the hell should I do during that free year?" Edward asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Congratulations, we promoted you to be an Ambassador of Amestris. You'll be the go-between Magical Great Britain and Amestris. While your brother will also be a go-between for them and Xing, depending on the situation." Roy laughed at Edward's expression of complete horror. He scooped up a spoonful of mash potatoes and pointed it at Edward. "Don't worry too much on it. You won't be permanently stationed here, just mostly traveling back and forth once every other couple of months or whenever your presence is needed."
"Good, he might get a little stir-crazy..."
"Shut up, Severus."
"Making a very plausible point."
"Shut up..." Edward retorted glumly in defeat while placing down his cup of tea on his table. He ran a hand through his hair. He looked pensive over what was just said to him, the Alchemy Teacher needed to think this through with Winry. It is no longer himself anymore, the moment he asked Winry to marry him, everything changed. Even if he is here being what he became, was something that was sort of planned. A year to travel west to study Alchemy. Well... he isn't exactly studying alchemy... he's teaching it. Traveling? Nope... Ugh... "I need to talk to Winry about this... We still need to set a date on the wedding and this is..."
"Don't worry about it, we are still ironing out the kinks to this." Riza assured him.
"I am scared how Winry will react to this..."
"Don't worry about it, we told her before we told you of this." Roy grinned at the Colonel.
Fortunately for Edward, he had finished his drink otherwise it would have spilled all over his ungraded classwork. "WHAT! What the fuck did you tell her!"
Severus and Filius shifted their gazes back and forth between Edward and Roy growing argument. Knowing Edward for this long, they knew it would be pointless intervening in the argument. They would get pulled into it and it will not end well. Especially with how Ms. Hawkeye is slowly edging towards them. They began to wonder how normal this is for everyone in this room.
Edward laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling deep in thought. So many things had occurred to him during the week that his friends arrived at Hogwarts and left since then. Heck, many more the moment he became a teacher and that made his mind go a thousand miles a minute. So much has changed for him the last year or so.
Where to go from there? What else could he do? Traveling seems... not something that seemed to appeal now. He traveled all throughout Amestris with a purpose of finding a way to get his and Alphonse bodies back. He got Alphonse's body back while he got his own arm back. The main reason for going west to look for Alchemy was...
Edward blinked slowly at a realization that suddenly struck him. He doesn't remember the exact reason he decided to travel west. Sure, to possibly learn more aspects on Alchemy and now thinking back on it. The main reason he went on this trip was that Alphonse mentioned he wanted to go East... by himself... on his own trip... This is an adventure that he went on his own and this is different. Very different. The excitement is nearly gone. Sure, there is an excitement in seeing others getting so psyched up in learning alchemy, it was like seeing himself and Alphonse in all his students. It's an honor to teach but this wasn't something he never saw himself doing. Now here he is and seeing how the situation is like, this is something that he wants to do to need to do. He needs to ensure that Alchemy is standing true and ensure that Truth will not play its games. Then again... Edward wouldn't be surprised if that thing is already pulling all the strings.
Not only that... Edward has plans on turning another government on its head and it will be one hell of a ride. With a grin reminiscent of a white figure, Edward turned off the light and allowed his mind to wander off to sleep.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Oct 30 Dancitron Movie Night - Poltergeist
Soundwave dressed as Tarantulas. Prowl nearly died. Tarantulas showed up dressed as Soundwave. Prowl DID die.
Prowl had a good night.
Today Generalbri 7:37 pm HEWWWOO NoodlesAtNight 7:38 pm *Most of the minis are off having a party with those who like Earth holidays, but a few have stayed here. Rumble - making a semi-convincing Minimus Ambus - is lounging on a couch with a sparkly orange cube in his hand. Where Soundwave usually sits is... well, it's probably Soundwave, but it sure looks different. Purple and green, fuzzy as Pit, with several pipes harnessed to his back. Even his visor has a fake set of mandibles and a yellow stripe displayed on it.* ((YO)) SpectralDragon615 7:38 pm ((SOUNDWAVE ARE YOU COSPLAYING TARA)) NoodlesAtNight 7:38 pm (( ouo )) SpectralDragon615 7:38 pm ((god you're so valid)) Generalbri 7:39 pm (( omg MedicalMurdersaurus 7:39 pm *BUSTS in through the door, painted as pink as can be* Me Swoop am COMEDIAN — wily-red-and-galeforce-gold: “You wanna be a power... Me Swoop am COMEDIAN — wily-red-and-galeforce-gold: “You wanna be a power... - wily-red-and-galeforce-gold:?““You wanna be a power ranger?” ” Generalbri 7:40 pm (( that's cute NoodlesAtNight 7:40 pm *Rumble IMMEDIATELY bursts into laughter. It takes him a second to rearrange himself into something more proper looking and serious.* //Greetin's, Earthling. Obey the Tyrest Accord 'n all that while ya stay here.// Omalah 7:40 pm *Always one for a good scary movie, Aegis slips in, not in costume but carrying some extra treats and high grade* SpectralDragon615 7:40 pm *the dragon bridges in, dragging a cart full of treats behind her. chestburster heads- you can see the lil hat remnants from where she used the same mold as the dancing chestburster sculpture she made for Soundwave -, mercury rolls shaped like xenomorph eggs where the mercury spills out when you bite into it, gummy bats and rust stick pumpkins. surprisingly, the dragon shoves the cart somewhere out of the way and vanishes back into the bridge in a blur of pink and rhinestones* Sorry, two trips! MedicalMurdersaurus 7:41 pm what THAT? *has no idea what rumble is talking about or who he is* NoodlesAtNight 7:43 pm //Only the best rules ya ever saw, 'n I'm enforcin' 'em.// *Rumble nods to Aegis and then to the dragon.* //If that dirty Soundwave 'Con was here, he'd like them treats. Made 'em to health regulations, I hope.// MedicalMurdersaurus 7:43 pm ENFORCE? kehheheh. You a POLICE bot? SunstreakerCMO 7:43 pm -stalls at the entrance. Had he missed something?- NoodlesAtNight 7:44 pm ((bri if you wanna come in as you as a human feel free, we'll just air bubble you lol. otherwise you could be someone if you want or just chill and chatter in OOC as you like 😃 )) Generalbri 7:45 pm (( oh jeez. it's been so long verdigrisprowl 7:46 pm *appears; sits in his usual s--* NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm //I ain't a police bot. I'm a rules lawyer.// verdigrisprowl 7:46 pm *hold the ever-loving fuck on* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:46 pm Boring Me Swoop am PINK RANGER That waaaaaaaaay more exciting : > SunstreakerCMO 7:46 pm -slowly backing up. No idea what's going on in this room, at all- verdigrisprowl 7:46 pm *stares at Soundwave* NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm *Tarantulas-Soundwave waggles one of the pipes at Sunstreaker.* Omalah 7:47 pm Ranger? What the heck is that? SpectralDragon615 7:47 pm *the NEXT cart is actually a dolly that the dragon has to push through- the cargo is that heavy! it's not a life-sized sculpture of a xenomorph queen, but it's at least three times the height of the chestburster sculpture she brought to Soundwave, molded in energon. the plates and teeth are detailed in silver, and the eyes are carefully hammered in the same metal. each piece of silver has had the same phrase carved on it in cybertronian, an earth language, and a pictographical language that Soundwave might recognize as the dragon's own. they're not spooky phrases- "from knowledge, power" and "a silver tongue is worth its weight in gold" are both there, amongst others -but it's all very heartfelt. the dragon is dressed as... a pink toad with dragonfly wings and a rhinestone fetish? hm.* Okay. That's the second one. Hi, Soundwave! *phew. she's bushed.* ((lmao I wrote all that and nearly forgot to say what it was a sculpture of)) ((dragon got spooky)) SunstreakerCMO 7:48 pm -just /stares/ back at the thing that looks kinda like Soundwave but he's not sure- NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm *Now waggles a pipe-leg at Prowl as well and pats the seat next to himself. Little hearts float up on his visor and everything, over the mandibles.* Omalah 7:48 pm *Waves to Sunstreaker* Are you oing to come in and relax or what? SunstreakerCMO 7:48 pm ....what is going on? MedicalMurdersaurus 7:48 pm HALLOWEEN duh Omalah 7:48 pm Spooky Celebration NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm //A duly appointed holiday.// SunstreakerCMO 7:49 pm Halloween? MedicalMurdersaurus 7:49 pm *blows raspberries at a duly appointed butt* verdigrisprowl 7:49 pm ... W-what. SunstreakerCMO 7:49 pm A holiday of what? verdigrisprowl 7:49 pm *HE'S MAKING AN ASTOUNDING EFFORT TO KEEP IT TOGETHER* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:49 pm Scary things SunstreakerCMO 7:50 pm ............ I am more confused than anything right now NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm [[Prowl, /dearest,/ whatever is the matter? It hasn't been /that/ long since I came to a movie night.]] *Oh Primus, he is about to lose it himself. Keep sitting still, Soundwave.* Generalbri 7:51 pm *something smacks into the back of Sunstreaker's helm* oi! out of the way! *then off a tiny black toy ship flies off then transforms to land on the back of the couch* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:51 pm It a dress up spooky scare day NoodlesAtNight 7:51 pm *"Minimus Ambus" gets up to inspect the Alien queen, squinting and hrmming at it.* //Was this registrated like an invasive species with customs?// Omalah 7:52 pm Except Soundwave generally puts a pin in anything actually scary like sparkeaters so we don't have to worry about anything MedicalMurdersaurus 7:52 pm Us go fight real monsters??? :V SunstreakerCMO 7:52 pm -jerks forwards and then turns to look at the thing that hit him- ...what. SunstreakerCMO 7:53 pm And I was not told this was going on SpectralDragon615 7:53 pm *the dragon tries VERY hard not to giggle* Yes, sir! I have its paperwork right here. *hands Rumble a xenomorph-egg mercury roll* Generalbri 7:53 pm *small four legged toy flaps his arms; wearing what looks like bat wings, has fake fangs* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:53 pm Him Sideswipe do Dinobot costumes : > PAINT costume Not COSTUME costume SunstreakerCMO 7:54 pm I think I should have remained on base.... NoodlesAtNight 7:54 pm //It's a tradition. Have to keep traditions. Important stuff. Can't go ignorin' the way things is usually done.// MedicalMurdersaurus 7:54 pm Why? SunstreakerCMO 7:55 pm This is not...something I was prepared for NoodlesAtNight 7:55 pm *Rumble confiscates the xeno-egg mercury roll and gives it a lick.* //Paperwork checks out. Carry on, rhinestone thingie.// MedicalMurdersaurus 7:55 pm so? NoodlesAtNight 7:55 pm //You, little ship thing. Y'got a parkin' permit?// Omalah 7:56 pm If its too much, would it be easier for you to stay near the gate and away from the... paraphanelia? SpectralDragon615 7:56 pm Fairy dragon, sir. Thank you, sir. *the dragon awkwardly salutes, before putting the rest of her treats where they belong* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:56 pm *bounces to the song* SunstreakerCMO 7:56 pm It was unexpected NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm *"Tarantulas" beckons Swoop closer.* [[Swoop! Would you like to go Up? Once only, of course.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:56 pm !!! Generalbri 7:56 pm *frowns* left it outside. need I get it? *tilts helm, wiggles* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:57 pm YES! SunstreakerCMO 7:57 pm And I think I should MedicalMurdersaurus 7:57 pm *literally does not care who this offer is from as long as it happens* Omalah 7:58 pm ((I'm going to grab food real quick)) NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm ((starting in 15 minutes so yeah get your food and stuff!)) SunstreakerCMO 7:59 pm -and he's going to move towards the back of the room, hopefully away from the holiday stuff- NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm *Soundwave holds out his arms in their furry mittens. Come on, then, Swoop.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:00 pm *dashes over to Soundwave and all but throws himself in the other mech's arms* NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm //Hmm. Nah. You seem like a trustworthy bo... yer a bot, ain'tcha? Kinda small. Smaller 'n me, 'n I'm the irreductible me.// verdigrisprowl 8:01 pm *soundwave's even imitating tarantulas.* *hold on, prowl's gonna. just. he's gonna. sit down. and bury his face in his hands. and shake.* NoodlesAtNight 8:03 pm *Soundwave hoists Swoop into the air and plays back one of Tarantulas' cackles. He knows this is gonna cause trouble later and does not care at all.* Generalbri 8:03 pm *the tiny toy sticks out his tiny glossa, jumps off the couch, transforms and lands on Rumbles helm* i'm not a bot! i'm a bat! MedicalMurdersaurus 8:03 pm *SQUEALS* verdigrisprowl 8:03 pm *prowl would care. if he could breathe.* NoodlesAtNight 8:04 pm *He'll be sure to put Swoop down again before Prowl can ventilate properly.* //Oh, hey. I ain't who ya want if you're a bat. You gotta wait for a Starscream or somethin'.// SpectralDragon615 8:04 pm *oh, dear, Prowl is dying. the dragon is actually slightly concerned* NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm *And down Swoop goes. Soundwave should probably pat Prowl on the back in comfort. That seems a Tarantulas thing to do.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:05 pm *bounces and snickers* You PRETTY good Spider Bot kehehhhehhh SunstreakerCMO 8:05 pm -what is going on in this room anymore?- Omalah 8:05 pm *Aegis isn't sure if Prowl is trying not to laugh or if he's having a panic attack so he's just going to let him have space* verdigrisprowl 8:05 pm *he certainly is dying and soundwave killed him.* NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm *Shenanigans, Sunstreaker. So many shenanigans. This place gets a little.... off-kilter, around Halloween.* SunstreakerCMO 8:06 pm ((at least there's a medic in the room Omalah 8:06 pm ((two of 'em)) SunstreakerCMO 8:06 pm ((yup verdigrisprowl 8:06 pm *okay. okay. he's recovering. thanks for the back pats. he sits up and looks at— nope, his face is going back in his hands.* SpectralDragon615 8:06 pm Um, Super-intelligent Spider Sir, I think Prowl is dying. Generalbri 8:06 pm *makes a face* eww, no. i'll just chill right here. *notices Prowl* is he dead yet so i can suck some energon?~ SpectralDragon615 8:06 pm *that's absolutely how she's addressing Soundwave Tara* SunstreakerCMO 8:06 pm -HE CAN TELL- MedicalMurdersaurus 8:07 pm Where Her Bird? :V Omalah 8:07 pm No you may not. Have some candy instead. SunstreakerCMO 8:07 pm -He's staying in his corner, until this is over- Generalbri 8:07 pm *whines loudly, falls off Rumble* NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm [[Oh dear, oh dear. I'll have to bind him up in spider web and take him to my laboratory for, er - intense science.]] Omalah 8:08 pm *He doesn't get to come to these movie nights often but he's wondering what Tara is going to think of Soundwave's costume* SpectralDragon615 8:08 pm *the dragon makes an undignified noise. her turn to die trying not to laugh. of all the things she expected to hear, that was NOT one of them.* verdigrisprowl 8:09 pm SOUNDW— *CHOKES* NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm *Visor-on-the-visor smile.* verdigrisprowl 8:09 pm *HE'S TRYING NOT TO LAUGH OUT LOUD AND YOu'RE NOT HELPING* Generalbri 8:09 pm *gets back to the couch* is that tonight's movie?? NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm //Bird ain't here, buddy. She 'n the Saw went off to that party in Praxus. Horrible. Noise violations everywhere.// MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm : V : < NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm ((I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS IN THIS)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm Me Swoop want to noise violations too : < verdigrisprowl 8:11 pm *reaches over and, pushes soundwave. very gently.* SunstreakerCMO 8:11 pm -he doesn't want to know- NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm *Rumble tries to catch the tiny bat.* //Hey! Don't fall. I'm an Accord enforcer, not a medic. Anyway, tonight's movie is Poltergeist. Ain't no such thing, but the spider likes them unexplained phenominomin.// *Soundwave pushes back oh so gently. He's glad Prowl took this costume well.* NoodlesAtNight 8:12 pm ((THREE MINUTES TIL START)) Generalbri 8:13 pm *rumble is able to catch the bat who just sits there* Oh.. I should tell Boomer. but we don't need a mess. NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm //What's the mess?// SCProwl 8:13 pm *Prowl arrives--and notices nothing amiss about the room or its inhabitants* Generalbri 8:14 pm *points at Prowl and the other Autobots* them if Boomer sees them verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm *okay. okay, he's recovered. okay. all right. ... he's not going to look at soundwave again.* NoodlesAtNight 8:14 pm ((WARNINGS: Poltergeist // bady flickering/flashing lights through the whole opening portion (and once the kids are snoozing with their parents, and after they check the pool, and when tangina opens the door), foul language, dead animal, drug use, men being disgusting toward a teenager, highly disturbing imagery of varying kinds, maggots in meat, serious body horror and gore once the guy looks in the bathroom mirror, one of the early "ancient burial ground" movies, gross 'ectoplasm' stuff, some kind of ghostly sexual assault?? not entirely sure)) verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm *aHEM.* Tarantulas is going to be furious if he sees you. NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm //Oh. Yeah, don't tell 'em. Laughter's unseemly. Ain't nothin' sour 'n strict about it.// SpectralDragon615 8:15 pm *the dragon acts as though Prowl is talking to her* I'm a fairy dragon! Why would such a Super-intelligent Science Spider be offended by me? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:15 pm *is moving around in the vague approximation of dancing as he tries to figure out what to do with himself and all this energy* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:16 pm Me Swoop want to show Her Bird costume verdigrisprowl 8:16 pm *... slow blink.* *points at Soundwave. He was talking to him.* Generalbri 8:16 pm (( i'll probably not watch just because i'm not big into horror gorey realistic movies. just enjoying chatting for once NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm ((absolutely fair! i don't expect anyone to make themselves uncomfortable for these)) Omalah 8:17 pm ((oh is this the original?)) NoodlesAtNight 8:17 pm ((yeeeeep)) Omalah 8:17 pm ((nice!)) NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm [[I'm never offended by myself. He--]] *Whoops. Focus more. Put the effort into the right self reference words.* [[I made myself, after all.]] verdigrisprowl 8:18 pm You know what I— *sees Rumble for the first time. snorts and claps both hands over his mouth.* NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm *Pats the other side of the couch, opposite Prowl.* [[Up, dear dragon.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:19 pm //Hey! No laughin'. I'm just as bossy 'n important this way as in that big honkin' suit.// SunstreakerCMO 8:19 pm -okay, movie. He's going to ignore the room and watch the friggin' movie- NoodlesAtNight 8:19 pm *Folds his arms and twitches his mustache* SpectralDragon615 8:19 pm *the dragon hops up with delight* Thank you, Super-intelligent Science Spider! verdigrisprowl 8:20 pm No laughing, sir! *he says, while 60% laughing.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:20 pm *doesn't have as much to dance to, so he twists at the waist, letting his arms and wings fling around behind him* NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm //That's better.// Omalah 8:21 pm *Finding a spot near Sunstreaker, he sits down and offers some energon candies with gooey centers* NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm //Siddown, pink ranger. You're disturbin' the peace 'n suchlike.// SunstreakerCMO 8:22 pm -wasn't expecting that- ...hello... SpectralDragon615 8:22 pm *squishes as close to Soundwave as she dares with her squishy plush costume and giant wire dragonfly wings. she'd apologize for the offense to optics and basic color theory, but she will not.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:22 pm *decides to just be the pink ranger for a bit, bending at the knees before flinging himself backwards to flip his way into what may or may not be a free seat* Omalah 8:23 pm I guess they can afford to be wasteful in a gated community NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm *Polite applause from "Tara" to Swoop. Then, to the dragon:* [[You look like a Chimeracon I once knew. Created?]] *He waggles a mitten hand.* [[Both.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:24 pm *strikes his best victorious olympian pose at the applause* SpectralDragon615 8:25 pm *the dragon churrs at the "compliment"* I'm glad to know that such an intelligent Science Spider approves of my aesthetics. NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm //Improper disposin' of dead pets. Tsk.// MedicalMurdersaurus 8:25 pm ??? Omalah 8:25 pm They do realize this could be solved by turning the channel with the dial MedicalMurdersaurus 8:25 pm Her going to FLUSH bird : V kehehheh not BIRD bird SunstreakerCMO 8:25 pm They do not appear to be very intelligent Omalah 8:26 pm *Is not going to laugh, even if it's tempting* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:26 pm Dead things not HUNGRY or LONELY Them dead Omalah 8:26 pm No, but certain civilizations would entomb their kings like that MedicalMurdersaurus 8:27 pm Entomb Omalah 8:28 pm Yes, entomb. Not everyone gets smelted down MedicalMurdersaurus 8:28 pm Entomb means....? verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm That's a waste of materials that the king's subjects could have benefitted fr—pfffft! *he saw Soundwave from the corner of his optic.* SunstreakerCMO 8:29 pm -Prowl seems like he's going to be out of commission for a bit- Omalah 8:30 pm That's true but people higher up always get special consideration SpectralDragon615 8:30 pm ((ksfhkasljhfa)) ((HE'S HERE)) verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm *okay. okay, he's fine. deeeep breath.* SunstreakerCMO 8:30 pm ((HAH Omalah 8:30 pm Entomb is when someone is generally encased in a stone room, buried. NoodlesAtNight 8:31 pm *Starting to finally lose it. He hasn't seen Prowl laugh this much in... ever? Has he? It's contagious and he loves it.* [[Some buried beloved people with their royalty. Imagine it! All eternity with them.]] *"Flutters" the visor mandibles at Prowl.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:31 pm OH! Me Swoop know that. That what Autobots do to Dinobots. NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm //Child endangerin'. That's what that is.// verdigrisprowl 8:32 pm *paps him again* NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm *Huffing softly* verdigrisprowl 8:32 pm *... feels the fuzz. what's the fuzz like.* SpectralDragon615 8:32 pm *the dragon is going to die from stifling her laughter, and it will be a noble and glorious death* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:32 pm Me Swoop not a child. Me Swoop a Dinobot. Generalbri 8:32 pm (( gonna head out actually! have fun all! NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm *The fuzz is softer than Tarantulas'. He couldn't figure out how to replicate setae, so they just got purple fake fur. It's quality, though.* NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm ((aaaa! goodnight and thank you for coming by!)) verdigrisprowl 8:33 pm *meh. it's not right.* Omalah 8:33 pm *squirms at the sight of the clown* Creepy... NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm *Alas. There can only be one real Tarantulas.* verdigrisprowl 8:34 pm *smooths the fuzz back in place and looks back at the movie* Omalah 8:35 pm How can he not like the tree, he was climbing it earlier verdigrisprowl 8:35 pm ... Seriously, though. He's probably not going to come, but he might. And if he DOES he's going to be absolutely furious if he sees you. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:36 pm *glances over at the word "furious," that's a fighting word, someone throw down, swoop wants to see a fight* NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm [[Then he will simply have to deal with the consequences of his actions. It will have been worth it for your reactions.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm *...And while he's here, and before Tarantulas can get in and stop him? Twisting to bring his legs up onto Prowl's thighs. Ahh. Comfortable.* Omalah 8:37 pm *snorts quietly* I remember doing that with Carri NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm //Countin' thunder?// Omalah 8:38 pm Sleeping in his berth because of the thunder verdigrisprowl 8:38 pm *startles* What—? *THAT'S MORE FORWARD THAN USUAL* SpectralDragon615 8:38 pm *aw! cuteness. Soundwave and Prowl are illegally cute. arrest them, Police Rumble.* Omalah 8:38 pm ....or the gunshots NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm *Can't do. Nothing about it violates the Accord. Nobody's putting semicolons out of place.* NoodlesAtNight 8:39 pm //Don't tell nobody, but I heard it's comfortable sleepin' piled up. Not that I'd know. Too busy bein' alone 'n likin' it.// verdigrisprowl 8:40 pm *under the guidelines stipulated in section 194 subsection 23 paragraph 5 they're well within legal limits of adorableness* LyingLiarWhoLies 8:40 pm *the one real tarantulas.... has arrived! however he's actually just a scarily real holomatter avatar of the soundwave who's probably been mocking him* *what a time to come in tho* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:40 pm *head tilts at Rumble* Sleep alone? Omalah 8:40 pm Still not as creepy as that clown in the other room NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm @P: [[Tarantulas regularly dares to be in your space more often than he himself does. It seemed a valid excuse to be so brave himself.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:41 pm //'Course. Ain't no room for nobody else in the Magnus armor.// verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm ... Very well. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:41 pm What? NoodlesAtNight 8:41 pm *Soundwave glances up at the newcomer and buzzes in deep amusement.* verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm *glances at the door, sees "Soundwave," and starts. looks back at the real Soundwave. looks at the door again. alternate? or—* LyingLiarWhoLies 8:41 pm *having too much fun waving his feelers, taps prowl&sw on the shoulder with one* Sorry he's late to his own party. verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm *lightbulb clicks on.* SpectralDragon615 8:42 pm *the dragon looks over. sees tarantulas. dies on the spot.* verdigrisprowl 8:42 pm *cracks up* SpectralDragon615 8:42 pm *did her rebreather fall out, or is this just the most hilarious thing she's ever seen?* NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm *Pats himself on a feeler.* [[There, there. We've kept your seat warm.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:42 pm *doesn't know why we're laughing but laughs anyway* Omalah 8:43 pm *Looks to Sunstreaker* Do you wish you'd dressed as someone now? Also. Ew. verdigrisprowl 8:44 pm *laughing so hard he's sliding off his seat. sorry Soundwave, he's taking your legs with him.* SunstreakerCMO 8:44 pm No. I am fine as I am. NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm *HOLD ON NOW, YOU'RE GOING TO PULL HIM OFF THE--* LyingLiarWhoLies 8:45 pm *compares self to sw, suddenly visibly upset/cringe* Wait, that's - I don't look like THAT, Primus - I mean - *tries to compose* He wonders if something is awry with you this evening, /Tarantulas/. *shock again at the mess falling off the couch* SunstreakerCMO 8:46 pm -and just looks over to see insanity on Prowl's couch- SpectralDragon615 8:46 pm *the dragon, acting more on instinct than logic, tries to grab Soundwave and rescue him. this does not work.* SunstreakerCMO 8:46 pm ......... SpectralDragon615 8:46 pm *she is a determined little bugger, but she's only the size of a fox. she loses to gravity every time.* SunstreakerCMO 8:47 pm -he's getting up now, just in case- NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm *Soundwave-Tarantulas is half up the couch and half off it, one shoulder of fuzz pulling off in the dragon's mouth.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:47 pm *looks over at "Tara" and "SW," taking no energy to digest the situation and putting all this energy towards wishing there'd be a throw down fight* NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm [[I'm not myself, I think.]] *Looking up to Tarantulas proper with another huff.* LyingLiarWhoLies 8:48 pm Well that's ONE way of putting it. *wavy feelers* NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm [[Do join us?]] NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm *Pointing.* //Movin' violation. 'S against the laws of physics. Oughta lecture the chair.// MedicalMurdersaurus 8:49 pm Punch it! : V *wants to see SOMEONE fight even if it is jsut Rumble v chair* SpectralDragon615 8:49 pm ...What is she doing to her hatchling. Omalah 8:50 pm Endangering it NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm [[Experimenting!]] SpectralDragon615 8:50 pm Clearly. *she's not actually sure which one she's responding to, but she's responding.* LyingLiarWhoLies 8:50 pm Even /I/ - even Tarantulas wouldn't do that to such a youngling, of course not. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm *rolls his optics at the whole room* EVERYONE sooooo *makes humph noises* about YOUNG young young : P NoodlesAtNight 8:51 pm [[Thank you for coming to my defense, Soundwave.]] SpectralDragon615 8:52 pm *the dragon shakes some fuzz out from her mouth* This is why I like you, Soundwave. You're so nice to people. LyingLiarWhoLies 8:52 pm *quiet snort* *can he pull sw&prowl off the ground with feelers? does it work like that?* NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *He can definitely pull Soundwave, at least. Maybe not with the greatest finesse, but--* LyingLiarWhoLies 8:53 pm *the real question is did he make the avatar strong enough* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:53 pm KEHEHHEHHHHHHEHEHHHEHHEH NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *Startles and bangs a spine on the couch back. Winces and curls up* SunstreakerCMO 8:53 pm .............. NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *He was NOT expecting the tree to do that.* SpectralDragon615 8:53 pm Mhm. The spirits are trying to abduct her. verdigrisprowl 8:53 pm *is much lighter than a normal person, so tarantulas should manage it* Omalah 8:53 pm *optics brighten* SpectralDragon615 8:54 pm I suppose they want to kill her and steal her body. Omalah 8:54 pm Oh good the clown is gone... SpectralDragon615 8:55 pm Ah, yes. She's dead. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:55 pm Dead LyingLiarWhoLies 8:55 pm *sets them down as gently as he can, yeek. just gonna, sit down next to em* SunstreakerCMO 8:55 pm -well, he doesn't like this movie anymore- Omalah 8:55 pm tornadoes do -not- explain what that tree just did verdigrisprowl 8:55 pm *he's down to giggles* SpectralDragon615 8:55 pm If you can't find her, you're far too late. NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm *Leans up on Tarantulas. Thank you for the assist.* Omalah 8:56 pm Pretty sure you have up to 24 hours before a child is assumed dead NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm *Rubs a fuzz-covered pipe/feeler paw on his holo self's head to feel the texture. Not bad. Huh!* verdigrisprowl 8:57 pm Did— Did y— Did both of you— SpectralDragon615 8:57 pm Spirits are supposed to abduct hatchlings to replace them. *the dragon hums* I don't actually believe those stories, but that's what the stories say. radioactivibee 8:57 pm ...why did he just NoodlesAtNight 8:57 pm *Rumble suddenly looks super uncomfortable at the dragon's comment. He'll just stuff that mercury roll into his mouth now.* radioactivibee 8:57 pm why would you swim around in there SunstreakerCMO 8:57 pm ....... Omalah 8:58 pm Because they assume their missing girl is in there NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm [[Did we what?]] radioactivibee 8:58 pm Are these humans ok? Omalah 8:58 pm Not even remotely NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm [[Not in the slightest.]] radioactivibee 8:58 pm oh MedicalMurdersaurus 8:58 pm When the movie do fighting stuff? verdigrisprowl 8:58 pm *gestures at both of them* Did you—plan this? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:59 pm GO back to beat up tree kehehehh SunstreakerCMO 8:59 pm -right, he REALLY doesn't like this movie now- LyingLiarWhoLies 8:59 pm He has not planned anything, of course not. Not with Tarantulas, at least. SpectralDragon615 8:59 pm *the dragon didn't notice, so she's going to continue- sorry Rumble* The stories then claim that the replaced hatchling then goes on a killing spree as an adult. *grumbles* As I said, I don't believe them. We had to codify docentry because we're bad parents. There's a far more mundane solution to those tales. NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [[No, never. He wouldn't dare be so devious.]] verdigrisprowl 8:59 pm I'm serious. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:59 pm Us Dinobots go on killing spree any time! Newbuild, whatever! : > verdigrisprowl 8:59 pm *he's TRYING to be serious.* SpectralDragon615 9:00 pm Swoop, don't you live in a cave? radioactivibee 9:00 pm So are these ghosts or demons? MedicalMurdersaurus 9:00 pm Yup~ Yup! SpectralDragon615 9:01 pm You may not be a dragon, but I feel like you prove my point. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:01 pm ((come on rabbit let me say stuff)) LyingLiarWhoLies 9:01 pm He DID hope Tarantulas would show up as - as less of a MESS than this, but no one can be as composed as him, he supposes. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:01 pm ((I'm lagging like nobody's business)) What point? :V NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[I was busy! I'm sure I'll look more presentable next time.]] @P: [[In other words: yes.]] radioactivibee 9:02 pm Humans have CLASSIC hauntings?? SpectralDragon615 9:02 pm *the dragon hesitates, and then chuffs* Don't worry about my point. I've got plenty more. Teeth grow back, and all. *she was GOING to say that "bad parenting causes killing sprees" but. Swoop probably doesn't need to hear it.* opatoes 9:03 pm /Smokescreen's a bit late, but is excited- Tarantulas! And Bee! Who does he go to? ... Is Messy next to Prowl?/ NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm *Well, that's... that's a complex question.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:03 pm *drops down into his ptero-mode, snapping his beak then laughing* Me Swoop have POINTS toooo kehehhehh LyingLiarWhoLies 9:04 pm *technically messy isn't here! just a holo of soundwave, and soundwave-dressed-badly-as-messy* radioactivibee 9:04 pm Dog! Oh Primus, let the dog be ok. opatoes 9:04 pm ... /The costume's convincing enough! Smokescreen's running over to give Soundwave dressed as Tarantulas a hug./ NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm *ALERT. ALERT. THIS COSTUME WAS A BAD IDEA* LyingLiarWhoLies 9:05 pm *GR8 IDEA* radioactivibee 9:05 pm [taking pictures of the madness] NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm [[LET GO OF HIM AT ONCE]] *That is definitely Soundwave.* opatoes 9:05 pm Messy! It feels like it's been forever and- maybe we can hang out more later? I didn't expect to see you tonight! ... Wait, what. /Lets go immediately./ SpectralDragon615 9:05 pm *the dragon FANS her wings out and snarls at Smokescreen* verdigrisprowl 9:05 pm *leeeeeans away* SunstreakerCMO 9:05 pm -okay, he's crowd watching now, at Smokescreen hugging Soundwave- opatoes 9:06 pm So, uh, Soundwave, you wanna, uh, look at the covenant later or something? radioactivibee 9:06 pm ...What the Oooooh no, nope, nuh-uh I don't like this. NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm *Huffs in irritation and tries to smooth the moved fur back into place.* [[For Primus' sake. It's not even a convincing material, Smokescreen.]] opatoes 9:06 pm Oh! This is like the digimon movie! opatoes 9:07 pm ... Hey, it was convincing enough for me. Maybe I just need my optics recalibrated or something, LyingLiarWhoLies 9:07 pm See, that's what I mean! He doesn't look ANYTHINg- *huff* opatoes 9:07 pm /Staring at the holoform./ Wait, Messy, you're actually here? SunstreakerCMO 9:07 pm ...... opatoes 9:07 pm ... You're Messy, right? Not another Soundwave? SunstreakerCMO 9:08 pm -REALLY thinking he should have stayed at his base tonight- NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm //So her kid's Shadowzoned or somethin'?// SpectralDragon615 9:08 pm That's not any Soundwave, Smokescreen. LyingLiarWhoLies 9:08 pm He - he's right there. *gestures toward sw with feeler. totes* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:08 pm Shadowzone? NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm [[Don't you dare.]] LyingLiarWhoLies 9:08 pm He is Soundwave, just as always. opatoes 9:09 pm ... Hm. /Squinting at Soundwave dressed as Tarantulas./ Messy, that's a REALLY BAD Soundwave costume, you know. I can see your fuzzy bits. radioactivibee 9:09 pm Humans HAVE been to the Shadowzone before, but these humans don't look like they could ever create Ground Bridges. SpectralDragon615 9:09 pm *the dragon lifts her head up and stares at holo-tara. she'll bite.* radioactivibee 9:09 pm .......... LyingLiarWhoLies 9:10 pm *nearly dies trying not to laugh @ smokey, but it helps he doesn't have a face, so he just ends up shaking* radioactivibee 9:10 pm [is just going to watch, not even attempting to correct smokey] verdigrisprowl 9:10 pm Ugh. *glances at Soundwave and Tarantulas* Please—straighten him out. I can't handle this much stupidity in this close proximity. NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm [[My - his - /Tarantulas'/ 'bits' are not fuzzy, thank you.]] opatoes 9:11 pm ... That's true. You weren't as soft as usual. Do spiders molt? Is that what happened? NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm *To Prowl:* [[He's /trying./]] verdigrisprowl 9:11 pm I know YOU are. LyingLiarWhoLies 9:11 pm Tarantulas often refers to them as "setae," and he would not be here if he had molted. *crosses arms* SunstreakerCMO 9:12 pm -face in palms. He is DONE- LyingLiarWhoLies 9:12 pm *kinda hard to cross weird SW arms, he finds* verdigrisprowl 9:12 pm /Tarantulas./ opatoes 9:12 pm Hm. You know an awful lot about spiders for a Soundwave. /Squinting again at the holoform, and is going to try to touch./ radioactivibee 9:12 pm So you do molt? Smokey, remember. Soundwave has tentacles. That basically makes him an arachnid. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:12 pm Birds molt : > *is part of this conversation now thx* NoodlesAtNight 9:12 pm *It takes time to figure out how to cross his arms. A few days, when he first reformatted.* opatoes 9:12 pm Hey, spiders don't have tentacles! And I'm thankful for that. radioactivibee 9:12 pm Swoop, do you molt? radioactivibee 9:13 pm No, but he almost has 8 limbs. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:13 pm No NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm [[It does /not/ make Soundwave an arachnid.]] SpectralDragon615 9:13 pm Tentacles are a valid and important anatomical option. LyingLiarWhoLies 9:13 pm Soundwave doesn't - HE doesn't have a sufficient number of limbs. opatoes 9:13 pm That doesn't make him an arachnid! That just makes him creepy. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:13 pm Me Swoop *bounces up enough to flap his wings* not have feathers NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm [[Thank you, dragon.]] radioactivibee 9:13 pm He's the closest we have since Airachnid's on the moon. NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *Soundwave just puts his - er, Tarantulas' - face in his mitten-hands and vents into them.* opatoes 9:13 pm Hmmmm. /Smokescreen's leaning in to offer the Soundwave holoform a bit of the covenant, looking for a reaction./ SpectralDragon615 9:13 pm *the dragon puffs herself up proudly and churrs happily* radioactivibee 9:14 pm Primus, you brought that with you? Shouldn't it be in some kind of vault? opatoes 9:14 pm ... But if it's left in a vault, it'd be super easy to steal. Trust me, I've stolen from vaults before! LyingLiarWhoLies 9:14 pm *snatches right up !! but also pulls smokey in for a hug, because watching sw's holo hugging smokey has gotta be weird from the outside, rite* radioactivibee 9:14 pm Smokes, you're the only bot with a phase shifter. opatoes 9:15 pm /SQUEAKS at the "Soundwave hug, before affectionately hugging him./ Messy! You can't trick me for that long! SunstreakerCMO 9:15 pm -standing up. He's done for tonight- radioactivibee 9:15 pm ... verdigrisprowl 9:15 pm *mutters* Finally. radioactivibee 9:15 pm It was fun while it lasted. LyingLiarWhoLies 9:15 pm *signature tara laughter can be heard through the sw mask, it's probably pretty creepy* SpectralDragon615 9:15 pm *the dragon reaches out with one paw to offer a pat for Prowl* Omalah 9:15 pm *Watches Sunstreaker getting up* where you going? opatoes 9:15 pm /Making a point of hugging the holoform, practically climbing him!/ opatoes 9:15 pm Hey, I bet I could break into a vault without it. I'm pretty crafty! radioactivibee 9:16 pm One of the high security ones in Iacon? NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm [[Get off of him!]] *That is the most horrifying thing he's ever seen.* opatoes 9:16 pm I'd give it a go! verdigrisprowl 9:16 pm *... leans away from paw reaching at him?* radioactivibee 9:16 pm I don't doubt you could break into a normal vault but SpectralDragon615 9:16 pm *okay. retracts paw.* NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm *Already pulling fur patches off his shoulders and thighs and whatnot.* opatoes 9:16 pm Look, I snuck past the Soundwave in my universe with the forge. With THIS paint job! I'm pretty sneaky. SunstreakerCMO 9:16 pm ....nowhere LyingLiarWhoLies 9:17 pm *patpat smokey's head with a feeler* NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm *He refuses to let Smokescreen take advantage of his holo self like this.* opatoes 9:17 pm /Squirming away from the feeler- okay, that's enough!/ LyingLiarWhoLies 9:17 pm *gently does pick smokey up off him and puts him down* radioactivibee 9:17 pm With the phase shifter or without? SunstreakerCMO 9:17 pm -Smokscreen figured things out, so he's fine now- NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm ((this is a super gross scene btw y'all)) opatoes 9:17 pm Without, but it was in the middle of their base! And no one noticed. radioactivibee 9:17 pm ....frag, I don't think I've ever snuck past Soundwave in plain view. (( OH GOD IT'S THIS PART I SAW IT IN THE FREAKING MAZE AT UNIVERSAL opatoes 9:17 pm Either the Decepticons are just that dumb, or I'm really good at sneaking. And I don't think the Decepticons are all that dumb. LyingLiarWhoLies 9:18 pm (( THIS IS AMAZING SunstreakerCMO 9:18 pm What.... MedicalMurdersaurus 9:18 pm keeheh Melt face SunstreakerCMO 9:18 pm Oh MedicalMurdersaurus 9:18 pm *CACKLES* verdigrisprowl 9:18 pm ((look at that obvious fake model head)) MedicalMurdersaurus 9:19 pm NICE LyingLiarWhoLies 9:19 pm That - that's not even how humans work, it's - oh, good. SunstreakerCMO 9:19 pm Well then. opatoes 9:19 pm ... By the way, what IS this movie NoodlesAtNight 9:19 pm *Begins plucking off the little emerald eyes, pulling the pipes off his feelers, and so forth.* [[Poltergeist.]] radioactivibee 9:20 pm I...why are humans so gross sometimes? opatoes 9:20 pm Huh. It's about jerk ghosts, I'm gonna guess? radioactivibee 9:20 pm I love them, but that's gross. opatoes 9:20 pm I know, right? Humans do super gross things sometimes. SpectralDragon615 9:20 pm ((hey that's the scene that traumatized me when I was six!)) opatoes 9:20 pm You didn't even see the tooth fairy in the last movie! NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm ((you okay there?)) SpectralDragon615 9:20 pm ((my dad, who is a liar, said that poltergeist was a cute and funny movie)) ((yeah I'm fine I tabbed out)) radioactivibee 9:20 pm (( this entire thing traumatizes me. i'm here for spoops (( oh no that's evil SpectralDragon615 9:20 pm ((volume's off and everything- I'm here to hang with y'all)) NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm ((that's horrible of your dad 😐 this is not a movie for a six year old)) opatoes 9:20 pm ((awww radioactivibee 9:20 pm Smokey, the tooth fairy's not real. LyingLiarWhoLies 9:21 pm *settles back on the couch, patting sw with a feeler, but proceeds to flicker back into a holo of himself* opatoes 9:21 pm ((also yeah that's cruel No, no, this one was real and he- uh, it was gross. NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[Hm. He supposes this means he has to keep his legs to himself now.]] SpectralDragon615 9:21 pm ((my dad has a very odd definition of cute and funny- he didn't MEAN to scare me to death. he's just very inured.)) ((this is the man who thought jurassic park was an appropriate toddler movie)) LyingLiarWhoLies 9:21 pm Nothing says you HAVE to, you know. NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm //What in the flyin' fr-- uh, I mean. What is that?// radioactivibee 9:21 pm He? I thought the tooth fairy was usually portrayed as female? LyingLiarWhoLies 9:21 pm *pats his own legs, here sw* radioactivibee 9:21 pm ...What's happening? LyingLiarWhoLies 9:22 pm *cuddle up, he's feeling silly* radioactivibee 9:22 pm Is that a spark ghost? SpectralDragon615 9:22 pm ...That's a spirit. opatoes 9:22 pm I mean, it was a human who took teeth and gave money, so that's basically the tooth fairy. ... I've seen this kinda thing before radioactivibee 9:22 pm [inching his way towards Smokescreen] SpectralDragon615 9:22 pm That's a /visible/ spirit, too. She's going to eat you, foolish humans. NoodlesAtNight 9:22 pm //They /looked/ like sparks.// SunstreakerCMO 9:22 pm . . . MedicalMurdersaurus 9:22 pm Pchoooo opatoes 9:22 pm /Inching towards Bee! He doesn't feel right being near Prowl, anyway./ radioactivibee 9:22 pm That has to be a spark ghost. They look EXACTLY like that! SpectralDragon615 9:23 pm Does that mean that humans have sparks? Omalah 9:23 pm I dunno this seems kinda suspect... SunstreakerCMO 9:23 pm That is NOT a good thing woman NoodlesAtNight 9:23 pm *Settles down with Prowl and Tarantulas, flicking the mittens away. It was a good joke until then, at least.* radioactivibee 9:23 pm [vaguely wondering where Soundwave even got mittens.....] Dog, you are so good. Yes, go with the kids. Get out of there. Omalah 9:24 pm Yeah, the ghosts are all very lonely. They're so lonely they stole your daughter NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm *Get fake fur, go to craftsmechs in New Praxus, bribe them handsomely to keep quiet and make specialized props.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:24 pm *bounces down to sit in front of the screen, mainly to see if he can be the center of attention rather than actually caring about the movie* NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm [[Swoop, naughty Dinobots get swept away by spark ghosts.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:24 pm Wicked : > SpectralDragon615 9:24 pm Spirits /are/ supposedly sad that they can't be in the living realm. Although kidnapping and eating the spirits of hatchlings to inhabit their husks seems... Too far. opatoes 9:25 pm ... Can I be swept away by a spark ghost? NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *Half-expecting an "if only" from Prowl.* Omalah 9:25 pm That isn't something you should be asking for... radioactivibee 9:25 pm hi Swoop. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:25 pm hi opatoes 9:25 pm I mean, I'm asking for it either way. radioactivibee 9:25 pm No idea. I haven't met another one since a few years back. opatoes 9:25 pm Being swept away by a ghost wouldn't be too bad. ... Oh, yeah. NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm *Rumble decides this is a great time to go get a huge drink from the bar. Yep.* radioactivibee 9:26 pm They were all just reliving the moments leading up to death and... [shudders] We have a very complicated history. NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm *....And maybe join the curling up pile on the couch.* radioactivibee 9:26 pm [Rumble has exactly the right idea] SpectralDragon615 9:26 pm *reaches out to pat rumble?* opatoes 9:26 pm ... Is that what it's like when you get to the Allspark? Primus. radioactivibee 9:26 pm Swoop, don't strain your optics too much. It's not good being that close to a screen. Omalah 9:27 pm ...that's how this movie started radioactivibee 9:27 pm No, the Allspark is wonderful. It's if you get trapped in between... What the-- opatoes 9:27 pm Ohhh- oh, yeah. /He's leaning in to hold Bee./ You should stay in this realm, though. NoodlesAtNight 9:27 pm *Rumble flinches but lets the pat happen.* *Soundwave curls a feeler around Rumble loosely but protectively.* SpectralDragon615 9:27 pm *oh no! a flinch! withdraws her paw quickly* I'm sorry. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:28 pm Me Swoop not STRAIN. Me Swoop a bombardier. Me can see for eeeeeeeeeever far away : > NoodlesAtNight 9:28 pm //Naw, 's okay.// LyingLiarWhoLies 9:29 pm (( relocate... a cemetary.... you can't just.... radioactivibee 9:29 pm Maybe far away, but what about very, very close? [Snuggling up to Smokey] Yeah. This realm's not too bad. SpectralDragon615 9:29 pm *churrs* Feeling okay? SunstreakerCMO 9:30 pm . . . Right NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm [[If you can see forever far away, why sit up close?]] SunstreakerCMO 9:30 pm These humans are not intelligent Omalah 9:30 pm *makes a face* No one ever accused them of being smart radioactivibee 9:30 pm Wait why are they moving a cemetary? SunstreakerCMO 9:30 pm Because they are stupid Omalah 9:30 pm So they can build houses radioactivibee 9:30 pm ... That's so cursed. NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm [[Quite.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:31 pm For fun : > opatoes 9:31 pm I know, right? Even if there's bots we might miss a lot- there's a lot of bots that are amazing here. verdigrisprowl 9:31 pm I get the impression that's the point. verdigrisprowl 9:32 pm *so. with costumes stripped and all, where did everyone end up on the couch.* opatoes 9:32 pm I wish I had heart. radioactivibee 9:32 pm Who are these people? You have Spark. opatoes 9:32 pm True! And that's way better, right? LyingLiarWhoLies 9:32 pm *right up next to prowl, if he allowed it!* SpectralDragon615 9:32 pm *the dragon would like to hang out as near to Soundwave as possible* opatoes 9:32 pm You can squeeze a spark! radioactivibee 9:33 pm Whoa wait what? SpectralDragon615 9:33 pm *although she's still in her horrible pink-and-rhinestone costume* NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm *Soundwave is on the other side of Prowl, and Rumble is on his shoulder.* verdigrisprowl 9:33 pm *he certainly did allow it.* opatoes 9:33 pm ... You can squeeze one? Hypothetically? But you can't really do that with a heart, since they're so small. radioactivibee 9:33 pm Human murderers would disagree. NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm [[He appreciates the psychic human's views on having her powers tested.]] SpectralDragon615 9:34 pm I can't imagine that it wouldn't get annoying to have people do that constantly. NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm *So, in order from one side of the couch to the other: dragon, Soundwave and Rumble, Prowl, Tarantulas.* verdigrisprowl 9:34 pm *... puts a hand on Tarantulas's thigh.* *mmmm. fuzz.* SpectralDragon615 9:34 pm *confy dragon. free real estate.* NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm [[...They're sparkeaters?]] LyingLiarWhoLies 9:35 pm *nearly perfect fuzz! but it's a holoform, so the weight of the setae is the tiniest bit off* opatoes 9:35 pm I mean- you can do it in a non-murdery way, too! opatoes 9:36 pm With sparks. NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm *...He wonders whether sparkeaters will go to the Allspark.* verdigrisprowl 9:36 pm *close enough.* SpectralDragon615 9:36 pm How do human spirits not realize that they've died? Death is supposedly very, very cold... radioactivibee 9:36 pm I never tried because if I did, someone would do it in the murder-y way. Same way Cybertronians don't. NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm [[Perhaps they perished in winter.]] opatoes 9:36 pm ... radioactivibee 9:36 pm But our sparks tend to lose their way... radioactivibee 9:37 pm so wait, this girl actually DID die, right? SpectralDragon615 9:37 pm Mhm. *the dragon considers this* I've never heard of dragon spirits being unaware of their own death. But I've never met one. NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[He is not sure.]] SpectralDragon615 9:37 pm She's been taken, but not yet eaten, would be my guess. Maybe the spirit likes playing with its food? radioactivibee 9:37 pm Where'd the body go? NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[He is not sure of that either.]] SunstreakerCMO 9:37 pm The beast? SpectralDragon615 9:37 pm Elsewhere. SpectralDragon615 9:38 pm Oh, my, they're actually going spelunking into the afterlife. NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[...He has only just begun learning about these things, but he does not know if this is wise of them.]] SpectralDragon615 9:39 pm If they were dragons, I would say that it would be an excellent way to get consumed. radioactivibee 9:40 pm How old was this girl? NoodlesAtNight 9:40 pm [[It feeds on fear?]] SunstreakerCMO 9:41 pm . . . radioactivibee 9:41 pm Doesn't IT do that already? Omalah 9:41 pm Old enough to go to school at least radioactivibee 9:41 pm And Freddy? SpectralDragon615 9:41 pm Fear seems... unpleasant? Unsubstantial? radioactivibee 9:41 pm um NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm [[...Rather the opposite.]] verdigrisprowl 9:41 pm Most likely, it's feeding on the souls, but uses their fears to manipulate them. SpectralDragon615 9:41 pm Not as a feeling, as a food. NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm [[Hm. That is no more pleasant.]] SpectralDragon615 9:41 pm Spirits feed on souls all the time, so that makes more sense. SunstreakerCMO 9:42 pm What is going on here now? verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm Or, if not feeding on them, then obtaining some sort of benefit from them. Perhaps it's simply powerhungry. radioactivibee 9:42 pm Why? Eventually no one's gonna come back to the house. SpectralDragon615 9:42 pm I don't think it's thinking particularly long term. Omalah 9:42 pm Yeah but the ball got fragged up in the process radioactivibee 9:42 pm is she going through now? SpectralDragon615 9:42 pm It is somehow unaware that it is dead, after all. radioactivibee 9:42 pm this seems like a terrible idea SpectralDragon615 9:43 pm ((I never watched past the face peel scene- is there more gore I should be worried about here?)) NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm [[What power is there to seize in the afterlife? Does it intend to topple its deities?]] *Scooting forward. Most interested now.* [[What is the pink goo?]] ((there's weird pink jello looking goo but no gore i don't think)) SpectralDragon615 9:43 pm ((thank)) NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm ((monsters and bones and such but no like meat)) SpectralDragon615 9:44 pm Maybe it's meat. radioactivibee 9:44 pm (( yes pls and thank you! (( i'm super nauseous >.< Wow. NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm *HUFFS* ((😧 are you ok)) SpectralDragon615 9:44 pm ((was it the face peeling)) SpectralDragon615 9:45 pm ((I still feel bad remembering that)) NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[She has a point. Nobody else knows what to do without her.]] SpectralDragon615 9:45 pm Stop flirting and go fetch your hatchling, docent. radioactivibee 9:45 pm (( I've been p sick since august. dropped maybe 10lb by now? finally getting more help for it on Friday though! verdigrisprowl 9:46 pm What power is there worth seizing on Cybertron, at this point? And yet we've got Starscreams. SpectralDragon615 9:46 pm ((holy fuck, bee, that's bad)) radioactivibee 9:46 pm Anyone else thinking of that movie with the big boat that sank? NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((😧 i'm glad you're gonna get seen... i hope the doc can help you get better)) verdigrisprowl 9:46 pm I figure the hypothetical gap between life and the human afterlife isn't much different from Cybertron. Dark, barren, undesirable, and dead. SpectralDragon615 9:46 pm ((oh, she's dowsing)) radioactivibee 9:47 pm (( yeah, i think it went from heat-related to stress response. been unemployed on top of that too and going through some stuff, but i have some cool meetings coming up so i have a bit of hope MedicalMurdersaurus 9:47 pm KEHEHHEHEHH it YELL radioactivibee 9:47 pm (( oh that's the thing SpectralDragon615 9:47 pm Meat. radioactivibee 9:47 pm Um. opatoes 9:47 pm ((/hugs/ yeah!! I hope they go well!)) radioactivibee 9:47 pm Ew. How the SunstreakerCMO 9:48 pm So SpectralDragon615 9:48 pm I suspect the spirits have been eating many children. SunstreakerCMO 9:48 pm He got an expert and radioactivibee 9:48 pm I'm confused. SunstreakerCMO 9:48 pm And then did not listen to her? Omalah 9:48 pm You said it before, they're not smart NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm [[Nobody listens to experts.]] radioactivibee 9:48 pm Same, other humans. Omalah 9:49 pm Bullshit! SunstreakerCMO 9:49 pm Yes, I did say that, but I did not expect him to be THAT stupid radioactivibee 9:49 pm I still wouldn't live there. SpectralDragon615 9:49 pm ((did the skeletons in the swimming pool scene happen yet)) NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm *Nods at Prowl. He can't imagine being in between would sound any different than just described, no. There was that whole dead universe, after all.* ((not yet)) radioactivibee 9:50 pm (( WAIT THERE'S MORE?? SpectralDragon615 9:50 pm ((yeah there's more)) NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm (( OuO )) SpectralDragon615 9:50 pm ((I've seen the skeleton gif on tumblr.hell)) NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm [[It is for the best. She is too young for those horrors.]] SpectralDragon615 9:50 pm I wonder if it is her. And not, well. Well. radioactivibee 9:50 pm (( how much movie is left omg NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm //D'you gotta.// radioactivibee 9:51 pm I don't trust that girl's doll either SpectralDragon615 9:51 pm *blinks* ...No. No, I do not. I'm sorry. *shit, how long has she been making Rumble uncomfortable* NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm *Mumbles.* //'S okay. You dunno.// radioactivibee 9:52 pm Why would you keep your kid in there?? SpectralDragon615 9:52 pm *very slowly reaches out, offering pat* radioactivibee 9:52 pm I'd keep that kid next to me as much as possible! NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm *That one he'll take without flinching.* Omalah 9:52 pm Oh because the house is 'clean' verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm ... If I were her I'd go in in there to ensure the child is talking to her other child and not to something invisible. SpectralDragon615 9:52 pm *pat pat* Omalah 9:52 pm so it's okay NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Agreed. He would not let any of his creations out of his sight, had he any, until out of that house.]] radioactivibee 9:52 pm That's probably how the whole mess started. NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Even telepaths and those like us can be wrong from time to time.]] LyingLiarWhoLies 9:52 pm (( "get out of the solar system" that's my new insult NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm ((heh heh)) SunstreakerCMO 9:53 pm This is not going to go well verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm Dye your hair after getting out of the house, don't leave the small ones unprotected. radioactivibee 9:53 pm (( that's such a good one for Transformers too XD SpectralDragon615 9:53 pm She's not a bright docent, it seems. verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm ((right?)) radioactivibee 9:53 pm Oh good the dog's ok. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:53 pm Docent meeeeeeeeeeeans.... Omalah 9:53 pm And that creepy doll is still there~ radioactivibee 9:53 pm Oh Primus. No No LyingLiarWhoLies 9:53 pm They really should have gotten rid of that horrendous thing. SpectralDragon615 9:53 pm Wheelijack is your Docent, Swoop. radioactivibee 9:53 pm Nooooooooooooooo SunstreakerCMO 9:54 pm ........ verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm They're too confident that their house has been cleaned. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:54 pm Creator Omalah 9:54 pm *uncomfortable whine* SpectralDragon615 9:54 pm Caretaker. My docents didn't create me, but they raised me. verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm It's reasonable to assume that the mass of ghosts passed on, but I see no evidence that the big one left. It certainly had no reason to go into the light. NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm *Soundwave stretches the other feeler toward Aegis. Here. You can cling to that.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:54 pm Him Sunstreaker is Bob caretaker SpectralDragon615 9:54 pm Sunstreaker is Bob's docent. SunstreakerCMO 9:55 pm I am what now? radioactivibee 9:55 pm Docent? SpectralDragon615 9:55 pm *...Bob is the bug, right? the little child bug? it seems like a good analogy* Omalah 9:55 pm *He's a bit spooked by the sudden feeler near him but smiles and gingerly curls his arms around it* *Hiss* LyingLiarWhoLies 9:55 pm Monsters under the bed, hmm? NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm [[That would be like politely asking Starscream to leave the government because his policies were inconvenient and expecting him to go.]] verdigrisprowl 9:55 pm More or less. SpectralDragon615 9:56 pm *OH SHIT THAT'S SUNSTREAKER RIGHT HERE* You teach and take care of Bob, right? So if you and Bob were dragons, you'd be Bob's docent. radioactivibee 9:56 pm Primus, that's way too accurate. Omalah 9:56 pm *Clinging to the feeler* Cripes these humans... radioactivibee 9:56 pm Um.......... SunstreakerCMO 9:56 pm I...do not take care of anyone named Bob. NoodlesAtNight 9:57 pm [[Monsters in every part of that house.]] radioactivibee 9:57 pm what the.......????? Omalah 9:57 pm Who is the boy saying is a murderer...? SpectralDragon615 9:57 pm ...Oh. I think, then, I am talking about an alternate of yours. Who I have also never met in person. SunstreakerCMO 9:57 pm Time to get out of that house radioactivibee 9:58 pm You should've kept them IN SIGHT How did she fall down the stairs? verdigrisprowl 9:58 pm Don't touch the railings, obviously. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:58 pm Him Sunstreaker at Ark. Him Bob at Ark too now :S Omalah 9:58 pm massive spiritual pressure throwing her down the steps? SunstreakerCMO 9:58 pm Ah. That explains why I have never heard of this before NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm ((the skellies approach)) radioactivibee 9:58 pm ew SpectralDragon615 9:58 pm ((THE SKELLIES)) radioactivibee 9:58 pm um who why opatoes 9:59 pm oh! pool pals! SpectralDragon615 9:59 pm Thank you, Swoop. NoodlesAtNight 9:59 pm [[The souls they built over.]] verdigrisprowl 9:59 pm ... I'm getting the impression they didn't move the cemetary as promised. NoodlesAtNight 9:59 pm [[So is he.]] SunstreakerCMO 9:59 pm Apparently not. radioactivibee 9:59 pm why is it such a struggle for her to get out SpectralDragon615 9:59 pm Well, they must have moved the stones. But not the bodies. LyingLiarWhoLies 9:59 pm *muttering* I never understood why people think they ought to be buried with their jewels. Being buried in the first place is already nonsensical NoodlesAtNight 9:59 pm [[She cannot get purchase.]] opatoes 10:00 pm ((man this reminds me of this park by my old high school that they like... apparently "moved" the corpses that were buried underneath to make room for an underground parking lot. that place has gotta be cursed too)) radioactivibee 10:00 pm (( i would never park there omg verdigrisprowl 10:00 pm It IS nonsensical, but humans are very invested in it. SpectralDragon615 10:00 pm ((the local reservoir flooded over a graveyard- I /know/ that place is cursed, though)) radioactivibee 10:00 pm um SpectralDragon615 10:00 pm ...It's a throat. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:00 pm *glances over at the discussion of burial and thinks of Slag again, he should try to suffocate his brother in his sleep again for giggles sometime, mental note* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:01 pm (( oh my GOD swoop SpectralDragon615 10:01 pm *yes, the dragon knows what ELSE it looks like. it's a throat.* NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm [[You cannot take your items with you. Better to find someone worthy of them.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:01 pm ((it's FINE, he'll be FINE)) Omalah 10:01 pm ....do you suppose this is where unbirthing kinks started? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *That's totally a throat. It has a mlah and everything.* [[He's sorry - where WHAT started.]] SpectralDragon615 10:01 pm *more firmly* It's a THROAT. SpectralDragon615 10:02 pm *do not drag this dragon into your nasty little world* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:02 pm *snort/chokes* NoodlesAtNight 10:02 pm [[No. No, don't tell him.]] Omalah 10:02 pm Live on in blissful ignorance NoodlesAtNight 10:02 pm [[Face what you have done, fleshling!]] SpectralDragon615 10:02 pm Hah. Called it. radioactivibee 10:02 pm um MedicalMurdersaurus 10:03 pm kehehhehehhwhat??? radioactivibee 10:03 pm OK GOOD THE DOG IS FINE SpectralDragon615 10:03 pm Also, feed him to the corpses. He's the one who left them there. SunstreakerCMO 10:03 pm Good idea Omalah 10:03 pm They do seem to be hungry for something SunstreakerCMO 10:04 pm Maybe retribution will fill them NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[Farewell, Bumblebee.]] radioactivibee 10:04 pm ...Well sucks to be me in this movie. Farewell, cruel world. SpectralDragon615 10:04 pm Oh, look, you're breakdancing. NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm *HUFF* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:04 pm DEAD SpectralDragon615 10:04 pm *thank you, she's hilarious* NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm *Points.* [[That is definitely shadowzoning.]] verdigrisprowl 10:04 pm Looks like it. radioactivibee 10:05 pm i've never seen the Shadowzone do THAT. SpectralDragon615 10:05 pm ...Are you implying that dead humans live in the Shadowzone for all eternity? LyingLiarWhoLies 10:05 pm Why didn't HE get shadowzoned with it. verdigrisprowl 10:05 pm Too far away from the epicenter. SpectralDragon615 10:05 pm I. I feel like that would be very awful. NoodlesAtNight 10:05 pm [[Skyquake does.]] SunstreakerCMO 10:05 pm Well. It LOOKS uncomfortable Omalah 10:05 pm Because he has to live with what he's done? SpectralDragon615 10:05 pm No, living in the Shadowzone for all eternity. radioactivibee 10:05 pm ...Low blow. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:05 pm Skyquake a cool name SpectralDragon615 10:05 pm Especially with all the other dead. That would be crowded, surely. Omalah 10:06 pm *finally looks up the translation of Cuesta Verde* ...Green slope Wasn't that all flat? SpectralDragon615 10:06 pm Bulldozers are magical things. NoodlesAtNight 10:06 pm [[Finally, a wise action.]] LyingLiarWhoLies 10:07 pm The human wouldn't live with it, his mind would be too fragile and amorphous to handle the fright it received, likely enough. verdigrisprowl 10:07 pm From the context, I took it to mean that the "shadowzone"-like territory is a gap /between/ the conventional living realm and whatever they consider an afterlife. SunstreakerCMO 10:07 pm Yes radioactivibee 10:07 pm Primus. verdigrisprowl 10:07 pm Not the afterlife itself. SpectralDragon615 10:07 pm Ah, so it's not all the dead. Just the stubborn ones. radioactivibee 10:07 pm Oh. opatoes 10:07 pm Thanks Steve for the movie I guess LyingLiarWhoLies 10:07 pm This music is deliciously off-theme. radioactivibee 10:07 pm That makes sense. Yeah, thanks Steve NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[Yes. He likes it.]] [[...]] [][][]Steve?[][][] NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm [[None of them have gone into making movies. Music, yes, but...]] opatoes 10:08 pm Thanks a lot, Steve. SpectralDragon615 10:08 pm *the dragon stretches* I should get back. Thank you, Soundwave! *...she's gonna leave the edible xenomorph queen on the dolly. she can pick the dolly itself up next week. she really, really, really doesn't want to deal with moving it AGAIN. it's heavy!* radioactivibee 10:08 pm Pool Workers 1 and 2 NoodlesAtNight 10:09 pm *Soundwave is definitely going to gorge on that this week, don't you worry. The dolly will be clear by next movie night.* [[Travel safely, dragon.]] SpectralDragon615 10:09 pm *the most delicious spooky treat, made with love and care and silver* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:09 pm *spots an unguarded drink and, for purely entertainment purposes, decides to see how successfully he can drink while in ptero-form* *the answer is not very, but it's super fun to manhandle a glass with an oversized beak* radioactivibee 10:10 pm ...that laughter was not necessary LyingLiarWhoLies 10:11 pm (( oh my god why am i listening to bad children's music outside of work NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm [[It set a final mood.]] radioactivibee 10:12 pm Can't argue with that. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm *Soundwave stretches.* SunstreakerCMO 10:12 pm ....... NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm *This includes all six limbs. You might want to let go of that one, Aegis* Omalah 10:13 pm *He's relaxed now that the creepy clown is gone, Tara-wave can have the limb back* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:13 pm Oogie boogie :V *bounces* SunstreakerCMO 10:13 pm Do I even WANT to know? verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm *leans on tarantulas so soundwave has room to stretch.* Omalah 10:13 pm Depends on what you think of bugs verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm *... continues leaning on tarantulas.* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:13 pm You've seen this movie before, Swoop? *chuckle* NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm *zzzzzzzzzt. Stretched out. And out. And out. And out. And... well. He won't extend it the whole length. But it makes a slight popping noise before he starts reeling it back in. Ahhhh.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:14 pm YAH *bounces* NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm //Heh. 'S Tarantulas.// LyingLiarWhoLies 10:14 pm *purrs pleasedly! oh prowl, you're never getting out of his hold now* Hhm- ? NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm *Leans against Prowl, careful to let Rumble slide down his arm.* //The spider crawlin' out his head. It's purple.// NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm ((OH YEAH. uhhhh time mark 10:30)) verdigrisprowl 10:15 pm *spiders in heads. shudders.* NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm @P: //Ah, frag. Sorry.// LyingLiarWhoLies 10:16 pm *gentle squeeze, though he's not sure what the shudder was* verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm Hm. *if tarantulas is big enough to squeeze him, he's big enough to not crawl into his head. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:16 pm Soundwave! *yelling at Tara, because he genuinely hasn't cared enough to keep track of what's going on here* Omalah 10:17 pm Alright, I better get going. *He pats Sunny's wrist absently* Take care everyone. Dont stay up too late. NoodlesAtNight 10:17 pm [[Thank you for attending.]] opatoes 10:17 pm Hey, Hey- Bee, Bee- you wanna go home with me? I could maybe show you, you know- the book? LyingLiarWhoLies 10:18 pm *doesn't answer to sw, silly swoop. he's already in his own holoform again* SunstreakerCMO 10:18 pm Good night NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm [[Hm?]] radioactivibee 10:18 pm Really? You'd trust me with that? Um, yeah sure. It's been a while since we had a sleepover. opatoes 10:18 pm /He's also going to ping Tarantulas a few times!/ ::Messy, Messy- can we meet up later? And do field science?:: MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm Soundwave! *to whoever in the pile will listen* opatoes 10:18 pm Bee, I'd trust you with my life, I can trust you with a book! /Leaning in to nuzzle Bee's face!/ radioactivibee 10:19 pm [Quick little kiss] NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm [[Yes?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:19 pm Me Swoop want to watch Nightmare Before Christmas! *hops* Want to watch with Her Bird! *hop hop* Us do THAT now! SunstreakerCMO 10:19 pm -standing up and leaving now- Thank you for the movie, and good night. radioactivibee 10:19 pm Good movie choice, Swoop. LyingLiarWhoLies 10:20 pm @Smokey: ::But of course! I have a few ideas - do make sure to bring the phase shifter with you.:: NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm [[No, Swoop. One movie per night. Perhaps another time.]] *Nodding to Sunstreaker.* [[You're welcome. Goodnight.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:20 pm BUT! : < opatoes 10:20 pm @Messy: ::Of course! You've got it! What kinda tests should I expect?:: /Quick return kiss for Bee!/ NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm [[You saw the green monster's song. That is enough for tonight.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:21 pm Oogie boogie LyingLiarWhoLies 10:21 pm @Smokey: ::Thrilling exploits that even I don't know the answer to yet, hyeh. Now off with you.:: radioactivibee 10:21 pm (( alright, imma head out. thanks for the stream! NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm ((you're welcome!)) verdigrisprowl 10:22 pm *... two hands in fuzz? two hands in fuzz.* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:23 pm *floof floof* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:24 pm *whisper* ...I'm tempted to whip up a holoform Boogie Man simply to toy with Swoop... but alas, too lazy. verdigrisprowl 10:25 pm *it's so nice. floof.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:25 pm Soundwave! Soundwave. Me Swoop want to Bird. When Her Bird coming back? : < verdigrisprowl 10:25 pm *whispers* It would just make him more insufferable. He'd be loud, and a fight would break out. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:26 pm *would fuckin THROW DOWN with oogie boogie* NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm [[Soon, he hopes. But not tonight. She is enjoying a party. It has been a long time since she was able to go to one not held here.]] LyingLiarWhoLies 10:26 pm True, true. But just imagine the joy on his face - or, beak? MedicalMurdersaurus 10:27 pm You Soundwave show Me Swoop where that is. Me Swoop go there : > opatoes 10:27 pm @Tarantulas: ::Fine, fine- I look forward to all our exploits together! I'll be the best field assistant ever, I promise!:: LyingLiarWhoLies 10:27 pm @Smokey: ::I don't doubt it.:: verdigrisprowl 10:27 pm His joy comes at the extreme and protracted expense of everyone else's. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:28 pm ((There was the BRIEFEST flicker of a moment when I considered that Swoop had the right body type to be Jack Skellington for halloween)) NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm [[It is in New Praxus. You should know where that is - the city in which Big Ratchet lives?]] [[The smaller of the two main squares, he believes.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:29 pm *nods and makes for the door, he'll find it or he'll get distracted and ruin someone else's night and either way'll be a good time* NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm [[...That was surprisingly easy. They are in for a 'treat' tonight.]] *Glancing down to Rumble.* [[Will you be all right?]] //Yeah, yeah. Ain't nothin'. Gonna maybe go play some games with Frenzy. That cool?// *Rumble waits until he gets a nod to hop off the couch, salute everyone, and jog upstairs. Time for Distractions.* NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm [[And you two -- should he leave you to it...?]] *He saw those floof grabbing hands* verdigrisprowl 10:31 pm To what? *he asks, still groping tarantulas's thigh.* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:32 pm *technically the thigh fluff is on the outside, but there's another panel with setae tarantulas wouldn't mind prowl playing with either* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:33 pm If you like, hyeh. Although you needn't /leave/ us to it, unless you have somewhere better to be. verdigrisprowl 10:34 pm *these two drifting toward the gutter and prowl in the middle innocently stimming.* NoodlesAtNight 10:35 pm *Considers the two different answers......... decides to stay where he is, leaned up and comfy. If it stays Prowl playing with the fuzz, then he can at least catch a soothing doze. If it goes somewhere Tara's thinking about, he can choose what to do then.* verdigrisprowl 10:41 pm *Prowl is perfectly content to lean his shoulder on Tarantulas, slide his hip against Soundwave's, and continue playing with the fuzz for a good long while.* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:41 pm *tara is equally as content !! and surely full of things to chatter on about* NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm *Dozing it is, then! It's been a long time. He's content to indulge.* verdigrisprowl 10:42 pm *and so it was.* LyingLiarWhoLies 10:42 pm <3
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robinmagik · 6 years
Not A Minute Wasted (Part Three)
A/N: Uhhhhh enjoy! Also wtf @ DC @ Tom King??? pls enough is enough my heart is breaking like when I saw Asra cry in The Arcana Game??? Oh yeah and there’s two parts of part three bc it’s too long to just post the whole thing like that so i divided it
Recap: “That’s not…please stop crying, L/n.” He didn’t know what to do.“Excuse me.” She sniffles. “W-we’ll continue this conversation…I just gotta…go.” Tim was going to greet her but she passes by quickly. He turns to glare at Damian who was confused himself.“What did you do?”“Nothing, Drake. Excuse me.” Tim is left alone in the kitchen with an empty cup in his hand. “What in the hell?”
Like a child, Y/n hides in the green house near the rose bushes, and sobs. How truly horrible she is. Maybe Damian’s right. Breaking up with Bruce is best but then again Damian doesn’t like Y/n one bit so who is she to listen to a child who is crazy smarter than her. It was weird though, despite his dislike towards her, she sees him as her own. But she would never tell that to Bruce. 
Damian found her but he didn’t know what to tell her, what to say, or how to comfort her. Times like this was when Dick was needed. He was best with words and emotions. Such a hassle. Damian sighs. What would Grayson do? He left and then came back five minutes later. He gave her a tart. Children and women like sweet things so this should calm her down. 
“I-I did not mean to make you…cry, L/n.”
“No. No. It’s not you, papito.” She chuckles. “I woke up feeling sad is all. But I suppose you’re right, your father’s well-being is important and breaking up is better.”
“Don’t put words in my mouth, L/n!” He says sharply. “I was simply going to suggest for you and him to take a vacation. I read somewhere that vacations help couples relax more and therefore get along better.”
She begins to cry even more. 
“What did I say now?!” He frowns. Emotions are troublesome. How can someone who is not a baby cry so much?!
“You’re so sweet, Damian!” She cries. “Don’t you hate me?”
“Please, L/n, I don’t have time for that. I dislike you, that’s all.” He hands her a handkerchief.
“Why?” She dries her tears. “Is it ‘cause I’m not your mom?”
He narrows his eyes at her before looking away. He began to pace back and forth with his hands behind his back. 
“I do prefer my mother, Talia Al Ghul, to be with my father but that simply cannot be because…it’s complicated.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“You apologize too much and for no reason at all.”
“What the hell else am I supposed to say?”
“Nothing.” Damian simply shrugs. 
Y/n giggles. “You’re the cutest boy, y’know?”
“I’m not cute.” He pouts cutely.
“No, you’re right. You’re handsome.”
He smiles a bit. 
“Well, vacation for both of us is…well…not going to be easy. Why don’t we start smaller?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Getting along for once?”
Damian looks offended by the idea but then nodded. “Fine. If that helps father then I am willing to get along with you.”
“Whoo, boy. You sacrifice so much.” She said sarcastically. 
“Now, eat your tart before Alfred finds us. I’ll get in trouble if I spoiled your lunch.”
Y/n giggles. The tart was the sweetest thing she had that morning and will ever have. She had a feeling that Damian’s thoughtfulness made it sweeter than it should’ve been. She savored every piece and moment with that boy. They even began to like each other after pretended to do so in front of Bruce. There was no more pretending. 
When Y/n stayed away from the manor because she was simply to tired to come over, he’d stop by during his patrol and stay for a while until he had to go. Sometimes he’d stay until the next day for her pancakes and scrambled eggs with tomatoes and scallions. It was different from Alfred’s cooking obviously, but he liked her food. 
One day, while he was eating the eggs, he over heard her talking to a friend over the phone. 
“Aw lucky! I can’t believe you got to pet a llama! I’ve always wanted one. They’re so cute!” She laughs. “Send me the pictures, okay? Okay, I love you. Besos. Ciao.”
“Who was that?”
“My girlfriend from college. Her class went to the Andes Mountains and got to meet some llamas.”
“Oh. When do you plan on going back to college?”
“Honestly, next year.” She took his plate and placed it in the dishwasher. “I’ll get a bachelors degree in engineering or linguistics. Or both. I got the time.” She shrugs. 
“I have knowledge in both majors. Whatever you choose I can always help.”
“Thank you God because you and I both know I’m not as smart but smart enough…y’know?” She laughs. “Anyway, you gotta get going. I have to leave for work and you have to sleep. You’ve been up all night, nene, you gotta sleep.”
“I can perfectly take a nap here, L/n.”
“Uh, no. Go home, besides I’ll pop up after work.” 
“If you insist.” 
As promised she went by to the manor only to find something out of place. 
“Is that a llama?” Y/n looks behind Bruce to see a white llama grazing on the grass. 
“Yes. Yes, it is.” He sighs. “Damian stole one from a zoo.”
“Pft, of course he did. You guys have Bat-cow and now Bat-llama. That’s just so cute. Is Ace Bat-dog too? Do-does he go on missions with you guys? Huh? Huh?” She couldn’t contain her giggles.
Bruce grunts one of his many grunts of displeasure yet he couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile as Y/n giggles. 
“Y-you gotta get a bat-bird…oh my god, a bat-bat!” She squeals, now laughing. “A bat-bat! Oh, I’m gonna cry!”
“You’re enjoying this a little bit too much.”
“Bruce, honey, please!” She laughs. Then she gasps in sudden realization. She slaps his very flexed bicep. “Where’s batboy?! You guys have Batgirls but no Batboy! Robin?! That doesn’t even make sense! I’m gonna have a fucking stroke! Hahahahahaha!” 
“Batboy was one of the names considered and so was Tonto—“
“Tonto?!” She shrieks of laughter. “Batman y Tonto! Ohhhhh gooooood! B-Bruce yo-you’re killing me! Y-you’re killing your cute girlfriend!”
“Cute?” He chuckles. 
His arms were crossed across his chest as she held on to his arm, bent over laughing with tears running down her face. He knew the llama had something to do with Y/n and it did when she fawned over the llama and Damian stood proudly. Sadly, the llama had to go back but not before they named him; Batboy The First. She held onto Damian as Batboy was shipped off. At least they could go visit him at the Gotham Zoo. This wasn’t the first or last adventure or trouble those two gotten themselves into. 
No one could believe it though. It’s been a year that Bruce and Y/n were together. They were the couple of the century, with how beautiful and wild she was and how he chased after in the tabloids. But it wasn’t really like that. They just put a show for the people of Gotham. 
She got terribly worried when he came back one night half dead and half alive. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t. She was too scared of loosing him and crying meant that she lost him. Anyone would’ve seen that as the last straw but no, not Y/n. This was what she signed up for. Dating Bruce Wayne meant dating the whole package. 
Y/n was part of the family even though she didn’t fight crime or did anything except cheer them on and just be there for the hard times. Dick, Barbara and Y/n always had mini dates whenever he was in town or just the two of them whenever he wasn’t. Jason would teach her about cars and guns and then they’d go shopping for some good books to read, or just hang out and do nothing. And Y/n loved Tim and she loved listening to his rants about whatever case he was on. It helped him hear himself and open up a bit because just like all of them, he overworked himself. Then there was Stephanie whom she adored so much. She loved how determined and strong-willed she was and how she took on the world. Cassandra was curious about Y/n and they quietly got along, she made Y/n laugh a lot and she even taught her how to kick ass just in case because this is Gotham after all. And Duke, she loved their nightly conversations. He was a good listener and so was she when it was his turn. 
There was something missing though. Y/n looks at Bruce who was talking to Lucius Fox. She could listen to him for hours and never get bored. Yet, she didn’t know why she felt this way. 
“I bought you this dress.” He says. “I saw it and I thought of you.”
She gasps. “Oh my God! Babe! This is gorgeous!” She was giddy. She took it out of the box and went to try it on. When she came out she lit up the room. “I love it!”
It was yellow, fitted dress with a beautiful trail and a slit on the right. The dress made her curves pop out even more. She looked amazing. It even glittered under the right type of lighting. She was truly the highlight of the evening. Bruce Wayne had the most beautiful woman on his arm. She was incredibly happy. Then she met Selina Kyle. 
A/N: Honestly??? Selina could murder me and I’d thank her???
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simkaswriting · 7 years
The Code-(Obi-Wan Kenobi)
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Characters: Mace Windu, Yoda, Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and (Y/N)
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Warnings: Obviously breaking the Code, the Code later gets eradicated(for the sake of this story, I know it’s unrealistic but it’s fanfic let me be)
Word Count: 3065
Summary: What happens when Obi-Wan gets the courage to invite (Y/N) to a fancy event held by the Congress? And what happens when the one rule that’s keeping them apart is abolished?
Across the Glaxies, it was a well-known fact that Anakin and (Y/N) Skywalker, the hellish pair of twins, were a force to be reckoned with. Whilst Anakin had the strength, the undeniably terrifying strength, (Y/N) had the brains. She was regarded as the smartest padawan around, her intelligence and wisdom  bordering the one of Master Yoda himself. Though that’s not to say that Anakin isn’t cunning, and (Y/N) isn’t a killed fighter. But the twins balance each other out well. And that’s something Obi-Wan Kenobi first noticed when he saved them from slavery on the planet Tatooine. He watched the two flourist over the years, as he himself trained Anakin and Master Windu trained (Y/N). And over the years, he watched himself slowly break the code, slowly fall in love.
“You know, you’re way too smart for your own good.” Anakin grins over at his twin as he once again finds her in the library, reading something from the datapad, not an uncommon sight. You could ask the girl the most obscure question and she’d still give you a straight answer within seconds. And Anakin always admired that about his sister. 
“It would benefit you if you hit the books once in a while too.” She teases him with a smirk, knowing fine well her brother would much rather be out fighting than reading. 
“Is there a particular reason you’re here?” (Y/N) asks, brows raised. Anakin’s supposed to be training with his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi right now. Just the thought of that man makes (Y/N) want to smile.
Being a padawan, a future Jedi, feelings are forbidden and should be repressed. Like the feeling she gets whenever he says her name, it rolls off his tongue with such ease  that it often leaves her breathless. Or the feelings she gets when her of Master isn’t able to train her so she trains with her brother and Obi-wan. But (Y/N) has never been one to obey the rules.
“That tongue of yours is going to get you in trouble one day. But yes, there is going to be a grand meeting tonight, something like a ball, and Obi-Wan asked me if you would be interested in attending. He’d pick us both up.” Anakin grins at his sister, younger by four minutes, knowing fine well that just by mentioning Obi-Wan’s name would be enough for her to make up her mind. 
(Y/N)s eyes widen a little. Did Anakin’s Master actually request her specifically to join them at the dinner? ‘Goodness, that leaves a few hours to get ready, I better go’ she thinks to herself as she quickly passes a few datapads to her brother, muttering a quick ‘I have to run’ before disappearing down the long hallways to the room of one person she knows can herlp her in this crisis, Padmé Amidala.
The frantic knocking on the door pulls Padmé out of her thoughts, which are mainly preoccupied with Anakin these days, and the senator rushes to open it. She’s surprised to find (Y/N) Skywalker, looking frantic and desperate. 
“How can I help you? Is everything alright?” Padmé asks the girl as she pushes past her and walks into her room. 
(Y/N) flashes a quick, guilty smile. “I’m so sorry to bother you and be such a burden, but I was hoping maybe you could help me.” 
The Senator looks at the girl with raised eyebrows. The two weren’t the best of friends, yes they got along well but they never had much in common, apart from their mutual love for Anakin, which (Y/N) was well aware of. 
“I need to dress to impress, and I was hoping I could borrow a dress?” (Y/N) asks as she plays with the hem of her sweater. Yes, she is aware of her brothers relationship with the former Queen, but it still feels weird asking for a favour. She’s still royalty to her.
Padmé smiles a little, catching on to why her friend is fretting so much. Anakin did mention a connection he felt between his sister and his Master. She just didn’t think it would be so strong.
“Of course, follow me. I have just the right dress in mind.” She smiles at (Y/N) before intertwining their arms and dragging her to her closet for the epic makeover to begin.
“Right, I’m sure this dress would be illegal on some planets.” (Y/N) gawks at her reflection, now almost unrecognisable, if it weren’t for the lightsaber she has strapped to her hip.
(Y/N)s hair is curled, it cascades down her shoulders and frames her face, which is sporting eyeliner and bright red lips. The dress she’s wearing is long, with a slit up to her thigh and the front is low-cut, only complimented by a necklace with a mini skull pendant. And the heels are to die for. 
Padmé admires her work with a huge grin. “Now, the dinner starts in a few minutes, so you better be off. I’m sure a certain someone will be expecting you.” The former queen claps her hands together as she ushers (Y/N) out of her room, the girl barely having enough time to argue that there isn’t a certain someone, never mind thanking the girl for giving her a makeover. But of course, she’d just be lying to herself if she said that this ensemble wasn’t intended to impress a certain Jedi. 
(Y/N) makes it in time to her sleeping quarters to see Anakin and Obi-Wan just about to leave, thankfully they notice her just in time. 
Obi-Wan has gotten used to his feelings towards (Y/N), he’s learned to repress them so he can focus on missions. But seeing the girl, no, woman, in front of him makes him feel all sorts of ways. The dress hugs all of her curves perfectly and even shows off parts of her he’s sure only she’s seen. But the Jedi Master wasn’t about to complain.
“What makes you think you’re going out dressed like that?” Anakin snaps Obi-Wan out of his thoughts and causes him to grin at the sibling exchange.
(Y/N) crosses her arms over her chests, unintentionally defining her assets more than they already were, as she raises an eyebrow at her brother. 
“What makes you think you can command me?” She retorts. Next to Anakin, Obi-Wan tries his best to not look at the woman in front of him, because he knows the things she’s doing to him are wrong. But perhaps, if he lets himself feel, just for tonight...
“I’m older than you, so go change.” Anakin glares right back at his sister. 
A small smirk tugs at her lips. She wasn’t too confident wearing this outfit, but knowing it pisses her brother off is yet another reason to wear it. 
“And I’m more mature, so kindly keep you opinions to yourself and shove them up your-” Before (Y/N) can finish off, she’s interrupted by her twins Master. 
“Please, this arguing isn’t improving anything. We’re late as it is.” Obi-Wan coughs and extends his arm out for (Y/N) to hold, as does Anakin. With a fluttering heart, she grabs a hold of the Jedi’s arm and rolls her eyes at her brother, but holds his arm nevertheless.
The three make their way to the grand room often left empty, and only used on special occasions. Though neither of the twins know what the special occasion is, they both look forward to attending this dinner. Each have been once before, and can confirm with ease that these events are extraordinary.The food is delicious, the drinks are refreshing, and the Jedi’s let loose. Well, as loose as they can whilst still following the Code.
“You look wonderful today, (Y/N).” Obi-Wan smiles at the padawan next to him, the warmth from his eyes spreading to his heart. He’s tried to follow the Jedi Code, so hard in fact that there was a time where he shut (Y/N) out completely, but not even the most skilled and wise one would succeed. She’s his weakness, and though it took him a long time to admit it, it feels good now. Like weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
“Thank you, Master Kenobi. You don’t look too shabby yourself.” (Y/N) grins back at the Jedi Master and discreetly squeezes his arm, causing his heart to jump-start. But he hides the feeling, before either of the twins can pick up on it. They are the most promising of padawans, after all.
Anakin walks ahead and opens the door to the room, where many are mingling and laughter can be heard. Obi-Wan leads (Y/N) into the room with a small, but proud, smile as Anakin splits off to go talk to Padmé by the grand piano. 
“Well, shall I leave you to mingle?” Obi-Wan asks the woman next to him with a small, polite smile. It’s the last thing he wants to do.
At those words, her heart sinks a little. She wanted to spend tonight by his side, talking to him and getting to know him better than she already does. Hell, he’s the reason she got all dressed up. But instead of letting go of his arm and striking up conversation with another Jedi or Senator she has no desire to talk to, she grips him a little tighter. Perhaps it’s the dress that’s given her the extra courage.
“I’d rather be with you, Master Kenobi. No offence to the Senate, but they can get rather boring.” (Y/N) chuckles and looks up at the man next to her. Obi-Wan isn’t the tallest of people, but even with her heels, she’s still smaller than him. 
Obi-Wan reciprocates the smile and leads the two of them to the dance floor, where a few are already dancing to some classical music, including Padmé and Anakin. There is a trait that the older twin possesses that (Y/N) herself doesn’t. And that’s the ability to dance. 
She looks up at her crush of many years in panic and the thought of just running away from the dance floor seems like a good idea.
“Master Kenobi, I-I don’t know how to dance.” She stutters as the two of them stop right in the middle. People dance around them gracefully, and she has to hold back a giggle when she sees her own mMaster dancing with a Senator. 
“Darling (Y/N), how many times do I have to tell you to call me Obi-Wan? And don’t fret, I happen to be quite good.” The Jedi Master rolls his eyes before grinning cheekily and pulling the padawan closer. He wraps his hand around her waist, bringing her even closer, and with the other hand intertwines their fingers. 
(Y/N)s mind races at light speed as Obi-Wan presses his body against hers and slowly starts to move rhythmically, though she thinks to herself, this music has no rhythm. She feels heat creep up her neck and onto her cheeks at the nickname the Jedi had given her. 
The two sway from side to side, occasionally taking a few steps to this side and that. (Y/N) keeps her eyes on the ground, afraid that if she were to look directly at Obi-Wan, he’d be able to tell how deeply in love she is. How deeply wrong that is. 
“May I ask you a question, (Y/N)?” Obi-Wan asks and briefly disconnects their hands so he can lift her face by her chin so she looks at him. As his eyes marvel upon her beauty, he gets a feeling of overwhelming adoration and longing. Her makeup, no doubt done by Padmé, makes her features stand out, and make her look even more mature than she already is. It truly is a gift for Obi-Wan to be in the presence of a woman so beautiful yet dangerous.
“You just did.” She grins and the Jedi rolls his eyes at her awful joke.
“Well then, another one?” He asks, his fingers drawing absentminded circles on the small of her back, causing shivers to tingle up her spine, unbeknown to him.
Once again, the padawan laughs. “You just did, again.”
Across the room, Padmé rests her hand discreetly on Anakins. As she gazes at (Y/N) and Obi-Wan, a small smile tugs at her lips. 
“You can feel it too, can’t you?” She asks her secret lover of many months. Being together comes with a price, one that doesn’t let them be together in public, but if it means they can be together in the long run they’re more than willing to pay it.
Anakin bites the skin around his thumb in deep thought. “She loves him, that much is obvious. As wrong as it is, I’m not one to judge. But he loves her too, maybe more than he should. And it scares me. What if she gets hurt?” He ponders aloud, his girlfriend listening intently. 
She takes a hold of the hand thats biting his thumb and slowly walks to the dance floor with him. The two mimic Obi-Wan and (Y/N) and begin to dance slowly.
“My love, she will get hurt. He will get hurt. It’s inevitable. But we should be happy for them. It’s rare when two people have a love that pure. It’s even rarer when the two people are in the position they are.” Padmé whispers to Anakin. He looks down at her, every part of him wanting to kiss her. She’s perfect. Instead of worrying about his twin, Anakin loses himself in Padmé’s eyes.
Obi-Wan once again rolls his eyes at the woman in his arms, so carefree and happy it makes him fill with joy. “If you could break the Code, even for a little while, what would you do?”
(Y/N)s heart skips a beat and she almost takes a step back in surprise at the question. But her eyes merely widen. Should he be asking these sorts of questions? Should she answer? If she were to be honest, he might distance himself. He may push her away and never even spare her a glance. But at the same time, she feels like the weight would be lifted off of her shoulders. Could she tell him? Should she?
(Y/N) steps closer to the Jedi and wraps her hands around his neck, a small smile playing on her lips. Just as the Jedi absentmindedly traces patterns on her back, she plays with the curls at the nape of his neck. 
“Now, why would I tell a Jedi Master that?” She questions, a cheeky smile on her lips. 
Obi-Wan grins down at the woman in his arms. She’s always been a mischievous one, a quality which almost deemed her unfit for a future Jedi, until Yoda convinced Windu to take her on. Though now Obi-Wan is beginning to wish that Yoda had assigned her to him for training.
The two sway in the rhythm, (Y/N) now comfortable with dancing since she has an amazing partner to lead her.
“If I tell you, will you return the favour”? The Jedi asks, a small smile of his own forming on his lips. Before either of them have a chance to say anything, they are interrupted by the loud, booming voice of Master Yoda, who’s had to adjust the microphone stand significantly so he can speak into the microphone.
“Very thankful I am for your presence, very important news I have to share.” The Masters wise voice intrigues the guests, which seem to have grown in size a great deal since they had arrived. As (Y/N) looks around, she sees that all Jedi are present, every padawan, every Senator. This makes her grow uneasy. What could possibly be important enough for all of these crucial people to be present?
Sensing her grow anxious, Obi-Wan discreetly takes a hold of her hand. Almost immediately, he can sense her getting calm. And it makes him think that he already knows the answer to his previous question. 
“The Code, so very dear until now, partially eradicated will be. ‘There is no passion, there is serenity’ true no longer will be.” Yoda speaks into the microphone, and the words hit (Y/N) deeply.
 This one rule of the Code she had followed almost religiously, despite hating it with all of her might. This one rule prevented her from acting on her love and adoration towards a certain bearded man. This rule almost broke her, and now it was being broken.
Obi-Wan almost faints, right then and there, as he hears the Master speak. This surely has to be a mistake. Out of all of the rules in the Jedi Code, that was the most treasured one. Why would they abandon it on a whim? That’s not to say that he wasn’t happy. The mere thought of being with (Y/N) excited him, almost to the point where it was ridiculous.
Master Windu replaces Yoda on the little stage and bends down to adjust the microphone stand to his height before he speaks, a rare smile on his face. 
“It has been decided that this rule will no longer apply, effective immediately. We judge that the performance of Jedi’s and padawans alike will greatly improve by the abolition of this one rule.” The Master finishes, before music once again fills the air. And after a few brief seconds of silence, the entire room erupts into chatter. 
Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) sees her twin brother kissing his girlfriend so passionately and fiercely it leaves her heart aching. What she wouldn’t do to be kissed like that by a certain bearded Jedi. But she’s tired of waiting. All she’s done in the last few years is wait.
She turns to Obi-Wan with a small smile, and sees he has one of his own. Her hands wind them self around his neck once again, but instead of keeping her distance, she leans in and presses a gentle, tentative kiss on the older mans lips. 
An undeniable warmth fill both of them, one that they knew they were craving but was forbidden until mere seconds ago. And now that it’s allowed, neither want to stop. Neither want to let the other one go.
As they pull away, Obi-Wan gently caresses (Y/N)s face, admiration and determination filling his eyes.
“Does this answer your question?” She laughs lightly, before pulling the Jedi in for another kiss, this one more urgent and demanding than the one before. 
From the other side of the room, Padmé smiles up at Anakin, who’s got his arm slung around her shoulder casually. “I told you, love. What they have is rare and beautiful. Now stop brooding and kiss me some more.”
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