#You cannot take this man on a museum date he will touch every statue and painting a little
kurjakani · 2 years
One of my favourite scenes for two reasons: a) columbo interacting w a kooky artsy person and being a little ??? about it. as a kooky artsy person his smirk and the glimmer of his eye is so charming b) Columbo SLAPPING THAT UNFINISHED WET CLAY PIECE TOTALLY CASUALLY SIR YOU CANT DO THAT
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Wishing you a happy new year, Raven! Can I request fluffy headcanons for Vil, Malleus, Riddle, Sebek, and Silver taking their fem! s/o out on a museum (art or history) date please? Thank you and please stay safe! ~🍁leaf anon
“Art is something I have come to admire over the years. Favored artists and styles come and go as easily as the changing of the seasons. It is fascinating to see the gargoyles that come from every decade...”
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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It’s easy to spot Malleus in a crowd thanks to his horns, staggering height, and overwhelming presence. When you arrive at the designated meet-up spot, Malleus gently takes you by the hand and leads you off into a lesser known street with hard to navigate twists, turns, and narrow bends. He tugs you inside a building tucked away in a forgotten crevice of town. Malleus calls it his hidden gem--hard to locate, but precious... a gargoyle museum!
Gargoyles are a pretty niche interest, so the museum’s business is slow. In fact, you and Malleus are the only two there--but that’s fine, it just means you get to enjoy some well-deserved alone time. You can hold onto his arm and lean into him as he shows you around.
From the way Malleus’s eyes glitter, you can tell that not only is he extremely enthusiastic about gargoyles, but that he is very, very familiar with each and every exhibit. Without even looking at the plaques that accompany each gargoyle, he can tell you the year it came from, the artist, and various other fun facts.
Malleus confesses that he has actually named each gargoyle and assigned them their own personalities. He has come here so many times by himself that he decided to make friends of his own in the statues. Gazing at you tenderly, Malleus declares, “... I am fortunate to have finally found a companion to call my own, and to share this happiness with.”
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Poor Riddle--he’s so short and wide eyed that the employee at the museum entrance thinks he’s too young to purchase tickets of his own until he shows his student ID! Starting off the date on a mortifying note definitely was not how he had expected things to go, but Riddle intends to make it up to you by demonstrating how knowledgeable he is!
As expected of an honors student, Riddle knows a lot about Magic History! He’ll take your hand in his and help you trace the route that settlers marched in the air, or lean into your ear to whisper about an old folklore. “It cannot be helped,” Riddle insists, a little red-faced himself. “Given the limitations of the museum... Keep quiet and do not touch... this is the most efficient way to teach.”
Even outside of school, Riddle feels a need to enforce the rules! Whenever you let a gasp out or accidentally speak too loudly, he presses a gentle finger to his lips--or yours--as a reminder to keep your voice down.
Another rule of the museum is “no eating or drinking”! That means you and Riddle just need to grab a bite after your museum tour. Luckily, there’s a cute little crepe shop not too far away--and you grab a strawberry one to share, relishing in the taste, each others’ company, and all the indirect kisses that linger.
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Vil shows up to the art museum decked out in massive sunglasses, a face mask, and a muffler--and yet he still somehow manages to pull the look off spectacularly. He doesn’t want to be noticed in public (whether by eager fans asking for a signature or a picture, or by members of the media)--that would ruin your date!
Once you’re inside the museum, you can start enjoying the artwork! However, you find your eyes continuously drifting back to Vil between glimpsing works of art--as though Vil were also one himself, and you are not able to take your attention off of him. He catches your gaze several times and sends dazzling smiles your way, which causes you to just... melt.
Unfortunately for you two, your date is interrupted by a stampede of frantic MagiCam followers who swear to the museum staff that THE Vil Schoenheit is somewhere there. So much for the disguise and keeping a low profile. Vil sighs and hastily tugs you behind a large exhibit to hide and wait for the fans to give up.
But... there’s so little wiggle room in your hiding spot that your bodies are pressed up right against one another. You can feel his heart beating--and surely he feels yours as well. A blush starts to rise to your cheeks, and Vil definitely notices. “Ara, are you embarrassed?” He whispers through a smirk, “You’d best not make a single sound, then. Here, allow me to help you.” And there, behind an art exhibit, Vil silences you with a kiss.
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Silver is intrigued by the medieval history museum that you’ve selected for your date. He spends much of it ooh-ing and aah-ing at the various swords and suits of armor on display, just like a kid in a candy shop.
Silver nonchalantly points to various weapons mounted on the walls and tells you a story or two about how his father taught him how to utilize each one (”in case you are without your magical pen”). You almost can’t believe half of the grueling tales that leave his mouth, were Silver’s expression not dead serious.
He seems oddly tense at some of the exhibits you come across--specifically, whenever a particular figure in raven and magenta hair appears in paintings or is references in literature. (They look familiar; have you seen them somewhere?) Silver is quick to shoo you away from anything with the mystery man in it, telling you that “I don’t want to accidentally summon him,” whatever that means.
You spend a lot of time in the museum’s souvenir shop, picking out cute matching lockets to wear--one with a shield design, the other with a sword. Silver helps to fasten yours on, and once it’s in place, he jokingly bows to you and says you look just like royalty.
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Sebek is shushed multiple times while inside e museum--it seems that even his normal speaking volume is considered to be too loud! In an effort to not disturb the other museum-goers, Sebek vows to keep his mouth shut the entire time and only communicates to you via hand gestures and facial expressions.
During a historical reenactment scene, Sebek is asked by the museum staff to play the part of a knight on the losing side of a war. He plays the role just fine until the actors actually start coming at him! His training as Malleus’s retainer kicks in, and before you know it, Sebek has completely disarmed the entire troupe or actors without breaking a sweat, or uttering a single word.
He visibly puffs up with pride when you look at the section of the museum dedicated to fairy history. Sebek points and shoots you eager looks whenever he comes across an artifact pertaining to the Witch of Thorns. His zealousness is cute, and reminds you of a hyperactive puppy dog!
Though Sebek can’t use his words, you can tell from his body language that he’s enjoying every single moment with you. His grip on your hand holds strong, and the toothy smile and the blush he wears never once fades.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 4 years
Steven Stone Fluff Alphabet
To go along with my NSFW Alphabet, I decided to do some fluff for my favourite rock nerd. Hope you enjoy!
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
He loves being outside with you, going for hikes, walks and sea swims. Likes to learn with you too, wandering around museums and discovering new things about science, history and culture.
He probably won’t take you mining unless you’re really into it, it can be quite tedious and dangerous, but he loves when you help him polish stones, or help make them into decorations or jewellery.
He has a soft spot for lazy days where you two are draped across his couch watching trashy reality TV shows and fun, animated films
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Likes how kind and caring you are, not only to him, but to his Pokemon and almost everyone else.
He thinks you’re beautiful in every way, but he in particular thinks your eyes sparkle like the rarest, most precious gem he has ever seen.
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
Steven is a little oblivious, so you might have to tell him that you’re down, but as soon as he knows, it’s his mission to cheer you up! Lots of kisses and cuddles, your favourite meals delivered, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen. If you’re sad due to an insecurity, he will wax poetic about how amazing that part of you is to him.
If you’re very stressed due to work or school, and you finally have time off, he’s going to whisk you away to a sun-drenched beach in Alola, the finest room in Hotel Richissime in Lumiouse, or his gorgeous villa by the Batte Zone in Sinnoh (provided he hasn’t given it to some ten-year-old yet lol) to help you unwind and enjoy yourself.
When he’s down, he needs reassurance, and lots of physical affection. He might also throw himself into his work/hobbies to an extreme degree, skipping meals and sleeping little, so you’ll have to ensure he gets fed and a good few hours of sleep until he starts feeling better.
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
He would love a little family with you, a couple kids running around, maybe in Mossdeep, but he’s down with moving inland, or to your home region if you’re not from Hoenn, if you would prefer.
He definitely dreams about kissing you goodbye and ruffling his kiddos’ hair before he goes to work. Since his mother died when he was so young, he never really got to experience the classic nuclear family, so he longs to provide it to his own children.
He’d like to go back to college too, get his Masters and maybe PhD in Geology and work in that field. He really does not want to be involved with the Devon Corporation, so he hopes he can work with it as little as possible
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
I would say your relationship is equal for the most part, the only thing that tips the scales in Steven’s favour is his wealth and connections. He can get you things or into places that you, as a regular person, wouldn’t be able to at all otherwise.
He doesn’t hold this over your head, he finds people who do that rather gross, and he’s not your sugar daddy either. He does spoil you sometimes, but that’s just one way he expresses his fondness for you.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
Steven is a reasonable man, so I think once he’s calmed down and thought about it more, he’s ready to forgive you if you’re sorry, Now, this all depends on the nature of why you were in the wrong, if that’s the case. He will let small things slide, and is willing to compromise on bigger things, but if you do something like cheat on him, he will never forgive you.
When he is in the wrong though, he will own up to it, your relationship is more important than his pride.
He doesn’t go for cheap shots or low blows, and he only raises his voice if he is really pissed. If this is before you live together, and the fight occurs at his house, he will get you to leave, but makes sure you get home safe.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
So. Many. Rocks.
Seriously, your shelves will be filled with amethyst clusters and pretty pebbles. Some of this rocks will be jewels encrusted in some stellar accessories.
Beyond that, he’ll get you things he thinks you might need. Complaining about your coffee maker? He’s just gotten you a top of the line model with a prepaid subscription to receive new pods full of expensive Kalosian coffee every month for the next five years. Need a new bag? He’ll have one that costs double your rent shipped to you by the end of the day.
His gifts are expensive and high quality, but he does not buy you them for the sake of flaunting wealth. He just thinks you’d like them.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
Steven feels like nothing can bother him. His smile is wider and his eyes sparkle whenever he thinks of you. He compliments you all the time and gives you lots of tender kisses and touches, spoils you a bit too. He doesn’t really brag, he thinks your amazingness stands for itself.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
He just thought you were very pretty when you first met, very sweet and cute. Evidently he was correct :)
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
Steven rarely gets jealous. He’s not an arrogant guy in any way really, but he is confident in himself and in your relationship.
Things like money, power or status don’t threaten him, but appearance, particularity musculature, does. Steven’s quite the lean, slim guy, and sometimes he thinks he might not be strong or masculine enough for you, no matter how much you disagree. It honestly made him hurt a little when you jokingly called Leon, the Galar champion, a himbo.
When he is jealous, he gets a little stiff, he frowns, he holds onto you a little tighter if you’re around the person who makes him jealous. When he’s alone, he laments about it.
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
Steven is a suave, smooth kisser, each kiss makes you feel like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
Your first kiss with him felt right, he gently cupped your cheeks and kissed you slowly in a manner that portrayed exactly how he felt about you.
He likes to kiss your cheek and forehead, and sometimes your knuckles if he’s holding your hand.
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
He loves how kind you are, loves how you treat his Pokémon like each one is the cutest ever, even if they are decidedly not cute. He likes how you look after him, making sure he sleeps and eats, showing up to his house randomly with treats or just to visit him. He really appreciates it.
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
Making you his spouse would make him so happy!
His proposal would be very intimate, a night time picnic, either stargazing, watching fireworks or a meteor shower. He’d turn to you, with a soft smile, and tell you exactly how much you mean to him, and how much he loves you. Then, he would take out a small velvet box and ask you to marry him. The ring would be jaw-droppingly ornate, with your favourite gem in the middle.
The wedding would be intimate too, very swanky, with geode centrepieces and formal attire. He’d ultimately like to hold it in somewhere like Reflection Cave, but he’s down to hold it in a castle or hotel otherwise, with nice gardens of course.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He calls you sweetheart, darling, love, my gem.
You call him Stevie, babe and dreamboat. Sometimes rock nerd or dork if he’s going on about geology.
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
He’s pretty open, once you two have been together for a good while. He trusts you enough to tell you his insecurities and darkest thoughts, like how he feels burdened by the weight of his responsibilities, how his strained relationship with his father affects him, or how he still has trauma regarding the loss of his mother.
Just make sure to give him a big hug after he tells you, ok?
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
Steven cannot cook to save his life. He never needed to learn, they had a personal chef at home when he was growing up, and when he was older he would go out for food or get it delivered all the time. This continues when you get together, he always insists on paying.
That being said, he’s definitely up to learn, especially if you teach him, or if you can’t cook either, he’d love to learn with you.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
Steven has a super gentle, super careful touch, which means he gives the most amazing scalp massages. You have no choice but to melt when his fingers are caressing your head.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Extremely romantic, more elegant than corny. He wants you to know how beautiful and amazing you are, and he wants to put in effort to prove that point.
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
You do usually, he likes to watch you snooze before he falls asleep. He likes to have you close to him, but he can sleep without you just fine, not waking up next to you is really more of a pain to him.
For bad habits? Steven has a tendency to lose track of time and go to bed very late. It can be frustrating when you need a good cuddle before bed, and when you have to deal with a barely-conscious, sometimes grouchy Steven in the morning.  
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
If Steven wants to go somewhere or do something, he does because he has the luxury to. So when it comes to new experiences, like visiting somewhere new, trying a new activity, and you both want to go there or try it, he will have it organised straight away.
He only really has a routine when league business is in full swing, and when he is no longer champion, anything goes. Though if you have a routine, he will work around it.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Steven, due to his wealth and connections, had a habit of dropping everything to go on trips or rock-hunting whenever he felt like, which was detrimental to many of his relationships, mainly because he wouldn’t notify people before he left.
You, however, have taught him the importance of taking other people’s feelings and opinions into account. You’re so attentive with him, and in turn, he learns how to do just that with all the important people in his life.
You’re both kind people, who care deeply about each other and Pokemon
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
At the beginning, the relationship is just a luxury for him, something he enjoys, but not something he needs in his life. But the longer you two are together, the more important you and your needs become to him.
You definitely become his point of focus, your happiness is his goal. He doesn’t stop engaging in his hobbies and interests, but he does do so in a manner that disrupts your relationship the least.
You are his rock, the love of his life, and he puts you before everything.
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Cried while drunk at his Bachelor Party because he just really wanted to be married to you already and he could not understand why he had to wait to do so.
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
Steven is quite affectionate at home, lots of soft kisses, hugs and long cuddles.
In public, his displays of affection are very elegant and appropriate. He wants you to know he loves you and finds you beautiful, even when in public. He likes to hold your hand, or rest his on your hip or the small of your back.
Will kiss your lips as a greeting or to say goodbye, but will mostly stick to occasionally kissing your cheek or forehead when you’re out.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
Steven really starts missing you when there’s no way you can be together, like when he’s abroad and/or working. Usually during these times, he texts frequently and calls you at least once a day, provided he’s not stuck in some cave. He likes to gaze fondly at pictures of you, planning how he’ll make it up to you when you reunite
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)-
Of course! He is/was a champion after all, so he has his pokemon team, plus some random beldum floating around. You treat his like your own, and vice versa, so it’s a very happy household.
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klavier · 5 years
Formulary for a New Urbanism by Ivan Chtcheglov
We are bored in the city, there is no longer any Temple of the Sun. Between the legs of the women walking by, the dadaists imagined a monkey wrench and the surrealists a crystal cup. That's lost. We know how to read every promise in faces--the latest stage of morphology. The poetry of the billboards lasted twenty years. We are bored in the city, we really have to strain to still discover mysteries on the sidewalk billboards, the latest state of humor and poetry:
Bath of the Patriarchs
Meat Cutting Machines
Notre Dame Zoo
Sports Pharmacy
Martyrs Provisions
Translucent Concrete
Golden Touch Sawmill
Center for Functional Recuperation
Sainte Anne Ambulance
Cafe Fifth Avenue
Prolonged Volunteers Street
Family Boarding House in the Garden
Hotel of Strangers
Wild Street
And the swimming pool on the Street of Little Girls. And the police station on Rendezvous Street. The medical-surgical clinic and the free placement center on the Quai des Orfevres. The artificial flowers on Sun Street. The Castle Cellars Hotel, the Ocean Bar and the Coming and Going Cafe. The Hotel of the Epoch.
And the strange statue of Dr. Philippe Pinel, benefactor of the insane, in the last evenings of summer. To explore Paris.
And you, forgotten, your memories ravaged by all the consternations of two hemispheres, stranded in the Red Cellars of Pali-Kao, without music and without geography, no longer setting out for the hacienda where the roots think of the child and where the wine is finished off with fables from an old almanac. Now that's finished. You'll never see the hacienda. It doesn't exist.
The hacienda must be built.
All cities are geological; you cannot take three steps without encountering ghosts bearing all the prestige of their legends. We move within a closed landscape whose landmarks constantly draw us toward the past. Certain shifting angles, certain receding perspectives, allow us to glimpse original conceptions of space, but this vision remains fragmentary. It must be sought in the magical locales of fairy tales and surrealist writings: castles, endless walls, little forgotten bars, mammoth caverns, casino mirrors.
These dated images retain a small catalyzing power, but it is almost impossible to use them in a symbolic urbanism without rejuvenating them by giving them a new meaning. Our imaginations, haunted by the old archetypes, have remained far behind the sophistication of the machines. The various attempts to integrate modern science into new myths remain inadequate. Meanwhile abstraction has invaded all the arts, contemporary architecture in particular. Pure plasticity, inanimate, storyless, soothes the eye. Elsewhere other fragmentary beauties can be found -- while the promised land of syntheses continually recedes into the distance. Everyone wavers between the emotionally still -- alive past and the already dead future.
We will not work to prolong the mechanical civilizations and frigid architecture that ultimately lead to boring leisure.
We propose to invent new, changeable decors....
Darkness and obscurity are banished by artificial lighting, and the seasons by air conditioning; night and summer are losing their charm and dawn is disappearing. The man of the cities thinks he has escaped from cosmic reality, but there is no corresponding expansion of his dream life. The reason is clear: dreams spring from reality and are realized in it.
The latest technological developments would make possible the individual's unbroken contact with cosmic reality while eliminating its disagreeable aspects. Stars and rain can be seen through glass ceilings. The mobile house turns with the sun. Its sliding walls enable vegetation to invade life. Mounted on tracks, it can go down to the sea in the morning and return to the forest in the evening.
Architecture is the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality, of engendering dreams. It is a matter not only of plastic articulation and modulation expressing an ephemeral beauty, but of a modulation producing influences in accordance with the eternal spectrum of human desires and the progress in realizing them.
The architecture of tomorrow will be a means of modifying present conceptions of time and space. It will be a means of knowledge and a means of action.
The architectural complex will be modifiable. Its aspect will change totally or partially in accordance with the will of its inhabitants....
Past collectivities offered the masses an absolute truth and incontrovertable mythical exemplars. The appearance of the notion of relativity in the modern mind allows one to surmise the EXPERIMENTAL aspect of the next civilization (although I'm not satisfied with that word; say, more supple, more "fun"). On the bases of this mobile civilization, architecture will, at least initially, be a means of experimenting with a thousand ways of modifying life, with a view to a mythic synthesis.
A mental disease has swept the planet: banalization. Everyone is hypnotized by production and conveniences sewage system, elevator, bathroom, washing machine.
This state of affairs, arising out of a struggle against poverty, has overshot its ultimate goal--the liberation of man from material cares--and become an obsessive image hanging over the present. Presented with the alternative of love or a garbage disposal unit, young people of all countries have chosen the garbage disposal unit. It has become essential to bring about a complete spiritual transformation by bringing to light forgotten desires and by creating entirely new ones. And by carrying out an intensive propaganda in favor of these desires.
We have already pointed out the need of constructing situations as being one of the fundamental desires on which the next civilization will be founded. This need for absolute creation has always been intimately associated with the need to play with architecture, time and space....
Chirico remains one of the most remarkable architectural precursors. He was grappling with the problems of absences and presences in time and space. We know that an object that is not consciously noticed at the time of a first visit can, by its absence during subsequent visits, provoke an indefinable impression: as a result of this sighting backward in time, the absence of the object becomes a presence one can feel. More precisely: although the quality of the impression generally remains indefinite, it nevertheless varies with the nature of the removed object and the importance accorded it by the visitor, ranging from serene joy to terror. (It is of no particular significance that in this specific case memory is the vehicle of these feelings; I only selected this example for its convenience.)
In Chirico's paintings (during his Arcade period) an empty space creates a full-filled time. It is easy to imagine the fantastic future possibilities of such architecture and its influence on the masses. Today we can have nothing but contempt for a century that relegates such blueprints to its so-called museums.
This new vision of time and space, which will be the theoretical basis of future constructions, is still imprecise and will remain so until experimentation with patterns of behavior has taken place in cities specifically established for this purpose, cities assembling--in addition to the facilities necessary for a minimum of comfort and security-- buildings charged with evocative power, symbolic edifices representing desires, forces, events past, present and to come. A rational extension of the old religious systems, of old tales, and above all of psychoanalysis, into architectural expression becomes more and more urgent as all the reasons for becoming impassioned disappear.
Everyone will live in his own personal "cathedral," so to speak. There will be rooms more conducive to dreams than any drug, and houses where one cannot help but love. Others will be irresistibly alluring to travelers.... This project could be compared with the Chinese and Japanese gardens of illusory perspectives [en trompe l'oeil]--with the difference that those gardens are not designed to be lived in all the time--or with the ridiculous labyrinth in the Jardin des Plantes, at the entry to which is written (height of absurdity, Ariadne unemployed): Games are forbidden in the labyrinth. This city could be envisaged in the form of an arbitrary assemblage of castles, grottos, lakes, etc. It would be the baroque stage of urbanism considered as a means of knowledge. But this theoretical phase is already outdated. We know that a modern building could be constructed which would have no resemblance to a medieval castle but which could preserve and enhance the Castle poetic power (by the conservation of a strict minimum of lines, the transposition of certain others, the positioning of openings, the topographical location, etc.).
The districts of this city could correspond to the whole spectrum of diverse feelings that one encounters by chance in everyday life.
Bizarre Quarter--Happy Quarter (specially reserved for habitation) -- Noble and Tragic Quarter (for good children)--Historical Quarter (museums, schools)--Useful Quarter (hospital, tool shops) --Sinister Quarter, etc. And an Astrolaire which would group plant species in accordance with the relations they manifest with the stellar rhythm, a planetary garden comparable to that which the astronomer Thomas wants to establish at Laaer Berg in Vienna. Indispensable for giving the inhabitants a consciousness of the cosmic. Perhaps also a Death Quarter, not for dying in but so as to have somewhere to live in peace,and I think here of Mexico and of a principle of cruelty in innocence that appeals more to me every day.
The Sinister Quarter, for example, would be a good replacement for those hellholes that many peoples once possessed in their capitals: they symbolized all the evil forces of life. The Sinister Quarter would have no need to harbor real dangers, such as traps, dungeons or mines. It would be difficult to get into, with a hideous decor (piercing whistles, alarm bells, sirens wailing intermittently, grotesque sculptures, power-driven mobiles, called Auto-Mobiles), and as poorly lit at night as it is blindinglylit during the day by an intensive use of reflection. At the center, the "Square of the Appalling Mobile." Saturation of the market with a product causes the product's market value to fall: thus, as they explored the Sinister Quarter, the child and the adult would learn not to fear the anguishing occasions of life, but to be amused by them.
The principal activity of the inhabitants will be the CONTINUOUS DÉRIVE. The changing of landscapes from one hour to the next will result in complete disorientation....
Later, as the gestures inevitably grow stale, this dérive will partially leave the realm of direct experience for that of representation....
The economic obstacles are only apparent. We know that the more a place is set apart for free play, the more it influences people's behavior and the greater is its force of attraction. This is demonstrated by the immense prestige of Monaco and Las Vegas--and Reno, that caricature of free love--although they are mere gambling places. Our first experimental city would live largely off tolerated and controlled tourism. Future avant-garde activities and productions would naturally tend to gravitate there. In a few years it would become the intellectual capital of the world and would be universally recognized as such.
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myminilens · 6 years
Gwalior, named after saint Gwalipa, is a small city, though there is a lot to see. I went there unplanned and not with a lot of hopes, but returned with tons of memories, surprises and amazing experience of the city, that is a great example of – a combination of ancient and modern.
Read: Gwalior – A City With Music in its Soul
Here are 16 places you must visit in Gwalior
1. Jai Vilas Palace & Museum
Built in 1874, by Maharaj Jayajirao Scindhiya, this stunningly beautiful grand and gorgeous royal palace having 3 gates, 35 rooms and Asia’s largest hall carpet, is the current residence of the royal family of Gwalior.
The two 12.5m-high, 3.5-tonne chandeliers with 250 light bulbs, are the pair of 3rd largest chandeliers in the world. There is a story that, 8 elephants had been suspended from the Royal Court Ceiling to check if it could cope with the pair of chandeliers.
In other interesting things you can see: Stuffed tigers, cut glass furniture, ladies only swimming pool with its own boat ( that why the palace was named JAL VIHAR), wall paintings and a beautiful Archway nearby. One of the most interesting things here is the model railway with a silver train that used to carry after dinner drinks and cigars around the table.
2. Man Singh Palace
This imperial-style palace is one of the more unusually decorated monuments of India. You cannot stay unnoticed of the outer walls include a frieze of yellow ducks and mosaic tiling of elephants, tigers, and crocodiles in blue, yellow and green.
Built by Tomar ruler Man Singh between 1486 and 1516, this is a fine example of early Hindu architecture consists of two open courts surrounded by apartments on two levels. Below ground lie another two levels constructed for hot weather, connected by ‘speaking tubes’ built into the walls, and used by the Mughals as prison cells. The ticket counter is opposite the palace, while another ticket counter nearby you can buy tickets for the ruins of Shah Jahan Palace, Karan Palace and several other dilapidated palaces in the northwest of the fort.
3. Gwalior Fort
Perched majestically on top of a 3km-long plateau overlooking Gwalior, this fort doesn’t need introductions. Made in 8th-century, this hilltop fort is an imposing, eye-catching sight, with the circular towers of the dominating Man Singh Palace ringed with turquoise tiles.
4. Gujari Mahal 
Built by Man Singh, for his most loved wife, in the 15th Century, used to be beautiful. Time has left its marks on it now. It houses the State Archeological Museum and its large collection of Hindu and Jain sculptures, including the famed Salabhanjika, an exceptionally carved female figure, and copies of Bagh Caves frescoes.
5. The Chhatris 
You will find these beauties in formal gardens. Built between 1926 and 1932, with Mughal-style pavilions and Hindu Style Sikharas (temple-spires), these are magnificent walk-in marble inlay work structures, facing each other across a pool with a criss-cross of walkways.
6. Jain Rock Sculptures
Mostly cut into the cliff face in the mid-15th century, they represent the great 24 Jain Tirthankars ( Jain teachers). They were defaced by Babur’s Muslim army in 1527 but have been more recently repaired.
The most inspiring Jain sculpture is the figure of Neminatha, the 22nd Tirthankar. You would be astonished to see the 30 feet figure of the seated Neminatha, with a symbol of a shell on a pedestal. The tallest Jain sculpture in Gwalior is noted for its rigid posture and rounded form. You will be amazed to know that, these were excavated in a short period of time – the Year 1441 – the year 1474. For this perfection, must say its a very short duration.
7. Scindhiya School
Founded by the late Maharaja Madho Rao Scindia of Gwalior in 1897, as the Sardar School. renamed The Scindia School in 1933, as it evolved into a public school, is a boarding school for boys only. With a teacher-student ratio of 1:12. The school has one of the advanced IT facilities. Situated in Gwalior Fort, it was started exclusively for nobles and princes of Royal families, particularly the Marathas, though no discrimination now.
8. Gates in Gwalior
It’s not only Delhi, which has Gates,:). Gwalior is known for its gates too. From the east, a series of gates punctuates the worn steps of the path leading up to the fort. Let’s take a tour :
Gwalior Gate also know as Alamgiri Gate, is the first gate in this series from the eastern approach to Gwalior Fort. Built-in 1660 and named after Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, it leads to the Archeological Survey of India museum.
Bansur (Archer’s Gate), was the second gate, doesn’t exist now.
Badalgarh Gate or Hindola Gate is the third, which has been named after Maharaja Man Singh’s uncle, Badal Singh Tomar. Its a wonderful example of Hindu architecture.
Bhairon Gate used to be next, then comes,
Ganesh Gate, having a small tank, a pigeon house ( Kabutar Khana ) and shrine of Saint Gwalipa.
Hathiya Paur Gate, is the sixth gate in the series, is now the entrance to the palace grounds.
Hawa Gate, used to be the seventh gate and the entrance to the palace grounds has been demolished.
Urvai Gate, is the first if you enter the Gwalior Fort from the western side. For me, it was the last in the series.
9. Gurudwara Data-Bandi-Chor Sahib
GURUDWARA SHRI DATA BANDI CHOR SAHIB is situated in the Distt City Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh (Central India) It is situated on the hilltop in the Fort Gwalior. The famous, gold-topped gurdwara dedicated to Sikh hero Guru Har Gobind, who was imprisoned in Man Singh Palace from 1617 to 1619, is one of the must-visit places of Gwalior.
Temples you will find in your way :
10. Gwalipa Temple near Ganesh Gate.
Chatarbhuj Mandir, a temple of Lord Vishnu with Garuda at the gate is near Hathiya Paur Gate.
11. Shiva and Parvati Statue :
Near Uravi Gate, you will see a beautiful statue of Shiva and Parvati dating back to the 7th century. Another sculpture of a reclining mother and child is not to be missed.
12. Saas Bahu Temples:
A Mayan Like structure will pull your attention automatically, but its not Mayan. Its Saas Bahu Temples ( Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Temple ) date from the 9th to 11th centuries. The bigger one with four gigantic stone pillars is Saas Mandir, dedicated to Lord Vishnu, and the smaller one, Bahu Mandir Daughter-in-Law, dedicated to Shiva, is fully stacked with sculptures.
13. Teli ka Mandir:
Teli ka Mandir is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Built in the 8th century is 30 meters high and is the oldest and loftiest surviving monument in the Gwalior Fort compound.
This is believed to be constructed around 850 AD, during the reign of Mihira Bhoja, the Pratihara king. It is a combination of Nagara and Dravida style of architecture along with a touch of Buddhist architecture styles. Gopuram is of Dravidan style, whereas the temple base is in Nagara style of architecture. Extensively carved outer walls of the temple with its excellent sculptures are a rare treat to the eyes.
You must know that this temple was used as a drinks factory and coffee shop by the British after the First War of Independence of 1857.
14. Sun Temple :
The Sun Temple, Gwalior is a replica of the famous Konark Temple in Orissa. A must visit especially during early morning hours for a peaceful environment.
15. The Sound and Light Show at Gwalior Fort
Narrated by the Amitabh Bachchan, the famous sound and light show, Son-et-Lumiere brings the legend of Gwalior to life. It is held every evening at the beautifully lit Man Mandir Palace. You can enjoy it for just Rs.10 if Indian citizen and Rs.150, if a foreign tourist.
16. Tomb Of Ghaus Mohammad
Ghaus Mohammed was a 15th-century Sufi saint. He was an Afghan prince who later became a Sufi. He was the teacher of musician Tansen. The Tomb of Ghaus Mohammed is the best example of Medieval Mughal architecture design. The tomb has a gorgeous look with its mind-blowing architectural beauty and stone carvings.
Other places to visit, includes Tomb of Tansen, Madhav National Park, Rani Laxmi Bai Memorial.
– Alok Upadhayay
  16 Must Visit Places in Gwalior Gwalior, named after saint Gwalipa, is a small city, though there is a lot to see. I went there unplanned and not with a lot of hopes, but returned with tons of memories, surprises and amazing experience of the city, that is a great example of - a combination of ancient and modern.
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