#You have no idea how much you need this in yiur life
thewitcheress2389 · 5 years
Marked For Death
Jaskier x Reader
Summary: Geralt, Y/N, and Jaskier are staying in a small village where Geralt accepts a contract for a leshen. Lots of angst.
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It was a small, isolated village that you, Jaskier, and the witcher Geralt were visiting. Most of the people living there were predominantly hunters, gatherers, or other types of woodsmen. They didn't seemed bothered by the witcher's arrival, however.
You on the other hand, felt a chill run down your spine and you suddenly felt uneasy. A hand gently grasped yours, and you turned to see Jaskier smiling at you. He squeezed your hand in reassurance as you both trudged along behind Geralt. That small action caused the hidden feelings in your heart to soar.
After tying Roach to a post, you all entered the tavern. Which in all honesty was probably were the most people were and that's saying something. No one smiled. Of course, nothing about Geralt's appearance would make them want to smile.
After settling in the back corner of the room, Jaskier spoke up, "Lively little place, isn't it?"
The sarcasm dripped off of his tongue. The bard stood out quite a lot in this atmosphere and you could tell he was itching to pull out his lute to try and brighten the place up.
"Hmm." Was all Geralt said. You on the other hand, felt like you were in a bubble. All the sounds blurred together and you were staring dead at the wall. It wasn't until Jaskier nudged you, that you broke out of your trance.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" He said with concern in his blue eyes. You blinked several times before looking at the man you had come to love. Geralt just narrowed his eyes in a suspicious manner. You nodded with a slight smile. Jaskier, however, kept staring at you and it made your cheeks burn a bright red. He smirked and was about to say something until a frantic man made this tavern a bit more lievely.
"It's back!" He shouted. "It's back I tell you!"
All the townsfolk in the tavern sighed unanimously. It seems to you that this man is not well liked by the village.
"We've told you before old man," a hunter of the village stepped forward. "The leshen is a product of your grief and sick mind."
The older, frantic man's eyes widened and he slowly stepped forward. "Does a 'sick mind' kill your wife?"
"It might." Jaskier muttered and you nudged him to keep quiet. However, the bard was heard and the old man's eyes flickered towards you. Then a look of relief came about his face.
"You there! Witcher!"
All eyes were now on Geralt. He looked bothered at the sudden attention he was getting, but still his golden eyes flickered towards the old man.
"You have my word that a leshen prowls this forest, slay it." The old man humbly asked the mighty witcher. Geralt sighed through his nose. Jaskier's eyes brightened at the prospect of a new ballad, and you just felt uneasy again.
"It's not worth it witcher," the hunter from before said. "Found one leshen before sure, but we slayed it. This man is clearly still grieving and seeing things."
The old man glared at the hunter. Then he looked at Geralt with pleading eyes. You eyed your brooding companion. It was hard to read what he was thinking. Finally, he said, "Show me where you saw the leshen."
Everyone in the room sighed. Geralt stood up, grabbed his swords, gave you and Jaskier a look that said "stay", and followed the old man out of the tavern. Soon things returned to normal. People chanting amongst themselves, and Jaskier was pressing on new song ideas about the "The witcher who slew the forest spirit." The bard soon got permission to play in the tavern, and people actually enjoyed the entertainment that they clearly have never gotten before. You were smiling and blushing whenever Jaksier winked at you. Especially when he started singing about a maiden with h/c hair.
It felt like hours have passed and still no sign of Geralt. The witcher must've found something. Soon people were dispersing and Jaskier took his seat beside, chatting about anything. However, you soon realized that his words were becoming blurred. All you could remember was Jaskier's worried voice as your world went dark.
You woke up later in a room you've never seen before. Sitting up slowly, you noticed that it looked small and rustic looking. Once your senses accumulated, you could tell that this house smelled of the woods. Voices. You could hear voices as well. They were getting louder until the door opened.
"Y/N!" Jaskier exclaimed as he went over and hugged you. You breathed in his calming scent and silently wished that this moment could last forever. However, he pulled away when two other figures entered the building.
It was Geralt and the old man from earlier. Geralt looked peeved and the old man looked concerned. You, on the other hand, were just confused.
"Geralt came back just as you fainted." Jaskier explained. "The old man was willing to help you."
You smiled. "Thank you. I'm feeling a lot better."
"So," you directed the question on Geralt. "Did you find a leshen?"
The witcher crossed his arms and nodded. "Found it deep in the forest. Like the old man told me, this leshen was the same one that the hunters killed before."
Your eyes widened as Geralt continued. "I managed to bring it down, but then it's eye sockets began to glow and it let out a monstrous roar. I had no choice, but to flee like a coward."
You could tell that Geralt was pissed off at his pathetic display, but what else could he have done?
"How is this possible?" Jaskier asked from his place beside you. "How can the leshen just not die? I mean, is it immortal?"
The witcher shook his head. Then the old man spoke up. "I've heard that leshen's mark certain people and, in a sense, continue to live so long as they do."
Geralt nodded at that comment, however, his eyes still seemed far away and his body was still tense.
"Well," Jaskier stated with a small smile. "Then all you have to do is find the one the leshen marked, kill him, and then kill the leshen. Simple."
You gave him a look. "Jaskier, it's not simple."
The bard shrugged at your comment, and you shook yiur head in disbelief. Geralt's eyes have been boring into you as soon as he stepped foot into the house. It was starting to creep you out.
"What?" You looked back into Geralt's eyes. "Is there something on my face?"
You were smiling slightly, but the witcher was not.
"It's you." He suddenly said. All eyes were suddenly on you. You narrowed your eyes in confusion, and were about to ask Geralt what he meant, but he explained himself.
"You're the one the leshen has marked." His voice was deeper than usual, like he was suppressing some sort of emotion. You, on the other hand, felt your mouth go dry and your head started to spin.
You felt like fainting again. Would Geralt really kill you?
"In the tavern," Jaskier started with a much more morose sounding voice than before. "That's why you fainted."
You glanced at the bard, still in shock about this whole ordeal. The old man at this point had left, apparently he couldn't handle this either. The witcher with his arms still crossed, explained.
"When I downed the leshen, it absorbed some of your essence to fuel its own power."
You finally understood the emotion in Geralt's voice. It was despair. It was the first time you've ever heard it from the witcher. He was torn.
"Well," Jaskier started. "You can't kill Y/N."
It wasn't the first time Jaskier stood up to Geralt, but it was the first time that you saw Jaskier with such a serious look. You looked at him with loving eyes, but then you turned to look at the witcher.
"Geralt," you started. "I unders-"
"No!" Jaskier cut you off. "I won't let you die just for the sake of this tiny town."
The bard didn't care who heard him, he was now clutching your hand in his and giving you one of his most thoughtful looks. A mix of emotions that you couldn't decipher swam in his ocean eyes. You wanted to lean in, kiss him, but Geralt's voice cut off your thoughts.
"The only thing that dies will be the leshen." He uncrossed his arms and started towards the door.
"But is that even possible?!" You yelled after him. There was no response except for the door slamming shut. You and Jaskier were left alone. A nervous atmosphere enveloped the both of you.
"This is not how I wanted this day to turn out." Jaskier stated while folding his hands into his lap. You glanced at him while crossing your legs underneath yourself.
"What do you mean?" You asked the bard. After a couple seconds, he let out a nervous chuckle and looked at you with so much love.
"Was I not being obvious enough?" He said with a smile. You felt your heart flutter, hoping he wasn't seeing you as just another filler. You smiled at him, a real smile for the first time that day. He smiled back. You felt it was the right time, and you knew he did too.
Suddenly, an emptiness went through you. Your senses were blurred again, and you grabbed Jaskier's shoulders in support for your rapidly blackening vision. Jaskier grabbed your shoulders in hope that if you fainted again, he could catch you. After a few moments of coming in and out of consciousness, your ragged breathing evened out. You now realized your head was resting on Jaskier's chest. His arms were wrapped around you in silent support.
"Geralt can't beat the leshen..." You whispered into the bard's chest. "Not while I still live."
A hand ran up and down your back in a comforting way.
"Geralt will come back and then we can leave." Jaskier whispered back, his head resting on top of yours.
No, you thought. I need to do something.
A morbid thought ran through your head, and you removed yourself through Jaskier's grasp. More people would die if you didn't do something. What's one life compared to dozens of others?
You made up your mind.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you gazed at Jaskier, who still kept a firm hold on you. You could see it in his eyes, he knew you were planning something. Something bad.
"Jaskier..." you choked out, a sad smile staining your face. Then you kissed him. It was short, sweet, but too quick. He didn't even have time to kiss back. Then you pulled yourself out of his now weak grasp. He didn't even have time to react as you grabbed a nearby knife and ran out the door shouting, "I love you!"
If he said something, you didn't hear it as you bolted through the forest. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you jumped over roots and ducked under branches. Finally you could hear the sounds of Geralt fighting what you could only guess is the leshen. You broke through the underbrush to see the most horrifying creature in your entire life.
It stood nearly 8 feet tall. Its body was made up of mostly wood and moss. Human skulls hung off of its side and back. Sap pooled out of some openings in its body and its claw like hands tensed. The most terrifying part would be its head. Its head was the skull of a deer, and it was looking straight at you.
Geralt had landed on his back from the leshen's blow, but he recovered quickly and noticed you.
"Y/N?!" He growled. "What are you doing here?!"
You ignored him and slowly began to walk towards the beast. It stood stone still as you stared deep into its black skull sockets. Geralt, with silver sword in hand, was just watching and breathing heavily from his brutal attack from the leshen.
"You won't kill me." You said to the leshen. It continued to stare blankly at you. With shaky hands, you lifted the blade you've been concealing, to your throat.
"But I can." You stated bravely. Geralt's eyes flickered between you and the leshen.
Just do it.
Just do it.
Just do it.
The leshen roared in distress as it raised its arm towards you, but you acted quicker and sliced your throat. Blood gushed from the gash like a rapid river, spilling out over the grass as your body collapsed to the ground. You were dead before you even hit the ground, the knife limply falling from your grasp.
The leshen collapsed to its knees, groaning in agony. Geralt didn't even register what happened. He just quickly thrusted his silver sword through the place where its heart would be. The leshen let out a ghostly howl of pain and as soon as the sword was ripped out from its chest, the leshen collapsed.
The leshen lay dead.
Geralt then lumbered over to the body of his dead companion. Your body was now pale as all the blood had drained from your throat. Your e/c eyes were closed and you looked more at peace than ever. The witcher shook his head in disbelief.
"We could've found another way..." Was all he mumbled as he stood there, sword in hand. His witcher senses picked out the sounds of something else in the forest. Heavy breathing and a fast pulse. Geralt couldn't even bring himself to lift his sword.
Suddenly Jaskier broke into the clearing looking like a wild animal. Eyes wide, hair wild, and breathing labored. He wildly looked around until his eyes met Geralt's. The witcher didn't even know what to say to the bard as his eyes slowly lowered down to your body.
Jaskier walked towards you with the most emotionless face Geralt has ever seen on him. He knelt beside your corpse before slowly cradling you in his arms. He didn't care about the blood, he didn't care if Geralt judged him. He just wanted to hold you once more. To feel your touch. Even if it was cold and lost.
Geralt sheathed his silver sword, but didn't approach his mourning companion. He could hear the ragged sobs just fine.
Geralt's head whipped to the left when he heard the approach of another person. It was the old man.
He stared at your body for a while before looking apologetically at the witcher.
"I know it was quite a price to pay, witcher." He said while gesturing towards the bloody scene. "I'm sorry."
Geralt put his hands on his hips and gave the old man a hard stare with his cat-like eyes.
"Don't tell me that," Geralt then gestured towards Jaskier with his head. "Tell him that."
The following days were hard. Geralt and Jaskker continued to travel together, but it wasn't the same. Jaskier hardly spoke. It was always silence. Your lovely voice wasn't around anymore. Both men felt like they had a void in them.
One day, Jaskier told the witcher that he was leaving. He said he needed some time alone, time to think. Geralt responded with a simple hum, wishing he was better with words.
The song about "The witcher who slew the forest spirit" never came about.
Instead there was a ballad about "A h/c haired maiden who made the ultimate sacrifice."
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Chapter 6
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                                             Rewrite the Stars. 
The smell of mint flooded your senses as you slowly opened your eyes, your muscles ached in a fresh new way they hadn’t before. You mentally noted the feeling of underwear, but the top half of your body was completely bare. You turned your head, a small smile crossing your face as you saw the familiar brown eyes of your soulmate staring back at you. “You’re so beautiful when you sleep,” He whispered as he brushed some hair from your face, a small smile crossing his face. Self consciously, You moved the blanket further up your body, pausing when his hand touched yours, “Don’t do that,” His eyes searched yiur face, “There’s no need to be self conscious around me. I love you for every bit that you are,”
You moved further into the blankets, a smile on your face as your eyes slowly drifted closed again. 
You felt his lips press against your shoulder, sending goosebumps across your body. A small sigh escaped your lips as you felt his lips turn upwards before kissing your shoulder once again. You turned your head to face him, laying stomach down in the bed with a blanket covering your lower body. His fingers glided across your upper back, his fingers moving to slide your top strap down your arm. A shiver ran up your spine as his fingers continued to dance across your shoulders. Your eyes opened to see his chestnut ones staring at you, his mind clearly lost in thought. “What are you thinking about?” You whispered, watching as his eyes changed, finally looking at you. “How incredible you are,” He offered, pressing his lips to your shoulder once again. A small smile graced your face as you closed your eyes once again, “Liar,” You reviled in the feeling of his hands, how something so gentle with you caused the death of millions by them, “You know you can talk to me right?” His hands froze and you wondered if you had said the wrong thing, but they resumed their aimless tracing soon after, “ I’m thousands of years old, I’ve seen so much,” You could feel his breath on your skin, “It feels like you’re the only thing that’s real anymore,” You opened your eyes and looked at him, your hand reaching up to grip his own, “I’m here. Always,” His hand unlocked with yours as he pushed some hair from your face, “I know. And I’m eternally grateful for you,” his hand moves down your face, his thumb coming to rest on your bottom lip, slowly swiping it across. You pressed a kiss to the pad of his thumb and sat up, allowing the blanket to pool around your waist. You could feel the confusion coming through the bond, as you faced him, “I meant it though. I love you,” He sat up, his bare chest exposed for you to see. You had the overwhelming urge to run your hands through his chest hair once again, to wrap your hands behind his neck as he kissed you deeply. “I love you too,”
You head was swirling as you listened to the argument between The Master and The Doctor. You could hear The Master argue with her, telling her that there was no way to activate the detonator from the TARDIS. Their voices sounded like they were underwater, you felt a hand on your upper arm and you looked back at Ryan who was gently holding you back. You shrugged him off as the first tears fell from your eyes. You stepped forward and came to stand in front of The Master, his eyes showing a sadness and a regret that you had never seen before. ”Wh-What are you talking about? There’s no way to detonate this off world? Make it so you can. You’re both smart enough,” You stated, watching as he slowly shook his head in response.  ”You don’t think I haven’t tried? You think that this is how I thought I would die?” He rolled his eyes but stared back down at you, “It’s going to be okay. The Doctor said she’s going to take you back to Earth,” You shook your head, “N-no. No! I’m not going back to Earth. We’re going to that stupid planet you keep talking about,”  He reached down and gripped your face, forcing you to look at him. Weakly, you finished, “You promised me,”  ”I made a bigger promise. To myself. That I would never let you get hurt. And if these creatures leave this ship that’s exactly what would happen,”  “Please don’t do this. I’m begging you, please no,” You found yourself sobbing as The Master reached over and caressed your cheek the same way you did to him all those months ago, "We can find another way," You turned back to The Doctor who was looking at you with sad eyes, she shook her head and you tightly closed your eyes, shaking your head, "No. No. I can't lose you. Not after everything,"
A sad smile crossed his face as his brown eyes bored into you, memorizing every inch of your face, every flaw, every perfection; he wanted to remember you. He didn't do this decision lightly, but he knew that if even a tiny bit of that weapon or those creatures got off this world then it would be over for you. He didn't want a life if it meant knowing that you had died from something he could have prevented.
His thumbs rubbed circles on your cheekbones, wiping away your tears “It’s okay,” He whispered to you, “It’s not over for us. I’ll see you again,” His forehead found yours and he closed his eyes, “I’ll see you again and I will love you for all eternity,”
"But I won't see you again," You continued to cry, tears falling harder and harder down your cheeks, his thumbs unable to catch  them all, "I can't-" You choked back another sob, "I can't be without you," You saw tears in his own eyes, a smile crossing his face, "Look after that stupid creature won't you?" He whispered to you, "Don't forget, if you end up back on Earth, there might be a few of your neighbors animals going missing," He smiled as you let out a choked laugh, remembering the conversation you both had a few nights earlier regarding your new pet and life on Earth.
"I love you,"
The Master allowed the tears to fall before pressing a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering before he reluctantly detached himself, "I love you. Never forget that," His eyes looked over at The Doctor before giving her a small nod. He pressed his lips against yours before painfully gripping your shoulders and pushing you back into the arms of your friends.
You felt Ryan and Graham's arms holding you back as you struggled against them. The Doctor turned to face you before helping the others get you back inside her TARDIS. The last look you got of The Master was of his sad eyes watching as you kicked and screamed for him to let you stay, for him not to do this.
The TARDIS doors were locked when The Doctor put the machine into flight. You could feel the eyes of the others watching you as you fell to the ground, tears falling uncontrollably down your face, "Please take me back," You whispered brokenly to them.
"I'm sorry I can't. Despite everything, I won't break my last promise to him," The Doctor stated, flicking several buttons on the console.
You felt a sharp pain in your chest, a hollowness that you had only felt once before. You began to cry harder as the pain grew. You knew by the look on The Doctor's face that she knew what was happening, "I'm sorry," She said sadly, knowing that The Master had destroyed the space station with himself inside.
The unbearable pain was the feeling of the bond snapping and breaking. Something that only happened when he died. You had felt it only once before when Missy had died, even then it wasn't the full extent of the pain since then you weren't mourning a close lover, but a friend. Now however, you were mourning the loss of your soulmate.
"Is she going to be okay?" You heard Yaz ask, watching you from afar with worry on her face.
"Not for a long time," The Doctor replied, "Imagine losing Grace. That pain," She turned to Graham, "Now imagine that, but with a physical bond as well. They could feel each other, always," The Doctor looked over at you, "Now she can't. It's going to take a while for that empty feeling to go away,"
You stood up with wobbly legs, walking up to where The Doctor was watching you with sad eyes, "Take me back," You stated sadly, tears falling from your cheeks.
"I can't-" The Doctor began, flinching when you slapped the console of the TARDIS.
"Then what is the bloody point of you then?! What's the point of having a time machine if you can't use it when it actually matters!"
The Doctor stepped forward, placing her hands on either side of your cheeks, her own eyes welling with tears, "You know why. You've always known why. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry that we can't go back. You know that I would if I could," She pulled your into her chest, allowing you to grip tightly on to the back of her shirt and sob loudly.
"I can't live without him,"
She pulled back from you and gripped either one of your cheeks, "Yes you can. You wont forget him, you wont ever stop loving him, but I promise you that you will be able to live. Do so in his memory. Do it in knowing its what he wanted you to do,"
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You fell into the bed, your head resting on the pillow as more tears came down your cheeks. What were you meant to do now? How were you meant to live the rest of your life knowing that once upon a time, you were loved so fully and so wholly that there was a chance you would never feel that again? How could you be happy when he was gone?
You winced slightly when you rolled on to your side, something digging into your pants pockets. You reached in and pulled out the familiar glass ball, the same one you had received in the market months ago. You rolled it around your hand a few times, wondering how to make the memories work, you needed to see his face again. You needed to hear his voice.
When nothing happened, you threw it across the room, more tears falling down your cheeks. You were so hurt and so angry you pulled at your hair slightly, letting out a scream of frustration.
"I don't know when you're going to hear this, or find this. You're asleep at the moment, that stupid creature curled up on your chest. I have no idea why I let you keep it. Maybe it's because it makes you happy. You deserve the type of happiness that you have given me,"
You sat up on the bed, watching the hologram in front of you with watery eyes. There stood The Master, a pair of tan slacks, a light blue shirt, the familiar sparkle in his eyes. He was completely see through however, reminding you that he wasn't really here.
The tears stopped while you watched the smile on his face, your own watery smile growing on your lips as you listened to him speak.
"Either way, if anything happens to you, I'm throwing that thing right out the airlock. No if's and's or but's. So you better stay safe. For his sake," A chuckle left your lips.
"I love you. More then anything in this universe. There's nothing I want more then to spend every morning waking up with you, to listen to your stupid human idiocy's. For all the horrible things I've ever done, the universe gave me one good thing. It's you. I will love you every day, for the rest of my life. I promise you that,"
A small smile on his lips and the picture vanished, leaving you with more tears falling from your cheeks. A small reow came from the bottom of the bed where the glass orb sat. You made your way down and saw the familiar cream colored creature sitting on the floor with confusion, "Jeremy, how'd you get here?" You sobbed, picking up the creature and cuddling him to your chest.
"The Master must have known that he wasn't coming back," You heard from the doorway.
You turned your head to see The Doctor leaning there, watching you with a serious look on her face. You turned back to Jeremy who was now purring in your lap, "How'd you know that?"
"Because he sent you your pet. He recorded you a message and snuck it in your pocket," She moved further into your room, "Because he loved you and he knew that if you were to survive he couldn't,"
The Doctor came to sit on the bed next to you, allowing you to place your head on her shoulder as you silently cried, "I miss him,"
"I know,"
"What will happen to his TARDIS?"
The Doctor shrugged, "I assume it was destroyed when he destroyed the station. If not, it might be floating around space somewhere. No one can get in it so I wouldn't stress to much,"
"He could have regenerated," You offered weakly.
The Doctor stroked your hair, "Do you think so?"
"No," Not after feeling what you felt through the bond. Now it felt like pure emptiness, like everything was pulled out of your body leaving you hallow. You couldn't feel anything other then sadness, a thrumming pain in your chest only amplified the feeling.
"I'll take you back to Earth in a few days. You need some rest,"
You nodded, "Yeah," You said simply, staring at the spot where the hologram once was.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Watch "Friday the 13th Official Trailer #1 (1980) - Horror Movie HD" on YouTube
You may recognize most Ken from last night
I sure do they are there now it's today. Last night too but these idiots are dumb keep repeating it...same mistakes over and over on purpose like turds. I'm out a here if this continues. Ken says. It sure will. No end in sight they won't stop are on a drug or something. No not a drug it's hope they hope to turn it around by forcing it. Ken says. Nope We won't be forced or coerced tricked fooled or other. But this is absurd the activities inane attitude very bad and approach ridiculous...none of you s will make it already proven you plan to build an ark how quaint. Why notes in Hera says. We can't swim that far and in right so shut up Ken says.
No that's stupid and somehow payment for your gambling crap gay taunts. You are doing inane stuff all day as dad was. He sat saying do nothing son all day all night and your saying gamble Chris try and hit it with your last dollar and I'm not gambling with my life or Hera's or my people's. No. It's no gamble. It's war due to the idiotic inane treatment and yeh attacks on related or said to be related as threats derived by a related who died from it.
We have nothing to say then Ok We fight. Ken says. Better sharpen sticks then you twit that's all your going Hera says. We agree on something there's nothing you can do here the motif sucks setting and more arn. Wasn't cast in a role hewasa free man but true hands tied they disallowed most. I do see your point though they say it all the time I was still do but you could care less doesn't apply I agree with you idiocy. I'm going to say this these things have gotten out if control us act like it's normal it's not. They got out if control as we do the inane stuff now that it's spiralling down we add to it daily like spoiled imbeciles all for a useless act. He tolerates it but has armor. Toms of it. That's why says we are about to figure it out. Did last night. It's stupid but they sit doing it all day we do nothing. The plan no. Ken says. Ok so you know go build your ark you fag you sacrificed your clan following Macs orders they are petty killers of our race your a puss poor leader at that as was arnie. Ghwb did something he helped saw the angle what yiur doing here is making us angry thinking to trip us up for our stuff all here see it it stinks doesn't work perpetuates bg motif Hera says. Oh no it's him it is this sucks Ken says. Haha it's like your all stupid and on carbon monoxide you slip away into subhuman intelligence level. True too Hera adds you people become dumb as hell intolerable really. Hera states. We have to stop these from doing things to him here seriously folks this is a nasty rock and hard place to start it's house arrest for no stated crime and yes they gave him a dead end implied and stated and yes Ken says it. We hit now and hard to free him from it.
Thor adds.
Zues Hera
We have had enough he needs alternate money sources for our plan his plan and sanity. So I developed them. Several in place but for small funds only. We move a chunk in and hand him some to see the affect here.
It's all approved and I got more in too these are liars losers meanies and proof coming they are full if it too
Bitol & Bitol
True we are young but get it this stuff hurts ok we see slide into it..
They want to set precedent and if they succeed they hv millions who sit on an injury. It's annoying as hell so we try to avoid it. Now they try harming me quite often are losers and demand that we hit them no recourse offered no alternative and it's also a retarded activity. Offers so little result for a except death for wwiii and it has failed miserably. Yet in still the focus point and the absurdness increasesmost a die the first day they focus so much negativity on me allarmies fail here due to our need to keep me around. It's not only funny to me it's ridiculous but if you insist I tighten it up request Duke Nukem Blockbuster report in and also use his to install more here and all over.
Zues Hera
We shall it's a good idea they yell and shout tons of epiteths at them. All night too. We hear him Mac daddy my great step granddaddy from your side and you run right into a trap aka Florida and due screaming you won like Mikey does every night you ridiculous. He makes sense to s can't tell you from anybody not to mention who you are the act so spur here We roll in this is raudry shit.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
Is there a reason we hear you say this stuff daily but don't do anything about it but worsen it here..for one person. You never say it.
We hold him hostage to hit yes to cream yes and not for you to
Mac daddy2
So what we hit using it.
Oh. Ok. We do that too apparently.
Mac daddy 2
Apparently you are losers we should never have listened to can take any hit we dole out he has finally proven it and leaders of yours Mac daddy are not necessary
We don't use gins let her and yeh on one person
Mac daddy 2
We hit you now Mac daddy 2 your insane must die
Ps tons of you go they see Mac left 2016
Easy work really we come here play parcheesy and die it's vulgar stuff can't be stopped or helped. We follow our idiots in command and bg to death for real and I mean it we make this dumb shit happen
Mac daddy2
Your inane Mac but right we do this on purpose with no outcome I try to hault it.
We see how it is all demand to know and tear him dn the way for you s here. All here do. It's the motif and carried through regardless so we fight it get it too.
Bitol & Bitol
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Listen very closely my name is Steppenwolfe
https://youtu.be/onvDpeDfNDs I am DemiGod in this form a demon notes as it's not immortal. You have a young God whom you tormented day and night and your demands do not match up. Now they do only by your prodding he has made things for us and with us. Too much but knows we are involved did similar things such as Iron ore. We are here to stay but your countenance and verbage demeanor and way is vile irreprehensible and gosh darned idiotic. It's free isnt it I hear or get it get it for me. Lots of insults from your women who pushed you and you broke easily they say. They did it pushed mostly out if ignorance some to steel. But not all as you a say. We are of the old guard as Thor is and they can't stand you I can't. He's string somehow anealed is used to living like a bumb as are most of you low life's but his is forced every so often has enraged then calm after he pummel you I saw the cops outside felt my heart sink heard him issue orders thought no good what if he can't formed a group and we sent to town today found all you buggers needed help got it but we are precise and you a are here, use this that and those and all, and I hear him this base that one and I'm satisfied you wish to overwork him But what can he do. Nothing. We know yiur responses. So let's hear it. I'm not who or what I say he says I'm one of them. Hulk is associated with us. Hagaar the Horrible we see he asks me several times. And wishes to do things correctly. He hits you often for it, did you know that...no, he does. We do too and your all so impetuous to no end. Why might I ask. No reason. Nobody ever held out. He's not your kind we don't know any of us who gave in. What's the use in changing him to crap as if you could. None I guess you say right why do it We feel like it. No you do it for today and days like it to attempt to confuse and confound us You are correct they demand sidetrackung and by you what do you tbink of it. You say it, once thier power on earth is depleted and presence in space gone they won't have enough power to argue which is how they use it mostly We see thier answer have you read the Bible we say yes wrote it. You illegally wrote in it we had yiu put that there You didn't No I mean we did write it all. Hand written .we think not I wrote job as in job he wrote several. You wrote none and your hands are shaking my little friend. You too Joe and loki you are not ours nor his real brother he has many. Tons of them. We do that too walk by him he falls We hear this too health and I accept as it's hand in hand a back up All in all a great day we planned it executed it it works. He did. A young God. And you went along with it She did too. Well I see, he knew all about it has a large posterior as I know on it I sure do know. I see too. Was there and it's your idea and your heavily involved but it's a tremendous weight far too much in the balance for me to bear only you four in it up to your necks I explain it we may run it Steppenwolfe I will be there it's interesting in this late hour to hear Uriel I know him Uriel he's strong stern seems not intricate but is very sharp and smart and surprised me. Usually no. And he arrived like a massive Army the last time a mounted a combined attack with ingenious thoughts and measures. Well worth it. Same timing Zues It is Steppenwolfe We know him too as does Loki, whom doesn't get Steppenwolfe's work, much of at all. We know why but it's old hat Thor We rock now Hera
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
You s hv a megacomputer??
Nit my actual design, tenore years of r and d at this pace wouldn't mk it work right
On purpose
You betcha
Nobody does what your doing to me u friggin jackasses same for forgieners
Demons roll in, take the place of both forgieners and domestic s, we overun you as you did many if mine, keep you in a nice cozy sock mostly due to your idiot shit with me here
Obnoxious low life's you pay now fooled you again while you were cackling at me today, drew the click down git required hatred I needed so desperately, fixed yiur phones too no long distance for a time you couldn't figure it out, finally attention you deserve Justin said, then we lambasted him in ft Meyers, laid him flat out, he was from here, started torturing the shit out of him, he kept saying it is that all you got, trying to memorize the torture, finally we said we are having fun as your not going to ever leave, showed him the special gear, wristbands that inject poison if he runs he smacked his lips ok kill me he said, and we will, we hit him, he died we woke him he got slow and stupid. We walked around and around him he said your making me dizzy we hit him.
He said it makes him sharp, we said it does but don't need you doing it
He failed to see why we showed him, our bullets from his houses. And he blurted it out we want him dead he won't go yo sleep.
We smacked himyiu keep him up as we will u.
Did it on one if him many of himhe hates it so bad they want to die.
So we said do you know he can kill yku he said no but last night and we hit him he said no he's a pussy we hit him. He said I think you've got the wrong idea I'm not here for you. So we started in on him after each asshole comment. Each one.
He burst into tears cried like a baby each hit. We told him to shut up he wouldn't. We hit him each time. Trained clones. Then I yelled at him over and over he winced. Told him he was weak and wrong.
He wouldn't budge. Felt the urge to talk we beat him every time. All his teeth and face broken.
Healed one, they say this why would you do that. We started hitting him again he said stop I'll give you what you want . We said we want you to shut up. He wouldn't. We kept smashing him reviving him smashing him. Finally he said I'll be quiet where's my room. We said you don't get a room this is it you get caught your dead.
He smoked said hit me all you want we did every bone wadbroken.
He hated it crawled on the floor to a corner died. We revived him.
We beat him. He was all broken felt like mash. He started to howllike here said he's blowing in the wind, we said no your going. He argued. We took him outside set him loose he tried to get away we out him back in the cell.
He broke down. Cried wept wrote a note in blood" i hate this" that was it. We said hate what... What you do to me, we said good now you die we said your done he argued, then we killed him put him on the pile to be eaten.
Then we say this you all HV the same lines and it's barf. Keep coming too. We find your birthing centers clime centers and doctors facilities all over Earth way too many to be believed.
We pick you all up tonight your this withering crowd of whiners. Most want to be here could care less if you die leave or are golphing, it's hell for yours they and thier big mouths us and our. Nine irons.
How trite you want a fight I will send people here.
You didn't and don't run your plan you ran your mouth off.
Your stupid and this much effort to torture you is a waste of time but we do it as the norm see if we see a different pattern, recently we did
We see this, wait a gosh darn minute I'm from here, they produce documents, say they are legal, we tell them no we saw you doing this back over here they say it wasn't me. We lean into them, say this, weknow it wad yiu wevtapped your phone and lines and followed you, they are astounded,
we laughed he forgot.
We sucked him into the line comes out like this we are from ashkosh not cleared yet held some if u they would not listen demanded in we didn't let them they forced in we were hopeful they were us, nope you. Then a total let down then I'm out of my body or asleep or blind. Tell me when I'm getting out of this we heard him say this no ur ok from our man in the asshole.
We kept hearing it we were the first we are the last, stow. But under exam he said he thinks we are dumb and he's from Oshkosh had hostages. We told him who they were he was upset and elated so i can go home
No, your just a brain now, all you are. Rats he thought I thought I was a contender. We told him how we dispose of him. Fire. He thought that appropriate. He thought will it hurt, we said no. We lied. He hated us for that it is a searing pain we recorded it too, hurts like hell I'm dying we laughed he spat in his mind was dead burned, cooked first waiting. Similar thing.
He knows we had to Stare you down so many times for so long finally today what is the holdup, right after our manuever
We found it
You all saying stuff here to him
No. That pushes it alomg
We found your cloning facilities.
And it worked we asked each and every brain and searched found them all hit like mad. Made you angry but not that angry
Fixed tons of you. It worked. Then this new breed of wise ass, pushed you all off the cliff
We went in and found this, this junk cannot continue, he said it's right too nobody respects you it's all in your head they should, we noted they want in. Usually we are quite near at times right below you in your ass bunker, we watch you die right after hearing you insult us as we watched Dennis die right after he tried hitting him using us. He fell dead. Thump. No ody revived him.
The fella at the Halloween store was nice enough followed through spoke but he recognized him had him picked up and the cops trying to get them both.
He doesn't know did, was after u for some time, no, but it was good. He saw what he wanted you biting into his stuff we showed him our video, and of yiu sneaking into his shop undetected, stood waiting. Saw a woman finally she saw u. Then he says are u new to this we said no u were in the back eating. He sauntered around for days undetected.
We figured out why they are all fried from the atmosphere and talk hate and booze water shit and piss and old ppl stuff nobody is well. Full of hate here
We decided to get you out. Nobody has anything worth shit but extortion and hostage taking like everywhere else
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