#You used to be a legend a righteous mare
royalphantompain · 1 year
You proven to yourself and to all of us that you're not for to fly like a pegasus
You don't even deserve the wings you
When you stand beside a legend, you don't even compare
All of the failures help to fuel success in a bloody and visceral weather game of chess
And just because you've disappointed, you'll pay the price
Now accept your fate and die in the pegasus device
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apples-and-heartbreak · 8 months
I feel like when I’m reading or watching something, for me to like a hero, they have to
1) have ambition about anything
2) not be annoying
3) not excuse their shitty behaviour with their shitty childhood
4) not be so self-righteous they don’t see their own flaws
For these reasons I hate with a burning passion Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild, Eli Ever, Tiberius “Cal” Calore VIII, Dean Winchester, and Legend/Dante Santos
Jace is constantly doing something shitty in every book and people don’t care and they just put up with it for some reason. In CoG he belittles Clary because he wants to push her away but keeps coming back to her. He also keeps coming onto Clary when he thought she was his sister and said that cursed sentence in CoG that I need to bleach from my brain. I know if he said that shit to me I would’ve punched him in his stupid face cuz who does he think he is? He mocks the werewolves after they lost a child in their pack, he’s just awful to Alec at times, he doesn’t seem to understand there are consequences to his actions and just does shit because he wants to. He had the emotional maturity of a dried up pinecone.
Clary also does so much shit and people don’t call her out because she’s the protagonist and she just lets Jace do whatever to her because he’s hot. Girl please get a grip. She slut shames Izzy because apparently women aren’t allowed to have a sex life or wear revealing clothing 😒 girl you kissed someone you thought was YOUR BROTHER!! She dated Simon to get over Jace and then kissed Jace in the Seelie Court, and repeatedly thought about Jace in a romantic sense WHILE she thought they were SIBLINGS! I can’t.
Eli is so self-righteous, annoying and hypocritical. He uses God and religion as an excuse to kill innocent people which is just disgusting. Like I get that he thinks being an EO changed a person because Victor became different but he is an EO himself and he just takes it on himself to murder innocent people for simply existing.
Cal has no desire to do anything, at least up to the beginning of King’s Cage he doesn’t (where I currently am). He knows how poorly the Reds are being treated and he doesn’t want to change anything because (and I’m paraphrasing) there would be outrage among the Silvers and a war would break out. Bitch you are already at war! He’s the reason why so many innocent young Reds have lost their lives fighting in a war they have no say in. He sees the Scarlet Guard killing Silvers and he doesn’t try to stop them. He sulks and whines but doesn’t take any real action, which he could if he actually wanted to. He stalks around the camp like Mare’s dog and thinks he’s better than everyone.
Dean Winchester is an abusive asshole. He locked Sam in the cellar when he was addicted to demon blood when he knew the withdrawal could kill him. He shit on Sam for being manipulated. He’s made horrible perverted jokes about women, might I remind y’all of the high school episode (he was at least 26 at the time). He guilted Sam for leaving him in Hell and Purgatory when he did THE EXACT SAME THING when Same went to the cage. He threatened Kaia, a teenager at gun point for his own selfish purposes. He abused Jack til the very end, yelling that he wasn’t family when Jack had sacrificed his soul and life for the Winchesters, and made Jack hate himself for being born. He was shitty to Cas in so many seasons and didn’t care that Cas just went through seeing his son die and wasn’t able to save him. He violated Sam’s body by tricking him into letting Gadreel in which led to the death of Kevin and had the audacity to think he was wronged.
Dante is shit. Julian, his brother, lived with him for centuries, followed him wherever he went and loved him unconditionally. All Julian asked was for Dante to love him back, which he never did. When Julian finally found someone who loved him, Dante made fun of him. And then in the next book he gives up his immortality for Tella, a girl he has known for literal months at most. He didn’t love his brother, who has been with him since the beginning, enough to give up his immortality but he loved this random girl he has known for a couple months at most to give it all up?? Tella should’ve left him in the dust just like she did Jacks and went off on adventures by herself and met someone that wasn’t a twat.
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pain-is-too-tired · 6 months
The Name They Gave Me: Absentia
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I don't even remember my past
I don't remember who I used to be
I don't even remember my friends of old
I don't remember my destiny
My mane is purple and my coat is orange
What I've become? I have no idea
I only know one simple thing
The name they gave me: Absentia
I don't even recognize your rainbow mane
When you hide it behind that mask of shame
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
You used to be a legend, a righteous mare
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the bloody and visceral weather game of chess
And then you sit upon your throne and you roll your diamond dice
And you send us all to die in your Pegasus Device
Pegasus Device by SlyphStorm
Mlp au but still somehow made it dark hdhd
Designs wip, but do like Chris the most so his might not change as much.
Also,apologies in advance for my inability to draw ponies ✨️
I drew more warrior cats then mlp back in the day bdhdg
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nightlist · 2 years
ok but like
You've proven to yourself and to all of us That you're not fit to fly like a Pegasus You don't even deserve those little wings you bear When you stand beside a legend, you don't even compare All of the failures help to fuel success In the bloody and visceral weather game of Chess And just because you've disappointed you'll pay the price Now accept your fate and die in the Pegasus Device
I don't even recognize your rainbow mane When you hide it behind that mask of shame You don't even deserve those wings you bear You used to be a legend, a righteous mare All of the failures help to fuel success In the bloody and visceral weather game of Chess And then you sit upon your throne and you roll your diamond dice And you send us all to die in your Pegasus Device
In the Rainbow Factory, where fears and horrors come true In the Rainbow Factory, where not a single soul gets through In the Rainbow Factory, where failures pay their toll Now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control"
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frutavel · 3 years
Slyphstorm: I don't even recognize your rainbow mane when you hide it behind that mask of shame, you don't even deserve those wings you bear, you used to be a legend, a righteous mare-
12 year old Frut:
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snowisflesh-blog123 · 2 years
L + Ratio + Don’t even recognise ur rainbow mane + You hide it behind ur mask of shame + Don’t deserve those wings you bare + Used to be a legend a righteous mare
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
Whether It Works Out Or Not: Summer’s Warmth, Part One
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Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2
Pairing: High Honor!Arthur Morgan/Named OFC
Rating: Holy shit T.
AN: Thank you all so much for continuing to read! Enjoy!
EDIT 4/18/21: Attempting to fix the formatting now, forgive me! It shows up fine before posting, but I believe I have it squared away! ;-;
[Spoiler warning for the epilogue!]
Tag List: @huliabitch​​​ @cookiethewriter​​​ @pedrosbigdorkenergy​​​ @thirstworldproblemss​​​ @anonymouscosmos​​​ @culturalrebel​​​ @karmezii​​​ @teaofpeach​​​ @crookedmoonsaultpunk​​​ @wrestlingfae​​​ @zombiexbody​​​ @nelba​​​ @scribblenotes76​​​ @toxiicpop​​​ @mstgsmy​​​ @misty-possum​​​ @gallowsjoker​​​ @midnightbeauty35​​​ @lackofhonor​​​ @renegademustelid​​​ @missfronkensteen​​ @newplanetshine​
Part One: Strangers
Part Two: Friends
Part Three: More
Bonus One: A Brief Diversion
Bonus Two: Back In The Cage
Winter’s Cold, Part One
Winter’s Cold, Part Two
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains emotional distress, vivid recollections and self-loathing. Stay safe!]
Arthur dreamed of the vigil he had stood beside Kieran's grave, Chase's large head resting on his shoulder. Bitter, sorrowful words had twisted up in his throat until he just shoved his face into the horse's mane so he could unleash a body-rattling sob. He had left a handful of bulrushes crisscrossed over the grave. Kieran had always plied the horses with whatever treats he could scrounge up, mushrooms or bulrushes or the rare luxury of sugar cubes. 
Kieran O'Driscoll, Kieran Van Der Linde, but in the end he had died Kieran Duffy. Just one more hideous taunt sent to the Van Der Linde camp from the O'Driscolls, one more life lost in the feud of two proud men who had wronged each other. 
Arthur dreamed of the nightmare of Guarma, the way his body was wracked with feverish chills on that godforsaken island, blistering sun beating down on him and he had just forced himself onwards, ignoring it. 
Micah mocking him, Dutch's merciless slaughter of that elderly woman.
Stumbling across Hosea and Lenny's graves on his long, slow trek back to Shady Belle from Van Horn and it just hitting him like a bullet to the gut that they were gone, truly gone. Like Kieran, like Sean.
When he and Charles had found that young woman in the Murfree hellhole, Arthur had sworn for several long, panic-stricken seconds that it had been Irene. The fear he had felt, the agony, he had nearly been sick with guilty relief when she stepped into the light and her eyes were blue. The enforcer would never say how dangerously close he had come to pitching himself at her feet and begging her forgiveness for being grateful that she wasn't who he had thought she was. 
And the girl's mother in Annesburg trying to pay him, like he had done something incredible. Like he wasn't a monster himself, jaded with loss and becoming more and more certain that Dutch was hellbent on reaching their collective doom. Tahiti and mangoes had never sounded so unappealing.
Molly, struck down with no mercy, 'she knew the rules', they all knew the damn rules.
Collapsing out of the blue in the streets of Saint Denis on his way to meet up with Sadie so they could rescue that fool Marston, coming back around with a kindly stranger directing him to the doctor, the sterile reek that permeated the office as the learned man dropped the bad news on him with all the grace of a boulder on his chest.
Tuberculosis, and the noose that had been around his neck since Blackwater finally snapped taut to strangle him. 
His slow, shambling walk down the street as whatever that doctor had given him to take the edge off made him hallucinate that the damned deer was back, the majestic creature sauntering through the crossroads in front of him like some kind of divine herald.
Or hellish omen.
After that was just the long, torturous slog as Dutch did his best to drag them all down into the fiery abyss with him.
Strauss, Strauss, preying on fools, on desperate men with pregnant wives, on folk he knew damn well couldn't pay him back! When Arthur had finally had enough of being the bastard's lackey he roared at the man to get the hell out!, every ounce the commanding king of legend that Sean had mockingly likened him to.
Hearts are so rarely pure. But then again, they are also rarely impure, that sister had said. Her wise words had given Arthur pause, the man speechless beside her on the bench. He wasn't used to such ambiguity from religious folk. Normally it was either saccharine-sweet pandering about how he could still be saved, or self-righteous wrath as he was told that his perdition would last eternity for every rotten thing he had done.
Rightly so, too! He was a terrible man.
The imagery of the deer kept haunting him. Arthur didn't understand it, he couldn't manage to wrap his head around why he kept dreaming about the deer. The deer or Irene, her violin music lilting fae-like through the twilight of his consciousness nearly every night as he struggled to stifle his coughing.
Black lung, black lung, Micah mocked and sneered.
When Ms. Grimshaw's end came, it was the final signature on the decree of his damnation. Violence begot violence begot violence and Arthur could scarce imagine how grisly his own demise would be.
Pinkertons flushing them out of the cave like hounds after quail, he and John fleeing--
The sound of Micah's labored breathing, blows landing over and over, the two of them circling one another on the edge of Purgatory itself until Arthur's broken body had finally given out.
In the final act of his life, Dutch had met his eyes and then departed wordlessly with Micah in tow. The sting was a far-off sensation, dulled by inevitability.
I gave you everything I had.
Arthur had thought he was dead; had thought the fight was well and truly kicked out of him. That incorrigible, stubborn spirit of his, the spite and loyalty and grit flickered and faded like a candle in a draft. He barely remembered the sunrise, his last rambling thoughts before consciousness deserted him fixated on the fact that he could feel the deer from his dreams, pacing just outside his field of vision... 
But of course, he couldn't forget the price on his head. He was still worth something to someone, even if he was hovering at Death's door.
Irene didn't sleep a wink, tossing and turning until the wee hours of the morning. Finally, when she checked her old pocket watch for the sixth time and saw that it was four o'clock, she gave up. 
Irene got out of bed, got dressed, and went to Anna's room to wake her. "You're coming fishing with Mama, little fawn." She whispered while the child yawned. "You can even go back to sleep on the shore, alright?"
"Mmhm." Clearly still half-asleep, Anna nodded, rubbing her eyes. 
Irene gathered up her fishing gear and her daughter, leaving a note in case she wasn't back by the time Arthur managed to rouse himself. For his sake (and perhaps a bit for her own as well), she hoped he slept in. 
It wasn't until she reached the riverbank that the lunacy of the whole situation really hit her. He was the father of her child, she had nursed him back from the brink of death itself, and yet she feared what the reveal might bring! Hadn't she done enough worrying over the last few months? 
Maybe she was more worried about whether he would stay simply out of believing it was his duty to do so.
If nothing came of it, if he...wanted nothing to do with her now that the two of them had inadvertently brought a new life into the world, it wouldn't change anything in her existence. She would live out her days in peace, far from society. Arthur Morgan would no doubt carry on in the same manner that he always had, though perhaps just a touch more cautiously. 
She didn't let herself think of the alternative. It was best that she not get her hopes up. After all, he had been the one to put their meetings to an end. Knowing what she knew now, further clarified by what Trelawny had mentioned, it seemed as though Morgan was trying to protect her from the grisly fate the rest of their band was barreling towards. She could not fault him for cutting her loose, no doubt he had thought he was doing the best thing for her. 
In a way, it had been. 
Irene hooked several fish as she pondered, reeling the small offerings in absently. Anna was young. Young enough that should Arthur decide to leave, she probably wouldn't even recall him given enough time. So it was Irene's own selfishness that she was hung up on, her own silly feelings and emotions. 
Somewhere along the way, during their free and easy couplings, she had fallen in love. With Arthur Morgan, a man she could readily admit to knowing precious little about. It seemed so foolish now, what had she been thinking?
The woman smiled wistfully as the sun rose.
She hadn't been thinking at all, there was the truth of it. She had enjoyed herself for the first time in her life, consequences be damned. 
Besides, when it all comes down to it, Irene mused as she glanced over at the sleeping form of her child, I would trade a thousand Arthurs for one sweet little Anna.
Anna woke up again around eight, clamoring for her breakfast. The two of them walked hand-in-hand back to Irene's stead, Anna swinging her arms and singing some tuneless ditty only she knew the words to. 
Arthur was awake and upright on their return, the man supporting his weight with the rough-hewn posts of the paddock. Chase looked for all the world like she was listening to him as he muttered to himself, the mare's ears pricked to catch his voice.
Clearly Irene wasn't the only one who had missed him.
Anna bolted forward, crowing in triumph. Normally Chase tended to keep to the far side of the paddock, where it was more shady. "Up, up! Wanna' pet!" The little girl demanded, straining to reach Chase's nose.
Arthur, frail and pale as he was, certainly gave it a good effort. He got the child nearly two inches off the ground before he failed, visibly panicking as he dropped her. Mercifully she didn't seem to notice, the little girl just thinking they were playing a game. 
She was laughing, "again again!", waving her arms and Arthur shot Irene a look so terrified she was barely able to restrain her mirth.
"Annie, how do we ask?" Irene prompted her daughter, then propped her boot up on the lower cross-beam of the fence and patted her thigh. "Come along, up you get!" Anna threw herself over her mother's knee, grappling Irene's skirts before managing to reach Chase's nose from her new vantage point perched on her mother's thigh. 
"Mister Art'ur no lift me?" The little girl queried after a time, giving the tall man a quizzical look. 
"It's gonna' be a while before I'm liftin' much of anythin', Miss Anna." Arthur answered her ruefully. 
"But Mama can lift?" The child continued curiously. 
"Your mama is the strongest person I know. She can lift you, me, that horse, the barn…" Arthur rattled on, listing more and more outlandish things as Anna giggled. "I once saw her lift a whole riverboat with her pinky!" Arthur claimed. "Weren't even breathin' hard neither!"
"Mama can do all that?" Anna asked, those blue eyes wide as she tilted her head back to stare up at Irene. 
"Absolutely!" The woman replied firmly, then smiled. "I'd do even more for you, my little fawn."
"She's a real strong woman, Miss Anna, real strong. You'll be just like her someday." Arthur murmured, his gaze gone melancholy again.
In response, Anna seized Arthur's hand and bunched up her tiny fist to make a 'muscle' in her arm for him to feel. "Strong!" She insisted, her expression fierce. 
"You shoah are, what you need me for around here?" Arthur humored her with a grin. "I'd just get in your way at this point." Irene realized that he wasn't talking to the child anymore, for all that his eyes were on Anna. 
"We are more than happy to have you, isn't that right Annie?" The woman stated, making Arthur glance up at her. The raw look in his gaze caught her off-guard.
"Mmhm," Anna agreed with a decisive nod. "Make you better!"
"S'pose if I had to pick a place to convalesce, I couldn't find a nicer sanatorium even out east." 
Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph. 
Was this little baby girl his? Did he even deserve that sort of joy? She was two already, he had missed her first steps, her first words…God, it always seemed like he was too late. From his first child Isaac with that sweet girl Eliza, to Mary, and now this.
He and Irene sat on the porch of her little cabin, the woman having made a delicious fish fry for breakfast. It smelled amazing, but Arthur's stomach was too knotted to eat. He fumbled with his fork a few times, casting about for an opening to ask Irene the all-important question on his mind.
Anna unwittingly offered him his opportunity, the child scarfing her breakfast and then begging to be permitted to play in the puddles in the yard. Irene nodded after a moment, collecting the child's plate and then instructing her to don her mess trousers.
The little girl tore off to do so and her mother chuckled quietly. "She is such a menace. Always rummaging, stomping, finding new things to squish or examine." Irene remarked. 
Arthur couldn't wait a second longer, abandoning his plate as he turned to look at her. "Irene," he said her name sharply, trying to keep his voice low. "Is that girl my child?"
Irene took her sweet time replying to him, chewing a mouthful of flaky fish. "What happens if I say yes, Arthur?" She asked, her own words soft. 
"I...I want you to know that I did my damnedest to not--I mean, when we...hell, I didn't want you pinned down like that bastard Carson wanted." Arthur swore grimly. "I didn't want to saddle you with somethin' you ain't asked for, Irene."
"Will you leave? If she's yours?" Irene was picking at her food now, refusing to look at him. Anna carried on stomping in the puddles across the yard, her giggles punctuating the silence.  
Arthur inhaled to respond and accidentally sent himself into a coughing fit, hacking and snorting in the least glamorous way possible. "It ain't fair that you've had to put up with me for so long, with the...shadow of me, even. I'm barely a fraction of the feller I once was. Can't even lift the little one," he mumbled after he managed to get the spasm under control. "But...but even if she ain't mine, even if you've been uh, knowin' other men, it doesn't matter to me, okay? I got no business commentin' on your personal affairs." 
Arthur felt like he would burst into flames from how hard he was flushing; he usually wasn't this nervous when it came to speaking what was on his mind. 
"Feels like I've gotten a second wind here, and I just...I never stopped thinkin' about you," he confessed. "Dreamin' that I would come out the other side of this and that I'd still have a damn chance to see you again."
Irene was merely listening to him ramble, her face neutral. Meanwhile, Arthur was floundering. He had no idea what the right answer might be. Did she want to be left alone? Should he entirely abandon these thoughts, these selfish wishes of his?
"I spent most of my younger years tryin' to put on a respectable front so a specific woman and her family would deem me worthy." He vaguely recalled being strung out on drink in Valentine, crying against Irene's stomach as she stroked the back of his head to soothe him. "It was never enough, and I thought that was it. That was the end for any of those dreams I had. Then I...I met you." Arthur took her hand, rubbing his thumb over the pulse that beat in her wrist. "As much as it killed me, I had to...I didn't want you to be trapped in my mess. I felt--I-I mean, I..." 
I love you, I love you, say it, you cowardly fool!
"If I do this, if I let you stay...you can't go gallivanting off into the wilds, understand?" The woman informed him sternly, her back ramrod straight. "I will not have my daughter getting attached to a man who cannot be there for her, Arthur."
His heart twisted uncertainly in his chest and Arthur hesitated, teetering on the precipice. "She is mine, isn't she?" He finally asked, his voice faltering. At her hesitant nod, the man's throat closed up. "Jesus." Arthur rasped, trying and failing to blink the tears away before they could fall. "A daughter. A li'l baby girl. I never thought I'd...Christ almighty Irene, I n-never--" 
And in an incredibly masculine display of self control, he dissolved into hiccupping sobs.
Irene had tried to steel herself for his reaction, fearing the worst. This however, was...manageable. 
"Hush, Arthur." She chided him, feeling her own lower lip quiver. He caught her up in an embrace, his once-powerful frame fragile and trembling with every gasp for air. His fingers clutched at her sides and he buried his face in her shoulder, his hat tumbling to the ground. "Arthur, it's alright." Irene's arms slipped beneath his own and she tentatively hugged him back, just letting him weep and sniffle into her neck. "There's no need to cry."
He stifled a cough in the crook of his elbow, pulling away after several moments. "'Course, a'course. M' fine." He choked out, mopping at his face with his bandanna.
"Art'ur, Mama!" Anna called from the paddock, her tiny hands cupped together around...something. "Art'ur see!" She stumbled to the steps, where she opened her hands just the tiniest bit. 
A wee toad sat in her palm, the creature looking a bit put-out over their current situation. 
"Caught yerself a prince there, Miss Annie?" Arthur asked, rattled by another coughing fit when she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Nuh Art'ur, a toad. Not a frog." Anna corrected, giving him a fierce scowl. "No kisses for toads."
"Little miss," Irene interjected sharply, raising an eyebrow. "Mind your manners. I know you're not that rude."
"B-But...is a toad!" Anna protested, waving the aforementioned critter around.
"I know that, Annie, but you need to be polite when you talk to folks. Now, what do we say?"
"M'sorry, Art'ur." Anna mumbled, depositing the shaken toad into her mother's waiting hands and then scuffing her boot on the ground.
"Oh don't worry about it, li'l Miss Annie. No harm done. You were right, after all." Arthur assured her with a tight smile, his eyes clouded with emotion. "Guess I got a lot to learn about that sort of thing, I ain't much in the habit of readin' fairytales." 
Irene seized the moment of distraction to usher the toad into the shelter of the shade beneath the steps. Then, she brushed her hands off on her apron and got to her feet. "Well Anna, you know what day it is. Come along, little fawn." To Arthur, she continued, "it's Monday, which is also wash day. Be a dear and strip your bed, would you?"
Arthur hated that he was absolutely drenched in sweat over something so mundane! He recalled enviously the sheer amount of times he would trek back and forth across whatever camp they had set up, lugging sacks of maize or a fresh kill over one shoulder with the greatest of ease. 
He had nearly been bested by sheets and bedding, of all things. This boded poorly. 
He laid on his back for several long minutes after he had managed to finish remaking the tick up in the hayloft, doing his best to catch his breath again. He knew he should be grateful for surviving the consumption in the first place, but there was a nagging fear in the back of his mind that threatened to fester.
What if this was as good as he got? What if he never really...recovered? His clothes fairly hung off of him; his entire body had become so frail. He was winded from making his blasted pallet! He would be a dependent, a sponge on Irene, a leech. 
That thought had him cringing, and he forced himself to sit back up. Everything ached. He had pushed himself too hard, that was all. Arthur knew in a logical sense that he couldn't just...expect to leap out of bed ready to wrestle a grizzly so soon after a five-month stint of nothing. It just pricked at his pride.
"Arthur?" Irene's head appeared at the top of the ladder, the woman giving him a quizzical look as she took in his rumpled state. "Would you like to bathe? Water's still hot."
Bathe. Lord, a bath sounded heavenly right about now. His sore muscles practically screamed for it. "Depends on how much I'd have to pay to get you as my bath girl." He replied without hesitation.
"I'm a luxury, Mister Morgan." That would have driven a knife into his belly, had she not punctuated it with a saucy wink. "I'm afraid you'll have to do a bit extra to earn a helping hand in your washtub."
Arthur grinned ruefully, shaking his head. "Forgive me ma'am, my mouth ran away from me."
"Oh I'm certain!" Irene laughed, reaching up to swat his knee. "Come along now, before the water cools."
Stripping down in the privacy of her bedroom was...interesting. Arthur studiously avoided looking at the mirror she had as he shed his clothing, folding everything and leaving it by the door like she had asked. The woman already had clean clothes waiting for him on the chair beside the tub. He wouldn't get better service in a Saint Denis hotel!
Lowering his body down into the still-warm water was absolutely heavenly, for all that he nearly scalded himself. Irene must have topped off the tub before he came in, bless her for it. 
A lump of soap sat primly atop a wash rag on the mat next to the tub, and Arthur knew he ought to get started before the water grew too tepid to be comfortable. But there was no harm in taking a moment or two to relax, right?
He lolled his head back against the lip of the tub, his eyes wandering lazily to the mirror beside the door. It was safe to look at now, as it was tilted in such a way that he wouldn't see himself. The last rays of the day's sunlight reflected off the looking glass, the beams warming the rough-hewn floorboards from their usual pale gold to a rich, honeyed brown. 
Arthur wondered idly if Irene had built this place by herself. He didn't doubt it; she was a resourceful woman. 
There was still the question of how she had managed to get ahold of him. Oh certainly, she had mentioned Josiah. But there had been an omission of further details involving his rescue that he found odd. He would have to ask her after he was done with his wash. Maybe over supper.
He groaned, straightening his back and scooping up the soap. He'd best get to scrubbing if he wanted to be presentable for the mealtime.
"Arthur?" Irene knocked on the door to her room, a touch worried when she received no answer. "Arthur, it's nearly time for dinner." Still nothing. She took a gamble and turned the handle, easing the door open a hair. 
Arthur appeared to have fallen asleep in the tub, and Irene barely managed to stifle her chuckle. She closed the door behind her gently, tiptoeing to the side of the tub.
He didn't look so worn when he was sleeping, she decided. The furrows smoothed from his brow and the lines around his eyes eased a bit, his mind temporarily free of the burdens that plagued him during his waking hours. Irene settled onto the floor beside the tub, stroking her fingers through his damp hair. "Arthur," she called softly. 
He hummed low in his chest, those blue eyes blinking open as she continued to comb through his thick locks. "Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes." The man drawled, a lazy grin on his face. "Prettiest bath gal I've ever seen." Arthur slotted his fingers through her own, pressing a kiss to her raw-washed knuckles. "These poor hands of yours...Irene, you'll work yourself to the bone." He chided. "Once I get back up to full strength, I promise you'll want for nothin'." 
Nothing at all, his gaze continued, the heated stare sending those old but oh so familiar waves of delight through her body.
"Arthur…" Irene was at a loss, biting her lower lip and breaking his stare by dropping her eyes to the floor. "We will have to wait and see. Once you're back on your feet." She allowed finally.
"It's a deal, Miss Craft." Arthur swore, his jaw set in a determined line. 
Once you're truly well again, I doubt I'll be able to hold on to you, Irene thought sadly as she rose to stand once more. "Supper is nearly ready. Don't take too long, otherwise Annie will polish off your helping!" She teased, her heart not really in it.
Arthur cocked his head, appearing like he was about to question her further, so Irene seized the moment to slip back through the door and close it behind her.
She leaned back against the door, staring up at the ceiling while exhaling hard. Her throat felt suspiciously tight and Irene shook her head at herself, annoyed. I'll be alright. Annie and I have been fine, and we can carry on just fine even without Arthur.
If only she believed it!
Summer’s Warmth, Part Two
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rosefandom01 · 4 years
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"I don't even recognize your rainbow mane
When you hide it behind that mask of shame
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
You used to be a legend, a righteous mare"
–Pegasus Device
A little redraw of an very old drawing of MLP's creepypasta "Rainbow Factory"!
30/12/2018 - 16/07/2020
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i-moved-shooshoogo · 4 years
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I don't even recognize your rainbow mane
When you hide it behind that mask of shame
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
You used to be a legend, a righteous mare
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the bloody and visceral weather game of Chess
And then you sit upon your throne and you roll your diamond dice
And you send us all to die in your Pegasus Device
Have an edgy ass Sarbaturi drawing that actually has to do with her backstory 👀 + The lyric "I don't remember my friends of old" means something in Sarbaturi's backstory teehee- PLUS IGNORE MY UGLY HANDWRITING- (Plus the background has to do with the soul plus- Look at the hole on Sarbaturi's chest- It also has to do with her backstory)
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I don't even recognize your rainbow mane When you hide it behind that mask of shame You don't even deserve those wings you bear You used to be a legend, a righteous mare !
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digikate813 · 6 years
My Little Pony Re-Watch: Episode 1 Friendship is Magic
* The fact that the very first episode opens with the legend of Nightmare Moon is a great hook looking back, and I think is part of what got the attention of some older speculative viewers. It’s no wonder Luna’s fall from grace became insanely popular. It’s the very first thing we learn about this world, and is pretty gripping for what the expectations were for a My Little Pony cartoon at the time.
*Also I’m sure someone else has asked this, but i just wondered. Everypony sees Nightmare Moon as nothing but a legend. An old pony’s tale. So was Luna erased as an actual figure head and thought of as nothing more then a story? Or did the public never realize that the long lost Princess of the Night and the Mare of Darkness were one and the same? Food for thought
* That shot of Nightmare Moon in the hourglass will never not be amazing!
*The introduction of the Mane Six is pretty rinse and repeat from a narrative standpoint, but it still does a good ob of introducing the girls and what makes them appealing. Also, best pony gets best intro! If I had a bit for every time I’ve been in Fluttershy’s position.
*Wow. The first line Andrea Libman has as Pinkie Pie was a doozy. Either they really sped up her voice or she is one of the most talented voice actors out there right now.
*Y’know people complain about how many of the big adventure episdoes focus on Twilight, and how those situations always make her feel like she has to solve the problem on her own, but honestly she’s been like that since day one. She’s always had that sense of duty and responsibility that makes her blind to everything around her. What I think has changed over the seasons is her reasons for feeling that way, but that’s a discussion for future episodes.
*And since Day 1, Spike is being left out of the action. Who’d have thought this would become a trend. Poor little guy isn’t going ot get ot do anything adventurous until Season 3.
*I just realized though. How come no one questions the “the stars will aid in her escape” thing in the Mare in the Moon legend? What odes that even mean? How did the stars help Luna escape 1,000 years of imprisonment? And why now? I always see people picking apart the lore of this world, but I never hear anyone bring this up.
*But damn! Is her entrance at the Summer Sun Celebration ICONIC!
*And speaking of lore, the book describing the Elements of Harmony doesn’t make much sense anymore after we learned the Elements true nature many seasons later, but oh well.
*Something else people have complained about over the years is that the Mane Six seem ot be the only ones who can protect Equestira from anything. But coming back to this first adventure, that fits really well. All of the other ponies in Ponyville ran away in fear, but these five ponies followed the pony running into danger, because they wanted to help her and protect their home. And tat righteous and noble spirit will make them worthy of the most powerful relics in Equestria without beating you over the head with it.
*I really like the trails that each of the Mane Six face to show what Element they represent. Again they didn’t become friends because Twilight was following the legend and noticed these five ponies have traits similar to the Elements of Harmony, they gained the Element because they put their best hoof forward and used their greatest strengths to overcome the obstacles Nightmare Moon threw at them. And Twilight doesn’t realize this until the final moment, which is what makes her worthy of her Element. It’s simple but there is depth there, and it’s very effective.
*Plus they all show off their Elements in in character, entertaining ways. Applejack comforts a friend in a maternal way, Fluttershy helps an animal, Pinkie uses the power of song, Rarity helps Steven Magnet with a style problem (although why they didn’t just fly over the river is anyone’s guess) and Rainbow turns down her supposedly greatest desire and puts her friends first. Something she would end up doing multiple times on the road to becoming a Wonderbolt.
* And Twilight realizes that, well Friendship is Magic. It may be cheesy, but it’s sincere. And i think the sincerity is part of what caught on with people. The conflict and tension when Twilight finally faces Nightmare Moon is pretty solid and the moment the Mane Six make someone TASTE THE RAINBOW for the first time is a classic moment.
*Celestia where have you been?! Also pre-Season 2 Luna is still adorable.
*Okay so I’m going to end this first re watch post with a bit of a fan theory like question. What if Celestia not only planned for Twilight and the others to find the Elements together, but for them to embody the traits that would become the magic of friendship? We learn later that those weren’t always the traits the Elements embodied, and ever since then, I’ve had a theory that the Elements work differently depending on the needs to protect the land. There’s been the running joke and common criticism that the girls just zapped Luna good again, but if they were able to do that, why didn’t they do that the first time? It could be because Celestia didn’t embody the Elements of friendship, and therefore the Elements didn’t have the same effect. Remember their called “The Elements of Harmony”, not the “Elements of Friendship”. And given waht we’ve learned about them over the seasons, i think the power of the Elements changes based upon the barer and their intent.And using them to embody the traits of Friendship were Celestia’s attempt to save her sister in the way she never could. I might be way off here, but I think it’s something to think of.
And with that we end the very first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. An experimental and entertaining start to what would becoming a cultural phenomenon that no one could have predicted. Next time: The Ticket Master
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