#Young Ezra Bridger
beasanfi1997 · 11 months
When they will made Darth Vader miniseries set in 9 BBY, i Hope that It will show us the prediction and foreshadowing, Four years before Star Wars Rebels because we will see Darth Vader, Qi'ra, 10 years old Ezra Bridger, Admiral Thrawn, Darth Maul, Arihnda Pryce, Maketh Tua, Morgan Elsbeth, Yogar Lyste, Kallus, Konstantine, Grand Inquisitor, Seventh Sister, Fifth Brother, Morad Sumar, Grint and Aresko and because First we see Anakin Skywalker made the seed of the Rebellion meeting Saw Gerrera on Onderon in Star Wars the Clone Wars season five before Disney bought Star Wars and now we see Ezra Met the Ghost Crew and i Hope that when they will made tales of Jedi another season we will see that Darth Vader said at Ezra to be careful during the ending scene from the First episode Spark of Rebellion from Star Wars Rebels season One Remember that he did It during the Clone Wars
Lorne Balfe will be the composter of this show
The cast Is:
Hayden Christensen: Darth Vader
Emilia Clarke: Qi'ra
Lars Mikkelsen: Admiral Thrawn
Ray Park: Darth Maul
Rupert Friend: Grand Inquisitor
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Sackaberries and Weird Stormtroopers
Summary: Ezra has a series of run ins with this one oddly behaving stormtrooper.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: not much unless possession is an issue for you.
A/N: Sackaberries I made up, they are based on red currents, I just looked up "berries that grow in prairies" to get the name. I think "saskatoon" is where I got sacka from. Red currents is cause my family had red currents when I was a kid and I really like them.
Also Ahsoka is fucking awesome! I really wanna see a live action Loth-Wolf, it'll be epic!
Rebels Loth-Werewolf AU Masterpost
Ezra peeked his head out around the corner. There were a lot more storm troopers around now. He felt a growl rumble in his throat as he watched them. He quickly stopped, Mom had given him very clear instructions on what to do around storm troopers, he had to follow them.
He shifted, yet again, his body was tired and achy from staying human so often. But it was what Mom said to do and he was smart enough to follow her instructions. If he was caught like this, he wouldn't get more than a second of thought. He could walk right in front of the storm troopers and they wouldn't even look at him.
His human body was safe.
He kept his head down and walked across the road, towards the alley with the tunnels he used to get around the city.
"Hey!" Someone shouted and he glanced in their direction.
A stormtrooper. Great.
"Yes Mr. Trooper?" He asked, looking up at the human curiously.
The trooper stared at him for a moment like he had forgotten what he was doing. Ezra felt a shift in the air and heard a very faint whisper coming from somewhere.
"Never mind, go about your business, citizen." The trooper ordered.
"Yes sir!" Ezra saluted the trooper.
He chuckled and tossed a couple of credits to him.
"Yeah yeah, go get yourself something, this is a restricted zone now." The trooper told him.
Ezra nodded, clutching the handful of credits tightly in his hands, and turned away. There was white Loth-cat watching him.
He quickly stuffed the credits into his pockets and made for the nearest non restricted tunnel to avoid getting robbed.
The overwhelming stench of the sewers never got better, no matter how much time he spent down here. He only ever tolerated it to get places faster, and to hunt Loth-rats.
The sewers were infested with them, Loth-Cats too. The Loth-Cats never bothered him, not like how they bothered other people who trespassed. They weren't even scared when he was down here unshifted. He had fled into the sewers after his parents had been taken, and hidden with the Loth-Cats from the searching troopers.
Loth-Cats just like Loth-Wolves I guess. He thought.
He made sure to give a few of the friendlier ones pats when they meowed at him for it as he passed through. He carefully watched the ground for any tails or paws in his way and was out of the sewers and heading to his "den" shortly.
The old tower was far enough from the city that the stench and sound didn't bother his sensitive senses, but not too noticeable, to the Empire it was just an old building reclaimed by nature, a bunch of animals and plants had claimed it as their home, as he had done back when Tseebo betrayed him.
He quickly dropped the credits the trooper had given him into his small funds box, cleverly hidden under the floorboards and disguised as a childs stash of knick knacks. Then he emptied his pockets and sifted through what he had managed to steal today.
He had a few stale baked goods that had just so happened to be left out where orphans could easily reach them, and some slightly mushy fruit that had also been left by those citizens who fancied themselves having a heart. He had pickpocketed a decent amount of credits and useful scraps he could sell or tinker with.
All in all, it was a pretty good haul, the money from the trooper would definitely come in handy for his worse days, he might be able to buy some non-perishable rations packs soon. He grabbed a slightly stale piece of bread and began to munch on it.
Trooper seemed odd though. They don't give credits to street rats, they chase us off. He frowned as he ate. It was certainly uncharacteristic.
Well not my problem. He shrugged.
He didn't really have the time to think about things like that, he just took what he was given and was mildly grateful for the kindness some people showed him.
He stored the least perishable foods in the small cupboard he had and finished the rest of the fruit. It was mushy and somewhat slimey, but still worth eating. Mom had taught him not to be picky. His stomach still grumbled at him, even if the edge had been taken off his hunger, he still wanted something more filling, more substantial. His body was growing and demanded proper fuel.
Good protein was hard for him to acquire, unless he got lucky with a Loth-Rat, he didn't eat much meat. He couldn't easily hunt on his own, and stealing from farmers was tricky.
With a soft whimper, he allowed his body to shift back. Relief flooded his tired body at being in its natural state. He flopped onto his small bed and made himself comfortable under the one blanket he had. It was a fairly decent size and kept him warm most nights. He mostly got comfort from it because it smelled like his mom, and that made him feel safe.
He was only safe here in this little den, with his mother's scent covering him.
Ezra recognized the trooper waving him down.
It was the same man who had given him credits a few days ago.
The trooper had recognized him and approached him, on duty. Troopers never did that. Again, he got a weird feeling about this trooper, something about the man seemed odd.
"Hey, you're that kid from the restricted zone, right?" The trooper asked him.
"Yes sir!" Ezra saluted the man.
"Do you need something?" He asked, glancing around for an adult to pin this trooper on.
The Mirialan baker was out of the question, she always left out good food for him, and would let him take shelter in the back of her shop. She didn't seem to mind that he was a wolf, and he found dark fur around her shop so he easily assumed she was one too.
"Just checking in, the safety and security of our citizens is important." The trooper said.
It sounded forced and unsure. Ezra didn't trust this man. Something was very wrong with him. He smelled off, but if he gave him money again, he wouldn't say no.
"Oh, well I'm doing alright sir." Ezra told the man, swaying on his heels.
"Good. Good." The trooper nodded and glanced around, suddenly very confused or self conscious of something.
Ezra tilted his head to the side.
The trooper suddenly walked away, into the bakery. He ordered something, came back out, and dropped a fresh Sackaberry pastry into his hand, with another handful of credits.
"Well, take care, citizen." The trooper told him before walking off like nothing had happened.
Ezra stared after the misbehaving trooper. He wasn't acting like a trooper, the others were confused by him too, but Enzo wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth and he went on his way.
He saw that white Loth-cat again, lounging in the sun on the baker's window, the critter's blue eyes followed him until he rounded the corner.
Stashing his credits, he took a bite out of the sweet treat he'd been given. His mom loved baking with these berries, and they used to go on all day trips out of the city to collect big batches of them. The sour sweet flavor popped in his mouth. He hadn't had anything this fresh in a while.
It tasted really good.
He went about the rest of his day fairly uneventfully.
Okay, maybe straight up possession was a bit extreme, but when Kuniya had seen the trooper approach the pup, xe knew xe had to intervene. And it gave xyr a chance to learn about the pup and aid him in subtle ways. Keeping xyr distance was important at this stage, xe couldn't exactly waltz in and make casual conversation to a very distrusting child.
He still senses you. Xe reminded xyrself.
The pup was clever and rightfully wary of the trooper. She didn't want to give him any positive inclination towards the Empire, but troopers were so easy to possess. Practically blank slates.
Xe had no qualms about puppeting the living droids around, but xe did have to trick the others into not noticing the odd behavior.
The Sackaberries weren't exactly subtle, Mira had a certain fondness for them, she loved to eat them and bake with them. They were a bit of a staple for Loth-Wolves, and easy to harvest by the settlers and became a bit of a staple in making cheap, tasty baked goods. Xe hoped the pup was smart enough to know what xe had meant.
Sackaberries were given as a sign of peace and aid. It was a sign that someone was watching out for you.
Kuniya wanted the pup to know xe was looking out for him.
Máni hopped up onto xyr shoulder and nudged xyr cheek, snapping xyr out of xyr thoughts. Kuniya gave the white Loth-cat a couple of chin scratches. Xyr familiar had done well today, Kuniya wanted the pup to associate Máni with good things, and thus, xyrself with good things and hopefully trust xyr when xe revealed xyrself.
Space Magic go brrr!
Don't mind Kuniya just casually possessing some trooper. They won't get hurt, much, but he'll definitely have one hell of a hangover.
Ahsoka is super fucking epic! I can't wait to see what they do and what I can do with that!
This is the fic where I get to do whatever bs I want and it's super fun cause I get to have characters do sick space magic!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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captainzigo · 8 months
the two jedi genders are green and blue. luke skywalker, ezra bridger, and kai brightstar are trans green. ahsoka tano is trans blue. mace windu and lys solay are nonbinary. the sith don’t have genders. no further questions.
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 6 months
Hey… so… I had a thought I’d like to share with the class…
What if the Bad Batch ends with a screen that just says “15 years later” and then we fade in, hearing voices—one’s Rex, the other a teenage boy—and as the image comes clearer we see older Rex lounging in the Ghost and telling the tale of the defective clones who stood against the Empire to young Ezra?
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tobytost · 1 year
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your hope will light up the path to the future
text under the cut:
“Sometimes it feels meaningless, yes. So many rebellion officers, pilots and civilians die everyday. We are being heavily censored. More and more citizens fall to the imperial propaganda.
And it’s easy to fall to the despair and lose your motivation to go on.
But people like you, your highness, are like a bright star I the dark pit that is the empire.
As long as you shine, people will follow.
And I will follow as well.”
@peachyhoolagan this one goes out for u and your funky color pallet ty
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xiema · 7 months
The call
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bh-52 · 2 years
Kids in Star Wars are so adorable that it's cruel.
Cruel because they'll most likely end up traumatised by the time they're a teenager.
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Ezra Bridger, Cal Kestis, Grogu, Boba Fett, Petro, and Caleb Dume.
Katooni, Omega, Ahsoka Tano, Galen Marek, Leia Organa, and Asajj Ventress.
Vaylin, Thexan and Arcann.
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Ganodi, Zatt and Gungi.
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movietimegirl · 5 months
So many characters to see!!!
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beasanfi1997 · 11 months
I Hope that Darth Vader miniseries will be similar to the movie Room because we see Vader that he show at ten years old Ezra Bridger about the Planets that he visited during the Clone Wars.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Smol Ezra Werewolf AU
New AU! Well, it's part of my whole Loth-Werewolf AU, I just really wanted to start writing the bit with a little puppy Ezra, so, I did that. This takes place ~10 before rebels.
Ao3 link, About The AU
A Secret Guardian (chap 1/prologue maybe?)
Sackaberries and Weird Stormtroopers (chap 2)
Trouble (chap 3)
Coming eventually...
Character Designs:
Wolf Ezra, coming eventually
Kuniya(oc), coming eventually (I'm a busy person alright, got lots of stuff to draw)
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thought-42 · 6 months
Somebody has to leave first
Star Wars, 1400 words,Ezra Bridger Something something growing up something something ded parent something something Ezra Bridger in the Chiss Ascendancy. I've never heard of canon in my life.
Ezra Bridger talks to dead people.
They do not, it should be noted, talk back.
He knows all things are possible within the Force, so he's always gotta keep in mind that his monologues run the very real risk of becoming dialogues, probably at the most embarrassing or inconvenient times, but honestly if a ghost has nothing better to do than listen in on his diary entries to the beyond that says more about them than it does about him.
He doesn't talk to Kanan. It seems like the obvious assumption, follow in the shuffling footsteps of Obi-Wan Kenobi and claw out frantically for a point of stability to serve as compass in a world gone upside down. And there was a time where a smile or a few words of pride from Kanan was all Ezra needed to reinforce his foundations and stand tall and ready. But the truth of it is, he doesn't know if Kanan would be proud of him, which would be less of a problem if Ezra himself had any uncertainty about his life choices.
Besides, even ten years on every time he thinks about that last glimpse of Kanan, wreathed in flames, he wants to dig his fingers into his skin and deeper and pull and pull until the memory and the sick feeling in his stomach are gone. He cannot think about it. It is an impossibility, it is not something his mind is capable of bearing, the idea of another living person who he loves burning and burning and burning is not something that can live inside of him sustainably. He thinks of Kanan and he feels sick and sad and selfish for not being able to focus on all the good memories.
No, Ezra doesn't talk to Kanan. Ezra talks to people he has only ever known in death.
He talks to  Master Mace Windu and tells him he wishes he knew how to see shatterpoints. Ezra is good at building connections, building bridges, yeah yeah yeah, but every web has one thread at risk, one point where a quick pull will unravel the whole thing. Ezra's had his entire life shattered twice before with no warning, he would really love to know how to prevent the inevitable third round. . Shouldn't this skill just come free with the lineage?
He talks to Thrass-- "can I call you Thrass?" Everybody says Thrawn needed a brother, and yeah, ok, his older brother died and Thrawn went off the rails there for a hot eighteen years, but Ezra's here now, reporting for little brother duty twenty years late with caccoleaf; but better late than never, right? It feels right, picking up Thrass's flag in the relay of Sky Walker investigation and running hard and fast with it as far as he can go. Feels kinda like when Zeb would start a repair project on the Ghost and then leave the second half for Ezra to finish off with no need for explanation or request, just the trust that Ezra knows what to do. ...Thrawn kinda feels like one of those handed off projects, too, but Ezra doesn't even say that part to the dead, just in case they really are listening and decide to tell on him. Ezra never had an older sibling by blood, but they seem to adopt him everywhere he goes. He figures it's his turn to adopt one back, even if it is posthumous.
He talks to Master Depa, because, as his grandmaster, she's legally required to think he's doing a great job. He talks to her about being a teacher on a warship, asks how she delt with knowing every time she ruffled Caleb's hair over breakfast it could be the last.
He tells her every time he wonders if he permanently stained his soul with the dark he remembers that she came back as strong a Jedi as anybody could ask, and it really does make him trust in himself.
He thanks her for raising Caleb, although would it have killed her to teach him just a biiiit of Vaapad?
He tells her he understands, fundamentally, like a burning cole lodged in his ribcage, her desperate need to protect her student, to die so that he could live.
He tells her she would be proud of the man Caleb became, but that it probably wasn't what she expected. Caleb didn't grow up into Caleb. Caleb grew up into Kanan, and secretly Ezra always wonders if Kanan would have been someone who would have fit back in with the Jedi of his childhood.
Ezra's cabinet of entirely metaphorical ghosts all roll their eyes at this transparent attempt at obfuscation, because all the ghosts Ezra has made up to talk to are assholes.
Ok, fine. So maybe Ezra's pretty sure that the found family who gave Ezra Bridger, Jedi Padawan a home might not know what to do with Stybla'ezra'bridger, Jedi Navigator.
It had taken Ezra and sacher actual months, long nights  of sitting at Ezra's kitchen table with big sheets of paper and cheap wine, tossing potential names for their brand new program back and forth. They settled on Jedi Navigator mostly because Thrawn told them they had three days before the official paperwork had to be filed, and they hadn't come up with anything better that they could both agree on. Ezra hit submit on his part of the project proposal and that night he'd laid awake imagining a scenario where he got to tell Hera and Kanan-- "See? Jedi Navigator. Something from each of you."
He's heard the war is over. The Rebellion won and turned right back around to build another Republic. He's heard there's another Jedi --not Kanan, miraculously returned like Ezra dreams at least once a month-- and he's going to start a new order. And he's tried to imagine himself somewhere in all of that and it doesn't fit. He fit on a bunk bed in the Ghost with his family around him, doing their part to beat back the constant press of fascism. But there's no more Empire, no more family all squished together in one little ship. Even if he wanted to climb back into that bunk he knows his head would bump the top now.
The space between eighteen and twenty-eight feels like a lifetime. At eighteen Ezra had just gotten all his clay together and ready to be moulded into a person, and then he'd flung himself half way across the galaxy and wound up being moulded and fired in a different kilmn entirely. There's an Ezra somewhere out there who grew and changed right alongside that cramped little family, who moved forward in their orbit, chose his path and his place on the same game board. He probably knows how to fit in. He's probably working at the Jedi school or part of the reconstruction efforts on Lothal or a commander on a Republic ship stamping out the last remnants of the Empire.
Ezra's not jealous of this other version of himself, this what-if world he built in his own imagination specifically to hurt himself. He expected to be struck by the longing for home, by the bitterness of lost possibility. He isn't.
He can't tell Thrawn this because Thrawn spent eighteen years becoming something monstrous, shredding himself and everyone around him in an increasingly desperate dancing of 'I can fix this I can fix this I can fix this' and when he’d come back the hole his departure had left had long since healed over.
He can't tell Kanan this because--- the force of the explosion, maybe, was enough to make it quick--
Hera's a General now, apparently, and Ezra's certain it suits her just as he's certain even in a world where he'd stayed he wouldn't be asking a General for existential advice at 3:00 AM. Every thing he learns about what's happening in Lesser Space is a double-edged blade.
They aren't really supposed to know much at all-- not relevant, but Theliva keeps offering Ezra little nuggets of info about the Spectors like an awkward stepparent offering candy to win affection from a recalcitrant child. To which Ezra says, 'did you know it was actually just so easy not to join the Empire?' If Ezra's parents had been alive and he could have carried on their family legacy-- well. Isn't that what his whole life's been about, at the end of the day? Hauling around other people's legacies, trying to build something new out of the scattered pieces.
He offers himself up, everything he is on open palms to the gallery of ghosts, living and dead:
This is all I have to offer. It is enough.
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ladykagewaki · 2 years
200 Followers! I've been diligently fighting in our war against the bots, so I'm confident it's a real two hundred humans! Thank you for your likes and reblogs and thank you so much for your comments. I love to hear if my simple doodles make you smile. I love the idea of enjoying a fandom and having a laugh together - cheeky or wholesome! Here's a doodle with my erm...depictions? Some are more popular than others, but I love them and all of you!
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I can't tag everything and everyone 😅
@oldmanwithashield @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @ortizshinkaroff
@omegathebadbach You've been such a big support and I really appreciate every like, reblog, and request!
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jely-bely · 2 years
Young Jedi Besties
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Ezra and Leia hanging out
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locitapurplepink · 10 months
Star Wars Poll Results so far 3
I have so much fun making star wars polls with you guys. Here's the list of winner from each poll posts that I've made
15. Favorite Hondo's friendship (Obi Wan vs Ezra)
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16. Favorite Jacen's appearance (Rebels vs Ahsoka)
Ahsoka series
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17. Favorite Young Leia's white outfit (Original vs Update)
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18. Favorite Kallus' hairstyle (Imperial vs Rebel vs Messy)
Kallus' rebel hairstyle
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19. Favorite sw resistance kid (s) (Kel vs Eila)
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20. Favorite Poe Dameron's outfit on SW Resistance version (Resistance outfit vs Brown jacket)
Poe's brown jacket
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21. Favorite Poe Dameron's outfit on SW live action movies
Poe's white outfit
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Note : there are more ideas to come so get ready, guys !
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methylphenidatedreams · 4 months
In my dream last night Sabine and Ezra met Young Justice and Sabine found them annoying
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
@kanerallels ask and ye shall receive
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In a better future, Padawan Bridger and Lady Wren become friends after a long week of repeatedly almost dying. Meanwhile, Knight Dume calls his gf for a ride off the planet.
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