omg ive read limerence like five times now it's so good 💚 like how?? and i was wondering whether you had any plans to write another avatar story?
The short answer is yes~!
Here's the long answer since we all know I ramble too much 😀
After I complete Limerence, there will be upcoming 'bonus chapters' that take place after Limerence. As well, the ending of Limerence does set up a 'spin-off' which is something I can't discuss too much because it is the ending. And while I do lay the foundation of a spin-off series, whether or not I go forth and write it out, I'm still on the fence for, and I'll explain why when the day comes.
But what I will write after Limerence is my Yuengko (YueXAangXZuko) AU because I fell in love with this trio. It will be a short story, but it's filled with fluff and smut (yes, as of now, there will be a SFW and NSFW option, like Limerence).
Now, in terms of LOK, I do plan on releasing a short story for General Iroh II, within the Limerence timeline. By this, I mean, everything goes as canon in ATLA and LOK, but Zuko and Yue are Iroh's grandparents. Get ready for the feels to hit you because old Yuko had my tearing up, they're so cute.
I also plan on writing a Mako story. I have 'one-shot' in the works (smut) but I do plan on creating a short story.
At the moment, I like working with canon, so I don't see myself writing any long stories for characters that already have a canon partner, unless it's a short-story or a one-off. I just have such a boner for canon compliance lol
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I'm seriously wondering how the Gaang and everyone in Canon Limerence would react to all these asks and ship names (especially the poly AU stuff) 😂
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AU: Limerence
Second Part: Gaang Reactions to Ship Names
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“What in the world does shipping mean?” Zuko would mutter under his breath, forehead scrunched as he looks at the paper in his hand. Yue would giggle, sliding her arms around Zuko’s waist from behind, her head titled upwards.
“It’s when you think someone would go well with another person.” Yue would hum, her smile growing as she sees the growing confusion on Zuko’s face. He would frown, studying the paper even more intently, “Why is my name on here- WHY IS YOUR NAME ON HERE SO MANY TIMES?!”
Yue would burst out into laughter as Zuko rages internally, throwing the paper into the air as he wraps his arms around Yue. Without much thought, Yue would snuggle deeply, smilingly brightly as he continues on his rage.
“It’s because I’m cute- Z-Zuko, what are you doing?” Yue would stutter before Zuko begins grabbing her hand, tugging her behind. Zuko’s face would be red, walking towards the office door on a mission, “Hiding you from the damn world. Me sharing you. Are these people fucking nuts-”
“Is hide code for fuck, Zuko?” Toph would blurt, Suki and Katara's eyes going wide as they try to hide their laughs. Zuko would stop, Yue’s cheeks red as Sokka takes in what Toph just implied.
“I SWEAR I WILL END THY LIVES-” Sokka would rise before Suki cuts him off, “Zukka?”
“Oh, what’s that?” Katara would ask, and Suki would giggle, “Seems like Sokka and Zuko have a bromance, but without the b in front.”
Sokka would still, before nodding with a stupid smile, “Me with Fire Lord Zuko. Move aside, Princess, that beach house is mine-”
“They’re trying to hook up the four of us together.” Zuko would hiss and Sokka’s face would drop. “They’re monsters. My sister?”
“Is there anything written for Toph and me?” Katara would ask, and Suki would shake her head, “Nope, and Toph is apparently an ‘independent badass who’d fuck around and live life to the fullest because she’s too good to be tied down.”
Toph would lean back on the ground, hands behind her head as she grins, “I like these people.”
Katara would cross her arms, slightly pouting as she looks at the paper, “I wonder why they didn’t pair me with anyone...”
“It’s cause we’re already so perfect, sweetie.” Aang would happily whisper in her ear, Katara blushing red. 
And all you’ll hear is Zuko clearing his throat, shooting daggers at Aang, “For the record, Yuengko is a fucking thing. And that ‘first kiss accident’, yeah, say goodbye to your eyebrows.” 
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Copyright © 2020 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters besides any original characters I have created.
Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
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I loved the smut in Limerence. I’m a Scorpio so you know that we’re like the freakiest sign of all signs lol, I just wanted to know can you make more Drabbles of Yue and Aang together or just put more threesomes pairing the couple with Aang. Can’t wait for Chapter 36 !!!!!!
Oh, hello there, my fellow Scorpio 👀
Would it be sad to admit that the smut in Limerence is actually *super* tame compared to what I originally planned, and I plan on unleashing the real kinks for Eden 😎
I'm a thirsty Scorpio, and I have no shame 👁👅👁
But yes, I need more Yuaang drabbles, cause their relationship gives me fluffs. And I really do need to write more threesomes of Yuengko- I was updating the masterlist and realized I'd neglected that beautiful couple for far too long 😔
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you wanna write angst? 👀 yue, zuko, and aang (i cant spell for shit so i wont even try that ship name) having an argument because some hater made them feel insecure about their relationship, and the one that’s upset threatening to leave :(
LOOL; you mean Yuengko 😂😂😂
Here is me, trying to write some angst but I’m wheezing at your comment “i cant spell for shit so i wont even try that ship name.” What a fucking MOOD.
Kaay, a quick drabble before going to bed. (I highkey stopped answering asks for a hot minute because I realized I bought a watermelon and cutting a watermelon shouldn’t be a battle and a half).
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AU: Limerence AU (Yuengko)
Pairing: Zuko x Fem. OC (Ying Yue Jiang) x Aang
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Zuko’s voice was booming, his complexion flushed as Aang and he argued. The way Aang’s face twisted with hurt, brows pinched as the usually airy and calm voice he possessed rose to match Zuko’s.
It was strange, seeing the way they bickered.
Usually, their expression was so soft, eyes twinkling and filled with love.
Kisses and hugs shared amongst us, but at the moment, the veins in their necks bulged, words of anger replacing the ones of admiration. The pain, the hurt- I don’t like this, I don’t want this, not between the people I love.
“Fuck, Aang- you really think I value my relationship with Yue more because she’s a woman.” Zuko hissed, and Aang huffed. The air that left Aang’s pink lips was grand, causing our robes to flutter. His arms crossed, shaking his head, annoyance flashing.
“Listen to what I’m saying, Zuko. I understand that you don’t prioritize Yue over me, but hearing the royals say that Yue is more valuable of a partner than me because she’ll bear the future heirs hurts.”
“But why does it hurt if you know it’s not true that I love Yue more than you, that I love the both of you the fucking same!” Zuko raged, pinching his nose in exasperation. His hair was no longer perfectly pulled into a bun, the golden Fire Lord emblem that rested on top, shaking with Zuko’s voice.
“But that’s not the point-” Aang cried.
I watched as Aang’s shoulders dropped in frustration, letting his body fall onto the bed we shared. The way his body went limp, defeat written on his face, all while I stood. His eyes were locked with Zuko’s stunning gold ones, both of them breathless as they argued in circles.
My heart was pounding, palms sweaty because of this fight, it was all my fault.
They lived in peace, happily, before I joined. If I just kept to myself, didn’t join the relationship, maybe, just maybe- Without thinking, I took a careful step forward, my hands falling over my chest.
I loved them, both Zuko and Aang.
They were the missing puzzle pieces in my life, the ones to make me smile and laugh when I was in a world of pain. I don’t want them to fight anymore, not because of me.
“Zuko...Aang...” I whispered softly.
Their gazes snapped towards the sound of my call, my fingers digging into my dress. My lips parted, trying to find my voice, as I took in the both of them.
They were perfect, perfect for each other-
Zuko’s warm touches, the way he would always hold the both of us close with his arms wrapped around our waists. He was often silent, not one to express himself, but the small smiles and the twinkle in his eyes spoke plenty. And then you had Aang.
Unlike Zuko’s naturally rough demeanour, Aang managed to uplift our spirits. With his tender caresses and easy-going personality. The way he would spontaneously surprise us with hugs and humour but was also the best shoulder to cry on because he never judged.
I love you both.
“What is it, Yue?” Zuko huffed, patience gone. I swallowed largely, my body trembling as my mouth dried. The blood rushing to my ears, tears building-
Do it, say it, Yue.
But I love them, I don’t want to-
If you really love them, then say it-
“I think- I think it’ll be better if I leave,” I whispered, and the moment the words left my lips, my hands covered my mouth. Soft sobs left me, stepping backwards because of the expressions on their faces.
The pain, the hurt, Aang jumping on his feet, Zuko’s body tensing-
“Yue.” Aang gasped as I shook my head, tears flooding my vision.
“I-I don’t want to be the reason you fight.” I cried.
Zuko rushed forward, arms outstretched, and I moved back with ease, slipping from the touch I wanted.
“I’m sorry.” I sobbed, twirling on my heel, running for the grand doors.
They were the ones who deserved happiness, not me.
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Copyright © 2020 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters besides any original characters I have created.
Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
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when I think of yuengko I picture this and Yue in the background cheering 🥺
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And why is Aang and Zuko pretty much-holding hands?
Are they trying to feed us?
Are they trying to hint at something?
Zukaang, I see you, or, should I say, Yuengko…? 👀👀
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Petition for limerence au: where every thing is the exact same but it’s yuengko🤭
Babes, you're on to something-
Just imagine how every scene would unravel and omg the smut - everything the same but Yuengko as endgame.🤤🤤
Does that mean, when Zuko visits, Aang would be his side (like Zukaang is canon), and then Yue gets into the mix?
Or maybe Aang is temporarily staying at the SWT, thinks Yue is a cutie and tells her to wear the red dress because he knows it’ll drive Zuko crazy when he visits?!
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Yuengko has me going so soft. Please gift us more softness 😊
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AU: Limerence AU (Yuengko)
Pairing: Zuko x Fem. OC (Ying Yue Jiang) x Aang
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~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
           It was such a dim-coloured grey. Much like the colour clouds bore moments before a heavy rainstorm. Yet despite the dull complexion, it was those blue and brown flickers scattered about that had one slowly falling deeper into his stare.
           Maybe it was the fact that his eyes were so round – and much like the lopsided smile that was on his face, his eyes also seemed to smile back.
           Peace, tranquillity- hope.
            “Has anyone told you before not to stare so intensely like that, my love,” Zuko whispered from behind, his warm breath tickling my neck.
           A blush coated my cheeks, feeling Zuko’s chest rumble from behind, his hands skipping along the sides of my body before pulling me into a deeper embrace. His voice was still raspy and low from awaking a few minutes ago, snuggling deeper into my neck with a low groan.
           Aang’s smile grew, laughing softly at the reaction Zuko managed to pull from exposing my terrible staring habits. The way he rose his hand, palm gently falling over my heated cheek, a coolness to his touch that contrasted heavily from Zuko’s warmth. The touch of a divine spirit.
           “Good morning, sweetheart,” Aang whispered, voice light. I smiled shyly hearing him, batting my eyelashes as I hugged the teddy bear to my chest.
           “Good morning, Aang, Zuko,” I mumbled as my lip rolled between my teeth.
           “Mmm, I’m surprised you woke this early after last night.” Zuko teased into my hair, his lips playfully biting my ear. My eyes widen, the pink colour that dusted my cheeks, turning a cherry red.
           Aang laughed, letting his body fall from his rested position on his elbow onto his back, “Keep teasing her like that, Zuko, and her cheeks will stay red forever.”
           “Can’t help it, it’s too easy.” Zuko chuckled.
           I puckered, hearing the way the two of them bantered as if I didn’t exist at all. Finger raising to poke Aang’s cheek, he titled his head, eyebrows raised with that silly grin on his face. “Zuko’s teasing me~,” I whined, and Aang’s smile widened. With ease, he twisted his body, facing both of us.
           “You’re right, how rude of me.” Aang started, his hand resting over his bare chest, the tattoos that decorated his body glowing under the sunlight. “Let me join in the teasing.” Aang finished, and with that, I let out a huff of frustration.
           “T-that’s not what I meant-” I argued, and Zuko laughed from behind, “Two against one, love.”
           “Yeah, well, next time I bake cookies, neither of you are getting any.” I groused, and right way Aang pouted. “You’re not talking about your chocolate chip cookies…”
           “Dipped in chocolate.” I smugly retorted, and at that mere fact, Aang shot Zuko a playful kiss. “Sorry, you can’t beat cookies.”
           “Traitor,” Zuko grumbled, and it was my time to laugh.
           “Two can play this game.” I happily spoke.
           “Actually, I think it’s three.” Aang prompted, and I smiled, “You’re right. Three can play this game.”
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Copyright © 2020 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters besides any original characters I have created.
Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
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97 notes · View notes
katara looking at aang, zuko, and yue after aang left with -1 partners and came back with +2 👁👄👁
Aang: Let me introduce to you my boyfriend, Fire Lord Zuko, and this here is my boyfriends' girlfriend, Yue, who is also my girlfriend-
Katara: 👁👄👁
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I swear, the last two chapters were food for Yuaang shippers and then this chapter lowkey hints at Yuengko and me in the corner all like *excellent*
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zuko: holding a sign that say “will you go to prom with me?” aang: omg yes zuko: no tell yue aang: okay! yue i’m going to prom with your boyfriend yue: okay 🥰🥰
The chaos.
The energy.
I kinda feel bad for Zuko 😂
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Hello. Can you make another yuaang moments? shshhs i love that and yueko, too. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
In canon Limerence or just for fun drabbles 👀
It's hilarious because I don't write Yuaang moments intentionally; they just happen. And that's why I love it because it's never forced. You will be fed some Yuaang moments in the upcoming chapters maybe 👀
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So.... Maybe a new Yuko vampire AU in the works? :3c
After Limerence is done and over with, I'll love to do mini-series with them.
Like short stories of them in AUs like modern or vampires 👻
Also Yuengko 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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honestly seeing the mentions about sokka makes me wonder how you feel about his and yue’s relationship. are they more “boy/girl next door” friends with a subtle tension that is NEVER discussed, or are they “brother/sister, we protect each other” friends that know they will never cross that boundary. i’ve been pondering this since I started Limerence, and wanted to know ur thoughts!
Ahhh, the great debate I have started 😂
It seems people are genuinely torn about this ship-
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Anonymous said:
yue, sokka and zuko? souenko anyone? no? just me? okay
Anonymous said:
sokka x yue x zuko idc idc
Anonymous said:
*coughs in yue x zuko x sokka*
Anonymous said:
So maybe if you thirst after Sokka we could get some sokka yue zuko smut? 👀👀👀👀
Anonymous said:
i love the idea of sokka walking in on yue and zuko it would be pretty fun-
Anonymous said:
the idea of sokka and yue , or sokka + yue + zuko (or sokka + suki + yue now that i think about it, hmm...) has always really interested me but yes fact that they're siblings in this story obv turns me off. i cant place my finger on why i've liked the idea of it, maybe because of how possessive sokka is but 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe in an alternate universe, i feel like the dynamic would work so well aghh i love it.
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Anonymous said:
but they’re siblings 😳
Anonymous said:
To be honest i dont really ship Sokka and Yue because i feel like their relationship is strictly platonic and he calls her princess in a brotherly manner
Anonymous said:
first off, i mean absolutely no hate whatsoever but PLEASE don’t make Sokka and Yue a thing 😭he’s one of those over-protective brothers that can’t stand the thought of their little sisters doing anything with anyone, let alone have something with their own step-brother, imo it’d throw me off if that dynamic turned romantic suddenly, these are just my thoughts tho! people ship literally everyone and I’m all for it, just this would be weird to think about in Limerence but lmk what you think!!
Anonymous said:
Sokka and Yue can’t be a thing!!!! They’re practically siblings 😳
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So here’s the tea.
When I was writing Limerence, I was debating on how to establish their relationship.
Did I want there to be a subtle tension (as you described, the boy/girl next door friends trope with a chemistry that’s completely ignored and NEVER discussed) or two people who met, and quickly fall into the sibling relationship? A sister and brother dynamic that was unexpected but worked in their favour?
I can say for sure, a love triangle or anything like that is out the window - so don’t hold your breath on that. I never wanted that for Limerence, never will. Hence the AUs of Limerence like Yuengko, Yuaang, Azue- None of these AUs would translate or affect the actual plot of Limerence, the story itself is done, and I’m not changing a single thing. 
But, this is what I always had in mind when I think of Sokka and Yue’s relationship (for canon Limerence).
Sokka and Yue met, Sokka thought Yue was cute.
He checked Yue out (Suki joining because she can spot a babe) and he loved seeing the rise he got out of her by calling her Princess. His attraction for her grew and recognized that while Yue gets flustered quickly, she isn’t afraid to dish some back. She’s a sweet cookie, but Yue can throw a hard punch when needs are.
But after spending so much time together, her living with him at the SWT, their pointless flirty banter (completely harmless flirting might I add) changed into just how they talk. The way they viewed each other developed and the teasing, flirty tone of Princess evolved into one of adoration.
Now, if I were to write a Sokka x Yue x Zuko smut, it would fall under a Limerence AU in that rather than the flirty banter changing into just how they talk (silly sibling banter), the flirty undertones stays. The tension from the day they met is still there.
Now, I’m a sucker for Zukka (I’ve been from the day ATLA aired because fuck, their energy is too chaotic). So, I would totally be down to write a lil’ something-something, like Zukaang involving into Yuengko, it would Zukka involving into Soueko...?
Now, I’m HELLA curious to know what you guys think, because yall accepted Yuengko/Yuaang in a heartbeat but Sokka really be ruffling feathers, I love it 😂
Nothing makes me happier knowing people ship Yue is other characters beside Zuko, because it just shows that Yue has some interesting relationships with characters beyond Zuko.
Oof, the tea is hot tonight.
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omg yuengko. you haven’t even wrote a full story about them and I miss them so much 😭😭
Because they're a chaotic trio.
The energy?
The flavour?
That's a top tier ship right there 👏
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i high key forgot who zuko's canon girlfriend was during atla because of limerence lmao i cant wait to read the rest of your work, all this talk about aang x yue x zuko got me thinking pretty hard
I want to live in a world where Yue is canon 😭
I'm telling you- she's just such a cute baby for Zuko, and just imagine in the comics - them older and all the adorable soft Zuko scenes we would get because of Yue? THE FEELS.
But I wouldn't shy away from an AU of Yuengko 👀
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GIRL YOU GOT ME ACTING UP OF YUENGKO !!! i never was feeling aang like that and now you got me all 😳😳😳
Who would've thought that AANG, of all the characters, would be joining a poly with Yue and Zuko?
Like I never considered Aang but now- 🤤
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