#Yui Komori reader
it-happened-one-fic · 2 years
I have no idea if the requests are open or not I looked and there was nothing to say so I'm blindly asking (you can ignore it if you want) but I want to request headcones for Lilia, Maleus, Riddle and Rook for an O/S fem who is like Yui Komori, who is sweet, kind and a very nice person (you can insult her and she will still treat you kindly) but had to be a vampire sacrifice bride (and now she has a phobia of vampires, until it cost her approaching Lilia as he looked like one) she even has fangs
Thank you for the ask Anon, and sorry for the confusion! To be honest I’ve been trying to decide if I want to take requests down due to how busy school has been keeping me. But since you got your request in before any decisions were made or anything was changed I was thrilled to receive your request. It is my first one after all! I did my best, but to be honest I’ve never watched Diabolik Lovers so my knowledge regarding Yui Komori is limited. I’ve also never written for Rook or Lilia and have never written head-canons so this post is a lot of firsts! I hope you enjoy! Head-canons under the cut due to length.
Type: Head-canons/Fluff/comfort
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Honestly so sad when you seemed to be afraid of him
Please don’t be afraid, he would never hurt you.
The only time he has really pushed you about anything was when he was getting you so you weren’t afraid of him. Yes, he did enlist Silver’s help. He was a little desperate.
Very gentle with you. He understands your fears and respects them. You have every right to fear vampires. Despite loving to pick on people he would never tease you about this.
He’ll ask a few questions about your past, but as he learns how traumatic it was he’ll pull back and let you tell him on your own time. He doesn’t want to push too hard and cause you to relive something unpleasant.
In fact he wants to help you recover from your experience. It’s a primary focus for him.
To that end, he stands up for you. Advises you that there is no need to take such abuse from anyone. 
That said, he understands your timid nature and won’t push the subject too much. He’ll encourage you to stand up for yourself, but also look out for you himself. Probably also asks Silver to look out for you too.
Either way it's handled and you are well-protected.
Big on hugs so brace yourself there. He is very affectionate. 
Please play games with him. He’ll be over the moon and only picks games that won’t scare you for your gaming sessions.
He genuinely thinks you are the sweetest thing and constantly refers to you as a cutie.
Also finds your little fangs so cute. You match and he lives for it.
Generally very patient with you and your timid skittish nature. But don’t worry, he’s still playful. Just controlled in his playfulness.
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Please, please, PLEASE don’t flinch away from this boy. He is so used to people being scared of him, it would kill him if you were too.
Finds your timid, gentle, and sweet nature charming.
To be blunt, he’s smitten.
He actually approached you initially because you have fangs and he thought you might be fae like him. Was a little disappointed when you weren’t. Don;t worry, he got over it.
Is honestly angry when he hears about your past. How dare they treat you in such a fashion.
He assures you that you’ll never have to suffer in such a way ever again. He’ll make sure of that.
Also encourages you to trust Lilia. The old fart might be a rascal, but he would never hurt you.
Won’t stand for you being walked over or looked down on and will stand up for you. Will also encourage you to stand up for yourself, but will understand if you are just too skittish to do so.
He’s got this, his scary reputation has its uses after all. All he has to do is shoot them a look and whoever is bothering you runs for the hills.
He just, really adores you and the fact you are with him despite your timid nature. It really sends him over the moon.
Also, cute couple points. Dark looming fellow with a timid girlfriend that hides behind him.
It destroys him when you hide behind him. You really are just too cute. It’s bad for his heart.
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So, so good. He takes such good care of you while also being his stiff, slightly awkward self.
His awkwardness is actually really good for you in a weird way. He isn’t likely to push too far with affectionate acts and he’s really patient.
Sets up an entire set of rules between the two of you so that he doesn’t cross any lines.
Rule # 1: No neck kisses. He doesn’t want to scare you.
Was honestly so mad when he found out about your past. He went red-faced and everything. Didn’t calm down till he realized he was scaring you a teensy bit.
Was so gentle after that.
Your timid nature is such a good fit for him. It really helps him to calm down and lose his temper less. He doesn’t want to scare you.
Less huggy than the other people on this list because he really doesn’t want to upset you. He could never take seeing you get scared because of him.
However, as he gets more confident and learns what does and doesn’t upset you he will cuddle on occasion.
Cute couple #2. Cater is totally taking pictures of you two and posting them with sappy hashtags.
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Heartbroken when he hears about your past. Immediately goes in for a hug. It’s comfort time with Rook.
Like Lilia, he doesn’t question too much. He would rather you tell him about your past at your own pace.
Adores your kind but timid nature. You’re like a little bunny, albeit a fanged one. So innately sweet and adorable, but also so, so skittish. 
Hence why he calls you “Mon Lapin.”
Careful with affection lest he distress you, but don’t worry. You are still cuddled, kissed, and hugged profusely.
Man can’t help it.
Constantly tells you how beautiful and precious you are with French sprinkled throughout his grandiose declarations.
Also, I hope you like poetry dedicated and read aloud to you.
You’re probably going to end up getting embarrassed and blushing a lot so heads up. Brace yourself reader.
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krispycreamcake · 2 months
Yui Komori girlfriend hcs ♡♡
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🌷- Ok so everyone usually thinks of Yui as timid or generally soft spoken
🌷- Personally I think she's just extremely patient. Obviously the anime does her no justice, but I think she enjoys giving others the room they need to talk
🌷- As a girlfriend, my immediate thoughts are empathetic, caring, thoughtful, etc. I'm sure everyone can agree
🌷- But other than her kind nature, what kind of girlfriend would Yui actually be?
🌷- I imagine her to be someone who sends pictures of stray cats with a wall of text describing their every move and whether the cat likes her or not
🌷- She also seems to be the type of person to enjoy late night visits/calls when she's feeling overwhelmed or maybe just bored
🌷- I picture her to enjoy scrapbooking and insists on walking with her camera everywhere you two go so she can take pictures
🌷- She'd be the type of person to order food at a restaurant after insisting she doesn't want the same dish you got, but then proceeds to steal half your meal
🌷- I feel like she's very financially aware? That's an odd one but I imagine her to call you while you're busy to tell you how the price of milk has raised while shopping and have a half hour long discussion on the cost of milk brands
🌷- She's always the one to get rid of the creepy crawlies, as a matter of fact she insists on not killing it and allowing her to take it outside instead
🌷- She appreciates romantic gestures but might make a joke if it's super corny, like standing outside her window with a stereo, even if it was for shits and giggles
🌷- Has a playlist on your YouTube account for cooking recipes and could not care less when you tell her she has her own phone
🌷- Speaking of phone, she has an Android. SUE ME.
🌷- Likes to take candid photos to make stickers that you both embarrass each other with
🌷- Likes matching profile pictures because then her bio gets to be "matching with ___!"
🌷- Date nights aren't something she expects from you, but eventually notices the pattern and takes a mental note that you both go out for ice cream on Saturday nights
🌷- You both share a charger. Whether it was yours or hers that got lost in the void or dismantled beyond repair by some supernatural force, you both now share a single, barely working charger
🌷- Speaking of sharing, you both each have some kind of clothes from each other that you've adopted as your own. It literally doesn't matter if it's underwear or t-shirts, it's both yours now and no one can expect to be getting them back
🌷- Begs you to make tanghulu with her ever since it became trendy and has a plethora of videos in her camera roll dedicated to you guys just eating food
🌷- She likes physical touch. Your hand could be on her lap or vice versa, or just simply laying next to each other while waiting for a commercial to pass by, she enjoys feeling your body warmth
🌷- You guys almost always have sleepovers like middle school girls where you stay up the entire night talking about dumb topics or giggling at stupid jokes, high off of the positive atmosphere
🌷- Rented a Vespa one time and had you sit in the tiny little passenger seat
🌷- She loves making meals and buying gifts for you, literally her favourite thing to do is watch your reaction at all the hard work she put into making you have a better day
🌷- Promise rings obviously
🌷- Hmm maybe matching necklaces too
🌷- You tried making flan and both had to sit there and stomach what could only be described as resident evil food
🌷- Loves you so much that if she could take the moon and wrap it in a cute bow and put it under the Christmas tree, she really would
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spooky-bunnys · 8 months
Title: Upset Bunny
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers
Pairing: Sakamaki Brothers x Bunny Hybrid M.R
Warnings: swearing
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After the last 'grooming' incident, Reji had a stern talking to (Name) about him trying to groom himself. Which made (Name) upset. He was just trying to look good for them! Why was he getting in trouble for that?!
(Name) flopped onto the bed. His long bunny ears were droppy. Singaling his depressed mood. His little tail was dropping as well. Which meant (Name) was deaply upset. Something that was rare since he came to the Sakamaki Mansion.
Normally (Name) was the happy shy bunny they know and love. But right now? He was an upset Bunny that had 'banned' the others from his room for the time being. He couldn't really ban them, since theh could literally teleport into his room. But a few have already tried and was promptly kicked out.
Even Shuu who only wanted to sleep on the bed by him was kicked out. None of the brothers knew what was going on. So they tried asking Yui who only gave them a straight face. Then proceeded to ask them why she'd know anything. So they tried winning over the depressed bunny. By giving him gifts. But the gifts were thrown back at them. Along with a huff the door was slammed in their faces.
Though (Name) didn't slam the door in Subaru's face. (Name) had politely thanked the youngest brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Which absolutely infuriated the other brothers. Especially Ayato, who demanded to know why his gift was throw in his face along with the door being slammed. (Name)'s expression didn't change as he slammed the door in the oldest triplets face.
Ayato turned towards the smug youngest brother. "Oi! What makes you so special?! Why did you get a thanks and a kiss on the cheek, while were had our gifts and door slammed in our faces!?" Subaru shrugged. "Don't know. All I know is, (Name) is upset with you. Not me. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and get my lovely flower some more flowers."
With that he disappeared. Leaving the other brothers confused or angery. Reji sighed and pushed up his glasses. "Maybe the human can get the answer out of him. Without upsetting him more." The others grumbled and made their way to Yui's room. Where the girl was studying for a test she was gonna be having next time she went to school.
Yui sighed when she heard rough knocking on her door. Only one person in the house knocked like that. She turned around and was met with five or the six Sakamaki brothers. Who all had different expressions on their faces. "Yes Reji-san. How can I help you?" Before Reji could answer Kanato interrupted. Shoving his annoyed face into Yui's personal space.
"Why is (Name) so angry with us?!" Yui slightly flinched at the raising of his voice. Having grown mostly used to it by now. Yui groaned internally. She thought she had already told them she didn't know. "I already told you guys. I don't and wouldn't know why he's upset with you all." Apparently Kanato didn't like the answer.
"Who else would know then?! (Name) won't speak to us! So how are we supposed to fix the problem?!" Yui could already feel a headache coming. "Have you guys tried talking to him, or did you just shove gifts into his face?" Nobody said anything. Kanato was silent and carefully backed away and hugged his bear tightly.
Yui ran a hand down her face and sighed. "You guys are just. Look. (Name) is probably upset over what happened a few nights ago." The brothers stopped and tried remembering what would've happened in the past few days. Yui could scream right now with how oblivious these vampires could be.
"He tried dressing up. He even tied grooming himself for you guys?" The brothers made humming sounds. But of course they didn't know what the problem was. "Then why is he upset with us?" Yui face-palmed. "He got the brush stuck. Remember? You and Ayato pulled on the brush and Subaru had to help him groom. Then after that Reji lectured him. For trying to look good for you guys."
The brothers were silent. "If I was (Name) I'd be upset about that honestly." Multiple brothers nodded and teleported away leaving Yui to study. She prayed that she was correct or at least somewhat right about why (Name) was in the mood he was currently in. If not Yui truly wouldn't know.
Back in (Name)'s room, (Name) was just trying to nap now. He'd eaten the resh carrots Subaru had given him and he'd fallen asleep. Belly full and under the warm blankets of his comfy bed. That was until he heard knocking on his bedroom door. Now all the brothers knocked on his door. Well, except Laito. He would just teleport no matter the reason.
But each brother had a way of knocking, and the way the knocking sound, (Name) figured it'd be either Shuu or a tired Reji. (Name) groans and turns away from the door. He grabbed the extra pillow and threw it at the door. He didn't hear hear the pillow hit the door or floor and groaned again.
"Please leave. I want to be alone." (Name) felt the bed dip and an arm wrapping around him. "Shuu. Please. Leave me alone." Shuu said nothing but pulled him closer. (Name) huffed and tried to move away, but ultimately failed since he was weaker then the other. Although there was one thing he could do.
(Name) used his ear to smack the other. Making Shuu chuckle. "Naughty bun bun. Are you trying to get punished?" (Name) huffed again and tried to smack the male again, but with the other ear. Which sadly didn't work. Since Shuu had grabbed the ear and gave it a kiss. Making (Name) extremely flustered.
(Name) stopped moving and pouted. Shuu stared for a moment before sighing. "Now will you tell me why you're so upset with us?" (Name) huffed and tried getting away again. Making Shuu sigh again and turn (Name) towards him. Gently grabbing the hybrid's chin, Shuu looked directly into the others eyes.
(Name) silently stared into Shuu's dark blue eyes. They were (Name)'s favorite feature about the eldest Brother. (Name) swears he could stare into those deep blue ocean eyes for the rest of his life. The brothers eyes have always mesmerized him.
"(Name) you can stare into my eyes later. Now tell me whats wrong?" (Name) sighed and started playing with his ears. "Its stupid, but I'm upset about how you guys got upset with me last time. I just wanted to look good for you guys." Shuu deadpanned. "Are you serious?"
(Name) groaned and hid his face in Shuu's chest. "Stupid I know! But seriously! Everytime I try and do something myself I get lectured." Shuu went to retaliate but (Name) continued. "I try to groom myself? Lectured. I try to make my own food? Lectured. I try and do laundry? Lectured. I'm not helpless!"
Shuu flinched. (Name) wasn't exactly lying. His brothers didn't like (Name) doing stuff. They wanted to treat (Name) like a prince, but (Name) liked being independent. He didn't like people doihg stuff for him. He was dependent on himself and the most stubborn person they've ever known.
Shuu sighed. "I'll talk to them. Just rest right now okay?" Shuu ran his fingers through (Name)'s hair. Massaging his ears lightly. It didn't take long for (Name) to fall asleep. A few minutes later more footsteps sounded in the room. Shuu carefully looked over his shoulder. Seeing his other brothers.
Kanato stepped forward and carefully brushed (Name)'s hair from his face. "So he's upset with us, because he thinks we're too controlling basically." Shuu didn't answer them only hugging (Name) closer and closed his eyes. The brothers roll their eyes. "Hey deadbeat." Shuu didn't react. "Thanks for talking to (Name) I guess."
Reji teleported away first. The others slowly following. Shuu opened an eye and huffed. "Whatever Butler-chan." Shuu smirked and played his mp3. Removing a ear bud so (Name) could hear the music too. He kissed (Name)'s forehead and sighed softly.
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reisprettytestsubject · 10 months
DL Master List |Hcs Pt.3
Updated: 06/01/24
Sakamaki | Mukami | Tsukinami + others
♥️School/Studying/Class with the S bros + K
♥️School/Studying/Class w the M & T bros
♥️Gardening w Yuma (Bf hcs)
♥️Yuma's Dream Girl
♥️The Diaboys react to Megan
♥️Mukami Boys Family + Household hcs
♥️Sakamaki & Tsukinami brothers Family + Household hcs
♥️Shin's Wolf Form (Bf hcs)
♥️Mukami's as single parents
♥️Academic Rivals to lovers w Reiji
♥️Where they like do it
♥️Subaru's girl smoking
♥️Reiji Teasing his lover
♥️Ruki and Reiji like the same woman
♥️reaction to a girly gf
♥️can I stack donuts on it reaction
♥️online dating reaction
Dark Content/Realistic Hcs up ahead ♥️Their Italian names
♥️What happens to the Diaboys after Yui/Mc dies?
♥️The diaboy's handwriting
♥️Their age (more info)
♥️Shu irl hcs (has some crack pieces)
♥️Christa Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Cordelia Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Beatrix Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Reiji's temper (not hcs)
♥️Karl having a relationship ship with his daughter
♥️ Who is capable of loving their S bride/how much do they value her?
♥️ Kanato Sakamaki NSFW Alphabet
♥️Azusa Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Yuma Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Sakamaki Mansion irl
♥️Reiji and Ruki realize they are in love w a girl
Collab posts with @/mikalara-dracula
♥️The boys as children irl
♥️Extended Vampire Ball Alphabet + Additional Hcs [Shu's Vers.]
♥️Nicknames they would give their s/o
♥️Diaboys having a wet dream
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Other DL Links;;
♥️DL General Questions Master List
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 1
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 2
♥️DL Aesthetic + Hcs Master List
♥️DL Stories
♥️Who's your boyfriend quiz?
Main/request at: @liannelara-dracula
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ladysmutwriter · 4 months
Brides to Be
Yui Komori x Reader
When Yui was sent to the Sakamaki household, she was sent with another girl from her church, Y/N, as time passes and they both find safety in eachother, feelings begin to grow.
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You cleaned Yui's bite marks, using a soft fabric dipped in alcohol to clean it so it wouldn't get infected. While you had your own injuries, you fought the brothers off more than Yui, so they'd only go for you if she wasn't there, since most of the time she was the easier prey.
She let out little gasps as her injuries began burning from the alcohol, her delicate hands squishing your thighs for support as her eyes closed, eyebrows furrowing- you were sitting across her, a light blush on your face as her fingers pressed against the flesh of your thighs- trying your best to focus you finished the bites on her neck and shoulders- next was cleaning Laito's bites...Oh...
Feeling your blush deepen, you softly asked Yui about where Laito bit her, since you knew he went for "odd" places, you couldn't just search for it unless she allowed you too- Yui, staring at you with pink cheeks laid back on the bed, unbuttoning her brown shorts as she slid them down, using her hands to cover her panties; Laito had indeed gone for odd places, the bites going from her slim thighs up to where her panties began to cover. After all, this wasn't the first time you'd seen each other like this, since due to how unsafe the mansion was you'd have to accompany each other in the bathroom, dressing up and such, since the moment one of you two was alone the brothers would pretty much hunt you like wild animals.
Applying soft pressure on her wounds, you kept on with your work, noticing how Yui shifted and gasped the closer to her private areas you got- then, without realizing your face had gone too close, and closing your eyes to pressed your lips to one of the bites, giving it a little kiss; this making Yui moan out ashamed, her hands going to grab you hair as she softly pulled it, only making more sounds as you kept on kissing the inside of her thighs, slowly going up until you were met with the smell of her arousal, and her underwear with a wet spot in the middle. Kissing her over the fabric, you felt the salty taste of her arousal, using your tongue to apply pressure; Yui moaning out loud in her high-pitched voice as her hands pressed harder on your hair, legs squirming as she tried not to squish your head with her thighs.
Dropping the cloth, your hands went to move her panties to the side as your tongue beggan poking and licking her entrance, your other hand going to play with her clitoris, not taking long before Yui squeezed your head with her hands, a load of her juices going straight into your mouth as she came, her chest rapidly going up and down as she enjoyed the post-orgasm glow, you felling next to her in bed as you hugged her.
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mcverse · 1 year
Can the Sakamaki brothers reaction to a s/o what a deep voice and use it to fluster them or scare them I hope this makes sense and not confuse you.😖
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Pairing: GN! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Reaction
Word count: 618
Warning: Slight fluff, biting, talk of punishment, Slightly suggestive, faux feelings
Side bar: You didn’t give me a pronoun or gender so I’m gonna keep it neutral. Also, I’m going to assume you meant when you surprise them with a deep voice suddenly. Hopefully I got it down to the T. There’s no scaring the gang unless they seriously can not afford to loss you.
Another thing: I hc the reader, all readers, in my post have stockholm syndrome. It makes more sense. That’s why reader is comfortable doing things like this.
Dialover M.List
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Sakamaki Brothers caught slipping
Shu Sakamaki
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What was he going to do with you?
Such a humorous human. His human.
From the moment he knew of your existence to now as you stand over him, it was always a surprise with you.
What were you thinking, popping up on him with a change of tone? Don’t tell him you were expecting an uncharacteristic reaction out of him.
Please. You wish you little minx.
The corner of his lips twitch into a smirk, he hums as his only acknowledgment of you. He was tempted to open his eyes to see the knowing pout on your lips but he wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction of this trick.
Renji Sakamaki
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Oh. You caused a small, barely noticeable rift in his demeanor.
But you noticed—he noticed you noticed—if that sly smirk pulling on your lips didn’t give away.
He sighs, continuing his drink in thought. That was very childish of you. And you should know better than doing that with him.
“What are you trying to accomplish?” He place the cup down and glares at you. You drop your smile when you see that look.
Yes, the look where you knew this little victory is short lived. A punishment was soon to follow.
Laito Sakamaki
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Very good, very good indeed.
This was one of the things Laito enjoyed about you. There was never a dull moment. You were just so exciting and full of surprise.
Every part of you.
It shocks him everytime. Only you do, only you were allowed.
He chuckles lowly, which breaks out into a full on laugh. He stops moments after to look at you with a glint in his eyes, “You never cease to amaze me, little bitch.” He grabs your wrist, pulling you into an embrace.
Ayato Sakamaki
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Did you just..
He’s shocked at first but a laugh escapes him in seconds as he found the whole thing amusing. You were comfortable, maybe too comfortable with him.
Ayato licks his lips, eyes narrowing on your face.
How can someone be cute and delicious at the same time?
So many thought ran through his head on what he can do with you… should he drink from you, or mark you up as his, to claim you like it wasn’t already obvious?
You deserve it after getting a surprise out of him. Not everyone can do that.
“Ore-sama is going to reward you for that stunt.”
Kanato Sakamaki
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You thought the prank was funny, a ploy many would enjoy.. well, anyone but Kanato.
Kanato was kinda surprised. After all that wasn’t the voice he grew accustomed to, the one he grew to love and searched for.
It was was too deep. He didn’t like the sound of it. And it sorta pissed him off that you’ll do this to him. He’s been nothing but nice to you as of lately.
What was your agenda?
Kanato pouts, “How could you trick me like that? Are you playing with me?” He turns to teddy, a creepy smile shaping his lips, “Perhaps they’ll like to play dolls instead, teddy?”
Subaru Sakamaki
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What the hell was wrong with you?
Sure, you shocked him ever so slightly but you left him more annoyed.. and a little bit concerned that you finally lost it living here with him.
He sighs, closing his eyes as he tries to calm himself down. You were just having fun… he tries to remind himself. You were just bored…
Where’d you even learn that from?! You spent most of your time with him.
He opens his eyes to see you staring at him in anticipation. He couldn’t help but scuff at how you cutely waited for a reaction.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” He turns to leave, a small smile spreading to his face.
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
Can i ask a last request for now? About mark grayson with a yui komori like s/o,i just want the fluff and yui with a nice and protective boyfriend
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Yui Komori! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: PTSD, TRAUMA, REFERENCES TO ABUSE OF SEVERAL KINDS! Reader is in for a BAD ride... Reader is very kindhearted and soft, religion themes, Angst-comfort, fluff.
Starting with the basics, I think this reader could have a mixed origin with Eve's and Yui's all in one...
Let's say that Reader was born precisely artificially in order to be the vessel of certain types of healing powers and advance the science of medicine. giving her the ability to have healing blood from a young age.
which at first doesn't sound bad.
However, as she grows up (under the tutelage of an agent of said organization who created her under the guise of a priest), the reader begins to be exposed to a less... pleasant environment.
First of all, Reader was raised according to the facade of her father, a person of religion, which made her a very believer, with high hopes in every aspect.
This would help her better face the nightmare that was coming.
When the reader was fully developed, it was time to put another aspect of her healing abilities into practice.
which was, hurt her as much as possible to see her recovery and how her powers acted accordingly.
It definitely wasn't pleasant...
reader was beaten, tortured, stretched, cut, to say a few things...
Although reader healed incredibly quickly, it didn't mean that this would be painless or easier for the next time she was hurt, it just prepared her mentally...
There were people who only did their job during all of this, there were people who were stubborn when it came to making her suffer...
But the reader did not want to lose hope of being able to get rid of everyone.
Maybe she didn't have a power to help herself get out by force, but at least she could survive long enough...
so that? She really didn't know...
NOW, here things are divided and how the reader was able to meet Mark.
The first scenario (obvious) is that it was Mark as Invincible who saved the reader from the people who were experimenting on her.
and the second, Mark and reader already know each other when reader escaped on her own and helps Cecil heal the heroes under his command.
Let's go more for the first.
Definitely at first Mark thought it would be a simpler operation, go in, break whatever these people were creating that was dangerous, and come back before lunch.
That didn't happen.
First of all, he ended up running into a strange man (Mr. Komori? something like that?) who seemed to be doing the same thing as him and almost shot him in the face. which wouldn't have killed him but OUCH.
Taking advantage of the fact that he was on his side, Mr. Komori wasted no time and asked Mark for help, as his daughter was trapped on the ground floor, she needed HELP.
and look, Mark may be skeptic about these things since Titan, but this man looked DESPERATE and had definitely, uh, killed quite a few guards to get to the ground floor. it seemed beridic
So, Mark decided to take the bet.
(You can bet it was one of the best decisions of his life).
even if he didn't feel that way at the time, because FRIEND, when Mark went downstairs with this man and saw what he saw, it made him want to vomit.
record and records of TORTURE, papers that detailed everything, chemicals made from the "collected material", etc.
It definitely has the same vibe as Vincent's lab, if you know what I mean.
Although at least Mark had the consolation that this time he managed to do something in time.
He escorted Mr. Komori and reader out of the building (yep, he carried them both. Mr. Komori kept complaining about how uncomfortable it was. Reader was just grateful to leave that place and saying thank You non stop).
That caught Mark's attention.
Despite being in an UNDERSTANDINGLY stressful and traumatic situation, the reader seemed too... calm. even overflowing.
Although he simply shook the thought from his head and took them both to the pentagon to be examined (especially reader...)
Meanwhile, reader couldn't be happier! What she expected really came true, her father (and a hero!) came to save her!
reader KNEW she shouldn't lose hope, she was so happy.
From here we start with Mark's interactions with the reader.
After that awkward beginning, Mark will probably end up bumping into the reader a lot because she is interned indefinitely for a long time in the Pentagon, while he ends up there because of his constant beatings lol.
At least the reader makes him feel better about it with a lot of optimism and positivity.
Mark would be lying if he said that at first he understood her, the truth is he didn't. at first.
especially not HER as a whole.
a part of him thought it was a trap lol
But as the trips to the hospital and the conversations went by, Mark realized that, genuinely, the reader speaks sincerely.
There was no double intent in her words, just trying to cheer him up (and definitely afterward he feels bad for assuming she was some kind of psychopath lol).
Reader probably ends up being Mark's main supporter in his beginnings as a hero, which is very endearing, partly he doesn't think he deserves it (with how much he gets hit/makes mistakes) but Reader always says the same thing.
He is HER hero first of all.
(shot straight to the heart)
after a while, Mark may go to see reader directly at the hospital/pentagon just so he can talk to her, at first with some excuse (like some villain, getting a second opinion, advice?) but eventually he just started showing up in her hospital room without prior notice just to chat.
Mark definitely learns to appreciate the reader's positivity more as the story progresses, he WISHES he had a quarter of all of that...
He would definitely go HELLBENT if Cecil wanted to use the findings made by the mad scientists who originally had the readership for the Pentagon.
especially if he's are already in a relationship with the reader at this point (they are).
although he wouldn't react any better if I knew that Cecil probably wants to use reader blood samples to improve the performance of the pentagon heroes :)
It is one thing to use all the knowledge that HORRIBLE people got from reading through TORTURE (VERY BAD) and another VERY DIFFERENT thing is to MANIPULATE the VICTIM of said torture so that they WORK for you instead of their abusers:)
Reader definitely wouldn't want to see Cecil for a long time.
Going all in with the relationship, as you can see, Mark doesn't play around when it comes to reader.
protective boyfriend
He doesn't care that the reader cannot technically die easily or that she can regenerate in an exaggerated way, HE IS NOT ALLOWING THAT.
Mark would definitely enjoy being a total cuddler with the reader, they both are, but Mark is touch-starved to an almost ridiculous level.
lots of hugs (plus if the reader is shorter than Mark)
The reader probably doesn't want anything to do with the world of superheroes after everything that happened to her, and Mark is fine with that, but I don't think he's against things like medicine or the like.
Even if Mark is the most obviously protective, don't doubt that reader could kick your ass (maybe) if she could. or at least give Mark a way to do so.
I like to think that while the reader hates drawing blood, she would definitely draw a lot if Mark is in a critical situation.
In turn, Mark always makes it his first priority to protect the reader from imminent dangers.
Mark definitely likes seeing Reader playing with Oliver when he's still a baby, it's too cute (maybe he likes to imagine what Reader would be like with his own son? What?)
Going out to fly is especially nice with these two, the reader doesn't talk much when they do it, but it's because she is so amazed by the sky that Mark often doesn't hold back and squeezes her face.
That too, Mark can, should, and will squeeze the reader's cheeks, he can't help it.
It's that or bite his face (ouch).
proud boyfriend who uses any gift his girlfriend gives him, no matter how "girly" it is (like a pink coat).
Did you see that Yui can play the piano in the games? probably a reader too! and she's definitely pretty good at it, Mark got used to the piano pieces around the house pretty quickly (he even hums them lol).
Needless to say, but if any of the scientists who harmed the reader are still around...they won't be doing it for much longer...
Debbie wants a daughter-in-law, I won't say more.
HE LOVES carrying the reader like a princess, she's just so cute and friendly and little and he wants to take care of her and🥺
Overall, they are a very adorable pair, while they might have some struggles between civilian and heroic life, Reader definitely has the mental dexterity to be able to live with that and make the relationship work.
reader is the strongest person Mark has ever met:3
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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heartagram-vv · 3 months
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Kou Mukami moodboard
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dia-souls · 1 year
Yui-chan you know roses are red, pickles are green. I love your legs, what’s in between?
Seeing this message, Yui's eyes widened and was shocked. Although she could guess who is behind this message.
"OK. I am sure this message is from Laito-kun. If it is not, I will be surprised."
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Yui couldn't help but feel embarrassed seeing this message. She puffed her cheeks and frowned to show that she was angry.
"Laito-kun, sending this message anonymously is really embarrassing."
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Yui took a deep breath.
"There is something you will never get to see! Amen, God be with you! "
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call-me-resenei · 1 month
Karlheinz, Kino and Yui Komori with a Yandere S/O🔪🩸
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🩷Yui Komori
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● Erm..If I were a guy I would also be a Yandere for her Therefore I am for her though I'm a girl but not that much of a yandere for her but still. Anyways... Her S/O in this case will most probably be a Vampire, Founder, Vampire hunter or a Dhampir.
● Your a very Possesive, Obsessive, Manipulative and Controlling yandere towards Yui.
● Her S/O will get violent with Yui if she's too stubborn. She ends up getting a scolding and bruises. Her bruises quickly fade because her S/O takes great care of them.
● Will end up killing all the vampires (and the founders... Maybe... Depends). Her S/O will kill those who fell in love with their 'beloved Eve' and those who have inflicted pain on her. How dare they make her cry? Bruise her? It should be them that make her cry, bruise her for her own good.
● Though the most horrible yandere, you are very kind and loving towards her. She understands you very well and prays for you to hopefully stop your sick, blood chilling actions.
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● “Hey... You don't need to kill others. I only have eyes for you...” You know that he only loves you but you feel paranoid when other women look at your bf.
● He's yours and you are his. You have the rights to kill those who look at him...with lustful eyes... That's what you say even though if they are just normal people who already are in a relationship.
● He will give you more attention in order to stop you from killing 'Innocent people'. He will hug his S/O tightly when sees someone looking at him. He only does that to make his S/O believe that he only wants them and then they will feel less paranoid and not want to kill...only for now..
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● He loves the fact that his S/O is a yandere for him but is...sick of it...
● He will laugh and say sweet things to his S/O whenever they come 'home'.
● His S/O doesn't believe his sweet words AT ALL. You know he has 3 wives. He broke all his wives mentally. You were different. You would not fall into his plans.
● Why is he sick of you continuously killing others? Because he hates seeing you covered in othe women's blood who he doesn't even care about.
● He makes you sit on his lap telling you to stop killing people who he doesn't love and never will. You just lean your head against his chest tiredly.
● *Sighs* “I know you don't trust me but you must trust me when I say those women you kill are nothing to me.” He would say sternly but you just ignore him and slowly doze off to sleep on his lap and your head against his chest.
★✿★AN:I apologize for any mistakes. I hope you liked this🤍. Feel free to give me requests.
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krispycreamcake · 2 months
yeeees! Please go for the headcanon!!
From author: Was secretly wishing you'd send this 🙏🏼
If you killed someone in the Sakamaki household
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Shu Sakamaki
🎻- Honestly just like every other brother, it heavily depends on who was killed
🎻- If it was Reiji, he'd be ecstatic, kind of
🎻- His relationship with Reiji is extremely strained and that's without him even knowing about him "killing" Edgar
🎻- He'd be impressed that you managed to kill someone like Reiji which initially makes him extremely wary of you
🎻- His immediate reaction to finding out would be disbelief but then escalate into one of satisfaction
🎻- He'd probably say something along the lines of "What would that woman think if she knew you died by the hands of a mere mortal, I wonder?" And cue insane laughter please
🎻- If it was someone less relevant to him, then I'd say he's the type of guy to not care until he actually sees the body dressed up and ready to be buried
🎻- Now I'm not saying he'll go into grieving or anything, but it'll actually hit him that his brother is in fact dead
🎻- Now for his reaction towards YOU
🎻- That's a completely different story
🎻- Like I said before, his reaction would differ and if you really did manage to kill Reiji, he'd be ever so grateful but he'd never say it. Ever.
🎻- He'd probably be curious though as to what drove you to killing him, or any of his brothers for that matter
🎻- He'd analyze the situation in his mind and pick out the flaws that led to their demise
🎻- Realistically he'd care but not for too long. Give him about less than a week to get accustomed and he'll be fine
🎻- He'd never underestimate you again though, he'll make sure of that
🎻- If it was Yui however, then that's a lot more complicated
🎻- If his relationship was well developed with her, you'd be dead, without a doubt
🎻- If he was still in his almostgivingafuckbutnotreally stage, he wouldn't care a lot
🎻- He'd be kinda irritated that you killed his prey though and then Karl would just send another troublesome woman to bother him
🎻- But like I said, if he really did start to warm up to Yui or was already warmed up, you'd be dead in an instant
Reiji Sakamaki
☕- Surprised and concerned
☕- This may honestly seem like a shock to some people but Reiji actually does care for his brothers and has stated that he enjoys living with them
☕- Going off of this information, we can assume he'd be at least a tiny bit distraught even if he doesn't convey it outwardly
☕- Like Shu, he'd want to know your motives and additionally, how you even managed to do such a thing
☕- He'd honestly miss their presence and picking up after them. He would probably cope in some weird ass way
☕- Maybe he'd start writing letters to them and keep them sealed away somewhere extremely safe
☕- Initially, his face would go 😨 and then you'd have to deal with him mourning
☕- He'd probably avoid you realistically until he has thoughts in an order
☕- This process can take either a day or a month depending
☕- God forbid it was Shu that was killed however
☕- Once again, cue insane laughter
☕- Seeing your lifelong rival die is something I'm sure is hard to process
☕- I'm not saying he wouldn't be relieved that his good for nothing brother died, especially since it meant he was now the oldest and had more opportunities opened up to him
☕- But as much as he does hate Shu, it's still his brother and at some point in their lives, they weren't rivals
☕- Now I'm not saying he'll be even slightly upset with his death but
☕- Actually let me backtrack a bit
☕- Imagine hating someone so much because all they do is show you up without having to do anything and in a second, they're gone
☕- Reiji would almost throw a tantrum
☕- Their relationship can be comparable to Joker and Batman in a sense
☕- Let me elaborate on that for a second
☕- Building your life around a certain person and making sure you come out on top no matter what
☕- Having the very reason that you're the person you are today, be ripped away from you is something that's always hard to process whether your relationship with them is negative or positive
☕- Reiji needs to feel the satisfaction of killing Shu so he can translate onto him the years of pent up rage and resentment and pain and hurt and jealousy
☕- Killing Shu would mean to Reiji that you took away the one thing he could've owned for himself without being overshadowed
☕- If you take away the very thing that makes Reiji, Reiji, then he'll lose the foundation for all his successes in life
☕- If you killed Yui however, obviously death
☕- I feel like I shouldn't have to say it each time, but expect to die in some twisted malevolent way
☕- Let's say he didn't have that bond with Yui, he'd still be pissed
☕- Probably lock you in the dungeon without food so you could "understand" the extent of your crimes
Ayato Sakamaki
🏆- Ok so I'm not sure how many people know this, but Ayato is the most sympathetic of his brothers, I'd go as far to say even empathetic
🏆- Now I'm not saying this makes him a morally good person and whatnot, or that he'll cry everyday and bring flowers to his brother's grave, no
🏆- We learn that Ayato is actually quite understanding and sympathetic when he states that he understands why Cordelia did certain things and even pitied her
🏆- With that in mind, it'd hurt him, a lot
🏆- We all know Ayato is one to wear his heart on his sleeve no matter wherever or whoever
🏆- He'll be outwardly upset but that doesn't mean he'll be seen mourning
🏆- To break it down, he's the type of person to stare at the empty seat in the dining room and can't help but realize that chair will always be empty
🏆- Or he'll realize that he'll live long enough to forget his brother's voice, sometimes stand in front their bedroom door, not saying anything and then walking off
🏆- He'll notice how the living room feels slightly bigger when there's family meetings and how he'll never get to shout at that person again
🏆- Due to him being conditioned to being number one, he'll have extremely mixed feelings
🏆- As a competitor, the game isn't fun without other opponents, even if it's a game you know you'll win because then you coming first means nothing
🏆- Dying or in this case, 'dropping out the race' would make Ayato stop running for once and look back at the other players
🏆- That's if it was someone he wasn't as close with
🏆- Now let's say you killed Laito for instance, he'd have quite a different reaction
🏆- He would actually mourn his brother but never let anyone see him
🏆- His relationship with Laito is complicated but not an enigma
🏆- He feels as if he owes Laito something from not being able to help him in his past
🏆- Knowing that he died meant that he failed as a brother
🏆- If you killed Laito out of self defence, he'd be upset that his brother was dead but not because you defended yourself
🏆- Like I said earlier, he's the most understanding and sympathetic
🏆- If he could go into the shoes of the woman who abused and made his life hell
🏆- He could understand why you did what you did
🏆- If however it wasn't out of self defence, like Reiji he'd need to take a while to compose himself
🏆- He'd wanna know why and how and then just sit on his bed not knowing what to feel
🏆- He'd be upset at you if that was the case and you'd probably have to work to regain his trust again(if you want it)
🏆- But like I said, still the most understanding, so he had a feeling you might pull something like this if you started getting pestered too often or showed signs that you weren't doing okay
🏆- And oh God if it was Yui, yeah you're not coming out alive and I know I've said this like 2 times already, but let me be clear
🏆- You will wish he killed you
🏆- Prey or not, taking something that belongs to Ayato is never ever a good idea
From author: Guys it's 2am, I'll upload the other brothers tomorrow I promise, just please don't kill my family. (Ps, I love you guys❤)
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diakaoniii · 1 year
Hello can you do "Yandere Yui x Fem Reader" where S/O (or Y/N) hates everyone including Yui because S/O thinks shes not any better than them so S/O gonna leave this place and escape
— yandere yui komori
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Yui is really obsessed with you, she cares about you more than anything and anyone else, and she wants you to love her and attention.
But you don't. You don't love her.
Hearing this makes Yui feel really bad, it might even make her depressed.
She was always trying to be the ideal girlfriend for you; cooking you your favourite food, trying to make you look beautiful every minute of the day, praising you all the time and more. Then why do you hate her? All she ever wanted from you was your attention and affection.
What did she do wrong? Please tell. If she's made a mistake, she'll fix it right away.
She can't live without you. So no matter what the reason, she'll never let you go.
Yui is not a sadistic yandere. So she's not gonna do something violent like break your legs so you won't leave her. Instead, she'll manipulate you into not leaving her.
Yui, somehow she'll make you feel guilty, and play the victim.
“Y/N-San... a-are you going to leave me after all I've done for you? It's so cruel…”
If you somehow manage to break up with her, she'll kill herself. Because she can't live without you. You're worth more to her than the air she breathes.
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nunezs-stuff · 3 days
Kianna komori (kamo)
🥀Bloody doll🥀
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
First Act: Episode One
In which, [Name], the one and only son of Sakamaki Richter strives to make his dearest cousin's lives a living hell. Or; In which yearns for what can never be his own and will do just about anything to yank it within his reach.
First Act | Ep. One | Ep. Two
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"Father? They're Uncle Karlheinz's boys, aren't they?"  
A boy with steel-grey tresses that faded into a pale silver asks his father; his soft voice catching the older man's attention.
The boy was seated at a beautifully carved, dark wood dining table; his father on the opposite side. Atop the table sat a lovely white, silken tablecloth with lace edges; and atop that sat a beautiful porcelain tea set. Said set was from France, according to what his father had told him, a gift from some noble in a futile attempt to curry favor with him some time ago.
Under the glossy varnish finish was painted a breathtakingly intricate pattern in the color of glacial blue. The rims, handles, spouts, and flat bottoms of the set were dipped in gold that shimmered whenever the light caught it. A lovely piece indeed, but certainly not the boy's favorite by any means.
The amber liquid inside the cup was telling enough, It was Darjeeling. Tasteful but boring. 
The boy lifts his teacup to his lips; taking a quiet sip and taking in the taste as it rolls over his tongue. His large, round e/c eyes looked up at the man across from him expectantly; clawed fingers drummed gently on the table with impatience and curiosity that bubbled just under his pale skin.
"You are correct. Why do you ask, dearest [Name]?"  
The charcoal-blonde-haired man answered, turning his tired eyes from the book in hand toward his beloved son. 
[Name] smiled eerily, the corners of his mouth stretching so far it almost looked as if his face was split in two. He leaned forward, sitting the teacup gently onto its platter and leaning on his forearms.
"Can I play with them?"  
He asks cheerily in his saccharine voice, innocent eyes wide with hidden depravity.
The man's sharp burgundy eyes narrow at the steel-grey-headed child. He really is just like her, isn't he? The joy they got in tormenting others, the twisted grins and psychotic glint that hid just behind their eyes was so similar, sometimes far too similar. 
He closed his eyes; now is not the time. 
"I suppose you can. Don't break them, though. Karlheinz would have my head."  
The older man warns, picking up his teacup.
Ah... the tea is cold.
[Name] now sat in his favorite spot, a large tree overlooking the Sakamaki mansion. Far enough away from the structure to where he won't be noticed, yet close enough to observe. He sat on one of the thicker branches; choosing this one in particular after making sure it wouldn't snap under his body weight. The steelhead came here fairly often; every day. He would sit and wait and watch. A repeating cycle that he never grew bored of.
Out of all the ones he liked to watch, there were preferred ones by now. The eldest two's one-sided bickering was always a small threat, the triplets fighting over various objects in the residence was another endeavor, and then there was the youngest, Subaru. 
The snarling, hollering, wall punching, fight-instigating youngest child of the Sakamakis. With snow-white hair, dazzling sorrow-filled scarlet eyes with thick lashes overhanging them, and pale skin. A true figment of melancholic beauty. A white rose.
Subaru was by far his favorite. Definitely.
Poor, poor Subaru. [Name] always thought that he'd gotten it the worst. Inbred, scorned and ignored. All culminating in violent outbursts to keep himself afloat. The air of suffering just radiated off of him in waves and the vampiric boy found is simply intoxicating.
It was all just so funny. His cousin's suffering was all so fun to watch. It's not [Name]'s fault that his uncle was a child-abandoning whore of a man. He just so happened to stumble upon their residence on his nightly stroll and had some intense sadistic tendencies.
Just like her... just like—
A sudden light caught his eyes. A car? No, a taxi. The vehicle pulled in front of the rundown mansion and slowed to a halt.
The back right door opened after a few seconds and out stepped a girl. The light from the car bounced off her brown hair and lit up the side of her face, displaying her prominent scowl and narrowed almond eyes.
She walked around to the trunk and pulled out a few suitcases as it began to rain. The girl groaned in annoyance and dragged her luggage into the building, seemingly before anyone answered the door.
[Name]'s e/c eyes stare into the door intensely.
Just who was that girl? Surely not another child of Karlheinz's, right? Do they get a sister now too? That's so... unfair.
The wind blew violently through the trees, and [Name] disappeared with the sway of branches; a scowl on his face.
[Name] had always been the curious type. That was something Richter had known since the boy had been birthed. But now.... he couldn't help but be concerned about his only child.
When he was young, [Name] was so gentle and meek; a quiet and impressionable boy who kept to himself most time. Though, that may have to do with the fact that Richter kept his existence from everyone. Almost everyone.
[Name] was only ten years old when Richter introduced the two, but he didn't expect his son to grow so attached. The young boy liked her so much, that he had turned to his father and asked him, "Papa, is this my mother?". And the look of utter despair when he had to tell him no. That she was already wed with her children that she had with the boy's very uncle. [Name] looked so utterly defeated. His heart completely shattered into millions of tiny pieces.
The charcoal-blonde-haired man tried his absolute best to comfort his son. He should've known not to let them meet; [Name] never had a mother figure after all. He had a mother, yes. A beautiful vampire noblewoman of the family Lucifuge whom Richter had fallen head over heels in love with. One he had made sure not to introduce to Karlheinz for fear that she would be taken by his status as the king and his promiscuous ways.  
The two had a long-running fling, though it ended shortly after his love became pregnant and birthed their child. She had then informed him that she was promised to someone else, that the two would be wed the next year and he would certainly reject her if he had discovered that she had carried and bore the child of another man.
She rejected her newborn son, "If only he was never born, we could continue our forbidden union. But with pity, I shall grace him with a name.". That's what she said to him as she gathered all of the gifts of lavish gowns and glittering jewels that he had once so selflessly given her. "[Name]. That is what he shall be called." Were the last words she had ever uttered in their general direction.
Richter thought he would never love again, but he always was quite faint of heart and it continued to beat longingly as it hung on his sleeve.
There's something glittering in the trees...
A key....How interesting....
Return to the Cathedral?
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
Yui found out Sakamaki brothers are vampires:
Sakamaki brothers:Bitch tf?🤨
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bakuhoewriting · 1 year
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☰ NOTES⋮ reader! is in Class 1-A ; gn!reader x Class 1-B
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tends to be bold in their affections. a real touch-starved/obsessed kinda partner. doesn’t matter if it’s a side hug, back hug or your standard run of the mill hug–they enjoy holding you close and will gladly jump on any opportunity to latch onto you. even if some of them look borderline aggressive in public doing so. and if someone mentions it to them? expect them to squeeze you even tighter. 
awase, monoma, tokage, kamakiri, tetsutetsu, kuroiro
actually likes to be on the receiving end of hugs. can’t really explain it. as much as they like holding you, they enjoy it much more when you hold onto them. there’s just something that feels right whenever they can sink into your warmth. and when they’re in your arms, you don’t know this but they’ve grown accustomed to the steady beat of your heart. it’s become one of their most favourite sounds in the world.
kodai, pony, fukidashi, tsuraraba, shiozaki, shoda, yanagi
isn’t too keen about public displays of affection, but in private? totally comfortable becoming a hug fiend. enjoys just how easily you fold into their arms, and how natural it feels when your arms encircle their shoulders or waist. will sigh when you run your fingers through their hair, or give a small content smile when the roles are reversed. if the others found out how much they enjoyed hugging you, they’d be super bashful.
shishida, honenuki, rin, komori, bondo, kaibara, kendo
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2023 ©️ credit to bakuhoewriting ; soon to be crossposted on all my other accounts under the same name!
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