#Yuma shipping discourse
sheriffslop · 1 year
Lop’s Shipping Discourse Statement !! ✨ ( TW ; Uncensored Mentions of Gr**ming / P*dophilia )
Just releasing this now, so there is less misconceptions about what I have said due to discourse lately. I’m in no way, calling anyone a predator for their ships, however, we have to understand that sometimes media imported from Japan is problematic in a sense, and I know, I know, I know that sometimes there are characters from various mangas, shows, games, etc. where the characters look young but they are legal adults.
I am a baby faced adult, however, I can fully say with confidence that while you personally aren’t a weird, disgusting creep, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any out there that do get drawn to media, using the reason that the character is legal to be creepy about certain aspects. I personally have been fetishized for looking young, even when I was a minor, and y’all have no idea how frequently I have heard statements such as “ I can’t wait until you’re legal “ - I literally had one of the men that groomed / assaulted me reach out not even two weeks after I turned eighteen, trying to get me to visit him states away without my family, that’s when I realized that it was over all an extremely wrong concept, especially since he still mentioned that I was pretty, asked if I still had braces ( something commonly worn on teenagers ). I don’t know what he was planning, but I know it wasn’t good. He wasn’t the only one to act this way towards myself as well. I’ve even had strange men approach me in public and immediately go with pickup lines talking about how “ young “ and “ innocent “ I look, and I know this sounds extreme and maybe even false, but I just want to explain why I have a stance that I do on this issue.
What I am saying is that when the age isn’t confirmed, and a lot of media from Japan has banked off of this concept, it’s a very dicey territory. You guys out there saying Yuma is a legal adult is whatever, it’s fine, for the most part, I’ve been joking, however, I can under that might not have seemed clear due to not using tone tags or being more explicit in the way I was speaking, and tone is always extremely hard to get across using text. For this, I apologize and I never wanted to make anyone feel uncomfortable in the fandom or make anyone feel as if I was directly calling them a predator. That was aggressive and uncalled for on my behalf, and I promise, I’m genuinely not a very hateful person, and those actions absolutely contradict with who I am. I want everyone to have fun here, enjoy being a part of the fandom on the internet, however, I also have my own boundaries concerning this sort of stuff, and I would like for us to reach a mutual understanding.
Just for my personal boundaries, I ask that nobody sends any ships involving Yuma and a confirmed adult in my inbox because it makes me uncomfortable personally, considering that I view him as a minor, and the game already puts him in situations and has him having discussions I find to be a bit icky already. This is more so because I have trauma relating to this sort of stuff and I would like my boundaries respected. I apologize again if I have violated or bullied anybody else over their views.
I’m definitely not saying to stop creating content, I still find the memes to be hilarious and everyone!s artwork thus far has been pretty good, and I’m glad to see people creating or consuming content that they enjoy, because that’s what being a fan is all about !! If your interpretation of Yuma is different than my own, then please, see it that way.
My issue isn’t with you, it’s with Kodaka, it’s with loli / shota bait, it’s with the passive sexualization of characterization belonging to minors, because I believe that it passively promotes the idea to objectify a minor in a light they don’t need to be objectified in. I hope you understand, just as I’m trying to be a bit more understanding with you all.
Regardless !! I appreciate the support and the feedback, I’ve had a ton of fun discussions and seen a lot of enjoyable content thus far. I don’t want anyone to give up, because this is basically the birthing stage of a fandom. Enjoy yourself, have fun, create and enjoy to your heart’s content. 💕✨🥂
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raincodeshipweek · 5 months
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Rain Code Ship Week 2024
Date: August 8th - August 14th
Welcome to the Rain Code Ship Week account! This account is dedicated to all the ships within Rain Code, from the wholesome, to the toxic, to the crackships, to whatever fits your fancy!
More info about this event under the cut!
This is a general Rain Code ship week, which means that anyone can participate! Wholesome ships? Sure! Toxic ships? Go wild! Selfshipping? Of course! OC x Canon? Absolutely! All ships will be tagged first with the most popular ship name, if applicable (i.e. ship art of Yuma and Desuhiko will be tagged as kokobolt), and then by the character names divided by an "x" (i.e. Yuma x Desuhiko).
For you work to be shared on this event's accounts, please tag your works as #raincodeshipweek2024
This blog is not spoiler free! However, any and all spoilers will be tagged as "rain code spoilers" and "mdarc spoilers"
This blog will permit NSFT content under the following conditions:
The work is tagged as "nsft" and "18+" along any other content warnings that may be needed.
The work is linked through an external website such as pixiv, AO3, or poipiku.
Hate, harassment, and discourse are not welcome here! This event is for fun, and I do not care about shipping discourse. Any bad faith actors invading the ask box or tags will be blocked and ignored.
Thank you, and I hope we'll have fun!
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elina-sakura · 3 months
Top Ten Favorite MDA Characters
Note: I am referring to both canon and fanon elements, and the ranking is not because of negative emotions but my feelings and preferences.
Major Spoilers for the entire game by the way
1. Yuma Kokohead
Of course, I love the little amnesiac ‘trainee’ full of anxiety. I just love anxious characters who have to struggle being the hero of the story in such dangerous situations. He just makes the perfect candidate for hurt/comfort stories. I love the relationships he has with the Nocturnal Detective Agency, I love how he wants to help everyone (even if he doesn’t have the best tact), and I love his angsty moments in his head (I love me some good angst). And when we learn of his true identity in the end, it really shines a light on his character more both outside and in-game. All of his flaws and the impacts to the story he made and the struggles he had. But most importantly the connections he made with others, the core part of the entire game and his character, is what makes me love him so much.
2. Yakou Furio
I don’t know why I’m so hyperfixated on this character. Maybe it’s because he’s the mentor character of the protagonist, and ended up giving me father-figure vibes to me with Yuma. Despite his flaws, he is such a good character who has been through so much, yet cares deeply for the people he loves and the city itself. And protect the detectives he took in, even with how much trouble they cause. But Chapter 4 and post-game is where I really start to appreciate him with his backstory revealed and how far he’s willing to go for the ones he love. Here’s to hoping he returns in post-game contents or hopefully sequels.
(NOTE: This is purely my preferences. I do not want to cause discourse or make people feel bad who ship Yuma and Yakou romantically; you guys do you with Yumakou and I’ll be happy with Yakou Fathero).
3. Makoto Kagutsuchi
Okay, this is where we really get to spoilers here since it happened post-game, but he became my favorite character right to the top three just because of who he is. An enigma who holds the secret of Kanai Ward, who created the mysteries in his hands, yet his motivations and heart was only filled with good intentions (despite having to make human meat buns). A young man who had to hold the secret for so long all on his own, try to fix many problems that weren’t actually his fault, finding purpose and his own identity outside of his original, and his relationship with Yuma as a whole. Complex, morally grey characters always catches my interests, especially when they are the antagonists.
4. Desuhiko Thunderbolt
I know, shocking. My favorite out of the four Master Detectives in the NDA is the perverted Superstar Detective, but when you look past the trope (and Chapter 2 and that one DLC scene as a whole) you would see there is a lot of depth to his character. He’s kind of the only one (confirmed so far) who had a pretty normal childhood and actually has relatable struggles a lot of people can probably relate to (being a shy and possibly bullied kid who wants to be a better version of themselves), who desires to be a Superstar and a detective at the same time and doesn’t want to be just one or the other, and is an all-around cool guy and loyal friend who could get along with people when he isn’t being a creep or overly obnoxious. It’s just too bad the writers seem to think the pervert trope would be a good way to add comedy when his obnoxious and goofball nature would probably be enough to get some comedy out of him. I want to hope maybe the writers would make Desuhiko less of a pervert in the future, but I’m not gonna get my hopes up. I just hope people can possibly see through the trope to see the real Superstar under the gross exterior (metaphorically-wise).
5. Kurumi Wendy
I’m honestly surprise she’s high on the list, but with how much I try to expand her character and how much fics I want to do with her, I’d say she definitely made it to the top five of the list. Kurumi is someone where I see a lot of potential in her character, but the writers ended up underutilizing her. She’s a high school informant who lost her grandfather to the overarching mystery, and her best friend a few months ago, and finds a special connection with Yuma and become one of his supporting partners alongside Shinigami. There’s a lot of potentials with her character, like seeing how the losses of important people in her life affected her, how she lives as a high school informant, and see her feelings on detectives and her relationship with Yuma, the new friend she feels a connection with and someone who gives her hope. But unfortunately, the writers end up making a bigger focus on making her the love interest of Yuma, and outside of that, make her an exposition dump. Heck, even in Chapter 5, I’m pretty sure Makoto only brought her with Yuma so she could tell him the informations needed to solve Kanai Ward’s Ultimate Secret, and discover that she and everyone else are Homunculi. It’s honestly sad because there’s so much to her character that could have made her stand out on her own, and I wish was utilized more.
6. Fubuki Clockford
Fubuki is such an adorable character and kind of relatable to me in being an airhead (though not to the extremes as she is). She’s kind and friendly to her peers, and is very imaginative as well when it comes to what she hears, like believing the sky is the ocean (if you look at it from an art perspective, it would be pretty cool). And especially her inner struggles on how she recognizes how slow-witted she is and how her time power leads her distraught when she’s not able to prevent the terrible outcomes she witnesses. Chapter 3 really shined a spotlight on her character, and one of the few spots that makes Chapter 3 worthwhile.
7. Halara Nightmare
Now this is a character I feel I have a lot in common with, specifically in real life. I tend to be rude and asocial (though only if I’m tired and overworked). I don’t like to be physically touched at all unless I give permission and told a head of times. I prefer to work alone when it comes to my work (in this case, my schoolwork). And I am definitely, sadly allergic to cats, especially since I feel connected with cats in personality at times. So I can relate to Halara in some aspects even though I sometimes am off-put by how harsh they are with Yuma in Chapter 1. I understand it’s because they want Yuma to figure things out for himself since he needs to quickly relearn things as a Detective and get to work on solving Kanai Ward’s Ultimate Secret (if anything, I commend them for putting in the effort to give some teaching to Yuma in some ways), and in hindsight they were working as an assistant to Yuma so they must have felt they shouldn’t have to do the job for Yuma (which I can’t blame). But sometimes they get a little too harsh and I just feel bad for Yuma.
8. Vivia Twilight
He is definitely an enigma of his own that interests me (though probably not as much as everyone else). A character who’s of his own agency and his own agendas and interests, and I love that kind of morally grey characters. Especially in Chapter 4 and the DLC where we got to know him more. And I enjoyed how he was a rival to Yuma for Chapter 4 who challenged the beliefs in discovering the truth, and that he was the only one who truly knew about Yuma and Shinigami. I honestly wish there were more interactions between the two after that. It really would have feel like their relationship would have been so unique and deep and interesting. And his relationship with Yakou really felt special after the DLC revealed their backstory together.
9. Shinigami
It’s usually kind of rare for me to like and be interested in mascot characters. And Shinigami surprisingly wins me over. At first, she definitely annoyed me with how she doesn’t exactly empathize with Yuma’s predicament sometimes and her callous nature with murderers sometimes (specifically in Chapter 2), but I can also understand that that’s her major flaw: lack of empathy. She’s a Death God whose natural job is to reap souls and uphold the concept of death. So of course, she’s not gonna understand whenever someone is stressed or feels empathy even with criminals. But that’s what make her character arc that leads to Chapter 4 all the more special. The previous murderers she reaped were those she barely got to know of, Yuma included, so it’s understandable to have a detachment with them, but the chapter 4 culprit was someone both she and Yuma knew, someone that really does make her understand his breakdown.
10. Pucci Lavmin
Pucci was one of my favorite Master Detectives I was looking forward to getting know. She’s a young woman (who may be close to Yuma’s age) who loves cute stuff like teddy bears, has sensitive hearing and gets snappy when too many people talk, and has a resting b!tch face. Seriously, I connect with her so much in these elements, and even thought she was going to be the female deuteragonist that we’ve seen/gotten from Danganronpa. So I was crushed when I learned she died and it was real and not a tutorial trick or something. It’s why she’s on the bottom of the list. She didn’t have as much screen time and development with her. Yes, including Kurumi, the real deuteragonist, who even though was underutilized at least had the groundwork for what kind of developments she could have had.
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jellyfish-grave · 8 months
I've been meaning to make a pinned post for a while now, so...
HI!! Welcome to my blog!!! :D
I'm Camms/Sunny, I go by He/they, and I'm not giving my age srry (but im a minor).
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I'm matching PFPs with my beloved @buttercup-flower-x (my love my boyfriend my world my everything yesyes wahoo!!!)🎀🎀🎀
My obsessions are Spike Chunsoft games (read: Danganronpa and Rain Code), Persona 5, Outer Wilds, Scott Pilgrim (a bit.), Project Sekai, Vocaloids in general (if u come up to me just to tell me vocaloid fans who got into it through proseka are fake fans uh. Dont 😶), a lot of extremely niche media (The Orbital Children or An Untitled Story for example), A Hat In Time AND THIS MFING EMOJI 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀!!!!!!! I have a thousand OCs, and even more AUs!! :3
I draw (traditional+digital) Ocs and Fanart, I code, I sing, I write, and some other stuff ^^
You can find me on AO3 @/Jellyfish_Grave where I post some AU stuff (and sometimes even some OCs).
Classic DNI applies, but there really isn't any point saying so. Oh and DNI if you're a fandom purist. Like you only want perfect healthy stuff be created for fandoms. I'm too lazy to explain my arguments, so I'll just block you if you don't respect that! Just be nice, and don't start shipping discourse ty ❤
Anyone is welcome to DM me, but I will block you if you make me uncomfy or if you actively hate one of my favs. Nothing against you ^^
I will be horny on main at times. It's rare so I generally don't wanna make an alt just for that, but be warned. I might consider making a tag just for it so people can block it but yeah.
Blog tags are:
#Camma the drawer (art tag)
#Camma rambles (my original posts)
#camms lore??? (Vent tag) (I will not get offended if u block it. I created it so u can block it. Just don't reblog these ^^)
#Cam Ocs (for any oc related content)
#camma fics tag (self explanatory! Posts with links to my fics.)
My sideblogs are these!!
@daigo-rikuto (my p5 protagonist's blog)
@paler-entries (hasnt been updated in a while, unreality blog)
@sanananananananan (one of my p5 oc's blogs. Very empty. Bleh)
Some ships you can expect on this blog (so if they trigger you, you can leave and be on your way safely o7): Akeshu (P5, Goro Akechi×protagonist); Timebuddies (Outer Wilds, Gabbro×Player Character); Scollace (SPVTW, Scott Pilgrim×Wallace Wells); Komahina (Sdr2, Hajime Hinata×Nagito Komaeda); Makoyuma (MDA:RC, Yuma Kokohead×Makoto Kagutsuchi), and some more I'm probably forgetting. I'm generally a multishipper but those are my main ones!
All of my OCs will be tagged with their full name (except the few that don't have family names, in which case the tag sample will be [story they're from] [name]).
Don't scroll too far into my danganronpa art, I was a cringe kid back then. Cringe as in had unlimited access to internet so that did not turn out well. Please don't harass me over like 2 year old posts thx
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kanai-ward-census · 9 months
Welcome to Kanai Ward Census!
2024 Top Raincode Character Survey Results
vvv Info about this blog under the read more vvv
This blog is dedicated to polls/tournaments about Raincode. Characters, ships, anything to do with the game! Run solely by Mod Alfie, I will host my own polls and tournaments while reblogging any polls and tournaments that have Raincode characters or ships in them. (Please, tag me in any that you see and I haven't reblogged yet.)
This post will host the links to brackets for any tournaments I will hold in the future. We've already run two, with the Most Popular Character of 2023 Tournament and the Most Popular Ship Tournament. 2024 will bring many more tournaments and polls, but this is a community-centered blog- have a tournament/poll idea? A question for your fellow Raincoders that can be put to a poll? Send me an ask, and I'll do what I can to get that poll out. I use a queue, though, so it may take some time. Currently my schedule is one poll a week.
This is a place to have fun, talk about a game we love, and press buttons. Please, no discourse! It's okay to dislike something, but I don't want to invite hatred on my blog. Even if I personally dislike something, I will try to remain as neutral as possible- ships, characters, anything. The only time I'll present my opinion is when I very very very much enjoy something. Again, this is a place for fun!
Here's a list of our previous tournament winners and completed brackets.
Most Popular Character (2023) - Winner: Yuma Kokohead
Most Popular Ship (2023) - Winner: Clockmare
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itsana004 · 1 year
Astral for the character thingy? :3
First of all, thank you so much for the ask!!! 💖
I realised I don't have much Astral content/discourse on my blog, so here lays my truest thoughts on Astral
•How do I feel about this character
I really love his character! Whenever I rewatch Zexal, he just wakes up and choses violence that day and I love that.
I think I was intrigued by his character because he was introduced as this serious and intelligent looking naked alien, who roasts Yuma like shish kebab on a daily basis, especially when it comes to dueling, and we know that is going to be their dynamic for a while - but he's much more than that.
I think I really started to like Astral on the Esper Robin episode, he's not just Yuma's foreign alien friend/dueling aid who roasts him and that's it, he has his own interests like watching the Sparrow show (and adding humour to the series with his foreignness about earth), flying around and being curious about the human world, being afraid of cats, when he eats for the first time, teaching Hart how to eat with sticks (so cuteee), has his own Observation series, his banter with Yuma - this are just examples on what makes his character so precious to me.
Also another thing I was surprised by is despite being so cool and collected, he feels fear during duels like when he dueles against Kite? And it made me feel anxious for him when I was watching it?? Astral can feel emotions such as fear and I really appreciate this detail because I think the show writers raised the stakes too high that if Yuma loses then he's going to disappear, so they end up winning every single duel with Astral's magic formula, and therefore most of the time he's unbothered and almost invincible - so when he shows emotions outside of his stoic calmness, I love it. I don't know why I just love to see Astral lose his absolute sh8t
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Also Astral's friendship with Yuma's friend group I find it so cute, despite being invisible they still felt his presence because that's how much of an influence Astral had, and when he was gone, they felt it through Yuma's grief (or Kotori told them whatever) and Flip created a crystal/glass gravestone showing how much Astral meant to all of them, the gesture it's just so sweet and emotional. I also loved his friendship with Kite, despite being minimal, he influenced in Kite's decision to not give up on dueling and that friends represent the future which is a lesson he learned from Yuma, which changes his whole trajectory.
Now let's talk about the plot... and boy it's filled with plot holes and... questions.
Astral has a... a very mysterious/confusing background. So he was born as a weapon by Eliphas to protect the Astral world, and one of Astral's character traits is to get split into cards just randomly... Number cards to be exact - whether it's his memories - giving him amnesia, whether it's his powers lost during his battle against Don 1000 - turning into Mythirian cards, parts of him just like to split into cards and I guess I find it funny? Heck he even has an evil twin as a Number card like-
Oh and also fan fact he turns Yuma into Super Saiyan when they jumbled up together.
But 50 of these Number cards possess people an amplify their desires, so Astral was the real villain in this show- no, it was Yuma's dad cause he sent him there by making him have amnesia and leading his son to go through life threatening situations and hell to collect them (I knew it all along)
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Like- I didn't even feel like I was watching Zexal and kind of wish they made these moments of satanic Astral longer. But let's talk about the real satanic Astral, boy I love Dark Mist's and Astral's banter and how Astral just has to fist fight him to not be either absorbed or killed by his evil twin.
I think this is becoming too long now for a read so I am just gonna move on now.
• All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don't particularly ship him with anyone (except Dark Mist maybe) in the show because I'm not simply invested in any of his ships that much? I can see him and Yuma being together, afterall he did say "Aishiteru" (I hope I spelled it correctly) which is the deepest form of "I love you" at the end of the manga, but at the end of the day I'm just "They're cute, next-", and honestly I much prefer Dark Mist x Astral than the latter, it's simply how I feel.
I'd also like to mention a moot has her own ship with Astral and her OC (you know who you are) and I'm definitely more inclined towards that when it comes to shipping Astral with someone because fans are better at writing/drawing romance most of the time, especially because they are not ambiguous or queer baiters.
• My non-romantic OTP for this character
For this section this has to be Yuma and Astral as well. Just as I can see Yuma and Astral being together, I can also see them in platonic light, but there is no mistake that they are soulmates.
I think many years ago I said as to why I felt that way, Yuma and Astral's relationship really reminded me of Nobita and Doraemon and despite both of them going to the ends of the world, time, galaxies to be there for eachother, it wasn't romantic in Nobita and Doraemon's case and they had other romantic partners, because these tropes are so similar, our two zexal characters can also fall into the platonic category. Now if anyone reading this are mad at me for even considering this and seek representation from the zexal series of your fave ship, then good for you, I prefer either way, but I all can say is I really enjoyed Astral's and Yuma's dynamic throughout the show and how their bonds became stronger through dueling, and it's the growth and influence they had in each other that I liked, and I definitely became emotional and pulled my heartstrings whenever they lost themselves and tried to bring eachother back, and the last scene of them parting ways had me weeping.
Ps. Astral's roast to Yuma will be the most memorable.
• My unpopular opinion about this character
Oh boy, I can't really think of any right now? But I think despite being a protagonist I feel like he's overshadowed by other characters, especially Yuma, like we don't really see Astral as invidual character most of the time and it's always him and Yuma, so maybe he deserved some solo attention? (Okay so there is literally a Kotori centric ending song but not for Astral? What-)
Also he deserves clothes-
• One thing I wish would happen/had happened with his character in canon
Zexal III
Zexal III
Also can someone tell me how Yuma's dad met Astral and send him on earth but not himself and his wife-
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25melodies · 1 year
Rules && requesting:
What I can do: icons, reply icons, Tumblr headers, Tumblr layouts, moodboards, stimboards, mobile wallpapers (specify screen size or phone model), promos && chatter
Bold = favourite/prioritized
The Rising of the Shield Hero, Danganronpa (thh, sdr2 udg + v3), Master Detective Archives: Raincode, Project Sekai, Bungo Stray Dogs, Fairy Tail, Doki Doki Literature Club, Your Turn to Die, Pokemon, Cookie Run (Kingdom + Ovenbreak), Obey me!, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Spy x Family, Yuri!!! On Ice, Sk8 the Infinity, Sasaki and Miyano, Fruits Basket, Death Note, Puella Madoka Magica (original anime only), Jujutsu Kaisen, Lilo & Stitch, more may be added.
• Please credit me if you use any of my edits
• Be polite. A simple ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ goes a long way
• Be considerate. Remember that I have a life, do not rush me, will get to your request when I can
• No Chihiro Fujisaki discourse (I use he/him) (all hcs are valid here)
• No general discourse
• Only one request per ask, it makes things much easier
• Do not spam me with requests, I find it very overwhelming
• I only take requests for listed sources, so please don't request anything outside my sources
• Let me know if you don't want your request to have kin or f/o tags!! I will be glad to remove them
• Requests will be semi-selective, as I sometimes struggle to work on requests. I'll try to do as many as I can, but sometimes I may end up denying them. Sorry
General/aesthetics: pedophilic/abusive ships, incest, nsfw, glitchcore, scenecore, traumacore, weirdcore, grandmacore, clowncore
Characters: Haiji Towa, Hifumi Yamada, Myne/Malty Melromarc, Aultcray Melromarc XXII, Kyo Ethnina, Biscus T. Balmus, Idol Rabier, Naomi Tanazaki, Kajii Motojiro, Mori Ougai, Gide Andre, Adam/Ainosuke Shindo, Muzan Kibutsuji, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Mertle Edmonds
Ships: ougoku, sounia, togafuka, dazaku, Junko x Anyone
Character x opposite sex: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Tenko Chabashira, Ibuki Mioda, Aoi Asahina, Toko Fukawa, Genocide Jill, Mahiru Koizumi, Hiyoko Saionji, Ymir, Historia Reiss, Misa Amane, Rem
Characters: Naofumi Iwatani, Raphtalia, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Sakunosuke Oda, Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Peko Pekoyama, Maki Harukawa, Yuma Kokohead, Shinigami, Yakou Furio, Halara Nightmare, Vivia Twilight, Stitch, Leviathan, Lucifer, Kanade Yoisaki, Mizuki Akiyama, Hatsune Miku, Kyo Sohma, Sasaki Shuumei, Yuuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov, Rui Ayaki, Homura Akemi, Red Velvet Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Sasha Braus, L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Alice Yabusame, Yuji Itadori
Ships: Raphumi, Odazai, Kunikidazai, Soukoku, Nalu, Dialuci, Kyoru, Ishimondo, Chishimondo, Chimondo, Pekobuki, Celespekomaki, Owaguji, Kaemondo, Lawlight, Madohomu, Mafukana, Mizuena, Renga, Victuuri, Sasamiya, Itajun
Aesthetics: Lovecore, Candycore, Cloudcore, Raincore, Coffeecore, Pastels
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Howdy Everyone !! Welcome !! 💕
It’s Lop ( @sheriffslop ) and I’ve officially made a Rain Code Sideblog !! Anyways, Here’s a bit of DNI material and guidelines, just so we can keep my blog and feed a safe space, for me and others involved. 💕
✨ Rules, Regulations, DNI ✨
I interpret Yuma as a minor so ships with Master Detectives x Yuma make me a little uncomfortable, due to trauma I’ve suffered as a minor, so I would like to keep shipping discourse down to a minimum here, let’s try and keep it to a minimum, and at the very least, respectful. Not that I mind the memes or anything, just please no Yuma or Kurumi NSFW or situations that are just not okay for minors in my inbox or replies. 💕
OC x Canon is welcomed here !! Please don’t come into my inbox trying to trash talk OC x Canon shippers, let people enjoy things to their hearts content as long as they aren’t being problematic towards you or anybody else. Cringe is dead and one day we will be too, follow our bliss, live to make yourself happy. 💕
I am 18+ / An Adult, as another blog once said, I’m not a pro - shipper, not an anti, but an adult with a job, and I’d rather not romanticize topics such as abuse, minor x adult, and all of that stuff !!
Also, keep the shipping discourse to a minimum in general, I personally don’t have very many ships I dislike, but my favorites are Desuhiko Thunderbolt/Fubuki Clockford ( ClockBolt ) and Platonic! Halara Nightmare/Vivia Twilight ( TwiMare ), though I’m open to discussions about other ships, and think some people have already shown off talented works of art involving other ships !! 💕
Tags you can block on this blog ; Any Rain Code OC Tags, Lop’s OCs, Any Project Ninjin Tags. AU Tags ( Project Ninjin, Devil’s Deal, Velveteen Rabbit ), YuiKou, Fanfic Promo, Souji Tankthrust, Yui Velveteen !!
Disclaimer !! I have a rather dry and sarcastic sense of humor, I definitely try to use tone tags, but for the most part I’m dramatic and snarky. I’m never trying to intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings !! Tone can be hard to capture over text, but I try my best. I promise I’m never trying to intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings. 💕
More rules to be added, as I’m a little short on time, but enjoy your stay here !! 🤠✨🥂
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crazy-diamond-kins · 8 days
Rules && requesting:
What I can do: icons, reply icons, tumblr headers, tumblr layouts, moodboards, stimboards, mobile wallpapers (specify screen size or phone model), promos && chatter
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Bold = favourite/prioritized
Danganronpa (thh, sdr2, udg + v3), master detective archives: raincode, project sekai, the rising of the shield hero, doki doki literature club, your turn to die, bungo stray dogs, fairy tail, demon slayer The Owl House, more may be added
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• Please credit me if you use any of my edits
• Be polite. A simple ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ goes a long way
• Be considerate. Remember that I have a life, do not rush me, I will get to your request when I can
• No Chihiro Fujisaki discourse. (I personally use he/him) (All headcanons are respected here <3)
• No general discourse
• Only one request per ask, it makes things much easier for me
• Do not spam me with requests, I find it very overwhelming
• I only take requests for listed sources, so please don’t request anything outside of my sources
• Requests will be semi-selective, as I sometimes struggle to do requests. I will try to do as many as I can, but sometimes I may deny them or delete them
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General/aesthetics: Pedophilic/abusive ships, incest, NSFW scenecore, anything with heavily eyestrain, traumacore, weirdcore, grandmacore, clowcore
Characters: Haiji Towa, Hifumi Yamada, Myne/Malty Melromarc, Aultcray Melromarc XXII, Kyo Ethnina, Biscus T. Balmus, Idol Rabier, Naomi Tanazaki, Kajii Motojiro, Mori Ougai, Gide Andre, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Muzan Kibutsuji Emporer Belos
Ships: Ougoku, Sounia, Togafuka, Dazaku, Junko x anyone
Character x opposite sex: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Aoi Asahina, Toko Fukawa, Genocide Jill, Mahiru Koizumi, Hiyoko Saionji, Tenko Chabashira, Light Yagami, L Lawliet, Misa Amane, Rem, Amity Blight
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Characters: Mondo Owada, Peko Pekoyama, Maki Harukawa, Yuma Kokohead, Shinigami, Vivia Twilight, Kanade Yoisaki, Mizuki Akiyama, Naofumi Iwatani, Raphtalia, Yuri, Alice Yabusame, Osamu Dazai, Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet Rui Ayaki, King Clawthorne, Luz Noceda, && Amity Blight
Ships: Ishimondo, Chimondo, Chishimondo, Kaemondo, Owaguji, Pekobuki, Celespekomaki, Kokogami, Vivakou, Mafukana, Mizuena, Raphumi, Sayuri, Nalu && Lumity
Aesthetics: Lovecore, Candycore, Cloudcore, Coffeecore, Webcore, Raincore && Pastels
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rararazaquato · 2 years
erm new pinned i guess
read if you want. or if you don’t want. idc.
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- my name is barb.
- gender apathetic, that shit is not real to my brain. any pronouns, but they/them/it/its/bun/buns are my preferred ones :3
- young adult, if you are a minor and me being an adult makes you uncomfortable then feel free to unfollow/block, no worries there
- white american, fluent in english, semi-conversational in french, almost done with genki vol. 1 in japanese.
- my current brain worms are in master detective archives: rain code.
- my posting includes pokemon, danganronpa/rain code, funny creatures, western cartoons (srmthfg + phineas and ferb + invader zim are the big ones), the most excellent game psychonauts, and a few other miscellaneous bits and baubles around the blog.
- i don’t have a side blog except for a couple mostly-abandoned gimmick blogs. if you follow me for one specific mediaposting then you’ll be in for a rough surprise when i inevitably fixate on something else.
- ask me to tag anything, i currently just tag the basic stuff (drugs, alcohol, abuse, stuff like that) + a few media but if you need anything specific just lmk.
- not explicitly nsfw but i do make and reblog sex jokes. some of my old posts are tagged 'nsfw text' but i think tumblr might shadowban that tag or something because i got 0 notes on a post with that tag, and then when i removed it, it got like 10. all this to say that i tag sex jokes as "nsft". i might forget to tag it tho so if i forget just send an ask or a dm!
- actually if i forget to tag anything just lmk. my ask box is open for you <3
- presenting as a cis woman irl and i have no plans on opening the can of worms that is gender right now so 🫢 irls dont say a word abt this blog lol
- i can't believe i have to say this but if you think shit like p/do and inc/st is hot then just. don't interact. i dont wanna see it and tbh i think you should probably like. see a therapist about that. yeah that includes anything that’s “only kind of” that type of shit (z/adr, ph/inferb, etc).
- although if we're talking about shipping discourse, i should probably mention for my rain code followers that i headcanon yuma as an adult, specifically around 18-19. my reasoning for this is a) he has a whole job and doesn't go to school and b) the only one of his peers who doesn't treat him like an adult (albeit an incompetent one) is aphex, who clearly only does it to make fun of him.
- if you have any other questions just like. put it in the ask box or whatever. if its a weird question or one i dont want to answer publicly i just wont answer it.
- my advice to you is: go hog wild. be yourself. i love you.
ok goodbye
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shifuto · 3 years
man you dont gotta post this but whats most baffling to me abt the ""discourse"" is that it feels uninformed? like astral acts like a kids, looks like a kid, is treated as a peer by yuma and co., is FRAMED as a kid (in the sense eliphas is framed as his bad guardian figure) and is implied to have spent most of his life post-DT duel in stasis anyway (the gap in memories post-battle and eliphas' no cortuption rule...) So saying hes Actually Literally thousands of years old is... a weird reading
did not think I would be seeing keyshipping age gap drama in 2021 but here we f*cking are huh? HAHAHAHA
yes! I agree with you and am actually thankful Astral doesn’t have a canon age because the drama would have been so much worse. Astral, Eliphas, Ena, some Astral world denizens, 5 of the 7 Barian Emperors, some Barian world denizens and also Don Thousand are probably much, much older than a hundred years, but the way they’re portrayed in the anime uses Earth time as reference (I assume) so they could be anywhere between 13-43 years old, for example. I personally headcanon Astral as being between 15-16 years old based on his appearance and mannerisms (and in the manga he looks even more childish)
take another popular Yuma ship for example: foilshipping (Yuma/Vector). Maybe Vector and Astral are very close in age (hundreds or thousands of years) but hey, he looks human and he acted like a classmate of Yuma so “obviously” he is 13-14 right? Except he is not actually that young and this ship has also a huge age gap if we’re using canon as reference hmmmm...
to be honest, I think the fact that there’s human X non-human interaction and dimensional stuff in Zexal just makes this whole ~time~ thing a blur and maybe if people were chill and tried enjoying the show without thinking too deeply about every single problematic thing would make this barely alive fandom a cooler place. Ship it and let it ship
this kind of bullsh*t doesn’t stop at Zexal. The same goes for Ai from Vrains, a non-human with no canon age and I’ve seen dumb ass discourse about people harassing artists over fictional age headcanons because “age gap”. You don’t see that kind of stuff often in DM, where Atem is a 3000 years old spirit and Yugi was 16 at the start of the series. Because, guess what? Lots of og YGO fans are older folks who have seen enough and just want to relax and have a good time. They tend to not bully artists/writers/etc for not fitting into pure and family-friendly fandom boxes and they tend to not purposely go into shipping tags that they don’t like to say mean things
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sheriffslop · 1 year
Something that i bothered me about the game is that, they never said anything about the detectives' ages (especially Yuma's)
It’s what bothers me the most as of right now, because it’s kind of a dicey territory when you really look at it. I had a full blown discussion with a few friends about this as well, and I understand that I don’t see eye to eye with everyone about this, but I wish we did know, because Yuma Shipping Discourse is bothersome, in my opinion, and given that there is a lot of s*xualization of minors in Japan and Japanese Media is what I think makes the whole lack of clarification to be a very thin line between being okay and being uncomfortable / creepy. The whole thing gives me the ick and my thing is, I don’t care if I’m disagreeing with people, we’re bound to not agree on somethings, but I feel like this is an issue where us, among the community, should agree to disagree, because I don’t feel like arguing a point that people don’t want to agree with me on, if that makes sense ? Anyways, I just view Yuma as a gifted burnout teenager and will leave it at that, and there isn’t any reason to argue with me over it because I am not willing to compromise until it is canonically revealed with proof.
Hahaha, that was definitely an infodump nobody asked for ; and this wasn’t an attack toward you at all, I’m sorry if I came off as aggressive, this is a generalized statement for everyone that has come to me with the stance of “ Yuma is a legal adult “, because it’s strange that it’s happened twice already. 😭🥂
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maripr · 7 years
I love the Yugioh Fandom because nobody thinks it's "problematic" to like fucked up villains, whether they have a Freudian Excuse or simply torture people for shit and giggles. And nobody bitches at the fucked up ship dynamics. I've seen someone try to start the pedophilia discourse for Astral/Yuma but the thing died afaik.
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kanai-ward-census · 10 months
idk why ppl r getting soooooo mad over shipping dude. i think its most rational to assume makoto and yuma r both young adults cuz while i can imagine a teenager being a trainee detective, it makes no sense for a minor to ever actually aquire the position of a mega corp ceo . i dunno i just dont get why theres this stupid discourse around makoto ships and it sucks that u hav to deal with it for just wanting to do a fun tournament lol
People are just silly sometimes... I'm used to people being rude about ships and headcanons, but it still sucks.
They hate to see a short little masked guy love 😔
But yeahh, people really gotta chill. This is just for sillies <333
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