theloveinc · 9 months
caitie!!! may i ask abt timeskip kats 🥹🥹
Sel🥺 my sweet angel 🥺 my blueberry pancake with chocolate drizzle 🥺 my root beer float 🥺 yes, anything, and thank you!!!!
MY TIMESKIP KATS........ Let's see... this........... LMFAO is ancient. Not super ancient, as in...... I've written most of it within the last few months, but ancient as in I originally started it in.......... 2022? Maybe? and ended up shelving it because I got some heat for talking about some major age gap DC I wanted to write and then had this grouped in with it.
It's really as simple as it sounds, I can't lie. A quirk sends Bakugo from the future back to a younger/current you!!!!!!!!!!! And it turns out, as he reveals, that you're married (even if you barely even know him, currently)!!!!!! And yes....... that means you have to fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!😱😱😱
But honestly what's most interesting about it, is... I think it's going to be the longest smut piece I've ever written AND the best smut I've ever written, as adding to it feels like sewing some very intricate embroidery. So not only am I'm very impressed by my writing of it (hence why it's taking me so long).... I'm also just genuinely excited to keep working on it.
Here's your snip:
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strywoven · 10 months
i am pleased to announce my trigun era has ended and i am removing knives from the mantle place inside my brain ( crowd cheers ) . however , a new hyperfixation has taken hold ... rise of the guardians / guardians of childhood ( crowd boos ) . for this , pitch black / kozmotis pitchiner has now taken root in my brain as he did over a decade ago. i am apologizing in advance for how annoying i will become abt him and this franchise. that is all.
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milqueskin · 1 year
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Insufferable star man.
(I love him dearly)
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freckledsweetpea · 1 year
shout out to queer men. y'all know how to be fuckin fine as hell.
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leonsrightarm · 9 months
i finally got around to reading carmilla and i'm pleasantly surprised by how good it actually is. i kind of expected it to be an over-hyped, worse version of dracula but no it's just a really good story even devoid of context. i almost read the whole thing in one sitting except i started at like ten at night and i had to get up for work in the morning.
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xewanu · 8 months
In today's episode ? The symbolism of the green//pink theme in Splatoon
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Okay so it all goes back to the great turf war. It seems to have been the first ever color picked, representing octolings vs inklings. We all obviously know that inklings won, pretty unfairly, and octos were pretty much forced to step back. Ever since, the green//pink and inkling//octo themes have been omnipresent in the Splatoon universe.
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In Splat 1 comes Callie and Marie. They are not opposed as octo vs inkling, yet pick a side in a Splatfest (Octopus vs Squid, won by Callie, on the 10th of October 2015, Squid side), and end up opposing to each other, as Callie vs Marie. The outcome is clear, Marie wins, Callie is sad about it, and joins her pink theme by joining the octo troups (I'd REALLY like to know how the pink//green theme would've been handled if she won). So yeah, the Squid Sisters give us a continuity that Splatoon 2 MASSIVELY used LOL.
So let's continue with Off The Hook, shall we ?
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First of all, can I point out the fact the colors are not the exact same bright pink and green we knew this far ? Yes ? Alright thanks. MARINA RAN AWAY !!! SO SHE'S GREEN !!! You have no idea how I love the entirety of these colors symbolism, reader. But yep, Marina is obviously green because she rejects her past, as seen in the Octo Expansion logs. Also, her color ressembles very slightly sanitization. A mutation. You following me this far ? I find Pearl being pink actually adorable, her color isn't THIS muted. It fits Marina, and also implies hey, no octoling racism here. Zamn this making me tearful.
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Continuation to the green//pink linked to squid//octopus is this. I REALLY love the possible yin yang reference with the shirts btw. We think inklings are so good and perfect, but maybe there's evil within them, to the opposite of octolings, who are actually not as mean as depicted by Craig. I'll also point out the inkling in the poster is smiling, fist clenched, confidently, as the octoling is a bit less self assured, looking concentrated. The need to win for their nation, teehee okay sorry I'm reaching :3
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Oh you knew it was coming you DEFINITELY knew. Yup. Agent 24. To me they sign the end of this stupid "inkling vs octoling" war. 3 first saves 8, 8 then saves 3 and Craig (And Inkopolis but yeah LMAO.) To me it really means "This is where we end the fight", 3 sees the potential in 8, and doesn't see them as an enemy nor a threat, but a partner (NOT ROMANTICALLY SPECIFICALLY, you ship who you want, but they do seem like they respect each other). Splatoon 3 doesn't return with pink//green, or inkling//octoling. We can play an octoling, who fights octolings, to protect octolings. Our ink is just yellow, we fight non octo bosses. We fight along Octavio. The band is red, yellow and blue, the primary colors. Harmony, although their principal song's called Anarchy Rainbow. All colors mixed together :'0
Okay, thanks for coming to my ted talk BYYYE.
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derangedanomaly · 2 months
ZAMN! I- MEAN...Bark?
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Why chaos soo.. 😳
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Chaos- "So then I woke up with like- a second eye?"
Swap- "Chaos.... You know that I'm on the job rn-"
Are Swap and Chaos besties?
Do the others know about it?
No. 💀
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Okay so this rant is gonna be mildly nsfw. So if you are a minor DONT LOOK! OKAY?! GET OUT! I DONT WANT MINORS TO LOOK AT THIS SHIT!!!! THIS IS FOR 18+ ONLY!
Im gonna be talking about an issue when it comes to a subset of people in the Splatoon community. So yeah, MINORS! LEAVE!!!!!
Go on... leave....
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Imma be real, a fair amount of the straight male fans in the Splatoon community who constantly sexualise all the women in the series need to realize that characters like Marina and Shiver would never get with you and you wouldn't be able to handle them either. You would not be able to handle Marina's hour long autistic rambles about excavators and machinery, and if you judged her for her interests because your pp is getting soft listening to her, she would despise you and not have sex with a random dude like you. She is not eye candy. She is not some slab of meat to go "AWOOOGGA HUMNA HUMNA HUMNA!" at. She's a dorky girl who has nerdy interests and is canonically a lesbian, not some bimbo to get looked at like a toy for your eyeballs. Sorry to burst your bubble.
You would probably HATE Shiver if you met her, i guarantee it. Marie as well, you would probably find her annoying and not vibe with her snarky personality despite you wanting to do bad things to her because you only see her as flesh for your pleasure. Marie hates and makes fun of ""fans"" like you. Sorry to tell ya. If you see Marie as some dommy mommy then I'm gonna have to ask you to get the fuck out of my sight dude. If you sexualise Callie too and make her some weird lustful woman who wants sex all the time, I will fucking murder you idc.
You would crumble to dust and get rejected SOOOOO fast by women who look and act like them. I'm telling you. Or they would run away from you so fast because you smell terrible.
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Start thinking with your head and not the small head downstairs.
Listen, we get it, they are attractive, but don't make it your whole personality and say how much you wanna f them and use nsfw art of them in thumbnails and discussions (you can figure out which youtuber I'm talking about here...)
I say that stuff as a joke at 1am at night and 99.9% of the time i talk about how wonderful their personalities and stories are. I ain't going "ZAMN!!!" over these characters because I'm not THAT big of a loser.
Marina being so passionate and giddy about her interests is one of the reasons why i like her so much. Marie being so relatable is why i like her, Shiver being such a silly girlfailure who's funny is why i like her, not because of their hips ffs. That's like the last thing on my mind when i think about these amazing characters.
As a straight male myself, you guys gotta do better, i don't wanna be grouped up with the rest of you horny lot that needs some fresh air. I'm not talking about all heterosexual men in the fanbase obviously, i'm not that kind of person where i hate on an entire group of people and I go "those friggen straights ruined the series!!!" Like the people who say that are half true but not every straight guy in the community is a horny lustful mess you know? And i am a straight guy myself but... I hate getting piled up with the creepy fans who lust over these women. Like we don't wanna hear you thirst over them and if you are gonna say something a bit more nsfw AT LEAST BE CREATIVE WITH IT! OR BE REALLY PATHETIC ABOUT IT TO WHERE IT'S FUNNY!
It's also so telling on how you probably treat women as well. I wouldn't be surprised if you have never been close to a woman, friendship or relationship wise. Sex and looks ain't all the end all be all of relationships, if you can't understand that then good luck finding a girl who will actually like you and even think about doing it with you.
I've never been in a relationship before AND EVEN I KNOW THAT!!!!! HOW SAD IS THAT?! The single and alone dude understands relationships better than you.
Be better and go outside for a change. Get a hobby, or something idfk.
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timmie15 · 6 months
the fact that someone out there is doing the Lord's work
making a dating sim based on Armored Core 6
a mecha game.
what is happening.
I'm all for it---
I found my hyperfixation like-
the designs the artist made
I literally started supporting her on Patreon if she'll not make this game I'll die
her designs had me like
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why are they not real omg
look at them
Rusty's so
on my knees my lord-
Iguazu looks so emo tsundere bf
Walter is daddy shaped
And the WOMEN make me gay
Materlinck is the definition of my taste in women
Snail looks like a cuck I love him too
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fresh-paint4the-roses · 2 months
Ello! Today is my birthday! Finally, 18! 🥳. Honestly, even if it is relatively miniscule in the grander scheme of things, the likes, reblogs, mean a lot to me, and I'm using it all to up the ante on my composition artstyle, color theory, ect ect.
Going through the daily scroll dip I saw a kinda funky Azurid post, I kind of realized something that finally hit me as to why I've never really liked Floyrid, Jaderid, or most ships with Riddle in general, and had mostly hc'd him as aroace untill I discovered AzuRido.
Not saying that all floyrid, jaderid, or any other riddle ship is like this- I think has to do more with BL and yaoi as a whole (even i'm guilty of this with one or two of my posts tbh). Because Riddle is obviously shorter, cuter, androgynous- He often gets typecast into the cute reluctant soft uke (bottom)- And I don't know. It lowkey grinds my gears, to see him depicted like that, so effeminate and far removed from his character he very well is surrogate pov for a yn x whoever.
I think it would (and I will) be better depicting him and his relationship with Azul as the confident and androgynous man that he is, starting with this WIP banger of a composition.
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Zamn does the Fibonacci sequence go hard
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Mariah info dump!!! :]
Under cut of course
TW Self Harm is mentioned in this post
Back story
She is an orphan, her original home was very very toxic to her. Her mom hated her, her dad was basically non existent, and her brother was too scared of their mom to do anything.... After around 5 years of this happening an accident happened which caused the house to burn down, she was left behind by her family in the burning house. She ended up running away from the burning house, after around a month or two she stumbles upon Peppino's place, at this point she was very malnourished and weak. Pepino took her inside of his place, fed her, and eventually ended up adopting her! Now in present times she is 13 and still living with Peppino, Gustavo, and Brick! :3
Design traits
This is her design :3
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She's almost always seen with skates, it's either that or she has wheelies on :)
She has an Pineapple and Stich clips to keep her hair out of her face
All of the patches and diff colored sleeve were added on by her self
She has gray streaks due to heavy stress she still had as a kid
The red ribbon was added on for fun :] altho it does kinda remind you of a certain desert named noisy doesn't it?
She is around 6 feet tall! Zamn I wish I was 6 feet tall :[
The reason her ears are pointy and why she is so tall is because she is an elf! She doesn't know this tho and the only one who suspects anything is Gustavo
Personality traits
She is super optimistic! Always looking on the bright side of things
She is a HUGE people pleaser, always putting others before herself. And yes it is quite destructive on her side of it all
She is a HUGE HUGE nerd
She's the weird kid! And she personally doesn't mind being called weird and strange
She can be quite energetic at times, altho she often keeps herself under control when in public
Extra details warning this is where the self harm is mention is.....
She is extremely destructive to her self, physically and mentally. She does self harm, and fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you think about it, she does a pretty good job at hiding it. Literally NOBODY knows about it... Altho Gustavo does suspect that something is up about her
She calls Peppino Dad and Gustavo Papa!
She also called Pepino an Gustavo her Ohana! And yes it is the quote from the Lilio and Stick movie :3
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She is a HUGE Disney fanatic, her fav movie/series is Lilio and Stitch. She actually grew up with the movie and series as a kido :]
She is a HUGE rival with LemonCake, they will often get in fist fights and arguments all the time.... Man talk about a generational curse....
She works as Peppino's delivery girl! Always getting the pizzas to there designated places in record speed ;]
She is EXTREMELY fast, I'm talking possibly faster then Pepino kinda fast
She's not too strong when it comes to her upper body strength but she IS super strong when it comes too her kicks! And yes she will kick people when startled lafmo
Due to her being an elf she can understand and talk to animals! And yes she will have long ass convos with Brick lamfo
She HATES literally all of the Noiseys, well except for Noah and Zackarie, she actually kinda likes them :}
She knows how to cook and stick/knit
She really likes Sophia! I like to imagine that they both like to draw together or to play video games together :] But on the other side she hates Maurice. Mainly because of how mean he is to Peppino....
She is a Demi Girl meaning she has She/Them pronouns, she is also Omnisexual!
Oh and I made a playlist for her :3
@mrfellsans @cutechan555 @luigigirl12 I hope y'all like her :]
Oh and creds to CuteChan for her name!!!
Oh and btw
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w3ret1ger · 3 months
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen dazai do to u/and or others?
To me he ,,uhm,, he said he was hungry then, he said and I quote "Go make me a sandwich, woman!!"... I'm hoping he had been eating some weird mushrooms again but eh,
And to other people, I'm pretty sure I saw him smack Kunikidas ass and say "zamn zaddy". Kunikida was not pleased.
//ooc platonic or romantic kunizai !! Or just normal Dazai, whatever you like !!
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
do you have any favorite fellow blogs who also do yandere scenarios but like the characters aren't a specific character more like a blank slate but still yandere does this make sense aaa sorry
I think what you might be looking for is yandere OC blogs or original yandere fiction! I get what you mean, I used to have the hardest time finding good authors or blogs that wrote about their own yandere scenarios rather than for a specific fandom.
A few I'd recommend/ am an avid reader of myself are:
onmyyan (Delicious w/ both fandom/ OG works but I am biased towards their OCs <3)
Yandere-sins (always slaying, writes fandom and OG works I believe~)
Weministertomonsters (Haven't read as much of their stuff as I'd like, but ZAMN that orc fic!!)
Wordsbymae (in love w/ their oc Eli, mostly OC works I think!)
Obsessivevoidkitten (ALWAYS fuck w/ their monster fics, mostly OC)
autumnworld19 (Kind of obsessed with their unique yandere prompts bro-- Some fandom and OG stuff as far as I'm aware!)
Heartfullofleeches (I NEED to read their supernatural harem series, mostly OC but some fandom stuff!)
Youryanderedaddy (Their writing make me wanna cry, mostly original stuff!)
Here's their tags in case the links don't work: @onmyyan @yandere-sins @weministertomonsters @wordsbymae @obsessivevoidkitten @autumnworld19 @heartfullofleeches @youryanderedaddy
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cheesemonky · 10 months
my pookie mooties!!
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@2minstan - where to start? one of my oldest friends, and I've literally had the most amazing times with you. i trust you with my life, and you'll prolly be the ring bearer at my wedding <3
@kailee08 - you're such a cutie and even tho you're a meanie :( you're an amazing person to talk to and you always leave amazing feedback on all my fics so yeah luv you bby <3 even if you're not writing anymore, you're so cool!!
@jinnie-ret - my first ever pookie and Im so grateful to u and kylei for introducing me to all these wonderful new people, and your fics are DELECTABLE I lub u :3
@yangbbokari - ur a swag lil kiddo but ur such a meanie LIKE IM NOT THAT OLD but I love you or whatever because you write so well and you're just a cute lil baby 💔 im gonna miss you so much, but im also so proud of you <3
@givemeabreakimbig28 - tall ass mf but <3 ur an amazing friend and proly knows a lot of my secrets but I trust you with them :)) luv u but I'll kill if u spill <3 stop looking at me like that btw, its literally scary asf man....
@hyunsvngs - mouth-watering fics and just... mwah, you're amazing and you only feed me more and more kinks to figure out. love u and the fact that your blog is a safe space <3
@beesspacedotorg - bonded over our shared husband Mr. Seungmin because y'all are both cuties are your first fic was AMAZING loved it so much bby <33
@atinyniki - NIKI I LOVE YOU like come give me a smooch alr??? you are such a sweet person and if I ever do meet u, I'm sure I'll love u as much as I alr do WE'LL PLAY VAL TGTH SOMEDAY :3
@michelle4eve - sweetest sweetie to ever sweetie, like I just saw u liking all my posts and was like ZAMN I didn't think I was that interesting but you're seemingly convinced otherwise <3 my little baby ilsym :>
@minholing - jenny ur such a sweet little thing and even though we live so far apart i love how well our talking times match up, iykwim?? but yeah, keep being the cutie you r <3 ill wait patiently for you to come back :)
@sona1800 - a new mootie of mine but so super duper fun to talk to and i really cant wait to see what you'll be writing in the future my love <3 great advice and i can talk to you almost all the time!!
honourable mentions!! @skzoologist and @writingforstraykids - i haven't gotten to know you guys very well, and we dont talk very much, but ik you guys are lovely people and i hope to be good friends with you in the future!!
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Rating Bucci Gang members on the 'how well could I bury my face into their tits' scale
(I did a La Squadra version of this first a little while ago, so for gits and shiggles I had to do the main team too as the second installment of this madness)
CW for man tiddies
Bruno Bucciarati: 10/10
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• I adore this mother of five with all my heart, I bet his chest would be so comfortable
• considering his height (185cm/6'1"), his chest would be easily accessible for ones face
• he's fairly slender, but seems to have quite a firm build, adding a comfortable firmness to the experience
• and paired with his kind paternal nature, I can see the overall experience being perfect as he'd happily let it just happen, perhaps seeing it as a silly form of affection and even perhaps even hugging back, only bringing one even closer to his chest
• Overall, a perfect, sweet VIP face in man titty experience
• bonus points for the open chested jacket (*grabby hands*)
Leone Abbacchio: 69/10
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• Zamn
• gotta love the goth dad tiddies
• for one, he is freaking tall too (188cm/6'2"), so one would have EXQUISITE access to dem bozongas
• he's broad too, broader than Bruno at least, so there'd be a lot to smoosh your face into, and a lot to touch
• I feel like he'd have quite a firm chest also
• was tempted to take points off for some possible flaws in his personality, considering he comes across as quite moody (and blue haha)
• but honestly, I feel like he'd freeze and not really give af
• with the smallest chance of being beaten off of him, face in tit experience is totally worth it
Guido Mista: 7/10
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• the gun boii
• love him so much, but he gets some points off for possible reasons I will explain in a moment
• on a positive note, he's also tall (182cm/6'0"), therefore, good access again
• I feel like he'd radiate a natural warmth as well, and he is also fairly broad/muscular, so it'd be pretty comfortable
• however
• I hate to be the one to say it, but I feel like his musky smell would ruin the experience (he kinda stinky)
• his personality however pairs fairly well though, he's sweet
• if he put on some aftershave, he'd get an extra point
Narancia Ghirga (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• the absolute bb
• he's an absolute sweetheart
• although he's a lot slenderer and a bit shorter (170.5cm/5'7") than the others, I feel like he'd be a pretty good head in chest experience
• tbh, with him, I'm talking about more affectionately, not as feral as I feel towards some of the others, he's seems too innocent for that
• but anyways, he's pretty muscular for his size and also, I feel like he'd give off a natural body heat too that's comforting, therefore making the experience comfortable too
• overall, it'd be a nice, adorable experience to rest one's head on his chest
Pannacotta Fugo (aged up if desired): 6/10
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• swiss cheese boi
• I think it'd be a pretty decent experience
• he's pretty tall for one (178cm/5'10") and I feel like he'd be comfy
• the only problem with this is maybe how he'd react or go about dealing with someone burying their face into his tits
• I feel like he'd just stand there, completely tense and stiff with his hands at his sides
• that would either be the case or I feel like he'd be somewhat outraged and maybe even get a bit pissy about it
• overall though, excluding those possible factors, decent experience but not the best
Giorno Giovanna (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• golden boi gets a solid eight
• he's fairly tall (172cm/5'8") and plus he also gets bonus points for the boob window
• I feel like he'd also have a natural warmth, not in an uncomfortable way though
• he's pretty reserved, so as perplexed as he'd intially seem if someone were to bury their face in his chest, I don't think he'd do anything
• I think he'd just let it happen tbh
• we need to also consider that he has Brando genes flowing through him
• so, maybe on another occasion, he'd indulge in it
• overall, it would be a pretty 'golden experience'
(I'm still mentally ill and apparently have no shame, and also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!)
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tongaris · 6 months
YOOO i finished stampede last night so here are my rambling thoughts bc i just woke up:
first of all the opening theme is a bop. kudos to whoever fought for that color scheme during the beginning titles. it reminds me of the children of dune miniseries from the early 00s (all the orange), early 90s orange/teal/purple and like, taco bell. sick. good font choices, sand blowing away to reveal lettering always goes hard. windmill and things sinking into the sand, awesome.
i don't know how kids are straight up rawdogging stampede without reading the manga first though!! the manga is the backbone of trigun, it is the Primary Source document of trigun!! no question. in stampede, there is so much crammed in this short frame of time, there is like so much happening, I DO NOT MIND THIS THOUGH bc i'm well acquainted. but i feel like someone with no prior trigun exposure might have difficulty keeping up with all of it? at the same time, i get the vibe that stampede was made primarily for people who already HAVE decades of massive trigun brainrot, who know how plants work, etc. it's cool that stampede's ushered new fans into this universe. someone on crunchyroll was saying how they hit you with all the lore and secrets up front, there's no buildup. but like imo it's understood you KNOW the backstory and stampede is just this fresh re-imagining of it. stampede's just a really pretty, lovingly-wrought cherry on the sundae of your existing trigun fandom. it is like, a gift to all of us??
it started out and i'm like okay this is literally Tremors, now it's The Wolfwood Show, i loved how they did the badlads even though no BDN (BDN my beloved), lots of character design diversity, not alot of "sameface" which i respect, great voice acting. i have never been a huge fan of cgi in anime but zamn they made it work SO well like the cell shading was just phenomenal. glad that they didn't shy away from blood. well utilized gore, not gratuitous. the final battle with vash and knives was gorgeous. SO WELL ANIMATED MY GODD. love how knives has this classically "good" angelic color scheme and vash is all chthonic black and dark purples?? this is my initial reaction after powering through it once, i'll rewatch soon for stuff i missed.
someone do a gifset of meryl kicking ww in the shin and making him shiver like a traumatized shiba inu PLEASE bc i haven't seen that on here yet lmao. also love how wolfwood would say some tough edgy shit to appear callous/indifferent but you can immediately tell by his eyes/actions that he truly feels otherwise. boy we see right thru you.
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