floofyboi57 · 2 years
[sits up in bed in a cold sweat]
[….immediately falls back asleep]
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captainmaplesblog · 2 years
Life of Lea Volume 3 Chapter 4: The Con Magic
Oliver looks at the angry crowd completely confused.
"Is there anything I can help you, folks, with?" Oliver asks.
“Yes! We heard that the Bad Apple mistress is out here! How dare you bring her back home!?” The man in the front replies.
“What are you talking about? My big sister is not home, I brought my mother back home,” Oliver says sternly.
    “You dare talk ill of your mother? How vial! We all know Mama Vendetta has been dead for ages!” a woman in the crowd replies.
    “She was killed by her daughter in 1994! That’s what she got arrested for” another man implies.
    Nami comes forward, “No you're all wrong I was thrown into the timeless zone in 1994, Rosetta didn’t murder me” she explains.
    The crowd grew quiet as they looked at each other confused. Sergean gets up slowly as his hands glowed green before zapping the crowd.
    “Sergean, why did you zap them? They weren’t going to attack us” Lea exclaims.
    “Because it’s obvious that they were put on one big chaos spell…it’s con magic…so I reversed it and freed them from that spell” Sergean replies.
    “W-Who would do such a thing?” Lea asks even though she has a small idea of what con magic could be.
    Nami goes to the crowd with a gentle expression, “What is the last thing everyone remembers?” Nami asked.
    They looked at one of the others as they tried to recall. 
    “There was a duo of performers who came by earlier,” a girl says as she takes a flier out of her pocket before handing it over to Sergean.
    Sergean looks at the flier carefully before scowling, “It’s Kitty Ruton and his partner in crime, Sparrow Olli” Sergean exclaims.
    “So that’s why he left without saying anything when we left the mermaid dimension” Lea replies with a pout.
    “Now we gotta go find them and interrogate” Sergean exclaims.
“I’ll come with you” Lea implies.
“A good reason to kick him in his balls,” Lea thought.
“Wait-Really?” Sergean says as he looks at her confused and a bit shocked.
“Yes? Now let’s go” Lea said as she got her shoes on.
Sergean nods as they walk around the crowd and go towards Fri Town.
“So, are we gonna split up and look for them or are we gonna look for them together?” Lea asks as she follows him since she doesn’t know which direction Fri Town is in.
“We are gonna look together, of course, if we split, you’d get lost all on your own” Sergean replies as he looks at her suspiciously. 
“Fair I would get lost but it doesn’t mean I can try to find them by myself,” Lea says.
 “…You just want to kick Kitty in his dick” Sergean replies unamused.
“Well that’s one reason but I also wanna stop being useless” Lea exclaims bluntly.
“Nobody has ever called you useless” Sergean replies as he tries to read her body language.
“They don’t have to say it out loud, their actions speak for themselves…which I interrupt as a disappointment,” Lea says.
 “Lea, do you need someone to talk to?” Sergean asks.
 “No, I don’t… I just gotta be strong” Lea replied sarcastically. 
Sergean stops her as he pulls her into a hug, “It’s ok if you’re not” He exclaims.
 “Yeah…ok…whatever you say” she mutters in an annoyed tone as the voice of Mama and her Aunt Nancy ringed in her head telling her to be strong for her mom and help her as much as she can. 
“I wanna find that cat soon so I can kick his ass…wHy? YoUr sO wEaK…yOu’Re A bAd DaUgHtEr ThAt’S wHy MoM iS sIcK… iT’S aLl YoUr FaUlT…” Lea shakes her head a bit as she tries not to cry. “…He smells nice…this feels nice…” she thought to herself.
 “You ok there, Lea?” Sergean asked curiously as he felt her shake her head.
 “Mhm…” Lea lied before Sergean let go of her.
 “Let’s get going then,” Sergean says as he tries not to blush as they get out of the forest.
 Lea nodded and then followed him since he knew where they were headed.
 “Should’ve brought my food with me to finish on the way” Lea thought to herself as her stomach growled.
 Sergean notices and takes out a bag of crunchy fried fish.
  “Here I grabbed this earlier…help yourself to this” Sergean said as he gave her the bag.
 Lea looks him up and down, “What else are you stashing your coat?” she asks.
 Sergean chuckles, “That’s for me to know and for you to be in the dark” he replies.
 “Yeah that’s gonna get real old and one day sooner or later I’ll body scan you thoroughly as they do at airports,” Lea says as she glares at him.
 “Airports?” Sergean replies as he looks at her confused.
 “Yes, an airport,” Lea says as they get into Fri Town.
 “Ok…anyways let’s start looking for Kitty and Sparrow” Sergean replied.
  “So how do we do this? We don’t have the whole group as we did in the mermaid dimension” Lea exclaims.
“Hm…” Sergean says as he looks at Lea, “I think you’re ready to learn the clone spell like Vanessa and the others learned” Sergean replies.
“Really? You said I didn’t have the brain cells to do that spell” Lea says bluntly. 
Sergean coughs a little bit as he tries not to laugh at his own words. 
“Well now I am taking back my words, you do have enough brain cells to learn the spell” Sergean replies. 
“Alright, then how does the spell work?” Lea asks. 
Sergean took her to a bench and then got out his spellbook. He then opens the book to the clone spell and helps Lea do the poses.
  “Ok now give it a try, Lea” Sergean exclaims as he backs away and sits on the bench to observe her movements.
Lea nods as she does the poses steadily as her body starts to glow orange. Then a poof of smoke appeared and then so did one clone Lea appears to. Sergean clapped as he was proud of her before looking at the clone carefully. 
“You did a good job with making this clone, Lea” Sergean exclaims. 
Lea nodded in agreement, “Now it's your turn, Sergean” Lea replied. 
Sergean nods in agreement then does the clone spell on himself and now they are a group of four.
“Now let’s go find Kitty and Sparrow” Sergean exclaims before they both leave in pairs. 
The clone pair looks through the north and south of Fri Town as the main pair looks in the west and east of Fri Town. Lea and Sergean looked around carefully as they stood on guard. Lea and Sergean searched around the city hall, the apartment building; the gym. As they made their way toward Raw Power Park, Sergean put on his under-spell glasses in case Sparrow and Kitty were in disguise. Lea looked around cautiously as they made their way toward the entrance of the park. She notices a man with red hair; and gold eyes walking suspiciously by the fountain and benches. Lea then tugs on Sergean’s sleeve before signaling him to look at the odd guy. Sergean turns to look at the guy and he can see that it is Sparrow in disguise. He then grabs Lea’s hand and rushes toward the guy as she follows him as they charge at Sparrow. 
Sparrow notices Lea and Sergean coming toward him, “Um…how may I help you two love birds?” he asks calmly.
“Yes, you can, Sparrow Olli” Sergean replies as he lets go of Lea’s hand before getting ready to chase anything Sparrow would try to pull during the confrontation.
“Sparrow Olli? Who’s he? My name is Sean Edwards” Sparrow exclaims in character. 
Sergean then uses a disguise dispeller rope spell that glows gold as it wraps around Sparrow, causing his disguise to disappear. Sparrow’s mint hair, blue & gold eyes, and 1 orange feather are then revealed.
“Well, rats…the cat is out of the bag, you’ve captured me,” Sparrow says dramatically like a drama queen.
“Cut the crap and take us to Kitty. We need to have a chat with him” Lea replies sternly.
“I’m not gonna answer to a shrimp like you,” Sparrow says with a smirk.
Lea looks at Sparrow with a blank expression before kicking Sparrow’s eggs. Sparrow shutters a bit before buckling his legs and falling. 
“……Ow” Sparrow mutters before groaning in pain.
Sergean widens his eyes slightly before letting out a slight chuckle.
“Talk now, bird,” Lea says sternly with annoyance as she has channeled her inner Edward Elric.
“Ok…ok…ow…before you give me blue balls…I’ll take you both to Kitty” Sparrow replies as he lies on the ground.
“Good,” Lea says before sending a text to the clones of the news before making a cloud wagon to put Sparrow on.
Sergean puts Sparrow on the cloud wagon while keeping him tied up.
“Lead the way, little birdie” Lea exclaims.
“Go West/South past Fierce Magica School and Cunning Restaurant, at the corner of the town there is a portal colored like Kitty” Sparrow explains. 
Lea and Sergean nod and follow his instructions once the clones come back to them. Sergean and Lea get the memories of their clones once the clones dissolve. 
“Looks like he is telling the truth, our clones found the portal” Sergean exclaims.
Lea nods as she follows Sergean and walks towards the Fierce Magica School and Cunning Restaurant. Sparrow grovels quietly as he gets pulled on the cloud wagon. Once they got to the pastel portal, Sparrow guided them to Kitty’s office. He tried to mess up the directions but Sergean just made the ropes tighter for Sparrow to cooperate with them. They got to his office after 15 minutes of stalling and misleading instructions. 
“Kitty, I’m back! Let me in, I have news for you” Sparrow exclaims once at the door.
“About time… what took you so long?” Kitty replies for Lea to kick him in his con coins.
Kitty groans and falls to his knees before Lea's high kick pins him to the floor. 
“Surprise motherfucker,” Lea says while smiling with annoyance.
“Oh…well hello pretty kitty princess~” Kitty replies with a flirtatious expression and tone. 
“Shut it pussycat we have questions for you,” Sergean says as he glares at Kitty in annoyance. 
“Oh? What about the green giant?” Kitty replies smugly.
“Why did you put a chaos spell on the town folk?” Sergean asks.
“I don’t know why Lea is wearing a dress during the interrogation. Did she want me to have a sneak peek? Let me guess she learned this from Madam Sour Puss, yes?” Kitty replies before chuckling.   
“Sour puss? Who are you talking about?” Lea says confused.
“Well from the tell of your shorts, Miss. Sour Puss hasn’t told you why she’s helping with the plan against The Bad Apples, I mean a cat and two teens could take a book anytime” Kitty replies.
“A book?... Hold on, are you talking about Mimi? She’s not a sour puss, she’s more like a sassy delight” Lea exclaims.
“Haha as if, she’s only being risky so she can avenge Dr. Fei and Dr. Perla Lay” Kitty replies smugly.
“Her parents? What does their passing have to do with the Bad Apples?” Sergean asks.
“Ask her bestie, she knows their story” Kitty replies.
“Fine but we’re bringing you and Sparrow with us,” Lea says curiously. 
Sergean uses the same rope spell and ties Kitty and Sparrow together. Kitty was then lying on Sparrow’s back as he was facing the ceiling. 
“You’ve lost weight congrats, Sparrow,” Kitty says nonchalantly as he looks at Sparrow as much as he can give him eye contact. 
“Thanks for noticing, Kit, I have been working hard to strengthen my legs and core” Sparrow replies as Sergean opens a portal to the Ice Region.
Lea and Sergean made their way into the portal while pulling Kitty and Sparrow on the cloud wagon.
“I wonder what Mimi’s story is about,” Lea thought as she remembered the argument between Mimi and Glendora in the Air Region.
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12 Days of Kinkmas Day Ten: Candy Cane
While hunting the Krampus, Dipper and Wendy decide to lure it into a trap by acting naughty.
Wendip requested by anonymous
This story is rated E for explicit and is for adults only. All characters depicted are over 18.  No minors
It was December. It was a cold bitter night. Dipper and Wendy had traveled to the alps in hopes of finding proof of the Krampus, the legendary punisher of naughty children. The duo did not expect to have such a strong snow storm to hit them. There was no way the two could make it back to the hotel. They found a small wooden cabin to take refuge in.
“On a scale of one to ten, how much of this is a trap?” Dipper asked his friend.
“Oh yeah it’s a huge fucking trap.”
The two friends searched the house but found nothing strange. A bed, a kitchen with food, and a bathroom.
“Hey Dipper, I’m gonna take a show.”
“Yeah, I mean, the trapper isn’t attacking now. Might as well warm myself up. My ass is freezing.”
Dipper checked the food while Wendy showered. Using a scanner Ford invited, Dipper checked the food for poison, magic, and spoilage. He found nothing. Wendy walked out in jeans and a plaid shirt.
“I can’t find anything wrong with the food.”
“Great, I’m starving!” Wendy took a big bite of an apple. Dipper shot her a look. “What? I’m hungry. The question is, is this trap set by our friend the Krampus or a third party?”
“I wouldn’t rule out a witch,” Dipper pondered. “But I’m not detecting magic anywhere.”
While Dipper was thinking, Wendy had an idea of her own. “What if we draw the Krampus here? Set a trap in the trap?”
“Maybe, we were having trouble hunting him. So maybe that might work.” Dipper paced as he thought about it. “He goes after people who are naughty. So what can we do that is naughty?”
“Uh, this?” Wendy lifted her flannel shirt exposing her bare breasts to her friend.
“Look man I know it’s weird, but we’re adults. What can we do that’s considered naughty? Eat sweets late?”
“Okay I see your point. It was just a bit sudden.”
“Yeah but that just makes it naughtier.”
Although it had been years since Dipper had gotten over his crush on her. But he had to admit that she was very attractive. Which made it all awkward when he did what he did next.
“Well, how’s naughty is this?” Dipper pulled his pants down showing Wendy his semi hard dick.
“Hmm, that’s super naughty. But this is naughtier.”  Wendy knelt down in front of him and ran her tongue along the underside of his dick.
“Oh fuck Wendy!”
“Where do you get off?” Lick. “Growing up so fucking hot!” Lick “Do you?” Lick. “have any idea how much you’re driving me crazy!” The redhead pulled his whole dick in her mouth.
“Wendy wait!” Wendy looked up, worried she had crossed a line. “I want to make you feel good too.”
“Hey dude.” Wendy led him to the bed. She stripped her jeans exposing her red bush to him. Following her instruction Dipper laid down on the bed, as she stepped over his head. Her dripping sex was hovering above him. As she lowered her mouth over his cock, he ran his tongue over her wet sex.
As they continued 69ing each other, they almost forgot their goal. A clatter on the roof brought their attention to it. A monstrous goat man fell down the chimney.
“No premarital sex ever!” He croaked.
Without dressing, Dipper and Wendy jumped into action. They grabbed the equipment that Ford and gifted them and attacked the monster. The Krampus croaked as he took a swap of his claws at the two nude naughty doers. They zapped him, reducing him to stone.
The couple cheered. “No more eating children for you,” Wendy shouted.
“So are we going to talk about what just happened?” Dipper nervously asked. They stood awkwardly naked until a scream broke the silence. In the doorway stood an old woman with green molten skin.
“What happened to my house!”
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amusewithaview · 5 years
Purrfect Love (Darcy x Natasha SM AU)
A/N: Kicking off my contributions to the Darcyland Autumn Revival with Part One of a story I conceived and wrote MANY moons ago.  Will post part two this afternoon and part three tomorrow at the latest (still polishing).
Darcy wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about this whole moving-into-Stark-Tower thing.  She could understand Thor’s reasoning: with Loki having escaped Asgard (again) it was best for Jane and co. to be close to some sort of protection.  On the other hand, Stark Tower had a history of being ground zero for battles and/or attacks.  Darcy had seen this movie before, she was pretty sure it was of the ‘plucky sidekick sacrifices self for heroine’ stripe and while, yeah, Jane was pretty awesome and, to be honest, she probably would throw herself between the scientist and any psychos, she’d really rather not be put in that situation.
“I still don’t see why we couldn’t have hung out on the Bus,” she told Jane a few days into their stay.
“The what?”
“The Bus. At least, I think that’s what I heard Thor call it.  That one agent, that guy who stole all your stuff?  He’s trying to rebuild SHIELD without Hydra, and he’s got some sort of flying base-of-operations.”
Jane paused in her inventory of their machines to shoot her s skeptical look, “Are you sure this was an actual conversation and not the product of weird late-night snacks and bad TV?”
“I maintain that cheesecake and tacos are a fantastic combination,” she replied loftily.
“Oh, come on, it was one time, Jane!”
“You woke up screaming about blue aliens, Parks and Rec, and cherry bombs,” the scientist said evenly, “it left an impression.”
“Fine, I allow that the Tower is probably a good choice right now,” Darcy muttered.
“Good, because…I was thinking that maybe we should stay.  Even after they catch Loki again.”
“You were what?!”
The Great Base Debate was put on hold when Thor comm’d them via JARVIS to let them know that he was returning with his friends.  Loki was ‘not yet defeated,’ but he had been ‘struck a grievous blow.’  Darcy was impressed with JARVIS’s ability to imitate Thor’s speech cadence all while maintaining his trademark dry, verging-on-bored tone of voice.  She wasn’t sure if it was a programmed or a learned skill, but she definitely wanted to cultivate it.
She hung back in the lab finishing what was left of the inventory, which was apparently a much more urgent task than she’d realized since Jane was considering converting this trial run to a more permanent move.  Darcy knew that by the time she finished, Jane and Thor would have reunited and headed off to the nearest appropriate quarters for a more horizontal post-battle reunion.  Since she’d been allocated a bedroom that adjoined Jane’s suite, Darcy thought it would be a good idea to avoid her room for a bit, just in case.  Thor was surprisingly quiet, it was Jane that was the screamer.
Chalk that up as Reason #8 that most people don’t live with their bosses. There are just some things you don’t want to know about the person you collate for.
Darcy finished up, shut the lights off – asked JARVIS to shut the lights off, really – then took the elevator up to the area Ms. Potts had told them was ‘for everyone, really, I mean that.’  The ‘everyone’ area included a kitchen, small library, and TV room.  Darcy planned to avail herself of the first two, not entirely because Jane might have had a point about late-night snacks and bad TV.
She was about 90% certain that Stark would have channels she’d never even heard of.
The kitchen was…not as deserted as she’d expected.  There was a cat sitting on the counter next to the fridge.  It was a really pretty cat, big and fluffy, its fur an interesting combination of what looked like every shade from black to white, making it look almost like a living shadow.  As she got closer, she could see that its eyes were a brilliant green and that it was watching her every bit as closely as she was watching it.
She slowly offered her closed fist for a sniff, voice falling into the saccharine coo of cat lovers everywhere as she murmured, “What a pretty puss! Bet you purr awful sweet…”
The cat’s ears flicked back as she started speaking, but it held still while she reached out towards it. Darcy stopped when her hand was about two inches away from the cat’s nose, letting it decide what it wanted to do. It looked at her face for a moment before leaning in and rubbing its cheek across her knuckles.
A muffled sound behind her had Darcy jerking back and spinning to find a strange man standing on the opposite side of the kitchen island, one hand pressed to his mouth while he stifled…laughter?  He had a bow on his back, so that made him Hawkeye, or Clint Barton.  Darcy had yet to meet any of the Avengers (not counting Thor), they’d already headed out by the time Thor arranged for transport to the Tower.
After a moment, he recovered enough to offer her a smiley, “Hello!”
“Uh, hi?” she said. “Is she yours?” she stepped to one side, gesturing… which she realized belatedly was entirely unnecessary as there probably weren’t multiple cats wandering around the Tower.  At least, she thought there probably weren’t?  On the other hand, she’d been surprised to find this one, so who knew?  Maybe Stark had a whole menagerie.
“In a manner of speaking,” he said, eyeing Darcy with a twinkle in his eyes.
The cat let out a low hiss.
Clint rolled his eyes. “That,” he pointed at the cat, “is Natasha Romanov.  She’d introduce herself, but she’s kind of…incapable at the moment.”
Darcy opened her mouth, shut it, and then attempted a reasonable response: “Are you serious?”
He nodded, “Yep. She’s why we broke off the attack on Loki: he zapped her just as Thor was about to go in for the takedown.”
Darcy turned so she could see both the cat and the man at the same time.  The cat, which may or may not have been the Black Widow, was giving Clint a very unimpressed look, but that was normal cat behavior and not really an indicator of secretly-a-person-ness.  She rubbed her temples with her fingers.  “This is some Prisoner of Azkaban type shit.  Is it always like this?”
“The Tower?”
He paused, obviously thinking it over.  “This is the first time somebody’s been turned into a cat,” he offered, “but there was a de-aging incident last week and an interdimensional doppelganger the month before.”
Darcy stared at him. “I can’t tell if you’re screwing with me or not.”
He rolled his eyes, “Relax, I only fuck with people I know.  Speaking of which, you are…?”
“Darcy Lewis: lab assistant to Jane, friend of Thor.  He wants us here for our own safety while Loki is running amok…but it might become a more permanent thing, I guess,” she grimaced.  “Assuming I can’t talk Jane out of it, I mean.”
Clint took a step forward and hooked one of the stools out from beneath the lip of the island, seating himself on it.  He had an oddly intent look on his face, like he was measuring her, or something, but he was some sort of secret agent. That sort of behavior probably came with the territory.  “So you’re Darcy.  Thor speaks very highly of you,” Clint told her, “and I know he’s been talking about discussing a move with Jane for a while. You don’t want to live here?  With all the superheroes and cool gadgets – “
“And weird magic and alien invasions?”  Since it looked like he was settling in, she grabbed a seat too, snagging an apple from the bowl between them in the middle of the island.  “I mean, I was there for the New Mexico thing, and the London thing, and the Saskatchewan thing, so magic and aliens and sentient tree-things aren’t exactly new,” she explained, picking at the stem and studiously avoiding his eyes, “but they’re not really normal either, and I’m just not sure I want them to become my new ‘normal.’”
He nodded in understanding, “I get it, I do.  Have you looked for other work?”
She shrugged, then tried not to jump when the cat – Natasha(?) – was suddenly at her elbow, sitting not six inches away.  “I have,” she said slowly, side-eyeing the cat, “but not seriously.  I don’t actually want to leave Jane. I like working with her, it’s fun and it’s interesting, and she’s doing good work that matters, you know?”
“I know,” Clint said solemnly, and, well of course he did.  He was an Avenger.
“Anyways,” Darcy shrugged, “It’s not set in stone yet.  I’m gonna work on talking Jane out of it.  I’ve got till you guys catch Loki, right?”
“Right,” he said, nodding slowly.
The cat stood, the tip of her tail twitching back and forth, and crossed over to him.  The duo engaged in a brief stare down, and then the cat was climbing onto Clint’s shoulder, settling down with a satisfied-sounding, “Mrrr.”
“So,” Clint said, turning his focus back to Darcy, “that means we’ve got just as long to convince you to stay.”
“… What?”
He got up, one hand lifting to brace the cat in case she lost her balance (highly unlikely since 1) she was a cat, and 2) she was Natasha Romanov). “We’ll try and show you the normal, not-crazy side of the Tower so that, even if you can’t convince Jane to change her mind, you won’t have so many reservations about living here.”
Darcy stared at him.  “You and the recently-a-human feline,” she said slowly, “are going to convince me that this place isn’t crazy?”
“We’re gonna try.”
The cat started purring.
“Why?” Darcy asked, suspicious.  “I mean… no, I really just mean the ‘why.’”
He smiled amiably, “Maybe we just need something constructive to do while we wait for the magic to wear off.”  With that, he turned and left the kitchen.
She stared after them. “This place is so weird.”
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KH OC Week 2019--Day 3: Friends or Lovers?
What Are Friends For?
[So this was fun to write. I was able to explore Erica's relationship with Ven a little more. And I also came to realize another trait of hers that apparently was staring right at me.
This is roughly about the same length as Together Through Wind and Sky, so this is long-ish. I can never write anything short, apparently. But without further ado, off we go! @khoc-week]
Today’s mission was to hunt down a large Heartless in Wonderland. And collect Lux, obviously. It was simple enough. She’d done it before. She just hoped it wasn’t another thunder-based Heartless. There were way too many close calls last time. And Grumpy had been complaining non-stop every time she’d come by the cottage.
“I still feel that zap that darned thing gave me!” he’d complain. And Erica would apologize every time.
Stepping through the corridor of light, she was met with the slightly humid and dewy Forest Grove.
“I wonder how Alice is doing,” Erica said.
She skimmed over her surroundings before beginning to make her way through the grove. A couple Yellow Operas appeared in her path, but she was quick to deal with them with a well-placed Fire Raid.
She wondered if she’d run into anyone today. Last time she came here she had met the White Rabbit. Or rather she saw him, since he was running about as usual. But at least they had exchanged a brief greeting before he disappeared to who knows where.
Heartless riding flower airplanes blocked her path. Summoning Starlight, Erica rolled out of the way of some incoming seeds before casting Blizzara at a Heartless. She barely had a moment to ready another attack when she had to deflect more shots.
The bolts demolished the small group. And like countless times before, Lux was released from the Heartless. For a brief moment, she felt its warmth before it disappeared into the air. Or at least, that’s what she assumed. She was never told where that light went—only to collect it.
Erica briefly scanned her surroundings. “All right. Coast is clear.”
She dismissed Starlight and pressed on. Upon entering a sort of small tunnel made of leaves, she ducked her head. Dew and strangely cedarwood filled her nose, and it reminded her of Snow White’s cottage.
I wonder if the prince ever tried her apple pie. The dwarves have told me it’s really good.
A shout pulled her out of her thoughts. Picking up the pace, Erica broke into a clearing dotted with small puddles. There was also a group of Heartless closing in on something by that big leaf. . . .
A Keyblade knocked a few Heartless back, pulling a gasp from Erica.
She knew that Keyblade.
Ventus blocked incoming seeds as he risked a glance at Erica summoning Starlight.
Heartless were forced back as Erica’s Keyblade struck them. Seconds later, she caught her weapon and took her place next to Ventus.
“Erica? What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I’m tracking a Heartless down.”
“Really? Me too.”
Erica eliminated a Tornado Step with Fira. “Maybe we have the same mission.”
“I guess. But, we should take these guys out first.”
Together, the duo combated the Heartless. Light on his feet, Ventus breezed past several shots and threw his Keyblade at the Heartless. It ricocheted from one enemy to the next, and shortly afterwards some of them were destroyed by a thunder spell from Erica.
Erica jumped back from a Tornado Step’s ground pound before darting forward, and after some good whacks it was done for. Another Tornado Step spun toward her from behind, knocking her to the ground. She turned around to counter when a bolt of lightning struck it down.
“Thanks, Ven!”
He replied with a nod before blocking a Soldier’s claws. It swiped at him again, and Ventus darted behind it and swung his Keyblade down onto it. A heart floated up, and he felt the Lux’s brief warmth before it disappeared.
It wasn’t long before the Heartless were eliminated. The two wielders finished the fight back to back, and Ventus dismissed his Keyblade with a breath.
“Are you okay?” Erica asked.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine,” Ventus said, leading Erica to dismiss her own Keyblade. “What about you?”
“I’m okay.”
Ventus nodded, and his eyes traveled up the giant leaf. “You said we might have the same mission. So, what Heartless are you after?”
“Well I know it’s a big one. But I can’t remember what it’s called.”
“Do you remember what it looks like?”
Erica folded her arms. “Let’s see. The arms kinda look like they’re made of paper, it has two batons, aaaand the legs bend weird.”
“I guess we do have the same mission.”
“Okay. So let’s work together.”
“What? But . . . we’re from different Unions.”
“That shouldn’t matter.”
“It shouldn’t?”
Erica shook her head. “I still think we should work together. It’ll be easier. Besides, you’re my friend. I wouldn’t let you go after it alone, even if we’re from different Unions.”
He contemplated on her words. “I guess I wouldn’t want to let you do it alone, either.” He laced his fingers behind his head. “You’re my friend, too.”
Erica smiled. “Then let’s go get that Heartless!”
With a nod, Ventus followed her up the giant leaf, and they hopped from leaf to flower as they made their way to another leafy tunnel.
“Have you run into Alice?”
“I don’t think I have,” Ventus replied. “But I did see that cat.”
“Oh. He’s kind of . . . weird. But he helps. I think.”
“I did ask him if he’s seen that Heartless we’re after, but he just told me a riddle.”
“What was the riddle?”
“Somethin’ about reaching new heights fit for a ‘skittering little servant.’ ”
“Reaching new heights. . . . Maybe we have to get better?”
“I don’t think that’s it.”
Erica landed on another flower, but she didn’t quite keep her balance very well. She teetered from one side to the next before finding herself falling back, a squeak slipping out. Luckily Ventus was right behind her to keep her steady.
“Thanks. Again,” she said.
After correcting themselves, the two continued forward a little more carefully. They were getting pretty high up now, and she bet they probably looked like ants to anything that was bigger than them. 
Hey wait a second.
“I got it!” Erica blurted, making Ventus flinch. “Sorry.”
“You figured it out?” he asked.
“Well part of it. I think the cat was trying to tell you to keep going up. So we’re on the right track so far.”
“Oh. That makes sense. But, what about the servant part?”
“Not sure. But we’ll figure it out eventually.”
Ventus and Erica soon reached another leafy tunnel that gradually led to denser foliage the deeper they went in. Trees began to tower over them, and before they knew it they had reached a familiar but odd forest. Quite a few paths split off into many directions, and the signs that were meant to point the way were . . . vague, for starters.
“Hmm. Which way?” Erica asked.
Ventus held his chin. “We could go left.”
“There’s two lefts, and one of them’s a dead end.”
“But the other one leads to that tea party.”
“Okay. Let’s check there.”
Just as they took a few steps forward, Heartless appeared all around them. Both wielders summoned their Keyblades as they stood back to back.
“Ready?” Erica asked.
“Ready,” Ventus replied.
Erica darted to the side to avoid a ground slam from a Tornado Step as Ventus swiftly moved forward. Okay. No fire spells here. Too many trees.
“Thunder!” Erica shouted.
Soldiers and Flower Riders were stunned by the spell, and she hurled her Keyblade at them to finish them off.
Meanwhile with Ventus, he was dashing from one Heartless to the next. Every now and then he would glance over to Erica to see how she was doing. And so far she was doing fine.
He blocked incoming seeds before rapidly defeating the Flower Rider. Tornado Steps and Shadows closed in on him, and he casted Aerora to toss them around. Coating his Keyblade with air, he flung it towards the Heartless.
Erica whacked a Soldier into a tree, and she spotted dots of red from the corner of her eye. A couple Red Nocturnes were taking aim at Ventus, whose back was still turned.
He turned around just as balls of fire came at him. But instead of hitting him. . . .
They collided into a crystal sphere that was now sheltering him.
“Woah! How’d you do that?” he asked.
“I’m uh, still learning that spell, so it kinda just . . . comes out,” Erica tried to explain.
“Wow. . . .” Ventus quickly shook himself from him stupor and rushed behind a Heartless before defeating it with a swift strike.
Casting Blizzara, he demolished the Red Nocturnes as Erica struck down a Tornado Step. A Soldier knocked her down, and she rolled out of the way of several seed shots. Jumping to her feet, she thrust Starlight into the Soldier. She led another Soldier to spin right into its comrades, and she found herself next to Ventus just finishing off a Heartless.
The remaining Heartless grouped together and eyed the duo, who returned their look. Together, Ventus and Erica dove right in. While Ventus’s attacks were quick and successive, Erica’s were occasionally laced with magic. And they both kept within each other’s sights.
“Wow you’re really fast!” Erica said, to which Ventus replied with a small laugh.
Within minutes the group of Heartless had shrunk down to a single Flower Rider. It fired once again at them, driving the duo apart. Both of them cast a different spell, and the Heartless was easily defeated.
“Phew! We did it.”
“I guess we did!” Ventus agreed.
The two dismissed their Keyblades as Erica made use of an Ether.
“Are you okay?” they both asked. They stared at each other for a moment before laughing.
“I’m all right,” Erica answered.
“Me too, but I think we should take a break before—”
Pattering and muttering from a pathway leading to a castle brought their attention to the White Rabbit jogging by.
“Hey it’s that rabbit,” Erica said.
“He seems calm for a change,” Ventus commented.
They watched him continue on his way in the direction of his quaint little house.
Calm for a change. . . . Hmm. . . .
“I think I figured out the rest of the riddle,” Ventus said.
“Really?” Erica asked.
“The skittering servant is supposed to be the White Rabbit.”
“So if we put it together, then that means we have to . . . find the White Rabbit somewhere high up?”
“Well, his house is higher than where we started.” Then it dawned on him. Oh no.
A scream suddenly filled the air.
Erica followed Ventus down the path the White Rabbit took. Once they reached the rabbit’s house, they spotted him cowering before their towering target.
“Sh-sh-shoo! Shoo! Oh why do these monsters always try to destroy my house?!” he cried.
“We’ll take care of it!” Erica assured as she and Ventus stood between the rabbit and the Heartless.
“It’s you! A-a-and you!”
“Find someplace safe!” Ventus urged. “We’ll handle this guy!”
“All right all right! Just don’t break my house!” The White Rabbit wasted no time in fleeing the area.
“Ready!” Erica said.
The Heartless swung its batons down, forcing the duo to split.
“Ven, get the legs! I’ll try to get the weak spot!”
“Got it!” Ventus darted for the legs as Erica narrowly avoided another swing.
The Heartless swung down again, but this time she jumped onto its baton. It tossed its weapon up in an attempt to throw her off, but instead, it gave her the boost she wanted.
“Freeze!” Erica shot ice three times right at its chest before hurling her Keyblade as hard as she could. And every attack was a direct hit.
Catching Starlight, she felt herself begin to drop.
And she realized she had no plan on how to land.
“Not good!”
Ventus looked up at Erica falling and throwing her Keyblade at its hand, forcing it to drop its baton to keep it from swatting her out of the air. “Wind!”
His spell surrounded her just as she was coming close to the ground.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Y-yeah. Guess I wasn’t really thinking,” Erica admitted.
They jumped back from another attack and locked onto its chest. Throwing their Keyblades, they made their mark and brought it down. With it vulnerable, they could easily attack its weak spot.
After several hits, however, the Heartless picked itself back up. Erica and Ventus veered away from it as it locked onto them. It raised its arms as Erica casted Thundara onto it, and Ventus once again came for its legs.
Only to stop once he noticed its batons were now lit.
The duo exchanged looks before evading fireballs, pulling a scream out of the White Rabbit.
“Quick, put the fire out!” Erica exclaimed.
The tip of Ventus’s Keyblade glowed an icy blue as the Heartless raised its arms again. He launched the spell at the last moment, but he was only able to put out one baton. A hand jerked him back in the nick of time, and he felt a wave of heat as the Heartless slammed down.
The ground shook, making the wielders stumble. It swung down again, and with a grunt Erica summoned a barrier. The batons pinged against it, momentarily stunning the Heartless.
Ventus extinguished the other baton the instant the barrier went down. He darted for its legs again as Erica used Blizzard Raid, but the Heartless batted Starlight away. The Keyblade embedded itself right into the tree the White Rabbit was hiding behind, pulling another scream from him.
Erica felt a breeze as she narrowly rolled away from a swing. Spotting her weapon partially coating a tree with ice, she reached her hand out to it. Come on. . . . I need you to come back!
All she saw was a blur of purple and black, and the next thing she knew, she was sent flying through the air.
Her back slammed into a tree. Black flashed across her vision as she slid down, and she barely registered the ground beneath her.
Ventus casted a quick Blizzard spell before sprinting for her. She struggled to push herself up, but her arms easily gave out.
The Heartless trained its eyes onto Ventus and readied an attack. Erica willed herself to speak, but any warning she had remained caught in her throat.
Ventus followed her gaze too soon, and he was sent soaring toward the White Rabbit’s garden. 
A noise was all Erica could muster as the Heartless set its gaze onto him and advanced. “No. . . .”
She weakly extended her hand out to her Keyblade, straining to keep fear from gripping her heart.
Please. I need you to come back. I need to protect my friend.
A moment passed.
Then another.
And another.
Come on. . . .
The White Rabbit yelped. A familiar warmth filled her heart, and it traveled to her hand with a shing. When she opened her eyes, Erica saw Starlight once again within her grasp.
Staking it into the ground, she dragged herself to her feet and did her best to stand tall despite her body’s protests.
The Heartless looked to her.
“Get away from my friend!”
Erica held her Keyblade poised behind her as she eyed the Heartless. She sprinted forward with all her might, and with one fell strike she brought the Heartless to its knees with a flash of light.
Pain rippled across her body, but she shoved it aside and made her way to Ventus.
A groan slipped out of him as he struggled to push himself up.
Green light surrounded Ventus as a soothing relief washed over him, and Erica felt her usual spark of magic vanish. His eyes drifted to the downed Heartless and the line in the grass. Then his eyes moved to Erica doing her best to ignore her pain.
“Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah but . . . you’re hurt,” Ventus said.
“You come first.” Erica held her hand out to him, but a wince forced her to pull it back.
Ventus got to his feet and summoned his Keyblade to heal her, spending nearly all of his magic.
“Thank you. Again. Heh.”
Creaking turned their attention to the rising Heartless.
“Are you gonna be okay?” Ventus asked.
Erica used an Ether and gave one to him. “As long as we stick together, I’ll be okay.”
“Then . . . I’ll be okay, too.”
The Heartless juggled its batons and stared the young wielders down. Wind from Ventus knocked the batons out of its hands and soaring into some branches. Erica casted Thundaga, forcing it back a few steps before using Thunder Raid.
“Let’s do this!” Erica cheered.
“Right!” Ventus said.
They charged forward with Keyblades at the ready. Leaping up into the air, they sliced right through the Heartless with a united strike and a streak of light.
It staggered back and strained to stay on its feet, but it eventually collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud. The Heartless faded away, releasing a massive heart as well as an influx of Lux in the process.
Erica sighed in relief as she placed her hands on her knees. “We . . . we did it.”
Ventus plopped down onto the grass with a huff. “Y-yeah. . . .”
“My house!” the White Rabbit exclaimed.
They looked to the creature running out of his hiding spot.
“You saved it! A-and me! Thank you thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” Erica said.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some tea to make.” The rabbit then hurriedly entered his house.
“I think I’m ready to head home.”
“Me too,” Ventus said.
Erica summoned Starlight as he got to his feet. “Hey Ven?”
“We’re still meeting at Waterfront Park, right?”
Ventus nodded with a smile. “Yeah.”
Erica gazed at the pinks, purples, and oranges of the sky. Today’s mission was going to make her sore tomorrow. But at least she hadn’t been alone. And she hoped other wielders had the same fortune Ventus and she did. She hated that wielders going missing was a normal occurrence.
“Sorry if I kept you waiting.”
She looked to her right to see Ventus coming her way. “Don’t worry, you didn’t.”
He joined her by the rail, and the waves below filled the silence for a few moments. “Y’know, I’m glad we did the mission together. It would’ve been pretty bad if we didn’t.”
“I’m glad, too. We had some really close calls.”
“We sure did. I still can’t believe you brought that Heartless down by yourself when you came to help me.”
“I didn’t want it to hurt you.”
He paused. “I wish you’d be more careful, though. I don’t want you getting hurt, either.”
“I’ll be more careful. I promise.”
Ventus nodded. His gaze traveled to the island with the lighthouse. He wondered if he’d ever get to go there again. The beach was nice, and seeing the stars from there with Chirithy that one time was even nicer. He did almost fall asleep there, though.
“Do you ever wonder where the Lux goes after we collect it?” Erica asked.
“Sometimes. But, I don’t think we’ll ever find out.”
Erica frowned. Ephemer had mentioned something about “how it all worked” when they first met, but that was a secret. “I think it goes back to the worlds. They do have their own light, after all.”
“I guess you’re right.”
They filled the silence with idle chatter as the sun began to sink lower into the horizon. Erica mentioned an oasis she’d come across in Agrabah, to which Ventus said he’d never seen. She told him how beautiful it was and how the water seemed to sparkle like sapphires and stars. And if she didn’t know any better she’d say it was also a little cooler there despite being in the midst of a desert.
“Maybe we could go there some time,” she had said.
“It does sound really nice,” Ventus replied. “Yeah. We should go some time.”
Soon the first stars began to blink awake, and Ventus did his best to hold back a yawn.
“Maybe we should head home. It is getting pretty late.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Erica faced him. “Thanks for having my back today.”
“Sure. And uh, thanks to you, too.”
She smiled at him and gave him a quick hug. “See you tomorrow?”
Ventus nodded. “I’ll try my best.”
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trenttrendspotter · 4 years
Consumer Electronics Show Update: 7 Trends to Watch
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At the 2021 Virtual CES (Consumer Electronics Show), we met so many amazing and innovative brands that are making it easy for consumers to adapt to our new WFH. The trends coming out of the show are taking wellness to a new level with at-home, outdoor, and business-friendly technologies and platforms all promoting accessibility and high-quality performance.
Going into 2021 with the pandemic continuing and some lockdowns still imposed, it’s more important than ever to showcase your brand and ideas at virtual shows like CES. Here are some of the top trends we saw emerging out of our meetings this year:
Wellness, Made Easier
Healthcare has been a main topic of conversation, increasingly taking center stage over the last year and focusing on how consumers can have easier access to basic care. Launching a need for easy and at-home healthcare programs and devices, the brands at CES didn’t disappoint with new technologies that fit right into the homes of many. A few standouts:
Binah.ai is a new technology that has just launched this winter, allowing users to virtually monitor their vitals. It has been designed to directly align with the COVID-19 pandemic, giving customers access to track their own health and nutrition. The app makes healthcare more accessible for all, and it is easy to use!
Basis Health is a bio-wearable system that provides real-time feedback on your health. Structured toward prevention, Basis Health is designed to give customers real-time data on every action of the day, including telling you how a meal has affected your health. The app links through Apple Health and has health coaches that lead customers through sessions each month!
Lify Wellness, dubbed the world’s first Smart Wellness Remedy System, was created with the vision to make a healthier lifestyle easily accessible for everyone. Lify offers personalized wellness solutions by reinventing traditional medicinal wisdom with sustainable technology. This year, the focus is on energy, and with people staying at home, the desire for a quality, health-focused brew or tea is climbing. With the help of creating new formulas and monitoring brew usage, Lify Wellness allows customers to find their wellness solution in a cup of freshly brewed wellness tea.
MoviWear is a device that monitors and records vital signs in real time so patients or seniors can be monitored by caregivers or staff remotely. The device, a readily wearable watch, send alerts to caregivers via the MoviWear APP platform when there are any changes in vital signs. There are three buttons on the watch–a dialer for calls, one for three emergency contacts, and if you press and hold the SOS button, it will dial an emergency contact. MoviWear is partnered with medical path companies and is a great way to remotely monitor vital signs.
AXIR Engine is the world’s first AI-powered disease risk engine and is designed for early cancer detection. The company says it can predict user risks for developing severe COVID-19 cases and other diseases while providing users with an individualized health program. AXIR Engine takes biometric screening data and produces a heat map to dynamically analyze and predict disease risk, precision health, and recommend food and supplements best suited for the user’s personalized program.
LED and light therapies have been leading the way to solution-based technology in the world of wellness. This trend has been around and looks like it is going to stick for all those who can benefit from light-based solutions to everything from allergies to skin and hair care. FluoLabs is designing a new way to treat allergy symptoms. Users can hold the rechargeable device to their nostrils, click a button to activate six seconds of light therapy, and repeat on the other side for a total 12-second treatment to common allergy symptoms. FluoLabs will be available for purchase in 2021 for all who suffer from allergy season.
DemakrQ is a disruptive, high-tech Dutch skincare brand created to help zoomers combat acne and prevent scarring with LED light therapy. DemarkQ devices were designed to make this previously exclusive technology more accessible for at-home use. By combining the anti-microbial properties of blue light and the reparative, anti-inflammatory benefits of red light, DemarkQ devices emit a bright violet light proven to clear pimples, reduces redness, and speed up skin recovery. The brand currently offers three devices. POW is a spot treatment for occasional zits. POP, with its iPhone-shape, is easy to maneuver and perfect for zone-specific treatment. Finally, WOW is the largest and is excellent for full-face and body acne treatment. By making this technology more accessible, DemarkQ helps achieve professional results from the comfort of your home in just three to six minutes a day.
IL Science’s FOLLINIC is designed to rejuvenate the scalp with the dual effect of microcurrent and 4-wavelength LEDs. This helmet-like device uniformly delivers  LED wavelength to the scalp with a silicone lens that is the core material of IL Science. FOLLINIC is adjustable and allows users to do everything when you wear it (except for showering) including vacuuming, reading, and so much more.
Tech On-the-Go
While every minute matters, brands are coming up with ways to make your time count with on-the-go tech products that are easily accessible and easy to use. Take your favorite and much-needed devices with you wherever you go. These brands are making it easy to stay connected:
Nomadplug is the durable single solution adapter designed to be so compact that users won’t need to unpack it at all! The nomadplug allows users to plug in anywhere and works in 195 countries. All components are magnetic, giving users peace of mind that they won’t be losing any parts and will be able to effectively charge their tech wherever they are.
Developed by Taiwanese consumer electronic brand LUFTQI, the LUFT Duo is unlike traditional purifiers in that it’s portable, doesn’t require expensive filter replacements, and uses UVA LED and photocatalytic tech to zap dust, pollen, mold, and pathogens down to the molecule. This air purifier decreases organic vapor, and helps break down cell walls for viruses and pollen to stop the immune system trigger. Luft Duo is a great gadget for those with allergies or asthma, and is useful for in the car and during sleep.
Smarter Security
In a world that is quickly adapting to a mainly digital way of communicating, smart security has never been more essential. Emerging brands brought security programs and devices that fit effortlessly into consumer homes as well as businesses. It’s important to know all the ways you can protect yourself and your customers. See some of the brands that really made an impact on their category:
X-Sensor is a network system to detect security devices in retail, restaurants, and hotel chains; the company says it can detect shoplifters or violence. The system is designed to scan the face of any individual who breaches security, and it will alert the establishment if that individual returns or will notify other establishments of shoplifters and violence within the app. X-Sensor pairs with user’s phone and displays a dashboard for ready use.
Zolder.App, a mobile-first platform, continuously checks configuration for improvements, detects malicious behavior, provides the latest relevant news through the app, and offers 24/7 help with world-class cybersecurity experts.
Protect your packages from porch pirates with a simple clip. Package Clipper allows your delivery person to clip your packages once delivered, incentivized by an optional tip, and your packages are safely protected until you are ready to retrieve them. Utilizing an app for user phones, Package Clipper notifies users when their packages arrive, gives users the option to tip the driver, and when clip gets removed or even simply moved, an alarm will sound. Users can easily deactivate this alarm, serving as a way to ward off porch pirates and keep your packages safe.
SelfSafe is a password-protected USB emergency identification waterproof bracelet that stores all important information including medical, financial, insurance, travel documents, personal identification, and more. This all-in-one device will help make sure users have everything they need in a secure yet accessible design no matter what life throws at them.
Handy Tools in the Age of COVID-19
While the global pandemic has been devastating on so many fronts, some companies were able to pivot and shift their focus to come out with products and devices to help us live in a safer and cleaner world:
MaskFone is a groundbreaking true wireless headphone and mask all in one. It brings together Hubble Connected’s patented technology including a built-in microphone with a medical grade N95 filter to streamline a new way of life. Made with a mesh fabric mask with a secure fit, MaskFone comes with Bluetooth headphones, adjustable ear straps, an earpiece that hangs down, and a microphone inside of the mask to create a much clearer voice. Inside the mask, you can add a filter, adjust the pitch of your voice on the bridge of the mask, and utilize a play and volume button on the chin. MaskFone is designed to make communication easy with our new way of life.
GateDoc’s Smart Temperature Scanner is a smart, automated, and touchless body temperature scanner. This temperature scanner is a safe and easy way to detect a rise in temperatures, signaling to establishments with a sound and red light when detected. GateDoc Smart Temperature Scanner is the perfect solution that allows entrepreneurs and facility managers to focus on running their businesses and eliminates the burden of manually executing temperature checks.
Smart Sanitizer is making it easier for establishments to have sanitizing machines by providing advertisement space with their LED screen and app. Businesses during COVID are looking to create safe and sanitized environments for staff and customers, but the price to buy and maintain sanitization stations has skyrocketed. Smart Sanitizer gives businesses incentives to use their product by creating a space for vendors to run 15-second ads on their machines, increasing revenue.
Working Smarter Not Harder
New platforms and devices help decrease the time you spend on small projects or tasks so you can be more efficient. These brands are paving the way to innovative thinking when it comes to large and small tasks:
SwipeGuide has made it effortless for companies to create, share, and track visual step-by-step instructions by digitizing manuals. SwipeGuide is designed to reduce errors and machine downtime, allowing for operational efficiency and changeover time reductions. Digitized manuals can be shared through QR codes, making manufacturing and operating so simple!
Typewise is keeping up with the times and adapting how we type using our smart phones and devices by predicting the way users input information into their devices, combining smart autocorrection and text predictions. Utilizing a hexagonal key shape that is 70% wider, typing can be faster and more comfortable as well as more accurate with fewer typos. Typewise becomes faster and more intuitive over time, predicting what text is intended with full data privacy.
Dialogue Trainer has developed an online communication “flight simulator” that enables organizations to train professionals on demand in important skills and roles. This allows trainers, users, and managers to gain insight into performance and communication. This platform simulates conversations, engages in role play as a professional, and develops interaction with virtual characters. Dialogue Trainer is perfect for creating consistent communication among a business.
Y-Brush has developed a way to reduce the amount of time you spend brushing your teeth from two minutes to 10 seconds. With this mouth guard-like product, consumers will be able to brush all of their teeth at once with soft bristles on the inside of the mouth guard in five seconds for the top and bottom rows of teeth. When the Y-Brush is in the user’s mouth, all they have to do is bite down and flip it, rinse, and add toothpaste for each brushing period.
Upgrading Your Home (and Business, Too!)
While the world has been staying home for the past year or so, everyone is looking for ways to upgrade their home to make it more comfortable, luxurious, and enjoyable. These companies bring something to the table to make your home a destination:
ColdSnap is a rapid freezing appliance that produces single servings of ice cream, smoothies, and frozen cocktails in 90 seconds. With a single-serve pod-based system, ColdSnap gives customers a quick and easy way to make ice cream, smoothies, cocktails, coffee and more conveniently in their own home by providing liquid ingredients and pasteurized medically sealed pods. ColdSnap will be available for full commercial purchase in early 2022.
TOTO’s Washlet is the cleaner, safer, and more refreshed toilet paper alternative, giving consumers the washing stream they need for after-use bathroom usage, a dryer and deodorizer all in one! Washlet keeps consumers feeling clean and hygienic after every bathroom trip, with a spray in the front for women and a spray in the back for men and women. This heated seat bidet helps keep you clean, safe, and paperless in your own home.
DEN Smart Home is unlike other Smart Home devices, using a strike blade, a flat piece of iron, that is built into the door post instead of the lock itself to create optimal security. Users will be able to access DEN Smart Home through an app where they can unlock the smart lock and then open the actual door. DEN Smart Home is effective for all home in safety features.
Wearable Tech
Wearable tech has long been a trend, but these new devices and platforms give you the ease and peace of mind during work, gym sessions, more! Check out the brands taking wearable tech to the next level:
Cleer Audio is seeking to perfect the noise-canceling wireless ear bud through the significance of sound quality and award-winning design. With several models, Cleer Audio is designed to last longer, be more lightweight, and deliver a functional design to noise-canceling devices. Cleer Audio utilizes companion apps to get consumers fully engaged and in control of their custom sound.
Find My Glasses has eliminated the question, “Where are my glasses?” through their tracking technology. Find My Glasses attaches to user’s current specs with an adhesive strip and is associated with a free app that works with iPhone and Android to find missing glasses faster and easier. Find My Glasses makes it so you never have to search blindly for your glasses again.
As seen in: https://wholefoodsmagazine.com/blog/consumer-electronics-show-update-7-trends-to-watch/
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clarenecessities · 8 years
spooky scramble
Word Count: 1977 Rating: PG 13 for language & cartoon violence
Summary: [yakety sax plays in the distance] Chapter Warnings: fire cw, residual destruction, lots and lots of swearing
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“Adrien, I need you to get away from Nino,” came a slightly muffled version of Marinette’s voice. Adrien jumped as it issued from his makeshift collar, barely suppressing a yelp. He was on edge enough as it was; this was pushing it.
“How far?” he whispered into the earring, lifting one paw off of Nino to press the button.
“Far enough that she’d have to use more than one move to blast you both.”
“You told Nino nobody was gonna get blasted!”
“I told Nino that if everything went well, you wouldn’t get blasted. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prepare for a worse case scenario.”
“You mean worst case scenario?”
“No, because in the worst case scenario, we all die. I don’t really know how to plan for that—the necromancers are unconscious.”
“I take it back, don’t plan for the worst case scenario,” said Adrien, shuddering as his fur tried to stand on end. “It’s giving me the heebie jeebies.”  
“The what now?”
“The heebie jeebies. The jitters. The creeps. The—”
“Stop,” Marinette interrupted with a groan. “I get it.”
“Do people not say heebie jeebies anymore?” he asked innocently.
“Did they ever say it to begin with?”
“Beats me. The aos sídhe love it, though.”
“Well, go love it someplace that isn’t Nino’s neck. We need better coverage.”
“You got it,” he agreed, laughing. He gave Nino’s jaw an affectionate headbutt, prompting the werewolf to stick out his tongue, and then leapt soundlessly to the floor.
When he wanted to be silent, Adrien could be silent.
He drifted under the walkways like a shadow, every pawstep taking him further from the comfort and safety of his friends. He felt simultaneously exposed and invisible, vulnerable to any attack and yet impossible to find in the first place.
Overhead, Alya had begun to work her magic (bother literal and figurative). From his position under one of the staircases, Adrien could see a flash of orange twisting out of the reach of what appeared to be hailstones, cackling insults in Alya’s voice.
The elemental—or whatever it was now—was shaking with rage, shrieking in a voice so high it hurt Adrien’s ears. She clutched a dark umbrella in one hand, and wherever she cast it, a type of precipitation formed and did as she bade.
“How dare you!” she screamed, hurling more hail at the illusion of Alya, which ducked and wove neatly out of the way, as if it were tangible. Adrien could only tell it wasn’t because it accidentally clipped through the railing a few times, like a bad video game.
‘Stormy Weather’ was too angry to notice.
“I’m owed that award!” she went on. “They don’t know what I’m capable of!”
“Oh, and you’re going to show them?” called Alya, rolling her eyes. “This isn’t you! You’re cheating!”
“Shut up!” shrieked Stormy Weather, hitting the entire wall with a gust of wind so strong the windows behind Alya shattered. Her illusion flickered, and Stormy Weather finally seemed to catch on, narrowed eyes latching onto the fake kitsune.
“You don’t know what I’m capable of either,” she hissed, “You’re teasing me!”
“You’re damn right I am!” said Alya, her tails waving behind her like banners. “You’re a joke! You couldn’t hit the ground if you turned into rain!”
Stormy Weather offered no reply, wheeling back towards the classroom they had been in when this had all started. Adrien could sense Alya’s magic just inside the door, and swallowed nervously—had Nooroo’s own tracking abilities transferred?
Her illusion hesitated, raising an arm to catch Stormy Weather’s attention, to no avail.
Adrien’s heart thudded in his ears.
“Hey!” came a shout from above them.
Adrien and Stormy Weather looked up at the same moment, with drastically different reactions. Stormy Weather’s face contorted in a sour rage, while Adrien’s lit up in delight.
Overhead, Marinette hovered astride one of the brooms from the flight class, scowling down at the courtyard. Squatting behind her, perched like a gargoyle ready to pounce, Alix pulled faces at her fellow elemental with an eager aggression.
“What?” demanded Stormy Weather, raising the umbrella in front of her.
“You—you, um—”
“FUCK YOU!” Alix finished for Marinette, cupping her hands over her mouth to increase her volume. Stormy Weather howled, swinging the umbrella like a baseball bat.
Alix sprang to her feet, somehow maintaining her balance on the narrow broom, and swung her arms downward as if using a sledgehammer, summoning a huge burst of wind to counteract the wall of biting ice Stormy Weather had blown their way. The two gusts met just above the line of the roof with an enormous rumble, not unlike thunder, and Adrien felt his whiskers crackle under the magic.
Marinette held the broom steady with one hand, the other going to her ear.
“I think it’s safe to say that umbrella is the boon,” said the earring around his neck.
“Yeah, good call,” he sent back, eyes flickering from one elemental to the other as Alix and Stormy Weather traded blows.
Despite the majority of her attacks being deflected, there was a noticeable effect on the flying duo: It was getting cold up there.
Frost gathered around the tail of the broom, and even from the ground Adrien could see how red the girls’ noses were getting. Anxiously, he looked across the courtyard, meeting Nino’s frightened gaze.
What should I do? he mouthed to Adrien, shifting from one foot to the other, barely holding the change at bay.
Adrien shook his head, watching the scene unfold with a growing sense of dread. Marinette couldn’t communicate with any of them, steering the broom with both hands, so they were left to make their own plan.
When Alix almost got clobbered by an apple-sized hailstone when she had to take a break to sneeze, Nino sprang into action.
Swearing loudly, he raced into the center of the courtyard, waving his arms over his head and bouncing up and down to get Stormy Weather’s attention.
Slowly, so slowly, she turned to stare down at him with pale lavender eyes.
“You, uh—you shouldn’t—I—”
“You suck!” yelled his voice, though it seemed to be coming from where Adrien had last seen Alya’s illusion.
“What was that?” growled Stormy Weather, squinting down at him.
“You—you’re a big cheating cheater,” squeaked the real Nino, “who cheats!”
“I’ve never cheated!” she fumed.
“You’re cheating like, right now!” said Nino. Above them, Marinette slowly inched the broom to safety, nodding at Nino when he glanced nervously up at her. “I bet you couldn’t beat us without your fancy pants parasol!”
“This simply focuses my powers!” Stormy Weather protested, opening the umbrella like a shield in front of her.
“Yeah, sure,” said Nino, making a show of rolling his eyes. “Who told you that? The Mayor of Wrongsville?”
“No! Piseóg gave it to me!” said Stormy Weather. Adrien’s ears flicked forward.
Now that was interesting.
“Oh, sorry, is that the Mayor of Wrongsville? I’m behind the times, politically. Sort of got turned into a wolf last election season.”
“It’s none of your business!” she said hotly, raising the umbrella to strike. Nino gave a small eep! and scrambled back towards the cover of the balcony, but to no avail—Stormy Weather wasn’t aiming for him.
She blasted the floor beneath their feet, and a sheet of ice rolled across it, slinking beneath Nino’s feet and sending him sprawling backwards. He landed heavily on one hip.
“Ow!” he protested indignantly, scowling up at her.
Stormy Weather locked eyes with him, and raised her umbrella to strike.
There was a small ding! that echoed across the courtyard as four people got the same text message at once. Nino glanced away from Stormy Weather to his pocket. He looked back at her, held up a finger to indicate she should wait, and fished out his phone.
Stormy Weather gaped in deeply affronted silence, closing the umbrella with a snap, and wound up to swing as Nino began typing out a reply.
Ivan surged out of the shelter beneath the balcony, raising arms covered in fire in front of his face as he stepped between Nino and Stormy Weather. The torrent of hail she’d conjured collided with the flames with a loud hiss and an immediate cloud of steam that practically exploded off of Ivan.
Recoiling with a displeased hiss almost as loud as the steam’s, Stormy Weather propelled herself backwards across the courtyard, almost colliding with an icicle-coated basketball hoop in her haste to get away.
The steam spread itself evenly as Ivan’s warmth reached the ice-slick floor, cloaking the boys in a thick brume that disguised their retreat back under the walkways. Nino, who was being carried over Ivan’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes, sent a jaunty wave Adrien’s way.
Adrien grinned in relief, sliding through the shallow puddles across the middle of the courtyard, shaking his paws with every soggy step. The steam was warm against his fur, but it clung unpleasantly and threatened to form drops of condensation on his whiskers.
“Oh!” said a soft voice above him, and he looked up at the gentle tone, expecting Marinette.
It wasn’t Marinette.
“A cat,” said Stormy Weather, softer than they’d heard her speak throughout the entire ordeal. She floated towards him slowly, the umbrella held slack in one hand, tantalizing close.
A second ding! sounded from every direction, as if heralding the figurative lightbulb that had just appeared over his head. The noise bolstered his courage; he had backup.
“Mrrow?” he called, letting his voice roll into an almost-purr as he delicately approached Stormy Weeather, where she drifted just out of reach about a third of the way down the court.
“Here, kitty,” she cooed, touching down and dropping into a crouch, holding her free hand out to Adrien. He approached slowly, hesitantly, sniffing at her fingers as if they might zap him at any moment.
Which, to be fair, they might.
Stormy Weather clucked encouragingly at him, reaching out to tentatively brush the side of his face with the palm of her hand. He leaned into the contact with a loud purr, arching his body so she got his back. Her hand was freezing, though fortunately not literally, and he tried to keep it along his spine where he could put up with it more.
As he wound his way around her knees, he saw her grip tighten ominously on the umbrella.
She suddenly stood, whirling despite Adrien’s yowl of protest, summoning a huge burst of freezing air at whoever had been sneaking up on her that Adrien hadn’t noticed to warn, and—
Juleka blinked in surprise, floating peacefully exactly where she’d been a moment before, none the worse for wear. Stormy Weather blinked back, obviously confused.
“Um,” Juleka said softly, pushing a lock of hair from her eyes and glancing Adrien’s way, “Marinette says, ‘now.’”
Adrien sprang immediately to his feet, surging back into his human form and snatching Stormy Weather’s umbrella from her gloved hands. She shrieked in shock and fury, wheeling on him instantly, but he danced away, breaking into a sprint as he turned and—
slammed heavily into the pavement as he slipped in one of the puddles.
His knees took the brunt of the impact, and he could feel the sting of loose gravel in one, his torn jeans sopping wet from the collision. His breath caught in pain, and he glanced over his shoulder to see a fuming Stormy Weather stalking towards him like she was the cat, and he was the prey.
He squeezed his eyes shut, hugging the umbrella to his chest, shielding it with his body, hoping he’d bought somebody enough time to do something—
There was a tremendous crash, and the ground shook beneath him, and everything grew still.
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omarboulakjar · 7 years
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