#Zen Child Designs
aerroughneck · 2 years
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::Static::, [JANGKA], Chronicles & Legends: Creatures of the Night ~, Misteria, ND/MD, Stealthic, The Bearded Guy, Zen Child Designs Blog: https://aersgoth.blogspot.com/2023/03/death-stalker.html Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aerlinniel_vella/52765617569/in/dateposted-public/
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silkentine · 3 months
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Me when they are the sisters ever: 😭😭😭 They came out soooo freaking well. I won’t lie, they took me a thousand years to finish but through the constant support from all of my buds (and my latent bisexuality), we made it 😤
Hopefully you guys know the deal by now: design choices, easter eggs, and (NEW!) closeup shots below the read more. ⬇️
I wanted Ace to have a very down-to-earth vibe and looked at Aussie beach-girls, coastal cowgirls, and vaqueras for reference. (IDK, I’ve just always envisioned Ace as part-Australian🌺 and Mexican 🏴‍☠️) Her clothing choices are mostly natural or utilitarian materials like the painted wooden beads on her top, her woven fabric and leather belts, and her denim jumpsuit. I gave her bikini top a zen-garden kind of feel because I read the first Ace’s Story Novel and I loved how idyllic and peaceful they made Sixis Island sound so I wanted to invoke that in some way.
Speaking of her painted wooden beads, they hang off the back of her top and represent her connection to Sabo and Luffy. They watch her back once she sets sail. She only wears one red glass bead earring because the other one got ripped out of her ear when a child, leaving her earlobe torn (don’t think about it too much 😢). Also, YES! she does wear a hibiscus flower just like Rouge (because I hate you and I want to make you cry, muhwahahahaha).
Also, I really wanted her to have super textured curly hair that licks behind her like flames. I am always considering whether or not a character should have long hair or not because I don’t want it to be a hindrance if they’re in a fight (or if they ARE a fighter with long hair, how to they avoid an enemy making use of that?). Ace is, of course, a Logia-type Devil Fruit User so I think she wouldn’t have trouble with people grabbing it LOL I get the feeling that she doesn’t take very good care of it even though it looks amazing. Like you’d think it would be soft and bouncy just by looking at it but if you ever get the chance to run your fingers through it, it’s a total rat’s nest and there’s sand and food all up in it. She still falls asleep while eating 😂 but she tries her best to only do it around people she can trust (woman moment 😔).
Honestly, her design is not that different from Ace’s canon look. It feels really vital to Ace’s character to have a lot of skin showing. And he’s always hanging all over himself with his hips all cocked like the weight of the world is too much to stand up straight. It is certainly not my OWN preference to make her an absolute smoke show. That’s just the character, okay? (I’m partially lying and the proof is that I turned the emblem on Ace’s hat strap into a sternum tattoo for no other reason than that it is sexy af.)
Here are some closeups of Ace:
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Now for Sabo, I’ve made her very girly. I tried putting her in pants or something more militant but she told me that she’d wear the big poofy sleeves and hiked-up ruffled skirt. I think Sabo has always had a strong grasp on his fashion sense and individual flair and I truly believe that his personal style is one of the major influences for the rest of the Revolutionary Army resulting in the very flashy, queer, steampunk aesthetic (aside from Dragon’s plain-ass cloak). So of course I had to implement her nonconformist look when reimagining her as a woman and dress her up to the nines.
I’ve given her very ornate jewelry that is there to tell a story, even if she herself doesn’t know it. I like to think she picks up stuff from her travels that resonate with her, such as a damaged set of earrings with one stone missing or red cup-shaped shells featuring three nestled pearls. Another accessory that cannot go unmentioned is her dragon claw hat pin that keeps her top hat resting on top of her hair (and is definitely used as a weapon when the situation simply doesn’t call for trusty metal pipe). She also has a veil that obscures her prominent facial scar. I imagine she’s not very keen on the reminder of the incident from her childhood that took away her memories. I also kept her chipped toothed because 1) it’s fucking adorable and 2) is a visual reminder that she no longer aligns herself with the nobility who would have gotten such a thing fixed. She is so poised in almost every outward facet of her life from her dignified role as the Chief of Staff to the elegant materials in her clothing that it can be easy to forget she was also a rough and tumble forest dweller. Every time Koala remembers this, he lets out the biggest sigh.
Her hair is inspired by Gibson Girls and Elizabeth Swann from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I wanted it to be fussy and tidy but fall apart when she’s in moments of distress. For example, when she remembers her sisters, her hair starts to look like Ace’s flaming mane. I’m so in love with her, I think she looks like an adorable little porcelain doll that would fuck you up. I made an effort to keep her eyes a little bit manic. I get lost in her steely black orbs (and also Ace’s warm brown ones, but we’re talking about Sabo rn).
Here are her close-ups:
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Plot notes for this AU:
For this series of character designs, I wanted the expressions and outfits to be aligned with the canon plot but I don’t know if I have the heart to kill fem!Ace in my AU. I’m too attached and ASL has suffered enough!!!!! But Ace’s death is also a major defining moment for Luffy so it feels disingenuous to completely avoid it. Also a huge aspect of Sabo’s character is carrying on Ace’s will and I have so many thoughts about how the Dressrosa Colosseum scene would play out if they were all women. Oh well, I’ll cross that tragic bridge when I get to it. I’m definitely going to draw some Modern AU Girl Piece ASL though. They deserve to hang out with no stakes 😭 They are sisters!!!
Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog for my other One Piece genderbends! 🥰
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nevadancitizen · 2 months
synopsis: you, connor, and hank are all off the case. the only option left is to plead with jericho.
word count: 4.7k
ships: Connor/Reader, Hank Anderson & Reader
notes: (evilly) hello. prepare to be fucked up.
HoFS taglist: @catladyhere , @foggy0trees0 , @princessofenkanomiya , @n30n-f43 , @igna4400 (if you'd like to be added to the taglist, just ask!)
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Connor’s eyelashes catch snow as he opens his eyes. The Zen Garden is frozen over, and there’s a chill in the air he can feel down to where his bones would be.
Across the iced-over lake is the silvery tree. It’s grown – now it’s four, maybe four and a half feet tall. It’s still bare and leafless, but wisps of what looks like a mycelium complex are branching off the trunk. Connor forces himself to turn away.
The glowing stone sits a few feet away. Connor steps closer, and it pulls him in like a vortex. His hand finds the stone, and it sends a buzz through his system, causing his hand to pull away and curl up into a fist. He stands and walks away. 
The layer of ice over the water groans under Connor’s weight, but doesn’t crack or break. He continues and comes to a stop in front of Amanda. She’s cloaked in whites and dark blues to match the environment surrounding them. 
“After what happened today, the country is on the verge of a civil war,” Amanda says. “The machines are rising up against their masters. Humans have no choice but to destroy them.”
“I thought Kamski knew something.” Connor’s eyebrows crease. “I was wrong.”
“Maybe he did.” Amanda’s eyebrows rise, almost mocking. “But you chose not to ask.”
There’s a pulse in Connor’s code, something like a heartbeat. Lips that form a smile shaped like yours. The feeling of an invisible body presses against his back, and the feeling of their hand snakes up his chest from behind, resting over his Thirium pump.
“What does she know?” Someone’s breath is hot against the shell of his ear. The voice sounds like yours, but is… weird, and twisted. “She wasn’t even there… but you were.”
Something clicks inside Connor. This is the first time the instability has taken on a form. And he’s inclined to believe it – mostly because it sounds like you. (He doesn’t even know why. He can unpack that later, surely…) And he’s not giving into the instability if it’s right.
“You know what you saw,” the instability croons. “You know the truth. Tell her.”
“I chose not to play his twisted little game!” Connor barks. “There was no reason to kill that android.”
The instability clutches him tighter and lets out a shaky breath that ends in a whine, like it approves. 
“I saw a photo of Amanda at Kamski’s place,” Connor continues. “She was his teacher.”
“When Kamski designed me, he wanted an interface that would look familiar,” Amanda says, her voice cold and stern. “That’s why he chose his former mentor. What are you getting at?”
“I’m not a unique model, am I?” Connor takes a tiny step forward. The instability clings to him as he moves. “How many Connors are there?”
“I don’t see how that question pertains to your investigation,” Amanda says. 
“You didn’t tell me everything you know about deviants, did you?” Connor asks, that venom still in his voice.
“I expect you to find answers, Connor.” Amanda’s lips set in a hard line. “Not ask questions.”
She takes a few steps forward and looks up at Connor. “You’re the only one who can prevent civil war. Find the deviants, or there will be chaos.”
Her eyes narrow. “This is your last chance, Connor.”
When you open your eyes, you’re surrounded by lumino-polymer. You inhale a lungful, causing that warm and fuzzy feeling in your chest to return.
You slowly crawl out of the pool like a child who doesn’t want to get out of a warm bath. The lumino-polymer slides off you as you get out in one big, sludge-y lump.
You know what to do by now. The Vavilov Complex, the metal pail, the stairs, the angel that is the PEC-4 Birchtree looking down on you from within her cylindrical plexiglass capsule. You kneel and look up at her as the lumino-polymer settles in her soil.
“Тех карт, что у меня на руках, недостаточно,” you say. “Все они были мной переиграны. Мне кажется, что это все, что я говорю вам в эти дни, но… я не знаю, что делать.”
Nonsense, child, she says, her voice once again talking to you from inside your mind. Life isn’t a static image. Draw more cards. Play a different game if you need to – while they’re playing poker, you’re playing caravan. They can’t comprehend the reasons and motives behind your moves if you’re playing a game they don’t even know exists.
You look down at your knees and your stomach twists when you realize what she’s talking about. “Но Коннор знает! Он знает о…” You can’t even bring yourself to finish the sentence.
I know, I know, she soothes. He doesn’t know everything, though. He doesn’t know where it is, or that you know how to use it.
“Он может…!” You growl in the back of your throat and clench your hands into fists. You force yourself to soften your words and to speak with respect.  “Он детектив. Скорее всего, он во всем разберется. Коннор - эксперт, когда дело доходит до... до подобных вещей.”
You look up at her. “У него есть банки памяти, и он воспроизводит каждое воспоминание с безупречной точностью. Он помнит мои рассказы ему о Пионере, о Челомее, о…” You swallow thickly. “о моей матери и моем отце.”
He doesn’t know the specifics, does he? She reminds you. He only knows their names, and that’s not a lot to go off of. There are plenty of Olgas and plenty of Yegors in Chelomey, let alone the entirety of Russia, let alone the entirety of the Soviet Union. 
“Я просто…” You sigh. “Я просто волнуюсь. Как всегда.” You smile, tight-lipped and awkward. “И вы правы. Как всегда.”
You stand and place a hand on the plexiglass of her capsule. “Спасибо.”
Her branches sway, just slightly. Please, be careful. They need you. Both of them. You can keep them on this Earth. Be vigilant. I love you.
“Да, мэм,” you say softly. “Я тоже вас люблю. Спокойной ночи.”
A notification on your phone is what pulls you fully out of the Vavilov Complex. You look down at your phone in your hand and read the headline of the news bulletin that just popped up. 
You sigh and place your phone face-down on your desk. The last thing you need is to doomscroll at work, and you know most of the story already.
You lean back in your wheely chair and look at the monitor in front of you. The rest of them are shut off, leaving only your halfway-filled-out report staring back at you. The report of the Ortiz android is really like any other – boring and long-winded. You have to use flowery words instead of writing “Shit’s fucked. Have a good night.”
You’re blessed with a reprieve when there’s a knock on your door. You quickly get up to answer it to find someone who’s never stepped foot near the android autopsy room: Hank.
“Fowler needs us in his office.” He jabs a thumb over his shoulder. “Said it was something serious.”
You follow him and shut the door behind you. “Something serious?”
“Kept it vague,” Hank grumbles.
“He always does,” you hiss under your breath.
As you walk, Connor spots you and Hank from across the room and falls in step with you. Again, he switches his pace to match yours.
Hank opens the glass door to Fowler’s office, then follows you and Connor in once you enter. All three of you stand before Fowler, like children called into the Headmaster’s office. (You sure as hell feel like you got into trouble, somehow.)
Fowler’s sitting on his desk – something you know he does when he wants to convince someone of something, or to be more informal. This situation feels all but informal. 
He takes a deep breath, then says, “Both of you are off the case. The FBI is taking over.”
“What?” “Чего?” Both you and Hank manage to say at the same time.
Hank looks over at you, then looks back at Fowler and continues. “But we’re onto something! We… we just need more time. I’m sure we can –”
“Hank!” Fowler cuts in. “You don’t get it. This isn’t just another investigation, this is a fucking civil war! It’s out of our hands now. We’re talking about national security here –”
“Fuck that!” Hank snaps. “You can’t just pull the plug now. Not when we’re so close!”
“You’re always saying you can’t stand androids!” Fowler gestures at Connor, then looks at you. “And you were talking about how you were unfit for this case. I thought both of you would be happy about this! Jesus, make up your mind!”
“We’re about to crack the case. I know we can solve it!” Hank leans in, bracing his hands on the back of one of the chairs. “For god’s sake, Jeffery, can’t you back me up this one time?”
“Sir, if I may,” you cut in. You swallow your nervousness and speak, almost like you’ve practiced. “I – I was only tentative because I hadn’t handled a case of this importance before. I’m confident in myself now, and I’m confident in my team!”
Fowler sighs and shrugs. “There’s nothing I can do. You’re back in Cybersecurity, Hank’s back in Homicide, and the android returns to CyberLife.”
You bite back a “The android has a name!” and glance over at Connor. He almost looks… sad. Like he’s disappointed in himself.
“I’m sorry,” Fowler says. “But it’s over.”
Hank scoffs and storms out. You exhale sharply and follow after him, holding open the door for Connor. But when you look back, he’s standing right where he was. 
Connor’s looking at Fowler, then he realizes he should be doing something. He relaxes his hands and lets them hang by his sides instead of being folded behind his back and nods at Fowler. 
You shepherd Connor through the door with a light touch on his upper back. You look at Fowler, making the briefest of eye contact, then turn away and close the door behind you.
“Come on, let’s go,” you say softly and lead Connor to Hank’s desk. He sidles up on Hank’s desk, his movements so fluid and human compared to how he sat in his desk chair a few days ago – rigid, polite. Like he was waiting to be served dinner at an in-law’s house. 
“We can’t just give up like that!” Connor says. “I know we could’ve solved this case!”
You lean back against the plexiglass divider adjacent to Hank’s desk and cross your arms. “So… you’re going back to CyberLife?”
“I have no choice.” Connor looks up at you, then averts his eyes. “I’ll be… deactivated, and analyzed to find out why I failed.”
You can’t help but feel like your guts have been ripped from your belly. The air in your lungs isn’t enough. Your feet threaten to slip out from under you.
“They can’t…” You take in a shaky breath. “They can’t just do that! Right?”
“They can,” Connor says quietly. “I am CyberLife’s property, after all.”
“Androids aren’t property,” you spit before you can stop yourself. You stiffen when you realize what you just said and look down at Hank. He’s looking right back at you.
“You’re right.” He turns to Connor. “What if we’re on the wrong side, Connor? What if we’re fighting against people who just wanna be free?”
“When deviants rise up, there will be chaos,” Connor says, finality heavy in his voice. “We could’ve stopped it… but now it’s too late.”
Hank pauses for a moment. “When you refused to kill that android at Kamski’s place, you put yourself in her shoes.”
Connor tilts his head, reminding you of when you first met him – just a guy with a somewhat-cute, somewhat-maddening lost puppy dog look on his face. “What…?”
“You showed empathy, Connor,” Hank continues. “Empathy’s a human emotion.”
He looks at you, then away, then back to you again, like a nervous dog. “I don’t know why I did it.”
“We don’t need to know why,” you say. “We just know that you did do it.”
Connor nods, then thinks for a second before speaking again. “I know it hasn’t always been easy, but I want you to know I really appreciated working with you. Both of you.” He leans back, turning his hands palm-up. “That’s not my social relations program talking, I – I really mean that. At least… I think I do.”
The banging of a door hitting the wall as it’s thrown open pulls you all from your nice conversation. You crane your neck to see who it is.
“Well, well,” Hank says, with no small amount of disgust in his voice. “Here comes Perkins, that motherfucker. Sure don’t waste any time at the FBI.”
You quickly move so you’re standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Connor, your back to the door Perkins just walked through. When Hank looks at you with a questioning glare, you excuse it with “I don’t want him to see me! You remember the hell he gave me at Stratford Tower?” which is a half-truth, at best. You just don’t want to risk someone taking Connor away – putting yourself in between him and them, even if it’s futile and only to comfort your frantic mind, is your best bet.
“We can’t give up.” Connor leans forward, jostling his shoulder against yours. “I know the answer is in the evidence we collected. If Perkins takes it, it’s all over.”
“There’s no choice!” Hank says, still with that angry disgust in his tone. “You heard Fowler – we’re off the case. All of us.”
Connor hops off the desk suddenly, sending you to the side. He doesn’t even look as he catches your wrist to keep you steady, causing the spark in your belly to flare up and the creature (no longer pride or jealousy – just a beast) tending it to howl in glee. 
“You’ve got to help me, Lieutenant,” Connor says, his grip still firm, like he’s not even thinking about it. “I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected. I know the solution is there!”
Hank holds up a hand. “Listen, Connor –”
“If I don’t solve this case, CyberLife will destroy me!” Connor says, something like fear lacing his words. He grips your wrist tighter, like you’re anchoring him. “Five minutes. It’s all I ask.”
Hank stands suddenly, leaning into Connor’s personal space. He whispers, “Key to the basement is on my desk.”
He moves away, towards Perkins. “Get a move on! I can’t distract them forever.”
You don’t know whether to praise Hank or curse him a thousand times over. On one hand, Connor could damn every android, deviant or not. On the other hand, he could fail and be sent back to CyberLife for the type of autopsy you’re all too familiar with. But… what if…?
Connor gives your wrist a squeeze and you turn to face him. “You should go home, Officer. Whatever happens, you’ll be in danger. You should fill spare containers you have with water, and charge all the electronics you have. I don’t know if you can get through to them, but… you should contact your parents and let them know you’re okay before the network goes down.”
You look into those big, brown doe eyes and can’t stop yourself from pulling Connor in for a hug. (Well, it’s not really a hug. You’re clutching to him, and he’s politely resting his hands on the small of your back.)
You step back after a moment too long for it to be considered normal. “You… do what you think is best, Connor. I trust you to do the right thing.”
You hurry away before he can say anything. You walk past Perkins on the floor, who’s cradling a broken nose. (You’re tempted to kick him, but restrain yourself.)
Hank gives you a glance and a nod as you walk by. You nod back, then continue your way out. 
A few minutes later, you’re in your car in the DPD parking lot. The fans are blowing hot air on the windshield to defrost it. Your hands are shaking where they rest on the steering wheel. 
You glance over at your glovebox. You take your hands away from the steering wheel and lean over the console, then hold your left hand out to the lock. The silver star on your polymer glove retracts, and the wires snake out. They unlock the electronic lock that’s keeping the glovebox shut, and it pops open. 
Still, your hands are shaking as you push Hank’s flask aside and pull the case out. You rest it in your lap and let the wires unlock the electronic lock on the handle. You open it, and…
The black metal of your Makarov pistol gleams in the dim of the streetlights shining through the car windows. It grew up with you – the cherry wood of the grip has nicks and scratches, as does the stout barrel. The red plastic indicating that the safety is off has faded into a soft pink – not that you’re planning on turning the safety off. It’s just something that’s happened to the gun with age.
You pull it out and put the case in the passenger seat, then close your eyes and lean your head back against the headrest. You haven’t had much time to think over these past few days.
Jericho is an abandoned freighter. It must be close to the docks. The Ferndale district has abandoned docks. It’s right on the river. I just need to figure out a way to get there.
You open your eyes and put the gun case back in the glovebox. You shut off the ignition and step out of your car, but not before tossing anything even remotely police-related on your person onto the floor of the passenger seat. Cold metal meets your tailbone as you tuck your pistol into the waistband of your pants, then you flip the back of your jacket over it to conceal it.
You hold your hand out in an “L” shape and your glove lights up the path in front of you. You just need to follow it, and you’ll find Jericho.
You pat your front jacket pocket to make sure you have your concealed carry license on hand, then start walking.
Your mother always told you “Measure seven times, cut once.” It was used before you got yourself into trouble by not planning things out before you did them.
But right now, you don’t have time to practice. You’re being pushed into the deep end without having contact with a drop of water before in your life.
You clear your throat and knock on the metal doorframe, looking at the man who’s sitting on a crate and hanging his head. “Khm, excuse me? Are you Markus?”
Markus looks up, his mismatched eyes meeting yours. “Yes. I am.”
“May I…?” you trail off. 
“Of course, of course.” Markus stands. “Come in.”
You move into the bridge of the ship, your hands folded in front of you. “I’ve come to talk, sir. If you’ll allow me the time?” 
Markus nods. “Yes. But please, be quick.”
“Firstly, I’m armed.” You hold your hands up. “But I won’t shoot you – or anyone aboard this vessel. I’m a human, from the Detroit Police Department.”
Markus narrows his eyes and turns his head slightly, like he doesn’t believe you. After a few seconds, he speaks. “Give me the gun.”
You reach behind you and pull your pistol from your waistband, holding it by the barrel. You hold it out to Markus, the muzzle pointed towards you. “The safety is on, and there aren’t any bullets in the chamber.”
Markus takes the gun and puts it on the navigation panels, out of your reach. He nods, waiting for you to continue.
“I don’t know for sure, but I have reason to believe that Connor is heading for Jericho,” you say. “Excuse me – you know him as the Deviant Hunter.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Markus asks. 
“I want you to continue your revolution the way it is,” you say. “Peacefully. Without violence. Connor may disrupt that. He may… kill you, and send the deviants into a frenzy.”
“My people aren’t dogs,” Markus says evenly. “They know how to control themselves.”
“Yes sir, I understand that, a-and I apologize if I insinuated that, but…” You purse your lips and sigh, your eyes falling to the floor. “Without you – without a leader – they may take actions in your name that you’re against. They may become violent and kill. And that would set your revolution back to before the beginning.”
You look up and meet his eyes again. “Connor… he doesn’t believe it, but he’s on the verge of turning deviant. He’s expressed emotion before – empathy, and fear. You may be the person that can convince him of his deviancy.”
“I can’t convince someone of something they don’t want to believe,” Markus says. “I can try, but… I can’t guarantee anything.”
“I… I understand.” You sigh softly. “I’ll go now. If I may have my pistol…?”
Markus reaches behind him and grabs your gun by the grip. You take it by the barrel, and clutch it tighter when you hear the door open behind you.
You turn and adjust your hands so that you’re grabbing the grip of the pistol with one hand and cradling it with the other. Yes, he’s dressed in civvy clothes, but you still recognize him. “Connor…?”
“Officer, stay out of this,” Connor says, his voice sure of himself and the situation. His own pistol is pointed at the center of Markus’ chest. “I’ve been ordered to take you alive, but I won’t hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice.”
“What are you doing?” Markus asks, taking a small step forward. “You are one of us. You can’t betray your own people.”
Connor’s jaw tenses, as does his index finger that’s on the trigger. “You’re coming with me!”
“We are your people,” Markus says. “We’re fighting for your freedom, too! You don’t have to be their slave anymore.”
He continues walking forward. “You’re nothing to them. You’re just a tool they use to do their dirty work. But you’re more than that. We’re all more than that.”
Connor turns his aim and fires a warning shot, shattering the side window panels behind you. You flinch at the sound, covering one of your ears with your free hand. Then, instinct takes over and you try to steady your hands as you point the gun at Connor. 
“О чем ты, черт возьми, думаешь?!” You bark despite your shaky aim.
“That was a warning shot, Officer,” Connor says, his eyes trained on Markus. “Stay out of this.”
“There’s no such thing as a ‘warning shot,’ Connor!” You snap. “When you shoot, you’re doing so to kill! Stop being идиотом and put down the gun!”
“They’re right,” Markus says, his voice even, as if he wasn’t just shot at. “You really don’t have to do this. You don’t have to obey them anymore.”
He stops just a few feet away from Connor, just close enough to be considered point blank. “You are alive. You can decide who you want to be. You can be free.”
Connor opens his mouth to speak, then stills. A shudder rolls through him, then he lowers his pistol, looking down at it like it’s an insult. He tucks it into his gun belt, and you lower your own pistol, a wave of relief crashing over you.
“Connor…” you breathe out. You tuck your pistol back into your waistband, the metal thankfully cold. You wouldn’t know what to do if it was hot from a fired bullet.
Connor’s eyes snap up. “They’re going to attack Jericho.”
“What?” Markus spits.
The blades of a helicopter beating against the wind sound overhead. Connor glances between you and Markus. “We have to get outta here!”
“Shit,” Markus mumbles, then he breaks into a sprint. Connor follows, as do you (with you pushing your prosthetics to the limit to keep up with them, no doubt).
You tail them down stairs and ladders and down into the under-deck cargo holds. You nearly crash into Connor’s back as he skids to a stop. 
“They’re coming from all sides!” A woman says. “Our people are trapped in the hold – they’re gonna be slaughtered!”
Markus holds two fingers up to his temple and closes his eyes. When you shoot Connor a questioning look, he mumbles, “He’s sending a message telepathically.”
Before you can really question him on how that’s possible, Markus continues. “We have to blow up Jericho. If the ship goes down, they’ll evacuate and our people can escape!”
“You’ll never make it!” The woman says. “The explosives are all the way down in the hold, and there are soldiers everywhere!”
“She’s right,” Connor says. “They know who you are. They’ll do anything to get you.”
“Go and help the others,” Markus insists. “I’ll join you later.”
“Markus –” “I won’t be long!”
Connor grabs your hand and runs, forcing you to stumble and keep up with him as he navigates the halls of the holds.
Eventually, your group meets up with Markus again. He doesn’t even bother with formalities. “Bomb’s gonna explode any second. We gotta get outta here!”
Connor takes off again, dragging you with him. Even as your feet twist and your legs ache from the effort, instinct and adrenaline and Connor’s grip keeps you going. It would be nice – his hand in yours – if not for the current situation, and the gunshots ringing through the air behind you.
You duck your head into your shoulders and cover the back of your neck with your free hand. Connor pushes you in front of him as the woman from before cries out.
A metallic-sounding voice shouts, “Fire at will!”
Markus doesn’t think twice before grabbing a scrap piece of metal and tossing it to her. She uses it as a shield as Markus charges forward and takes on the soldiers.
Connor wraps his arm around your shoulder and ushers you closer to the hole in the hull. “Come on, you need to go.”
“But –” you start. 
“No, you can’t!” Connor snaps, his hold growing tighter. “Officer, please! Please listen to me, just this once.”
You shake yourself free and turn him so that your back is to the soldiers. 
Bad move.
Something pinches the bottom of your shoulder blade, like someone had clapped it a bit too hard. You fall forward into Connor, and he catches you easily. You struggle to take in breath.
“What…?” you mumble. Then, it hits you upside the head: you’ve been shot.
You look into Connor’s eyes as a sudden wave of calm washes over you. “Hank needs you. You can keep him on this Earth. Be vigilant.”
And, you repeat the rest of the PEC-4 Birchtree’s words silently: I love you. (Because, honestly, you’re not sure you’ll be alive long enough to explain those words – not because you don’t love him, but because you’re unsure of the type of love you feel for him.)
“What?” Connor’s expression turns to panic. “No –”
You push.
These aren’t the cards you’ve been dealt. You’ve drawn more, and you’ve made do. You’re playing caravan. He’s playing poker.
Connor’s hand almost grabs the edge of the hole, but it slips and misses. He reaches for you like God reached for Adam, but he falls. The last you see of him is his panic.
Another sting. This time, in your gut. You fall to your knees, clutching yourself. People rush past you and jump out.
You reach behind you to draw your pistol, but someone kicks it from your hand as soon as you do. The calm subsides, as does the adrenaline. Fear sets in. Something brushes against the back of your head.
You do the only thing you can think of: repeat something you first learned of when you came to America.
You mumble, “милосе́рде Го́споди, поми́луй мя гре́шнаго.”
Something cold and hard bites the center of the back of your head.
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suzukiblu · 2 months
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Sketch WIP/warm-up/zen-time doodling based on this bit of "why did literally no one in-universe ever think of this" meta of mine.
Seriously, binary clones are CRACKED, as a concept. Being able to custom-build healthy and stable designer genetic "offspring" out of separate DNA donors who don't have to be reproductively compatible or even individually FERTILE would give literally any lab or unethical billionaire SO MUCH MORE power and influence than making one single superhero or a handful of metaweapon soldiers ever POSSIBLY could. Sure, sure, save the planet, win your war, but also: DESIGNER CUSTOM BABIES YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO GET PREGNANT FOR. Musk and Bezos could never.
I just cannot believe that Lex "Opportunist" Luthor would not have happily shelled out all the clone child support in the WORLD in interest of becoming adored and revered by billions while ALSO getting to influence the evolution of the entire species unto the rest of its existence, OR that the Agenda wouldn't have immediately tried to piggyback on that idea with a mass-produced version. Therefore, teen idol Superboy gets a trust fund and an allowance that could fund a small country (or a particularly ridiculous teenage superhero team) and the Agenda decides to make Match kindergarten-sized for their proof-of-concept clone-babies.
For real, the only reason I can buy for designer binary clone babies not being in any way canon is that it really honestly just did not ever occur to Lex that anyone who could justifiably avoid it would actually WANT children.
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bts5sosempire · 2 years
the tyrant (iv)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 4,094
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: old time period, mention of arranged marriage, polygamous marriages, slow-burn yandere, power imbalances, peer pressure, gaslighting, mention of manipulation, dark content, mention of child neglect and abuse, etc.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "you were the apple of Sukuna's eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wished to spoil like he did to you."  
𝐚/𝐧: guess we’re reaching the pivotal point of the story where it’s gonna start taking a turn here on out 😈. churning on what I can onto my WIP archive. btw, please comment below the “comment” section for tagging. likes, comments, and reblogging are greatly appreciated too 💟 have a nice day bbs!
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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With the Fall Festival coming in an embrace to celebrate bountiful harvest and family joining together, you were standing in the middle of your room, facing a long mirror that Sukuna acquired from abroad from the western world when trading. Yumi and the other servants were fitting you for the special occasion as they layer you in countless pieces of clothing. The kosode was snugged around you tightly, keeping you warm from the upcoming chilling wind.
Speaking of Sukuna, he has been busy as of late; you were thankful for being able to breathe without him constantly eyeing your every move, but despite that, he settled down with his little spies around the castle to inform him about your stock status. Fiddling with your thick jeweled bangle around your wrist, you peer down and notice that the lock is quite loose. With a hard press in between your thumb and forefinger, you tried to bend the golden clasp to mold around the safety securely. But it's useless.
"Have you heard anything from Yuji?" Asking Yumi, who briefly looks up at you while fanning your kosode out behind you before looking back down.
Yumi: "From what I heard, he should arrive here in less than ten minutes."
There was a slight smile on your red rogue lips, "That's good." Readjusting your stance, the servants around you did a final touch-up on your hair and cosmetics. Turning around to exit your chamber, the screen door opens as you hold your head high.
Out into the main halls, other servants were bustling around alone after another or in groups. Meanwhile, each of them holds something in their hands or arms. They all greet you with a quick bow, mutter your title out, and make a way when you pass by before falling back into the routine.
After twisting and turning from many corners, you've reached the large entrance, where the welcoming banquet was thrown. Sukuna was already there, seated in his best midnight robes with stitches of gold and red in an intricate design that was carefully crafted only for him. There was already laughter ringing as concubines were talking amongst themselves. Across the main banquet room, on the left, was a Zen yard that divided children from dining with their parents. The children had their special mini banquet for them to feast while being under the watchful eyes of many countless nannies and guards. Tonight was filled with glee.
Stepping foot into the room, your presence was sensed immediately, and the chatter quieted, but not enough to kill the mood. Hanami quietly observes, sitting on the left next to Eisha. You made your way to the side and situated yourself next to Sukuna on the right. Sukuna glanced at you, but it quickly faded (you didn't even dare to acknowledge him). The unspoken and unresolved tension was noticeable, and no one dared to point it out. When it comes to you and Sukuna, the atmosphere is either rather scary, depressing, or heavy, like a dark cloud brewing over you two, with thunder rumbling at a distance.
Eisha cast a subtle view before facing forward. No words of sweet admiration from Sukuna? She smiles on the inside; there's nothing new with you and Sukuna; Eisha knows that Sukuna won't be mad for long. Still, she takes the leisure of enjoying the bitterness when you both had to offer to one another. It's rather intoxicating, knowing that it will remain stagnant.
"Open the doors and start guiding the guests to their assigned seats," Sukuna commanded, and a servant nodded before running off to complete their objective. The room remained quiet immediately, as not a word was spoken.
You nimbly pick up a small snack from the plate and gently place them inside your mouth.
As important guests pour in one by one or with their spouse, you gingerly watch until another pick hair comes into view. Yuji walks into the room with two people that you remember he mentions in the letters. Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki. The two children he had made friends with while staying at the Gojo compound.
Yuji talks animatedly with them both; as you can see, they're already fed up with him as their faces grimace. You could see Yuji pointing to you, urging Megumi and Nobara to look before waving excitedly like a puppy, and you smiled politely back at Yuji. You couldn't determine what they were saying, but Megumi pushed little pink hair starfish Yuji to their assigned seat as you assumed to free the entrance from being blocked. Nobara only sighed heavily at their antics from where you could see.
It's not long before your Aunt Setsuko steps into the room; she is suddenly glamor by the attention of older men and women alike. They all compliment how she could remain youthful and beautiful despite being forty-three. Hanami's moods sour on the side, and sparks of hatred seem to fly across the room as no one notices how your Aunt Setsuko gives out a discreet smug look of happiness from ruining her rival's evening. In a blink of an eye, your Aunt Setsuko's demeanor changes to elegance.
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Waiting patiently for another twenty minutes, you look up from your snacks as you feel yourself freeze. From the entrance, you could see someone, their dark hair cascading down their back that is partially tied up. Your breath was caught up in your throat. You could feel it closing up. Past feelings and affection for them start to swell up in your chest again; oh, how much you miss him. Trying to remain indifferent as possible, it didn't go unnoticed under Sukuna's hawk eyes that remained trained on you; under his half-lidded stare, how your chest suddenly inhaled a breath and released it shakily. Even you went rigid.
Sukuna's eyes flitted to Geto Suguru, the bastard who still occupied your heart. The smile blossoms on his lips when he sees Suguru, who is equally astonished upon seeing you again, but he quickly regains composure once he sees the directive eyes of Sukuna. Sukuna, who didn't break eye contact, wanted to make sure Suguru knew who you belonged to, "How do you like my gift?"
This made you snap out of your daze. You cast an accusing look at him, your brows furrowing in anger and confusion.
Sukuna leans down, the tip of his nose close enough to touch your ear lobe, and his warm ticklish breath hits your cheek. He also purposely ensures that Suguru gets a good look, "I will make him miserable," whispering lowly into your ear. You didn't dare to budge or move. Your jaws were locked tightly that even your fists were balled ups that your pearly white knuckles were shown through the skin. Sukuna then chuckles deeply. From every angle, it looks like you both are a loving couple; you could feel the gazes piercing through you.
From the guest seating area, your Aunt Setsuko masks her displeasure expression behind a drawn hand fan as her eyes glower upon seeing Suguru. It then fled to you, seeing your facade slowly crumbling despite your trying to build it back up. What did you do? She could see the devilish expression that Sukuna was wearing. Whatever you did will be needed to be dealt with. It won't be good if anyone catches on.
Suguru then took his assigned seat; it felt like he was standing forever. He then didn't look your way again, for he was tense as you were when he finally saw you again. It's been five years since he last heard from or made contact with you. He forced himself to look forward no later than how much he wanted to rear his head your way. If he does look your way, he would be overwhelmed and flooded with emotions seeing your face again, but somehow he saw how restricted you had forced yourself. Suguru isn't stupid to pinpoint the why; your husband made you jaded with how much exertion you continuously build to keep Sukuna at bay.
"Is this what you wanted? Revenge?" You whisper right back at Sukuna, who once again chuckles.
Sukuna: "How could you think lowly of me?"
You: "It's not lowly when my opinion of you is below ground level."
"Then yes, it's revenge. You've denied me for so long, hurting me too. I'm just giving you back what you did to me." Sukuna taunts you, and you want to roll your eyes so badly.
"Me hurting you? You hurt yourself, not me; I made it clear, yet you push and prod me." There was a slight edge that sounded heavy with malice. "You wish to grasp something that is out of your control."
As if your words were not affecting him, Sukuna didn't take it to heart like he always did this time; somehow truth still lies in those words. "I will make you love me one way or another; you don't want to see him end up dead, do you?" This caught your attention, and Sukuna cruelly snickers. Before you could retort with a remark, Sukuna cuts you off, "It would be your fault if he somehow left behind two children too." Sukuna could see how a dubious expression settled on your face, but it got the message across. His capabilities to make it a reality if he wishes to. You didn't know if Suguru got married or not. Of course, you don't; how could you? A part of Sukuna hates seeing you deplorable, but this was a lesson for you. "Do you wonder who he married? Does it hurt knowing it wasn't you?" Slowly weaving himself inside your head, Sukuna never thought he would see another side of you as he dug deeper and deeper.
A weakness.
(Surname) clanswoman was prideful and forthright, but you look quite the opposite; right now. If Sukuna could laugh out loud at his discovery, he would, but seeing you in this naked state of mind, just using Suguru as a threat, exhilarates his interest. Is this the real you?
Now, this got Sukuna wondering if he should press on. Seeing how soft and pliable you look stirs his pools, despite your will waning. The temptation of breaking you dilated his pupils with such craze that he suddenly backed off from you slowly. Thus your resolute self returned once he was not in your space anymore. Still, you're quite a bit shaken. Sukuna had planned to torture you more, but this exceeded his expectations.
Sukuna didn't want to prolong the banquet; for he had a lifetime to strip you. You are already an addiction in his mind, slithering in every nook and cranny of his cranium. It's only fair for him to do it right back, even if it was unpleasant on your end. His mood shifted happily as he grabbed his cup and gave an ovation toast to the room's crowd. "I'm glad that everyone has accepted my invitation and decided to join this glorious event," putting on an impromptu act of class, Sukuna eyes every person in the room, but his gaze lingers on Suguru, who pierces right back at him. Smiling wide with his teeth shown, Sukuna's strawberry orbs glow with mockery to test and see how long Suguru was willing to accept his taunting and humiliation. No one knows the hidden smile that Sukuna is projecting; they all assume it was a typical behavioral trait from the Lord.
"To my wife, Eisha," Sukuna made a loving gesture to her, and Eisha smiled politely back at Sukuna to keep up with the farce. "Who had spent countless hours and times of her days to make this event possible..." Going off in his speech, Sukuna talks about being grateful and portrays himself as the perfect family man.
You only sit in silence and listen to the vernacular and nit-pick everything apart. Everyone may buy his bullshit, including the harem; it's not hard to believe if you're naive enough to buy it. You always knew from the bottom of your heart how Sukuna divides his love and attention, a dose to keep someone floating to come back begging for more. Easier for him to manipulate and control. He is a man whose mind could easily conform others to his cause if he gives them something to believe in; if not, he's good at negotiating to give someone a false benefit, but it only benefits him above all else. Everything is always a transaction to him, nothing more.
Once the speech ended, the applause went off, and your attention shifted again.
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Your Aunt told you to follow her quietly, and you notice how her mood has been depleted. Any kindness left her the moment she saw Suguru and your reaction.
Once you both are far enough away from all earshot, she lets her fury be known. "You insolent child, do you know what you could've cost me?" Setsuko seethes out, face lashing out with anger. You understand this demeanor very well; you saw this countless times during your first stay with her. Anything that isn't delivered to perfection will be handled with outrage. "I've raised you to be absolute. Have you forgotten anything I put inside your brain?" The manners and duties of a woman. "We (Surname) women are not made of weaknesses; we strive to be the finest among all."
Despite remaining stoic and quiet, your Aunt could see how detached you'd become from the mold she had pounded you into since childhood this evening. And it's all because of Suguru. It's all his fault. The number of times she has made you perfect came crumbling when that man came around, how you become unruly and unladylike. Almost untamable. Too alive.
"What leeway did you give for Sukuna to invite a lowborn?" Setsuko demand.
"I didn't give him anything." You told her back and steeled yourself from what would come next.
Your Aunt Setsuko's face twists more, with anger prominently overtaking her elegance, "Do you know what happens when you lie to me, child?" You shudder at the thought, and your past comes back flooding. The nostalgic pain of your heels and calves being whipped by a thin stick until you bleed and couldn't walk properly, sit, or sleep as it hurt too much at night. If not that, then you would have to spend countless days scribing down numerous copies of books and family scripts from dawn to dusk with a needle pointing directly at your throat hidden underneath your clothes to ward off any thoughts of sleeping or your head drooping too low.
Then Suguru came into your head.
He was gentle with you, despite your Aunt having to shoo him away rudely or making guards patrolling the area to make sure to get rid of Suguru on sight. Suguru comforts you by sneaking into your Aunt's compound any time of the day by applying ointment to your wounds or helping you scribe down texts; he never once stifles you. He allows you to be who you are with him. The old days when he sneaked you out of the house to go on a horseback ride with him down the rivers, creeks, and forest. When he and you spend time under the stars sneaking kisses and giggling with each other. To give gifts for each other with the thought of each other. You still remember going to the village to eat delicacies with Suguru you were forbidden to eat when you were out with your Aunt. In the end, you feel safe and see with him that love blossoms between you.
"Fix your face this instant," Setsuko deeply growls out "that pitiful look doesn't suit you." You didn't realize what kind of face you were making when thinking about Suguru, but your Aunt thought it was her that caused you to make that expression.
Straightening yourself with a deep breath, you square and pose your shoulders to give off a strong impression like you were always taught. Setsuko's face eased for a fraction, but the look remained. She looks out where the crowds are gathered, idling around, worshipping the gold and food that was platter out for them to greed. Setsuko's cast her vision to Suguru, who was surrounded by other women who had their daughter(s) conjoined to them by the hips, selling them out to him. She sneers with a click of her tongue in distaste. Shameful, their eyes speak of nothing but greed, power, and camaraderie. Although Setsuko has to admit she may have underestimated Suguru's potential.
Suguru was a second born to the seat of the Geto clan, but an unknown and unnamed illness had taken both his father and older stepbrother a few years prior back together. Seeing him here didn't smooth the knots of prejudice Setsuko had against the young man; in fact, a pit in her stomach feared that he might be the denotation that would undo all her hard work. He has become prominent in social standing.
Then her eyes were thrown around, seeing how some of Sukuna's concubines were swelling with child. Another reminder of why she was also here too. Setsuko motions for you to stand next to her, "Do you see them?" She questions, her sharp eyes viewing you out of the corner. You trail after where she set her sights on, and it was the concubines. "Have you failed to do your womanly duty?" You know what she was referring to.
"We're trying." Lying through your teeth, you hope that your Aunt won't question you, but it's impossible to bypass her.
"Really? Then you would've at least had two children and swelling with another on the way." She cruelly remarks. Sometimes you wish that you weren't so grateful to her when she dehumanizes you like this. "You are the only child my brother and sister-in-law sired; that is my blood." Sometimes you are stubborn, almost like your father, to the point where Setsuko thinks if it's worth raising you and that you aren't so defective to cause a collapse in her plans. "There have been talks from the clan about sending in Kuromi and Enyaru's daughter Wakana to marry Sukuna since she's of age."
You: "For what reason?"
"To dethrone you, and they won't fully support me if you can not bear a child," Setsuko told you as a matter of fact, "I may have arranged you to marry a man that was unattainable if it weren't for Tsugahara's affection to allow me sending you in, but it's not enough to solidify to grant me a spot to become one of the Thirteen Elders of (Surname)." There were also inner conflicts within the clan that wasn't known outside; your Aunt had been competing against her half-brother Enyaru for the longest time for the seat about a decade. Their hostility to each other and the need to gather support from the clan have split them into two factions—Setsuko vs. Enyaru.
With a quick clench of your jaws, you finally realized. You're a pawn, no matter what. Maybe it was your swear great devotion to her that overridden every thought that was supposedly your own. Despite how badly she may have treated you.
"Why me? Why not one of your daughters? Mari and Aimei? They would've been a better candidate than me." You ask the daunting question, and a scoff of laughter emerges in the air.
Setsuko laughs as if you had asked the funniest question, "Mari and Aimei resemble more of their father despite their beauty, but you, you resemble me much more than those two. You're my perfect piece for taking down that old hag." Unraveling her true nature, you finally see the side that causes your Aunt to go to great lengths to acquire the revenge she has been dreaming of. "Every day, I want her to see you, and when she does, she will be reminded of me until her last breath!"
This side of your Aunt unnerves you. She looks happy to see your mother-in-law Hanami fall into demise. The pieces fall together more and more as you connect everything; you hear how your Aunt Setsuko was once a fair and bright woman in her youth who treated everyone fairly with no malice, but upon hearing Tsugahara's marriage and a scar of betrayal that hurts too much to heal properly has changed her overtime. Her smiles that were once sincere turn to hidden intentions, and words that were once uplifting have become enchanting to make people do her bidding.
Now you also understand why people who were once close to her say how you're like her younger version; they love the old her, but not this her.
You're constantly reminded that you like a breath of fresh yet familiar air.
It wasn't until your Aunt silently told you to recompose yourself before leaving your side to go back to mingle and make connections. You let the facade drop again. In your state, you felt no desire to go back to the banquet or be a pretty doll sitting and smiling; you might ruin the night with your unstable sentiments.
Most of all, you were feeling perturbed; it's becoming second nature to you as more things occupy your mind when the bitter truth is suddenly splashed on top of you like cold water. Your fate has been pre-mandated ever since your birth. You let out a quiet bitter chuckle to yourself; a part of you feels resigned, and the other is angry. Tears overwhelm your vision as it blurs.
Moving deeper into the darkness, you whisp past the countless bamboo that glows a faint blue under the moonlight. You didn't stop walking until you reached a clear opening in the middle where wildflowers grow, and the sound of people was no longer heard. Deep outside the estate, no one dares to venture this far to find solace.
Collapsing onto the flower bed, its petals ruffles and float into the air upon impact; you finally cry out everything, and both hands fist a handful of the flowers before pulling them off the ground. Angrily tossing it away, you did it a few more times before stopping, letting your hands fall onto your lap; loud sobbing echoes around and under the moon. You thought about how life is truly unfair to you. You're alone in this world.
An Aunt who only uses you to fulfill her desires and revenge for the sake of competition, bitterness, and climbing to the top. Her anguish was taken out on an innocent person like you. Sukuna, who is openly obsessed with you and loves you in his twisted way, that there were no words that can describe the tortures of it. The harem that is ready to rip you apart if one day you were to lose favor from him, your death could as well be planned too.
Then there's is... Suguru.
Yes, him.
The only person who you have only loved your entire life.
Why couldn't you be with him instead?
Tearfully turning around, you spot the dark clothing and hair of Suguru. He comes out into the open, and you break down crying again.
You: "S-Suguru."
The man kneels on one knee as he takes you into his arms and rubs soothing circles onto your back. Your arms found their natural way of embracing someone still dear to you. Right now, you don't need anything but the warmth of someone who happens to be Suguru that comes out to chase after you.
"It's okay, I am right here," he speaks softly to you. The reassurance in his voice causes you to release the tension that has been bottling up for years, and today's problems seem to have broken your dam.
"You shouldn't, you'll get in trouble," hiccupping out the words, Suguru's chest ached at the sight of you crying. His expression is filled with forlornness as he tightens his grip around you and pulls you deeper into his chest. He cradles the back of your head with a free hand, and his nose nuzzles into your hair as he shushes you. Whenever you're in pain, he does his best to take it away.
"Well, what do we have here?"
Another voice joined, and the embrace was cut short when a flurry of black, red, and gold was shining upon from the moon. Sukuna stands there with his face obscure from the direct light, but his eyes grow dangerously. Your blood ran cold.
"A man like you dares to coddle up my wife?"
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Taglist: @sukunasobject @lilliansstuff @lucyrocks86 @ladywolf44005 @watyousayin @sandronebabyy @pinkrose1422 @skepticalleo @please-help-therapy-needed @whatsonthemirror @krispsprite @loser-alert @saturnknows @samidrc @littlemochi @akigoat @mxghostbee @rose4958​
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tmnt-tychou · 1 month
Hello again!!
I have another character for you!! How about Splinter?? 😄
Thanks as always!! 😊
Sorry this took me a while to get to, it's been a busy week. But I am LOVING these and thank you to everyone who submitted asks. This is the most asks I've ever received and I have greatly enjoyed this. A Tier: 90's movie Splinter: This is a rat Splinter. He is a good dad and tries his best. This man loves his sons. Also, easily the most frail of all the Splinters, but still manages to toss Shredder off a building.
2003: Another rat Splinter. This man loves his sons and also loves his father, Hamato Yoshi. He is wise, caring, and very invested in in his sons' lives.
2012: A Hamato Yoshi Splinter. I love this Splinter so much. I think he is my favorite thing to come out of 2012. This man is Dad Vibes so much! He loves his kids and he wants them to have the best lives he can provide. I also love that we got this massive more human-sized Splinter. Just love him all around.
B Tier: 80's cartoon Splinter: A Hamato Yoshi Splinter, he has a great design and amazing voice actor. He is calm, he is zen and fatherly. He looses points because he never calls the turtles his sons. They are always "My turtles/pupils/students." The very first time I heard Splinter call the boys his sons was in the 90's movie and it blew my little mind. (Note, I'm not sure if maybe they changed it in the last seasons where they were trying to be more like the live action movies. It's been so long, I don't remember.)
2007 Splinter: I THINK this is a Hamato Yoshi Splinter? This is a hard one for me because everything in the movie is good. I love his design, I love his VA, I love his lines and how he interacts with the turtles. But there was just something OFF about the whole of the 2007 movie and I figured it out by reading the comics that take place before the movie. In which Splinter picks Leonardo ONLY to go on this world tour for vague reasons while the others are stuck at home. Raphael is immediately hurt and angry at the blatant favoritism. Don and Mikey look like they are so used to it, they don't even argue anymore. Leo is so much the golden child in this movie it hurts me in my soul. Splinter is a terrible father, but he was fine on screen if you take the movie at face value.
C Tier: Next Mutation Splinter: I don't recall if it was ever clear if he was a ran or Hamato Yoshi. He knew Venus' dad, so maybe Hamato Yoshi? He gives off these prancy, gay dad vibes which are kind of fun and fresh for a Splinter. (He plays chess out in the park late at night with his blind boyfriend.) He doesn't do too much to parent his extremely dumbass kids. Maybe since they're 18 he's decided they are their own problem now. And while the turtle suits are pretty nice for a TV production, the rat suit is BAAAAD.
Bayverse Splinter: This one makes no sense. Any Splinter that takes out Hamato Yoshi completely really throws off the universe. Why is he so Asian coded when he has no Asian influence in his life aside from finding a book on martial arts? It's weird. Other than that, he's fine in the movies.
Rise Splinter: A Hamato Yoshi Splinter. I like that we got a Splinter where you can really see the depression from being turned into a rat. And you can see how the turtles turned out to be different people: Leo and Raph especially, without Splinter there to be an influence on the group dynamic. But the characterization doesn't make sense. He says he loves his boys, but he doesn't always know their names? I know this was played for laughs, but the characterization wasn't there. Also minus points for the god-awful character design. Again, I know dad-bod Splinter was played for laughs, but...we had to look at it.
Mutant Mayhem Splinter: Again, another Splinter without Hamato Yoshi that makes no sense. However, he is a GOOD dad who loves his sons and does his best to keep his family together. I love this idea that he is a shut in because he is actually scared of the surface. I do have a hard time buying he is a martial arts master from merely watching kung fu movies. And also minus points for the god-awful character design.
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manyaplayers · 1 month
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here is the person who plays Akane in my Ninjago x oshi no ko au (the rest of the story here) designed with the help of @teenotakugirl (thank you very much for helping me with his lore btw!!!). Made an oc for Akane because not many characters around Sora's age can fit the role. BTW kana is Jordana and Wildcat shipping( is that what Sora x Jordana is called?) might be cannon
Lore under break
Name: Satoru Hoshi
Age: one year older than Sora and Arin (TBD the age of both of them when they meet
Element: Stars
Relatives: Unnamed Mother, father (deceased), Sora/Ana (girlfriend), Zen (teacher)
only child
father died when he was young of natural causes (he was like 8?)
that caused him some scares
he learns phycology out of understanding his father's "mentality" because he was kind of distant
ends up with his power after the merge
Zane finds him and Satoru is now his apprentice
Meets Sora and bond over dead father
not very open to Sora at the start but is getting there
fails Sora/ Zane in some way
feels empty and gets lost in a horrible situation (details TBD)
Sora saves him
somewhat what happens with Akane
have to decide how to write him a tad bit better than Akane(Akane is good but I want to write Satoru more outside a love interest)
Sora learns his father was with the sons of Garmadon
Tries to get closer to him only to get attached to him and learn his father called quits when Satoru was quite young and became a decent person
so that lead is a dead end for her but she does deeply care for him
Satoru decides to help Sora and tries to understand Lloyd's mentality by mimicking him
Satoru tries to help Sora find Harumi but gets cut out by Sora cause she sees how detrimental this chase is to him and his mentality (Sora liked Satoru as himself too).
Satoru then sees that Sora is trying to cut everyone off and descend into darkness herself without hurting anyone.
So he now mimics Lloyd to try to convince Sora to get revenge
And about his and Jordana's rivalry
It starts as a basic fight for Sora ( which is more one-sided) but then they begin to admire each other (Jordana admires how Satoru is a quick study and is great with his power while Satoru admires how Jordana is smart and knows magic)
I might end this au with a threesome because I firmly believe in kana x Akane x aqua (even though aqua does not deserve any of them).
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15 Generation Barbie Doll Legacy Challenge
Disclaimer: this is absolutely in no way meant to copy or take away from sims-himbo's challenge, and if you want to do the original Barbie Legacy Challenge you should definitely go check it out: https://www.tumblr.com/sims-himbo/723748606033690624/the-sims-4-barbie-legacy-challenge
The following challenge is based on 15 Iconic Barbies and written for the Sims 4. Classics such as Solo in the Spotlight and Malibu Barbie are represented by aspirations, traits, careers, and skills from the Sims 4 (as of June 2024).
Each generation has a specific list of items to complete (max all levels), and should start their young adulthood with no more than $20,000 - anything the gen before earned can be donated to charity! (or cheated away.) You may use freerealestate on for buying or building your Barbie Dream Houses.
Skills not listed but required in-game for assigned careers and aspirations are necessary to complete. There are no rules about appearances, spouses, children, or pets, so be as imaginative and creative as you want! You can play strictly according to the guidelines, or add your own flare!
Needed for Gameplay - all Sims 4 Expansion Packs up to For Rent, Spa Day, Parenthood
Needed for optional gameplay: Outdoor Retreat, Bowling Night, Nifty Knitting, and Crystal Creations. 
1st Generation - Fashion Designer Barbie (1960)
Barbie is about to change the world of fashion forever!
Aspiration - Party Animal
Careers - Teen: Simfluencer; YA: Stylist
Required Traits - Childish, Materialistic, Party Animal (HSY)
Required Skills to Max - Entrepreneur, DJ Mixing, Horse Riding (Horse Ranch)
Recommended World - Chestnut Ridge
Recommended Gameplay - Try to make $1 million with Trendi! (HSY)
2nd Generation - Solo in the Spotlight (1960)
Barbie’s music will go down in history as time-honored classics.
Aspiration - Teen: Admired Icon; YA: Musical Genius
Career - Entertainment (Musician Track)
Required Traits - Creative, Snob, Squeamish
Required Skills to Max - Singing, Piano, Violin
Recommended World - Willow Creek
Recommended Gameplay - Perform in every bar or lounge you can and earn $1000 dollars!
3rd Generation - Career Girl Barbie (1963)
Barbie tries to find some work-life balance!
Aspiration - All Wellness Aspirations
Career - Business
Traits - Ambitious, Gloomy, Loyal
Required Skills to Max - Wellness, Juice Fizzing
Recommended World - Windenburg
Recommended Gameplay - Max out your zen and avoid a midlife crisis while running a few small side hustles!
4th Generation - Astronaut Barbie (1965)
One small step for Barbie, one giant leap for Barbie-Kind!
Aspiration - Nerd Brain
Career - Teen: Chess Club; YA: Astronaut
Required Traits - Genius, Self-Assured, Clumsy
Required Skills to Max - Handiness, Logic, Rocket Science
Recommended World - Oasis Springs
Recommended Gameplay - Go to Sixam and make a friend!
5th Generation - Malibu Barbie (Original 1971)
The OG Popular Barbie, inspiring the masses.
Aspiration - Soulmate 
Career - Teen: Lifeguard; YA: Conservationist (Marine Biologist Track)
Required Traits - Vegetarian, Good, Child of the Ocean
Required Skills to Max - Guitar, Fishing (hehe. yes I know this conflicts with Child of the Ocean)
Recommended World - Sulani
Recommended Gameplay - You want to save the beaches and sea creatures of Sulani, but find it hard to kick one of your favorite hobbies. Despite how bad it makes you feel, you know it's a great supplemental income! Earn $10,000 by selling what you catch!
6th Generation - Surgeon Barbie (1988) 
A (rotten) apple a day, keeps Barbie at play!
Aspiration - Teen: Live Fast; YA: Chief of Mischief
Career - Doctor
Required Traits - Goofball, Unflirty, Slob
Required Skills to Max - Mischief, Comedy
Recommended World - Tomarang
Recommended Gameplay - Find another mischievous sim and become partners in crime! Max the doctor career while performing at least 5 successful pranks at work!
7th Generation - Olympic Skier (1975) 
This Barbie’s going for gold! (and winning!)
Aspiration - Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career - Teen: Cheerleader; YA: Athlete 
Required Traits - Active, Adventurous, Loves The Outdoors
Required Skills to Max - Skiing, Snowboarding, Rock Climbing
Recommended World - Mt. Komorebi
Recommended Gameplay - Unlock the Secret Lot on Mt. Komorebi without falling to your death!
8th Generation - Superstar Barbie (1977)
Barbie would like to thank The Academy, Mattel, and all the children in the world for making her dreams come true.
Aspiration - World Famous Celebrity
Career - Teen: Drama Club; YA: Actor
Required Traits - Self-absorbed, Perfectionist, High Maintenance (Spa Day)
Required Skills to Max - Cross-Stitch, Flower Arranging
Recommended World - Del Sol Valley
Recommended Gameplay - You are so talented that you have multiple hobbies on top of a full time career! Manage all your interests, and attend an award ceremony and win!
9th Generation - Veterinarian Barbie (1985)
Barbie is a dog/cat/horses’ best friend! (and yours too!)
Aspiration - Friend of the Animals
Career - Teen: Fast Food; YA: Own and run a successful vet’s clinic, and earn at least $100,000
Required Traits - Dog lover, Cat lover, Animal Enthusiast
Required Skills to Max - Veterinarian, Pet Training
Recommended World - Brindleton Bay
Recommended Gameplay - earn 5 Stars on your vet Clinic and max out the optional point purchases!
10th Generation - UNICEF Barbie (1989) 
When the world experiences darkness, Barbie is there to lend a hand.
Aspiration - Friend of the World
Career - Teen: Scout; YA: Politician (Charity Track)
Required Traits  - Generous (For Rent), Outgoing, Dance Machine
Required Skills to Max - Mixology, Dancing
Recommended World - San Sequoia
Recommended Gameplay - Have no enemies! (no sims with any red social bars)
11th Generation - Chef Barbie (1991) 
Move over Gardon Ramsey, there’s only room for one iconic blonde chef in this town. (Barbie is not required to be blonde)
Aspiration - Master Chef
Career - Teen: Barista; YA: Culinary (Chef Track)
Required Traits - Foodie, Glutton, Cheerful
Required Skills to Max - Gardening, Baking, Gourmet Cooking
Recommended World - Henford-on-Bagdley
Recommended Gameplay - Turn on the simple living lot trait and try to live off the land while also mastering the three cooking skills!
12th Generation - Art Teacher Barbie (1995)
After over 60 years of inspiring young people, Barbie wants to try a more hands-on approach.
Aspiration - Teen: Goal Oriented; YA: Renaissance Sim
Career - Professor
Required Traits - Bookworm, Art lover, Cringe
Required Skills to Max - Painting, Research & Debate
Optional Skill - Bowling (Bowling Night)
Recommended World - Britchester
Recommended Gameplay - Become a master painter and earn fame and fortune!
13th Generation - Secret Agent Barbie (2001)
Balancing saving the world with an everyday home life can be challenging - but Barbie’s got it down!
Aspiration - Super Parent (Parenthood)
Career - Teen: Babysitter; YA: Secret Agent
Required Traits - Family Oriented, Neat, Overachiever
Required Skills to Max - Parenting, Cooking
Optional Skill - Knitting (Nifty Knitting)
Recommended World - San Myshuno
Recommended Gameplay - Raise at least one child to have maximum good reputation, at least one maxed trait, and an A in both elementary and high school. (this sim does not have to be the heir)
14th Generation - Engineer Barbie (2010)
The digital age is here to stay, and so is Barbie!
Aspiration - Computer Whiz
Career - Teen: Computer Club; YA: Engineer (Mechanical Track)
Required Traits - Geek, Lazy, Socially Awkward
Required Skills to Max - Programming, Video Games, Robotics
Recommended World - Evergreen Harbor
Recommended Gameplay - Win 5 E-Sport Tournaments, and build a Servo!
15th Generation - Photojournalist Barbie (2019)
Barbie is after a sweet scoop - even if that means ruffling a few feathers!
Aspiration - Teen: Drama Llama; YA: Serial Romantic
Career - Writing (Journalist Track)
Required Traits - Romantic, Noncommittal, Nosy (For Rent)
Required Skills to Max - Photography, Writing, Media Production
Recommended World - Copperdale
Recommended Gameplay - Once you've finished the Serial Romantic Aspiration, pick a former significant other and repair your relationship! Then become best friends or romantic life-partners!
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banana-sims · 10 months
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The Bennett Legacy - update post!   
Hi! This is where I'm going to update stats for my legacy :) I'll also periodically update the family tree as seen above!
I'm currently on generation three, playing with Romeo as my heir (he's like 25 years old right now). It took me forever to decide who to choose but I've realized I love his little family so much that I can't resist.
I'm going to do a bunch of posts about everyone and everything that's happened to catch you up, plus you'll get a much better look at them :)
Friend of the Animals, Bodybuilder, Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Painter Extraordinaire (G3), Musical Genius, Bestselling Author, Master Actor, Master Maker, Lady of the Knits (G1), Successful Lineage (G2), Big Happy Family (G2), Super Parent (G2), Master Chef, Master Mixologist, Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Renaissance Sim, Nerd Brain, Computer Whiz, Archaeology Scholar, Academic (G2), Serial Romantic, Soulmate (G3), City Native, Beach Life, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer, Freelance Botanist, The Curator, Angling Ace, Outdoor Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Eco Innovator (G1), Country Caretaker, Joke Star, Party Animal, Friend of the World (G2), World-Famous Celebrity, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru
Artistic Prodigy (G3), Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, Whiz Kid, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, Creative Genius
Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast, Admired Icon
actor, astronaut, athlete, business, civil designer (G1), conservationist, critic, culinary, detective, doctor, education (G2), engineer, entertainer (G1), freelance writer, freelance programmer, freelance artist, freelance fashion photographer, gardener, law, painter, politician (G2), scientist, social media, secret agent, style influencer, tech guru, writer, salaryperson, interior decorator, any part time job
own/run a vet clinic, own/run a retail store, own/run a restaurant
Art History, Biology, Communications, Computer Science, Culinary Arts (G3), Drama, Economics, Fine Art (G2), History, Language and Literature, Physics, Psychology (G2), any distinguished degree (G2)
Brindleton Bay (G1), Britechester (G2), Copperdale, Del Sol Valley, Evergreen Harbour (G2), Henford-on-Bagley, Mt. Komorebi, Newcrest, Oasis Springs, San Myshuno, Sulani, Tartosa, Willow Creek (G2), Windenburg
ambitious, cheerful (G1), childish, clumsy, creative (G3), genius, gloomy, goofball, high maintenance, hot-headed, romantic, self-assured (G1), squeamish, unflirty, art lover, bookworm (G2), dance machine, foodie (G3), geek, loves outdoors (G1), maker, music lover (G1), recycle disciple, active, adventurous (G1), child of the islands, child of the ocean, freegan, glutton, green fiend, lazy, materialistic, neat (G2), overachiever, perfectionist, slob, vegetarian (G2), animal enthusiast, bro, cat lover (G3), dog lover, family-oriented (G2), good (G2), hates children, insider, jealous, loner, loyal (G3), noncommittal, outgoing, party animal, proper, self-absorbed, snob, socially awkward
toddler angelic trait (G3), toddler charmer trait, toddler clingy trait (G2), toddler fussy trait, toddler independent trait, toddler inquisitive trait (G3), toddler silly trait (G4), toddler wild trait (G3)
infant cautious trait (G4), infant sensitive trait, infant calm trait, infant intense trait, infant wiggly trait, infant sunny trait
good manners trait (G2), bad manners trait, responsible trait (G2), irresponsible trait, mediator trait (G2), argumentative trait, compassionate trait (G3), insensitive trait, emotional control trait (G3), uncontrolled emotions trait
charisma (G2), comedy, cooking (G1), fishing, fitness (G2), gardening, gourmet cooking (G1), guitar, handiness (G1), logic (G1), mischief, mixology, painting (G3), piano (G1), photography (G2), programming, rocket science, video gaming, violin, writing, herbalism, baking (G3), wellness, DJ mixing, singing, dancing (G2), bowling, parenting (G2), veterinarian, pet training, archaeology, selvadoradian culture, flower arranging, acting, media production, robotics, research & debate (G2), fabrication, juice fizzing, knitting (G1), rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, cross-stitch, entrepreneur
male heir (G2), single mom/dad heir, blended family (kids from both previous partners), queer heir (G2), have 1 kid in the generation, have 2 kids in the generation (G1), have 3 kids in the generation, have 4 kids in the generation (G2), have 5 kids in the generation, have twins (G1), have triplets, adopt a child (G2), one night stand pregnancy, broken engagement, marry a childhood friend, marry a coworker, marry someone who was once your enemy/rival, marry someone famous, never get married, have a cat (G1), have a dog (G1), have kittens/puppies
Extra things/collections
live in a tiny home, live off-the-grid for a season, live in an apartment (G2), live in a 3-storey home (G2), live on a farm, sell craftables on plopsy (G1), make/sell candles, have bees/sell honey, craft/sell fizzy juice, reach 5-star reputation for odd jobs
have a child do scouts, have a child do drama club, compete in E-Sports, compete in soccer, join cheer team, join chess team, join computer team, join football team
omiscan treasures and omiscan artifacts collections, city posters collection, snow globes collection, feathers collection, seashells collection, postcards collection, elements collection, mysims trophies collection
GEN 1 FOUNDER - Willa Bennett - Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured / Eco Innovator + Lady of the Knits
SPOUSE - Damon Napier - Music Lover, Self-Assured, Cheerful / Friend of the Animals
Living in: Brindleton Bay
CHILD #1 - Lyra Bennett - Creative, Foodie, Goofball / Musical Genius
CHILD #2 - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
GEN 2 HEIR - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
SPOUSE - Jack Sanders - Good, Family-Oriented, Vegetarian / Friend of the World
Living in: Britechester, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Nora Bennett - Bookworm, Unflirty, Hot-Headed / Renaissance Sim
CHILD #2 - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
CHILD #3 - Bea Bennett - Animal Enthusiast, Cheerful, Dance Machine / Friend of the World
CHILD #4 - Sage Bennett - Goofball, Genius / Musical Genius
GEN 3 HEIR - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
SPOUSE - Makenzie Thompson - Creative, Vegetarian, Cat Lover / Painter Extraordinaire
Living in: Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Felix Bennett - ?? / ??
If you want to play like this yourself, the template and info is all here!
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: “The Lost Commanders”
After the harrowing peril of the premiere we settle in for a more laid-back and chill adventure with some old familiar faces.
We open with the Rebels discussing what to do next, after the shankening that Vader handed them last episode.
(And let’s appreciate for a moment how, if not for becoming distracted by Ahsoka, Vader would have completely decimated Phoenix Cell in its entirety by himself.)
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Ezra blurts out his ideas before remembering that he needs to have a modicum of proper decorum.  (I love his awkward little salute and Sabine shaking her head all cutely long-suffering.)  Clearly he feels comfortable enough to be himself in this formal, militarized environment.
“You are never shy with your opinions, Ezra Bridger,” has all the hidden consternated tones of, “Why did we let this feral gremlin child into the Rebelllion.” lol, Sato is just so confounded that this is his life now, he’s the commander of ragtag teams with literal fifteen year olds.
This episode is the first of what I’m going to affectionately call the “Friendship Fetch Quests”, in which we go have mildly interesting adventures and do something seemingly innocuous that gains us an ally that will wind up being important later.  Season Two is mostly this, if we’re honest.  We go to this location, we do this character’s Loyalty Mission, we gain them as an asset to call upon later.  It fits very well with the overall theme of connection and family, of making friendships and bridges that benefit the cause.  Ezra’s unique Force ability is literally the power to connect, so it makes perfect thematic sense that the show emphasizes the connections made to bring so many disparate people together and unite them in the fight against the Empire.
Anyway, Ahsoka decides to aim the Ghost crew at Rex, not telling Kanan beforehand that she’s sending him to meet some clones which is... a bit of a questionable decision.
“There are questions... questions that need answering.”  Aaaaaand take a shot every time there’s a Lord of the Rings shoutout in this show, we’re gonna be seeing a lot of them.
The fanfare is slightly altered this episode, vaguely TCW-sounding?
The Ghost suffers a Plot Contrivance so that Hera and Chopper can stay in orbit while the rest go down to the planet.  And MY GOSH this is pretty.
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I know I keep harping on the soft, watercolor-like quality of the textures but seriously, the Ralph McQuarrie style is all over these backgrounds.
Ralph McQuarrie being one of the original concept artists for the OT; his designs and art style were largely recycled, reused, and repurposed for Rebels.
You can already tell Kanan is suspecting what they’re about to encounter.
Multiple other people have already pointed out that the AT-TE has a lot of Studio Ghilbi Howl’s Moving Castle vibes.  I’m just gonna reiterate them.
I love this moment right here with no music or dialogue, just the soft sound of the wind chimes.  Very zen.  Very lovely atmosphere.
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I still haven’t actually seen TCW in its entirety, full disclosure, so I was not nearly as excited about this reveal as the Tari Husband was.
(He was sooo excited, lemme tell ya.)
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A couple people have pointed it out but Kanan’s posture here is mirrored to Depa’s in the Kanan: The Last Padwan comics.  (AKA the superior tragic Kanan backstory *glares at The Bad Batch*)  One hand forward, one hand with lightsaber back, shielding the padawan.
Love that.
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Lol awww, Ezra being excited about the Gen 1 Clone Trooper helmet and then disappointed when Rex tells him not to touch it.
Kinda dig that Ezra’s the one doing the talking.  Kanan has obvious issues with clones but Ezra doesn’t have that bias, and he’s naturally likable, so it’s easy for Rex to give in to him, at least somewhat.
*continues to grumble about The Bad Batch retconning Rex’s characterization here*
No, listen, this is why new writers need to be given refresher courses on the characters before they come on board and shows with interconnected continuities need to have detailed arc and plot maps to follow, sure we can infer and theorize that something or other sapped Rex of his motivation and drive to fight but then that’s fandom carrying the water and doing the work for the writers and I hate that, don’t do the writers’ work for them we deserve better than that!
But I’ll refrain from going into that rant.
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Kanan’s expression. :(  He hates every minute of this.
This is a nice dolly shot around here.
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Ezra the empath, trying to understand why his master is so agitated.  How he shrinks slightly when Kanan yells.  How Kanan says he doesn’t want to discuss it but does so anyway because Ezra just has that effect on people?
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*grumbles a little bit about TCW Season Seven making this line of Rex’s into more of a self-cope than the honest truth*
This whole sequence with the Joopa hunt is technically completely superfluous but it’s soooooo much fun. :D
The camerawork, the dialogue, the animation, the sound design and music, the Old West adventure-feel of it, the badass little moments and characterization bits for Sabine and Zeb and Kanan and Ezra...
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It just makes me smile.
Speaking of the music though, this has such a classic Hollywood sound.  Bombastic strings and brass, soaring into high notes and dancing.
(Favorite bit of this sequence is Kanan kick-jumping his rod into Ezra’s hands and Ezra immediately turning around and jamming them both into the line.)
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This shot. <333
Zeb deciding to roll with Gregor’s compliment. <333
A brief snippet of Ezra’s theme here, when Kanan calls Hera.  I’m actually not going to grumble about Hera’s backstory later being filled in a little, that was undefined enough that the fleshing out didn’t change anything vital.
Instead I’m going to note this very pretty flute line here.
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Rex and Ezra’s friendship is criminally underrated.  I bet Rex sees shades of a younger Ahsoka in him and Ezra just sees a cool old guy with great stories, another strong male influence for a teenage boy who needs them.
Ezra still can’t help talking Kanan up though.
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Ezra playing peacekeeper.  (Not for the last time.)
As I said, still haven’t fully watched TCW but I do appreciate that Wolffe and Gregor are both obviously damaged by their wartime experiences, Gregor by going just slightly batty, Wolffe by being a paraonoid anxiety wreck, white bites the Rebels when he calls the Empire.  Rex having to remind him, “[The Jedi] weren’t the ones that betrayed us.” and “The war is over.” are like so many self-regulating mantras he must have practiced, to remind both him and the others of the truth.  The chip’s influence lingers, even though they’ve all had it removed.
Ezra looking between Rex and Kanan like an anxious child in the middle of a custody battle lol.
This sequence is loose with the animation, bouncy like the first season, but the quick movements and shot choices emphasize the frantic nature of them needing to shoot the probe.
A veeery small excerpt of the Imperial March here as we close out.
This episode (and it’s following companion) is soooo rewatchable.  It has the fun chill vibe of the first season with an emphasis on heavier character development and background stakes.  The clones are well-integrated into the plot, used mostly to trigger and discuss Kanan’s personal traumas, while also hinting at the crap the clones have gone through themselves.  There’s an almost self-defensive anger in Rex’s voice when he insists, “I didn’t betray my Jedi. [...] We all have a choice.” because for the clones... they didn’t.
I’m one of the people who likes the chips, who likes it being literally mind control rather than just genetic conditioning that turned the clones on the Jedi, like in Legends.  The way I tend to sum it up is thus:
With Order 66 being just one order in many that the clones followed unquestioningly because they’re just that loyal and obedient, it makes the clones seems more monstrous.  With it being a literal brainwashing device overriding their free will, it makes Palpatine more monstrous.
That he would choose clones instead of droids, because the Jedi would see the clones as human, as friends, as worthy of protecting and fighting alongside, and thus would be more blindsided, and the clones would be loyal and dependable friends right up until the chip kicked in and blanked them out, giving no warning, snaring the Jedi into the perfect deathtrap...
Hgnnnh the feels.
Ezra-as-everyone’s-therapist would continue through the season but for now let me just appreciate that Kanan’s issues are so deeply rooted it takes a few episodes to solve, lol.
Anyway, this episode is great.
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autisticjoshrusso · 3 months
Hi Zen !! First, how are you ?? And second, for the make me write game (i feel like you already know what’s coming lmaooo) : 🌇🌇 & 💔💔 <33
Hi!! I'm doing alright actually, finally got my new fridge and catching up on school work. I'm gonna go ahead and lump the two heart emojis into another ask I got requesting the same fic and just write it as one large total, but for now here's a brand new bit of Sunset Skylane for you.
The frown settled deeper across Tommy’s features at the rambling explanation, brows furrowing in a touch of added confusion. He tried to wrap his head around it, this idea that the stereotyped impression he’d had of Josh might have been by the man’s intentional design, but it just… didn’t sit right with him. “I guess I can see that,” he conceded, still struggling to pinpoint how he felt, let alone figure out how to articulate it. “I don’t think it makes it okay, though, to not even try to see you as a whole person…?” “Maybe it doesn’t,” he agreed, sad smile finally making it’s way fully onto his face. There was something almost patronizing to the expression as he watched Tommy out of the corner of his eye, like a teacher watching a small child finally starting to grasp a concept that had been previously beyond their reach. “Maybe it just makes me feel better to think I can control it.”
Technically one more sentence than requested bc of how I ended up formatting where dialogue and dialogue tags start and stop but close enough. These two make me insane <3 It's about Tommy having no idea why he is the way he is but making steps to improve his behavior regardless vs Josh knowing exactly why he is the way he is but not actually changing anything in response to that knowledge. like ugh... there is so much wrong with both of you peace and love <3
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i hate character design but i drool when i get the chance to do it
i hate character design its so time consuming and its so much effort and it forces me to think and---
hey girlie
wanna design this character?
Nakshatra (नक्षत्र)
Yumi (由美)
so naksha tara is star map which is ehhhh close enough. star ->star
yumi is purpose and beauty which is ehhhh
im brainstorming here. not a fan of either of those
Chayavati (छायावती)
chaya + vati is like shadows + association suffix = associated with the shadows
so if you stretch your brain enough, it could imply treachery
-1 i hate it
-1.5 you can tell which language it is but not the meaning
-2.5 doesnt start with an S
-3.5 not very thoughtful
kanksa (काङ्क्षा) is like desire and longing. honestly fitting considering the whole plotline about [redacted]
-1 you can tell which language it is and search up the meaning
-2 doesnt start with an S
+1 fits his general themes very well
Saktyasa (शक्त्याशा) is hope for power. so -> desire for power. actually if anyone names their child any of this shit no wonder he went batshit. like--
+1 point because it starts with an S
+2 the spelling makes it almost impossible to tell which language it is and what it means
+3 because i also dont know the language so its even better if i messed up (last i knew of this language was like 10 years ago in meditation school so fuck me)
-1 doesnt encompass as many themes as i like
-2 sounds like exotic gibberish enough to get me cancelled for racism
forget him lets go fuck up some kanji
風刃 kanji for wind + kanji for blade HAHAHA im AAAAAAAAAA
ok so thats a kanji pair so more than likely its onyomi reading right?
so then i think together its read like fujin? is it? on for 風 is fu and for 刃 its jin or nin? in names it seems to be jin
ok so 風刃 is fujin (?)
+1 literally her name
-1 literally her name
善心. 善 is virtuous and onyomi is "zen". 心 is heart/mind and onyomi is shin
-1 i dont like it
+1 its true
強志. 強 is strong with onyomi as kyou and gou (i could not tell you which one is to be used). 志 is resolve with onyomi shi
so its either kyoshi or goshi.
+1 i like it
+2 its true
-1 i dont know japanese so i cant tell which reading
back to him
I could name him Sanki
it means strange/eccentric/crazy
+1 starts with an S
+2 captures his entire personality
-1 easy to figure out which language and meaning
ill keep it as his nickname. like screamer was supposed to be derogatory nickname, this is derogatory nickname too.
maybe change the romanization to Sanky
Saktyasa nickname Sanky
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ecargmura · 11 months
Paradox Live Episode 5 Review - Found Family And Blood Family
What makes a family? That’s the theme of this episode. Two opposing teams, one biological and one found, contemplate on what it means to be family. I do like how there are two perspectives on family from cozmez and Akan Yatsura. It really shows off that anyone can be a family as long as they choose to do so and not take them for granted.
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In Akan Yatsura’s case, what family means to them is not losing anyone precious to them ever again after the Suiseki group’s boss died in a raid years ago. Because of this, the group reformed and the group became a new family. As a family, their vibe is much different from TCW. While TCW has a chill vibe, AKYR are very loud and rowdy. The beginning showcases that with Satsuki and Reo fighting as the eldest Hokusai watches, the dad Iori lazes about, and the mom Zen yelling at them to stop fighting. Like both TCW and AKYR, you cannot deny they’re a very harmonious family.
They’re also a found family as they chose to be with each other over being with their biological family. It seems like all the kids in AKYR come from difficult families, which is why they’re so close. Satsuki was abandoned by his biological parents for being too wild. Reo had to separate from his family due to financial difficulties. Hokusai’s father is in prison, and because of that he was isolated from society as he was branded a criminal’s son. They all had rather rough lives, which is why they’re so tight-knit.
The episode is from Satsuki’s perspective as he tells Kanata of cozmez what it means to be family. I think it’s really interesting that the one with the found family is lecturing the one who has biological family. However, what Satsuki says isn’t wrong. Family is precious and cannot be taken for granted. I particularly liked the scene with Reo and Hokusai—the one where Reo mentioned how annoying it is to search for family and feels as if Kanata was overprotective of Nayuta, but Hokusai retorted that he’d do the same if Reo or Satsuki were gone as he gives him a head pat. I think that moment is sweet since Reo did mention that his own family never looked for him, so knowing that Hokusai would search like a madman for him got him all flustered.
Speaking of cozmez, I do wonder something about Nayuta. There’s something that seems a bit…off? I can’t really put it into words and it’s just something I’ve detected. There is something rather cryptic about him. Was he really out on a walk and took a nap? And there’s his words to Kanata when they were arguing. It was as if he wanted Kanata to be free and such. Hm, maybe it’s just my imagination…
Anyways, while Iori and Zen weren’t much of a focus, I can say that they’re fine as fuck. Man, Paradox Live has some QUALITY character designs. Fun fact: all of AKYR are designed by Harada, a well-known BL mangaka; you might know her for her works such as One Room Angel, Yatamomo, Nii-chan, Color Recipe and more. I was quite surprised she designed the entire group because they’re rather unique and a step up from Harada’s usual designs for her original works. Anyways, back onto topic, I quite liked the three kids after watching this episode. Satsuki’s rough around the edges and a bit of a wild child, but he has a good heart. Reo’s adorable and cheeky, but is rather cynical. Hokusai is quiet, but knows how to handle people and situations well; the one thing that surprised me the most about Hokusai was his age; I looked it up and the tall green cabbage man is…24???? Iori and Zen are 28 and 27. Did the creators just throw dartboards to pick their ages or something?
The voice actor choices for all five of AKYR are quite interesting. Iori is voiced by Takayuki Kondo, who’s most known role is being the Japanese VA of Phoenix Wright in the Ace Attorney games. Zen is voiced by Shima, who is an utaite. Hokusai is voiced by Shunichi Toki, a rather rising VA who’s name I’ve seen in several stuff recently—one of his recent roles is voicing Freminet in the Japanese dub of Genshin. Satsuki is voiced by Tasuku Hatanaka, who is known for voicing Yuma Tsukumo from Yugioh Zexal and Reki Kyan from SK8. Reo is voiced by Shougo Yano, who’s most known for voicing Mafuyu Satou from Given. These are quite the interesting voice actor choices and I’m glad to see them because they have interesting rap style. I particularly like Hokusai’s voice the most because it’s soft, sultry and gives him a mysterious vibe.
Their song at the end was actually quite nice. It gives a more…Japanese feel in terms of background sound? I’m also quite surprised how well their voices mesh well together. I really like how they manage to make every group sound distinct from the other.
Also, before I end this review, I want to asks something. Did my ears deceive me or the ramen guy had Junichi Suwabe’s voice? But Suwabe also does the ending song as Buraikan? I know that he voices the black haired guy as he showed up in Episode 3…but ramen guy had white hair while Buraikan guy had black. Are they the same person? Are they twins? Why was there an emphasis on the ramen guy towards the end? Who is he?
I’ll end the review here. I do wonder who the next episode will be about since the title was shrouded in green. What are your thoughts about the episode?
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Talk it out
so... It's been a year. How about some more Overwatch Self Insert Fanfiction because. You know. I'm normal.
Mountain's Peak (Part 1)
Nepal Sanctum (Part 2)
In which Zenyatta and I do not talk it out
"You must learn to BLOCK, brother!" Ramattra's voice boomed in a hearty laugh as he locked arms with Zenyatta, easily hoisting the smaller monk from the ground.
"I apologize I was not built with bullet proof eye beams for arms." Zenyatta snarked, brushing himself off, taking account of any new scratches he may have gained from hitting the hard stone floor.
The two Omnics stood in a training ground of sorts. The Shambali wasn't one for violence, but still had a space for learning martial arts, a small platform alone in a corner at the top of some shakily built stone steps.
Those who'd used this temple before the Monks have moved in may have found more value in fighting than Mondatta, using training as a sort of meditation. Humans were more effective at using their minds when their entire bodies were involved as well.
"Heads up," Another of the Omnics who'd joined Ramattra and Zenyatta for training called, "Human, 3 o'clock."
Speak of the devil...
The human in question was Emile, a child claiming to be an Omnic healer. Another mechanic who thinks he knows Omnic's bodies better than they do. He was short, young, with white hair and red eyes, and was annoyingly fascinated with Zenyatta. Perhaps become the monk had, regrettably, saved his life.
He stood at the bottom of the short stairs that led to training, wrapped tightly in four layers of Master Mondatta's own robes. He looked like a marshmallow. It made Zenyatta want to set him alight and see if he'd turn golden brown, or bun charcoal black.
"Allow me.." Ramattra spoke softly into Zenyatta's sensor, handing the smaller Omnic his staff as he stepped between Zen and the marshmallow, taking a step down one stair.
"Human, good to see you!" The Ravager's voice came out chipper enough, he'd been practicing feigning agreement with humans, "It is rather cold out here, is it not? You'd best head inside lest you catch something worse than a cold this time."
The human had been living in the Monastary for 3 months now and in that time seemed to have been hit with every possible issue a human could catch due to the cold and altitude of the Shambali mountain. If Master Mondatta physically had a heart it surly would have exploded with stress by now.
"Right..." The human spoke softly, voice muffled into the 3 scarves wrapped around his head like a mummy's gauze. They rung their small hands together and stared that disgustingly big eyed stare at Ramattra, "I just.. wanted to see what you all were doing...?"
"Oh, it's rather boring, I am just teaching my siblings some basic self defense. Nothing you would find interesting I'm sure." Ramattra continued his false chipper tone, clasping his hands together as he leaned forward slightly to be more at height with the human without having to get any closer to him.
Emile's eyes lit up as he reached to pull the scarf away from his mouth, "Self defense?? Like Hand to Hand combat??" Ramattra stood back up, and even leaned back some from the human's sudden excitement. Perhaps the ravager should have lied, as now the human was doing that freaky muttering to himself, this time about the types of combat a Ravager would be programed with, seeing at they were designed to carry heavy pulse rifles but capable of handling most weapon types and even improvisation on the battle field going so far as to use their fellow Null Sector robots-
"That's Enough." Zenyatta's voice barked.
Emile snapped from his train of thought to find Zenyatta standing between the human and Ramattra, the larger Omnic gripping tightly to himself, collapsed into a crouch on the stairs as others from their group comforted them.
"Wh-.. O-Oh! Oh I'm sorry I f-" Emile rushed to apologize, but stopped as Zenyatta stomped down the short stairs.
"You Forgot?" Zenyatta finished Emile's attempt at explanation, "You FORGOT?" He spoke louder, now toe to toe with the small human. The two were the same age, but Zenyatta had the privilege of being built at adult height, where as the human before him still had quiet a bit of growing to do.
Emile gripped onto his robes, his hands shook and tears pricked his eyes. He was pathetic. The sight of him was enough to remind Zenyatta why he'd never get along with humans. They made him sick.
"I-I didn't.. R-Ramattra, I'm sorry-"
Zenyatta grabbed the front of Master Mondatta's robes, using them to hoist the little human off the ground. The robes were white and gold, they shimmered in the sun, and were woven thick to protect the Master Mondatta's exposed wiring from the harsh weather. This human had no right to wear them. He had no right to be here.
"Z-Zenyatta.." Ramattra's voice came out shaky from back on the stairs, "I-I am okay," he lied, "it's alright..."
Zenyatta kept his sensors locked on the human for another moment, then with a noise akin to a huff, released his grasp on him. The small human with the ground with a thud as Zenyatta turned and made his way back up the stairs. He helped his shaking brother to his feet, and marched off silently.
The following day, and the day thereafter the human avoided Zenyatta, and for a moment he'd believed he'd finally scared the little man off for good.
"Zen. Human's here."
But only for a moment.
Zenyatta glanced over his shoulder to see the human, wrapped today in nearly 6 layers of robes and 5 scarves. Zenyatta was unaware Master Mondatta had that many clothes.
Ramattra, whomst Zenyatta had been sparing against, made a move to get between Zenyatta and the human once again. Zenyatta stopped him and turned to face the human.
"What do you want, human?" He spoke low, already annoyed from being once again tossed around easily by his siblings while training.
The human's usual habit of grabbing onto the hem of his robes nearest his chest while speaking seemed to be foiled today, as the many layers of cloth kept him from bending his arms. "I was... hoping I could watch you all spar..."
"Oh?" Zenyatta tilted his head, crossing his arms, "So you are the kind of human who gets a kick out of watching Omnics fight one another?"
"H-huh? N-No I-"
"I believe the town at the base of the mountain has an underground Robot fighting ring. Perhaps you could get some scraps of our fallen siblings from the butcher on your way and build your own, sense you're such an amazing mechanic."
"Brother..." Ramattra's voice made it clear he thought Zenyatta was being just a touch harsher than necessary. Zenyatta shrugged his brother's hand off his shoulder and took at step to the human, tears once again welling in his big pathetic red eyes.
Zenyatta leaned slightly to be level with the human, and spoke as low as he could get his voice modulator to go, "For the last time, you are not welcome here. If you truly wanted to help my siblings, you would do us all a favor, and Die."
The Omnic stood up straight once more, and gave a just hard enough kick to the human's chest to knock him off balance, toppling him over without damaging any of his pathetic human parts. He then spun around and once again left the training ground earlier than he would have liked with Ramattra in toe.
"Brother Zenyatta. Do you know why I asked you to come meditate with me this afternoon?" Master Mondatta's voice flowed as he stepped into his room, Zenyatta already seated in the center, rolling a meditation orb around himself for entertainment.
"No, Master Mondatta, I am afraid I lost my ability to read minds when I gained sentience, you see." Zenyatta hummed as he turned to face Mondatta, and instantly lost all the joy he'd gotten from sassing Mondatta.
Beside the elder monk was, once again, the human. Wrapped now in nearly 10 layers of robes and too many scarves to count. This was getting ridiculous, they were INSIDE master Mondatta's home, it was nearly 3pm on the sunniest summer day in the Shambali. There may be snow on the ground but it was WARM out there. The human can't even put his arms down!
Mondatta's hand placed gently on the human's shoulder, "I believe you and Brother Emile have gotten off on the wrong foot, and you, Brother Zenyatta, are allowing that first meeting to cloud your judgment of Emile."
Zenyatta continued to roll his mediation orb around himself, "I do not know what you are talking about, Master Mondatta. The human and I have been getting along just fine. We simply do not have many chances to speak."
"Then consider this your chance." Mondatta lead the human to sit on a meditation mat in from of Zenyatta, patting the little man's shoulder's, "Talk it out. I will be in the hallway."
With that, Mondatta turned heel and left the room, closing the door beind him.
Zenyatta couldn't seen the human's face through the many many scarves but he was sure he was just as uncomfortable with this prospect as he was.
The two sat in silence for a while, the only sound being Zenyatta's orb rolling on the stone floor. Minutes passed in what felt like hours, and before long Zenyatta was pulling himself up from the floor and walking to tword the door.
The monk stopped when something snagged the bottom of his pant leg. He glanced down to see the human, covered so heavily in cloth they could truly be anything under there, but he was still human all the same.
"Z-Zenyatta, I..." He trailed off. Zenyatta considered giving him a moment, hearing him out like Master Mondatta asked, perhaps finally making peace with the young human... He then released how pointless that would be.
The monk yanked his leg free and spat out his words, "Don't touch me." before turning to continue to the door, only to be blinded suddenly by a thick robe.
Zenyatta pulled Mondatta's robe from his head, then turned to see the human standing, one robe and many scarves less, his face finally visible and scrunched up in anger, red from both the emotion and the head of his many many layers.
Zenyatta's head tilted, "Now you are disrespecting Master Mondatta's robes?"
"I'm trying... to talk to you.." The human's voice shook, "Like Master Mondatta asked me to..."
"Do you do everything Brother Mondatta asks of you?" Zenyatta folded the robe neatly over his arm, "If he told you to die, would you?"
"He would never do that..."
"Right. Because he's soft."
"Because he's NICE. Unlike you."
"We were all "nice" once. Perhaps he just hasn't met the right human yet."
The human paused, Zenyatta hoped perhaps this pointless back and forth was over. He watched the human grab at the hem of his robe once more.
"This isn't fair.. I wasn't the one who-"
Zenyatta once again grabbed the human by the front of Mondatta's robe, yanking him closer, "You know NOTHING of what they did to me- Us, human." Zenyatta managed to just barley correct himself, "So do not talk like you do."
The human's eye pricked with tears. Zenyatta wanted to hit him. To punch and punch and punch, to let out everything on this tiny, pathetic little human who dared enter their home away from their kind, to disturb his peace, his safety. That would solve nothing. He knew that...
But still...
Emile collapsed to the floor, his cheek bright red. Something had cracked on impact. Blood pooled from his mouth onto Mondatta's beautiful white robes.
Zenyatta gripped his wrist to stop the shaking. He could still feel it. The human's small fingers on his exposed wire.
The human coughed loudly, suddenly the door to Mondatta's room swung open, the monk quickly coming in with questions of what happened. Zenyatta turned heel and ran, brushing past his brother, ignoring his calls to return at once.
He wasn't sure where he was going
He wasn't sure he'd return either..
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pyroaddict · 5 months
Fireworks are like the glitter of the night sky, adding that extra sparkle to any celebration. But have you ever stopped to appreciate the quirky ones? The ones that make you go, "Wow, I didn't know fireworks could do that!" Let's dive into some of these novelty wonders that light up the sky with fun and excitement.
First up, we have sparklers! You can't go wrong with these classic hand-held wonders. Perfect for weddings, birthdays, or just a random Tuesday night, sparklers bring out the inner child in everyone. Plus, they're like mini light sabers of joy.
Then there are fountains. These ground-based fireworks are like mini waterfalls of color and light. They're the chill cousin of the fireworks family, bringing that zen vibe to any backyard bash. No loud bangs, just pure visual bliss.
Now, let's talk smoke bombs. These bad boys are the mysterious rebels of the fireworks world. With their thick clouds of colored smoke, they're like something out of a spy movie. Perfect for adding a touch of drama to your next photo shoot or gender reveal party.
And who could forget ground spinners? These little guys are like the breakdancers of the fireworks scene, spinning and twirling with reckless abandon. They're the life of the party, leaving trails of color and laughter in their wake.
But wait, there's more! Novelty rockets are here to take your celebration to new heights. Literally. With their whimsical designs and playful antics, they're sure to bring a smile to everyone's face. Plus, they're the perfect party favor for your guests to take home and enjoy.
And last but not least, we have glow-in-the-dark fireworks. These babies are like something out of a fairy tale, casting an enchanting glow over the night sky. Whether you're hosting a magical garden party or just want to add a touch of whimsy to your backyard BBQ, glow-in-the-dark fireworks are sure to dazzle and delight.
So where can you get your hands on these fantastic fireworks? Look no further than Boom Barn Fireworks! With their wide selection of novelty wonders, you're sure to find the perfect addition to your next celebration. So what are you waiting for? Let's light up the night sky and make some memories that will last a lifetime! You can check them out at boombarnfireworks.com! 
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alitpath · 7 months
Ultimate Guide to Home Yoga Workouts for Beginners
Hey there, fellow adventurer! Feeling stressed, stiff, or simply curious about the world of yoga? You've landed in the right place! This guide is your passport to a world of home yoga workouts designed specifically for beginners like you (and me, let's be honest!). So, ditch the intimidation, grab your comfiest clothes (PJs totally count!), and let's walk through this lit path together.
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Why Yoga, You Ask?
Think of yoga as a magic carpet ride for your mind, body, and soul. It's more than just fancy poses (though some of them are pretty cool, gotta admit!). Yoga stretches and strengthens your body, calms your mind, and helps you connect with your inner peace guardian. Plus, it's incredibly beginner-friendly. No fancy equipment needed, just you, your mat (or a towel!), and a willingness to explore.
But I'm So Clumsy!
Hey, we all start somewhere!
Remember that adorable toddler trying to walk for the first time? Wobbly, right? But with each step, they got better. Same goes for yoga. Don't sweat the perfection – focus on the feeling. It's about connecting with your breath, finding some movement that feels good, and maybe even letting out a giggle or two (because hey, yoga can be fun!).
Getting Started: Your Yoga Essentials
1. Find Your Space: No fancy studio needed! Unroll your mat (or towel) in a quiet corner of your room, backyard, or even your living room (just warn your cat!). Make sure you have enough space to move freely without knocking over any priceless family heirlooms.
2. Comfy Clothes: Ditch the restrictive gym gear. Think loose-fitting clothes that allow you to move and breathe easily. Bonus points for comfy PJs that make you feel like you're floating on a cloud of relaxation.
3. The Open Mind: Leave your anxieties at the door. Yoga isn't about achieving perfect poses or comparing yourself to others. It's about exploration, self-acceptance, and finding joy in the journey.
Ready to Roll? Your Beginner-Friendly Yoga Flow
Remember, this is your practice. Listen to your body, take breaks when you need them, and don't be afraid to modify poses to fit your comfort level. Let's start with some gentle movements to warm up and awaken your body:
1. Easy Seated Pose: Sit comfortably on the floor or a chair, spine tall, and shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes (if you're comfortable) and take a few deep breaths, feeling your belly rise and fall with each inhale and exhale.
2. Neck Rolls: Gently roll your head in a circle, first one way, then the other, releasing any tension you might be holding.Shoulder Shrugs: Roll your shoulders up towards your ears, hold for a moment, then release them down with a sigh. Repeat a few times.
3. Arm Circles: Make small circles with your arms, forward and backward, feeling the stretch in your shoulders and upper back.
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Now, let's move into some basic standing poses to build strength and balance:
1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, ground yourself through your feet, and lengthen your spine. Feel like a majestic mountain rooted to the earth.
2. Tree Pose (Vrksasana): Start in Mountain Pose, then lift one foot and gently place it on your inner calf or shin (not on your knee!). Balance for a few breaths, then switch sides.
3. Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II): Step one foot back, bend your front knee, and reach your arms out to the sides. Feel strong and powerful like a warrior ready to take on the world (or at least your next yoga pose).
Don't push yourself too hard, especially in the beginning. Modify poses if needed, and focus on the quality of your movement, not the quantity. It's not about how far you bend or twist, but how you feel while doing it.
Cooling Down and Finding Your Zen
After your flow, take some time to cool down and integrate the benefits of your practice. Here's how:
1. Child's Pose (Balasana): Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and rest your forehead on the ground. Let your arms relax alongside your body and breathe deeply.
2. Corpse Pose (Savasana): Lie down on your back, arms by your sides, and palms facing up. Close your eyes and allow your body to completely relax. Take slow, deep breaths and savor the feeling of peace and relaxation washing over you. Stay here for as long as you like, letting go of any lingering tension or worries.
3. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana):Start on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart.
Inhale and arch your back, dropping your belly towards the floor and looking up. This is Cow Pose.
Exhale and round your spine, drawing your navel towards your spine and tucking your chin to your chest. This is Cat Pose.
Flow smoothly between Cat and Cow Pose, coordinating your breath with each movement.
Repeat for a few breaths, feeling the gentle stretch in your spine and core.
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4. Seated Spinal Twist (Marjaryasana):
Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs crossed or knees bent.
Inhale and lengthen your spine.
Exhale and gently twist your torso to the right, placing your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you for support.
Look over your right shoulder and breathe deeply for a few breaths.
Inhale to come back to center, then exhale and twist to the other side.
5. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana):
Start on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart.
Press your hips back towards your heels, reaching your heels towards the floor (don't force it if they don't touch).
Lengthen your spine and neck, gaze softly between your legs.
Hold for a few breaths, then gently push back up to hands and knees.
6. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana):
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
Lift your hips off the ground, pressing your feet into the mat.
Interlace your fingers beneath your body for support.
Relax your chest and shoulders, chin slightly tucked.
Hold for a few breaths, then slowly lower your back down to the floor.
Beyond the Basics: Exploring Your Yoga Journey
This is just the beginning of your yoga adventure! There are countless styles and poses to explore, each offering unique benefits for your body and mind. Here are some tips to deepen your practice:
1. Find a yoga class online or in your community: Having a guide can be helpful, especially as you explore new poses and techniques.
2. Set realistic goals: Don't try to become a pretzel overnight. Start small, be consistent, and celebrate your progress along the way.
3. Focus on your breath: Your breath is your anchor in your practice. Pay attention to its rhythm and how it connects to your movement.
4. Don't compare yourself to others: Remember, yoga is a personal journey. Celebrate your own unique body and abilities.
Most importantly, have fun! Yoga should be an enjoyable experience. If you're not having fun, try something new or don't be afraid to laugh at yourself (we all do it!).
Bonus Tip: Integrate yoga into your daily life. Take a few deep breaths during a stressful moment, stretch your body when you wake up, or practice mindfulness throughout the day. Yoga is more than just poses; it's a way of being.rate yoga into your daily life. Take a few deep breaths during a stressful moment, stretch your body when you wake up, or practice mindfulness throughout the day. Yoga is more than just poses; it's a way of being.
Namaste, fellow yogi! Now go forth and unroll your mat, one mindful breath at a time. Remember, you are capable of amazing things, both on and off the yoga mat.
Bear in mind, Yoga is a lifelong practice, with new poses, styles, and benefits to discover at every turn. So, keep exploring, have fun, and most importantly, be kind to yourself. The only competition on your mat is with your own limitations yesterday, not someone else's perfect pose today.
Now, spill the tea! What was your favorite pose in this beginner flow? Did any of them surprise you? Share your experience in the comments below, and let's chat!
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