frostcorpsclub · 16 days
I'm most curious: how do you think the holders would taste to the winterbeings? With the exception of Charles cause he's just made of ash
This is a fun one, normally all members of the same species would taste the same but considering the nature of the undead in your universe they would of course be an exception!
Immediately my brain was like, pimento loaf, I’m throwing up just thinking about it and not in a good way
The average winterbeing would probably enjoy it though.
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Styrofoam, baby mouse wine, and Surströmming
Again probably a flavor the wintebeings enjoy, probably even moreso than tasting Jeagar. The wine is said to taste of gasoline and the Swedish dish mentioned last is fermented fish that is described as one of the worst smelling foods in the world.
You know I’m a fish fan I’d try some Sur!
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This is something I’ve actually tasted so I can describe my experience to you in depth! Frog legs do taste like chicken as everyone says. They have very little meat on them and can be stringy, the plump bits are not of much substance but an experience to savor nonetheless. Almost like cotton candy, in metaphor not taste. When I’ve had it there was an earthy broth component used as a kind of sauce.
I would love to eat Daniel, January would love to eat Daniel, your average winterbeing would love to eat Daniel!
Damn we’re three for three here…
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Finally one they wouldn’t enjoy! Ferris tastes of Nattō
I’ll let this snippet from the disgusting food museum website describe it best!
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Are there any celebrities you feel come close to face claims for any of the zop cast
Honestly I used to be hesitant about associating my OCs with IRL people but I do wanna give this a whack cause it 1. actually got me thinking in a /POS way, and 2. could be useful for improving my art style in the facial features department. Btw this will have to be split into two posts cause of Tumblr's stupid image limit.
Also my dumbass closed the app after I finished writing my blurbs on why I went with my
Sylvain- Kade Gottlieb/Gottmik
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-Both have goth aesthetics (yes that was a factor for me here)
-Pretty close to the facial structure I imagine Sylvain having
-Gottmik literally paints her face white most of the time CMON ITS DESTINY
Aldin- ScarnonCunce
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-Masculine with a slight emphasis on wrinkles
-Decently expressive in the eyes and face
-Fun fact: I actually use this guy's Australian dub vids to help write Aldin's dialogue
Charles- Max Huang
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-Not a guy I'm familiar with admittedly
-Mainly picked him cause he's average looking/not super chiseled
-Though I will say him being in a lot of action movies kinda cemented him as my pick
Ferris- Dylan Alvarez/Funny Man
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-Yeah I know picking a guy from Hollywood Undead for this seems lazy
-*Todd Howard voice* But it just works
-Has a roundness to the face but also a kinda strong side profile
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prettyputrified · 3 months
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AF attack for @lenorethequietbookkeeper
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zop-story-archive · 9 months
Smoke, dust, death, and bleach permeated the stagnant air of the grimey bathroom. The blood staining the mold-ridden, carpeted floor was a result of its secondary use. Alongside being a space for hygienic needs, it also functioned as a kind of butchery. Many sorts of corpses and roadkill were harvested here for all their worth, with worth having different meanings to each of the two monsterous tenants.
Sylvain sat alone in the bath, a cigarette perched between his blood covered lips as he stared off into nothing. The washed out pink tub was stained dark green inside and out by his roommate's yearly 'egg scraping'. He always found himself so perturbed by the mess left behind, he never asked the lizard what exactly said process entailed. On the floor laid the vampire's latest meal, a five-foot ginger jigalow that wore no shirt and parachute pants. It was facedown on the questionably sanitary floor with a massive, open gash in its neck. The skin had become nearly as white as cotton due to the massive amount of blood drained from the body. Sylvain had no qualms leaving the corpse there, he knew Aldin would find a colorful use for it later.
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At some point, the killer plucked the coffin nail from his mouth and expelled the smoke from his lungs. He found respite in the taste of tobacco coupled with the faint buzzing of the room's singular, exposed lightbulb. More than likely, this would be the most relaxed part of his day. A part of him wanted to light up another nail before hosing himself down, although Sylvain quickly disposed of this idea. It would only delay facing the gory entropy slowly swallowing the city up.
The ashes of his cigarette fell to the bottom of the tub before the vampire flicked the stub onto the floor. He picked himself up and turned the shower on, upon which a stream of opaque, emerald water sprayed down his bloodied body. A faint smell of sulfur came from the liquid, causing his nose to twinge slightly. The vampire's pale face further cringed and grimaced when a loud, persistent knocking on the door clamored throughout the small room.
"Hey! Hey Sylvain, ya in there!?" Aldin, his roommate, yelled loudly enough for half of the city to hear.
Sylvain hissed to himself as he turned the nozzle to the right. "Not now, numbnuts, you can take a piss outside," he replied harshly as the water slowed to a periodic drip.
"Nah nah, it ain't that. I got something to show ya, get your ass outta there!" the lizard urged in his coarse voice.
"Fine. I need ten minutes, you better not bother me again," the pale thing warned forebodingly.
"Okie doke, take yer time!" Aldin chirped, as if oblivious to the threat made, before walking away from the wooden door. Sylvain rubbed his face with a groan as he restarted the shower. The killer was still for a moment as the lukewarm water flowed down the length of his body. He could already tell today was going to be greatly annoying.
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magpie-masterpieces · 2 years
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Updated ref sheet of my OC for ZoP, a universe created by my friend @lenorethequietbookkeeper.
Sonya is a thief, general nuisance to everyone, and lover of shiny shit.
Her old ref sheet is on toyhouse.
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skaucher · 2 years
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#zop https://www.instagram.com/p/CnR8u_WKgzjL8P_s7hwo3wFzETs6Q64WnpAObI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raycatzdraws · 5 months
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I saw an opportunity to make a meme and I took it.
Turtle shirt!
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
ok this is one of the best gimmick blogs on the site but I’m just thinking: will you eventually branch out to finding RNA sequences on here (with uracil instead of thymine) or is DNA just the go-to forever?
there are already some fantastic gimmick blogs such as @proteinwizard and @peptide-peddler who are doing similar things. for this blog i will probably continue as i am, but i encourage you to check out other gimmick blogs too :)
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eddiespornstache · 2 months
Eddie and Tommy who love trying new things together going to an improv class (what the hell, they live in la after all) and who’s there. but kim.
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nobigneil · 6 months
Performance Captured Instagram Story update 13th April 2024
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[Image description: a coloured drawing of Zoro and Usopp from One Piece in mostly warm green tones. The drawing is zoomed-in to show their faces and upper shoulders. Zoro is just above in the top right and looking down nervously at a grinning Usopp on the left, who has his eyes closed. Zoro's face is slightly flushed and there are little hearts in his eyes. Neon green action lines are radiating from Usopp as he smiles obliviously. /End description]
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
I would like to see Ferris of the Park incinerated by this monster.
-From the desk of @lenorethequietbookkeeper
"By Lucifer's three heads what the fuck are you?Immediately no, I don't want your rabid cheese foam secretions anywhere near my person. Stand over there. Isn't the entire point of a werewolf to be covered in hair? How are you already balding? That tail looks like it should be censored from the eyes of children! If I had my way you'd be used for animal testing, your stench is horrible enough in whatever state you're in now. Imagine if you were put down! The lovely lady scientists slathering ointments onto your stinking taint would probably do wonders for your mange. I might go bald soon as well, from the chemotherapy I'll need to receive as your outfit has given me retinal cancer. I've seen blind homeless people caked in their own shit that can put together a better ensemble, and they can only pull from the same dumpster your bitch of a mother slobbered you and your hypodermic needle covered littermates out into.
1 out of 10. You're welcome."
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this is gonna be so painful im excited
Jeagar x Female reader who’s interested in science and has a sense of humor
My oh my I wonder who this could be about /lh /playful
-You likely caught his attention due to your own scientific endeavors. The cadaver has eyes everywhere, and he at some point decides whatever you're working on garners a closer look.
-He will initially try to embed a spy into your life, but you prove smart enough to evade his cronies. That will push him to insert himself into your affairs, likely with an offer to assist with your research.
-By that point, you likely have some idea of what's going on. You understand that it would be stupid to try pushing the holder away, either because you want his expertise in the supernatural, or because you don't want him to kill you and take your stuff.
-If you have a moral compass, now is the time to discard it.
-Oh, and buy plenty of Febreeze if you don't want your workspace constantly smelling like cigarettes. You may also want to invest in some heavy duty cleaning supplies, because your work will be taking a very grimey turn.
-Don't expect him to show any gratitude for your part in this collaboration. This has nothing to do with your gender, it's solely becaude you are a human.
-He likely won't show much appreciation for your humor. He won't outright discourage it, especially if you prove yourself to be useful. Your chemistry puns or observational quips will only get grumbles and groans.
-Jeagar will never love you, but don't feel bad because he doesn't love anyone. However, all this time spend working with you will cause him to respect you and your work quite a bit.
-If you keep quiet about the ethical concerns regarding his more deranged experiments, assuming you cared about that to begin with, he will aquire whatever you wish for your own studies. Books, plutonium, a hundred human eyes, all you need is to ask and you shall receive.
-In the end, your siding with such a universally hated individual will no doubt drive away all your friend and family, and you'll likely find yourself the target of those who are most against the holders.
-Howver, you will also receive Jeagar's protection and fascination. He will entertain your wildest whims and provide access to some...unique opportunities.
-He may ever select you to join his closest circles, and help rid you of the disgusting human flesh that makes you so inferior.
-Assuming you have flesh that is.
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prettyputrified · 8 months
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Happy Birthday @lenorethequietbookkeeper it's been an honor to call you my friend for so long. You push creative boundaries with your art that make people stare on in awe just as much as it brings people together and inspires them to try new things. You're an infinite source of maturity and it's like you have this talent of always telling someone what they need to hear not necessarily what they might want to, which is a good thing. Never stop being yourself. I love you <3
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zop-story-archive · 9 months
"Now, let's start from the beginning."
Part 1: The Zombies of Pythonel
Chapter 1, Part 1
Part 2: A Blight in Ivorystel
Part 3: Invasion
Part 4: ???
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Zip Zap Zop is a loosely-defined game often used as a theatre warmup game, wherin players use a variety of gestures and phrases to pass play across or around a circle.
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