#Zop Stop (ooc)
staticzap-blog · 5 years
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TY @pluckypoppy/@pikohammered FOR TELLING ME ABOUT THE WEBSITE!!!
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staticzap-blog · 5 years
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staticzap-blog · 5 years
Beep beep
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Crusty icon alert
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staticzap-blog · 5 years
pluckypoppy replied to your post: Beep beep Crusty icon alert
(cropping icons using ipiccy would be better! it’s easy to use and it’s free!!!)
I didn’t know that existed!!!
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staticzap-blog · 5 years
Name: Matty Floyd
Place of Birth & Current Residence: Spagonia
Reserve Freedom Fighter
Age: 20
Species: Kishu Ken Dog
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with a heavy lean to females
Voice: Caitlin Glass
Body type: Slim yet athletic
Notable features:
White fur
Bangs that come off of her head and have cyan dyed tips
Heterochromatic eyes with the right eye being pink while the left is purple
A few of her sharp canine teeth are actually missing from her rambunctious lifestyle
Height: 4’ 3"
Weight: N/A
Attire & Accessories:
Violet bandana that either rests over her neck or her mouth with white fang decals imprinted on it
Hot pink tank top with two different sized triangles on its front. The largest triangle is colored lilac color while the smaller one is yellow
Violet and purple plaid skirt with a black belt white a silver buckle
Hot pink yoga pants
Violet fingerless gloves
Violet boots with black straps, laces, and soles
Basic Skills:
Hand to hand combat knowledge
Special Skills:
Is immune to certain voltages of electricity
Electric Wispon that she’s spray painted purple on the sides
Cattle prod
Personality: Matty, or as she’s known by her hero persona, Static, is a very energetic and bubbly person. The easiest way to explain her is as the literal personification of electricity. Bright, shocking, helpful, and only safe in certain amounts. Often times she’s her own worst enemy, whether it be overestimating her own abilities and getting trapped in a scenario she can’t get out of or injuring herself due to making a very spontaneous decision. Even still, Matty is a very nice person. She goes out of her way to help anyone and, as already mentioned, this might lead her to getting injured to help someone. But this also leads her to trusting someone who might not show themselves as a bad person or as someone who might not want the best for her up until something bad happens to her or someone else she cares about. Despite how energetic she is, despite how nice of a person she is, she will sometimes suffer from horrible thoughts. She’ll fall into a pit of self doubt, anxiety, self hatred, and on occasion, depression.
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staticzap-blog · 5 years
Before we go any further I just wanna state that if you break one of my rules once, it’s not that big of a deal! But only once. Repeated offences or the breaking of different rules practically back to back is a big deal.
I’m not quite sure if I’m going to do a three strike thing or if I’ll just punish when I’m fed up with someone breaking my rules. In addition, these rules are bound to change as time goes on. Now for the actual rules in no real order!
This blog, is semi-selective/mutual only. Depending on what’s up, I may RP with some non-mutual blogs, but for the most part I’ll only do mutuals when it comes to threads.
The way I write for my threads is always in third person. And I always start a new paragraph after a line of my muse talking. Just the way I write, even I don’t know why.
I may not always nail it, but I do try my best to have proper grammar in my posts, when they’re supposed to be taken seriously of course. In the event I don’t have proper grammar or anything like that in a serious post it’s either due to a lack of sleep or I just didn’t catch the mistake before posting.
I hold the right to not RP with certain people and have the right to drop threads. If I do have to drop a thread I promise to tell you before I do. If I haven’t replied to a thread in two, maybe three, days always feel free to shoot me an IM politely asking me if I’ve seen your response. Nine times out of ten I forgot or have just been preoccupied with other things.
The length of my threads varies depending on RP partner/response. One liners will get a one liner reply out of me, a reply with two or three paragraphs will get two or three out of me, etc. Although there have been times I’ve replied to something with a length that was longer than the partner’s reply, usually thanks to muse for that thread. Like most people on here, I do also want some effort put into replies and to at least come close to matching my length if possible.
I love shipping. I will ship most things. Never force me to ship something though, talk about it beforehand or use an ask meme to have something develop.
I hold the right to have my muse not find interest in your muse though.
I am free to crossover with every conceivable fandom/muse that can be found on here. Just be warned, I might not know everything about it.
If I ever reblog an ask meme, please, send it/something from it in if you’re gonna reblog the post from me. If you don’t want to, which is just fine and understandable, go to the source. If the source is deactivated, then go ahead and reblog from me, I’ll understand.
Never try to drag me into drama. I promise you, it will do the situation no good, and it will do me no good.
Anon hate will either get deleted, responded to with a snarky comeback, or not be treated seriously at all. If you’ve got a problem with me, take the glasses off and talk to me on your actual blog. If you don’t have a blog, then why are you wasting your time with me?
I want to keep this blog as apolitical as possible. This isn’t the place I come to for politics and other stuff of that nature. So, if you could be so kind and tag political posts with “politics” I’d be very happy and grateful to you for it.
I am a male mun that goes by the pseudo “Burning”. If that is a turn off for you, I hope you can work through it and maybe get back to me later on. If not, well bye I guess.
I am also Bisexual. So much like the previous rule hope you work through any ill will towards Bi people and get back to me, if not bye.
Almost, but not always, time I don’t interact with a new mutual is because I’m an anxious nerd. So if you want to interact with me, please approach first. If you’re just as anxious, I’ll wiggle my way into interacting with you.
I have no triggers myself, but if there’s something that you need me to tag so you can blacklist it please let me know.
I’m never, ever, going to reveal my age to anyone online. It makes me uncomfortable in various ways. If we meet in person one day far off in the future, then I’ll tell you if it comes up. But as of right now, I’m not telling anyone. With that in mind, I am above the age of consent.
I often shitpost memes. It’s fun and I like it, if that’s not your sort of thing, I often tag them as {Dump Shit}/{dumb shit} so you can blacklist that tag if you want.
Gore will probably be present on this blog from time to time, but I will do my best to tag everything accordingly.
Never be afraid to ask me to tag something so you can blacklist it, I understand that sort of thing quite a lot. If I happen to miss a post that should probably have a specific tag, also don’t be afraid to bring it up to me.
For any smut rules, check out this link.
That is all I can currently think of. Like I said at the top of this list, things are bound to change in here but I will post about the change when it does happen.
Now then, seeing as how you’ve come down this far why not send me “Zap me baby!!!” into my inbox to tell me you’ve read my rules? It’s not needed and for the most part I’ll assume people who follow me have read my rules, but you can if you want to.
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staticzap-blog · 5 years
tag dump
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