livinglifeonpause · 3 months
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Can you write something about the outsiders gang with a trans guy reader whos supper dysphoric. Or maybe coming out to them? I don't know just a thought
Yesss ofc! I decided to go with headcannons bc I can do a little section for each of the boys, I hope that’s okay. I wrote this pre-existing to the book/movie btw.
Transmasc! Reader x The Outsiders gang HCs
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•_Johnny Cade_•
Johnny is one of the first people you come out to
He’s generally the most accepting of the group at first
He helps you figure out how you’re going to tell everyone else and reassures you about it
If someone is upset or unaccepting towards you, he’ll make his disappointment in them known
And if Johnny is disappointed in you, you know you’re in the wrong
So he gets his point across very easily
Don’t let him cut your hair-
He will fuck it up so bad
We all know what happens when this boy tries to cut hair
Offers to get (possibly steal) things like men’s cologne or other little things for you
If you’re having a bad dysphoria day, call him. He usually knows what to say or how to distract you from it.
•_Ponyboy Curtis_•
A little confused at first
Not upset or anything, just confused
You’ll have to go into depth a little for him to understand
But once he gets it, he’s supportive
He already saw you as ‘one of the guys’ anyway, so this isn’t really a big difference to him
If he has some shirts or flannels to spare, he’s definitely letting you borrow them
He will also offer you a haircut
I wouldn’t trust him with hair either
He wouldn’t even bother with scissors, he’d just grab any blade and start hacking away
It’s the thought that counts
Not the best with comforting words, but he’ll listen if you need someone to talk to or hug you if you feel like shit
•_Dallas Winston_•
Really bad initial reaction, unfortunately
He’s really confused about it
He known you’ve never really been into all the typical girly things. Like makeup, skirts, all that
He knew you’d rather be caught dead than in a pair of pumps
But for some reason he still doesn’t seem to be able to wrap his head around the fact that you’re a guy
At first he sort of thinks you’re joking and doesn’t really take you seriously
But he comes around eventually (not without Johnny having to talk to him, though)
Once he kind of realizes how big of a deal this is for you, he becomes a little more protective over you
He’ll act really casual about it, but he secretly worries about you a lot
If anyone so much as looks at you wrong, he’ll take ‘em outside
•_Sodapop Curtis_•
Probably the second or third person you tell
Similar reaction to Ponyboy, you might have to go into detail a bit
But regardless, he supports you. He doesn’t really care what you do, as long as you’re happy
Like Pony, he’ll also offer to let you borrow his clothes. He knows it makes you feel a lot better to actually wear men’s clothes, so he’ll give you some of his
He really wants you to teach you how to do your hair if you end up cutting it short
He’s so going to teach you guy stuff, like he would love to
He’s in the room when Pony attempts to cut your hair. He immediately stops him before he can cut anything off, he already knows it’s gonna end badly
He’s also a little protective of you. If you’re around a lot of people in public, he stands next to you in case anyone decides to be rude.
•_Darry Curtis_•
You have Soda and Pony in the room when you decide to tell him
You aren’t really sure how he’s going to react, so you’re a little surprised when he’s supportive of you
Since he’s basically had to become a father figure to his younger brothers, he feels very protective over you now
He’s gonna give you a talk about how rude people are going to be and how you have to be careful (like you don’t already know)
He’s really worried about you. He knows how stupid people can be, and he doesn’t want anything to happen to you
If he has a say in it, he won’t let you go anywhere alone. He’ll always have Soda or Pony go places with you or walk you home
He’s gonna offer to get you a switchblade if you don’t already have one
He’s just very worried. He’s stern and overprotective sometimes because he cares, it’s the same way with his brothers
It’s just his way of showing love and that he cares
•_Steve Randle_•
Sodapop probably tells him for you, just because he’s not sure how he’ll react
He acts like he doesn’t really care, but he does
He honestly slips up with your name a lot in the beginning
Deep down he feels really bad about it, but he acts like he doesn’t care that much
He’s trying, I promise
He would steal things for you if you asked him to. He’ll act like it’s no big deal, but he’s glad you’re actually asking him to
It makes him feel like he’s helping or making things better in some way
If you’re younger than him, he’s definitely going to call you ‘little man’ to annoy you
He’s there to listen if you need someone to talk to about things, but he really won’t know how to be supportive. He’s not the most empathetic person, but he’s sympathetic to your situation
•_Two bit (Keith) Matthews_•
When you come out to him, it’s like probably the one time he’s ever been serious in his life
He even paused the TV for it
But after that, it’s back to his usual joking and tomfoolery
His way of ‘guy bonding’ is offering you beer and cigarettes every time you hang out
He kind of assumes you’d want to smoke and drink like rest of the guys, so if you decline he’d be a little surprised
If Steve isn’t calling you ‘little man’, he absolutely will
He’s going to have so many new nicknames for you now, just wait
Mister man, stud, boss, things of that nature. It’s not to make fun of you, he just thinks they’re funny
He’s for sure going to go make fun of you if you’re short, though. Unless it bothers you and you ask him to stop. But if you aren’t super bothered by it, he’s so doing that
Thank you for the request, I hope I wrote something you liked:) this is not proofread so lmk if there’s any typos as always.
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2cool4-ya · 2 years
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﹪ 彼はとても魅力的です // _johnny!🌊 ︿︿ ➛ ( 。>﹏<。)づ ♥︎ fav/reblog if u save pls !
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uayv · 6 years
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Wild Card (floral ver.)_JOHNNY (8/?)
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stelliumastrology · 2 years
#096 Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
How can I do a series on synastry and not take a look at one of Hollywood's most contraversial and toxic relationships – the fateful union of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
Whichever camp you find yourself in, cast judgement aside and explore their charts to see to the core of how and why they trigger each other so much, and pinpoint where their friction may lie.
Are you on one side more than another? Do you agree with what I've said about them? Let me know in the comments! 
EPISODE LINKS Johnny Depp https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Depp,_Johnny
Amber Heard https://astro-charts.com/persons/chart/amber-heard/
Relationship Timeline https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2490888/johnny-depp-and-amber-heard-a-timeline-of-their-professional-and-personal-relationship
Johnny Depp’s Chart Explored Previously on TSAP https://youtu.be/LuSSgeNXq2I
Hank Azaria https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Azaria,_Hank
Seth Rogen https://astro-charts.com/persons/chart/seth-rogen/
  STELLIUM ASTROLOGY LINKS 📍Link Tree https://www.stelliumastrology.com/link-up/
      Check out this episode!
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a-sh1tty-l1fe · 7 years
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"As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too." _Johnny Depp_
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amberambles · 7 years
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"And you could have it all, My empire of dirt." _Johnny Cash, Hurt.
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bybyeblackbird · 8 years
I read somewhere the time that john was born and idk have you seen anything about it like is it legit lol bc I'm into astrology and I'd like to check his chart lol🙊
OH man I’m not sure the exact time tbh! 
According to this page, it was 8:44am but idk how on earth to verify that
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nyangame · 7 years
GamePlay - Wikipedia(en) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gameplay ゲームプレイについて。 Game Mechanics - Wikipedia(en) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_mechanics ゲームメカニクスについて。 詳しくは本で。 ゲームデザイン - Wikipedia(ja) http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%E3%83%87%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3 ゲームデザインの分類とかがちょっとまとまってる。 心理的プロファイリング / Timmy, Johnny, and Spike - MtG Wiki http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/Timmy,_Johnny,_and_Spike いつものやつ。 ホイジンガの遊び概念と消費者行動 - ヨハン・ホイジンガ / ホモ・ルーデンスより https://www.toyo.ac.jp/uploaded/attachment/3099.pdf 遊びと人間 - ロジェ・カイヨワ http://www.kunimiya.info/blog/2014/09/20/review-les-jeux-et-les-hommes/ 古典文学系。 二人零和有限確定完全情報ゲーム http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%8C%E4%BA%BA%E9%9B%B6%E5%92%8C%E6%9C%89%E9%99%90%E7%A2%BA%E5%AE%9A%E5%AE%8C%E5%85%A8%E6%83%85%E5%A0%B1%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0 古典ボードゲームの絶対的ルール インタラクションデザイン http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3%E3%83%87%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3 Law of Simplicity http://lawsofsimplicity.com/ プレゼンテーション・パターン http://presentpatterns.sfc.keio.ac.jp/No0.html マキネーション http://www.slideshare.net/minahito/machination http://yosukem.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/07/02/103009 ここまで意識高めのやつ メカニズムデザイン http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A1%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8B%E3%82%BA%E3%83%A0%E3%83%87%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3 ナッシュ均衡 http://www.pokerdou.com/column/nash-equilibrium-1/ パレート効率性http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%91%E3%83%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E5%8A%B9%E7%8E%87%E6%80%A7 経済的観点 ベイジアンゲーム http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%99%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0 進化ゲーム http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%80%B2%E5%8C%96%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0 メタゲーム http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/%E3%83%A1%E3%82%BF%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0 進化的に安定な戦略 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%80%B2%E5%8C%96%E7%9A%84%E3%81%AB%E5%AE%89%E5%AE%9A%E3%81%AA%E6%88%A6%E7%95%A5 進化ゲームや生物的観点 行動経済学 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A1%8C%E5%8B%95%E7%B5%8C%E6%B8%88%E5%AD%A6 応用行動分析(オペラント条件付け) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/オペラント条件づけ 行動分析的観点 オズボーンのチェックリスト http://www.itmedia.co.jp/bizid/articles/1405/21/news022.html Soren Johnsonの語る「ゲームデザイン時にすべきでない8つの悪癖」 http://bit.ly/baL2Em http://bit.ly/bsFle4 前後編、Civのリードデザイナーの話。 ゲームに必要な10のこと - Mark Rosewater (公式和訳) http://mtg-jp.com/reading/translated/002615/ マローの話 [GDC 2017]「Hearthstone」のリードデザイナーが明かす,プレイヤーが「語りたくなる」ゲームデザインとは http://www.4gamer.net/games/209/G020915/20170313093/ ハストンがWoWから取り入れたものの話
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minimalanarchy · 7 years
, poetry in motion See her gentle sway A wave out on the ocean Could never move that way I love every movement And there's nothing I would change She doesn't need improvement She's much too nice to rearrange Poetry in motion Dancing close to me A flower of devotion A swaying gracefully _Johnny Tillotson
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livinglifeonpause · 9 months
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rieutuquan · 7 years
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"Bạn có thể nhắm mắt để khỏi phải nhìn những thứ không muốn nhìn, nhưng bạn không thể khép lòng trước những điều mà bạn không muốn cảm nhận."
_Johnny Depp_
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yeyoyam · 10 years
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dopemikey · 10 years
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livinglifeonpause · 10 months
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livinglifeonpause · 10 months
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