#a boomer didn't write that line
brainrotcharacters · 1 year
My Favorite Line In The Show
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that line with that expression with that hand angle? oh you just know they did it
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memberment · 2 months
Good morning everyone.
Now I have done something a little funny.... If you take a peak you'll see minor edits were made to the prologue...
But nothing's different!
That's a lie. I did not fix a grammatical or spelling error. Something was in fact, added in. But the only way to find it is using outside the box thinking since you can't just read it. You gotta do something to read it.
Because I. Am. Silly.
I will drop a hint though because y'all listen to my existential screams and indulge my nonsense on a regular basis and I love and appreciate that. Empty spaces in between paragraphs usually cannot be highlighted. Happy hunting if you're nosy.
Okay I'm done speaking in crypticism and riddles. Seriously someone take my computer away because I had the computer intellect of a boomer with enough lead in them to kill several horses last night and now I'm getting a hang of coding and THAT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED LMFAO
Also updates are gonna be here today but it's prob gonna be primarily art updates BECAUSE I WANT THIS FIRST CHAP OUT ON SUNDAY FR!!!
6:33 I am HOPING all I need to do is fix a few more things in this and then I'm done (but my pencil died so I'm back to writing).
Anyways writing update: I just finished 11 (which honestly might get moved to like 12/13/14 depending on everything. Because Clyde going on a date with Kenny and then NOTHING happening after that but there is also no immediate danger so there's nothing to stop it feels wild and not right.) BUT 11 IS DONE! And I'm at 35.9k.
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GUYS how are we feeling about this bc I DONT KNOW LMAO
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1:45 update: I am 38k deep and still on 12. I didn't write much today. BUT NO ONE LET ME FORGET I NEED TO ADD SOMETHING INTO THE PROLOGUE. I DON'T WANNA DO THE MATH RIGHT NOW BUT NO ONE LET ME FORGET!!!!
Oh also I'm probs shutting down for the night at 38.4k. 12 is almost done but so is my ability to write because even though I only wrote a teeny bit, I REALLY WANNA FINISH DRAWING HEIDI!!1 (I'm at the trust the process point where I just have line art and I feel like if I don't finish it I'm gonna throw up and I have to wake up early tm.)
Hi happy almost 430 I just gotta do her background 🥳🥳 (I HAVE BEEN DYING TO DRAW THE SANA FUTABA FIT I AM SO HAPPY RN)
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roseapov · 10 months
Spoilers to 7 Book Twisted Wonderland
Billie Eilish - Hostage
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Gold chains beneath your shirt
The shirt that you let me wear home
Gold's fake and real love hurts
And nothing hurts when I'm alone
Wear home being a metaphor to:
To the crown and throne, where Malleus isn't as feared as amongst humans. Or being a place where he feels the most connected to his parents.
Lilia coming back to the castle where Meleanor fell.
Malleus Grandma about Malleus as the only thing left of her precious daughter.
Lilia's invitation to NRC glued by Levan.
Lines about love and alone being connected to:
Meleanor and Levan, when she got left alone after he went missing and she had to hatch Malleus by herself.
Malleus unconsciously doing the same thing as his mother and sacrificing himself for others happiness, as his mother did for him.
Lilia with Silver when he decided to not tell anyone about his fading magic and deciding to leave suddenly, to not get hurt by that heartfelt despair.
Or when Sebek's was the only one left when he thought he wouldn't get NRC invitation as he was a late boomer, and spending the whole year alone. And possibly their whole school time if he didn't get in.
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This is so perfect and so fitting, when I got the idea I literally jumped to writing it! I hope you can see the same thing as I do in it and be as crazy as I am about it.
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
Hi! Yes please. We want to know more about your hc about silly robo babies
A bunch of random tidbits about the skrimblos go! Not all are necessarily plot relevant just things I thought they'd vibe with and i don't feel like doodling rn
Looks to the Moon
Can chuck a spear with great precision
Is still trying to catch batflies with her bare hands (even the pups can do it and they're laughing at her!!!!!!)
When travelling with the scug colony she likes to help scout ahead to unknown areas
Takes alot of photos
She's more afraid of losing something in the water than the water itself
Cannot draw or write to save her life but can sing
Doesn't like darkness, gets antsy when travelling on moonless nights
Secretly on super high alert when she asks Pebbles to go on walks with her
Five Pebbles
One of those scary engineering kids that can draw straight lines and perfect circles traditionally
Sketches alot more and rarely colors
The one that helps Moon write poetry for Sliver
After canon, goes on expeditions to dig up more pearls and record old buildings, brings Suns along if the expedition site is too far on foot
Goes to his city to watch the sunset sometimes
'The dad and the cat he didn't want' energy
He does listen to Arti if she forces him to look away from his screens but pretends he hates it if someone is looking
Can't bring himself to look at Moon if she's struggling physically
No Significant Harassment
A fan of fidget toys, rubix cubes, puzzles, and tiny mechanisms
Definitely knits
His scarf is a little worn at the end from Hunter tugging at it alot but he never fixes it
Very interested in biology even if his branch is technological
Will literally wait for Moon's scug colony to pass by so he can go down and bury himself in cats
Seven Red Suns
Paints alot
Makes alot of knick knacks
Listen and talks alot with their citizens about their interests during the Ancients Era
They manually do species population control / culling in their territory
Extremely proficient with engineering purposed lifeforms
Cat parent, scugs love them, except for Arti, they gotta prove themselves lmao
Tunnel visions
Sometimes needs to be snapped out of the spooky mode, ya know that one yeah
Unparalleled Innocence
Only has a soft spot for her cats, her magnum opus
Will psychoanalyze anyone that talks to her
The 'I wonder what happens if-' kind of scientist
Has once cured herself of the rot
Almost never uses her security systems
Cannot fight physically
Gets off the string only to walk around in her can or city
Chasing Wind
Is also those scary engineering kids that can draw perfect lines and circles
Definitely a boomer but tries to be updated on current culture
The one that falls for deez nuts jokes
Will straight up chuck you out of his can if you dirty his robes
He likes diamonds but hoards other precious stones as well
Prefers not to get off the string
Sliver of Straw
Wanted to understand her people and why they wanted ascension
Is an empath
Her speech is heavily influenced by monks so she speaks with fancy grammar and metaphors
Unintentionally psychoanalyze people silently
Does nature watching when taking a break from work
Extremely professional when serving her religious duties, is a cinnamon roll when talking to other iterators
Sometimes Omen has to literally snap her out of serving as god
Wishful Omnipotence
Does scrying with the black glass ball on their staff
Really likes stars
Has dismantled 2 iterator cults
Thinks ascension is stupid but hearing Sliver talks about her people intrigues them
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accirax · 2 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 14
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top 10 sentences said moments before disaster
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choose your fighter: Derek "Kristal really isn't that bad once you get to know her" Johnson versus Kristal "I miss when Derek and Trevor weren't a part of this show" McLane. even though the Krisvek shippers are technically winning, i feel like they're really losing. Kristal continues to serve aro realness, though.
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Grett and Gabby being actual friends makes me so happy :D (another entry on the top 10 sentences said moments before disaster)
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seems like the villains' alliance is over? probably? still, if Grett won't forget this sentiment, we shouldn't forget that she said it.
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this honestly makes a lot of sense, even though i hadn't thought about it before. there wasn't really anything keeping her from jumping ship and joining the villains alongside Gabby-- it might've been strategically better for her to be 6th in a 6-person alliance than 5th or 4th in a 5/4-person alliance. she didn't really have any relationships with the villains, but she didn't with the heroes, either. we stan characters making decisions for character reasons!
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there was this one boomer meme that my friends used to send to each other every morning: "morning (can't be a good morning because i'm not out fishing)". i think Connor would appreciate that meme.
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cackling at the realization that Jake is playing Aiden's gay best friend
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okay, spreading this "lie" (they don't actually know it isn't directly true) is a decent enough reason why you think telling the other campers about the kiss would be detrimental to the villains' alliance. thank you for finally explaining yourself, Aiden.
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but also, i told you so.
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buddy. you don't need a game defining move because, unlike Survivor, there's no jury vote at the end. every finalist's game defining move is just surviving until the end of the game.
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Trevor... you're 32, not 12. you can't act like a child when you're six feet and four inches tall. (apologies, i'm going to keep clowning on their ages and heights because so many of them are so funny to me.)
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Disventure Camp has so many immediately iconic lines and scenes. this part was hilarious.
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SIGHHHHHHH. i obviously have thoughts on this, but we'll get to those when we get to the elimination.
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so obviously Ally could just be wrong, but if she's right, it has really interesting implications. looking at the teams, Alec and Connor are clearly the underdogs here. was production trying to get Connor out of the game? it's probably just that they were trying to create teams to "make the most drama," but they seemingly weren't that worried about losing Connor, at least.
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congrats for fully getting over your fear of heights bestie
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i understand Ally's worry, because she doesn't want to go down if her and Jake lose. however, is it really important how good the dance is if you make it to the end first? Jake is totally right here: they should just move on and try to end the challenge first. not too surprising that we're supposed to side with Jake, though, as this episode is Ally's first step towards villainy.
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the faces that all the characters make whilst doing the various dances are so... (/pos?)
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i know that this is probably meant to illustrate Grett's character growth but. girlie you literally did the exact same thing when you helped Fiore in the s1 finale. is that why Gabby is grimacing?
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THE SHARK WASN'T EVEN MOVING THAT FAST WHEN YOU HOOKED IT??? i love it when Alec defies the laws of nature to win a challenge.
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... was the phone not already in the water prior to this? i guess it's more about the proximity from the shore than the wetness, because otherwise the phone Grett is holding should have been destroyed as well.
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sighing resumes. look, i hate to be negative, but... sometimes some constructive criticism is needed, especially for beginner writers. (not to say that i couldn't be considered a beginner writer as well, just that we should cut the ONC writing staff some slack for being young and not even starting off trying to become writers.) this elimination was really bad. the whole thing reeks of not knowing how to write yourself out of the supposed deadlock you put yourself in.
however, coming up with a random non-vote elimination was not the way to solve things. there are plenty of ways that this episode could have gone that wouldn't have resulted in a 4-4 vote. i still think that the most natural thing to have happen this episode would have been everyone piling votes on Alec. but, if you really need to keep Alec in the game, you could have changed the prior episodes. as @venus-is-thinking suggested, you could have just let the villains take out another hero (like Aiden) last episode, and then have Grett and Gabby flip on Yul this time. or, you could have gone with my plan, and had Yul flip on the villains to work with the heroes (who had already taken a shot at Gabby once) and vote out Gabby last episode. then, Grett would work with the heroes this episode to take out Yul (likely flipping the order the challenges occurred). that way, you would still have Gabby and Yul out of the game, but not do so by arbitrarily shaking up the rules to disturb Gabby's super stable position.
even if you were going to go with this "the last two players to arrive are at risk of elimination" thing, couldn't you at least have had the other players vote on which of Gabby and Grett to eliminate? that could even have an extra level of intrigue if you decided to pay off on that plot thread of Gabby lying about having an idol right before the merge. all you need is a line from someone in the Gabby vs Tom vote about "we're trying to blindside Gabby here at a time when she wouldn't think to play her idol," and a line from Kristal confirming to the players that "to make it extra spicy, people in the sudden death vote out won't be able to protect themselves with idols or advantages." then, Aiden can tell the group that this would be another good opportunity to take Gabby out when she can't use her idol to protect her. thus, Gabby would be eliminated as a result of lying and playing villainously, AKA what Ellie warned her about.
instead, this vote out comes off as incredibly convoluted, from the premise itself to Gabby having to trip over a rock and having a shark hit their boat to justify why Grett and Gabby came in last in a challenge they otherwise should have been good at. the whole phone swap thing only added insult to injury by making the elimination needlessly complicated. i understand if they didn't want to have Grett win of her own merits, because then it might feel like spending time with Yul was what protected Grett. however, all of that could have been avoided if they'd just had a regular vote out!! or, we could've had Gabby volunteer to step out or something. "even though i love Ellie, i can recognize how braving some time without her really helped me grow as a person. you've barely had any time without Yul yet. i think you need this time more than i do to figure out who you really are without Yul."
i once said that "it's the mark of a great writer if you know how to avoid unnecessary cons, but also turn the ones you do have to deal with into creative, entertaining, and unexpected solutions," and i stand by that. unfortunately, i feel like the writing team struggled to come up with a creative or entertaining solution to the con they found themselves faced with. i certainly don't think that the writers deserve to be at all bullied or harassed for writing a subpar episode of their overall well-made and engaging free internet cartoon, but i do hope they can stomach some of the backlash to this episode and prevent things like it from happening in the future.
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shoutout to Grett's VA, she really nailed it in this scene.
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to paraphrase Venus, "how is Jake being the emotionally mature one the world that we've come to?"
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REAL (affectionate)
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i'm so glad that they went in this direction with Connor's backstory; i think it's much more interesting and fitting for him. prior to this, i had felt like they were gassing Connor up too much, and making him out to be some boringly perfect guy. now i know that all those compliments had a point behind them! and honestly, knowing how different Connor and Riya's backstories are, it's probably a reason why they have such different takes on things and might ultimately be incompatible...
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yeah, more of this! let's make Connor a bad person!!! :D (/lh) (<- villain enjoyer)
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Jake's winner cut grows stronger and stronger by the day. if he or Grett isn't the season winner at this point, I'll be pretty surprised.
thus ends one of the DC episodes ever. i hope and suspect that we'll be back to the regular vote out system next week, which will hopefully be kinder to my power rankings. oh, my power rankings... we'll check back in on the damage there on Wednesday.
overall, i still didn't hate this episode. even if the elimination was kinda BS, the dances were pretty funny, and exploration of Ally and Connor's characters was fascinating and needed. also, i'm going to tentatively put my trust in the writers that they made this choice because they really strongly felt that Gabby's elimination was the best thing for the future moving forward, no matter what they had to sacrifice along the way. if that means great things from Grett and/or Alec and/or whoever else in the future, I'm all for it. see you next time, and sorry for the negative vibes.
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Herobrine Headcanons because I feel obligated to do so~
It's me, I'm the obligation
Herobrine is NOT evil in my headcanon. The whole evil "leafless trees go brrrr" thing never resonated with me. I definitely can and will read a story with evil Hero in it, but it has to be done well. In my opinion, the Gameknight999 books didn't really write Hero in a way that made sense (or for villains in general, frankly). It seems really difficult for official (and published unofficial) Minecraft products to actually make him into an interesting character (something a lot of fanfictions seem to accomplish easily). I'm assuming it's because fanfiction writers do it for free, out of their love for the media, and those who actually publish said story into a physical Minecraft product are only monopolizing on the success of Minecraft in general. That's also another reason why I'm glad MCSM went the way they did. I'm glad they didn't go the Steve, Herobrine, and Alex route. Personally, I love the story and the world they've created with Jesse and the others. (Sorry this one was so long Imao)
However, there are rumors of him being evil floating around. I mean, a white eyed man that doesn't just survive, but thrives in the Nether could be terrifying, to be fair.
He looks like he's in his early 30's but he's actually 217. He's an old man. (But also not really, if you're comparing it to the equivalent of other human's lifespans).
Not a demigod. Just a superpowered human with plot armor and pure fury.
Because he's been in the Nether on his own for the most part (spare the mobs), he doesn't really know anyone else really. He hasn't had proper human interaction in several decades, so he's not the best at socializing.
In tandem with the last one, it results in him being lonely. He of course didn't know he is though. He's gaslighted himself into thinking he's not. This also results in him having a hard time trusting others. Like, at all. He prefers to do everything on his own, and hates to ask for help, admit if he can't do something, or show weaknesses to others. (Resulting in him also having a problem with bottling up emotions, until they are too much to handle.)
If he does meet someone he can trust though, he will be incredibly loyal, protecting that person no matter what. Even if it makes him come off slightly aggressive. (He's kinda like a grizzly bear in this way. Aggressive when protecting those he trusts.)
He usually hides his anger well. He'll also hide his other emotions from those he doesn't trust. (Which is pretty much everyone).
Sarcastic "I hate everything and everyone" mood
"Well if you weren't this stupid. you wouldn't be in this mess."
"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
Disappointed dad glare and pose™
His eyes do, in fact, have somewhat distinguishable pupils. But they're almost the same color, and with the glow, they're super hard to see unless you really observe his face. And he'd probably say something along the lines of "Stop that." In a really annoyed tone if you tried.
Going along with the last one, his eyes do show emotion. They can flicker with certain emotions (and depending on how conflicted he is, the fastor or slower they might flicker), and become dimmer for longer bad mood episodes. They grow brighter with more intense emotions like anger, but dim with emotions like sadness, disappointment, ect. He can control it to an extent, but it's like breathing or blinking. It's usually involuntary unless he's consciously thinking about it.
Looks like he could kill you, can definitely kill you, but is also a cinnamon roll.
His hair goes past his ears. And it's just a mop of brown hair. Like, he brushes it, but the man's got messy hair all the time.
Ok boomer (he's much older than that LMAO-)
He's 5'6. So short-ish, but not too short.
He can telepathically communicate with mobs to an extent. He can direct them and get a basic feel for Thier emotions, but not really any "talking". Kinda like charades.
Speaks Swedish and is bilingual (English and Swedish). And no, I'm not taking any criticism on this one, because I read it in a fic and I've been obsessed with the idea for years. I will die on this hill.
If he knows you, and you do something stupid (especially a newbie Nether mistake), he will stand there and judge you. Menacingly.
Classic blue shirt with indigo pants. Also likes to wear a tattered dark blue cape (that has a hood) when he's out and about.
Contrary to popular belief, he actually prefers Netherite over diamond weapons. He's also a pretty good archer, but it's not his preference.
He's got fire powers, teleportation, abnormal strength, flight, and the ability to read mob's body language. He actually rarely uses flight, and only does it when bored, or he does it absentmindedly as a stim. If he does he'll just kinda float around. He also has enhanced healing as well, and wounds typically heal faster. In addition to that, he can die, but it has to be more extensive damage than fatal wounds would typically be. Especially if he has no potions on him. (He can't like, heal instantly or anything). However, his powers do use his energy, so he can only do so much. (He can still pack quite the punch though. And take quite a few hits.)
Extremely good fighter and has good control over his powers. Typically hides him emotions from those he doesn't trust/know. (Even from someone he may trust). A pretty good archer, but not his preference. Surprisingly good at building. Good with potions and crafting.
Brine absolutely cannot understand social cues or cultural social cues. He also for the life of himself can't stand the cold. He does have resistance to extreme temperatures, but he just really dislikes the cold. He still feels uncomfortable in the snow, especially since he lives in the Nether, resulting in the cold resistance not really being as effective.
He does have nicknames, but he only lets people use them if they are on a nickname basis (he has to really trust that person). His nicknames are Brine and Hero.
He's Aroace. The man's got no understanding of romance in general, much less flirting. (If someone flirts with him, he'll just be like: "No.")
Probably a dog person. He gives dog person vibes. No, i will not elaborate.
He lives in the Nether for the most part. He has extensive knowledge of the location, and he has a much higher heat tolerance. Although, he isn't necessarily the "Nether king" as far as rumors go. He just kinda resides there, and the mobs leave him alone for the most part.
He doesn't curse often, but if he does, he typically uses "damn and hell" and thier variations.
His hobbies consist of exploring the Nether, fighting, crafting, and surprisingly, reading.
His favorite color is blue. He doesn't see much of it in the nether.
Trust issues go brrr
Social anxiety also go brrrr
"You have no self preservation, whatsoever."
He's good at fighting his way out of a situation, but his plan B is always sarcasm. Just, sarcastic witty banter. (He's got King Jaron vibes, for those who read the Ascendance Series)
He sometimes likes to annoy people, when he is around people he knows. If it's someone he dislikes though, it's more often and snarky.
Some character flaws for y'all: Blunt, bold, emotionally distant, perfectionist, overprotective, rebellious, stubborn, smart-alek, can hold grudges for a while, trust issues,
*literally gets impaled* "Oh cool a sword-" *collapses* (Alt: "Rude...")
"Have you lost your damn MIND?"
"Don't you Dare throw that snowba- dammit!" (if you haven't noticed, I'm having fun with the dialogue)
He's kinda based on many iterations of Herobrine I've read over the years, with some of my own twists on it. He's basically a mixture of my favorite traits from other versions.
I may sometime make a part 2, idk. I've been developing my version of Herobrine for like, 2-3 years now lmao. So possibly. Imma see how much my brain forgot after I've posted this lmao 😭
Y'all can feel free to send asks or comment about him if ya wanna, they're always open!
Also, I'm sorry this post is so long ajjsjdhdhhdhd. More content for you ig XD-
And some other things, I DO have more Herobrine content. (In the works and not). I already have a Fic on my Ao3 page called Ex Prince. (However, it isn't canon to my current Headcanons of him, as that was a lot earlier in his development stage.)
Tags: @locatebiome (you have Hero all over your blog so yah. Lemme know if ya want the tag removed akjshgdhdg) @yumeyumeappleo
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aclosetfan · 24 days
hug 34 for reds pls :)
I'm forcing myself to write and clear out my old asks from previous prompt games. Sorry, anon, this took almost 4 years to write. I was a different person back then. Hopefully, you're still around, but if you're not, I'm pouring one out for you.
PROMPT 34: Hug to prevent a fight
tw: implied physical child abuse/adult abuse.
Blossom didn't have the words to describe her counterpart, Brick. But at fifteen, she could see the cracks starting to chisel away at his languid facade. He was only (physically) fourteen, a year, give or take, younger than her and too young for the permanent wrinkle on his forehead or the frown lines around his mouth, but he played it off well.
At twenty (his nineteen), Blossom realized it was probably too late for him. In the five years that the needling feeling in the pit of her stomach had developed, Brick had become much more than the son of HIM and Mojo Jojo. Rather, he commanded an authority of his own, often trumping his parental figures whenever the opportunity presented itself. He and his brothers would make a great heir to whatever throne was left to them when HIM moved on from Townsville and Mojo passed away.
Blossom didn't think either was a possibility. HIM would plague this city forever, and Mojo would always be a thorn in her family's backside. But maybe that was just a fool's dream because she didn't want Brick and his brothers to be the heir to any throne. That scared her more than HIM did on the entity's worst days.
It was the slow stretch of Brick's smile when she thwarted one of his plans. The calculating look swirling in his eyes, like losing had been his goal all along. He didn't laugh anymore like when they were children, but she could still hear the acrid sound echoing in her head. Taunting her. Goading her on. The older they got, the more often she felt she was only ever catching up to him, learning what he had always known—whatever that was—a minute too late.
Brick was her thematic foil. He would be her bitter end.
"It's not that you're not clever enough," Bubbles assured her one evening as Blossom bandaged her broken hands. "It's because he's scared."
Blossom furrowed her brows together in thought, pursing her lips like Bubble's words were sour candies. Blossom didn't bother asking Bubbles how she knew what she was thinking. It was Bubbles; she could read her and Buttercup to filth.
"I don't think he's scared, " Blossom replied because she couldn't imagine, let alone believe, that something in this world frightened Brick.
"Not of you, but of HIM." Bubbles pushed back, leaning against the door frame.
Blossom shook her head, "He's not scared of HIM. He's better than HIM."
"You know that. I know that. Brick doesn't know that."
Blossom looked up from her hands, "Even if that's true, what does it matter?"
Bubbles walked into the room and took the bandages from her hands. She wrapped them around Blossom's bruised and bloodied knuckles with almost the same careful precision as Buttercup, who was usually in charge of the Powerpuff recovery department, so to speak. Buttercup, though, lay indisposed on a cot in the lab, recovering from an almost catastrophic injury. Butch had been the executor, but Brick had called the shots.
That didn't make Brick the most important, though. Maybe, she should have been focusing her efforts on Butch and Boomer. Maybe she should have been figuring out how to ostracize them from him. If the three men were anything like her and her sisters, Butch and Boomer were his body and spirit. If she disposed of them, it'd be like cutting off Brick's arms, but he'd be ready for that. Likely, he'd be expecting her to do that. After all, that's what he did to her.
"It matters because you know what he's afraid of. You can help him."
Physically, Blossom tried not to react. Bubbles advocated for rehabilitation at least three times a year. Blossom vehemently opposed it. Surprisingly, Buttercup had little to say about it.
("Yeah, sure, we don't have a good record of success," Buttercup would point out, shrugging, "but, I dunno, Bloss, I don't like just giving up. I get it, though. The boys, they're not low-level crooks."
"They hate us. He loves hurting you."
"Butch?" Buttercup would shrug again, "Sure, but I mean, he's just doing what he's told. We all are."
Blossom wouldn't tell her she meant Brick, not Butch. It's not that Buttercup was incorrect, but Blossom swore Brick would single Buttercup out to torture her. Yes, it was selfish and paranoid, but she didn't want to see her sisters hurt any more than she had to. And he knew that.)
"He ripped off her leg," Blossom hissed.
"It's regrowing as we speak."
"Bubbles." Blossom stood up suddenly, ripping her hands from Bubbles'. "I don't want to discuss this with you again."
"I think you could reach him," Bubbles continued, speaking regardless, "he's always respected you. And if you save him, we can save his brothers, too. They don't have to keep fighting alone. It's unfair, Blossom. We protect everyone in this city from HIM except the three people who truly need it."
"They could beat HIM on their own."
"They don't know that." Bubbles frowned, "We do."
(But maybe Bubbles was right. It wasn't Brick who singled out Buttercup to specifically hurt her. They were all just doing as they were told, including her and her sisters, just like Buttercup had said. Playing right into HIM's trap. She knew HIM's power grew unchecked the more focused they were on each other. If they were focused on the boys, how could they be concerned about HIM?
It wasn't the first time Blossom had mulled this over. A group effort could feasibly bring HIM down for good. Sure, there would still be Mojo, and Princess, and Sedusa, but—
—but Bubbles was wrong; Blossom had never been able to reach Brick on any meaningful level.)
"Don't be naive, Bubbles."
"I am not naive. I am kind." Bubbles shot back without missing a beat, "You are too."
Brick and his brothers stood before her and her sisters. Buttercup's leg had regenerated entirely in two days, and now, the team was back in action. Logically, Blossom knew Buttercup was fine. Buttercup had said so, tone of voice pitching upward in annoyance at Blossom's persistent questioning, but Blossom still watched her out of the corner of her eye.
Buttercup stared at Butch, sizing him up as she was prone to do before a fight. She wanted payback for her leg, so Blossom was surprised when her face twitched in sympathy.
Her gaze darted to Butch, and she regretted it instantly. Blossom didn't stare at the young men, not even Brick, not really. She had stopped doing that a long time ago. She didn't like to think of the reason why, but there Butch was, tall, large, and intimidating with bags under his eyes, so pronounced Blossom echoed Buttercup's slight wince. He was complete muscle but shrunk in on himself like he was attempting to cower away—make himself small. His head bowed slightly in deference, like a street dog begging for scraps.
Boomer stood to the right of Brick, and he looked no better. He was pale. His hair had lost its golden shimmer. His smile—once handsome—was a shadow of its former self.
She felt the weight of Bubbles' stare, set her jaw, squared her shoulders, and turned to Brick. He was talking, outlining their demands, but she couldn't hear him. It was a pointless effort.
A bruise circled his neck like a pearl necklace—the imprint of a claw. His skin was taut, his cheeks sunken and hollow. His wrist bones and clavicle, peeking out from the collar of his shirt, were pronounced.
She did not see the mastermind adult she had been hoping for, but the beaten, broken boy she had been hiding from.
Broken. Beaten. All three of them.
Three people who needed saving.
She was a hero, wasn't she?
(But it was a trap, wasn't it? All these years? They were building up for this to make her and her sisters the fools for even daring to feel sympathy?
Why, though, Blossom? What is there to gain? The Bubbles inside her head asked.
Blossom shook her away. She would not be made the fool, not by Brick. She would not give in to those cartoonish tropes. A heroine who, at her core, is still sympathetic and womanly, who trusts the first pair of sad eyes she meets. Who is naive and—
You are not naive. Bubbles said. Blossom, you are kind.)
She stopped and stared and let her doubts fall away. The wrinkle marring his forehead was anxiety, and the frown lines were unhappiness. His posture was fear.
Brick no longer laughed.
And all six of them were being used.
"Wait, I—" she started, interrupting Brick, but she had no idea how to end that sentence.
He glared suspiciously at her because she wasn't one to speak out of turn. She played the game. She followed the rules. But not anymore.
Taking a page from Buttercup's book, she was in front of Brick before she could think twice about it. He blinked, surprised, and flinched away when she raised a hand towards his neck. His brothers edged in, but she ignored their exclamations.
"Brick," she breathed, letting her hand hover there momentarily. "I am so sorry. I am so sorry it's come to this."
Boldly, she placed her hands on his shoulders, pulled him into her, and held him there.
At first, he didn't react. He just let himself be held. She tried her best to be like Bubbles, who gave the best hugs, despite knowing hers paled in comparison. She could feel the beating of his heart, fluttery, like a hummingbird, as his arms finally circled around her waist and his head dropped into the crook of her neck.
"I'm so tired, Bloss." He whispered, voice cracking.
"I know." She rubbed small circles on his back, marveling at the boniness of his spine. It made her sick. "I know."
"We'll protect you."
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Some thoughts on corporate teambuilding events, capitalism & boomer-vision
I had my first 'teambuilding conference' at work yesterday and it was such an interesting thing to be in the room for. I might write something longer about it at some point but a few key things that stood out right away:
These kinds of events feel very much like the brainchild of boomers and still taking that work ethic/approach to work as a) absolutely universal across the organisation as a norm - newsflash they very much are NOT - and b) absolutely natural, obvious, default. We had roughly two hours on the history of the organisation and 'what's happened in the four years since you were all last here, and what we expect to see in the next five years when we do another one of these' - as if a majority of the people in the room have been there for so long AND expect to be in the same job, or at least in similar roles, for life. But interestingly, obviously enough people on the organising committee or in the room DID feel that that was realistic, and something that we would actually be invested in learning more about. The thing is, I do care about my job. I don't dislike it and I do think broadly it's valuable. But that doesn't mean I care a jot about the organisation, the leadership or its history, growth etc. for anything more than if they can still afford to pay me or if they can still afford to provide the services to the client they said they would and signed up to. It feels almost performative that anyone in the room would care more than that.
Similarly, there were a lot of other assumptions made about the people in the room, which particularly came out through the 'wellbeing/mindfulness' activity we did in the afternoon. The assumption was very much that we were a room of people whose only issues might be small interpersonal things in the backdrop to what was otherwise a comfortable, middle-class, married, parenting, healthy and able bodied, existence. (e.g. - overthinking things, not believing in yourself enough etc... as if the only possible barriers to thriving in the workplace in 2023 might be personal psychological barriers a person has created for themself and can overcome easily by the power of positive thinking, reframing or confidence boosts etc.) Which in itself felt quite... anti intersectionality and awareness of the individual real and impactful external difficulties, that people might be struggling with or up against. (So again, performative)
One of the things we had specifically was to, in groups, discuss the 'three things you're grateful for today', that we were assured we would all have if we just thought hard enough about. It was great to be told how we all had that by the unbelievably cheery, straight white married dad guy who was giving the presentation. Didn't you know, he didn't used to be thankful for his children or the fact he owned a house? Like my dude, at which point does your own low self-awareness of your own privilege become a teaching point for a group of strangers without the recognition that that actually kinda comes off like a brag? I also was struck once again by the implicit messaging that work should be a place where everyone is comfortable to share everything about themself with everyone, and to be a major, if not the only, social space that adults inhabit. Once again, this feels like something that a very non diverse board thought up. As a queer person in a majority straight, and likely conservative workplace, I need to always police myself and say what's safe, because ultimately, I'm not there working as a hobby. This is how I pay for things in my life, and that relies on keeping that environment as safe and comfortable as possible to avoid real conflicts that might escalate and actively put me in danger. This is the country that just voted for Brexit and Boris Johnson after all.
There was once again, a lot to read between the lines, and - perhaps because of the establishing backdrop, giving us the presentation about unity, history etc. and so on - was that a deliberate psychological technique I now wonder? - anyway, a lot of people in the room didn't seem to be actually reading between those lines. So some things that were mentioned in the later sessions in the day; the financial pressures the company was under to meet obligations (so... that means cuts, or a lack of payrises, or possibly not delivering our services as promised?), or the fact that a majority of our projects delivered little value and didn't cover themselves monetarily (so... how are we going to afford to do them? why are we doing them? ARE we going to keep doing them, are people going to lose their jobs?) The interesting thing once again that struck me was that these things were both presented as inevitabilities, but also things that we as a group of people would all have to deal with together as they came up, as if just because we CURRENTLY worked there in certain roles, if anything changed, we would somehow have to just take it and suck it up and suffer in those roles instead of... moving on for a better opportunity and leaving the leadership to pick up the pieces of the messes that they themselves ended up making. Like folks, the thing is, if you're going to tout collective responsibility and organisational solidarity, you can't have a hierarchical model of who makes the decisions. And if you're going to, it's pretty bad form to attempt to psychologically manipulate your underlings to feel bad about things they have no control over, and to stay in a bad or difficult situation that you single-handedly ended up creating.
Of course, what was interesting is that those of us in the room who were a bit younger and who have already worked through hardships and adversities, who are used to not being respected or treated fairly in the workplace or appreciated for what we do and given opportunities to progress, literally didn't give any of this the time of day. It came across to us like polite fiction towards the members of staff who wanted to delude themselves and put their heads in the sand. Ironically, this team day that was meant to be about discovering our commonalities and finding better ways to work together just illustrated more clearly than ever how some of us are living in the real world regarding the current economy and situation, and some of us aren't. Well sadly, if things do go a bit tits up, it's those who aren't who are going to be caught out, and the longer these kinds of delusions and optimistic beliefs persist, the bigger that crash is going to be both financially and in terms of self image and what they've invested in psychologically. And then what good is wellbeing and mindfulness going to be when the very foundations that you've built yourself around have crumbled under you?
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catlokis-blog · 2 years
do you have any gubby scenarios i am DYING for old men in love and so far you are the only person in this fandom i have seen since 2020 have correct takes on them
im actually writing a vampire au fic right now featuring gubby and boomer ... but i wont bring that up until its closer to completion
(right now i have it roughly a third done before i do my final edits, but note that's because i just do basic planning, rough draft, and then final draft. its a pretty simple writing process and its why i dont write chaptered fics)
since you asked for gubby specifically ill focus on them especially considering theres a lot of boomer content out there but no love for the space man and the man who loves space.
read more and a headcanon dump time. you know how it is!
bubby almost DEFINITELY made the first moves to gman. i like to think it was encouraged by coomer after bubby was like btw im polyamorus and i also cant stop thinking about gman can i go ask him out. and then coomer became #1 hypeman and would try and force them into scenarios together LMFAO
gman isnt really ever forced into anything though? luckily for bubby he DID hold interest in the bastard and would go along with coomer very unsubtly trying to have them get some one-on-one time
during tommy's birthday party bubby almost definitely started flirting with gman. something about the atmosphere making even mister money bags space god start to relax and have fun a little was when he decided to make his first moves on the guy despite having eyes for him earlier
The train incident was his first attempt to talk but we all know how often gman cameos around in half life 1... bubby almost certainly took notice of black mesa's Latest Old Man Babe
gman probably barely knew how to process being flirted with at first because he's used to being treated with fear and such, and when he does get flirted with it's usually in a way that's like "oh, you're so above me", but bubby would approach it in the way you'll approach someone at a bar
as in shitty pick-up lines and very overt "you're hot as fuck, make out with me" comments. but the phrasing is more bubby's personality than bar etiquette - he's not exactly romeo.
eventually once gman gets used to bubby flirting with him after a while though the script WILL get flipped on him. because gman is no fool. in fact he is VERY observant. half of the time he spent listening to bubby's nonsense flirting (and, occasionally getting responses he didn't know he was even capable of, like an involuntary "oh my" and a blush when he said a particularly romantic line that was probably fed to him by bubby's personal cupid, dr. coomer) he would be picking up on what made bubby a little more nervous to say, a little more hopeful in how gman would respond, and what he seemed to like to hear from dr coomer
after constant passive reception of bubby's moves on him he'll fire back onto bubby with everything he had observed up to that point. even the little comments he'd whine to benrey, coomer, and even gordon when he was willing to listen to bubby. all those offhanded whiny things like "why can't he just x already" would come BITING HIM BACK.
at the end of the encounter bubby is probably rendered speechless and gman toys with him a little more through baby's first kiss from a god. he and coomer would have their own little mini celebration about this later
( and, a little bonus, despite coomer's encouragement, bubby would never actually ask gman out. he's very stubborn on waiting to be confessed to instead, which is why it took so long for him to get with coomer after literal years of flirting. gman ended up learning this too and had to research how the hell you ask someone out since he had literally never had to do that before - he was usually getting asked out and rejecting people because they were doing it for some kind of personal benefit / he doesn't have much interest in dating randoms in the first place. )
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faceglitchsworld · 11 months
It's the 31st of October, happy Halloween everyone!
Hope you'll celebrate this day happily with your ghosts friends and you'll watch your favourite horror movie tonight.
But this is not the important stuff today.
Today it's Seunghyub Day! 🥳
Happy birthday! 🥳
Please, look at the collage I made for him 🥹
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I can't believe this month I've ended two birthday letters series, I'm still shocked about it 😭
And it's kinda ironic that I'm ending my N.Flying birthday letters with HIM. The man himself, the leader, Seunghyub 😭
Oh boy, what a rollercoaster writing these letters has been. Honestly, I thought about the format too this time because I wanted to make a very very special letter to him BUT since he's doing well and he's not in the military (thank god) I'll just give you the classic format BUT I've made sure to make it very long this time.
Sorry, you'll read much more this time.
My relationship with Seunghyub is kinda complicated. If you've followed me for a while you already know that I've reblogged many, and I say MANY, Seunghyub posts: photos, GIFs, videos, I think Seunghyub is the N.Flying member with so many posts about it on my blog. He has even more posts than my actual N.Flying bias, it's kinda crazy. But despite this mass posting, Seunghyub still didn't take a place in my bias line.
But despite this, Seunghyub is still important to me. I've met my dearest moots thanks to him and I think I've learned a lot about him thanks to them too.
Like, I think I know all the freaking times he made something risky like making a shirtless photoshoot or that time he starred in a drama and...well, he went randomly shirtless and did some work out too. And every time he does something I consider risky I always make sure to tag my moots on it because he truly makes them cry and scream.
And not only these moments, mind you. There are the silly moments too. Like, I can't believe that this tall man had a boomer moment when he joined Fromm and he couldn't change his propic properly. Or when he went at 2idiots and he almost failed the game and went shirtless. Or when he didn't know how to wear a shirt the right way. This man is silly, very, very silly.
And of course all the silly moments are always connected to what is his second family to him, N.Flying as a whole. And N.Fias too. I think that these days he has been more active than ever (I mean knowing the period ofc he's much more active now). It's honestly good that he wants to spend much time with us and keeping us company while waiting for N.Flying coming back as a whole. Sure, that means more boyfie moments but the company, the company you all. That is more important right now.
And of course I should talk about his music side too. And confess that at first I didn't believe he had a deep talking voice. I believed he had his singing voice and not that one. But still, it's not the most important thing to notice. The important thing to notice is his song writing, both as Seunghyub and as J.DON. because I'll never believe that someone isn't capable of vibing with Clicker, like no, that song is a banger. But there's one song in particular that deserves the spotlight today.
There's one song in N.Flying that I don't listen to too much. Not because it's a bad song or something, but only because I get so emotional when I listen to it that I should listen to it only for some occasions. That song is Starlight.
I don't think this song needs any introduction. If you've followed N.Flying for more than five minutes, you probably already know the meaning behind it, the cute yet sad MV and how it wasn't one of the most played songs live until recently apparently. Maybe Seunghyub went through some emotional struggle and decided to make everyone, especially me, teary and emotional during these recent N.Flying concerts, who knows. Jokes apart, I sincerely think that this song is so powerful to me that you don't need to search the translation to understand its feelings. Heck, I barely remember the translation myself and I still cry when I hear the words.
All this introduction just for telling you that this song, apart for tearing me apart all the time that I hear it, helped me a lot this year. I don't want to enter too much in detail because that would completely ruin the letter's vibe and, well, this is a birthday letter after all, but, at the beginning of this year I lost an important person in my life. The night I received the news I was so devastated that I didn't want to cry about it in front of my parents. It happened only once in my life and I didn't want to do it. I wanted some time alone, you know?
So I went into my room, put on my earphones and searched for a song to listen to. And my mind went towards Starlight. I searched the song, pressed play and let the song ring in my ears. I cried a lot. I think I've put the song on loop a couple of times while I was letting out all the tears. I was tired after a while. But I wanted to listen to the song one last time. And the song turned from a catalyst to a comfort blanket.
Dear Seunghyub, I don't want to reduce your songwriting to just one song but I want to tell you that, thanks to your music, I made a good bunch of friends and I went well when I had some terrible moments during my life. You caught a young fan's heart and you'll keep doing it as time will pass.
That's why my birthday wish for you is that you'll be able to wrap up all the songs from your SoundCloud and that you'll give us the next J.Don comeback from those. The world needs more of your music, your creativity, more of you in general.
Since you already did your birthday live, I can only wish for you the best day ever today. Spend it brightly.
Happy birthday, Seunghyub ❤️
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alright :) so.
first of all, i refer to him quite frequently as ‘cas’ in this. technically, its not a good move on my part, that, considering every iteration of castiel technically has a name that shortens to ‘cas’, and so if i go around taking about ‘cas’, i could mean, basically, uh… anyone. but through this guide alone, every reference to an entity called ‘cas’ is the one and only ‘castiel townsend(???)’ from the title of the text. that’s the guy in question. got that? great!
this focuses primarily on his dialogue and actions during said dialogue, in five sections ive labelled 'vocabulary', 'amount said', 'accompaniment', 'style', and 'tone', but that's just because he talks a whole bunch. anything additional about how he thinks and acts is in a last section called 'additional' (self explanatory name, innit) but i will probably add to that bit as we go!
so. without further ado, because this is already long enough:
cas's vocabulary is... like i've said, a weird mix between normal, comprehensible, though millennial-esque slang and more archaic or nonstandard terms and words. he's a big fan of 'remiss' and 'brogue', but will in exactly the same breath, call someone a boomer. the archaic side of his vocabulary leans more to the shakesperian, but anything poe-esque is absolutely not off the table. just go ham. sprinkle the longest and most complicated words you know into his vocabulary, and you'll be set. don't even worry about using them correctly.
he also uses lines like 'the jig's up' and then immediately gets bullied for it. as he should honestly.
he is also...frequent with his amount of pop culture references. basically, anything you know, you're absolutely entitled to make him know too. go wild. bonus points if it's a shit piece of media. books, films, tv shows-- whatever! go for it.
oh that's another thing. frequent user of 'whatever'. 'whatever' traditionally means 'this thing is impacting me but i can shrug it off enough to ignore it'. he's 'whatever'd murders. and the existence of the compound. basically, unless it causes him to break down on the spot, it's 'whatever'.
you can never use it too much. go wild.
he also uses a LOT of british terms. he's not a 'luv' kind of a man- he's not reached that far- but 'lawks' (exclamation of surprise? ish? somewhere between surprise and oh god) and 'git' and 'goit' and 'wanker' (all insults. we brits are an contentious bunch.) are very much on the table lmaoo
honestly anything goes! he is actively abusing these terms, so don't worry abt getting anything wrong you got this!
a lot. all of the time.
cas talks like its an olympic sport and he's going for gold. if you're ever sitting there thinking 'is this enough castiel dialogue??' the answer is no. write more. he rambles, he elaborates, he doubles back, he goes off on tangents- and it's ten times worse whenever he's nervous, which is more than he usually lets on. nervous? him? he'd never be nervous. not at all. honestly, it's ridiculous you'd think that. why would he be nervous? what would that possibly be about? don't be silly. he's never been scared a day in his life. except for that one time. with the crocodile. and that had really just been a log, so that one didn't count. <- like that. but ten times more.
oh, that's the other thing! he frequently trails into random stories about his past that have just. never come up before and never will again. make those up as you will. be wild! his backstory up to the age of 18 will never be fully ironed out i think, so you have total free rein.
cas will and does abruptly switch to very...clipped dialogue- like, 1-2 words max. this is a powerful tool, because its an indication that something is Very Very Horrifically Terribly Wrong. this is when he's terrified out his mind, or exhausted beyond reason, or has been through something absolutely abysmal. it is traditionally very rare, and a Very Bad Sign. unless you're trying to get him to do what you want, in which case this is the ultimate way of indicating that you're well on the way there.
this is the reason why fully docile compound cases will maybe say 1-2 words a year if they're feeling particularly chatty-- and the reason why that's a very big thing.
castiel is a man who cannot and will not stay still for long, particularly when talking. sometimes he paces, sometimes he gestures, sometimes he unscrews things or tries flipping items (books, knives, pens- anything in reach really) with varying levels of success. sometimes (if hes behaving or acting more nonchalant) he'll just go 'okay whatever' and go on tumblr mid-conversation. point is, even if you tied him to a chair, he's not staying still, particularly with his hands. go for it. make him do whatever. i will cheer you for it.
when I said that 'he elaborates, he doubles back, he goes off on tangents', i meant he often does so m- i mean- thaaaat he often stops himself partway through a word or an idea just to start a new one. or he'll stop mid sentence just to-- just to reconsider the sentence and then continue going with it.
his mouth moves faster than his brain, and so often he'll say something like a lie or a comment or an analogy and have to decide whether or not to try and go back on it or stick with it to the end.
as i described it once to my good friend @heshemikey, 'if he's in a situation where he needs to not joke or not lie he'll often joke or lie and then immediately double back on it he can't ?? not say things? if you get what i mean??'
which is basically. just. cas in his purest form tbh.
i left this one til last because its the most(??) variable of the lot?
there is constantly a nonchalance, a lack of caring, a projection of being in control to what he says. he's not scared, he knows what he's doing, he's in charge. those kind of vibes. even though its highly unlikely any of the three are true, especially all at once. but depending on where he is in the timeline- where he is in his life, even- the actual terms of that can differ quite a bit. early cas- pre wbg cas-- honestly, pre OVER cas-- does this by acting like a little bit of an arsehole. he's not exactly a touchy-feely guy, he's not exactly open with his affections (though he does have them, and does show them. in his own ways.) and tends to act anywhere from a manipulative asshole to just a dude who Does Not Give A Shit Abt What You're Saying.
as my dearly beloved friend @felixcosm (expert of the early stages of cas) points out, when i say hes 'acting like a little bit of an arsehole', what i mean to say is that he is an extremely bratty, petulant kind of guy. he is…very frustrated, at w.bg, at his husband, at himself, and everything he says mirrors that. the manipulation he exerts is his own attempts to grasp some kind of control over his situation. though when that is inevitably not enough, or it slips through his fingers, he's prone to being a pissy little bastard about it <3
he argues frequently with a wide variety of people (particularly his husband, though anyone who opposes him is probably going to get an earful)- a little hot-headed, a little overconfident, and a lot in denial about it all.
i can feel him in the back of my brain denying it right now. that's how in denial he is. he's constantly in denial and he never stops– at any point in his life, really. if in doubt: make him in denial. great trick. works every time.
through OVER (which is where he's actually quite awkward, especially around people who're nice to him, like hunter) and experiences with the compound, and the flinchites- this begins to transition into the other end of the scale. which is a part of his life i call the pw era. pw era cas is... completely opposing. he's smug, he's amused, he's constantly finding things that Are Not Funny to be funny. he doesn't take anything- or anyone- very seriously.
he's also very, very touchy. he frequently puts his arm around people's shoulders, or pats them on the back, or offers to keep them warm at night, or basically anything that could border on being annoying or discomforting. that's the other thing- he- pw era, especially- delights in causing people discomfort. not horrific amounts, but anywhere from annoyance to pure upset is somewhere he's willing to stoop to. if he thinks something is going to hurt someone's feelings, he'll say it. there's a possibility, depending on their reaction, that he might double back and apologise, but first and foremost he's going to come out with the smugly snide comment in question
i think he's constantly trying to get under people's skin? if he causes them to have a flat-out breakdown, then he'll tune his annoyance levels down quite a bit, but his main goal is still always to get under the skin of the person he's addressing, and he'll stop at nothing to succeed.
so. this is a little about how he behaves, a little how he thinks and acts. ive been reading through how i write him and realising i really? do not dwell on those much? but let's see what we can do here :)
okay. so.
one of the first things you're ever going to know about cas is that he has a crap marriage. this is never not true, and he will never not bring it up if he finds an opening- honestly, no matter what point in his life he's at.
it gets to the point where he will follow various comments- 'they were not exactly being punctual', and 'the fact he might have been lying didn't once occur to me' are the two i can think off the top of my head, but it's a frequent occurrence- with 'story of my marriage', or something of the sort. sorry. that was dialogue again. point is, he's never not really thinking abt his marriage and how crap it was. you can ALWAYS make it abt his marriage. yippee. no matter how wild the line previous is, chances are he'll compare anything to his husband. he's like a character from a boomer comic but slightly less divorced. not by want of trying, though.
certain details of said marriage are things i still need to iron out but uhh. come to me for more on that baby. or ask felix. whatever you will.
in the same vein, he regularly fidgets with his wedding ring. never takes it off, no matter what- no, he'd sooner lose the whole hand than the ring itself- but he's a constant fidgeter. all of the time. he probably does it in his sleep to be honest.
that being said: VERY deep sleeper. usually goes to bed at a stupid hour of the morning and can't actually be woken until. noonish?
and i mean, like. deep. deeeppp. capable of sleeping through an entire tornado kinda deep.
he also drools :). funfact. probably snores too. loser.
OH! also. pw era cas especially has…weird levels of what he considers a friend (or, for that matter, a romantic partner). like. if you converse with him civilly for about three seconds, you're his best friend and he'd die for you. if you're someone who's skin he wants to get under (whether he succeeds or not), its about on the same level as a marriage proposal. that, and a few other factors. he's once offered to marry enigma simply because he didn't murder castiel in his sleep- the bar is like On The Floor Here.
he also defines marriage as a platonic ideal too. like he's fully capable of having a platonic relationship with someone and being like hey we're married now actually <3
basically? you have free rein on that one too. i don't know the exact standards of how he develops this relationship or why or what the difference is between who he considers a friend and who he considers a Possible Spouse. uh.
go nuts. show nuts. whatever. don't show nuts, actually. put your nuts away.
thank you. now, continuing.
has a knife on him. at all times. always.
okay, he doesn't have a knife on him at certain points, but we don't count those. just presume he has a knife on him. amazing. i keep presuming he has a knife on him and then realising he probably doesn't and having to hope nobody notices my mistake. so really you should be all good.
does not frequently shower. sorry. he's a bit of a greasy mess at any given moment. somewhere between it not being his top priority and not having enough money to pay for the water bill involved. SAD!
actually i will bribe you; whoevers reading this? please god make a fic in which he gets forced to shower. he won't listen to me and someone needs to get his ass in line here.
please. i'll give you my lifes savings. a whole twenty pence.
on that note (there's been a LOT of notes, hasn't there? sozzles.) he will do pretty much anything for money. if you can pay him a living wage, he'll stick with you. whether that involves the risk of bear attacks or, like, human experimentation or whatever, just offer him a couple of quid an hour and he'll probably go along with it.
there's rent to pay, man. you gotta.
sorely lacking in the moral compass department. freaks out about killing people, freaks out while killing people, but acts like he's totally fine with and good at murder- almost well enough for it to be convincing. the freakouts are more about the act of having to watch someone die over the implications it has on his moral standing, anyway.
okay, hes not sorely lacking. he's actually kind of a morally upright guy, if you ignore the murder and the being an asshole.
he doesn't steal, he doesn't, like– what's another crime? he doesn't do a lot of crime. that's the point.
he doesn't care, he's not morally impacted by any choice he makes, but he doesn't do illegal shit without a real, actual, genuine reason about it.
likes kids. unironically. he's a little awkward around them, but he's kind of a little awkward around everyone. definitely the kind of guy who speaks to and treats kids like they're just adult human beings, and honestly doesn't do too bad a job of it either.
he's actually never interacted with a child in canon yet. goddamn. right, another twenty pence for whoevers willing to do that. oo and it's a lovely shiny twenty pence too ooooooooo
he's canonically good at sleight of hand! mostly it's just stupid little tricks he's taught himself when bored- like vanishing coins, or cards, or anything small enough to realistically do that with- but he's proud of himself for getting so good at it, and honestly? so am i. maybe someday he'll learn how to do a whole magic trick. we can only imagine.
i lied.
extra section, boys and girls. extra section. let’s goo!
basically, i'm realizing i've written an imposing amount of stuff to remember- none of which is really necessary, mostly just small details!- and it’s kind of going to feel like a right task now to put it all together.
not to fear though, because my most amazing companion tumblr user @heshemikey (who I constructed this guide at the behest of, though they know how to write castiel technically better than myself and do an amazing job of it (and are generally just a wonderfully cool dude!)) has been so kind as to provide me with examples of their depictions of pw era cas, which i’ve been able to annotate with comments about how much i love their ocs- er, i mean, pull apart to show some of these qualities i’ve been discussing and how it all fits together.
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note the colour coding :). now. i am a lil colourblind, so you might have to correct me if i get any of these wrong, but let’s see…
orange is a quality i didn’t bring up yet, which is his tendency to place emphasis on more words than technically necessary– to make his words sound a little more dramatic, or flourishing, or emotional.
or, particuarly in the early days, to get a point across (fig 1. & 2.)
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astounding. shut up, castiel.
moving on! light?? blue???? you’d call that a light blue, right?
that’s actions specifically to do with body and limbs– because castiel is very expressive with those, frequently when speaking- usually, almost more notably than he actually is facially. he isn’t a man to do anything by halves, yknow? he doesn’t stay still often, and he makes a point of the fact.
green is his weird, nonstandard terminology, or extended vernacular. like heshemikey says, he’s the kind of dude who ‘knows a lot of super obscure fancy words that he uses in normal conversation’, which is honestly so true. look up a list of fancy words and just sprinkle em in and you’re set.
PINK! pink is blatant denial of emotions. it’s not a pw cas fic without it! basically, every time he feels an emotion that isn’t ‘being a smug bastard’, he’s actually never felt that feeling before, never will again, and frankly, is not feeling right now. emotions? he doesn’t do emotions, babeyy.
teal is for his ramblings, his tangents, his going off-on-a-little-spree-iness. if you’re not sitting there writing his dialogue and going oh my GOD castiel shut the HELL UP!! then you’re probably missing a tangent or two down the line. they’re fun to write! they’re just also A Lot.
gray-bluey-purple is ‘whatever’. if someone ever writes castiel dialogue and uses the word ‘whatever’ i let out a little whoop whenever i read it! like YEAH thats his thing!! its a very important word x3
red is also something i haven’t brought up before, which is his habit? occasional frequent practice? of asking questions- whether that’s at the other person, himself, or the universe in general. he’s, uh, basically a big fan!
i WOULD pull apart a piece of text from his pre-wbg, pre-pw days, but alas i don’t have a snippet quite big enough or right enough to do this with– trust me, i’ve checked x(
i plan to keep this document up to date though so if i do get anything adequate enough ill give it its own little section and colour-coded notes and everything too! mUAHAHAHA. anyway. gnight. sleep well. good luck.
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syggwolf · 6 months
I rarely write anything big or super personal but like, I gotta get something off my chest and just sorta bitch about this.
About a month ago, I was sitting outside waiting on a ride, and across the street and down the road a little, I heard a child just... Freaking the fuck out mega style. Fear maxing. Absolutely terror pilled. Beyond normal child meltdown by at least several orders of magnitude.
So I started paying attention and listening because holyshit this is beyond the pale, and I look up and down the road, and I see there's some lady on the phone standing in her driveway on the other side of some car, and another lady walking up the street half a house away and I tune in and realize this lady on the phone is talking with 911. And what I piece together is this kid is in a tight spot, literally, as it seems he has managed to get his arm stuck inside of something tight, and it's turning purple and she's asking them to send someone out to get him out.
And I think, oh fuck that sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it. I would just complicate the situation. And I'm literally about to be like, thank god the fire department or whatever is gonna get here shortly and get the kid out and he'll prolly be fine, and right before I tune out, I hear the lady hang up the phone, start talking to the lady walking up to her, to tell her they were on the way, and then these adults start laughing, and... I realized, it was AT this kid.
And this... Tapped my brain a little, something about the way they laughed, so I stayed tuned in, and within a very short span of time, I hear these two ladies telling this kid that he is going to lose his arm, and then laughing. Like... They are literally terrorizing this kid. He is shrieking at the top of his lungs and saying he's sorry to her, and calling her mommy and I'm like, holyshit your MOM is saying that shit to you? And as far as I can tell, this wasn't some shitty attempt at parenting, like, I don't think they were doing this to really drive home that he had fucked up, I think he probably figured that out when his arm started to change colors.
No, this had a particular sort of... undercurrent, to it, that you really only pick up when you've been actually abused by a real sadist yourself. They weren't doing this for any reason other than to make shit worse, it was this casual boomer sort of thing, the sort of attitude you see a pissed off boomer level at some poor service worker when they don't get all of their nuggies or whatever. They didn't see this kid as human. And it was clearly showing because they were just taking turns telling him how they were gonna have to get a saw and cut it off and half his blood was gonna come out and they probably wouldn't even numb it, and it was gonna hurt soooo bad, and he'd need a fake hand for the rest of his life. This kid couldn't have been more than like, seven, by the way?
And I had to just sit there and marvel at this absolutely revolting casual cruelty, and then I had to thoroughly mourn the fact that I couldn't do a fucking thing about it because the house is owned, and lived in, by a fucking cop.
Like it's a well known fact that you do not fuck with this house because he is a big manly cop and his family is a cop family and you will get fucking shot for knocking on this dude's door to ask for help in the middle of the night or whatever because, apparently, that literally almost happened once according to one of my neighbors who's drunk boyfriend tried to kill her one night.
One of the signs on this place's porch, right next to the door, literally says "Give me a reason." with a picture of an assault rifle on it. They fly a blue line flag and an american flag where the stars have been replaced with guns right over the garage.
I wish I was making any of this up. I wish I could help that kid. I wish I could fucking do something. I wanted so fucking badly to walk up and tell them to leave that poor kid the fuck alone. I started filming it, but when I played it back, the audio wasn't clear enough to make any of it out and the EMT's showed up within six minutes and had this kid free in like two more. My ride showed up and I got in and we left. Because... What am I gonna do?
And now all I can think about is the fact that we absolutely fucked up tying the child protective services and the militarized law enforcement agencies together into the same system, because if I called CPS? Not only would I need to PROVE my case somehow, but I might turn that kid's life into a crapshoot where the system might destroy him even worse, and then on top of that I'd risk literally being destroyed myself because Sally Dispatch or Karen CPS agent might just be friends with these people and maybe goes to a BBQ of theirs from time to time or comes over to have a beer. They might just decide to let them in on who the busybody piece of shit is that tried to frame them for child abuse just to "let them know, so they could protect themselves".
In fact I worry I've put too many identifying details in this post already tbh. But I honestly just cannot sit on this without telling the fucking world what I saw somehow.
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thevindicativevordan · 10 months
Any thoughts on Rebirth era of Superman?
Short answer is that it brought me back to the character after I had stopped reading, due to an unending stream of low quality crossovers derailing everything. The long answer is more complicated.
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Tomasi's Superman run is like a Yin-Yang symbol. First half is all good except for one bad arc. The back half is all terrible except for the finale. First half does a great job of balancing the wholesome family vibes with horror and action to keep the tension high. Yes you got Jon Kent as a cute kid - Jurgens may have been Jon's father but Tomasi was his daddy in terms of fleshing him out, the Jonathan Kent to Jurgens Jor-El - but Tomasi really put the kid through hell. He accidentally kills his own cat with heat vision, and boy were some people butthurt about that. Personally I loved it, events like that sold me on the struggle of raising a kid who has Superman's powers but not Superman's control.
Jon had a lot of fire and spunk to him, not as much of Lois as I liked (I still firmly believe he should be a Spider-Man type shit talker because of Lois, not a "I know you're better than this" like his dad), but him slugging Damian was a hoot. Tomasi's Clark for the most part was fine, he got that Clark could be an angry dude like when Clark was ready to kick Bruce and Damian's asses after they kidnapped Jon, but Tomasi's Clark was usually pretty flat and Jon was the clear main character. The weirdness of Hamilton simmering under the surface that culminated in Black Dawn was great, like Stranger Things before Stranger Things. Kathy and Jon were cute together. Oh and Tomasi writes a great Manchester Black, that scene of Black freezing Supes heat vision midair to light a cig then sending it back in his face? Hilarious! That his master plan involved trying to corrupt Jon into being the Superman he wanted made sense, and fit with the run's focus on Clark attempting to guide his son into becoming a hero.
The bad arc for the first half was Multiplicity, terrible story with boring filler art. I defy any of you to tell me who the big bad of that story was without looking it up. A multiversal Supermen team up should've been one of the standout arcs, but instead it became a precursor to the back half of the run. Whenever Tomasi tried to focus on just Clark, he clearly didn't have much to say, and the whole story ended up as a weird tangent that went nowhere and never amounted to anything.
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After Black Dawn however, we got months of boring filler where Supes clashed with Sinestro and went on a vacation to D.C. with Jon and Lois where Tomasi unleashed his inner boomer to complain about kids not respecting the troops enough. Imperius Lex was a lame way to wrap up the SuperLex storyline, that should've come as a result of Lex refusing to accept that there are lines heroes don't cross because his ego won't accept anything bigger than his own wants. What should have unfolded as a slow disillusionment on Lex's part over the limitations being a hero in the Superman mold places on him, instead became a rushed arc where Lex rage quits because Supes doesn't trust him enough. Thankfully the finale was strong, the Bizarroverse arc was great, Tomasi found that balance of humor, wholesomeness, action, and horror right at the end. Scene where Bizarro bails on his son hit hard for me, and all of the Bizarros were funny to read. Issue 45 where the Kents leave Hamilton hit hard even though I was ready for a change.
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Jurgens Action meanwhile was mostly mediocre. Only two arcs stand out in my memory, one good, one awful. The good one was the Godslayers arc where Jurgens amusingly did a better job of handling the Civil War 2 premise than his soon-to-be successor Bendis did. A nice story about Supes grappling with his distaste and distrust of Lex vs. his want to believe Lex can actually change. The other arc solidified Jurgens as the worst Zod writer for me, it's the Booster Gold one right before Action 1000. He loves MoS so why the hell does he insist on writing Zod as only being able to scream KNEEL instead of going with the much more nuanced Shannon portrayal? I am a fan of evil family man Zod though, kudos to Jurgens for that. Other big problem is that the Booster Gold arc is all about Gold stopping Supes from going back and changing things because he needs to accept that the past is the past... except when Lois, Jon, and Sam all get killed while Superman is away, then Gold goes back in time and prevents their deaths without any acknowledgement of how hypocritical that is! It's feebly justified by Gold with Supes already giving up so much (which I guess amounts to Gold being ok with time travel changes if the scale is small enough), but come on Jurgens, way to undermine your very own story! Jurgens Lois & Clark mini remains his best post-Triangle Era Superman work imo.
Of the two major crossovers, Super Sons of Tomorrow was awful while Superman Reborn managed the impressive feat of making none of Superman's origins canon (because Johns dragging his feet with Doomsday Clock meant they couldn't recanonize the Legion of Superheroes), but at least Gleason and Mahkne's art was great. Last time Mxy got to play a major role in anything, and I remain amused that Jurgens of all people ended up using Mxy for a similar purpose to what the Superman 2000 crew wanted to do to his era. Man got the last laugh on Morrison, using Mxy to wipe out New 52 Superman until Morrison and PKJ folded some of that era's ideas back in.
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By the end Rebirth was in the same spot the New 52 was where I welcomed another change. Some good ideas - namely Jon, Kenan and the Reborn suit (God I miss that suit) - came out of this era and for that I am thankful. But it's not the ideal era for me the way it is for some, and nostalgia has made people forget that it often stumbled in the same way the New 52 did.
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midchelle · 11 months
Thank you @raylangivins for tagging mwahhh kisses :)))
How many works do you have on ao3?
A humble 6.
What's your total ao3 word count?
34,148, would be 90,571 if I hadn't orphaned a fic a while back.
What fandoms do you write for?
It's currently the Beatles, but I used to write some other stuff. YA series. Let's not get into it.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh, what a night! - Paul's not looking at John, he’s watching his fingers follow the line of John’s clavicle to his shoulder. “Not going to sleep, then?” “No.” John swallows, feels the dexie scrape down his oesophagus. “Was rather hoping for an encore, myself.” Obertauern, February 1965
Sorry Girls, He's Married - The morning after the Ed Sullivan Show, John is in a strange mood. Cyn is asleep. Paul makes a bad choice || New York City, February 1964 (Added a summary to this a while ago because I remembered it just didn't have one lol)
the late, great, johnny ace - 1981. Paul is making an album.
my brother's keeper - There is a certain clinical satisfaction in seeing just how bad things can get || Chicago, August 1966
you and i have memories - Over the years, John has had many way-out ideas, but fucking off to California and having his memory wiped is certainly a novel one, even for him. (2/5)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah I try to! I'm kind of a boomer when it comes to AO3 functionality, so sometimes I miss a few of them, but they're always super appreciated and I try to make sure that I show that.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably tell me all my love's in vain. The actual situation in johnny ace is much, much angstier, but the ending has a bit of hope, at least.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh, what a night! Absolutely zero conflict throughout.
Do you get hate on fics?
I had one person be irritating in the comments of a fic, but otherwise everyone's been lovely.
Do you write smut?
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't yet, might after I read the Marianne Faithfull/Edie Sedgwick bios that have been sitting on my desk for ages.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Someone could've stolen something I posted on Wattpad/ff.net and I wouldn't even know at this point because I can't get into the accounts.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Think someone on ff.net offered to translate the now orphaned fic a while ago. Can't recall what language.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm open to doing it should the muse strike us simultaneously.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
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this dynamic <33
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I had an idea for a Twilight fic some time ago that I never finished because I didn't know enough about Twilight, but it was a pretty good concept. I might use it for original fiction sometime, I dunno.
What are your writing strengths?
I dunno, you tell me. Descriptions, jokes, bad vibes, idk.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate writing the connective tissue bits between scenes, which is why most of my longer fics are in vignette form, and I get fed up of the fic if I've been working on it for a while, so my endings tend to be a bit lazier. Also, I'm not very good at plot. I'm mostly a vibes-based writer.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's usually pretty easy to get around, especially if the character themselves doesn't speak the language. One of my biggest pet peeves in fiction in general is the egregious use of recognizable foreign words to show the audience they're speaking another language when everything else is in English. Don't be doing that.
First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson, I think. Self insert ofc, never posted anywhere.
Favorite fic you've written?
Doing the opposite of the way parents pic their favourite child and saying whichever was the last one.
tagging (no pressure!): @aquarianshift @boshemians @eveepe
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dwellerinroots · 2 years
6 questions
This post brought to you by @thana-topsy; cheers for tagging me! Hopefully you'll get a few chuckles out of it..!
RULES: answer the questions then tag some folx you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Last Song: Like a lot of you here, I listen to a lot of game music; in general, ambient music is my preferred music for work/writing, since in the field it's easier to hear people talking if there isn't someone else talking... And for writing, words just get distracting. Anyway, I'm cheating here, a bit... Song ft. Vox; Air - Sex Born Poison (the line 'Prince from the Biomass' lives rent free in my head) Song sans Vox; Desiderii Marginis - The Sweet Hereafter (just full of feelings mostly...) Song (gaming games for gamers); Chapter 1 Epilogue, Limbus Company (I'm a huge fan of this company's works. They're very literary and just the right level of obtuse. But even still, what a wild ride this was... Oh, spoilers I suppose...)
Last Show: Television? Anime? What are those? Haha, no, I kid, I kid. I just generally place anything I can't consume at my own pace pretty low, you know..? Let's see, uh... I think it was old Sailor Moon. Dubbed, of course. The only way to watch.
Currently Watching: Isn't this really the same questions as above? Gawoaoaoh!? How am I supposed to answer?! I'm in a pickle, the last movie I watched, uh, hrmn, uh... Probably a horror film, probably Body Count, 1986. I'd link the trailer, but I think it's probably too much for tumblr dot com. You should look it up, though, horror is so dumb. (I say, affectionately.)
Currently Reading: Due to life having kicked my teeth so hard I'm talking through my gums, right now, I've mostly just been reading whatever I can take with me to work, so material literature only. Sorry, I'm luddite. I'm on my nth re-read of The Alexiad, and it angers me so much that a certain power is trying to - take the legacy of Ana Komnena (dreamy sigh) for their own. I've also been thumbing through my local birder's guide, as well as a book of regional mushroom varieties. I'm preparing. Also the Making of Doom 3 design book to cross-reference things. What else, hrmn... A friend of mine picked up a pulp sci-fantasy bundle, and it made me want to re-read The Dungeon series. But there's a lot in it, more then I can recommend here, so poke me if you want questionably-written swords, sandals, lasers, and who-knows-what-else recommendations.
Current Obsession: I feel a bit bad, I don't really obsess over - wait, wait, re-do. My WIFE (fictional) [hoarse croaking] More seriously, I don't really obsess over any one media. I love everything lots, and tend to go back to things that I didn't love 'the most' and revisit them even if they were only somewhat important to me. Similarly, even when I love a media, medium, or idea, it's somewhat at a distance. I realise that's quite disappointing to people, but I'm kind of laid-back. Always have been. Let's see if I can still find an interesting answer to this one, though... Oh, actually, it's not an obsession, but I'm obsessed in trying to promote it? The problem is, it's entirely - I feel like if you aren't a child of slavic descent who had bootleg consoles and enjoyed faerie tales and mushrooms, it's probably a hard sell, ahaha... Mushroom Musume is hard to describe. It's the perfect game for people who might have roughly time for one (1) level in ye old Boomer Shooter, but are feeling in the mood for faerie tales. And that's basically what it is; a faerie-tale simulator. It can be a light-hearted, even treacle-sweet story, one that's a little scary, something dark or melancholy, or a combination of all of the three. Sometimes, things that feel like failures are unique steps in that story that turn new pages; and this, combined with the incredible amount of choice and options available, makes it one of the coolest indie games I've stumbled upon. The score is hauntingly beautiful, the art and writing are divine, and short of mystical birds, it's got basically everything I grew up with. (Now one of the devs'll poke me that there are, in fact, mystical birds, probably.) You start as a recluse hermit, raise a mushroom-hominid as your daughter, and then play as said myconoid, just trying to live life. It's a simple joy of a game, and one I'll recommend to my dying breath.
Unrelated Obsession Stuff I've Been Doing: Again, sorry, I'm not really - even the stuff I love, I'll be like, well, 'that's enough of that, then, time to do something else' bahahahaha...
Re-playing Doom 2016; I'm looking forward to Routine, since apparently Mick Gordon did the score for it, and I thought the project was dead. There are still some flaws I have with it as a whole, but it's good fun.
Occasionally playing Civilisation... 3. With Rise and Rule. Listen, my entire family loves turn-based strategy. I really like how Civ 3 and ESPECIALLY R&R handled climate change, yeah? Complexity is often good. Also, I like games I can play for a few turns, thirty minutes over a cuppa, and then save and quit. I know the joke is 'one more turn' but for me it's 'ah, perfect for a lunch break.'
My cousin threatened said that we'll be playing GAUNTLET: DARK LEGACY on the nintendo gamecub (r) (tm) this weekend assuming that bit rot hasn't taken it's toll. It may not be a 'good' game. But if you're telling me you don't hear this and get amped...
Keeping friends and family from further complicating things in their lives.
Faffing about with writing; I'm also a read/writing mode only person, and if I have to choose between reading fics or writing, the latter wins out. If I don't spill a tiny amount of blood/ink I instantly explode, it's known. Ideally, people will make better decisions into the future and I will have more time. But if not, at least we'll always have TES...
Please don't feel obligated to do this sort of thing, but if you wanna have at it... I'll tag @zombiecatboys, @kulgen, @pikkish, @expended-sleeper, @totally-not-deacon, @beloved-lady-alma, @lyriumspectre, @thattalviel and anyone else who might possibly want it. Legitimately, I've never been good at telling what the proper etiquette is, especially when I'm like - 'wowowowowowo! quizzes awesome!' but know how - tiring that can get, bahaha!
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
if you don't mind, do you have any dni criteria? just curious
😋 anon
To be honest, I'm not sure what to put on DNI lists exactly (I'm still so very "boomer" on tumblr culture haha so if these made you roll your eyes feel free to enlighten me on the subject!) 
But I guess the usual
♦ Homophobes/Transphobes/Sexists
♦ Racists 
♦ P*dos/"MAP"s
♦ Zoophiles 
♦ Ableists
♦ Minors (for explicit and tagged NSFW content)
–would be here. Although if I have to be honest (pls bear with me here I'm just confused) I don't really see the point of a DNI list much since I can't really control my audience (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠). It's the same problem Youtubers bear. You get people complaining to them about kids who watch them when their target demographic is clearly above 18+ ;;---;;
It's so easy to lie about age on the internet. And it's not like I'd want them to reveal something like that since privacy should be maintained at all costs. I think it's especially dangerous for minors to reveal that information on the internet too... Other than being asexual, that's one of the reasons why I don't write things so explicitly. I often put warnings on my fics and remind readers that mental health matters a lot but of course you can't really keep stubborn minors from reading stuff like these ;;;---;;; 
I'm not sure if I have the right to put 18+ on my description cause there's nothing too NSFW here (that new Alhaitham fic is on thin ice tho–) and I don't want to give those, um, unquenched readers a false sense of hope that there's content like that on my blog. Most people interpret NSFW as inherently sexual in nature so yeah. I'm threading a strange line between nsfw-sfw it's kinda funky lol.
But of course, as much as possible, please don't read my works, kids. I'm not your parents/guardian so I can't control what you consume, but PLEASE don't ruin your brain by consuming dark content this early. There are tons of sfw fluffs and angst out there!!! Entertainment shouldn't cost you your innocence 😭
On another note, I don't understand why "blank blogs" are sometimes put in DNI here, too. Back in the old dreaded Wattpad days, my friends were often lurkers so I didn't really understand it lol. Some people aren't comfortable in putting themselves out there yet, and I think that's fine
Perhaps someday when I get a clearer understanding of DNI lists I'll upload a proper one :DD  For now, I think I need to research more on what a DNI list does (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)
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