#a constant reminder of this super awkward experience
mypartoftown · 1 year
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ravixen · 25 days
svt + meeting your friends
➔ not requested || reaction
➔ warnings: none || 0.6k words ➔ notes: fluff ; happy monday!! I'm chipping away at that vernon au (it's at 3.5k words as of this post), but since that won't see the light of day for a LONG time, I'm dropping this on the dashboard. please reblog if you enjoyed! I like reading your comments; I try to respond to every one. requests are open for the rest of 2024!
SEUNGCHEOL: he is very happy to pick up the check, but you'd argue that he's a little too quick to swipe his card. you remind him that even though he's super rich, he's just a regular guy with your friends. plus, you like the current system: one person pays first and calculates what everyone else owes based on what they ate. "so no paying for everything," you say and make him pinky promise before you leave the house. he was planning to sneak off and pay the bill first, but now that you locked him into a pinky promise, he shoots back a counter offer: let him at least cover your portion, too. you say yes with a roll of your eyes. when you finally arrive, your friends are quick to notice how charismatic he is. he shakes everyone's hands firmly when introducing himself, making sure to get everyone's names, and something about the bright smile and strong eye contact combo makes them fall for him instantly...or at least amenable to his charm. it only takes him a few minutes to remember everyone's names, and really, he's in his element here, leaning forward in his seat and shining beside you.
JOSHUA: he could be really loud, or he could be really chill; it really depends on the vibes of the gathering, but I think he would opt for the chill persona for the first meeting. it's the most versatile, especially when he can blindside your friends with a few well-placed comments. before the hang out, you explicitly told your friends not to bombard him with questions, to just treat it like a normal hang out with an additional guest. and so far, they've been playing nice. the questions they do ask him are polite and just enough to include him in the conversation, and he laughs alongside them like he's always been part of the friend group. but your friends have sharp eyes. they keep exchanging glances and quick eyebrow raises whenever you're not looking. who can blame them? joshua's arm is a constant presence on the back of your chair. whenever the plates or bottles come around, he serves you first when a quiet is this enough? you sure? ok before serving himself. he's content to sit back in his chair and bask quietly in your shadow. the grilling can happen next time. for now, they're happy to know that he takes care of you.
CHAN: he plays well in big groups because of being in seventeen, so when he meets your friends, he settles as soon as he learns everyone's name. of course, he's not inserting himself into the conversation unless asked to; he prefers waiting on the sidelines to evaluate the dynamic, and you can see his eyes bounce from person to person, figuring out how to conduct himself in this space. you ask if he's feeling awkward, and when he says no, you can tell that his answer is genuine. he's happy enough to be there by your side. what captures your friends' attention is how attentive he is. not just to you—that's a given, surely—but to everyone in the circle. maybe it's the experience of having a big friend group himself, especially a group so caring, or maybe it's him being an eldest child. if he notices that someone's being left out or seems withdrawn, he leans towards them with a smile and draws them into a conversation on the side. whatever they need: a quick check-in...or an earnest, involved dialogue about shared interests. he has a tendency to make people feel seen and cared for, even people he just met, because of how authentic he is.
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yourdaddyfigure · 4 months
Hi…I’ve never done one of these before. 😂 I feel so awkward hahaha.
So I’ve been single for over five years. The loneliness is really getting to me. I’ve done the whole Tinder thing, and it’s honestly gone….super not well, to say the least. 🫠 From a man attempting to force himself on me to being ghosted several times over to toxic connections with emotionally immature people….it’s been a ride, friend. I’m feeling so lonely from the lack of intimacy (specifically romantic…I value my friends, but it’s a different kind of intimacy) with another person in my life, and it’s really getting to me, especially being a little and really missing having a cg/daddy. It’s gotten to the point where I see posts about sweet relationship things or cg/l stuff and sometimes tear up a bit.
I really miss getting to know someone and being able to connect with them on a deep, intimate level. I miss being someone’s person and adding value to someone’s life. I miss seeing something in a store that reminds me of my person and either getting it for them or sending them a photo of it knowing it would make them smile. I miss telling each other how our days are going and being asked if I’ve eaten or how much water I’ve drank (spoiler: I never drink enough water hahaha.) I miss feeling safe and cared about, and hopefully giving someone that feeling in return. 🥺
Maybe a lot of this was just me wanting to vent anonymously and get some of that off my chest….but do you have any advice on how to deal with the loneliness? Or how to meet people in the community? Fetlife used to be a thing, but it’s been years since I’ve logged in, and it’s filled with creeps from what I remember. 😅
Even if you choose not to answer this one, if you’ve gotten this far….thanks for reading. 🩵
Hey there! First off, I just want to say I’m really sorry to hear about your experiences. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot, and I totally get why you’re feeling the way you do. Here are a few thoughts that might help:
1. **Take a Break from Apps**: Sometimes, taking a step back from dating apps can be really refreshing. It gives you a chance to focus on yourself and what you want without the constant ups and downs of online dating.
2. **Join Communities**: Look for local or online communities that align with your interests. Whether it’s a hobby, a support group, or a social club, meeting people through shared interests can lead to more meaningful connections. There are also communities specifically for littles and caregivers that might feel more comfortable and supportive.
3. **Self-Care**: Focus on self-care and doing things that make you happy. This can help you feel more fulfilled and less lonely. Sometimes, when we’re content with ourselves, we attract the right kind of people into our lives.
4. **Reconnect with Fetlife**: If you’re open to it, maybe give Fetlife another shot. While there are definitely some creeps, there are also genuine people looking for real connections. Just be cautious and take your time getting to know someone.
5. **Talk About It**: Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with close friends. They might have advice or know someone who’s also looking for a meaningful connection. Plus, just talking about it can be really therapeutic.
Remember, it’s okay to feel how you’re feeling, and it’s totally valid to want that kind of connection. You deserve to find someone who appreciates and cares for you just as much as you do for them. Hang in there, and don’t lose hope! 🥰
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minevn · 1 year
Fluff alphabet- Minato
(I'm gonna do the fluff alphabets before any of the nsfw ones :3 I'll probably post these alphabets as extras while I wait for asks)
a = affection (how affectionate are they?)
Minato doesn't have any romantic relationship experience and I think Minato would be generally touch starved At least in the beginning of the relationship he'd be really awkward when it comes to affection but I think he'd open up more with time. Not super affectionate though, not physically anyways.
b = beginning (what was the beginning of your relationship like?)
Once again, super awkward. He has no experience so he has no clue what to do. He'd probably try to look up things couples do, maybe ask his grandparents for advice as a last resort because he can't handle the teasing he gets from them.
c = cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? how would they cuddle?)
He does enjoy cuddling! He doesn't care about who's the big spoon or not but he really enjoys holding onto you because it makes him feel like he can protect you more easily. Although he likes the warm feeling and the butterflies swarming in his stomach that being held gives him.
d = domestic (what’s domestic life with them like? do they plan on settling down?)
He's had to take care of his parents and his grandparents for as long as he can remember, he just considers taking care of others to be his thing, he enjoys it y'know? He wakes up early to cook breakfast, has a calendar he marks every night, a planner where he writes down everything, has a schedule he goes by, he's very organized and healthy and he'll use that to take care of you. Encourages you to go to sleep early, eat three meals a day, do some excise like going out on walks, if you take medicine he's reminding you to take it. He makes a schedule for you as well and puts you in his, you're a huge part of his life. He would love to settle down with you but he's down to do whatever you want to, as long as you two are together, he's overjoyed.
e = ending (if you were to break up, how would it go?)
I know I've said it before and I will continue to say it, Minato is the least yandere out of everyone else. He'll respect your decision, he just hopes that you two can still be friends, he doesn't want to lose you entirely. If he were to lose you entirely I think that's when the yandere tendencies really show. Ever since the beginning of your relationship he's always checked up on you to make sure you were okay, after you cut him out of your life completely he still checks up on you often but now it's more so in the shadows. He probably does it even more since he can't outright be by your side to protect you.
f = favorite (what’s their favorite thing to do with you?)
Despite the constant embarrassing remarks his grandparents make about you two, he really loves when you come over and hang out with him and his grandparents. It's his favorite people all in the same room together, you feel like a major part of the family. He wants the most important people in his life to get along so he loves it when you come over and everyone is talking and playing games and eating dinner together, he adores those moments.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, psychically, and emotionally?)
EXTREMELY gentle! He knows his height and appearance can be intimidating so he's really gentle to try and help make people not afraid of him, most people don't typically give him a chance, but you did sooooo. He very unsure where his hands should go. Like, is holding your hand okay? What about pulling you just a little closer to him, or is that too rough? What about when he hugs you, should his arms be higher up or closer to your waist? He doesn't know so his hands are shaky, unsure, and gentle with you. He's pretty clueless when it comes to emotions honestly, he can't read you like how Haruto can and so if you want something you'll need to be direct with him. But he's never rude on purpose if he is rude, he always tries to sound gentle while still being somewhat direct.
h = hugs (how do they feel about hugs? how often do they happen? what are their hugs like?)
Loves hugs! He loves holding you and loves being held. Much like with cuddling, when he hugs you he feels like it's easier to protect you, like you're safe in his arms. In the beginning of your relationship, they probably wouldn't happen much, but I think with time they'd happen more and more. He always tries to hug you gently but if maybe you two haven't seen each other in a while or anything happens to you he'll hug you a bit tighter. He's a big dude so his hugs kinda engulf you <3
i = i love you (when do they first say it? how often is it said?)
He knows he loves you way before saying it. Honestly he most likely won't say it until after you've said it. If he does say it before you then it would probably happen when he thought you were sleeping or maybe something happened and he thought he was going to lose you, he'll say it then. After the first time it's said he'll say it to you every morning, every night, and every time you two have to separate from each other.
j = jealousy (are they the jealous type? how jealous do they get? how do they act when they’re jealous?)
Minato does get jealous but not super often. Like he knows you have friends like Aki and Haruto and he's happy you have friends. I think he'd get jealous of certain aspects though. Like how Haruto can read you and know what you want, he wishes he could do that for you. Or if any of your friends are touchy with you just so casually, he'll wish he could touch you as casually like that. Or if you're more comfortable around someone else then you are with him, he'll wish you were that comfortable around him. Gets jealous when you talk to someone more then him because he wants to talk to you more. Rarely does he get jealous of people just talking to you but if you don't give Minato a bit of attention he'll get jealous. He'll glare at the other person without realizing and stick close to your side, holding your hand. He'd play it off as he didn't get good vibes from that person and that he was just protecting you.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? how often do they happen? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
Much like him, his kisses are gentle and unsure. With time and practice his kisses will get more confident but they remain gentle. They don’t happen much at first but they eventually become an every day thing. After every "I love you" he presses a little kiss to your face. He likes to kiss you on your forehead, nose, or lips and he likes to be kissed in the same areas.
l = language (what’s their love language?)
Quality time and acts of service are his main love languages and his secondary one is words of affirmation. Loves just being in your presence, it's instant relief. He loves doing things for you, I said a bit of in in Domestic, but he puts you in his schedule, makes sure you're taking care of yourself. He really likes word of affirmation but he's just not the best with it.
m = morning (what are mornings like with them?)
He probably wakes up earlier then most people. He won't wake you up when he wakes up but he likes to make sure you're up by at least 11:30. He probably watches you sleep for a little, thinking about how lucky he is to be dating you. He makes breakfast for him and his grandparents, making sure they take their medication. When you wake up he smiles upon seeing you, he'll say good morning and give you little kiss. He'll make you breakfast as well :3
n = night (what are nights like with them?)
He goes to sleep early and will encourage you to go to sleep early as well. He'll kiss you goodnight after telling you he loves you. If your sleep schedule is really bad then he'll set an alarm for like 1 or 2 in the morning and make you go to sleep then. Sleeping with him is kind of a pain though because of his sleeping habits.
o = open (are they an open book or more closed off?)
He doesn't mean to be closed off, he just genuinely doesn't try to think about his issues. If he contemplates how his life has been thus far it makes him upset so he just represses and stuff. He doesn't want to reject you trying to know more about him but he just hates reliving his childhood. He'll have to tell you things more slowly.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
It kind of depends on the situation. Typically he doesn't get mad at you and when he does it's more like concern. Like lets say maybe you did something dangerous and possibly life threatening, he's pretty upset that you put yourself in a situation like that but he's mostly concerned and just wants you to be safe and value yourself more. But as long as you aren't doing anything dangerous he doesn't get mad often.
q = quizzes (how much do they remember about you? do they remember every little detail or are they forgetful?)
He has written stuff down that you tell him so that he doesn't forget. So things like favorite color, favorite foods, etc etc he has memorized for things like gifts or dates. When you tell him anything from your home life he thinks about it a lot, if it's something happy then it makes him happy and if it was a bad experience he thinks about how much that must've hurt you and it makes him sad. He also has things like your birthday, important anniversaries, medicine schedule all written down in his planner and calendar.
r = remember (what’s their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Honestly, any time you would go over to his place and hang out with him and his grandparents are some of his favorite moments. It's all of his favorite people in the same room having fun and getting to know each other. The first time you went over to his place was when you two first got to really know more about each other so whenever you come over he just remembers that moment and smiles.
s = security (how protective are they? do they like being protected?)
Minato is very VERY protective. He's pretty protective of everyone because he doesn't really like violence but he gets REALLY protective when its someone that's really important to him, like you. He doesn't really feel the need to be protected but when he is, he can't deny it feels nice to be be cared for.
t = try (how much effort do they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc.?)
He puts in a lot of effort usually, but it also kinda depends on the date. Sometimes he wants to have a stay at home date y'know, he'll make an at home fancy dinner date or a really cozy movie date. He'll spend HOURS looking up date spots for you two to enjoy. Puts his all into anniversaries and birthdays, only the best for you. Much like in Remember when he wrote down stuff you like for gifts, he does put effort into his gifts, he's not really crafty so he just buys stuff that reminds him of you.
u = ugly (what’s a bad habit/trait of theirs?)
Taking care of others before himself. He finds pride and joy in taking care of others but he often forgets to do things for himself. He mostly does everything for other people and in the end he can end up getting easily used by others. He's gotten a lot better at taking care of himself but no matter what he will always put other people before himself. If he fails at taking care of people he often blames himself, thinking that maybe he could've done more and that it was his fault.
v = value (what’s their biggest priority regarding you in your relationship? ex: your safety, your happiness, etc.)
I think your safety is probably the biggest priority for him. Your safety is the reason why you two became close and eventually something more. As long as you're okay, he will be okay. He really values everything though.
w = whole (do they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely! But I think unlike the other Li's Minato can eventually move on. Will it take a long time, absolutely, but I think he's capable of doing a lot of self-reflection and will realize that everything will be okay and that there's other people. But it also depends on the situation. If you two stay friends after breaking up then it's easier to accept moving on and feeling whole "without" you. If you die then it's over for Minato and he won't move on at all.
x = xtra (random headcanon!)
His grandparents are his biggest supporters! Minato has been living with them since he was 11 after certain events happened at home. His grandparents are still very much and love and see a lot of themselves in Minato and you and so they constantly tease Minato for his obvious crush on you. They're his wingman and wingwoman, trying to help Minato confess or push you to realize Minato's feelings and confess yourself. Don't let them know that you confessed to Minato, Minato will never hear the end of their teasing.
y = yearn (what’s something they want from you but will never admit to?)
Maybe perhaps wants your approval to get like 3-5 dogs, all corgi's LMAO. He would never put that on you cause animals are a lot of work, he's happy as long as he's allowed to have 1. He just wants at least ONE fur baby. Of course if you want a different animal then like yuh, as long as the proper research is done before you two get it :)
z = zzz (what’s a sleep habit of theirs?)
He goes to sleep early and wakes up early. He sleeps in pajama pants most nights but during nights where it is just too hot he'll sleep in just his boxers. He can't go to sleep without being covered by blankets(at least his upper body needs to be covered) but during the night he will push the blankets off of himself. He also sleeps on his back and kinda starfishes, his body temperature is too warm to be curled up.
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kafus · 2 years
Anon for my safety <3 I have DID as well prof diagnosed, and reading your posts hit home. It hurts so badly when I see kids who were similarly abused and developed a literal last resort disorder just to survive, only to be called “cringe” and “attention seeker” when they genuinely seek help. God forbid a trauma victim find joy in life, you must suffer forever in order to be valid.
Me and my host are in a dedicated relationship with eachother, we love each other so openly and emotionally in a way you can’t feel with a “real” (/s )relationship. Our minds are forever intertwined, our existence built on abuse and terror no child should ever receive. And yet, in midst of all the chaos, the lost time, the confusion, we learn that loving each other is loving ourselves, and I would have it no other way.
the love for her is healing for me, it is a reminder that we live and we love, that we are not broken and insane as the media portrays us. There is something so domestic about it, and perhaps we are even saving money on the grocery bill. The situation is not ideal, the circumstances are not great, but being alive, even as nothing more than an “alter” as all and everything I could have ever asked for.
I hope that ever person who similarly suffers as we did seeks help and receives gentle and tender care. As much as I would like to pretend, we are still ill and must still fight the demons of trauma that were imposed on us. This disorder is not an easy one, but it is not a curse either. Let your alters know you love them, appreciate them for the memories they hold, similar to yourself. When you care for them, you care for you.
i am not as eloquent about the subject of in-system dating in public spaces such as tumblr because i. have been notably hurt over it before. so i am awkward. however i wanted to thank you a lot for sending this message because i don't think i've ever actually felt like someone Understands the seriousness of my relationship and the... specific kind of love that emerges from dating an alter, someone who is both you and not you and who intimately knows you in your actual darkest moments and who only exists because of those memories. someone you change from being forced to spend your life with and instead choose to spend your life with. someone who embodies healing from the worst of trauma. the sort of love that is both loving another and learning to love yourself. Overcoming. Living. etc. so thank you for helping me/us feel Seen today tbh. all my posts this morning were spawned from a nightmare i had last night and it was really ruining my mood today but this cheered me up a little bit.
like you said DID is not easy and the situation is definitely not ideal but it is not a curse, it's proof that we survived. learning to love and care for your alters is learning to love yourself and all the fragmented parts of you. anyone who is suffering with this hell deserves the care and assistance to be able to get to a point where there is joy and it's not nothing but constant suffering. not people on the internet further shoving them away from recovery and telling them they're wrong for wanting to experience joy and not hate themselves for eternity. it is so pessimistic to believe that people with DID will never be happy. it is hard to be happy but it is possible! we make the best of it even when it fucking sucks!! that's survival babey!!!
idk how clearly i worded this sorry if anything came off a little weird i am super switchy and disoriented today actually </3 but hopefully what i was trying to say came thru anyways
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
Things I love about VM: Post skates
1. Scott always helps Tessa all the way out of an ending pose.
This is something I have talked about ad nauseam. I’m obsessed with it not just in the fact that they always do it but the way they do it. In all fairness it’s not always super delicate and soft, sometimes- specifically in practices it’s a bit quicker just to they can move on and get out of the way for the next team, but there is always a constant in that he helps her back to vertical, then to her feet if they have finished on the ground, and holds her to make sure she’s on balance.
Here is a very stark comparison of what it looks like when you do and don’t do this:
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Now I know this wasn’t the best skate for HD.. but that’s exactly my point. As the male partner you are responsible for your woman and you can’t let your own disappointment get in the way of caring for her. Scott was not (seemingly) super happy initially after their skate either- I’m not sure why, presumably just wrecked and the music eff up situation at the start of wasn’t fun. But everything he does before he gets up is getting Tessa up and ensuring she’s settled before worrying about himself, despite his current feelings. I know this seems like not much to make a larger judgement on, but given Zach attempts to make ‘cute’, “”””soft”””” moments in warm ups when it’s not necessary/not holding her in an awkward position like these ending poses.. only makes me view those moments as less genuine since he doesn’t hold and support her when he actually should be. This is never the case with Scott and Tessa- both/all instances are 100% genuine whether it’s just a nice intimate moment for them or he is actually responsible for her safety.
Now to be straight its not like this is a huge safety issue- like for eg just dropping the girl when a lift doesn’t go right, but it’s a more nuanced version of safety in the way the man handles his woman. It’s caring for every part of her as if she is made of priceless china and must be handled so carefully. Helping her even in moments where it’s not completely necessary, Tessa or any girl is fully capable of getting out of these positions on her own or with minimal help, but it’s the fact that with TS, T never has to because there is this quality built into their relationship of Scott having absolute priority for her physically and emotionally. Its like when Scott is talking about celebrating on ice after a skate and the fact that he has Tessa and she existing reminds him that he can’t just leave her.. he says it kinda comically but the irony if it is every single time she is his first priority to stand her up and make sure she’s settled before stepping away no matter how excited he is. It also, in reference to any performance prolongs the emotional connection the two skaters were at least attempting to convey in their performance. In the instance of.. really any of TS programs where they finish like this.. the emotions are always some variation of love/romance/devastation/needing to be one/them honestly wanting to keep feeling what they say they feel so strongly whenever they skated together. In an instance where a team doesn’t do something like this- for whatever reason, it takes you out of the performance. If for some reason you didn’t notice HD’s errors or didn’t know enough about skating to know the consequences, you are immediately hit with that fall of energy just by their reaction. I understand the disappointment they felt but you should do your absolutely best not to show it and not take away from the good parts of the program or the audiences experience watching you. I will go on to say further later in this series how distracting it is when a team lets up their disappointment with a performance right at the end, sometimes before they have even finished. With TS that doesn’t come into affect, they are good at remaining professional and Scott is actually good at suppressing his emotions in this respect, as well this care of her is natural and constant in their physical relationship-his utmost protection of her at all times.. it’s not a choice, it’s just what he was taught from an incredibly young age to protect his partner no matter what, as well as his love of her, and so that’s always what he did, and by the end it was second nature.
TS gif is from GPF 2016
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mehoymalloy · 2 years
30 66 92 PLEASE
30. Most inspirational quote you've ever read or heard that's still important to you?
Not really writing related, but "I've been less than half myself for more than half my life." -Nine, Sleeping at Last. This song made me bawl the first time I heard it, and it is a constant reminder for me not to 'sleepwalk' through life. Depression kicks my ass sometimes, but this song helps me remember to work through it as best I can.
66. When have you felt the most confident in your writing?
While finishing Prometheus Bound was very stressful, by the time I got to the end, I felt very happy with what I had created. I had an awesome beta to help with that final stretch (shoutout to @mr-jaybird) and fandom friends (like you!) were super generous with support and encouragement. It made the whole experience incredibly satisfying, and really helped me feel like I had solidified my style a fair amount.
92. First, second, or third person?
Third, all the way! While I don't have a problem reading any other perspective, writing anything but third person feels horribly awkward for me. I wouldn't be opposed to trying second person in a more abstract piece, but I don't think I could ever write in first person.
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keii · 2 years
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Oh you GOT to be fucking kidding me?? LOOOL GOTTA PAY TO SEE THAT PHOTO?? Okay look. I don’t care if there are answers that you have to use batteries on, and that his private account is behind the subscription… but this??? What is even the fucking point. I don’t like that in part of the actual game, there are choices related to stuff that we HAVE to pay for in order to get the context. WHY GIVE US OPTIONS THAT DIRECTLY INVOLVES A PIC THAT FREE USERS CANT EVEN SEE??? Cheritz COME ON NOW??? Let subscription users have their features since they paid a shit ton for it, but at the same time don’t take away the experience from the free players??? This really is just penny pinching at this point… in MM it was so generous… and because I enjoyed the game and characters so much, I was MORE THAN HAPPY to support and buy stuff from Cheritz… for this game, just the thought of putting money into this… where idk if I like Teo or not, actually infuriates me… what tf happened LOOL Also I’m still trying to find out the correlation between the Labs and Teo’s story. Right now the premise isn’t clear to me??? But don’t tell me, I’ll figure it out eventually… it’s hard to not compare this game to its predecessor, but in both characterization and story-wise… I was EASILY much more invested in MM. Simple and straight to the point. Plan a party, fall in love. This game is… talking to some rando… and idk space exploration via forums… 
The micro transactions in the game is such a buzz kill. I know Cheritz wanted to make this game “immersive” with Teo taking breaks between messages and this game being more of a steady pace, in terms of getting to know the character... But to have the constant reminder that if I want Teo to come back faster, I have to pay, if I want to see Teo’s fucking same face selfie, I have to pay, if I want to call Teo, I have to pay, if I want to choose a certain option, I have to pay, if I want him to type faster, I HAVE TO PAY. Do you realize HOW MUCH THAT TAKES AWAY FROM THE IMMERSION LMAOO??? The constant ads, and reminders that for the cool/convenient features in this game… I have to pay. 
When I played MM bc it wasn’t riddled with ads and the characters were so full of personality, it felt SO immersive. I can see into their world and it’s easy to FEEL INCLUDED within the group. Easy to feel for all the characters and their struggles, their joy— whereas Teo… he falls SO short in terms of connecting with me as a player. It’s like I’m stuck on awkward small talk for the past week and it makes it very hard for me to care as much since he’s not really funny, nor expressive, it’s hard for me to gauge what kind of personality he has bc convos are short and usually just about whatever BS he got going on. This is such a long vent— idk why I got set off when I saw that that pic was behind a paywall and all the options were related to that locked pic LOL like I’m not dreading my experience in this game because I GENUINELY want to know what this game is about, but at the same time, it’s not something where I’m highly anticipating when I get to talk to Teo next. Unlike when I go into the MM Chatrooms and I never know what kind of thing to expect— the conversations with them could either go super deep or plain ridiculous where I’m laughing my ass off. I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED!!! 
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bookofmirth · 3 years
ok so this might come off as a bit rambly so please bear with me lol
i've noticed that the acotar fandom has this incessant need to be right when it comes to canon and it really sucks out the funness of fandom. shipping is supposed to be fun but when it comes to this fandom, it's almost like a competition to see who will be more right when the books come out. engaging with theories/predictions about characters and the plot is supposed to be exciting but when it comes to this fandom, some of the theories/predictions are problematic at worst and nonsensical at best. like how can you say with your full chest that you're so confident about where the series is heading in the future because of this or that theory when you're stuck in the past and refuse to see what all of the text is telling you in the present. it doesn't make sense. the selective reading is so strong that it has me looking sideways sometimes lol
i guess my question is why do you think the fandom is so divided when it comes to ships right now? i've seen people say this wasn't the case for feysand and nessian, so what's the difference here?
Oh boy Brielle, I have some thoughts on this. It's complex.
To be clear, I am not saying that this applies to literally every single person who ships a certain way. This is a commentary on the fandom as a whole, and there are always exceptions.
This got really, really long, so I'm putting it under the cut.
I think that one of the main draws of this series, and of sjm's writing in general, is her ships. I think that people get very, very attached to their ships.
I also think that sjm does NOT fully think through some of the choices that she makes when writing. See: the way that she takes from all these different cultures and mashes them together, which could be seen as disrespectful of their origin. She has retconned things, like Mor being queer and Lucien being Helion's son. I think that she thoroughly thinks about some of the aspects of her books, like Rhys's reaction to sleeping with Feyre for the first time, but then really half-asses other aspects of her books, like Mor coming out.
Then, we have your good old misogyny and homophobia - people in the fandom don't like Mor because she hurt the poor bat boy's feelings when she didn't sleep with him, and they don't have a mating bond, but she's never really told Azriel "no", and so every single moment of pain that Azriel has felt in 500 years is Morrigan's fault. And Mor's experience as a closeted queer woman who feels unsafe around the people she should trust the most is completely disregarded by the fandom.
Finally, I think that a combination of these factors has created the monster we know as e*riel, and that the fandom is perpetuating its own mythology.
What all of this comes down to, and the real reason I think that the fandom is behaving this way right now, is that e*riel is dead. It's never happened, it's not going to happen, but because we don't have the clear closure we got with moriel (where people would be accused of homophobia for continuing to ship it), people are still trying to figure out any possible way for e*riel to become canon, though every single sign points to it being a non-issue.
This weird thing where people have to be "right" all the time, and the way that "right" = "canon" is a relatively new development. It's as if everyone in this fandom forgot that they are in fact in a fandom, which inherently diverges from canon.
However, I think that the need to cling to canon is because the alternative would be to admit defeat and say "well, even if it doesn't happen I will still ship e*riel, it's fine, I will live with that." But they don't want to do that. In response, they look at canon so hard that they are reading the white space between the letters to create their theories, which as you noted as largely nonsensical and often fail to take into account who the characters are as individuals, how they are connected to other characters, and why it would or wouldn't be appropriate for them to be involved in various plots.
People could say, as eluciens having been saying since day one, "I really ship this thing but I can see that it might not become canon". But they don't say that. They literally refuse to see any other possibility than e*riel becoming canon.
You pointed out that people are stuck in the past - absolutely. The number of reimaginings I have seen of scenes where either Azriel or Elain has literally zero to do with the scene, but people try to shove one or both of them in there. And this from books ago. People are stuck on the Truthteller scene, and refuse to acknowledge that neither of them have acted on their feelings, whatever those might be, for years. And they ignore the fact that once Elain and Az do act, it goes horribly wrong.
Here are the facts as of right now:
ACOSF is the most recent book. In that book, sans extra chapter, those two had no interaction other than looking at one another.
If we include his POV, then he said it was wrong, we got confirmation that nothing has ever happened between them, she returned his necklace. Elain was aroused, but that does not mean she was ready to even have sex. "Yes" to a kiss is not "yes" to every single sexual act Az can think of. They parted on awkward, bad terms after a scene in which it seemed like they were about to start something. Yikes. Unlike Wings and Embers, they did not end that chapter still thinking of one another. After they part ways, the omniscient narrator does not mention Elain, or Az thinking about Elain, again.
His POV occurs months before the end of the book. They do not interact after that.
Elain has a mate she has not rejected, nor accepted.
So anyway, your question was why are people like this. lol. I think the fandom created a monster, and that monster is clinging to life. It can't accept the idea of morphing into a non-canon ship, though it never was canon in the first place. It had just convinced itself that it was.
There are other aspects to this, that have to do with gwynriel and elucien.
Gwynriel is a new ship, it's almost guaranteed to happen, people are super excited to ship it and give Gwyn all their love. I'm sure they would rather create content for that ship than argue about whether or not it's going to be canon, but they are in constant defense mode. Some people honestly didn't like e*riel before because they don't like Elain, or because they don't like Azriel, and those are valid reasons for not liking it. Why people ship gwynriel doesn't matter. The tone of the discussion is, unfortunately, being shaped elsewhere, which I will mention below.
Elucien is an old ship, older than e*riel. I can speak from this perspective - personally, I have been holding my tongue for 4.5 years. I have been letting people live, and just talking about the things I like. Then when acosf came out, it was like I could finally say all the things I had been thinking about Azriel, because I now had proof that the things I thought about his character (and because of that, about e*riel) now had solid canon foundation. This is 4.5 years of me holding in a lot of shit and finally being able to say it. Sometimes yes, I might take joy in having been right.
I think that a few people are clinging to canon, and that sets the tone for the discourse in the fandom. Someone says "according to page whatever, blah blah blah" and people feel the need to respond, and then it turns into and "I'm right" contest instead of... a fandom... A lot of us like debating. To me, it's fun. But when Person A starts a conversation that's about canon and it actually ignores canon, it's hard to let that conversation go by and just keep creating whatever we want to create. Instead, we respond, and so the tone of the conversation is shaped by what Person A decided to say.
I also think that there is a lack of distinction between theories (what will happen in the future) and meta (analysis of what we have now).
There is also a lack of "I" statements. Opinions are being stated as fact.
idk if there is a way to make it better, other than to just go back to ignoring one another. This whole situation makes me want to throw out every single canon ship I like and create exclusively non-canon content, just for spite. Except I really like doing meta, and so I don't want to. I guess for my point, I'll just keep doing meta, keep creating different content, and keep reminding people that they aren't here to continue perpetuating canon, but to play with it.
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aelaer · 3 years
Hi friend! You seem vast in your knowledge of Stephen and willing to share so please enlighten me as I don’t read the comics but I do watch the mcu movies, and do love Stephen.
I know he’s erratic and impulsive and reckless sometimes but didnt we already complete this arc in his first movie? Especially since we’ve watched him deal with the consequences of his actions for the entirety of the film and end of the movie Stephen was a different Stephen from the beginning of the movie.
IW Stephen seemed like a more mature version of the man we’ve met at the end of his first movie, a linear progression of the character, more responsible.
The spider man trailer is just a few minutes so I’ll further reserve judgment till I see the film, but he seems.. silly almost? I’m aware he has his funny moments but I’m just nervous they’re gonna make him the joke instead of having him make the jokes.
Do you notice anything weird about how the adults act in these newer marvel projects.? (I’m thinking of loki specifically) they all have a silly undertone to them? I cant put my finger on it but it’s definitely new and ..off
Is this a constant characterization for Stephen in the comics? Is this what he’s like all the time?
Regardless, thank you for your time if you see this xx
Oh yeah, Stephen's my favorite subject at the moment so I'm happy to give my thoughts!
Note that my answers apply to MCU!Stephen and what we've seen in the four films he's been in.
I know he’s erratic and impulsive and reckless sometimes but didnt we already complete this arc in his first movie? Especially since we’ve watched him deal with the consequences of his actions for the entirety of the film and end of the movie Stephen was a different Stephen from the beginning of the movie.
In my experience of just living, there are personality quirks that can be tempered out and made better, but not entirely eliminated, even if it's undesirable. In my opinion, Stephen's need to push himself and prove that he can Do A Thing is a trait that won't ever go away--especially as that trait has helped him more than hindered him. Examples would include the more mundane such as getting through a combined MD/PhD program and inventing surgical procedures at what is still a really young age for a neurosurgeon. We don't have a canonical age for Stephen, but Benedict was 40 when Doctor Strange was filmed and released; even if he's canonically in his mid-40s, that's still very young for him to be at his caliber after the necessary years of med school and residency in the United States. He's young and nowhere near the end of his career when he gets in the car crash. So with that information in mind, we know that he's very ambitious and throws himself into doing difficult work with gusto. That doesn't even go into everything he did as a sorcerer.
Why get into all of this? Because while we, the viewer who has seen the multiverse open at... some point (possibly, in a rewritten timeline, it's always been open now with what happened in Loki!), we have seen just how nuts it gets. We have seen the consequences. Stephen's smart, but I don't think it's a matter of strictly recklessness and more a combination of ignorance on this specific subject (erasing memories across the world or slightly rewriting time-- we don't know how he's doing it, but a memory spell makes more sense to me), hubris (of course), and the real desire to help Peter out. The latter two traits combined in intelligent people have proven bad in both fiction and reality.
The reason I don't think it's pure impulsiveness is because in the trailer, we see Stephen doing some meditation type thing in the underground area before the spell. He's also always doing research and as he tells Peter he'll help him, he clearly knows of a spell already and has some working knowledge of how it works. The conversation with Wong wouldn't have happened otherwise. But I personally get the vibe off him that he'd not do it without being very confident that he can do it -- and his history in the films has shown 0 failures in any of his spells once he's past novice-level, so in that aspect, his confidence makes sense. If he *should* do the spell due to the risks of failure, and lack of practicing precaution in the face of his confidence, is where his flaws lie, IMO. And in that sense people could say he was reckless for deciding to perform a complicated, dangerous spell, but that follows his M.O. completely -- he performed a very complicated, dangerous spell consistently with the Time Stone again and again, from how the sorcerers spoke about the Infinity Stone (and he casually just... throws himself into a time loop, then to look through time. He takes calculated risks, but they are very much risks).
One last thought on this statement - the biggest, biggest lesson that Stephen learned in his first film was that it was not about him. There was more to the world than his glory and his brilliance and even his happiness. He started doing things for the greater good rather than himself. And he started doing things for others -- fighting for the Sanctum in his own film, and protecting the Earth. Serving something greater than himself. But that doesn't make him suddenly humble, and it doesn't suddenly take away his strange (hah) sense of humor.
IW Stephen seemed like a more mature version of the man we’ve met at the end of his first movie, a linear progression of the character, more responsible.
He was more serious in that film. So was Tony. They still had some quips and arguments, but they were very serious. And it makes sense as to why -- it was the end of the world. So the mood of the setting would change anyone's demeanour. But he had very little chance to unwind in that film, considering that he was trying to protect one of six items that would destroy the universe, and also got freaking tortured in the middle of the film with little time to recover. But nearly every Avenger was super serious in that film, and for good reason.
It's a completely different setting from what is now Stephen's life which, from what little we've seen in the trailer, is weird enough that he got a magical snowstorm in the Sanctum. It's safe enough that Wong's off on vacation. It's been nearly a year since he returned from the dead. He's either figured out how to move on in the last year or, as some prefer, has gotten good enough to put on a facade and bury the trauma so far down that he's putting on a normal act - but that's up to debate until MoM. And we have no idea if old traumas are going to be brought up there or if it's just the new things.
I think the point is that it's possible to be both a responsible person and also to make colossal mistakes due to either emotional connections or hubris (or both - we don't know which way the film will go, if they'll explain it at all). They're not mutually exclusive. He can be protecting reality fantastically, while also believing that he's skilled enough to pull off the ability to pull off a dangerous spell which he did in his own film and in IW. He's guided the timeline down a specific path in IW/Endgame, after all - what's a little identity item compared to the fate of the universe, after all? Removing the Spider-Man/Peter association is, in comparison, child's play I imagine to a man like Stephen.
The spider man trailer is just a few minutes so I’ll further reserve judgment till I see the film, but he seems.. silly almost? I’m aware he has his funny moments but I’m just nervous they’re gonna make him the joke instead of having him make the jokes.
Do you notice anything weird about how the adults act in these newer marvel projects.? (I’m thinking of loki specifically) they all have a silly undertone to them? I cant put my finger on it but it’s definitely new and ..off
He was definitely silly in his own film. He was constantly trying to get Wong to laugh and there was a banter between Stephen and Christine after he gets stabbed. He's always been a bit awkward and a bit jokey--I think Thor showed that combination of humorous snark and good research rather well, though he was flippant in a way that didn't get to show his kinder side that is better established in his film. And now we get to see that sympathy in his agreement to help Peter (at least, in my opinion).
Because he was doing an amazing awesome spell not once, not twice, but *three* times in the trailer alone, I am not worried about Stephen just being a joke. He seems just as powerful as he was in IW and Endgame. The rest of the world is just getting reminded that he's definitely a bit of a socially awkward duck at times (or, if you prefer, Putting On a "I'm Fine" Front And It's Coming Across As Weird). So him being a big joke is not something I am personally worried about.
Situational humor has been a staple of Marvel films since Iron Man. I watched the films casually before 2016 when I fell head deep into Stephen Strange (or well, 2018/9 is more accurate as that's when I *really* went nuts), and my viewings before that time and after that time was a lot more analytical. And it's very easy to see where the silliness started, all the way back when Tony crashed into his own car and Dum-E sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. Thor was the butt of the joke in the "fish out of water" scene in a good, good chunk of the film. Even Captain America had some situational humor. And remember that Guardians of the Galaxy was back in 2014, which was halfway through the MCU's time thus far. The stars of these films are almost always the butt of some joke a couple times and do things that could be viewed as childish.
I don't know your age at all, but if you were born after 1990, what might be happening, rather, is that they are not getting sillier, but that you may be getting older. I was an adult (legally, at least) in 2008, but the way I view the adults of the films throughout the early 2010s as compared to now is night and day. It's just come with my own life experience, and wider understanding to media tropes. The jump is even more significant if you were younger in Iron Man/Avengers days and are an adult now. If you're an older adult than me, then I'd argue it's the matter of life experience adding to your overall knowledge of media plus, potentially, rose-tinted glasses giving you a better vision of the older movies while forgetting that the older movies had plenty of their own flaws (and silliness). Could be a lot of things- it's too individual to really say why your perspective has changed. But I don't think the MCU's largely changed their comedy formula since 2012/2013.
Is this a constant characterization for Stephen in the comics? Is this what he’s like all the time?
Oh the comics are a mess of characterizations. It's very difficult to find full consistency across writers, and some writers did him much better than others. At the moment, Jason Aaron's 2015 run is viewed as very good by a large amount of fans, while Waid's 2018 run is viewed with mixed reviews. It's largely a matter of preference as you'll see traits that are just so uncharacteristic in an arc and then it never happens again. He takes on secret identities, he kills billions to save trillions (along with the other Avengers!), he sells his soul, he's in a steady relationship for 30 years, then he's sleeping with a new woman every arc he co-stars in-- it's just so dependent on the writer over the decades. What Marvel thinks will sell. Right now Marvel thinks his death is gonna sell issues, so yeah :P You pick and choose with the comics and build a personality from there.
Thank you for the thoughtful ask. I hope this wasn't too much of a drag to read through; I get rambly on my favorite subjects. Or anything, really.
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princesscyr-fn · 3 years
Brothers x Autistic! MC Tidbits/Headcanons
I figured I’d do one as I’m autistic and I wanna be included in things. At the same time however, autism is a spectrum and each of us experience different behaviors and such. As such, each MC for each brother is different so everyone feels included! These are meant to be platonic but you can interpret this however you want. I’m asexual so writing actual romantic stuff makes me very uncomfortable lol.
|Masterlist is here|
MC is gender neutral, yall
Available on Ao3, Wattpad
♡ Clashing with one another from the get go. ♡ Lucifer tends to criticize you, and its mostly unintentional. He’s just looking out for you, though his pride prevents him from admitting that he cares about you. ♡ One day though, the usual comment that falls from his lips about you ends up making you snap. As a result, you are calling him every name under the blocked sun in the Devildom. (Satan LOVES this.) This is when Lucifer realizes he made a fucky wucky. (Thanks @error-code-606 lmao) ♡ Lucifer gets a super harsh reality check from Satan, reminding him that you are autistic and that constant put-downs is bad for a persons self-esteem/image issues. For once, pride feels guilt bubbling in his gut. ♡ From then on, Lucifer is more mindful of how he words his issues with you. (Still staying blunt, which you appreciate.) All the while he praises you from time to time for all the good stuff you’ve done thus far. ♡ Lucifer would keep mental notes of all your stims and triggers. ♡ Entertains stim toys and isn’t bothered by such as he tries to work. ♡ Lucifer would play soothing music for you, mostly classical or easy listening. Something to tingle your sensory. ♡ He stops your meltdowns before you could fully lose control of yourself. ♡ Soft hands are your weakness and Lucifer’s hands don’t disappoint. He’ll let you hold his hands anytime you desire. ♡ Lucifer's office is the best spot for you to have quiet time. ♡ You can talk his ear off and he would love every second of it, deep down.
♡ He was quick to pick up on your behaviors before you could push him away. ♡ He is able to joke with you, both of you laughing like hyenas all the way. ♡ Mammon would never make fun of your stutter or mispronunciation of words. He’s patient and tries his best to help you. He absolutely hates when the other demons (not his brothers) make fun of you for something you have no control over. ♡ Both of you would find comfort in each other. ♡ You would absolutely adore his hair. Being a fan of bright colors and his hair being as white as angel wings. Bless his heart, he will allow you to play with it while denying how much he likes it. ♡ He knows the sound of coins is one of your favorite sounds sensory wise. He always makes sure to have some coins on him. ♡ Mammon would remember all of your fixations and then try to shower you in gifts relevant to your current likes. ♡ He loves music and will sing with you no matter how goofy you both sound. ♡ Late night Hell’s Kitchen runs are mandatory. ♡ You are the only person he would try so hard not to steal from. (He’d fail miserably and just keep your stuff instead of selling it.) ♡ Class would be hilarious with him, he’s a class clown. ♡ While he may be a class clown, I think he would somewhat try a bit harder on his work because you encourage him to do his best every single day.
♡ Things between the two of you are tense at first as both of you are socially awkward and standoffish. ♡ Though once you’re both comfortable, you will talk each others ears off about anime, video games, and everything under the blocked sun of the Devildom. ♡ You two will develop a secret language that the other brothers won’t understand. Imagine all that shit talk. ♡ You’re both stimmers! While Levi has physical and vocal stims, yours are mostly vocal with the occasional twitch and thigh slap. ♡ You both are major plushie enthusiasts. Prove me wrong. (You can’t.) ♡ Eye contact is difficult to maintain between the two of you, with both of you either yelping, blushing, and looking away while sputtering nonsense. ♡ Mention your love or interest in aquatic life or the sea and watch him fall in love with you, (he’s a sea monster, duh) though he will deny it smh. ♡ You both share a love for slime and will buy a lo of it on your trips to the human world. (When you two feel like doing things like that.) ♡ Levi will most certainly dress as a cat maid so long as you do it too. ♡ Stim games are 100% your favorite games to play with him. (Minecraft, Terraria, Fortnite, No Mans Sky...) ♡ Levi figures out that the sound of the ocean soothes you, and will imitate the sounds in his fish tanks to help you relax. ♡ You two make the best cosplay duo. No question about it.
♡ He is more understanding than you were led to believe. (Shame on you, Lucifer.) You avoided him at first until you found yourself in a heated debate with him regarding human world fauna kingdom. This conversation, though heated, gave you the chance to actually talk to him. It was then the realization hit that Lucifer intentionally kept you two apart. ♡ You two end up becoming close friends. ♡ You hate reading alone as its not engaging and gets boring quickly. So you tell Satan that you would like for him to read to you, which he’d accept without a second thought. ♡ He would remember your likes and dislikes. He would always encourage you to talk about your latest obsession. He’s always interested in hearing about what you have to say. ♡ Jingle cat ears. No explanation needed. (Might dress up as a cat maid with you and Levi, tho.) ♡ He would learn all your stims and triggers so he can help you when you need it. ♡ If you’re the artsy type, you bet he will learn all the crafts for you. ♡ The sound of turning pages satisfies your sound sensory. ♡ Nature walks, lots of them. Quiet moments together means the world to the two of you. ♡ Occasionally you fall asleep next to him as he reads to you. His voice is soothing enough to lull you to sleep. ♡ You two are so close in fact, he rubs it in Lucifer's face. ♡ Satan always finds himself holding your hand whenever you two go out to crowded public places.
♡ Physical contact wasn’t your thing until you met the avatar of lust. ♡ He took it personally at first when you would stand awkwardly whenever he hugged you or how you would pull your hand away when he would try to hold it. ♡ Once you explain that you are autistic and physical contact was a weird subject for you, he is quick to understand. After all, he is all about consent and wanted to make sure you were comfortable. ♡ Friendship blossoms between the two of you quickly and smoothly. ♡ Asmo would help you with being more extroverted by inviting you to parties. ♡ He would make note of your stims and to satisfy your sensory, he would buy lotions and perfumes. ♡ Getting your nails done is fun and Asmo is perfect for that task. ♡ You have a best friend who will listen to you intently and give you good advice. ♡ Going shopping is less nerve wracking with him. Plus he would give you fashion tips so you can look and feel your best. ♡ The first time you gave him a hug on your own, he wept tears of joy. ♡ Spa days are mandatory. ♡ There is a love between the two of you that does not require a relationship to be valid.
♡ Beel warmed up to you quickly, especially when he witnesses your appetite at dinner. ♡ He is always curious and asking you questions to better understand you. ♡ You are quick to share your food with him and vice versa. ♡ Eating competitions, though you would lose to him always, unless if he was going easy on you. (Good luck, chief) ♡ Playful and friendly flirting/banter. ♡ Beel would be interested in whatever you obsess with that week. ♡ He is patient with you and doesn’t judge you for things you have no control over. ♡ Includes you in all family activities because hes all about family first. ♡ You two will gush to each other about any and everything. ♡ Hell’s Kitchen dates? Fuck yeah. Those are mandatory. ♡ Though you are picky in terms of texture, Beel would gladly eat whatever food you won’t. ♡ You aren’t a very active person, but that will change with Beel. Eat first, then run it off, human.
♡ Warmed up to you quickly despite killing you, mainly because you forgave him and still treated him with kindness despite the fact. (Simp *cough* *cough*) ♡ He is very understanding in regards to your sensory, stims, and meltdowns. ♡ Loves laying in silence with you (and vice versa) ♡ Belphie would show you constellations with his magic to help you sleep. ♡ Slime? You bet Belphie would be as entertained as you are on that subject. Cloud slime would be one of his favorites. ♡ You two communicate with each other better in silence. ♡ He would share his cow pillow with you. ♡ Your sensory craves anything that is soft. Belphie would be surprised at first when you mindlessly play with his hair as you lay together. ♡ Your troubling dreams became a little more peaceful with Belphie at your side. ♡ Both of you are big plushie enthusiasts and have a plushie club hangout spot with Levi. ♡ Belphies voice does satisfy your sensory. ♡ Tea time is a fun activity between the two of you. It leads to good naps as well.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Han can be very affectionate; he loves to give you cuddles and be close to you when he hears your laughter. His arm can often be found around your waist to keep you close into your side, allowing his head to rest against your shoulder.
The two of you met at an awards show where you worked, and his eyes had been on you all night long. Of course, the boys were quick to notice and tease him about it, giving him the encouragement, he needed to go over and talk to you. There was no way he was going to leave that night without at least getting your number and name.
Once he’d endured a lengthy pep talk from Chan, Han found himself walking over to you whilst you took a quick break from work, grabbing yourself a drink. He was super nervous as soon as he got close to you, introducing himself quickly without a little joke, before asking you If you’d like to go on a date with him. He was very confident, a quality that you liked in him, so of course, you told him your name, and put your number into his phone.
There was never a boring date in a relationship with Han, he loved to try new things and go to new places to keep you happy. He’s not really the kind of guy into sitting around to a meal, he much prefers to do something fun and let go of some of his energy. When he’s on tour, he’ll save one evening a week for date night as well, usually you’ll end up playing a game over the phone, anything that will turn into a competition. As long as the two of you are laughing, it never really matters to Han what the two of you are doing.
He’d never experienced a proper relationship before he met you, he got plenty of attention from fans, which he loved, but he’d never been in a position to reciprocate the feeling. To begin with, he was incredibly nervous about how he was going to manage his time, with the group and you, but he soon found a way to make it work. He knew as an idol, being in a relationship was a huge deal, so he made sure not to let the fans, and you, down by making sure everything balanced out well, and prove that he could make a relationship work.
You usually spend too much time laughing to fight with Han, but when you do, it’s horrible. He’s not one for silence and tension, he much prefers humour and jokes. Whenever he shouts, he feels so guilty afterwards, he knows you always mean well. If the two of you start arguing, he’s usually the one to walk away as he can’t deal with it, and then once he feels calmer again, he’ll come back home and talk. Your arguments would never last long as neither of you could deal with the awkwardness or the silence for too long before you’d go back to joking around and laughing with each other, forgetting all about it.
You very quickly bonded with his family, mainly because they were pleased Han had found someone who could deal with his constant jokes. He’d always told you about how close he was to his family, so you were determined to make a good first impression, and thankfully you were welcomed much better than you ever expected to be.
Even though he was young, it didn’t take Han long to want to find somewhere with you. He always felt guilty that he had to bring you back to the dorm where the boys were, at times it didn’t really feel like either of you got any privacy. You’d tell him you didn’t mind, but that would never stop him feeling bad for not being able to give you a space just for the two of you without someone interrupting.
Han was the first to say, ‘I love you,’ one day as you erupted at one of his jokes. Earlier in the day he’d tried it on Changbin, who didn’t react, and even though he wasn’t sure if you were humouring him or not, he loved how you always made him feel special. It was only once you stopped laughing did you realise what he said, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck.
He tries to hide it well, but Han can often get jealous when other people are around you, especially when they make you laugh, because that’s his job. You could tell when he was feeling jealous as he’d always hover around you and try and move you away from the situation. He could also make you jealous from time to time, he was well known as a bit of a flirt, and despite knowing it was all innocent, you couldn’t help but stand back and pout sometimes, trying to bring his attention back over to you .
The two of you both knew that kids were a long way into the future, but that didn’t stop you imagining Han as a dad in the future some nights. You’d both agreed that it was something you wanted in the long run, but with so much to do before you started to think about a family, you were both grown up enough not to let yourselves run too far ahead and worry about something that was still so far away in your lives.
Not a single soul in the world could make you laugh the way that Han could. Just the sound of his laugh was usually enough to bring a smile to your face, especially at the end of a long day. His quips, and sarcasm would have you in stitches for the most part of your days. Whenever he could tell you were down, one joke would be all that was needed in order to make you happy again. Hearing the sound of your laughter too, was always enough to make him laugh too, knowing he made you happy, made him his happiest too.
Going away on tour was never easy for either of you, Han especially struggled with the distance and not being with you. He’d always be texting you whenever he had a minute just to make sure you were taking the best care of yourself. You’d do the same with him too, understanding that sometimes it did take a little while longer for him to reply. Whenever he went silent in the room, the boys all knew it was because he was missing you, so they’d try hard to pick his mood up and remind him that it wouldn’t be long before he saw you again. If you both had enough time, he’d always make sure to ring you and see your face too.
He’s not the most romantic when it comes to nicknames, he’ll tend to call you something like ‘squish,’ because he loves how you always curl up into him, or how cute and squishable your cheeks look whenever you’re laughing.
Han is absolutely obsessed with your smile, it’s the brightest part of your day seeing you happy, if he could see nothing else but your happy face forever, it would make him a very happy man indeed.
Being affectionate with you in public isn’t always something Han does, he’s respectable of where the two of you are and where the limits are. He tends to keep his hand in yours quite a lot in public, and if he feels he can, he’ll exchange a kiss or two, but he’ll never go too crazy, unless he wants to wind up his other members.
The majority of Han’s questions are along the lines of, “Y/N, do you want to hear a joke?” He’ll always be following you around or calling you up to tell you what he’s just come up with, and make sure that it makes you laugh.
Han loved to often swap out items of clothing in your wardrobe for items of his own. He’d always encourage you to wear his shirts and jumpers as he loved seeing you in them. You’d often go into your wardrobe to grab a jumper to find it no longer there and see one of Han’s hung up instead. When he goes on tour, he makes sure to wear a few of them first so you still have a part of him with you when he’s travelling around the world.
You can count on Han to still make you laugh, even at the most intimate moments, you’d begin being romantic, but it wouldn’t be long before he’d tickle you or tell you a joke. He is however, very handsy, he loves to explore your body, and with so much energy, he can spend a lot of time doing so. He very much follows your lead when it comes to intimacy, if you’re feeling it, so is he, but if you just want to cuddle, he’s down for that too.
Whenever he had a spare couple of minutes, he’d be texting you, or checking his phone to see if you had replied. He’s not too pushy, but if you don’t reply within a couple of hours, he’ll be ringing you to make sure you’re fine.
You were the person that gave Han the most attention, and the most love. He always liked to bring smiles to people’s faces, but no one’s opinion mattered more to him than yours, and making sure he made you happy was by far what was most important to him.
It was rare for the two of you to find time in your schedules to go on holiday together, but when you did, Han loved adventuring. He could never just sit down and relax, he liked to find theme parks, water parks, zoos, anything that could get him up on his feet. It didn’t matter where the two of you were, so as long as you were making memories.
If you don’t react to a joke quick enough, Han will get very pouty and wonder what he did so wrong to fail in sending you into a fit of giggles.
He’ll always kiss you when he wants your attention as he knows it’s such a weakness of yours. He’s very playful with his kisses, and certainly likes to tease you. He’ll usually kiss your cheeks or along your jaw as they’re the most accessible places for him to get to. His hands will often keep position so he can be in control and make sure he gives you enough attention, to leave you wanting just a little bit more.
You were his biggest fan, and for that, he knew he had someone special in you
He’ll always like to be nice and close to you when the two of you sleep, his hand will often be in yours or resting around your waist to keep you close to his side, as long as you’re there, he’ll definitely have a peaceful night sleep.
302 notes · View notes
pi-cat000 · 4 years
MSA time travel idea (part 41)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vivi POV, 8, 9, 10, Lewis POV, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Lance POV 18, 19, Lewis POV 2, 21 , 22, Vivi POV 2, 24, 25  Lewis POV 3,  Mystery POV , Vivi POV 3, 29, Lewis POV 4, 31, ViVi POV 4 , 33, 34, Lewis POV 5, Mystery POV 2, Lewis POV 6, Vivi POV 5, Lewis POV 7 VIVI POV 6
Part 42: here
The flames are kind of mesmerising, with their dancing oranges and yellows, streaked with green and the occasional blue as various materials reacted differently to the heat. It is easy just to stare and let her attention wander, fatigue turning all her worries into background static. Inside the van, various camping implements twist and warp. It is the ache in her leg muscles that eventually pulls her attention back to the present. Her legs are tired from her earlier search for the van and prolonged restless standing. A reminder that she has a long walk back to Pepper Paradiso and her truck. She feels doubly exhausted just thinking about it. 
Vivi glances at Mystery who is also staring into the fire. His expression borders on thoughtfull, lit faintly by the fire. A familiar etherial red light is diffused amongst his fur, barely noticeable alongside the organge glow of the flames. Does the red light mean that Mystery is casting his illusion to hide the fire? She is not sure.
“So what’s the deal with this spiritual residue, physical plane stuff you mentioned earlier? How does that tie into all that stuff about deals, oaths and whatnot?” There is a lot of folklore warning against making deals with supernatural creatures but she wants the actual facts behind it. With her constant vigil at the hospital and Mystery’s own efforts to spy on Milton’s downtown police department, she hasn’t had the opportunity to ask many questions. This is the first time she’s been alone with Mystery and not been distracted chasing around after leads and information related to Arthur’s possession. 
Mystery’s head swings around so he is looking right at her. His eyes are backlit by that same red light which shines out from behind his irises. The effect is made more intense by its association to that night outside Pepper Paradiso. It isn’t exactly the same- it is a lot less angry- but the small comparison makes her shiver. 
Mystery blinks, ears drooping, and looks off to the side. She wouldn’t think a giant, many tailed kitsune could look awkward but Mystery pulls it off. A sudden change in the wind interrupts her next question. Vivi gets a whiff of burning rubber and melting plastic in all it’s this horridness. Mystery also wrinkles his nose in discomfort. The sheer displeasure splashed across his face reminds her of similar expressions he’d make at his dog food. It is crazy to picture him eating dog food after seeing him like this, with his shimmering white fur, almost silver in the moonlight, tails cascading around him both taking up too much space while also taking no space at all. Not even the fancy, expensive dog food. 
/Perhaps we should move further up-wind?/ 
Vivi nods and they shuffle around as much as the enclosed space allows so the smell isn’t coming right at them. It takes her closer to Mystery but she’s happy to discover that it’s a discomfort she’s willing to bare to avoid the stench. Once they’ve found a slightly new location, Mystery speaks again. 
 /Your question is difficult to answer because none of these - spiritual residue, the physical plane or oaths- are simple. / 
“Well, try. Or at least give me the cliff-notes. Something I can actually do something with. Like, how much can I rely on all those stories, legends and myths I have memorised?”
Mystery considers her, eyes softer, red luminescence dimming to barely an ember as he thinks. / Human belief does hold some influence over how spiritual and magical energies manifest, as does any type of will or resolve. Resolve is what shapes these energies, allowing for us non-physical entities to manipulate reality around us. It is what gives oaths and promises their holding power./
 /What is a promise if not the ultimate statement of intention./
“So, it’s a ‘humans believe in fairies so fairies exist’ type scenario?” That would be convenient if only because it would validate all the time she’d spend pouring over old myths and folktales. 
/Partially…/ Mystery’s tails twitch, encircling his paws, and he settles himself into a seated position, and Vivi gets the sense that Mystery is summarising and skipping over a lot of detail for her, / Get enough humans believing in the same story for a few hundred years and it will have tangible effects on the type of creatures that come into being. It will influences how the spiritual and non-physical function on this plane of existence, giving animation to what would otherwise be mindless energy. /
The explanation makes sense, in a way. Vivi frowns, mulling it over, following Mystery’s example and moving to the nearest rock with a semi-flat surface and sitting herself down. So far things were relatively straightforward. Supernatural creatures existed because of some non-physical, extradimensional energy which was shaped by will power. It both explained human religion and mythology, as well as the odd system of bargaining Mystery had walked her through already. Only things were never that simple, were they?
“You are the way you are because of myths and stuff?” Vivi speaks up and falters trying to think of a generic term for ‘supernatural creature,’ realising that Mystery hadn’t put a name to what he or any of them were outside of being partly spiritual, non-physical in nature, “But you said it was only partially true? Where does the partially come into all this?”
/Humans are far from the only creatures that have access to the resolve and will power needed to shape these energies. Stories told by humans are rarely completely accurate for a reason./ 
Well, that sounds super ominous and the way Mystery is watching her. like he is worried about something, isn’t helping. The fox exhales and his ears twitch. 
/If you wish it, we can discuss the matter at length another time. Many far wiser than I have dedicated centuries to understanding how creatures like myself come into being and what shapes our growth and development. For now, consider it context. /
“Context?” Is it just her or does Mystery seam doubly tentative now? His tails are shifting in an uncharacteristic display of outward emotion. 
/This plane, the physical plane, has its own structures and laws which shape it. Then there are creatures like myself that can alter these structures. Mostly, our influence is very limited, depending on our resolve and power which grow slowly with age and experience. Any alteration too drastic requires a lot of energy and may leave one in danger of fading to nothing./ Mystery lapses into a contemplative silence, attention drifting to the fire. The flames reflect in his eyes, so they dance and flicker a warm yellow which intermingles with the red. 
/Gods, deities, higher powers, humans have many names for them, but they do exist, and their resolve is beyond comprehension. More ideas and concept than anything else, their interference here comes in many forms. If one knows how and was willing to take an oath to act as acolytes to the physical plain, then there are a wide range boons available for beings like myself./
Mystery pauses as if to check she’s following the explanation. At this point, Vivi’s just taking everything in stride. Gods exist? Sure, why not. It’s not any crazier than all the other stuff Mystery’s said. What does have her worried is the uncomfortable feeling that Mystery is building up to some sort of unpleasant revelation. The fox looks and sounds dead serious and she gets the sense that he’s explaining something fundamentally important.
/Of course, when you have entities capable of granting abilities with the potential to unravel reality itself, there must be some structure to it otherwise there would be only chaos. A Natural Order exists to maintain balance. /
“Sooo…” She ends up having to prompt when Mystery’s silence stretches too long after the statement, “…you have some sort of supernatural code of conduct that stops you from messing up reality. Good to know.” Ever since Mystery dropped his dog persona, he has never expressed any hesitation when it came to outlining his own abilities.  Right now, he is looking very uncertain, almost like he regrets trying to explain this to her.
“Mystery?” She asks again, more insistent, because dammit if she’s going to let him clam-up when she’s finally getting some popper answers.
/ Your investigation, regarding the change in Arthur’s behaviour, I have a… theory… regarding what might have affected him. / Mystery turns back to her, expression serious, /I received a… vision of sorts. A warning... / 
Mystery exhales, /One tenant of this Natural Order that is rigorously reinforced is that none can interfere with the progression of time beyond the basic manipulations of time fields and alterations of the perhaps a minute or so, a hour at most. Even these small alternations require immense power and a direct connection to a deity within the correct domain. That or immense personal sacrifice. / 
“Time manipulation? That’s possible? Wait…” Vivi’s breath catches because she’s read enough science fiction literature to know that you didn’t just bring up time travel without it being relevant, “Who’s time travelled? Can you time travel?”
/No, I cannot. Not to this extent…Or I should not have been able too./ Several tails unfurl to sway in a slightly agitated pattern, /It is a discussion for another time, maybe. I am not the one who is to be suspected of time-travelling./
“Arthur? You’re saying Arthur time-travelled,” She feels like she should outright reject the implication for being too outlandish. What made time-travel any different from extra-dimensional gods or spiritual energy that was shaped by will-power? Vivi grips the edges of her jacket, clenching it tightly. For the second time that week, her whole world view shakes, reordering as a whole lot of floating pieces and facts finally start coming together into one coherent picture.
“The force behind Arthur’s odd behaviour change is because he time-travelled?”
/It is only a theory. The vision may have been incorrect or I might have misinterpreted it./
“He looks the same though. Wouldn’t he look…older or younger?” It couldn’t be younger because she knows younger Arthur and how terrible he was at lying…Or she hopes she does. Her mind spins as everything she’s worked to piece together over the past few days falls apart. All her theories, useless. Every plan, every detail, now askew.
/ It was implied that he may have travelled backwards from two years beyond our current time. As for appearance, human souls carry an imprint of all their memories and experiences. If one were to send a soul back in time any matching memories would synchronise and newer memories would sit alongside them./
“Okay, okay, say you’re right about the time travel. This is a good thing. It means Arthur was always Arthur, ah...excluding the one day when he wasn’t. The weird behaviour is because we’ve been interacting with an older Arthur.” 
Two years wasn’t a huge age gap. 
Maybe this, if it were true, was okay. How much could Arthur have possibly changed? Even as she tries to considers the possibility in a positive light, all she feels is apprehension. Before all this, she wouldn’t have thought much about the ramifications of time travel aside from the fact that it was cool. Alas, the shine that uncovering the unknown had once brought is dulled with worry. After having what felt like a lifetime of stress condensed into four days, she knows nothing about this stuff is simple. 
/I do not know whether this is good or bad for Arthur, only that such a desperate measure is never taken without dire cause. Divinities that deal in time and fate are incredibly powerful and notoriously unforgiving. I can only assume that whatever this current timeline replaced was worse than drawing ire of fate itself. /
Mystery confirms her fears. His tails finally settle and he exhales unhappily, and she mirrors him.
Warnings of impending doom not withstanding, Vivi tries to picture a future where the only option left for Arthur was to go back and do it all again. Nothing that comes to mind is pleasant. What’s more, it also throws new light onto all her recent interactions with Arthur and she is not sure she likes what any of it implies. Arthur had avoided interacting with them and had snuck off to buy medication alone. He’d had a panic attack, he hadn't had one of those in years. If that wasn’t the work of some demon-possessed asshole, then maybe it was normal behaviour for future-Arthur. Some of what the demon-bastard had said was making more sense now. The body snatcher was right, Arthur was ‘not quite himself’...in a manner of speaking. No wonder Arthur had seemed different, on that day several weeks ago, when she had caught him unawares outside his bathroom and, for a split second, his face had been strange. 
But, what could have  or caused the change. 
‘Flipped a switch on his personality’.  
Had something happened between Arthur and Lewis to cause Arthur’s standoffish, bordering of fearful behaviour? What had she done to make Arthur not feel comfortable coming to her for help?   She and Lewis would never hurt Arthur. Right?  
What could she do to fix something like this? 
How much could have possibly changed in two years? She thinks of Lewis, of Mystery biting into his arm, of blood spattering across the face, of blood on her hands, of blood on the ground. Both her friends dying while she’s sitting there useless. A lot...a lot could change and it didn’t need as long as two years to happen. She shakes her head and massages her temples, trying to rid herself of imagery and not to get drawn into thinking up a worse scenario.  s it bad that she preferred the scenario in which Arthur had been threatened into lying because he was being stalked by some crazy man in leather?  
“You said there’s a chance that you're wrong. How likely is that?” What was the accuracy rate for ‘visions’ anyway? Geez, she’s not even sure how to approach that one. 
/From what I have seen of Arthur, despite the impossibility of it all, I cannot rule it out completely. His soul is warped, his aura altered, far too powerful for a human, double what it should be. It could be a result of an older and younger soul merging or it could be the influence of some other force./ 
She lets out a long, tired breath, watching the fire begin to burn itself out. The cold begins to creep back in and the night seems just a dark as that night outside the diner even when lit by the full moon. Everything feels like it’s too much, too many problems tying themselves on knots.  Funnily, it’s the opposite problem of having too little information. She needs time to work through it all and put it in some sort of usable order. Supernatural creatures, gods, spiritual energy, souls, auras, visions, time travel, different planes of reality. She has so many questions about all of it that they’ve all melded together into a confusing mess.
“When Arthur wakes up, I’ll confirm the time travel thing. I’ll figure something out.” 
 /I will help. I noted a change in Arthur’s aura and did nothing to investigate. I regret it. As unpreceded and worrying as this situation is, I do not want my inaction to lead to further hurt./
Vivi doesn’t answer, opting to continue staring at the van. She’s tempted to let her mind wander and check out of this whole confusing mess. She doesn’t have the energy to reject Mystery’s reassurance like she’d been so adamant in doing over the last few days.
/I will admit, there is a lot I have yet to tell you…/ Mystery continues she feels the slight shift in the air as he tails begin to sway again, /Some of it involves circumstances I am not proud off, unrelated to what is happening now but maybe important for later. I require time to mull it over…I am not accustomed to making decisions so suddenly. It is a very human thing to do./
At least this apology acknowledges the fact that Mystery is still keeping secrets. It is better than a repeat of the ‘I wanted to keep you safe’ bullshit her dad had been spewing. It’s something. 
“I just don’t know where to start with this.” She looks to Mystery, trying to keep the strain from her voice. “If your theory is right, what do I say to Arthur?” Honestly, she hadn’t really thought about what she would say to Arthur if…when... he awoke aside from making sure he was okay. 
/Whatever you would normally say to offer a friend comfort. His time spent with that parasitic abomination was not kind from what I gathered during our brief interaction and it will have likely left some form of mark behind./
The assertion isn’t much really, but it is something. Mystery is right. She’ll focus on Arthur.  Whatever time-travelling disasters might have happened, this was still Arthur and that’s all that mattered in this moment. The bigger picture can wait. She wasn’t going to let the taunting of some bastard demon colour her view of potential-future-Arthur until she knew more. If Lewis were here he would know what to do, he was good at helping people. No. Lewis wasn’t here so she would do what she always did, approach the situation as rationally as possible and give Arthur emotional support whether he wanted it or not. It’s got them through problems in the past and its the only frame of reference she has. At least now she has something concrete to go on and plan around, even if it did suck. And, who knows, maybe Mystery’s theory was wrong. She yawns, now thoroughly mentally and physically exhausted. Maybe, she would fall asleep right here, sitting on this stone.
/We should begin our journey back to your vehicle. It is a significant walk and we should start if we intend to make it before sunrise./  Mystery intones, eyes tracking her as she sways from side to side. The fox stands, stretching his front paws, and she watches his tails fan out then settle.
“We can’t go yet the van is still burning.”
Before she’s even finished the objection the fire undulates, seaming to snuff out, collapsing in on itself. Mystery trots up to the remainder of the van, barely a metal shell now, nudging it with its shoulder. Slowly at first and then all at once, the van rolls over and into the ravine. There is a loud crash, followed by the screech of twisting and crunching metal. Vivi jumps at the sudden noise, standing in her alarm, sleep momentarily forgotten.
/Is this satisfactory?/
She blinks, then approaches the edge of the ravine, peering into it. The blackened, ruined van is at the bottom, warped on the rocks. “Yeah, I guess this is fine.”  Not like she had a better plan. No one would see it from the road when it was like this.
/Will you allow me to carry you. It will be significantly faster and allow you time to rest. /
“I…” She looks back over at Mystery, about to refuse outright and insist on walking the whole way under her own power. However, the way Mystery was dipping his head, ears back, head down, makes her hesitate. He is obviously trying to make himself look as unthreatening as possible. She pauses. It is a long way back and she is tired enough that the visions of looming shadows and blood aren’t so dominating without the backdrop of the diner to spur them on.
“Okay…yes. I think I’ll be alright with that.”
Instead of immediately trotting towards her, Mystery hesitates, watching and Vivi realises he’s waiting for her to make the first move. Wind blows through the ravine, whistling, taking the remainder of the burnt rubber smell and black smoke away with it. The space between them is clear and empty of obstruction. Carefully, inching along the ground to moves, stopping a step away. Mystery leans forward, closing the rest of the distance. She holds her breath as his jaws come near to her hand. There is the sensation of something wet against her palm.
Mystery’s nose is wet. He is sniffing her hand like he would have when pretending to be a dog. His many tails swish from side to side like he is attempting to mimic a wagging tail. The whole effect is somewhat ridiculous seeing as he has so many of them.  
Hesitant at first then with more confidence, she runs a hand across the fur forming the tuft at the side of his head. It is coarse but easily smoothed under her palm. She draws her hand down his neck. In the places where she touches red light particles jump into the air like dust motes, sticking to her hand before quickly fading. For a moment she smells freshly cooked rice, upturned earth, and fresh rain before that sensation fades as well. Oh...and she begins to understand what Mystery ment when he called himself non-physical. Impressions and sensation run down her arm, tickling her thoughts reminding her of when Mystery uses his thought-speech. The Kitsune feels both solid and transient. 
Mystery turns to the side, giving her easy access to his back, waiting patiently. She blinks the non-physical impressions away. More confident, she pulls herself up, gripping onto his fur, feeling his snout poke into her side to nudge her forward.
“I’m still angry at you, you know,” She affirms once she is comfortably situated and Mystery starts walking.  The anger and hurt of betrayal still curl tight in her chest, though they have loosened somewhat. 
/I understand. /  
Nodding once, she relaxes, letting herself rest for what feels like the first time in days.  She finds it oddly easy to balance and she ends up leaning forward against Mystery’s neck, finding comfort in the rock of his slightly uneven gate. Would this count as upholding the crappy agreement to sleep she had made earlier with Mystery?
“Why don’t more people know about all this stuff?” The question is soft, muffled by Mystery’s fur as she attempts to ward off her quickly returning fatigue. 
/Most manifestations of spiritual energy are subtle, indistinguishable from normal acts of nature. Fully realised creatures like myself are also rare and tend to keep to themselves. It is more common to come across formless entities such as spirits and yokai, and even they leave barely an indent on this plane…hard to notice when one does not know where to look.../ 
As Mystery talks, sound washing through her mind like a river, fatigue finally catching up with, taking her quickly into a blissful, dreamless sleep.
And in the end Arthur never had to tell either of his friends about the time-travel. 
I have decided I hate  exposition writing, this thing took freakin forever and I’m still not sure it made complete sense. Should have explained some of this shit way earlier to make it easier on myself. Anyway, now I can finally shift the focus back to Arthur. 
I hope I made this interesting enough seeing as it was just Vivi and Mystery talking for 3000+ words. 
Part 42: here
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
I know you have plans for the winter break already but what if in that time nothing bad happens and the boys invited the girls to their homelands?
Sayaka’s invited by Deuce to go meet his mother as his closest friends (both totally obvious that everyone sees it as guy invites his girlfriend to his mom for the first time). It’d be so wholesome, with Deuce’mom lightly teases them but very grateful that her son managed to befriend a good girl like Sayaka. And since they’re in the Rose Country, they can go meet Ace and the others!
Kyoko probably goes with Ruggie. He’s self-conscious about his poor neighborhood but after all the time they spent together, relating to each other’s hardships they are more comfortable with one another. She’d get along well with everyone there, especially the kids even if she acts grumpy and denies that she cares about them. The sight of everyone in the poor but close-knited community leaves her with a bittersweet feeling as she remembers her family. But hearing Ruggie’s grandma says that if she doesn’t mind she’s welcome to visit them anytime aling with the neighbor kids cheerfully chirping that they want to see nee-chan again warms her heart
(Oohh what if she decides to stay??)
Homura goes with Kalim and Jamil to the Country of Hot Sands, meeting both of them families. She can’t help but feel uncomfortable with how many ppl there are, and she keeps her guard up even more knowing that Kalim’s life could be targeted at any time. Still, witnessing Kalim being a big brother to his siblings (it’s clear that they love him a lot, even if their own mothers want him out of the picture) and how Jamil’s family being more reserved yet clearly shows that they deeply care for him is heartwarming. She’s grateful that they treat her as a precious friend of their sons. For once in her life, she’s able to understand what family love is like. (Kalim’s dad secretly welcomes the idea of having Homura as Kalim’s wife)
Even though Mami is closer to Vil and Rook, I see her going to Epel’s village, partly because we know very little about Vil’s family and nothing about Rook’s. Although she and him are the only teens around, Mami enjoys the peaceful atmosphere and how caring the people there are. Plus watching him freely being himself and being obviously happy around his family brings a smile to her face. It reminds her of her own parents and for a moment she has a solemn expression before snapping out of it to join in the fun with everyone. Even if her duty as Magical Girl will keep her to find a way back, she’s going to cherish all the memories and all the friends she made here in Twisted Wonderland
Madoka would be so out of place in the Valley of Thorns. She’s most likely be the only human there and will be faced with many looks, but Lilia and the others will be by her side no matter what. And even though it’s nerve wrecking to be so far away from her friends the experience of visiting the Diasomnia’s homeland soon fills her with wonder. Once she shows her magic everyone slowly starts to be more welcoming to her.
Let’s give these girls more happiness! I love the idea that the boys bring the girls that sorted into their dorm to their homelands & meet their families! Let’s do this. 
Sayaka would feel a little awkward at first. I mean, a guy has never invited her to meet his family and homeland before! (Kyousuke doesn’t count here). It’ll be funny that both her and Sayaka doesn’t think too much about the invitation, just good friends, right? Everyone else will be like, “Ah, young love! One day these oblivious idiots will realise it, no worries!” Deuce’s mom would definitely be delighted over Sayaka and adores her! She believes that she’s a good girl and friend to her son and if those two combined? She hopes they can continue to support one another. After hanging out with Deuce’s mom and helping out around the house because Sayaka would insist it, they would go out to hang out with Ace and the rest of the Heartslabyul gang too! Cater would probably drop by at the Rose Kingdom too. Sayaka would want to keep close to Riddle in case his mother did anything to him. And for that lady’s sake? Riddle is gonna be a lot more outspoken and independent from his mother lest Sayaka decides to ‘save’ her too. 
Ruggie had sheepishly and hesitantly offer Kyouko if she would like to come home with him during the Winter Break. Kyouko, at first, doesn’t understand why he’s so self-conscious about it until he brought her to the slums and poor neighbourhood. He worries if it’ll put her off, but to his immense relief and pleasant surprise, Kyouko feels at ease. Right at home, in fact. He would internally chastise himself, he remembers that Kyouko used to live on the streets back where she comes from after the death of her family. You bet this girl gets along well everyone in Ruggie’s home. Despite the environment, Kyouko would quietly yet fiercely thanked him for bringing her to meet his grandma and the close-knitted community he lives with. For now, it’s alright to bask in this warm feeling of having a family again. And you know what? These two would also happily accept Leona offers to meet with him in his palace. He’d grumbled about their noisy presence but compared to dealing with the judgemental servants and annoying family members, Leona enjoys having them with him. Kyouko wonders if Jack would like to hang out with them too. 
(wouldn’t it be nice if Kyouko, Mami and even Sayaka will be hesitant to go back to Mitakihara City? They found love, family and acceptance in Twisted Wonderland with these boys. Madoka would be torn about at this point, Lilia has become her second Dad in all but blood and name. And Homura? This is perfect for her; so bittersweet. She would rather have the other girls live her while she goes back to Mitakihara City. Let her deal with Kyuubey & Walpurgisnacht. She’ll gladly face the nightmares if it means Madoka and everyone else can live happily. PS: I was listening to Jungkook’s Still With You so kudos for making myself sad).
At first, Homura is very reluctant to be separated from Madoka. It took not only Madoka & Lilia’s constant assurance that she’ll be safe and sound but also Malleus in a staring competition with Homura that ended with, “Do you look down on my power and capabilities to keep the Fairy safe?” Cue Sebek spluttering and shrieking in the background, being restrained by an exasperated Silver, at how Homura is underestimating his young master. In the end, she takes up on Kalim’s invitation to the Land of Hot Sands. She’s gotten used to the weather, clothes and culture practice in Scarabia, so adapting to the Land of Hot Sands is not a problem for her. But yes, she definitely feels uncomfortable with how large the Al-Asim family is! Her guards are constantly up despite the warm welcome she receives; she makes sure to be polite though, after all, she is a guest in their home?? Manor?? Palace?? Yeah. She’s cautious and friendly to his Dad, his mother and the other wives but a bit more relax towards Kalim’s siblings. Even the older ones. I feel that she’s patient to their questions and invitations to play. Homura also takes the time to visit Jamil and his reserved family. She never bothered by status before so like Sayaka, she would offer her help around their house too. All in all, I think both families would thank her for looking out for their sons. It’ll be funny if the night before they went back to NRC, Kalim’s dad pull him aside, telling him he approves if he wants to make Homura his wife. We don’t know if Homura even has a family in the anime so it’s a nice to experience what being in a family feels like. (Let’s just hope neither family ever discover the extent she would do to bring back a dead Kalim, yes?). 
Oh! Oh! I think that’s a good idea! Having Epel inviting Mami to the Village of Harvest. Mami portrays herself as a high-class, sort of noble lady with her fancy teas, ladylike-behaviour and expensive looking apartment, but you know? She’s more than happy to help him around the farm! The serene and quiet atmosphere is a breath of fresh air to her. She’s charming the old ladies and gentlemen left and right with her beautiful smiles and sweet demeanour! Mami would giggle and keep it herself that it’s nice to see Epel slip back to his country accent and let loose without having to worry about Vil breathing down his neck. His family are so welcoming of her that she’s super touched and thanked Epel for bringing her to his home. I want Vil to often call Mami to ask if Epel is treating her right and that would lead him asking her to pass the phone to him and poor Epel complaining that even back home, he can’t run away from Vil! What is this nightmare!? Rook would just one day randomly appear without warning, scaring Mami and Epel. 
If Madoka stands out in Diasomnia, she will definitely look out of place in Malleus’ castle and the Valley of Thorns! The only human around dark Faes, bright pink against black, a sweet thing among reserved and secretive society. I think Malleus’ castle would only be filled with those who he truly trust so she can roam around without worry, though whispers and gossips will sure travel across the land that their Prince finally brought a friend home! And a human, too! Cue of the castle staffs, guards and etc wondering about Madoka. She’ll ease into the scrutiny with Lilia and Silver besides her. As for Malleus? He’s just super excited to show her around, have sleepovers and etc. So precious! 
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doodles-arts · 4 years
Request: turtles reacting to crush
pairing?: All 2003 turtles x reader
Rating?: Pg
Warings?: loads of fluff
Request: 2003 turtles reaction to their crush, the turtles did the sweetest thing ever for them, talking loads of nice stuff about their crush, protecting crush or showing their nice/happy sides and crush waits until they are alone and crush says, crush has been good friends with the individual turtle, so they’ve never spoken like this before, “You know you’re really beautiful”? 
Summary: The boys all react a little differently to a super hawt crush! some boast, others turn hate into love
A/N: I did get carried away with my baby Donnie a little, if your interested in a one shot of a biker reader with a sarcastic Donnie, please reblog! I’d love to write it, but am working on other things for you guys, so if you’d like it let me know to make some time! @donatello-writes thought you might like the donatello part. Give it a heart if it were any good and read this lil note, love your work!
Met you because you were being jumped.
Classic hero saving damsel in distress
Doesn’t trust you at first for the sake of his family
But he grows on you
2 sizes...
You're absolutely the sweetest!
You bake him things for free as a thank you for saving your life
He can’t help but eAT it AlL
Master splinter actually makes him run laps around the sewers because of how lagged he is.
He asks Donnie for a diet plan and is h e a r t b r o k e n when he’s told NO SUGARS
You make him keto and protein cookies for his weekly cheat meal
You apologized when you were told he couldn’t eat anymore because he had gotten bigger.
The boys tease him about his weight when you're around.
Even after he lost all the extra weight.
His calm demeanor eases all your anxieties
He loves the way you're just so kind to all his brothers and everyone you meet.  
One day when you were baking a cake for  Mikeys birthday and all other kinds of party favors for all the boys, Leonardo kept you company. You both talked and about things you were planning, you both were very close. And Leo was very obsessed with you and your baking apron. He probably followed your back end with googly eyes all afternoon.
You didn’t mind having him keep your company and hand you any ingredients you needed but you couldn’t help but notice how much more his muscles were showing off. He was RIPPED. You blushed and looked away when he caught your wandering eyes. He didn’t seem to mind, keeping the conversation going about your next hangout.  He watched you with adoration and when you couldn’t reach for something on a high shelf he chuckled and offered to get it for you. You didn’t want to seem helpless but he was willing.
“That would be great actually!” You smiled and stepped back, “coming to my rescue as per usual~”, he blushed but you couldn’t see it as he reached up to grab the barely used baking soda. As he stretched, time slowed. His usual strap that held his katana was resting as you both cooked. Without it, it brought much more focus on the flesh on his side that wasn’t covered by his plastron or shell. It was insane how his muscles on his sides stretched and rolled. You could have drooled right there. But there was more to your private show, the little potbelly he used to harbor thanks to your baking, was long gone! His arms were round and plump. The muscles warned anyone who tried to mess with the leader. A clear reminder that you were in love with a god. A GOD. He was magnificent, his body chiseled from stone by Donatello or Michelangelo, the sculptors. You sucked in a breath, trying to make the second longer, but all good things come with an end…
You couldn’t help how your cheeks flushed as your thoughts wandered and traveled. As did your eyes, embarrassing yourself even more as he turned sharply, his glutes flexing as he took a step forward, you just couldn’t believe it-
“-You know you’re beautiful, right?” Leonardo almost dropped the bottle of baking soda that slipped from his three-fingered hands when you had commented on this. Quickly catching it and trying to grab his cool back from slipping in between his fingers as well. You giggled, laughing at your own embarrassment to lessen it. You might have been a bit flustered, but you meant it. “Uh.. thanks?” Still flustered and taken aback, Leo handed you the bottle and sat back down.
The air was thick with an awkward feeling, it might have been you, but you did mean it, you could have meant it platonically or romantically, so you weren’t that worried if he didn’t feel that way. He was clearly the source of the feeling. Refusing to talk afterward. Growing with anticipation, you put too much baking soda in the bowl and groaned in annoyance, scooping the part of the batch that had too much and throwing it out. After it was fixed you took a spoonful and handed it to Leo, “I’m sorry if I said anything out of line, peace offering?”
You had been making an eggless cookie dough batch so that you could give Mikey some cookie dough to eat without getting sick. And as Leo looked at you with that tiny sweet smile, he knew he was cracking. He wasn’t offended, not at all! He was flattered! Honored! But how could he reveal his true feelings if you might not feel the same? He took the spoon with a smile, “accepted!”
When he was finished with the spoon and set it down, you jumped into his arms for a hug, “good! Now stop being so quiet! You're my favorite person, so be my taste tester!” He felt his control falling and before you could pull away he hugged you tighter, you giggled and hugged back. But it was when he wouldn’t let go that you felt something was off. And there was, Leo was freaking out about how to approach you about this. “I’m sorry, but let’s stay like this, I have something to tell you”, he whispered into your ear huskily. You couldn’t help the goosebumps on your arm that stood when his warm breath hit the side of your neck.
“Okay-yeah, okay”, you replied shakily, you weren’t scared, not in the slightest, you could feel a spring in the bottom of your stomach start to tighten. His close proximity had your head swimming. You breathed in his scent and swooned inwardly to the smell of metal oil, peppermint body wash, and the scent of his natural skin.
“I… I know how strange it might seem, but I like ya’. Something about you has me pulling towards you. You always make me happier. I don’t know how else to tell ya, but I want-” before he could answer, your breathless voice did,
“Yes, I like you too, silly.” He hugged you closer as he silently fist pumped the air behind you, “shell yes!”
“I can feel that Leo” You giggled.
Your Casey’s sister
He hates you once he gets to know you
Your blunt, straightforward and RUDE
You’re really smart tho
And slim thicc…
Every time you come he leaves to his lab
He can’t stand you Casey, and Raph roughhousing
He can’t stand watching you on some days either tho…
He hates the way you make him feel
He’ll never admit it but he’s in la-la-la-la-loveeee
The way your arms are beefed up
You’re not picky
You don’t complain
You confront him once, asking, ”what’s your problem!” and he lashes out that your blunt, straight forward and provocative
He didn’t mean that last part
You bluntly tell him you don’t care about what he thinks, you never did anything directly to him for him to always give you attitude
You ask for a truce, instead of being problematic and resorting to violence
From that moment Donnie feels different about you
guess you weren’t so problematic and dumb as he thought
You agreed to help out with his experiments as a peace offering. They’re boring and you hate them but you try for Donnie. Lately, he has been asking many experiments from you, asking to help him with tools and taking notes. He said your handwriting was ‘prettier, surprisingly’. You told him his face was surprising. You both threw jabs at each other constantly. But you grew to like it, he was quick on his feet and always knew what to say back or when to stop. Most people were too sissy to take your comebacks or too sensitive to throw jabs. As you got to know Donnie you noticed how much fun he actually could be. You certainly didn’t have to prove your strength around him or get bruises by the end of the day. With him, it was playful and calm, sure you still liked a bit of wrestling here or there, it had been hotwired into your system by then.
Donnie respected that and you respected that he didn't enjoy the roughhousing around his equipment or in his lab. The mutual respect was a different tune than the constant hating glares you'd send each other. As you sat on the table next to the bike he was fixing up you were humming a tune to yourself, waiting for Donatello to ask for another tool. It kinda reminded you about your dad…
You blew a raspberry and laid you back on the clear table, “I’m bored”, you huffed out. You were tired of just sitting around, looking at the wall, “Well, lucky you, I just finished” he responded dryly. You rolled your eyes and hopped off the table to help him off his shell, “for the tallest slimmest turtle of the bunch, you sure are heavy.” you snickered as he faked a laugh and rolled the bike through the back entrance. “Yea, now shut up and follow me.”
You huffed and walked alongside him, “Soooo, who’s the bike for. Do I get to ride it first? Only fair since I helped!” You mused, trying to convince him to let you ride the bike. You used to own a bike, and you loved that thing to death since it was the one your dad had made for you until Casey broke it.
You were furious, it was the last thing you had of your dads, and he totally wrecked it during the night with Raph. You tried your hardest to fix it, but you didn’t have the cash for the spare parts, so you ended up scrapping the beat-up engine and the seat, hoping to still find the memory of your dad in them. You kept it in your room. Inside your closet.
After that, it took Casey months to get back on your good side, you only held out that long because he refused to tell you how he broke it. After another month of torture and burnt eggs in the morning, Casey begged the turtles to tell you the truth. And he did, promising to explain what happened to the bike, but he had to show you something first. And that’s how you met the turtles and Donnie’s stuffy ass.
“It’s yours. So you can ride it wherever you want, genius.” Donnie had to look away, feeling flustered that he was doing this. But you stopped dead in your tracks. When Donnie noticed that you had stopped, and turned to look at you. You had this dumb look on your face as you starred at the bike. Taking small steps towards the seat and opening it, “what’s wrong with you?” He asked, hoping for you to say something back. Kinda creeped out by your silence and wide eyes. As you lifted the seat, ignoring his remark and noticed the little engraved signature of you and your dad. Your heart broke into tiny pieces and fell in the pit of your stomach, you fell to your knees, feeling yourself shaking. Looking at the familiar engine.
“Where did you get this-” he felt a little nervous at the tone of your voice. Deeply unwavering, you sounded half dead. Pissed.
“I thought you’d-”
“WHERE!” He gulped, you hadn’t even looked at him. He walked around the bike to your side, “I’m sorry, but I and Casey took the liberty to rebuild a junk bike with your seat, I fixed the engine and put it in too. If I knew it would bother you so much, I wouldn’t have invaded your privacy.” He still felt your cold demeanor and didn’t dare touch you. Your silence only fueled his anxiousness. Your shoulders were slumped and you tried your best not to break, but the pieces were all falling down. Remembering the night as a little girl that you both worked on the bike and engraved your names on the underside of the seat and rode it for a test drive.
The tears flowed down your cheeks before you could stop them, it was unusual for you to cry, but your bike. His bike, our bike. It was back and fixed, you had something to feel like he was still there, waiting for you to come home after riding. Donnie’s warmth was wafting towards you and you gave him a tight hug. He still stayed after you yelled and didn’t make fun of you when you cry. he really was sweet... huh.
“Thank you, Donnie. I never knew you were so soft.” You pulled away and gave him a soft punch on the arm. He chuckled, trying not to stare at your tear-stained face, it was strange to see you that way. “Nothing wrong with being a little soft, now get outta here and tell me how well the bike does,” he smiled.
You smirked, rising and pulling the turtle behind you, swinging a leg over the bike like second nature. Pulling him on too, “you’re coming with, nerd. We’re gonna have the ride of our lives.” You rev the bike and speed out the sewers, and he yelps. He quickly holds on to your waist for dear life as you ride about the sewer. A raise in the concrete sends you in the air a few feet and you laugh as you feel him hold on tighter, the drop back down sending your sunglasses down, covering your eyes from the wind as you drive faster. His buff arms were warm on your waist. They felt good, and it almost distracted you while you were driving, what would it be like to have them wrapped around you on different circumstances?
You made swift and tight turns that made it feel like your bike would fall on its side. But you were a better driver than Casey could ever dream to be! Donnie was in good hands. As you drove back to the lair, your hair wind-whipped, and all over the place, Donnie couldn’t help but feel both scared out of his mind and adrenaline rush!
As you both hopped off you smiled at the slacked jaw turtle, “she rides good, I’ll probably change her tires though. Maybe loosening the steering gear, makes the tight turns feel less death-defying.” You refered to the bike and giggled as you helped him off, having a new feeling of adoration for Don, even with that dumb look on his face. After he wiped the surprise of his face and laughed you noticed something about Donnie, he had a tendency to stare. That much you already knew, but with you, it was like he couldn’t look away or keep staring all at the same time.
‘Hmm… Oh.. OHHH… How could I have never noticed before?’ You smiled at him and grabbed him by the sides of the plastron and forced him to look at you. “He-Hey, what’s the big idea!” You kept smirking, watching his cues, of getting angry, huffing, and pushing you off as he did with his brothers. It never came. That’s all you needed to know, you tapped him softly on the snout and smirked. “Nothing, I’ll come back for my baby tomorrow, you just make sure to be in disguise, we're going for a joy ride tomorrow night.” Waving goodbye as you walked out you felt proud. You were gonna put this boy through a ride, “By the way, Don, your really cute, ya’ know that?” His jaw slacked as you walked out, he never thought you’d ever say that to him.
He kinda liked it tho...
Met you through April
Is infatuated with you from the startttt
You are a gymnast
100% a smart ass
100% has a great ass
Casey asks, “can I ask a stupid question?” and you’d respond before you can keep quiet, “better than anyone here”
He finds your flexibility hawt
The boys hate how much he tries to show off when your around
You don’t notice, you think it’s just Raph being Raph
He’s ALWAYS inviting you to workout
LEG DAY every day
You like working on them and Raph doesn’t mind teaching you
You put his flexibility to the test every time
You tried to get along with him
The boys are shook to how well behaved he is with you
April notices how well you take his flirting, if you even notice it
You like how dorky Raph is when you’re alone
That’s when you start having feelings for him
Your gymnasium was closed by the company it was under and you had nowhere to practice
You confessed this to Raph and he noticed you were sad about it
He finished hanging up the last high bar. He knew you were missing the gym you used to practice in. He hoped his brothers wouldn’t notice how much effort it really took him to put it all up, so they wouldn’t accuse him of going soft. He wasn’t going soft, he was just trying to impress you is all. There was no shame in that, right? You were cool and sexy, you didn’t even have to try to look beautiful, you just were. Something April and Raph agreed on multiple occasions.
As you walked into the sewers with a pair of leggings and a form-fitting sweater. Perfect. You walked over to hug your friend and held on tightly to his warm, and he was glad to return it. He led you deeper into the lair and showed you, “well, I know that you miss your old gym, and you can’t find any good ones around here. So I thought you could kick it here until then!”
He pointed towards the hanging bars and gym mats on a far corner of the lair. An old mirror hung a few inches off the ground. You could tell he did his best with what he had. He had even taken the liberty to make a walking bar, the current thing you were struggling on. He listened. He cared. You walked closer to the corner that held the mini gymnasium he had created for you. No one had ever done anything like this for you, how was it possible… that you hadn’t seen it before?
“Oh, Raph… I’m at a loss of words. I can’t believe it!” You basically jumped in his arms when you had turned around. You were unusually giddy at the moment and decided to use it to your advantage. Hugging him tightly, knocking the wind out of him, pulling back in a flash and zooming back in.
His eyes were wide open as your cute face and scrunched up nose, and kissed him! He couldn’t believe it! You were kissing him right now! On the exact second that he started kissing back, you pulled away bashfully. Smiling and looking back towards your own personal little gymnasium, “thanks again, Raph.”
He nodded and replied, sorta out of it, “yeah, that was one hell of a thank you for a weird looking fella like me-”
You whipped and around and gasped offendedly, “-don’t you say that Raph, you know you’re beautiful, right?” the last part of the question was asked softly. He shrugged and you laid a hand on his cheek to force him to look at you. “You are Raph, I like you, I have for some time now, don’t turn me away, please.” He looked back up at you incredibly and starred as you smiled at his wild look.
“Alright, I won’t, on one condition. I get another kiss?”, pulling him closer with a hand on his cheek, you pulled him in for another kiss. One that he was actually prepared for, this time.
You meet him at a skatepark
He thinks your hawt in biker shorts and retro t-shirts
He obsessed with showing off his moves, just like his older brother
He has a different approach tho
You end up impressing him more tho
He makes jokes and invites you to skating contests
You win a few, but it’s obvious that he knew a lot too
You actually enjoy his company
You find it strange you only see each other at night
You don’t mind it tho because you own a skate-shop
You too love having late-night snacks
He never sits too close to you
The first time he’s afraid of taking a chance at you being afraid of how he looks
You guys take turns bringing snacks
You always buy pizza
You know there’s something weird about his body, but you don’t judge because he’s the absolute sweetest
*SmaCK* Your falling for him
One day, Mikey can’t help but want to be closer, so he has to take that chance
“Awesome, Mikey! Check this out!” You rode towards a staircase hand bar, sliding down and as you jumped off, you flipped your board, landing perfectly on the ground and riding your way back over to him. As you stomped your board back up it snapped. Mikey gasped in pity, “oh no dudette, I’m so sorry.” You shrugged and smiled, “It was a prototype anyway, I’ve got more in my shop.”
You walked towards your beat-up car as you felt Mikey’s face drop, “wicked cool! You make boards?” You chuckled as you turned around and pointed to his board, “you do too, honey.” There was that nickname that drove Mikey through the moon, had him sighing like a lovesick puppy. He followed you to the car with goo-goo eyes.
“Wanna come see my shop?” He practically jumped in excitement, “Would I!” He hopped into the car without a second thought, too sweet to take into consideration that you could see his green skin in the closer proximity. The hunch under his trench coat, the strange shape of his feet, or that his chest and stomach were irregularly flat for a guy with such buffed up arms. As you drove, you turned on the music to make up for the lack of conversation. Not trying to seem awkward, just trying to wrap your head around the fact that Mikey wasn’t human.
He never hurt you before, or ever overstepped his boundaries, he wasn’t a creep, he was funny and cared about you. He cherished the time you spent together, he sent a text every night you were together when you got home to ensure you were safe. It was safe to say that you felt something for Michelangelo but was afraid to fall for a stranger. But was he really a stranger? It wasn’t like you met him yesterday! You had been hanging out for a few months.
You had nothing to fear and so when you walked out of the car you confidently invited him and turned the lights to let him gawk at your boards. “I custom make them, all ya gotta do is put in an order, I fix ‘em up too.” You leaned over your cashier post, admiring the obvious turtle in the light of your store. He was a big sweetheart, he’d never hurt you!
“Dollface, this is amazing! I didn’t know you could make surfboards, and the designs on them are wicked cool!” You agreed, very proud of your work as you walked over. Pressing a hand to his arm, “wanna make one together?” He nodded rapidly like a kid high off of candy. And you knew that his heart was too pure for this world, you laughed and pointed at his jacket.
“Maybe you should take this off and get comfortable!” For a split second, he almost agreed and shed off the oversized coat, but he didn’t want to lose you. You were so cool… “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, dollface.” You rolled your eyes and blew a raspberry, which surprised him. “Mikey, I don’t care what you look like, not like I couldn’t tell under the store lights anyway! You’re beautiful to me, you should know that!” You placed your hand on his chest pushing the coat off his shoulders softly with a smile.
Stunned but flattered he allowed it and leaned forward, feeling a moment creeping on, the coat fell on the floor. A few inches from your face and he was already closing his eyes and puckering out his lips at you, You felt the same energy, but…
You placed a finger on his lips, “You didn’t think it was going to be that easy did you?” He shrugged and grinned, “a guy’s gotta try don’t cha’ think?” You giggled and pecked his cheek. Leading him to the backroom to work on the new board together. Mikey wasn’t going to let you focus too much for too long though. He would get that kiss!
remember! if you really enjoed the donatello scenario, reblog for a oneshot!
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kamenriderlogik27 · 3 years
Saber headcanons part 3: Mei as a student + current Mei
- Grew up in Osaka, but moved to Touma’s neighborhood due to her parent’s job relocating them. 
- Actually attended the same high school and grade as Touma, but the two were assigned to different classes all three years. 
- Because of this and the fact that they hung out with different friend groups, they never really had proper opportunities to really meet or talk to each other even thought they knew of the other’s existence.  
- The first time Mei saw Touma, he was hanging up recruiting posters for his first attempt at creating a book/writing club. 
- watching her new friends fan girl over him piqued her curiosity and she wondered what kind of person he was. 
- The next time she saw him, she attempted to start a conversation, only to catch Touma in the middle of walking while reading. He was so focused on his book that he couldn’t hear her and just walked away. 
- *que shocked “wow... so awkward” and “what the hell?!” Mei face.* 
- Her next few attempts always ended in failure as either She or Touma would either be too busy to talk or their respective friend groups would pull them away last minute. Thus she just gave up and let life move on. 
- Was the kind of student that tended to become friends with everyone she spoke to, yet was super unlucky with love. 
- Had a crush on and confessed to one guy each year. Always ended up getting rejected due to them only liking her as a friend. 
-  Had a “Kokkuri-san” Phase after the 2nd rejection, and was obsessed with finding out who and where her soulmate could be. The only result she ever got was the word ‘blue’. This phase quickly ended after her 30th ‘blue’ result. 
- Does she ever end up crushing on Kamiyama Touma? nope, never. To her, that boy is odd, really nice and handsome, but odd. 
- Always opted to play out with her friends than study. However, she’s pretty good at cramming last minute, so her grades aren’t too bad nor really good.   
- During her second year, she tried her hardest to study for her mid-term exams because her parents promised to buy her a new cell phone if she brought her grades up. She ended up staying up all night though, and crashed right in the middle of her test. Let’s just say she never got that new cell phone. 
- When they became seniors, she overheard Touma talking to his teacher while delivering something to the faculty room. The way he spoke about his dream of becoming a novelist and doing what he loved to do the most really moved and inspired her to start thinking about her own future. 
- Even though she wasn’t a really good student grade wise, the only subject she had a knack for was Japanese due to her grammando parent(s)’s nagging and constant drilling in grammar corrections and rules. 
- Due to her friend’s suggestion about what she can do with her abilities, Mei decided to major in Japanese literature and aimed for an editing job since she thought that it’d be an easy job + a good pay check. 
- Her first assignment as an editor was to fetch the first chapter draft from one of the company’s newbie authors. 
- When she knocked on the author’s apartment door and Touma was the one who answered, Mei was shocked to say the least.  
- Believing that he doesn’t know who she is, she tries to pretend as if it’s their first meeting. But, to her surprise even more, Touma is the one that says “Oh! Aren’t you Sudo Mei from *soso* high school?” and smiles that huge, excited smile of his. 
- Turns out that he’s seen her from a far a few times during school and always admired her extravertedness and ability in making friends on the spot. 
- He mentioned how he once even passed by her classroom and watched her stick up for a fellow classmate that was being bullied by a few boys. He complimented her bravery during that situation and tells her that he’s really excited to be working with her. 
-  Though Mei finds it a bit awkward at first, the more they work together and see each other, the closer get and become really great friends. 
- She cried when Touma won an award and loves to gloat to her friends about how she helped him become a best selling author. 
- Although she personally doesn’t read a lot, other than what she has to read for work, she does find teen romance novels a lot of fun. However, she’d always end up looking for comedic manga that’s easy to read and cheap. 
- Secretly wishes she could hit it off as an Instastar, but knows she doesn’t have the imagination to come up with new, trendy ideas. So, she resigns with just posting pictures and videos of things, places and people that she loves. 
- Regarding the Book vs Movie argument, Mei loves watching movies and will vote for movies without hesitation. Unless the book/movie adaptation in question is a product from her own company. THEN she’ll stand by on the “the book is better” side. 
- After meeting Rintaro and learning about the SOL, she started watching samurai and any European knight films she could find, as a way to study and learn about swords, swordsmen, and fighting. 
- She keeps asking Rintaro to teach her how to fight. Which Rintaro is 100% totally against, saying she’d be safer staying out of their battles. However, After a short conversation with Ogami-san, he quickly changes his mind and offers to teach her self defense moves right away. All while murmuring to himself “The perverts won’t know what hit them...”. 
- Because she wants to spend more time with Rintaro as well as help him experience more of regular life, Mei forces takes him to the movies to watch an action film. They buy popcorn, soda, candy and spend time looking around the theater. Everything goes well until the movie actually starts and she forgets to remind him that they have to be quiet while the movie is playing. 
- They get kicked out half-way through, which Rintaro feels really bad about and blames himself for forgetting the most important rule while watching theatrical film. To cheer him up, she takes him back to the book store, sets up the old TV and DVR set that Touma has stored away, and puts on the first Lord of the Rings film. 
- “There!” Mei pulls up two bean bags and hands Rintaro a bowl of popcorn. “Now we can watch a movie and talk at the same time! Ask me anything you want to know and I’ll try my best to answer!” This becomes Mei’s favorite, most treasured memory. (Rintaro’s too)    
- Mei cleans when stressed. Which is just a nice way of saying that she’d rather clean than stress about all the work that she has yet to do.
-  After Rintaro got really injured while protecting Kento from Calliber, Mei’s eyes opened to the fact that Rintaro, Touma and any of the other swordsmen could easily disappear from her life without her knowing. This new fear is what makes her take as many pictures of the boys (especially Rintaro and Touma) as she can, and posts them to her insta account.  
- Her favorite scent will always be either freshly baked sweets or freshly brewed coffee. 
- The new saber rider that’s using an ice concept and holding Rintaro’s Nagare is actually Mei. (That’s my wish anyway.)
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