#a design an alignment a cry
exercise-of-trust · 6 months
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s1ithers · 7 months
finished rogue trader. loved that so much i think it actually freed me from video games for a bit. i'm satisfied. we draw instead now 💪
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hypocrisy-incarnate · 9 months
my hot take of the morning is that the stanley parable fandom could learn a thing or two from the wtnv fandom about how to properly respond when someone makes fanart of a character who has no canon shape/size/race that doesn’t align with your personal headcanons. (which is to just move on and not comment on how shitty or ‘wrong’ you think their design is)
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pinksilvace · 11 months
Forever cursed with wanting to make stories about side characters... they allow so much room for creativity but also trying to make sense of them for longer than a few thousand words inevitably makes them feel OOC
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yanderenightmare · 11 months
Bakugou Katsuki
♡ TW: NSFW, derogatory dirty talk, spanking, angsty but with a fluffy ending
♡ fem reader
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You hadn’t fucked in a while. 
Katsuki would come home late – where being an intern only landed him with shit patrols and shit hours and shit pay – leaving him in a foul mood almost constantly.
You'd put on your most supportive charm and try your best to cater to his needs – being the designated one going grocery shopping and the one to do the laundry as well as clean the house, take the trash out, and make the bed – making sure he’s got nothing to worry about when he comes home. 
You don’t really care if it doesn’t align with the rules of feminism – you doll yourself up for him and wear only nice things – making dinner the way you know he likes, with extra spice – asking him about his day.
Being the best, most perfect housewife you could be.
But like always... he's tired and replies only in grunts with a sour scowl on his face – doing his routines seemingly on autopilot – eating, showering, going to bed – leaving you alone in the dark with the dishes.
You sighed, boxing up the leftovers before packing him a lunchbox for work. Tying a handkerchief around it to make sure it wouldn’t accidentally spill in his bag, also so he had something to wipe his mouth with after finishing – and as you centered the corners, knotting them together into a neat little flower, you couldn’t help how your hands began to shake followed shortly but tears slipping down your cheeks.
You slid down the kitchen counter into a thud on the floor, pressing your sleeve over your mouth to try and muffle the small cries that soon spilled over. You don’t want to wake him up. You don’t want him to see you like this. He works too hard; he shouldn’t be bothered by his girlfriend breaking down over nothing.
You just miss him – you miss him so much your whole body aches – even though he’s right there in the next room. You clenched a fist over your heart, feeling it strangle itself inside your ribcage – making your throat seize up, dry where you choked down sobs. 
You thought today would be the day. You’d gotten yourself extra ready. Wearing the dress he likes, even the lingerie he likes – not that he’d be able to tell without undressing you first.
You banged your head softly against the cupboards behind you, eyes closed as you calmed down your weeping. Still, you kept your sleeve pressed against your mouth, scared to let even your snivels reach him.
The hand covering your heart dropped into your lap. 
You let out a sigh, then thought about his big hands – imagining them – strong and sturdy and warm on your skin – roaming your body in greedy touches. How he manhandles you with his lips pressed against your ear – speaking filth in that awfully low teasing rust of his.
Your hand slipped between your thighs – under your skirt and beneath your panties – with two slim fingers sliding between your lips to gather the needy slick that had pooled there before bringing it up to rub your pearl.
You bit your sleeve, wanting to moan but needing to stay quiet. You can’t let him find you like this. You can’t wake him up over something so unimportant, not to mention embarrassing.
You’re so pathetic. It stung your heart, but still, you kept your fingers working – drawing wet circles into your clit that had become a hard bud under the attention it had been seeking for so long. 
You don’t often touch yourself. You just leave it to Katsuki. Your hands are so different it’s nearly impossible to even imagine it’s him – and besides, he does it differently – a specific way you struggle to replicate. Suppose he's gotten to know your body a little better than you over the years.
Still, you get there. Albeit a numb and rather boring high, you still shook as it took you. Though, it didn’t come close to how Katsuki makes you feel.
You just end up feeling ashamed…
Crying and cumming on the kitchen floor while your boyfriend’s in the other room fast asleep after a hard day's work. 
You freed your mouth from your sleeve and pulled your other hand out from inside your panties, laying them both in your lap as you mulled it all over. It’s cold and silent and dark, and you wish you’d just rushed along and gone to bed with Katsuki when he’d muttered his goodnight.
You banged your head once again, then picked yourself up from the floor a moment later, releasing a sigh that turned into a yawn while dragging your feet quietly across the floor. You put the lunchbox in his bag before walking yourself to the bathroom. There, you splashed cold water on your face, looking your reflection dead in the eyes. You’d made yourself so pretty today, but he hadn’t touched you at all… he’d barely even looked at you…
You almost cried again but managed to suppress it – washing your face free of mascara and lipstick, then brushing your teeth. You slipped out of your dress and fished one of his worn shirts from the laundry bin. It smelled sweetly musky, like him – fitting you like a tent, reaching longer down your thighs than most of your skirts. It felt nice. You could almost trick yourself into thinking it was him who’d made you cum earlier and not yourself – and that delusion itself was enough to make your chest flutter with warmth. 
You snuck into the bedroom and quietly shut the door with a soft click before sneaking under the covers on your side of the bed. He was already asleep. Deep breaths left him steadily while you studied his back in the dim light. He was tense. Maybe you could give him a backrub tomorrow – and maybe he’d fuck you in return?
One can dream…
The thought put a small smile on your face as you soon followed in sleep yourself.
He took out the lunchbox you’d made for him, wrapped in a silly handkerchief with a Pomeranian print. His lip quirked up for just a second. You’re such a dumbass. 
He and Eijirou had picked a tall place like usual – atop an office building with their legs dangling over the edge. It had become standard procedure.
They didn’t like being bothered during lunch – it prevented them from talking about the things they wanted to talk about, if and when they wanted to talk, and otherwise roped them into meaningless small talk they had no interest in. Eijirou could fake it when he had to, but Katsuki didn’t ever feel as inclined. So it was best for both of them to find someplace exclusive.
Which, more often than not, ended up with them atop a rooftop somewhere along their route.
Katsuki popped the lid and found your note. 
Burn it up, Boo!
You’re such a geek. You’re so silly it made him blush sitting there. 
Fuck... he misses you...
His nose stung a bit just thinking about it, but he stifled it with a sharp sniffle before it could get any worse.
Unclenching his teeth with a huff, he picked up his food before chomping down on it. How long had it been since he’d held you? Must be since he started his internship, which is what? A month ago already?
He couldn’t wait to run his own agency. He’d own a building just like the one they're sitting on right now – maybe even taller. You could work there as well – you already act as his personal assistant, after all – or maybe that’s just what a girlfriend does. Either way, if you would work with him, he wouldn’t need to miss you so fucking much all the fucking time.
“Mina told me to tell you something- but you need to promise you won’t tell your girl that my girl ratted. Okay?” Kirishima broke through his daydreams. He was holding a sandwich from the cafeteria. Looks like Mina didn’t pack him lunch, Katsuki thought with a small smug smirk. Poor loser. 
“What are you blabbing on about now, Shitty-hair?” He asked, taking another bite from his homemade lunch with pride. It couldn’t really get any better than you. Surviving the last few months of his internship wouldn’t be too exhausting with you as his cheerleader.
“Mina told me-” Eijirou started anew but broke himself off before finishing. “Ah fuck it– doesn’t matter. Just listen.” 
 “I am. Spit it out already.” Katsuki said, unfazed. Not much could annoy him when he was busy thinking about you.
Eijirou hesitated for a moment longer, unsure how he should phrase it. But if memory served him right, blunt honesty had always been rewarded with the impatient ash-blonde – so he decided to be straightforward with it. “Your girl’s gonna leave you if you don’t dick her down soon.” 
That got his attention.
“The fuck?” Katsuki barked, whipping his head to the side to glare at him – unchewed food still in his mouth, making his words come out muffled.
He had his mask lifted like a headband, pushing his hair out of the way and allowing Eijirou to see every angry furrow creasing his face.
“Don’t shoot the messenger-” He excused, arms raised with his half-eaten sandwich in his hand. “I’m just tryna help you out.”
Katsuki’s grimace didn’t ease up.
It looked like he was going to say something, but instead, there came a long pause of them just staring intensely at each other.
It was normal. Katsuki had become better at processing things quietly without the need to fling curse words. But still, the frown didn’t lift – only deepened.
“Tch-” He scoffed after a while – looking down at his lunchbox again – fingering the happy Pomeranian handkerchief quietly before muttering, now calmly. “Fuck does Pinkie know…”
Eijirou put his hands down again, turning to look at the city below them, taking another bite of his sandwich – speaking with it in his mouth. “Uhm- she says it’s been a while since the two of you fucked- and that your girl’s trying her best to keep you happy- mh- but that she’s at her wit’s end ‘cause you won’t talk or touch her-”
Katsuki’s frown softened a bit, eyes scanning your handwritten note again. It’s such a small thing, but without it, the day would have still been grey and sour. It was just a piece of paper, but it had felt like a warm kiss on the cheek and turned his mood from annoyed to giddy so seamlessly.
Losing you might just kill him, he thought.
A weak “Fuck-” left him then, along with a sigh. The feeling of dread ripping his chest was nearly enough to make him cry, but he clenched his fists and grit his teeth, and the sting in his eyes relented almost as quickly as it had come.
“That’s girls for you, man...” Eijirou continued. “Talking out their frustrations over coffee and cakes instead of throwing fits.” He laughed, turning his head to look at his unusually still and silent friend. Grinning at the sight of the cute pout that had taken shape on his face. “We could learn a thing or two.” He nudged suggestively.
Katsuki threw him a glance, spotting his shark teeth pulled into a friendly smile. He sighed again, this time with a bit of a bothered groan, knowing that was Eijirou’s way of telling him to open up.
“Not much to complain about…” Katsuki mumbled in an effort to brush the subject off. But the feeling of Eijirou’s round red eyes staring at him intently in wait – goading him into telling more – didn’t relent.
Katsuki wanted to ignore him, but at the same time, there was something inside him that told him he shouldn’t waste the opportunity. In the end, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to share. After all, Eijirou had been beside him for over a decade already, and they weren’t planning on ending their camaraderie any time soon. 
He smacked his teeth as though surrendering, offering yet another groan of annoyance. “If she wants me to fuck her, she should just fucking say so-” He spilled. “What am I supposed to do? Read her mind?”
Eijirou laughed again, shaking his head. “Nah, man- this is a proper lady we’re talking about. She’s not gonna be so brazen. She wants her ~man~ to make those demands.” He explained, keeping his smile before quirking his brow at the blonde. “Speaking of… why haven't you?”
Katsuki threw him another glance, but he couldn’t feel more awkward sharing such things, even after such long years of friendship. 
Not that Eijirou cared if he was a little rigid. Actually, he found it amusing. Katsuki just needs a little time, but sooner or later, he always cracks. It’s just lucky that Eijirou has the endurance for it.
“I haven't been ‘cause-” Katsuki started, visibly struggling. “I don’t wanna be too-” He stopped again.
“What?” Eijirou pushed, slanting his head.
The blonde threw his head back with yet another groan. “She’s all up and down the house doing chores- I didn’t wanna be a selfish prick asking her to put out as well.”
“Wow, man…” Eijirou chuckled, smacking his hand down on the explosion hero's slumped shoulder. “That’s so manly.” He praised.
But it didn’t take long before his smile turned a little sharper – now with not-so-altruistic intent.
“But uhm…” He snickered. “If not your girl... what have you been doing?”
“None of your fuckin’ business,” Katsuki snapped back with a growl, shaking the makeshift redhead’s hand off his shoulder – his scowl returning to its original glory.
“Oh, come on, man- give us a little something to laugh about~” Ejirou drawled, still with his playful smirk – eagerly waiting.
Katsuki brooded for a moment longer.
But then finally gave in. “The shower… sometimes the car…”
Eijirou laughed, now loudly – boisterously and long enough to make the blonde punch his shoulder. But the assault wasn’t even registered by the sturdy hero, who continued laughing until he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “That’s not manly.” He said, still with amusement in his voice. “That’s just sad, man.”
“Shut up,” Katsuki grumbled in return, refocusing on his lunch as the other male continued giggling.
“To think you’ve been holding back while your girl’s been pining for it.” Eijirou rubbed salt in the wound, adding insult to injury, before stuffing the rest of his sandwich in his mouth. “Mh- that’s why communication is key.” 
Katsuki also took his last bite before repeating his last words. “Shut up, Shitty-hair...”
He came home to the smell of cooking and the hefty sound of the kitchen fan. The door swung closed with a loud bang, and you soon walked around the corner – spatula in hand with your apron on.
“You’re home early!” You exclaimed, a smile spreading on your face while rushing over to him. Lifting your heels on your toes to plant a quick kiss on his chin. “Oh-” You gasped, surprised when he enveloped you in a hug instead.
Stunned still for a moment, but then you smiled.
“Welcome home~”
He sighed into you, big hands pressed at the small of your back, swaying you snugly against him – the spatula in your hand smushed between you.
You smelled like sweets, and he smelled of smoke, and you both closed your eyes at the familiar but almost forgotten scent – bodies relaxing, realizing how much they’d missed the other's touch.
He held you there for a while, nuzzling his face into your neck with a low rumble – almost like the purr of a cat – before letting you down slowly.
“Is everything alright?” You asked, looking up at him.
He kept his hands at your sides for a moment longer, his usual unreadable expression donning his face. “Not really.” He revealed, then pressed a kiss onto your forehead. “Talk about it later, I’m starving.”
You wanted to ask but didn’t want to pry – trusting him that you’d talk about it later.
He set the table while you finished cooking, and you thought it a very nice change of pace – smiling with a giggle when he pulled out your chair for you. He was acting strange, but still, you wouldn’t complain.
Dinner went quietly. You kept waiting for him to talk, to tell you what it was that was bothering him, but he never did. You were both done not before long, and you got up to start collecting dishes.
He got up as well. Walking around the table, he stood behind you as he grabbed your wrist softly. “Leave it.” He said – his voice gentle, just above a whisper. 
“Katsuki?” You asked, before feeling it – gasping out a surprised “Oh-”
His hand rubbed the silk on your hip, messaging your skin through your dress as he pulled you back against his crotch, where you felt him – fat in his slacks – and nudging into the soft welcome of your butt.
Your chest fluttered with a giddy thrill, flustered and hot already.
“Right now?” You asked in a flushed rush. Bowed with both palms laid flat on the table – cheeks burning and eyes wide. 
“Yes.” He replied simply – voice still gentle but sturdy – perhaps a touch strained.
“Here?” You gushed, swallowing your spit.
“Yes.” He repeated, his lips hot on your throat, with kisses and licks and heavy huffs – his chest stiff and weighty with brawn, beating against your back where he haunched over you.
Your breath warbled, rendering your voice to just an unsteady whisper. “Oh- okay-”
He hoisted the skirt of your dress in quick tugs, bunching it over your hips before molding his clothed bulge neatly into your ass – squeezing your hips and pulling you back to meet his movements as he started rolling into you with need.
You let him – waiting with knees somewhat shakey. It had been so long since you’d last felt his lust for you that now it made you nervous. Your cunt was already weeping at the promise – so wet you soaked through your panties. Even your mouth had pooled with water, desperate for what was to come.
You closed your eyes, listening to him buckling up his belt, followed by the heavy sounds of his pants dropping to the floor – then the warm feel of his hefty manhood resting between your asscheeks. You moaned just at the feel of it. Veiny and warm and soft. Your breaths turned even thicker in your throat – so excited you nearly started wagging your butt to urge him into taking your panties off.
He did. Hooking his fingers beneath the lace, he pulled it down your thighs and knees and let it pool around your feet – giving your ass a wet bite on his way up again.
His fingers then found your puffy cunt, giving it a featherlight feel and releasing a strained grunt at the drippy mess discovered there – bathing his fingertips in your arousal. You heard him swallow thickly at your ear – his breath baring hints of something heavier from his gut – almost heaving as he grabbed his shaft and slid himself down through your thighs.
You nearly started whining boohoos, feeling his girth glide between the fat of your inner thighs, glossing itself in the slick from your cunt. Your insides screamed for it. It was all too sadistic for you to handle – you needed to push back into him – a wanton whimper escaping you even as you had your lip tugged between your teeth.
He answered the prayer, his movements controlled yet strained as he steadily guided it between the split of your pussylips until his head caught on your entrance. He hissed, pressing inside you without any prepping – and you sucked in a gasp, stinging at the stretch, taking the fat mushroom-shaped bulb inside you slowly – so overwhelmed your vision blurred with spotted light. 
Then you released the prettiest moan – whole body tense with anticipation as he eased the fat length all the way inside your pretty cunt – filling it so good, your thighs quaked with curled toes, sinking your teeth into your lip with eyes squished tightly shut – sighing with a needy whimper once his head nudged deep into your cervix.
You and your body both had forgotten his size. Feeling tunneled. You nearly had the urge to climb away as it rested inside you – every meaty inch stretching you out – but he held you steady at the hips, keeping you still as he nestled deep and completely within your walls – making you pant out like a needy bitch in heat. In the end, you couldn’t do much more than curl your toes into the carpet, eyes flickering with arms nearly giving out beneath you.
You didn’t expect the slap to your ass. “Ah- Katsuki-” You yelped with a buck, clenching down even harder around him.
He gritted his teeth at your pretty cry and did it again – planting his hand down hard into the doughy flesh. Pulling back with his hips and thrusting in again.
You clawed the table, picking up the tablecloth in balled hands – struggling to make breaths – insides fluttering and wavering between the delight of finally being filled and the flighty dread of being split in two – crying at the pain, being stretched so awfully good.
He smacked you again, and this time, you whimpered, reeling from the pain of it – feeling the skin sting and prickle – hot beneath the squeeze he made after, gripping the fat like putty. 
“Katsu- s’too rough-” You cried, shaking on his shaft – but also from the pleasure – feeling your head cloudy and hot where your brows cinched up.
He ignored your cry, giving it another hit with his palm. Backing up until only his tip remained inside, then running you through again – pelvis clapping your rear. So deep it choked you, making your tongue loll out of your mouth with your moans. So robbing, you needed to bow down until your tits rested on the table to avoid your arms giving out beneath you – panting as you held onto the feel of his every inch sliding in and out of you. Fucking you so well, you drooled.
“What's this I hear about you leavin’ me, huh?”
A cold rush flushed your body then.
The burn of pleasure suddenly went tense – still there, but vulnerable now. Your heart flared, beating fast – so loud you heard it in your head.
You weren’t able to answer before he’d snuck a hand up your chest and grabbed your throat, lifting you from the table and pressing you back against his chest where his lips could graze the shell of your ear. “I had a lil’ chat with Eijirou earlier. Care to know what he said?” He whispered now, feeling your breath turn thin beneath his hand. 
He held you tight, fingers sinking into your jugular – but more so in threat – not rough enough to choke you. 
Still, it made you squeeze on him harder. 
He didn’t wait for an answer. “He told me that Mina told him that you’ve been having ditzy thoughts about ending things… That true?”
“N-no- that’s not what I said-” You denied with a stutter – chest tight with a need to moan out, feeling the plush bulge of his cock-head knead into your cervix – making a mean outline on your tummy – burrowed so deep it made your thighs shake at the pressure – feeling the onslaught of that tightknit rope within your core begin to fray, soon to snap and let go.
“It's so like you.” He accused coldly, making another harsh thrust into you – cock punching your stomach in the perfect spot. “To go run your mouth with no plans of backing any of it up.”
“B-but I-” You didn’t have your wits with you to defend yourself – busy rubbing your thighs together, chasing the sweet release you felt pursuing.
“Buh-buh-but nothing.” He dismissed – his other hand making way down past your belly button, his fingers soon running over your clit – beginning to rub tight and slow circles into it – making your moans spill past where his hand kept your throat in a lock. “If you wanted me that badly, you should have just asked. But I guess that’s too much for you, isn’t it? You’re just too innocent, aren’t yah?”
You were nearly there until he spun you around. Quickly gathering your thighs, he picked you up and made you straddle him – pushing your back against the wall with a bang that almost had the pictures falling down.
You only moaned, going dumb from the thrill, wrapping your legs around his torso as he sunk back inside you. 
“I don’t buy it, sweetheart. Be honest now-” He breathed with a grunt, pressing his forehead against yours, and you slung your arms around his neck. “You’ve been touching yourself without me, haven't you?”
You bit your lip under his interrogating glare, looking into his red eyes through your lashes only to look away – flighty with a tiny whimper before squeaking out a hesitant but honest, “Ye-yes-”
“When?” He pushed with a hiss – wasting no time.
You burned with embarrassment – fingernails denting the swole and sweaty muscles of his back, feeling him dig inside you so deep and hard and fast you couldn’t help but spill with the confession. “Yesterday- after dinner- when you were sleeping-”
“Where?” He added, clenching his jaw at the shy way you nibbled your lip, telling him all your dirty secrets while pinned against the wall, taking him inside your tight wet cunt with such a face that just coaxed him into going harder and faster.
“H-here, on the floor-” You answered, moaning it for him with your breath in your throat.
“Tch-” He scoffed with a groan and a grin – feeling you clench on him, recognizing your mannerisms – you were getting close. “I didn’t know I was living with a little slut.” 
“I’m not-” You protested with a whine – giving him the cutest pouty face he’d ever seen.
“Don’t lie.” He barked, slamming into you – making you squeal with a moan, fingers pulling the locks at his nape while clenching on him tight – your breath shuddered, stomach tightening up like a knot before suddenly snapping. He chuckled hotly, feeling you shake from it. “Don’t you fuckin’ try it when you’re cummin’ on my cock like that-”
His lips mushed yours with another groan while you moaned from the release. He gripped your ass tighter, pulling you to meet his rhythm, riding it out of you – biting your lip to finish the kiss. 
“Be honest-” He seethed, his voice tight – low and gravelly, thick with arousal. “Where do you want it?”
You quaked at the question, head full of cotton from your orgasm. You looked at him with hearts in your eyes. “Inside me, please, Katsuki~”
“Fuck-” He stuttered – that was the last he could handle before burying himself deep – gripping you tight and keeping you snug against him as he emptied himself with hips jutting – pressing you firmly against the wall behind you.
He kept you there, forehead to forehead, holding his breath down to the very last drop – then let out a long and relieved sigh. But still, he held you there – with sweat running down his temple as he huffed air until both your breathing calmed down. And even then, he didn’t let go.
Instead, he carried you off toward the bedroom – leisurely in his steps as your legs dangled over his arms before placing you both down in the soft bed.
He helped you out of your dress, shimmying it off over your head with your hands lazily raised in the air – then he tore his own shirt off over his shoulders, flexing his back with a stretch and groggy yawn before laying down with a complete sigh. 
Throwing an arm over your midriff, heavy and thick with muscles – his hand splayed on the small of your back – holding you snugly – limbs tangled together with your heads propped on the same pillow.
“Next time you’re thinking about touching yourself when I’m asleep, just wake me up.” He grumbled, his eyes already closed. 
You gave a breathy giggle, murmuring an “Okay~” with a smile. Looking at his face and the cute blush dusting his cheeks with dew.
He had that small scrunch between his brows like always, twisting his handsome face into something so adorably moody even in his sleep. 
His warm breath puffed slow and steady against your face – dewy from his slightly parted mouth.
“Katsuki?” You whispered after a while, tapping your finger on his peck with a soft bite to your lip. 
He opened his eyes, sleepy but awake still – blinded by your wide-awake eyes eagerly staring back at him.
“One more time?”
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circeyoru · 6 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 2 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 (here) — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9  — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13
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In a room, dark and empty, the floor below encased millions of crying and pleading souls. Yet you walked over them as one would to insects on the ground. Your eyes peeked open a bit and the voices all quiet to nothing
The rows of Knight armours and life-sized wooden figures that aligned the walls all bowed in your presence. Your feet brought you to a round red table to the farther side, on top of the table was the exact replica of the landscape of the Pride Ring
In this domain of yours was a lovely creation of yours after Lucifer took over Hell, a table for each of the Rings of Hell and one each table was the exact map of everything within the Ring. From buildings to landmarks to the portals to other Rings for the Hellborns. You had it all and saw it all with your eyes around all of Hell
Your fingers hovered over the marked territories and the duplicates of your souls’ figures placed in their respective areas. Your eyes scanned over, spotting some new figures that has appeared and some areas marked with unfamiliar colours and aura. A hand waves over the entirety of the map like a fan, domains marked in red was nearly half of the place
Whispers of souls from the bodies of your provided winged creatures known as Cages flew around you. They were of your design, with black feathered bodies and wings, similar to that of a crow or raven. But with a twist, eyes red as blood, wings of blades, metal claws, and uniquely their bodies house the souls you deemed with potential to return back to their own lives
“Sinners have been brazen.” 
“Very bold. They have stolen your land.” 
“Disrespectful. Undeserving.”
“Lazy Overlords!”
“Now, now, my Cages. They have a hard time as it is, don’t give them too much pressure.” While your tone was understanding and sweet, the coldness and disappointment in your eyes told a different story. “But I suppose they have been slacking in my absence.”
“Slacking. Slacking.” 
“How dare they. How dare.” 
“Punishment. Punishment.”
A smile formed and your eyes closed, you turned away from the table as familiar dolls floated over to you. “Yes, it is time for a reunion.” 
A soft tune played in the radio tower. You sat in the comfortable armchair while your finger swayed from side to side with the music, you hummed a bit with your eyes closed, and one leg crossed over the other. Various pages floated in the air while a pen was writing on each of them at lightning speed
Your head tilted up a bit as something came to your knowledge. With a snap of your fingers, the paperwork all disappeared and the soft tune was gone. You hummed as you got up and faced outside, even with your eyes closed you can see all of Pentagram City that was the heart of the Pride Ring
The Radio Demon immediately appeared after the shadows rose to form his figure, he bowed with hand over his heart before placing it behind his back as he straightened up, “Yes, My Dear Liege?”
“Is Vox still challenging you to random games of his?” You remained facing the view outside of the tower’s window.
“That he is.”
After Alastor had rubbed into Vox’s face that you were avoiding Vox, the insecure Overlord was keen on challenging Alastor on battles of a playful nature to one up him as a way to prove he was superior. Though all that told you was his childishness and lack of responsibility
It had been a while since your presence was made known to the other Overlords, particularly your elite collection. Your stay in the Hazbin Hotel was passed within the group, but none dare to approach you as it was against your likeness to seek you out under information passed along. It wasn’t wise to fake or arrange a chance meeting as well, for you’d know and they don’t want to face the consequence
While you were physically absent, you were not ignorant to what goes on, especially with your collection. You thought perhaps it was time for you to formally make yourself known since they have been very well behaved even after Alastor egged them so. Good that none took the bait
It’s not your intention, however, to put such test and tease for your wonderful elites, but when the opportunity is there, you can’t resist. You let things fall and observe the results. They were very amusing with their persistence to find you yet appear as though they weren’t bothered with your absence
Though the fun’s gotta end
“Arrange a meeting of my Elites,” You turned your head to Alastor’s direction with your eyes closed, “Hmm, in 6 days, let’s do it at Camilla’s place. The Witching hour would do nicely.”
Alastor bowed once more, “Of course, as you desire. Shall I broadcast it right away?”
You gestured to his chair for him to take a seat. When he did, you placed a hand on his shoulder and your eyes opened with a glow, in turn, so did his pendant with an eye design, “Please do.”
Alastor felt power surge through his form as his tower lit up with an eerie green, he spoke into the microphone on his desk, “Let this be a broadcast to the only Elites~ A special message and invitation to the Collection of Elites from Our Beloved Liege.”
Simultaneously, in various parts of the Pride Ring, targetted individuals received their broadcast. Immediately standing at alert
Zestial threw away his teacup and saucer the moment he felt the left coat pocket glow. He carefully took out his pendant and made it hover in the air while his head bowed, awaiting for the message broadcasted through Alastor’s powers mixed with yours
Carmilla raised from her seat when her chest warmed from the pendant, she pulled it out from the charm from the chain around her neck. She brushed aside the documents she had littered around her desk and placed it down, bowing with her hair down when she realized the situation, the long await word from you
Rosie shushed her cannibals, excusing herself when his pendant warmed up with a glow. She arrived at her private room and set the pendant on the couch while she seated next to it, acting as if you were present with her
Zeezi immediately threw a punch at the demon, quickly ending the fight. She kicked away the body, wiping away the blood on her hands before taking out the pendant, and bowed her head to it with eyes closed
Vox’s eyes widened, eying the pendant when Alastor’s voice came through, he was about to dismiss it but the fact that your title was mentioned meant Alastor was speaking on your behalf. He travelled through the cameras to where the other two were lazing around with the pendant in hand, putting it on the table in front of him and which made Velvette and Valentino snap to attention
“A meeting will be held in actually 6 days, at the Wtiching Hour. The meeting place will be at Carmilla’s. Needless to say, your attendance is mandatory.” Alastor relayed all the details you told him.
However, before Alastor ended the broadcast, you spoke up near the microphone, “I look forward to your presence, everyone.”
Once the news was out, the Overlords immediately got to work
Zestial went to Carmilla’s place help her prepare to your standards and satisfactory. Preparing the room to be more elegant and dignified, different from how the usual Overlord meetings were when she hosted
When Carmilla’s daughters heard the news, they were excited as well, it has been ages since they last saw you and even longer when their household was hosting your meeting place. For it was an undeniable honour for you to pick their rundown location for something so rare and sacred
After all, this was the first meeting you’ve hosted and called the others since years, it felt even longer when it was you that gathered everyone together like this. Surely, the topics of discussion was grim and serious for such an occasion
Either way, all Overlords were going to enjoy their time in your presence. Just having you near them was a gift and for you to call them was a joyious event, one worthy of celebration
Though they were very envious that Alastor got you to himself all this time. Again, the blame would be on Vox who had been causing you such discomfortable in your own world, for all their territories were yours to begin with. You were merely gracious to share your spoils with them. Lowly sinners that rose to their current standing and ranks with your support
All looked forward and dreaded the day that was to come. The other sinners and demons felt a change in the air when the Elite Overlords were more active. It was subtle but hard to ignore when the Overlords were more on edge and easy to come to anger
Zestial appearing in the streets more, Carmilla’s demand for perfection, Rosie’s increase appetite, Zeezi’s increase violent battles, and the Vees’ desperate need to produce more results
Somehow, the nobodies Overlords heard of an Overlord meeting and planned on attending as well. Yet the moment these self-proclaimed souls planned on doing so, knight armours and wooden figurines took a hold of them and the shadows devoured them without mercy
Alastor set down a plate of food in front of you, noticing the small smile on your face even when your eyes were closed. “Does something amuse you so, My Liege?”
You chuckled, “Oh, nothing much. Merely some souls begging for a good torment.”
Alastor felt his smile grow, understanding the implication. He so loved your sadistic nature to those unworthy, for he done the same. “I see. As long as you’re enjoying yourself.”
Your eyelids fluttered open a hinch, “Believe me when I say, I am.”
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Note: Okay, I lied. There's more to write than I thought. In my defense, there wasn't much idea, but then it flooded when I started. So there's part 3 where the Overlords are meeting the Collector~
Circe Y.
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203
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transform4u · 2 months
Waking up to the GothamEnlighten App
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Alan sat stiffly on the hotel bed, his demeanor rigid and disapproving as he scrolled through Grindr with a critical eye. His white button-up shirt and meticulously tailored suit conveyed an aura of primness and control, starkly contrasting with the chaotic energy of New York City that seeped through the windows.
"Ugh… too fat… ugh too femm… ugh… there's no way he's a top," he muttered disdainfully, dismissing profiles with a flick of his thumb. Each rejection was punctuated by a derisive tap of his phone screen: Brrrrup! "Ugh, no Mexicans!" he sent with a cocky smile, followed by muttered complaints about the diversity of men in the city. Brrrrup! "Ew. there's no way I'm hooking up with a dirty Arab!" he hissed. Brrrrup! Brrrrup! Brrrrup! Brrrrup! Brrrrup! Brrrrup! Brrrrup!
Alan was an enigma of sorts in his own right—a gay man who staunchly identified as a Republican, aligning himself with conservative values even as he navigated the complexities of his sexuality. Raised in Texas, he found solace in the familiar landscapes and cultural norms of his upbringing, viewing them as a bastion of what he deemed "real American values."
To him, New York City was an assault on everything he held dear. The cacophony of languages, the litter-strewn streets, and the perceived lack of order grated against his sensibilities. In his mind, this concrete jungle was a far cry from the rugged plains and prairies of home, where, despite its challenges, he felt a sense of belonging among those who shared his background and beliefs.
Alan epitomized a privileged, narrow-minded perspective within the gay community—an individual who adhered strictly to his own standards of acceptability, rejecting anyone who didn't fit his idealized image.
An intrusive ad suddenly popped up on Grindr: "Looking for the perfect New York night? Let GothamEnlighten help." Alan's attempts to dismiss it were futile; the ad persisted, appearing repeatedly until he reluctantly clicked "accept," his confusion palpable.
A sudden static shock coursed through Alan's body from his phone, causing him to flinch involuntarily. His screen flashed with frenetic activity, numbers and images cascading as if his digital life was being laid bare.
His Instagram feed revealed a carefully curated façade: images of Alan at conservative gatherings and high-society events in Texas, always impeccably dressed and surrounded by like-minded individuals. The posts projected an image of success and conformity, carefully cultivated to reinforce his status within his chosen circles.
On Twitter, Alan's posts and tweets echoed his disdain for "woke culture" and his grievances about the changes he perceived in society. His timeline was a testament to his unwavering adherence to traditional values and his resistance to any form of progress that challenged his worldview.
Abruptly, the phone's screen went black, plunging Alan into a momentary void. Then, a luminous green progress bar appeared with the word "Processing."
Alan felt an overwhelming heaviness settle upon him, as if the weight of his own prejudices and insecurities was pressing down upon his shoulders. His expensive suit and tie began to disintegrate piece by piece, unraveling until he was left in nothing but his designer underwear—stripped bare of his armor of privilege.
His head throbbed with a pulsating intensity, each throb a reminder of the internal conflict he had long suppressed. Instinctively, he began to massage his temples, seeking relief from the mounting pressure.
Memories of his upbringing in Texas as a gay man began to surface, intertwined with the ache in his head. The struggles, the fear of rejection, the compromises made to fit into a society that often felt hostile and unwelcoming—they all resurfaced, unbidden.
As Alan sat on the hotel bed, his initial chuckle was low and restrained, but it softened gradually as something stirred within him. Memories that had long been buried beneath layers of disdain and conformity began to resurface, bubbling up from the depths of his subconscious.
He remembered the streets of New York, where he had once walked as a boy, navigating the crowds and absorbing the vibrant, eclectic culture around him. He recalled the public school he attended, where the education was far from stellar but where he had discovered a deep passion for art and music. His hands, resting on his lap, began to move as if strumming an invisible guitar, fingers dancing over imaginary strings.
As these memories flooded back, a series of tattoos seemed to materialize on his skin, intricate designs that told stories of rebellion and creativity. His expression shifted subtly, his face transforming as more memories wove themselves into the fabric of his consciousness.
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Gone was the rigid, uptight demeanor. Instead, a smile began to spread across his face—a genuine, inviting smile that revealed perfect teeth and softened his features. A beard and stubble started to grow on his jaw, framing a face that was becoming more handsome by the moment. His plain, average countenance seemed to rewind in time, settling into the visage of a 23-year-old with eyes that sparkled with newfound clarity and depth.
Those eyes, now piercing and intense, seemed to see through pretense and into the soul of anyone who met his gaze. Meanwhile, a pair of tight, skinny jeans began to hug his legs, muscles forming beneath his skin as if sculpted by his newfound sense of self. His feet, seemingly larger and more rugged, gave off a faint odor, a mix of Axe body spray and a distinct aroma of pot, hinting at a carefree lifestyle he had once shunned.
He chuckled again, this time with a sense of liberation and amusement, as he embraced the person he had buried deep inside—the young, spirited soul who had once roamed the streets of New York with a guitar in hand and dreams in his heart.
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A chant began to echo in his head—a vivid memory from a time when he marched proudly in a women's march, waving a rainbow flag and chanting for gay rights. But as the memory replayed, something felt amiss. The edges of the memory blurred, and scenes of nervously asking a boy out on Grindr faded away, replaced by images of him standing alongside his LGBTQ+ friends as a staunch straight ally.
He recalled how he had tried to connect with other men on Grindr, attempting to fit into a mold that never quite felt right. Eventually, he had come to terms with his true identity and courageously came out to his friends as straight during his Senior year. The revelation had been met with unwavering support from his liberal and open-minded circle—they understood him, they celebrated him, and they embraced him.
With each passing moment, Alan's heart swelled with empathy, a newfound compassion that extended to every living creature. He vividly remembered adopting a strict vegan lifestyle, guided by his deepening respect for all beings and a growing awareness of environmental issues. His demeanor shifted from uptight to carefree, embracing a goofball nature that had long been suppressed.
In his mind's eye, Alan saw himself as he truly was—a person who respected others, who valued diversity, and who cherished the connections he had forged with people of all backgrounds and orientations. As this realization settled within him, a transformation swept over his physical form. A deep, dark brown tan enveloped his body, symbolizing a shedding of old identities and a rebirth into a new understanding of himself.
Gone was the rigid, buttoned-up exterior. In its place stood a man who radiated warmth and acceptance, embodying the principles of inclusivity and love that he had come to embrace. Alan's journey of self-discovery had led him not only to accept others but also to embrace his own authenticity with a newfound sense of joy and fulfillment.
As the deep, rich tan washed over Alan, memories flooded back with surprising clarity. He remembered being raised by his abuela in a cozy one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, surrounded by the vibrant hustle and bustle of the city. In this upbringing, Alan had embraced a total "straight softboy" persona, guided by his abuela's teachings to always show respect and kindness to women.
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Over time, Alan had evolved into a hopeless romantic, yearning to find connection and love. He recalled his earnest attempts at dating women, only to face disappointment when they found him too sensitive or not masculine enough for their tastes. Despite these setbacks, Alan remained steadfast in his belief that treating women with respect and tenderness was paramount.
His heritage as a Mexican-American became a source of pride and identity. Alan cherished the traditions instilled by his abuela—family gatherings filled with delicious homemade food, lively music, and a strong work ethic. He spent his days working hard at his Tio's restaurant, learning the art of cooking and hospitality that defined his community.
Alan's path led him to NYU, where he earned a full scholarship in music production. It was here, amidst the creative energy of New York City, that he truly found his voice. Nights were spent with friends, drinking, smoking pot, and pouring his heart into love ballads and rock songs that reflected his romantic soul.
Alan's transformation began with a dull ache spreading throughout his body, as if every cell was undergoing a profound change. He looked down, startled to see fat dissolving from his frame, reshaping into lean muscle that glistened with a sheen of sweat. His once chubby, soft body morphed before his eyes, revealing a muscular physique that seemed sculpted by determination and resilience.
Standing in the dimly lit room, Alan leaned against the wall, crossing his muscular arms over a chest adorned with a tapestry of tattoos. Each inked design told a story—bold geometric patterns interwoven with intricate images of cultural symbolism. Against his warm olive skin, the tattoos pulsed with life, vibrant against the subdued lighting.
His arms, now taut with sinewy muscles, flexed subtly as he shifted his weight. Veins traced their way along his forearms, a testament to the strength that lay beneath his bronzed complexion. Faded scars crisscrossed his skin, souvenirs of past battles that added to his rugged charm and hinted at a life fully lived.
The tattoos continued their journey across his broad chest, weaving around his collarbones and down towards his abdomen. Each motif seemed to flow seamlessly, enhancing the contours of his muscular physique and highlighting his newfound physical strength.
Alan's face, framed by tousled waves of grungy hair, bore the rugged lines of a man who had weathered storms. His jawline was strong and defined, accentuated by a hint of stubble that added to his masculine allure. Dark eyes, intense and piercing, scanned the room with a mix of confidence and aloofness, commanding attention with their magnetic gaze. As pulled out his phone trying to find the perfect--mate? girlfriend? lover? He wasn't sure.
Alan stumbled upon a profile that immediately caught his eye. Her name was Luna, and her bio read "Afro-Latina feminist artist and activist." Her feed was filled with powerful portraits of women from diverse backgrounds, along with thoughtful captions about intersectional feminism and social justice issues.
Luna's profile picture showed her standing confidently in front of a mural she had painted - it depicted a group of strong, empowered women holding hands across different races and cultures. Alan couldn't help but feel drawn to this incredible woman who shared so many of his values and passions. He liked every one of her posts, hoping she would notice him amidst the thousands of other followers admiring her work.
Alan's direct messages to Luna were carefully crafted, expressing his admiration for her work and aligning himself with her beliefs. He shared his own journey of self-discovery and transformation, mentioning how inspired he was by her art and activism. In response, Luna messaged back warmly but cautiously, appreciating the genuine connection they seemed to share.
As they arranged to meet in the park for a casual get-together, Alan brought along his guitar as a sign of goodwill - he hoped it would help break the ice between them. When he spotted Luna from afar underneath one of the trees, she was engrossed in her phone screen; unphased by anything else around her.
He strummed gently on his guitar strings as he approached closer; composing an impromptu love song specifically dedicated just for this moment…his heart pounding rapidly inside his chest with every word sung out loud: "Your eyes are like stars that guide my way / Through this chaotic world full of fray / And I swear upon everything holy / That you hold all secrets deep inside your soul."
His voice rang through clear as day across grassy fields while captivating every single bird chirping nearby too – making sure not one detail escaped unnoticed during such intimate moments shared together under sunny skies above them both! However much passion could be heard within each syllable uttered by Alan, there came another reaction quite unexpected from our fiercely independent femme fatale before him. Luna just gave a slight eye roll followed closely behind some sarcastic comment about how "this crap is kinda pathetic"
As Luna rolled her eyes at Alan's love song, he looked at her with puppy dog eyes filled with hope and longing. He wiped the sweat from his face using his shirt, revealing a muscular physique that caught Luna off guard. The sudden glimpse of masculinity ignited a spark within her, and she found herself drawn to him in ways she couldn't explain.
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With each passing moment spent locked in an intense embrace, their passion grew stronger until they could barely contain themselves anymore. Their lips met once more as their tongues danced together hungrily; exploring every crevice of each other's mouths while their bodies pressed tightly against one another.
As Luna's lips found his ear and whispered "Santiago...Santiago...I want to fuck your brains out you little devil" Alan (now known as Santiago) couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the intensity of this moment. He blinked an suddenly he was in bed with Luna, in his room in a shitty, four-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn he shared with 5 other guys. His mind was clouded with desire, lust taking over any remnants of rational thought left behind after their heated encounter in the park earlier today.
Santiago grabbed onto Luna forcefully yet tenderly; his rough hands contrasting against her soft skin like sandpaper against velvet. The room reeked of marijuana smoke - a hazy veil hanging above them both as if suspended between reality and some sort of twisted fantasy world created solely for their pleasure alone! On the walls were posters featuring iconic Mexican artists like Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera; their bold brushstrokes providing an appropriate backdrop for these two passionate souls engaging in unbridled passion beneath dimly lit lights cast from an old Edison bulb dangling precariously above them…
Luna arched her back while crying out loud - signaling for more intensity which only served to fuel Santiago's fire burning inside him even brighter than before… He slammed into her harder than ever before, driving deep into places where no man had gone before – igniting sparks that illuminated not just darkness surrounding them but also lighting up whatever remained untouchable deep within themselves previously hidden away due fear or uncertainty alone! This raw animalistic fury carried on relentlessly until both were left breathless…and satisfied beyond measure…as if experiencing true love at first sight all over again.
As Luna's breasts bounced rhythmically against Santiago's chest, he couldn't help but feel a surge of masculine pride wash over him. "And you are the most beautiful lover."he whispered into her ear, his voice hoarse from passion.
Luna laughed softly before replying, "And you are---you are a good fuck Santi" Her words sent shivers down his spine - a validation that only served to fuel his desire even further.
Santiago passed out soon afterward, exhausted from their intense lovemaking session earlier in the evening. When he awoke sometime later with an empty bed beside him and a faint trace of marijuana lingering in the air around him…he lit up another joint for himself and sank back into bed with contentment etched across every feature on his face – knowing full well that while keeping hold onto such fiery tempers might prove difficult at times…at least when it came to pleasing women like Luna? Well…that part wasn't so hard after all!
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cecilioque · 2 years
The Submas Designs are a lot more clever than you thought.
First lets look at the Submas overall design.  We know that the original design was intended to make the Subway Bosses look like clowns and kind of creepy (that backfired); hence the comically large shoes and exaggerated expressions. Let’s start to break down each part of the design. 
To begin, The Submas extreme expressions are a possible reference to the symbol of theatre; the mask of Tragedy and the Mask of Comedy.  The mask of tragedy is commonly portrayed frowning ( not necessarily cry) on a black base mask while the mask of Comedy is portrayed smiling on a white base masks. Sometimes these masks are gold or split black and white color.  The masks together represent the two extremes of the human psyche. Definitely the contrast we see between Emmet's smile and Ingo’s frown.
Next up, the coats.  These are obviously designed to look like train tracks.  The vertical grey lines representing the rails, the red brown the tie (the wood connecting the rails), and the buttons are the spikes that secure the track.  You can see the pattern best on the back of the Submas coat.  Looking at it you could laugh and say “I guess that makes the Subway boss themselves the train”, and you know what? You’re right.
This brings us to the most interesting part of their design, the color and pose.  Yes, there is an explanation to the silly pose too.  It’s so silly that we can just brush this whole design off as being another funny Pokemon character design; but unfortunately it’s actually thought out.  
The Submas themselves are the New York Subway. Or at least they are the personified version of it.  Let’s look at the colors again.  Black and White.  Very fitting for a game literally called Pokemon Black and White.  That alone brings us to some interesting comparisons with the game themes and pokemon.
Kudari or (Emmet in the English version) wears all white. He values routine and rules and is ultimately pretty point blank.  We can easily make that conclusion that  Emmet represents Reshiram and truth. If we break down his name we see that in Japanese it means something along the lines of “down train” or moving away/going down hill.  The different translations usually mean the same, except the name “Emmet” is a bit out of place.  A lot of people say the Submas names in English are most likely to be puns of “Ingoing and Emitting”.  But my crazy self did more digging and found that Emmet means “truth” specifically universal truth.  This name goes back to old German, Irish, and even Hebrew. All looping back to Reshiram and themes of the game. (On a funny side note, Emmet is also the Cornish word for ant; so Emmet having a Durant is really funny. ) 
Next up is Nobori or Ingo who wears a black coat and appears frowning. Despite that , his is very encouraging and excited about moving forward. This makes sense since the name Nobori in Japanese more or less means to move up/forward ( specifically up a mountain).  That’s why a lot of people believe that the poor man was eebie deebied for the pun because Warden Ingo works on Mt. Coronet. In English, Ingo is thought to be a shortened version of “Ingoing” which also aligns with not only the Japanese name but the character’s reoccurring theme of progress, moving forward, and ideals. In this sense Ingo very much represents Zekrom and ideals. 
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Truth and ideals, Reshiram and Zekrom, Tragedy and comedy, white and Black.  All very good interpretations and symbolism for two funny train men. I would be satisfied with just knowing that, but no; the Submas are also a funny gijinka of the New York Subway.  This is the part the has me laughing at how simple it is and yet we just easily accepted that they were just a bit strange.
Take a look at this. This is a Zebra Board.  
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Yep, it’s black and white. And do you know what? This MTA sign only appears in the New York subway.  What does it do?  These are used by conductors to indicate safety and that the train has lined up in the station. Every time the subway comes into the station, the conductor has to physically point at this board/bar to indicate that it is safe for the doors to open. The action is called "point and call" or "point and acknowledge".  This practice is used in a few other train/subway stations (such as Japan), but the black and white board is New York specific. The pose of the submas suddenly makes a lot of sense.
Other Important notes observations.
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The Submas face represents the front of the train.  So their eyes are the lights (hence Ingos glowing eyes in PLA), their side burns are cow catchers ( see graphic), and the Medalion on the hat is round like a train number plate.  Another interesting thing is that the Submas use airline Captain Pilot hats like Japanese train conductors use.  The only part of their outfit that confuses me is the arm bands.  This is more of a police uniform element and not a train conductor thing.
so to conclude, the Submas are basically a reference to in game themes, Reshiram/Zekrom, Trains, and literally the New York subway
I am not an expert. These are just my observations. I could be completely wrong.  Take and add what you would like to.  If you have more to add about the design, feel free to reblog that info. I would also like to see your interpretation.
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devildomwriter · 22 days
Obey Me as Tumblr #32
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Asmodeus: Of course they have toe beans, what else do you suck on
Thirteen: If there is a god, mine is surely a trickster, giving me the miracle of sight and of comprehension only for me to be cursed to use it on what you just said
Leviathan: Jesus was a carpenter in his youþ and ðerefore his physique would not be ðat of a Twink þanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Asmodeus: I agree with you but you have to stop trying to bring back the thorn and eth
Lucifer: Look me in the eye and tell me that is the only problem you have with this post
MC: Whenever I eat mushrooms I think about how one day mushrooms are gonna eat me…I make sure to chew really gently so they’ll return the favor to my corpse
Diavolo: Hey OP
MC: Me, through a mouth of gently-chewed mushrooms: yeah?
Leviathan: Ra ra rasputin Russia’s smallest uwu bean
Solomon: This post snuck up behind me and stole my spine like sub-zero
Solomon: I got the words jacuzzi and yakuza confused
Now I’m in hot water with the Japanese mafia
Satan: I don’t want to like it, but I did
Mammon: When will TED himself…finally show up to the Talk?
Diavolo: The final boss
Lucifer: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks right?
Mammon: I will not let TED hide behind these lies any longer
Asmodeus: If I were dating you, well, heh. Let’s just say horses wouldn’t be called ‘horses’ anymore.
Mephistopheles: Hey what the fuck does this mean
Mephistopheles: I’m shaking what does this mean
Simeon: Is the person running the blog, thebootydiaries ok
Asmodeus: Sometimes I get the overwhelming desire to eat two thirds of a brick
Solomon: What do you do with the other third
Asmodeus: Feed it to my pet brother
Belphegor: I’m crying in class
Hail Satan
Rain Satan
Snow Satan
Barbatos: Tomorrow there’s a 90% chance of percipisatan
Lucifer: It’ll be foggy in the morning, lots of condensatan
Satan: STOP
Satan: I hope the person who created the first pun died a horrible, horrible death
Mammon: It would’ve had to be a pretty killer pun though
Satan: NO
Barbatos: You could say you want him to be…punished?
Asmodeus: Bigfoot, but fully shaved
Mammon: Mr Clean
Luke: Posts like this are why I have anxiety
Mephistopheles: Dark emails
To whom it WILL concern
Barbatos: I hope this email finds you before I do
Lucifer: No more discourse everybody shut the fuck up and eat some bread
Simeon: Jesus at the last supper
Lucifer: And here we have a capitalist
Mephistopheles: Did you just
Solomon: Let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history and human language and the universe itself aligned to make this joke possible
Solomon: I can’t remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 is Roman numerals
Satan: Everyone go home, puns are done
Luke: Still don’t know how to spell spagetti without autocorrect
Raphael: Where’s the h
Luke: An H???
Last •
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melverie · 8 months
an ask game specifically for your Obey Me MCs and OCs! List the OCs and MCs you want to get asks for and specify which species they are so people know which species-specific questions they can ask you Some questions have a lot of aspects to them; they're there to give you a little nudge in case you have no idea how to approach the question, but the only really important bit is the first question!
01: What is their opinion on the other species? Would they rather be a different one? 02: Do they have a nickname? 03: When is their birthday? Do they celebrate it? Do they even remember it in the first place? 04: What kind of magic do they possess? If they can't use any, do they have magic potential slumbering within them? 05: Which deadly sin best aligns with them? Which one do they embody the least? 06: Have they been to other realms? Which one is their favorite and why? 07: What is their favorite place, and what do they love so much about it? 08: Do they have a kill count? How high is it? 09: Do they attend RAD? What is their role there? Their best subject/the one they teach? Club activties? If they don't attend RAD, what do they do? 10: What was there initial reaction to Diavolo's plans of uniting the three realms? Has their opinion changed? 11: Do they still have any objects from their childhood? What is their most vivid childhood memory? 12: What is something they have experienced that has shaped them into the person they are today?
01: What's their relationship with...? [anon chooses at least one character for this one; MC is part of the cast if you're asking about OCs] 02: On a scale of 1 to 10, how annoying are they to Lucifer? :) 03: What is their family like? Do they have siblings? Pets? 04: What is a character trait that will immediately make them despise someone? On the flip side, how can you easily win their favor? 05: Do they openly show affection? What is their love language? [platonic or romantic] 06: Are they interested in romantic relationships? Do they have any experience? Are they proactive or would they rather be persued? 07: Would they date an immortal being if they aren't immortal themself, and vice-versa? 08: Are they easy to read or do they mask their intentions perfectly? Are they manipulative? A good liar maybe? What are their tells? 09: How is their temper? Are they quick to violence? Do they get frustrated easily? 10: Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve, or do they try to hide them from others as best as they can? Do they try to hide them from themself, too? 11: Do they cry often? What is the last thing they cried about? 12: What makes them soft? 13: What is their greatest wish? What would they be willing to sacrific to get it? 14: What is their biggest regret? 15: What is there biggest fear? Is there something they try to avoid at all cost? 16: How do they react when stressed? How does their behaviour differ when in a life or death situation? 17: What is a side of themself they don't want other to see? When does that side reveal itself?
01: How often do you think about them in a day? Be honest, I know they torment you in your thoughts as much as you torment them :) 02: What inspired you to create them, and what is the first thing you decided about them? 03: What is the biggest change you have made from their original concept? 04: What do they look like? Do you have a picture/picrew of what you envision them to look like? 05: Do they have any physical attributes that set them apart from others? 06: What is their clothing style? Do they put a lot of effort into their appearance? 07: How do you imagine their voice? Are they loud? 08: Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else? 09: Share some fluff headcanons about them! 10: How about some angst headcanons? >:) 11: Bonus: something else you really want to share about them that isn't mentioned on here ♡
01: What rank are they? [seraphim, cherubium, ophanim, ...] 02: How many wings do they have? Do they display them proudly, or do they try to hide them whenever possible? What kind of halo do they have? 03: Do they sometimes sneak out to visit the other realms? 04: Are they a guardian angel to someone? 05: Have they seen Michael in person and do they think he looks like a jellyfish? [the second part is mandatory, don't skip] 06: Did they know the brothers before they fell? Regardless of if they have or not, was is their opinion of them? And what do they think of fallen angels in general? 07: Did they fight in the Celestial War? What side were they on and why? 08: Have they ever questioned Father? What for? Were they punished for it? 09: How close are they to falling? If they are a fallen angel, what made them fall? 10: What is something they would willingly fall for?
01: Wings or tail(s) in demon form? What do their horns look like? 02: Are they part of demon nobility or would they have taken the train back in the day? 03: Do they have any special abilities? [such as Mephisto's power to essentially forge pacts with demons, Lucifer's power to read and manipulate memories, and so on] 04: Are they a fallen angel? If so, do they regret falling? 05: Have they forged any pacts yet? How eager are they to do so, and do they forge them often? If they haven't, why not? 06: How would they go about forging pacts? Do they have a specific strategy they fall back on, or do they go with the flow? 07: How loyal are they to their human master? 08: Have they given anyone their grimoire? 09: What do they do with human souls? 10: Solomon shows up at their doorstep in the middle of the night to ask for a pact. How do they react? 11: What is their opinion of Diavolo as a ruler? Have they experienced the reign of any other demon kings? How does Diavolo compare in their opinion? 12: What was their reaction to the brothers first arrving in the Devildom? Were they scared of a potential war? Hostile toward them? Did they extend a helping hand? 13: If they attend RAD, were they chosen for the exchange program? Did they go to the Celestial Realm or the human realm?
01: How old are they? 02: Are they immortal? If given the opportunity, would they like to be? 03: Did they believe in demons and angels before the exchange program? Did they have any contact with the paranormal before it? 04: Do they have a guardian angel? Have they forged any pacts? 05: Are they into demons and/or angels? If they had to choose one or the other, which one would they go for? [trying to word this SFW but I'm sure you know what I mean :)] 06: Who do they trust more—angels or demons? Why? 07: Where do you think they would most likely end up in—heaven or hell? 08: Do they carry anything with them to protect themself from the paranormal? 09: How close were they to just bless the water inside a demon's body and turn it into holy water because they were just so done with them?
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exercise-of-trust · 6 months
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name a bird with more fuck-off energy than the bearded vulture
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So for those that are planning to watch Twilight of the Gods and haven't yet. My review is the following:
It's very much a Zack Snyder plot but without the bad Snyder tropes of past movies (thinking especially of 300 here). It's edgy, has beautiful visuals (Snyder projects often do), and has plenty of equal opportunity sex scenes. Plenty of bi characters. Do they look like they'll kiss? They will and much more...
There are very interesting designs. I loved the voice acting and I'm glad Thor sounds much better than in the trailer (I think they edited what he actually says to avoid spoilers).
My main disappointment is the cliffhanger ending. I hope there's a S2 with some non-cliffhanger ending. I fear for the possibility of Netflix not renewing it and think all Netflix series seasons should never on cliffhangers.
It was definitely made with a lot of research. It takes its liberties, as there's some major differences, but I love how they adapted and altered things from the myths for the story's purposes. A lesser "not-like-Marvel" adaptation would have made Loki a Fire Giant/God a la Wagner. But they had the spider association instead!!
Something I really liked is that they made Loki sympathetic without turning him into an actual child. It's something I've seen a lot, and I'm just like "Cowards, there's plenty to work with without turning him into a child!" Loki feels very much like myth!Loki. He's very sympathetic, but you'll never forget that if he's helping, it's because the goals currently align. You'll be crying at the club for Loki, then go like "Oh shit! WTF Loki!?"
GOW has done antagonist Thor the best so far. For people whose Thor is their blorbo-from-myths (because some follow me), I must warn he's currently very much like Homelander (murderous, physically abusive, predatory) but without a fully developed reason to why he's like that YET. They implied interesting things, such as a fear of eternity and wants to die. If there's a second season, I hope it develops that further to make Thor more interesting. I didn't understand his weird fucked up relationship with Jormungandr, and don't think it was necessary to turn Jormungandr into a sexy snake lady to make Loki and his family sympathetic.
I thought his powers were very cool though and you're like "No wonder this guy is so hard to defeat." Like do you ever go like "How the fuck can this guy with a hammer defeat so many people? The plot armor is ridiculous." Here you won't. Actual storm good powers. And there's some very cool shit like he can do. Fight scenes are great.
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afewfantasies · 2 months
PREVIEW: Lucky Strike 🎯 🎱
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Warnings: Mentions of physical domestic abuse, child neglect and alcoholism.
Pairing: Benny Cross (Bikeriders) X Reader
What if you and Benny grew up with each other on the poorest side of town? What if you were both only children to parents who resented each other. Your dad being a raging alcoholic predisposed to abuse. While Benny’s father is a former soldier who is without his legs and suffers occasionally from bouts of PTSD. What if your mother was a waitress and Benny’s was a hooker? What if you found each other as scared children and formed an unbreakable bond of friendship? What if you two caring for each other was the only reason you survived those terrible years? What if your parental neglect and invisibility and apparent worthlessness in the world fuelled your resilience and sense of adventure? What if those days are why you’re both fearless now? What if you hold each others best childhood memories? Then, what if one day your father’s abusive episode was so bad the neighbours intervened fearing he would break down the doors and take a life? After that he was sent to jail and instead of saving up to post bail one day you came home to your home packed up. What if there was no time to say goodbye and your mothers had to pry you and Benny a part from each other as you screamed, cried and fought to stay together. What if the last time your eyes saw his was that day fourteen years ago? Only now you’re a far cry from poor and Benny’s an outlaw? After returning to town for your father’s funeral you watch a newscast mentioning Benjamin Cross, only the man in the mugshot is striking. Could it be your Benny?
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Every now and then, the stars align Boy and girl meet by the great design Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones? Everybody told me love was blind Then I saw your face and you blew my mind Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time - LDR, Lucky Ones
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Authors Note: Let me know if this is something you would read. After the trials of their rough upbringing the story would be light, live fast die young vibes.
Also I think I'll stick to one taglist for all stories so it doesn't get confusing let me know if you want to be added.
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bloodreddemons · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 1-4 Hot Takes! ~
They finally dropped. They are finally here, and I have A LOT to say. (Good & the bad, my opinions of course.)
Episode 1 was kinda boring and it just seemed overall weird and off. It didn't really pick back up that well, or align with the pilot too much, and the pilot slapped.
I feel like for those who haven't seen the pilot would be so confused with what is going on or who the characters even are. It feels like you also have to do a bit of digging to actually figure out other details.
I wasn't expecting to like Adam he was funny asf and I loved his singing. Love Alex Brightman he's great.
I can see what people are saying now when they were talking about the premise changing or being different, it definitely seems that way. It just feels like it's all over the place and there's multiple things happening at once. A bit confusing.
Charlie just looks weird to me I don't know why, I kinda like how she used to look.
Sir Pentious new voice is better. Again, love Alex Brightman. Lol.
Loser, Baby, Hell is forever, Poison, & Respectless are the best songs so far. Stayed Gone is ok too tho.
I'm interested in finding out why Lilith & Alastor were gone for like 7 years. I wonder where they went and it just makes me wonder if the war against heaven was possibly planned?? 🤔
I love Brandon Roger's but I didn't really like him as Katie Killjoy I think I liked the other VA. I just don't hear Katie, I hear Bryce Tankthrust.
I wish Vivzie designed Sir Pentious with more of a steampunk look since that's what era he's from so he's not wearing almost the same exact suit every other Overlord has.
Nifty is literally fucking iconic. I enjoyed her every time she was on screen even if it was for a short time. She's so funny.
I was expecting Vox & Valentino to have deeper voices but they still sounded great.
Velvette fucking ATE I was pleasantly surprised by her. I love her so much. She's my favorite of the VVV's and her singing is so good.
Charlie & Vaggie's fight wasn't that impactful, it kinda just came out of nowhere and seemed like something that should have happened way later. It didn't even seem like such a big deal either to be an argument.
I don't really like Vox as a person for letting Valentino treat Angel Dust the way he does. Just trash. He has to know about it.
Vox is just too obsessed with Alastor. He wants his cock soooo bad it's kinda crazy. It's the most fakest beef ever. Bad meat.
I like the new VA's they're amazing, but I do really miss the old ones. Most of them.
I think Vaggie's singing is better than Charlie's and that's fucked up because singing is like her whole thing.
Camilla killing the Angel wasn't that impactful because we don't really know who she is.
I don't really care to know how they will be trying to redeem people...idk I always thought that those parts would be boring.
So far I don't think the show was worth a 4 year wait....
Huskerdust WILL be canon at this rate. They might just be the best couple.
Charlie should have lit Valentino's ass up for treating Angel Dust the way he was. She shouldn't have listened to Angel and just fucked him up. Stop crying omfg!
I get that Husk & Angel are like in the same boat & all but....is being Alastor's minion really as bad as being constantly knocked around by Valentino?
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p0rk-guts · 20 days
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YAAAAALL IT'S ANGEL DUST!!!!! bro I'm so exited to tell u about him hehehehe he might be my fav redesign of the bunch idk
Comparison & rant!⬇️ + A bug/spider cw. I put reference images in there!
Ok guys can I be honest with you. I think. Pilot and pre-pilot Angel were peak 😔 I'M SORRY I'M BREAKING MY SILENCE
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Like whaaat... WHAAAT.... I'm sorry he served here he had the BEST design idc idc you can't change my mind. These were NOT bad designs. I've got a slight preference to his oldest design but even then the pilot design was great to me.
THIS however...
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I'm sorry but Angel will always be the most egregious case of character assassination in this show, design and character wise. He sucks now and I used to love him.
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Okay enough crying let's get serious.
So yeah show Angel sucks. Removing his chunky gloves removed a lot of the fun shape in his silhouette so now he's just a gangly twink. Very little visual interest. Also hate hate hate how his new mismatched gloves are pulled over his long sleeve coat. So dumb. Hate it.
Also explain to me how he's gradually gotten less tits but has simultaneously become more femboy-ified..... So many people immediately mistake him for a girl.......
They also mistake him for. Literally anything but a spider. Once again Viv can't code or theme characters for shit. I also don't like how his face changed... I can't describe it but It's so much less appealing and charming. Something in the eyes and his little cheek bump. Idk. Really hate show Angel props to the animators for making him watchable with his bold animation ts was real nice
Okay onto my Angel! He's now a goldenrod crab spider now! Thank you @/cryptablog for this idea!! (Not tagging them bc they hate the hellaverse with a burning passion lol 💀) They can be white with pinkish markings like our og Angel but most of them are tinted yellow or completely yellow!
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I decided to make him most similar to that mid ground mix of yellow and white with pink-er markings. 1 because I kept lust pink and I feel like that'd be a prominent sin of his (+ purple is in here a lot bc I feel like he'd also be pride aligned! Purple is now the pride color :3) and 2 because the yellow tone in his fur is kinda meant to connect him to Husk in a way... Cuz that's kinda his main color... Idk maybe I'm onto nothing with that one BUT his primary color is purple and Husk's primary color is yellow(ish)! Complimentary boyfriend's!!! Are you seeing my vision!!!!! (Also on a lesser note his colors look more similar to my fav version of Angel aka his design from the pre-pilot ref sheet I showed)
Another idea you can thank Cryptamen for is him being partially translucent in places just like real goldenrods!!!! The idea behind that was because he was in the mafia in life and he had to be really stealthy at times so now in certain environments he's harder to see... Maybe he can even turn fully invisible for a bit... There's also possible character reasons to consider tying in there as well... Ough very cool idea 10/10
Gave him 4 legs and 4 arms + the big abdomen to really make him scream spider bc yes spider boys can be hot and no Viv was not willing to CAPITALIZE on that 😒 Also lengthened his fangs... Also moved his eyes to his forehead to make them more prominent and hopefullyyyy seem more like eyes. Idk. And now he's got pointy little pedipalps as well!!!
Gave him his boobs back bc he deserves them and just generally gave his body more shape (though the second set of legs definitely helps lol). Slightly de-twinked... But not by much...
Once again looked up some common hairstyles at the time and people loooved their hairspray and curls, or swoops, or waves— they were gettin funky with it. Hard to emulate that on his nonhuman skull so I took some artistic liberties applying ideas from common styles onto him.
Didn't do much research at awl for his clothes... I mean... He's not wearing much to begin with... I kept the long gloves bc I thought they had potential to look cute and I have him rolled cuffs on short sleeves. Wanted to keep the style simple but otherwise I would've drawn button clasps keeping them in place. No notes on the thigh high heels so I kept them. Everything else is just kindaaaa whateverrrr EXCEPT THE NECKLACE. Though it was hella funny and fitting
And that's awl folks.... Do u like him do u fuck with him.... Let me knowwww....... Okay byeeee ✌🏾🧍🏾‍♀️
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ranbitteeth · 9 months
Hello! Could I request a sub!mizu/bottom!mizu x softdomGN!reader that features a nipple play smut scene with a lot of moaning please? Mizu's titties deserves all the love and praise and pleasure!!!!!! Thank you❤️
Note: Ahhh OP this should NOT have taken as long as it did. It was originally to be a modern au, frankly rather vanilla and sweet— but my interests have been seized by shibari as of late. And, guess what I’ve found? The art of “shibrai”( or Kinbaku) in Japan first originated in the Edo period. The art made itself!
So, do take this as a tribute to Mizu’s titties and also the lovely art of shibari. If it’s not to your liking, I can always write that modern version!
Speak, Fetch, and…
Tags: Bottom!Mizu, Submissive!Mizu, Dominant!Reader, Top!Reader, Shibari, Edging (if you squint), Light Degradation, GN! Reader, Bondage, Gag Uses, Breast/Nipple Play
A/N: Made [Reader] A rich and powerful Shibari enthusiast in this to apply settings and dynamics. Hopefully it adds a layer of kinkiness to this piece! My inbox is always welcoming requests, so feel free to drop some! Regardless, Please enjoy! ^^ <3
“You look so perfect like this.”
The words spill past your lips flowing with the adoration only heard in the prayers of the most devout monks. Mizu, the demon samurai, elusive, raging, and entirely inaccessible to all but you. There she was, the most feared bastard in all of Japan, laying on your bed, bound and panting, drooling with a gag in her mouth as a whore would in any decent brothel. Crimson red, thick and bruising knots were intricately designed to fit snugly around her body, expertly marked by your hands— deft with skill, in loving patterns tracing up and down pale skin. The body that could move like a monster, the body that has taken so many lives and maimed thousands— subdued and helpless, entirely at your mercy.
You see her cheeks redden with embarrassment at the compliment, you see her entire body shudder as goose pimples spike across her scarred skin, you see the glistening quality to her cunt that has your knees buckling with the insatiable desire to run your mouth against her core.
But all things in due time.
No, in the heart of your gaze were the two pert, round, soft mounds of skin that made up the two halves of her buxom, rising and falling as her chest heaved with pleasure. Moving in hypnotic, wave-like movements in sync with her breaths were the two lovely buds that bloomed at the tops of her petite breasts, the color of soft petals, of womanly skin. Your ropes only accentuated the shape of her body, the emphasis on her maidenhood.
“Are you feeling alright, dearest?” You croon, running your fingers along the tight patterns across her body, teasingly tugging at a select few strands that ran the texture of your ropes against her skin in a delicious friction, so much so that her head flew against your mattress as her toes curled and shook with ecstasy. Oh, and to think that this samurai had yet to be defeated in battle. What would his foes think, seeing him as a woman, crying out for pleasure as her voice cracked beneath a gag, face flushed and eyes brimming with tears. You’d barely even touched her.
“I could keep you like this forever, you know…” you begin to contemplate aloud, finally deciding to crawl towards your truest possession on your hands and knees, your warm body hovering over hers as you continued to tease at her desires and fantasies with a malicious tongue.
“You’d fit in beautifully with every display in my palace, every work of art. I could invite the most revered men and women of the nation, I’d let them see you..” Mizu moans at this, writhing with the desire to hide but unable to move. Shy. Finally, your face is aligned with the samurai’s chest. Unable to hold yourself any longer, your mouth falls against the plush skin, hungrily wrapping your wet lips around the hardened bud with a carnal desire, eagerly running the warm, slick muscle of your tongue against the buds of her roses while her entire body contorted with pleasure.
Mmmmph! , she’d say something, anything at all— but your infatuation was unending. With your opposite hand, you grope and massage the delicate, long-abused tissue, milking out the sweetest, most unheard of noises from her pretty mouth. And to think that the display beneath your face would have been mistreated and hidden away all these years behind rough, ugly binds.
You pull away from her breast with a ludicrous pop noise that communicated only filth before you moved your mouth directly over the other half, unleashing the same cruelty of your mouth. The first little bud, now swollen and wet with spit, was pinched in between your thumb and forefinger, the suddenness and crassness of the action making Mizu grunt and buck her hips with want. As a punishment, reward, and reminder, you gently bite down on her breast until she draws in a sharp, stuttering hiss. You groan against the firm, supple skin of her breast before you pull away to take in the sight you created, the ropes binding around and in between her breasts, accentuating their shape— the swollen, reddened bud of her nipples, slick and shining with spit, all because of you.
Your eyes finally move from her chest to her face, soaking in that flushed, almost embarrassed expression she held in her usual sharp features.
“You want it off, fighter?” You ask teasingly before you quickly move to dispose of the gag in her mouth. She’s earned it, after all, being so good beneath you.
By the time it leaves her mouth, the cloth is wet and heavy with drool and Mizu is gasping for air, chest shuddering as she desperately forces her body to catch up with the racing thoughts in her mind. It’s even better like this, you think, seeing Mizu grit her teeth, bite her lips, and grunt in all attempts to keep her dignity and not moan like the whore you knew she was. These thoughts enrich your psyche like opium, and your hands absently find their way to each breast as you straddle her hips. You are comfortable like this, and Mizu is entirely at your mercy.
“Can you imagine your enemies seeing you like this?” You ask lightly, your hands trailing down from her breasts to the smooth dip in her waist, subtle and firm. “The damned, all powerful, blue-eyed half-breed; moaning in my chambers in my palace...”
“(N-Name…)” she tries to grunt, though it escapes her lips as a whimper. She’s embarrassed, humiliated— in any other context you would have backed away and apologized— but you felt her pussy against your skin, you felt the positively soaking quality of her privates against your sheets. She loved this.
“Don’t pretend you don’t like it,” you say knowingly, making those dazzling blue eyes flutter and turn away from you in shame. This calms her, in a way. Words now seem on the verge of leaving her mouth, though shyness, or perhaps embarrassment bids her silent.
“What do you need, dearest? Go ahead, don’t be scared.” You say, encouraging, one hand now abandoning the possessive hold around her waist to gently cradle her cheek. Unable to keep herself from doing so, she leans into the touch, relaxing.
“Water…” she rasps, and your thumb gently runs along her upper cheek.
Easily, you reach over for a chalice filled to the brim with water, gently ushering her head higher before bringing the rim to her lips as you watched her lips drink up the water.
“Just like that, good job…” you hum, making her relax and sigh beneath you. Finally, she’s had enough, almost having drank the cup empty before you put it aside, now facing her seriously.
“If it ever comes to be too much, use the signal. Understand?” You ask as you adjust Mizu’s legs to sit around either side of your hips, bringing yourself closer until your nakedness was flush with her own. She nods affirmative like the good pet she was, going as far as to spread her legs further to grant you better access, an action that made something molten and possessive coil in your chest and gut. No one else in the world would ever see Mizu like this, pliant, shy, and oh so pretty. The sight of those eyes submissive and watery, those cheeks flushed red and those lips bitten to Hell and back were yours and yours alone.
Your hands move down south before you could stop them, swift and eager as one hand pinned Mizu’s left thigh open and against the cushion while your dominant hand pushed two fingers into her gushing warmth, making her grunt and squirm against her bonds. You laugh something genuine as you feel the sheer quality of her arousal on your hands, pulling away just to show her the arousal that has already coating your palm.
“Look at yourself,” you say, eyes blown and voice rushing with warmth. Before Mizu could fix her lips to say anything, you bring your soaked fingers up to your mouth and place them over your tongue, making Mizu gasp in shock at your actions. Mizu’s wetness floods your tastebuds, makes you groan into your hand before you eagerly continue your efforts of working her open and relaxed. To be used, to be worshiped, to be claimed. You shudder at the thought, easily thrusting your fingers in and out of her while she gasps and moans your name like a prayer. A chant, a hymn. [Name! Name! Name!] for all of Japan to hear in answer to the question of who she belonged to.
“K-keep going! Don’t stop! Don’t…s-stop…!” she whined, almost demanding as her cries rise from the depths of her belly in guttural moans— as if she were in battle. Your fingers slow down, caressing her insides in slow, deliberate, cruel swipes of fingers while your thumb circled her clit.
“Is that anyway to ask for anything?” You scold, pushing your thumb against that swollen little bundle of nerves until she hissed and arches her back, leaving her body in a beautiful display of rope, power, and pleasure.
“[N-Name,] please— don’t stop…” she gasps, twitching as her orgasm inches closer and closer the longer you deny her the friction of your touch against her sweet snatch. You only stare expectantly at the near puppy-like gaze she shoots at you, and you begin to understand why people call her a dog. Good dogs listen, good dogs obey. Good dogs get their rewards.
“Beg.” You say, and she sees that your eyes are swarming with a raging storm of lust with her at sail in the dead center. Your hands only slow down to a near stop, and she could’ve sobbed at the loss. She was losing her mind, on the verge of fainting. Despite this, her hands were free, the signal in a moments reach. If she needed to stop, all she had to do was snap her finger and you’d cut her loose, rope be damned. But her hands only shook with desperation as she opened her trembling lips, voice cracking.
“Please, please…please,” she begged, voice breaking as she emphasized the final syllable, to which you easily obliged, attacking her cunt with a ferocity only shown in battle that made her cry out in shock and pleasure. It was an exquisite sight to behold, one that would forever be ingrained in your memory. Here in your bed by your hands, the strongest and bravest swordsman in all of Japan lay moaning like a whore as her orgasm washed over her body and loins in a wave of fire. Yes, she had her blade, her strength, those eyes—But you had your ropes, your tongue, and your wit.
So far, you remain completely undefeated.
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