#a friend was asking well natured questions and my father kept answering them before i could and then getting made when i had to keep being
secretlyofthefeywild · 5 months
help my father is trying to argue with me abt religion (i am a religious studies major)
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joeyleesblog · 1 year
Sorry brother (from the series You made me hate my reflection)
Miles was paying for his sins against Pandora and her people. Officially.
"He's going to be fine, kids. Yes, he will because he's a tough kid. – Neteyam kept muttering non-stop, for whatever reason, imitating his father's voice, but it got weird. – Ah yes, how well he turned out, father!!"
Ah, should I be offended? Miles thought absently. I'm definitely better, but nobody accepts that fact. Idiots.
Neteyam moved suddenly, Miles automatically tensed and prepared to defend himself, but the Na'vi boy did nothing but glare at Miles...
No. Not Miles. Spider.
"I wanted to come after you – we all did, I swear. We wanted to rescue you, Spider, I swear."
Oh, for God. Why didn't he just walk away and pretend he didn't see anything? Now he has to deal with a drunk guy spewing excuses for a dead kid. Excellent.
All very well. Just this once. Miles decided.
"Then why didn't you? If you cared, what stopped you?" - There was no judgment or accusation in his tone, just pure questioning. Which caught Neteyam off guard, but it took a few seconds for him to recover and respond.
""Daddy said you'd be fine... you were one of them and you were, you were a child - they would see it - they should see it!" – The sudden anger in his voice, an outrage flared in his yellow eyes. Miles ignored it.
"He is your father, it is natural for you to believe and trust what he says."
"“I shouldn't – Neteyam explodes – I shouldn't – not at that moment, I shouldn't! I should have, I should have...”
"What should you?"
""I should have gone after you. I could have at least tried, dammit! I should have tried, fought harder for you! You, you were my friend, my brother, it was my duty to protect you. I, I... "
“I, I failed you. – regrets Neteyam. “No…not just that night, but before, I left you alone, when we were younger. I walked away and believed you would be fine because your had Loa'k and Kiri. I... I never thought about how you understood my withdrawal or how you felt. I did not do. I'm sorry, Eywa! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Spider... Sorry"
Neteyam starts sobbing and wailing, Miles lets him cry all he wants, thinking how shitty this situation was for both of them. Neteyam shouldn't be apologizing to Miles, but to Spider. Miles shouldn't get that apology, but Spider does. Nothing was right, but it was too late to change things.
When Neteyam finally calmed down and seemed more in control of himself, Miles grabbed his shoulders and looked deep into his eyes.
"I can't forgive you. – His tone was calm, serious. – I'm not him, Neteyam. I can't give you what was his right. And no matter how many times you ask him for forgiveness, you get nothing from a dead man."
Neteyam's eyes widened at his words and when he opened his mouth to probably protest, Miles didn't let him.
"I'm not him. Spider died in that interrogation and I was born in his place. I am Miles Socorro and I have my own experiences, memories, my own life, Netayam. – he let Neteyam process the words for a moment before continuing. – "Besides, you would have been captured and unlike Spider, you was going to die or be used as a bargaining chip. Your family would have tried to save you and possibly die too. In other words, it would have been all for nothing. Chasing ghosts won't make him come back. It's time to move forward and not be left behind."
Tears come out of Neteyam's eyes.
"But I can not. Remembering him is all I can do for him."
""I'm not asking you to forget him, but that you stop chasing his ghost as a form of punishment for not being able to save him. Answer me one thing, would Spider have a grudge against you or another member of your family?"
Neteyam blinked at the sudden question and after thinking it over, replied with a sad smile.
"Spider was never one to hold a grudge. Not for long, anyway. He was such a good kid, too."
And too afraid to be alone. Miles decided not to share the thought, not when Nateyam finally stopped crying. And anyway, he suspected it wasn't necessary.
"Then stop punishing yourself. Spider would get sick of you."
Neteyam laugh.
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siennadraws · 2 months
I actually couldn't resist writing this up right now. Talking about it on @mogwaei 's post just made my mind run.
But I'm thinking about Solas' childhood (or my headcanon).
Even though I'm pretty certain the distinction between a spirit and an elf were tenuous in the times before the Veil, I like to imagine Solas wasn't a Spirit. Or was born of flesh.
Mostly because I think his care and love for Spirits would just be more endearing and poignant if it was a bit more complex than "he cares about them because he is them".
(also, in line with my personal retcon that the Creators were worshipped way before the Evanuris could take their names. during these times there was a bigger worship of the Sun and Earth (as the Father and Mother, instead of Elgar'nan and Mythal)
I imagine, before Elvhenan was an empire, there was a village, (far from important to whoever could bother them), hidden by a millennia old forest. Right by where Solas told Leliana he was from.
And there lived a family. Maybe not large, by immortal standards, but definitely large by ours. The parents had many children, raised together- fourteen of them. Then they let them grow, perhaps a bit tired of rocking babes to sleep.
But as the last one learned their trade and married, the parents grew lonely. And a want for seeing a life grow, caring for it in all its wonders and strifes, was kindled again.
A fifteenth elf was born to them. Right away the baby was surprisingly curious, with violet eyes always seeking something, mouth trying to wrap itself around questions.
It wasn't strange that spirits would help the raising of a child. Children feel everything so strongly, it's only natural they'd attract them. And it takes a village to raise a child.
But the little elf's parents were a bit surprised that their babe's most frequent babysitters were the spirits of curiosity (admittedly far from unusual, babies are curious), wisdom and learning, instead of the more usual for the task, love.
And that's how he grew up. By the time he could leave the house, he always sought his elders, asking nonstop questions. It was an endearing sight to outsiders, seeing the one child from the village (when you're an immortal society, children are rare) surrounding themself with the most patient people, elves and spirits alike, who were as enchanted by the child as the child by them.
With such curiosity, came intelligence, and as much wisdom as one can have without experience. The little elf surprised their elders with his questions, and answers that would only lead to more questions.
And even if magic was as natural as breathing, he was especially skilled at that too. He made his parents proud. No wonder that by the time they had decided on a name for him (that wasn't just da'len) he'd be named Solas.
As Solas grew more confident, he decided that if he was going to truly learn as much as he needed, he would need to venture into the ancient forest. Deep within would live Spirits as ancient as those roots.
So he would, without any ceremony, leave his home, with a few rations, to sink into the forest.
The first time, panic erupted on the village. Spirits that knew what Solas was doing tried to quell it, but only when he returned, brought by the ear by a hunter, did his parents along with everyone, relax. Not without some good scoldings. Of course.
But none of that would stop Pride. Obviously. And what were they expecting of him, anyway?
So he kept going. Each time wiser with what he brought along, learning to sustain himself with what the Mother gave him.
And he did find new Spirits. He would spend days talking to them. And when he returned home, they would find each other in dreams.
Each time he returned, he would see them again, sometimes the spirits brought friends along, but always he found more.
By the time he was a mature elf, he had wells of knowledge dripping from him. But, as we know, he was also hot-blooded and cocky, always ready to start an fight (despite his closest friend, Wisdom).
His family and elders did try to calm him down, but some of his siblings (and some of the villagers) enjoyed how he broke the quiet.
In the end, only a war breaking out, and all the horrors it brought along, could calm him down.
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schneereggen · 1 year
I saw another anon's question to nayruwu abt whether or not shinya is imp to guren and then I read you analysis on shinya'd character.
I see why shinya thinks so highly of guren, becoz he gave shinya a reason to live. But then why does guren care abt shinya. I mean when they met shinya was just a person who had killed all so many and if it's abt someone he can trust then guren had mito, goshi and his subordinates, then why is shinya so important?
I mean there must be something abt shinya right? Something aside from him being a killing machine and just spitting some life morals. You said shinya realised that human bonds are important after he became close to guren, but then why would guren care abt befriending shinya if shinya didn't care much abt human bonds before meeting guren.
Ok I guess, how shinya admires guren, guren does not or does? And if he does then what exactly does he admire abt shinya?
I know this can be really basic question, but it would be great if you could answer my question🌺🩵
That's a very interesting question and I am glad you are asking as I have a headcanon foe, that I just never specified. Maybe briefly in another analysis. Thanks for the question ☺️ Here we go!
What does Guren make him so attached to Shinya specifically ?
We know that Guren - despite being around many people before - was always trying to keep others away and not build any bonds. Sayuri and Shigure try to get closer to Guren but he doesn't want them to be close. We see him constantly pushing them away and lying to them. Though he kind of likes their company, he doesn't want to get too attached or let them see any of his true feelings and nature. Guren puts on a mask around them. He tries to fulfill the role to be their master, their leader rather than be himself. Which probably is very exhausting for him in the long run.
The only person Guren seems close to at the beginning of the novel is his father. Though Guren also tends to put on a mask around him, they both know each other long enough to notice when something is up.
But back to Mito and Goshi. Mito was always described by Guren as being annoying and Goshi is... Well... over the top to say at least. Goshi has little to do in common with Guren though he works really well in their friend group as the "clown", the one to make jokes and lighten up the mood.
In the case of Mito Guren notices that she didn't have many friends or rather none before she met Guren. She bonded with Goshi in the first few weeks of high school (rather a competitive relationship but that counts) but as they all meet up at Guren's place, it is said that she never had friends before. To me it feels like Guren pities her for that. Mito's and Guren's relationship is kind of complicated but we can say in the end Guren values her a lot as his friend and don't want to hurt her just as he tells her when she confessed to him.
In general, Guren mainly enjoys being around Sayuri, Shigure, Mito and Goshi. He likes that they are lively and joke around. Guren likes being around people that are enjoying themselves. And that's also probably one of the reasons why he enjoys being around Shinya.
But how is Shinya different from the rest? What makes him special for Guren?
Though Guren enjoys the company of his friends, he still keeps a lot of his feelings and thoughts to himself. His friends accept that and don't question that. And Guren seem to like that he isn't judged for his behavior. But in my opinion, though he's accepted by his friends he still tries to keep up an act around them.
That's the part where Guren's relationship to Shinya differs from the rest.
Shinya not only doesn't judge him for his behavior, but he actively calls him out for it. In the first novel Guren was very fond of his acting skills but Shinya saw right through him. Shinya kept pushing him, trying to get him out of his comfort zone. Shinya is one of the few that is able to actually challenge Guren not only on a physical but at an emotional level. This made Guren try harder to keep the mask and get the upper hand over him and Guren seems to enjoy this competition that only Shinya imposes on him.
By having found an equal on Shinya, Guren starts trusting him very early on without knowing why. If I had to guess I would say it's because of their very open conversations. Shinya is very honest and Guren is not able to hide anything from Shinya. Yet Shinya never makes use of this knowledge apart from teasing Guren.
During the novels this develops into a trustful relationship where Guren starts to understand that he can actually tell Shinya everything. Shinya would understand, Shinya would even understand if Guren would not fully be able to express it verbally.
Shinya is the only person that Guren feels understands him. He doesn't have to lie or act differently around him. Shinya understands his emotions and most of all - Shinya knows how to respond to them.
Whenever Guren doesn't know what to do, Shinya will be there and help him find a solution. He would push Guren in the right direction. That's most visible in Resurrection where Shinya exactly knows what to say to make Guren feel better.
If anything Guren admires Shinya's way of talking honest with him. Shinya would always tell him straight forward what he needs to hear. And Guren values his opinion. Plus, Guren doesn't have to pretend because it's useless anyway.
Shinya is the person that will always help him when he's in need. He's Guren's anchor when he lost directions - and Guren doesn't even ask for it. And his moral compass because Shinya is the one that made him believe in human bonds in the first place when Guren didn't even wanted to have bonds or friends.
It would be nice if Guren would realize that he can also always actively come to Shinya and not make Shinya do all the work. But we might see that in Resurrection one day? At least I hope because Guren knows he needs Shinya. He just can't say it out loud. Tsundere *cough*
Guren is lost without Shinya. Shinya is the only person that understands him - even without words. In a world of lies, Shinya is the only person he can open up to and fully trust.
Remember when in chapter 83 Shinya said "You want me to stop you."? That's basically it. Guren wants Shinya to see his true self when he can't show it himself.
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braveclementine · 3 months
January 8, 2015; 11:12 A.M.
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book.
Copyright: My OCs are Coach Yonce, Emma, Ila, Tempus, and Itty Bitty. I own these characters. I do not condone any copying of this.
 was freezing as I walked through the parking lot to the ward. Downey pulled the door open with ease, looking rather unbothered by the snowy weather. I hated him just a bit for that.
Mr. Trump and Chris were also with us. We'd been introduced to his son, Eric, who was taking his fathers place at the winery. He seemed nice enough, married with a few kids. Polite and courteous, perhaps more than his father who had a brusque, slightly charming nature about him.
Once we were in the ward, the secretary behind the desk looked up, her face colouring with blush upon all of the famous faces.
"I'm sorry." She said and I could hear the actual regret in her tone. "But Y/N Y/L/N is in no condition to have visitors today."
"Perhaps we could do a walk-by?" Trump suggested. "Like I did yesterday? Mr. Stan is a very, very close friend of hers and hasn't seen her in forever."
The secretary hesitated and then said, "Let me call on one of her doctors. If they give you the go ahead then you may. If not, I'll have to ask you to leave."
"Very well." Trump said, which didn't suit with me at all. Downey shot me a warning look.
After a few moments on the phone, the secretary looked relieved and said, "You may go through those double doors at the end of the hallway. Doctor Rum will be waiting to take you to her."
We followed through on her orders, waiting in the foyer until a tall man with brown hair and a clean beard came through the door. "This way please."
I was on edge until we came to a wide, open room. There were several other children here, ranging from eight to eighteen at least. There weren't many, but enough to make the room seem busy, especially adding in other doctors and nurses.
Y/N was in the corner of the room with a nurse. She looked tense and on edge, the way she had the night of the dinner where children had died outside of the room. The night before they sent her into the maze.
The nurse seemed to be talking to her in a terse manner, but whatever she was saying seemed to be going through one ear and out the other.
"Miss Y/L/N?" Doctor Rum said and Y/N looked up. I could read fear in her eyes, more than any other emotion, till they slid over to us and then there was some hope.
"I'll leave you with Nurse Jillian." Doctor Rum said as we started to take seats around her. I sat closest to her, next to her. She reached out to me, her hand holding mine. I squeezed her hand tightly.
"Are you okay?" I asked her softly. "You reply everything with the opposite of how you feel." I added in undertone.
"Yes, I'm okay." She said, staring at me in the eyes, urging me to understand that she was not okay.
"Are you sure?" I asked, letting my voice become a normal voice level so that the nurse wasn't suspicious. "I mean, Ila was a very close friend of yours."
"I mean, I wish she hadn't killed herself, but now that I'm in a better mindset than last time, I know she really did kill herself." She responded lightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Chris frowned, Downey looked mildly interested, and the nurse relaxed immensely.
The other three let me talk to her and out of all of her answers, I drew that she was terrified of this place. She needed out.
"Here." I said as we neared our visit. "You asked me to teach you how to draw. We can draw something real quick."
"A cat?" She asked with a small smile.
"Sure." I said. I pretended to be guiding her hand before she wrote, 'Emma is next. Then Itty. Then me.'
"Try again." I murmured, erasing the picture for her. "This line could have more curvage to it."
Donald, Downey, and Chris kept Nurse Jillian distracted with questions, some of them sincere, some of them fake. Robert even got her to laugh with one of his stupid stories. I didn't mind.
"Times up." Doctor Rum said. By this point, we had a slightly messy cat drawn, but it was a good cat, if I do say so myself. His eyes glanced over our drawing.
"You can keep it." I told her, "Just a little something for me till you get out. Then I'll get you a real cat."
She smiled, the first true smile that she'd worn since we'd been here.
We all stood and I pulled her into a tight hug. She buried her face into my chest and now that my arms were around her, I could feel how skinny she was. She'd lost weight. A lot of it.
"I'm gonna get you out of here doll." I murmured, stroking her hair. "I promise. I'll get all of you out."
I kissed the top of her head, not entirely sure how they'd react if I kissed her on the lips.
Then Doctor Rum escorted us out, talking about how much better Y/N seemed to be doing under our visit and that we could maybe come back. That gave me a little hope, but Downey didn't seem to like it very much.
Once we were gone, we didn't say anything until we were back in the hotel, Christina Bobb was there too, ready to take note of everything I said in case we needed to make a lawsuit.
"Alright Stan, you seemed to get a good connection with her." Trump said. "Tell us what she said."
"We came up with a code that she was to respond the opposite to all of my questions. That way she wouldn't get in trouble. So when I asked about Ila, she said she really believed she committed Suicide. In reality, she means that she doesn't. She's terrified of the place, she really does think they're going to kill her."
I relayed as much information as I could back to them.
"What about the drawings?" Trump asked. "I'm assuming you weren't actually drawing?"
"No. She said they're going to kill her last. They'll go after Emma next, then Itty, then her." I said.
"Jesus, is this never over?" Chris asked, drawing a hand over his face.
"I think the first thing we should do then is contact the U.S. Embassy in England." Trump said, looking at Mrs. Bobb.
"I don't know in this case." She admitted, biting her bottom lip. "Involving ourselves with the U.S. Embassy in England may alert that Miss Y/L/N alerted us to something. It could backlash on her. However, it would be imprudent not to attempt to save Miss Smith's life. We would have to trust that the Officials at the English Psychiatric care unit will cooperate immediately and I'm not sure if we can."
"I want Y/N out first." I replied selfishly, knowing perfectly well how pissed she would be at me knowing I didn't attempt to save her two friends first.
"We can get Miss Lo and Miss Y/L/N out at the same time." Donald said. "If they're going to go after Miss Smith first, then she should be our top priority. We only know our time is running out if Miss Smith dies."
"I don't like it." I said like a stubborn little kid.
"I don't like it either." Robert said, frowning. "It feels like it's only us against the entire world. I don't know who I can trust with this stuff besides the people in this room."
We were all silent for a moment.
"I've got some people I can call favors in for over in Scotland Yard." Trump finally said. "Some connections for some people I did real estate work for. They're in law enforcement and I think I can get them to help."
"Thank you." I replied sincerely, shaking his hand before he and Mrs. Bobb departed for their separate hotels.
"We could break into the psychiatric firm." Robert suggested. "To bad I don't have a real Iron man suit."
Chris and I both rolled our eyes.
"Oh well." Robert sighed, "We'll have to do this the smart way."
"What are we going to do?" I asked. "We know a lot of famous people, but not anyone who can really help us with this."
"I don't know yet." Robert admitted. "But hopefully we figure it out soon." 
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Kindly Unspoken, Part 10
Summary:  It was time to let Andy go
Pairings:  Andy Barber X Reader
Rating:  mild
Warnings:  language, pumpkin cupcake talk, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  3.4K
Series Masterlist
*divider created by @firefly-graphics​
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Andy burrows himself deeper into his pillows, trying to make himself fall back asleep.  He was having too good of a dream.  Amaris wasn’t knocking on his door.  It was just peaceful.  His eyes start to flutter, but then he gets a waft of breakfast.  French toast and bacon.  Andy’s eyes blink openly quickly when he remembers the night before.  You had stayed over because of the weather.
While he starts to put on his sweats, Amaris’ giggles rebound throughout the whole house, and yours was right along with her.  This was a life he had always wanted.  Kept his nose clean, and put in the work to have that, and he always ended up in a different place.  He knew he had chased after Jessie’s ghost for far too long.  But using her death as an excuse had become his crutch.
He shuffles into the kitchen, and you were beside the little girl helping her crack eggs.  “Morning daddy,” Amaris gleefully answers when she hears the board creek behind her.  “Angel made coffee, but she won’t let me have any.”
He walks behind Amaris, giving her a kiss to her cheek, proceeding to head towards the coffee pot for his morning brew, “That’s because coffee will make you way too hyper.”
“Nu-uh!  Daddy, can we get a dog like Doodle?”
“No,” Amaris gives him a quick mischievous grin, and Andy shakes his head no, “Do not go to your uncle Coco either.  That man is the biggest softie.”
“Wouldn’t a German shepherd or a Brittany be nice though?  She could sleep in my room.  It gets cold in there at night.”
“Aw, Andy, are you going to deprive your daughter of a dog?” Andy looks at you feigning surprise.  Laughing in disbelief at you taking Amaris' side.  “Will you flip that toast?” Oh he could completely get used to this.  Things just felt natural and flowed, but you were Amaris’ social worker, and he didn’t need to get too involved with whatever this was.
“I’ll tell you what, you make good grades for the rest of the year.  You do your chores without being asked, and we’ll talk about getting a dog.  We’ll do research together on what the best dog for us would be.  And,” he stops talking as he gets closer to Amaris.  He was a good dad.  You could tell that he wanted this.  He wanted to make things good for her.
“And you, Amaris Mae Everett, will be the one responsible for the dog.  Make sure it has food and water.  Make sure that it gets plenty of exercise, and you play with it.  But, we have to see how your year in school is.  Is that a deal?”
“Are we gonna draw up a contract for that?  We have a witness.  And…do you want my name to stay the way that it is?”
You take the eggs from her, and she settles onto the bar stool.  Andy tilts his head confused, “What’s wrong with your name?”
“It’s not like yours.  Shouldn’t my name be like yours?  You know, Barber?” She was adorable.  You had to give her credit for that.  She was able to vocalize her thoughts calmly, and seemed to grasp things well, even though she was still only a child.  “Is it always going to be Everett?”
“Oh.  Do…do you want it to be Barber?”
“Well, I’d like for it to match my dad’s.  You know kids notice these things in school.  I go with a different last name than my dad’s and they have questions, and I don’t…do I have to answer?  And tell them about my life?”
“No,” you say politely, wanting to butt in.  Andy was grateful for the interruption.  This was going into the territory he just didn’t know what to do.  “You tell people only what you want to.”
“But…I don’t have a mother.”
“There’s some kids that don’t have a father.  Some that are being raised by grandparents, or uncles, aunts, cousins, family friends.  Amaris, there’s no normal family.  Each is unique and beautiful.  It doesn’t matter who is raising you.  It matters the love that you have between each other.  Do you love your dad?” She nods her head at you smiling, and you look over at Andy, “And do you love your daughter?”
“She’s been the best thing that’s happened in my life,” Andy responds with complete conviction.  They were going to be okay, and no longer needed you.
“See, that’s what matters, sweetheart.  There’s not a cookie cutter perfect family.  And how many people get to say they have an uncle Coco, uncle Hayden, aunt Doll, Uncle Steve and aunt Tulip, and a cousin Sailor?  You’re very lucky.”
“And I have a Cozy baby on the way,” she giggles at you, and jumps off the stool to give you a hug.  “Thank you.  Can you make breakfast every Saturday?” Andy clears his throat, and she looks over at her dad, apologizing to you quickly.
“So, how about that breakfast?” You don’t want to get attached.  Don’t want to get too involved, but you definitely crossed that line a long time ago.  You were too involved.  Too involved with the little girl, and too involved with her family.  Especially her handsome father.  But this felt good.  It was oddly satisfying to bring more love into this child’s life.
It was time for you to cut the cord.  You promised yourself you wouldn’t get too involved with the families you helped, and here you were finding yourself attracted to the father, loving the daughter past your normal children, and spending the night with them.  It was time.  Your job was done.
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Andy holds his bottle of beer up, tapping the neck to Curtis, Hayden, and Marshall’s bottles.  Celebrating Amaris’ birth certificate and name change.  “So Andy, you’ve got what you were looking for, and yet you still seem sad.  What gives?” Marshall takes a long swig of his and looks over at his friend.  “You sad because you don’t have anyone to share it with?”
“You can always share it with us,” Hayden meekly responds, staring down at the table.  He was just hoping that no one overheard him, but his brother did.  Curtis wraps his arm around his brother and starts messing with his hair.  “Hey, hey, easy on the hair.  My wife liked the way it looked tonight.”
“His wife,” Marshall laughs out.  “How is it, you’re the youngest of us, by eight years and more, and you’re the one that’s married.”
“To the most beautiful and hot woman, and the cutest and most adorable baby on the way.  But seriously, enough with the hair.  Doll is giving me pumpkin cupcakes later.”
Marshall narrows his eyes at him, and then looks at the other men, “Is that code for something?  I feel like I’m missing something.”
“Well…it’s…are you going to tell her I told you?” Andy’s mouth turns up into a crooked smile watching the young man.  For as intelligent as he was, he was just a big kid.  “I named her…you know her…well, it’s mine.”
“Alright, that’s exactly what I needed to hear was that my brother named his wife’s cunt pumpkin cupcakes.”
“Well, the pussy and the clit…never mind,” Andy laughs, starting to chug his beer.  “You’ve seen her, right?  I mean, she’s great.  Doing a good job of growing our baby, I feel her kick all the time.  I do this thing where we’re spooning, and my hand just rests on her belly, and Cozy does her little kicking and punching.  Cutest baby award already.  And Doodle pokes his nose on her, and…”
“Hey, Ands, isn’t that you’re little crush,” Marshall flicks his head over to the bar, and you were sipping on a glass of water looking down at your phone.  Back completely to them.  “She cleans up nice.  Sorry, pal, looks like she’s waiting on a date.”
Andy didn’t say anything, much like the majority of the night.  His eyes just randomly flick towards your back.  You seemed anxious.  Your eyes moving from your phone to the front door.  Shaking your head no at the bartender every time she came over.  
The other men carry along with the conversation, but there you were.  You had completely told him that your job was done, and that he should only call you if it was an emergency or if he had any questions.  There was never an emergency, and there was only one question he really wanted to ask you.  
“You’re really tore up about her,” Curtis notes, following Andy’s eyesight.
“Am not.”
“Are, too.  Andy, you have barely talked the whole night.  Amaris keeps asking us where Angel’s been.  You like her,” the usually confident Andy looks down at the table shaking his head. “You do.  Have you even tried talking to her?”
“Have you?” Andy asks looking up at Curtis.  
“I don’t…don’t want her.”
“No, you want that girl at therapy that carries all the things.  Have you talked to the bookworm?”
“Ahh!  I knew it!  I knew you were talking to your girlfriend about some girl!  Admit it!  I walked in on you two.”
“I’m confused,” Marshall looks between Hayden and Curtis, and Andy was happy for once that the heat was taken off him.  “You have a crush on a girl and then have a girlfriend?”
“His girlfriend is my wife.”
“Okay.  I think that’s enough beer for the little guy.”
“Not literally,” Curtis rolls his eyes.  He knew what Andy was doing, and it was working.  Deflection.  He was going to need to steamroll this back on track and back on you.  Andy was already looking over at you, just to make sure you were still alone.  And you were.  
“I’m the reason he has a wife.”
“Ew, I don't like it when you say it like that.”
“It’s true.  I brought her home with me.”
“Wait…wait, wait.  I have never heard this story.  So you knew his wife?  Was there any…you know?”
“No!” “Absolutely not.”
“Geeze,” Marshall holds his hands up.  “I was just asking.  Proceed.  You brought the girl home with you.”
“Long story short, slept in his big boy bed, he met her, they went on a date, and here we are; married, with a baby on the way.  Andy, I told you about the bookworm in confidence.  So I’m derailing this conversation back to you.  You like the Angel.”
“She just looks sad,” Andy whispers.  You look back down to your phone, and then at the door.  He gets a strong urge to text you, but still just sits there.
“It’s pretty obvious,” Hayden shrugs.  “She was meeting some guy here.  She keeps looking at her phone and at the door because he didn’t show up.  Her hand keeps grabbing at her bag because she’s talking herself in and out of leaving.  She’s only drinking water because she knows that she’s going to have to drive home.  If you want to talk to her, now’s your chance.  She sat there for nearly an hour.  He’s not showing up.”
Sure enough you type something on your phone before gripping the cup of water with both of your hands.  It was embarrassing to put yourself out there only to get a no show.  He didn’t even have the decency to call or text to let you know he was running late, or that he wasn’t even coming at all.  
The bartender kept looking at you pitifully.  You didn’t need anyone else in your life to feel sorry for you.  You were on your own, and you could do it alone.  You didn’t need a man to make you feel complete.  You wanted a man to maybe share your life with.  You hadn’t done the dating thing.  You were comfortable enough now with being around men, and the way this stupid boy was acting, you were glad he didn’t show up.
Placing your hand on the bar, you lean to grab your purse, but a hand gently lays on top of yours.  You know you reacted too swiftly, but you jerk up, and the most handsome face of Andy Barber was staring right at you, “Andy?”
“Sorry I’m late,” he says, smiling over at the bartender.  “You want something other than water?”
“Uh…uh, I don’t know.”
“Do you drink?”
“Not usually, no.”
He gives you a kind smile, and looks over at the bartender again, “Can she get an amaretto sour?  Light on the amaretto, and I’ll have ano…a Sam Adams, please.”
As soon as she walks off he gives you a strange look, but you need to clear the air, “I don’t need your help.”
“What you’re doing.  I was about to leave.”
“You make it a habit of coming alone to a bar, and drinking free water?” You look down at your phone one last time, and that jerk still hadn’t said anything.  He never was, unless it was really late or the next day.  Give you some lame excuse of where he had been, and why he wasn’t messaging you.  “Men are assholes.”
“Not all men,” you argue with him.  Why would he say such a thing, when he in fact was a man?
“Ehh, I’d say most are.  If you don’t want me to sit and talk with you, I don’t have to,” you look around you to see the table with his friend, Curtis and Hayden, and all three raise up their bottles to you.  “I was going to call.”
“Why?  Is everything okay?  Is Amaris okay?”
“She’s great.  The birth certificate got changed.  We have the same last name now.  She asks about you almost everyday.”
“It’s just better this way.”
“What does that mean?” Andy tilts his head, trying to get a better look at your face, but you were still too busy trying to not meet his eyes.  His eyes are what was making you fall.  Making you want to go against you own personal policy.  You couldn’t date the clients.
“You know what it means.”
“Enlighten me.”
“This…it can’t happen.”
“Because you were my client.  I…I-I-I helped you find your daughter, and…”
“I’m sorry,” he interrupts your conversation.  There was no anger in his voice.  He always had the ability to keep things so even toned.  “That’s all past tense.  Tell me I’m not crazy when I felt like you and I were going somewhere?  You didn’t feel anything between us?  Not that night, not that morning?  Nothing?”
“I did.  It’s just we can’t.”
“Why can’t we?  I’m not one of your jobs.  Amaris is out of the system.  She’s physically and legally my daughter now, and that’s thanks to you.”
“And you’re letting your feelings of being happy for what I did confuse you on what you’re feeling.”
“No, I’m not,” you sit up a bit straighter in your chair, finally turning to look at him.  “I am thankful for what you did, but I’m not confused.  I like you.  And I haven’t felt like that in a long time.  I want to get to know you, without my daughter involved.  I want to turn up for you, and not have you sitting at some bar wondering where I am.  I’m not those men.  That is not who I am.  I come with baggage, but my daughter is the best baggage.  I don’t need a woman in my life.  I got along just fine before.  But I really want one.  And I really like you.  I know that this has come on suddenly and…”
“It wasn’t sudden, Andy,” you whisper.  You couldn’t exactly tell him that you were falling for him.  Couldn’t mention how it was who he was as a father that had you daydreaming on what he would be like as a husband.  Couldn’t utter how he was ticking off almost every single one of your boxes.  And you had a list.  You added to it often.  Scratched out things you later deemed not important.
But you didn’t want to settle.  You told yourself a long time ago you’d rather be single than settle.  Wouldn’t be caught dead in a relationship that was abusive in any way.  That you wanted to be cautious and slow with a relationship, because you needed to know for sure how they were.  Wanted to have so much money in the bank because you would not be trapped with some man that didn’t value you.
You didn’t believe that Andy was one of those men.  You had seen him fight for a child he didn’t know for certain even existed.  You had slowly started checking off every single one of your boxes about your future partner.  And the moment that Andy filled up all of them is the moment that you had to end things.  You felt you were projecting this idea in your head on Andy, and still you couldn’t get him off your mind.
You didn’t want to have these feelings towards Andy, but you couldn’t ignore them.  Hearing him admit that he wanted to try…something, made you a bit giddy.  “I should be honest with you.”
“Whatever, I think we’ve made it to that stage.”
“I’ve never dated,” oh god, you couldn’t believe you admitted that to him.  You were afraid that it was going to open up things from your past that you really didn’t want to talk about, but it was out there now, and you couldn’t take it back.  “Never went on a date.  I don’t date.  I don’t…I’ve never had a boyfriend, and…I have major boundaries.  To protect myself.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve only been in one serious relationship, and that was Amaris’ mom.  Casually dated, and nothing ever stuck.”
“You don’t think I’m weird?”
“I think things that happen in our past shape how we react in the future.  And I don’t think that’s anything to be ashamed of.  There it is,” Andy timidly brings his hand over to your face, and gently brushes back your baby hairs, and you didn’t even flinch.  You always flinched at men’s touches.  Not Andy’s.  It was warm and gentle.  Familiar even.
“You have the prettiest smile.  So I can either go back to my table with those ugly men, and listen to Hayden talk about how hot his wife is, and you agree to let me take you out.  Or I can stay with you here, and we can talk.”
“Is this a date?”
“This is us talking.  This isn’t a date.”
“I am kinda tired.”
“If I call, will you pick up?” You smile, whispering out yes.  “Then, goodnight Miss Angel,” you awkwardly jump off the stool, and head towards the door.
Pulling up your phone when it vibrates to get a message from Andy, ‘Just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to blow me off.’
You look back at him with a smile, ‘I won’t blow you off,’ you respond and leave the restaurant.  You wanted to vomit.  You didn’t expect for things to be easy, or go smooth with him.  Didn’t know what you wanted to think or if it was even normal.  What you did know is that you liked it.
Andy struts back to the table, getting an incredulous look from Curtis, “That’s it, I’m going to talk to the bookworm.  At therapy or at the bookstore?”
“Curtis?” He looks up at his little brother who was ready to leave.  He didn’t care how late everyone wanted to stay out, he just got a message from his wife that she was tired and going to sleep without him.  His baby needed him.  “Don’t talk to her in her safe space.”
“Wait!” He shouts as his brother stands up.  “Which is her safe space therapy or the bookstore?”
“Do you want me to come home tonight?”
“I want you to not open my bedroom door until after eleven in the morning.  Good job, Andy,” he wiggles his shoulders as he starts to leave.  Feeling proud he could help his hero out.
“I’m going to throw up,” Andy says, letting his head rest on the table.  “I don’t even remember what to do for a date.  Like a real date.  One where you actually care about someone.”
“Ehh, you’ve got a bunch of women that can help. Now, how do I talk to this girl?  Did you have this word vomit?  Did you get nervous?  Wanna pee on yourself?  Sweat profusely?  Man…I’m too old to be this nervous about some girl.  Andy…we can help each other out.  I help plan a romantic dinner, you help plan a meet cute?  Deal?”
“I’m definitely going to throw up.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @peaches1958​ @infatuatedharleys​ @redbloodedgurl​ @thedarknessilove​ @whimsyplaty92​ @superforgottensoul​ @lilac-tea-time​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​ @andydrysdalerogers​ @cjand10​
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Voltron in "The Little Mermaid" part one!
Hello all! A little late but heres a short part of a short piece For Julance and Lances Birthday (cause I take forever to do anything and it wasnt ready in May :/). I really loved the Live action, by far the best out of them all, so heavy inspiration pulled from that one- as well as some spoilers with song references and scenes ect so warned- but I also pulled from the cartoon and musical a bit and just mashed a lot of randomness together!
Now I'd like to thank @paracosm299 for reading this and helping out in the brainstorming process! They were a huge help, and as always a humungus support! Love you!
I'd also like to thank @autisticlancemcclain @awhoreintheory and @mothmanavenue ! The first two for answering my asks and moth for beautiful art making me fall in love with a ship used in this fic. And for just being overall amazing, keeping my love for Voltron alive and giving so many people reasons to smile!
Anyway, enjoy part one of this little fic! I will try to get the other parts out soon (im planning for 3 to give me easy goals 🤞).
The ocean was abuzz with commotion and far too many visitors, all oozing with the need to please the Emperor. Lance had far better things to be doing, though his father would attest, and he found himself swimming farther and farther from the noise. Which wasnt odd of course, Lance could be found on the outskirts of Alteaica more often than not.
"I could've sworn it was around here somewhere..." Coran, an older creature and Lances Best friend, indulged Lances curiosity the most.
He didnt know much of the man, despite how often his rambles and odds and ends left Lances head spinning, but the mystery of him intrigued the merman. He was a bit of an outcast, kept out of the public eye as much as possible like he knew something Lance didnt. And he did, know a lot that is, places and history and things from a time before Lance came to be and further. Allura chided Coran for being a bad influence, but her heart never seemed in it, Lance had seen her far off stare as she listened to a ramble far too much to believe she didnt too know more than she said.
"Oh!" They pass farther than typically allowed, and Lance sees the reason why.
Below lays a wrecked ship, one Lance has yet to explore.
"Come on Coran!"
"You know this reminds me of..."
Lance listens idly to Corans tale, scanning the area carefully as they decend to where the boat rests on the sea floor. He thinks of the storm that would have caused this, thinks of the lives of the humans on board, wonders how many of them made it home. The Emperor would scoff at him, berate him for sharing a caring thought towards the very beings were endanger their waters. But as they drift into the wreck, and his eyes catch on every little detail, he cant help but think they are so much more.
"...And then Alfor sneezes and the whole colony popped, completely vanished, I still wonder what happened to those little quiznakers, they stole my snacks..." For an Octopus, Lance can help but think his face shows perfect contempt for whatever those creatures were.
Its not the first time Coran has spoken of this Alfor, nor of creatures Lance has never heard of, using words he long since has grown accustomed to figure out with the context given. He hears every story, and watches the expressions his friends take, and hurts to know that they too hold pain in their hearts, for something Lance is not allowed to grasp for whatever reason. So instead he distracts, with human curiousities and questions and weaved tales of his own. Coran loves his inquisitive nature, Romelle finds humor where she can and has something that shines in her eyes when he puts something together- he'd put anything together, fix anything, if only to see them all happy- and Allura acts aloof at times, but she loves learning and new things and arguing with Romelle until they both laugh so hard it hurts.
So even for a moment, these human things, bring them together. Things that may or may not be true, that raise so many questions that he hopes and prays to one day find the answers to. He'll collect it all, in the hopes of a future where he can be free to do something with the whirlpool of thoughts inside him. To go, to learn, to enjoy, to explore, to know.
He sticks another object in his bag, Coran dangling from it with one arm as most of the others search the floor,
"I do wonder why the sharks like these ships, never had a clear conversation with one you see, even the evolved ones, their heads seem to be in the foam sometimes, never know what theyre thinking." Coran picks up a piece of ship, examines it, then throws it already looking for something new, his query seemingly random but somehow something Lance too wondered about.
"Well, if I was like my father, I'd say they're trying to figure out how these ships work so they can better take them down." Lance rolls his eyes at this, fingers skimming over a depiction of a human. "But maybe they just like how it looks, its pretty interesting after all."
Lance had met a couple sharks in his day, he found them pretty interesting actually, but he understood how hard it was for them to find food now-a-days. And when youre always moving, they must be starving, so he respected them, gave them a good distance.
Much like with his interest in humans, Lance understood that he couldnt interact with them. For all Sendaks hate, Lance was not stupid enough to believe that he wouldnt be attacked if he did something wrong. With sharks, you could find a few that didnt want to kill you. Humans too, Lance was almost positive there had to be some that wouldn't find him a monster... there had to be.
He startles when he catches movement out of his peripheral, turning to find a large mirror. His expression is tight, and he's quick to smooth it out, he needed to be more careful with what he let his face show.
"Oh, and whats that?" He follows Corans gaze to see, what looked to Lance, a mini trident.
He uses a delicate hand to pick up the object, inspecting it with wide eyes,
"I dont know, but its wonderful. I bet Romelle has an idea." Lance smiles at Coran, glancing around once more for a last sweep, when the mirror catches his attention once again.
This time however, it is not his own reflection he sees.
Rows of teeth, pale skin, and small but focused eyes. The shark is through the side of the boat before Lance can get out any sound of warning. Hes pulling Coran out of the way, the shark dead set on them, destroying the things in its way to try and keep up.
Lance should have knows this wreck would be called for. Should have searched better, before entering what could be- and obviously was- the territory of a predator.
Every turn they take, every time Lance is sure they've lost him, sharp teeth and splintered ship come from behind or the side or in front and they have to make another hard turn, and he trying to hold on to his bag- where Coran has secured himself tightly so as not to effect Lances mobility- but as they finally exit the interior of the wreck, the shark is bursting out behind them and Lance swears he has a grip but then its gone.
He swims backwards, eyes frantically scanning to locate the Octopus, but the Shark has found him first, heading towards the sea floor. Hes comoflauged against the bag, but a trail of blood follows it, giving away his position.
"Coran!" A quick decision, a half formed plan, has him shoving a container of some sort, watching it hit the Shark who thankfully turns his attention to the larger prey. Lance darts into the ship once more, watching the shark come for him, jaw opened wide, closer..
The mirror shatters, and the shark becomes stuck in the outer frame.
Heart in his throat from where hes pressed against the inner walls across from said mirror, Lance waits only a moment to ensure hes stuck before darting towards the sea floor. The trail of blood has dispersed- and gods Lance hoped it wasnt serious- but his bag has an extra divet in the sand beside it.
"Coran! Are you alright?"
The orange and blues of his friend slowly return, one arm crossed over his body below his eyes as usual, and his seven others still intact. A small scratch on his head has already stopped bleeding, and Lance breathes a sigh of relief, quickly scooping up his friend, absently grabbing his bag, and swimming away from the wreck. It'd be best to be gone before the Shark made his way free.
Sendak casts a steady look around the crowded room, today's meeting was an important one, gathering the leaders of the seven seas to discuss important matters once a year. That brat should be here, this was one of their most important times, he should be drifting about the room like a ditz and gathering info for him. One job and the useless boy couldnt even do that. He taps his trident once and waits, eye never stopping its steady search.
"You summoned, your Majesty?" Her voice comes from above, the ghost crab gliding down to land on the rock of his throne.
"Where," he pauses to level her with the full strength of his glare, "is the boy?"
To her credit, she appears unfazed by his glare,
"I reminded him of the meeting this morning-"
"I did not ask of this morning." Sendak cuts in, voice low as he once again eyes the room, "find him."
Shes quiet for a moment, "yes, your majesty."
It wasnt hard to find Lance really, Allura practically had a sixth sense for it. Though all she really had to do was go where you werent supposed to, and you'd happen upon the boy. So of course she finds him talking with Romelle, past the territories border, and far closer to the surface than allowed. Still, with Coran's many tentacles latched around Lances arm and Romelle chattering away about whatever it is shes holding, Alluras heart swells with a fondness she cant- or rather doesnt want to- fight.
"Lonce!" She makes her way up to the rock Romelle stands on, eying the human curiousities for only a moment- things change up there so quickly- before leveling the three with a look. "Do you recall what day it is? That thing I told you this morning?"
The way Lances eyes widen- with fear, so much, too much- has her heart hurting.
"The night of the coral moon! Oh gods! Im late! Sorry Romelle! I gotta go!"
Coran has Lances bag and a grip on the rock in the next moment, just in time to brace for Lance's departure. The three watch him go, faces as glum as their animal selfs can accomplish.
"Hows the plan coming?" Allura asks after the (waves by his departure currents what are they called?) calm.
"They are simply waiting for the right moment, and for Haggar to make her move." Coran responds, one of his many arms laying across his face so another can stroke it awkwardly.
"Lets hope we dont have to wait long." Alluras tone is grave, eyes trained on the trail of a young merman, who has no idea what path was laid before him.
Lance was screwed this time for sure.
The Coral Moon gathering was one of the most important tasks Lance had. With so many mers in one place, it was his job to gather any and every bit of information he could, anything that may get his father ahead. It had been the only thing talked about over the past few movements, and the main reason Lance had decided to take a break this morning before the big event... until he lost track of time.
He had succesfully snuck into his room to drape himself in fancy shiny- unnecassary and gaudy, not even tasteful- decorations and such. Anything to make him look like a dumb accessory to the Emporer and be underestimated- though Lance was underestimated even by the man who knew he was more than decor. Sneaking into the event would be a problem though, Lance figured it'd be better to simply act as if he arrived late on purpose, to swim in like a ditz and lazily make his way about the room- anything to delay addressing his Father- and hopefully hear something worth while along the way.
Though worthwhile was relative, and Lance was less of a snitch than his Father trained him to be, but also very good at pretending to be one. The Emperor claimed to see through Lance, and for some things he could- though Lance thinks he simply assumes and who is he to deny the accusations really? But for things like this, Lance had been told by a few that he was an excellent story weaver, and really, thats all gossip was anyway. So long as it pleased Sendak- father, Emperor- it didn't matter.
So long as he could save the lives of a few at the expense of his own safety, it was worth it.
His entrance is met with varying emotions.
By those who follow the Emperor and hang on to his every word, he is greeted with sneers at best, and lascivious leers at worst.
By those who fear him or are simply biding their time, looks of pity or spite. Lance expertly appears non-chalant, like his head is in the sand rather than processing everything fast enough to make his head ache. Most of it was minor gossip, a few idle threats, comments on the food, current events and the likes, but Lance could make that all work.
As he glides closer to the end of the gathering space, he feels a hard stare that he had to stop himself from tensing at. He cant help but drift slower, to delay the inevitable, but he can only stall for so long. He bows to his father and takes his place beside him, swallowing thickly he waits with baited breath.
"Why are you late." The question is barely that, with how much force he puts into the quiet utterance.
"Shipwrecks are off limits for a reason."
Lance doesnt know HOW he knows, if it was a guess or if he had more spies than Lance originally thought. For all Lance knew, the shark from this morning could have been in on it. Given, then he'd also know about Coran, and since he never mentions the man, Lance figures its probably a guess. According to Allura, hes pretty predictable like that.
"I was just scouting it out, trying to learn something." Half truths.
"On the most important day of the year, you decide to indulge your human obsession? Are you trying to make me angry?" Lance could tell the crowded room wouldnt keep his father from yelling if they kept this up.
"No Father, I was only-"
"We will talk about this later."
Lance is dismissed as quick as he was addressed to begin with, and the minute the Emperors back is turned to meet with the 'generals' of the other seas, Lance is swimming for his grotto as quick as his tail will take him. If hes in for a punishment anyway, he may as well enjoy his freedom for even a moment.
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huliganships · 2 years
A Marriage of Inconvenience - Part 2
They were silent while they walked through the garden, their arms still linked with each other. So close to him, Izuku could smell Katsuki's natural, unfiltered scent. It smelled like the fireplace in winter, when the whole house was filled with sweets and pine. It was the first time he smelled it since Katsuki and himself hadn’t been on speaking terms anymore when both of them presented. He wondered if Katsuki found his new smell pleasing.
He wanted to ask Katsuki why they were walking out here. Was it just to get away from his mother? Or was he actually getting restless inside? But why had he insisted Izuku come with him? He was perfectly capable and allowed to walk the Midoriya grounds on his own.
“Deku,” Katsuki said and Izuku’s eyes snapped back to him. First his actual name and now the kind of mean nickname Katsuki had called him when they were children. Even though it wasn’t the nicest name it still meant something to Izuku since Kacchan had been the only one to call him that.
“What is it, Kacchan?” Izuku answered and regretted it almost immediately. They were too old for Izuku to call Katsuki by such a childish name. But it was the name that he knew his old friend first under and it was the name that popped into his head when he was thinking about him.
“You don’t want to marry Shigaraki.” Katsuki didn’t voice his sentence like a question. He voiced it like Izuku’s opinion was obvious to him and he was just stating a simple fact. And as loath as Izuku was to admit it, he was right. He quickly looked around them to make sure they were alone before answering.
“I don’t.”
“You know what his family and their acquaintances are up to, yes? You know what plans they have for the lands your family owns?”
Izuku chose to simply nod. He had heard about the shady dealings of the Shigaraki family, which were the worst kept secret in their society. And even though he wasn’t sure about Shigaraki’s exact plans, he knew enough to take an educated guess. Just thinking about it made a shiver run down his spine.
“Are you planning to just roll over in submission?” Katsuki asked with a sneer on his face and Izuku felt himself bristle at the thinly veiled accusation in his tone. He stopped his steps and let his hand slip out of the crock of Katsuki’s arm.
“And what, pray tell, are my options in this scenario, Bakugou? I don’t think I have to remind you of my status. Don’t insult both of our intelligence by implying I would have a choice in the matter in the long run. Even if I refuse Shigaraki now, he and my father are sure to find a way to twist this to their favor.”
Katsuki came to a stop as well. Instead of snapping back like Izuku had expected him to, he only gave him a long, searching look before sighing and offering up his arm again.
“I apologize,” he said and he could as well have hit Izuku over the head with how much impact his words had. “It was not my intention to offend you. Quite the opposite actually.”
He kept his arm poised for Izuku to take it and waited. Izuku took a few seconds of contemplating the repercussions of refusing the offer, but in the end, decided against it. If he was completely honest with himself, he could admit how he relished talking with Katsuki again, even if his words had offended him. He linked their arms again and the two resumed their walk.
“If you didn’t intend to offend me, what are your intentions?” Izuku asked after they had completed the first rounds through the gardens in silence and his curiosity couldn’t be contained any longer. From the corner of his eyes, he could see their mother had stepped out onto the patio and were watching their sons slowly stroll through the gardens.
“I’ve come with a proposal,” Katsuki answered and Izuku almost choked on his own spit. 
“That’s,” Izuku started to say but had to clear his throat before continuing. “That’s a curious phrase you chose there in this situation.”
“It’s an appropriate one since it is exactly what I intend to do.”
Katsuki came to a stop but he didn’t release Izuku’s arm. For a second, time seemed to stop as they looked into each other's eyes and Izuku could swear he could hear his own heartbeat in the silence surrounding them.
“My mother has picked out a wealthy and pretty Omega from a noble family for me to marry,” he said and Izuku could see the contempt in his eyes. “A splendid match for everyone but myself, since I loathe the woman and her stupidity. I’ve heard about your predicament and it revealed a tempting opportunity for the both of us.”
Katsuki’s lips quirked up into a small smirk and Izuku felt his heart skip.
“I don’t want to adhere to my mother’s wishes and marry her choice of partner. You don’t want to be tied to a cruel tyrant of an Alpha. We both don’t want the Midoriya lands to fall into the hands of the Shigaraki family. There is a simple solution to all of these problems.”
“Katsuki, you can’t mean-” Izuku started to say, but Katsuki started speaking again before Izuku was done voicing his protest.
“Would you, Midoirya Izuku, do me the honor of becoming my mate?”
Izuku felt his knees buckle and only the strong arm of Katsuki was keeping him upright.
“You can’t be serious,” he said, his eyes wide in disbelief. His hand was still tucked securely against Katsuki’s arm and the heartbeat under his palm was beating strong and steady, with no hint of nervousness in sight.
“I am. Deadly so. I have thought long and hard about this, and I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no better option for both of us. Even with our past, you are a much more agreeable option than my mother’s choice. And our union would spite many people who we both despise, so it would be nothing but a win for us.”
“So, you want to marry me out of spite? Do you even hear what you’re saying?”
“I think spite is a fucking great reason to marry,” Katsuki said and for a second he was the crass and wild boy that Izuku had known for all of his life, and for some reason, it calmed him down more than anything else could’ve.
“Kacchan,” he said, his hands still shaking. “Think about this. Marriage is for life. You would be stuck with me forever. And what about your family? Who would carry it on?”
“Our pups, of course.”
“Pups? You want me to have your children?”
“Deku,” Katsuki said and took a step closer to him, erasing the proper distance that they had maintained between their bodies. “I am not asking you to live a lie. If you agree to this, I will be your husband and mate in every aspect. I will share all I have with you and be with no one else. I may not love you, but I can offer you a better life, a safer one. A life where you are not my submissive wife, but my equal partner.”
“I feel faint,” Izuku said. “I need to sit down.”
Katsuki carefully walked them over to a small stone park bench and made sure Izuku was sitting down before taking the seat next to him.
“I didn’t take you for a wilting flower, Deku,” Katsuki said and Izuku glared at him.
“Excuse me, but this is a lot of information for me to process in very little time. Up until twenty minutes ago I was convinced you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me and just now you’ve talked about raising children together!”
Next to him, Katsuki stiffened and Izuku felt a twisted sense of joy at seeing Katsuki lose his composure for a bit.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Katsuki said and glared right back. “I never hated you.”
“But you think me to be beneath you.”
“Because you are. Your family's rank is much lower than mine.”
“You are not doing a good job of convincing me to accept your proposal right now,” Izuku huffed out and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Katsuki rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“I’m just stating facts. And it’s not as if you have a lot of different options right now.”
“What did I just say about doing a bad job?”
Katsuki let out a groan in frustration before he turned to face Izuku fully.
“Stop toying with me and give me an answer. I know you don’t want to marry Shigaraki. And is marriage out of spite really that bad? Just think about how many people who have nothing but sneered at you in the past will be miserable if you ruin their plans like that!”
As much as Izuku tried to deny it to himself, it was a tempting thought. And having Katsuki as his husband was by far not the worst match he could think of. The opposite, really. Katsuki was a handsome and strong Alpha. Wealthy too. And as much as Izuku was unsure about Katsuki’s true feelings for him, there was one thing he was sure of: Katsuki would treat him with respect.
“Our parents would hate us,” Izuku said and Katsuki grinned.
“They’ll get over it once we present them with their first grandchild.”
“We’ll be making a lot of influential people our enemy,” Izuku continued, but he couldn’t hide the smile that was slowly making its way onto his face.
“True. But they can’t do anything about it without painting themselves in a bad light too.”
“You will have to attend every ball with me, or people will talk.”
Katsuki shrugged.
“Let them talk. The one thing I learned from my parents is that having a spouse at those events will give you an excellent partner to gossip about other people.”
At that, Izuku couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped his mouth.
“So that’s what Lord and Lady Bakugou are discussing!”
“They’re always talking about how horrible other people’s fashion choices are. It’s a nightmare, really.”
“So, our marriage will be an inconvenience for everyone but us?”
Katsuki reached over and took Izuku’s hand in his.
“A marriage of inconvenience. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? So, what will your answer be?”
Izuku was silent for a few seconds. His thoughts were racing, but his eyes were focused on their clasped hands between them.
“Yes,” he answered and something settled inside him. “I’ll marry you.”
Part 1 | Part 3
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sosimsofmaddi · 1 month
Gunnar Exiled
Gunnar had to prepare to talk to the wolves. None of them even had a clue that he spent the last year befriending and falling in love with a rogue wolf. They had no clue that he found his mate, welcomed a child as his own, and was having a baby. Because he was pack, his biological child would be. Because she was his mate, Reese should be. But he knew that he lied to his pack, his family, and they didn’t have to follow customs. Because of his unknown parentage, he was always been seen as a little different from everyone. Now he made made himself even more different.
A week after Reese and Gunnar learned they were having two babies, not just one, Gunnar knew he couldn't put off talking to the wolves. He'd lied to them for a year and a half, kept his friendship with Reese a secret, then his love for her, and certainly the mating bond. But now he had two additional children on the way, and they deserved to have a pack, not to be a secret any longer.
Gunnar asked for a meeting with the heads of their pack, and he met them in the Wildfangs bunker a few days later. He hadn't slept here in months, and nobody seemed to notice. But now the alpha stared at him in confusion as Gunnar was the last to arrive.
He joined the alpha at the table, nodding hello to his second and his granddaughter who was next in line to lead. Gunnar didn't get a word out before the door opened and Roman Weller walked though -- the wolf promised to the alpha's granddaughter. He was also one of Gunnar's best friends.
Roman held back a smile when he saw the formalities. Instead he found a corner to lean against, watching his betrothed and her grandfather motion Gunnar along.
Gunnar said the truth of it first. "I'm going to be a father," he told his alpha, Fen, and the heir, Rory.
Fenris stared, thick eyebrows pulling in as he sized Gunnar up. He showed none of the shock that Rory, Roman, and Fen's second-in-command displayed behind him. Despite his stone-face, Gunnar knew Fen was caught off guard.
"Who have you been seeing?" Fen asked, the question getting into the depth of the hierarchies. Some wolves, like Roman and Rory, were promised to each other since childhood because of bloodlines and pacts. So it was only natural for Fenris to assume -- because Gunnar kept his behavior a secret -- that it was likely someone a rank above him.
Gunnar spent years and years working himself up the ladder, becoming useful, then indispensable to the pack. Roman was poised to lead someday at Rory's side, and Gunnar was his right hand. His second.
"You don't know her," Gunnar answered.
Fen's eyes flashed, and he was up from his seat instantly. He grabbed Gunnar and shoved him back, taking both of them into the railing that separated the split-levels. Roman, Rory, and Connall (Fen's second) darted after the alpha. Connall pulled Fenris back while Roman stepped between and stood ahead of Gunnar.
"You would betray us by breeding with that Moonwood scum?" Fen howled after him as Connall divided them. "You would follow in your mother's footsteps, Leikos? Bring us another mutt to raise?"
Gunnar's veins turned to ice as the alpha's words sunk in. Fen's first thought hadn't been to Reese, the lone wolf he'd ordered them all to stay a way from over a year ago. His first thoughts went to Gunnar's mother who dishonored her family, her parents, and the pack by procreating with an outsider.
She brought Gunnar back and never explained his parentage. It created a dynamic in the pack, where people loved the rambunctious, well-behaved little wolfling, but feared that he'd have no pack loyalty, that he'd never really be one of them.
Gunnar spent his whole life trying to prove he was one of them, and now his alpha looked at him with disgust, seeing only his prejudice and Gunnar's mother's mistakes.
"I met my mate," Gunnar growled at Fenris, shoving Roman off of him and putting space between himself and Rory. She watched on with big eyes, calculating and quiet.
Roman stared after him, stunned. "Your what?"
"Mate," Gunnar reiterated with a hiss.
"An outsider," Fen spat. "A Moonwood wolf."
"No, not Moonwood," Gunnar spat back. "Her name is Reese Geroux. She has no-"
Fen was stunned. "The bitten wolf?"
"She's not bitten," Gunnar corrected, buzzing. "Her father was, and he was left alone to die, so he had no pack."
"No wolf would change a man and leave him to die," Fenris argued. "Our lives are too few and our position too precarious to risk discovery by leaving an untrained wolf out alone."
"That's what she was told," Gunnar said. "She was raised among the humans and was forced to hide what she was. Her father lost control when she was child. He killed her mother and then himself.
"She came here looking for answers. She has a son. She came here for him, to better understand what he's going through so young. He's growing fast."
“We know about the boy.”
They knew because Gunnar told them, months ago before he ever crossed paths with Reese and Kelley. They'd sent him out to find out who this wolf was sniffing around, and he'd given them all the info he had, and then some.
Fenris ordered the pack never to acknowledge her, never expose themselves to an outsider, a lone wolf with no loyalty or affiliation. Gunnar didn't follow orders.
“You disobeyed me," Fen said darkly, sitting back down at the table after righting his chair. "You sought out the wolf and her child."
Gunnar was pained. “She’s my mate.”
The alpha met his eyes. “And now she’s having your child.”
"Fen," Gunnar started. "Alpha. I got close to find the information you asked for, but when I got close, it changed. I felt what she was the first time I found her in the woods. I couldn't change it, and I couldn't walk away from her, from the bond. It's deep."
"You lied," Fen said. "You hid this from us, your family, your pack. You've been cavorting with this liability for a year. How do you expect your pack to trust you?"
Gunnar grit his teeth. "I expect the pack to understand that there is no choice when it comes to a mating bond. I expect them to welcome my mate and my family in."
"Your family," Fen drawled, getting to his feet with fire in his eyes. "And you plan to bring her half-breed child too?"
Gunnar glared, unable to tame the ire in his tone. "He's my son," Gunnar growled. Kelley's biological father was not a wolf -- yet Kelley was. That made him all wolf, that made him all Gunnar's. Kelley belonged to him the way that Reese did, with that stake down deep in his gut.
He bristled at the way Fen referred to his family, his mate and child. His expression drew lazy, careless. "I do plan to bring him," he told his alpha, his tone level and dangerous. "And my mate, and my two unborn children."
Rory's gasp was loud in the tense quiet of the room. Werewolf multiples weren't any more common than human multiples, but werewolf births were sacred, revered, longed for. The pack rallied around its children.
"I have a mate," Gunnar stated, "and I have three children, and through me, they're part of this pack."
"You don't get to decide who's part of this pack!" Fenris exploded up to his feet. "We do not answer to you, Leikos. You are not owed anything. You will not make demands of me or this pack."
Gunnar glared, ripping himself away. “I’ve been loyal to this pack my entire life, but they are my family! They are my blood. You cannot expect me to go on in this pack without them.”
The alpha bristled. “Then you will go on without the pack.”
Roman moved forward, but the alpha's glare -- the command in it -- stopped him short. Rory crept to his side to stay him as well, and that let Gunnar standing alone, staring down a choice. He was the pack. He spent his life becoming useful, irreplaceable. The pack looked up and saw him at Roman's side.
He could never simply walk away from the pack.
But it wasn't simple. And it wasn't a choice. Reese was in him, deep in his gut, anchored in his bones. He could no easier walk away than he could rip his own insides out. Being forced out of the pack was painful and raw and it took his breath away, but being forced away from Reese would make him want to die. It would be excruciating.
No one could reject a mating bond.
Fenris knew that.
He didn't even wait for Gunnar to vocalize his answer before he ordered everyone away. He didn't have to tell Gunnar to get his things and leave -- Gunnar's belongings were already at home, where he belonged more than he belonged with this pack.
Roman tried to meet his eye as Gunnar left, but Gunnar wanted words and not apologetic looks. So he left without saying anything to the man who had been his other half until he met Reese.
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tarnishedxknight · 11 months
Mantis nodded, almost wearily, as Basch said he prayed for others and rarely for himself. Mantis understood him. She couldn’t recall the last time she prayed for herself. Perhaps that one time she prayed for the strength to understand and control her evolving abilities, and even then, the prayer wasn’t for herself; it was for her friends, because Mantis didn’t want to hurt the Guardians with her powers. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, but oftentimes she felt that was all she did. Yet, her face lit up like a star when Basch smiled, and she returned it cheerfully.
She listened as Basch spoke of leading soldiers into battle, snd how some of them were more selfish by nature. She nodded as he said altruism was rare, and offered her own example once Basch finished explaining his experiences: “I know. Being selfless isn’t always a good thing. You see, ever since I was inside the mind of Thanos, I feel so… guilty. All the time. For everything. I would hate myself for not doing enough, not saving enough lives.” Mantis looked down at her hands. “So… I adopted bugs and insects from every planet we visited. They helped me feel… I don’t know, less empty. I kept them all in my room, where no one could step on them or crush them. I was protecting them. Or… at least that’s what I thought I was doing.” There was a pause. “Most of them were too fragile to live in space, and they died. Those who didn’t, escaped the ship while we were on planets different than their own, with different nature, different flora and fauna, and… they couldn’t survive in an environment so different from their own.” There was another pause as Mantis wrung her hands, her antennae droopy. “I thought I was saving them, but I only caused more harm. I thought I was helping, but… I wasn’t. By trying to save them, I was dooming them. Sometimes helping others can only make things worse.”
Mantis fell silent as soon as he started talking about his abusive father. Color drained from her face, and her hands remained clasped together in front of her body. She swallowed, but that only made her more aware of the way her throat was closing up. She needed a moment to find her voice before speaking again. “I am sorry your father hurt you and your brother. He should have been kinder to his own offspring,” she said, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “No child should ever get mistreated. I am sorry one of the first lessons you learned was how cruel life can be, and how such cruelty can come directly from those who are supposed to protect you. It is a horrible lesson to learn, one that fills you with despair. I hope you and your brother can find peace and, eventually, talk to each other calmly.” Mantis lowered her hand as her gaze fell. A sad smile crossed her features as he asked if he had answered her question well enough. “Oh, I mean, there is no right or wrong answer. You shared your truth with me and that is more than enough. I thank you for it, Basch.”
(Silence, I am sending you a big big hug. I’m sorry you can’t enjoy your favorite time of the year. Life can get extremely difficult sometimes, stay strong. Hope things get better for you all.)
{ Awww, thank you. It… wasn’t a great Halloween mindset-wise, but my dad and I made the best of it, and we got about 50 trick-or-treaters, which is really good for our neighborhood. I re-injured my eye a few days ago, though, so that’s been an added amount of funness to deal with. I feel like everything that could go wrong lately, is. But the good thing about that is… things can only improve from here, right? These things will pass, I just hope they hurry up about it, heh. I hope your Halloween was a good one! }
Mantis seemed like a very wise sort, but the true kind of wise, not the artificial kind. She hadn’t gained her wisdom through magic or study, but rather through the harshness of life’s experience. That method was the best, for the lessons learned were truer than any other, but it also tended to be the most painful. “Aye... there is a time and a place for altruism, to be sure. Sometimes it does not bring about the best possible outcome, despite good intentions,” Basch admitted.
His eyes turned very sad as Mantis described her guilt at... everything. It hit him so close, in a deep place, for he knew exactly how she felt. He was so sorry that she had accidentally harmed the insects she had cared so much for, but he understood better than most how good intentions could backfire and bring about unexpectedly terrible results.
“Aye...” he repeated gently, sadness lacing his tone. “I understand. I wish I had an answer to offer you, something to be said that could ease the pain, but... I’ve not yet found it for myself either. The guilt of wanting so badly to do good, to help, and to soothe... of trying so hard at it and still failing... I know it well. I wish I knew how to ease it, or how to avoid it entirely, and could impart that wisdom to you, but... alas, I do not. All I can say is... we must not let such failures stop us from continuing to try to bring goodness into this world, from trying to thwart evil and spread peace and tolerance. We must continue on, despite our failings, and try to learn from them,” he said, trying his best to offer her something to take away from all this.
But Basch did think of something a moment later to offer her that might help her feel a little better. “Those insects you tried to save... perhaps you did save them. For all you know, had you left them where they were, a predator might have come along a short moment later and ended their life. Yet because you intervened, they gained a short time more to live. They were privileged to feel protected and valued by you, and they witnessed the stars as others of their kind never could have. Perhaps you did save them from one untimely end, if not ultimately from their overall fate.”
When Mantis said no child should be mistreated, Basch nodded. “I agree,” he said, but when she said she was sorry he had learned at a young age that life can be cruel, he shook his head. “I am not sorry for myself, I am sorry for my brother. If I could have protected him from it, I would have. If only I had known what he was going through at the time.” He smiled sadly at her hope that he and Noah could speak calmly someday, keeping to himself that his brother was more than likely lost to the past. “Thank you,” he simply said.
“Are you sure there is nothing I can do to assist you right now? You have spent a good amount of your time speaking with me, and while it has been enlightening, I am afraid that I have interrupted your important search for Lord Bacon...”
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Court chapters 60-63
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 60
And just that easily, we are face-to-face with two very large, very armed members of Cyrus’s exclusive Vampire Guard.
Chapter 60 summary: They go to London, where Hudson leads them into a gross-looking, old house. However, the house is simply Hudson’s entrance, which is seemingly kept so nasty looking so that people won’t enter. His real residence is behind a hidden bookcase.
When Grace sees this room, she starts to have a panic attack. Because she’s been in this room… she vaguely remembers it. Hudson confirms that this is where the two of them spent those 3 (4?) months together. However, this only makes Grace feel worse, because she still remembers next to nothing about her time alone with him. 
Hudson then opens up a door with biometric locks on it, and leads them down a tunnel. Things are going way too smoothly, and the others comment about it. Hudson confesses that Cyrus doesn’t know about this tunnel because Hudson himself carved it out from the rock over the course of 100 years. 
They get to the end of the tunnel, where there’s another door with a lot of biometrics on it. However, on the other side are, naturally, vampire guards. 
Chapter 61
“And what about the others? Have you seen them yet?” 
Vincenzo darts a glance at Darius before telling Hudson, “I’m sorry, Your Highness. They put up a fight but were captured before we could get to them.” 
I gasp, knowing immediately they’re referring to Flint, Macy, and Mekhi.
To the surprise of literally nobody, running in without a plan or back-up got them captured. 
He breaks off as a knife flies straight into the center of his chest. He has one second to issue a surprised, “Oh,” before death claims him, and he falls face forward onto the ground.
Chapter 61 summary: Mercifully, the guards are friends of Hudson. They tell the others that the children are mostly being kept in the dungeon. Only once their magic has been drained, Cyrus chucks them into something called the “well”, because it’s out of the way, and people can’t hear them scream. Also, Delilah isn’t there, “the screaming gives her indigestion”. (I shit you not; I wish this was a joke.) Also, to the surprise of nobody, Macy, Flint, and Mekhi got captured. 
Grace then realises that they’re in a kind of crypt. The brothers tell her that members of the royal family can develop powers. But in order to do so, when they’re children, they’re given this special elixir mixed with a sleeping powder, and basically locked in a coffin for 100 years. They’re woken up every year to see how their powers are progressing. But Hudson says that he was awoken every MONTH. It doesn’t take Grace long to figure out that he quickly became immune to the sleeping powder, so he was forced to be awake for 100 years of his 120 year imprisonment. No wonder he’s so fucked in the head. 
Right then, somebody comes by and murders the two guards. You know, because like an idiot, Grace insisted on standing there and refusing to move until the brothers answered her questions. 
Chapter 62
“The third is the most obvious and the first thing our shite father taught me. Blood is only thicker than water when it’s running down the drain.”
Chapter 62 summary: Anyway, so the brothers have an older sister. And she’s there to murder them (I guess?)
Chapter 63
“What good would it do to tell you she was in here?” he asks. “It would only hurt you.” 
“Because thinking my mother chose to abandon me didn’t hurt?” she shoots back. “Thinking that she was out there somewhere just living her life and not wanting me didn’t hurt? What kind of father would do something like that?”
Right. And she thinks that knowing her mom was kidnapped by a psychotic vampire would somehow be the better option here? MACY WAS FUCKING EIGHT WHEN HER MOM WAS TAKEN. I hope I don’t have to spell out for anybody that “hey, your mom was kidnapped!” would mess even an adult up. 
She buries her head on his shoulder but wipes her hands over her face before whispering to her father, “Tell me everything.”
Chapter 63 summary: The news of a sister seems to take both Hudson and Jaxon by surprise, too. This unnamed sister calls the guards. But as the small band of heroes goes to fight, they quickly realise that there’s magic-dampening spells all around them. However, Grace admits that even if they did have their powers, they are so quickly overwhelmed by the number of guards, that their powers wouldn’t matter.
They’re thrown into a cell with the others, where the book spends a moment to name-drop every minor background character who’s been named. Amka the librarian is there, so she’s not evil, I guess. 
Anyway, Macy is there, and the cousins spend a moment apologising to each other for their terrible behaviour. One of the kids tells Macy that her dad is in the back, so the two of them rush to his side. Hudson says he needs to talk to Jaxon about their sister, so it’s only a family reunion at this point. Macy’s mom, Rowena, is also down there, but she’s been there for the past decade, and she’s in really bad shape. Both physically as well as psychologically. 
Finn tells Macy that he knew this entire time that her mother was being kept prisoner by Cyrus. That he’d done everything he could to free her. But obviously, it wasn’t enough. Macy is upset that Finn had let her believe that Rowena had walked away from them, and that she was living her life, childfree and happy. Because yes: telling an 8 your old that a psycho vampire kidnapped mommy sounds like such a wonderful idea. 
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harryspet · 4 years
his to claim | bucky barnes
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[Warnings] dark!alpha!bucky barnes x omega!reader, a/b/o dynamics, werewolf au, fury!reader, monica is a fury too, sam wilson x monica, virgin!innocent!reader, hint of ddlg dynamic, noncon sex, noncon marking, soulmates au, oral sex (female recieving), kidnapping
A/N: enjoy this long (long for me at least) one-shot! 
In which you befriend a lonely Alpha.
taglist: @cherienymphe @lovelynerdytraveler @buckysbunny @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything​ @saharzek @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @mischiefmanaged011​ @visintaes​  @watercoolerpaint​ @disaster-rose​ @slutforsebstan
main masterlist
word count: 5.8k 
Sam knew Bucky was in one of his moods. One of his moods where he’d disappear for five days, not give a clue to where he was going, and return covered in blood. Although Bucky’s closest friend and Beta to his pack, Sam, was getting married this week, Bucky was stuck in his ways. Bucky knew that a wedding meant that another pack would be invading his land, filling the pack house with strangers, and two packs meant there would be two Alphas. Although he respected Alpha Fury, Bucky wasn’t the type to get along nicely with others, especially other Alphas. 
It was one in the morning when the white wolf passed through the tree line, the packhouse coming into view. The three-story cabin fit many of the high-ranking families and was the center of most pack activities. Meetings, gatherings, and celebrations for the Winter’s Shield pack were all held here. 
Bucky shifted, each one of his bones cracking roughly back into place as if they’d forgotten they were half-human. As he expected, there was a pair of shorts waiting for him on the porch. Nat always hated when he’d show up naked in the middle of the night. This is my house, he’d say. Save it for your mate, she’d say back. Bucky would always scoff at that. Not many Alphas make it to their thirties without a mate and Bucky was quite willing to keep his single streak going. 
The house was heated, comforting him after losing the warmth of his coat. Still, he was covered in elk blood and could use a shower along with a twelve-hour nap. He walked towards the winding stairs, only to hear rumbling in the kitchen, and deciding to investigate. He was the only night owl around here, or at least that’s what he thought. 
He could already smell that there were foreigners around and prayed this week would go by fast. Flicking on the kitchen light, he found you sitting on the island counter. You looked up from your carton of chocolate ice cream with wide eyes. He expected you to freak out at the sight of him but it seemed you were more embarrassed on your behalf rather than frightened. 
“Sorry … I was just gonna have one bowl and then that turned into two. And then  …” You emphasized the spoon that was sitting in the mostly eaten carton. Omega, his wolf said. There was a strange omega sitting on his kitchen counter in oversized pajamas and hair rollers. His eyes fell to something sitting behind her which she instantly pushed further behind her back in panic, “There’s a little left if you want some.”
“Who are you?” Bucky asked, a little more harshly than he intended. 
“Y/N,” You answered, a bit flustered, “I’m Monica’s sister … also her maid of honor. I know there isn’t usually a maid of honor in our wedding ceremonies but there’s always a maid of honor in the movies. I’m gonna throw her such a cool bachelorette party, Natasha said we could have it in the living room-”
Bucky felt suffocated by your excitement. Feeling overwhelmed by the bright lights and whatever his wolf was feeling for you, he said, “Stop,” He raised a hand, confused by your comfortableness with the situation. You talked to him, an Alpha, so casually and you didn’t seem at all frightened by his bloody appearance,  “Do you know who I am?”’
“Alpha Barnes,” You hopped down from the counter, making sure to keep whatever you were hiding behind your back, “Sam said you’d be back at some point. They made a bet on whether or not you’d get back before or after my dad left. Everyone said you’d skip the wedding.” 
Alpha Fury’s second daughter. An Omega. An annoying, little, ice-cream stealing Omega. 
“Well here I am,” Bucky stepped closer to you and was surprised when you didn’t even blink at that. An omega raised by an Alpha, you were something Bucky had never encountered, “Why are you raiding my kitchen so late at night, Omega.”
There was a flash of sadness in your eyes, “I had a nightmare … ice cream always makes me feel better. You ever get nightmares, Alpha Barnes?” Bucky’s brows furrowed. 
“No,” Bucky spoke coldy, confused about what was pulling him closer to you. 
“Nuh-uh, no way,” Bucky thought you were challenging him but there was an innocent smile on your face, “My Dad said you’ve fought in lots of battles, challenged a lot of other Alphas, you must see a lot of terrible stuff. You never even get a little bit scared?”
Bucky ignored your pressing question, the look on his face frustrated, “What’s behind your back?”
“Uhm … what’s behind yours?” You tried distracting him but Bucky knew there was nothing behind him. 
“Show me,” He commanded, knowing that Omega inside of you wouldn’t want to disobey him. 
You huffed. 
Stupid alphas, Bucky heard your voice but your lips didn’t move. 
You pulled an old, stuffed bear from behind your back, “It’s Mr. Cuddlebear …. he also helps with the nightmares,” In his eyes, you were definitely too old to have a stuffed animal but his wolf found it endearing. He hated that, “You never got scared even when you were a little? No monsters under the bed? Boogeyman in the closet?”
“It’s late,” Bucky changed the subject, “I’m sure we have a long week ahead of us. I’d take … that-”
“Mr. Cuddlebear,” You interrupted, reminding him of your teddy bear’s name. 
“Go to bed, little wolf.”
Stupid Alpha voice. 
You rolled your eyes as your feet began to move before your brain began to register, “Goodnight, Alpha Barnes,” You left the kitchen, carrying the teddy bear with you, “Sleep tight, don’t let the vampires bite.” He heard your little giggle as you climbed up the stairs. 
Bucky placed his hands on the counter, staring at the ice cream. Did he ever have nightmares? No one had ever asked him that before. 
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Bucky cleaned up nice, you thought as you looked at him across the room. No one expected him to even come, let alone put on a nice suit jacket. The rehearsal dinner was loud with both Winter’s Shield and the Daystar pack mingling together for the first time. Sam seemed to be having the time of his life, your father was being much lighter than usual, and Monica was …. well, Monica. 
You were talking with a bunch of people, giving out the sugar cookies you’d made when you made eye contact with him. He drank from his glass of wine and you noticed he was standing with Sam and Monica. She was in the prettiest yellow dress and you could tell Sam was happy to find a mate so beautiful. 
You’d looked away, focusing on meeting everyone when Monica started to walk towards you. 
“Stay away from him, please,” She stepped in front of you.
“Stay away from who?”
“Alpha Barnes,” She spoke lowly. 
“He’ll be your Alpha soon, you know.”
“You don’t think I know that?”
“I already met him, Monica,” You smiled, “He was nice to me in like a weird, cold way.”
She shook her head, your words seeming to worry her more, “That’s what I’m worried about,” She grabbed your hand, leading you away to one of the tables in the corner. You had a plate of sugar cookies in your hands, some you’d made especially for the party to give out, “You have a tendency to make people like you but you don’t want him to like you, trust me. All that stuff Daddy taught us still stands, it doesn’t matter that we know him now. So just sit here, and do nothing, please.”
“But what about my cookies? I have to give them out!” You whined as she fenced you in, forcing you to sit down.
“I’ll do it,” She smiled, taking the plate from your hands, “You’ve socialized enough I think so just … relax.”
“But-” She was already walking away. You loved your sister, she was your best friend, but she was still a Beta. She had no idea what it was like to be you, surrounded by jerks who thought they were better than you. Maybe that’s why you liked talking with people so much, to prove that maybe you were more fragile than them but you weren’t invisible. Right now, you felt invisible. 
You could only watch everyone have fun without you for so long and you got out of the seat about ten minutes later. You left the large white tent, where it was much cooler, and you didn’t mind being alone as much. 
You told yourself to cheer up, trying not to frown. A week from now, you’ll be home, you’ll be on house arrest again but without Monica. You were going to savor this small vacation no matter the obstacles. 
Bucky found you outside sitting in the grass as you stared up at the moon. He got that feeling again, his wolf wanting to be closer to yours, and wished he felt differently. You looked back at him as you felt him approaching, and you heard Monica’s voice in your head telling you to stay away. 
“Did you try my cookies?” Your lips pulled into a smile that, like everything about you, confused him. 
“I didn’t … I watched Sam eat six of them though,” The tall Alpha responded, sticking his hands into his pants pocket. 
“Watching your perfect, Alpha-physique?”
Bucky actually felt the need to smile though he kept himself controlled, “Something of that nature, yes.”
“Awe, a few cookies won’t hurt,” You stood up from the ground, dusting off your dress. Bucky noticed your mary jane’s and the little butterfly clips in your curls, “Let me guess, you only prey on innocent animals.”
The Alpha smirked, “I’ll make sure to try your cookies next time, little wolf.”
“Sadly, there won’t be a next time,” You stepped past him and he followed after you, as you walked towards the tree line, “My father will probably find me a mate that lives across the country so he doesn’t have to deal with me.”
“Ah, that’s right,” Both Monica and Fury wanted to make it clear to him that you were practically claimed. You didn’t know yet but Peter Parker of the Stark pack was waiting for you. Fury was planning a quick, summer wedding, “I can’t imagine the poor fool who will have to deal with your kitchen raids and Mr. Cuddlebear.”
You grinned, “You remembered his name?” Bucky remembered and he’d been watching you ever since that late night, “I thought you might laugh at me, Monica does.”
Bucky was quiet for a long moment and, as you looked at him, it seemed that his mind was racing with thoughts, “I’ve had nightmares before,” He stated and you waited for him to elaborate. 
“What happened in them?” You prodded softly. 
Another long pause, “When was the last time you shifted?”
You figured that’s all you were going to get out of him. You thought for a moment, “I can’t even remember. Not since the winter solstice at least.”
“Let’s go on a run,” Bucky said, not waiting for you to agree. He picked up his pace, walking past the tree line and expecting you to follow. You hurried after him, your heart suddenly beginning to pound in your chest. 
“Alpha Bucky, Monica will kill me. Literally. She threw a hairdryer at me once,” You said, sounding panicked, though you got deeper and deeper into the woods, “And what about my dress?”
He turned around suddenly and you almost ran into his broad chest, “Take it off,” He ordered. Your hand instinctively reached up to the strap and you panicked, “Go behind a tree, I mean.”
“But Monica-”
“You’re an adult, right?”
You shrugged, “I try to be-”
“Then you can decide. Besides that, I’ll be Monica’s Alpha soon enough.”
You imagined her throwing a fit but you still conceded, walking to find a tree to hide behind, “It might take me a second, I think I’m a shy shifter.”
“Take your time, little wolf,” His words were more comforting than you expected. 
You stripped from your clothes behind the tree, trying not to imagine what Monica would think of you. An unmated female getting naked in the forest with an unmated male in the middle of the forest? There were all types of moral codes you had to be breaking. 
Standing in the cold, you shut your eyes tightly. Monica taught you the counting method when you were younger. You tried to tune out the rest of your thoughts, focusing on the nature around you, as you counted down from ten over and over again. It was instinct after that, the Moon Goddess taking over and unleashing your inner wolf. You didn’t feel the pain as your bones molded into their new positions and you became the second version of yourself. 
When you stepped from behind the tree, the white wolf was towering over your small, grey figure. 
His head tilted down towards you and you could already tell his wolf wanted to be more friendly with you than his human self. He smelled you, biting at your neck but you were even more playful in wolf form. You walked between his legs, confusing him, until you ran in the opposite direction. He chased after you and you didn’t expect to outrun him but you planned to give him a run for his money. 
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He couldn’t sleep with you so close by. He tried going on another run to clear his head but his mind was full with you. He’d lived a long life yet this feeling in his soul was brand new. Never had Bucky desired anyone to be anything but a casual fling. His wolf wanted more than to just conquer you which was territory Bucky found hard to navigate. What would it say for his legacy if he took an Omega as his mate? How empty would he feel if he let you go tomorrow? What relationships would he throw away in order to claim you as his?
Covered in sweat, he pulled the sheets from his body, sitting up in his bed. 
Nightmare, his wolf echoed in his mind. Bucky rubbed his temples. That wasn’t a nightmare to him, he was just an overthinking mess. He was going to ignore that feeling until he sensed something was truly wrong. 
She dreams of pain and suffering.  
Go to her. 
Bucky stood up from his bed, filing out of his room, and down the long hallways of the packhouse. He pressed his ear to your door, his hand lightly touching the doorknob. He heard soft whimpers from the inside and, for a moment, he resisted you. He would turn around and try to go back to sleep. Instead, his wolf took control. 
Bucky opened the door, your whimpering continuing and you stirred although it wasn’t because of him. He closed the door gently, moving towards your bed, crossing a boundary that he was sure would be frowned upon. Your cheeks were stained with tears and you seemed to be grabbing Mr. Cuddlebear for dear life. 
He sat carefully at the edge of the bed, reaching out to touch you, “Y/N,” He whispered, trying to suppress the anger that he felt over the pain you were in. 
“No, no,” You whispered over and over again. 
“Little wolf,” He whispered again, his hand on your arm. The Alpha’s touch startled you out of your sleep and your eyes were wide with fear as you came back to consciousness. You weren’t sure why he was in your room or why your nightmares were getting so bad, “It’s just a bad dream-”
You sat up from your position and wrapped your arms around the Alpha. He seemed to freeze at your touch but you hugged him tighter for comfort. He wrapped his arms around you, his hand tentatively rubbing at your back and you heavily breathed against his chest. 
“I’m sorry, I just … you were crying.”
“I-I woke you up?”
“No,” Bucky lied, “I was just walking by and I heard you.”
“Alpha Bucky?”
“Everything’s going to change tomorrow. My wolf, she senses something bad coming, and she’s scared.”
Bucky stiffened again, his wolf beginning to worry.  “Something bad? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know but the dreams are getting worse.”
“What do you see in your dreams?”
“I’m … I’m walking in his field, there’s so much sunshine and flowers a-and I’m walking towards the sun. I’m walking and walking and I’m happy and then I just start to sink into the ground. And I’m drowning and it feels like someone is holding me, pulling down further and further. I can’t breathe and there’s just this darkness a-and I-I-”
“Hey, hey,” He shushed you, sensing you were about to hyperventilate,  “It’s okay. Nothing is going to take you away. No one, do you understand?”
He felt you nodding and he grabbed you tighter, deciding he was going to hold you for as long as you needed him to. 
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“I didn’t tell you because of this reason-”
The pen in Bucky’s hand snapped in half and his fists balled up tightly, “Sam, today is your wedding, I understand that but this is my territory. I decide who comes in and out of it. That’s final.”
“They’re already here-”
“Then send them away. Fury is trying to push me and this is the final straw.”
“He’s already married the first daughter off, he’s just trying to do the same with Y/N. And he knows that this is a chance for three alphas to sit down and discuss what we’re going to do about the rogue situation.”
Feeling that he was drawing blood from clenching his fist so hard, he moved them under his desk.  “I can handle problems that concern my own pack. Tony is even more arrogant than Fury, we’ll never agree.”
“You have to at least try, Alpha,” Sam sighed, “You haven’t found one woman you’d consider having little Buckys with. Maybe Stark will bring someone that will pique your interest?”
Bucky ignored him, “When Stark arrives-” Sam let out a triumphant cheer, “-Bring him and Fury to my office. I won’t need you here, I’m sure you’ll have much to prepare for this evening.”
“You won't regret this.”
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Bucky followed Peter’s line of sight. There you were, standing in a beautiful periwinkle dress, waiting for your sister to walk down the aisle and join an anxious Sam. The birds were singing, a violin was being played, and everyone was collectively ready to celebrate the joyous moment. Everyone except Bucky.
Of course, Peter wanted to look at you, a beautiful creature, an unmated female, he'd be lucky to call you his mate. He was young like you, he'd be able to get all your references, keep up with your energetic ramblings, you'd get to go far away from your father and you'd be so happy. You'd forget all about Monica. You’d forget all about the week you spend in Winter’s Shield. 
The wedding went off without a hitch and Bucky watched you have the time of your life. Peter targeted you, of course, that was the entire reason was her, to woo you and it was working. You were dancing together, laughing when Peter made a silly misstep.
Bucky shooed away every Stark girl who tried to approach him, even denying a Beta, until he was standing alone in the corner. 
The festivities calmed down late into the night, you had to say goodbye to Peter, Monica was whisked away to a “private cabin” and everyone else returned to their rooms. Your father reminded you to pack your things as you’d be leaving early in the morning. 
Looking at Mr. Cuddlebear sitting on your bed, you were reminded of the events of last night. You didn’t expect so much kindness from the cold Alpha but, as Monica warned you, he seemed to like you. You still thought she was being dramatic with her warning and that she would grow to like her new Alpha. 
You never did really get to thank him and he also never tried your cookies. You had an amazing idea and late-night baking always led to amazing things. 
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Bucky was pacing the length of his room when there was a knock at his door. His wolf knew instantly that it was with you like the Moon Goddess had answered his prayers. He was fighting every natural urge in his body and he planned to hide away until everyone was gone tomorrow. Now, he had no idea what he was going to do. 
When Bucky opened the door, you were standing with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk, and a kind smile on your face, “A thank you for last night,” You offered, “I figured you’d like a plain chocolate chip cookie. I’m not sure though-”
“Come in,” Bucky said quickly, closing the door behind you. You noted that he was still wearing his dress pants though he was only wearing a sleeveless undershirt at his top. Though you’d seen him shirtless before, this time felt more intimate. 
“Try one,” You insisted, “Please.”
Bucky was hesitant, his diet not usually including such human pleasures, but he was quite surprised with the first bite. You seemed nervous, expecting a good reaction which Bucky found adorable, “They’re good,” Bucky nodded, “I mean, they’re great. Here, come sit down.”
As you took a seat on the edge of the giant bed, Bucky grabbed the glass and plate from your hands, moving to set it on the nightstand, “Your room is … big.”
You grew a bit nervous as the bed dipped beside you and Bucky took a seat. You always felt his strong energy, even last night, but now it was a bit overpowering. You blamed it on the approaching full moon and tried to ignore it, “You don’t like it?”
“No, no, I like it. It’s … simple,” Bucky tried his best to register your mood. Were you nervous? That was the last feeling he expected to feel from you. You were always rambling or talking about something you were annoyingly passionate about. 
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asked, his head turned to you. 
You didn’t answer him, “What do you know about the Stark pack?”
Bucky’s hands folded together and his jaw clenched as reality set in, “I sense you know of your father’s plans.”
“I had a suspicion,” You sighed.
“And … you’re unhappy with his decision?” 
You were quiet for a moment, “What if it isn’t a good idea?”
“I’m sure … I’m sure your father wouldn’t lead you astray. The man infuriates me but he’s usually quite wise …”
“You’re right …” You said, staring back at the Alpha who seemed to be experiencing a whirlwind of emotions behind his eyes, “My nightmares, they just make me nervous for the future-”
“You could stay,” Bucky stated quickly, sure of himself. His hand touched your thigh and your eyes began to widen, “With me, I mean. And, of course, Monica would be here too.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “You don’t mean … I’m an Omega, Alpha Bucky.”
A thin smile pulled at his lips, “I’ve noticed that, yes. Believe me, my offer does not come from a place of ignorance. I’ve been thinking about this, I promise, and it could be good for both of us. You could stay near your sister and I could …”
It took everything in you to push away from that bed, “My Dad would be livid. Beyond livid, actually. And Peter. The treaty. It would throw everything off balance, Alpha Bucky.” He stood, his shadow draping over you as you took a hesitant step back. 
“Who needs balance if there is a connection here. My wolf feels yours, they’re drawn to each other, I know you can sense that.”
“Listen, little wolf, please,” He insisted, stepping closer, “I’ve never been sure before, not in my entire life. This, I am sure about.”
You shook your head, “Well, I am not,” Bucky’s eyes seemed to darken, “I like you and there’s a connection, yes, but as my father’s daughter, I have responsibilities. I respect him too much to go behind his back. You have to understand that.” 
“You came here tonight. That night in the forest. You didn’t know it but you called me to your room last night. What am I supposed to make of your advances-”
“Advances? I thought you were a friend-”
“Stop,” He commanded, leaving your body frigid from the power of his voice, “Don’t move.”
He took your face into his hands and you whimpered, “Bucky, I gave you the wrong impression.”
“No, you may not know it yet but this is what your wolf wants. We’re animals, underneath it all, and there’s only so much we can control our own desires,” You pushed against his chest when he smashed his lips on yours. You bit down on your bottom lip, wishing your feet would push you further away from him. When he pulled away, he was grinning, blood on his lips, “Biting, huh? I’m happy to play along with your game.”
You opened your mouth but he was too quick, “Don’t scream, little wolf. The screaming is the next part.”
His hands move to your waist, pulling you into his muscular body. He kissed you again, kissing the sides of your mouth and chin.  Your hands pulled into small fists as he held you, his touch sending foreign feelings through your body. You felt an overwhelming warmth, more than his body heat, but the warmth of the bond his own wolf felt for yours. His mouth met with your neck and that's when your lips parted and moans escaped your lips. 
“Please,” Was all you could manage. “Please stop.”
Your mouth was saying one thing but it was clear to him that you enjoyed his touch, “Don’t think of me like the bad guy, Omega. When I’m your Alpha, I won’t be like Fury. I’ll let you be who you are, you won’t be just an object to pawn off for power. You’ll be my Omega but you’ll stand beside me, not behind. You’ll be happy with me. I can take the nightmares aways, remember?”
“No, no,” You resisted, knowing deep down that he was that darkness in your dream. You were right to be scared but you hadn’t suspected that you should be scared of me, “M-My father will challenge you a-and you’ll lose any respect you once had.”
He grabbed you roughly by your chin, his forehead pressed against yours as he held your body, “I’ve never cared much for puritanical pack society … why should I care now, Omega?”
You sniffled, “Because you care about me?”
“You’re young, little wolf. I don’t expect you to fully understand but it's because I care that I have to do this. It will only hurt for a little while, okay?” He wasn’t asking for permission and as he pulled his face from yours, his eyes went black, and you were already screaming as his sharp canines protruded from his mouth. 
He pulled your head to the side, sinking his teeth into your shoulder. As you collapsed, he kept you in his arms, and you both went down to your knees. It was an indescribable pain, paralyzing, until it wasn’t. Your vision blurred as it felt like the strongest drug rushed through your body. It was not the way you imagined you’d be marked, you surely weren’t in love, and the man who’d claimed you was unhinged. 
As you slipped into the darkness, you heard someone screaming your name. You felt a little hope that you’d be saved but you couldn’t hold on longer. 
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You grabbed your shoulder instantly as your eyes shot open, roughly pulling yourself from slumber. You winced, your hand running over the bandaged skin, as you realized the magnitude of the situation. Taking a moment to look around your surroundings, you found that you were somewhere that you didn’t recognize. 
It was a small, one-room cabin, the living room, kitchen and the bed you were on were all in the same room. A tear slipped down your face as you threw your legs over the side of the bed. Your legs were bare, your bridesmaid dress gone, and a large t-shirt was the only thing that you were wearing. He’d undressed you all the way and had no problem with it, probably due to the fact that he’d bonded you together for life. 
He’d even made sure to bring Mr. Cuddlebear along though you weren’t sure anything could calm you now. 
As you were about to push yourself off the bed, the cabin door opened, and a shirtless, freshly-shifted Bucky appeared. He took one look at you and his jaw clenched. 
“W-Where are we?”
“Couple miles off of my territory,” He stated, shutting the door and walking to the kitchen. As he turned his back, you got up from the bed, moving cautiously towards the fireplace which was closer to the door, “So no one can bother us.”
“My Father, where is he? How did you … without him knowing …” 
He reached into the cabinet, grabbing a glass to fill with tap water. You were eyeing the door, wondering if he was just pretending to be distracted by his task, “Oh, he knew,” Bucky chuckled, “He was livid, like you said, but he couldn’t do anything. He can’t touch you anymore now that you’re bitten. No one can.”
Your face fell, “But-” Bucky turned around and it hit you. The bite reshaped your chemistry and now any Alpha wouldn’t be able to get near you until you were fully mated. Alpha Fury wasn’t coming for you. 
But Monica-
“Monica isn’t coming either, little wolf. Remember, I’m her Alpha now too,” Bucky moved forward, the glass in hand, “You should drink, you lost a good amount of blood.”
You stepped to the side, moving away as he approached, “You knew you’d only hurt me, even when I thought you were my friend.”
His lips pressed into a thin line as he moved closer, “I know that’s how you feel now-” You climbed onto the couch and over it as he moved closer, “Y/N, come here. Now.” You eyed the door, now closer to it than he was. 
“You’re a monster.”
“Little mate, if you continue to not listen to me, I’m going to come over there, throw you over my shoulder, and tie you down to that bed for the next few days because that's just the type of mood I’m in right now.”
“I’ll never. Be. Your mate-”
 The sound of breaking glass made you jump and you watched the cup crumble in his grasp. Almost falling, you made a sprint for the door. As soon as you’d gotten it open, a hand was above you, slamming it closed. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you back towards the bed. 
He pushed you down onto it, making sure not to put any pressure on your bite, before climbing on top of you. He pinned down your kicking legs, saying, “You’ll hurt yourself, little mate,” He tried to console you, shushing you as you began to whimper, “Please don’t fight it anymore…” But you panicked even more as he lifted your shirt. 
He gripped your thighs tightly, pulling your exposed sex to his mouth. One hand you could barely move because of the bite, the other gripped the comforter tightly, as he kissed between your thighs. Of course you’d never been touched so Bucky would be as gentle as he could manage. He also knew that your new bite would heighten every feeling he gave you and it wasn’t long before you’d be a mewling mess. 
You thought that maybe you’d gone into heat, that’s why his touch felt so good, but you were very wrong. You could only imagine what it would feel like when your body craved to be pregnant. He cooled your fire, and within thirty seconds you were already having your first orgasm. He kept his mouth on you as you rode out the pleasure, not letting you take any breaks as he began to kiss up your body, moving the shirt further and further up your body. 
He kissed over your mark which sent waves of pleasure through you, making him growl, “You’re mine, little mate,” Then he kissed your lips as you moaned against them. As he positioned himself between your legs, you knew what was coming. 
“Bucky, please. I-I’m scared.”
“It’ll hurt just for a little while,” He assured you, reaching above you to grab Mr. Cuddlebear, “Hold on to your bear, little wolf.”
You held the stuffed bear tightly against your chest as he positioned himself at your entrance. You could feel how big he was even as you tried to avoid eye contact with him. Looking away didn’t last long as he grabbed your chin, making sure he could see your face as he slid each inch inside of you. He stretched you open, taking the air from your lungs, as you tried to adjust to the feeling. 
“That’s it, I’ve got you,” He grunted, leaning down to kiss your chin. He’d slowly pull in and out of you, letting you get used to him. He kissed over your mark again, easing the pain, and turning your whimpers into moans, “Good girl, my good girl.”
“Please,” You started to wish for him to push you over the edge, to give you another orgasm, not for him to let you go. He kissed you, using his hand to rub your sensitive bulb as he pushed in and out of you, “Please, please - ah!”
Your back arched and your senses were delighted as an orgasm ripped through you. He didn’t slow, speeding up his pace, as he went back to kissing over your bite. He reached below you, pulling you further down onto his member. He was animalistic, every natural instinct in his body telling him to pleasure you until you couldn’t walk anymore and to round your belly. 
You came again, this time at the same time as him, your bodies melting together as he released within you. As he laid against you, catching his breath, you could see the setting sun shining through the window. He wasn’t anything like you feared and maybe that's why you trusted him so easily.
“You’ll be happy with me one day, I promise,” He kissed your wet cheeks. 
Part of you hoped you could trust him again because, after all, that mark was forever.
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ruins-posts · 3 years
How would yanderes Sebastian, Ciel, Alois and Claude react to the reader asking for a break up (if they're dating) or divorce (if they're married) since reader gets uncomfortable with them now and finally notices their really possessive and unhealthy behavior? I have a feeling this most certainly won't go well.....
Sebastian Michaelis
Sebastian was a gentleman- the best lover you could ever ask for, but now things were simply getting out of hand. He grew excessively protective and possessive of you over time, breaching your privacy and refusing to leave you alone. It had escalated to the point where you could not even meet your friends without him interfering anymore.
This simply had to stop. You needed your privacy and personal space, you had kept silent for too long. Even if this required you to separate from him, you would do so.
The door of the butler's room opened, and he walked in to find you seated upon his bed, fiddling with your fingers in a nervous manner. At once he understood something was wrong.
"Is something the matter, my love?"
The voice startled you and caused you to jump up and stand. "Yes." you blurted out.
"What is it?" the butler asked, swiftly removing his tailcoat and hanging it over a chair. He walked over to you quietly, interlocking his hands with yours.
"Sebastian," you speak, gulping nervously. "I think we should stop seeing each other."
You could feel him stiffen, though he remained expressionless for few seconds.
"Darling," he cooed, "May I know what I've done to upset you?"
His grip on your hands tightened, almost to the point of hurting. You were about to protest, but were cut off with his glare.
"I-It's just that... you're behaving too possessively of me, Sebastian. I cannot stand it anymore. I want to leave." you try to wiggle your hands off his grip, but no avail.
"Leave?" he chuckles. You begin panicking by now, trying harder to get your hands away. Instead, he pulled you closer to him, holding your hands to his chest.
"I'm afraid that is never going to happen, my dear (Y/n)." he chuckles again, fuchsia eyes starring deep into your poor soul.
Ciel Phantomhive
It was upsetting what Ciel had turned into. He was initially protective of you, not being able to bear the thought of losing a loved one again. It used to be sweet, but now, this protective nature of his had turned into unhealthy possessiveness.
"You're what?"
"I'm leaving for my father's estate."
"And when will you return?"
This question you had no answer to. You paused for a while before answering, "I don't know...."
Ciel huffed in annoyance. "And what do you mean by that?"
Another short pause, and you nervously answered. "I might not return."
"I've packed my things. The carriage arrives in thirty minutes." you informed him.
A feeling of shock washed over him, but he did his best to remain calm.
"Why?" he manages to ask.
You looked away from him to provide him with an explanation. "You're too possessive of me, Ciel. It has become extremely discomforting of me to live with you. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do this anymore."
No response came from him, instead you felt him rise from his seat and head for the door. You assumed that he only wanted to leave, and so did not bother to raise you eyes to know what he was up to. Your assumptions were proved wrong the moment you heard the click of the door.
He had locked the room.
"What are you doing?" you panicked, standing up from your chair in fear.
A short laughed emerged from Ciel as he walked closer to you.
"Oh my dear (Y/n), you are not going anywhere."
Claude Faustus
"Enough!" you whipped the demon's hand away from you. "You have absolutely no right to snatch away my freedom like this!"
Claude's face remained expressionless to your outburst, only fueling your wrath further. Tears pricked your eyes as you screamed at him, sick of all of this unhealthy possessiveness he carried for you.
"I am leaving. Now."
That, the spider demon could not allow.
His hand grabbed yours roughly, slamming you harshly to the nearest wall. You winced from the pain but were too shocked to comprehend whatever had happened.
"W-What are you--"
"I do not have the right to steal your freedom away huh?" he towered over you, his beautiful golden irises flickering with vexation.
"Such bold words."
His fingers wipe away a drop of tear that flows down your cheeks, and then reaches to trace you lower quivering lip.
"You belong to me and me alone. Any of your hopes for freedom should be long gone." he spoke, wiping another tear off your cheek. "Is that understood?"
You nod weakly with fear, enough for Claude to be satisfied. He lets go off the tight grip he had on your wrists, not once minding the bruise that had formed on it.
Alas, the spider had caught you in a trap you could never escape.
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stealforreal · 3 years
Todoroki Shoto - Future kids II
After deciding that you and Todoroki would be their guardians as long as the quirk kept them here, you begin enjoying some family time. But then the work studies begin again and by some unfortunate luck both you and Shoto is interning at Endeavors agency. Let's just say Shoto is not happy.
This is a continuation of my futurekids series for Todoroki, if you haven't already read part one I would recommend it-. It can be read as a stand alone, but you might get confused. Find it [here]
Shoto x f!reader
Aizawa was right, it had indeed been a long night. They had called in Recovery girl, who ended up determining that the quirk that sent the twins back in time would wear off.
Until then y/n was permitted to stay in the class 1-a dorms with Todoroki, since they were appointed the twins temporary caretakers. So now the three of them were heading back to the 1-a dorms, with two still very sleepy children. Midoriya was coming up with a few plans for when school started, with both you and Shoto being a hero course student things would be complicated. You looked at your green haired friend, incredibly thankful for his overthinking mind. There was also one more thing that could prove to be a problem, if the kids didn’t disappear beforehand, that is.
Next week you would start interning again, most of the students would be with the hero they had their work study with. See here lays the problem, no matter how much Shoto disliked his father he was a decent teacher when it came to his fire. Shoto was therefore doing his work studies with Endeavor, and since the pro you had your work studies with went on maternity leave last week. Endeavor, had therefore allowed you to intern with him, as long as your hero was on maternity leave. It wasn’t as if you could just leave the twins here, not to mention alone. The teachers were busy people, which was also one of the reasons that you and Shoto had been granted guardianship over your kids for the time being.
No matter, you would take it as it comes. Right now you have to get your children to bed. Your children, it was such a weird thing to say. I mean you are all just teenagers, nonetheless looking at the sleeping children in Todoroki’s arms you couldn’t help but love them. These precious children were yours and Shoto’s, and you already loved them with all your heart.
Walking into the common room of the class 1-a dorms, the five of you were greeted by the rest of class 1-a. Nobody said anything for a while, instead their classmates opted to look between you, Shoto and the twins. The curious glances, and the aura they gave off made you subconsciously step closer to the twins, and in the process standing half in front of Todoroki, lightly pushing up against him. The twins were beginning to stir in their sleep, not feeling the movement from before. Shoto didn’t notice though, he was having a hard time keeping his composure. You, the love of his life, the most beautiful girl in school and the mother of his children were lightly pushed up against him. Your chest touching his arm, sent a wave of heat to his cheeks. Blushing he turned his gaze towards his classmates, who still had no idea what was going on. First he left with two children who called him daddy, then he returned along with the school princess from class 1-b and now he is blushing. ‘Is the world ending’ Mina thought, her always stoic and blunt classmate, the unobtainable Todoroki Shoto was freaking blushing.
With Shoto turning his attention towards his glassmates, they finally snapped out of their stupor. Sending a line of quick fire questions his way, unfortunately effectively waking up the twins in the process. “Mommy what is happening” the adorable and childish sleeping voice of your son Ren rang out. Turning towards the noise, Ren sleepily looked at them rubbing his eyes with his tiny fist. eliciting a string of aww’s from the girls. Ren, ignoring that, stretched his arms out towards you, signaling that he would like to switch parents. Carefully you lifted Ren out of Todoroki’s arms, and craddled Ren to your chest. Stroking his hair to lull him back to sleep, you turned to Todoroki, hoping to gain his attention. Only to find him looking at your interaction with Ren, a soft smile splayed on his lips. The seer beauty and contentment you could spot in that smile made it contagious, and without your knowledge you copied him. The rest of the class was still your audience, and it was clear as day to them that the two of you were in love. Causing them to, once again wonder, what the hell is going on.
“We’ll explain later, Momo, can you make some pajamas for the twins ” You silently whispered, not wanting to wake up the twins again. Seemingly satisfied with your answer, class 1.a began talking amongst themselves again, quietly of course. As hero course students they knew how precious sleep was, and after the whole ordeal with the young boy crying they could imagine how tired the little fella was. Turning towards Shoto, who was lightly bouncing Reina in his arms to keep her asleep, you whispered again. “ I don’t know about sleeping arrangements, but I assume the twins will sleep with you?” He nodded “Follow me darling” The endearment slipped past his lips before he could fully comprehend what he had said, but once his brain caught up to his mouth he blushed hard. The color of his face was a serious rival to that of Kirishima’s hair, not that your face was any less red. Choosing to ignore the heat in your cheeks, you gave him a small nod and smile, motioning for him to lead the way with your head.
Momo followed behind the little family. Not a minute after they were out of earshot, the class began interrogating Midoriya since he was most likely caught up on the situation. Making some small talk with Momo was pleasant, and you speedily caught her up to date. “ So those adorable twins are yours and Shoto’s, and as long as they are here you’ll be staying at the 1-a dorms?” She softly asked, sounding suspiciously happy. Nodding as an answer. “ But if the twins stay with Shoto, where will you stay?” Momo asked, and she raised a fair point. Where were you going to stay?. “ I don’t know, I didn’t think that far ahead.” You answered her, keeping your voice low. “ I can make you a mattress along with some sleep wear, and you can borrow the room next to mine, if you’d like?” Momo proposed. It was a good offer, and you gratefully accepted it.
After setting the twins up in Shoto’s room, you were standing with Todoroki in the doorframe into his room. The Japanese style room now adorned a mattress, with two six year olds sleeping on it. “Well, good night Todoroki” You silently bid him good night, turning around to make your way to your room. “ Call me Shoto, I think we might be over formalities” He lightly said, turning back to look at the twins for a second, before turning back to look at you. You looked so appealing, the soft light cast by the moon hit your face perfectly. To Shoto, in that moment, you looked ethereal, and he couldn’t be happier that he ended up with you. “ Then call me y/n” , giving him a closed eye smile, turning back around again.
You walked a few steps, still feeling his eyes on you. Remembering his little slip up earlier, you plucked up the courage to be a little daring and perhaps teasing. Turning your head to look over your shoulder, you gave him a small smirk “ Good night, darling~” turning back, satisfied with yourself you left for your temporary living quarters. Leaving a very flustered Shoto with his thoughts’. Small flames decorated his arm as a response to his flustered state, patting them and putting them out he closed his dorm room door and went to sleep with a small smile on his face.
Waking up the next morning, you were met with three arms around your waist. None of which belonged to you, two were way too small and one was way too bulky to be yours. Your arms were wrapped around a twin each, as they slept on each side of your chest. It seems that at some point in the night Shoto had wrapped his arm around the three of you, and no matter how hard you tried you just didn’t find the situation weird or wrong. On the contrary, sleeping with the twins and Shoto felt so natural that it was borderline scary. Remembering how you ended up in this predicament, was a hard task to solve with your sleep induced brain.
Right, Ren woke up Reina because he had a nightmare. In turn Reina woke Shoto up, because she was having a hard time calming down Ren. Shoto had no idea how he was supposed to calm down the now crying twins. Turns out Reina is easily emotional, so when Ren cries, so does Reina. So Shoto’s genius plan was to wake you up, to help him deal with them. Somehow that ended up in you cuddling the kids to calm them down, and then roping you into staying here and sleeping with them. After a quick nod from Shoto, who was secretly happy he got to sleep and cuddle his little family, you all fell asleep pretty quickly.
Dragging her frame out of bed, she silently left the room. Taking the escalator down to the first floor, she was met with some of the early birds. And after Bakugou helped you wake fully up, by yelling at you demanding answers as to why you are here in their dorms at 6 in the morning. You began on breakfast, as it would take a bit longer now that you had to make 4 portions. Humming to herself she failed to notice the increasingly growing crowd, having no idea how loudly she was humming. Only when she was done, turning around with a plate in each hand did she notice the crowd. Slowly they began clapping and showering her in compliments for her voice.
Standing to the side was Shoto with his content little smile. He had woken up a bit when he felt a cold spot on his arm that previously was warm, slowly cracking his eyes open and he noticed your absence. Carefully tucking the twins in again he began his quest on finding you, his first stop was the common areas. He bore witness to your little unintentional concert, completely mesmerized by the way your hips swayed to the beat you were humming. Slowly, subconsciously, he came up to you and put his arms around your waist, nestling his face in the crook of your neck.
You were picking up the other two plates of breakfast, when you felt the arms circling your waist followed by a face nuzzling your neck. It was odd, you had only spent one night together, and you were already acting like a married couple. It should have freaked you out, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. In this very moment with Shoto cuddling you and hugging you from behind, while you had breakfast ready for the four of you, you’d never felt more loved and at home in your life. His hair was tickling your cheek as he nuzzled his face more into your neck. Patting his head slightly, you tried to get out of his grasp. But would he allow that, nooooo, instead he tightened his arms around you, lips ghosting your neck. “ Sho, I have to wake the twins up before breakfast gets cold'' Kissing your delicate cheek he slowly let go. Sitting the two other plates down, you make your way up to the twins.
Entering Shoto’s room, the sight that greeted you was so wholesome you just had to take a picture. The twins were hugging each other, their cheeks squished together. Easing your way over to them, bending down to kiss their cheeks and lightly shaking them awake. Reina sat up first, shortly followed by Ren, both rubbed their eyes with their tiny fists. They were simply adorable and you had to fight away the urge to squeal in delight. “Breakfast is ready, my cuties” You said softly. Both twins stretched their arms towards you, silently pleading to get picked up. Rolling your eyes you picked them up, balancing on your forearms letting them hug your neck for more balance. Reina pressed the buttons in the escalator, since your arms were noticeably full.
Sitting Ren next to you, and Reina next to Shoto, you began to eat your breakfast. Talking about what you were going to do today, as it is a Sunday and the only day completely free before work studies starts up again tomorrow. The twins wanted to go to the park, and so it was quickly decided what you were going to do today. After breakfast you dressed the twins in some clothes that Momo had made, so you didn’t have to worry about going shopping.
Together you made your way to the park, ignoring the stares from the onlookers. The twins held hands, with Ren holding your left hand and Reina holding Shoto’s right hand. The four of you took up the entire sidewalk, but you didn’t care. You children were happily chatting with their dad, while you kept aware of your surroundings. Arriving at the park you and Shoto took a spot on a nearby bench, while the twins rushed towards the other children. It was clear that Reina was the more confident of the two, from your spot on the bench you could see that she was the one to initiate the twins joining the others.
While her attention was on the children, Shoto's was on her, the beautiful woman beside him. Inching closer to her, he debated with himself if he would be too forward if he put an arm around her shoulders. He couldn’t understand how he could be so bold this morning, because now he was a nervous wreck. It didn’t make sense to him, putting his arm around your shoulders wouldn’t even be half as daring as his stunt this morning. ‘I don’t think she’ll mind, if she did she would have pushed me away this morning right?’ He thought to himself. Deep in thought he didn’t notice that he subconsciously put his arm around you, he only noticed when you leaned on his shoulder. “ This is nice, '' She said softly, and Shoto couldn't agree more.
You spoke too soon, the unmistakable sound of a camera going off brought you to that conclusion. Surveying the area with your eyes, you spotted them. There were about 15 reporters, pointing their cameras towards you and Shoto. You tensed against him “Shoto, there are around 15 reporters photographing us at 4 o’clock” He subtly looked the way, and sure enough he spotted them as well. “ You want to make a run for it ” You nodded against his shoulder. “Let’s meet up at the ice cream shop between 4th and 6th ” He gave a small hum of confirmation.
Standing up abruptly and making your way over to the twins, you took one each and they said goodbye to their playmates. Holding Ren to your chest you began walking away from the park and towards 4th, footsteps following a few meters behind you. Spotting a crowded area, you made your way in between these people, while also explaining to Ren why you were half speed walking and half running. Spotting an abandoned alleyway, you swiftly made your way down it. Effectively shaking the reporters off, but somehow you still felt their eyes on you. Fairly certain that you had shaken them off, you chose to ignore the feeling of being watched.
Standing in the shadows was Dabi, his eyes following his ears towards the sound of someone entering his alleyway. He had just finished a job and was taking a break, when he noticed who had entered an alleyway. It was a teenage girl with a child around the age of 6-7 years old. Normally Dabi wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate people if they saw him, but for some reason he did this time. Maybe it was the fact that the boy looked like an alternative version of his youngest brother, or maybe it was the fact that the story the little boy was telling the girl sounded like something straight out of his life. “Uncle Touya is super cool, even if he used to be a villain. Daddy said that it was Grandpa Enji’s fault he ended up a villain anyway. I wanted to be like uncle Touya, but then I got my quirk and it was like Grandma Rei’s, so I can’t make flames like he and Daddy do. But that's okay, 'cause mommy and daddy love me anyway. ” So for perhaps the first time, he ignored them and went on his way.
Listening to your son talk about his uncle Touya was wholesome, but Ren unbeknownst to himself also just ratted out one of the most wanted villains. The description of Dabi matched what your son was saying, and now that you think about it his wanted profile says cerulean eyes. The classic Todoroki eyes should have given him away sooner. Deciding that this information was something that you couldn’t come out with was hard, but something must have happened. Something good since Ren said that he used to be a villain, past tense. Figuring that everything would work out the way it was supposed to, you finished making your way to the ice cream shop.
Standing in front of the shop was Shoto, and a very excited Reina. The little redhead was bouncing in Shoto’s arms, and that only intensified when she spotted the other half of the family coming towards them. Together the four of them went into the ice cream shop, and agreed that it would be best to head back to UA. It was Shoto’s turn to cook today, so of course he had bought all the ingredients a few days ago, he was going to make Soba for everyone.
Shoto had gotten a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of strawberry per the twins request, so that his ice cream and hair would match. The twins got some kind of kiddie ice cream, it was rainbow colored and they were very pleased with their choice, if their delighted faces said anything.
Walking back into the 1a- dorms, ignoring the glances of the few curious that were lounging around the common areas. Shoto began dinner, with two very eager spectators. You sat down on the couch and talked with the Dekusquad girls. “ Isn’t it weird becoming a mom overnight like this?” Ochaco asked. “It should be shouldn’t it?, but I don’t feel like it is. Maybe I just have a strong maternal instinct” You answered her shrugging your shoulders. “ What about your relationship with Todoroki, you seemed pretty cozy this morning *kero*” Tsu pointed out, making you blush and stutter. Leaving the laughing girls behind, you went to the kitchen to see if Shoto needed any help.
Somehow it seemed the twins had smoothly talked their father into letting them help him. So now the twins were cutting the vegetables, while Shoto was cooking the Soba noodles. They were clumsy with the nice, but avoided cutting themselves. You had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn’t the first time they’d managed to weasel their way into a kitchen, for two 6 year-olds they were way too proficient in a kitchen.
Dinner was delicious and filled with light chatter and by the time that everybody was done eating, nobody even batted an eyelash at the twins' presence. You and Shoto had answered all their questions to the best of your abilities. Afterwards they began questioning Ren and Reina, you ignored them out not wanting to have your future spoiled for you. “ Do you have any siblings?” Kirishima asked, snapping you back into the conversation. “ Reina excitedly began nodding, making her red locks fly all over the place. “ Yeah, mommy told me and Ren she was pregnant, but she still hasn’t told daddy yet” she said with a bright smile, though she began frowning towards the end of her sentence. Everybody turned their heads toward you, “ don’t look at me, I’m not pregnant. The future me is” It was like they forgot, because when you mentioned future you, they all had an oh, right I forgot look adorning their faces.
The rest of the evening wasn’t eventful, and the twins somehow roped you into sleeping with them and Shoto again tonight. From the start this time, and so you slept on the left side of the bed with Reina next to you. Shoto slept on the right side of the bed with Ren next to him, which made the twins sleep together in the middle. Sometime throughout the night, yours and Shoto’s hands intertwined on top of the twins.
Monday came around, and the twins were still here. So over breakfast you and Shoto had to discuss the issue at hand, what to do with the twins and work studies. “ Sho’, we have to take them with us, the teachers are busy and they are our responsibility.” You tried to calmly reason with him. “ No, absolutely not! I am not letting my snowflakes near that burning piece of trash.” He sternly said, even if he didn’t yell it certainly felt like he did. “ So, what’s you plan then? And for the record they are our kids, not just yours Sho” You bit back, not breaking eye contact. Shoto looked away first with a scowl, you had a point. Nobody he knew could take the kids, and so he was left with no choice but to accept it. Frowning you stretched your hand over the table, and put it on top of his. “ Sho’ I know you don’t like it, and to be frank I don’t either but there is nothing we can do about it”. Shoto turned his hand up and interlaced your fingers, feeling a little better. “ Does this mean we get to see Grandpa Enji?” The twins asked in unison, sparkles practically in their eyes. You and Shoto shared a look before nodding, gaining excited shouting from the twins, probably waking the rest of the dorm residents.
Together the four of you took the train to Endeavour’s agency, only being stopped 3 times. Considering the reporter fiasco yesterday, to say you were relieved would be an understatement. You weren't sure if the twins were used to publicity or not. Arriving in front of Endeavour’s agency, you and Shoto shared a look, before intertwining your hands. You need all the emotional support you could get, and you had an inkling that Shoto felt the same way. The twins ran in front of you, and looked around the place in awe. Turns out that you were more nervous than you originally thought, because you were squeezing the life out of Shoto’s hand. But who could blame you, the situation was a bit bizarre and Endeavour is an intimidating man.
“Grandpa” two childish voices rang out in the big office belonging to Endeavour. Everything stopped, Endeavour and his sidekicks stopped talking. The silence was broken when two young children tackled Endeavor, and hugged him tightly. The two small children were grinning, yelling Surprise. Following the two young children was his youngest son Shoto, and his new intern y/n. They were holding hands, and looking at the children in his arms with a bit of uncertainty.
“ Ren, Reina, let go of Grandpa, remember you aren’t born yet and Grandpa is not briefed on the situation.” his new intern exclaimed. “Right sorry mommy, sorry grandpa” The redheaded little girl said before both the children left his arms. Endeavour watched them carefully as they hugged his new intern, she still hadn't let go of his son's hand. It was clear that they were the parents of these two children, but how it happened and why he wasn’t informed he didn’t know. Dismissing his sidekick, he turned his attention back onto the teenagers. Lifting a brow “care to elaborate” he pointedly glared at her.
Shoto, sprung into action, and relayed the story to the number 2 hero. From the start on how he met Reina, to how he met Ren and how you bumped into him and Midoriya on their way to Aizawa. How Recovery girl had said the quirk that had done this would wear off eventually, to yesterday and how they couldn't leave them alone. “ So father, meet your grandchildren from 15 years into the future” He pointed towards the twins, who were hugging each leg of yours.
After the initial shock wore off, Endeavour was surprisingly understanding. He told them that they would train instead of going on patrol, so they could look after his grandchildren. Both you and Shoto were shocked at how easily he slipped into the grandpa role, even though considering how fast you slipped into your parental roles it really shouldn’t have surprised you. He was playing with them, showing them what he could do with his flames. Reina copied him, while Shoto and Ren played with their ice. They even ended up having an art competition, with Reina and Endeavour carving wood with their fire. Shoto and Ren on the other hand made an ice sculpture, and in the end you couldn’t decide who won.
Some time after when the twins were just playing with each other, and you and Shoto got some intense training, a sidekick came to report to Endeavour. They left for Endeavour's office. You and Shoto took this time to regain your breaths, sitting down and cuddling a bit. Your back was up against Sho’s heaving chest, his arms around your waist as you rested your head against his shoulder. “ Mommy, Daddy I feel funny,” Ren said. Standing up you go towards your children with Sho’ hot on your tail. Reaching a stop in front of the twins, you reach out to put the back of your hand on his forehead to check his temperature. When your hand reached his forehead, it went through. What? Coming to the conclusion that the quirk that sent them here in the first place, was probably nearing its time.
You turn to your children, and slowly they begin fading. “ Bye be careful our little snowflakes, mommy and daddy loves you” Shoto said, his tone melancholic. The last thing you saw was them nodding before they disappeared before your eyes. Turning towards Sho’ you embraced each other, silently crying. You had grown attached to your kids in the 3 days they had been here, you could feel Sho’s tears fall and land on your neck. After some time Endeavor returned, confused as he looked around for the twins. “ Where did my grandchildren go?” he demanded in a gruff voice. “ They went back to their time sir” You politely answered him, drying your eyes. Endeavour's eyes widened a fraction before returning to their normal size“ Well then bring them back” he suggested. Immediately you and Shoto separated, and blushed furiously. How could he say that with a straight face, you were only teenagers for All Might's sake. You’d see them again in the future, with that you continued the day with a small smile.
We’ll see them again someday.
@deloreees @rainypeachbakerygoth
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Thanks for answering my last ask about the requests! 🥰
If possible I'd like to request something: male reader is Steve Roger's adopted son (adopted after he came back from being frozen lmao) and the reader is secretly dating Peter Parker!
I don't know if it's too specific or too complicated, but I was imagining something like: reader is like an avenger too. He doesn't have powers but has fighting skills and is a very sneaky and swift fighter much like Black Widow. He fights occasionally but his father is always hesitant on letting him participate in highly dangerous missions, he's very protective of his son. That would all just be like background information just give the story some base, but the plot itself i was thinking was just about Steve discovering his son is dating Peter - and, with that, discovering reader is gay - and he gets protective, possibly interrogates Peter and stuff like that. Obviously very fluffy at the end with everyone happy but I guess you can just work on it how you think it's best! If it's too vague or too complex I can try to rewrite the request if you'd like ☺️
Maybe Steve discovers that during a mission! I think that would be interesting - if you like it of course!
Plot: Requested
Pairing: Steve Rogers & Son reader + Peter Parker x Male reader
Y/n: Your name
N/n: Nickname
H/c: Hair color
Warnings: Fighting, cursing, blood, protective dad TM Steve, character injury, coming out, supportive Steve, adopted reader, fluff, slight angst, kinda Steve’s POV
Word count: 1236
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Being the son of Steve Rodger’s, aka Captain America had never been an easy feat. He had adopted Y/n after he got out of the ice, needing someone to have in the complete mystery the world was to him. He immediately loved the spunky boy, who was outspoken and reminded him of his younger self.
On many occasions’ Y/n came home with bruises littering his body, but a boyish smile adorned on his lips. The boy just seemed to find trouble without even trying, so Steve decided to teach his son how to fight. It was quite a surprise when Y/n was a complete natural, able to take his father down after a few weeks of training.
The teenage boy’s confidence only seemed to grow with training and fighting, and much to Steve’s displeasure his son ended up joining the avengers. It was one of the only times the father and son argued, going from screaming at each other to the silent treatment for days.
Steve had to admit, his son could kick some serious ass, even beating Clint during a spar, leaving the assassin on the mat groaning in pain and eventually tapping out. Then came in Peter parker, in all his geeky glory, immediately drawing his son’s attention. Steve was hesitant about the boy; he didn’t want Peter causing more trouble for Y/n in the long run.
The father couldn’t deny that his son seemed happier when Peter came into his life, spending most of his time with the young genius and his friends. It was like a moth to a flame, Y/n gravitated towards the boy in a way Steve couldn’t place a word to. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think his son was enamored with Parker. He promptly reminded himself that his son wasn’t gay (There was no issue if he was though) Steve just assumed his son would tell him if that was the case.
That belief was completely changed on a mission though, Y/n and Peter accompanied the team, taking down one of the last HYDRA bases that was left. He had to admit that the kids were holding up well, he could see his son flying around, adorned in all black, including the black mechanical wings on his back. Y/n had made those himself, claiming that they needed more air support than just Tony, Rhodey and Sam.
Every time Steve watched Y/n fly around he felt his heart jump out of his chest, he knew his son could handle himself, but damn it, it was a paternal instinct. “How are we looking up there?” Steve called over the comms, watching as the three flying beings fought off any air support, and diving down to help when needed.
“Well pops judging by the fact that we’re all heading towards the ground for support I’d day good.” Came his sons sarcastic reply, and Steve had to hold back a small smirk. Usually, he’d reprimand someone for talking like that, but Y/n was a special case.
“N/n could you head my way, kinda getting swamped over here.” Parker’s high pitched and young voice rang through the comms, and Steve watched as his beloved son took off once more. He could hear the two young superhero’s grunting and making banter back and forth over the comms as the fight continued.
What took the captain off guard was the sound of his son crying out in pain and the panicked sound of Peter calling out “Y/n!” It felt like someone had grabbed his heart and ripped it out of his chest as he heard Peter call “We have an agent down! Y/n’s down!” Never in Steve’s many years of life did he move as fast as he was right now. Anyone who got in his was down before they could even raise their weapon.
When he saw Peter cradling Y/n against his chest, fingers brushing through his son’s H/c hair, the panic only worsened. The mask Y/n wore was ripped off, lying on the ground beside him; and Steve could clearly see the blood leaking from his son’s side.
As the super soldier got closer, he could hear Peter rambling quietly. “It’s okay baby, I know it hurts.” The teenagers voice sounded so broken; it made his chest tighten even more. “Your dads coming and then we’ll get you to med bay, you’ll be good as new.” He reassured Y/n. Steve couldn’t even bring himself to care when Peter leaned down and pressed a kiss to Y/n’s lips, giving the other boy a tight smile.
From there everything felt like a blur, Steve carried Y/n to the jet and next thing he knew his son was in recovery, a tired smile on his face as Steve entered the room. “Hey pops.” Y/n’s voice sounded so tired and strained, it made Steve want to break down and cry.
“Hey kiddo, how’re you feeling?” He questioned, sitting in the chair beside his son’s bed, immediately holding his hand. “Like I got shot twice.” Y/n deadpanned, giving his father a cheeky grin. Steve huffed out a tired laugh, eyes running over his son’s bruised body. “Yeah, yeah that makes sense.” The soldier chuckled lightly, giving Y/n’s hand a squeeze. The two sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the only sound in the room was the rhythmic beeps of the heart monitor. After a few moments of psyching himself up, Steve spoke.
“So, you and Parker huh?” He kept his voice light, eyebrows furrowed slightly. His son’s cheeks flushed, looking away from his father. “Oh, uh yeah.” He could hear the beeping increase slightly. “Why didn’t you tell me kiddo?” He questioned, feeling a bit hurt that his son had kept something so important from him.
“I didn’t know how you’d react, being from the 40’s and all...” Y/n trailed off, eyebrows furrowed a bit. Steve felt his stomach twist a bit. Y/n was scared he wouldn’t accept him being gay? “Oh sweetheart, I don’t care if you’re gay, I love you no matter what, you’re still my baby boy.”
The smile Y/n gave him put the sun to shame, making a smile spread across his own lips. “How long have you and Peter been together?” He questioned lightly, his thumb brushing over the teenagers’ knuckles. “6 months.” Y/n replied shyly, flush darkening under his father’s questioning. That continued for about an hour before Peter entered the room, and immediately the protective dad mode came out.
“So, Parker what are your intentions with my son?” Y/n let out an indignant sound, slapping his dads’ arm. Peter’s entire face flushed bright red, looking like a deer caught in headlights. “T-to make him happy, sir.” Came Peter’s shy reply, glancing over at his boyfriend for help.
“Pops, seriously? Leave him alone.” Y/n gave his father an annoyed look, making Steve shrink back slightly, his kid was slightly terrifying, okay? The father watched as the two boys interacted, watching them for a few moments, before excusing himself from the room. If he came back later and the two were curled up in bed together asleep, well he wasn’t going to say anything.
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Their Perfect Y/N
Wolfstar x Fem!reader
Warning : Smut, pretty chill though. Daddy kink. That kinda stuff.
 Word count : 2532
Your first order meeting. You were so young, you just got out of Hogwarts considered an adult in the muggle world. Only 18, and you had a war to fight, friends to defend, lives to protect. It’s funny how determined you were to obliterate every death eater, but your heart was caught in your throat at the prospect of entering headquarters. You tried to ignore it, this was the first step to saving the people you cared about. You watched the houses split apart and sucked in a big breath before knocking. 
Walking through the doorway was easy enough, being immediately overwhelmed by a high pitched, brutal shriek.
You were frozen in a state of terror, already you were messing up and you haven’t even said anything yet. 
“Y/N, right?”
Your wide eyes moved towards the figure with sleek ebony curls. The intense grey eyes were intimidating, but once you looked closer you saw the twinkle of humor in them. You shook his tattooed clad hands and tried not to let your knees buckle under his firm grasp. 
“Yes, and I’d ask you yours, but the daily prophet has done a great job of introducing me already.”
His smile was genuine, but you could read into that touch of sadness. But he was quick to shake it off.
“Don’t mind my mother, I promise she’s just as unpleasant as you get to know her.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that-”
“Oh don’t worry about it love. No one told you. It’s amazing that you could come, Remus says you were one of his best students. Really exceptional at defense against the dark arts.”
Heat flushed to your face at the praise and the mention of your favorite professor.
“Professor Lupin is here too?”
Your question was quickly answered when those familiar arms you would stare at entranced in class were draped over Sirius’s shoulders.
“Nice to see you Y/N, but you’re not my student anymore so please, just call me Remus.”
“Feels illegal but sounds good Remus.”
You all found your way to the dining room table and tried your best not to be intimidated by the row of wizards you admired and respected so much. Before you got the chance to breathe though Molly had you trapped in a tight bear hug.
“Oh Y/N, so good to see you dear. Of course I’m not happy about the circumstance, but all the same, glad to know you’re here and safe.”
There was no oxygen left in your lungs to respond, so you just smiled and accepted her warm embrace.
“Molly, if you want her safe and healthy you might want to give her the chance to breathe.”
Grateful for Remus’s interjection you gave Molly a quick peck on the cheek, while she released you bashfully. 
“Thank you Molly.”
 The meeting itself was fine, it was the dinner afterwards that had you terrified, because right across from you was Sirius and Remus. Two of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen and their unrelenting questions and invested eye contact had the embarrassment coming up all at the same time. That didn’t deter them though. If anything it sprung even more questions and conversation starters. You didn’t even notice everyone else had left, leaving just you three at the table. You were cupping some tea between both hands, while Remus was leaning against Sirius’s shoulder. Sirius was replicating the affection by wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
It was peaceful, never had you felt so comfortable in the presence of other people before. So safe. 
“Y/N, I’m glad you came, like I said Remus speaks very highly of you and we need all the help we can get. So if you want to invite your boyfriend or something to join, you should.”
“Oh, I don’t have a boyfriend actually, but speaking of which I had no idea you guys were together. You’re a really beautiful couple.”
Remus only smiled a little, but Sirius’s grin was proud.
“Thanks Y/N, you’re really quite beautiful too. We’re actually not gay though though, we’re both bisexual. We’ve even been known to have thirds in relationships. Nothing permanent though, haven’t found that right person.”
“Does that mean that you’re still open to-?
“Oh absolutely, there’s this girl we actually have our eyes set on right now.”
Your face fell.
“Oh, well if you two like her then she must be lovely.”
Remus and Sirius shared a look, clearly amused by your cluelessness and we all know what teases they can be. Remus spoke up this time.
“OH yeah, she’s a darling. She just joined the order.” 
“She has Y/H/C and Y/E/C. Exactly our type wouldn’t you say Remus?”
“An absolute beauty, exactly our type that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, she looks particularly cute when she holds a cup of tea, with an adorable confused expression.”
“I don’t understand, well I think I do but-”
Remus was sitting up straight now, zoning in on your troubled expression.
“Y/N, we want you. If you’re uncomfortable we can drop it and give you space from here on out and we’re so sorry for making you-”
“Wait. You guys like me? Like that?”
Sirius snorted at your surprise.
“How could we not? You’re completely captivating. Do you feel the same love?”
“I do, it’s just that I’m not experienced, like, at all. And you guys are so it’s intimidating.”
“We would never want to do anything to make you uncomfortable or unsafe. How about we talk more about this more tomorrow.”
Remus’s words were sincere, and well thought out. Yours were less eloquent, much more desperate sounding than you would have liked.
“No please, I need you now.”
Sirius was a man who smiled a lot. Always quick to let out a genuine, hearty laugh. But this was different. It was a taunting smile, a dangerous smile. And you were completely captivated. 
“Yeah? What’s got you so needy love? No one’s done anything yet.”
The table between you felt like it was keeping you miles apart. So you pouted, but Remus tutted. 
“Answer his question Pup, good girls speak up when told to.”
“I-I don’t know, I can’t help it. I’ve never felt like this before and I just need you.”
Clothes were discarded slower than you deemed necessary. Their clothes at least, not yours. You were only left in your underwear. They really just wanted to take their time with you, not worried about them, but you. You just looked so pretty sprawled out on their bed, it was impossible not to stop and admire your trembling figure. Remus slid behind you, allowing you to rest against his now bare chest. While Sirius knelt in between your legs, hovering over you, thumb running over your bottom lip. 
“So pretty baby. Can I take these off now?”
He was referring to your panties and you were all too eager to be rid of them. Except Sirius was still fully clothed, which wasn’t exactly ideal.
“Sure, but could you take this off?” You tugged at the bottom of his shirt suggestively, but Remus was tugging your arms back.
“That’s not how we ask for what we want love, try again.”
You bore into Sirius’s grey eyes. The twinkle of humour was gone, there was love and respect there, but mostly they were filled with hunger. His blatant lust had you nervous, not ever experiencing such intensity before. It had you subconsciously closing your legs. So Sirius was pouting.
“Darling you don’t have to be shy, we like hearing what you have to say.”
You sighed and spread your legs again while Remus robbed your arms soothingly.
“S-siri, can you take off your shirt please. I wanna see you.”
“Good girl for asking so nice.”
He departed from the bed to remove all but his boxers, and it just reaffirmed that you’d be spending hours tracing his tattoos later. Emphasise on the later, cause at the moment you’d rather spend time with him doing something else. He seemed to be feeling much the same, but had to pause to chuckle at your dazed reaction.
“See something you like?”
“Me too.”
Remus pressed a kiss to the back of your head. 
“Alright love, you ready? Do you want this?”
“Yes, please. Do you want this?”
“Of course love.”
Once Sirius was nestled between your thighs again he gave one reassuring peck before making his journey downward. He started sucking right below your ear, and you were already whimpering. He could get drunk on that noise. All the sounds you released so willingly as he nipped your collar bone, kissed your hip, and sank his teeth into your inner thigh. Right next to where you needed him most. He didn’t give you much time to complain though, cause soon enough that last barrier of clothing was being discarded and your fingers found their way through his black tresses. The vibrations of his moan against your clit had you bucking into his face. He kept his palms planted firmly on your thighs.
“That feel good Puppy? No one’s ever made you feel like this huh? Gotta stay still though, can’t make you feel good of you can’t stay still.”
“F-feels so good.”
“I know baby, Moony how bout you help her practice for another time.”
Remus seemed to understand what he meant and you were confused until-
“Open up pretty girl.”
Until Remus’s fingers were brushing past your lips. You started sucking on them as if it was second nature. 
Sirius went back to suckling against your clit, but this time one of his fingers was teasing your entrance. Which once had you whining against Remus’s fingers, so he pulled them out to let you speak. 
“What is it baby.”
“P-Please Siri.”
“By that way, how does she taste?”
He answered by inserting his pointer finger briefly before bringing it to Remus’s lips. Remus released it with a dramatic pop. 
“Now I think I’m jealous, Hurry up Pads so I can get a turn.”
You never thought you had this type of response in you, but Sirius’s fingers thrusting in and out of you was sending shocks through your body. Every touch burned in the best way possible and it was only a short matter of time until the coil snapped. 
“Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for us Y/N?”
“Y-yeah. Please, feels so good.”
“Bet it does, let go for us darling, I know you can.”
He placed delicate kisses across your shoulders as you released all over Sirius’s face and fingers. Despite not being the one who came Sirius parted ruefully with a heaving chest. Remus beckoned him closer and as soon as he was within reach Remus was cleaning off his glistening face with his tongue. A sight you found all too arousing.
“Did so good Y/N, you too Pads. My turn now.”
“Please I need to be inside of her so bad.”
Remus pondered for a moment.
“Could you be gentle with her as she needed. You’d have to be.”
“She was clenching around my fingers… don’t know how I’d respond with her wrapped around my cock. You’re right Moony.”
And there you were, wishing they’d skip the whole talking like you weren’t even there, and just fuck you already. Luckily your desire looked as if it was going to be satiated shortly as Remus and Sirius switched places. When Remus removed his clothes you stared at his member with complete and utter desire. He mistook it for nervousness though.
“It’s alright love, if you want to stop we can. We can go at your pace and I promise if you’re in any pain at all that we can-”
Your voice sounded pained, raspy and desperate as if you were being deprived of oxygen.
“Remmy, I need you. Please I need it so bad.”
He sighed in relief and stroked his length as he settled over top of you.
“I got you. Such a good girl using her manners. Tell me if it hurts at all okay.”
Chest against chest was not close enough, even that could not satisfy the desire, the need, to be close to Remus. It seemed he was replicating your feelings as he drank up every moan that flew past your lips. If Sirius wasn’t rubbing your arms and soothing your hairline you never would have been grounded enough to tell that this was reality. 
“Fuck, you weren’t kidding Pads. She’s so tight I can barely move. You feel so good love.”
Your high pitched moans were gradually becoming more staccato as Remus thrust into you.
“I-it’s not my fault you’re so big.”
“S’ not a bad thing at all Pup. You like my cock, you like being stretched out like this?”
“Yes yes yes. So much, please please Da-”
Embarrassment creeped up from the back of your mind, all the way to your cheeks, but Sirius noticed.
“What were you gonna call him baby. C’mon now, don’t be shy.”
Remus halted his movements to stare at your face intently.
“I- I don’t wanna, M’embarrassed”
Remus gave one more thrust to emphasise his point.
“Say it.”
You knew by the stern look on his face it was better to obey, or else you wouldn’t get what you wanted.
“Daddy, please let me cum. You feel so good. You’re so big daddy I-fuck”
You were cut off by your own moaning as Remus proceeded to thrust at a rapid pace.
“Cum then.”
It was like you were being blindsided. If you were standing you would have been knocked off your feet. Sirius held your hand the whole way, and your grip only tightened as Remus chased his own high. 
“Where do you want me to cum baby?”
“Please cum inside me Daddy.”
“Yeah, you want Daddy to breed you? So pretty and innocent, didn’t know you were so dirty baby. I’m gonna stuff you full sweet girl- FUCK.”
He bit into your shoulder as he painted your insides with his release, and you found yourself whimpering as he pulled out. Remus was always a good caretaker though.
“It’s alright sweetheart. You did so good. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“No wait-”
“What is it pup?”
“Siri needs to feel good too.”
“If you’re sure then go ahead love.” Remus scootched out of the way so Sirius could situate you where he wanted. And that was face pressed into the mattress apparently. He sheathed himself fully inside of you, pressed his chest against your back so he could reach your ear and whisper.
“My turn, we’ll see who you’re calling Daddy at the end of this.”
The prospect of war was terrifying. You were so focused on protecting everyone around you. So it was a great comfort knowing, as you slept in between Sirius and Remus, that you had two people who would go to all ends to keep you safe.
Because besides each other they now had something even more undeniably precious. 
Their perfect Y/N. 
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @accioweaslcy @bluemoonyblurbs @weasleyposts
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