#a guy who made money in mines is probably looking for a woman exactly like jane
mzannthropy · 1 year
I've been thinking about Jane Andrews lately (I'm just loving all the L.M. Montgomery discussions and posts, you guys have no idea how happy it makes me to finally be able to talk about LMM, even though I probably don't interact as much as most of you, I very much appreciate it). Jane's not a character I ever have thought much about, but the post I made recently about wanting to marry rich brought her back to mind.
Jane is mostly described as plain, not so much in looks (though that too), but in personality. Yet towards the end of AOGG, on their way back from the hotel concert, she expresses a wish to be rich and have diamonds. (To which Anne has a great answer, but that's not what I'm talking about here.) So, Jane works as a teacher for 3 years, first in Newbridge, then in Avonlea, and then, when Anne comes home from college for her fist summer holiday, Jane has resigned her job to move to another teaching position in West in September. Rachel Lynde comments that this is bc she can't find a husband in Avonlea.
Anne defends her friend, saying that Jane is a nice girl and not attention seeking, but Rachel retorts:
“Oh, she never chased the boys, if that’s what you mean,” said Mrs. Rachel. “But she’d like to be married, just as much as anybody, that’s what. What else would take her out West to some forsaken place whose only recommendation is that men are plenty and women scarce? Don’t you tell me!”
I think Rachel is being unjust here. Bc like... so what if Jane wants to go West to find a husband? You can't have it both ways. You can't mock a woman for being an "old maid" and at the same time criticise her for taking steps to find a guy to marry. Jane is moving West to work as a teacher, not sit around to be courted by men. And she's not sitting at home, crying and feeling sorry for herself like some Bridget Jones character waah I can't get a maaaan waaaaaah, but she's actively getting off her ass to seek an opportunity.
Also, she's moving half a fucking country away! There were plenty of places nearer her home where she could have gone. Anywhere else on the Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, or even Ontario. But she's going to a place where it will take her days to travel (even nowadays, according to my google search, PEI to Winnipeg is an 8.5 hour flight). I think leaving her home and family and everything she knew to travel such a faraway place where she didn't know anyone, as a young woman, was an incredibly brave thing to do. She knew about a place that had more men than women, so she went there to get herself a man.
Next we hear about Jane, three years later, is when she's getting married to a millionaire. So she got exactly what she wanted. You can say, like Valancy, she chased her dream. (Her mother is being insufferable about it, but that's hardly Jane's fault, I suspect one of Jane's reasons was to get away from her mother! Mrs Harmon is one nasty woman.) We know from AHOD that her marriage is happy and I have nothing to say other than Good For Her.
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imjustasimpxd · 1 month
Something Old, Something New
(Chapter One)
➬ Ken Sato x Fem reader
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Summary : At first glance, Ken Sato seemed to have it all. With money, fame, and success surrounding his name, there was nothing he couldn’t get his hands on. They say money can buy happiness. That may be true to an extent, however, can money buy forgiveness? Unfortunately for Ken, no amount of money and influence can turn back time and change the past. No amount of bribery can erase the fact that he had chosen to abandon his wife in favor of pursuing his baseball career. That awful decision he made took place five years ago, when he was just starting out as a professional athlete. But now that he’s matured and had time to reflect on his actions, can he hope for a chance to rekindle his marriage? Or should he accept defeat and live with the consequences of letting the only woman he’s ever truly loved slip away from him?
Word count : around 2,500 words
Warnings : mentions of abandonment and neglect, arrogant Sato, sad reader, mentions of regret, angst
Author’s notes : comments and reblogs are appreciated!! I appreciate all feedback on my writing so that I can know what you guys liked and what you think I should improve on
Disclaimer : this is a work of fiction and should in no way, shape, or form, be taken seriously.
Side Note : This fic, and everything else I’ve written on my blog is mine and only mine. I work very hard on everything I write so do not, under any circumstances, modify, copy, or stela my work.
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Ken Sato. Looks, wealth, talent, charisma, and confidence rolled into one good looking package. 
The mere mention of his name was enough to cause an uproar of fanatics screaming and shouting in excitement, as if they were a pack of wolves howling at the moon. 
Though he was mostly known for his impressive baseball career, being named one of the most eligible bachelors in sports didn’t hurt his credibility either. If anything, playing the part of the charming ladies’ man only increased his popularity, especially to any of his adoring fans that were women, which most of them were.
After becoming one the biggest celebrities in both Japan and American sports, there weren’t many people who were ignorant of a household name such as his. Every man wanted to be him, and every woman wanted to be with him. 
To the public eye, Ken Sato seemed to have it all. But looks can be deceiving, can’t they? Especially when it comes to a man who’s spent years hiding his true feelings behind a veil of humor and charisma. 
No one could know how much he was struggling to keep it all together, or the depths of the affliction eating away at his heart. He was Ken Sato after all, and Ken Sato wasn’t weak, he was a legend, and legends never died, they prevailed. So, he must too.
No matter how much the reporters hounded him, using every possible tactic they could think of to pry into his personal life, Kenji never gave them more than a shred of minuscule details. Feeding them like rats, giving them only the bare necessities to satisfy their hunger for a short while before they came crawling back, demanding more. 
He never let them know more than he wanted, more than he felt like sharing, and frankly, there was a plethora of details he didn’t feel like sharing. 
His reputation of perfection probably wouldn’t uphold itself that well if the media knew about all the things he was wrestling with. Between being a newfound parent to a kaiju infant by day and a masked vigilante known as Ultraman by night, Ken didn’t exactly fit the cookie cutter version of “having it all together.” 
And if that wasn’t enough, then the shame he harbored towards a decision he made almost five years ago would definitely topple the pedestal he comfortably built his identity on. 
The press loved gossip, and they’d fight tooth and nail for even the smallest scintilla of drama. Twisting innocent words and blowing frivolous details out of proportions was the job of reporters. So, imagine the headlines they’d make if those reporters found out any real insiders on the life of the world-famous baseball player. 
Imagine the sales they’d make if a journalist ever got ahold of the information about his past, the same past he’s been hiding away from during his time back in Japan.  
He’s thought about calling, maybe writing a letter to express some form of condolences, but what if word got out? What if the press found out about the woman he used to be married to, the same one he abandoned five years ago in order to pursue his baseball career. 
Forget his most recent batting record, a scandalous story such as that would make headlines from both sides of the Pacific Ocean, and then there really would be nowhere else for him to hide from his past, lest he fancied moving somewhere more remote and secluded. 
If that day came, if Ken Sato was exposed for the decisions he made before becoming famous, then his reputation might take some irreparable damage. 
That’s why he was so closed off towards reporters, towards his teammates, towards everyone. 
Never let anyone close to you and they can never betray you. That’s how Ken Sato lives. 
At least, how he did live, before a little reptilian creature crawled into his life, forcing him to realize there were things that mattered more than wealth and fame.
Before taking care of a kaiju infant became the priority in his life, Ken Sato had rooted his worth in the success of his career. So once that career took off, offering him all the success and affluence he could ever want, he began to realize just how little he really had. 
Despite the riches, the popularity, all of it felt meaningless with no one to share it with. He could’ve held a party with hundreds of guests, surrounding himself with countless people all desperate to please him. Nevertheless, none of it would fill the emptiness engulfing his heart; knowing that no one he interacted with would ever see him as more than a means to financial gain and an increase in social status. 
He had a world full of convenience and opportunities at his fingertips, and yet, he never felt more detached from reality. 
His family was complicated, his friends were more like business partners who benefitted from their relations to him, and the one person he had ever felt truly comfortable around probably hated him now, after being dismissed in favor of baseball. 
In the end, even in a room full of dedicated fans, Ken Sato felt alone. 
However, then that little kaiju infant came along, and everything started to get better. Caring for a child, though tiring at first, gave Kenji something to work towards; a purpose that mattered more than advertising for energy drinks or scoring another record breaking hit at home plate. 
Emi finally gave him the one thing he always wanted, the same thing he always pretended not to need: family. 
After that, baseball didn’t seem to matter as much as it used to, unless he was teaching it to Emi. And all the wealth he had acquired over the years didn’t hold the same value as before, unless he was spending it on his adopted daughter. His lifestyle remained the same, but his heart was in a different place, a more peaceful one. 
Winning championships were more rewarding when he had someone to win for, someone to celebrate with afterwards. And now that he’d repaired the relationship between him and his father, things were looking promising for his future. 
But there was still one more roadblock, one last regret preventing him from moving forward completely. 
You. The woman he’d been married to for a whole year, and, regretfully, the same woman who asked for a divorce due to his neglectful and inconsiderate disregard for her. 
He was young and immature back then, foolishly believing the pursuit of his baseball career was more important than maintaining a healthy marriage. He was arrogant, thinking that extravagant gifts and vacations would keep you happy and secure his role as a provider. 
But he was ignorant to think that being married to you meant he no longer had to earn your affection. All the money and gifts in the world couldn’t make up for the fact that he was never home, and that you were never his priority back then. 
Every morning he’d wake up early, well before you, just to attend practice. And every night he’d come home late, just after dinner, claiming he had needed to stay longer than normal to practice more. 
You’d set out a plate for him, but after his baseball career started taking off, he didn’t really have the time for things such as family dinners or game nights; or so he said. 
He’d usually come home and skip dinner, taking a shower or going to sleep instead. You didn’t necessarily blame him for that, it was only natural for him to be tired from practice. But as the days of barely seeing him turned into months, and he started traveling consistently for his games, you started to feel more like a stranger to him than his wife. He was your husband on paper, but, in the confines of your home, you barely knew how to keep a conversation with him anymore. If you were being honest, you didn’t even really know him that well anymore. 
At least, not as much as you used to. Things were different when you first got married, he wasn’t always so arrogant and inconsiderate. Instead, he was passionate and playful, always knowing how to make you laugh after crying. Even on your first date, he was romantic and charming, making you blush to yourself every time a compliment slipped past his lips. 
But I guess the honeymoon phase people always warn you about before marriage was real; at least, it was for you and Kenji. 
Once his baseball career started taking off, the fame must’ve gotten to his head, and he forgot about the one woman who had been supporting him from the sidelines all along. You had gone to every game, recorded all his winning homeruns, supported his career even though it meant holding off on pursuing yours. And yet, he repaid you with neglect, with a one-sided marriage.
You held on for a while, convinced that he would come around, that his behavior would change and he would reflect on his actions. But after the one-year anniversary of your marriage arrived and he wasn’t even in town to celebrate with you, that’s when you made your decision. You were done being a second choice. 
You got in contact with a lawyer, gathered divorce papers and waited with bated breath till he got home from his trip. And the moment he walked in the door, you practically shoved the papers in his face, all the emotions you’d kept bottled up for so long suddenly coming out in a volcanic eruption of shouting and sobbing. 
And surprisingly enough, he stayed quiet through the majority of it, just watching with a hollow stare as you unleashed all the frustration you’d been harboring towards him. And without a word, he took the papers from you and fished out a pen from his desk drawer, signing them in silence. 
Maybe he had realized from your onslaught of emotions that you were better off without him, that he was clearly causing you pain, and you’d be happier once he set you free of him. Or maybe he really was just that heartless and figured now was the perfect opportunity to get rid of you. Either way, your stomach seemed to twist into a knot at the way he so casually signed those divorce papers and handed them back to you. 
This was what you had wanted, wasn’t it? You’re the one who had gathered the papers in the first place, you should’ve been happy that he was finally ending it, finally setting you free. And yet, you felt yourself holding back tears at his lack of emotion. He didn’t try to argue, he didn’t plead with you to give him another chance like you had expected him too. He just admitted defeat, giving up on trying to fix your marriage and taking off for Japan two days later. 
He left, leaving you back in America while he returned to his home country to continue baseball there; abandoning his American team in the middle of their journey to the championships. 
He had given you an opportunity to move on, to become the person he always prevented you from being, and so you took it.
You cut all forms of communication, threw out everything of his that he didn’t take when he left, and moved into your own apartment. It was a fresh start, a clean slate, and you finally had the chance to chase after your dream career, just like he had been doing.  
So, you did, and you didn’t give up. You refused to, you owed this to yourself, and you weren’t going to waste any more time pouring effort into someone who didn’t appreciate it. 
So, you worked, tirelessly, anxiously, until the day came when your newest novel finally become a bestseller all around the nation, and you were officially titled a successful author. 
Now it was your turn, to stand in front of a crowd of adoring fans, to sign autographs and attend fan events. It almost reminded you of your ex-husband, how people used to scream his name and cheer for his success. But now they were cheering for you, supporting you like he hadn’t. You almost laughed at the irony of it all. Five years ago, you would’ve never imagined the life you’d made for yourself now, celebrating your fourth bestselling novel in a row and becoming a well-known author like you always dreamed of. 
And yet, looking back, none of this would’ve been possible had you not been set free from the restraints your marriage to Ken Sato had bound you to. Without him and the neglect he subjected you to, you wouldn’t have worked as hard as you did. So really, in a way, you had him to thank for how far you’ve come and all the success you’ve accomplished. Because if he never signed those papers five years ago, you would still be tied down to a one-sided marriage. 
But you weren’t, and thank God for that.
Now you had moved on, and so had he. 
Or so you thought. 
Little did you know, Ken Sato was on a mission, and not as Ultraman this time. After undergoing the change and maturity necessary to become a parent to a kaiju infant, Kenji realized he needed to make things right between the two of you. Even if it had been five years since he last saw you. 
He wasn’t looking to ask you to take him back and rekindle your marriage, though he wouldn’t have minded if that ended up happening. Instead, he simply wanted to apologize for his actions, for being such a crappy husband back then. He had reflected a lot on the subject of your marriage over the past couple years, but, he never reached out in fear of your reaction to seeing him again. 
Although, after avoiding it for long enough, and getting a lecture about taking responsibility from his dad, he finally decided to go through with it and booked a flight back to America. 
He was nervous to say the least, but he knew he couldn’t back out. Even if you screamed and yelled at him, he had to take accountability for his past actions and apologize for the pain he’d caused you, for pushing you to the back burner while he allowed baseball to take priority in his life. 
He’d made peace with himself and his father already, thanks to the help of his adoptive daughter. So now it was time to make peace with you. And as he watched the plane lift off the ground from his window seat, he held his breath, wondering how you would react to seeing him again after so many years. 
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weirdo09 · 1 year
be mine(just for a while i’m afraid)
a byler(bywheelclair) criminal past 90’s au fic
warnings: (slight) drug addiction/abuse, alcohol abuse, character death(one real, another staged), suicide attempts, (mentions of) overdose, depression, self harm(cutting), cigarettes, homophobia and troy walsh(he’s his own warning)(tell me if i missed anything!)
‘crime wasn’t usually high in a city like hawkins, well until these two came along. who are these two you ask? well, one goes by the name ‘mj’. all we know about him is that he stands at about 5’10-11 feet tall, he has jet black hair and pale skin. the other guy goes by no name we’ve heard but many people have called him ‘the lone one’. if you think you’ve saw them, please call your local police.’
will turned off the tv after all. ‘huh, so they are looking for me, too bad they’ll never catch me.’ he thought, smirking. will was considered a criminal in his own right but he’d like to call himself a vigilante. living in a big city like hawkins, most people could get away with small crime and it wasn’t like will exactly chose what he did for a living. it started about a couple years ago, he was fresh out of high school, looking forward to the world ahead him except those dreams would soon be crushed for his mom died months before his graduation.
her will split the money evenly between him and his older brother, jonathan. after that, will didn’t really see the whole point of living. so, he turned to stealing, small things that is. this coping mechanism didn’t exactly help but the rush almost made will forget about his mom’s death. soon, he and his brother’s relationship began to strain, jonathan being too busy with his new life to mind his own brother. that hurt for a while so, will dived deeper into the stealing rabbit hole. now, look at him, considered a criminal and still hurting as much as he did before. though, he’d like to say that he’s better off even with the bounty on his head.
he still had friends, other family and a ‘normal’ life, just not under his name. ‘william jacob byers’ was merely a name of a boy who went missing, surprisingly only four weeks after his mother’s death. will knew his brother was looking for him and if he still had the same spirit he had before his little brother left him, he probably still is. since his ‘disappearance’, will’s changed his name, his life, his whole identity, he was officially someone he couldn’t recognize and i like to think that he liked it that way. will without the tragedies and burdens that had inflicted him so early in life made him smile but also made him cry. he often wonders if his life would’ve been better if he didn’t fake it.
mike had watched his ‘name’ appear on the news, mj short for michael james. he smiled softly, putting out his cigarette. they were trying to catch him but with no avail for he resided on the outskirts of the big city of hawkins, indiana. he had a nice cozy apartment to himself, which was nice but often made him feel like he was missing something, an important piece to his life. mike filled that empty spot with drugs, hoping they’d do their intended job. they haven’t worked so far but he’s hopeful. hopeful, such a funny thing hope is. he was a hopeful child, people said, a child with dreams and ambitions impossible to achieve. ‘guess those assholes were right after all.’ mike thought grimly.
he had grown up in a small town, ironically with the same name as indiana’s second largest city, hawkins. oh, he hated that town, with their same houses, same lawns, same cars, same everything. it irked him like something never before. don’t even get him started on his family, his mother was considered a saint but was nothing of the sort. she settled down young, her ambitions and dreams seemed nonexistent when she settled with ted wheeler, a older rich man. karen wheeler, a pretty woman with an average family in an average suburban neighborhood in an average small town. god, mike hated it, the always pretending to be someone he wasn’t, always hiding parts of himself that he’d love to show, always been his mother’s little doll to dress and control whenever she saw fit.
mike hated that town with his whole being, possibly even more so. those years pretending to be a perfect family, a perfect example of how a good family should be almost crushed his dreams entirely. but then, after high school, it seemed like his world opened up. suddenly, all those dreams, ambitions and aspirations could come a reality. it was sad to look back on now, seeing how naive and gullible he once was. that day changed something inside him forever. june 30th, two three weeks after his high school graduation, he was officially 18 years old and the world was at the palm of his hand until it wasn’t. how mike regretted that day, that day he left his little sister and never came back. he hated himself deeply for leaving her in that house with those strangers.
him, giving into his own selfish desires, left that house as soon as he could. getting the best of him, mike just couldn’t find the strength to leave his precious baby sister but he did eventually. that night, holly had walked into his room to see mike about to crawl out his window. “mikey, where are you going?” she asked sleepy, mike turned to her voice and got up from the window. “oh, holly jolly, i’m just going to leave for a bit.” mike said sweetly, now that he looked back on it, it might as well have been bittersweet. “when are you coming back?” holly asked, tears threatening to come out her eyes. mike sighed before pulling his sister in a hug, “as soon as can, hol, as soon as i can.” he whispered to her, who was now crying softly in his shoulder. “i’ll visit you, ok? we can call and send letters to each other. it’ll be ok, holly, i promise.” mike said with a smile on his face.
‘i promise, about the biggest ounce of bullshit i ever told.’ mike thought, lighting another cigarette. he visited a few times before he couldn’t bear the stares, the questions of when he’d get a girlfriend, a wife or kids, the sickeningly happy atmosphere. it was too much for mike so he stopped visiting and it hurt him more than anything else. to see his sister stuck with those people, those people who made his childhood a living hell. mike cries himself to sleep about it every night, a daily ritual. soon after that, he found a love for stealing, the emptiness in him that couldn’t be fixed with drugs was fixed(temporarily) with the rush of stealing. oh that adrenaline rush seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive, for his dreams were impossible to achieve, too much for little old him so he tucked them away in the back of his mind along with his old identity.
these days, will wasn’t too keen on stealing anything too big. he just wanted the stability of a normal life, the warmth of his mother. both of which he couldn’t have, so he spent the day lying away, thinking about the future that creep straight up behind him. then, an idea struck him. will decided to go on a run, no stealing intended, just something to clear his clear. so he went up out of his apartment, towards the autumn air with a sense of….life? whatever it was, it made him feel like a person for a while. he was content until he was met by a strange figure. the figure seemed taller, about a good four-five inches, had on a sweater, with their jet black hair in a ponytail and light blue jeans. they were sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette. the smell reminded will of his mother, which drew him near.
will, giving into his impulse, sat down next to the stranger. “uh, hi.” he said, the stranger turned to him, put their cigarette in the other hand. “hey.” they said with a half smile. “what’s your name?” will asked, mentally yelling at himself to stop right now. the stranger chuckled, “my name’s mike, but my friends call me mj.” mike replied before returning to his cigarette. ‘mj? where had he heard that name before? never mind that.’ will thought before saying, “nice name, mine’s will.” ‘will, will, will, will’ mike thought, his name was so strange yet so familiar. it wasn’t really strange, just strange considering he knew a boy named will, well loved a boy named will before he went missing and was reported dead. “nice, what are you doing in hawkins?” mike asked, taking another drag of his cigarette. “just..to visit some family, you?” will replied, mike gave him a look.
he could have sworn he had seen him somewhere once before but alas could not remember. mike was thrown out of his train of thought when will bluntly said, “you know, those things are going to kill you.” nodding at the cigarette. mike guffawed and smiled grimly, “gets the job done faster.” he replied and will frowned. “dying won’t solve all your problems, believe me, i’ve tried.” he said before looking down at his hands. sure, he’s tried to kill himself a few times after his mother’s death, as he felt he could never go on without her and if he did, he’d be betraying her. those first few months were like absolute hell, people giving their condolences and their fake vows of sympathy, he just wanted it all to stop, she wasn’t gone, she was still here, inside of him couldn’t they see? she’s still here!
he still remembers the first night without her, he walked into her room and laid there, sobbing. he wondered why they didn’t take him instead, why they had to take away the one person who loved him regardless. so, he slept in her room for a few days then being in there was too hurtful and he went back to his own room. his brother seemed to be the one who was given forgiveness to the most, it was like people almost completely forgot that he lost her too and it hurt him. soon, the suicide attempts started. the first happened two weeks after, he got some pills and popped them, knocking out instantly. he woke up in a hospital bed, sadly alive. that night he sobbed again, wishing he was dead and with his mom, wishing the pain would go away. will had to promise his brother that night that would never do that again, though that promise was very short lived. a week later, he tried to drown himself in the tub. luckily, jonathan got there before he could actually do it. the two brothers sobbed that night, “i can’t live without her, jonny.” will said wetly in jonathan’s shoulder, he just agreed patting his younger brother’s back.
some bad days, will tries to kill himself then panics and chickens out. he hasn’t tried recently and he’s kind of glad. life’s gotten a little bit better since then, her death anniversary still stings but it’s often welcomed with visiting her grave and crying most of the day. mike looked at will with a somber look, “you know, you’re a strange man, will,” he began to say then continued, “i’d say that i kinda like it.” mike finished, will chuckled softly. they talked for a while, what they talked about, i’m not sure but i know it made the both of them really happy.
the day after, mike was still thinking of will. c’mon who’d want to forget him? his chestnut brown hair that peeked out from his hoodie, his hazel green eyes, those eyes that were once on another he knew, just as lively. god, he desperately wanted to cry, as will was a reminder of his childhood sweetheart. will byers, his best friend turned lover, gone just like that and right after his mom died from lung cancer too. mike stared at his pack of cigarettes, how the irony. he stared out his window, wondering what to do today. then, it hit him, nov 6th, the day that will was reported missing and never came back, four weeks after his mom died. jonathan was distraught, having two of his family members gone like that, fours weeks apart.
the older boy left hawkins shortly after that, word spread that he currently resided in california with some friend. mike stopped to wonder if he noticed what today was too, if he was hurting just a much as he was. he knew that it probably wasn’t true for their bond was stronger than him and will’s, and the fact that they weren’t on the best of terms when he went missing. finally, mike cried, he cried and cried until who knows how long. such a funny thing, all he seemed to do now was cry and bitch and moan and smoke.(he only smoked when he was really stressed and now it seemed like that was all the time) after what seemed forever, mike was exhausted, ready to do something stupid that he’d forget tomorrow. so, he decided to drink his problems away then smoke ‘em away again tomorrow.
mike walked into his little kitchen and opened his wine cabinet, pulling out whatever wine was nearest and brought the bottle to his bed. he laid on his desk and then laid down on his bed, remembering he forgot a glass. after he got one, he started pouring glassful after glassful. mike felt tipsy but it was nothing he couldn’t handle, he had to thank his father for the high alcohol tolerance. mike put the bottle away and stared out the window once more. maybe he should’ve died that day instead of will, maybe then will might’ve reciprocated his feelings, maybe just maybe.
november 6th, 1988, the day will byers was reported missing from his home in hawkins, indiana. funny how the night before, he and his best friend parted ways by kissing each other goodbye. they only dated for about two months but it was evident that they loved each other dearly. “bye, mike, see you tomorrow.” will said, climbing on his bike. “bye, will.” mike said, smiling before stealing another kiss from his boyfriend. ‘boyfriend’, such lovely word when you’re in love and oh how in love mike was. will waved goodbye then faded away down the road, something in mike’s gut told him to come back but it was too late for in the morning, he would be gone. a week later, he was pronounced dead, only a few people came to his funeral mike included. he cried during the whole ceremony, jonathan came to check on him. “hey, mike, how are you doing?” he asked, mike stared at him, tears still flowing down his pale, flushed freckle covered cheeks.
“shouldn’t i be asking you that? i mean you just lost your brother.” mike asked, fidgeting with his collar, staring down at will inside his coffin, they decided to do an open casket, mike was disturbed by how peaceful will’s corpse looked. jonathan pulled mike into a hug, “yeah but you just lost your boyfriend.” jonathan said the last part in a whisper, hawkins was full of homophobes. that part only made mike cry harder, “i really loved him, jonathan.” he whispered, jonathan nodded. “he really loved you too, mike.” he whispered back. mike chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes. “ready to put him in the ground?” jonathan asked, mike frowned a bit. “too soon?” mike’s face contorted to a scowl. “yea, a bit.” he replied. the two watched as will was put into the soil, a handful of people who were there crying, mike scowled again. these people didn’t even know will, let alone like him.
mike knew trouble was about to brew when he saw his childhood bully, troy out the corner of his eye. for some reason, he saw him laughing and joking with james. then all of a sudden, troy began to walk towards him. just as he needed jonathan, he went up and left for some reason. once troy approached, mike was still. “hey, wheeler aren’t you happy that that fairy’s finally died? oh wait, aren’t you a fairy too?” troy said tauntingly, mike really resisted the urge to roll his eyes. he sighed, “what do you want, troy?” mike asked, already fed up with his bullshit. “oh nothing, just wanted to make sure that the fag was really died and now look at him! he probably killed by some othe-!” troy began to say but was interrupted by mike’s fist colliding with his cheek. surprisingly, he fell backward, blood was flowing out of his nose.
mike looked down at his fist, some of the fingers were covering in blood. he saw as troy’s mom approached her son. “what is going on here?” she asked then took a look at her son and mike. she stood in terror, giving a scared look at mike then grabbing her son, running away from the ceremony. jonathan came back after that, “hey, mike what happene-.” jonathan began to ask but had already put the puzzle pieces together. the rest of that evening mike spent in the police station, troy and his mom had charged him for assault and for some reason, attempted murder. mike sat there, unresponsive like he wasn’t even there. after that, they determined that the charges should be dropped and mike was discharged. he sure got an earful from his mom though.
“why did you hit that boy, mike?” she asked once they got back home, mike just walked right past her. “michael! look at me when i’m speaking to you!” karen demanded, mike shot her a hateful glare. “do you really want to know or is this just your absolute need for gossip?” mike snapped at her, karen’s face contorted into shock. “well, if you do want to know, i hit that boy, troy, my childhood bully because he kept calling will a fairy and a bunch of other slurs!” mike raised his voice a bit, hoping to get his voice across. karen asked somberly “what happened to my sweet little boy?” mike scoffed, “that ‘sweet’ little boy had to grow up because you just couldn’t handle having kids, could you, karen? you know me and nancy practically raised holly while you were out and about parading around like you were some single woman!” he hissed, karen stood there. “wha-, how did you even-?” she began to ask but mike interrupted, “oh, how do i know? how do i fucking know? because you left your wedding ring on the sink and you didn’t could home til 12 in the morning, karen. should i go on?”
mike asked, all his pent up anger now showing it’s face at his mom. “you know what? go to your room!” karen shouted, mike shouted back, “gladly!” he ran up the steps and slammed his door. karen collapsed on the floor, she was exhausted but not because of tiredness, because her perfect average life was crumbling right under her feet, her perfect little family torn apart all because of her. she pulled herself back up and grabbed a bottle of wine to wash away her pain. thinking back on that, mike was again hit with the sense of irony. here he was, with a bottle of wine hoping to wash his pain away. guess he was more like his mom then he thought, mike scowled at that.
will woke up with a sense that today was special but couldn’t figure out why. then, he realized today was the day that he went ‘missing’. he remember that day bright and clear. well almost clear, he remembered kissing mike and leaving his house then, he rode his bike down the road and everything was fuzzy after that. november 6th, 1988, the day will byers went ‘missing’ and was reported ‘dead.’ here’s what really happened as will ride his bike down the road, he didn’t think that cars would still be out that night and unluckily as he was, he got hit. it wasn’t anything too serious, a mild concussion, a broken left arm and a left kneecap. the stranger was hospitable enough to take him to the hospital, there will would stay for two-three weeks. while everyone in hawkins thought he was died, really will was there in the hospital. he was released sunday, november 20th, exactly two weeks after the incident and a week after his ‘death’.
will unfortunately suffered amnesia and couldn’t remember where he was from so one of the doctors offered to take him in until he fully recovered. this doctor’s name was jim hooper, who lost his youngest daughter a few years back. will found him intimidating at first but he warmed up to him eventually. saturday, november 21st, 1988, he was on his way to hawkins, the big city to live with jim and his other daughter, eleanor ‘el’. to say that el was a strange sort was an understatement, she was unique to say the most. she was louder than most girls will had known.(the few he could remember) she was also strongly influenced by the world and people around her, will thought that he’d get to know her nicely. he then spent two years with the hopper family, his concussion ended months ago, though bits and pieces were still hard to remember but they were happy to let him stay longer til he was back on his feet.
tuesday, november 6th, 1990, will was officially leaving the hopper’s house. he decided that he was ready to go and explore what else this (cruel) world had to offer him. el was the first to cry when the three were sitting outside the driveway in the fall sun. she grabbed will into a massive bear hug, “don’t forget about us, big bro.” el whispered, will began to cry as well. “i won’t, little sis.” he whispered back. he and hopper exchanged looks, unsure to hug or not. surprisingly, will took the initiative for the hug which hopper happily obliged. they hugged for about four minutes until el interrupted. “c’mon dad, before you convince him to stay any longer.” el joked, grabbing onto hopper’s sleeve. hopper wiped a tear from his eye before saying, “ah, ok, el, i’m really going to miss you, kid.” will smirked, “i’ll miss you too, dad.” hopper embraced will once again, el gave him their house number. “call anytime, i’d love to talk about your new adventures.” she said, smiling. will waved the two goodbye and walked towards the bus stop. next stop on the list, seattle, washington.
there was a supposed grunge scene happening there and will didn’t want to miss it. first, he took a bus to indianapolis. then, he bought a car which he would drive for the rest of the way. after roughly 26 hours, will had made it to seattle. the pacific northwest had a different charm than the midwest, to be honest, will kinda liked it. he found himself an apartment a few blocks away from the paramount theatre. there he loaded his stuff and himself in the tiny apartment they would call home. the first night was terrible, the jet lag was finally hitting him aside from this numbing headache that had magically appeared. in the night, it was still there but fuller than before. will decided to go to a nearby record store to clear his head. he grabbed a coat, his keys and headed off. he couldn’t help but smile at his new atmosphere, noting to call el later about his drive to seattle.
once he arrived at the record store, a certain record caught his attention. ‘bleach’ was on the cover and will knew he just had to buy it. so, he walked inside and noticed that there was really no one there except for the clerk at the register and another guy. he went to grab the record when he and the other guy touched hands, “oh, sorry, you can have it!” will exclaimed nervously, the guy laughed which sounded soothing. “oh, no, it’s ok, you go ahead, take it.” the guy said, handing to will. “thank you, uhm what’s your name?” will asked, smiling. “oh, me? my name’s lucas, how bout you?” lucas asked with a grin on his face. “will, have you lived here long?” will asked as the two walked to the register. “oh no, only about two-three years, you?” lucas asked. “just got here yesterday.” will replied, paying for his stuff.
the two of them continued their conversation outside. “ah, fresh meat then, what brings you to seattle?” lucas asked, will chuckled. “uhm, the music scene, i guess.” he replied, lucas nodded in agreement. “yeah, people have been flooding in the masses to here lately. music’s just a plus. where ya from?” lucas asked as they crossed the street. “indiana, you?” will replied, his feet seemed to mysteriously know the area. “same.” lucas said, “wanna check this new hot dog place ‘round the corner?” he asked, will nodded. most of will’s afternoon was spent hanging out with lucas, they exchanged numbers and parted ways at about 4 pm. when will got home, he searched his tons of boxes for the one labeled ‘kid’s record player’. hopper had to have labeled it. once he got it out, he hooked it up and pulled out his nirvana record.
he checked the back of the record, the first song was love buzz. will began to place the record on the player and put the needle at the start. ‘love buzz’ started to play.
‘would you believe me when i tell you’ ‘you are the queen of my heart’ ‘please don’t deceive me when i hurt you’ ‘just ain’t the way it seems’
kurt’s smooth vocals, the constant beat of the drums and the licks of guitar. will couldn’t get enough, he left the living room shortly to call el and hopper back in hawkins. the song still playing softly in the background.
‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’
will dialed the numbers and waited for them to answer. surprisingly it only took a second. “hey, will! how’s your trip going? did you meet some new people? how’s like wherever you are?” el exclaimed through the phone, will softly winced. “el, slow down, i can’t understand you!” will exclaimed back, tears threatening to fall, he missed his family dearly but el most of all. they were like two peas in a pod the two short years they spent together. they came to each other with everything, el’s a very open person so no secrets could be kept between the two. “oh, ok, hi will, what’s that song in the background?” el asked, holding the phone close to her ear so she could hear everything. “oh it’s love buzz.” will answered, looking over his shoulder. el scrunched her nose “who’s it by?” she asked, “some new band in seattle, nirvana i think.” will answered, el nodded before realizing he couldn’t see her.
“so how’s seattle?” el asked, just barely keeping her excitement to herself. will chuckled, he could feel how excited she was. “it’s nice, i met a guy.” he replied, el could find herself smirking. “is he cute?” she asked, will started to blush. “uh, yeah.” he stammered, el smirked further. “just don’t bring me a niece or nephew too soon!” she joked, will turned raspberry red. “eleanor!” he shouted, el just guffawed. hopper poked into the kitchen, “who’s giving me a grand baby? it better not be you!” hopper said, el chuckled again. “no but will might, he met a guy!” she said, hopper looked at her to know more. “eleanor, pass over the phone, i need to talk with your brother.” hopper said, el whispered into the phone. “good luck, dad heard!” will facepalmed, “i hate you so much, el.” he bemoaned, “i love you too, big bro!” she said before handing the phone to hopper.
“hello, son.” hopper said, will softly grimaced. “hey, dad, how are you?” he asked. “well fine considering your sister just told me you met a guy. what’s his name, what’s he like, do i have to beat his ass?” hopper asked. “oh no no, dad you don’t! he’s great but just a friend and his name’s lucas.” will replied, chuckling softly at his dad’s antics. “oh ok, just don’t send me any grandbabies yet and we’ll be good.” hopper joked, will screeched. “dad, stop! i’ll call you guys later!” will said before hanging up after saying goodbye. he thought about calling lucas until the conversation he had earlier popped into his head.
he blushed hard but called him anyway. the phone ringed and ringed until finally he answered. “sinclair residence.” will heard lucas’ smooth voice and he couldn’t help smiling. “hi, yes i’m looking for lucas, is he there?” will asked, playing along. lucas snorted “why yes, you have him, what’s going on, pretty boy?” lucas asked, will smiled further. “oh nothing, just got off the phone with my family, how about you?” will asked, his eyes closed. “yeah, nothing so far-. erica, put that down!” lucas shouted at someone, will suspected that that was his sister since he remembered lucas mentioning her. “hold on, sorry, pretty boy, i’ll have to call you back later!” lucas said before hanging up. will placed the phone down in its holder and fell out, laughing. seattle was good so far.
days followed into months and months followed into years. will has lived in seattle for 4 years and has dated lucas for 3. funny thing love is, how fleeting and fragile it all is. we met up with will, who was currently making out with lucas. they parted, “i love you, pretty boy.” lucas whispered into will’s ear, his stubble tickling will’s neck. “i love you too, lucas. that day, april 8th, 1994, 3 days after kurt cobain had reported to have killed himself and three weeks before will was to leave seattle to move back to indiana, where he’d bring lucas with him. they turned on the tv and it had been set to the news, where’s the couple would see kurt’s death reported. will stood there in shock, one thing was for sure, his trip here would end soon. lucas looked at him, holding him close, wiping something off will’s face. there were tears, will hadn’t had noticed he had been crying until lucas brought him to his chest, comforting him. there in that tiny apartment, the couple were somber from the new alongside the rest of the grunge world.
friday, april 22nd, 1994, the day that will was scheduled to head back home along with his boyfriend. “i’m really gonna miss this place.” lucas said, looking around the street. they had packed will’s car with the necessities and were about to head on the the road when will started to cry again. lucas frowned, grabbing will’s hand, pulling him close. “what’s wrong, baby?” he asked, will roughly wiped his tears. “it’s nothing, reall-.” will began to say before lucas shot him a look. “oh ok, i guess i’m still sad about leaving.” will admitted sincerely, lucas rubbed his back. “it’s alrigh’, pretty boy. we’ll be ok.” will closed his eyes, reeling into lucas’ warmth. “we’ll be ok.” will repeated to calm his nerves.
crazy to think that was only a few months ago, (back to the november 6th, present day) will and lucas were still going strong. it was just that lucas was away on business and wouldn’t come back until after today. will sighed, he always seemed to slip back into his old habits when lucas wasn’t around. he thought about his mom and that turned into a whole spiral. will walked into the bathroom and grabbed his pocket knife. he cut a small piece of his wrist before making another identical incision. will snapped back to reality and threw the pocket knife back in the drawer, locking it as to never touch it again. he wrapped up his wrist and walked over to the phone. will desperately needed lucas. the phone ringed and ringed before lucas answered.
“hello, lucas sinclair here.” he answered in a groggy voice “uh hey, lucas, it’s will, did i wake you?” will asked, slightly regretting calling him. “oh no, baby, i’ve been up a while. what’s wrong?” lucas asked. will started sniffling, “i was uhm thinking about my mom and i uh cut myself.” he forced out, tears streaming down his face. lucas’ heart softened, “oh ok, did you dress them?” he asked, will hummed. “i need you to hold on for me, ok? i’ll get the next flight there tonight so i can see you, alright?” lucas said, will whined softly. “can you do that? i don’t want to be a bur-.” will began to ask when lucas cut him off. “baby, don’t you dare finish that sentence. i’m don’t give two shits about this damn job, what i care about is you so i’m going to come home tonight. that’s it, you hear me?” lucas asked, will smiled softly and hummed again. “alright, i’ll see you soon, ok? get some sleep and make sure you eat! love you so much, pretty boy.” lucas declared, will smiled harder. “o-o-ok, love you too, lucas.” will said before hanging up.
he then floated to the kitchen, thinking about mike. will knew it was wrong to think romantically about someone else when you’re in a committed relationship. it wasn’t like he didn’t love lucas with all his heart but will also felt a strong connection with him, something he’d felt once before in ‘88. he decided to talk to lucas about all of that later. right now, will was looking for something to eat in the fridge. nothing looked appetizing so he decided to order pizza. will waited as the pizza was to arrived, so he went to watch some tv. he scrolled through channels until he found daria, one of his favorite shows. after the pizza came, will grabbed it, paid the guy and plopped back on the couch.
he ate 6 slices before putting the pizza in the fridge and walking over to the bedroom, instantly falling asleep. will dreamt of his mom, surprise, surprise. she stood in a white gown, unlike her usual style and her hair was glowing down her back. she looked younger, happier, the one thing will couldn’t be without her. “remember that it wasn’t your fault and that i love you, baby, so much. can’t wait to see you.” joyce said, funny thing that those were her last words before dying in a hospital bed 9 hours after.
mike awoke in a cold sweat. nightmares seemed to plague his sleep more and more often. this time, it was about will ‘dying’ and his corpse coming back to tell him that he was all his fault and he never loved him. he was also crying, great, the hangover hit him instantly. mike ran to the bathroom and thankfully, made it to the toilet. after puking his guts out, mike popped a few tylenols, grabbed a glass of water and laid down. after a 2 hour nap, mike awoke still tired. so, he grabbed his pack of cigarettes, his lighter and sat on the fire escape. as mike smoked his first cigarette, he couldn’t help but remember what will had said about them then what he said after. ‘wonder what happened to him to have tried to kill himself…’ mike thought, blowing smoke into the early morning air.
will woke up to someone holding him. when he opened his eyes, there he saw lucas, fast asleep. will tried to get out of his hold but he just held on tighter. he huffed but was glad to get some extra sleep. ‘we’ll talk later i guess.’ will thought before drifting off. about 2 hours later, will was awoken by the smell of breakfast. he jumped up before remembering his wrist, will winced but made his way to the kitchen. there he found lucas dancing to candy rain by soul for real. “hey, baby! come join me!” lucas said, shaking his hips and reaching out a hand to will, who chuckled softly. “but i can’t danc-!” will began to say when lucas pulled him in. “just follow my lead.” lucas whispered. they waltzed, tangoed and slow danced. “ok that’s enough.” will declared, out of breath, lucas agreed.
the morning was spent eating, goofing off and getting ready of the day. lucas helps will redress his scars, which makes will force back tears. “uhm lucas, can we talk?” will said shakily. lucas hummed. “uh this may sound weird but i found a guy that i think i had a past relationship with.” lucas gave him a look, “why do you think?” his voice, strong with no waver. “well i uh got a concussion which basically made me forget the whole relationship and i think that i still love him.” will admitted. lucas stared at will’s arm, he knew that will couldn’t possibly think of breaking up with him. “lucas? i’m not breaking up with you if that’s what you’re thinking. i love the both of you but it’s fine if you don’t want m-.” will began to say when he then placed in lucas’ lap, who gave him a kiss.
“ah no, nena, todavía te quiero.” lucas whispered after pulling apart. will laid his head on lucas’ chest, “do you still love me?” he asked, “sí niño bonito, todavía te amo.” lucas replied, lifting will’s chin and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
after some time, the couple went in a search for mike. they found him at the park. “you should stay here.” will whispered, lucas nodded after looking around and placing a kiss on his cheek. will walked over to mike and took a spot next to him. “do you remember me?” will asked, mike looked at him then smiled. “of course i do, will.” he said, will looked surprised but was happy. he pulled mike into a hug, “is that your boyfriend over there or?” mike whispered in will’s ear, will hummed. “yeah, it’s kinda complicated but i love both of you and he’s ok with it.” will whispered back, mike exhaled. “so he wouldn’t mind if i kissed you right now?” mike asked, letting go of will. will began to blush, “uhm, i guess not bu-.” he began to say then he was interrupted by mike placing his lips onto of his.
it shocked to say the least but, he began to relax into the kiss. mike tasted like smoke and chocolate, will wanted more but, mike broke the kiss and will whined. “don’t worry, you’ll get more when we’re out of plain sight.” mike whispered and will smirked. they held hands, lucas couldn’t help but feel happy for his boyfriend and the three were off, to will’s and lucas’ shared apartment. there will and mike made out the whole time. will couldn’t believe how good mike tasted, it was so good, he really couldn’t get enough. mike broke the kiss to breathe then went at it again. lucas cleared his throat, the two parted, mike was clearly irritated with him. “getting take out, what y’all want?” “chinese is good!” mike hollered before going back to devouring will’s lips, god how long had it been since they kissed like this? mike couldn’t remember but he didn’t want it to stop.
after a few minutes, mike and will settled to cuddling. will was the big spoon with mike the small, who surprisingly fell asleep right after they got comfortable. lucas scooted close to the couple, “ya happy, baby?” he asked, will nodded leaning in for a kiss. lucas took and placed his lips onto of will’s. “take a nap, pretty boy, i’ll wake y’all up when the food gets here.” lucas whispered, will had happily obliged. he dreamt of that day, november 6th, crazy how it still has an effect on him. the driver carrying him to his car, the blood so much blood, the drive to the hospital, the sickeningly clean loud atmosphere, far away from home, from mike. he had flat lines in the hospital, dead in a hospital without family surrounding him, just like his mom….just like his mo-……
will was shooken awake and he screamed. mike was woken up, “what’s wrong, will?” he asked. will shook his head, his throat too tight. “hey, will, look at me.” mike said sternly, lucas looked at will in concern. will look at him, wheezing. “breathe with me, here, in, out, in, out.” mike said, grabbing one of will’s hands and placing it on his heart. will had calmed down 5 minutes later. he held mike’s face in his hands, his fingers in mike’s hair. will was safe, surrounded by the loves of his live, he was ok. will leaned in to kiss mike, he placed his lips on will’s. they kiss only for a second, will bringing mike’s forehead to his. after that, he pulled lucas to him, leaning his head on lucas’ shoulder. mike got out of will’s arms to go get his and will’s food. lucas pulled will into a hug. “you good, now?” he whispered into will’s hair, will nodded, exhaustion slowly taking over.
mike laid will’s head on his shoulder, eating his rice. lucas sat on the end of the couch, will’s legs atop of lucas’ lap. after they finished eating, lucas carried will to bed. the two of them trying to fit themselves in with will. once the three of them were comfortable, they drifted off to sleep. will was content with his boyfriends in their apartment of hawkins city, the small town of hawkins far from will’s mind. here he was, alive with his joys in life right by his side.
tagslist: @foodiewithdahoodie @adorewillbyers @thefruityfours @atbyler @eefonline @hazmatazz @evil-gay-person @finalgirlharrison @cgi-heart-eyes @cringefail-loser @eggo-owl @thatonesongyouretryingtoremember
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jilytho · 3 years
strangers in a bar
Happy Jilytober!!!! "speaking of mothers, fancy becoming one?" cocky James meets Lily in a bar
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Longest day of work. Followed by the longest train ride. Followed by pushing through a throng of thousands of people seemingly with all the time in the world when she was already twenty five minutes late to meet Mary for a drink. All topped off with a venmo and message from Mary right as she was finally sitting down on a barstool ordering her wine.
Sorry love, just got a massive order, going to be here all night. Have a glass of vino on me!
Lily rejected the venmo immediately, of course. Mary’s bakery had just got off the ground and Lily knew how important orders were for her at that stage and there was no need to take her money. She’d drink her wine and get home in time for Bake Off reruns, not a bad day all in all. She signaled the bartender to close out her tab afterall and opened up Bumble. If she was going to sit here alone, might as well swipe on some potential matches.
“He’s a loser.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“He’s a loser.” the man repeated, shifting fully to face her, leaning his side against the bar. She hadn’t noticed him before but he must have been sitting somewhere along the bar.
“Who is?”
His glass was empty and even as his body was turned towards hers, his eyes remained focused on the bartender, signaling towards his glass and nodding towards her near empty one as well. It wasn’t until the bartender had nodded back to him and begun to grab bottles that he turned to look into her eyes. Dark hazel, thick tortoise frames, tousled hair, beautifully chiseled jaw.
“Whatever sorry tosser left you sitting here on a barstool all by your lonesome.”
“What exactly makes you think I’m here because of a boy? Can’t a girl just go get a drink by herself?” she wrapped her fingers around the newly filled wine glass and avoided eye contact, taking a sip.
“I’ll make you forget his name”
She spluttered into her drink and looked at him incredulously but he held her gaze steadfast, unwaveringly confident.
“You’re pretty presumptuous, aren’t you?”
“I prefer the term confident.”
“Mmmm a narcissist's favorite excuse.”
“You know what they say about narcissists,”
“That they’ll never love another more than they love themselves?”
He scoffed, “Sure, or that it typically doesn’t come unearned.”
“Not only is that literally not a saying but what I have heard is that lying to yourself can be even worse than narcissism. Causes premature wrinkles.”
“Please, look at us. Barely a wrinkle between the pair.”
“That’s because I’m honest. Never told a lie.”
“Now is that so?”
“Yep.” She punctuated the p sharply, smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as she leaned back in her chair.
“So now if I were to ask if you were attracted to me, you’d have no choice but to tell me the truth,” he leaned in closer, eyes sparkling down at her.
“Now see, I don’t lie,” she dropped her voice to a whisper and leaned in closer, “but my mother also taught me that if I don’t have anything nice to say, I shouldn’t say anything at all. So perhaps it’s better if I bite my tongue on that one.”
He laughed earnestly, warmly, head thrown back in a way that filled her with immediate satisfaction, warmth spreading across her chest.
“Wow. Beautiful, clever, and cruel. You really were made for me, weren’t you? C’mon now, loosen that quick tongue for just a second. Tell me what you really think.”
She leaned back in her chair and made a show of looking him up and down, eyes slowly trailing his entire figure. He practically loomed over her as he remained standing, leaning closer and closer down over her seated figure. And damn if he wasn’t ridiculously fit. And exactly her type. Dark blue button down tight across his shoulders, sleeves sinfully rolled up to his elbows, seamlessly pressed grey trousers.
“Well, if I were to speak purely objectively,” he leaned in closer and nodded.
“You’re pretty fit.” His entire face lit up, pleased and smug, whole body shifting slightly closer to her as she leaned in closer. “Shame about the personality, though. Really ruins the whole vibe.”
He threw his hands over his heart and winced, “You wound me, deeply.”
“You asked! Don’t ask for the truth if you can’t take it, another lesson from my mother.”
“Well you can blame my mother for my inability to take criticism. While yours taught you sensible things like to only say the nicest and most truthful and deeply hurtful things, mine taught me that I had invented and then hung the moon and therefore the rest of the world existed because and for me.”
“Poor woman, she must have been deluded early on. A face only a mother could love and what not.”
“Prefer to think it’s the ‘what not’ part of it all. Speaking of mothers, fancy becoming one?”
She choked on her drink. He patted halfheartedly in between her shoulders - and no she did not notice how his hand was so big it spanned practically completely across her shoulders and why is that even attractive? - and passed her a napkin.
“I don’t mean tonight, of course, if that’s what you’ve stopped breathing over,” his pats turned to a light rub along her back. “I just thought maybe you’d like some additional practice.”
Her eyes narrowed as she regained control over her breathing and she twisted in her chair, forcing his hand to drop off her back, immediately missing the contact.
“I don’t go home with presumptuous and cocky boys.” Her words were biting, although traitorous butterflies were still running rampant in her stomach from their brief point of contact.
“Well, do you go to dinner with them?” His tone turned polite, mild even, as if they were discussing the weather and he hadn’t just offered to father a child with her. “Or maybe lunch or coffee? Coffee might be more the cocky guy from the bar date but really I’m partial to dinner.”
“Are you pleased with this turn of conversation?” she spat through gritted teeth, “Seriously, are you happy with how you’ve handled this?”
“I’m talking to you so I’m happy. And I’m happy I said whatever I said that gave you this lovely flush you have now,” his finger traced up from her neck to brush her cheek lightly as if tracing the blush, sending tingles shooting down her spine.
He caught her eye and her mouth went dry. Deep hazel, flickered with gold, filled with something that looked eerily close to hunger.
“I’m James, by the way. I feel like we might be on a first name basis now that I’ve asked you to join me for essentially every kind of meal.”
“Charmed, really,” she waved two fingers towards the bartender until he nodded in acknowledgement and moved to pour her another drink and ignored the traitorous conscience in the back of her brain screaming that she was only meant to be here for one.
“This is usually when you’d tell me your name, if you’re new to this,” he had leaned down to whisper the words in her ears, hot breath on her ear, one inch closer and his lips would be on her.
She chewed on her lip momentarily, hearing Mary’s voice screaming louder and louder in her head about letting loose as it spoke over the whispering voice of her mother reminding her that this was a strange man.
“Evans. Lily Evans,” she spoke into her drink and took a deep swig.
“Evans. I like it.”
She scoffed at him, eyes narrowing in on him instantly, “so glad you approve.”
“I do, really. Lily Evans. Rolls off the tongue, truly. But you know what might sound even better?”
He sat down on the barstool next to her now - finally, a voice in her head whispered as they were now perfectly aligned eye to eye - and tugged it closer to sit closer to her own. She tilted her head slightly, silently requesting he continue.
“Potter. Lily Potter.”
Her eyes narrowed instantly, “and I suppose Potter is what, the name of a good friend of yours?”
“I do consider my father a good friend so yes, I suppose in a way.”
“Dinner, a child, marriage. You’re really willing to commit to living a full life with a random girl in a bar. For all you know I could be a murderer. A serial killer. A lying, nefarious, arsonist with a family in three different counties wreaking havoc and crime along the countryside.” His eyes never wavered from hers as she ranted, crinkling in the corners, drinking her in and practically sparkling.
“What can I say, Miss. Evans, I trust my gut. And my gut says that if you truly are a lying, nefarious, philandering woman with likely multiple warrants out for her arrest, well then I guess I’ll be the Clyde to your Bonnie.”
Their heads were barely two inches apart, she could feel the warmth of his breath as his hand ghosted along to cover her own that rested on the bartop.
“Alright then, Clyde.” The words came out as a faint whisper, “You’ll probably be needing my number then. To organize our crime spree and what not.”
His grin overtook his face, eyes somehow turning more beautiful as they sparkled at her, “and what not, yes I think that’s for the best.”
She turned away from him and reached into her purse fishing out a pen, not allowing herself to think through her actions or words for another second, lest she hesitate. She scribbled her number on a paper coaster and stood up before turning to look at him, just barely taller than him for the first time that night. He sat there, perfectly patient, quieter than he had been all night.
She passed the coaster to him wordlessly, a fresh blush flaming up the back of her neck as his hand brushed hers to take the coaster and held her hand, not letting her pull back just yet. “It’s been a pleasure, Bonnie.”
“Likewise, Clyde.”
She squeezed his hand once before slipping away and out the door without another look, knowing that just seeing his face again would make her go back and go home with him that night instead of waiting for his call.
She had walked two doors down from the bar when her phone began to vibrate in her purse. She fished it out and pressed it against her ear while hailing a cab, assuming it was Mary checking in.
“Go to dinner with me tomorrow night, Bonnie.” She almost dropped her phone in surprise at the deep voice that was decidedly not Mary.
“Don’t know,” She croaked out, “I thought coffee was the more appropriate meal for a cocky stranger in a bar.”
He chuckled lightly, “Maybe. But we’re not really strangers anymore are we? I even know your name now.”
“Alright then,” she breathed out as a cab pulled up, “dinner it is. It’s a date.”
She hung up without hearing his reply, swinging herself into the cab. She looked down at her phone’s call log, considering saving his contact when a Bumble alert came through with a match.
She didn’t hesitate, without looking at the match she deleted the app entirely.
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i can hate you sometimes || h. styles
warnings: pre-covid, mentions of sex, swearing, kissing
word count: 2.2k
summary: you and harry have mutual friends, but that doesn’t mean you two are friends. but when harry gets caught in the rain and you’re the closest person he can turn to, it makes for a much more awkward night...
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Though you could respect Harry’s artistic abilities when it came to creating music, you could barely tolerate him as a person. Likewise, he wasn’t at all too fond of you. You shared friends in common, which often unfortunately resulted in many a night out with him and your mutual friends.
Yes, Harry was a respectful man. That was perhaps the one thing you could say didn’t irritate you about him. Everything else, the subtle cockiness he played off as jokes; the incessant need to be centre of attention; the bloated ego, which left him thinking he was above everyone else, all of that stuff, you couldn’t stand. But he wasn’t going to stop you from enjoying time with your friends, so you continued to go out drinking with them or go out for big meals with them or on lavish holidays with them. Unfortunately, he had the same mindset. You were both very stubborn.
Going out with your friends when Harry was there seemed like a difficult task at first. But if you sat at the opposite end of the table or stayed fairly distant in a club, the night tended to run smoothly. The one time you’d been left alone was around a year ago when you and Harry had gone out for dinner with Sarah and Mitch. Sarah had gone to the toilet and Mitch had gone to pay the bill. It had been two or three minutes maybe, but it felt like long, excruciating hours. Days, even. You’d distracted yourself by finishing off your wine and trying hard to look anywhere but in Harry’s direction. He’d busied himself with his phone and trying hard to look anywhere but your direction. But, either way, it had been perhaps the most awkward experience of your life.
And now, on a quiet Sunday evening, you found yourself preparing some pasta. Your dog, albeit too big for his own good, was curled up in front of the fireplace. You had your laptop set up on your coffee table, your classical music playlist floating through your house.
It had begun raining heavily about five minutes ago. The droplets were pelting down on your large windows. You had some candles set up and a glass of wine waiting for you on the coffee table in your living room. It was the perfect romantic evening for one.
A knock on your front door took your attention from the boiling water before you. You quickly jogged through to your hallway, opening the door. And, much to your surprise and perhaps disappointment, you were met with the face of Harry Styles. “Can I help you?” you asked, staring at him expectantly.
He sighed, almost embarrassed to ask, but said, “Can I stop at yours until the rain passes?”
You looked him up and down. Stop at yours? Why did that send your stomach into a state of flutters? “Just get an uber,” you said firmly.
He winced, “My phone’s dead. Can you at least let me charge it so I can get an uber?”
You weren’t a fan of Harry (biggest understatement of the year), but that didn’t mean you were an utter asshole. Of course you would let him stop at yours for a little while. Anyone would, right? You sighed, making sure he knew this was a reluctant decision of yours, “Sure.”
He thanked you as he shuffled into your house. He removed his coat and hung it up on your coat rack. Quietly, he followed you into your living room. “Here,” you said curtly, passing him one of your spare chargers.
The entire exchange was even more awkward than last year’s meal with Sarah and Mitch. Benny, your dog, was quite clearly enthralled about the arrival of Harry. He jumped up at the brunette man, his tongue hanging loose. As you tended to your exuberant pasta meal, you could hear Harry petting Benny.
On the few occasions Harry had met Benny, he loved the dog. But, Benny was a dog after all and it was hard to hate a dog. Especially one as lovable and as cuddly as Benny. Harry’s footsteps became louder as he entered the kitchen, Benny, tail wagging, not far behind. It was only when you looked up did you notice Harry carrying your laptop with him. Your first instinct was to tell him to put it the fuck down; it was your laptop - you paid good money for it. But something seemed to stop you from snapping at the man, who was soaked from the rain, in front of you. Usually, you struggled with biting your tongue around Harry. He was just infuriating. “Can I please put something else on?” he asked, gesturing to the screen, which had Spotify open.
You shrugged. You weren’t that bothered if he wasn’t in the mood to listen to your collection of great classical records. It was his loss. Besides, your pasta was nearly finished and then  you’d dish it up and settle down in front of the tv. “Sure.”
There was a moment of silence after he’d paused to whatever piece was playing. “What’s this?” his voice came suddenly.
You knew exactly what he’d found. And you practically kicked yourself for forgetting you had it. It was your playlist, simply titled ‘sex’. A sex playlist. A playlist for sex. “I didn’t take you as the type to have a designated sex playlist,” he said, smirking.
“Well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me,” you grumbled, your cheeks heating up.
“Clearly. Some interesting choices on here, Y/N. Not as many of mine as I thought there’d be,” he said.
There was none. None of Harry’s songs on your sex playlist and, if he was being honest, it kind of irritated him slightly. The thought of you having sex to his voice was an enriching one. But what most definitely pissed him off, was the sight of a couple Liam Payne songs and a few of Zayn’s. “I didn’t think Sign of the Times was right for the occasion,” you shrugged. “Do you want some pasta?”
“If there’s some going,” he said quickly. “I do have other songs you know. Besides, Sign of the Times is a great sex song. Starts off slow, builds to a climax...”
You turned to look at him. Only then did you realise you were actually having this conversation with him. Still, you pressed on. “All songs build to a climax one way or another. It’s called a crescendo.”
“Yeah, I know what it’s fucking called,” he sighed. “I’m the musician here.”
“And yet you can’t appreciate classical music. Anyway, if you’re so convinced you have good sex songs, name a few,” you challenged.
He spoke as he followed you through to the living room. You set his bowl of pasta (you always had a habit of making your portions way too large) down on the coffee table beside the candles and wine. “Okay, Kiwi.”
You hummed in thought, “What if I want something a little slower? Like, Kiwi could totally ruin the mood.”
He shifted in his seat. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his phone light up, signalling it had at least a little bit of power. But now he was eating your fresh pasta and discussing sex songs with you, and frankly, he didn’t want to leave. “Woman? You can’t tell me you’ve never had sex with Woman playing,” he said.
“Well, I can. So I will: I’ve never had sex with Woman playing,” you replied; you liked this game.
“Okay, come on. She is the perfect sex song,” he said smugly.
Now this one tripped you up. Because you’d had sex to She before. It had come on when the guy you were sleeping with asked if he could shuffle his playlist. She had come on second, maybe. And those six minutes had been the best of your life. You told yourself it was just the guy you were seeing at the time, and he certainly didn’t mind the compliment. But, in hindsight, you realised it was probably the fact that Harry was singing about living in daydreams in the background. In that moment, the sex hadn’t even been at the forefront of your mind. It was his fucking velvet voice. “I wouldn’t know.”
He smirked, “You’ve had sex to She, haven’t you?”
“You have! I knew it.”
“Piss off, Harry.”
You hoped your nonchalant replies would be enough to deter his attention from the subject at hand. But alas, he didn’t seem to pick up on it. That, or he was deliberately ignoring your tone. You were beginning to regret letting Harry into your house. And you weren’t afraid to tell him so. “I wish I’d just left you in the rain.”
He scoffed, “That’s not very nice, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes at him, making sure he saw. God, you could really hate him sometimes. “Harry, we’re literally discussing my sex life. It’s none of your business. And a bit personal, don’t you think? You don’t even know my surname.”
You got to your feet and made your way through to the kitchen, placing your empty bowl in the sink. You could hear him behind you, you just wanted to turn around and tell him to give you a moment to yourself. He was like a puppy. Before you had the chance to do so, you felt him lean over, placing his bowl beside yours. He was so close. 
Turning around slowly, you were met with him. He was there, right there. You looked up at him. He wasn’t moving. You were torn between pushing past him, making sure he knew you were angry and staying for a while, basking in the sexual tension that was buzzing around in the air. “I do know your surname,” was all he said.
He was so close, his eyes exploring your face as if he’d never seen it before. Trapped between Harry and the kitchen counter, you’d fantasised about this moment for ages. Harry’s face a mere few centimetres away from your own. You could feel his breath on your face. It was warm, welcoming. “Do you?” you choked out. 
He nodded slightly. The revelation of Harry knowing your surname was almost surprising to you. You didn’t think he paid that much attention to anything that had something to do with you. Up until this point, standing in your kitchen, neither of you daring to make the first move, you’d thought he only knew your first name because he was obliged to. 
You both yearned the simple delight of the other’s touch. All the pent up sexual tension from the last years, longing looks disguised as glares of disgust and the little snarky remarks used as an excuse to talk to each other, all of that began unravelling at the seams. He looked at you and you looked at him, both of you daring the other to make the first point of euphoric contact. “Harry,” you forced out quietly, hoping he’d take that as a sign that he could touch you, kiss you, anything.
“What do you want?” he hummed gently. “What can I give you?”
“Just kiss me.”
You were also embarrassed that, after years of suppressing your enrapturing feelings, you were asking him to kiss you. And still, he didn’t touch you. It was like he was playing some sick game with you. And then the dreadful thought that he might just be doing all of this to give him a means to mock you in the future. If that was the case, he’d have the perfect upper hand over you. “Do you still wish you’d left me in the rain?” he asked, almost taunting you as he left you practically begging for his touch. 
You shook your head, “No, no. God, no. Harry, please.”
“Anything you want, darling.”
“Kiss me.”
“Only if you’re sure you want me to.”
“I do, Harry. Please.”
And when he was sure he had your definite consent, he didn’t waste another moment. He placed his large hand on your cheek, the tips of his fingers buried in your hair. His lips on yours was perhaps the most perfect form of ecstasy. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, tilting your head up to meet his, you were sure you’d travelled to some distant infatuating dreamland you only ever hear about. 
Reluctantly, you pulled away, panting slightly, “Don’t go.”
“Don’t get an uber. Stay with me tonight.”
A smile crept its way up into Harry’s features. He tried to hide how elated he was that you’d proposed he spend the night with you. A grin tugged at the corners of his lips, which were parted slightly. All he wanted to do was indulge his need for your perfect taste all night. From the moment the sky went from the most divine lavender colour to the most starry black, to the moment it turned back to the most marvellous oranges and reds in the waking of the sun. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that to me.”
part two.
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The Cult Girl (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 3
So I picked option 2 cause I just had more ideas around it. I could probably still do 1 and 3 sometime but this is the direction we're going now. Y/n gets a call from her horrible grandmother who is expecting a visit.
Trigger warning: discussions of emotional and mental abuse, gaslighting
That night at his dining table was the start of something wonderful. You made a point to apply a bit of perfume to your neck before you left your apartment. Your three slightly judgmental but overall supportive roommates even donated a few drops of their own fragrances from time to time. 
You didn’t like the sound of the sentence “Hannibal is my boyfriend”. It just didn’t hit your ear right. ‘Boyfriend’ was too childish of a title for him. By extension, he found something very diminutive about referring to you as his girlfriend. You were, of course, a grown woman. He remedied this right away, resigning to call you his ‘darling’. You, however, had to use ‘partner’ as a placeholder until a more suitable pet name presented itself. Although the titles were never stated outright, after a while, you knew it was more than just a passionate affair. Hannibal (and you were calling him Hannibal, now) saw potential in you. He nurtured you and had been since day one. 
Finally, things were starting to go your way. You were in classes you loved, had wonderful, supportive friends and a fulfilling relationship. It took over twenty years, but better late than never. 
But, if there was one thing you learned from your short stint as a student of physics, it was that what goes up must come down. Your long-awaited bliss was about to be tested by an equal and opposite force bearing the name “Beatrice [L/N]” on the caller ID. 
Not only did she call, but she called three times in the middle of your meal. And that was followed by multiple texts, several of which containing words like “emergency” in all caps. You were just trying to enjoy another one of Hannibal’s culinary works of art, but the old bitch was persistent. 
You apologetically excused yourself from the table and retreated to the office with your phone. 
Grandma, you had better be on your fucking deathbed. You thought to yourself before sliding the green answer icon across the screen.
“[F/N]!” Came her shrill voice. “You finally answered. I was beginning to worry.” 
“What do you want, grandma?” You groan. 
“I wanted to ask you what you were wearing to Anna’s wedding next weekend.” She explained, calmly as ever. “The color scheme is seafoam and coral and she wants to make sure everyone adheres to it for pictures.” 
You covered the speaker with your hand and pulled your phone away from your ear so she couldn’t hear you bite back a scream. It physically pained you to return the phone to your ear. “Yeah, I RSVPed no to Anna’s wedding.”
“[F/N],” Your grandmother said in that scolding tone you knew all too well. “Your cousin expects you to be there. I expect you to be there. I invested so much money into this wedding, I will take it as a personal affront if you don’t attend.” 
You take everything as a personal affront. You thought.  
“It doesn’t matter, I already said no. She’s not going to have a chair or food for me.” You explained, hoping that you found some way out of this conversation. 
“No, she will.” Your grandma corrected. “I won’t have any child of mine absent from another’s wedding. I put in all the work to pull this event together.” 
For a moment, you almost felt bad for Anna. Having to endure your grandmother’s micromanaging was a circle of hell even Dante refused to tread.
"Of course, heaven forbid someone in your life show an ounce of autonomy." You finally snapped.
"I don't know why you're acting so rude, but it stops now." Grandma ordered. "I raised you as my own daughter. You should be more grateful for the luxuries I can extend to you. I didn't have to take you in, you know..."
It pained you to stay quiet when all you wanted to say was "I wish you hadn't".
"Your emotional manipulation isn't going to work on me anymore." You informed her.
“So, naturally, I’ve seen to it that you are expected." She continued her own conversation without even acknowledging yours. "You and a plus one, of course.”
You hadn’t even considered the possibility of attending the wedding with Hannibal. The two points never once intersected. And they never would. You vowed that Hannibal would never meet your grandmother or cousins. At that moment, that was the hill you were willing to die on. 
“If I come at all, I’m coming alone.” You snap. “You can punish me all you want but I am not letting you get him involved.” 
“Him?” Your grandma repeated. “So there is someone?” 
“Someone you are keeping me from.” You said, thoroughly frustrated and now panicked at the idea that your grandmother knew Hannibal existed. “Goodbye.” 
You didn't want to rejoin Hannibal in such a sour mood, but you didn't want to keep him waiting either. You returned even more apologetically than you left and took your seat.
"Everything alright, love?" He asked. You could tell he was raring to psychoanalyze you.
You shook your head. "It was my grandma."
"I could tell that much." He admitted, beginning to cut into his steak. "What with all the frustration you're trying so desperately to hide. What did she want?"
"She called to tell me she expects me at my cousin's wedding next Saturday." You rolled your eyes. "I'd already declined the invitation, but she didn't like that, apparently."
"Which cousin is this?" He probed. "The one that works as an engineer for Halliburton?
"No, that's Theresa." You shook your head. "And she works for Halliburton, but she's not an engineer. She's a PR executive."
"Right." Hannibal nodded, taking a bite of steak between his teeth. "She took after your grandmother and turned gaslighting into a career."
You smiled a bit. "Right."
"So, it's Anna, then?" He concluded. "You haven't told me much about her. Perhaps she is the benign tumor of the family?"
"More or less." You shrugged. "She works at a publishing agency. Only got the job because her boyfriend's uncle's the CFO. She didn't even make it to the interview. It was pure nepotism."
"And now she's marrying the boyfriend, I presume?"
"Yeah." You felt a grin cross your face thinking about what you were going to say next. "She wasn't even dating him at the time. She was dating someone else and cheating on him with the guy she's marrying now."
Hannibal grinned. "You like knowing this? Having information that could potentially ruin her life?"
You knew there was no use in lying. The look on your face said it all. "Absolutely I do. When you're the black sheep of the family, you've gotta take power where you can get it. Mine just so happens to be potential blackmail."
"I'm quite delighted to be privy to this side of you, love." He smiled. "We're a bit vindictive, now are we?"
"Are you kidding?" You snicker. "These are the girls that psychologically tormented me growing up. Of course I'm vindictive."
"So about this wedding." He didn't look up from his plate. "Do they expect you to bring a date?"
"They do." You nod, your eyes wandering off. "But I can't let them meet you. They're just so unspeakably rude all the time."
For some reason, you felt that this didn't deter him. Perhaps it even compelled him a little. "Oh?"
"They take this really strange pride in making scenes everywhere they go." You explained. "They've already ruined so much of my life. I can't even give them the opportunity to ruin this too."
"Darling," Hannibal leaned in. "Is there a part of you that wants to attend this event?"
You held your tongue before you said anything you both know to be untrue. "...maybe a small part."
"That small part of you that wants power. That wants justice." He nodded. "Indulge it for a moment. What does this wedding look like to you?"
Trying to keep up the illusion that you hadn't thought of this before, you paused for a moment. "...we would show up--you and I--and I'd be wearing a stunning gown that doesn't fit the stupid color scheme at all. And there's just an unspoken knowledge that I could absolutely ruin Anna's entire day. Anna and Theresa and Grandma are all being nice to me because if I so much as mention the name of that boyfriend she cheated on, I'd ruin her life and possibly her career. So finally I hold all the cards."
Hannibal looked proud. He took a sip of his wine. "You want to be powerful, but with just enough restraint so they know you're the bigger person."
"Exactly." You agreed.
"Perhaps my fondness for you is clouding my professional judgment, darling." He put his wine glass down. "The thought of you in an evening gown, commanding attention and reverence... that's just something I have to see."
"...something you have to see?" You met eyes with him, realizing you were on the same page.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket again. This time, you didn't feel the need to step out.
"Hey [F/N], care to explain why my sister is crying?" Theresa snapped through the receiver.
"Is someone cutting onions nearby?" You offered. "That usually makes me tear up."
"Fucking hell, for once in your meaningless life can you care about someone other than yourself?!" Theresa yelled. "Grandma told us you're not coming to the wedding."
You looked back at Hannibal, who gave you a nod. "Actually, I am. We are."
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333sth · 3 years
dove. (frankie morales)
chapter i. previous.
pairing: frankie morales x ofc (’dove’) no use of y/n.
warnings: mention of ptsd/military service, language, violence, brief mention of torture/kidnapping, injury detail, fighting.
summary: frankie was going to propose, until dove found the ring and ghosted. even santi can’t track her down.
rating: mature. wc: 1.6k
Dove was a nickname coined by an old general during her training. He was a traditional man, though not disrespectful. It was a term of endearment that probably softened the influx of powerful women breaching into the male territory. He’d drawled, ‘I ought to call you Dove – I ain’t never seen a girl so swift, yet so fuckin’ lethal.’ She kept the boys in line too, he’d noted. When Benny got too reckless, or Tom’s temper ran away with him, she was the first to snap them out of it. In environments where peace was a very distant concept, she played the peacekeeper.
One time, during a two-month deployment in Nigeria, the group was shoved in the back of an ancient pick-up truck for six hours. Dove was wedged between Will and Frankie, sweltering in the humid air. The stale smell of sweat mixed with blood and diesel was permeating the air, and they were three hours from the nearest checkpoint. To pass the time, she asked them what they’d do if they weren’t special forces.
That was easy for Will – he’d be a teacher of some kind. Benny waffled about sports, making some brash comment about how he’s got to channel all his aggression somewhere. Tom and Santi couldn’t come up with anything that suited them more than the forces, which was not surprising. Frankie would still be a pilot somehow. Dove had never seen him more comfortable than in the pilot’s chair.
Dove dreamed of owning her own bar or café, somewhere relaxed and laid-back. A beach perhaps, somewhere quaint and peaceful, where the air is warm well into the late evening and the waves are gentle, collapsing onto the sand like white noise. She imagined the hum of conversation meeting tinkling music, beach lanterns dotted around the decking to cast an ambient glow beneath the stars. Maybe a chef on weekends could make bar snacks. Tom had snorted at that, throwing a jab about how she can burn the water they use to make their dried food sachets.
The men had recalled this conversation, desperately trying to fathom where Dove might have taken off to. It was met with an aching nostalgia for the type of teammate she was too. That conversation had been a tactic, a peaceful one, to prevent the terrible concoction of adrenaline, exhaustion and heat forming an argument in that truck. She was a natural tactician as well as a good friend.
Frankie had recounted each country they had been stationed and exactly how Dove had felt about them. She had loved Argentina, even when she got shot and Will spent three hours with his finger crammed in the wound to stop the bleeding. But she also liked Jamaica, Brazil and Hawaii. None of their contacts in the forces had any trace of her, not even Santi’s in South America. Her family were none the wiser – they brushed it off, her dad mumbling something about it sounding like her usual antics. 
All he had was a scribbled note that read, ‘I need space. I’m safe. I love you.’ It was folded neatly in his wallet, like he was carrying the last piece of her that he had. 
Mexico. That was where she was. A small town on the West coast that had enough life to keep her occupied, and the guarantee of anonymity.
If people asked, she was a retired nurse, which wasn’t entirely untrue. She told them she spent a lot of her career in humanitarian aid, to explain the occasional jitters on a rowdy Friday night and the nasty scars. There was a particularly gruesome one leading from the base of her throat up to her bottom lip from a knife fight. She told them it was shrapnel, flung from a collapsing building, and she was lucky it didn’t catch her jugular. The locals had gasped in awe at her heroism. She’d flinched against the memory of how her own knife buried into her attacker’s throat instead. 
A few days into her move, Dove had found what could only be considered a derelict shed on the beachfront. It was probably the remains of an old boathouse. With some help from the locals, she had restored the ageing planks of wood. What was spare formed the bar and some rustic furniture. She pieced together a jumble of second-hand bar stools, chairs and lanterns that made for an eclectic combination. It had character and history in its walls, rather than some swanky, expensive build devoid of any personality. It was exactly what she had dreamed of, huddled in hypothermic temperatures or insomniac in her cot at base, sleep beyond her reach.
It didn’t change the fact that every time she entered her bedroom, the old polaroid of Frankie pinned to the wall hits her like a ton of bricks. Frankie knows she took it – it was pinned to the fridge at their home before she left. It’s quintessential Frankie, sat with his arms folded to his chest, biceps straining slightly against an old denim shirt that was getting a little too snug post-retirement. It was at a barbecue, his skin tanned and flushed from a day in the sun drinking, tousled hair peeking out from the sides of a dog-eared cap. Every time Dove glances at it, she wonders if he still has that hat. 
‘Of course he has,’ the voice in her head snaps back. Any piece of clothing she’d suggest replacing would be countered with, ‘over my dead body’. The man was sentimental, a little too attached to his home comforts. She’d also bought it him in a seedy gift shop in the middle of nowhere as a joke. 
“To add some variety,” she’d said. He would never let it go now.
Once, Veronica had eyed the photograph on her mirror and asked, “Who is he then? An ex?”
Veronica, or Roni for short, had lived in the town her whole life until university. When she graduated and moved home to save money, she needed a job. Dove needed a friend, so she took her on as a bartender. She was young and giddy, but harmless. More importantly, she was too self-absorbed to notice or even care that her thirty-something year old boss had bullet holes in her back.
“Something like that.” Dove had replied, rifling through her sorry excuse for a makeup bag. She’d closed the bar early to have a rare night off in the next town over, which had considerably livelier nightlife. 
“You never talk about relationships. Or men.’ Roni observed, peering over Dove’s shoulder to eye another photograph. It was a group picture of the boys, huddled in the same fraying booth in their favourite bar back in Florida. “Looks like you were spoilt for choice.”
Dove scoffed, meeting her friend’s twinkling gaze in the mirror. “Shut your mouth. They were friends from work.”
“Were? Does that mean you can’t set me up now?” 
“They’re almost twice your age. You’d tire ‘em out.” Dove set down the lip-gloss she dragged out for special occasions. “Come on, I’m not getting any younger either. It’s already passed my bedtime.”
Thankfully, that was enough to amuse the younger girl into linking her arm and hauling her out the door to the taxi, no more questions asked.
The hollering of spectators and thudding of skin slapping against the mat was reduced to a distant buzzing in Frankie’s ears. It was dimmed by the incessant ramblings of Santiago and Tom, discussing the files Santi had put together on Lorea. He could feel the reawakening of his rusty military senses as he follows the familiar tactics, mentally registering his agreement or noting what he might do differently. He doesn’t vocalise it though, because he hasn’t even agreed yet. Joining the debate would inadvertently signal his agreement. He didn’t want that.
There was a shadow lingering in the space on the bench beside him. It was an empty presence, not Will, who was hooked on the cage of the ring yelling encouragement to his brother. Not Benny, thumping his leather gloves together with his teeth pulled harshly over his mouthguard, judging his competitor with a predatory glint in his eye. 
The opponent was a monster, but he lumbered like his limbs were filled with lead. Frankie notes that Benny, nimble and tall, will have a breeze tiring him out. Dove would have joked that it wasn’t worth coming, that they’ll be sat here until their asses are numb watching Benny play cat and mouse. His chest twinges. Sometimes it’s too easy to remember what she’d do, what she’d say. He wished he knew what she’d make of Santiago’s proposition. She always saw through Pope’s glamourisation and Tom’s greed. 
What Frankie misses while he observes his pitiful surroundings is Tom and Santi descending into a hushed conversation. Tom nudges Santi, “You got anything on Dove?”
Santi sighs, long and solemn, “Maybe.” As Tom’s face quirks in interest, he holds up his finger, “It’s just a hunch.”
“A hunch is better than what we’ve had in the last year.”
Santi takes a sip of his beer, casting a glance at Fish, whose eyes are trained on the floor and the swirling contents of his cup. He knows him well enough to know his thoughts are the only thing that have his attention.
“I worry about him. We all do.” Tom whispers. “Getting busted just made things worse.”
“Don’t get his hopes up, man. It’s nothing solid. It’ll crush him if I’m wrong.” Tom nods solemnly before Santi continues, “A friend of mine saw an ex-Delta in a bar, a woman. He knew ‘cause of a tattoo she had on the nape of her neck.”
Tom’s eyes widen. In front of them, Benny lands a sickening punch on his opponent’s nose, complimented by an audible crack. He’s barely breaking a sweat, dancing around as the guy heaves and stumbles forward. 
Santi’s gaze doesn’t break from the ring. “Mexico. I think she’s in Mexico.”
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Nursing the Blinders
Based on this request: How about a Peaky Blinders fic with a chubby!reader who is basically the boys nurse and she meets the Golds one day and she and Aberama hit it off, much to Tommy’s annoyance, please?
Here you are! *Familiar Characters are NEVER mine!*
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Warnings: A little insecurity. Some fluff??-ish
Pairings/Characters: Aberama Gold x chubby!fem reader
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Small Heath wasn't exactly where you envisioned living, but that's where you ended up. You didn't love it. You didn't hate it. At least at first. Really, you sort of traveled anywhere your employers told you to. The Peaky Blinders were more than just your employers though. They were your friends and family. Not to mention, they paid you well for your silence whenever they came to you after a brawl or some other such thing.
         Without even meaning to, you'd become something of a nurse for those young men and you'd be lying if you said you didn't love it. The excitement, the danger, the feeling of belonging. The only time you didn't enjoy it was when Finn or Isaiah, the two youngest boys, got hurt. Other than that, you didn't mind patching the boys up every now and again. It was only when they brought in the Golds that things started to change.
         Bonnie was a good kid. Stubborn as hell with a bit of a temper, but otherwise a good kid. And he made the Blinders a good bit of money. He wasn't the cause of the change. It was his father. Aberama. You knew the man's reputation and honestly, you were petrified that you were going to do or say something wrong with him around and the Shelby boys would not be able to protect you. You wouldn't have been at all surprised.
         It started with him demanding to know who you were to the Shelbys. He seemed placated enough when Tommy explained. But then, you could feel his eyes on you whenever you were in the room. He didn't even try to hide it. Every time you looked at him, his eyes were already on yours, like a cat waiting to pounce. It always sent a shiver of both fear and excitement through you.
         There was no denying the man was attractive. A little violent for your taste, if rumors were to be believed, but attractive nevertheless. He was also a doting father to his boy. It could sometimes be a problem when he hovered over your shoulder when you attended Bonnie's wounds, but he never said a word. Nor did you expect him to. A guy like Aberama Gold wouldn't go for a gal like you. Not to your thinking, anyway.
         You weren't exactly a lady. At least not one like Ada or Polly. You spent all your time near the fighting ring instead of other feminine pursuits. You were a little thicker in the…well, everywhere, than they were. Not that you minded most of the time, but many of the men and women you met seemed to. You thought, surely, if Aberama Gold were to fall for a woman involved with the Shelby's, it'd be one of them.
         You were proven wrong one evening when you were once again nursing Bonnie's bloody lip. "You really let him get you, huh?" you asked with a smile. Bonnie laughed before wincing. "Don't laugh, you'll split your lip again." Bonnie shrugged a bit. "I'll be fine." He was quiet for a moment before he spoke up again, "I can see why my father likes you." Your head snapped up to meet his gaze. "I beg your pardon?" Bonnie simply smirked and shook his head.
         You and Bonnie talked about other things for a couple minutes more before you felt a familiar presence behind you. "Good evening, Mr. Gold," you greeted, standing up. You flashed him a quick a smile before moving to leave the two alone. At least, you thought you were leaving them alone. You didn't pay attention to the sound of footsteps following you.
         "Join me for a drink?" You jumped at the sound of his voice behind you. Turning to face Aberama, you looked at him with wide eyes. "Sorry, what?" Aberama chuckled quietly and repeated his request. You bit your lip, contemplating how much of a bad idea it was, but you found yourself nodding anyway. It turned out to be a good thing.
*time skip*
         After that one night, you and Aberama hit it off. He was every bit the man the rumors said he was and so much more. Yes he was violent and sometimes frightening, but underneath all that, beat the heart of romantic. You found yourself falling and falling hard. Still, there was no indication he felt the same so you had to be content with being friends. That didn't stop your mind from fantasizing, even if it did bother Thomas Shelby to no end.
         "I don't understand it," he said, "Three weeks ago, you were too frightened of the man to go near him. What the hell happened?" You simply laughed a bit and shrugged. "What can I say? I like a bit of danger." Tommy rolled his eyes and shook his head. It was obvious that it bothered him how quickly you and Aberama had gotten close. He probably thought it would affect the business.
         "Good evening, Thomas. Y/N," Aberama greeted as he came into the gymnasium. Tommy's eyes swung over to him, giving him that oh-so-famous unimpressed look. You snorted out a laugh and turned your gaze to Aberama. "Interrupting, am I?" You shook your head and assured him it was fine.
         Tommy shot you a look that said you were nowhere near done with the conversation before sauntering over to join his brothers. You laughed and shook your head fondly. Honestly, it felt as if you were part of this dangerous and crazy family. You turned back to Aberama. "Is Bonnie ready?" Aberama smirked and nodded. "Course. My boy is always ready to get in the ring. Stay tonight?" You shifted a little on your feet. You never stayed to watch the real fights. Practice ones, sure, but the real ones got to you. Especially since you’d grow so close to the Golds.
         "For Bonnie? For me?" You glanced up into those eyes you'd come to adore and couldn't say no. "Just this once," you said, causing Aberama to laugh a bit. You practically glued yourself to his side during the fight. When Bonnie was hit across the cheek, you winced. Aberama didn't seem to think twice about wrapping his arm around you and pulling you even closer to him.
         You felt heat hit your face and you wished he would stop. He was going to give people the wrong idea. As soon as the fight was over(with Bonnie victorious, of course), you pushed away from Aberama. You hoped to get away for a bit of privacy as you felt tears welling up in your eyes. You knew he didn't know. He was just an affectionate guy to those he called friends and family. But every little touch just reminded you that he wasn't a romantic option for you.
         You didn't make it far before you heard Aberama calling out to you. Bonnie needed looking over. "I'll be right there," you called out, willing the tears to stay down. After a moment, you cleaned yourself up, straightened your spine, and headed over to Bonnie. You gave Aberama a small smile as you passed. You focused on your work, missing the way Aberama's eyes followed your every move.
Aberama's POV
         His gaze locked onto every curve of your body like a predator sizing up prey. There were three thoughts that crossed his mind in that moment. The first was absolutely inappropriate for the setting you were in. The second was how much faster his heart beat when you looked at him. And third was how was he ever going to tell you that you had completely consumed his every waking thought. How would he ever convince you that he was falling head-over-heels in love with you?
(a/n: I hope you like it! I never thought about writing Aberama before so I hope I did well and get more practice in the future.)
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sslow-dancer · 3 years
A/N: In celebration of the Stone Ocean Confirmation this past Sunday, have you a sweet Jolyne one-shot 🦋💚
“I Feel Comfortable With You Too.” (Jolyne Cujoh x Reader)
Warnings: brief mentions of suicide and homicide, rape and self-blame
tags: gender-neutral, gender-inclusive, jolyne cujoh x reader, slight angst, sfw, comfort
Description: You become cellmates with the new girl in Green Dolphin, Jolyne Cujoh. As one of you can’t fall asleep at night, you both decide to speak about your personal lives and further discuss your convictions.
(NOTE: Though prisons in the US are assigned to keep the sexes separated, this one-shot can easily be read by anyone who is not/does not identify as a woman.)
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“FE40332, you got a new roomie! Get along, alright?” one of the main guards says to you, he turns to murmur with the person next to him.
You’re quick to sit up when the guard opens your cell, both people now in full view. You meet eyes with a girl, a rather beautiful one around your age with green and black hair. You notice her choice of hairstyle, you smirk
“Nice hair.” you compliment. The girl shrugs off the guard as he closes the cell. She looks back at you, a spare change of clothes in her hands,
“Uh..thanks.” she replies shyly. She seemed nervous, though that didn’t bother you. You nod, getting up to shake her hand. She hesitates before shaking yours, you smile.
“Don’t worry. I’m no person to be scared of.”
“Yeah, I know. You give off the vibe that you’re nicer than the people I’ve already met...”
You laugh at this, telling her your name after. You ask for hers,
“Oh, right! I’m Jolyne. I’m usually one to say my name first but with the new setting.. I guess I forgot.”
“It’s alright, I totally get you. By the way,” you point at the top bunk “you don’t mind sleeping there, right? I’ve been bottom bunk for the last 2 years I’ve been here; I’m not one for top bunk, believe me, I’ve tried.”
She nods, placing her clothes on the top bunk. She takes off her shoes and climbs up to the top, sighing as she lays down. You furrow your eyebrows,
“You tired? Have you not had food or a drink yet?”
“Yeah no...I don’t really have an appetite at the moment. I just want to rest is all...”
“Understandable. I was the same when I arrived here..well, I’ll be reading for a bit. Let me know if you ever wanna talk, okay?”
Jolyne hums, closing her eyes. ‘They’re really sweet...’ Jolyne thinks, ‘They’re like a breath of fresh air...’
~ Time Skip ~
It’s past midnight now, 3:30AM to be exact. Though both you and Jolyne weren’t exactly aware due to no clock being in your presence. You sigh, as you go to fall asleep after reading a really interesting novel. Your attempt to fall asleep is then interrupted when you hear a quiet whisper from Jolyne,
“Hey uh.. you still awake?”
“Well I was about to sleep but yeah, I’m still awake. What, do you want to speak to me?”
Jolyne exhales sharply, nodding as she replies “yes...if you don’t mind though, you can sleep if you really want to.” You shake your head,
“Oh no no, it’s okay. I’ll listen, I like hearing others talk. You want me to come up there?”
“No it’s okay, I’ll meet you down there.” she quietly hops off her bunk, you sit up yawning as she places herself next to your bed. She sits on her knees, her hands fidgeting with your bedsheets. You turn your attention over to her attire. She only had a skirt and short top on. You blush as you tell her,
“You look really beautiful...”
It’s Jolyne’s turn to blush, she giggles softly, “I- thank you. Since it’s nighttime, I decided to change my outfit when you left to get a new book...”
“I see... so, what is it you wanted to talk about?” You ask curiously, she purses her lips sighing,
“Well ya know, nothing specific really. I just wanted to talk to you ‘cause you seem cool and have been really one of the only persons who hasn’t been an asshole to me.”
“Persons?” Is there more than one person in here that’s actually been nice to you besides me?”
“Yeah, a girl named Hermès. Though I haven’t seen her in a while sadly.. I’m guessing her cell is far from ours.”
You nod, grateful that she has met at least one other person that treats her with basic humane respect. You nudge at your mattress, enjoying the faint artificial lighting from outside your cell. Jolyne speaks up,
“If you don’t mind me asking...why are you in here anyway? Like I said earlier, you honestly don’t seem like someone who would be in a place like this.”
You shrug, “It’s alright. Though I will say, be careful about asking people what they’re in here for, some people can be huge asses about it. You’ll probably hear a guard in here say that it doesn’t really matter in a prison like this but trust me, you can never be too cautious.”
She nods, swallowing as she thinks she had made a mistake of asking. You frown,
“But don’t worry, you’d didn’t offend me. Since you trust me, I think I’m obligated to give that trust back. So, I’ll tell you.” You scoot closer to her, your faces inches away as you keep your voice lower than before,
“I killed a gang of men. A bunch of bastard rapists. I feel no guilt whatsoever. They hurt a close friend of mine-“ you hesitate, backing up from her whilst turning your gaze towards the wall, “-though in a way, I feel terrible because that friend of mine will never get closure...they committed suicide a bit after what happened to them. Not to mention, I threw away whole career opportunities and reputation just because my anger got the best of me... Oh and my parents? Though they say they’re not angry with me.. they’re definitely disappointed. It’s so obvious whenever they visit me, it’s clear guilt.”
Jolyne’s expression quickly saddens, her sympathy taking over as she offers to hold your hands, you frown as you accept it, holding hers tightly. Her eyes squint with sadness as she tells you,
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with that...I couldn’t imagine.”
“Like I said, it’s alright. I accepted my fate the moment I committed the crime and accepted it again when I got my hearing in court.”
She nods, looking down at both of your hands as she takes in your information. She gently lets go, resting her back against the wall next to your bunk. She exhales loudly, stretching her arms as a way to shake off the melancholy in the room. You look at her with curiosity,
“So now that I’ve told you my story...mind telling me yours?”
Jolyne clears her throat, her eyes and body facing the cell door. She begins her story,
“So, basically... I’ve been in trouble before. I was in a motorcycle gang and had got arrested for theft when I was in my early teens but for what I’m in now...I had a boyfriend. He was pretty much the stereotypical delinquent who relied on daddy’s money and got whatever he wanted.” she snickers, “you could say I was in love with him... aside from my mom I let him call me “Jojo” as I never liked anyone else calling me that but he uh.. betrayed me. That’s a way to put it, I guess.”
She looks at you for a bit, you nod as a way for her to go on,
“After my dumbass tried to sneak in a kiss when he was driving us home after school, he lost control of the car and hit a pedestrian. Obviously I panicked and panned him to call the police but he wouldn’t..instead of helping a helpless person on the ground he instead went on and on about his reputation and career...” she shakes her head, “he manipulated me into hiding the body. He has this all planned out, he was ready to put me in prison so he could go on and live his best life. He fucking- framed me! I was so stupid...”
You shake your head, saddened by the fact that Jolyne still blames herself,
“No, you’re not. Don’t blame yourself for that. HE’s the stupid one. HE was the dick that did the crime; instead of owning up to it, he made you look like the bad guy. You weren’t, you were just his girlfriend that witnessed the whole thing!”
“Try saying that to the police...they would never believe me.”
“You know, I really wish I could. Stating your side of the story again could really help getting you out of here. I would suggest you ask for a new lawyer. I can even help you if ya want.”
Jolyne shifts in her seat, clicking her tongue as she picked at her fingernails. She began to think about your suggestion and shrugs when she thinks of answer,
“Thanks but it’s fine. I plan to solve all this on my own soon.”
You nod understanding, you didn’t want to annoy her by asking again. You knew after sharing a story like that no one would want to be bugged.
“Okay I’m not gonna ask again but if you do change your mind, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.”
You smile a small smile at her, she does the same. You look over and pat down on the empty spot next to you,
“Come on, sit.”
Jolyne doesn’t say no to this, she gets up and sits next to you, her legs immediately getting into criss cross position. She was happy being able to get close to you again, your aura was soothing to her. You face her direction,
“I hope this doesn’t come out weird but after our little talk... I’ve grown to be very comfortable with you.”
Jolyne blushes, your face becoming pink as well when you realize you were able to say that out loud. She looks down, a glimpse of her small smile appearing,
“Thanks. I feel comfortable with you too.”
You giggle as you hug Jolyne around the shoulders, she quickly hugs you back around the waist. You blush again when she buries her head further into your neck.
You were thankful that you were already beginning to get close with your new cell mate.
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blownbybakugou · 4 years
Office Hours
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader
warnings: CEO!Shouto AU, FEM! Anatomy, breeding kink, hair pulling, oral (m! receiving), unprotected sex, praise kink, slight voyeurism. 
Word Count: 2.6k
A/n: Took me all day to write, I even pulled an all nighter because the ideas were swarming inside of my head. So I was just chilling at two am with Rick and Morty on, typing away. Probably disturbing my neighbors and my roommate, but whatever.
This day had been mildly annoying. Your new coworker had claimed to have been sleeping with your boss, saying she would have you fired by giving him a blowjob, and then continued to shred the paperwork you had worked on all week. You were in near tears from the stressful events of this week, and everyone, including the bitch could see that if anything else went wrong, you would snap. You could clearly hear the annoying pitter-patter of the horrid woman's shoes against the black marble heading towards your cubicle, making you groan in exasperation. "What do you want, Neca?" You sigh, your bloodshot eyes glaring at her smug face. "I have to leave early, so you'll have my work" Your eye twitched. The audacity this lady had was getting on your last nerve. "I'm not doing your work after you shredded mine, especially if you'll get the credit. Now leave. I'm trying to finish my work so I can go home." You look back down to your work, but your head is suddenly yanked back up by your hair. "Go home to what, exactly? You're single, you have no kids and no pets. You can put in the extra hours, and you don't need the extra money. So stop being a bitch, and get over it. I have a date with the boss, so I'll be leaving now" Neca slams down a fresh stack of papers for you to revise and categorize and walks over to the elevator, leaving you here to deal with her work. You looked at the clock on your desk, seeing that in only two hours it would be midnight. Era, too late for you to be at work. You yawn and take your pencil back in your hand to begin your reviewing, already dreading the outcome of this night.
At around 11:30, you got up to go to the breakroom for a new cup of coffee, and you swore you could feel your eyebags darkening by the second. Everyone had left at about 11:00, which left you here completely by yourself. Even the janitor had checked out for the night, handing you the building keys and telling you to lock up when you go home. You take a big swig of the luke-warm beverage, praying to the gods that you would finish your work faster so you could get some sleep. You look out the break-room window at the 12-inch stack of documents you had to look over, realizing you'd be lucky if you got to leave at 3:00. You gulp down half of the coffee, toss the empty disposable cup into the trash bin, and tread back to your personal hellhole. You were concentrating as hard as you could, but even when you were zoned out, you could clearly hear the sound of the elevator going up, and stopping at your floor. Your eyes widen, looking over to the clock that read 1:00 am and then trying to think of who would be here this late but only came up with fear and panic. You shake wildly as you watch the polished silver doors slide open slowly, and then you see the expensive leather shoes step out. Your breath hitched. You were somehow more afraid than before, seeing your boss look over to you, and begin to walk over. He stopped in front of your chair, looking down on you with suspicion and confusion in his eyes. "What are you doing here so late, L/n?" Your throat quickly becomes dry, making it harder to speak. "I, um, p-paperwork." You attempt to explain, pointing to the now 10-inch tall pile with a quivering finger. "I didn't give you that much, who's work is that?" His deep voice asked. "Neca's, Mr. Todoroki. She said you guys had a date and asked me to finish up her paperwork. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you." You explain, regaining your once lost composure. "We did not have a date. What happened here, is that she played you." Your brows furrow in frustration. So the hours you put in were for absolutely nothing? The fear of getting fired, the times she left because of the 'bosses demands', were all fake? "I...I'll finish it anyway, Mr. Todoroki. I promise I won't take too long." You mumble, turning back to the documents with clenched teeth. "No, I will call her right now. If she is going to rearrange your sleep schedule, I will rearrange hers." our heart warms at his kindness, as you thank him for his generosity. Todoroki pulls out an expensive-looking phone, scrolling for a while before holding it out, and putting it on speaker. On the second ring, Neca picks up. "Yes, Mr.Todoroki? Do you need me to come over or...?" She seemed insistent on wanting to come over to his home, but your boss shuts her down rapidly. "No. After many, many complaints and reports from the other employees, it has come to my attention that you have been passing your work onto Y/n L/n, as well as destroying the companies sacred files. I have called to confirm these suspicions." You both could hear shuffling on the other end on the line, and then you heard the buttered up voice speak. "Did Y/n tell you this? I didn't want you to find out this way, but Y/n has been skipping out on work and burning the company files. I didn't tell you because Y/n is such a dear friend to me and I didn't want her to get fired." Her obnoxiously fake sympathetic voice made you want to gag in disgust. The faux voice was way too sweet for her contrasting personality and the word 'friends' left a bitter taste in your mouth. "Oh? Well, if that's true then I have some interesting news. I'm at the office right now, looking at Y/n who has an 11-inch stack of papers that I certainly did not give to her. And by looking at one of the documents," Todoroki picks up one of the stapled worksheets and flips through it briefly before continuing. "These look like the oriented reference materials I asked you to finish before you left. Now, if you do not come to the office right now to complete your and Y/n's workload, I will fire you, and ruin all future opportunities for you to get a job. Am I clear?" The line goes silent, but then you hear a light sobbing sound accompanying a meek 'yes, boss'. He hung up and then gestured you into his workroom, silently closing the door behind him. "L/n, how long has this been going on for?" Todoroki asked calmly, sitting down in his exquisite black leather chair. "A week after she came here, sir." When you added the sir on the end, he seemed to flinch, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "I see. Why didn't you inform me of this?" You take notice of how he had crossed his legs. It was almost as if he were trying to hide something from you, and that fact made you internally grin. "She said she was your lover, sir, and I didn't want to be fired for claiming against her." The CEO glares at you, warning you to not step further into this. "I can happily say that we are not in a relationship, nor are we participating in any...fun, activities." A playful glint flashes in your captivating orbs, seizing the boss's attention. "I am glad to hear that sir. Shall I take my leave then?" Todoroki's jaw stiffens, and his eyes darken. "Only if you want to. But I believe it to be bad to drive when tired, you could always sleep here, for convenience reasons." You wanted to agree. But you knew that Neca would arrive here shortly, and if you slept here, she would surely do something to get back at your tattling. "I'm not very tired, sir." You remark, standing to make an emphasis. Todoroki stands as well, showing off his delicious-looking bulge forming in his black slacks. "Oh really?" He walks around his desk, eyeing you like a predator would its prey. "Is there a problem, sir?" You ask, a smirk present in your expression. "No, but I think that I'll have to make you tired. You know, for convenience reasons." His face was a mere inch from yours, his breath gently fanning your face. He finally took initiative and grabbed the back of your neck to bring you into an electrifying kiss that made every nerve in your body tingle. You were swiftly flipped around and sat on his desk, your legs wrapped around his torso as he hungrily forced his tongue onto yours. They slid across each other in unison, sending hot flashes throughout both of your bodies at the amazing contact. "Mr.Todoroki, Neca will-" "What happened to sir?" Todoroki purred, sliding his warm hands up your blouse and playing with the hem of your bra. You start softly panting as they glide to your back, fiddling with the clasp. "S-Sir, Neca will be here any min-" "Stop being a brat, I'll deal with her when she gets here. But I think you should deal with the problem you made." Todoroki unbuttons his trousers, stripping himself of them before placing your hand on his clothed cock. "Why don't you get to work, and I might reward you with a bonus." You pushed down his black boxers, almost drooling when you see the length and girth of his dick. It was almost unreal, it couldn't be. He was huge and heavy. Even with him being fully erect his cock drooped and hung right above your mouth. You were starting to even wonder if he could fit inside of you. Todoroki was staring at you expectantly, so you carefully lifted your chin to take the head into your mouth and looked up at him with big, doe eyes. A subtle grunt is produced from your actions and you decide to take it a step further. You guide his dick down your throat, feeling his width stretch out the walls of your windpipe and block your source of oxygen. You pull back, watching as strings of your salvia extend from his cock to your mouth, a low groan emitting from your boss at the sight. You take him back in, this time moaning around him for added effect and enjoying how his hands thread their way into your hair a glide you along his impressive dick. It was then that you began to hear the familiar sound of the elevator opening, and the annoying pitter-patter of shoes you have learned to hate. It seemed that Todoroki heard it too, but he only pushed you down deeper and leered at the way you gagged and squirmed. The clicking of Neca's shoes came to a halt as she shoved the door open with such haste you were surprised it didn't break. "Mr. Todoroki, please forgive me, I promise it won't happen again-" Your watery eyes open to give her a petty glare, releasing another moan around your boss so she could watch the way his eyes roll back in pure and utter pleasure at the vibrations you gave off. Neca's face turned a bright red at your bold decision and let out a high-pitched huff of anger. The irony of this situation was so satisfying. You flipped her off, making her storm out of the room, still enraged. That was until your boss yelled something to her "Neca, you still have to finish the documents you passed onto Y/n." You got no response, but you honestly didn't care at this point. She could hear you guys going at it like animals if she wanted to, but as far as you're concerned, she doesn't exist. You were yanked up and you look down to see that his cock was completely covered in your spit. "I think you deserve a reward, baby."  You were forced onto the desk chest first, your skirt flipping up making your panties on display for him to see. "I bet you have the cutest little cunt under these thin panties." He pressed two fingers against the damp fabric, swiping against your clothed slit before getting fed up and tearing them off. Todoroki kneeled, blowing cool air onto your soaked pussy and watching as you try to push your hips back onto his face. Your hole was clenching around nothing and it was practically driving Shouto against the wall. He got back up, stroking himself a few times before poking at your hole with his tip. He leaned his head into your ear with his chest pressed against your back, his breath making your heart race faster. "I'm going to fucking ruin you." He pushed himself in halfway, rocking his hips in a steady motion and chuckling at your small pathetic moans. "I'm not even all the way in and you're whining. Do you even want my dick?" You nod vigorously, trying to move backward to sheath the rest into your weeping cunt. "You want it all in? Use your words, pretty girl." He prolongs his movements and observes that way you try to fuck yourself on his cock, your orbs starting to form more tears from the lack of stimulation. "Please sir, I want to be stuffed full by your big cock." You whimper, letting his hand grasp at your strands of hair once more. Growling, he shoves the rest of his awaiting member inside of you, basking in the way your walls fluttered and twitched from the intrusion. "Good girl. Now let me use you the way I want to, little thing." He starts rapidly pounding into you, with your poor cervix being mercilessly rammed against in the process. "How's it feel getting railed like this, huh? You know, I could really use an heir to the company." Your pants began to mix with your moans, and you could tell your orgasm was coming on strong. You couldn't even warn Todoroki because right as you were about to tell him, you felt him nudge that special spot that made you see stars. And after that, you had no choice but to release. You expected Shouto to pause and let you rest after that intense orgasm, but he fucked you through your release and yanked on your hair harder, overstimulating you easily. "S-S-Shouto." You stammered, feeling his dick pulsate inside of you. Todoroki started pistoning his hips into yours at a more brutal pace, seeing you come undone for the second time. "I'm gonna fuck you full of my cum, and you're gonna be my pretty little girlfriend. How's that sound?" A gurgled yes left your mouth, too far gone to even properly validate his question. A loud groan echoed through the room as spurts of your boss's hot semen shot into your unprotected womb with full intention of getting you pregnant. You lie there, panting for a while before he picks you up, and sets you on the small leather couch in the corner. "I promise that Neca will no longer bother you. And that you and our child will have the best luxuries in the world." He murmurs, lying down in front of you and petting your moist hair. "I'm glad this happened, Shouto." He chuckled. "Yeah. Me too." The dreaded sound of the elevator returned, and this time, you could hear many voices chatting. You look over at your newfound lover's desk to read the time. 5:00 am. Also known as, office hours.
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jade-marie · 3 years
Post 4.08 Thoughts
I haven't felt this good after watching an episode since S3 tbh. Vindication is mine and it is fucking sweet. This episode literally confirms what I've been ranting on about for like a year, so I'm not particularly angry. Nothing that happened was new, it's the same game they've been playing since 2.13.
Occam's Razor
A principle from philosophy. Suppose an event has two possible explanations. The explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation.
Annie spelt it out for you lmao. Stop looking so hard for subtext to match the narrative you want to be true. Stop looking for outfits and parallels and song lyrics to change the meaning of what's happening on the screen. Look at Beth's face. Listen to the dialogue. They are telling you what they're trying to get across. People commend Christina's acting ability and her expressive face - well all season her face has flitted between uncomfortable, disgusted and scared whenever she's around Rio because that's how he makes her feel. Disgusted, uncomfortable and scared. That is where we're at now and it sucks, but it's the reality of what these asshole writers decided to do.
Rio's Arrest and the Whole Investigation
Literally, why do they want Rio more than Beth??? What is the justification for letting her get off scotfree? This isn't the FBI who've been trying to nail him for ages. He's a new person of interest for the Secret Service and they only know about him because of Beth. But realistically, how is he the bigger collar for them? They have a 3 woman counterfeiting operation dead to rights. What exactly do they think they're gonna get from Rio? Beth didn't even know he had a boss before and she knew nothing about his operation, so why are they so willing to let her get away with everything?
The arrest scene was beyond a joke. He's in handcuffs and multiple officers slam him down on a picnic bench for no fuckin reason and Beth has zero reaction. Entirely unsurprised, because like I keep saying, SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT HIM. The fact that Phoebe and Dave were shocked he was released and the DA wasn't pursuing charges shows that they know nothing about him, so again, WHY DO THEY WANT HIM MORE THAN BETH????
Rio Threatening Beth's Family
Ok so I definitely think that was incredibly OOC, and before the "Rio's a bad guy" bandits come at me, I AM WELL AWARE OF WHO AND WHAT HE IS. Being a 'bad guy' doesn't mean he hurts kids or random innocent people for leverage. That's never been his MO. Back in S1, it would've made more sense. He was trying to scare Beth in a very real way but she never had any concerns that he would hurt her kids. Now, I don't necessarily think he meant he would kill her kids when he threatened her family. He probably meant Dean, Annie, and maybe even Ruby. However, the fact that Beth immediately thought he was talking about harming her kids is fucking telling. She has never been afraid he would hurt them, not even in s1 when she knew nothing about him. Not even post 2.13.
Once again, this is part of a pattern of consistent writing choices they've been making with Rio's character and the way Beth views him. We had the fake pregnancy storyline, where the implication was that Beth needed him to believe it was his baby because if not, she thought he was capable of killing a pregnant woman. Now she thinks he would actually harm her children. Because she sees him as a psychopathic serial killer who only cares about money. She doesn't have feelings for him, she likes fucking him.
But aside from that, they've been consistently positioning Rio as a true threat to Beth, her safety, and that of her family. They've been giving her justification for when, I predict, she eventually kills him or gets him sent to prison.
Beth's Choice
I mean.... I did say this last week. She never chose him. She never will choose him. So stop acting so surprised. This is literally Beth doing what she's always done and Rio being turned into the idiot who trusts her and falls for it.
Last episode ended with Rio telling her she had a choice to make, the whole of this episode was her making that choice and the final scene was Rio confirming that she didn't choose him. Occam's razor. It's not complex. The song lyrics and outfit choices don't change that.
Rio's Backstory
Again, I said it would be bullshit and look - it was bullshit. So it's now canon confirmed that Rio is as dumb as a pile of rocks and his brother cousin has been manipulating him basically his whole life. He's not the smart kingpin we thought he was, he's a puppet who's been taking the fall for Nick for the last 20+ years for no goddamn reason.
So many question marks about the whole thing. Like i always figured his boss was a politician, so that's fine. But how the shit does Rio go from petty theft at a country club to running a protection racket and killing innocent shop girls? Like he goes to jail for 6 months and gets a tattoo? Murder Birdy on his neck possessed him and the sweet lil grandbaby who was stealing to buy his grandma a new stove has left the building? Why would he even continue working with Nick? Why was he risking his whole future by stealing anyway? Gonna do a separate post on the flashbacks because this is getting mad long but it was so dumb.
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project partner ~ jesse pinkman;breaking bad
word count: 1958
request?: no
description: when he’s paired up with the outcast in school on a school project, jesse comes to learn a secret about her
pairing: jesse pinkman x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Jesse jumped as Mr. White slammed his textbook down onto Jesse’s desk. A hushed snicker trailed through the room as Jesse sleepily raised his head.
“Good morning Mr. Pinkman, did you have a nice rest?” Mr. White asked.
“I did until you woke me,” Jesse muttered.
Mr. White rolled his eyes and passed Jesse a sheet of paper. “You have a group project due next week. I’ve paired you up with Miss. (Y/L/N).”
Jesse looked over his shoulder at the girl sat by herself in the back of the room. Her eyes widened at the mention of her name, as if she too hadn’t been paying attention to what was happening.
The bell rang to dismiss the class. Everyone filed out immediately except for Jesse and (Y/N). He approached (Y/N) as she started putting her things away.
“So,” he started, “wanna meet up and start this project after school?”
“Yeah that’s be nice actually. I’d like to be ahead on the work.”
“Sounds like a plan. We’ll go to your place after school?”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened again and all color drained from her face. “Why-why my place?”
Jesse shrugged. “My ‘rents kinda suck. They probably won’t leave us alone if we do go there.”
(Y/N) shuffled awkwardly. “We could...we could do it at the school, like in the library or something.”
“Listen, if your ‘rents suck, too, that’s fine. We don’t have to go to your place. I just know personally that it’ll be so much better than going to mine.”
(Y/N) sighed and shrugged. “No, it’s alright. My parents...won’t be home, so my place would be the best to do the project. We can meet in front of the school and I’ll drive us to my place.”
“That’d be pretty dope. I hate the bus.”
(Y/N) gave Jesse a small smile before hurrying out of the classroom to her next class.
When school ended, Jesse did as he promised and waited for (Y/N) to meet him. He checked his phone to see how long he had been waiting. He wondered if (Y/N) was standing him up.
When she emerged from the school, (Y/N) looked at Jesse waiting and sighed. There was no backing out of this now.
“Let’s get going,” she told him as she walked past him. Jesse had to quickly walk to catch up with her.
The drive was quiet. Jesse wasn’t sure what to even say to (Y/N). Once, (Y/N) was a semi-popular girl. Everyone knew and liked her. That was, until she took some time away from school, then when she came back she was suddenly an outcast, but not because her friends made her one, because she made herself one.
Her friends had asked her on multiple occasions to go out with them to catch up after her time off, invited her to parties, even asked her to just sit with them in the cafeteria at lunch, but (Y/N) turned all the offers down. She kept to herself and didn’t talk to anyone. No one even saw her outside of school, she’d just come in, go through school, and leave at the end of the day.
Jesse snuck a quick peak at her, wondering what had happened when she left, and wondered if he’d find out while working on her project.
They pulled into the driveway of a small looking house, the exact opposite of what Jesse knew to be her house.
“Uh...are we picking someone up or something?” he asked as (Y/N) turned off the car.
“No,” she responded. “This is where I live now.”
“What happened to that mansion your parents owned.”
(Y/N) winced at the question, but hoped Jesse hadn’t noticed. “They wanted to downsize. Something small and quaint or whatever. Closer together.”
She got out of the car and went around to a side door, unlocking it and letting herself and Jesse in. Jesse was shocked to see that she had let them into a basement apartment. This was the last place he expected to see (Y/N) standing in, especially with how much her family was worth.
“I’ll grab my laptop, we can get started on the project,” she told him and quickly left to her room.
Jesse sat at the kitchen table, wondering what had happened with (Y/N). Did her parents lose their money? Were her parents still alive? They had to be, why would she not tell anyone if her parents had died? It would be the news of the school if they had. Losing all their money, that would be another story.
When (Y/N) returned, they started working silently, besides asking a few questions related to the assignment. Jesse tried to think of questions to ask (Y/N) regarding her situation, but he was afraid of seeming like he was prying, even though that was exactly what he wanted to do.
Luckily (for Jesse anyways), he didn’t have to ask anything, as all his questions were answered when there was a knock at the door and (Y/N)’s eyes widened. She looked at the door, as if wishing for the person to go away, but her wishes were denied when another knock came.
“You gonna get that?” Jesse asked.
(Y/N) sighed and stood from the table. Jesse couldn’t help but crane his neck to watch her open the door. And older looking woman stood there with a child that was no more than a few months old in her arms.
“I asked you to keep him for an extra hour!” (Y/N) whispered, however was still loud enough for Jesse to hear.
“And I told you I was unable to do so,” the woman responded. “I’m sorry you didn’t receive my message, but I have plans.”
(Y/N) sighed heavily and took the child from the woman. She took some cash from her pocket and gave it to the woman before nearly slamming the door in the woman’s face. Jesse quickly returned to the assignment, pretending he didn’t see anything that had happened.
(Y/N) took the playpen in the living room and placed it in the kitchen before placing the child into the playpen.
Jesse smiled at the baby, although he was too busy biting on a teddy bear to notice. “Who’s this little guy?”
(Y/N) looked over at the baby with a slight smile on her face as well. “That’s Jacob.”
“Your little brother?”
(Y/N)’s smile faltered a little as she realized there was no getting around it now. “No actually. He’s uh...he’s my son.”
Jesse looked up at (Y/N) in shock. She was looking down at her notes in front of her, trying not to make eye contact.
“Is that why...you were out of school for so long?” Jesse asked. “Cause...cause you were pregnant?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah. My parents pulled me out when I found out I was pregnant. They didn’t want anyone to know that their precious child wasn’t as innocent as everyone thought she was.”
“Then why...” Jesse trailed off. He wasn’t sure which he wanted to ask first, he had so many questions.
“Why do I live here?” (Y/N) offered for him. Jesse nodded, although that wasn’t what he had been wanting to ask. “My parents kicked me out. Gave me enough money that I could live somewhere comfortably for a while before having to get a job. Basically told me to never contact them again, that I was no longer their child.”
(Y/N) tried not to let the hurt show in her face, but it was hard not to when thinking back to the day her parents kicked her out. They had been so angry, she had never seen them so angry before. They had packed her things for her, at least the things she had bought on her own. They told her they were keeping anything they had bought for her, which was over half of her belongings, and gave her a check for a couple thousand dollars so that she could find somewhere else to live.
They didn’t want to see her anymore, and they didn’t want to meet their grandchild.
“Who’s the father?” Jesse asked.
“Liam Johnson,” (Y/N) replied. “The quarterback of the football team.”
Jesse felt his blood boil then. Of course, everyone knew Liam Johnson and (Y/N) were an item, but shortly after her disappearance from school he began saying they had broken up. He claimed he didn’t know anything about where she had gone, other than they weren’t together anymore, then proceeded to sleep with nearly every girl in the school.
It was one thing that he had “moved on” so quickly after claiming for so long that he was in love with (Y/N), but to leave her because she was pregnant with his kid and proceed to sleep with other girls? That was lower than low.
“I didn’t want anyone else to know,” (Y/N) continued to explain. “I didn’t want anyone to know that my parents had kicked me out, that Liam had left me, that I had basically gone from having it all to having absolutely nothing, because I chose to have my beautiful baby boy the superficiality of the rich and popular lifestyle.”
“You don’t think your friends would’ve stuck by you if they knew the truth?” Jesse asked.
(Y/N) shook her head. “Of course they wouldn’t. They weren’t real friends, they just hung around with me because we all ran with the same friend group, and because I was dating Liam, and because my parents had a giant mansion and they were never home so I could throw parties. What do I have now? Liam’s baby, that’s it. Not like it means anything because he keeps denying he ever knocked me up.”
“I mean, some of them maybe, but it seems like at least a few of them were your real friends. I’m sure they would’ve stuck by your side, even helped you raise Jacob and given you a place to stay so that you don’t have to worry about making ends meet.”
(Y/N) shook her head. She looked deep in thought for a moment before he head snapped up to look at Jesse. “You cannot tell anyone about this, okay? You have to promise me you’ll tell no one at school about Jacob, about this whole situation.”
Jesse put his hands up in surrender. “I wouldn’t tell a soul anyways. This isn’t my thing to tell people. Besides, I don’t think anyone would believe me if I did tell them. I’m just the burnout stoner, remember?”
“You’re not a burnout stoner, you’re pretty cool actually.”
Jesse smiled. “You’re really cool, too. I think you’re even more cool knowing the truth about your situation.”
(Y/N)’s cheeks heated up slightly as she looked away from Jesse. “Just finish the project, we were so close to getting it all finished.”
They completed the project in silence. When it was all done, Jesse collected his things and opted to walk home, so that (Y/N) didn’t have to wake a sleeping Jacob, who had fallen asleep while they were working.
“You know,” (Y/N) said as she walked Jesse to the door, “you’re free to come back whenever you want...if you want, I mean. You’re the first friend I’ve had since I got pregnant.”
Jesse smiled at her. “I’d love to hang out with you, and with Jacob. And I promise, your secret is safe with me.”
(Y/N) smiled. “Thank you, Jesse. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Jesse smiled back at her before finally turning to leave.
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write-orflight · 3 years
Watch Over Me: Chapter One
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**Gif Not Mine**
Prev -  Next
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Rating: M
Words: 3.2K
Warnings: none for this chapter: innuendo, language
Summary: Steve Rogers learns about the future from a woman stuck in the past.
A.N This is my jazz club reader fic I’ve been talking about writing. This fic isn’t gonna be long but I like it so I hope yall do too. I’m not using my perm taglist because it’s different than my normal content. reply, message, or inbox to be tagged. Devil Has Lilith will be updated Saturday.
Slang used in this chapter:
Dish: An attractive Woman
Butter and egg man: The money man, the man who comes to town to blow a big wad in nightclubs.
Dip the bill: Have a drink.
Corn: Bourbon
Cake-eater: A ladies’ man
Jalopy: An old car.
Drop a dime: Make a phone call
Chapter 1: There's a somebody I'm longin' to see 
“I can’t watch this anymore!” Tony said storming into the compound’s kitchen one night.  Steve looked up from his sketchbook in confusion. “I can’t watch you sit in here another friday night. It’s tragic!” 
“Ugh, not this again, Tony.” Steve says, sighing. Nat and Bucky begin snickering next to him, knowing where the conversation was going. 
“Yes, this again. Cap, I excused it for the first couple of years because you were adjusting to the times but it’s been years! If you’re not on a mission, you don’t go out! Sometimes, when Pep is having trouble sleeping I describe your social life to her, puts her right slee--” 
“Alright, I get it!” Steve cuts him off, slapping Bucky, who was in full hysterics at this point, in the arm. “I know my personal life is--” 
“Non-existent?” Nat provides.   
“Dead?” Tony adds, laughing.  
“But it’s my personal life. I’m over 100 years old. If I looked it, you guys wouldn’t be questioning my staying home.”   
“Exactly, if you looked it, I wouldn’t. But you are not that old yet.” Tony says. “Come on, let’s just all go out once. If you don’t like it, I’ll never make you go out again. I’ll even get you a coloring book or a model ship, or whatever old people do.” 
“Fine.” Steve sighed, as the man next to him cheered. “But nothing like those places you typically go to. They’re too noisy and sweaty and--” 
“Yea I got it, old-timer. We’re not going anywhere like that.” Tony provides. “My friend recently opened a restaurant where their back room is a speakeasy, very accurately themed, you need a password and everything to get in. You’ll fit right in.” 
“Prohibition ended in the 30s.” Bucky says. “Long before Stevie could even drink.” 
“Even still, work with me a little here.” Tony says. 
“Fine.” Steve sighs.  
“Awesome. Now, you’ve got to come in costume to these things so I’ve already taken the liberty of telling my tailor to make you guys something.” 
“What if I had said no?” Steve asks. 
“Oh, Cap. You should know by now I don’t take no as an answer.” 
  Steve shifted uncomfortably in his uniform. It was almost exactly like the one he would wear out during down times in the war though he knew it wasn’t the real one as that one was in the Smithsonian. Still, Tony’s tailor did a good job with seemingly all the costumes. Tony looked almost identical to how Steve remembered Howard back in the day. Bucky was in a uniform that looked similar to his back in the day, Glove covering his metal hand. Natatsha was in a sleek red gown, white gloves and pearls that was more modest than he’d seen her wear but still made her look drop dead gorgeous. 
Tony led them down a dark alley to what seemed to be a back door. Steve looked around confused as they entered the smokey hallway. At the end of the hallway there were two large doors and a lady with pinned up hair and a black shimmery dress, smoking with her feet propped up on the desk she was sitting at. 
“Evening gentlemen.” She croons in an english accent. “And lady. Are you lost?” 
“We have a meeting with Dr. Volstead.” Tony says, confidently. 
The woman tilts her head back giving all of you a once over. “It’s a nice night, isn’t it?” She asks. 
“Yes, it is. But I prefer the rain.” Tony says.  
With that the woman stands and walks over to the large doors and knocks rhythmically 3 times. The doors open to reveal a large dance hall where couples are in full swing, laughing and drinking. A trio of girls crooned a faced paced song as a jazz band was playing behind them. For a moment, Steve did actually forget he was in the 21st century. 
“Enjoy Paradise, my friends.” The woman smiles, before shutting the doors to the outside world. 
You were in the kitchen, taking a much needed headache break from the facade you had been putting up for your tables all night long when your Co-worker, Dalia, came up to you. 
“Y/N, Y/N! You have to trade tables with me.” 
You looked at her with a suspicious look. “Why?” 
“Come on, It’s a 4-top anyway. I’ll even trade you the party table for it.” That made you even more suspicious. “50 bucks for it, come on.” 
“Don’t trade, Y/N/N!” Your co-worker and friend/roommate, Jade added. “Tony Stark is in your section. I bet she only wants to give you 50 for it because she knows she’ll make 500.” 
“Come on, that’s not even why.” Dalia groans. “Black Widow is also at your table and you know she’s on my ‘Celebrities I have to fuck before I die’ list.” 
“God, are the rest of the avengers here?” You ask. 
“Not all but you know who is here?” Jade asks. “Steve Rogers.” She says, in a mocking singsong tone, jabbing you. Your crush on Captain America wasn’t really a secret anymore after you confessed it drunk one night. “And he looks almost edible.”  
You hum, you didn’t really feel like taking another table but this wasn’t a normal table. You doubt you had a chance but you weren’t passing up on serving Steve Rogers. 
“I’ll make you a deal. I still want that 50 bucks and we share the table, I’ll consider splitting the tip.” You say, the idea of making your rent in a night did appease you. 
“Now ladies, I have a song to do.” You say, leaving the girls behind in the kitchen. 
Steve, for the first time in a while it seemed, was having fun. Tony was right, he did feel like he fit right in here. He clapped with the crowd, as the three girls bowed and left the stage. The piano man stood up and took the microphone Steve could tell was only styled to look old but actually wasn’t that old. 
“One more time for the Duclaw sisters folks.” The smooth voiced man said into the microphone, inciting another round of applause from the crowd. “Our next performer is actually the last of the night.” That incited a few ‘awws’ of disappointment. “Don’t cry just yet because Old Gary never disappoints, our next performer is my personal favorite. Sings like a Canary and the Cat who caught it.” That induces a laugh from the crowd and a small chuckle from Steve. “And maybe if you’re good she’ll come on for an encore later. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Sultry Sounds of Y/N L/N.” He says, moving from the mic back to the piano as the crowd cheers. Steve watches the stage as arguably the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen seems to glide out from the backstage. She’s wearing a floor length silver gown that seemed to glimmer with every step she took. Her hair came down in long fingerwaves, pinned back so you could see the sculpt of her face. Steve would be lying if he said that wasn’t his favorite part of her facade. She had on simple eyeliner, foundation, and a bold red lip he could probably see from mars. You were beautiful, in a timeless sort of way. 
“My, my.” She crooned in an sultry old new york accent that reminded Steve of the women he grew up around. “What would your wife say if she knew I was your favorite, Old Gary?” 
“She’d agree!” The man called from the piano, inducing the chuckle from the crowd. And a deep sultry one from you. 
“Well as they say, two’s just fine but three’s a party.” She winked at the old man in a way that would make Steve weak if he wasn’t already sitting. 
“You ok there, Cap?” Tony said, snapping Steve out of the mystery woman’s trance. “You disappeared for a second.” 
“I’m fine.” Steve said, fighting the flush that threatened to spread over his face. He looks out the side of his eye to Bucky, who was smirking at him knowingly. Of course, he knew. 
“You know, you saying something about being good got me thinking, Old Gary.” She said, as the man softly played behind her. “A good man is hard to find. Great men are great, bad men are good sometimes too.” She winked to the crowd. “But every girl wants a good man, someone to watch over her.” Old Gary seems to take the cue to start playing her song. 
“There's a saying old, says that love is blind. Still we're often told, ‘seek and ye shall find’” She began singing and it made Steve sit up in his seat. She had the kind of voice that was almost beckoning. She was becoming his own personal siren. “So I'm going to seek a certain lad I've had in mind”  
“She’s a looker, huh?” The server, who introduced herself as Dalia, said as she sat down Bucky’s drink. “Y/N’s the main dish of this place.” 
“I think I’m more interested in you, doll.” Bucky flirted, shamelessly. 
“And I think I’m more interested in dames, Soldier.” She says, winking to Natasha who smiles coyly at her. Steve hardly pays them any mind as his focus was on you as you finished your song and thanked the crowd and waved while Old Gary helped her off stage. 
You were changing from your stage outfit into your floor outfit when Dalia burst into the locker room.
“Y/N/N, I actually think I might have a chance with Widow. I mean, she’s kinda been ignoring me the whole night but when I mentioned I was into girls she smiled!” Dalia ranted, excitedly as you nodded. You turned your back to her so she’d get the clue to zip you up which she does. “Also, you should’ve seen the way Steve Rogers was watching you sing. He totally wants to hit that.” That makes you perk up a bit. 
“I doubt it. I have it under good authority that he hasn’t hit anything in over 70 years. I doubt I’m what he’s been waiting for.” You laugh. “Still, it’s fun to think about.” 
Dalia tugs you out of the locker room. “Come on, let's get back out there.” 
You sighed before stepping out of the locker room and seemingly out of this century. 
You fake laughed with a guest at the bar as you grabbed your tray of drinks and made your way over to the table that had been making you nervous all night. You placed the four whiskey rocks drinks on the tables. 
“Courtesy of Dean.” You say, placing the drinks down. Stopping at Tony Stark. “Don’t know why? You seem to be the butter and egg man out tonight. 
“Butter and egg?” He asks, looking to Steve and Bucky. 
“Means money man, High roller.” Bucky explains, Steve nods. 
“Ah, well I am that.” Tony says, laughing. “I must say Miss, what was it? Y/N?” You nod confirming. “I have to say you are quite the performer.” 
“Thank you kindly, Mr. Stark. Go ahead, dip your bill.” You say pointing to the drink, Hoping they’d get the hint. They did of course, after seeing Steve and Bucky take a sip. You watch Steve grimace slightly at the taste of the liquor. 
“Everything alright, fella?” 
You watch Steve flush at the attention being tossed his way. You can’t help the confident smirk that graced your face knowing it was you that had Steve Rogers flustered. “I’m fine, I just don’t enjoy the taste.” 
You hum. “Yea, it’s the big cheese’s favorite drink and he’s known for liking it rough.” You wink, somehow making Steve flush more. That made you want to push it more. “I’ve got some corn in the back they call the Y/N because it feels really good when it’s going down.” That makes Steve choke a little and induces a hearty laugh from the group. “Can I get you a glass, Soldier?”  
“Y-Yea, I’d like that.” Steve flushes. It was almost fun at this point. 
“I’d love to try the real thing.” Bucky says, flirting right back with a smirk you knew has to make every girl in the 40s weak in the knees. You didn’t indulge him though. 
“Well, aren’t you a regular cake-eater.” You smirk. “I’ll be back with two glasses.”  
“I see the serum didn’t enhance your ability to talk to pretty girls.” Bucky laughs as you want away. Steve can’t help but become a little distracted by the sway of your hips. 
The rest of the night seemed to go like that. You bringing them drinks and flirting with the captain anyway you could just to see the pretty flush that spread across his face. But soon the time came for the superheroes to take their leave. As you sat the check in front of Tony, you brushed a hand over the Captain’s shoulder admiring the broadness of them. 
“You’ll come back and see me, Sugar?” You say, phrasing it like a question despite it not really being one. Steve nods, dumbfounded by you. You smile and wink at him before walking away. 
You’re in the kitchen eating the pizza you had ordered earlier when your manager, Dean comes out of his office for the first time that shift. 
“Y/N!” You roll your eyes when you hear him scream your name. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
“I’m eating dinner. Something I could’ve done on my break if I ever got one.” 
“You know you’re not supposed to be eating anything that couldn’t be made in the 30s. People pay for the illusion and if they see you gorging yourself on pizza, it ruins it.” 
“No one’s looking in the fucking kitchen, Dean.” 
“Uh-huh, and another thing. You know what kind of songs you’re supposed to sing.” You roll your eyes harder. You knew this argument was coming. “That song is from the 50s and you knew it.” 
“None of those bullshit hipsters know who Ella fucking Fitzgerald is!” You yell. “Much less what years her fucking songs came out. That song killed and that’s all that fucking matters.” 
“Change your set or you’re fired.” 
That makes you laugh in his face. “Uh-huh, as if you’re going to find a singer who’ll work as cheap as me.” You say, brushing past him. “See you tomorrow.” 
Steve comes back to the bar the following week. He tells himself that it’s just for a quick drink but he knew the real reason was because he could not stop thinking about you. He also knew you were probably just being friendly because it’s your job to. He just needed you to reject him so he could go on with his life. 
He found himself in that hallway again approaching the woman he had seen last week. 
“Evening, Sir.” She says. “Are you lost?” 
“Umm.. I have a meeting with Mr. Volstead?” Steve questions, not really recalling the password fully. 
The woman hums. “Nice night, no?” She says. 
“I prefer the rain.” 
The woman sighs. “I’m sorry. I typically would let you in because I don’t really care but technically I’m not supposed to let anyone who doesn’t know the password in… even if  they are kinda famous.” She says. “The password changes every week. I’m sure if you ask Mr. Stark, he can find it for you.” 
“Oh, no worries. Sorry for wasting your time.” Steve sighs, turning back out the building. 
He’s approaching where he parked his bike when he hears a string of expletives being screamed followed with a car stuttering before not starting. He looks over to see a woman angrily get out of her car and lift the hood to see it smoking. The woman lets out another stream of expletives before kicking the tire and leaning her head on the roof of the car, defeated. For some reason, he feels compelled to go over and see how he could help. As he got closer he couldn’t believe his luck, it was you. He tapped you lightly on the shoulder and you turned with the beginnings of tears in your eyes. 
“Oh, Soldier!” You said, quickly turning around to wipe your eyes and putting the facade you typically used with customers back up. “I almost got offended when you didn’t come back to see me. Imagine a broad’s old luck.” You said, smiling flirtatiously. Steve didn’t buy that smile for a second. He could see in your eyes you were still upset. 
“Everything okay?” He asks. 
“Oh, everything’s swell! This old jalopy has seen better days, gonna drop a dime to a friend hopefully--” You cut yourself off, switching into your normal speaking voice. “Listen, I’m sorry I just can’t keep talking like this off the clock. I’ll drive myself insane. Please, don’t tell my boss. I’m already on thin ice for not ‘maintaining the illusion’.” 
Steve laughs, a weight suddenly feeling lifted off his shoulders. Suddenly you weren’t this mysterious woman who seemed to have all the right things to say and how to say them. You were human, just like him. “Your secret’s safe with me.” He says. 
“Good.”  You say, smiling briefly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’ve gotta call Triple A for a tow.” You say, pulling your cell phone out. Steve had to admit it looked a little weird to see you with a cellphone in your olden days attire. 
“How will you get home?” He asks. 
“I’ll probably hoof it.” You shrug. “Or take the subway.” 
“At night?!” Steve says, incredulously. “No, I can take you if you’d like.” 
You look at him, hopefully. “I don’t want to be a burden.” You say. 
“You won’t be one.” He smiles. God, that smile made you feel a little weak. 
“Okay.” You smile back. 
“Are you hungry by chance?” He asks, as the two of you walk back to his ride. “I was going to eat in the bar but I couldn’t remember the password.” He says, sheepishly. 
That makes you laugh out loud. “Those passwords are such bullshit, Dean keeps changing them to keep it ‘exclusive’ but they always end up online anyway.” You say. “Every server has their own password, to keep track of regulars coming in. If you tell them you have a rose delivery for Mae, They’ll take you to my table no questions.” 
“Mae?” Steve asks. 
“For Mae West.” You explain, That makes Steve laugh again, of course you liked Mae West. “I could eat though. There’s actually a diner right down the road from here.” 
“Perfect.” He says, straddling onto his bike. He raises an eyebrow at you when you hesitate. “Something wrong?” 
“I’ve never ridden on a bike before is all.” 
“As long as you hold on to me, you’ll be fine.” He says, smirking when he sees a flush creep over your face as he hands you his helmet. It was about time for you to be flustered by your interactions. 
“I have no problems with that.” You say, placing that helmet on your head after you straddle the bike behind him. Your hands are tight around his waist as the two of you ride out of the lot, leaving Paradise behind. 
Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
Blackthorn Detective Agency - Part 1
KitTy Sherlock AU!
It's set in 1930s, slow burn & will have a few parts!
I'm not 100% sure where this is going but I'm already writing the second part, so we will see
Words: 3 862 (I know it's long, sorry, this part is more about the plot and the surroundings)
Kit looked at the grey sky above his head and frowned. It was going to rain. Of course.
He hasn't been in London for over a year now but he wondered how he could forget that. The bad weather, the noise, (and true to be told - very dirty) streets, the men in suits and cylinders, the women in pretty dresses, sometimes with pants. He wondered what happened to the few closet shops he was passing by. One of the many mysteries of life.
And talking about mysteries…
Kit saw at the other side of the street what he was looking for. A grey showcase, thorns all over the frame with a few simple words in the middle - "Blackthorn Detective Agency". There was a small bee on its left.
Kit fastly crossed the street, holding his hat. Some man angrily shooted, cursing the sudden wind that scattered many leaves, newspapers and even a few hats. Kit laughed. He missed London even though it wasn't the most awesome place.
He stood up in front of the agency, hesitating. He knew the guy who ran it is young, very good at what he does and known among people as Sherlock Holmes. Kit didn't know almost anything about him. What if he was a criminal? Or another kind of dangerous person?
But he remembered the look on his father's face. The empty package. Kit needed the money, no matter what kind of guy was this Sherlock.
He quietly opened the door and looked around the room as he was entering. It was kind of a lobby but a lot smaller - there was space only for two comfortable-looking armchairs, mahogany mass and a portrait hidden behind a curtain. The walls were in nice, warm colors, mainly grey and brown, a turned off radio on the desk. In the right corner, almost unnoticeable was a polished ajar wooden door.
Kit cautiously stepped towards it but then he heard voices. He stopped, grateful he was quiet while coming inside.
“... think so?” this was a woman's voice, perhaps a girl's.
“Look. All I know is that my friend disappeared a few days ago,” this was definitely a woman's voice, probably older than the first one. “He didn't show up for our meeting the next day. He didn't send a note. And…” she hesitated.
“What is it?” this time it was a male's voice.
There was a minute of silence, then:
“The only reason I come here is not because I can't do investigation on my own. It's because…” she sighed. “The last day we saw each other, exactly the day before our appointment, he told me there is a secret that was passed to him to protect. And he told me about it. Not everything, not enough details, but I'm sure he told me because he knew he may be… attacked. I think his… attackers may know about me and this would impede the investigation.“
“I understand,” the male voice again. It was a nice voice. Melodic. Kit could listen to it for hours. “I suppose you can't tell us this secret.”
“No,” she said firmly. “I definitely can't. It's not mine to say.”
After this no one said anything but Kit thought he heard a pen writing fast on a paper.
“Is there anything further you want to share?” asked the male voice.
“I don't think so,” the woman said. “Just… be careful. Find my friend. The money is not a problem.”
Kit swallowed. Money. This woman had money. Kit should get the job at all costs.
“Thank you, Miss Loss. We will do everything we can to help.”
This was followed by silence and noise of moving clothes. Tracking of heels. Kit jumped off the door, hoping he wouldn't be caught eavesdropping.
A woman with blue skin and white hair came out of the room. A warlock. She suspiciously looked at Kit but didn't say anything. She walked past him and frowned at the sky.
“London's weather is terrible, isn't it?” Kit chuckled. “Sometimes I forget.”
A shadow of a smile crossed the woman's face. “It is, indeed. That's why I brought an umbrella.”
“Lucky you. I always forget and I'm supposed to live here.”
Then a real smile appeared on her face. But she didn't say anything - just put on her gloves, took out her umbrella and went outside. As she opened her umbrella right in front of Kit her skin and hair became darker and she wasn't warlock anymore - just a regular woman in the rain.
Kit watched after her for a second then turned around. On the door's frame was leaning a girl. Not much older than Kit probably, with bright blue-green eyes that was watching him curiously. She was wearing gloves, white shirt with puff sleeves and coffee brown wide leg pants, almost as dark as her curly hair. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. Kit noticed a necklace around her neck, with a gold chain and a slim disk of metal on it. On the front was a wreath of thorns - probably the family symbol.
“How can I help you?” she asked politely.
“I'm here for the job. I heard that… Sherlock… is looking for a partner.”
“Yes, that's right,” she said. “Very well. Come in.”
She turned around and got back into the room she and the other woman were in. Kit followed.
It was an office. The shelves on the walls were filled with books - some of them about mathematics and the morse code, about the body language and animals, others - mysteries and classics, fairy tales and mythology, most of which Kit didn't recognize. It was surprisingly cozy - the room was warm and smelled like ink and paper. There were a few maps on the walls - of the world, of England and of London. Three armchairs like the ones in the lobby and surprisingly many tables (at least three) on which were a few little toys and tons of well organized paper - on one was even a disassembled watch. Right against the door, no more than 5 meters away, was a big desk - it was a little messy, with a rotary dial telephone and two chairs on both sides. Probably for the clients.
There was also a board, standing close to the desk - big, see-through board on wheels with paper and written things on it. A young man was cleaning it right now.
As Kit saw him everything around faded a little and his gaze was focused only on him. How beautiful.
This was probably the most good-looking man Kit has ever seen. He was tall, taller than Kit, with messy black hair which showed he probably runs a hand through it a lot. His eyes were grey like the sky outside, carefully reading a piece of paper. He was wearing gloves, a silk white shirt, a little loosened on his neck and black trousers with braces.
This should be Sherlock, Kit thought. He didn't expect him to be so young. Hell, he probably wasn't much older than Kit.
“We have a job candidate," the blue-greened girl said and sat on one of the armchairs.
The young man lifted his gaze to look at Kit. Kit felt embarrassed. He was wearing his favorite overcoat and cap - he wasn't as elegant as the two of them.
“Hello,” he said, trying not to sound too nervous. Or desperate. “I'm here for the job. I heard that Sherlock is looking for someone helping him.”
None of them said who Sherlock was or if the guy in front of him was Sherlock. The black haired one just nodded.
“You can sit if you want.”
Kit sat. The boy took a notebook from one the piles on the desk and a pen.
“My name is Livvy. This is my brother, Ty. We run this place. Nice to meet you.”
They, Livvy actually, asked him a few basic questions - his name, age, occupation. Kit came here prepared to lie for them all. But watching the boys' - Ty's - face while he was writing down the information, he couldn't make himself tell all the lies he had prepared. Kit ended up telling them the truth. His father would be disappointed in him. Well, if he knew his son was here.
“So, Mr. Rook,” the girl started.
Kit shivered. “Please, Mr. Rook is my father. You can call me just Kit.”
“Kit, it is,” she smiled. Kit had a feeling the serious questions begin now.
After almost 30 minutes the interview was at its end.
“Final question,” Livvy said. “Tell us Kit, why do you want to work in this agency?”
Kit paused. “True to be told, it's mainly because I need the money.”
“Oh,” clearly this wasn't the answer she expected. Even Ty looked up. “Really?”
Kit shifted uncomfortably. “Well… I want to help my father and for this I need to find a job. And when I saw the inquiry in the newsletter… I told myself this is what I want to try to work.”
It wasn't the greatest answer, really. But it was the truth.
“Very well,” Livvy said. Ty wrote something in his notebook - he was doing it the whole interview. “Please, leave us alone for a few minutes.”
Kit nodded and got up. He smiled at them and turned around.
When he got out of the room the door closed tightly after him.
Livvy turned to him with a playful smile.
“What do you think about him?”
Ty looked at the notes he had made during the interview. Christopher, also known as Kit Rook.
“He looks like he can do the job,” Ty said.
“Oh, come on!” Livvy stepped away from the door and approached Ty's desk. “I know you liked him.”
It was true. Ty did like him. He had a nice smile.
“You're not wrong,” Ty said. “But.”
“But?” Livvy raised an eyebrow.
“I don't think he'll keep up around for long. You heard him. He's here only for the money. When he is financially stable again he'd quit.”
“Ty,” Livvy sighed. “We talked about this. We're looking for someone who will work here, no matter how long. We can't find a full time worker that fast.”
Ty ran a hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and breathed. He looked at the empty board. He already imagined how he filled it with paper, the possible connections and people, places and details, the web of the case - could this stranger help him solve the board?
“I know you don't like strangers,” Livvy said quietly. “But at least give him a chance. From all the people that came, he is… I don't know. Most reliable-looking, I suppose. He would talk with people and he's smart. And I have a feeling he may know a thing or two about London's criminals.”
Ty looked suspiciously at the door, even though he couldn't see Kit through it. “Do you really think he would be helpful?”
Livvy sat on the chair in front of the desk, looking amused - Ty wasn't sure why. “I think he is worth a try.”
Ty looked at his notes one more time, tapping with the pan on them. He looked at Livvy. Sighed.
“All right,” he said. “Let him in. He must hear the good news.”
Livvy smiled at him and got up. Ty almost didn't hear their conversation. Still tapping with the pen on the papers, he read again all the information Catarina Loss gave him. He should talk with some people. Check some places. To think about it.
“Yes?” he looked at Livvy.
“When is Kit starting?”
Ty thought about it for a second. “Right now.”
Well, Kit thought. These guys are intense.
He watched, sitting on a chair, as Ty and Livvy together "prepared" for the case. Ty cleaned up one table, while Livvy moved the London's map closer to the see-through board. At some point they were finished and Livvy sat on the same chair she was sitting on during Kit's interview, while Ty remained standing.
“Let's retell get the case from the beginning,” Ty said and grabbed his notebook. “Before four days, on 10th October Ragnor Fell arrived in London, around 2 p.m. After that, around 4 p.m he and Catarina Loss met on George Street, in a restaurant whose name is unknown. They sat there no more than three hours and left between 6 and 6:30 p.m. This is the last time Catarina sees Ragnor. The next day, 11th October, they should have met at Arthur Street at 11 a.m. but Ragnor never appears.”
He looked up from his notebook and said, “Do I miss something?”
“I don't think so,” Livvy, who had written fast while her brother was talking, shook her head. She turned to Kit as she was handing the paper to Ty. “This is the 'skeleton' of the story. The very basics we know. The details come after this.”
Kit nodded, fascinated by the team they were. What was Kit even doing here? It was obvious the twins worked well together - they didn't need a third wheel.
“Now,” Ty said slowly, looking at the paper with the information Livvy wrote on. “Ragnor told Catarina the secret during their meeting on 10th, correct?” On another list, which he pinned next to the first one, he carefully started to write what he just said. He was making a timeline, Kit realized.
“Correct,” his sister said. “Also, in the same conversation he mentioned he's going to meet with a person named Raphael Santiago, but it's unclear when and where.”
Ty wrote that too.
Then he stared at it, tapping the pen on his hand.
“Do we know when he comes from?” Kit suddenly asked.
They both turned their heads at him at the same time. A little creepy but impressive.
“What do you mean?”
“I was talking about Ragnor and his train. Do we know where the train started from? Or from where Ragnor was before arriving here?”
Ty intensely searched his journal. “I don't think so.”
“It's probably not important anyway…”
“It may be,” Ty just said and took one more paper, wrote something on it and pinned it on the other side of the list with the 'skeleton'. “This is the first thing we're going to check tomorrow.”
For a few more hours they discussed the case. It was Ty mostly and Livvy. Kit was only following their conversations (and Ty's monologues), adding some little details time to time.
He was amazed. After spending a few hours in their company he could understand why "Blackthorn Detective Agency" had this reputation.
Kit looked at the clock on his hand and stood up. “I'm sorry but I have to go.”
It was almost 6 p.m. His father would wonder where he was.
“All right,” Livvy said. “Come here tomorrow morning. Nine a.m. Or earlier.”
Kit shivered. So early. But he only nodded and left.
Kit was running down the street. The wind was blowing in his face, his lungs were burning. He could barely stop in front of the door of "Blackthorn Detective Agency". Kit took one deep breath and entered.
Ty was in the lobby, sitting on one of the armchairs. He was reading his notes, in one hand holding a calabash pipe and in the other - his journal.
He glanced at Kit. “You're late.”
“I'm sorry,“ Kit said. It was his first day - it was a bad impression to be late, wasn't it? “I didn't correctly estimate how long it would take me to get here. I promise it won't happen again.”
“Good,” Ty said, closing his notebook. He got up from the armchair and grabbed the overcoat that was on the other.
He was as tall and handsome as yesterday. Under the overcoat he was wearing clothes similar as the day before - only the shirt was green. The braces remained the same.
“Let's go.”
“Shall we not wait for Livvy?”
“She is not coming with us.”
“Oh. All right.”
Ty eyed him as they were leaving the building. “Are you disappointed?”
“Well. No. Just surprised I suppose.”
Ty seemed like he accepted his answer. They walked side by side on the street.
“Where are we going? To the train station?”
“We shall,” Ty said. “But our first stop is Ragnor's apartment because it's closer. Then we'll take a taxi to the train station.”
“Sounds good.”
They walked together in the chilly London. Kit could see his breath in the air. The streets were rather empty. Maybe it was because it was too early? Anyway, he liked it this way. It was calm.
“So,” Kit said. “Why do you choose to call yourself Sherlock? Where does it come from?”
“Livvy came up with it,” Ty said, glancing around the street. Maybe he was searching for Ragnor's apartment. “And I'm not Sherlock.”
Kit was so shocked he stopped walking for a second. Then he caught up with Ty and asked, “Wait, you're not Sherlock Holmes? Then who is it?”
“Well,” Ty said and turned towards the street on the left. “It's Livvy and I. Although she probably will disagree.”
“Interesting,” Kit said absently. This explained some things. Like why no one could tell how Sherlock looked or his age. Even if he was male or female even though most people thought it's a man.
“This is it,” Ty said and they stopped in front of a tall but narrow building, reminiscent of a tower. “I believe Ragnor's apartment is on the third floor.”
Instead of entering the building from the main entrance, they went around to the rear entrance. While they climbed the stairs (because around the elevator too many people would see them), Kit asked, “Do you have a key to the apartment?”
“No,” Ty simply said.
“You say we're going to break in?”
“Well, technically, yes. But Catarina Loss said we should do everything we can to find him. Even if this includes "some not so legal actions", in her words.”
“Dear god,” Kit murmured. “So, we, kind of, have her permission to break in her friend's apartment?”
“That's right.”
Does he know how to do that? Kit thought but didn't say it. He probably knew. This was Sherlock Holmes (or at least half of it).
They quietly sneaked throughout the floor, until Ty stopped in front of room 66B.
He frowned at it.
“What is it?” Kit said.
“It seems that the lock is not... what I expected it to be,” Ty sounded deeply displeased when he said it.
Kit signed. He didn't want to seem like a criminal but desperate situations require desperate measures.
“Have you brought some instrument to open the door?” Kit said, already looking at the lock. “Small screwdriver perhaps? Or something like it?”
“I did,” Ty said absently, tapping with his foot. He was probably thinking of other ways to open the door without breaking it. Well, with a bit of luck Kit was going to do it for him.
“Can you give it to me? I want to try something.”
For a second Ty just looked at him but did as Kit asked.
Kit took the little object and kneeled in front of the door. The lock was better than he expected from a place like this but nothing unbearable.
After a few minutes, a few clicks and pressure on the mechanism Kit unlocked it. He stood up and gave the screwdriver back to Ty.
Ty was looking at him with amused eyes. “Unexpected but very helpful. Thank you.”
Kit felt warm and smiled. He wasn't used to people complimenting him. Shyness he didn't know existed in him woke up and he just said, “Nothing special. You're welcome any time.”
Ty gave him a thoughtful look for a second but didn't say anything.
They walked in the Ragnor Fell flat. It was a rather simple room. Pale red wallpapers, boring green sofa. A dresser and a desk with a few books about Spanish language on it. Bookshelf and a few plants. In the end of the room was a door, as boring as everything else here, that was probably the bedroom.
“This doesn't make sense,” Ty said, looking around the room. He approached the desk and looked at the books.
“What? That this flat is awfully boring for a warlock to live in? If so, yes, you're right.”
“No. I mean,” Ty ran a hand through his hair. “You have a point. I suppose. But I meant that such a warlock as him would protect his own flat at least. We get into it too easy. There were no spells, no protection, nothing. This is strange.”
Kit closed the door to the apartment and stepped in it. “Maybe he just didn't have the time?”
Ty shook his head, opening a drawer in the desk. It was empty. “Between his meeting with Catarina and his arrival in London are two whole hours. After that too, if we guess he hasn't been kidnapped right after meeting her.”
“Fair point.”
Kit looked around as well, approaching the door. There really wasn't anything interesting. Most of the books were classics, the sofa looked old but unused. Kit opened the door to the bedroom which creaked quietly.
This room was even simpler. One big bed, two nightstands on both sides of it and one more wood door, probably for a bathroom or closet. At one of them though there was a frame. As Kit took it in his arms he saw it was a black and white photograph. In the middle Kit recognized Catarina Loss - she was smiling quietly with crossed on her chest arms. On the right was a tall guy with cat eyes and a big smile, maybe a little drunk.
Kit decided the man on the left was Ragnor - he couldn't imagine a guy like the other one would live in place like this. Maybe-Ragnor looked grumpy and annoyed but Kit could see in his sparkling eyes that he was happy. He probably loved his friends but would never admit it.
On the right corner with a thick pen was written 'Peru,1890'.
“Did you find something?”
Kit looked a little startled at Ty. He almost forgot they were here to investigate. Almost.
“Something,” Kit repeated. He handed the frame to Ty and watched as his grey eyes were running through the photo.
“Peru, 1890,” he said thoughtfully. “This photography is from more than 40 years ago.”
“It's the only personal piece here. Probably in the whole flat, except the Spanish books.”
“You have a point,” Ty agreed. “But this is not his-”
A sharp sound interrupted him. It was the front door. Someone was trying to break it.
Kit breath stopped. Before he could do anything Ty grabbed his arm, opened the wood door and dragged them both inside.
Ty closed the door to the narrow dark room. Kit couldn't see anything. The only material thing was Ty's body against him. A moment later they heard how the stranger broke the lock and their steps as they came inside.
To be continued...
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electronicgrowth · 3 years
Can’t Get Enough Part 8
The two most stubborn people in Knockemstiff, Ohio have eyes for only each other. Lee Bodecker is determined to become the town’s next sheriff. He knows that image is everything. Billie Dechswaan doesn’t care about her image at all. All she wants is to leave Knockemstiff and never come back. But Lee has other plans for her. Both are far too stubborn to give up their own plans. What happens when they can’t get enough of each other? 
A/N: So, this is a long one. If I’m honest, I’ve lost a lot of my vigor for this story. I still have quite a bit of story written, so maybe I’ll find the inspiration again. But if I’m totally honest.... I’m wildly depressed. Like barely functioning. I’m going to keep posting what I already have written, but I’m not sure if I’ll finish what I had initially planned out. 
That day started like any other for Lee Bodecker. He awoke with a headache. A consequence of drinking too much the night before. He peeled himself out of his bed, before stumbling to the bathroom for a shower. He was disappointed. Nearly a week since John passed and Billie had yet to show her face. Maybe she didn’t care. Maybe she really had cut off all contact with her family. Maybe she even found a new guy and had already given him a whole bunch of babies. 
The last thought made Lee feel nauseous. And not in the hangover kind of way. 
After the shower, Lee shaved. He may feel like a mess but he couldn’t show it. Then he proceeded to pick up the beer bottles from the counter and dispose of them. He liked the house clean when he got home. Even if he just proceeded to make the same mess all over again. 
He made his way to work. Nobody at the station greeted him. It was a well-known fact that Sheriff Bodecker was not a morning person. Lee was able to enjoy two cups of coffee while he did some paperwork. The morning passed without incident. Miss Edna, the receptionist came in at exactly noon with more paperwork for Lee, a fresh cup of coffee and a sandwich. She’d worked at the station for 30 years. And no matter who the sheriff was, she always made him a sandwich for lunch. Edna was the glue that kept the station running. No one dared talk back to her, not even Lee.
After lunch, Tim Mitchell rushed into Lee’s office. Not even stopping at his desk. 
“You alright, Mitchell?” Lee asked the deputy. 
“Yes sir,” he responded, “Thought you’d wanna know I dropped Sylvie and the baby off at her mama’s house this morning.”
“Why would I need to know that?” Lee hissed. 
“Joy had a vistor. One I think you would be very interested in seeing.” 
“Billie?” Could it be? Lee didn’t dare let himself hope.
“Yes, but I think the person with her might be of more interest to you.” 
A husband? A boyfriend?
“Just spit it out,” Lee groaned in annoyance. 
“Billie had a little girl with her,” Tim answered, “She’s probably about four. Thought you’d wanna know.” 
Lee was shocked. So, that letter Billie had sent him about losing the baby wasn’t true after all. A four-year-old. She had to be Lee’s. That meant that Lee was a father. Of a child. Not a baby. He was utterly gobsmacked. 
“Thank you, Mitchell,” he dismissed. Mitchell nodded before exiting the office. Lee took a moment, not to collect his thoughts, no. A moment to collect his jacket and run out the door to tell the undersheriff that he was leaving and not to disturb him. Lee sped to the Dechswaan farm. He broke every traffic law. It was a good thing that he was sheriff. 
He practically ran from his car to the door. Lee proceeded to pound on the door with his fist four times. Not caring if he was rude. He was here for something that belonged to him. 
She opened the door as Lee resumed his pounding. He looked shocked that she’d open the door. Almost like he didn’t believe she was really here. He was dressed in his sheriff’s uniform. He’d gained a bit of weight since she last saw him, he was still handsome though. And Lee surveyed how much curvier Billie was too. She really looked like a woman.
“Let’s go for a walk, Lee,” she said before he could speak. She closed the door and walked down the porch. She marched through the yard, arms crossed. He followed silently, he was fuming. And yet, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The way she swayed as she walked. Lee let her lead him all the way to the barn before saying anything. 
“Okay, talk,” he commanded. 
“What do you want me to say?” Billie asked, turning to him but keeping her distance from him.
“Tim said you had a little girl with ya,” Lee accused. 
“I do. My daughter.”
“How old is she?”
Lee nodded and tenses his jaw, “So, she’s mine then?” 
“Yeah,” Billie conceded, no emotion on her beautiful face. 
“Why? Why didn’t you tell me? You said you miscarried,” Lee muttered, feeling betrayed. 
“Because you are a steamroller. And heaven help anyone who gets in your way, Lee. I wasn’t about to let you take away all my options. I owed it to myself to try my hand in New York.” Her face was scrunching up in angry. 
“And you owed it to me to tell me about my kid!” 
“You think I don’t know that? I regret it everyday, but I can’t take back the past now!” She shouted. 
“That’s it? That’s all you regret?” Lee countered, stepping closer to her.
“Of course not,” Billie scoffs, rolling her eyes and turning away from Lee. But he was quick to grab her, pull her back towards him. 
“What then? What do you regret,” he growls, his face just inches from hers. Her eyes flicked down to his lips. She swayed closer. Lee thought, for just a moment, that she might try to kiss him. But she regained her composure and met his eyes once again.
“Alright, you listen here Lee Bodecker. I’m only gonna say this once,” she begins quietly, “I was wrong. And you were right. I should never have left. And I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, sugar,” Lee laughs bitterly, releasing his grip on her arm, “I’m definitely gonna make you say that all again.” 
Billie crosses her arms, and smirks at him. 
“I knew you’d say that,” she says, “Good thing I’m prepared to beg.” He’s shocked at her tone, she’s toying with him. She knows just what buttons to push to get him right where she wants him. He knows he’ll be putty in her hands soon enough, he’ll give her anything she asks for. But she deserves a little punishment for all the years he was forced to live without her.
“And why was it a mistake, sugar?” He coaxes. 
“There are a lot of reasons it was a mistake,” she counters, looking at her hands, picking at her cuticles. 
“Tell me,” Lee demands. 
“Well, no one in New York wants some hick with an accent teaching their kids. I got a useless degree. And I surely know how to pick my men. The first boy I ever went on a date with tried to rape me months later with his buddies. You got me pregnant on purpose. And the one I dated to try and forget you used me as his personal punching bag.”
“He hit you?” 
“It’s been awful, Lee. I-I can’t do anything right. I always think I’m making the right decision, but it’s always the wrong one. And if you want me to say it then I will. I’m at rock bottom. And I shouldn’t have left you,” she murmurs. 
“Why?” Lee challenges. 
“You know why.” 
“No, tell me.”
“The biggest mistake was thinking I could stay away from you. But don’t think for one minute that it’s because I need you.”
“Then why can’t you stay away if you don’t need me,” Lee narrows his eyes. 
“B-because I love you,” she mutters the sentence so quietly Lee almost couldn’t hear her. 
“You love me?” He smirks. 
“Yeah,” she shakes her head. 
“Alright darlin’. I’m gonna tell you how this will go.”
“We’re going to the courthouse tonight and making this official. I don’t care if I have to haul the judge in myself. When people ask, we’ll say we reconnected recently and decided to keep it small given the circumstances.” 
“Just like I said, you’re a steamroller,” Billie chuckled, “You think you have all the power. But I know what you’ve been doing here.”
“Oh yeah,” Lee challenged, “What have I been doing?”
“I heard all about Sandy and Carl, and you killing Leroy Brown and you taking bribes,” Billie spat. 
“Well, we’ve both made mistakes. I’ve only done what I’ve done for you. To provide for you. I take those bribes because it makes me more money,” Lee yelled. 
“And you got yourself in some hot water in the process. I heard you even fucking got shot. Do you know what that was like for me? I nearly came home when I heard that, I thought you were going to die. You need to be more careful Lee,” Billie shot back.
Billie realized that she had Lee right where she wanted him. He was her ticket away from Larry. He was more than capable of protecting her from that bastard. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want him. Billie walked forward to Lee and pushed him up against the side of the barn. She looked up at him with her big doe eyes. 
“Do you love me, Lee?” She asked, pressing her body against his. 
“Do you love me?” He countered, suspicious of her. 
“I do. I really love you,” she whispered, her hands rubbing down his chest and stomach until she cupped his cock through his pants, “So, let me tell you how this is gonna go. We’ll go to the courthouse when I’m ready. You’re not going to punish me for leaving even though I know you really want to.” She undoes his belt and pants, her hand slips into his underwear and she grips his cock, slowly jacking him off. His head lolls back to hit the barn wall. “You are going to be more careful going forward. No fights that involve guns. You are not getting shot again. Because you’re gonna have a wife and a baby that need you.” Lee groans, eyes shut, enjoying her hands on him for the first time in five years. “I’ll let you fuck me raw. Let you get me pregnant again. I’ll give you all the babies you want. I bet you would like that wouldn’t you, honey?” Lee nods pathetically. Her hand is moving up and down his length at a brutal pace, Lee jerks his hips, chasing the pleasure. “But you have to protect me. And you’re going to give me anything I want.” Billie leans up and licks Lee’s neck. “You’ll give me a nice house and pretty dresses. And I’ll just be at home all day, dripping for you. Waiting for you to come home and fuck me so good. Keep me full of you. Don’t you wanna be inside me, Lee?” Lee groans loudly. Billie sucks a hickey into Lee’s neck, and forces his lips down to meet hers. “I’m gonna help you become mayor one day, so just tell me you love me. And I can make all that happen for ya.” 
“Shit, baby. I love you so fucking much,” Lee grunts, his arms locking Billie against him, “Don’t leave me again.” 
“I promise I won’t,” she gasped, as she started to get down on her knees, but Lee grabbed her elbow and kept her upright. He grabbed her and slammed her against the barn. He caged her in and caught her lips. He holds onto her waist like he may never let her go. Her tongue is everywhere. It’s becomes clear to Lee that Billie is just as desperate for him as he is for her. Billie pulls away, panting for air and stares into Lee’s eyes. All he can see is how much she loves him, and he wonders if she sees the same thing in his eyes. He bends down to pick her up, her legs wrap around him. With one arm he holds her up, with the other he moves her panties to the side and grips his cock, preparing to plunge inside her. He rubs his length against her slit for a moment. Then rapidly shoves himself inside. He’s brutally fucking into her and she’s a mess. Desperate for anything he’ll give her. 
“Lee,” she whined. He smirked. 
“You like that baby?” he teased. She nodded. 
“You feel so good,” she cried, her head lolled back to hit the wall of the barn. Lee can see in her eyes that she’s totally lost in pleasure. Her eyes are unfocused and glazed over. He continues to pummel in and out of her.
“Did he fuck you like this?” He growled into her neck.
“He never fucked me,” she moaned, “I wouldn’t let him.”
“Why?” He teased.
“Because why?” He was just being cruel trying to get coherent answers at of her at this moment.
“Because I only ever wanted you.” If there was one sentence that ever made Lee’s cock so hard and warmed his heart so much it was that sentence. 
“Honey,” he murmured forcing her to pay attention to him, slowing his thrusts, “tell me that you love me.” 
“I love you so much, Lee,” she sobbed. 
“You gonna cum, honey?” He asked. 
“Play with your clit,” he demands. Billie is quick to comply. Her fingers skate down between them to find her clit and she rubs circles against herself. Lee speeds up again. 
“What do you want, baby?” 
“I want your cum, Lee. Please give it to me.” Lee wasn’t about to leave his girl hanging, as soon as she begins to tighten around him, he lets himself go. He comes inside her with a grunt of her name. She’s quick to follow, letting out a high pitched shriek. 
He pants against her lips, before taking out a handkerchief from his back pocket. He wipes off his cock and cleans between her legs and shoves the handkerchief into his back pocket. Billie leaned up against the side of the barn, desperately trying to catch her breath. 
“You want to meet your daughter?” Billie asked, as Lee tucked himself back into his pants. 
“Really?” Lee looked shocked at the offer. 
“Yeah, of course,” Billie scoffed. 
“What if she doesn’t like me?” 
“She will. She likes most people,” Billie promised. 
“Most people?” He questioned. 
“She only ever dislikes people that give her a reason,” Billie answered. She grabbed Lee’s hand and pulled him back to the house. His thumb dragged across her knuckles. He didn’t know if he’d ever let go of her hand. 
“Just grab a seat,” Billie said, gesturing towards the couch in the living room, “She’s just napping.” Billie sat down next to Lee. She kicked her shoes off, and draped her legs across his lap. 
“So, what’s it like to be sheriff?” she smirked, the way her eyes lit up was the same as when she was eighteen. When she used to tease him in the front seat of his car. 
“It’d be better if I had less idiot deputies,” Lee chuckles. 
“Well, you better get on that Sheriff,” Billie teased, “But you like it?”
“I do. It’s nice to be in charge,” Lee responded. Billie hummed. She knew that he liked to be in charge. 
“Sheriff Bodecker,” Joy sighed, as she entered the front sitting room, “How are you doing?” 
“I’m good. How are you holding up, Joy?” Lee asked. He allowed concern to flash across his face. Even though he knew of his role in her grief. 
“Much better now that my Billie is home,” she answered, petting Billie’s hair. 
“I feel the same way,” Lee smiled dreamily. 
“You gonna make an honest woman outta my daughter then?” Joy joked. 
“I think I will,” Lee laughed. 
“Good, good. We could use the happiness of a wedding around here. Or more babies,” Joy beamed as she went back to the kitchen. 
Lee smirked down at Billie after the baby comment from her mother. Billie toyed with Lee’s hands, avoiding his gaze, and intense blush colored her cheeks, despite the fact that Lee had been balls deep inside her ten minutes ago, coaxing her to promise him more babies.
“Mama,” called a small voice. 
“I’m right here, baby,” Billie answered getting up from the couch and going to the stairs. Beth took each step down slowly. Her hair and dress were rumpled. When Beth reached Billie, she attempted to smooth her daughters hair and clothes. 
“I have someone I want you to meet,” Billie cooed. Picking her daughter up. Billie went back to the couch and sat down with Beth in her lap. 
“Lee, this is Beth,” Billie said. Lee smiles down at the little girl. Beth decides to take the opportunity to lean as far forward as she can to see Lee. He’s surprised that she’s not shy. He’s a stranger after all. She reaches out to touch his badge. Seemingly intrigued by the star-like plaque. 
“Are you a policeman?” She asks him. 
“Yeah, I’m a sheriff,” he tells her. 
“What’s that?” She asks. 
“That means he’s in charge of all the other policemen around here. Uncle Tim is a policeman and this is his boss,” Billie says patiently. 
“Do you catch the bad guys?” Beth quizzes, looking up from his badge to his eyes.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Lee chuckles. Beth wriggles out of Billie’s lap and closes the very small distance between her and Lee. She climbs onto his lap and continues to play with the edges of his badge. 
“I have a bad guy for you to get,” she tried to whisper, it comes out less quiet and more like a stage whisper. 
“Sure thing, peanut,” he said affectionately. He’s expecting her to tell him about the monster under her bed. Or a criminal in a story. 
“It’s mama’s boyfriend. He’s mean and he hurts her,” the little girl told him. Lee attempted to keep his features schooled. He doesn’t want to scare the little girl. For a moment he considers hunting down the bastard and strangling him with his bare hands. He wants to make him suffer, and be the reason that asshole would never see the light of day again. But he needs to take care of the little girl in his arms for the moment.
“Well, I want nothing more than to keep your mama safe,” he placates the small child. He looks at Billie and she looks guilty. 
“Baby,” Billie scolds, “You know that we’re here because mama isn’t with Mr. Larry anymore, because he’s a bad man. We’re moving back where all of our family is.” Beth slowly nods, but continues to play with Lee’s badge, small fingers skating over the edges.
“Beth,” he says as he directs his attention back to the little girl on his lap, “do you want to color?” Beth looked up excitedly at Lee. She hurried Billie out to the car to get her favorite coloring books. Billie, Lee and Beth sit at the mismatched dining room table and color together. Beth talks Lee’s ear off. She spends that time telling him everything about herself. Her favorite book, her favorite animal, her favorite color, all the information she deems the most important. Lee just soaks in everything she tells him. He’s ecstatic to be learning about his daughter.
That evening, Billie digs out her old apron. She and Sylvie make dinner while Lee and Joy occupy Beth and Rose. After having dinner and cleaning the kitchen Beth looks almost dead on her feet. But she returned to the table with after dinner coffee. She sat down next to Lee. He was quick to rest his hand on her thigh. 
“You look exhausted, honey,” he observed. 
“I am,” she sighed, “I should probably get Bethie ready for bed.” 
Upon hearing this Beth shrieks, “Noooo. I want to stay up and keep coloring with him!” Crocodile tears began welling up in Beth’s eyes. 
“Baby it’s okay,” Billie tried to placate. But Beth was not having it, she looked like she was about to start wailing. Lee stood up and picked Beth up from her chair and then sat right back down with Beth in his lap, she was far more content there.
“Beth,” he began, hesitantly, “How do you feel about you and mama living with me? And me being your daddy?” 
Beth’s tears dry up quickly and her eyes light up, “Really?” She asks excitedly, “Can we mama?” Lee catches Billie in a dreamy daze. He only ever saw that look every once in a while. 
“Of course, sweetpea,” she smiles. 
“Can we go now?” Beth begs.
“We probably should be getting this one home,” Lee said, petting Beth’s hair soothingly. 
“Home?” Billie questioned. 
“What? You thought that I wouldn’t have you two come home with me tonight?” Lee chuckled. 
“Isn’t that inappropriate for the sheriff to let an unmarried woman stay at his house?”
“I was just re-elected. So, I’m not too worried about what people say. As someone in law enforcement, only I can speak to where is safe for a young woman to stay at night.” 
“Alright,” she says, amused, “You still live in the same place?”
“I do.”
“I’ll drive my car over there then,” she smiles, standing from her seat, “Beth, it’s time to go. Hug Grandma goodbye.” Beth slowly gets up and hugs Joy. Billie kisses her sister and mother on the cheek. 
“Do you need anything before Wednesday, mom?” She asked Joy quietly. 
“No, the funeral home did want us to come early. They said 2:00, I believe,” Joy sighed. 
“Alright, well if you think of anything just call me at Lee’s, okay?” Billie commanded. 
“I will, honey,” Joy promised. Beth is standing close to her mom, while Lee waits for them at the door. 
“Mama, up,” Beth demands making grabby hands. 
“Baby, you’re getting too big for mama to carry,” Billie tries to reason. Beth’s bottom lip quivers and Lee can see that she’s about to cry again. 
“Beth, why don’t you let daddy carry you,” he offers. Beth beams up at him, rushing over so he can pick her up. Billie mouths “Thank you” to him. Lee grabbed Billie’s hand and led her out of the house with his daughter in his arms. He’s on top of the world. 
Billie follows Lee to his house. He lives in a simple ranch style house. It looks the same as the last time Billie saw it. Lee always said that this was just a first home. That he wanted to live there until he’d had a couple of kids. Then when the third baby was on its way, he would buy a bigger house. 
Lee is quick to help Billie with the bags. She doesn’t have many. And she’d sold her furniture to a young couple down the hall. They enter into the living room and it’s just the same. Same furniture, just a little more worn down. Lee locked the door and led them towards the bedrooms. He set the suitcases down in the hall, between the master room and one of the spare rooms. Lee had furnished both the spare rooms with items he’d inherited when his mother died. 
“Beth can sleep in this room,” he said pointing to the room next door to the master, “I’ve got some sheets for that bed in the closet. I don’t keep them on the bed unless I have company.” Billie nodded. 
“It’s getting close to her bedtime. Do you mind getting her bed ready, while I give her a bath?” She asks, gesturing towards Beth, who is tiredly leaning against the doorway. 
“Of course,” Lee says eagerly. Billie takes one case and begins digging through it. He can see that it’s Beth’s clothes. Billie is quick to find a small little night dress for Beth, before picking up another bag and finding Beth’s shampoo and toothbrush. She leads Beth to the bathroom where she fills the tub and starts directing Beth into the tub. Lee smiles to himself at how right this feels.
After her bath, Beth demands a bedtime story. Billie sits in the rocking chair in the corner, Beth in her lap, gently rocking as she reads the story. Lee watches from the doorway. He’s not paying attention to what she’s saying. He’s enthralled by how maternal she looks. She looks like she was made to be a mother. She happily makes a new voice for each character, Beth fights to keep her eyes open. She, too, is captivated by her mother. But the exhaustion of the day wins, and her breathing evens out as she falls asleep. Billie carefully tucks Beth in with a gentle kiss of her forehead. She turns to Lee, shooing him from the room. She quietly closes the bedroom door. 
Lee stares at Billie. Her baby blue dress brings out the blue in her eyes. Her hair is starting to fall from its perfect style. She looks as beautiful as always, but Lee knows her well enough to see that she’s completely exhausted.
“Let’s wash up and get to bed,” he coaxed. She nodded in agreement. Lee went to the bathroom first, quickly splashing water onto his face and washing up. Billie went next. She removed her makeup and brushed out her hair. She hated the way she looked without makeup. She knew she wasn’t nearly as pretty. But she also knew it was just better for her to take it off. She changed into a nightie, as well, before she exited the bathroom and went back to the bedroom. Lee was already in bed, and Billie was quick to crawl in next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. 
“I have something for you,” he hummed. 
“Lee, I swear to God if you pull out your cock—“ Billie threatened. Lee laughed heartily and as quietly as he could with Beth in the next room. 
“No, something else that I think you’ll like,” he smirked. Billie rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head. Lee got out of bed and went to the closet. Billie could see that he was looking for something. She saw him pull a shoebox from the top shelf, he quickly took what he needed from the box and put it back where he had found it. Whatever it was that he got from the box, he hid it behind his back. His eyes glinted mischievously as he approached the bed. 
“So, I got this for you a while ago. And I kept it because I always hoped you would come back and I could give it to you,” Lee murmured as he kneeled down next to the bed. Finally, he revealed a small box. Billie had a feeling she knew what this was. 
He opened the box, and revealed a beautiful ring. It was set on a thick gold band. In the center was a diamond that sparkled impossibly, an asscher cut. It wasn’t as large as the diamonds all the women in Hollywood got, but it was far larger than anything in this region of Ohio.
“Lee,” Billie gasped, “How long have you had this?” 
“I got it a couple of weeks before you told me that you were pregnant,” he answered, smiling bashfully. 
“I can’t let you give me this. It’s so extravagant,” she protested. 
“Sugar, I’ve been dying to give you this ring for five years. So, marry me, let me give you this ring, and make me the happiest man alive,” Lee smiled, “Please.” 
“Of course,” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. Lee slid the ring up her finger. It fit perfectly. Lee got up from the floor and got back onto the bed. He crawled over Billie before kissing her deeply. When she cupped his cheek he could feel the extra weight of the ring. It spurred him on, his bit down on her bottom lip before kissing down to her neck. Her hands raked through his short hair. His fingers went to the apex of her thighs, he slid her panties to the side and plunged two fingers into her. He was shocked that she was already quite wet. He kissed her neck, as the room filled with obscene noise from her pussy. 
“Lee, please. I need you inside me,” she begged. 
“I am inside you, baby,” he teased. 
“Your cock. I need your cock,” she mewled, “I need to feel you inside me.” Lee wasn’t about to argue with a beautiful woman in his bed. He helped her out of her nightdress and underwear. She yanked on his boxers until he helped her get them off. He settled himself between her thighs. He lazily rubbed his cock over her slit, wetting his length. He pushed just the head of his cock in before removing it again. Billie pouted up at him. 
“I think you may owe me a little something, darlin’,” he teased. 
“Please, please,” she pled, clawing her fingers into his ass. 
“Aww, look at my little baby. So desperate for my cock,” he mocked, he continued to rub himself against her pussy lips. “What would you do for my cock right now?” 
“Lee,” she groaned. Billie was not interested in this game at the moment. Maybe a different night, but she just needed him to fuck her into the mattress. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it.” 
“I wanna make another baby with you, right now,” Lee growled in her ear. 
Seriously? That was all he wanted. From how he was playing it, she thought he might want anal. 
“Well,” she began as she moved her hips up and down, forcing him to take more friction, “then you better get to work, daddy.” She whispered the last word directly into his ear, before licking the shell of it. That was all it took for Lee to push into her abruptly. He stilled and looked down at her. 
“Tell me you want me to get you pregnant,” he demanded. 
“I want you to get me pregnant,” she whimpered. 
“What?” He goaded. 
“I want you to get me pregnant, daddy.” Lee began pumping in and out of Billie brutally, hitting that sweet place inside her that made her gush all over him. 
“Fuck, did you get tighter?” He groaned. His hands palmed her breasts. Lee was sure it wasn’t just the five years of separation, but he was enthralled by how beautiful she was. She was perfect. His hands couldn’t grip all of her breasts, her hips flared out in delicious curves. Her tummy was soft, softer than before, it was an aftereffect of having his baby, Lee was sure. Her thighs were thick, he couldn’t help but imagine those wrapped around his face as he fucked her with his tongue. But that was a task for another day, or maybe just later. 
His hands skated down her figure to grabs her hips. He held onto her so tight, he knew it would leave bruises but he used his grip as leverage to fuck her harder. Her legs locked around him, as he thrust in so hard it pushed her farther up the bed, until her head hit the headboard. Billie threw one hand up to stop her head from slamming harder into the headboard, but that action just forced the headboard to slam into the wall. 
“Lee,” she moaned, “We have to be quiet.” They had a little one to worry about now. Lee slowed, but the headboard kept hitting the wall. He pulled out and stood next to the bed. Billie immediately pouted at the loss of him inside her. 
“Come here,” he cooed. She crawled over to him and began to lay back before he stopped her. 
“No, back to me, feet on the floor,” he commanded. She followed his directions and stood so her back was pressed to his front. He held her tightly to him. Kissing her neck, as one hand held her hip and the other ran over her belly. 
“Can’t wait til you’re all swollen with me,” he hummed in her ear. He pushed her forward onto the bed, before pushing back inside her. Billie turned her face so she could moan into the bedspread. Lee used this new position to fuck her deeper. And as hard as he could. His hands held her hips tightly, and he bent over her, kissing her neck and back. She got wetter and wetter the more attention he paid to her back. That was something he’d never discovered and he loved it. He started sucking bruises between her shoulder blades and the curve where her neck met her shoulder. 
“Oh, fuck,” she gasped. Her juices were starting to trickle down her thighs. 
“So wet,” he smirked, one hand curving around her body to rub her clit. Lee could feel her legs starting to shake. 
“You gonna come for me, baby?” He teased. She nodded desperately, not able to speak. Her hands went to the bedspread and gripped it tightly. Lee kissed the back of her neck, and felt her clench a bit tighter around him. He laved his tongue over the same area, before sucking a bruise in the same section. Billie’s eyes rolled back and she came with a shout. It took all of Lee’s self control not to follow her. He slowed his thrusts as she came down. He pulled out, very pleased to see her dripping as he did. 
He rolled Billie onto her back. He wanted to look at her when he came. He cupped her face, she was still in a daze, but she looked up at him dreamily. He pushed back into her, and she moaned, quietly. 
“I love you,” she whimpered. 
“I love you, baby,” he told her. Tears sprang to her eyes, as he rolled his hips slowly against her. 
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, “I wish I never left.” 
“Shh, it’s okay,” he reassured. She reached up to touch his face. 
“You need to know, I missed you everyday. I regretted it everyday,” she sobbed, “I was so stupid. You are the only man I ever could’ve loved and I left you.” Lee stopped moving, but stayed inside her. 
“Honey,” he said, “It’s okay. I promise. I’m never gonna stop loving you. Not even you leaving could change that. Just be with me now. We don’t have to worry about anything else but the future, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispered. He kissed her forehead. 
“Do you want to stop? We can just go to sleep if you want.”
“No, I want to keep going.” 
“You sure?” He asked. 
“Yeah, please,” she begged, “I want you to feel good.” She leaned up to kiss him. Her hands lightly scratched over his back, encouraging him to keep going. Lee hesitated but picked his movements back up, he was going slow. Slower than Billie wanted. 
“Faster,” she commanded. Lee complied, slamming into her. 
“Say my name,” he growled. 
“Lee,” she breathed in a high pitch voice. 
“Tell me what you want, honey,” he grunted. 
“I want you. I want you to cum inside me,” she gasped. 
“Are you mine?”
“Yes, yours. All yours.” Lee was pummeling into her now, chasing his orgasm. 
“I love you, Lee,” she whimpered. And those words sent Lee careening over the edge of the cliff. His hips stuttered into her, as he came. Rope after rope of hot cum painted her walls. Billie fluttered around him. Lee panted above her, but leaned down to capture her mouth all the same. His tongue tangled with hers. 
When they broke apart, Lee pulled out. Billie started to sit up, but Lee pushed her back down. 
“Stay on your back,” he ordered, “I want it to take.”
“Honey, we have all the time in the world to try again,” she laughed. Lee didn’t care. He picked her up from the edge of the bed, and set her down, so she could lay against the pillows. He helped her get under the sheets before joining her. He thought about pushing inside her again so none of his cum could leak out. Billie turned onto her side so she could lay across his chest. He scowled at her for ignoring his directions. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll let you fuck your cum back into me in the morning,” she sighed, burrowing her face into the crook of his neck. Lee chuckled, and wrapped one arm around her. He was dragging his hand up and down her back when he felt it. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it was a bumpy spot on her back. It didn’t feel like the rest of her soft skin. He peered down and saw several dots. They were in clusters all over her back. He hadn’t noticed them before, he’d been too preoccupied.
“What are these?” He asked her. Billie stiffened. She was like a board in his arms. 
“It’s nothing Lee. Let’s just get to sleep,” she hummed. 
“Tell me,” Lee said sternly. 
“Just… just don’t freak out, okay?” She murmured, pulling away to look at his face. “They’re healed cigarette burns. Larry was an angry drunk.” Lee felt a murderous rage race through his blood. He had half a mind to get dressed and go find that bastard that very instant. “Honey, please just stay calm.” 
“Stay calm? How do you expect me to stay fucking calm?” Lee hissed through gritted teeth, trying to stay quiet for Beth’s sake. 
“It’s okay. It’s over. I’m here and he’s back in New York,” she soothed. 
“I could just kill him,” Lee growled. 
“I’m okay,” she promised, “Let’s just go to sleep. Please.” Lee nodded begrudgingly. He pulled Billie back into him. She quickly fell asleep, but Lee was content to just hold Billie for a moment. Happy that after so long she was back in his arms. 
@greeneyedblondie44 @bxnnywriting @kitty4860
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 4 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Warnings: Fluff
Characters: Y/n, Loki, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Part 2
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Two weeks later
Bucky POV
“How about Dottie?” Steve asked. He was asking me if I went on any other dates with her. But truth be told. After I had met Y/n I couldn’t think of anybody else. I sighed and took a sip of my coke, we were sitting at a diner. “No? Buck you still got your mind on this girl? It’s been two weeks.” He tried to reason. He was right, but a girl like y/n I have never met before. “She was somethin’ else Steve.” Was all I has to say. “How was she so special?” Steve asked. “She was beautiful, you had to see her. She had this beautiful smile and this glistening in her y/e/c eyes. She carried herself in a way that was just so graceful. And she was so kind. and her laugh, Steve, you had to hear her laugh.” I sounded crazy, but that one encounter with her was what that did to me. “Well if it is meant to be you’ll see her again.” He tried to cheer me up. I looked out of the window at all the people that were walking around going places, work, home. “Maybe it wasn’t.” I said quietly. I wanted to look for her, but she would definitely think I’m crazy if I succeeded in that and I wouldn’t want to scare her away. In the corner of my eye I saw a woman walking the same walk as y/n did. I tried to get a better look, as much as I could with the window being in the way and the people on the street. I could only see her back. She had a yellow dress on with the same hairdo as y/n had that night. “It’s her.” I couldn’t believe it. I immediately stood up and walked out of the diner as fast as I could. I kept a quick pace to keep up with her. “Y/n!”
I must have startled her, she turned around a little shocked looking to who ever just called for her. “Y/n.” I said again coming closer. “Hey.” I gave her an awkward wave. “I saw you from out of the diner and had to say hi.” I quickly explained. This might have been a mistake, because she still hasn’t said anything yet. “Uhm, hi, Bucky. I didn’t think I’d see you again.” She said the last part a little more quiet. “Oh, uhmm-.” This was a mistake, a stupid one. I mean of course what would anyone think if some guy ran up to them after only seeing them once for an hour two weeks ago. “No! I didn’t mean.. Sorry.. How have you been? It’s been like, what? Two weeks since we had an escape?” She said making light of this awkward situation. I laughed at that. “I’ve been doing good. Just grabbin’ some food with a friend of mine at the diner over there. How about yourself? You look beautiful.” Shouldn’t have said that last part. She is probably gonna run away screaming. But then I heard her angelic laugh, that made me smile. I hadn’t heard it in so long. “Thank you. I was actually on my way back home. Not doing a lot today.” She told me. “Well.. If you want you can join me and my friend, Steve, for some milkshakes? Only if you want.” Please say yes, please say yes. “Steve? I think you had mentioned him when we met, right? He left you alone on the dancefloor.” I snorted at that. “Yes, him. Other than leaving me behind on the dancefloor he’s a good pal.” Again she gave me a beautiful laugh. “Well, I would like to meet him then.” That made me sigh in relief, I was so happy seeing her again. And now I get to spend time with her. And Steve will now know I wasn’t just drunk talking to myself the other night. “Great follow me.” I put my arm out for her to take and she did. I could smell her perfume, it was some sort of citrus, it smelled amazing. Keep it together Buck.
We walked in the diner to the booth I was sitting with Steve. I waved at him and he looked at me with big eyes. “Steve, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Steve.” I introduced. Steve stood up and patted down his clothes quickly before he put his right hand out. “Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” He said I snorted. Y/n took his hand. “Nice to meet you Steve.” She responded. I motioned for us all to sit down and a waiter came over. I ordered us all some smoothies. “So.. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Steve started as I gave him a glare. I had only seen her once before. “Oh, he has.” Y/n gave me a look. I was busted. After all the ways I could’ve embarrassed myself, this is how, with Steve. “He has now? What are the things he has told you?” She asked Steve. I swear if this kid embarrasses me more. And by the look he gave me he was going to embarrass me more. “Oh, well just that he can’t stop talking about how beautiful and funny this dame is he met at the dancehall. Ahh.” Under the table I kicked Steve. That is enough. “Did he now. And it was me right? Or did you meet another beautiful dame there after I left?” She asked me narrowing her eyes and smiling at me. “What no! It was you definitely you.” I stammered rubbing my neck awkwardly. If I had known I was going to be this embarrassed I would’ve sat at a different table. Who am I kidding, I would still embarrass myself then. All she did was laugh again, that made me smile. The milkshakes couldn’t come fast enough and when they were placed in front of us I took a big gulp, hoping to cool myself down. Didn’t work.
After a short moment of silence Steve continued small talk. “So what do you do for a living?” Steve asked. That intrigued me as well, I didn’t know this. “Uhm, well my family invests in anything that seems interesting all over the world. We have a lot of connections and houses all over the world because of that.” Interesting. They must know exactly what to invest in then. She seems like she or her family have a lot of money. “Where over the world do you have houses.” I wondered out loud. “In Sweden a few, but that’s where I am from. Then we have a place in Norway, Italy, France and the Netherlands, Australia and now I’m looking for a place here. I have been staying in a hotel so far. And I used to have a place in Germany, but.. you know.” The war in Europe, we are all hoping this ends soon. Germans or Nazi’s taking over killing. “It is awful that that is happening.” I stated not really knowing what else to say. “Is your family in Sweden still?” Steve asked. “Yes, but luckily Sweden has been neutral so far.” Y/n looked down so I gently took her hand. “I’m sure it will all be over soon.” It had to be. She looked at me and nodded. She held my hand a little tighter. Considering the topic that made my heart beat a lot faster and I was almost scared she could hear it. Cause I certainly did.
I held Bucky’s hand a little tighter. Considering what I know I still wished he was right. I wished that that awful nightmare would end now and that it would be the end of it. But millions of people would still die and I couldn’t do anything about it. Over the years I had tried to stop or help with world events that would lead to a lot of deaths, but always it would do absolutely nothing. If I tried to kill someone that would late cause a lot of tragedy, something always seemed to go wrong and someone else would die. Believe me I have tried to kill Hitler himself in WWI, but I missed. I tried to get him in to a painting school as a last resort, but he got denied. Always nothing seemed to work. And everything that went down in the history books that I know happened exactly like it was written. It was a sick game knowing exactly what was going to happen, but I could not do anything to stop it. Loki had seen that it was getting to me and wanted to leave earth and go back to Asgard, but that was too hard for me. If I did that it felt like I wasn’t even trying to do anything, even if it was small. I keep getting in my own head about this situation, so I decided to change the subject. 
“So have you guys been keeping up with football or baseball?” I asked. I didn’t really care much for it, but they might. “Yes! Next month our team is playing, but it is impossible to get any tickets the baseball game.” Bucky said excitedly. “I’m telling ya, we just need to show up there and hope that others might not show up, so we can take their seats.” Steve responded. Alright they love baseball. I smiled. “Who’s playing?” I asked. “The Dodgers against the Phillies and it’s gonna be here in Brooklynn.” I’ll have to look into seeing if I can get tickets for that for them. They seem excited about that.
After some more time and more small talk Steve excused himself. “He seems nice.” I noted out loud. “He’s a good kid, but seems to get himself in trouble a lot.” Steve didn’t seem like a troubled kid. “How come he gets in trouble so much?” Genuinely curious. “He wants to stand up for what is right. Fight against the bullies you could say.” “But that is not bad.” I told him. “No it’s not, but Steve is not a big guy or anything and seeing that the bullies usually are the big guys gives him a disadvantage.” I see what Bucky means now. “You fight any bullies?” I asked him squeezing his left hand. It made me smile. The first time I met him I couldn’t let go of his hand and now again. It didn’t feel uncomfortable even though we barley knew each other. It felt like the opposite, it felt like we had known each other for a very long time. “Not like Steve has.” He said smiling. “Here’s your check.” The waitress interrupted. This was the first time Bucky had let go of my hand to reach for his wallet. Instantly it felt empty. “Let me-.” Bucky started. “Oh no you don’t have to pay for my-.” “I insist.” He said as he put his hand on my purse. 
As we walked outside I looked at my watch and saw it was getting late. ”Oh, I need to go it’s getting late.” I told Bucky. “I can walk you back, where ever you need to go.” He said with hopeful eyes. Honestly I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. It felt nice seeing him again. So I nodded in response and we walked back to a hotel I had a room at in Brooklyn. It wasn’t very far from the diner, I really was almost back before I saw him. “I am happy that I saw you again Bucky.” I told him honestly. “I’m happy that I saw you walking outside. Honestly I had been hoping that our first encounter wasn’t our last.” We both smiled at that. “So you and Steve were not lying that you couldn’t stop talking about me.” I said jokingly. He laughed at that, he had such an amazing laugh, so light hearted. “No, he was telling the truth.” I thought that was very sweet. I walked slightly closer to him and our hands were slightly brushing up against each other. I wanted to grab his hand so badly. I decided to do it when I man walked in-between us separating us a little farther. We both let out a breathy laugh at that cause of the awkwardness. We tried again getting closer and closer when another man tried to walk between us. Bucky quickly grabbed my hand and put it us so the man walked under us. The stranger seemed a bit shocked at that, which made it all the more funnier. We both started laughing and Bucky pulled me closer. “This time I’ll make sure it won’t happen again doll.” He said half jokingly but also serious. Because of that I felt my cheeks heat up. “Such a charmer.” I noted, but I couldn’t look him in the eyes as I said that, cause I knew I would turn more red if I did. 
We walked around the corner of the block. “Well this is me.” I said a bit sad. “Thank you for walking me back, even though it was a short walk.” I was looking at our hands not ready to let go yet. “Of course doll, no problem.” And he put on his charming smirk. “Before you go. I was wondering if.. Would you like to see me again, maybe?” I gave him a big genuine smile. “I would like that very much.” And his smirk turned in a full smile. “Great can you do this Saturday at six?” He asked eager of my answer. “I can do Saturday.” “Alright it’s a date I’ll pick you up here then.” He said happily. “Ok! See you on Saturday.” I stepped closer and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I slowly stepped away and let goof his hand. I waved at him before walking inside the hotel and hearing a “Yes!” From Bucky who was still standing outside. He’s a good man.
As just closed the door of my room I heard a knock. Loki. I sighed and walked over. “Where have you been?” He asked already stepping inside. “What are you concerned now?” I asked Loki. “You said you’d be back by three... It’s almost five. Where have you been.” I rolled my eyes. “Not like I can’t protect myself or anything. Not like I have this weird energy shielding me.” Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. “You said three, it’s almost five now. Where have you been?” Loki asked more calmly this time. “Nowhere in particular.” I said not really wanting to answer him. Because I already knew his response if I told him I saw the guy from the dance. “Y/n. I don’t like to play these games.” He started. “Since when? I thought you were the trickster God? Or has that changed in the time I was gone?” “Y/n..” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Alright fine. The guy I met at the dance was at this diner that I walked passed and he asked me to go for milkshakes. And I know what you’re gonna say, but it was just a milkshake, nothing more.” Loki walked up closer to me. “Was it?” He asked. “Well.. He asked me out for this Saturday.. and I kinda said... Yes.” I answered and Loki sighed. “Y/n, you’re going to get hurt, again... You need someone that is not.. what’s the word.. Die. They grow old and die and you’re still you. You need someone who can be there for you, not someone that you have to be there for them.” He has told me this so many times. “Who is that person than?” Loki got quiet at that. And I decided to leave it at that. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” I said as I was walking towards my bathroom. “Oh one last thing.. It is just a date. It doesn’t mean anything.” I said as I closed the door of my bathroom.
It doesn’t mean anything. It is just a date. Nothing more. Bucky is just.. a random guy I met and I am going to see him for a third time. After that I am not going to see him anymore. It doesn’t mean anything. 
So that was a complete lie I told myself before the date. Bucky was wearing a very nice tuxedo and had his hair done. He had given me some flowers, tulips. They looked lovely. I wasn’t excepting this much. And the date itself.. He did all the things right. He made me laugh, he made me feel comfortable. “Bucky you’re being too kind tonight. This restaurant? The flowers? You? This has been amazing!” I said genuinely and took his hand again. Taking his hand every time felt good. “Really? I was nervous to take you to a restaurant like this.. I thought, maybe it wouldn’t be up to your-.” “No, all of it was perfect.” I interrupted him. After that I excused myself to go to the ladies room, but I went to the host instead to pay for dinner. I am not letting him pay this time. “Alright we can go.” I told him when I came back. “I just need to pay for tonight doll then we can go.” He told me. “Nope, we don’t, I payed. And before you say anything, you can pay me back by taking a walk with me right now. I don’t want this date to end, not yet.” I put my right hand out and he took it and we walked out.
Outside we were both enjoying the cool night breeze. “It’s cloudy today.” He noted. “It is.. you can’t really see the stars.” He nodded at that. “You have to be lucky to be able to see stars in a city like this. Did you live in a city in Sweden as well?” He asked. “No, I.. It’s a island where I lived and they are basically stuck in time. Not really noticing what is going on outside of that island.” I decided to tell him the truth on that. I don’t know why I did. Usually I would lie and say Stockholm, but with Bucky I didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t even a thought to lie. “That sounds interesting to live like that. What do you prefer?” And I honestly didn’t have a answer for that. I loved the island Kattegat, but I only went there when I wanted to take a breather from the world and live the life.. Bjorn.. always wanted to keep alive. The Viking life. It was something for me to hold on to for all this time. The world was moving so fast and Kattegat always stayed somewhat the same, at peace. Kattegat was my vacation and the rest of the world was basically my work. “I like both. What about you?” Was all I had to say. “I like the city. It’s fast paced. It’s the future. I mean have you seen Stark industries? What they’re doing there you won’t find on a secluded island.” I laughed at that. “Stark? he sounds familiar.” Bucky’s eyes lit up. “He is this brilliant guy and rumor has it he is building a flying car. Before you know it everybody will have flying cars! trust me.” I laughed at that. “And his name is Stark?” He nodded his head. “Howard Stark is his name.” I hummed at that. “I have heard of that name I think.. a long time ago.” And I am pretty sure I have it sounded so familiar, but it was such a distant memory. Over the years a lot has happened and I have been better at remembering faces than names. Especially from before I got sucked back in to time. 
A cold breeze went by and immediately Bucky gave me his jacket. “What a gentleman.” I said and he smirked. “Always doll.” He said. I couldn’t help but smell his jacket straight away. It smelled like fall, the woods. We got to a pier and could see the New York skyline. “Isn’t that a sight.” He stated. “It is as I stepped closer to his side. He put his arm around my back and I rested my head against his shoulder. “I really liked tonight.” I said out loud, but it was more meant for myself. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. And I’ll be sad to go back home soon. “I did too. I would like to see you again.” And Bucky looked down at me. “I would like to see you again too.” I said turning my head towards him. “Tomorrow again?” He said softly. Our faces were close I could feel his breath on my skin and smell his cologne better now. Wood, grass and peppermint. “Tomorrow again.” I answered back getting closer to him. Bucky inched closer as well and our lips were almost touching. He rested his forehead on mine and our noses bumped. He was waiting, trying not to overstep any boundaries. I didn’t know if I should tell him I probably wanted to kiss him just as bad as he did me. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. For a short moment we just took each other in. His soft lips against mine. I put my hands up against his chest and he moved to put his hand on my neck and one on my back. Pulling each other closer.
Loki is going to kill me if he finds out.
Let me know what you think :)
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