#a hot. extremely intelligent. prepared. powerful. babe
padfootastic · 1 year
Say it with me: Sirius hates Death Eaters, but not Slytherins. Informing the trio that Snape hung out with a gang of Death Eaters was informing the trio that their teacher at one point was totally chill with murdering blood purists and called them friends (you know, totally relevant info with Voldemort on the rise, one person in the trio being the Boy-Who-Lived, a Muggleborn in the group, and the other member being relayed to a family well-known as blood-traitors. It’s rather important for them to know who believes in blood purity and who doesn’t, esp in light of everything occurring in GOF), and explained how he knew them as they were in the same house. And, whether one likes it or not, Slytherin house has the highest number of blood purists that we see, that’s simply canon. We can debate about why this is the case all day long, but the facts remain that Slytherin house has a slew of baby bigots and adult bigots as alumni.
(Also, some people are really weird about insults to the Hogwarts Houses. It is fiction, you will never be in them and while you might have traits of one house, normal people have traits of every house)
ha one of the things i find funniest is when people got mad at j*r for being mean to the slyths as if there’s some overarching moral code that says authors can’t do that lol like,,,,i love those lil fuckers (in all generations, across characterisations and magical alignments) but you HAVE to admit the nature & nurture is sus in that one.
also +1 to everything ur saying about sirius. u know i love ur arguments, anon.
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philtstone · 2 months
Shawn/Juliet, "holding hands under the table"
i cant actually find which number it is from this list of prompts but that could just be my brain being fried from the week. also, everyone can feel free to send me more prompts lol. strike while the iron is hot, etc. this might be the most sedate tone i've ever hit with a psych fic. set immediately after the s5 finale -- like, hours after -- and hopefully the characters are all at the right place, emotionally. theres definitely a bit of a grey zone there in s5-6 where a lot is left unsaid but kind of known but also kind of not known. oh, jules.
She asks Lassiter to give her a ride because she probably shouldn’t be driving with a recent head injury. EMTs said no concussion, which is a good thing, but Juliet feels shaken enough that she’s going to do the intelligent, grown up woman thing and ask a friend for a favor.
She can’t help but wonder if maybe she does have a concussion after all, because Carlton behaves extremely fucking weirdly for pretty much the entirety of the drive.
Considering it’s Carlton, that’s really saying something.
“Vick gave me Shawn and Gus’s check,” she says as smoothly as she can, as they get in the car. It’s not entirely a lie, but it does feel oddly duplicitous in a way that holding hands with Shawn under the briefing table earlier didn’t. “Can you drop me off at the house?”
“House?” says her usually gruff partner, high-pitched. She’d caught him at the last second and kind of serendipitously, right as he was making his way out of the station, looking spooked, his jacket only half-on. At the time Juliet felt relieved, but now she’s wondering if maybe he’d needed some time to decompress before being made responsible for another person’s safety again. “What house? Spencer’s house? Doesn’t he live in a laundromat?”
“Henry’s house,” Juliet says, giving him a weird look while he turns the car on. His right eye is twitching. It’s possible that the evening’s events shook him more than he’s willing to admit; wouldn’t be the first time. “Gus told me they headed over there for the night. Carlton, are you alright?”
“I’m just spiffy,” he says through oddly gritted teeth, and sounds the opposite of. “One drop off, coming right up.”
Juliet decides she’ll figure it out in the morning. Her head kind of hurts, as does her elbow, and the catharsis she’d hoped to achieve through finally putting her signature down on that paper has left her a little bit shaky.
It feels good, though. She’ll probably have a good cry in the shower later on.
We did it, says Shawn’s voice in her head, so firm and final and confident. Her stomach and chest and general person are suddenly overcome with a slamming wave of affection she definitely was not prepared for. Swallowing, Juliet tucks her phone between her legs and shoots him a quick text. Wrapped up at the station.
Incoming text from SHAWN SPENCER:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BABE WITH THE POWER!!!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
u gonna go home & rest?
Shawn’s texts were exuberant before they started dating, too, but the million heart emojis are a recent development. Something about their introduction makes Juliet want to clench her hands together, melt into the ground, and laugh hysterically at the same time. Shawn turns being a walking contradiction into an art form sometimes. So terrified of facing all the love he’s got to give head-on, but so reckless and sloppy about leaving a trail of it around.
Maybe that’s why she’s fallen so hard for him, Juliet thinks; it matches her inexplicable combination of extreme trust and extreme caution.
Okay. Woah. Too much. Chill out, Juliet; now’s not really the time.
Not with Carlton showing all the signs of working through a hernia in the driver’s seat beside her, mere hours after Serial Killer Takedown.
Yeah, Juliet replies to her boyfriend, then lays her head against the cool car window, closing her eyes before she can notice Carlton’s alarmed glances at her phone.
When they pull up, half the house lights are on. Clearly no one is sleeping, despite the horribly late hour. Juliet glances down at her phone again and realizes it’s pushing three in the morning. She winces. 
“Are you going to be okay driving home?” she asks, one hand on the door handle. Carlton’s staring directly out of the windshield at the house, looking aggrieved in that way that gives him the general look and demeanor of a wet cat. She really hopes he’s okay.
“Fine,” he says. Juliet holds her phone against her lap and sighs. 
“O’Hara –” he begins, pained, as she opens the door.
“I …” A beat. “Nothing. I’m – you get some rest tonight. And – and stay safe.”
“I will,” Juliet replies, surprised by how sincerely the words come out.
Given everything that’s happened, she didn’t expect her own confidence on the subject to be so strong.
Juliet steps out onto the front lawn and watches her partner drive away. Behind her the house silhouettes itself in its own lit glow and the quiet sounds and salty smell of the ocean close by begin to properly filter into her consciousness. She stands still for a few long moments in the dark, which is less threatening now than it was a few hours ago. The humidity thickens her hair and her breath fogs in front of her. When she got Shawn’s text that he and Gus were crashing at his dad’s house instead of the Psych office, call if u need anything jules, she’d been yearning for a shower a bit too much to really think about it. Once her paperwork was out of the way, though, a shower became less important than – whatever feeling brought her here.
Shawn would say it was the idea of pancakes. She likes to think she’s capable of marginally more emotional vulnerability than he is.
She bites her lip, then presses send on the text.
The response is an immediate string of emojis, mainly the heart bubbles but with the addition of a few inexplicable inanimate objects too. She’s not sure what the megaphone or candelabra or pineapple are supposed to represent, but she’s smiling when she knocks on the kitchen door, which is meaning enough for her.
Henry opens it. He looks — exhausted, about the same as Juliet feels, despite the lack of head injury or general bodily trauma. The lines in his face immediately soften at the sight of her. Juliet refuses point blank to allow her eyes to well up.
“In you come,” Henry sighs, making way. Dr. Spencer — Maddie, Juliet supposes — is at the kitchen table nursing a cup of tea. Muffled sounds of a television come from the next room. Juliet vaguely recognizes them as Phineas and Ferb.
At her entrance, Madeline raises an interested eyebrow and glances at Henry, but beyond that moment of silent communication says nothing.
“Do you want some tea?” she asks simply.
Henry squeezes her shoulder, gently enough that she realizes he somehow noticed and filed away all her injuries earlier. Henry Spencer the detective still surprises her sometimes. “Boys are in the living room,” he says, and goes back to the table while his ex-wife putters around the kitchen more comfortably than is probably wise.
Juliet chews on her lip again. An amused smile fights its way to the surface, coupled with an odd twang of yearning that doesn’t really make much sense. Poor Shawn, she thinks, and it's almost a laugh in the same way she’s almost about to cry. But that’s been true all evening. Henry pulls out another old photograph from the box they seemed to be sorting through before her arrival and peers over the top of his reading glasses.
“Oh God, can you believe I used to wear this stuff in public? You hated this thing.”
“If by this thing you mean that horrible yellow suit …”
“See, it wasn’t the yellow that was the problem. The cut did nothing to flatter my physique.”
Madeline is laughing when Juliet slips out, chamomile tea in hand, to the living room.
At the entrance she stops and takes her heels off. Phineas and Ferb is playing, and loudly at that. As promised, Shawn and Gus are huddled on the couch nursing their empty pancake containers, smelling like sugar and more or less dressed in PJs; she spots what’s surely one of Henry’s old fishing t-shirts, cartoonish in the logo and slightly too baggy on Shawn. She knows any old clothes he keeps in the closet here probably don’t fit him anymore. Juliet wonders if Gus went home to change or if he, too, borrowed clothes. Shawn’s hair has flattened a bit where he must have yanked his shirt down over his head, floofy the way it can be in the mornings sometimes. He’s holding a pillow against his chest. Gus’s sock has a hole in the big toe. Every so often one or both of them will giggle at the TV. 
Her eyes do well up, then. 
Of course Shawn picks that exact second to notice her.
He notices a lot of things, Juliet has come to observe, few of which fit congruously with the many things he forgets or overlooks or can’t be bothered over. She wonders if that’s just an extension of how the spirits work, and if he’d explain it to her if she asked him. There’s a resigned part of her that doesn’t think he will, and a practical part of her that guesses at an attention deficit diagnosis that probably gave him some grief growing up and doesn’t really pair well with psychic visions or an enduring fear of being too vulnerable.
Three in the morning is too late to be mulling any of this stuff over, Juliet thinks. Besides which, most of it becomes suddenly irrelevant as she’s hit with the expression that takes over his face at the sight of her.  
Three in the morning, she reminds herself. Near death experience. Don’t read into it.
Shawn doesn’t say anything, only looks at her with all that throat-closing tenderness Juliet has ignored so many times before. I think you’re swell, he’d said. In some ways, she’s always been able to see right through him without even trying. 
Gus is wedged right beside him, hogging the blankets. There’s enough room on the couch for Juliet to fit on the other side of them. 
She walks over, hands Shawn her tea, and climbs into his lap. Her knees bend over his right leg, her shoulder sinks into his chest and her head settles against his neck. Shawn still doesn’t say anything. He just sets the mug down carefully on the floor, takes a deep, relieving breath, and wraps his arms around her. She hadn’t really worried that Gus might complain, but when he reaches over unprompted and squeezes Juliet’s unhurt elbow, the last little knot in her chest dissolves fully. She gropes her hand over the upholstery and squeezes his arm back.
“... latest in my brilliant line of ‘Inators, I call it the Unlikely-Inator! She pairs beautifully with the Likeli-Inator 2000. Together, Perry the Platypus, I shall use them to somehow take over the Tri-State area, and then the world!”
“You wanna change?” Shawn murmurs into her hair after a moment. 
“Later,” Juliet says.
The old t-shirt is soft against the skin of her cheek and smells like laundry detergent. The rest of the house smells like a family lives in it, even though Juliet knows that’s not really true, and it also smells like Shawn, a little bit. Shawn smells like Shawn, too. His chest rumbles beneath her with every soft laugh the cartoon pulls out of him. 
“Oh – oh, remember this, this next bit is really funny,” Gus says. His voice is just as soft as Shawn’s.
“Man, you know I have this whole show memorized.”
“I’ve never really seen it,” Juliet says quietly. They watch as the little platypus karate kicks Dr. Doofenshmirtz in the head.
“I know,” says Shawn. “But that’s being rectified. Ha! Gus, we should turn the Psych office into a funhouse next week. Just to see if we can.”
He pats her thigh and Juliet feels a small smile turn up the corners of her mouth against Shawn’s neck.
“Shawn, I am not stepping foot in another amusement park since that crazy-ass chick and her boyfriend tried murdering everyone last month. We can try turning it into a bunny sanctuary instead.”
“I like the way you think, hermano. Wait wait, here comes the explosion. Classic!”
She falls asleep slowly, lulled by the comfortable heat of Shawn’s body and the muted, silly sounds from the television. 
When Juliet wakes up, her cheek is pressed against an actual pillow, she’s horizontal, and she has no idea what day it is. She blinks against the grit in her eyes and the fact that her whole body is sore before realizing she slept on a couch. Someone put a pillow under her head and a blanket over her body and took the time to change her out of her gross work clothes. She looks down, only mildly discombobulated. She’s wearing the old fishing t-shirt Shawn had on last night and what must be a pair of Madeline’s pajama pants. They’re a pretty purple color and silky against her legs. She definitely still has her underwear on. A soft snore comes from the ground below her and Juliet realizes she’s still in the living room at Shawn’s dad’s house; Shawn himself is burritoed in an ancient sleeping bag on the ground directly beneath her and Gus is sprawled on a camp bed that’s a bit too small for him on the other side of the coffee table. They’re both still fast asleep. The light coming from the window is light enough that it’s properly morning, but the rest of the house is still dead quiet. A soft blue light appears suddenly on the coffee table; her phone is vibrating, which she realizes must have been the thing that woke her up in the first place.
She reaches carefully over Shawn to grab it. The home screen shows a text from Carlton, received minutes ago.
Got home alright?
She could say that Gus gave her a ride; it would be another easy lie, and he’d happily corroborate it. She hates the idea, though. She looks down at Shawn’s sleeping form, the unruly tuft of hair poking out from beneath the blankets and the drool on his pillow. Telling Carlton would be a bad idea, she knows.
Juliet types, for a second time trying not to think too hard about it, Yes, home. Safe and sound.
She sinks back into the surprisingly comfortable couch cushions, instinctively curling into herself, full of feeling she can’t quite articulate. After a moment of staring silently at the wall, Juliet turns onto her back and reaches one quiet arm down. The tips of her fingers meet the soft warm skin of Shawn’s ear, and when he doesn’t wake up, she keeps her knuckles there, barely moving, only rubbing her thumb up and down every so often. 
Everything else can be a problem for tomorrow. Slowly, she falls asleep again. 
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Dabi x Hero!OC (Please read note)
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Hiiii!~ It’s so nice to have been writing again. This time, I am back with a certain favorite villain of mine~ I tried to write something I haven’t before and also give you guys something new to read that I haven’t seen yet. I did use my OC for this because for the beginning I wanted to some quirks for the battle and a few of my own kinks to help make you guys comfortable if you want to make any requests. However~ feel free to imagine yourself as Shinju if you want~ I really don’t mind! I would like to announce that I will happily take requests if you would like a one-shot or anything for reader or your own OC~ I’m most comfortable writing for Dabi because I can kind of go full blast and be the kinky little thing that I am, but I also have huge soft spots for Todoroki and Bakugo and now Suneater, as well. Any other characters, please ask and I will try to research and nail for you, but those were my mains~! She’s probably tired of seeing this, but I always have to shout out my biggest fan and friend here @strawberryandspiceandchocolate​. Thank you so much for your support, advice, and always being excited to read what I write or come up with/help me brainstorm. She coined the term “El-whip” for Shinju’s whip. It means so much to me that you and others loved my Bakugo Naga. Without further ado!~ I hope you love it as much as Shinju did. ;)
Pairing: Dabi x Hero!OC Shinju
WARNINGS: NSFW, pretty kinky, piercings, choking, rough, slight non-con (but Shinju does LOVE it, I promise) 
The sharp crack of thunder went off as Shinju cracked her El-whip, nearly getting Bakugo in the crossfire and lighting the area up with her lightning, but she had full faith in his abilities. “HOLY SHIT, YOU ALMOST SNAPPED MY DAMN FACE!” King Explosion raged behind his orange and black mask. “Eh, I knew you’d dodge it, Boom Boom Boy.” Electro-Dancer teased and stroked his ego simultaneously. Blue Flame barely dodged the attack of the quick and extremely dangerous periwinkle bolt of lightning from the end of the whip. He watched in utter amusement. That Electro-Dancer or whatever had nearly struck her own teammate in the process of blocking Dabi’s dangerous blue flames.
“My my…You’re either extremely confident, trusting, and highly intelligent or incredibly reckless and desperate.” Dabi eyed the female in her tight black and purple latex suit and a purple mask shaped like two connected lightning bolts. He flexed his hand as the heroine’s crystal blues met his own electric gaze directly for the first time. “I’ve never seen you before, are you new? Here to distract me from your other little hero friend?” The woman continued to eye him down with a hand on her cocked hip as Bakugo stomped over beside her. “Oh, I’m not new per se, just never had the pleasure of taking you down before,” she replied almost flirty with a smirk.
King Explosion snorted beside her, palms already alighting with another fiery blow. “We’re not here to chat, Electro. Hold him off until Deku and the others get the civilians outta here.” Electro sighed and extended her right gloved hand, purple electricity crackling to life. “Ready, Boom Boom Daddy?” Bakugo smirked, but his tone turned deathly. “Don’t call me that! ‘Bout damn time. Thought you’d never ask.” Dabi was preparing and focused on her right hand that he didn’t see the release from her left and combine with Bakugo’s palm explosion.
Dabi’s eyes widened as he dodged, and the lightning exploded on impact. Even managing to dodge, the heat from the bolt made him reel in pain as it burned his scarred arm. He almost couldn’t handle it. Kurogiri suddenly warped to him as he held his wrist in pain. “Fuck.” Kurogiri hissed softly. “So, they have a new hero. We should try to exhaust her and separate them. Then we’ll take her for learning and interrogation.” Dabi laughed.
Electro was rapidly running out of energy, the energy battery on her hip was already used to back Bakugo up and there were no thunderstorms or electricity in the air nearby or Denki. Bakugo glanced back at her carefully. He knew the older woman was running low on juice since she’d already called a storm earlier in the week to charge the battery. “Shit.” he cursed lowly. “Here’s our opening,” Dabi smirked as he noticed Bakugo’s nervous glance and used his blue flames to come between the two.
Electro hissed as she fell back from the flames, tearing parts of the back of her outfit. She could hear Bakugo screaming at her. She was too focused on that until she felt hands roughly drag her up and hold her tightly to their torso. A sharp pinprick on her neck and the woman began to feel dazed as her vision blacked out.
Shinju groaned lowly as she started to come around, wrists chained above her head and a spreader bar between her high-heeled rubber boots. “Don’t even think about trying anything. Just relax. I’ve been informed of that amazing quirk of yours and have removed anything that could possibly recharge you. Dabi will be here to interrogate you shortly.” Shigaraki spoke from the low candlelit door. She couldn’t even manage to try; she was beginning to roll from whatever concoction they’d given her.
She was out again before a chair sliding on the floor roused her once more from her slumber. The male with piercings, scars, and spikey dark hair was back and eyed her with interest. “Quite a quirk, babe. Who would’ve thought that cute and curvy petite shell held all that power?” He licked his lips. Dabi? The woman grasped groggily at the name in her head. She tried to respond but only groaned.
“Tell me about it. Because of you, I’ve had to take quite a few painkillers.” Shinju looked up at him as he stood in front of her and flashed a bandage. “Yeah, well, you ripped my suit.” Dabi laughed loudly. “That’s what you’re worried about? When I could just,” he grabbed her by her long lavender braid and pulled her head back forcefully. “just burn your little head right off. Now, why don’t we see the rambunctious woman behind that mask?”
Shinju tried her best to keep turning her head away as he grasped the ties, but it was no use. Dabi stared at her as her face was revealed. Beautiful black winged eyeliner surrounded her eyes and she was beautiful to Dabi. She looked young, but he knew better. The Baku-brat was at least in his twenties now. Dabi got a little irritable.
“Tell me, Electro-girl. A pretty little lady like you, do you find me hideous?” He flashed a menacing grin as she looked at him as closely as she could. It was probably the drugs, but she couldn’t lie to him. “Nah. The opposite actually…” Shinju trailed off. He searched and found nothing but sincerity within her blue orbs.
He was a bit taken aback. “I know you won’t betray your darling heroes, as strong-willed as those eyes are looking at me even dilated. So, is bomb boy your boyfriend? You must have some pretty interesting fetishes to dress confidently like that, princess.” Shinju laughed nervously. “Boom Boom Boy is one of my closest friends and hilarious to get riled up. Maybe. Most heroes wear tight outfits and stuff. Mine works well for my quirk. I can’t exactly fight in a uniform skirt. And you’re asking me about fetishes? What about you, Staple Boy?”
Dabi wasn’t offended but smirked widely and wickedly. “Oh, plenty.” He circled around her slowly, taking note of the rips on her hind end in the latex. “Explosion boy won’t mind if I touch you much then. Y’know, since he isn’t your boyfriend.” He trailed a finger over part of the exposed flesh on the back of her thigh, causing Shinju to gasp. “You’re still a little more conscious and aware, so the drug either hasn’t hit you fully or Overhaul sent you some Swamp-Water.”
Shinju shook as her vision began filtering the world in different colors. “D-don’t touch me…” she sighed out, head dropping forward as Dabi released his hold on her now messy waist-length braid. Quickly, he slid his hand in one of the larger rips within the latex and grabbed a handful of the soft and squishy flesh of one of her rear cheeks. A loud moan released itself from her lungs. Dabi placed his lips close to the sensitive shell of her before he whispered. “Dear little heroine…I’ll show how fun it will be to release your dark side. Since you didn’t want to tell me your fetishes, I guess we’ll play with some of mine and find out if they line up with any of yours.”
Shinju was panting already as his hand began to unzip the back of her suit. Her skin felt feverish beneath his hands as he shoved them in to grab at her perky breasts. “Mmm, so…What do you think of this?” He gave each a harsh squeeze simultaneously and caused the woman to cry out exasperatedly at the pleasure. “Oh, so you are kinkier than I thought. I bet you were such a good girl in school, but such a freak when it comes to being in bed with a man.”
The female was breathless already. “I highly doubt that’s just the drug now. I think you honestly like things a little rough and dirty, huh doll?” Shinju pushed her head back, successfully surprising him by knocking roughly into his shoulder. “Ow,” he grunted. “S-sorry…” the woman muttered. Dabi laughed loudly. “You’re saying sorry to me? That Swamp-Water is really working on you. The first time, I’m guessing. Now, why don’t I just gently help you down from there, huh? But we’ll keep your pretty little legs spread with that bar.”
Honestly, Shinju was just happy that her arms were being released more comfortably, even if they were over Dabi’s shoulders and her wrists were still bound. “There now. That’s better, isn’t it?” Shinju nodded and drooped, resting her head against the villain’s. Dabi was watching her closely for any tricks. “Everyone reacts a little differently. Just like any other drug.”
Shinju’s arms felt heavy and like Jell-O around his neck. “God, I feel so hot.” she panted. “Allow me to help with that, baby doll.” Dabi strategically laid her on the cold hard floor before he grabbed the rope still binding her wrists and set his quirk aflame. Shinju cried out loudly as it burned her wrists. “Whoops. Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”
“Don’t move or I’ll engulf your entire body in my flames. Be a good girl, alright?” Shinju felt too drained to care as he pulled at the latex suit, effectively pulling it off and down to the bar between her ankles. “Oh-ho-ho. No underwear? My my, you’re just begging to be fucked, aren’t you? Should just be honest with me. You love the thought of me man-handling you and just ravaging you however the fuck I like.” The woman moaned beneath him, heat pooling up in her loins.
Why was she reacting so much to just his voice? Dabi smirked at her and finally moved in for the first kiss. “You try to bite me or anything and I really will turn you into the loveliest pile of ash on this floor.” His lips met against hers roughly and Shinju moaned at the two different textures. His upper lip was soft and the burnt scars of his lower were pleasantly rough. Taking advantage of the situation, Dabi turned the kiss deeper, careful not to pull at the stitches and piercings in them.
Shinju’s mind blanked completely before she slowly started to come out of her drug-induced haze. She began to push her tongue roughly into his mouth. Dabi was surprised but went along with it. Who was he to deny the woman a bit of control of what he did with her body? Her hands twisted into the dark (surprisingly, very silky) spikes of his hair. “Oh? Now you’re getting into it, kinky girl.” She hissed in pleasure as he pulled at a swollen nipple and circled a finger slowly around her clit.
She jerked beneath him roughly. “You’re so sensitive. I’m going to have so much fun with you baby.” Suddenly he pulled away, much to her chagrin. That changed though as she stared at the hollow needle and metal rings he picked up in his hands. “You’re so fucking pretty. I want to give you something, so you’ll always remember me.”
Shinju began to feel her blood run cold. “Now hold still. This will only hurt for a minute. You’re going to be the most gorgeous and unique woman there is out there.” Dabi grabbed her bottom lip tightly between his fingers and pulled it out tautly. Shinju panted roughly and did her best not to squirm, eyes shutting tightly as he pushed the needle and rings through either side of her lip. She did groan and she felt it, but the burns of his flames hurt far worse.
Her adrenaline rush was expended after the first piercing and by the second, she nearly passed out. “Damn. You look even sexier, babe. God, piercing you was so sexy. It’s gotten me so hard. Now that I’ve given you some real pain and torture, why don’t I bestow you with some real pleasure, hm?” Shinju watched as he came to her, unzipping the bulge of his jeans very slowly. Still a bit blurry from the rush of the piercings, it took her a moment to catch up with his actions.
Dabi’s hand gripped her ankle before he folded her in on herself before the spreader bar was behind his neck and her ankles were at his ears. Shinju flushed brightly at the position. She’d never felt so exposed in her entire life before. She began to panic as she felt the heat of the underside of him and something contrastingly cool pressed directly against her. “W-wait! You’re going to get me pregnant if you do it that way!”
“Doesn’t that give you such a thrill though? I could or I could not. Me, a villain. And you a cute little heroine.” He silenced her by wrapping his hand tightly around her throat as he pressed down into her deeply. Shinju’s face began to turn red from his head holding in the loud moan she would’ve released. The position caused him to go deep. Noticing the danger on the woman’s face, Dabi eased his grip and Shinju coughed and gasped out sharply for air.
As he forced his hips forward roughly into her, he swallowed her cries of pleasure. In the position, she couldn’t help herself. It was mind-blowing. And the extra unexpected ladder of a few barbells on the underside of his girth was a bonus. Shinju honestly wouldn’t have noticed much if Dabi wasn’t a master at using them.
Shinju moaned and panted into his mouth roughly. “God, you really are a good girl taking all of my cock like that and moaning like a little slut.”  Shinju was reaching her peak, the white heat building in her abdomen causing her muscles to tighten. Dabi moaned out finally, snapping his hips forward into the tightening body beneath him. “Now you’re going to be even better and take every single last drop I have to give you and possibly get so swollen. What would your dear best friend have to say about that?”
Shinju’s eyes snapped open wide as she gripped onto the fabric of the arms of his jacket. “P-please, Dabi. D-don’t.” He moaned again, hot breath fanning across her face. “You’re so precious. Stuttering beneath me to not to, but your body betrays you. You got fucking soaked when I said that.” Dabi’s hips quickened into her a bit more and Shinju finally shattered like an explosion of glass.
She literally cried as she came undone around him, and Dabi was overwhelmed by her waves. Shuddering and getting sloppy, he pushed his hips tightly to her before he unleashed like a torrent within her. She shuddered at the feeling of being so full. Dabi sighed heavily in relief. “So, tell me, babe, how many of your fetishes did I hit?”
“The piercings were a bit much…but oh my god…” Shinju’s head fell back against the floor with a soft thud. Dabi laughed loudly as he rounded a nipple softly with his finger. Shinju groaned loudly as she felt a new needle and piercing push through each of them. “Ooo, those are gonna show in that sexy little suit you wear.”
Shinju felt overloaded mentally and physically, her body shuddering and vision blurring. “Y’know, I am supposed to be interrogating you.” Dabi looked down at her with his electric blue eyes. She gripped one of his arms weakly and gasped as she felt the tingle in her fingers. “What the hell did you do!?” Dabi growled as the muscles in his arm began to tense painfully and became immobile. “S-sorry…that’s never happened b-before…I…”
Dabi laughed again loudly. “Oh, I just unleashed a little section of your quirk you never knew you had, didn’t I?” Somehow, she had managed to intercept an electrical signal from his brain as it traveled towards his hand. “That’ll do for now, Electro-girl.” Dabi retreated, stood slowly, and fixed himself before he removed the spreader bar from Shinju’s ankles and helped her slide back into her suit and replace her mask.
“I guess I can let you go now.”
“L-let me go?”
Dabi looked at her, holding his tensed arm.  “Yeah. I did get some useful information about your quirk like I needed to, and you aren’t currently interfering with my goals. I’ll just tell them you pulled a fast one on me with this extensive part of your quirk and I couldn’t move. Just make sure you don’t get in my way in the future, this changes nothing and I’m not going to go easy on you. You fight me like you mean it, and don’t you go falling for me, babe.” He teased.
Shinju stumbled, very sore and nearly unable to walk as she followed the directions she’d been given by Dabi. “WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? WE’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE, DAMN IDIOT!” All her hair stood on end and she jumped at the explosive voice. “Shinju! You’re back!” Midoriya smiled brightly, trotting up to her alongside the spiky-haired blonde. “Thank goodness...geez, you look terrible. You’re so pale…We better have you taken to the infirmary.” Shinju nodded weakly before she finally feinted against Bakugo.
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doctorgerth · 5 years
🎐1/3 Could I please request a male matchup for my OC? Name: Chii Ittoujii, Age: 23 after time skip (she’s a god and aged slower before she came down to the mortal realm so she’s actually much older). 170cm tall/long black hair/hime cut with blunt bangs/red eyes/very pale, almost white skin/very slender waist and long legs/large breasts/plump pink lips/slight fangs. Ethereal/otherworldly Beauty. She has a very quiet/calm/stoic personality, level headed, not extremely talkative, an introvert
Can be sadistic but with the sweetest smile. Has a dark sense of humor. Intelligent and educated. would destroy anyone who insults or threatens her friends and would die for them, prettiest smile and the nicest laugh. Can keep a straight face if she wants to in most situations unless she’s angry. Her swearing could put sailors to shame. Enjoys reading/sketching/painting/mapping the stars/growing plants/combining herbs for medicinal purposes. Loves cats and flowers. Suffers from insomnia. Can go days sometimes weeks without sleeping, 10000% not a morning person when she finally does get a few hours sleep. She has a 9 tailed fox spirit bonded with her body, melee fighter who specialises in punches and kicks, and fights sometimes with dual wielded chokuto. Can switch between attacks that specialise more on speed or attacks that focus on pure power. An Astronomer and a Princess. Can see and communicate with spirits and animals due to being a god.
This is my first time doing a matchup for an OC, so thank you! I’ll admit I was a bit overwhelmed with all this info lol so I got a secondary opinion (by my lovely friend @doflomingos-glasses u the best bb) I hope this turned out okay for you! Please enjoy xxx
Chii’s match is…
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First of all, Sanji deserves an absolute babe. Goddess or not, Sanji is going to treat Chii like the most perfect specimen in the entire galaxy. No love could ever compare to Sanji’s love for Chii. He deserves it, she deserves it. Going off appearances, we know Sanji isn’t hard to please, but having an ethereal, otherworldly beauty by his side? That’s something he adores like no other (if he doesn’t die from insane amounts of nose bleeds first). Forget the All Blue, Chii is all he needs in life. Hancock can’t even phase him now, he is utterly infatuated with Chii Ittoujii.
Now, though Sanji seems shallow on the outside, we know that is definitely not the case on the inside. Sanji is a natural born lover, caretaker, he has the kindest heart and aims to please. He would do whatever it takes to keep Chii happy and would obliterate anyone that dared to hurt her. He’s 100000% whipped for her! Sanji is a bit more extroverted, but he can woo his introverted woman with a nice dinner date, or cuddles and romantic music in his bedroom. Her introverted nature won’t stop him from showing her off to anyone and everyone however. But he also will kick anyone who looks at her the wrong way. He’s very protective of her, a little insecure at times, but is always reassured when she shows him affection. Then he’s back to feeling like the luckiest man on the planet.
Though he’s well aware she can hold her own, that doesn’t stop him from trying to protect her in every situation, most of the time causing himself to get hurt in the process. He just wants to keep her safe, but he’s also wowed by her crazy abilities. Most of the time, it’s her protecting him; Sanji will gladly play the damsel in distress for her lol Would try his damned hardest not to piss her off, and whips out popcorn when someone else does. He’s hoping one day Zoro will piss her off enough and she’ll destroy his ass.
He’s just completely infatuated by her every move, everything about her. Her fighting skills? Stunning. Her sweet smile? Breathtaking. Her cute little laugh? Adorable. Her sailor mouth? Exquisite. Everything she does is captivating to him and he’s not shy to show it. If she’s a little shy towards his praises, he tries his hardest to control himself when around her, but he feels on the verge of explosion from keeping everything in! He just wants love and dote on her all day, treating her like the goddess she is literally and figuratively.
Sanji adores how she shares common interests with the rest of the crew - reading with Robin, sketching with Franky, mapping with Nami, planting flowers with Usopp, herbal medicine with Chopper, training with Zoro….ok he actually hates that but you get the idea. Even though she’s a freaking goddess, she fits in among the crew easily and it’s important to him that his family loves his woman (just not as much, that’s not allowed).
He hates going to bed without her, so he tries to cook/prepare some foods to help her sleep. Chii has gained more sleep than she ever has in entire life all thanks to Sanji. She still doesn’t sleep all through the night, and he knows this, so he tries to keep the bed cozy for her when she gets back. He’s well aware that she’s not a morning person (learned that the hard way) so he won’t even try to wake her up in the morning unless it’s an emergency. Instead, he’ll sneakily slide out, go fix her some breakfast, lay it on the bedside table, and kiss her forehead before going to make breakfast for the rest of the crew. She naturally wakes up on her own to the smell of food and even though Sanji isn’t right there by her, his consideration for her sleep makes the mornings just so much better.
All in all, I believe Chii deserves someone who treats her like a goddess, but loves her for more than that. Sanji’s love for her would be genuine, a lil pervy, but most of all it comes from the bottom of his heart. He would sacrifice anything for her, and he chooses to love her and only her every single day. I think they deserve each other!
Other potential suitors:
Hawkins - They both share that ethereal-y vibe and I just think they would look cute together. They’re both level-headed and introverted so it’s easy to enjoy each other’s company. He’s also not one to care if she’s a goddess or not, nor if she’s stronger and older than him. If he falls for someone, then that’s just it. He does adore her beauty, don’t get me wrong, but her loyal and mild nature is what really gets him. He is also blown away by her skills. Being able to talk to spirits and animals is one of the coolest things to him. He’s never unimpressed with Chii, she makes life and love very interesting for him.
Shanks - Another babe that just deserves a goddess? He would take such good care of Chii and yeah, he’s a lil pervy like Sanji with her, but it’s a lil classier than Sanji lol He definitely shows her off all the time, but what matters most is the way he respects her and cares for her well being. She’s probably stronger than him, but he still fights for her always. The thing about him is he hardly treats her like a goddess. She’s just the love of his life. Even if she weren’t a goddess, he’d treat her just the same.
Zoro - This is more of a crackship one because he would be the dumbass that ends up with a goddess and is just like “yeah whatever” about it! He doesn’t care to show her off because he knows that other people are going to fall for her, and what’s Zoro’s is Zoro’s. No looking, no touching. He also loves her for deeper than her outward appearance. Her fighting skills are insane and they have much to bond over. But hey, he definitely thinks she’s pretty hot too.
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sugar-petals · 7 years
BTS as submissive boyfriends
a/n: A thought experiment to envision Bangtan as subs in your daily and sexual life.
warning: Dom/sub dynamics, femdom!reader
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Jimin is dashing as a submissive, it suits him well. An eager pleaser who memorizes all of your wishes exactingly, always giving more than taking because it fulfills him. Jimin addresses you as his one and only Queen, serenades and serves you with all of his allure. He’ll make you a bubble bath after you get home, write countless love letters, provide all sorts of comfort especially on your period, organize an evening to watch a cute movie, kiss and hug you tight the way you love it. But don’t be fooled, he’s volatile. This man will walk through your house naked all day, too. You know him, he draws a lot of confidence out of approval, so he’ll really groom himself. If you love his natural black hair and soft tummy, he’ll do everything to look like that. If you enjoy his ample legs, he will train each day without fail, and proudly display the results here and there through his ripped blue jeans. 
In bed, Jimin’s divide between soft and sensual shows all the more. He is immensely passionate and sacrificing, all of his avid affection is yours. Prepare for a myriad of curious questions, he wants to know everything you’re into, all the dos and don’ts. This type of devotion is made for someone intense and dominant because it requires guidance as well as receptivity. Your voluptuous Jimin can massage your feet, kiss your breasts, eat you out like it’s nothing. And he wants to do more, more, more, to satisfy you all the time because he loves seeing you gratified. Imagine how many special hours he will dedicate to that. “Love and sex” is his life mantra - that means all of your tensions in these realms will be alleviated. And listen. What you can look forward to the most is how he puts his lusciously gyrating dancer hips and thighs to practice.
The light of your existence - you won’t ever be bored again. Taehyung will enrich your life effortlessly because he makes it so interesting and positive. Compliments and good conversation within your quality time are his strong points: He will always be mindful that you will receive plenty of this, since you become his unchallenged priority. Taehyung will talk with you at length to entertain and cheer you up with his witty mannerisms straight out of his video games and keep you up to date with literally the entire world. He adds some excitement through cheeky flirting and cuddling (Taetae is the clingiest member. If you are deprived of hugs he’s perfect for you), soothing you with his deep, deep voice which he’ll deliberately bring out. He will send you selcas with his smexy bandana creations, funny filters, and a plunging fashionable neckline to add pizazz to it. He texts with the cutest emojis and always encourages you since he believes in your potential. “Mommy, fighting”, he’ll write, and you know he smiles his rectangle smile as he sends it to you.
Erotic hours with Taehyung will echo a similar feeling. He is down for every conceivable endeavor, but it stays light. Unless he switches on his temptation mode, that is. All in all, nothing is ever confined to the bedroom alone - it seems that his affinity goes towards the bathroom instead. Sensual showers and baths with lots of foam, voilà, Taehyung will be all cute and bashful for you. The kitchen is the second favorite where you will have some fruit adventures, you can imagine how creative he gets. Tae also amuses you with his dirty talk, so many clever innuendoes. He can bring everything sexual to an intellectual level, which will lead to the most juicy messages on your fridge. Talking about juicy: have you seen Taehyung’s hands? They will make you feel so, so good. In the morning, at noon, at night. And that voice is sure to push you over the edge every time. 
The fascinator. A very private man of unwavering loyalty. To share this hermit-like intimacy with you is his gift - he’s exclusive to you, undemanding, very minimalistic. Yoongi is an immensely shrewd shadow worker and secret keeper. None of your problems will remain unsolved, even if he stores a lot in his head only to reveal it much later. You have all the power, and Yoongi the master plan to solidify your reign. He really thinks long-term which makes him very sure about his commitment. Yoongi knows your future and how to make it good: By loving you. Foreseeing the hard times, he becomes proactive. His devotion also shows in the way he gives you presents as often as he can. A personal mixtape, a ticket to your favorite singer’s concert. He works hard, so hard. Usually the critical type, he is able to let down his guard with you. He can share his heart without having to protect himself with coldness or sharp comments. Trust me when I say that he will shower you with the most sincerely endearing things. He’ll also guard you from outside malice and back you up. If you are struggling with any problem concerning your state of mind, Yoongi will sacrifice everything he has to make you healthy because he knows how it is. Know that you are his Empress, ready to be revered every day.
You will fully realize that when he gets intimate. It is true, you have South Korea’s most talented tongue between your legs and at your whim. His job lends him ridiculous stamina, Yoongi can make you groan and shake all night. What he does not utter or express through writing during the day, he will make up for with a plethora of lavish tongue movements. Sweet Suga might take his time and finish intensely or vice versa if that is your wish. Yoongi is not afraid of taboos and extremes - in fact, he needs them. You can lead and dominate him completely, he loves to feel your impact. He can finally let go of his troubles like this. Remember how he said he likes Jimin and J-Hope for their extroverted energy and strong vibe as it makes him snap out of his blues. Getting tied up or teased with toys, he craves it all. Last but not least, a little secret: It is safe to say that this sexy vampire will lick your sensitive neck to some new orgasmic heights.
A yielding and steadfast partner for you, highly intuitive. This jovial man will muse about you as the meaning of his life, and how divine you are, like a Priestess blessing him. You’re always on his mind and he’ll let you know about it artistically, no matter how cheesy it gets. I am sure he could open a museum dedicated to you as the overarching theme. Joon is also going to be a feast for your eyes. Chic and futuristic, he models the neatest couture for you, and helps you to buy your own so you can be an edgy couple. He will wear stylish bags and his eccentric sunglasses, and you call him babe. Occasionally, Rapmon will share his music with you and write an entire collection of raps that describe his feelings. Namjoon is a poet, philosopher, and psychologist, striving to understand all of your motivations and dreams. He’s your biggest fan in a way, and heals your soul. Whatever makes you chuckle becomes his daily task - he’ll even break some trivial items on purpose because it makes you laugh yourself to tears. 
Namjoon in bed is not very agile precisely due to his lanky stature and those clumsy moments. Do you know what that means? You can top the living hell out of him. That’s right. Joonie is just fine on his back having you ravage him, and he’ll whisper the lewdest, intelligent things to you. If you’ve studied his lyrics, you know how far he wants to go. Though you have to know that his heart and sexual demeanor are much softer than his image suggests. Like Jimin, he is a romantic in search of a woman who can conquer him, who can get him into the heat of the moment, out of his head in the clouds. You can control and tantalize him and his delicious, sexy body however you want, all he loves is to see you delight in your power position. With submissive Namjoon, I guarantee you will have tons of fun.
Hobi is tremendously bright, empathetic, and gentle. Thus, he’s perfectly in tune with your needs as his character is so reactive. If you are an introvert, this is your perfect match. J-Hope will energize you one-to-one or in a group because he’s the paramount socialite, and once you’ve charged enough sunlight, he’ll show you his peaceful and relaxed side which can also be quite hedonistic. Like Jungkook, he will indulge you, make you feel good the way you never experienced it before. No matter the circumstance: He’ll say or text “I love you” at least once a day in the most uplifting tone, often addressing you with sugary sweet names on top of that. You’re his Aphrodite, and Hoseok will never make you doubt that the arrows of Eros have reached his heart. He’ll always get so excited how amazing you are, conveying it with his animated body language, joking and jumping around. And even in the serious moments, he will do everything in his power to make you happy.
That includes creating a very vivid sexual life with you. He’s not perfectly submissive like Yoongi and Jimin, but more like Taehyung, in a glamorous fashion. If he arrives with his hair sleeked or swiped back with his glorious forehead on full display, you know what’s going on. This guy will really put on a show for you. Just because you two are getting intimate it doesn’t mean he’s no longer an entertainer. You can sit on his lap when he’s in his shiny sequin suit, and run your hands through his meticulously styled hair (Hobi is fastidious with self-care, you will never have any complaints). Did you see pictures of him in suspenders? Blazing hot! He’ll wear these underneath his jackets because you are really into them. And if you don’t like to keep it classy here and there, get flexible. Literally, because this is what Hoseok’s body is. You can have sex in the most incredible positions, no limits. He really is such a well-rounded and well-versed (heh) sexual partner, and very zestful for that matter. 
Class act. A flawless gentleman. The ace of Bangtan, with better manners than any butler. It is not chivalry in a sense that he interferes with your business that you can perfectly handle on your own. No, he rather has the nerve to absorb all daily life burdens from you in private to assure that his goddess is never stressed out too much. You come home tired and ask for something soothing, he makes you some soup. You rant about someone, he will mediate and understand you. In essence, he provides all the relief you desire. He entertains you generously but also has an open ear and a shoulder to lean on - you can talk to Jin to everything, he can and will be able to deal with it so your safety and well-being is the priority of everything in your relationship. Always responsible and caring, he shops and manages and cleans as good as he can, and rests his gorgeous head in your lap every evening so you can caress him at will.  
Now what happens when this handsome fella sleeps with his goddess? He’ll dine you first, and then show his terrifically seductive side. Jin has figured out what arouses you down to a T. For instance, once he slowly strips off his shirt to reveal those chiseled, broad shoulders, there’s no turning back. He can pepper your hot sessions with plenty of his humor to spice it up, you can really feel free to get weird with him as much as you please. In fact, Jin loves a lot of randomness and talking when you two make out. There’s going to be a lot of eye contact involved, too, mixed with many giggles. And now here’s the cherry on top. Jin will often combine your sexual activities with travels and wellness. How does this sound like: You both finance a day at a spa in Jeju, followed by getting some more relief in the hotel afterwards. Though Jin can deliver a massage himself you see. Whenever you ask, this guy will drop everything. 
We all know why he hates being called Oppa. The “show your ID” is just a cop-out, Jungkook makes it obvious that he wants a Noona to adore and look up to. Partly, he’s doing it out of sheer fun, he’s playful, nimble. On the other hand, he’ll take it seriously. So he’ll diligently cater to you. For instance, he’ll be your humble yet sultry chef, not missing any opportunity to indulge you with his kitchen skills. He loves to cook because it pleases you so much, especially with an apron tied around his lovely slender hips, moving through the kitchen whistling and singing - he’s a treat, so charming. He’ll spoil you rotten and ask for your approval like this: “Noona tell me, did I do well?” Kookie knows you love his tight shirts and the side part so you can feel up his chest and silky hair. Hence he’ll take some time styling himself, is often seen somewhere ironing or folding the clothes you like on him. And he will style you, too! Cozy Jungkook attends to your locks in particular, he’ll comb and braid them just to hear you sigh under his relaxing hands while you two watch anime. He’ll also massage and tickle you if you demand it, and put on a suave dance as in Rainism to turn you on when you’re in the mood.
So when it comes down to sex: Take him out to your favorite restaurant and you can already see how much of a sensory gourmet he is. He’s not an extreme of sexual naïvity or total overdrive as it may seem. Jungkook will be fairly balanced, in fact. Have you seen how deliberately he manages his own body? The physical territory is where he roams successfully, and he is sure to become a connoisseur of your body in no time. Jungkook will do everything just right, stopping you or himself in whatever hurried tracks to keep it nuanced, healthy, and harmonious. He wants to be your baby boy, attending to every carnal wish that his Noona has. No suggestion or trick is too bizarre for him to make you cum. Because remember: He likes the fun of it. You could be the most awkward person in the world, Jungkook wants to really put you at ease. Thus, sex oscillates between relaxing and steamy. He’ll be so pleasing to your eyes, tongue, and hands with his sculpted body, and that’s just the beginning of it. This man embodies your ecstasy.
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