#a man that is your uncle
Hi! I came across your page and I love your fanfics of HOTD and I was wondering if you could make a fanfic with Daemon Targaryen and a Velaryon/Targaryen reader who is the daughter of King Viserys and his first wife who was Lord Corlys unnamed sister🤭.
I want her to have a close relationship with her half sister rhaenrya at first then as the years slowly go by that love for her sister deteriorates seeing what her sister has become 👀 a little angst never hurt anybody 😝
I want the reader to be a combination of Visenya and Rhaenys ( aegon the conquers sister wives )
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Wish I Was Her
Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Summary: Daemon was your sun, your moon, your earth, your sky. He was all you ever wanted to be like growing up... all you ever learned to want when you came of age. But true to his nature, he liked things difficult, he liked things messy, he liked to hurt, and so he made you watch his admirations toward your sister.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Canon and additional Targaryen incest bonk 🤠 as per request, Daemon x Rhaenyra, fem!reader, made up characters, some descriptions of reader as per request, pining, fluff, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: this was a TALL order and I stared at this ask endlessly wondering what I could possibly do for it asdf;asf;asf which is why it took so long. I hope you like it my love. It really be your own sister, amirite YUCK. Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"Pretty," I note, reaching out to the necklace on my sister's neck.
Rhaenyra turns to what my hand touched and smiled to herself as I smiled back at her, "who gifted it?"
"Uncle," she says with an excited tone.
The smile on my face begins to fade as hers sparkle. She chuckles, caressing the jewelry on her neck, "he must have known how I eye the endless gifts you get from suitors far and wide."
I snort before breaking into a laugh. Seems like something he would do.
"If you wanted to wear them," I turn and grab her arm as we continue walking through the gardens, "you should have made it known to me. You know I care little for them. They hold the same value as rocks to me."
Rhaenyra leans into my touch, sharing a laugh with me, "you truly are a heartbreaker, sister."
"You'll understand soon enough," I huff, pulling away from her to grab her face, "you are only 5 and 10. Once you are my age of 20, you will have had much more suitors than I ever will."
Rhaenyra places her hands on mine as I tuck her straight hair behind her ears. She mimics me, brushing my curly hair back, as I smile at her.
"That is impossible," she notes with a soft smile, "there is no man that is immune to your charms."
I roll my eyes, "do you want a bet?"
She huffs as we continue walking off, "I am not in the business of betting on things that I know I will lose."
We both break into a laugh as we make our way to the tree where Alicent was waiting for us. Well, Alicent and-
"Uncle," Rhaenyra beams, pulling away from me to rush over to Daemon.
Daemon smirks, turning to my sister just as Alicent does beside him. He nods, "princess," then at me, "princess."
I nod back, "uncle," I turn to the auburn haired lady, "Alicent."
Alicent smiles back at me as Rhaenyra mutters, "what are you doing here?"
Daemon shifts in his spot, "I came to see if you were wearing the necklace I gifted you," he lightly touches the center of the necklace, "now that I have," he turns to me, "I will not hold you ladies any further."
Alicent looks between us. I push past Daemon once he strides off, and get the hands of the two girls. "Now, that that's over with," I look between them. Alicent watches Rhaenyra, who looks off to the distance. I clench my jaw and shake her hand, "Rhaenyra."
"Yes?" she pipes up turning to me.
Alicent watches her. I diffuse the atmosphere by breaking into a chuckle, "a true dragon rider-- head stuck in the clouds."
Later that day, we found ourselves in the hall, as it seems I found myself another caller.
"It is apparent to me that you either have a wicked sense of humor, my lord," I coo as I rock the small cat in my hand, "or you are genuinely clueless that felines do not take kindly to dragons," I turn to the lord in front of me. His smile begins to fade as I continue, "and vice versa."
I chuckle as I stroke the creature's soft fur, impressed by how docile she was. I steal a glance at my sister's amused expression, as well as Alicent's, before turning to my father, who was sat beside me. I raise the cat towards him and he recoils on his iron throne.
I break into giggles as I pull the cat away, "it seems even the king himself is repelled."
Viserys says my name breathily.
"Perhaps I shall keep this one," I turn to Rhaenyra, "what say you, sister?"
"A splendid idea, sister," she responds.
"Oh, bugger off, the lot of you," our father chides, releasing a breath as we laugh once again.
It seems the man before me finds his spirits again in our familial bickering. I press my lips, hoping to crush it in my palm, "now, where are your gifts for my sisters, Lord Baratheon?"
The man a little older than I knits his dark brows, shaking his head, making his dark hair bounce.
"Surely, Christopher," I step forward, narrowing my eyes, "may I call you that?"
"You may address me however you like, princess."
I chuckle, "surely, boy-"
Viserys chuckles.
"-you wish to set yourself apart from the other endless suitors," I turn to Rhaenyra, "as my sister puts it-"
She purses her lips, holding back a laugh.
"-by offering tidings to my sisters as well."
Christopher Baratheon is once again rendered speechless.
"And by sisters, I mean, by blood, Rhaenyra, and by choice of companionship, Alicient."
The sisters turn to each other and share a chuckle at the sentiment.
I tilt my head to the man, "so?"
"I-" he starts, but does not continue.
I smile then shuffle the cat in my arms, "then," I hand the feline to him, "I shall, in fact, not keep this-"
"Aw," Rhaenyra sounds.
"-much to my sister's disappointment," I offer her a look as the lord gets the cat from me.
The look upon his face makes me feel utterly empowered.
"That will be all then," my father calls from behind.
I cannot help but snort as I turn to the impatient look on the King's face. I turn back to Lord Christopher and offer him fake hope, "if you find something you can give all three of us at the feast later tonight, you know where to find me."
The man perks up.
Alicent could not conceal her laughter, which makes everyone turn to her. Rhaenyra and I chuckle at the sight of her growing red cheeks.
"That will be all then," I repeat, offering him one last smile, before turning to my father, "I will be off on dragon back if you need me."
He promptly nods and I walk past Lord Baratheon.
"Take me with you!" Rhaenyra calls as I near.
"You," I start, rubbing her jaw with my thumb once I am close enough. I nearly freeze when I catch sight her necklace. I force a small smile on my face, "have classes to attend to."
She grabs my arm, "please."
I shake my head and lean down to whisper, "if I had to suffer through them, so do you."
I smirk at her as I pull away. She gives me a scornful look.
It is apparent that I was not the only one who thought to take advantage of the clear weather and take to the skies today.
"Uncle," I call as I make my way into the dragon pit. Both him and his ride turn to me when I near them. I extend my hand out carefully, "Caraxes."
Daemon watches as I caress his dragon's snout. He side steps closer to me, up until his hand is on my own. His other pulls me close to him by my waist, "princess."
Caraxes leans into us. I take this as a reason to mask my need to pull away. I ignore how my body reacts to him. I ignore how I feel annoyed by the image of my sister's neck that flashes in my mind.
I step away from him and pull a smile, turning to the dragon keeper behind him to ask that he release my dragon as well.
Daemon watches my hair flutter as Caraxes huffs, "will you be joining us today?"
I link my hands together, "as you've noticed, I prefer the hemispheres opposite to the ones you and Caraxes do."
"Hmm," he steps closer to me, "I oft wondered whether it was by sheer preference, or out of spite."
My face is blank as he smirks down at me, "why would I spite you, uncle?"
"Why would you?" he repeats, "you grew up wishing to be me when you were a child." He pulls away from his dragon as to lead him off once he hears my own stirring from the back of the place, "you told me you wanted to be a man-"
"Because I understood what it meant to be a woman," I retort as I follow him to the side, "how your worth is equal how many heirs your birth. How both mine and Rhaenyra's mothers were rendered worthless because of their... incapabilities."
I turn away from Daemon as I see my dragon get lead out, "they both died for it-- for nothing."
Daemon watches as I make my way to my dragon.
I am surprised that his own hand darts to my beloved creature's face the same time mine does.
I turn to him in surprise. I feel my pulse quicken even more when he fiddles with the large gems on my ears, "there was once a time where you did not allow anyone to dress you in skirts. I would have laughed at the notion of you wearing jewelry."
He pulls away from me and my dragon, "now you parade even your boyish exploits on your skin."
I scoff at him as his tone, "except these were my mother's."
Daemon stills. I find annoyance and ridicule rise up my throat when he looks as though he was not expecting that.
"Between the two of us, uncle," I walk away from him, readying to ride my mount, "it is only you who is clearly still caught up in their childishness."
Daemon could only watch and move away as I command my dragon to exit the chamber
Later that night, I am ensnared in dance after dance after dance, with men whose names I no longer kept track of.
Rhaenyra, the devil she was, kept agreeing on dances on my behalf, and at some point, I managed to trick the idiots with dancing with her first, as a condition to dance with me.
Currently, I was watching her spin with this unsightly Lord while she offered me the most disdainful expression yet. I snorted about it with our father.
"You must be kinder to your sister, child," he says after releasing a chuckle.
The two of us could not hold back on our laughter when the man steps on her foot and profusely breaks out in apologies.
Viserys hides his laugh in his hand when his second daughter shoots him a dirty look. I, however, openly ridicule her and even point a finger, "oh let me enjoy it, father. I have to dance with him after torturing my sister."
He releases an amused snort. He leans against his seat, "you do know that she only wishes to be more like you."
I avert my attention to him, not expecting the solemn words amidst this current atmosphere.
"Why would she want to be me when she is her?"
"She looks up to you, as any sibling would their elder," the king speaks, finally turning to me.
In that moment, my eyes instinctively find Daemon in the room. It is easy, plain like breathing. I watch how he watches Rhaenyra, how his lips curve at the sight of her. I turn away and mutter, "I don't suppose you fooled yourself into believing the same of uncle."
Viserys snorts, throwing his arms around me, "my, my daughter has grown to have a silver tongue to pair her silver hair."
I chuckle once then I lean against him affectionately.
In the next instant, Rhaenyra is upon me, eyes dark, lips curved in a grin, "your turn, sister."
I watch her come up to me as the man she was dancing with looks upon me eagerly. By the time Rhaenyra takes her seat on my own, shoving me with her hip, giving me no choice but to stand, I dramatically place my hand on my forehead and huff, "actually, I am feeling quite faint."
Both my father and sister turns to me when I say this. The former turns back, unfazed, and the latter gives me a dirty look.
My sister's most recent dance partner, who was none the wiser, flashes a look of concern as I say, "I should go outside and get some fresh air."
"I should accompany you, princess."
"Oh, no need. I will come back for our dance soon enough, my lord," I lie with my teeth, "you needn't worry."
Rhaenyra cannot stop me as I walk away. I manage to catch her annoyed look when she mouths, 'bitch' to me. I grin at her and throw a flying kiss at her direction.
I release a huff once I am free. I find comfort in the silence outside the hall.
Whatever peace I found, however, is interrupted by the person who comes up next to me.
I turn to my shoulder and find myself pulling a soft smile, "Cregan."
Cregan Stark says my name and nods in regard.
"I did not know you answered to your invitation."
"And why wouldn't I take the opportunity to bask in your fierce beauty," he smiles, eyes darting down, "did you not receive the necklaces I sent?"
I involuntarily bring my hand up to my bare collarbones as he explains, "I did not know what color you preferred, so I sent all that I could think of."
I shake my head. Against myself, I begin to think of Rhaenyra again. I think of her own gifted necklace, and think it was not nearly as ornate as the ones Cregan sent me. I envy her. I envy her still.
"I did, my lord," I straighten up, "but I could not bare to offend my many suitors by favoring one over the other."
Cregan huffs in amusement.
I smirk at him, "not when I clearly do not favor one over the other."
"You wound me, princess," he narrows his eyes as his lips quirk upward, "I thought we had something."
I snort, "then you might like my uncle, Stark," I state with a hint of venom, "he feels he is just as entitled to my attentions as you are."
"You would slander me to an outsider, niece?"
We both turn to the smirking Daemon as he walks over to us. I do not greet him like Cregan does, I do not nod at him or say his title in regard. Instead I turn to the dark haired man when I reply to his words, "he is hardly a stranger when he has come to my side bearing gifts in exchange for my time more than once."
I watch as Cregan's eyes twinkle at the acknowledgement where Daemon's jaw tightens.
"Will you allow my niece and I some privacy," Daemon asks, though it is not really question.
I stare at the prince idly.
Both of us turn to Cregan when he does not move a muscle.
"I should only leave at the command of the princess, my prince," Cregan nods at me.
I cannot hold back my chuckle.
Daemon does not take kindly to it and makes it clear when he turns to the large Stark.
I huff at his bravado, "it is alright, Cregan. We may continue our conversation inside after I talk to my uncle."
Without another word, Cregan nods at me and walks away.
Daemon watches him with contempt. His eyes dart to me, "Cregan?"
"Well, that is his name, is it not?" I raise my brows and cross my arms.
"And you are familiar with the wolf-boy?"
I scoff, rolling my eyes, "I do not see how that concerns you, uncle."
"It concerns me," he steps forward, "because it's you."
My hands fall to the side as he presses forward.
He leans his face close to mine, "I know everything about you. I know your first word, your wildest dreams, your worst nightmares," he grabs my chin, "the way you sound when you're heartbroken," he leans his forehead down on mine, "and when you lie to me."
My pulse quickens when his hands land on my shoulders. They make their way down, leaving goosebumps on their trail. He brushes his nose against my cheek as he sucks in a deep breath, "the way you smell," his hands pull me against him by my waist.
Daemon lifts his face. I cannot bare to look at him so I close my eyes. He closes his own before he presses his lips on the object of his desire.
I hold in my breath when he kisses me. He feels juxtaposed to his ruggedness. He is soft against me and it makes me burn. I can hold my breath no longer. I breathe heavily when he pulls away.
"The way you taste."
I jolt away from him when I hear quick footsteps. They were running away from us. My heart drops when I catch a flash of blonde hair along with a color of a dress, same as mine.
"Rhaenyra!" I call, pushing Daemon away from me.
I am halted when he grabs my wrist. I don't have time for him. I shove him away.
I pick up my skirt as I run down the hallway, ignoring everyone and everything, only to get to my sister. I catch her just before we both enter the hall again entirely.
"Rhaenyra," I gasp as I catch her arm just by the entrance, relatively safe from the view of others.
She swats me away, the same way I just did our uncle. But unlike me, she turns to give me a hurt look. My feelings eat at me when I see the tears in her eyes, "Rhaenyra."
"Must you have him as well?!"
I recoil at the harshness of her voice. It is foreign to my ears. She has never addressed me like this before. She never looked at me like this either.
"You," she steps forward, "can have anyone, anything, and yet you still want him?"
"Rhaenyra," I whisper helplessly.
"You know of my feelings!" she whisper-yells, "you are as cunning as you are astute, or do you simply choose to turn a blind eye to it out of your own want?"
I move to grab her cheeks, "he is not what you think he is, my love. Daemon is-"
"I DON'T CARE!" she quips, pulling away from me. She begins to heave exactly as though she just stabbed my beating heart, "I have watched as you wanted him, as he wanted you-"
I knit my brows at the sight of her.
"-and now your tricks have finally bored him."
My jaw slacks at her words.
"There is no man that is immune to your charms," Rhaenyra recites, clenching her jaw tightly as she evens her breath, "I want him, because he no longer wants you."
A chill runs down my spine.
I could not believe what I was hearing.
I turn to my side, catching sight of the bored look on my father's face, as his words from earlier echo in my mind. She wants to be like me?
I release a breath as I turn back to Rhaenyra. I feel my own tears threaten to spill, "if you think you can keep his attention," I scoff, "if you think he truly wants you," I chuckle darkly, "then you can have him, sister."
Rhaenyra was like him in this sense. She liked the burn of the flames. Perhaps this was what drew them to each other.
Perhaps they deserves each other.
In that moment, Daemon walks in, shoving past the doors in haste. He stills when he sees us.
I spare neither of them my attention when I pull away. I immediately put on appearances as the man who had been waiting for me to dance with him comes up to me.
Rhaenyra walks over to Daemon as he nears. Daemon all but ignores her. He does not see her. He is hot o my trail.
I watched this play out in real time. My chest contricts at the sight of my sister. I furrow my brows deeply in thought. I clench my jaw tightly as I am spun around by this stranger.
When I am facing him again, my façade is broken.
"Is everything alright, princess?" he asks me in concern.
I turn to him and cannot find it in myself to fake a response, "I feel going outside did not help me at all."
He does not get to sympathize.
The next thing I know, our dance is quickly ended when I am pulled out of the man's arms. This, of course, not only alerts my partner, but everyone who was dancing, and everyone who was watching the dancing; everyone was alerted.
I turn to the man who had my wrist in his grip, I look at Daemon. I look at my sister not too far off in the background.
I hear him call my name. I release a sigh.
"What is happening?" Viserys calls from the end of the room.
I give Daemon a hard expression as I pull away. I force myself to smile as I call, "it is nothing, father," I turn to him, "though I think I will retire for the night."
I ignore Daemon as he watches me turn to my dance partner, "would you like to accompany me on my way to my chambers? I feel I am too faint to walk on my own."
"The honor would be mine, my princess," he readily responds, offering me his hand.
I watch Rhaenyra as I exit the room. I watch her watch Daemon-- Daemon, who was watching me.
I release a breath as I turn to the man on my side, "thank you for your kindness."
"You are welcome, your grace."
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 7 months
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Avatar: The Last Airbender High Fashion by Wisdom Kaye
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yashley · 11 months
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"I’ve never seen someone hang up on someone in a conversation." bonus: lila, 1 second later:
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ksturf · 1 year
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a tribute to the one and only david keith mccallum [19.09.1933-25.09.2023 ∞]
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pandadrake · 3 days
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Spider-Society and The Day of Lots of Involuntary Trips to Earth-19999. (Finally finished this, god damn.)
I hadn’t seen any takes on what Spider-Society was like during Spider-man: No Way Home (2021), so I thought about it too hard.
I.e. I pulled up a clip of No Way Home to see what the Peter-abduction spell would look like from Miguel’s POV, then realized he'd have no idea what he's looking at and would probably mistake it for something else.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 3 months
Julian Blackthorn’s constant awareness of his siblings is both so heartwarming and so heartbreaking to read
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eddiesghxst · 10 months
eddie 100% gets into petty arguments with your little cousins around the holidays when you visit them and i just think that’s neat
eddie: so what are you guys gonna ask santa for this year?
your cousin: aren’t you too old to still believe in santa?
eddie: aren’t you too old to not know how to count past 50?
your cousin: aren’t you too old to not be married?
eddie: at least i’m dating someone, what do you have? leap frog and a snotty nose.
your cousin: i’ve had a girlfriend before!
eddie: you’re like 8 years old man she just wanted free scoob snacks.
you: okay! eds come help me with the dishes please😀
eddie: but we did them yesterday—
you: now.
eddie: right behind you.
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amazingrace53 · 4 months
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Mayhaps I’m a little too obsessed with height differences
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
There's thousands of details in rdr2 that I really love, and I say it all the time, but if I had to pick one as my favourite? It would be the campfire interactions.
From chapter one to even the epilogues, there's always something going on around a campfire.
It's always touched me in an emotional way, but the vulnerability, honesty and silliness that comes out of gang members during late night/early hour campfire conversations? It's truly a beautifully written and well executed feature that I spend a lot of time paying attention to.
The campfire is almost like the gang's communal safe space. They're free to talk, vent, sing or play instruments, and the others around will simply sit and listen or sing along. They bond over sharing these funny stories and tall tales, you have the opportunity to learn so much from the gang members by just listening around the campfire.
Lenny will talk about his father and their hardships, Hosea will talk about how much he misses Bessie or how special Dutch is to him, Reverend Swanson will be open about his addiction and the relationship he has with religion, Abigail will voice her frustrations about John, Bill will talk about how he got discharged from the army, John will talk about his worries regarding Dutch's leadership, Micah will talk about damnation and being prepared for hell, and Javier will be open about Mexico or his mother passing away and not being able to bury her.
There's plenty more, there's hundreds of different campfire interactions, but on a rare occasion - Arthur will talk. He'll sit down and begin apologising for how things have turned out, he'll admit how he's struggling to find a way forward for everyone and that he doesn't want to die but is willing to, then he'll ask for their forgiveness and excuse himself shortly after.
I find it hard to describe how despite gang members having differing options of each other, there's an unspoken mutual closeness that they share whilst talking around the fire. They'll jest and laugh and quip, but they'll also simply listen when they need to.
It's so wonderful.
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montyluvsjasper · 6 months
Jonsa fans write 1000+ post of all the foreshadowing of Jonsa.
Jon and Sansa are structured in the story as the romantic leads respectively. Even Sansa antis have admitted the extreme parallels between Jon and “Alayne”. Jon Snow literally has dreams about burning people and thinks it's the most vile thing possible. Sansa wished/prayed for a strong knight to kill Janos Slynt, and Jon’s the one to do it. Jon dies trying to save who he thinks is Arya Stark.
No I don't care about your wolf howl, your blue rose or your Targaryen restoration.
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aurorangen · 1 month
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Even when the good people came
[When my mum came home, I told her what happened and she promised never to leave me alone] Payton: I'm so sorry my baby [hugs Vincent close] I will never leave you alone again. [Still, she didn't reach out to anyone for help and was scared to report him, so life went on]
[Work became a place of security for her. Despite not knowing the details, people at the hospital looked out for her well-being. As with me, it was at Charlie's house and I spent every moment with his family whenever she was busy. Like after school, one of his dads would pick me up and I'd be part of their routine]
[Sometimes Pam would come along and we'd all hang out together before it was time for our parents to come. Reading comics, playing videogames or make-believe: my favourite childhood memories were at his house]
[Then came my mum's overnight shifts, which led to frequent sleepovers. I felt like I was part of their family already, his dads were more of a father figure to me than my own ever was. I was always welcome and I felt safe with Billy and Josh. They were Uncle Billy and Uncle Josh to me even before meeting Renee]
[It wasn't long before they caught up on why I was always sleeping over at theirs] Billy: Vinny…is something happening at home? You can tell me anything buddy. [I wanted to let it all out right there, everything that has happened, but my heart couldn't]
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u thought ppl saying "yeah 13 is just too nice for me" was wild. u just weren't ready for "yeah 15 is just too stable for me :/// he's too healthy!!"
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heytheredeann · 10 months
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Absolutely hated working with you, Peril.
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Good Morning Hawkins I Have Some Thoughts™️
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You cannot show me this southern ass man with his Garfield mugs and expect me to believe that he wouldn’t have Dolly Parton cassettes in that goddamn trailer.
Nor can you expect me to believe that you and Eddie aren’t waking up at 7am on a Sunday hearing “Jolene” blasting from the living room.
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tacagen · 3 months
one of the things that fascinate me about thawne: yes, he CAN be normal with kids! surprisingly normal!
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((not at all times, though. his mental illness still spills through and as usual he, in trying to manipulate or hurt others, spits out at them the exact stuff that would hurt him (or have in his childhood/barry's rejection interpretation) the most in the first place lmao))
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but at the same time. his like second instinct when doing his bullshit is FUCK THEM (as) KIDS
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(and, well. whatever this classifies as)
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#whats wrong with him. seriously. he loves picking fights with literal children So Much#AND NONE OF THEM WITH WALLY ON THE MATTER OF BEING THE BIGGEST FLASH FAN. HOW DID THAT NEVER HAPPEN#about the middle page. honestly i DIDNT remember he is a Jerk in that way too until i checked his interactions with bart for this post#this man officially should not be allowed near children as a mentor.#just straight up drops ALL his insecurities on a poor kid in trying to make him feel ashamed. NO breaking the abuse cycle for this bad boy#the only thing he doesnt say is the direct 'you are a disappointment' altho the message is still the same 💀💀💀💀💀💀#AND I BET HES HELLA PROUD OF THAT. I MEAN CONSIDERING THIS FACT IG HE DOES TRY TO BE BETTER THAN HIS PARENTS. SOMEWHAT.#and omg he formulates his point like in problem based learning (leading the child to making the correct conclusion themselves)#im dying. professor to the fucking core.#and the way he feels the need to bring up flash facts in his appeal?? EO YOURE SO HOPELESS. THIS IS 100% HOW BART SAW HIM THROUGH#and god knows what he told thad promising to get him out of the speed force if he fought barry there and whether he was going to fulfill it#and do you even IMAGINE how FUCKED barry's mental condition would be growing up if thawne fulfilled his button threat#and i really REALLY wonder about the tornado twins and their relationship with 'uncle eobard' but that will be a separate post#he doesnt know any other way tho. and he might be actually mad at bart for not supporting his every action as The Flash#like. he tries to play family but the second they question he just goes WHATEVER. I DONT NEED IT. FLASH OF MY VISION RUNS ALONE#his problem is that he just wants attention. he doesnt see family/heroing for what 'its really about' or downsides that may come with them#everything is so idealized in his head. and the moment he faces reality with its complications the concept immediately gets antagonized.#and then he reconsiders and changes the conditions but fails each time never realizing the problem is his mindset and not everything else#black white at its finest yall#and man. RELATABLE.#also WHY is he standing LIKE A STATUE when appearing in front of bart????😭😭😭😭#poor museum rat has no idea what heroes in real life stand like#eobard thawne#professor zoom#reverse flash#the reverse flash#bart allen#the flash#dc
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thestrangestthlng · 1 month
This is for Tim Minear and Tim Minear only...
If you're not Tim Minear, continue reading anyway...
Imma need you to go ahead and give us a scene where Buck and Tommy are getting the spa treatment from Jee and Mara. We're talking manicure, pedicure, facials. I want pink, purple, and glitter on those nails.
The people need it.
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