#a marauder's plan
reguluskeys · 9 days
Regulus writing James love letters, only signing them with a star at the end, because he doesn’t know how to properly express his emotions and is terrified of rejection from the embodiment of the sun.
James trying to figure out who wrote the letters and slowly becoming friends with regulus, and overtime hoping he’s the one sending the notes.
Regulus slipping up and accidentally quoting himself, making James realize his wish came true.
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fiasco95 · 4 days
Regulus, studying in the library and muttering to himself,
James, slipping into the seat next to him with a piece of string, holds Regulus’ left hand and slips the ring off his ring finger.
Regulus: What-
James, measuring Regulus’ ring finger with the string: Mhm.
Regulus: The fuck-
James nodding as he picks up the ring and string, suddenly sprints out of the library: 🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️💨💨
Regulus: ?!?!?!???
Sirius: What’s with the string and ring?
James, in gollum’s voice: My precious…..
Sirius: ?????Okay???
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noblehouseofgay · 3 months
James singing best friends brother at a party and Regulus is bright fuckign red trying to hide. Sirius is confused but supporting James until he puts to and two together. James then is sprinting around the room, finishing the song while being chases by sirius
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courfee · 11 days
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it's been exactly a year since the last chapter of Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule and I still miss it. This scene is probably one of my favourite things I've ever written and I've wanted to draw it for forever, so now seemed like an appropriate time
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alltheyoungmoons · 2 months
speaking of olympics au… remus wouldn’t be there as an athlete he’d be there as a staff member like a physiotherapist or something. the boy hates sports in every universe (but his long ass fingers work like magic on sore muscles… wink wink)
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ultravioletbrit · 12 days
“metal” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 281 words
CW: lighthearted talk of violence, not explicit
Regulus is waiting at the table for James to come back with their food. He tried to go up to the buffet with him, but James insisted on going alone for some reason. That was fine with Regulus, the less people he has to interact with at these things the better. These work events are some of the most boring things they have to attend. Regulus would feel bad saying that, except he knows James thinks they’re boring also.
James makes it back to the table and sits everything down then takes his seat beside Regulus.
“Thank you.” Regulus tells him but pauses when he looks down at the table. “What is this?” He holds up his fork in question.
“A fork.” James answers simply.
“Why is it plastic, James?”
“Because when you had a metal one, you stabbed a guy in the thigh with it.” James reminds him.
“Well, these things are boring and the guy was badmouthing you. That was entertaining and I got to defend your honor. Two birds, one fork.” He says casually. “Plus, it barely broke skin. I could do significantly more damage with a…” he looks down at the table. “Where is my knife, James?” He looks back up at James.
“I’ll cut your meat for you, love.” James says and kisses Regulus sweetly.
Regulus huffs and slumps back in his chair. He picks up his spoon- his only metal utensil- and stares at it while he twirls it between his fingers.
“What are you doing?” James asks skeptically.
“Determining if I could gouge someone’s eye out with this.
“We’re not coming next year.” James tells him as he plucks the spoon out of Regulus’ hand.
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
slap - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 228
"Oh my god," James murmured, looking resolutely away from the middle of the room.
But as the bass thudded around them and the party continued, he found it more difficult to do so.
Because Regulus had, for the first time in a long time, gotten absolutely plastered. And now?
He was dancing with Barty on a table.
The two boys moved together so closely that it seemed like they were of one mind, their hips rolling together an their chests touching, matching grins on their faces. Regulus's hair was a little mussed and his shirt was riding up, and he was currently biting his bottom lip, eyes closed, his hands on Barty's waist.
And James was entranced. Because really, who wouldn't be? Regulus looked like some sort of fallen angel, dressed in all black, his beautiful skin tinged pink with drink and exertion as he moved.
But the worst part?
Every once in a while, Regulus glanced over. Looked at James. Threw him a seductive smirk that was so un-Regulus and so tempting that James almost melted to the floor with it.
"So...are you looking over there because you want to slap Crouch or snog Reg?" Remus asked from next to James, snapping him back to reality.
Clearing his throat and looking over to where Barty looked to be thoroughly enjoying himself, James shrugged and chuckled. "Both."
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ninety-two-bees · 6 months
regulus black serial killer AU in which james and barty are dating, so regulus kills barty out of jealousy and then wiggles his way into james’ life to “comfort him” until james falls in love with him
except, james is fully aware of all of this and is very, very into it. so sometimes he’ll make regulus jealous by talking for a bit too long with someone else, just so regulus will come home that night covered in their blood. and james doesn’t care how many people regulus kills as long as regulus is safe and unharmed
bonus points for barty as a bitchy ghost “haunting” regulus after the murder and constantly complaining or encouraging regulus’ violent behaviour
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theprongspotter · 8 months
Sirius: Would you come rescue me if I got kidnapped?
Remus: No, I'd only need to give them a day and they'd give you right back anyway.
c: @littlewhispersofsolitude
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a-great-tragedy · 4 months
Evan isn’t helping Barty bury any bodies, he’s doing a dissection. Pandora is the one that helps Barty bury the bodies, everyone knows that.
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betweendyingstars · 1 year
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Imagine, the girls take him up on a hill
It’s an indigo night, there’s a chill
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bloodbruise · 6 months
@croptopjames happy birthday to the one and only jfp <3
jegulus | 933 words | trans reg & themes of gender identity and transition
Regulus felt his cheeks heat up as he snapped out of his daze and met James' eyes. He was wearing a knowing look, "Oh, I'm definitely keeping this," James declared, his smirk widening. "Especially if it gets this kind of reaction from you every time."
Regulus’ room was a disaster. James had finally coaxed him into sorting through his old clothes, only managing after he bribed him with promises of kisses and takeout afterwards. The closet had all but exploded, leaving piles of clothes scattered all across the room. With ‘yes’s,’ and ‘no’s,’ and ‘maybes’ occupying every available flat surface, Regulus was sure he hadn't seen the darkened wood of his floor in hours. 
Sat on his bed, he watched as James dug through his dresser for another shirt. He let out a thoughtful hum as he grabbed two, throwing one over his shoulder and holding up the other: an awful plum-colored blouse. His mother had bought it for him—form-fitting, smothered in ruffles, and, in her words, “the perfect blouse for a sophisticated young woman.” 
Regulus thought it was the ugliest fucking shirt he had ever seen.
“Ugh,” Regulus wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Absolutely not, that thing is a monstrosity.” 
James barked out a laugh, amused at the disgust evident on Regulus' face, before flinging the shirt into the rapidly growing ‘no’ pile. He grabbed at the one resting on his shoulder.
“And this one?” 
It was worn, fabric soft from years of wear. The dark green and gray had dulled, now just muted shadows of their original hues. The words printed on the front, cracked and creased, read ‘Hogwarts Women's Rowing’. It had been his favorite shirt for a long time. His parents had always been on him to join something– a club, a team, an honor society. If he was honest, he only chose rowing because it kept him out of the house the longest.
And he's so grateful he did, because it brought him Pandora. He suffered through early morning rows and long race days, soreness in his body and blisters on his hands. But every discomfort was worth it for the times he and Pandora would steal an extra hour to lie in the sun by the Great Lake, laughing until their bellies felt as sore as their arms. Worth it for the times Evan would cram them into his shitty jeep and drive them to their races so they didn't have to take the bus. Worth it, most of all, for giving him the first people with whom he could be honest—really, truly honest.
"I don't want to get rid of it," Regulus admitted, a hint of reluctance in his voice. "It was my favorite, but—I’m not ready to wear anything that might make people mistake me for a woman. Not for a while, at least.”
James nodded. He turned the shirt around, head tilting slightly as he considered it. “How about I hold onto it for you? That way it's not gone, just... repurposed.” He looked up at Regulus with a wicked grin. “I bet I could pull it off.”
Regulus couldn’t help but scoff as James began to pull on the shirt. “I’d like to see you try," he challenged, amusement evident in his voice. 
But as James stretched out his arms and did a little spin, Regulus wasn't laughing. Instead, he felt his heart swoop. A familiar mixture of fondness and arousal swirled in his gut at the sight of James. Glasses knocked a little lopsided from pulling the shirt on, pajama pants hanging low on his hips and socked feet– it was a picture that made Regulus go warm with affection. But, it was the shirt that really kept his attention. Visibly too small, the letters strained as they stretched across the width of his chest. The hem of it hitting right below his navel, exposing his hip bones and the trail of hair leading down from his belly button. Regulus felt all the breath leave his chest. “C'mere,” he said softly.
James shuffled over to him. “Good?” He asked, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.
Regulus shook his head, he was in awe of James. “Better than good. It suits you much better than it ever did me,” he mumbled, voice low and distracted. Reaching out to place his hands on James' waist, he absentmindedly dragged his thumbs back and forth over his hipbones, eyes stuck to the sliver of skin peeking out from beneath the shirt. 
“My eyes are up here, love,” James gently teased, his voice laced with amusement. 
Regulus felt his cheeks heat up as he snapped out of his daze and met James' eyes. He was wearing a knowing look, "Oh, I'm definitely keeping this," James declared, his smirk widening. "Especially if it gets this kind of reaction from you every time."
“I lied,” Regulus deadpanned, “you actually look ridiculous.” But his face was betraying him, unable to fight the smile spreading across it. 
James hummed in response, the smugness in his tone unmistakable. He was clearly enjoying every moment of this.
"Oh, shut up," Regulus groaned playfully, his hands gripping the exposed skin at his waist to pull him down. James yelped in surprise before their lips were meeting in a kiss filled more with laughter than anything else. But then James was deepening it, and Regulus let himself be kissed breathless. After a moment, he gently pulled back, hand tenderly stroking through James’ hair.
"Thank you," he whispered, his hand tracing a path down James' neck, over his shoulder, and along the length of his arm until their fingers intertwined. "For being here, for—everything. Everything that you do for me."
James responded with a gentle squeeze of their hands, his eyes meeting Regulus’. "Always, love." His voice was soft but firm in promise. And there it was again, his heart swooping in his chest as James pressed a kiss to his temple. "Always."
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Thinking about an AU where Harry travels back to the first war with Voldemort when his parents are still alive. An AU where he is Voldemort's soulmate. An AU where you can't kill your soulmate. Thinking about Harry just fucking with Vee while knowing that.
(because in his time his Voldemort is dead, he was dead because he tried to kill Harry and it backfired. Because in his time Harry lost his other half and broke. That is why he time travels or was forced to travel back by Hermione and Ron because they could see that the loss of soulmate was slowly killing Harry.)
So imagine a fic where Voldemort and Harry are soulmates but Harry learns that after Voldemort dies. So he goes back to the past and start fucking with him out of spite but also protects him and slowly but surely ends up protecting the world.
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courfee · 6 months
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messing up his hair is actually just an excuse to show off his biceps
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tealeavesandtrash · 5 months
Wolfstar Mirco Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Anger Born of Worry - 511 words
The smell of antiseptic hits first. Remus wrinkles his nose at the overpowering scent invading his head and making his stomach churn. Blinking against the blinding white lights, the room swims into focus.
He doesn’t need to look at Sirius to feel his piercing glare burning into him.
“You proud of yourself?”
Remus stares at him in hazy confusion. He tries to say something but his mouth is too dry, throat too tight to get the words out.
Sirius clicks his teeth in annoyance but pours him a glass of water nonetheless. There’s a disconcerting juxtaposition between his gentle touch as he helps Remus sit up enough to drink and his furious expression.
There’s a rotten taste on his mouth - dead flesh from whatever Moony was hunting.  The water washes away enough that he doesn’t need to lean over the edge of the bed and hurl.
“‘m fine,” Remus manages to get out. 
Sirius lets out a humourless laugh. “You’re fine?” he repeats disbelieving. “That’s how you'd describe this?”
Remus blinks, slowly trying to process and piece together fragmented memories from the full moon. He feels relatively fine, a little fuzzy maybe and his limbs are heavy and numb, but there isn’t any actual pain. He runs over his chest, over a thick layer of bandages. The logical part of his brain knows the pain will come, but he’s too tired to comprehend that at the moment.   
Sirius stands abruptly. The loud scrape of the chair goes straight through Remus making him wince. He can feel the anxious energy rolling off Sirius in waves, knows if they were somewhere less public he probably would have shifted into Padfoot by now. 
“I found you face down in some fucking puddle in the middle of fuck-all-nowhere,” Sirius rants, pacing as Remus’ brain tries desperately to keep up. “Some good fucking morning that was - finding my boyfriend half drowned in mud and his own blood because he’s too fucking stubborn to ask for help. You're so fucking lucky I could track you, if Padfoot hadn’t caught your scent you-” he cuts off abruptly, breath-hitching as the words catch in his throat.
The silence stretches out as Sirius slumps back into the chair like a puppet with cut strings, all his energy disapparating. “We’re not doing this again,” he says quietly, head hung as he stares at the floor. 
“Doing what?” Remus manages, voice rough and raw. 
“Any of this,” Sirius says quietly, finally glancing up to meet Remus’ eye. He looks so tired. “Spending the full moon alone, sneaking off not telling anyone where you’re going. It has to end.” 
“The missions-“
“I don’t care about the missions,” Sirius cuts in. “I can’t keep waiting around, not knowing if you’re okay or if you’ve torn yourself to shreds - I can’t do it.”
Remus swallows thickly. “What are you saying?”
Sirius runs his hands down his face. “I don’t know,” he says quietly, leaning back to stare at the ceiling. “But this is killing me, Remus. It's not fair. I can’t do it anymore.”
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ultravioletbrit · 29 days
“museum” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 542 words
Part 2 of “flawed” microfic for those that requested!!
“French food, crème brûlée, the museum, ice-cream, tapas and the stars.”  
James once again finds Regulus in the library and sits down across from him.
“What?” Regulus questions the random string of words.
“Those are the reasons you should let me take you on a date.” James says trying to sound confident.
“There’s not much info in that list, now is there?” Regulus tells him.
“Well, you didn’t let me explain, now did you?” James fires back but immediately recoils when Regulus shoots him a glare. 
James is silent for a long moment, so Regulus prompts him to continue.
“Oh, right, so, I thought we could start with lunch at that fancy new French restaurant. And I know lunch may not seem as good as dinner, but I know you like to have a bigger meal for lunch and something smaller for dinner. And you love French food, but only when it’s really good, and based on my research this place is already getting rave reviews. And I hear the crème brûlée is to die for and that’s your favorite dessert.”
Regulus hums, doing his best to look uninterested while trying to keep his heart from beating right out of his chest. James did research? On things he knows Regulus likes? He tamps down a smile and urges James to continue.
“After lunch, I thought we could go to the art museum. And I know you’re a member and have been there countless times. But I also know you like to show people your favorite paintings and exhibits. And I love how passionate you get about the things you like, and I want to learn and listen and be able to appreciate the art like you do. And that will probably take more than one day, so I’m also trying to ensure more dates in the future. Plus, you have a beautiful voice that I could listen to for hours… Okay, the museum is starting to sound like it’s more for me, but I swear it’s for you.”
Regulus raises an eyebrow with what he hopes is a blank stare. He would go to that museum everyday if he could. And James wants to go with him? And learn about his passions? And listen to him talk endlessly about art? Regulus is trying very hard not to swoon.    
“After the museum, it’ll depend what time it is, I thought maybe we could get ice-cream and walk around town a bit. Or if it’s late enough, there’s this really amazing tapas place that I think would be perfect for dinner. Amazing food, but not too much. Then I’d love to walk you home through the park so we can look at the stars.”
James finishes and Regulus just stares at him. He’s not sure what would come out if he opens his mouth, but it would most certainly be undignified, so he remains silent.
“That’s it… That’s the date… or, well, the reasons I think you’d like to go on a date with me.” James says nervously.
Regulus says nothing, just packs up his books and stands to leave, stopping beside James on his way out.
“I’ll think about it.” And try as he might, he wasn’t able to hide his smile from James any longer. 
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