#a masque of shadows
lincolnchristie · 1 year
*waves hand in the air like a beauty queen* Just Hello.*
Welcome to my professional tumblr. I’m Lincoln, and I’m a fantasy/science fiction author. I’m fond of murder mysteries, powers that come with a price, and mythology.
Most of you will probably know me already, actually, as tumblr user @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels. *jazz hands* Surprise, ‘tis I!
For a long time I resisted the idea of self-publishing. I didn’t want to start from the ground-up in building an audience because I’m not great at this whole social media thing and I hated that idea. However, I finally grew too frustrated with how the traditional publishing world treats its authors and said screw it. We’re gonna try doing this on my own.
And, uh, I’ve come to realize, I actually do have an audience. My lovely fanfiction readers.
My hope is that, since you all enjoy my fanfiction, you’ll want to check out my original writing, too. I will say up front that there are some differences such as a darker tone, heavier subjects, romance is not the main plot, etc. But, if you like my more plot-centric and serious fanfics, then I think you’ll like these original works of mine. I like to play around with themes and worlds similar to the ones found in those stories.
*vibrates with excitement* Which is why I'm launching my Patreon!!!
I have also, shocker of shockers to myself more than anyone, written a poetry collection. It's titled Manifesto of a Blossoming Supervillain and you can purchase it here on my website (I have a website!!!) in e-book with paperback coming in the next few days.
But my Patreon is where I'll be posting, chapter by chapter, my fantasy murder mystery novel A Masque of Shadows.
When the controversial regent of the city-state of Serenissima is murdered on the first night of Masquerade, Captain Matthias has to sort through spurned lovers, murderous family members, and scheming nobles to prevent war from breaking out. It's Murder on the Orient Express meets Game of Thrones starring a very tired autistic bisexual who's just trying to get through the holiday season.
What can I say, I want to see if you all can solve the mystery in real time. ;)
My Patreon is also where you'll get lots of sneak peak info about my other novels such as character art and playlists, worldbuilding info, deleted and bonus scenes, character backstory, and director's commentary.
The first novel that I plan to release in full is Pestilence, the first in my Horsemen Quartet:
When four women raised in a dead world come back to life, they find they're no longer entirely human... and the undead are no longer the worst threat they have to face in the wasteland.
It's currently with my sensitivity and beta readers, and the hope is to publish it in September (because I'm a masochist, I guess).
You also get pictures of my cats, Mr. Fluffernutter and Cuddlebug!
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(They like to sit in the window and judge people.)
The audience I’ve built up with my fanfiction was rather like falling asleep. It happened slowly, and then all at once. I’m still blown away every day by the number of people who’ve read and enjoyed my stories on Ao3. I hope, if you are one of those people, that you will consider supporting me and join my Patreon to support my original work. These stories are near and dear to my heart, and I deeply love the characters in them. I hope that you all will, too.
*no I could not resist a MsScribe reference, sorry not sorry
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fanofspooky · 21 days
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Scream King -
Vincent Price
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*sends comfort*
I know it doesn't feel like it.
But you are such a good writer.
Original or fic, I always look forward to your stories.
If you need to take a break, fucking take it, you deserve it.
But never, ever, doubt your work, or your skill. It's amazing, much like yourself. ❤️
You're so very kind, dear. I thought about answering this privately, since I'm a rather private person (I'd say roughly 75% of the asks I get I answer privately), but if I did that I wouldn't be able to read it over again later, and if I kept it in my inbox I wouldn't be able to give you a response, so.
I really appreciate your thoughtful words. I am taking a break, which wasn't my original plan. My plan was to really hit the ground running with my novels starting in June. But I was still working a second job, and I'm really not doing well, mentally, in regards to my original work. So I decided to take this time to wrap up my planned fics instead and go back to my original novels after I post my Halloween fics.
Again, your support is deeply appreciated. Seriously. It means a lot that you notice and care.
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squishy707 · 2 years
And then, for a moment, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of the clock. The dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoes of the chime die away—they have endured but an instant—and a low, dismal sob floats after them as they depart.
“It’ll be okay… I promise. I’ll be okay, Shadow.”
Cassia sits on the bed beside the dark-furred hedgehog, fingers intertwined with his own on his lap. He’s crying… it’s not something you see every day, and she doesn’t quite know what to say.
“But you don’t know that. You can’t tell me you’ll be okay and expect nothing to happen to you… she’d always tell me that, and look where that got her…” he confesses securely. His light weeping turns to an anxious cry, attempting to catch his breath with every sob. He’s shaking. He grips her hands even tighter than before, and lowers his head as if to hide.
“I… I was so pathetic in that moment… I was created to cure her… but instead I killed her… I keep trying to forgive myself and move on… but I…” he pauses for a breath, “…I can’t. I just can’t forget, no matter how hard I try…”
“You don’t need to forget.” Cassia begins to attempt reassurance.
“Maria did what she could to save you… and she told you to live for her, as you’ve told me yourself. You’re doing your best… aren’t you? That’s enough—”
“It is NOT enough!” Shadow lashes out, and looks Cassia in the eyes. His own are bloodshot.
“A couple of months ago when you had gotten beaten by the badniks whilst we were all fighting the… whatever Eggman called that bot of his… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I thought I was going to lose you, and I couldn’t do a single thing because I was trapped in that confinement sphere. It felt the exact same as it did 50 years ago. And I wasn’t even the one to save you… it was that bastard Sonic…”
Cassia’s expression is that of fear and anguish. She further continues to grip her love’s hands, as tightly as she could. She really doesn’t have any idea what Shadow has gone through… she’s only heard from what he remembers and what their companions know.
She opens her mouth to reply, but he beats her to it.
“I just can’t lose you like I lost her… I would never be able to live with myself if that happened…”
Minutes of silence follow. Shadow’s sobs have lessened to a degree, him being able to somewhat breathe properly now. The two enjoy the quiet, even though the air in the room is still heavy. Cassia frees her hands from his, causing him to look up swiftly in wonder. She immediately wraps her arms around his torso, placing her head upon his warm chest. She’s been trying to hold her cries in to support him as best she could, but the stresses of the situation weigh heavy in her bosom… and she tears up. He is lightly startled by the sudden embrace, but doesn’t hesitate in returning the gesture. The silence continues for many more minutes as they hold one another.
“…You won’t lose me… and I won’t lose you…” Cassia breaks the quiet.
“I want to be with you forever… and I’ll make sure that that happens, and I know you will do your best to do the same. I love you, Shadow… I’m never, ever going to leave you…”
Shadow arches his fingers to clutch her back, holding her tightly as his heart has yearned for this intimacy for ages.
“I… I love you Cassia… I’ll make sure that you live, and that you live to the fullest. I would die for you…”
She slowly shakes her head and tries to smile.
“How about we live for one another instead of dying…”
Shadow snickers, and Cassia can tell that he probably thought she sounded stupid—until he responds.
“You know, I like that idea. I’m going to live for you… live for her…”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
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rachels-rendez-vous · 10 months
skin care and makeup in french
aka how to have your own vogue beauty secrets moment en français 🧼
(doing this mainly for myself and a very niche audience)
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face - le visage, la figure
skin - la peau
skin care - soin visage
eyes - les yeux
lips - les lèvres
cheeks - les joues
eyebrows - les sourcils
eyelashes - les cils
water - l’eau
cleanser - le nettoyant
makeup remover - le démaquillant
toner - le tonique, la lotion tonique
serum - le sérum
face oil - l’huile
lip balm - le baume à lèvres
moisturizer - la crème, la crème hydratante
exfoliant - l’exfoliante
massage - le massage
face mask - le masque
foundation - fond de teint
concealer - l’anti-cerne, l’anti-tache
powder - la poudre
bronzer - la poudre de soleil
highlighter - l’highlighter, l’illuminateur
lipstick - le rouge à lèvres
lipgloss - le brillant à lèvres, le gloss (à lèvres)
eye shadow - le fard à paupière
mascara - le mascara
eyebrow pencil - le crayon à sourcil
eyebrow gel - le gel à sourcil
makeup brush - le pinceau de maquillage
eye liner - l’eye-liner, l’eye-liner liquide
blush - le blush, le fard à joues
to put on makeup - se maquiller
to wash - se laver
to take off makeup - se démaquiller
to do skincare routine - faire des soins de la peau
to massage- masser
to apply - appliquer
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barren-heart · 7 months
We already know the ending of What We Do In The Shadows the show. The movie told us.
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Spoilers from both the movie (2014) and the show (2024)
I think it’s obvious when Taika and Jemaine set out to make an American version of their vampire comedy, they weaved a lot of the same storylines into the show. We have vampire roommates, werewolves (not swearwolves) , familiars, an ancient vampire, vampire hypnosis, and a camera crew.
All the same ideas exist from movie to show, just presented differently.
Guillermo, the familiar turned vampire hunter turned bodyguard turned vampire turned back to human, is a combination of the movie’s familiar and vampire Hunter roles. I believe he’s also the love interest, Katherine.
I think the show, while becoming it’s own thing entirely, has a deep connection to the movie. I think they’ve been trying to follow viago’s love interest storyline since the show switched hands from Taika and Jemaine to Paul Simms.
While probably not known to most, Paul was instrumental in bringing the show over to the States, having helped to fund it.
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He was already in the world of Shadows, and while I haven’t agreed on the way he’s said things and some direction the show had taken (season 4 had some growing pains), I do believe he’s understood the heart of the show.
Which is why I think they took such a dramatic shift in season 4 to tell and show the audience that Nandor doesn’t want to just date, but to really have a life or afterlife partner. That season had two “coming outs”. Guillermo obviously coming out as gay, and Nandor coming out as pansexual before he was turned.
I think this distinction was really important to build their romantic dynamic. They wanted to show Nandor’s interest in Guillermo wasn’t attributed to just horny vampireness, but actual true love and affection for him.
And having Guillermo formally come out as gay was more than just the Freddie gag (or the purpose of Guillermo having a boyfriend so that Nandor sleeps with him causing Guillermo to get upset about it which encourages Guillermo to take vampire turning into his own hands, leading to the events in season 5), but to show the audience that Guillermo’s not just a hero worshipper of his boss. He could very well have a crush that could become something more.
And while Simms’ execution of Nandermo so far has not been executed perfectly, (mostly because I think his version of Shadows uses jokes to cover or masque serious moments whereas Jemaine’s comedy often highlights and exposes the truth about life in funny situations), I think Paul’s vision is headed in the right direction.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Guillermo has a far larger familiar role than the one in the movie. Storytelling wise, it’s expected that Guillermo’s ending will solve the lingering vampire question that was halfway resolved in season 5. Because the show is telling the audience, “Wait. There’s more.” There’s more change to be had. I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that a part of Nandor’s arc is finding love. And part of his ending will have to be resolving this, as well.
And funny enough, Viago’s ending resolves both of these issues. He finds love with Katherine again and turns her into a vampire, but she got to have a full life first. There’s comedy there (he’s still older than her even though they don’t look it) but also there’s heart. She got to have a full life and agency of her own instead of being robbed of it.
I think Paul wants to set up this ending because it’s funny but also, to highlight his appreciation to the original. We expected from the jump that Nandor would turn Guillermo eventually and we can’t just have that without growth and change and conflict in between. It’s nice to get everything we want, but that’s not what sitcoms do. Sitcoms subvert expectations, and Paul is highly versed in sitcom structure. (Something that I think even Jemaine and Taika had to learn. )
Paul Simms’ isn’t just a writer in the room, he is a writer familiar (haha insert lame reference joke here) with the source material in a sitcom format. The movie wasn’t a sitcom. They could resolve Viago’s relationship because movies resolve arcs at the end of the movie.
Sitcoms don’t resolve anything at the end of an episode or even the end of a season. They resolve them at the end of the show. He knows Nandermo would end the show, because when characters get what they want (whatever their aspirations are) it completes the narrative. In sitcoms, the characters wants drive the purpose of the show.
And all good sitcoms don’t immediately give you (the audience) what you want until the end. And yes it can be frustrating, but when done right, the payoff is worth it. When the arcs are finished, the story ends. Even in sitcoms and comedy shows. So, Guillermo and Nandor being together and Nandor even eventually turning Guillermo, would have to be arc finishers. That would end the show. Which is why I think s6 is ending here, because the lead (Nandor) finished his arc.
Now whether that means Nandor will turn Guillermo on screen or not is yet to be seen. Maybe at some point down the road when Guillermo’s family is much older or have moved on from this earth and maybe when there is a new way to be a vampire without blood, Guillermo will be ready.
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October is finally here!!
Which means Halloween...which means Vincent Price, of course!
Some gifs of The King of Horror/Master of Menace doing what he does best. Scare the shit out of you!
The Haunted Palace (1963)
Fall of the House of Usher (1960)
The Bat intro (1959)
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)
The Raven (1963)
The Last Man On Earth (1964)
The House on Haunted Hill (1959)
The Comedy of Terrors (1964)
The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
The Tomb of Ligeia (1964)
The Monster Club (1981)
The House of Long Shadows (1984)
The Tingler (1959)
Witchfinder General (1968)
Twice-Told Tales (1963)
Tales of Terror (1962)
Madhouse (1974)
Invisible Man Returns (1940)
Diary of a Madman (1963)
The Pit And The Pendulum (1961)
House of wax (1953)
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theunderestimator-2 · 9 months
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Synth-punk legends The Screamers as shot by Richard Alden Peterson in late-'70s San Francisco: whispers of an early punk band that intimidated audiences, dominated stages wherever they performed and packed the hottest punk venues of their time, though “…they never released a record, and disappeared into yellowing fanzine pages, decaying handbills and old VHS copies…" as Jon Savage once said, here as captured in an amazing cinematic photo with Tomata du Plenty in the shadows and so much happening on the front and on the back of the photo that it's impossible for the viewer to not be able to make up some sort of backstory in their mind.
The Screamers, one of LA’s mightiest and most influential early punk bands, still remain one of those unsolved mysterious punk cases: way ahead of its time and having no need for guitars. they released their fury through keyboards and manic art performances, packed the hottest LA clubs of their time, such as the Masque, the Whisky and the Roxy but though on the verge of major success, never released any of their stuff, so only demos can be found, other than fond memories of those who were lucky enough to catch them live.
"Type 'the Screamers' into the search option", said Jon Savage about the band on YouTube, "and you'll find an array of live and studio footage, including 122 Hours of Fear. The total hits for the clips add up to more than 100,000, which is probably 95,000 people more than ever saw or heard the group throughout their career."
If that was the case in 2010 when this was written in The Guardian, today it should be updated into “around a 1.000.000 people more than ever saw or heard the group throughout their career".
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wanderingsimsfinds · 10 months
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WanderingSims Fave CC - Bathroom List Pt. 2
1 - stylistsims - Donation Tokyo Bathtub
2 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 The Sims 4 Parenthood Xtreme Shower Tub
3-5 - ArtVitalex - Vitner Cupboard Short, Cupboard High, Shelf (TSR)
6-12 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Wabi-Sabi Bathroom (AESOP Amazing Face Cleanser, Geranium Leaf Body Cleanser, Oral Care Kit, Primrose Facial Cleansing Masque, Shampoo & Soap, Shaving Kit, AESOP Stuff)
13-14 - Mari - ms91 Cocoa Butter RC June 2016 & OBP June 2016 Beauty Creams Package Design
15-16 - Kittypixelz - 4t3 Mechtasims Essential Clutter Conditioner & Shampoo
17-19 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Slox Kopo Apato Set Beauty Product 1-3
20-21 - Onyx - Excelsior Towel & Towel Holder Free Standing (TSR)
22, 24, 27 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 PsychicPeanutKitty November Bathroom Clutter (Hand Soap & Lotion, Toilet Paper, Small Towels)
23, 25-26, 28-32 - SugarSSims - 4t3 CWB Dress Up Moment (Cat Ear Desk Mirror, Nail Polish Stand, Lipsticks in a Heart Box, Eye Shadow Collection, Fake Eyelashes, Kitty Blusher Stick, Cosmetics Clutter, Brush Holder)
33 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 KerriganHouseDesigns Slate Set Towels
34 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Too Faced Set (You're So Jelly Highlighter, Mr. Brushes, Better Than Sex Falsie Lashes, Shadow Highlight Palette)
35 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Kawaii Stuff II Cosmetics Set (Apeach Body Lotion, Baby Face BB Cream, Balm, Body & Lip Creams, Cactus Oil Free Cream, Cat's Purrfect Cream, Hand Cream, Ice Cream Nail Polish, Lifting Cream, Mist, Moisturizing Emulsion & Oil, Peeling Gel, Pimple Stickers)
36 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Kawaii Stuff II Extras (Acne Patches, Cat's Cleaner, CatChu Wink Lipstick, Cleansing Cream-Foam-Lotion, Deep Cream, Makeup Remover, Masks, Panda Cream, Panda's Dream Brightening Eye Base, Pocket Bunny Sleek Mist V2, Saturday Skin, Strawberry Milk Body Lotion, Whale Moisture Boost, Witch Piggy Pore Control)
37 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Beauty Blender Washing Machine
38 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Lycka Bathroom Shelf
39 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Skincare Beauty Fridge Closed
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Chronological List of Batman Elseworlds (1986-2011)
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (1986-retcon)
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (1989)
Batman: Digital Justice (1990)
Batman: Master of the Future (1991)
Batman & Dracula: Red Rain (1991)
Batman: The Blue, the Grey, and the Bat (1992)
Batman/Dark Joker: The Wild (1993)
Batman/Houdini: The Devil’s Workshop (1993)
Robin 3000 (1993)
Batman: Bloodstorm (1994)
Batman: Castle of the Bat (1994)
Batman: In Darkest Knight (1994)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Annual #4 (1994)
Detective Comics Annual #7 (1994)
Batman Annual #18 (1994)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual #2 (1994)
Catwoman Vol. 2 Annual #1 (1994)
Robin Vol. 2 Annual #3 (1994)
Batman: Brotherhood of the Bat (1995)
Batman: Man-Bat (1995)
Superman & Batman: Doom Link (1995)
Batman: KnightGallery (1996)
Batman: Dark Allegiances (1996)
Batman: Scar of the Bat (1996)
Batman Annual #20 (1996)
Detective Comics Annual #9 (1996)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Annual #6 (1996)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual #4 (1996)
Robin Annual #5 (1996)
Catwoman Annual #3 (1996)
Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty (1997)
Batman: Masque (1997)
Elseworld’s Finest (1997)
Batgirl and Robin: Thrillkiller (1997)
The Batman Chronicles #11 (1997)
Batman: Crimson Mist (1998)
Elseworld’s Finest: Supergirl & Batgirl (1998)
Batgirl and Batman: Thrillkiller ’62 (1998)
Batman: Two Faces (1998)
Batman: I, Joker (1998)
Batman: Reign of Terror (1998)
Superman & Batman: Generations (1998–1999)
Batman: Nosferatu (1999)
Batman: Book of the Dead (1999)
Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham (1999)
Superman and Batman: World’s Funnest (2000)
Realworlds: Batman (2000)
Batman/Lobo (2000)
The Batman of Arkham (2000)
Batman/Demon: A Tragedy (2000)
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham (2000)
Batman: Haunted Gotham (2000)
The Batman Chronicles #21 (2000)
Batman: Gotham Noir (2001)
Batman: Hollywood Knight (2001)
Batman: League of Batmen (2001)
Superman & Batman: Generations II (2001)
Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2001-2002)
Batman: Nine Lives (2002)
Batman: Detective No. 27 (2003)
Batman: The Golden Streets of Gotham (2003)
Batman: Nevermore (2003)
Superman & Batman: Generations III (2003)
Batman: The Order of Beasts (2004)
Batman: Year 100 (2006)
Batman Annual #27 (2009)
Detective Comics Annual #11 (2009)
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theink-stainedfolk · 2 months
New WIP!!!
The Masque of Murder
In the shadow of medieval superstition, a spark of enlightenment ignites controversy. Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft, a brilliant and unorthodox physician, is imprisoned for his clandestine experiments on the dead. Claiming sanction from the unclaimed and the willing, Dr. Thorncroft's defense fans the flames of outrage and curiosity.
Simeon Montrose, a steadfast investigator for The Veritas Order, is tasked with unraveling the truth. As he delves into the murky accusations, he discovers a labyrinth of secrets that challenge his own moral compass. Initially at odds with Dr. Thorncroft, Simeon finds common ground when they uncover evidence of a sinister conspiracy exploiting the physician's actions to conceal far more heinous crimes.
Forced into an uneasy alliance, Simeon and Dr. Thorncroft navigate a treacherous web of deceit, hidden motives, and powerful adversaries. As they dig deeper, their lives become increasingly entwined, each relying on the other's unique expertise and perspective. In a world where knowledge can be both a weapon and curse, their partnership tests the boundaries of trust, morality, and justice.
Together, they must confront the darkness shrouding their town, facing dangerous enemies and their own demons. Will their unlikely alliance be the key to unraveling the truth, or will it succumb to the very secrets they seek to uncover?
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lincolnchristie · 4 months
I have posted the last two chapters together since they’re both very short and are just wrapping up some last little emotional plot threads.
Thank you again to everyone who has read this story and had fun guessing the solutions to the mystery along the way! It’s delighted me and helped encourage me to keep going.
While this story will remain up on Ao3, I’ll now be sending it along to my editors and doing necessary revisions and such so that I can turn it into a proper finished novel. The plan is to publish it after Pestilence but it might end up published before because Pestilence is the first in a quartet and so I might need to go back and do some edits to incorporate some foreshadowing or setup for the other books better. We’ll see what’s up when I finish this round of edits!
My next project is writing and sharing the first draft of my fantasy novel Pack up on my Patreon. The plan is a chapter a week. I’ll also be working on the first draft of War, the sequel to Pestilence, and the first draft of the first novel of my Leitmotif trilogy which I fondly call X-Files meets X-Men. I don’t know how much of those I’ll be sharing on my Patreon just yet. I do like to share sneak peeks it’s just since they’re a quartet and a trilogy respectively the creation process (at least for me) is not as straightforward as with a standalone novel.
Thank you again for reading about Matthias, my darling silly little man who just wants to be left alone and date his boyfriend but unfortunately works in customer service, and all the insanity he’s had to put up with, a lot of it courtesy of the “can have little a murder as a treat” women around him. I love him and this whole cast and I’m delighted others actually love them too!
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fanofspooky · 4 months
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Do you have a favorite Vincent Price movie?
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they upgraded the checkmarks here you go (also i'm looking forward to all the longer fics you have coming out 👀)
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Oh this is CUTE.
I'm glad you're looking forward to them because I'm suffering deeply.
When you have fic ideas and you're like okay they're going to only be x number of words, surely it won't go over that word count? That's the devil talking.
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five-rivers · 11 months
Ancestral chapter 15
For Ectoberhaunt 2023 day 18: unravel!
We traveled to the Revyvtech offices.  At first, it seemed not unlike when we shadowed the young twins.  There were places we could not go, then, too.  
"Well," said Iris, as Danny translated, "Why didn't they investigate then?"
Do not think us incurious.  There are many things that can turn aside such weak spirits.  Not all of them are sinister, or even purposeful.  Some of our number cannot be far from their kin.  Some, their loves.  Some may only walk the paths they walked in life–
"Are you saying that there aren't any ghosts here who used to work for Revyvtech?" asked Iris.  
Gwensyvyr looked amused despite the horrific damage to her arm.  There are, but in their own accounts, they were not highly ranked, and are quite sure their passwords will no longer work.  
Danny wasn't so sure of that.  He wasn't a computer genius, as indicated by his 'plan' to hack Revyvtech, but he'd spent enough time helping Tucker to be embarrassed he hadn’t thought of asking.  He looked up hopefully at the other ghosts.  
“Sometimes people don’t change things like that right away,” he said.  Jazz came back in as he spoke, and Danny set the phone on the floor while he took the jar and a pair of plastic gloves from her.  “Maybe if we can find some people who only died recently, we could try out theirs?”
Some ghosts left the room.  Others engaged in hearty bouts of mime.  Others glared at him.
Gwensyvyr touched his arm with her uninjured hand, and gestured back at the phone.  They glare because they are troubled by my injury.  Danny was fascinated by the fact that Gwensyvyr seemed to have spontaneously reinvented texting lingo.  Although, it was possible that her current batch of spelling decisions just happened to look like that.  They should glare at me instead.  
The ghosts looked more or less appropriately chastized.
“Right,” said Danny.  “Okay.”  He unscrewed the lid of the jar.  “That doesn’t explain how you got hurt.”  He frowned at the cream.  “This works for me, but you’re intangible…  I don’t know if I can even put this on you.”
Gwensyvyr shrugged, then held out her arm.  
“Yeah, I guess there’s only one way to find out.”  He pulled on the gloves and scooped out a small amount of the cream.  Then he reached out, and to his surprise, was able to smear it on Gwensyvyr’s arm.  
Although, maybe it shouldn’t be such a surprise.  Ever since that first day, she and the other ghosts had been growing stronger.  Just now, she’d been able to touch him, and he’d been able to feel it, and she had at the Masque as well.  
“Oh,” said George.  “That’s– That’s really weird to look at.  Sorry, honored ancestor, but it is.”
Danny didn’t stop applying the cream.  “Do you see her?”
“Not.  Not really.  More like, I can tell there’s… something.  Like heat over a sidewalk.  Where you put the cream.”
“Are you seeing the cream?”
“I don’t think that’s it,” said Iris.  She sounded fascinated.  “It’s like looking at glass in water.”
Danny was honestly just relieved that it was working.  He took some more cream from the jar and continued up, past Gwensyvyr’s shoulder.  
It felt as if Danny were on the verge of a revelation.  As if he had the end of a string in his hand, and all he had to do was pull it to unravel the knot of this mystery.  But he was missing something.  Some puzzle piece, some scrap of information that would make this all make sense.  Or maybe what he was missing was perspective.  
Gwensyvyr had run into blood blossoms.  Probably at Revyvtech.  Blood blossoms hurt ghosts and half ghosts.  Gwensyvyr was growing stronger.  She was stronger than she’d been when Danny had first arrived.  
He finished rubbing in the cream and started peeling off the gloves.  “Can you tell us what happened now?” 
Gwensyvyr reached over and tapped the phone, which had gone dark.  It turned on.  
“Huh,” said Danny.  “Okay.”  He unlocked it and brought up the keyboard.  Gwensyvyr began to type.  
The building was largely empty, and we became frustrated.  I saw movement and light behind a door, and became convinced that secrets were being spoken of within.  But the space beyond it was one that was barred to us.  Once, before we grew so weak, I could defeat such barriers, push them aside.  I pushed.  The barrier defeated me, however.  Gwensyvyr gave Danny a wry smile.  Yet, in harming me, it revealed its nature.  Although it seems that you already know the name of the scourge.
“Blood blossoms, yeah,” said Danny.  
I thought them eradicated, or nearly so, wrote Gwensyvyr.  I must ask, how did you encounter them?
“One time was a fluke,” said Danny, not wanting to get into the time travel thing, “leftovers from the sixteen hundreds.  But then Mom and Dad found some old seeds and got them to grow.  They put them all away when they realized I was allergic, but–”
“Wait,” said Iris, “it’s something you’re allergic to?  The ghost you’re talking to was hurt by something you are allergic to in Revyvtech?”
Gwensyvyr nodded.  
“Yes?” said Danny.  
“What happened to–”  Iris swallowed.  “What happened to everyone but Vivian and Grandma Rose looked like an allergic reaction.”
Danny nodded.  He’d already been solidly convinced that Revyvtech was up to no good (see: the Vlad look-alike), but he knew that the others might have needed more convincing.  
They didn’t anymore.
But– Wait.  Wait.  “I’m pretty sure my reaction to blood blossoms is more of a syvyr thing than a family thing,” said Danny.  “Jazz didn’t react like I did, when we had them in the house.  Neither did Mom.  There’s nothing to say that anyone else is going to be allergic.”
“We didn’t try to eat them, though,” said Jazz, “and regular things like that - allergens - can be concentrated, can’t they?  Why not more supernatural allergens?”
“There’s another factor, if we’re taking all the, ah, magic to be true,” said Lewis.  “If this thing works on ghosts.”  He waved in the general direction of Gwensyvyr.  “Maybe it’s more myth than fact, or an artifact of someone screwing up a timeline, but Gwensyvyr was supposed to have had children with her dead husband.  A ghost.  Unless there’s some kind of nasty scandal lurking unknown in the family tree–”
“There definitely is,” said Eugene, “there are always scandals.”
“--we’re direct descendants of that union.”
“Do you think any of your ghosts know, Danny?” asked Iris.  “Any of them know Gwensyvyr when she was alive?”
“Um,” said Danny, looking sideways at Gwensyvyr.  “Yeah.  I mean, there’s probably someone.  Around.”
The door to the room opened up, which was a shock, because everyone was accounted for, except–
Oh.  It was Joanna.  She was still in her pajamas, but she had her phone in one hand.  
“What have you kids been doing?” she asked.  
Iris looked down at her phone, which she had, up until that moment, been using to interrogate Aunt Alicia’s security detail.  Everyone else looked at Lewis’s crime phone, which still showed the last thing Gwensyvyr had typed out.
“Investigating?” suggested Jazz.  
“Have you been up all night?” Joanna asked in faint horror.  Danny realized belatedly that most of them were still wearing pieces of their Masque costumes…  They were kind of surreal in the early morning light streaming through the windows. 
“We couldn’t sleep after hearing about Alicia,” said Eugene.
“And why did none of you wake me when you heard about this?”  Joanna waved her phone, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.
“You seemed really tired,” said Eugene, lamely.  
The more accurate answer, as far as Danny went, was that they were really tired, and then forgot.  
Joanna looked back at her phone and rubbed her eyes with her free hand.  “Why all these questions about Alicia’s medication?  I don’t understand–”
“We’re pretty sure that Revyvtech was involved in the poisoning,” said Danny.  “The first one.”
“Probably they were involved in the second one, too, with those special release capsules,” said Iris.
“I don’t know that they were that special,” said George.  
“Pretty sure?” asked Joanna.  “How sure is pretty sure?”
Danny turned to Gwensyvyr.  “Would blood blossoms have affected them like that?” 
Which, of course, begged the questions of why– especially given that only some family members had been affected, and they’d apparently all been eating the same thing.  Still, details like that could be worked out later.  
“We know they at least have something that would act like the poison that killed everyone but Vivian,” said Danny.  
“The spirits…?” asked Joanna, not finishing the phrase.  
“Yeah,” said Danny.  
Joanna took a deep breath.  “Thank you, honored ancestors.”
Gwensyvyr gave Joanna a thumbs up.  Joanna jumped.  “Oh!  For a moment I thought–”  She shook her head and started pressing buttons on her phone.  
“What are you doing?” asked Eugene.  
“I’m calling your uncle,” she said.  
“He wasn’t picking up for us or for security.”
“He wasn’t being called on his personal phone.”
The phone rang, tinny and distant to Danny’s ears.  And rang.  And rang.  Joanna sniffled and switched to a different number.
“Who are you calling now?” asked Eugene.  
“Mr. Kynbaz - yes, on his personal phone.”
Oh, so everyone just had two phones, now, huh?  Good to know.  
This time, the phone was picked up.  Danny heard a tired “Joanna?” from the other side of the line.  
“Kevin,” said Joanna, “I need you to authorize an extraction for Alicia.”
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Vords words from Count Monty Cristo: “ Velcome my LOVELIEzz! Zhis is zhe Vampire-bat-vampire-Count Monty Cristo zpeaking.
I’ve heard there is zomekind of ‘challenge’ going about. It iz involving things to draw, thoughtz to conjure, ideaz to zew. A ‘prompt’, az it vhere. Vhell, OBVIOUZLY I’m zhe best when it comes to ideaz, but because I’m zo very generouz, I’m also giving you a read-at-your-own-pace list of ztoriez -von right after zhe other for each day of October to enjoy for zhis blez’zed October-zeazon.
Read vone each day and illuztrate vhat you zhee az you read; or, draw zomething that inzpired you from reading zhe ztoriez! 
Phantasmagoria by Lewis Carol 
Dracula’s Guest by Bram Stoker
The Signal Man by Charles Dickens
Bluebeard by Charles Perrault 
Godfather Death by The Brothers Grimm
Feathertop by Nathanial Hawthorne
King of the Cats from old Scotland
The Romance of Certain Old Clothes by Henry James
The Shadow by Hans Christian Anderson 
The Landlady by Roald Dahl
There Shall be no Darkness by James Blish 
The New Mother by Lucy Clifford
-DEZIGNATED POEM TIME!!!- The Raven, The Cremation of Sam McGee, The Ballad of Tam Lin, Hist Whist, The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner 
The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs 
There will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury 
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
Uncle Otto’s Truck by Stephen King
Oh, Whistle and I’ll come to you My Lad by James Joyce 
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Tailypo from Apalachian Folklore
Fritt-Flacc by Jules Verne
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambroise Bierce
The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde
Lot. 249 by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Red Room by H. G. Wells 
The Cats of Ulthar by H.P. Lovecraft
The Body Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Vampyre by John William Pilodori 
The Shout by Robert Graves 
The Masque of the Red Death or really anything you want by Edgar Allan Poe
Your OWN story
There are zo MANY possibilities to be had! ‘ave at it!” - Monty Cristo
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