#a name which i have no problems nor discomfort with
zero-braincells-left · 8 months
why do names have to be so hard :(
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strzlun · 2 months
// park sunghoon //
pairing: player!sunghoon x quiet!femreader
word count- 3.6k
genre/cws- fluff, slight angst, falling in love, confessions, he fell first and harder, sunghoon grows a soft spot for reader, sunghoon becomes a changed man, reader is done with sunghoon
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summary-Sunghoon didn’t realize he fell into his own trap until it was too late and he was falling in love
Sunghoon and you were the picture perfect polar opposites. He had people lined up trying to fulfill their deep desire of even getting a sliver of a chance with him.
And he thrived in this. He knew the sheer power he held so he always used it to his advantage. Everyone knew Park Sunghoon’s name like a chant and you never understood why people would crumble to his feet.
He lived a world that you wished to never get involved with.
Yet what made your world slow down is hearing his name called alongside yours.
Before you could even register what was happening, you could hear the painful drag of the chair next to you as you slowly turn to be met with the one and only, Park Sunghoon.
The infamous smile plastered on his face as his body was faced towards you. He had this demeanor that you were undeniably drawn to but forced yourself out of that daze.
“Guess we’re partners” The moment he spoke, all eyes were on you
You awkwardly nodded your head as you tried to ignore the stares burning into your entire existence and focus in front of you.
You knew there were people that would kill to be in your spot, and truthfully speaking you had no problem switching.
When Sunghoon who was waiting for some type of reaction from you received nothing, he raised an eyebrow, confused but assumed you were simply trying to comprehend how he was in front of you.
“No need to freak out or anything, it’s really me-“ Before he could even finish he sentence you raised a hand to stop him
Normally, you wouldn’t waste time even speaking to people like Sunghoon. There was no point, neither ever crossed paths before nor have you even acknowledged each other’s existence.
But now you had to bear with him until the end of the project if you wanted a good grade.
When you gave no response after shutting Sunghoon up, he could feel the embarrassment rising which was rare (a big lie).
“I look forward to working with you. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about you” He tried to catch your attention as you seemed to focus on the lesson rather than on him
He gave a slight frown but wiped it off before having a smirk plaster onto his face. He could feel the excitement coursing through his mind and he knew exactly what it meant.
When the lesson was done, he turned expecting to see you beside him but to his shock you were already out of the classroom. He grumbled and quickly went after you.
What you thought was finally peace and no lurking eyes on you turned to ruckus around you when Sunghoon suddenly appeared next to you.
His mouth whispered right into your ear and you immediately jerked yourself away in confusion. He gave a warm smile and grabbed your bag from you to hold it.
“You walk so fast, it was hard to catch up to you” He joked and the look you gave him must’ve shown your discomfort because he awkwardly cleared his throat
You tried to grab your bag from him but before you could reach it, he moved his body and you almost lost your balance.
He was quick to catch you to make sure you didn’t fall (you were never going to fall in the first place).
You stared at him as he gave another smile but you quickly pushed him away and grabbed your bag from him before huffing out a sigh and walking away.
Of course you knew who Park Sunghoon is, but that also meant you knew the reputation surrounding him. He had people lined up for him for a reason and you weren’t going to allow yourself to fall for his trap.
As you were walking you were going to pull out your phone from your bag, but the moment you did a piece of paper fell out as well.
You tilted your head confused before reaching to pick it up soon your mouth was agape when you saw the written phone number on it.
‘My number -p.sh’
Now you didn’t want to text Sunghoon, especially with the way that he had given his number. It felt like he was treating you as someone who simply wanted to get the attention of being involved with him.
You knew deep down that was far from the truth but you had to swallow your pride for a moment as you typed his number in for a contact.
Sunghoon was in bed, lazily resting an arm over his eyes as he could feel the drowsiness take over. But right when he was going to shut his eyes, his phone pinged from a notification.
Normally, he would ignore it and deal with it whenever he had the energy to but something in him told him to check it.
He groaned before grabbing his phone seeing just who decided to text him so late at night.
He saw an unsaved number but the message attached to it made him shoot up from his bed with a slight smirk forming on his face.
: Let’s meet tomorrow to start the project
“Over here!” Sunghoon waved once he saw you, the people passing gave a weird look to him before going their way
You observed how he never truly cared about the public’s opinion on him. He knew that there would be people that praise him and people that despise him, nothing you could do about it.
But now that you were assigned a project with him you knew from the very start what it came with. You didn’t enjoy being the center of attention and having him lingering around you was quite troublesome.
“How was your morning?” He asked sweetly but you believed you saw right through it and simply ignored his question
He was taken aback from the lack of response but he nodded his head, realizing that it would take a lot more for him to slither his way into your heart.
“Let’s head in shall we?” Sunghoon opened the door for you and with the faintest ‘thank you’, he was already grinning like an idiot
He was sure that you would get caught up by him soon or later, it was only a matter of strategic timing and planning to get the job done.
“So what’s your favorite movie?” Sunghoon tried to garner your attention but you didn’t give him any, he sighed heavily after being rejected for the twentieth time
He was growing tiresome trying to get your attention on something that wasn’t something for the project.
“Uhm so what’s your favorite-“
“I heard you the first time, I am just choosing to ignore you” You finally put your pen down before looking at him which caught him off guard
He shifted in his seat and cleared his throat, not expecting that (or any) reaction. The two stared at each other for a moment and for the first time ever, Sunghoon was the one to shift his gaze away.
“Let’s continue working” You softly said before picking up your pen again but as he tried to recover from the lost of the staring contest he sighed heavily
“Why don’t we take a break for now, my hand hurts from all the writing” You glanced over to Sunghoon’s paper, only to see he had only written his name on it
You glared towards him and he gave a cheeky smile which he thought would make you smile at least but nothing. You kept your stoic expression, unamused by his attempt to make you smile (you found it humorous that he failed instead).
“Is this why you’re failing the class?” Sunghoon choked on air and coughed loudly hearing your response
“How do you know that?” Sunghoon loudly whispered as he looked around making sure no one heard your remark
“You always complain about your grade in class” You stated and he sighed before embarrassingly looking away but suddenly an idea popped in his head
“So you’re paying attention to me?” He raised an eyebrow to you teasingly
“It’s hard not to when you’re so loud about it” Sunghoon’s world alongside his ego shattered hearing your rebuttal to his attempt to tease you
This is not how he planned this day to go.
Sunghoon cleared his throat loudly before picking up his pen and taking glances at his laptop before writing on the piece of paper, wishing to simply disintegrate into the universe.
You noticed his reaction and you were glad he was working but you felt bad, you didn’t mean to come off as rude, it’s just what you observed from him.
You itched to apologize, your mouth opening every now and then but nothing came out. You sighed before continuing to write on your paper, an awkward silence resting over the two of you.
“I’ll walk you home” You didn’t expect for Sunghoon to offer this especially when the rest of the evening was pure silence between the two of you
You were going to deny Sunghoon’s offer but he was quick to gather your bag along with his.
Another thing that you observed about Sunghoon was that he was stubborn but troublesome for him you were also stubborn.
“It’s okay I can make it home by myself” You tried to grab your bag from him but he was already walking away with it
If this is what Sunghoon thought could win you over, he is mistaken. You sighed annoyed but decided to not put up a fight, you were tired and just wanted to get home as quickly as possible.
As you and Sunghoon were walking to your place he tried to make small talk with you. You wanted to walk in silence but he was determined to have a decent conversation with you.
The talks were brief but you realized that there a slight shift in Sunghoon’s demeanor. It was more relaxed and gentle and maybe even a little genuine. A side you’ve never seen before from him.
But you reminded yourself this could easily be one of his antics to have you wrapped in his fingers. But before you knew it, you were already at your front doorstep.
“Thank you for walking me home” Sunghoon easily waved it off as nothing
“Also I’m sorry if what I said earlier come off as rude, it wasn’t my intention”
“Goodnight” After you finally apologized, you entered your place and closed the door behind you before he could even respond
Sunghoon stood surprised for a moment before softly letting out a genuine chuckle.
You heard a ping from your phone and when you looked at it, you found yourself letting out the smallest smile ever.
Sunghoon: It’s okay you weren’t wrong. Goodnight to you as well
From when you stepped foot onto campus, all eyes were on you again. You tried to remind yourself that this was only temporarily and soon you could go back to your old lifestyle without Sunghoon in your life.
But that moment wasn’t now because you suddenly felt a poke to your head and when you turned, you were met with Sunghoon’s cheeky smile.
“Let’s walk together” He hummed, you sighed realizing that he really wasn’t going down without a fight so you weren’t going to put up one
You nodded your head as you waited for him to catch up to you. Sunghoon smiled realizing that you’re starting to warm up to him even if it is a tiny bit.
You: Where are you?
You: We said we were meeting today to finish
You sighed as time passed by and there was no sign of Sunghoon. You scoffed to yourself realizing he left you stranded.
What did you expect, he probably left all the work for you to ensure that he can pass. You scoffed as you placed your head into yours hands before groaning loudly.
Having to do the project by yourself wasn’t something foreign to you, but you were still annoyed.
You had to pick up on his slack. You weren’t going to allow someone like Sunghoon to taint your grade because of careless actions.
You were disappointed would be an understatement. You assumed the least he could do is give you a heads up if he isn’t able to make it, but it seemed you hoped too much for the impossible.
Hours passed by and you were still engrossed in the project trying to complete it, you could feel the pure exhaustion catching up but you needed to push through.
“Bye Sunghoon” The teasing tone had a faint smirk form on Sunghoon’s face whilst waving goodbye
He pulled out his phone and saw the time, 3 am, he sighed knowing he was going to get a good nights rest the moment he landed on his bed.
He placed his phone back into his pocket and right when he turned, there he saw you through a window.
You were yet to see him but he saw how you yawned and tiredly rested your head on your arm as a pillow and closed your eyes.
That’s when it finally clicked in Sunghoon’s mind. He was supposed to meet up with you today to finish the project. He cursed at himself before entering the place you were in.
He quickly made his way over to you but you were already fast asleep. He saw your laptop open with paper scattered around.
He got too distracted that he forgot he was meeting up with you today and he knew all efforts of trying to get you warming up to him now went out the window.
He wasn’t one to care about how people perceived him but you must’ve thought he’s even more of a jerk than what you already thought he was.
Sunghoon made sure to be quiet to not disturb your sleep as he carefully sat next to you before grabbing your laptop.
He scrolled and saw that you were practically almost done with the project. The guilt that rested in stomach grew even more and began to eat him up, you picked up his slack because of his ignorance.
Sunghoon knew you wouldn’t easily forgive him and he doesn’t blame you. But the least he could do is let you sleep while he takes care of the rest.
He carefully draped his jacket over you as he noticed you were directly under an air vent. He looked for a split second longer than what he wanted to, you looked so peaceful when sleeping.
He found a faint smile growing but stopped to bring himself back to focus on finishing the project.
He grabbed a spare sticky note and a few moments later placed it next to your mousepad, before starting to type into your laptop.
Your eyes fluttered opened as you could feel a bright light hitting your face. You used your hand to cover the sunlight but noticed a jacket draped over you and you froze.
You hazily looked around and you jumped when you noticed Sunghoon asleep next to you with your laptop in front of him. You quickly grabbed your laptop to see what he had done but to your surprise you saw the project was completely finished and revised.
You don’t know when you fell asleep, let alone when he even arrived so you were shocked to wake up next to him.
You were pleased that at least the project was done, however your gaze soon caught the sticky note stuck near your mousepad.
‘I know this is the weakest way to apologize, but I am really sorry for leaving you hanging.
Rest well, I’ll take care of everything else’
You shifted your gaze onto Sunghoon but what you didn’t expect was for him to be looking at you back. Normally you would’ve reverted your eyes away but you were in some trance, an extra flutter in your heart made you realize you were falling.
But you weren’t the only one. With the sunrise setting upon you and the look you were giving him, Sunghoon found himself in utter awe of you as his heart fluttered against his chest.
That was something new.
Now Sunghoonn was wide awake in bed with you haunting his mind, he doesn’t get it. The project was long done and no matter how much he tried to distract himself, he always found his mind drifting off to you.
He didn’t have a guilty conscience anymore, you made it very clear that you had forgiven him (after much apologies) so why could he only think about you.
You and him would even text quite often (he’s the one always texting first) but even still that wasn’t enough to quench his unexplainable desire.
He doesn’t know what was taking over him, it was like he’s flipped. He was leaving his old habits behind, deciding to hit the gym more often, barely going out the way he used to, he even started to pay attention in lessons and participate in activities.
And anytime he did anything, he felt an urge to text you and let you know what he has been up to. There were times where he did text you but then there were times when he held back.
Tonight was not one of those nights, he decided to give in to the burning desire that desperately needed to get extinguished.
Sunghoon: You awake?
He impatiently watched, hoping for your response and he immediately piked when his phone pinged.
You: Why?
Sunghoon found himself smiling dumbfounded at your message, in that moment his smile slightly faltered as the realization hit him like a bucket of cold water.
Now he finally realized what the desire that burns in him meant.
Now you didn’t expect to see Sunghoon at your front doorstep, especially to catch him mid pep talk. He froze when he heard your door open and the two stared at each other for a moment before he straightened out his posture.
He awkwardly coughed at the silence, all thoughts and rationality he prepared went out the window as he just stared at you with wide eyes.
“Uh what are you doing here?” You asked him and his mind immediately went on overdrive
He continued to stay silent and stare at you. You looked around for a moment before softly nodding your head.
“Do you want to-“ Before you could even finish, Sunghoon easily cut you off
“I like you” That was more straightforward than he intended to say but he’s never confessed before, he’s new to this
You stared at Sunghoon flustered with his sudden confession, does he actually like you or is he toying with your feelings until he gets bored and moves on.
“I know this is out of nowhere and you have every right to question my intentions” He was aware of the reputation he made for himself but he was really praying it doesn’t affect him now
“But I promise you wholeheartedly that I am genuine about my words and my feelings, I really do like you”
“I’m not sure when I started to like you, but you started to consume every crevice in my mind. Everything that I did, I wondered what you would say about it”
“It was actually driving me insane because I never and I mean it ever felt that way before and I can’t lie I was nervous at first”
“I thought you would’ve brush me off after the project, that’s why I kept texting you. Something in me needed to know if there could be a possible us”
“This burning desire wouldn’t let me go from its grasp and the only way I figured to subside it was to tell you how I truly felt” Sunghoon finished his small rant and let out a heavy pant before nervously looking to see your reaction
You stared at him wide eyed as you proceed the information. The pounding of your heart clearly indicated something and you knew that very well.
With each passing second of no response from you, the more it kills him slowly.
“You like me?” Your voice was soft and this melted right through Sunghoon, how he underestimated the hold you had on him
He softly nodded his head and your heart finally exploded. All the times when your fingers fidgeted over your keyboard wanting to text him and he somehow read your mind and texted you first.
But there was a thought lingering at the back of your head. What if he was just saying this to get you to fall into the trap you couldn’t escape from.
“How come you didn’t fall for someone else?” It was too late for your mind to register that you accidentally voiced out your thought
You stumbled over your words trying to take back what you said and Sunghoon found it amusing, he made his way over to you. The loopy smile he had as he brought his mouth to your ear, his breath feathered over your ear making your body shiver.
“Because I am too busy being yours” Sunghoon whispered and those words sent a shock throughout your whole body
“Is this you crawling to me Sunghoon?” You teased and he chuckled at you response but nodded his head before facing back to you
“If you allow me, I’ll crawl back to you as many times as I have to in order to prove my feelings to you”
“Never thought, I would be the one to hear those words from you”
“Special words for a special person” Your smile began to grow and you couldn’t hold it back any longer
Seeing your smile made Sunghoon weak in his knees that he knew he had to make you smile every single day. You had Park Sunghoon wrapped around your fingers and neither expected the tables to turn.
The trap that Sunghoon had intended to have you fall into now consumed him instead of you. But truthfully speaking, he didn’t mind it because deep down he unconsciously knew he was yours from the start.
“Will you allow me take you out on a date? Promise I’ll be there maybe even before you”
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bizbat · 2 months
so i had a thought of like, jason with a gf who has trouble getting wet no matter how turned on she is, and she’s embarrassed so she kinda puts off them having sex for a while.
and he’s so confused and just thinking that she doesn’t like him enough or something until one day he finally says something and she gives in and tells him
and he’s just sitting there like “…. you mean all we had to do was buy lube?”
and then wonderful (smutty.) things ensue
please and thank you, mwah 😘
Not A Problem . . .
🕸️Spiderverse Masterlist🕸️
🐼JJK Masterlist🐼
~ Jason Todd x Fem!AFAB!Reader
~ Explicit Smut
~ Reader is not described.
~ Wc:1.039k
~ You can find more of my works here.
C/W: Smut, PiV penetration, Oral (female receiving), Fingering, Pet names (Angel, Baby, Pretty), Mdom, FSub, Healthy Dom/Sub dynamics (communication, explicit consent), Use of the terms "cunt", "pussy", "tits", "ass", "cock", "asshole", Non-penetrative sex, Multiple orgasms, Overstim, Teasing, Hair pulling, Crying, Dacryphilia
It really, really isn't.
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Looking back now, you can't believe you were ever worried about it.
You vividly remember pushing off advancing your relationship with Jason in that way, terrified of what he might say, how he might react. You remember having to hype yourself up to tell him, getting all serious, sitting him down one day after "work", you'd even spent the day thinking up clever segways into the conversation.
The topic, of course, being that no matter how hard you try, you cannot get wet.
No matter how much foreplay, no matter how much you touch yourself, you can't bring your body to secrete those famous, ever-important juices. And it's been really hard. In past relationships, you've either been forced to deal with the discomfort, or deny sex all together. But not with Jason.
You wanted to do everything with him, kiss him, love him, fuck him, everything. Which is why you got all serious with him to begin with. You remember telling him you had something you wanted to talk about, sitting beside him on the couch, and holding his hands in yours as you took a deep breath, and began explaining your problem. He was very sincere as he listened to you, his eyes never leaving your nervous face as he patiently let you explain the issue that had been plaguing your previous relationships. He took the whole thing very seriously.
Or at least, he did, until you had stopped speaking. Once the heavy silence overtook the room, he could no longer hold back the small smile that spread across his face, nor the tiny chuckle that escaped his lips. He quickly slapped his hand over his mouth to try to hide it before you could catch it, but the look of betrayal had already been plastered clean across your face. He cracks up as he reaches out to grab at your fleeting figure.
Honestly though, you're not sure why you ever so worried to begin with. Jason's head stuffed between your thighs is enough evidence to convince you he was never gonna judge you. The spit dripping down your thighs in thick rivers is all the reassurance you could've needed. His tongue furiously stroking your clit as his fingers pump in and out of your sweet cunt prove his dedication to pleasing you, no matter what little obstacles present themselves in your relationship.
He groans into your pussy, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure up your core, tingling up your back as you arch up from the plush carpet on the floor, which you're sure you'll have to replace. Your hands harshly tug at his dark locks, which, only makes him moan louder. Your legs strain from where they're laid over his shoulders, your hips tiredly thrusting against his soaking wet face.
Your eyes are far too blurry for you to see the lovestruck look on his face. At this point, what feels hours into eating you out like a man starved, he's just as out of it as you are, borderline losing brain function from the lack of oxygen. He's gone he barely even notices his cock painfully straining against his pants, or the ache forming in his knees and thighs from kneeling over you.
At some point, you have to push him away, your clit too sensitive to take any more abuse from his fingers, lips, and tongue. Your chest heaves up and down as you try your best to pull yourself away from his hungry mouth, your legs too tired to do anything to offer any kind of real service. Jason can only laugh at your desperate attempts, a combination of spit and slick coating your thighs and ass, making your skin glint and glisten so beautifully under the soft, warm light of your apartment.
He follows your pussy with his mouth as you squirm away. Your weak body only manages to pull you a few inches from where you originally started, only laying on your tummy now, instead of your back. He lets out a laugh, it's tired and raspy and like music to your ears, as he leans down and grips both of your ass cheeks, pulling them apart so he can spit a fat glob of saliva onto your tight asshole. He watches in an almost manic delight as it slowly spills down onto your drenched pussy, puffy from his tireless mouth. "Ah ah ah pretty," He coos at you gently, his hands gripping onto your hips to stop you from pulling away any more. "Gotta make sure you're nice an' wet, yeah?"
He's really gotta be out of it, to not see the buckets of secretion spilling down your thighs, and dripping from your cunt like a faucet. Regardless, he's still not satisfied, watching in amusement as your ass shakes when he delivers a wet slap. You can't tell if it was a harsh slap, or if your body is just too sensitive from his touch at this point, but you still gasp either way, fresh tears spilling from your eyes and dripping down your flushed cheeks.
"Don't we baby? Answer me." He groans biting his lip at the sight of your tears. You can't even remember the question, you think you say yes, but your brain isn't sending the proper signals to your mouth at the moment, so for all you know, you just let out incoherent babble. Either way, Jason seems to be pleased, murmuring out some sort of praise as he goes back to burying his head in-between your thighs.
His hands tug and squeeze at your ass, the fat filling his hands so deliciously, as he sucks and slurps at your cunt like it was his favorite meal on the planet. And truly, it might just be. He couldn't be more thankful that you told him you had a hard time getting wet, because now it gave him the excuse to eat you out for as long as physically possible.
And fuck, you'll let him. You almost feel stupid for worrying about it in the first place. Your fears that he wouldn't want to have sex with you after finding out, feel like a joke now. Clearly, to him, it's not a problem. It really, really isn't.
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tavyliasin · 7 months
Tagging, Censorship and Consent in Fandom
Hello darlings~ I'm back at it again with the essayposting - blame the creative block for that, but as always I'm neck deep in Fandom which is exactly where I wish to be anyway~ Now, today's essay is going to mention potentially triggering topics by name, however will not be going into great detail on any of them. If you feel you are in a place within yourself where you might not be comfortable encountering some terms and topics, please feel free to turn back now and I hope to see you next time instead. For the rest of us...
How To Tag Your Content and Engage With Creative Fandom Safely - A Serious Essay Again with TavyliaSin (And how to respect your readers/viewers) ((Consent is important and this is how we do it)) (((And it's always good to keep learning every day to keep each other safe)))
So again, there will be heavier topic mentions from here, and I welcome all points of view to the table. We're going to cover boundaries, safety, and this will be all ADULT CONTENT so 18+ ONLY please and thank you darlings~ Subheaders follow of course~
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What Are Tags And Why Should We Care?
This is the easy one here. Tags are the markers on the map, the signposts on the gate, the labels that tell us what is in the tin. Perhaps it is best to think of them like food labels - sometimes people have allergies or intolerances to ingredients. Often, a dish is clearly not going to be suitable - one doesn't order the Nut Roast with a nut allergy, after all - but other times there are unexpected ingredients that might cause an unintended reaction. The exact same applies to content, whether it is angst, dead dove, kink, or really any number of topics that can be difficult for some to handle. We all have our own "food allergies" - there may be some we can never "eat", and others that we can stomach if we prepare first. In both cases we need those labels to know before we dive in. And just to be clear here, I'm not talking about just mild discomfort. Encountering certain topics can put people into severe PTSD episodes that can take days or even weeks to fully recover from. A huge number of us unfortunately live through life events that could be described as traumatic, and whilst we should not place the responsibility of handling our problems on the shoulders of others, we should also be respectful of how content we create and share can affect those with life experiences different to our own.
Boundaries And Safety
We need to extend this to our online interactions with other creators and fandom friends too - express your own boundaries when you need to, seek help if they are crossed with poor intention, and take care to listen to the boundaries of those around you. And whilst I shan't be touching on the topic heavily, this also extends to those in the more public eye. Send and tag only content that is explicitly welcomed, respect boundaries, and help to keep all of our communities happier for it. Additionally, the obvious one too - under 18s should not be interacting with NSFW content, nor should NSFW creators be knowingly interacting with under 18s. This is for the safety not only of the underage people, but the adult creators too. Whilst we can rationalise that most of us encountered inappropriate content for our age, if we are found to be knowingly allowing or sharing it towards those who are underage then we are at a very real risk of landing on offender registers. Use a reasonable amount of care, and seriously any minors still here, first you should not be, and secondly if you have any respect for the NSFW creators please never interact with us until you are over 18.
Alright, So What Should Be Tagged and How?
There are a lot of content types and tags out there. Largely you can put them into 3 Categories: 1. Violence 2. Sexual/Kink 3. Misc Yes I know misc is a bit of a catch-all, but the first two are the most common at least.
The lists I use in the House of Hopeful Sinners Discord Server are as follows - though it should be noted I am adding to and refining these as we go along, either with things that are requested or those that I realise I have missed. There are likely far more comprehensive lists, and AO3 has a lot of suggested tags to use too. My rule on Discord is that all of these topics are permitted but must be spoiler covered and tagged appropriately (I'll cover a section on Discord specifically later). For some of these topics, we have threads that allow people to discuss them in a creative context in a space separated from the main conversation channels, so people can engage and indulge in the content without those who are uncomfortable being exposed to it.
Violent Content
Severe Injury
Injury Detail
Dead Dove
Ascended Astarion (positive context/romantic)
Sexual Content
CNC (Consensual NonCon)
Somnophilia (One person is asleep at the start or throughout)
Wax Play
Pain Play
Breath Control
Pet Play
Urine Fetish
Wild Shape
Ascended Astarion (sexual)
Age Difference
Size Difference
Traumatic Pasts
Medical Procedures
Animal Death
That's A Lot Of Tags - Won't It Put People Off?
Well, loves, this is the key. By having the tags there, people can choose to engage or not. For every item on that list, there will be some people who want to avoid that content - and that's fine, you shouldn't want to expose them to it against their will! But there will also be those people who love that content! For example, Breeding is something I'd always want to avoid. I don't want to encounter it in fic or art. But there are lots of people who love that kink, which is great! When it's tagged, I can skip the content, and those who enjoy it can flock to it - everyone wins here!
Should Some Kinks Always Be Censored Or Banned
Time for the tricky nuance part, darlings, but it does need to be said. I do not believe that there are many topics that should be censored or banned entirely in art and fiction for one very simple reason, which I will cover in a lot more detail in a future essay:
Everyone deals with their own traumatic experiences in different ways. Whilst some people may need to avoid anything close to certain topics, others are able to process their pain and heal from it by creating or engaging with fictional versions of that topic.
Writing and art are both things where the viewer/reader has control over the situation. Not in that they can change it, but they can step away at any time. They can stop reading/looking and never go back to it. The situation is, in that way, safe if they are prepared before going in to it. Although a trauma trigger might cause some similar feelings in some people to the traumatic memory/experience, this is not universal. It is not for any one person to dictate the ways in which any other heals or copes with their own scars. It may be similar for a writer or artist, being able to explore and process their feelings. So no, I do not condone censoring anything but the most extreme/obvious illegal topics, which I'd prefer not to mention for my own peace of mind.
As long as works are tagged, and spoiler covers used to hide the content from people until/unless they choose to engage with it, everyone should be allowed to create and consume the media they choose. (The obvious caveat of course being "so long as none are harmed in the making of it", but I should think all of you would know that by this point in the essay)
What Do I Do If Something Isn't Tagged?
Chances are that writers miss tags sometimes, and not intentionally either. Try to let them know in a comment, or if you are uncomfortable engaging then ask someone to speak on your behalf (I will happily provide this service just DM me the link). In cases of Discord or other moderated spaces, speak with those moderators about anything that's troubling you.
If you've been alerted to a missed tag in your own work, add it in right away. It might help to ask Beta Readers to list any tags independently of the ones you have in mind before posting, so you can cross check things over.
How Can I Hide Tagged Content?
AO3 - You can't hide tagged content on AO3, but the tags are listed with every work. You might want to use the summary or pre-work notes if there is particular content you feel needs to be added. As you can see here, I put more in the summary as well as in the tags.
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--- Tumblr - List your CWs in the top of your post, and then use the "Read More" marker to hide the cut content.
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So you can see the actual content is below the line, in each case, which is also helpful to prevent post previews from being too long and gives you more control over Tumblr formatting anyway. For images, you may well need to make use of the community labels too, though I have been informed writing is less important for this as it doesn't show in post previews.
Discord - Spoiler Tagging is your real friend in Discord. Super easy to use, and hides text and images until clicked.
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For text, using the || either side of the text will hide it, and for images you can click the eye symbol to spoiler it. You can also do this from mobile by long pressing the image preview to bring up the menu to spoiler. Twitter - Click on the edit then select the flag menu.
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Unfortunately you can't hide text on Twitter, so use caution there, or use threads potentially to nest the warned content in the replies. You may also wish to have a separate account for 18+ content if you have SFW content on your account too, or use things like the protected feature so only people who you allow can see your posts.
Is That All?
For now, darlings, I believe we have covered almost everything, but the floor is open in comments to add anything else you feel is important to discuss.
At the end of the day, engaging in fiction and art that contains potentially sensitive subject matter is all about that informed consent. The creator can make something and ask if someone wishes to see it, the viewer/reader then makes their decision if they wish to or not. Our job as creators is to tag our works so people know what is safe for them to engage with. Our job as consumers is to appreciate the work and know that not every work will cater to our specific tastes.
So really loves I'm telling you to go out and revel in how we have so much variety that we really can filter by what we do and don't want to see, and that we will also likely have readers/viewers for everything we are inspired to create.
Let's not have fandom in-fighting or dictating who should be allowed to create what - there are precious few cases in which those fights are worth starting. Be passionate about what you love, skip the things you don't~ Oh and if you do appreciate my philosophies and guidelines on these topics, it is my pleasure to inform you that my personal server is open and welcoming to likeminded people who are 18+. You'll find more details in This Tumblr Post Here
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aqg-arts · 3 months
Anyone wanna my 2 cents on Jade Shadows?
Spoilers bellow frens ;3
So, right off the bat (before I put my personal personal thoughts out there), we need to acknowledge the criticism and outright discomfort this quest had.
Some of the criticism this quest got is something I can agree with. Specifically; Jade Shadow's needed more time. 100%. Let them cook, or more importantly, let the story cook and maybe even burn a bit to give us some crispy, smokin hot parts.
The little footnote at the end of the quest saying we have 'more questions than answers'? We get it, you're self-conscious, but that doesn't give you an excuse for not giving me Stalker. PERIOD, BITCH.
Jest aside, srsly, we needed to know more about Jade, Stalker, what happened to them, baby Orion (Halo possessed me in that moment, iykyk), etc. People needed to get invested in the characters, especially because this is a quest so close to being like Sacrifice on its level of storytelling...
Had it been able to have just 30+ minutes longer.
Onto the 2nd part of the criticism, birthing sim:
I'll be honest, as someone who was thinking of even going into being a midwifery/allied health, it didn't freak me out as much as it did others. But that's just one side of it. The other is how people say Jade's agency was ignored.
I'll be honest, this is just wrong. It's not media illiteracy by any means, but rather pure ignorance. Why?
Because her agency is declared.
"... you're going to be a father." OH, and the fact she literally wanted the baby. There are plenty of people who can explain it better than that, and whilst I acknowledge people may feel this way, this was, in fact, not what happened.
Also, this quest is not pro-life, nor is it anything related to that. If it was, I assure you, you would have a majority of the fan base up and walk. Take a chill pill. If you want to attack something for being pro-life, go help out at an abortion clinic with crowd control or smth. Because once you see that, you'll understand just how wrong you are.
It's not subtle.
It's not in between the lines.
It doesn't exist.
The end. Period. Fullstop.
The criticism is fair, but going so far as to say those are the undertones is just not on. Not only are you lying about something, but you are also disrespecting the very real women whom have had their agency denied in one way or another.
Now, that's not the only criticism about it, but those are just a few things you may see floating on tumblr. Again, both are ok and fair. But when you start to spread lies or ignore what actually happened, you're part of the problem, not the solution.
Now, onto the fun stuff!
Imo, aside from what was stated before, the quest was actually pretty fun and interesting. The pair make an interesting concept, especially now with the lil fugly bean, which has stolen a place in my cold, brainrotted heart. I think I like the Corpus Cap the most- pls marry me, pls. Oh, an Hunhow? Let me hug him. Let me give him a home on my ships. Let me tell him he can be my bestie!!!
Back to Stalker, though, I really hope we see more of him, especially now he's git a VA.
Speaking of, homie didn't get to speak often, but God did it hit home when he did. You can feel how desperate he is, then when he gets his answers, how lost he is. Finally, resolution and love ehen he names his lil kid at the end.
Music was on point, too. I can't listen to it tho bc Ik ima be sobbing lol. It was so beautiful!!!!!!!
Lorewise, however, I have so many fucking questions, but in the funny haha/good way.
Was jade pregnant b4 being a wf? If not, Stalker...
Why was their relationship shamed upon? Was Jade a Dax and him, well, him? Or was it because they weren't married? What was it that made the Orokin make em into Warframes? Also, Ballas, man, we know your hypocritical ass is in this shit too.
Also, Umbra and Helminth are confirmed to roam around the Orbiter, and vc Umbra is my main, this is a personal achievement. Now let us see it happen, and I'll be DE's 4 life.
But seriously, TL;DR:
Jade Shadow's was a good quest, it just needed to cook slightly longer. And, until we get more Umbra x Stalker from DE (bros b4 all), I'll be on AO3 in 3 (maybe 4) tags.
See in the next Stalker stan post :)
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vimbry · 1 year
while I'm thinking about analysing the moomin stories today, the subject of teety-woo's identity in "the spring tune" is one of my favourite themes in the novels.
it's definitely not a stretch to suggest the outline of that story was inspired by tove jansson's struggles as a creative and a public figure. teety-woo serves as a stand-in for the countless fans who looked to her for inspiration, maybe validation, and her reasonable discomfort with being lauded as some sort of all-knowing idol because of it.
snufkin, as her sort of mouthpiece, sets a boundary that he's just another person in the world who happens to create art and shouldn't be looked to as a role-model. he's flawed, irritable, and a little-self-centred (arguably, through this interaction, sympathetically so). he doesn't have all the answers nor the stamina to help people who are practical strangers, and reminds teety-woo that "you'll never be free if you admire someone too much". a sentiment snukfin understands, not just because of his guilt over moomintroll's admiration of him as well, but also his Own admiration of moomintroll. (earlier, when trying to craft his tune, he imagines going back to moominvalley and playing it for him, and how he'd say that "it's a good one"). it's a message that's especially resonant in a world with an increasing problem with parasocial interaction.
but although that's an important lesson to take from the novel, snufkin Does in fact leave an impact on teety-woo. he's the one to give teety-woo his name, which finally gives him a solid identity - and once teety-woo understands his identity, he almost immediately becomes independent and stops needing snufkin's attention and approval. the message I get from this story is that, while we shouldn't treat other people - regardless of fame - as infallible figures to project ourselves and rely on to solve our problems, it's human nature to "scaffold" from others you admire.
snufkin's role in teety-woo's life was a positive one, but teety-woo needed to learn how to be his own person separate from the idealised version of him. it's impossible to exist without being an influence or source of inspiration to someone. it may not always be easy or what we want but, that's how it is.
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naranjapetrificada · 2 months
I have really, really loved seeing everyone talking about their favorite fics they've written but I wasn't expecting to be tagged tbh because I've posted so few. Thanks so much @scribophile for tagging me so I can play too!
I only have 3 one-shots and a stagnating WIP to my name but I do have favorites, so.
Cornerstone means a lot to me because it was the first time I'd felt moved to write fiction (fan or original) in over a decade. I have years (and two post-secondary degrees worth) of baggage around writing in the way that only 90s "gifted kids" who were actually just neurodivergent can, and being able to write fiction again after so much time and angst has been such a joy.
My favorite of the one-shots though is probably Ways of Wanting, which was literally just inspired by Ed's beautiful, beautiful neck and written in a flurry of thoughts and feelings about the sublimation of queer desire. What I love about it is that if Cornerstone was the roots a seemingly-dead tree defiantly bursting through concrete, then Ways is like the first green shoots of new growth to sprout from the tree's branches. It was fun to write but more than anything else it felt necessary, because I needed to see myself stretching beyond my limits and doing something new.
(I also really love the Birth of Venus image that popped into my head at the last second, and if that had been the only thing to come from having written the whole thing it would still feel worth it.)
Last of course is my historical-ish fantasy-ish WIP, From the Firmament, which I am going to finish, because there's nothing I hate more than breaking promises I've made to myself. Getting the chance to write something this self-indulgent has been so rewarding, especially because of how much it's reminded me that writing can be fun.
Now obviously, drafting chapter 3 has taken significantly more time than anticipated. Part of the problem is that Izzy, in typical fashion, elbowed his way into having a POV section that has been as unpleasant to write as the man himself is to be around (although I have to admit that some of the discomfort is creative growing pains).
But beyond Izzy, there are things about the storytelling process itself at this point that are dredging up a lot of my writing baggage in a way that writing the first two chapters didn't. For a few reasons Ed's POV always takes me the longest, and he's got the lion's share of this chapter's narration. And I definitely spent too long deciding which historical blurb should start the chapter, which kept me floundering for too long trying to build the chapter's basic skeleton. I'm also having to work through poet-brain perfectionism with some of the prose.
But I'm determined to finally learn these and other craft lessons I've been putting off for decades though, just as I'm determined to see this story through to the end.
(also I got laid off in June and sometimes feel guilty if I'm not spending every waking moment on job sites, which is a mistake but it makes writing fic harder than it needs to be. I'm working on it.)
I feel like this game has been going around long enough that almost everyone I would tag has already been tagged, but last time I checked I didn't see a post from @veeagainsttheday nor @tresdem? Both are incredibly skilled (and maybe more importantly, dedicated) writers who have made me cry repeatedly in the best ways possible, so even if they don't want to make their own posts you should still go read their gentlebeard work immediately.
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aerodumb · 1 year
Wade/Nancy is an artist who's been surrounded by negative opinions. She currently works under the username Grisgrisdoll, but she's widely known as the name that haunts her past, Kastoway.
I've seen many, many accusations being thrown online against this artist, but I noticed that for many people spreading them this knowledge is secondhand. I found her Deviantart account some time after she changed her username to Kastoway in the beginning of 2014 due to my hyperfixation on creepypastas at the time. I never actually followed her, but I visited her account every now and then, so if I missed something important, it was because of that and I will be glad if you tell me. In this post, I'll list the incidents in chronological order *with evidence* and then give my own opinion at the end.
One thing to know about Wade is that she has had many different names and usernames throughout her life. In addition, she is comfortable with people using either "she", "he" or "they" to refer to her. I'll be alternating the pronouns and using both her names.
He was 13 when she created Ticci Toby [1]. He posted her first drawing of him on the 19th of November 2012 on DeviantArt [2] and Toby's origin story one year later on the 23rd of May 2013 [3]. Wade changed the personality of Toby to make him less upbeat, more tragic and more scary. One of the first instances where he showed discomfort with how people portrayed Toby that I remember was in a publication she posted on the last day of 2013 [4]. This situation ended up with a small redesign of Toby on 5th of February 2014 [5].
She took a short break from DeviantArt around July [6]. It was this year when her creepypasta blew up out of proportion. Previously, she had expressed her desire for Toby to only be shipped with another creepypasta character called Clockwork. However, many people didn't like Clockwork and didn't respect this wish, leading her to further getting tired of the creepypasta community. By october of the same year, her Deviantart bio said: "Most people know me as the creator of the creepypasta story "Ticci-Toby"-- which yes I am, but I prefer not to be constantly called out for it nor only recognized or appreciated for it. I do not contribute to the creepypasta fandom anymore so please don't ask me about it. Thank you" [7].
One issue that is frequently overlooked when discussing Wade's actions is her problem with impersonators, as she stated on a status in November [8].
On 14th of December 2014 he made a post trying to solve all the turmoil that had formed because of shipping [9]. He stated that he had asked people not to ship Toby with anyone but Clockwork because that was what he was comfortable with, but he realized that decision was pointless and didn't care at this point. The situation had gone out of control and there were people bashing creators who shipped Toby with others or with their own characters. He apologized to the hurt and asked people to stop the white knighting. In addition, he recognized "I wasn't prepared for my character to become popular on the internet. I really wasn't. I never thought it would happen and I'm still not good at dealing with it. In fact I suck at it, it's true". He was 15 at the moment.
In 2015, they got into Marvel, even having a tumblr blog where she drew Deadpool replying the asks of her followers. At the end of their bio, it could be read: "I will not reply to notes or comments regarding Ticci-Toby or anything Creepypasta related, sorry." [10]. This message was deleted months later, so their profile didn't mention Toby or creepypasta anymore. They kept the folder for her creepypasta drawings in their gallery tagged as "old".
In April 2016, he had to warn the general public that Toby wasn't real and that he was his creator [11]. People had been spreading misinformation, saying that Toby was real or was based on a real person. Wade feared that something like the tragedy of Wisconsin could happen again, it was a serious concern.
In May, Nancy made a post saying that people could still ask her about Toby [12], but later in June that year, she decided to step off the internet with the purpose of trying to improve her life, archiving the majority of her work [13]. Later in 2017, she updated her bio to let people know about her new instagram account where she mostly posts original art. It was at this point when I stopped checking her content completely, as this account, called bonejars at the beginning, was private for a while. She hasn't been very active on DeviantArt apart from the times she announced her podcast.
On the porch: Episode 2, 16 April 2020, started a wave of negativity against them. I didn't watch it at the time and it is now private so I can't say much about it, but they did some clarifications on her instagram stories later. Many users took screenshots of them and they can still be read [14]. In them, Nancy says that they came to terms many years ago with the ships, that they left the fandom because all of the drama made them miserable and that they'd wish Toby to no longer be associated with the creepypasta fandom. Despite this, they don't want people to stop doing what makes them happy, they said they're ok with headcanons and people reinterpreting the character, that they like the fanart as long as people don't profit from it. They said "I know what escapism is like and using fiction to cope with life. I would never wanna take that away from anybody". Later, they had to make further clarifications because people accused them of wanting to take Toby away from the fandom.
On 25 abril 2021, Nancy posted a new redesign of Toby on his Instagram account [15]. This version of him was significantly different from the last one. The character is older, wears different clothes and looks more realistic due to Nancy's art style development. With this design, he looks like a character from a slasher.
Many people weren't pleased with the redesign due to thinking the reason for it was to invalidate the previous one. Consequently, they brought to the surface controversies from the past. Nancy was accused of having supported two controversial figures in the creepypasta community: Laughing Jack's creator Steve Aikins (Snuffbomb) and Sally Williams' creator Shilo (la_mishi_mish).
Steve presumably harassed his ex-girlfriend and talked indecently with several young girls back in 2014 [16]. I haven't found evidence of Wade supporting him and I can't remember exactly what she said. If someone has screenshots of it, I would be grateful.
Shilo used to draw NSFW art of Sally [17]. This character is canonically 8, so she usually aged her up in this kind of content. However, she posted a compilation of sketches depicting Sally and Jeff the Killer having sex in 2015, stating it was ok for them to have intercouse because they were both 13. Shilo was 22 at the time. Several sources indicate that she stopped drawing mature content due to social pressure. Nancy and Shilo follow each other on instagram to this day.
There haven't been more references to Toby on Nancy's part since then.
◇ Ok people, get the pitchforks because now I'm gonna give my opinion!
So, what can we accuse Wade of? Of being an idiot and a hypocrite when he was a teenager, of having bad companies and managing fame poorly. I don't think we can blame them for anything else and feel that a big part of the hate they receive is undeserved.
I think she was a hypocrite because she got angry with an interpretation of Toby that she had at the beginning. What's more, Toby's story uses an interpretation of Slenderman that was invented by the fandom, proxies are not canon. It's like a fanfic of a series inspired by just a couple of photos.
Still following Shilo is yikes. However, we don't really know if they're still close and I'm personally gonna give her the benefit of the doubt. Defending Steve was a bad move, but, as some people have pointed out before, he was a teen when that happened, way younger than Steve and she could have been convinced to think he was innocent. Shilo is older too.
Being that young, she wasn't prepared for facing the bad sides of fame. Ignoring stuff, going radio silent and then saying things in the heat of the moment didn't help her a bit, but it was all that occurred to her at the time. She's tried to explain things in more detail in recent years just to go back to saying as little as possible because at this point, people get angry for whatever she says.
People say they're homophobic. Their instagram account refutes it.
People say he was mean and insulted the fandom. I remember reading a couple of statuses on DA that I thought were insensitive, but that was a long time ago. People grow and he's changed his mind a lot as you can read in his instagram stories. If you say these things referring to the post where he told people Toby wasn't real, I'm sorry, but I think he had all the right to be harsh. People said Slenderman was real, it ended up in a tragedy and now the same things were being said about Toby. Can you imagine how it's to feel you're responsible for someone's death? He was trying to protect people.
People say she went after artists that portrayed Toby in a different way than hers, yet every time she's said something that ended up hurting people, she took responsibility and apologized for it. I don't believe this person could go and directly hurt someone. Remember what I said before about her issues with impersonators and people white knighting? That could be what's happening. Even now she has problems with people pretending they know her, so be careful!
People say they have abandoned the character many times. It's true they've said they didn't want to talk about Toby on four different occasions, but I don't think they did it with that intention. Why did they redesign him then? The design we all know is inevitably tied to the creepypasta community and they want to move on from it, that's why they didn't want to talk about him. Now they made a version of the character that isn't tied to that world, so we have two Tobies, one for them and one for us. I think that's cool!
Many don't like that they can't use the old version to earn money, but I want them to understand that this is a really particular situation. Usually, people making commissions of characters that aren't theirs isn't a problem when the creator is getting money on their own (unless you're Disney, Disney has no chill). This isn't Wade's case, she has never been monetary compensated for creating or drawing Toby and she has the right of choosing not to allow the commercial use of her characters. "Give for free what you were given for free" is a rule that makes sense in this case.
I don't expect anyone to stop disliking Wade, you're free to feel whatever you want, but at least I hope that this post helps people to see that all of this is more dimensional than just "kastoway is evil". At the end of the day, she's just a dude that fucked up many times and I think her experiences can help us to not commit the same errors.
◇ Here you have all the evidence
[1] Wade's age (look at the replies)
[2] First art of Toby
[3] Toby's Origin on Kastoway's DA
[4] Post where Wade complains about the difference between fanon and canon Toby
[5] Updated Toby design
[6] Wade's DA on hiatus
[7] Wade saying he doesn't want to be known just for creating Toby
[8] Wade complaining about impersonators
[9, 11] Nancy clarifying the issues with shipping and people saying Toby was real (look at section "Kastoway and his creation")
[10] Nancy saying he won't reply asks about Toby
[12] Nancy apologizing and saying ask about Toby are welcomed
[13] Nancy announcing her departure
[14] Nancy's deleted instagram stories
[15] Toby's new design
[16] About Laughing Jack's creator
[17] About Sally's Creator
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truexnfootball · 2 years
Woah There Lil' Doggie
Cowboy Joe Burrow x Fem!Reader. Again no smut, just soft, lovey Joe. This is sort of a Part 2 to Round-Up. TW: Light Swearing
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Raising champion barrel horses is not something you and Joe ever thought you'd be doing. But when your mare, Euro, suddenly had a foal, you were determined to train that thing to be like Comanche.
Fast forward 3 years and you managed to work with the colt, who you named Captain America, to get a saddle on and take the bit without biting. He wasn't mean, but since he was so young, he had that playful side to him, which got in the way of work.
When you put your left foot in the stirrup to get on, Captain wanted to start walking, but you swung your leg over the other side and slid your foot into the other stirrup just in time.
Joe was watching from afar, making sure to keep an eye on your knee and your face for any signs of discomfort. You had a bad injury 5 years ago while helping him build stalls in the barn. You missed the ladder to climb down from the loft and hit your left knee pretty hard. Ever since your knee hasn't been right and tends to slip out of place. Luckily, it hasn't happened in a while, but he's still worried.
You made Captain lope in the left lead, which was not your favorite thing to do, nor his, but it was something that came with training.
After going around the area 4 times, Captain got tired of this and took a sharp turn to the right and kicked the gate, causing you to be startled and thrown into the side of the arena, and ultimately, off Captain.
When you fell, your left knee popped out of place and you went to stand on it, but couldn't. Joe ran over, which didn't take long, considering his long ass legs and height. Ja'Marr was over too and grabbed Captain before he could trample you.
"Baby are you okay? What happened?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I guess Captain got tired of that lead and decided to do something about it." You chuckled, trying to clear the air. You pulled up your shirt and seen a big bruise beginning to form.
"You don't act okay, can you stand?"
You got up to stand, but it was still difficult. Instead, you pushed on your knee and it popped back into place.
"Yeah, I'm good now." And you walked over to Ja'Marr and retrieved Captain.
"Thanks Jay." You said, giving him a friendly smile.
"No problem Y/N". He said before going to follow Joe and have a seat on the porch of your house.
You got back on and loped lead after lead and managed a collected trot out of Captain too. It was getting late, Ja'Marr left an hour ago, but Joe was still sitting on the porch swing, drinking a beer and watching you.
You hopped off Captain and led him to the barn. You were still shook up and pissed off about what happened earlier. Your anxiety was through the roof, but you tried not to show it around Captain or Joe, in fear Captain can sense it and act up.
Joe walks into the barn and lifts the saddle up on the rack, like he has to do everytime, which doesn't bother him a bit. He turns to look at you refilling Captain's food and water will fidgeting with something in his pocket.
He had called Ja'Marr to tell him to come back over and he was silently recording in the back.
You look up at Joe with a smile on your face and walked to him to place a kiss to his lips.
"You did so good today sweets." He said hugging you.
"Thanks babe, he's a cranky son of a gun, but I can make him listen". You said looking up at him.
He backed up and said "I shouldn't be the only Burrow known for their toughness."
You were puzzled but realized what he was doing when he fished in his pocket for something and got down on one knee.
"Y/N, these last 7 years of us have been the best. My family and friends love you so much. I love you even more. I can't imagine going through life without you. So, will you marry me?
You started to cry and hugged him.
"Oh my God yes Joe!" You said excitedly.
He slid the ring on your finger, a beautiful black diamond, his favorite gemstone, nestled into a band of blue topaz, your favorite gemstone.
You looked at it and hugged Joe one more time before giving him another long kiss.
Ja'Marr couldn't help but shed a few tears as well, sniffling in the process, which caused you to look behind Joe.
"Damn you Ja'Marr!" Joe yelled, "You were supposed to be secretive!"
Joe let go of you and tore after Ja'Marr, he heard you laughing in the background, watching 2 of your favorite guys chase each other like kids.
Joe gave up on trying to catch him and ran to you instead. His amount of speed scared you a little and you tried to run yourself, but underestimated how close he actually was.
He grabbed you and picked you up bridal style.
"Very fitting Burrow." You said under the circumstances you were in.
"Can't wait to do this on our wedding day." He said carrying you in the house, and telling Ja'Marr to go home.
Sooooo, tell me how you like it, and if there's anything I can improve on! I love all feedback. Thank you again to @americaarse for this lovely request, and please don't hesitate to request absolutely anything regarding Joe or Travis Kelce.
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scribeforchrist-blog · 5 months
He Brought The Sword 
+ Matthew 26:28  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
+ Matthew 10:34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
SUBJECT: He Brought The Sword 
      When someone pulls a knife out, it to cut food like a steak, fish food etc, or anything else. If a knife is sharp enough, it can go through one time, and if a sword is sharp enough, it can cut through anything; when Jesus said he was bringing the sword and peace, he's bringing the sword to divide the individuals, and that's what happens typically when certain people start to believe you have a big divide in the family, a divide in relationships it doesn't matter it will divide so many people because some people will believe and some won't it just depends on who they are and the peace of God will follow in your life or my life when this happens, you'll have friends and family that won't want to talk to you anymore because you found Jesus or whether you allowed Jesus in. 
   However you want to say it, Jesus is found, and when he is found, whoever doesn't want to stand on him and drink from the living water, neither you nor I can make them, neither you nor I can force anyone all we can do is pray for them.  Many people like to pressure and judge people , but we can't judge people into loving Jesus; it won't be honest; we as believers can only live a life of holiness and pray for them to see and come into the light.
  Jesus came to this world to do many things, but the main things were: 1. Die for our sins and 2. Come back for the sick 3: To end the old covenant and allow a new covenant to come forth, allowing us not to need the law but to have faith in him alone to save us.
   Now, this isn't to say we don't need the commandments. We will forever need them to guide us along, but we won't need to depend on ourselves for righteousness. We must depend on Jesus alone for that. 
   Luke 12:51-52 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on, there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two, and two against three.
   Here it is again. He says no, I didn't come to bring peace, but to have division. He knew what we would face believing in him. There would be no peace on the earth because when we believe in something that goes against what the norm is, excessive 
drinking, smoking, and fornication; when we do something different, it will cause problems. 
    After all, we aren't living the way the world wants us to. The world will add pressure to make us think we aren't living our life , and that's what is supposed to happen. They will call us names, and they will bully us, but this is only monetary discomfort because the comfort of what God can and will give us lasts a lifetime. 
  Verse 28: Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
   This is precisely what the Holy Spirit is telling us now: don't be afraid of the one who can kill us, which is the people on earth. Be afraid of the one who is he that can destroy both soul and body in hell; following these people and things here on earth won't do us any good; it won't help us because when we die, we are going to have to go to heaven or hell and if we aren't careful and if we don't live a life of fruitfulness we will end up in hell, once we are there, there no place to go its compels darkness. It's nothing that can help us.
   Acts 13:48-49 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord, and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.49 The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. 
   The Gentiles were last to hear the word; the word was given to the Jews, and they rejected it, says it in verse 46. Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: "We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles."
  See, this is an example: the Lord isn't going to make anyone stay or understand if they don't want him; he will move on; it's up to us to receive and accept it, so they took the word straight to the Gentiles, and the Gentiles accepted it ,we cannot make someone get it or accept him ,we were once unbelievers doing the same thing denying the power of, but when they are ready. Hopefully, it's not too late; they will see, but it's up to them to do it. Don't get mad; someone isn't accepting your words about Christ; move on, shake the dust off, and go on! 
  ***Today, we learn that Jesus said I came to bring a division, and he said I have come here to divide. We aren't called to judge, to do the dividing, to hurt anyone, to pressure anyone; we are called to believe first and then do as the Lord wills in our life; we have to get to the place we aren't going to people and judging them because this runs people away all we can do is show them how good God is for us tell them the truth and pray for them. 
   The Jews rejected the truth, and Paul and Barnabas told them because you do this, we are going to the Gentiles they went and taught them. The word spreaded through the whole region don’t allow people that don't want to receive the gospel to steal your joy; you didn't fail, the word most certainly didn't fault, BUT you must pray for their eyes to be open and the scales to fall off and for the blockers on their ears to be spiritual removed , so they may hear and see the good news. Today, allow the Holy Spirit to speak for you. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, we thank you for grace and mercy for the word of God. Lord, we need you to help us teach your word and pray. Lord, guide our life and help us stay in you. Don't allow our zeal to come off as aggressive to others; instead, help people see you in us and know we are standing on you. Lord, let us be a beacon to our family and help us continue to walk in your light and nothing else. Lord, we desire to love you and tell the world about your goodness. Every day, we can live for you and walk in your light, Lord. We thank you so much for allowing us to do this, in Jesus’ Name, Amen
+ Acts 13:51 So they shook the dust off their feet as a warning to them and went to Iconium.
+Luke 12:51  Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.
+ Acts 14:4 But the city's people were divided; some sided with the Jews and some with the apostles.
Proverbs 16 
Acts 13
Ruth 2
Genesis 38
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reapcrbunny · 2 years
WELCOME    !!   my name is     miles,    i’m 26 and i’ve been on this hellsite since 2012,  and i just have a few quick things to drop here before you continue your little perusal of my content and blog:
first of all:    my    rules    are available   here   (   please read them   )   with dahlia’s dossier available here, with like, her carrd over here it would be much appreciated if you went through   each and   every    rule    before we interact    -- it’ll be    easier   for everyone to be on the same page. additionally: in 2018 i was involved in a callout ( which is linked in my rules ) that had me, between 2016 - 2017 vocalizing a crush on someone underage, only to back off once it was noted to be uncomfortable. as well i dated someone when i was a minor and continued said relationship into when i was 18. i aim to be transparent about the predatory and other actions i committed as i have updated the sections discussing it to be more readable within my rules. if you have questions, need clarification about what is in the callout or general questions, my tumblr dm's are open. second of all:    i have a fair amount of followers and follow    just as many people    thus there can be a lag of communication on my side at first,    especially toward people that    are new    and i don’t know.    the best way to get my attention or get the ball rolling is to;    send me an im,    an ask    /    meme or like a starter call    !!last of all:   if there’s something i’ve done in past or current that you’ve got a problem with,    come to me and we can talk it out    ---    we all wish to have a fun time here and i don’t want to be the one ruining it for you.   above all just have fun and i can’t wait to interact uwu   !!last of all part 2:    i    do not    follow or interact with minors (  those under the age of eighteen years of age  ) nor do i    ship with minor muses.    once again don’t    follow me if you’re a minor as i will   not   follow you back and at most ask you through IM to not follow due to discomfort.    as well   the content on this blog is not recommended for those underage due to what the    ffxiv    has in relation to content. please,   please,   please read my rules.   they are super important to following me.
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dragongirlmesilune · 2 years
Stealing Fire
(I wrote this for my friend @ibrithir-was-here it's based on their Endless Heirs AU, plus the recent 'The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country' comics, which I feel would fit into their AU quite well, as it seems a certain golden eyed anthropomorphic personification is messing with their older brother YET AGAIN. Also, Daniel is about 18 in this.)
The last thing Madison Flynn remembered was her dead friend Kells snapping her neck on the orders of two murderous gimps, while said dead friend was being stabbed by a man with teeth for eyes who was apparently not only a serial killer, but also a dream, and now she was in some unending white void, probably dead, and her only remaining friend Robbie would probably be joining her momentarily.
She was pretty sure the situation could not get any weirder.
She was quickly proven wrong.
"Um... Excuse me? Madison Flynn?"
She whirled around at the sudden voice- and came face to face with a guy about her age.
Or, at least, it had the general shape of a guy about her age.
It- he, really, was white, unnaturally white. From his skin to his hair (which seemed to float about in defiance of gravity) to the robe he wore, everything about him was as white as a piece of paper. The only exceptions were the emerald that hung from a chain around his neck, and his eyes, which were black voids dotted with pinpricks of light.
Stars. Madison realized.
He has actual fuckin' STARS inside his fuckin' EYEBALLS.
The being seemed to notice her discomfort and took a step back, a slightly worried look on his face.
"You- you don't need to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you..."
It took her a moment to find her voice. "Am... am I dead?"
"Are you death?"
He snorts a bit at that. "No, I'm not Death, thats my auntie. I'm Daniel. Cori asked me to talk to you."
It took Madison a moment to realize who he was talking about. "The Corinthian?"
"Yeah. He kinda works for my Dad, and he asked him to save you. Except, Dad is a bit... intimidating, so he decided to let me do the talking instead."
"Who... Who exactly is your Dad? What exactly is he?" Madison had a feeling the answer was going to be something big.
Daniel smiled gently. "Dad has a lot of names. Lord Shaper, King of Stories, Kai'ckul, Onerios, The Sandman... the name he uses most often is Morpheus, but his true one is Dream of the Endless. As for what he is... well, I think of him as a very polite Lovecraftian eldrich horror- insanely powerful, but you can't perceive his true form because your mind would melt into goo."
"I... see." Madison said, even though she really didn't. "And what does that make you?"
"I'm... complicated." Daniel scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "You ever seen that movie Wolfwalkers, where the people's spirits become wolves while their bodies sleep? I'm kinda like that, except instead of a wolf, my spirit turns into... this." He gestured to himself.
Madison was silent for a moment, before she finally responded. "So which one of you is responsible for those bullshit dreams about my middle school bullies apologizing to me?!"
"Actually, neither of us is." Daniel said, his voice grave. "And that's a huge problem."
"What do you mean?"
He sighed. "Whenever a being dreams, they come to a place called the Dreaming. But when Dad examined your body, he discovered you hadn't been there since you were little. Somehow, something has taken your ability to enter the Dreaming and has been feeding you false dreams in its place. And this 'Smiling Man', this waking nightmare you keep seeing who looks a little like Cori? Neither Dad nor I made him, and we've literally made every dream and nightmare there is. And it isn't just you either. There have been at least fourteen other people who've seen the Smiling Man- and most of them have died horribly in the past six weeks. Cori wants to hunt it- and whoever is behind it- down, but he wants your help doing it. I'm probably going to be coming along too, just so he doesn't start eating eyeballs again. And before you ask, no I won't be looking like this, like I said before, I'm a human when I'm awake."
"So, my options are to help a serial killer and a demigod solve the mystery of my death or just like... fuck off to heaven or something?"
"Pretty much."
Madison thought about it. From what Daniel had said, someone had been messing with her head for a long time, and whoever had done it was not only responsible for her death, but the deaths of multiple other people and judging by the way they had torched her dormroom and butchered Kells, they didn't care about collateral damage.
She had every right to rest in peace... but she couldn't.
Not when innocent people were dying and she could do something to stop it.
She stuck out her hand. "I'm in."
"Great!" Daniel said, grabbing the offered appendage. "Now hold still, I've never made a once-living person a new body before, and I don't wanna mess up."
"Wait- 'New body'?!"
Everything went white.
The door to Limbo opened, and the Prince of Dreams stepped through, into the bloodstained living room where his Dad, Matthew, and the Corinthian stood waiting amongst several sleeping humans.
"So?" Dream asked.
"How did it go?"
Daniel smiled. "See for yourself."
There was the sound of wings, and a raven came to land on the floor. Unlike Matthew, however, this bird had plumage as white as Daniels robes. The raven glared at Daniel with black eyes for a moment before opening its beak to speak in Madisons voice. "You could've said I was gonna come back as a bird!"
He shrugged. "Well I couldn't exactly bring you back in your old form could I? Walking around with a dead person tends to draw unwanted attention, and this way you can go between the Waking and the Dreaming without my help. Plus, now Matthew doesn't need to run himself ragged trying to keep an eye on both me and Dad."
"Well I still would've preferred a warning! And who's Matthew?"
"That'd be me."
Madison let out a squawk of fright as she laid eyes on the tall, eerie figure of Dream, swathed in night colored robes with flame-licked edges and with an omen of death perched on his shoulder.
No wonder he let Daniel do the talking.
"Madison, meet my Dad, Dream of the Endless, and his raven Matthew."
"Greetings, Miss Madison." Dream nodded before looking at his son.
"She is white, Daniel."
"Hey, it was my first time! And I think I did a pretty good job, all things considered."
"I was not criticizing your work, merely stating a fact."
"Uh, my Lord?" The Corinthian said.
"I don't mean to alarm you, but Agony and Ecstasy are gone."
Sure enough, despite Dream having put them to sleep, both murderous gimps had vanished without a trace.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Daniel shook his head in disbelief.
"Interesting..." Dream mused. "It would take a considerable amount of power to recall them without my notice."
"Narrows down the suspect list, I'd imagine."
"Indeed. I suggest we return to the Dreaming for now, to formulate a plan of action."
"Sounds like a plan to me Dad."
"W-Wait! What about Robbie?"
Dream shook his head. "I can do no more for him, unfortunately."
"If its any consolation, he'll probably think this was all a dream." Daniel said.
"Hes holding my dead body!"
"... mostly a dream."
"Enough. It is time we leave. I trust you will be right behind me, Daniel?"
"Of course Dad."
"Good." Dream pulled a worn leather pouch from within his robes and opening it. "Corinthian, Matthew, with me."
"Of course, my lord."
"Sure boss."
Sand began to swirl about the three like a tornado, engulfing them completely until it stilled, revealing an empty space where they had been moments before.
Madison just stared. "... wow. That was... something."
"You get used to it." Daniel said, tilting his head away from his left shoulder.
Madison let out a caw and flapped her wings, steering herself towards Daniels open shoulder. "It's funny."
"What?" The young demi-Endless asked as she settled herself.
"I just remembered an old story I heard about a white raven." She said as he pulled out his own pouch.
"Apparently Raven was originally white and had a beautiful voice, but when the gods took fire away from mankind, he flew up to the sun with a twig in his beak to bring it back. His feathers were charred black and his throat was half cooked, but he returned to earth a hero."
"Well then," Daniel smirked as the sand began to swirl around them.
"Let's go steal fire from the gods."
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beechbloom · 2 years
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Frosted Entertainment
Character: Chongyun
Word count: 0,3k
This one isn't explicitly romantic so y'all can look at this as the reader becoming pals with the boy too
Anyway time to do some wacky funky humor lets gO
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“Your vibes are sick, bro.”
“My... what?”
You are not from the world of Teyvat. You are from a world where the video game Genshin Impact, the internet, and internet lingo exists. Humor is the hight of life, while boredom is the bane of existence.
And you are definitely going to make it this cute ice boy’s problem.
“Can I hold your hand, Chongyunie?” you smile, leaning toward him.
His eyes widen, and you can see clear signs of discomfort on his face. “How do you know my name?” he cringes.
While he is definitely not your favorite character, you always found his reactions entertaining. Also, he has a pretty face, which is a bonus. He’s cute, but there are bigger anime fish in this sea.
You take another step forward, saying “the universe has graced me with many of its secrets,” as you try to contain your laughter. God, he is probably so confused.
Trying to put more physical distance between you both, he takes a quick step backward, almost resembling a stumble in his haste. “Plea — please don’t get so close.” He almost looks as if he is debating whether to turn and leave or not.
You decide to maybe reel it back a little, as you don’t exactly want him to hate you. Nor do you want your current source of entertainment to leave. “Ah, apologies.”  Besides, you can still have your fun while being kind. “My name’s [Name]. Sorry about this wacko first impression you probably just got of me,” you laugh.
His brows knit together, most likely confused at your sudden show of consideration. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down. “It’s alright, just please don’t do that again?”
A tight-lipped smile appears on your face. “I can’t promise anything —” you begin, drawing out the last syllable. “— but I’ll try if you do something for me first.”
Eyes narrowing, he responds in a cautious tone. “Do what exactly?”
Smiling wide, you put your hands up into the air in a show of excitement. “Be my friend!” you exclaim.
He’s about to say something but stops himself. There’s a pause. You can’t help but smile just a little wider at the fact he is actually considering it. “Am I allowed to change my mind later…?”
“Sure! Anything you want, frost boy!”
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pathofemblems · 2 years
✶ · ⊰ @beycndfates || moving thread ⊱ · ✶
Suddenly, her insecurity was palpable, and for the briefest moment it felt as if they were back in school, the image of a young Marianne apologizing and avoiding any and all confrontation resurfacing. Hubert mentally reprimanded himself for remembering something so mundane, for the semblance of nostalgia of pre-war days, something he vehemently abhorred when it came from other people (no one ever said he wasn't an occasional hypocrite though). Yet aside from that slip-up, he reminded himself again just how far she'd come… and he was, without a doubt, a master at sniffing out lies. Her claim to loyalty, albeit shaking, was true. ❝ I wasn't insinuating that you would. If that wasn't evidently clear, then I humbly apologize for the confusion and potential discomfort, ❞ he affirmed, trying to reassure her despite the cold cadence. Apologies weren't Hubert's specialty, nor was offering comfort. If someone took offense by what he said, he wasn't one to care; that was their problem, not his. Even now, he still often disregarded people's feelings, especially when having to listen to the likes of Caspar yelling in his ear. But… he was trying. Sort of. In his own drawn out, strange way. ❝ At the end of the day, there is a war to be won. As the days continue onward, more must be done when it comes to establishing absolute control, ❞ he carefully articulated. Leaning back into his seat, he loosely crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt to relax in the late hour. In the brief silence that followed, he took note of the surrounding soldiers, their names and ages, their wounds and severity of, if they had family. One hand rose to shield his tired eyes which closed, squeezing at his temples. ❝ Point blank, we do not want you to be in the same position as the men and women here. Is that easier to understand? ❞
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schraubd · 2 years
The Counterrevolution Eats Its Own: Conservatives Turn On Yale Law Conservatives
A few years ago, I had the distinctly bizarre experience of being the target of a particularly devoted internet troll.
The interesting thing about him, though, was that he initially presented himself as an ally. He saw that I was publicly Jewish and was (at the time) a graduate student at UC-Berkeley, and was eager to hear tale of how horrible my life must be, stuck in such an antisemitic cesspool as Berkeley.
I answered honestly: my experience was mixed. There were definite problems with being Jewish at Berkeley, and I had little patience for those who denied it. I had some discomforting encounters, and I had a particularly tense relationship with my own graduate student union. But at the same time, being Jewish at Berkeley also was not nearly as bad as sometimes portrayed in the media. Berkeley is a big place, and every department is different. What happens in the anthropology department didn't necessarily travel to my home in the political science department. There were professors I had read about who had done terribly antisemitic things, but I had never met them (again, big place!). And my professors were generally quite supportive of my work on antisemitism, even when it may have clashed with some presumed progressive shibboleths. On the whole, the portrayal of Berkeley as a sort of warzone for Jews, where one could not reveal one's faith or (God forbid!) interest in Israel and antisemitism without being ripped to pieces by ones peers, was quite far from my experience; even as I could not say either that there was no fire whatsoever behind the smoke. As I said: a mixed experience.
This, I rapidly found out, was the wrong answer. My interlocutor quickly decided that the only way I could be a Jew at Berkeley and not be beaten down, miserable, and ready to flee for my life was if I was an antisemitic sympathizer myself. And so, a troll was born.
I'm reminded of this story via Josh Blackman's defense of Judge James Ho's announcement that, going forward, he will refuse to hire any Yale Law School graduates as clerks. Judge Ho objects to what he sees as Yale's indulgence of a campus protest culture which he believes has created a toxic and unproductive intellectual climate for campus conservatives. His boycott is an effort to induce and/or coerce Yale into adopting a harsher line (one wonders, if the boycott fails, will divestment and sanctions follow?).
The immediate irony, of course, is that the students most directly effected by Judge Ho's announcements are the putative victims of the campus culture he decries -- the beleaguered Yale Law conservatives. After all, the presumably liberal protesters likely were neither applying to nor would have been hired by Judge Ho even before now. And the irony goes deeper. Refusing to evaluate applicants from Yale "as individuals" and instead impute to them the sins of their broader group rests uneasily with the putative meritocratic individualism extolled by Ho and his allies. After all, isn't it precisely that form of rugged individualism that at least allegedly marks off the core of Ho's ideological disagreement with Yale liberals? Perhaps, channeling Ilya Shapiro, we might ask whether, by enacting a preemptive group-based exclusion that limits the pool of candidates to be considered, Judge Ho has ensured that the "lesser" clerks he does hire "will always have an asterisk attached" to their accomplishment (surprising no one, Shapiro has enthusiastically endorsed Ho's decision to depart from strictly individualist meritocratic consideration).
But so it goes. Perhaps these Yale conservatives, though victims, must necessarily be victimized still further for the greater good. Excluding them is a necessary sacrifice for the cause of restoring Yale's good name and academic reputation. There may be bigger values at stake here that meritocratic individualism.
Enter Blackman. Blackman does not view Yale conservatives as victims. Blackman wants them to know that they deserve what's coming to them. They deserve to be excluded, they are getting no more than their just deserts. 
How can this be? And how can it be reconciled with allegedly defending Yale Law conservatives from the predations of their peers?
The answer is simple. Blackman thinks there is one and only one reason why a conservative student would attend Yale in the year 2022: because they're prestige whores. That, to Blackman, is the singular and defining feature of a Yale conservative. And as prestige whores they can and should be punished for their failure of moral character.
That's harsh, but that's the argument. Read for yourself:
Imagine you are a senior in college. You were accepted to Yale Law School, as well as several other top-tier schools. Mazal tov! Now you have a choice. How do you choose between Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, Chicago, and Virginia? Perhaps there are financial constraints–some schools may give more aid than others. There may also be personal constraints, such as the need to be close to family. More likely than not, neither of these factors would tip in favor of Yale. I doubt that YLS gives substantially more generous financial aid packages, and New Haven is a pain to get to. Instead, I think an applicant would choose Yale over those other schools because of prestige....
Knowing how inhospitable Yale is to conservatives, why would an applicant still pick Yale over other more tolerant places? The answer, again, is prestige. And the desire to obtain that prestige trumps a commitment to values like free speech and academic openness.
How, then, should a judge assess a conservative applicant who chooses to go to Yale? This person knowingly walked into the traphouse for the sake of an elite degree. I think it is reasonable for a judge to conclude that the applicant exercised poor professional judgment. Indeed, the judge may not want to rely on someone who would sacrifice their principles for prestige. In this regard, the Judge would choose to not hire any conservative YLS graduates because they are unreliable, and maybe even untrustworthy. They have already sold out on their values to go to YLS, and will likely sell out in similar ways in the future. In this view, choosing to go to Yale, with full information, is a failure of moral character.
There are, of course, many reasons why a conservative student might elect to choose Yale over Harvard or other competitors. Perhaps there are particular professors they are eager to work with and learn from. Perhaps they are attracted to Yale's small size. Perhaps they are eager to test their beliefs inside a true bastion of liberalism (this, running in the opposite direction, was part of why liberal me decided to attend the University of Chicago, with its reputation as a conservative citadel). Or perhaps -- and I suspect this is the most unforgivable sin of all -- they do not find Yale's intellectual climate to be quite as inhospitable as it is portrayed in the sensationalist media. Perhaps they, while being conservative, disagree with the conservative orthodoxy on this subject. Perhaps they've come to a different conclusion from the "politically correct" answer, just as I came to my own conclusions about the state of life of being a Jew at Berkeley.
But just as with my assessment of Berkeley, all of these are, of course, the wrong answers. If you are a conservative and you are not fleeing Yale as fast as your legs will take you, the only explanation is you are a morally bankrupt sellout. As Blackman illustrates, there is no tolerance for deviation from the right-wing orthodoxy on this point. If you are a conservative and you do not subscribe to this orthodoxy via your continued attendance at Yale, you are a villain, you are a traitor, you are a RINO, you are an enemy of the movement, and you deserve what is coming to you. And this from the supposed allies of conservatives on campus! How quickly the alleged defenders of intellectual heterodoxy collapse back into singular, ideologically convenient explanations which can brook no departure.
We have seen how quickly alleged concern for "free speech" on campus collapses into calls for censorship, ostracization, and exclusion that dwarfs any of original sins allegedly enacted against campus speech in the first place. This is of a piece with that trend. The counterrevolution eats its own. It always has, and it always will.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/Qrc0iCW
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madchild-dennis · 1 year
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I can't with this inability to function due to this funk. Which is on top of the fact that I do NOT have the nutrients and food energy each day. Which all ADDS to make me BARELY able to function each day. I have had enough of being unable to be okay unless I'm totally lost in a K drama or distracted. Or completely paralyzed by the cause of this fucking depression. So, I AM DONE.
I think it's time I start talk about the funk:
I know I've been depressed before. I've had it for many reasons. The last significant one was due to just being over life and this world. After trying and trying and can't progress plus how fucked up the world was. I was just over everything. Before that it was struggling and being around people daily who could help but chose to watch me and judge instead of help.
Before I talk about what I just experience, and REFUSE to make it my life, I'll talk about another mental health issue I struggle with. That's anxiety/panic attacks. This one does not have various reasons. It has one source. Emotional pain from someone I love or loved romantically. I had it significantly during the end and after the long distance stint. Then Raheem. I don't know what is the deep rooted trigger but it causes literal pain and discomfort. I always feel like I'd pass out or die every time. Especially when it is VERY aggressive.
Now the funk I choose NOT to stay in, started Saturday Night gone. You see, I went to church Saturday. The church I grew up in, Red Ground SDA Church because I was invited and God said to go. The church service overall in of itself was unremarkable, but God had his plan. As shared:
However the triggering moment came when a minister I feel is being led by God did a impromptu thing according to the topic of the day for vesper. The topic was "Bring Your Crawsies (crosses) to the Cross". As I said I was NOT blessed from the day's service except for the music and that impromptu vesper program. The Vesper asked us to have an introspective on ourselves. Asking the question what is the issue we are not bringing to God? Then encouraging us to write it down and bring it to God.
So I really thought about it. I know I bring my problems to God. Because dah I am going through all or most of it because of him. Then I remembered what I wrote here on Maliek:
You see Maliek would make a great partner (I will stop calling prospectives as replacement, because replacement refers to an original plan/person/choice. That not the case anymore) even with the Queen prospective. However, one big significant issue. This I am sure deterred some last year and only Nicholas wasn't hindered by it. That is the evidence of my obedience and how God started everything.
Things like:
Things I will not remove.
The reality of it can be a hinder. By then I already felt the pressure from God to date or just be open to it. I also made the decision before then to:
start dating...ish.
(it's ish because, being a Queen comes with responsibility, power, influence and more that I have to do. I will NOT waste my time with men who are CLEARLY not for me, this life nor this monarch in the name of dating.)
So I wrote on my paper that I did not want the fact of what I have done, declared, acknowledge or experience when it came to the bitch Raheem would hinder good and proper prospectives. It was, is and will be a significant thing. Especially for ANY self-respecting man who takes everything I say seriously. The only type I would be interested in. Yes, I do NOT want it to be an issue. However if I want a man who take EVERYTHING I say, do or more seriously. He would have to accept that as well. That is because I will NOT hide it, lie about it, remove evidences of it or pretend about it.
Why? It is not just of what I will do or how far I'd go for someone I loved. But it's the acknowledgement of all the secret battles, scars, midnight awaken declarations, spiritual warfares, sleepless nights, whole body disturbances, and so much more; things I experienced.
SO MANY THINGS THAT WERE VERY MUCH REAL AND HAPPENED TO ME in the past 2 years, at least that I HAD NO CHOICE ON, COULD NOT IGNORE OR AFFECTED MY LIFE ON A DAILY BASIS. Many things that add to the proof and evidences God brought to me OVER AND OVER AGAIN that he was with me or guided me. Even to do such STUPIDITY. Which resulted in these results.
Then I reached home and was watching TV and was left with my thoughts and situation. I was also HUNGRY. The only thing I could eat, based on what God allowed (he discouraged most/almost all the food currently in the house due to the stealth break ins he warned me about) and what I had. I only had MANGOES. Which I was getting TIRED of. Then the whole reflection on my life started.
I started to think, "damn, I am sacrificing A LOT for this. Sigh."
Something I did not liked but but accepted. I was tired of fighting God on the journey, responsibility, role or this calling, anymore. I ACCEPT IT ALL. Including the struggle. I tried not to let my moment of being overwhelmed, frustrated or simply giving up because I did NOT ask for this to take over. That literally became my thought.
Then God: If you accept that sacrifice, why do you not accept Raheem as a sacrifice you would have to take for a greater good. Me:
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Then I really thought about it.
If God made sure I NEVER walk away from this journey no matter how much I tried. Specially chose me. NO MATTER WHAT I SAY, DO OR MORE, won't give up on me. Won't kill me. Called me special. Actually called me Perfect (I do NOT see it). Then showed me how VERY IMPORTANT what God has for me is. Showed me how many prayers would be answered. How many ancestors' prayers would be answered. So many injustices would be corrected. How many would FINALLY and TRULY see HIM through me, my monarch and kingdoms. Not the lie and fuckery God had to work around from the Christians who spew whatever fuckery in his name for centuries for their own selfish gains.
So my thought was, "make the sacrifice to be with the asshole for God. I am already making sacrifices left, right and center. Just add this to it and just surrender."
So, mentally I did.
Then it BROKE ME:
And it continued to render me unfunctionable.
...until NOW
I broke down so much that the most I could do most of the days was to bathe, eat (mango) or watch K-drama. Then I got a little money and don't know how I had the strength to get into the town or walk. But I went and got some KFC and Ice cream,. Which would normally full my tummy but felt like a I threw a tiny stone into a large void. I was still hungry afterwards. I even thought, the lack of other nutrients was the reason for my inability to function or barely move. NO. That night I was shot with the biggest wave of paralytic emotional ailing. Yes because of him, the little shit. Simply from the possibility that I have to be with him and all the pain from it.
Even today/yesterday (when I started writing this), I was sluggish, depressed and broken because of it. Anyone who knows me, knows I move fast wherever, especially walking. I HATED IT. I came home and still torn by it. Especially with the latest Korean Drama I was watching starting to trigger me.
I did say I "MAY" have to make this sacrifice here:
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I choose NOT TO
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The fun thing about my anxiety attacks, that I've learned from Nicholas: It ONLY affected me with the 5-year long ex and Raheem. Which I have chalked it up to men I loved but chose to play with my emotions, hurt me and do not love me. So, to not have anxiety attacks in romantic relations, is to find a man who will not hide his feelings, won't toy with mine or my emotions. A guy who wanted me, protects me, ACTUALLY LOVES ME and not afraid to show it in every way. It's like this K-drama, I'm watching now. The creators want us all to love the main guy. But the doctor, who have been trying to be there, respectful and considerate is who I am rooting for. Yes, it is a show, but it's real how many men will toy with your emotion for their selfish reasons.
Hence why there is a -ish on the dating.
I will date. So like the request I nearly accepted to go out, run errands and chill with a guy in Kingston tomorrow/later I would have accepted if I didn't have other commitments. Giving him a chance. However, I already have enough evidence to see that this individual does not like being alone or just wants company in his life. Someone who benefits him, but barely thinking about mutuality or partnership other than doing what he think he should in exchange for what he wants. THAT CANNOT WORK FOR ME. However, I will give him one chance to prove me wrong. Hence the -ish. I ain't spending time dating because I do not have anyone.
I am quite content with my singleness. I have ALWAYS been content with it and slow to the alter/date. I always said 27-57 is when I'd get married. Due to God's pressure on me to have a partner, I was rushing/pushing it.
Not anymore.
I am going to keep it SLOW like before, with this SAME timeline and results:
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It is HIGHLY POSSIBLE I can find a partner by October/November of this year, that's to my liking, good for me, good for the monarch, good for the children and more. However, I am NOT rushing, pressuring it to be so by then.
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In regards to Raheem, it's the same as before.
He is DEAD
I will treat him as such until it is so. I won't even kill him because I won't even give him the time of day for me to slit his throat or such. Therefore, not even if he does as I ask will be enough. I AM DONE. He's forever rejected, gone and out of my life.
I do NOT care whatever else God translates to me spiritually, physically or more. Like last night where God woke me at 3+ am to tell me Raheem is coming to me (HE DID NOT). Such FUCKERY WILL BE IGNORED AND BE FOREVER DONE WITH.
If that mean I do not get to go back to sleep because I choose to ignore God. I do not get to go back to sleep.
If God want to threaten my life (FINALLY AND TAKE IT PLEASE), but he won't; I do NOT CARE.
God can threaten paralysis. I do NOT CARE.
If God threaten that my children will suffer. Well I hope they learn from it.
If God said my child I born will be raised without me. Well, he's not the future heir, so whoever will fuck up this child will be on GOD for trying to force me. Plus that child raised without me won't fuck up other's lives as heir. PLUS it's God's choice to do so and fuck with his plan not me. I never asked to be Queen and such.
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