#a new thoughtwave enters the multiverse // character intro
parasitic-dreams-au · 5 months
well wel... detective have this!
*gives you a pie*
its an choco vanilla pie btw-
*the shadows are unresponsive... until... someone other than detective is spat out, wearing the same hat that she put on (and also comically faceplanting into the pie)*
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parasitic-dreams-au · 5 months
*Bive woke up in a place unfamiliar. She felt strange. She looked around nervously, her eyes adjusting to the lighting... and to something else. She sees what looks like stats or something in her vision, realizing all of the strange demons around her are dead. She got up and felt like something bad was gonna happen if she stayed any longer. So...*
*she ran.*
*and ran.*
*for hours on end...*
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[Bive(?) Is now available for asks.]
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parasitic-dreams-au · 5 months
"... good, both detective and the new guy are asleep..."
"you can talk to me now."
[dream-eater is available for asks.]
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parasitic-dreams-au · 5 months
*scythe has obtained a strange object. It seems to be made of crystal... she was hoping it could lead her to meds, she was starting to get concerned...*
"Damn... crystal thingy- lead me to meds!"
[Scythe is now available for asks.]
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