#a rare original post from me
lucyvaleheart · 8 months
so I'm real strong, right?
real big, real tall, muscles all over under the fat
it's surprising to people when they feel it; when I squeeze their hand, when I hug them for the first time, and then suddenly their feet lift off the ground
I absolutely adore that little squeak as they realize I'm strong enough to pick them up so bodily....~ start walking off with them, as if I'm about to kidnap them
Something fun I like to do to show it off is to carry them aaaalll the way to my bed.
toss them onto it, let them try and get settled only for me to crawl onto them; drag them up by the wrists
And pin them there.
And then smile at them.
Listen to that nervous giggle, the way they ask what I'm doing; and I just smile.
And tell them to try and break free.
No, no, not like that.... Struggle. Really try and break free.
That's it. You can't, can you?
That fear in their eyes as it dawns on them that I wasn't exaggerating; thrashing, pulling, a helpless gnawing dread building in their stomach as they realize what a vulnerable place they've found themselves in, my grip on them unwavering and vicelike.....
That flash of sadistic glee in my eyes, that dread spiking as they realize this subby little girl pinning them down so thoroughly has a darker side to her...
The fear in their eyes as I watch them so closely...........
.....oh, it's just delightful. 🥰
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Everyday I get more annoyed at how the people on Ao3 have decided to tag Cassandra and Junior.
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mcybree · 5 months
“why do i miss gem and the scotts suddenly theyre barely even real”
LITERALLY!! like. that team was held together with scott tape and the sheer force of gem’s personality. i don’t think scott and impulse ever actually even talked the entire time. it only worked because for the first time scott was faced with someone who was bossier than he was. they were awesome i should rewatch secret life
they were actually so fucking funny. All three of them promising to remain loyal and stick together until the very end (bc together they can win this!!) only for gem to hunt scott for sport an episode later was literally so based… their dynamic will always be funnier in my head i think but god it was awesome
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unrefinedmorosis · 9 months
It pisses me off so fucking much when people say Morgott is “based” or “badass” or “heroic.” He’s not. He’s a member of an oppressed minority who endorses and contributes to the very oppression he faces out of some misguided sense of duty and righteousness. He’s a tragic villain so lost in the dogma of a fascist regime that he perpetuates the very evil that continues to hurt him and others like him. He's an old man who refuses to change or let himself get better, who ultimately ends up dying alone, ashamed and uncared for because he refused to let himself be more than the shackles that were put on him.
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saltedcaramelchaos · 3 months
jazz jrwi's character design is the coolest thing ever- like how awesome is it to have a character who magically transed their gender and then gave himself a sick tattoo that looks like top surgery scars???? canon trans characters are officially the coolest anyway but like have you SEEN jazz's art
wait this might be gender envy actually. hang on. wait-
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charrfie · 1 year
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Divine forgiveness of the self
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dyingbuck · 5 months
It might be nothing and just me over-interpreting stuff cause I love to but I've started a new RDR2 save, and I noticed something about Abigail during the very first scene. Reverend's first line is "Abigail says he's [Davey] dying." and when Davey do die, he tell her (but with the way he's positioned he could be saying that to everyoke else) that there's nothing she could have done. We even see Abigail reaching for Davey, and leaning forward either to listen to his pulse or see if he's breathing, and she's the one to tell everyone that he's dead.
And it make me wonder why she seems to be implied to have a caretaker (as in nurse/doctor) role for some reason in this scenes as IIRC it's never brought up again, and in latter situations where a characters get hurt (like Arthur’s kidnapping) she doesn't do anything specific. [correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't recall any scenes except the one where she sits at John's bedside, but I assumed it was more cause he's her kind-of boyfriend]
I wonder if she was either put on caretaking duty during this specific scene (which would imply a certain knowledge), if she's quite knowledgeable in health/injury matter but it was never brought up again, or if that's characterisation that would have mattered more but it was cut later into the game development.
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local-diavolo-anon · 3 months
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woe oc doodle dump
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arverst-aegnar · 2 years
Heck, why not, i'll stick my toe in.
A pet peeve of mine is fanfics that keep Zutara separate by saying Katara 'had to' be with Aang. I'm not a huge fan of stories where Zuko needs to marry someone else for political reasons, but at least that usually has a sensible justification. Katara 'needing' to marry Aang does not.
(To be clear, i am talking about Zutara stories with a tragic star-crossed lovers element, not fics that think Zutara couldn't/shouldn't work, because i don't read those.)
"But the world expects it" -- the world is wrong, and should not be validated in expecting anyone to be entitled to a relationship with a specific person who does not want them. "But Aang needs her" -- Aang is, at the end of the series, twelve years old. He doesn't know what he needs, and ideally will grow out of it. If he doesn't grow out of it, then that's a problem that needs to be addressed, not coddled. "But he's the Avatar" -- anyone in a position of power using that position to demand a relationship with someone is misusing that authority, and needs to be opposed.
I will buy, to some extent, the idea that Katara feels she needs to be with Aang. I don't think it's an absolute, given that even before Ozai was defeated she didn't feel the need to promise Aang a romantic relationship in the future, but i'll buy it if it's set up properly. But playing it like she didn't have a choice in it sets my teeth on edge.
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captain-crowfish · 1 year
Happy Fourth (4th) Birthday to the movie that started my whole obsession with this studio in the first place
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(Based on this vine) And if anyone doesn't believe they are married I have some news for you [It's The last clip of the video here]
"They're called Kardashians, Mr. Link" Is a real line that came out of LAIKA studios and I couldn't be happier
Happy Birthday, Missing Link!
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pechadream · 11 months
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🥀"It's Too Late, He Already Saw You. I'm Sorry..."🥀
*Dress is not a part of my design for Lazari! I just thought she looked cute in it
⚠  Do not repost my art or I will come after your kneecaps  ⚠
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asstrongasyouthink · 4 months
dont have time to catch up on my dash (sad) but very important to share: the craft fair i worked yesterday included such highlights as an unwashed clown dealing balloon animals out of the open side door of his ~early 80s van
today: the gun club!
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
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awful-rat · 2 months
in the job straight up "hateing it" and by "it" heh well lets just say. my job
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taaannnkk · 9 months
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saltedcaramelchaos · 4 months
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