#a real gentaro thing to do
texeoghea · 10 months
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kamen rider really is a series about women. with obstacles. to me
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akkivee · 11 months
BAT vs FP is also perfect "both divisions are fucked up and clearly on the weird side" battle. Considering BAT uses a lot of borderline supernatural effects and then there's Ramuda and Gentaro
i’m not fp big brained enough to explain what makes ramuda who is afraid of ghosts vs kuukou who can communicate with them fundamentally really fcking cool lmao but it is!!!!! fp vs bat would be really fun man!!!!!!
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lilac-melody · 11 months
Hypmic s2 e6 spoilers but I wanted to dive into some scenes in a bit more detail
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So this scene is what caught my attention the most. It's interesting to me because given the framing of it- from Ramuda's hands tightly clenched to his eyes being shadowed most of the time, with only cold fury being shown in one frame, we can easily tell that Ramuda is not only echoing things he was told by Chuohku, but echoing his own thoughts towards himself.
In the manga/drama tracks, we see plenty of instances where the moment Ramuda's humanity is brought into question, he quickly spirals. If it's brought up by someone else, he gets furious, but if it's his own thoughts, he becomes depressed.
"A fake like you isn't worth the air you breathe" does this not sound like Ichijiku's words to him, whenever she threatens to replace him???
"You don't even know who you really are. You just wander around, lost in a sea of deception." That's exactly what happened with Ramuda. He formed TDD and FP because he was told to, and despite his growing emotions, he tells himself it's all fake. Even how he became chipper and expressive was because of someone else. He agonizes over his deception when his feelings with Gentaro and Dice come to play.
His cold gaze when he told Rabuta that he was an imitation could just be because Rabuta's annoying, but it could also be an internal anger at himself.
"Just disappear. Stop existing." With how many people he's hurt- even if he did it solely to survive, do you really think he would tell someone harmless to just stop existing? No, and we know Ramuda has issues with his own existence. Time and time again, he's thought "if I didn't exist, (x) wouldn't happen". He even brought it up to Jakurai that his existence was what ruined his assistant's life, and that life would be better without him.
He considers himself nothing more than a burden to the people around him. Someone who can't form any real attachments because he's a fake.
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His posse will always be there to pick him back up- literally and figuratively...
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And the true, sparkling awe on his face when Gentaro and Dice saved his life made him realize something- at least in the anime universe. (As he's already realized it all in the manga/DTverse)
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His posse is here with him. And that's what makes him truly happy. Being with them. Because he loves them, and like their rap said, you can't fake an emotion like that.
And of course, to Gentaro and Dice, of course they all love each other. I don't necessarily mean romantically (even though I personally ship them), but Fling Posse does love each other.
So even if Ramuda hates himself for being a clone, he knows- he understands, that his feelings for Gentaro and Dice are real. He, in the manga/DT, has even sobbed over how it hurts that he can't have a true bond with them. Though he does. And he always will.
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After all, this is happiness- a smile, that you can't fake.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Hi can I request ichiro hitoya and gentaros married life would be like?fem s/o please
Ichiro, Hitoya and Gentaro's married life with fem! s/o
here!!! <3
femreader, teasing, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
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-With him.. it's not like you're a married couple, it's more like you have a whole big family now. Because his young brothers are still here, and you can't help but see these two as your kids.
-And that's why Ichiro fell for you - for this softness and mother's love you have in your heart for his siblings. Even before he made a proposal, small scenarios about your life all together tickled his mind in the night.
-But never in his life he thought this would be more chaotic in real life. Ah, aren't Jiro and Saburo supposed to be more obedient, when now there is another role model for them?
-Well, and they actually get more tractable, but at the same time more clingy, seeing you as saintly and cool as their big bro. And Ichiro does understand that it's just from lack of parental attention in their childhood but still.. He feels kinda jealous every time he wants to hug his precious wife but you're already wrapped with his young brothers around you.
"Ne, ne, S/o, when will we go to the stadium next time?" - never in his life Ichiro would think Jiro can make such a soft sweet tone while jumping around you.
"Shut up, Jiro, it's not interesting either for me or for s/o to watch you kicking a bit of leather around a field." - Saburo scoffs and looks at your eyes. - "Let's spend the day in the house, I want to show you a new program I hacked.."
"No one is interested in your stupid computer either!" - they just interrupt each other, making the same fight they always do for Ichiro's attention. And of course this time he was also the one who would separate them, as always.
-Cause you never ever try to scold them too much, but soothing them with light strokes oh their heads. And even if Ichiro prefers to be harsher with this growing generation, he does appreciate how easily you can calm them down with your care. It makes his job as a parental figure much easier, after all.
-So.. Most of your dates take place outside, where you two can pay attention to each other. Maybe you're married now, but Ichiro doesn't want to lose this sparkle between you and tries to dilute the casual family trips with some romantic intimate dates in cinema or cafes.
-"Ah.. Finally.. I was thinking about kissing you for a whole day.." - he mumbled, leaning closer to you while you both were sitting on the private balcony of the restaurant, enjoying the night city.
"Jiro and Saburo are not that young that you would be shy to kiss in front of them, you know?" - you can't help but giggle, admiring the soft smile on your husband's face more than this beautiful landscape.
"Don't play dumb, my dear, there's some kisses that I want no one else to see.." - the light blush on his cheeks turn into a brighter one as Ichiro presses his lips to yours in some long, passionate way.
-Both before and after the wedding he was like a malewife, doing almost all household chores. Of course with your appearance in his house it's much easier, as now Ichiro can focus on his business in Odd-Jobs Yamada and make more money to feed the family.
-I'm sure this work would be enough, but Ichiro is still willing to find more part-time jobs or spend more time in his office just so his precious wife would spare nothing for her needs and hobbies.
-But the main love language of his is not money, but quality time, as there's nothing more pleasant for him than spending an evening with you, cooking something together.
-He doesn't mind getting a little bit silly and fooling around, but only if your small games don't include food. As Ichiro values any product he buys and doesn't want to throw those things away now.
-So not that many teases during kitchen time. Well, maybe just a little, cause your face looks so cute when you accidentally spread a little jam on your cheek while making dessert.. And your reaction when he leans closer to lick it is even more cuter.
-Ichiro loves to cook together, but surprising you with breakfast in bed is also one of his favorite things. Maybe even feed you a little while discussing plans for the day and sweetening his meal with small quick kisses.
-Maybe in the very beginning he would try to be more 'mature', as in his mind he's not just a boy now, but a man and a husband.. So he really would try to stop watching anime and read manga. Maybe he even should try to buy a newspaper and read this instead during breakfast? But old habits die hard..
-Only after you told him there's nothing wrong with keeping this hobby even until old age, Ichiro would calm down a little. And especially if you wouldn't mind spending some evenings watching new anime with him and Jiro, then it cheers your husband up even more.
-"Ha.. I thought such lovey-dovey stuff is only in some romantic books, but.." - Ichiro leaned closer, kissing your cheek. His hands on yours as he looks with a small soft smile on rings on your and his fingers. - "But everyday feels like the first, you know? I feel like my love for you will always burn like that.."
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-Ahh, it's actually so exciting and confusing at the same time..
-Cause if Gentaro actually decided to marry you then, putting jokes aside, he really, really loves you and appreciates your presence in his life. Can't say he's not a type who's never got in love affairs, but actually getting deep in his heart is pretty hard, and you did it.
-But it seems that the amount of teasing in your relationship just gets bigger. It's not like his usual lies, but some small romantic jokes that leave you all flustered, with an awkward smile.
-Cause he doesn't love to make a fool of you like he did with poor Dice, but seeing your blushing face? Precious, it's probably one of the reasons why he married you - because your absolutely priceless reaction to his games is amusing.
-Even before the wedding Gentaro was kinda possessive, but now it seems like his jealousy got stronger. Such a mysterious man, yet all his magic vibes fades away the second he starts to get jealous. Or maybe it's actually getting stronger? As your husband is willing to play his cunning games more harsher with anyone who's dare to talk with you in a tone he finds inappropriate.
-"I'm sorry but this woman is under my spell.." - he suddenly appeared behind you, hands playfully holding your shoulders as Gentaro looked with his usual calm face on your companion. - "Anyone who would try to get too bold with their actions towards her would be chased by monsters of shadow every night.. So I hope you will sleep well today.. Or your intentions were not pure?"
"Aren't you were a Demon's Lord himself last week, promising that one guy from the store to sacrifice him for your bloody feast?" - you can't help but giggle when you both get alone, his hand lowered to your waist in some overprotective hug. - "Since when did you also start to be a monster-tamer?"
"Sorry, my darling. There's many jobs aside from my writing stuff that I do to please all your needs, you know.. Sometimes even something dangerous like that.." - a small dramatic sigh from him makes you giggle, but then Gentaro suddenly gets closer, his lips tickling yours within a breath of distance. - "So maybe you would reward me with some kisses? I also want to show them all you're actually mine."
-There's many such small silly stories with him, not only about jealousy, but just from your usual life together. Ahh, such inspiring small incidents for a fibber and dreamer like him.
-So don't get surprised when you suddenly find a book at store shelves with suspiciously familiar plot but with more fantasy details.. Oh, maybe you can even pay a favor back today and tease your husband with such an unexpected find..?
-It's hard to tell at first glance, but actually confusing Gentaro is much easier than it seems to be. As I said before, he wouldn't marry just some random girl, only the one for whom he's ready to open his whole soul and of course some sensitive parts of his heart too. And despite you adoring such sincereness from him, now you can tease him back and get such a full reaction.
-Never in your life did you think you would be able to see him with such a cute blush and a weaker than usual smile. Ahh, but this view is just for you to see, and even if you tried to play with him in public to make him all flustered Gentaro knows very well how to talk back and turn YOU into some shy mumbling mess. Once again, and just with a few words.
"Don't think you can trick the trickster, honey.." - his condescending smile and absolutely calm voice with a small mocking undertone makes you blush more. - "But I need to admit, you get much better with your words, honey.."
"You lie with dogs, you wake up with fleas.." - you smirk, calming down your heart. - "The more time I spend with you, dear husband, the more of your mystery I start to solve.. So be ready that in one moment I actually would be able to trick you.."
"Huhu.. How bold." - anober small chuckle escaped his lips as Gentaro got closer, whispering in your ear. - "But that's why I love you so much.. Never afraid to challenge me.."
"Cause I'm interested in where it would lead me to.."
"It's already led you to the altar with me, honey.. Now wait for what else I have prepared for you.."
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-Ahh, the most peaceful life, actually. Because Hitoya is an old man who wants some calm evenings with his dear wife after a long day at work.
-I don't want to say there's no sparkle or burning passion between you two, just most of the time your causal days together pass without any chaos or wildness that is inherent in young couples.
-But he still knows how to surprise you with an unexpected present or date in a luxury restaurant. Spoiling you is just one of his ways to show his love fully - cause sometimes it's hard to pay proper attention to his dear wife due to his job.
-But that's why he loves you so much - cause you always wait for him and meet him with such a warm, soft smile, that makes him forget about all those problems and cases from Amaguni Law Firm. And even if Hitoya still has a bad mood, you're willing to listen to his grumpy mumbling, soothing his tensed muscles with light strokes.
-And he's always ready to return a favor. In his worldview, being a couple means being supportive and caring to each other in the first place, feeling sincere love. Maybe in his young wild age he was more concentrated in lust and passion, but right now it's in second place. Still important, but not the main reason why he wants to see you near him.
-So there's so much wholesome and intimate moments, that you both appreciate - a silent cup of coffee on his table when he keep working even in house late at night, small note with bouquet of your favorite flowers on your bedside table in the morning, light kisses before he went to work and more, more things.. Unspeakable care that can be shown only through small things warms your hearts.
-"Yes…This week was a horrible mess indeed." - a low tired sigh escaped his lips as he leaned closer to you on the couch, fingering with deft habitude at your hair. - "Why don't we spend these weekends in a more relaxing atmosphere? What about hot springs?"
"Oh? Isn't it a little bit expensive for just weekends, not holidays?" - such an expression with furrowed brows fetch a small chuckle from your Hitoya.
"Why not? I want to pamper my wife and this is how she answers me?" - such a playful scold..
-He doesn't mind spending more money on you, as I said before, it's just his love language. He loves the whole process - from choosing the right present or place, to the adorable reaction from your side. No matter how many times your husband spoils you like that, you keep getting excited and he adores that.
-So of course, despite all Hitoya wants is some peaceful love, it doesn't mean he doesn't want to tease you. Actually, the opposite - most of his passion is revealed through some playful games, when he teases you with some sweet text throughout the day or just titillates your body with quick and then long kisses.
-In such moments he's actually more like a young version of himself, a little bratty and unruly, but even more charming that way. And you can't help but fall into these teasing every time, giving him exactly the reaction he was expecting from his precious wife.
-"What's wrong? Already so shy? How can you still get so flustered when I'm your husband, after all.." - Hitoya smirks, pinching your cheek after a small make out session on the couch.
"You know, you should be happy your wife still loves you so much that your attention makes her shy.." - you can't help but tease him back, leaning for another kiss.
"Oh, you just know how to toy with my heart, aren't you, s/o?" - A light blush appears on his cheek as he takes your hand, kissing a small gold ring. - "Then I'm willing to pay even more attention to you today, my honey.."
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fullmetalgirl98 · 8 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 3: favorite song of your favorite division
🎤 「Stella」
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I apologize in advance, but I'm going to blather a lot about this.
This song is really special to me because it reminds me of a particular time in my life, specifically of a winter ... the one of the lockdown.
I remember that the first time I listened to Stella, the first thing which caught me out of guard was the music and the very peculiar vibe. Both had a strange effect on me, conveying a feeling of immensity as well as being perfectly capable of making me imagine that I was scattered in a galaxy, although at that first listen I had no idea what the song was about, and the title had me more imagining something to do with idols (lol, no).
I can't quite explain this, but I remember that I literally freezed when the piano started playing and a sense of powerful nostalgia immediately hit me hard. Because. Wtf was THAT???? I didn't expected such a vibe??? (gradually my mind started to create a connection with my childhood memories of Dragon Ball GT (LOL)).
And then, the narration started.
I understood little to no Japanese at the time, so I couldn't have even remotely grasped any words that might provide me with a start on the content of the song, but as soon as Dice's rap started, I immediately screamed WOOOOHH??! What is this stuff??? SO COOL, OMG???
And then Gentaro.
There, gentlemen, Gentaro's part was something exceptional to hear for the first time. The atmosphere between his first stanza and the second one is COMPLETELY different and the way he closes with the last verse, "ore mo ubai satte kure MESSAIAAAH〜"
Then Ramuda's part, with that mechanical tone and that way of breaking sentences and words that is extraordinarily difficult to follow ...
So here's the chorus ... and that single chord on the word "starlight", with that change in tone that gave me a sense of immensity (???), that kidnapped my heart.
The second part of the song, in which a real dialogue between the members begins, intrigued me even more because there I could pick up on something, actually, and I wanted to understand why the hell DICE had such a serious tone in this damn (affectionate) song. It was so strange, for him!!!
In conclusion, at the end of listening, I pounced to look for a translation.
And my world changed.
I came to know that this song was plotted as a Gentaro's story (and that alone, to me, is simply brilliant) about a bandit, a king and a scientist whose respective planets are in ruins, for one reason or another. But they all find themselves gazing at the same falling star and thus begins a journey through the galaxy, which will see member after member recruited on this journey, tearing each of them out of their ruined reality...Until the scientist, the hardest to convince. But the words and support of the other two will be able to bring him, too, out of the dark into the light...and make him too take part in that wonderful journey.
We can understand this as a metaphor for the Fling Posse and the relationship that subsists between them:
The shooting star represents them as a group, their union;
The journey could represent the inner discovery that the three of them are taking together, to get to know each other better and trust each other, to the point of creating a true and indissoluble bond;
The scientist, who doesn't trust others and sees no meaning into joining them, is clearly the Ramuda of the past who, thanks to Gentaro and Dice, gradually learns to want to live and to truly trust his companions;
Also, funny to see how the role of the king was assigned to Dice, considering that he's the son of the governor, in the Hypmic universe.
Well. Wow.
My heart is yours, Fling Posse.
So, Stella was THE song by Fling Posse that made me reach the concrete certainty that they, from that moment on, would have to be my favorite division, without any doubt. It's a song that had a very special effect on me from the very first listen. I can't quite describe what it feels like, as I hear it. It may also be the fact that I particularly love anything that has to do with the universe and galaxies, so I would say that the vibe described is perfect for me lol.
It's a song that I can't skip when it starts playing and it gets me every time. It's not for nothing that my level of obsession is such that I made a journal spread (link) and a mini MV (link).
Check them out, if you're curious! ^^
[Side note: today's Ramuda's birthday...so happy birthday with this?!]
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
13. “Look into my eyes and tell me that you’re not lying. Do it, I am waiting.” -gentaro 🍭
# tags: scenario; current relationship; light romance; angst which turns into a comedy; fluff too; quarrel; mention of crying; sfw
includes: female reader ft. gentaro yumeno {hypmic}
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13. “Look into my eyes and tell me that you’re not lying. Do it, I am waiting.”
Enraged, you tapped your index finger on the mahogany countertop in the tiny kitchen, waiting for your boyfriend to come home. It was eight o’clock in the evening; you just finished your night skincare routine and all you dreamed about is your favorite series or book, warm tea, a soft blanket and the presence of your loved one. Unfortunately, you found out something that literally broke your heart in half that day. For the first time in your life you felt so betrayed, so deceived, so sad, so angry, so... You just felt bad, the worst in the whole world.
This evening was supposed to be perfect; there were few customers at work, so you spent that day talking to your co-workers, your closest friends. Then you went to the store for some really quick shopping (you bought a kilo of flour, three apples, a packet of chia seeds and soy noodles for tomorrow’s lunch) and finally you took the above-mentioned bath and ate supper, waiting for Gentarou. In the meantime, a few things happened... Things that ruined your mood, plan of the day and plans for the next hours (or even days).
When you heard the key click in the door, you rolled your eyes almost immediately, snorting under your breath. The slam of the door and the rustle made your heart beat faster, and when Gentarou entered the living room with a little smile, you almost tore him apart with your dark eyes.
“Hi, baby.” He greeted you and came closer with the intention of kissing your forehead, but you quickly pushed your head away and stood up. “Huh?”
“No ‘huhs’. Do you have something to tell me?” You said, frowning. The young man merely shook his head, unsure of what exactly you meant. “Ah, okay. That’s really interesting.” You giggled as you looked out the window. “I don’t know how you could hurt me like that, Gentarou. I trusted you.” You added, turning back to him. The first tears appeared in your eyes.
“Y/N-chan, what’s going on? I really don’t understand what you mean...” He started a little worried. He wanted to touch your hand, hug you, soothe you. “Darling...” But instead he received a disappointed look.
“You cheated on me!” You screamed, clenching your fists. Your hands immediately went pale.
“W-What?” He shook his head again in denial. “Y/N-chan, I would never do that to you.”
“Then... Look into my eyes and tell me that you’re not lying. Do it, I am waiting.” You growled furiously. “Silence is the answer... No one else has access to my secret candy cupboard! You ate all my favorite cookies, drank my favorite sugary drink, and you didn’t share popcorn with me! I bought it especially for our movie night tonight, Gentarou! Traitor! You are a traitor!”
Gentarou looked at you, almost fainting. A second ago, he wanted to get down on his knees in front of you, want to cuddle up to your feet and apologize for something he didn’t do (I mean real cheating – mental or physical with another person, another woman). He almost cried himself and almost had a heart attack because of your serious expression, raised voice and tears on your cheeks flushed with anger. He almost wanted to call his friends who would confirm his frequent meetings with them, because he spent the last few weeks rehearsing and at concerts. He even wanted to give you his phone and laptop so you could see that he never texted anyone (except you, Dice and Ramuda, and his parents).
He almost died because he couldn’t imagine life without you. And it’s all because of stupid cookies and soda drink...
Definitely Gentarou should run to the store right now for a lifetime supply of your beloved white chocolate chip cookies, drink, salty popcorn, milk chocolate, spicy chips, and whatever else was in the snack aisle...
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lake-archive · 5 months
The Start Of Their Story
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AO3 Link - CATZ Discography - A Shared Love Between Our Posse (Masterlist)
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Gentaro Yumeno, Ann Wolff (OC)
Summary: Gentaro manages to bump into Ann at the usual café. And needless to say they seem rather… Agitated if anything. And even then things lean into a little more than expected.
Tags: Yumeno Gentaro-centric, POV Yumeno Gentaro, Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Conversations, One Shot, Short One Shot, Series, No Spoilers, Canon Era, During Canon, Pre-Second Division Rap Battle (Hypnosis Mic), Post-First Division Rap Battle (Hypnosis Mic), POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited
Words: 1,378
When someone leaves an impression it is hard to forget them… Gentaro should know by now, given that he had bumped into someone who was of said interest. An unusual writer, one who could outdo anyone in amount alone. Someone who had a never ending flow of inspiration, managing to put it all down on paper with no issues whatsoever, as if a writing machine. And yet the one behind it is not a machine but a human. Needless to say, anyone would be baffled, speechless and even terrified. He sure was, especially as a fellow writer. Was this even a reality or had he dreamed this up all along? He had been wondering and yet when seeing them a few times from afar it was less of a dream. They were not a fragment of their imagination, they were real. Very much so.  And it was always getting to him. Though he had slowly started to accept that fact as well as their existence. The more he had bumped into them, the less surreal it became and he managed for reality to settle in. He had finally gotten to accept it, even if it took a little while.
And yet, meeting a person who may as well be a writing factory was hard to accept. Not just that but also studying the field of literature… That alone had caught Gentaro’s attention. An unusual writer… That was what he remembered Ann for, at least for the time being. An eager writer but that might have been an understatement. 
He had encountered them a few more times and they were always eager to present him the progress or latest ideas they had… Which meant eyeing document after document, character sheet after character sheet. Or skimming through pages while listening through the thought out progress. Truly, this was a lot to take in each time. The potential was there and they would be doing this day in and out, even if for them it was a quick progress. He was at least slightly envious, watching them do all of this with ease. But all the same he wanted to get it out there, help them get out there. It would be a shame if their work got buried after all, would it not? And perhaps he might have already accepted defeat… 
In any case, he first had to wait for the opportunity to make such an offer. For his luck, the offer would be made earlier than expected. Because when he had sat inside the café one day he spotted the student in question, waving them over. It took them a bit to register yet they had turned to him soon enough. And once they did he could see how exhausted they looked which had him a little curious. This was an unusual sight. No, not unusual. The two were not that close nor had they known each other for that long. So rather it was a first sight for him, even if they tried to mask it. Even once sitting down.
“Hello Yumeno–Sensei. What a surprise.” They greeted him as they sat down on the chair, right across the table. “I did not expect to meet you here today.”
“I shall say the same for thee.” He responded calmly. “It is unusual for thou to show up at this time. Has something happened?”
He could see them flinch for a split second, then fumbling around in their seat. They hesitated to answer, telling him all he needed. They really needed to not say a word and he would know that something had happened… Something they probably wished to hide. And yet they were doing anything but that right now. Even the biggest of fools would be able to see right through them. And even then, they still tried to cover it up with a sudden smile while turning back to face him, shaking their head.
“No. Nothing happened at all.” It’s a lie.
“Really? Thank goodness.” Another lie. He had just decided to not ask them about it. And honestly, it was probably none of his business to begin with. After all, the two were not that close. 
“Although you suddenly called me here. Is there something you need from me?” 
Of course, he should have expected that question. After all, there always was a reason, wasn’t there? Or maybe there always had to be a reason for them. But it is not as if he had no reason to approach them. In fact, this was perfect timing… For him, he was not sure about them right now. “There is but… It can wait, if thou art not feeling—” 
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m here now, aren’t I? Fill me in!” They interrupted, almost insisting. For a moment Gentaro himself had doubt, if this was really the time. And yet…
“Art thou certain?”
“Yeah. So if you got something, tell me.” They nodded, trying to keep their body calm, making no sudden movements. And yet, they were gazing around all the same, sometimes towards the window nearby, as if looking for someone. They were agitated, to say the least. He could tell.
“Art thou certain?”
“Y… Yeah! Yes yes! Totally! Go on! Please!” 
And yet, he was reconsidering it in the end. Sure, he had an offer for them to make and yet… No, it would just be wrong, wouldn’t it? One had to be literally blind and or oblivious to notice that this was not the time. They wouldn’t listen to begin with, given that their mind seemed occupied with something else. The question was what exactly? He was curious… But alas, it would remain unanswered for some time.
“Nevermind. Thou art not concentrating.” He mentioned with a sigh, making their head turn to him in one swoop.
“Huh!? But I am! Don’t leave me hanging like this now!”
“I shouldn’t. Apologies. Maybe another time.”
“S… So I’ll have to live without figuring this out now?” 
No, that had not been– Hah, he’s not good at dealing with people sometimes, he had to admit. A chance ruined perhaps… But… “No, I intend to inform thee, when the time is right. Thou just seem… How shall I put this? Stressed.”
A quick flinch in their seat, almost at the brink of sweating. “W… Well… Uh… Maybe… Student life is getting to me… Haha…” A terrible liar. 
“Of course it would be stressful. Though I have little experience in that regard.” He said, a light chuckle to somewhat lighten the mood and keep up a polite appearance, raising no suspicion in any regard. They didn’t need to know that he was not believing a word coming out of their mouth. And yet, that had gotten him a little more interested… Just what was this normal student hiding from him? And besides, they were not the only one holding a secret here but this was a detail only he had been aware of at the time. “Perhaps we should hold this meeting at a different time, when thou feel less stressed maybe.”
“Huh? But I ju—”
“There is no rush. I do not mind waiting.” He interrupted. “Thou may contact me when it is most convenient for thee. I can make room.”
“Contact? Wait… Are you asking for my number or something?”
“No, I ask for thy homing pigeon.”
“Homing pigeon!? Hold on I don’t—”
“That was a lie.”
And a moment of silence. What a naive response. He thought that the joke here was more than obvious. And yet, it had left them speechless it seemed, at least a little. “R… Right… My number it is.” 
“Oh, if thou do not want to—”
“It’s fine! I don’t mind! I just… Never expected this to happen. After all, exchanging contacts with a well known author… Sounds surreal.”
“Oh please, we are both just people. There is nothing unusual about this.” Or there shouldn’t be. 
“M… Maybe, just… Ah, nevermind! Let’s just get this over with, alright? I… Will contact you once I have time then. Heh…”
An underwhelming ending for this chapter yet this is not the end of their shared story. No, far from it… Because Gentaro had a feeling that this story between them had just started taking shape.
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legthief · 2 years
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do you think the bat and fp seiyuus would agree. i think hayama-san and sakakihara-san would.
text is below the cut:
fling posse are all inherently nonbinary in the way their characters are structured and bad ass temple also has a theme of rejecting the gender binary. ramuda, gentaro, dice, and jyushi all have their own struggles with identity that are intrinsically linked to gender: once ramuda left the confines of chuoku and discovered the fashion and personal expression he was able to experiment and find out what made him happy and that was femininity and bright colors and women which were all things he had grown to hate in chuoku but when he had his own choice and his own identity other than just a mindless clone he was able to like things just because he liked them. and gentaro’s ever-shifting personas such as the princess or the cat are a result of him navigating life as someone who isn’t himself which is very transgender of him i don’t care which direction you take that as. and dice’s name being romanized as dice instead of daisu and him using the last name arisugawa because he wants to be the antithesis to his mother which includes not being a woman and well he’s just better if you read him as transgender. and jyushi going to kuko and hitoya to learn how to “man up” but the real masculinity was the self-confidence and happiness we found along the way and kuko and hitoya learn from jyushi that maybe being a man isn’t so simple and maybe big dick energy is about the fundamentals of who you are as a person. and dice and kuko both grew up sheltered under people who believe gender is strictly binary. i am running out of space for this meme
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guiraguira · 1 year
Hi!! I hope you’re having a good day ^^ if i already sent an ask sorry my memory is lagging on me rn TT may i request gentaro x reader who were together in a past life but it ended badly… and they meet again in the present/their current lives? sorry if this is too complicated or anything no pressure to do it😭 anything with gentaro would do!!
Through time ❤️
Hi honey!💜 Don't be afraid to duplicate the request if you don't remember sending it, apparently it can happen that some questions get lost on tumblr.
It is the first time that Gentaro has been requested! Your request had a very romantic and harrowing feeling, or at least it seemed so to me! So maybe I went a bit too far
Warnings: none, slight anguish but has a happy ending.
Gentaro x reader
° Since you were little you had really vivid dreams, but lately that had intensified. They were so real and persistent that they caused you anxiety when you woke up, you needed to do something but you didn't know what it was and that caused you more discomfort.
° Before you could hardly remember what happened in them, but now the faces of the people who appeared in them were engraved in your eyes and there is someone in particular who occupies most of your mind. The feeling of happiness that filled your chest when you found it persisted even after waking up, accompanying you for the rest of the day.
° It was the face that you remembered in more detail, you knew that he had a romantic role in your dreams, they had shared caresses and kisses to the point that you could recognize him even without being able to see him, the silhouette of his body was traced with your hands almost memory.
° You needed more information about what was happening to you, but you were afraid that they would think you were crazy. What would you say? That you are in love with a dream that you have? There is no way they will take you seriously. At least you wanted to know if that person existed, it was impossible for it not to be so.
° On your way to work you passed by a temple and although you don't believe in gods, it was the only thing that occurred to you. Praying for the possibility of meeting him or knowing his name, anything would be fine with you. Obviously nothing happened, or so you thought.
° You began to be able to hear in your dreams and even smell, finally the pieces fitted slowly. You were embarrassed when he first said your name, taking your hand before kissing it and showering you with promises of love. "Gentaro…" came from your lips in response and from that moment his name was engraved on you, but the happiness did not last long.
° Unlocking your memory, their days together became visible, all those romantic words that were secretly dedicated to their families firmly against their union came to an end the day they were assassinated escaping from their homes under the tree that they had so many times witnessed their encounters.
° "even if a thousand years go by we will meet again, I will always be waiting for you" whispering to you for the last time, sharing a sad kiss before losing consciousness and surrendering to death holding your hand. Since that dream you had not seen him again, as if fate told you that now it was your turn to continue.
° Searching for any indication of him, if you remembered everything he should be in the same condition, you had nothing else to look for him than his name which, like yours, you hope will be maintained. Maybe his face is the same but there's no way to tell.
° You could only be guided by a few chills that ran through your spine on certain occasions, which dragged you almost like a magnetic force to the same sanctuary that time. Walking slowly down the stairs, letting your gut show you the way. Your knees are losing strength as you see that tree, the same one under which they died, getting closer until you touch its bark.
° "Gentaro… I'll wait for you too" the chills suddenly become more persistent, they cease when a pair of arms wrap around you. The warmth of his body, his scent and the way he hugs you, it's him, he doesn't say anything but it's not necessary. It is impossible that you did not know how to recognize it.
° Barely recovering, you look into each other's eyes without stopping to analyze each faction in the other's face, verifying that it really is you. You take her hand intertwining her fingers with yours "We were finally able to escape, this is our moment… S/o" They put their foreheads together, closing their eyes before joining their lips in a passionate victory kiss that was delayed for years.
° He caresses your cheek with his thumb leaving a soft kiss on it too. Placing a hand on his chest, you feel his heartbeat and hug him again. "I'm sorry I couldn't meet sooner, I missed you so, so much..." At the same time a lone tear runs down your face and he rushes to wipe it away with a kiss.
° "No, no, no... our first meeting can't be an apology" he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear and sits leaning against the tree, inviting you to do the same. His past life is so fresh in his memory that you naturally sat on his lap resting your head on his shoulder.
° They needed to be this close to each other, maybe even closer, but there would be time for that. "S/ o, the number of times I came back to this place are so many that I couldn't count them, I knew you would come here too… I love you so much" his hands caressed your back in a constant rhythm as he continued to express his love for you.
° This situation was so normal for you that when the words of love went to the kisses increasing in intensity, you had to stop before it escalated to the next level. Laughing at how easily they got carried away.
° "Even if a hundred thousand years go by, we will meet again, I will wait for you forever Gentaro…" sealing the promise with a kiss, he laughs, taking your hand before putting it to his lips "then we will be together for all eternity, not two lives are enough for us…" His eyes shone with such sincerity and mischief when he confessed that you couldn't help but kiss him passionately again, agitating yourself in an exaggerated way.
° You would definitely have all of eternity to yourselves, but you couldn't see much further at the moment. They spent the rest of the day under the same tree chatting non-stop until night came and forced them to retire.
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hey!! I'm so looking forward to the event \(^w^)/ I would like to request the option
writing content + a small drawing as a gift
prompt: 🎂: celebrating your/their birthday (R)
Writer's corner: Hey, sweetheart! Sure thing! It's so cute! I'll develop it as a bunch of headcanons! I hope it's okay! Also, since you haven't told anything about the gender, I'll use GN!pronouns! Please, feel free to let me know if there's anything you want me to change or fix! Also, thank you for requesting for the summer event! I hope you'll like even what I've drawn for you. Let me know if you'd like me to colour it too, 'cause I made a small sketch~♥ Enjoy and have a fantastic summer~!
mc's pronouns: GN! (THEY/THEM)
Warnings: None, sfw, fluff
☀️𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐝𝐚☀️𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫/𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
🎂: celebrating your/their birthday (R)
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A small drawing for you💜:
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☀️Your birthday: We all know the sunny and excited personality Ramuda always has. He's always jumping around, humming and chuckling, showing everyone his colourful personality. When he had known about your up-coming birthday, he immediately got excited. He jumped around and decided that he would have immediately done something for you! He would have made your birthday the best ever! That's why Ramuda started organizing a special party for you in secret: he called Gentaro and Dice, so they could have helped him with it. He bought many sweets- or, if you prefer, salty meals-, and he thought about buying a very special gift.. Something you would have liked a lot and you would have associated with him!.. Because we all know Ramuda can also be romantic and he likes attention, so I'm sure he'd choose a gift which would make you think of him~ He'd sew you some dresses or clothes... but only if he's sure they would make you feel very happy during your special day!! During your birthday, you discovered about the surprise party and realized how much he really cares about you. Probably he made you wear the dress- or clothes- he made for you for the entire day as well! And after the party, I'm sure he wanted to spend some time only with you, maybe cuddling. He kissed your cheek and chuckled, whispering: "Happy birthday, my sweetie~.. I really really really love you~"
☀️His birthday: Even if his birthday is not in summer, I want to add some scenarios about it too, just in case. As we know, Ramuda is one of the most celebrated person in hypmic realm... like... for real! All his female fans give him gifts and sweets because his birthday is on Valentine's Day, so... tons of gifts and sweets to Ramu! So I totally imagine you being a little bit surprised, especially if it's the first time you see what happens in his shop during his birthday. Maybe you had also prepared an home-made cake for his birthday, sure you would have found him alone and free to spend some time with you. You felt a little bit embarrassed to see tons of girls giving him gifts and sweets and, even if you're already a couple- especially if you are insecure and an overthinker- I'm sure you thought something like: "What am I doing here..? It's obvious he doesn't need me or the cake I prepared for him..". Probably you even left the shop and came back home, still holding that cake. But on the other side Ramuda wondered what happened. He noticed you among all that crowd and, after a while, he reached you home, asking for explanation. Getting what happened, he sighed and smiled, hugging you as tight as he could: "You silly, I don't care about all those gifts and candies. Your home-made cake is the best gift I have ever received~!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
If I may ask, what are your opinions on Sentai Reds and their caffeine preferences?
Tsukasa: Coffee-based frappucinos, usually with a lot of sugar and chocolate
Shoutaro: Black coffee, made from beans he roasted himself like Sokichi did... though with more success than his mentor did
Philip: Ryu's coffee, just a touch sweeter, though Shoutaro's will do in a pinch (but he has to add more sugar to it)
Eiji: Sencha (green tea). He likes the freshly brewed one best but will also go for teabags/bottled green tea
Gentaro: Energy drinks in the vein of Monster and such in citrusy/fruity flavors
Haruto: Generally doesn't consume caffeine on a regular basis but would have coffee if available
Kouta: Caffeine hasn't had an effect on him since he became Fruit Jesus, but he'd enjoy a caramel latte
Shinnosuke: Black coffee, as strong as possible. It's the only thing that keeps him awake during stakeouts
Takeru: Matcha, especially if made properly- but he won't say no to a Starbucks matcha latte
Emu: Bottled iced black coffee, he buys a giant one whenever he goes to the supermarket and finishes it in a few days
Sento: Black coffee from Cafe Nascita (made by the real Isurugi Souichi). Otherwise he just gets it canned
Sougo: Royal milk tea. He's also a fiend for boba milk tea and will try out all the flavors
Aruto: One of those fancy Nespresso pod things, he tries different flavors on a whim
Touma: Hojicha. Do not give him other forms of caffeine, especially sugary coffee. It will not be pretty.
Ikki: Canned cafe latte from the vending machine, the less sweet the better
Ace: Espresso, made only from the finest small-lot coffee beans and served in a ridiculously expensive and tiny cup
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akkivee · 1 year
my hypster magazine finally came in the mail lmao and man the special feature talking about how the world is coping without mics is very interesting??? like:
crime as a whole is at an all time high
within ikebukuro, the police are doing fck all about it so the bb have volunteered their services to making the civilians feel safe
ichiro’s been a mediator within more casual disputes, expressing his desire to talk things thru if possible, jiro’s got his whole high school as a neighbourhood watch and saburo’s set up a huge surveillance system to keep watch
in yokohama, the sea port has been particularly targeted and the report says the police and yakuza have teamed up to protect the flow of commerce. katengumi has stepped up to protect the territory and rio is keeping watch via satellite images and drones
in shibuya, dice complains of disruptions in gambling dens and the lack of real gambling has dulled his senses lol. he’s trying to compensate by making his own gambling game lol and he hasn’t been able to pay his phone bill due to lack of funds so he hasn’t been able to talk to ramuda or gentaro
curiously, neither of those two were mentioned in the article, save for dice using the section to try to reach out to them
in shinjuku, the day is desolate and the night scene is busier than ever. doppo’s company has been particularly hit by logistics nightmares as they’re haemorrhaging money due to lost medical equipment. (doppo’s boss has been accusing him of stealing funds and doppo claps back asking what exactly has he been managing currently lol)
shinjuku central hospital has been at full capacity with patients due to the inability to fend off armed criminals. fragrance has seen a significant uptick in patrons
in osaka, businesses have taken a sharp turn towards maliciousness, with scams at an all time high. sasara and rosho advise not to go out at night alone, and rosho, as a teacher, further explains that adults have a duty to protect minors, especially as a person who has been affected by scams in the past. neither sasara nor rosho have heard from rei in a long while, stating dh is on hiatus because of it
in nagoya, petty crimes are up because there seems to be a restlessness amongst them without the mics giving the populace the power to stand out. hitoya himself watched a dude climb up nagoya castle literally for the memes. the court of law has been barren as of late so nobody is being tried for crimes but he believes justice will prevail in due time
kuukou and jyushi have taken up patrolling nagoya in order to persuade others into not doing crimes and all three of them still practice rap battling together
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discotenny · 10 months
again it’s the time skip anon hello helloooooo~!
ICHIRO’S MUSIC FESTIVAL WENT WELL YAY but what i really wanted to ask was what drama track did you get that info from?? i’ve been spending too much time reading fanfics i haven’t kept up with the drama tracks 😭😭
and gentaro’s most recent solo yumeno kanata…… YUMENO KANATA HIS REAL NAME PLS PLS?? and gentaro brother reveal when 😭😭
(sorry for so many asks about the same thing oof 💀)
I think most people get their translations from the wiki, here are the two related drama tracks. NOTICE !!! I haven't read them myself fwiafieaaefa
I read summaries from different accs (and my friend who reads them gives me info too LOL). There's MadLion on Twitter that I used to read (I don't go on Twitter anymore), but the majority I read from Slug here on Tumblr. Keep in mind both accs do use a more humor based look at the events rather than actual timelines for the block party tracks but there are some people that do timeline summaries out there.
Here are the two accs I mentioned :3 !!!
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
More than request I think is an opinión, who do you think about all the characters in Hypmic (without Saburo a Jiro, cause are minor) has more, so so, and less experience in bed?
The most experienced:
• REI OBVS;; Absolutely know how to please both men and women in bed. When Gigolo is just Hifumi's rap name, the real gigolo here is this old conman.
• Jyuto cause uhhh idk he looks very horny;;
• Ramuda.. One sans taught him too many things..😔 Also I'm sure he loves using girls as stress relief and just to feel some control..
• Hitoya because I KNOW this man loves to be naughty…
• Samatoki is kinda good at this yet I don't think he gets that many partners in his life because he prefers deep loving relationships over quick affairs.
• Gentaro because he also looks very horny but in a more mysterious way?? Also I'm sure he's very kinky..
• Jakurai is THE BEST SERVING DOM yet still he was busy with killing then with healing for his whole life, so I don't think he's pro in naughty things.. Also always open to new things and kinks cause it looks interesting.
• I'm sure Sasara fuck some of his fans at least few times…!
• Ichijiku is a huge femdom and know how to make you go crazy..;;
• Otome is experienced yet this is one of the most unimportant things in her life. Unfortunately.. (Otome please call me I can change your mind)
The less experienced one:
• Ichiro cause he's too young and very shy;;
• Rio as his first mission for almost his whole life was being a good soldier.. Yet this does not prevent him from being a pretty good serving top who's willing to learn..! <3
• Doppo of course!! I'm sure he's probably a virgin, actually..
• Hifumi cause flirting with kittens is one thing and please them is another….;
• Kuko. No not because he's a monk, I just think he wants to find his special person and get to know everything only with his darling.
• Jyushi because he's a sensitive, pure crybaby..
• Rosho is just another pure angel here.. Probably not a virgin yet still a very shy babygirl..
• Dice cause I'm sure most people see him just like an addicted to gambling homeless man😭😭
• Nemu is a virgin.. You ask why? Look behind you, Samatoki is here to kill you.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 7 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 12: a song that makes you feel nostalgic
🎤 「SHOWDOWN」 - 《2nd D.R.B》, Final Battle (Buster Bros!!! VS 麻天狼 VS Fling Posse)
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Between me and Niky @justanotherniky there’s one rule that should NEVER be violated: no talking about SHOWDOWN.
This song has an impressive potential to make people cry with just the first instrumental seconds. It's not for nothing that this is a song I basically never listen to. And this is not because I don't like it, in fact, it's quite the opposite! It's a truly beautiful song, but my brain simply refuses to listen to it. I just can't. I get a lump in my throat every damn time I try. The tricky thing is that the music is in stark contrast to what is expressed in the verses, which are so aggressive instead [brief due quote to the Hifudo x Gendice moment, in which I literally FLYED. Gentaro was particularly...uhm...evocative.]. So it doesn't come immediately to mind that these 9 men are yelling the worst things at each other, rather the first thing I thought of when I first heard it and looked at the MV (another great idea to make people cry, uh?) is that this song imparted a sense of something unquestionably coming to an end. The feeling I get is really that of "oh hey ... this beautiful story is coming to an end for real ... :') " I can't think about it, I mean ... I can't really project myself into the idea that sooner or later this will really happen, that there will be no more updates on Hypmic, that the whole universe created by Chuhoku will crumble and consequently there will be no point in keeping the basic plot alive. In short, the project will reach its conclusion. And I have a feeling that we're already getting a taste of that, recently.
The sound effect at the beginning, when each division shouts its respective name, is beautiful, contributing to this sense of epicness and absolute finality. But the issue, here, is the chorus, the last one, in particular: "I’m expressing my existence, It’s no one elses I’m here to verify the outcome of this battle, this deciding showtime
The voices, the sounds They resonate with this seesaw game-like live
Be it success, be it disappointment It will be affirmed by our progressing lives" It fu**ing kills me. Every time. I always feel a very painful twinge in my chest when it starts, with that sense of magnificence to remind me that it truly is the final battle alkhdglakdjfg :') The MV, on the other hand, also puts its own spin on it. Right from the way it opens, with the three groups running off into the sunset, raising splashes of water and dust, exactly recalling epic scenes from war or greco-roman movies, with these factions running at each other, and then EVERYTHING EXPLODES.
The live version has an even more commanding impact, with the band on the elevated stage and those flames shooting to the beat of the drums into the sky (link). Amazing. ------------------- Ok, now i'm gonna bury myself under the blankes for the next 2 hours to work off the listening of this song I forced myself to do for this post :)
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crehador · 1 year
hpmi weiss schwarz blau unboxing! just opened one starter pack so far (nine more to go lol)
so the contents of each box are like this
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game guide, game mat with a poster on the back (poster side shown here), 50 starter cards, and 1 'start plus pack' with 4 cards inside (one guaranteed holo)
the poster is... very creased lol being as it came folded up in that tiny red box, but i'm certainly not complaining. the starter cards actually fit quite neatly in the white holder they come in, so they could live in there, but i do want to put them in sleeves so probably a good thing i bought a few storage boxes too
as for what the 50 starter cards are...
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i'm not sure if all 50 are exactly the same in every starter pack? they should be, amiami listing description said contents are fixed. but there's a lot of saburo here lol so i'll open another bb box soon and see if there are any variations
most cards in the starter deck come with 4 copies, some with just 2 (saburo with 4 appeared most frequently here) which is a bit odd to me... like wouldn't 3-3-2 be better than 2-2-4? maybe there is a reason though (<- wsb newbie, first time buying cards)
eta: never mind i think it get it now, i was only thinking of it from a collecting standpoint not a gameplay standpoint lol. since these are actually pre-built decks maybe there's a meta reason why there are more of the saburos lmao
then the start pack plus!
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shiny ichiro ehe (i suspect it's the same holo in all the start plus packs, always the division leader <- ETA I WAS WRONG THE FP HOLO WAS GENTARO but the bbmtc ones i opened were ichiro and samatoki yippee)
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(left side is what the backs of the sleeves look like, varies by division ofc)
i put him in a sleeve pretty much immediately (protecc) and the plastic of the sleeves feel better than i expected (not super thin/flimsy)
though the holo cards have the design on the back (other cards all have plain wsb white backing) and battle info on other side so... the sleeves wouldn't be very practical if you're actually playing with them (would need sleeves that are transparent on both sides)
but not a problem for me since i plan on only collecting not ever playing lmao
probably won't do individual posts for all the other boxes, but will post the shiny ones soon. not getting my hopes up for anything special though, the real gacha will be the booster packs coming to me later lmao
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