#a reward for completing most tasks i planned to do today
neonganymede · 8 months
Fyolai with 6 or 17 maybe? Perhaps? Please? Pretty please? 🥺👉👈
Aahh, thank you for the request, dear anon! And you even said please <3 for such a polite anon, how could I not use both prompts~? Hope you enjoy!
6. A Kiss that was Regretted
17. A Kiss on the Cheek
“It’s quiz time!” Nikolai exclaimed as he burst into Fyodor’s office. He twirled on the spot, braid and cape fluttering behind him like a set of misshapen wings, and came to a stop right in front of his dear Fedya. With a grand flourish of his hat, he peered close to his darling and posed today’s riveting question.
“Can you guess what I’m thinking? No? Boo-hoo! But never fear, dear Fedya, for I will tell you the correct answer! I think I deserve a special reward!”
“Oh?” Fyodor didn’t even glance at him, his voice distant and dismissive as he looked over the report in his hand.
Nikolai didn’t care, didn’t let the lack of enthusiasm deter him one bit! He merely returned his hat to the top of his head and then swayed back and forth, carrying on the conversation as if he had Fyodor’s undivided attention.
He knew that his Fedya was merciful, understanding. As soon as he heard Nikolai’s clear and concise reasoning, he would certainly agree that this most valuable of rewards belonged to him!
“Absolutely! Don’t you think I deserve the most special reward for a job well done?”
“A job that you have not done yet,” Fyodor reminded, sounding both fond and annoyed at Nikolai’s persistence. “Why should you get a reward beforehand?”
Oh, and wasn’t Fyodor so smart? So cunning? Nikolai couldn’t slip anything by him, and wasn’t that just fantastic? A burst of glee bubbled its way through Nikolai’s veins, and were his wings not so sufficiently snipped by the very man sitting before him, Nikolai was certain he would have shot through the roof like a misfired bullet.
Of course, Fyodor had to know the perfect reason why Nikolai should have his reward now. If all went according to plan, then Nikolai’s very important task would result in his delightfully gruesome demise! Obviously he should get his reward now!
But Nikolai couldn’t give Fyodor an obvious answer! No, no, Fyodor deserved to hear a different reason! One that Nikolai had come up with all by himself without taking his supposedly imminent death into consideration.
“Why, as an incentive, of course! I’ll work so much better after I’ve been given my very special reward!”
“Is that so?” Fyodor finally set down his papers to fully regard Nikolai, his amethyst eyes glittering with deadly interest. “I would think that this very special reward would only cause you to slack off, and that would leave me very disappointed. Do you swear to still complete the job you have been assigned if I agree to pay you in advance?”
“I do, I do!” Nikolai promised with a rapid nod. He shuffled in place excitedly, his coat dangling from between his clasped hands. “I promise I’ll do such a good job in exchange for my super special, super secret reward!”
“Very well,” Fyodor agreed, far too calm for the way his words made Nikolai’s heart soar. It beat against his chest, trapped inside by his ribcage, and Nikolai thought that was such a shame! He would have died to see Fyodor’s face had his heart exploded out of him to present itself to the only person who would ever truly understand it.
“Would you now like to tell me exactly what it is you are expecting as a super special reward?”
Snickering, Nikolai kept wiggling, unable to stop moving now that he had Fyodor’s agreement. “A kiss!”
Fyodor lifted an eyebrow, his surprise almost hidden well behind carefully crafted indifference. “A kiss?”
“Yes!” Nikolai cheered, practically squirming with glee. “I want a kiss! Riiight here!”
Fyodor’s eyes followed him as he pointed to the side of his face. For emphasis, he gave his cheek a few pokes, the skin tight around his unbidden smile. He watched Fyodor for a reaction, waiting, and when he didn’t receive one, Nikolai feared that he had asked for too much.
A kiss on the cheek? What had Nikolai been thinking? He should have sooner asked for the world than something so dear, so precious!
But then Fyodor’s expression shifted, some of its sharpness softening into graceful amusement. He stood up to eliminate the scant space between them, and Nikolai struggled to hold himself still, to behave while Fedya calmly approached. One pale hand reached upward to catch Nikolai’s chin, his slim fingers littered with healing bites that tickled Nikolai’s skin.
“For what I am asking you to do,” Fyodor began as he rose up to place a firm kiss to Nikolai’s left cheek, “I believe you deserve two kisses.” Then he angled Nikolai’s face to kiss his right cheek as well, lingering there long enough for Nikolai to miss the heat of his breath once he’d stepped away.
“There. Is this reward sufficient enough?” Fyodor asked, sounding pleased with himself. He smiled, hair sweeping along his shoulder as he tilted his head to regard Nikolai with something akin to nonchalance. As if he hadn’t offered more than Nikolai would have ever dreamed of requesting.
As if he hadn’t pulled the chains around Nikolai’s wings tighter.
Nikolai could hardly move, hardly breathe. His chest ached, his heart still desperately trying to claw its way to freedom while the remarkable man in front of him pocketed the key to his enclosure with nothing more than an easy smile and a couple of kisses. He loathed this cage, longed to be free from the shackles of this unholy obsession, but…
Why peck so eagerly at this gracious hand? Why not bid his time, rest his wings until the perfect moment to shatter the shell of his attachment and be born anew?
“It is.”
And he meant it, for a moment. Those two kisses would be enough.
He meant it when he bid his Fedya farewell for what should have been the last time. He meant it when he stepped up to play his role in the Decay of Angels’ grandest scheme of all. He meant it when he deviated from the plan, when his devastating death scene ended in a thrilling plot twist that not even Fedya would have expected.
Those kisses would be enough for him.
And yet—
Standing in front of the burning wreckage that should have been Fyodor’s getaway, Nikolai wished. He lifted Fyodor’s hand to his cheek, pressed lifeless fingers to the same spot where he’d once been kissed, and he wished. His lips parted to sing a song of agony and confusion, the regretful cry of a caged bird unable to free itself from its metal prison, and he wished—
Wished that he’d been selfish enough to ask for a proper kiss.
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blackwood-library · 3 months
@1141520851813892291920 Time for your past life reading. I’m shocked, because this reading is so similar to the one I did for Michael, but in reverse. I shuffled the deck twice via 52 pickup, and I am amazed.
Your first card, representing who you were in your past life, is The World.
The World represents fulfillment, completion, and masterpiece. You were someone’s project, someone’s first and most prized creation. You were built up to be something, weather against your will or with your knowledge, and you fulfilled your purpose. You completed the task you were meant to complete, you did what you were built to do, and in the end, you were someone’s masterpiece.
Your second card, representing what you did in your past life, is the Three of Wands, Reversed.
When reversed, the Three of Wands represents negligence, setbacks, and restrictions. While you were someone’s project, someone’s masterpiece, you were not given all of the tools you needed to thrive on your own, suggesting that despite completing what you were made for, you neglected your own needs. You were made to be a machine, working for someone else to meet their goals, and while you did, you suffered immensely for it. Weather you struggled because of your own negligence, or by the hand of someone else, you were restricted in your own personal growth and development.
Your third card, representing what challenges you faced in your past life, is the Knight of Cups, Reversed.
When reversed, the Knight of Cups represents heartbreak, disappointment, and moodiness. You struggled with emotional regulation and loss, you loved someone who suffered by the hands of the one who built you. You watched everything and everyone you loved crumble under the weight of your glory, the artistry of what you were made to be, and you could do nothing to but watch. You loved so wholly that you broke your own heart over and over trying to fix what you had broken, weather by your own hands or by the hands of someone else. You tried your best, but in the end you still lost, and it burns still within your chest.
Your fourth card, representing how you died in your past life, is the Nine of Pentacles.
The Nine of Pentacles represents rewards, self control, and freedom. Your death was measured, planned. You knew exactly what you were doing when you died, and weather it would fix things or not, you knew you had to do it. Maybe that was the role you were built to fill, or maybe it was the only thing you could do to fix what was broken, but you knew. Freedom could only come from your end, and that was a sacrifice you were more than willing to make.
Your fifth card, representing what lessons you learned in your past life, is the Page of Swords.
The Page of Swords represents inquisitive, liveliness, and fairness. You learned from who you were, you learned to give people grace, even if you still struggle with it, and you learned to follow your heart. You struggled before to live for yourself, and you learned to fight for the things you love harder than ever before. You want to learn, to live happily, to understand others in a way you never did in your life before. You learned to chase love and hold onto it with both of your hands.
Your final card, representing how you were influenced by your past life in this one, is The High Priestess.
The High Priestess, my signifier card, represents mystery, unattainability, and spirituality. Your life now is steeped in the same mystery as your life before. You live now in a way you never could have before, you hold secrets within you that you may not yet be able to uncover. You hold in your hands the things you never could have before, and you do not know what to do with them. There are answers within you that you cannot find on your own, but by the gods if you are not going to try.
This one was definitely a bit more hopeful than your last reading, I’ll say that!
All the readings I’ve done today for people, though have all had The High Priestess somewhere in them. I wonder if we all knew each other in our past lives?
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Mark Wauck
Aug 21, 2024
First, just to let readers know what’s up with light posting. In a little less than a month my wife will be having hip replacement surgery. We have a variety of things to do to be ready for that. In addition, some dental work for my wife has come to the fore, so we’re trying to get that done before the surgery. I’m not great at juggling things, multi-tasking, so I can only do my best at keeping up.
Now, today, after the grampa stuff I mentioned (very rewarding), I listened to a couple of Danny Davis videos—who’s on fire after his vacation. Both videos are highly recommended. One was with Doug Macgregor:
Col Douglas Macgregor Ukraine BufferZone in Kursk Disaster Awaits
Macgregor made no bones about what he thought of the Kursk incursion by Ukraine. He termed it a complete disaster. He stated that as many as 12k troops may have been sent into the the Kursk region, but that the Russians have already killed about 4k. The rest are largely cut off from resupply, have no effective defensive positions, have lost most of their heavy equipment, and are now being hammered with everything Russia can throw at them—including things like fuel air explosives. He adds that he has heard that as many as 2k of those troops were foreigners. This was a true NATO invasion, and Russians are enraged. They want their army to go all the way west.
Davis and Macgregor also discussed the Middle East. Macgregor repeated his view that Netanyahu is calling the shots, and that this places the US in a precarious position. If Netanyahu’s plan for a major regional war—including Iran—comes to fruition, thousands of US personnel will be at high risk. Macgregor emphasized that US actions in Ukraine give Russia every reason to supply a variety of Middle East actors who are hostile to the US with top flight Russian weapons systems. That means missiles, for the most part. Missiles that can get through to US bases and US ships. In Iran’s case, of course, it also means air defense equipment.
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Beyond Busy: The Art of Time Management for Working Moms
Beyond Busy: The Art of Time Management for Working Moms
Beyond Busy: The Art Of Time Management For Working Moms Time Management Tips
Jan 15, 2024
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If you often find yourself caught in the whirlwind of managing work, family, and everything in between, you're definitely not alone. I get it—the juggling act of being a working mom is no small feat. But fear not, because today, I’m diving into the world of time management. Let's uncover some small, totally doable techniques to help you reclaim control of your schedule and make the most out of every precious moment!
The Art of Time Management
Time management isn't about fitting more into your day; it's about making the most of the time you have. It's a skill that, once mastered, can transform the chaos into a well-orchestrated symphony. Start by acknowledging that you are an amazing working mom managing multiple roles, and you deserve a strategy that works for you.
Creating Daily and Weekly Schedules
Get that planner ready (oh man, this is my favorite part), because we're diving into the nitty-gritty of scheduling. Begin by outlining your priorities for the day and week. Assign specific time blocks for work tasks, family time, self-care, and those unexpected mom duties. Having a visual roadmap can be a huge when it comes to time management, and if it makes it into the planner, you're so much more likely to commit to getting it done!
Setting Priorities and Goals
Prioritization is key. Identify the tasks that truly matter and most importantly, the ones that align with your goals. Whether it's a work deadline, a school event, or your much-needed 'me' time, knowing your priorities helps you allocate time where it matters most!
Delegating Tasks
Meet your sidekick—delegation. If you’re anything like me, it may be a struggle to admit this, but it's okay not to do it all! It’s important to delegate tasks at work and home, whether it's assigning chores to the kids or partnering with a colleague on a project. Remember, you're not relinquishing control; you're smartly distributing the workload, and hopefully acknowledging other’s strengths in the process!
Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination is the arch-nemesis of productivity. Kick it to the curb by breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Set super realistic deadlines and reward yourself when you achieve them. Small victories pave the way for significant accomplishments!
Pro-Tip: When you make a to-do list, put everything on there—big or small! There’s something so satisfying about checking things off that list, even if it’s something as small as making your bed, and it will help motivate you to tackle the bigger, less desirable tasks!
Time-Saving Tips for Busy Moms
Let's talk about efficiency hacks. Embrace technology—use apps for grocery shopping, meal planning, and task management. Batch similar tasks together, like responding to emails or tackling household chores. And yes, saying 'no' is a powerful time-saving tool...a good friend of mine recently reminded me that “no” is, in fact, a complete sentence and can be used as such! It really is about preserving your energy for what truly matters!
Remember, time management is a journey, not a destination…and it will help you craft a life that aligns with your values and goals. Embrace the process, be kind to yourself, and celebrate the victories, big or small. You've got this, and I’m here cheering you on every step of the way!
About the Author:
Erika Radis is a Co-Founder of Working Moms of San Antonio. She is a real estate agent, graphic designer, podcaster, office supply enthusiast (is there anything better in this world than a good pen?)and San Antonio area Working Mom. She has owned and run her own businesses for the last decade, all while raising her 3 daughters and enjoys providing valuable resources for Working Moms in the San Antonio area! You can follow Erika on Instagram or on Facebook.
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this-is-me19 · 1 year
My Therapist recommended this to me today at the end of our session so I watched it right after. I recommend watch it. It’s very good. Haven’t read the book she recommends (Atomic Habits by James Clear).
TL;DR below the cut 👇
Depression and anxiety symptoms are on a scale.
How to improve symptoms:
Tiny, incremental strategies that are easy to implement and do can become habitual. The idea is to make a 1% change every day for a month at a time (can choose a different time frame but this is what she uses) which can lead to a 37% change of energy increase and even improving depression and anxiety symptoms after a year.
Three (3) Principles of Change
Pick the low hanging fruit first — Make a change that takes the least amount of effort or energy, that you enjoy the most, that is the simplest
Create a system — don’t have to remember or make effort, such as taking you medicine by placing it on the kitchen table so you remember to take it with food or even just using one of those weekly pill minder boxes so you k owe you took your medicine.
Use a habit tracker — checkmark for each day succeeded which creates a boost of dopamine (reward system in the brain) to slowly build up the habit as well as a visual reminder that you completed the task. Otherwise “Habit” which is a simple and free app for your phone.
Recommendations on where to start:
Light therapy- buy a light box and use for 10mins a day OR go outside and sit in the sun for 10 mins a day
Add a multivitamin or multi-mineral to your diet
Add fermented food to your diet
Add a vegetable to your diet
Daily gratitude practice
Express appreciation by texting or telling someone every day that you’re thankful for them or appreciate them
Watch less news
Follow uplifting social media accounts, ugh as goodnews, upworthy, or even add nature photography to your list of follows
Improve your sleep by decreasing your caffeine, use bed only for sleep
Practice Mindfulness, such as focus in slowing your breathing or feeling your breath when you drive or take a walk, drive without music and let your thoughts wander
Set limit on screen time
Don’t keep your phone by your bed, instead put a book there to read
Go for a walk or stretch
1 minute meditation, just google or look on Pinterest since there are a lot of ideas out there
Set small daily goals for steps
Do a self-regulation technique, such as deep breathing, deep yawning, or tapping
Spend more time in nature. If you live in the city, being exposed to plants or even the nature channel on tv or YouTube of nature photos or videos can be just as useful.
Deepen relationships already have, such as text someone, plan a date or meet up with friends or loved ones, call someone, make a reminder to call people
Set tiny rules for yourself to follow, such as you’re not allowed to call yourself names; when you catch yourself overthinking or catastrophic in to change the words to courageous language instead; don’t use the words “always” or “never”—changes black and white thinking to grey; don’t say “failure”, say “not yet”.
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vulpixen · 2 years
Week One: Mystery
Summary: This story takes place in the Mystery Dungeon AU I’ve been working on for a while and hold dear to my heart.  For this first, it takes place in the Mystery Dungeon AU where everyone is a pokemon. Stan and Ford are Alolan and Kantoian Meowth's respectively and their parents Filbrick and Caryn are a Perserker and Kantoian Persian, and Shermie is a Perserker. How I interpret it as what kind of pokemon they are is determined by genetics and not by game mechanics. Depending on a pokemon's ancestry can determine what pokemon will be born. Other characters such as my ocs Andrea Pereira and Lucina Evergreen are here, too, and they are an Eevee and Shiny Kanotian Vulpixen respectively. Hope this explains things and enjoy this for Week One of @stanuary and onwards! Chapter 1 is here on AO3, too.
Team Mystery
Stan, a young Alolan Meowth, awoke early in the morning and would nudge his twin to wake from his sleep, eager to get up and go for this particular day. The day they start a new adventure.
“Sixer, wake up!” the young Alolan Meowth urged his Kantoian counterpart.
“Mrow!” Ford yowled. “What, Stanley?” He rubbed his tired eyes with a six-toed paw.
“Today’s the day we’re gonna start our explorers team! Team Mystery!” Despite knowing him and his brother aren’t old enough to become a professional, recognized adventure team by the Explorer’s Guild standard’s, yet, that wasn’t going to stop Stan and his brother from getting a start at it. Ford’s lips formed a bright smile as he put on his glasses and leaped down from his bed. Stan hoped one day to meet the founder and leader himself to work with. Stan pulls out the carrying case from under the bed that contains the items they think they’ll need for this adventure they have planned. Once they find something to do, that is.
The two have their breakfast and leave a note for their parents to find, taking some berries and other food for later before heading out the door and outside into the streets. The beach town was bustling with pokemon going about their own business, most of them being water types given the town is by the ocean on the east coast.
Stan and Ford were making their way to the local bulletin board just outside of the Peliper Postal Office when a thought occurred with Stan.
“Oh wait! We forgot to invite Andy and Lucy!” Stan just remembered their Eevee and Shiny Vulpix friends who make their team complete. Stan was over the moon when the girls accepted his and Ford’s offer to become part of their unofficial team. And since it was summer, Lucy would be around for their summer adventures. He’d hate to leave the two out of their adventures in exploring, rescuing and seeking out treasure.
Thankfully, Ford seemed to find the two ahead of them when he pointed at them.
“Seems like they got a head start.” Stan and Ford go up to the two who were looking at the bulletin board, scanning for the tasks they’re able to do and succeed in. Each job ranked from letters E to S, S being the highest and way beyond what the four are capable of.
“Hey, girls!” Stan greeted.
“Stan! Ford!” Andrea greeted the two meowths, her tail wagging in eagerness. “Me and Lucy managed to get here first! Think we can solve some mysteries around here.” Lucy pointing at the jobs listed. This piques the twin’s interests as they scan the board and see which ones seem more interesting and can get them more rewards. Stan slapped at the C level job that’s within their area.
“We can do this one!” Stan pulled the entry down that reads: ‘ Can someone find my basket? I lost it somewhere in Question Mark Cove. Will reward 400 coins. ’ Ford gave an affirming nod.
“Question Mark Cove? I think we can manage a trip there. I believe it's only ten levels down.”
“Perfect! We find this basket and get my – I mean our money. Split it evenly.” Andrea giggled, figuring Stan may take more of the share. Lucina rolled her eyes, but she was looking forward to exploring a cove.
“Ascot, look what we have here!” directed a Minun named Dicky to his Plusle brother as they approached the board. “New jobs! And a couple of wannabe adventurers who don’t even have official badges!” The Sibling brothers were still sore about how Stan and Ford and Andrea got the better of them last summer.
“Hey! We’ll get ours one day.” pouted Andrea.  
“Yeah, go get your own jobs and shove off, sparkplugs.” Stan stuck his tongue out and pulled down his lower eyelid to mock them. The Sibling Brothers look at the group and let out a haughty laugh.
“Oh, we will. We’re going for something more… rewarding.” Dicky would leap up the bulletin board and retrieve a wanted poster of a criminal pokemon that appears to be a rough-looking Carrascosta. Ascot finished.
“Such as apprehending a criminal and collecting the bounty in Question Mark Cove.” The two leave laughing at the four dumbstruck pokemon behind to go off to fulfill the job. Stan was fuming as he couldn’t let this slide. He wasn’t going to let those jerks discourage him, his brother and friends.
“How ‘bout we go get that basket and get that bounty.” Ford, Lucina and Andrea gasped.
“Wait, what? We can’t do that. It’s something adults do, not us kids.” Lucina reasoned, scared about confronting a bigger and stronger pokemon they’re not prepared to face.
“Those two have no idea what they’re up against.” Ford watched the twins go towards the cove. They too were children as well. Stan mustered up the confidence to give the three and himself the morale they needed.
“Come on! With the four of us working together and using our moves, there’s nothing we can’t do. We’ll face whatever is down there and come back here to complete the job!” The three young pokemon looked between each other and smiled at Stan.
“We can give it a shot.” Ford approved, having a backup plan should things go south in having packed an escape orb.
Later down the Question Mark Cove…
The four pokemon managed to handle themselves against the opposing pokemon in the cove during their escapade down into the levels. They even managed to find the missing basket intact. However, they hadn’t seen the Sibling brothers since entering inside. Which Ford would point out.
“Do you think they’re in trouble? Wouldn’t hurt to check.”
“If the criminal got them, good riddance.” dismissed Stan. Something Lucina didn’t like.
“It would be wrong to just leave them alone down here to die.” Andrea sighed, seeing her friend speak true.
“Yeah, even if they are stupid jerks, they’re still kids like us.”
“Fine, let’s go find them.”
The four proceed down into the tenth and final floor of the cove and find what looks to be a makeshift hideout, no doubt belonging to the criminal, but no sign of the Sibling brothers. Stan and Ford call out for them.
“Hey! Dick and Asshole! Call out if you hear us!” Andrea giggled in response to Stan swearing.
“Did you catch the crook?”
They hear nothing for a second under loud, thundering footprints could be heard. It was the wanted Carracosta that goes by the name Crush the Undertow. His shell and maw riddled with visible scars from previous confrontations. He let out an uproar of laughter.
“Ye friends yer lookin’ fer are here no longer!” Crush lumbered over. “They turned their tails and ran off in fear of I, Crush the Undertow!” Stan and Ford growled, figuring the brothers would do something like this.
“Well we’re going to beat you ourselves!” challenged Stan and unsheathed his claws.
“Yeah, we’re not scared of you!” Andrea braced herself and her fur bristled. Ford and Lucina preparing for a fight.
Crush slapped his hard chest and bellowed.
“Then have at the, children! Give me a challenge! ”
It would be a challenging battle for the four young pokemon. Crush wasn’t holding back against the four, using his rock and water moves to get the upper hand. Stan, Ford, Lucina and Andrea have to act quick to try to dodge the attacks, and give it their all in turn. Ford didn’t have enough left to use against Crush, having used much of what they had and found throughout the cove. Ford could see they’re no match for this beast of a pokemon. Lucina having gotten knocked out upon getting hit against the wall, and Andrea getting her out to safety.
“We have to retreat!”
Crush targeted Ford and taunted.
“Ye not gonna run away like cowards are ye?!” Crush opened his mouth and released a high pressure amount of water at Ford. Stan would bound and leap to use his claws to deliver a strong swipe of his claws, aiming for the mouth and was successful, leading Crush to be off his aim. But it left Stan open to be attacked by Crush using his flipper to slam Stan against the wall and pin him there.
“Ya nicked me good, boy, but this ends now.”
Ford brought out the blast seed to use as a last resort to eat it, and unleashed a strong enough force to hit Crush and knock him down, releasing the injured Stan. Ford rushed over to help Stan up and give him an oran berry.
“Come on, Stan, get up.” Stan chewed and swallowed the rejuvenating berry that helped a little. “We need to go help the girls and tell the Magezone Chief about this.” Stan nodded at his brother, a lot ringing in his mind and thinking this could have gone better.
They hear steps coming towards them and it was none other than the Sibling Brothers, never having left. The plusle and minun clapping their paws.
“Well done!”
“Yes, very good! You defeated the crook in our place.” Stan and Ford glared at the two.
“You… you cowards! You got us to fight your battle so you can claim credit! You two could have taken him down with being electric types.” Dickie and Ascot would scoff, not having shame in it.
“And you did a fine job.”
“Saved us the trouble without using up our own resources to do it. Let us offer a deal.” Ascot presents. “You let us have this and we’ll put in a good word to have you and your team become a recognized rescue team with badges and everything from the Explorer’s Guild.”
“That is not what being an explorer is about, Sibling Brothers.” A strong voice spoke from behind them. The four boys turned to see a stoic Lucario and two of his teammates, a Pidgeot and Blissey, tending to Andrea and Lucina’s injuries. They heard everything admitted. “I’m immensely disappointed in you two for using others to fight your battles and perform your tasks, taking credit for their efforts while you’ve done none.” The plusle and minun cowered, fearing the worst was going to happen. And it does. “As the leader and founder of the Explorer’s Guild, I hereby strip you of your rank and badges, banished from the Explorer’s Guild henceforth.” He reached and opened his paw to take the badges away. Reluctantly, Dicky and Ascot relinquished their badges and carrying case and took a walk of shame out of the cove.
Stan and Ford were astonished by what just happened. The founder and leader himself, Ryland, along with his team to rescue them. Stan was relieved to see things were going to be okay, but feels guilty he got the girls and his brother into this mess.
Ryland turned to Stan and Ford. “We’ll take care of this, you and your friends need to be treated.” Stan and Ford nodded up and took their leave to get treated by the Blissey named Belle.
“Your friends sent out an SOS and we were the first to receive it,” Belle smiled as she bandaged up Lucina. “Good thing we did. You four were very brave.” Hearing that made Stan feel a bit better, but he felt guilt over endangering his brother and friends.
“I’m sorry, guys, we should have retreated sooner,” Stan lowered his head. Ford, Andrea and Lucina showed weak smiles.
“Don’t be down, Stan, things got messy and we turned out alive,” reassured Andrea. “And we found the basket to take back to the client looking for it.” The pidgeot named Soarin would offer.
“If I may, I can help deliver it swiftly and without delay. I assure you that I will give you four full credit for your efforts. What should I call your group?”
“Team Mystery,” the four young pokemon agreed.
The next day…
Stan and Ford are called from downstairs by their mom as they got a letter.
“Hey, boys! You have mail!” Their mother Caryn the Kantoian Persian smiled. “And from the Explorer’s Guild no less.”
“Wait, what?” Stan and Ford questioned. The two read the letter, and from what they determined, they are offered to join the Explorer’s Guild. In addition, some of the reward money that came from not only returning the basket to the client looking for it, but part of the bounty from apprehending the criminal carracosta. Stan couldn’t believe it. His dream was coming true.
“We can be official explorers! Badges and everything!” Stan beamed ear to ear. Ford liked the sound of that. “Team Mystery is in business!”
“I like the sound of that, Stan, but let’s stick with what we can handle before we aim for higher jobs.”
“It’s a deal, Sixer.” It was the beginning of a new adventure.
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way2ten · 2 months
Q&A Session
Hey there, productivity enthusiasts! Welcome to our first Q&A session. Today, we're addressing some of the most common questions we've received about productivity. Let's get straight to it!
Question 1: How Can I Stay Motivated Throughout the Day?
Answer: Staying motivated can be challenging, but here are a few tips:
Set Clear Goals: Having specific, achievable goals can provide direction and a sense of accomplishment.
Break Tasks Into Smaller Steps: This makes large projects feel more manageable and allows you to celebrate small wins.
Reward Yourself: Give yourself small rewards for completing tasks, like a short break or a treat.
Stay Positive: Focus on the progress you’re making rather than what’s left to do.
Question 2: What’s the Best Way to Handle Distractions?
Answer: Minimizing distractions is key to maintaining productivity:
Create a Dedicated Workspace: A designated work area can help you stay focused.
Use Tools to Block Distractions: Apps like Focus@Will or website blockers can help keep you on track.
Set Boundaries: Let those around you know your work hours and when you shouldn’t be disturbed.
Take Regular Breaks: Short breaks can reduce the urge to get distracted during work periods.
Question 3: How Do I Prioritize My Tasks Effectively?
Answer: Prioritizing tasks ensures you focus on what’s most important:
Use the Eisenhower Matrix: Categorize tasks into urgent/important, important/not urgent, urgent/not important, and neither.
Rank Tasks by Impact: Focus on tasks that have the highest impact on your goals.
Set Deadlines: Assign due dates to tasks to help prioritize what needs to be done first.
Question 4: Can You Share Tips for Better Time Management?
Answer: Effective time management can significantly boost productivity:
Time Blocking: Schedule specific blocks of time for different activities.
Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes), followed by short breaks.
Limit Multitasking: Focus on one task at a time to improve efficiency and quality of work.
Plan Ahead: Spend a few minutes at the end of each day planning the next day’s tasks.
Question 5: How Can I Balance Work and Personal Life?
Answer: Achieving a work-life balance is crucial for long-term productivity and well-being:
Set Boundaries: Clearly define your work hours and stick to them.
Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for activities that recharge you, like exercise, hobbies, and time with loved ones.
Delegate When Possible: Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to free up your time.
Unplug: Take time away from screens and work to relax and rejuvenate.
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5t4r5-4nd-5t1tch35 · 1 year
Horoscopes for today
These were all taken from the app Daily Horoscope, but I edited them slightly
Aries ♈️
Depending on your state of mind, you can find either comfort or torment on a very dark night. If you lean toward being hopeful, you will notice the brightness of the stars, the vastness of the sky, the light nightly breeze against your cheek, and so on. If you lean toward fear, though, you might feel dwarfed by the darkness, and you might be worried about what might be lurking in the shadows. There is beauty in most things, Aries, and while you may be going through a journey now that is somewhat unpredictable, don't fear it. There are treasures hidden there, and if you look, you will find them.
Taurus ♉️
There is a lot of talk these days about toxic relationships. These might be defined as an involvement that brings nothing but negativity, argument, and a loss of self-esteem. But not all difficult relationships should be simply tossed away. Sometimes, there is room for improvement and a way to make things better. Don't get drawn into a self-righteous need to end something that isn't ideal if there is a chance that you can make your investment of time worthwhile by making the relationship better. If people work at it, they can find better ways to relate in an amicable way and move forward successfully.
Gemini ♊️
You may want to make it an early night tonight. Get home as early as possible, and forget about any errands you can put off for now. Sometimes it's good to just call it a day and dedicate the balance of the evening to relaxation and centering yourself - even if all you do is fix a cup of tea or a cold drink and sit on the porch, enjoying the view. A simple break like this during the week can be a good way to take care of yourself and can offer you a fresh start for your next day. Invest some time in destressing your life and yourself.
Cancer ♋️
Are you making a problem more complicated than it has to be? Are you sure you even have a problem? Just because a plan you had is not going exactly as you assumed it would go does not mean that it's becoming a problem, and therefore it may not need a complex solution, which you may already be foreseeing and are worried about. Maybe if you just go with the flow, you will find that things are actually working out for you better than they might have otherwise. If you decide not to see an unexpected change as a problem, you will open up the potential for what you are trying to do.
Leo ♌️
Resentment may be building between you and someone you are working with, either on a work or personal project. It may have started out as a simple misunderstanding, but each of you has expectations that were not clearly understood by the other. As you realize that you aren't getting what you expected, it can certainly create tension. If you keep going on without addressing this, it may reach a boiling point pretty fast. If you discuss it right away, though, you can clarify and move forward.
Virgo ♍️
Pace yourself today. Although you might have a long list of tasks to complete, you shouldn't push yourself to the point of exhaustion. In fact, if you don't feel up to getting all of it done, do what you can and relax - and don't feel guilty about it. You have a tendency to make a plan and then stick to it no matter what, because that's a way of maintaining order for you. But pushing too hard and too fast can make you less productive and less happy.
Libra ♎️
Today, you are encouraged to turn off the news, walk away from negative people, ignore gossip, and steer clear of conversations that invite worry or conflict. You are also encouraged to gravitate toward hopeful thoughts, seek out the company of people who are fun and funny, seek happy truths, and engage in conversations that are positive. Try to remain mindful and aware of these things. You may be concerned that this day will hold upsetting moments, but by doing this, you can carve out a day that will be rewarding and much less stressful.
Scorpio ♏️
You may have spent a lot of time and energy recently engaging in a futile effort - or at least that's how it may now seem. That's because you did not realize the goal you were after, and therefore, all that you invested has been, seemingly, a waste of time. But there were other things to gain, and if you are conscious of what those things are, then nothing was lost, and much was gained. You now have more experience, insight, and wisdom than you had before, and that's something you can't buy.
Sagittarius ♐️
Many people have had the experience of asking a friend for feedback on a relationship, an opportunity, or a dream, only to have it criticized. Most likely, it was validation that was sought, and instead, you wind up feeling disillusioned. You may have recently shared something with someone - something that was important to you or something you felt hopeful about. But the response you got may not have lived up to what you imagined. Don't let that stop you from believing in it. Seek validation only from your own experience.
Capricorn ♑️
Following a path that has been neglected for a long time can make for a difficult journey. If you are traveling through the woods, for example, and the pathway is strewn with leaves, vines, and overgrowth, you will have to work much harder to find your way. That does not mean that you won't end up enjoying your travels and being grateful that you had the experience. You may be embarking on the path to a once-beloved goal that you had forgotten for a while. The experience may be more difficult than you imagined it would be, but it will still be worth it. Take your time, find your way, and you will see.
Aquarius ♒️
Some children have a way of wrapping the adults in their lives around their fingers. Some children grow into adulthood while maintaining this ability. Someone who is especially charming may be manipulating you emotionally now, but you may not realize it. A coy smile, a charming manner, a talent for saying things in just the right, sweet way - these things may be causing you to cave in and agree to things you don't really want to do. If you are aware of it, you can stick with what's best for you. You should try to be conscious of this today.
Pisces ♓️
When you spend time with a certain person or a specific group, you often feel like you're putting on a show. You are more formal, more restricted, and more limited in what you say and do. You may even worry about what you wear in their presence and the things you share. But you are an extraordinary individual, and your light can't shine as bright when you hide your unique brilliance. You may also be limiting the depth and richness of the relationships you could have if you set yourself free. You may need this little reminder of your greatness today!
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secretlifeofmoney · 2 years
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Opportunities to make additional money are more plentiful than ever, both online and offline. Though choosing where to spend your time might be challenging, that's great.
Learn new work-from-home and internet income opportunities with this list. Earn money when you stroll, recycle, evaluate music, or perhaps just surf the web.
1- Become a 'Clickworker'
The Clickworker.com idea is based on "internet crowd-sourcing," in which businesses post advertisements for the completion of particular, scalable activities. And for us, it's a simple approach to generate income quickly from home.
There are many different duties, but the ones that entail mindless data input, web research, or form filling are the most prevalent.
For the task you choose to complete, you get paid in cash (through PayPal).
2- Gigs on Fiverr
The largest marketplace for people to offer tiny services (often referred to as "gigs") and earn money is called Fiverr.
Anything might be included in what you give. From writing and translating, to publishing on social media, pulling practical jokes, and instructing, to making music, voiceovers, and little videos for viewers around the globe. Five dollars is the standard pricing (hence the name Fiverr), but you may add other services to gigs for a fee.
There are thousands of people making a very decent income off the site, and earnings may pile up rapidly. The idea is to set up a strategy that cuts down on the amount of time needed for each gig.
There is another method to make more money on Fiverr, maybe with much less labor. How? merely by reselling performances elsewhere.
Find a good logo designer, for instance, and then respond to job postings on Upwork or in your region. Spending $5 may easily grow to $50+, and the process is repeatable! Just make sure your designer is satisfied with this by checking with them.
There is a plenty of nice stuff you can do for yourself if selling is not your goal. Browse around on Fiverr to get inspiration!
3- Review music for money
Slicethepie lets you evaluate unsigned bands and musicians online for money if you want to turn your passion for music into a business.
Some website users assert that they make £40 each month. Not drastically altering your life, but if you love it, it shouldn't be difficult.
Although anybody may sign up and review, you will be rewarded in US dollars. Visit Slicethepie to get started.
4- Buy and sell domain names
There are several extensions for a domain name, which is just a website address (such as "google.com" or "Facebook.com") (.com, .net, .co.uk etc.). With GoDaddy.com, they may be registered for as cheap as £4, or even for no cost with Bluehost plans. Premium domain names, however, may sell for thousands or even millions of dollars. VacationRentals.com was sold for a good $35 million in 2007! Although you won't find anything similar today, a little bit of research might still help you make a fast profit. Finding accessible domain names with some economic worth is the trick. Grab them and put them up for sale on a website like Sedo.com after that.
5- Create YouTube videos Recent statistics show that we now watch more YouTube videos than we do Google searches. Additionally, you may make money from creating and sharing videos through the YouTube Partner Program. Per 1,000 views, a portion of the advertising earnings will be yours. You may earn a lot of money depending on your success (view time, subscriber base, and topic). Every week, there are several instances of YouTubers who have made it their career.
In the end, I hope that some of the ideas we've shared here will help you to make a little extra money. It's never too late to start earning a little extra on the side, and our list offers lots of different ways to do that.
No matter what your interests or hobbies are, or how much time you have available, there's something here for everyone. So if you're ready to turn your free time into a little free money, check out our list today.
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pekorosu · 4 years
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• Making a schedule
• Every schedule is different. You shouldn't feel the need to make every second productive just as long as you find enough time to finish what you need to for the day.
• Make sure to sort your to-do list first. Start from the things that are the most urgent and important. After you do this, you can choose to either start with the hardest task so that its out of the way. Or you can start with the easiest so it gets your momentum going.
• When you make your schedule, give extra time for yourself to finish a task. Suppose, if you say you will take 40 minutes to finish a summary, schedule it down to 60 minutes so even if you end up procrastinating in between or if you take an extra break, your entire schedule is not throw into a mess.
• Account for breaks. Always. Take regular breaks between every task. Don't make it too long, 2-5 minutes for a small task and 15-20 minutes for a big task.
• Once you're done with your to-do list, make a schedule with a set amount of time for each task. Try to start exactly when you planned you would.
• Make sure to do tasks in chunks of 20-60 minutes, whatever works for you. Because humans suck at focusing for more than 50 minutes in general.
• Take a small 5 minutes break after one chunk of 20-60 minutes. After you finish 4-6 chunks of 20-60 minutes, reward yourself with a long break, like 20-60 minutes depending on how much work you have left and what time you can spare.
• Getting stuff done
• Break bigger tasks into small chunks so it's easier to get into. So rather than saying "I will completely this chapter today," you can do "I will finish 5 pages of this chapter now and then 7 in an hour. I will finish the remaining 9 pages, 4 hours from now." That makes the work smaller and you also feel more productive.
• Most people have a problem with starting. So just start the task and say you will do it for 5 minutes without getting distracted. Once you get through the first 5 minutes, you should have no problem getting through the rest of the task.
• If you still can't get yourself to work after 5 minutes, the problem is not you, its the task. See what's bothering you about the task. Do you not understand a concept? Or do you not have all the required resources for it? Look into it. If you can't find the problem with the task, move on and get to the next task. You can deal with this later.
• Your work space
• Work space can make or break your momentum. You can be the person who works best with all your materials sprawled on the bed. Or you can be the person who gets work done best in a library. Don't try to make things fits for you when they clearly don't.
• You could be the person who gets more work done at the evenings or in the mornings so don't feel pressured to get work done at the set time everyone says you should do at.
• Remove things that distract you. If you get distracted by the internet, I'll link some things that can help you out in the resources section down.
• Don't over crowd your working space, keep it to a minimum so you don't get too distracted.
• Self care
• The most important thing, no skipping this. Sleep well, everyday. For a minimum of 6 hours no matter what. You can break it up if you can't sleep for long hours in a strecth but make sure you get that sleep.
• Get fresh air and move around. For a minimum of 30 minutes everyday.
• Make sure to eat at least two full meals a day. Try to eat as healthy as possible and snack in between meals.
• Make time for the hobbies/interests you love. Let yourself explore and have fun. You deserve it, you're beautiful.
• How to avoid burnouts
• Break works into small chunks as I mentioned earlier. So rather than saying "I will completely this chapter today," you can do "I will finish 5 pages of this chapter now and then 7 in an hour. I will finish the remaining 9 pages, 4 hours from now."
• Make sure to reward yourself. Doesn't have to be anything big. Give yourself a nice cup of tea or bake a cake from time to time. Reward yourself.
• Do shower and change into a new set of clothes every single day. It really helps. Seriously.
• Make sure to at least work for 30 minutes a day on days you don't feel motivated enough to work so that you don't slip into leisure mode.
• Make sure to maintain a school-life balance. It's a very thin line so make sure to finish your important tasks before going out and doing something fun.
• Resources
• This chrome extension blocks websites.
• This blocks websites for the Mac book users. (This is free but there's also paid verified alternatives here.)
• This website gives alternatives to any software or website, paid or free. Mac or PC or LinusX compatible versions.
• This lets you print any website without all the clutter in it.
• This lets you highlights parts of a web page and lets you share it.
• This checks your writing for grammatical and spelling errors.
• This is also for checking your spellings and voicing in anything you write.
• This lets you convert URLs into QR codes/ shorten URLs.
I'll add more but I gotta dash to class so just these for now.
Have a nice day. ^^
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Dealing With Executive Dysfunction - A Summary
(The full post with elaborate explanations can be found here.)
Being a responsible adult doesn’t have to mean doing things perfectly - it means doing what you realistically can. Can’t eat 7 fresh veggies and fruits a day? Buy some veggie juice or a smoothie and chug that. Can’t make a proper, healthy meal? Add some extra protein to your instant noodles. Can’t do the dishes? Buy some paper plates. Don’t worry about doing things “the right way”, just do what works.
It’s not cheating to do something the easy way. If there’s an easy or more manageable solution available, use it. Even if some people think it’s lazy. Don’t worry about that. Just focus on finding the methods of doing things which make life easier for you.
Fuck what you’re “supposed” to do. Yes, ideally you shouldn’t run the dishwasher twice, but if cleansing the dishes by hand is not an option and that’s the only way you can get clean dishes, do it anyways! When you’re in a really bad place mentally, fuck the rules. Do what you need to do to get shit done, even if it’s not how you’re supposed to do it.
Do stuff while you’re waiting to do other stuff. We spend a lot of time waiting, so spend the time you’d normally just waste getting some chores done. Collect the trash while your roommate is in the bathroom or wipe down the kitchen counters while you’re making coffee. You can even turn it into a game! How many dishes can you clean before the potatoes are boiling? How much trash can you collect and throw out before your load of laundry is done?
You don’t have to do everything at once. Don’t wait for the day where you’re up for cleaning the entire house cause then you’ll be waiting for ages. You can wipe down one counter and call it a day. You can put away a couple things and leave the rest. You can do one small chore and let that be it. You don’t have to choose between doing everything and doing nothing. Any progress is worthwhile.
Let go of the idea that something has to become a permanent habit to have any value. Doing a certain sport for a month is still healthy even if you then move on to something else. Exploring a new hobby for a while and then moving on to other stuff will always teach you something. What’s good for you today will not necessarily be what’s good for you tomorrow.
Don’t worry about the entire task. Just focus on the first step. Don’t worry about brushing your teeth - just get your toothbrush wet and put tooth paste on it. Don’t worry about writing the essay - just look at the assignment and open a document. Don’t worry about going to the store - just put on your coat and your shoes. Starting a task is a lot easier if you only focus on the step right in front of you.
Imagine that your body is a pet/animal you have to care for. Feed and hydrate yourself, keep yourself and your environment clean, make sure you don’t get under or overstimulated, allow yourself time to rest and relax, find ways to enrich your life (like socializing, media or hobbies) - and do your best to make sure you’re healthy and happy, even though you never actually signed up for being your own zookeeper.
Just because you can’t do it perfectly doesn’t mean you should stop trying. Packing lunch a couple times a week is better than never packing lunches. Journaling or making art once a month is better than never doing anything creative. Exercising every once in a while when you have the energy is better than never exercising. You don’t have to do something every single day for it to be important and helpful.
Put on a professional persona when it’s necessary. Try to separate the anxious and dysfunctional you from the Student You who’s sending that important email or the Client You who’s making that phone call or the Customer You who isn’t afraid to ask for help. It might feel like you’re performing a role, but to be honest, most of us do at times.
When you’re doing chores, act like you’re filming a tutorial. Narrate what you’re doing like someone’s watching. That might make it easier to maintain focus and to keep track of the various steps.
You don’t have to do anything perfectly. Wiping yourself off with some baby wipes beats not doing anything about your personal hygiene. Eating a protein bar beats not eating. Using mouthwash beats neglecting dental hygiene completely. Going for a quick walk beats not moving. It doesn’t have to be perfect to count and make a difference.
Make something you know you have to do the trigger for you to start doing something else. Tell yourself “next time I get up to pee I’ll take out the trash” or “when I get up to get something to drink next I’ll make lunch.” If you HAVE to get up anyways, you might as well.
Assign yourself a deadline. Tell yourself “once this video is over, I’ll do the dishes” or “once this alarm rings, I’ll do my laundry.” 
If you struggle to be compassionate towards yourself, try visualizing your future self as a separate person who you like and want to do favors for. Try to think of your future self as a friend who is separate from your current self and do what you can to make their life easier by doing things like preparing that lunch, doing those chores, taking that shower or making fun plans. I know they’ll be grateful.
Make putting stuff back where it belongs so easy that you “might as well.” Organize your home so that placing stuff where it belongs becomes so easy that you might as well just place it there. For many people that means several laundry baskets, many trash cans and easily accessible and very visible storage options. So if you keep finding things in annoying places, make sure they get an easily accessible home!
Look into why you can’t do something. Is something about the chores you’re struggling to do actually causing you sensory distress and is there something you can do to make it more comfortable? If you hate mint toothpaste, get one that tastes like bubble gum. If old food grosses you out, do the dishes with thick gloves on. If showering makes you feel bad about your body, shower with the lights off. The problem isn’t always about self discipline, and in those cases it’s worth looking into why you’re struggling so much to get certain chores done.
Take care of yourself in order to take care of others ( whether pets or people.) Outside motivation is necessary for many people who struggle with executive dysfunction. For many people getting out of bed is easier when you know someone else is relying on you being somewhat functional. So don’t be afraid to find the motivation to take care of yourself in wanting to take care of others.
Make keeping your place clean as easy as possible. Make sure there’s easy one step access to the things you need often. Make sure that the place where a thing is supposed to be is actually within reach of where you use the thing. Make sure everything has a an easily accessible place to go, even if that means several laundry baskets and several trash cans. Examine what’s messing up your place and find a home for it where you’re likely to actually place it on a regular basis.
Choose one very specific thing to work on - like the bathroom sink or the oven or your desk. If you suffer from executive dysfunction you’ll likely be distracted, but having one specific focus point you can keep returning to will mean that in between getting distracted, you can return to your chosen project and get some shit done.
When something feels overwhelming, tell yourself to “just show up” and that you “won’t have to stay the whole time if it’s horrible.” Cause odds are that once you’ve pushed past your initial mental block, you’re likely to stay and finish what you started.
If you really can’t do something, accept your limits and find a different method. Don’t keep trying to push through via willpower alone. If you need outside accountability to get your shit done, find someone who can hold you accountable. If you know you can’t remember the stuff you’re supposed to remember, make sure to always write things down. If you keep forgetting your meds, set a daily alarm. Don’t keep expecting yourself to be able to do things you always struggle with.
Make your chores into a game. Assign certain chores certain points and make a list of fun rewards you can have once you’ve earned a certain amount of points through doing chores.
If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly. Any amount of effort is better than none, so on days where you can’t do something well, do it anyways! Any amount of progress beats not getting started.
Find a momentum and use it to do that thing you’ve been struggling to start doing. You can’t get yourself together to shower? Well, find something you CAN do - and once you’re already doing something, you might be able to channel said energy into showering.
Take it one step at a time. I know a shower sounds overwhelming, but can you take your clothes off? If yes, can you turn on the shower? If yes, can you stand under the stream? Look who just tricked themselves into doing the thing by breaking it down into manageable chunks!
Don’t just break a task into smaller steps - break it into steps so small you can’t possible get overwhelmed and fuck up. “Clean my room” is far too vague - but “set a timer and collect all the trash you can in 10 minutes” is actually manageable and so is “move all dirty dishes to the kitchen” or “remove and/or sort all clothes laying on the floor.”
Don’t worry about how most people do things - worry about what works for YOU. You constantly lose your key? Make ten copies. You overlook your post it notes? Put something with the important reminder on it in front of the door. Got laundry and trash all over the floor? Get more laundry baskets/trash cans. Coping with executive dysfunction is not about learning to do things the neurotypical way, it’s about finding strategies which actually work for you.
When you’re overwhelmed and struggling, find the easiest and fastest way to get rid of some of the distress. Eat if you’re hungry, sleep if you’re tired, pee if you have to, get that thing you’ve been postponing done if you can. The more stressors you can remove, the better - and it’s okay to start with the smaller ones!
Don’t worry about aesthetics. When you struggle with executive dysfunction, maintaining a picture perfect home is probably unrealistic. So drop that dream and focus on making your space practical and functional. Remove the doors of your kitchen cabinets and closets if that will actually make you put stuff away. Get a paper shredder and a mail sorting station if you got mail and advertisements everywhere. Buy all your socks in one color if you struggle to pair them. There are many ways to make your environment more functional. Explore them instead of just trying and failing to make your home look nice.
Get started on your next task before you take your break. Write that first sentence, make that first sketch, get the vacuum cleaner out of the closet or collect the dishes for washing and THEN have your break. Many people with executive dysfunction struggle to start tasks, so for most of us it’s easier to continue something we’ve already started working on than to begin from scratch.
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0verthinking1t · 2 years
BEHOLD, MY NEURODIVERGENT BRETHREN. I GIVE YOU.... THE TEASPOON. aka the tsp. You can TL;DR and just read the part with the colors (from Spoons to Short Rests) if you so choose 😊
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Ok let me explain. I'm ADHD and depressed, and struggle a lot with motivation and executive dysfunction. Sometimes, when I'm in "rest and recover" mode after a long work week or a couple of days with A Lot Going On, my brain forgets to turn on the "things make dopamine" function, and I end up spending most of the day chillin in bed, snacking, and binging Netflix. Not a problem, initially, but when I have my whole week scheduled with work, social stuff, and errands, and I only have a single day to do things like cleaning the apartment, this can be very inconvenient. I have trouble making myself do things I don't want to, and on top of that, I'm already starting at a disadvantage because nothing around me is stimulating enough to get me moving. Facebook: boring, games: boring, checking email: boring, snack time: boring — I can't bribe myself into being productive because nothing is functioning as a bargaining chip. So what do?
I write lists. I plan things. Organizing ideas is my thing; I would gladly write checklists for every item on my checklist and then reorganize every checkbox 5 times rather than actually complete and check off any of the items on the list. So I sat down to divide up my tasks for today in hopes that it would get the juices flowing a bit, and ended up coming up with a system to make things easier to sustain throughout the day. It ended up working really well for me, so I want to share this new system in case anyone else can find use for it.
Spoons: ok, a lot of us know the term Spoons, aka spell slots, energy, etc. It's a way of quantifying the finite amount of energy and time you can put into doing things until your mental/physical health is exhausted. For some folks, the number of Spoons you have resets after a night of sleep. For some, it takes some more intentional self care and maintenance time, like a day off for a bath and a movie marathon. Example: showering takes 1 spoon, washing the dishes takes 3, and going to the bank takes 6. I only have 8 spoons today, so I can shower and go to the bank, but the dishes will have to wait. Maybe I can cook for dinner or draw something with the spoon I'll have left over :3
Tsps: tsp ("tisp") is short for teaspoon. Tsps are to spoons as steps are to whole tasks; cleaning the kitchen is a task that can be broken down into steps, and each step can be assigned a value of tsps. It's a scale that rates the effort required to complete a step, from 1 to 10. Tsps are rechargable with a Short Rest. Example: I have to clean the kitchen. Wiping down the surfaces only rates at 1 tsp, washing the dishes comes in at 4 tsps, and sweeping and mopping takes 5 tsps. Taking the trash and recycling out rates at 10 tsps, tho, so cleaning the kitchen has a Spoons level of 20 tsps, or 2 spoons.
Short Rest: I stole this term from D&D 😛 a short rest is a little treat or activity break that stimulates the happy chemicals and refills your tsps. Short Rests must be measured in set increments of either time or a number of something, but you're allowed to schedule multiple Short Rest increments in a row for bigger tasks. Measurement of a Short Rest doesn't have to include the time it takes to check social media, reply to texts, etc., as long as you're only doing a minute or two of those on either end of your activity. Example: today, my Short Rest is working on my cross stitch project. I tend to hyperfocus when I cross stitch, so I'll set a timer and use increments of 5 minutes. This task takes 6 steps to complete, so after every 2 steps, I'll stop, check that conversation I was having with a friend, and take 1 short rest. When the whole task is complete, I'll celebrate with a Short Rest x 2 and move on to the next one.
Basically, it's a system of periodically rewarding yourself in a planned out way, that makes that reward system even more tangible. Keeping the Short Rest intervals small and doubling them up for more important points of your schedule can help sustain your dopamine level throughout the day while still keeping you on track; being good to yourself and allowing time outside of the Short Rest increment for things like phone, or retrieving the snack you treat yourself to, or coming to a stopping point so you can set your activity down properly keeps the Short Rest from feeling rushed or self-defeating. Tsps help you prioritize things and identify specifically what parts of a task you're having trouble motivating for, and can help map out where you'll need to recharge to keep up your energy.
Feel free to do with this idea as you wish. Steal all of it, some of it, or mold it into something that works better for you. I just hope it helps some other Neurodivergent friends out there as much as it helps me. ❤️
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universeinorbit · 2 years
A little bit of brain hacking
I’m still adjusting to my brain being actually treated for ADHD, and one of my most frustrating sort of obstacles (still) is that if something is not in front of me, it isn’t a thing I need to address, even if it very much does need to be.
My dear wife will be up visiting family next week, and I have a significant and not-unreasonable fear that I’ll use exactly none of the time she’s gone to progress on various life things - dissertation, impending move, writing and editing - so I am doing some proactive work today to offset that. Brain hacking isn’t just for bad sci-fi. :)
Step 1: write a list of tasks I forget are a thing until I am reminded by person/blog post/moon phase in alignment. Includes range from “put dishes away” to “Marie Kondo crafting supplies that are gathering dust.”
Step 2: write a list of rewards that are minor but offer a beautiful hit of serotonin. Includes range from “play one day cycle of Stardew Valley” to “order takeout from that really nice Cambodian restaurant you never go to.”
Step 3: write tasks on one side of a popsicle stick. Then mix them up, and blindly, write a random reward on the other side.
Step 4: Every hour (on the hour and I will set an alarm), pull a stick and assess the task. If it feels impossible, put ‘er back and dig for a different one that is more “possible” in that moment/headspace.
Step 5: When task is complete, get reward, or alternately, hold reward for after the awake window (for instance, don’t really want a glass of wine at 9am, but I’ll want it at 9pm.)
Step 6: complete as many tasks as reasonable in awake window (7am to 9pm), with breaks for food, water, and prescheduled meetings/obligations.
Ideally, this’ll give me a schedule/set of tasks that seem random (therefore interesting) and have a guaranteed reward at the end, however small/silly it may be.
Idk if anyone else will benefit from it, but it’s nice to feel like I have a plan for this week instead of a yawning sense of dread, and if I don’t document my successes, I don’t remember them.
Manifesting positive energy to and for all of you💜
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folkloreguk · 3 years
Moving Antics (M)
A/N: This was requested a while ago and I hope you will enjoy it! I always welcome feedback of any kind! Have a good day x
genre: smut, optional bias (m) x reader (f), oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, overstimulation (a tiny bit), dom!bias, very lowkey roleplaying??, reader wears a maid outfit (not in a degrading way)
words: ~ 5.4 k
tag list: @mochi-ficz (let me know if you wanna be tagged when I post new fics!)
People had told you over and over. Moving is a stressful, exhausting process. It would take a while for you to settle in. Until everything had found its perfect place, weeks could pass. At least that’s what everybody said. What they all failed to understand, though, was that being in love could make the most tiring experience fun. Was it stressful? Sometimes. Exhausting? Why don’t you ask yourself that, when you fell into bed like a walking corpse at night? But all it took was a glimpse at your boyfriend as he carried inside the box that said ‘anniversary gifts’ and it was all worth it. You were confident in one thing at least. In the settling in department you were both ranking foremost.
You had lived in the apartment for only a week, and you couldn’t have been more all-over-each-other. Somehow there seemed to be an unspoken challenge you had both taken on. Maybe you two could set a record for most surfaces in a flat someone could have sex on. Or perhaps you should have started marking the rooms and spaces you hadn’t been able to add to your list yet. There wouldn’t have been many left. At the moment, there was only one downside to being so head-over-heels in love. A lot of the boxes in the apartment had been left unattended, as if you only waited long enough, the things would start flying out of the cartons and miraculously sort themselves out while you could stay there, in bed with your lover between your legs.
But this wasn’t Hogwarts and you weren’t some magician. And so one rainy Saturday noon you decided it would be thatday. The day you finally put away all the things that were still in the boxes. Not that the day had been successful so far. It was 12 pm and you were in bed. The shower was running in the bathroom next door, and you wondered how you would convince your boyfriend and yourself that getting things done would be a worthwhile pastime. Telling yourself you would come up with a tactic with your eyes closed, you tricked yourself into daydreaming for a little while longer, cuddled in the blankets that still smelled like him.
When you heard footsteps approach, your mind snapped back to reality. He strut through the door like a nude model, searching for some clothes to wear. His smirk when he saw you eye him was prominent and made your stomach flip. It took every last will of yours to not ask him to come back into bed with you, forget all your earlier plans and live like you were the last people on earth.
“Do you want breakfast?” he asked, finishing his outfit by pulling a shirt over his head. “I’ll make you some.”
You hummed, starry-eyed at his perfection. “Thank you,” you said. Quickly, he kissed your forehead and then walked off, presumably in the direction of the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, at the kitchen table, you finally brought up your wonderful idea.
“I think we really should unpack some more stuff today,” you said, “Don’t you think?”
“You’re right,” he said, “We’ve really been procrastinating.”
“You can say that again,” you laughed.
“Although I wouldn’t describe our scientific research of the last few days as completely pointless.”
“Our what?” you asked. You were getting up to put away the plates of your late breakfast.
“Us testing which room of the house is the most fun to have sex in,” he stated, matter of fact. “I vote for the bathroom.”
“You just love the mirrors,” you grinned, and he mirrored it.
“I do,” he said. His arms snuck around your waist from behind. “Almost as much as I love you.”
“I love you too, babe,” you said, “You know, there’s one room we haven’t tried yet.”
“The office,” he said. You turned your head and you kissed him deeply. In agreement you hummed, your arms wrapping around him. He pulled you closer, hands ghosting over the back of your thighs and up to your hips. You felt like jumping onto the counter and having him there, again, just like you had done it two days ago. But then you remembered you had other projects for the day. If you gave in to him now, you’d end up back in bed for the rest of the day, probably. Guilt was already setting in at the mere thought.
“Wait,” you pulled away and said, “We have things to get done.”
His nod was dilatory but then he seemed to recall his own determination from around two minutes ago. You wished you could have motivated him otherwise, but you were already struggling to spur on yourself to be productive. Then, you suddenly remembered something. Your eyes must have widened in surprise because he furrowed his brows at you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Stay here,” you announced, “I’ll make sure we get through with this today.”
And you were off to your bedroom. You pulled the box out from the far back of your closet. Memories flashed your mind, of when you and your boyfriend had been watching a show together. One of the characters had been wearing a provocative maid outfit, and you still thought about the way he had grinned at it, or how he had said he found it cute, which you believed translated to sexy, but he had been a little shy back then.
Long story short you bought one. And what better occasion to put it to use than now? You went all out, stockings and heels as well as your attempt at fixing your hair quickly, which you knew didn’t really matter, since you would want it out of the way if you were really going to be emptying boxes. You strut down the hall, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The black and white costume just about covered your ass, and on your chest was a cutout in the shape of a cat’s head. The ruffles of the material bounced as you walked, excited to see your boyfriend’s reaction.
“Close your eyes!” you shouted. “No cheating!”
“I never cheat,” he said. You rolled your eyes, remembering his video game antics from the past.
“Before you say anything…this is supposed to be a motivation for us to empty the boxes. If we do that, we can have our reward,” you said.
“What reward?” he asked, eyes still shut.
“Open your eyes and you’ll know,” you said. Oh, how dearly you whished you could have captured his face on camera.
“Babe…,” he said. Then his mouth just stayed agape, as he ogled at you shamelessly. Just because he could. Because he was just thatlucky to have you.
“Do you like it?” you asked.
“Yes. Of course I do,” he said. His tone was emotionless because he was way too busy sorting out his own thoughts in his head. “But do you really think this is a good idea? How am I supposed to focus on anything but you?”
“We’ll figure it out,” you said. “Don’t you want to feel accomplished at the end of it all? If we don’t start working now, we’ll just end up feeling guilty. Again. Come on, let’s do this.”
“Alright,” he said. “Let me have one kiss.”
You laughed and granted him that one wish. His lips lingered on yours for a while. You knew he didn’t want to pull away. Neither did you. But at last, he had enough control to remove himself from you. It was the office that still needed the most work to be done. Cardboard boxes were piled on top of each other, labelled with some sort of theme or room of belonging on the outside. When you looked his way, he was only eyeing your legs. But then you grabbed the closest box to you and handed it to your boyfriend, and he snapped out of his trance.
Believe it or not, there were up- and downsides to the maid costume in this situation. The pros included feeling unnecessarily sexy whilst doing an unbelievably humane task, not getting too warm since you were already wearing little clothing and having your boyfriend virtually drooling over your appearance. The downsides were mostly reduced to one word: heels. Climbing a ladder and balancing three boxes on top of each other in your arms was an arduous task to begin with. Now add the possibility of twisting your ankle on the top step of a ladder and crashing to the floor, probably breaking your back or worse. You really couldn’t endanger the prospect of the fun you were planning on having later by taking that risk.
That’s why you chose to abandon the heels somewhere on the floor about half an hour into the process. And you came to the conclusion that finally getting over and done with what you had been procrastinating for the last week wasn’t all that bad. You were a whirlwind, running from room to room to make sure everything had its place. At some point he had turned some music on, and it was making everything even better. After all this time, you finally had your own place to decorate however you desired. As you admired how nicely things were coming together, you hummed to yourself quietly.
You weren’t sure whether he was having as much fun as you were. Especially not when you walked past him in the doorframe, carrying four pillows. Your ass – maybe not all that accidentally – brushed against his front as you entered the room. Innocence and feigned ignorance were on your face but you noticed exactly the way his eyes dwelled on you for a little longer until he got back to work.
But everything you could do he could do just as well. Fifteen minutes later, you were occupied with stacking books onto a shelf. Wanting them to stand in a very specific order turned out to be more time-consuming than you had anticipated. You heard his steps behind you, assuming he was going to walk past you. Suddenly his lips brushed against your exposed neck.
“Remember this song?” he asked. You hadn’t been focused on the music for a while now, but of course you remembered. “Remember when I fucked you to the beat of this? Because I do.”
“Babe,” you said. There was a little part in your brain that had the glorious idea of him having you right there, against the bookshelf. You wouldn’t even need to remove your clothes. With him, it took nothing but a few magic words and you felt like giving him all of you. No. It’s not time for that yet. Your rationality vanquished that little avid thought and pushed it away, back into your unconscious where it had come from. It wasn’t gone yet, only not so urgent anymore.
“You’re right,” he said. “We’ll save that for later. Just wanted to remind you of how much of a good time we can have.”
You only shook your head and grinned as he walked off, pretending to be blissfully unbothered. What goes around, comes around, after all. And you deserved that for pushing up against him earlier. It took a minute and you got back to sorting your book titles. Time passed surprisingly fast when you were being productive. Box after box emptied itself, almost as if your wish for magic powers had become reality. But it was just two people, who were so excited about their reward that they forgot to even take a proper break in between the chaos. And soon you were down to the last cardboard box. It was full of decorations you didn’t need for the current season.
Just a few more climbs up and down the ladder to the very top of the closet and you were done. He stood next to the ladder, handing you the things so you didn’t have to go all the way down each time.
“Last one,” he said, giving you a box with holiday lights. Successfully, you placed it in its new spot. When you finally made eye contact with him, he was already staring at you like you were the only thing in the room worth looking at. To be fair, from where he stood, there wasn’t much left up to his imagination. With your stockings on display, his eyes could probably go all the way up to your garter belt.
“Is this angle too revealing?” you asked.
“Absolutely,” he said, making you laugh. Smirking, he took your hand as you stepped off the ladder. You stumbled into his body as you grinned at each other. You both had the same thing on your mind, without a doubt. It was like a little inside joke you had made up just now, making you flirt through looks and small touches. His hand rubbed the small of your back as he bent to your ear.
“My pretty maid, haven’t you worked enough for the day?” he asked. “All that teasing you did today must have been soexhausting.”
You nodded overly seriously, as if riling up your horny boyfriend was physically tiring work. “I hope I did a good job. Did I?”
“No one else could have done it better,” he said. “Now let me treat you, baby.”
You hummed with your mouth already too close to his to say anything. Then your lips finally crashed onto his. It was a little ridiculous how much you missed his touch after only hours of being without it. People had told you you’d get tired of being with each other all the time. But it had been years and you still wished you could have cuffed his wrist to yours because you loved him just that much.
Your tongues fought playfully as you pushed him against the closet front. Small noises came from both of your mouths, quietly agreeing that this was what you had been waiting for – more or less patiently. Your hands became busy with the buttons of his flannel. When you came across his bare skin underneath instead of a shirt, you smiled into the kiss. Every layer less to remove meant you were one step closer to what you wanted.
“We’ve never done it in here,” you muttered against his hungry lips. “That table looks nice, doesn’t it?”
He grinned. Your hands had already messed up his hair, but nothing came close to his dark eyes in moments like these. His look never failed to make your heart skip a beat while you wondered how you had ended up with the most handsome guy in the world.
“Will you think of us, if you ever sit there and work in the future?” he asked, leading you over to the office table. He dropped his flannel on the ground on the way.
“I always think about us,” you said. “But you can make sure this one stays especially prominent in my memory.”
“There’s nothing I’d rather do,” he said, and kissed you again. Your ass was backed against the edge of the table and one of his legs pushed between your thighs. It made you whimper quietly in anticipation. He touched the little part on your thighs that was bare, playing with your garters. With your eyes closed, his tongue on yours and his hands being so close but so far from where you needed him, your head spun with dizziness. He was like a drug, like alcohol dripping straight from his lips and the more you kissed him, the less control you had over yourself. His attention gave you loose lips and the impulse to be risky, all whilst feeling so high up in the clouds you weren’t sure you’d ever find your way back down. You hissed when he pressed his fingers against your underwear.
“You’ll keep the dress on,” he said. “Will you?”
“Of course,” you obliged. “If that’s what you want.”
“Good girl,” he said, and he pulled aside your panties to slide his finger over the slickness that had formed between your thighs. As if on command, your hips moved closer to his hand as you whimpered at the too gentle friction. All afternoon you had been thinking of his hands on you. When you had watched him peel away the tape from the boxes, when he was taking your hand to help you down from the ladder and when he had run his fingers through his hair absentmindedly – all you could think about was how much you wanted those hands to grab your hips and for him to have his way with you.
“Take these off,” he ordered. His stern but gentle voice turned your insides into mush. It made you behave almost like a robot, no ifs ands or buts. When you usually liked to tease him, you knew not to test your limits when he spoke in this tone. Your underwear dropped to the floor and you kicked it a few meters away. Again, his hands ghosted under your dress and found your center. You felt like your knees would buckle from the way he rubbed small circles on your clit. Moaning quietly, you wrapped your arms around his neck for support, leaning your forehead against his chest for a moment. You let out small huffs and whimpers against his skin and nuzzled especially close to him when he touched that one special spot for a few seconds.
“Look at me.” He watched intently as your eyelids fluttered like your eyes were going to roll to the back of your head. You tried your best.
“Put your hands on the table by your sides,” he said. You hummed in disapproval but didn’t dare say so. After all, he could have also told you to put them on your back. And holding on to a wooden edge was still better than not holding on to anything, when you felt like a child standing on its feet for the first time. When he hooked his free hand under your thigh, lifting up your leg a little, your grip on the table tightened. You swore under your breath when he plunged two of his fingers into you. He curled them, pushing hard against your sweet spot and you curled your back in response.
All day you had gone without any sort of attention, when your head had been so full of things you knew you could do with him. The most release you had gotten – which was basically no release at all – was from pushing your legs together tightly when the dirty thoughts had become too much for your brain to handle. You knew it was your own fault for setting yourself up with this challenge. But now with your chest heaving and your head feeling like a tsunami of emotions was raging inside of it, you didn’t regret it as much as you thought you would two hours ago. Maybe you should play this waiting game more often, instead of jumping onto each other any chance you got.
“You look so hot like this,” he said. At the sound of his voice your eyes opened. Those eyes. While they usually held loyalty and playfulness, they now only spoke of authority. He used his thumb to rub your clit whilst his fingers were still inside of you, making you feel like floating. You were his favorite sight, by far. Above all times he watched you, from waking up in the morning to falling asleep in his arms at night, right now was the most mesmerizing. Your parted lips were the entrance to heaven and the glow in your teary, desperate eyes was putting the evening sun to shame.
“I’m so close,” you moaned. Your chest was alternating between short puffs and not breathing at all. Maybe your brain was too focused on the bliss you were chasing to care about breathing for now. You couldn’t blame yourself.
“Don’t make a mess, baby,” he said.
“No, I won’t,” you said. “Can I touch you when I come, please?”
You gave him your most entreating eyes, knowing that even though he liked telling you what to do in the bedroom, not even the strictest boyfriend was immune to your puppy eyes. You suspected that if he had declined, you might have held on to him anyways. Too overpowering was the clamor inside your head that was telling you to be close to him.
“Only when you’re coming,” he said. “Not a second earlier.”
You nodded obediently as your eyes shut again. Good thing you were mere moments away from just that. His fingers moved quickly, now that he knew how close you were to your high. It robbed your breath all at once. And it did the job, after a short while. You whined and arched your back, your hands flinging around his shoulders. Your little noises came out muffled against his skin as you closed your legs around his hand. He barely moved his fingers anymore, but kept the pressure on your most sensitive spots, making sure you could relish in every last second of your orgasm. Only after a while your grip on him loosened, and you realized how your nails had been digging into his skin.
“Sorry,” you said, rubbing over the moon-shaped marks on his shoulder. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, baby,” he said. When he removed his hand, you shuddered one last time, but missed his touch already. His magic was always working on you. Even when he had just made you come, the mere sight of the bulge in his pants, ready to spring free, made you want to pull him right into your body again.
“You came so fast today,” he said. Softly, he kissed you, but you noticed the hint of hunger that he must had been feeling as you were coming down from your high.
“That’s what you do to me,” you admitted. “Do you think you’re the only one who felt tortured all day long? It was driving me crazy, too.”
“You seemed to have a lot of fun, messing with my head,” he said, smirking.
“You’ll find that it was worth it, after this,” you said. He raised his eyebrows in question. You were already stepping forward, dropping to your knees in front of him. Like a child on Christmas morning, his eyes lit up at the sight of you.
“Aren’t you the prettiest maid?” he asked, the question obviously rhetorical. To him, you were the prettiest person in the whole universe. You tugged on his pants and pulled them down, along with his underwear. Your mouth watered at the sight of his member, hard and red from all the waiting he’d had to endure. The way he looked at you from above made you feel small, but he stroked your hair out of your face gently and you knew this was exactly where you wanted to be right now, and any other day.
“Hands behind your back,” he said. You smiled and did as he said, holding your right wrist with your left hand on your back. He caught on to your reaction right away.
“You don’t even mind, right?” he said. You were already sitting straight, mouth open, your tongue protruding slightly. “You like it when I make it more difficult for you, don’t you?”
You only nodded and hummed a small yes, then he placed the tip of his dick on your tongue. At first, you only closed your mouth around it, not taking more of him. Your tongue licked over the swollen tip almost shyly. He groaned as he watched you test the waters. After all, he was the one who could control what you did to him. For now, however, he seemed to leave you your freedom to do what you felt like. You pressed your tongue flat against the underside of his cock, licking over the tip ever so slowly. Then, you sunk your mouth further onto his length, taking as much as you could. It was so quiet you only noticed his uneven breathing as he eyed you from above.
“Shit, you’re so good for me,” he said. “Now stop with the teasing, will you? You know what happens if you don’t.”
You knew exactly. And so you shifted from your slow movements to quicker ones. You made sure to keep your tongue on him, especially when you moved your head away, swirling it around the tip now and then. His moans were music to your ears and only motivated you further. You had always loved his voice, when you sang to the song on the car radio or hummed his latest favorite song under the shower. But nothing compared to the way his voice sounded when you sucked him off. He seemed to be the most unrestrained then, not caring who heard him because he was way to obsessed with you sitting by his feet. The way he looked at you then made your stomach turn in pleasure. He didn’t even need to say anything or touch you. His overseeing eyes alone made you want him more than anything else.
His fingers in your hair curled, pushing your head further down on him. You focused on not gagging, your eyes closing. Tears brimmed behind your eyelids, but you were determined not to let them fall. Instead, you opened your lips a little wider and stuck your tongue out to make it easier for him to use your mouth however he desired.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, sighing in relief. You were awaiting treatment a lot rougher than the one he gave you, though. He thrusted into your mouth rather slowly, giving you enough of a break to remember to breathe. When you looked up at him with your sweetest eyes possible, his expression was a mix of strain and pleasure. You suspected he was trying not to overdo it just yet.
“Baby…can I fuck you or is that too much for you?” he asked. You perked up at his request. When you started humming around his length, he pulled away to let you speak.
“Please,” you said. “Fuck me. On the table.”
“Alright, my baby’s making the rules now, is she?” he said. “Come here.”
“I thought that’s where you wanted me to remember you, wasn’t it?” you asked, getting up.
“You’re right,” he said. You sat down on the edge of the office table with your legs parted for him to stand between them. Just once he kissed you. You wanted him to hurry, so you linked your heels behind his back, pulling him closer.
“Take me like a good girl.” He ran his cock over your slick folds, and he groaned when he felt your warmth on him. In response you nodded willingly, unable to wait a second more for him. Luckily, he didn’t plan on dragging out the anticipation any longer. With ease he slid into you, finding a familiar rhythm right away. As if you hadn’t just come ten minutes ago, you whimpered pathetically at the satisfaction. You leaned your weight onto your hands behind you, watching his cock enter you over and over. There was no limit to how many times you could have him inside of you. Every time it felt the same. Like he was completing you, all whilst simultaneously ruining you. His thrusts were sharp and as you raised your legs and changed the angle slightly, your eyes rolled back for a moment.
“Harder,” you asked, even though you were already overwhelmed.
“You want more?” he asked. You hummed a yes and nodded quickly. His grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you closer to the edge of the table. He didn’t disappoint. He never did. Swiftly, he pushed your legs further open and pounded into you, making your body shake every time his hips slapped against yours. It drove you borderline mad. A part of your brain urged you to praise him, to let him know what he was doing to you. But then, those unspoken words between you were inconsequential. You didn’t need to tell him how good he was. He could read it in every part of your body. He saw it in the arch of your back, in your curled toes and in your lip that was captured between your teeth. He heard it in the way you moaned and said his name like he was your savior.
Plus, you would tell him all about it afterward. But that wasn’t what your mind was focused on momentarily. It was the way he hit your sweet spot every time and you could barely breathe normally amidst your whimpers. You hadn’t even introduced yourself to all your neighbors yet, but they most certainly had taken notice of your arrival in the new apartment.
“Can you use your hands for me?” he asked. “Show me touching yourself, baby.”
His words and the look of dominance in his eyes was all it took, and without second thought your hands went to your center. You sucked in a breath at the added pleasure. It was almost too much at first, but then you let it all in. Like a wave was crashing over you, your eyes closed, and you hummed from the intensity.
“That’s it. Make yourself come again,” he said. “You can do it again.”
“Yes,” you said, almost breathed with the weakest voice. Your body had other things to focus on at that moment, letting your vocal chords do whatever they felt like. You clenched your walls around him and the knot in your stomach tightened with every little circle you drew on your clit. His usually tender eyes were everything but that as he watched you revel in the pleasure.
“So fucking hot,” he groaned. You tried hard to uphold eye-contact through fluttering eyelids and furrowed brows. “Good girl, keep going. Tell me when you’re coming.”
You hummed a yes as one of his hands cupped the side of your neck, the other remaining on your hips so he could push your body against his own with every thrust. After all this time of being with him you knew what it meant when his moans became higher pitched and he seemed to not realize his mean grip on your skin – not that you minded. You loved seeing the marks he left on you, especially when you had nowhere to be the next days. It always made him hungry, when he saw the dark spots on your skin, like a fading memory of what you had done.
A curse fell from his perfect lips and his thrusts turned sloppy as he came inside of you. His face, all twisted in bliss and from exhaustion, was all you needed.
“Stay inside of me. Just for a little while, please,” you plead, fingers on your clit rubbing at the quickest speed you could muster. “I’ll come if you stay.”
“I’m right here,” he said, slowing his actions until he was just filling you up, but now moving anymore. “It’s okay. Come for me.”
Just having him there, stretching out your walls and making you feel so close to him was all you really needed. And his words of affirmation sent you over the edge in no time. It was a toe-curling, mind-bending surge that overcame you at your release. Stars danced delightfully behind your closed eyelids while you tried to process all of it. He gripped your hand that was touching your clit and pressed it down, urging you to go on for a little while longer. You whined in sensitivity, feeling like your legs would give in, even though you were already sitting down. For just another while, he dragged out your orgasm as you struggled to control your overwhelmed senses. He distracted you by bending forward and letting his lips graze yours.
“You did so good,” he said. “My pretty maid.”
You whimpered and then sighed when he finally lifted your hand away from between your legs. Only then you could scrape together some words.
“We both did good today,” you grinned. “And I mean not only the last half hour.”
“Agreed,” he said. “Tomorrow we could tackle those last boxes in the kitchen. What do you think?”
“Can the maid outfit make another appearance?” you asked.
“I was hoping it might,” he said, kissing you softly. Your tired limbs and mind welcomed his gentleness as your hands went to his hair. You could already guess how the next day would go, then. But truth be told, you didn’t mind it one bit.
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gloryofluv · 3 years
"Oh, Baby!" Time Traveling Child? Older Brothers Reaction to It Being Their Child.
The rain was absolutely horrendous so seeing a demonic version of yourself completely soaked and coddling a bundle was hard enough as it was. What the fuck? This probably is bad.
“Here! Please, I don’t have time! Take the baby, [Insert name] is the father! I’m sorry, I have to go!”
Future self. Time travel. Giant mess. Now… a toddler.
The Younger Brothers and Their Child
The Dateables with Their Child (Luke's reaction to Simeon's)
Lucifer’s Child-
Stunned. Confused. Enraged. Annoyed. The surface is neutral. The flames of hell burning inside. He will sip his tea as you dry off and explain thoroughly. The only giveaway that he has any emotion to this at all is the flickering of his eyes.
Appears indifferent… Until you hold it close and stop the child’s fussing. The gentleness. The sweet and utter calm that washes over you. Handsome boi is twitterpated fast. His demeanor softens, and he moves closer to speak to both of you. Yes. The new Moons in his Devildom.
The excellent thing about taking care of six younger brothers, he’s had to adapt swiftly. Begins a pristine plan for taking care of the child, with or without you. (He would be pissed if you said without you, just agree to take care of your child together, okay?) Even if the option is on the table to walk away, he would be devastated if you did. Utterly and whole-heartedly.
These plans take shape within hours. Akuzon orders arriving at expedited speed. Barbatos coming over with special nutritional needs for the child. He’s efficient and even started the remodeling of rooms at that time. The study now has children's toys and a safe playpen. The house has been baby-proofed overnight (It was already idiot-proof, so it wasn’t a far stretch).
His room now has a mock nursery. He actually insists you move in there temporarily so that you and the child have peace. That’s regardless of your relationship status. The minute your future self dropped his child on you was the minute he no longer could deny feelings had developed. He needs you close.
Good Luck keeping this demon from spoiling the shit out of your kid. He may be a disciplinarian, but his child will be spoiled rotten. Get ready to be the “No, they can’t have that, Lucifer! I don’t care how long you’ve been working today. They’re grounded, remember?”
But don’t get it wrong. His child will grow up being just as pristine, tenacious, and prideful as himself. Yep, you have your work cut out for you. Good Luck…
Mammon’s Child-
Say what? Huh? No… Wait. Huh? His baby?!
This demon would be in denial for the first two hours at least. By denial, it’s difficult to catch him up to how this all happened. Future? Demon? You and him??? What? Mammon’s crow brain lost the shiny for a quick minute there.
After. He would be a blushing mess. How? How is he supposed to overcome it all? Future you and him? His secret love? His heart and joy? The fire in his chest and wind in his wings? Que the heart eyes at the realization.
Has no plan. You will have to plan everything while he starts showing his child his room, the house, and rubbing it in his brothers’ faces. Yeah, his baby. The Great Mammon! His beautiful child. Swelling of pride and love just gripping at him.
Your plans will likely be trampled as you order the items you need, thanks to Lucifer’s help. Your room is now the baby’s room. Although, Mammon gripes about you not just moving everything to his room. Major complainer about it until you give in.
Spoiler with money he doesn’t have, however, starts to realize how lucrative the baby can be. Owwwww!! You have to chide him plenty about not selling your child’s photos. He’s just so damn sweet though and never wants to put them down! Sorry, you’ve now been replaced. At least for the cuddles.
However, don’t expect to get out of it that easily. Your station is in his bedroom now. You need something? Mammon’s gonna get it! You have your own half of the room. You and his wee one.
Chaotic dad. Loves hard. You’re going to need to help him get sorted and with the baby around and you being its other parent… Well, he really doesn’t have a choice! Quick learner, but easily distracted. Don’t expect him to ever discipline. Sorry, honey, you’re now a parent of two.
Plan for this baby to be just as excitable as its father. However, with your coaching, the greed might taper a bit… hopefully???
Leviathan’s Child-
Fainted. Is he dead??? No. Just this happened in an anime with a very long name and similar plot. He figured he was already dreaming or something!!! Tries to equate how you both had a child if you never… did normie stuff before!
Takes probably the most amount of time to be explained to. Not because he doesn’t get it. No… he just has a hard time believing you would want a baby with a disgusting Otaku!!! You eventually do calm him down.
By that time, Lucifer has already made a list. He gives it to him with a stern expression that clearly reads, “Don’t fuck this up, bro.” Levi is still a bumbling mess, and no, please stop asking him to hold it. What if he drops it? What if he scares it? What if he smells? Please don’t let this baby reject him…
He’s a trial-by-fire type. You have to force him to let you move in to take care of the baby around him. You have to nearly break his fingers to hold the baby… but when he does. Oh. He’s in love! So cute and sweet, and it's both of yours??? You mixed with him? This is so amazing and wonderful!
Has the least resistance to you taking control of the baby’s needs and telling him what to do. He’s clueless and wanting to soak up each and every moment with both of you. Easiest to coach about routine and plans as well. He sees it as a reality-virtual-reality game! Tasks, rewards, tasks, achievements!
Possessive. Don’t plan on his brothers holding the baby for the first several months. No one but both of you will. Also, don’t even think he won’t master the art of quelling the horrible crying either. Tail rocking is the best, and Little Henry 3.0 would agree!
Baby will be your demon, but don’t expect him to not get a bit jealous. He wants his child to know they’re his player three in life as well!
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