#a scene where he teaches cal to use it by standing way too close
azems-familiar · 1 year
i am 18 hours into jedi: survivor and so far my biggest and most solid opinion is that Bode and Cal are fucking gay
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mumms-the-word · 5 months
For your 100 followers, would you want to an epilogue scene for one of your OCs where all the little side characters you saved along the way have their own happy endings and they thank your OC and their romanced companion for making their lives better?
Oh gosh I’ve only had epilogues with Dani and Ardynn and they were both good beans who saved everyone they could. They’d have to set up a line and stand there shaking hands for 2 hours 😂
I do have headcanons about where a lot of people ended up, particularly in Dani’s game. Especially the tieflings. She helps the tieflings establish their own little neighborhood in Baldur’s Gate and makes sure all their businesses/schools get off the ground, like Bex’s bakery/tea shop and Alfira’s music school and so on.
Gale and Dani visit Rolan and his siblings regularly in Ramazith for magic discussions and tea and to mess with Rolan a little (well, Gale is there to be helpful, Dani is there to tease, she loves Rolan like a brother).
Dani is the number one most frequent customer of Bex’s tea house because she’s obsessed with her cookies and Gale loves Danis’s tea. Gale and Dani are among the very first people that Bex and Danis break the news about their pregnancy to, and Dani is elated for them.
Dani also regularly visits Alfira’s music school. She helps tutor the violin players on their music but she’s not suited to teaching all that much, since her advice is basically “you got it! Keep trying!” while trying not to wince. Gale offers to teach them spells until he realizes that bards have a fundamentally different understanding of casting magic than wizards do (I headcanon that bards don’t even use the same melodies for spells, like there isn’t a system like “Play A C F A to cast healing word” bards just sort of guess at magic and use their own music to convey the spell and whatever works for them is whatever they repeat; but this was absolutely frustrates Gale as a wizard because it makes replication and study wibbly wobbly)
Dani is a bit better at teaching them spells and Gale is interested in watching, at the very least, and trying to make sense of it all
I could keep going tbh. They find Zevlor a quiet place to retire, close to where the thieflings operate with Mol as their leader (Dani respects Mol’s ambition to take over the Guild but she’s also like “I need you to be in a house not a tent in the Guild headquarters” and the other Thieflings appreciate having a home to go back to after they’re done selling papers and stuff). I’m sure Cerys and Zorru join the flaming fist or something. Or get merc work. Idk as much about them.
I do think they Cerys, Zorru, Cal, Lia, and Zevlor form an unofficial militia on behalf of their neighborhood to deal with internal conflicts that they don’t want the flaming fist poking their noses in. Most of these conflicts end up roping in Dani too. Thankfully, conflicts are rare in the first couple of years, aside from some racist bozos Dani is only too happy to yeet from the neighborhood
And Dammon, of course, still has his forge. Dani and Gale regularly check up on him and they’re working constantly with him to find a way to upgrade or repair or even replace Karlach’s heart. The progress is slow but Dani refuses to give up. She sends Karlach little notes from Dammon all the time, usually as sending spells.
Meanwhile in Ardynn’s world she kind of loses touch with anyone not in the Reclaimed Lands with her and Halsin lol that’s a whole separate post tho, I have tons of headcanons for how Ardynn and Halsin shape the reclaimed lands as Aldermen of the commune
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Time in Sin City can never be restored
Kara Danvers x Male Reader
Request- Could you make a platonic Kara Danvers x male reader before their planet exploded reader was Kara's babysitter and escaped but he ended up lost somewhere else and sees that Kara and kal aka Clark are alive goes searching for Kara he arrives years later now that Kara is supergirl and he knows of the effects of each suns he arrives on earth and supergirl n superman are in big trouble but be saves the and stops the villian also he is super skilled so he doesn't depend on his powers much
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Kara-age 5:
You met up with Alura because she hired you to be the nanny. You met Kara and she hides behind her mother.
”She takes a while to warm to new people,” Alura said.
”I understand. Hi, Kara, my name is Y/N” You said.
She whispered very low ”Hi”
”Y/N, I have to go. Kara has a bedtime and it is at eight” Alura said.
”Okay,” You said.
She left and Kara just stares at you. You get down on one knee.
”How about we play a game before bedtime?” You asked.
She smiled and nods. You and Kara start to play and she can't stop smiling. Later, you tucked her in bed and start to read a bedtime story.
Kara is thirteen years old and you have been her babysitter since she was five. She is attached to you and she loves spending time with you. When you walked into her house, she ran to you and hugged you. And you hug her back, she always hugs you.
”Did you bring it?” Kara asked.
”I don't know what you are talking about?” You lied.
You and Kara smiled.
”Y/N,” Kara said.
”I have it. But did you finish your homework?” You said.
Kal-El starts to cry and you went to pick him up from the crib. Kara watches you gently calm him down.
”He is so small, why he stinks so bad,” Kara said and moved.
”We will never know” You laughed.
Later, you start to play with Kal-El and Kara. Their parents always work late. You are like a big brother to her and she always has fun with you. You and Kara start to play with Kal-El, by making funny faces and he starts to laugh.
It's a normal day, you take Kara and Kal-El outside to play. Suddenly the planet starts to shake, people start to run and panic. Kal-El starts to cry and Kara starts to feel scared, you hold them closer to you.
”Y/N, I'm scared,” Kara said.
”Let’s go. Don't let go of my hand Kara” You said.
”Okay,” Kara said.
It didn't take long for you to find their parents.
”What is going on!?” You yelled.
”The planet is going to explode. We have to put Kara and Kal-El in the pod” Alura said.
”Why we all can't get in it?” Kara cried.
”We can't fit all in the pod. It's designed for one person only. You and Kal-El will go in the pod” Alura said.
Kal-El doesn't stop crying. The planet starts to shake and you are feeling terrified.
”I won't go without Y/N or anyone!” Kara cried again.
”Kara you have to go. I want you and Kal-El to be safe. I promise we will see each other again” You said.
Kara hugged you and you kissed her head then she hugged her parents. Kara and Kal-El are in the pods and you watched them leave, you cried.
You and the others run to find safety. You found a pod and got in but the engine semi-damanged. But you made it work but the pod got hit and you hit your head. Kal-El’s pod went to earth and Kara’s got knocked off-course by Krypton's explosion, sending her ship into the phantom zone where she slept for 24 years while being suspended in time and not aging.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
For years you have been searching for Kara and Kal-El. You never got close to finding them and everything has changed for you. You lost count how many times you tried to find them or asked favors for others.
”We will miss you, Y/N,” Adam Strange said.
”I will miss you and the others too,” You said.
”Here, take the picture Vath Sarn will kill me if I didn't give it to you. Y/N, remember you can contact us anytime” Adam Steange said.
You stare at the pictures and you hugged Adam.
”There is no way you are leaving us without having a drink with us,” Vath Sarn said.
”Of course not. I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye” You said.
Everyone came to say goodbye and hug you.
Adam Strange, Alanna Strange, and Vath Sarn created a device that allows you to travel from multiverse to multiverse. Once you arrived on New Rann, they took you in and they became your best friends.
Years have passed by fast. Kara and Kal-El are adults now. They haven't seen you for many years and Kara misses you so much. Kara does tell Kal-El stories about you and he does want to meet you.
”Superman and Supergirl we need your help now!” Alex yelled.
Kara and Clark heard Alex in the earpiece, they rushed to the scene. Alex and her team are having trouble fighting the enemy.
”We are here now,” Clark said.
”We meet again Supergirl. My offer still stands, enjoy me and I will train you and we will serve our lord Darkseid” Granny Goodness said.
”I will never join you! I am a hero and I protect people” Kara said.
”Foolish girl,” Granny Goodness said.
”Don’t let her size and age fool you. She is strong” Kara said to Clark.
”Got it,” Clark said.
Clark and Kara start to fight with Granny Goodness, but she is stronger. She is easily beating them, she bodyslammed Clark into the ground. Then Granny Goodness grabbed Kara by the neck and threw her towards a building. Granny Goodness starts to fight Alex and her team.
Granny Goodness laughed in a sinister way. She was about to kill Alex, Kara is unconscious and Clark is struggling to fight Granny Goodness. You arrived and you see what is going on.
”Let her go!” You yelled.
”Who are you?” Granny Goodness asked.
She let's go of Alex now you start to fight Granny Goodness. You start to dodge her attacks and you don't use all your strength, but your punch can do damage even at minimum strength. You used your lantern corps rings to stop Granny Goodness for good.
J’onn arrived late to the scene and he thought you are the enemy. Clark grabbed Kara and flew to the DEO.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
You are sitting in a cell and you watch them. You made the lantern rings use duplication, they took thought the rings. But you still have your rings and they can't see it.
”I can't read your mind,” J’onn said.
”You won’t,” You said.
The others went to check on Kara and she is doing fine.
”How are you feeling?” Clark asked.
”I’m feeling okay. What happened?” Kara asked.
”Granny Goodness is behind bars. We have the rings of the guy” Alex said.
”What rings?” Kara asked.
Alex was going to show it to Kara but it disappeared. All of them went to see you
”Who are you and why are on earth,” Clark asked
”My name is Y/N. I am looking-”
”Y/N! It's really you!” Kara said out loud.
”Do I know you?” You asked.
”It’s me Kara Zor El!” Kara cheerfully said.
”You know him?” Alex asked.
”He is an old freind” Kara said.
” It's really you!” You said.
”This is Kal-El,” Kara said.
”Oh Rao, you and Kal have grown so much,” You said and smiled.
Kara told Alex to open the cell. Kara and Kal-El hugged you tight and Kara starts to cry tears of joy.
Kara introduced you to everyone and she hasn't stopped smiling. Kara has told you everything that happened when they arrived on earth.
”So you go by the name Clark?” You asked.
”Yes. We save people together and we really missed you. Kara would tell me stories about you” Clark said.
”Tell us where have you been all these years,” Kara said.
”I have been living on the planet Called New Rann. Adam Strange took me in and taught me everything. I met new people and we became friends and we worked together to save people. I also became a lantern member, I am part of hope which is blue, Green means willpower and Indigo Lantern which means Compassion” You said.
You show them the rings.
”That is amazing! Y/N Later we are having game night and you will come” Kara said.
”What is game night?” You asked.
”Can’t wait!” Kara said.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
Kara and Clark went all out for game night. They bought so much food, new board games and much more. Alex picked you up and before going inside Kara’s loft she had to say something to you.
”Kara is my sister and I have to protect her. Please don't hurt her, I don't want to see you leave and she will be heartbroken” Alex said.
”I won't leave again. I can how much you love her and care or her. Alex, I won't leave and it took me years to find them” You said.
”I believe you,” Alex said.
Once inside, Kara introduced you to Brainy, James, Nia, Winn, and Kelly. Everyone is happy to meet you and Kara starts to show you the food of what people eat on earth.
”How was Kara as a small child and Clark,” Nia said.
”She was always loud and wanted affection and if you didn't pay attention to her she'd glare at you. She hated eating her vegetables and I had to bribe her. She always had a lot of energy. Cal, for a baby he had the most stinkest diapers” You said.
Everyone laughed.
”I’m not loud, Y/N,” Kara said.
Alex nods.
”He is right. Kara, you are loud” Alex teased.
”I wish you didn't say that” Clark laughed.
”How was it living in New Rann?” Kara asked.
”Much different then Krypton. Because of Adam, he taught me everything. It took me a while to get used to and it wasn't easy for me to travel, because I never knew what was a multiverse. I became a Lantern and I met so many people from different parts of the universe. Even villains a part of the Lantern Corps. There are different colors and different meanings. I even worked along with Lobo a bounty hunter, he is crazy and very reckless and hard to get along with” You said.
”We are happy that you are here and that you are a member of the Lantern Corps,” Clark said.
Kara and the others had to teach you how to play board games. It took you a while to understand the games but you the hang of it. Next, everyone explained the different types of food they always eat. At first, you didn't want to eat it but Kara gave you the puppy eyes.
”Not the puppy eyes,” You said.
”Please, Y/N you should try it. I know you like it” Kara said.
”Y/N, she always does it with me,” Alex said.
Everyone agreed. You start to eat different type of food and you are loving it, Kara is happy that you like it.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
You have been staying on the earth for a while now. It took you a while to understand how people live on earth, on New Rann it was more advanced in every way. You do help Kara and Clark save people but you just wear a mask.
”So, why you and Cal wear glasses?” You asked.
”We have to keep our real identity a secret. You will have to do the same” Clark said.
”We can talk to Winn and Brainy maybe they can create a suit for you. And we will become a team!” Kara cheerfully said.
”Let’s go see them now,” You said.
Winn and Brainy start to work on the suit, they have so many ideas.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
Kara is hosting a movie night with you, Alex, Kelly, and Clark. They made a list of movies for you to watch with them. Alex and Kara made popcorn and Clark started the movie.
Kara and Clark are feeling happy because they are creating new memories with you. They are happy that you will stay on earth for a long time.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
At the DEO, you start to train Clark and Kara without their powers. Without your powers, you are still strong. They tried to outsmart you but you didn't let them fool you.
”Nice trick, thinking you were going to attack me but it was him,” You said.
”How did you get so strong?” Clark asked.
”I had friends who taught me how to fight without my powers,” You said.
”Let’s go again,” Kara said.
”Let’s begin,” You said.
You trained Clark and Kara and for hours.
Winn and Brainy finished the suit. And everyone can't wait to see it especially you.
”Y/N, go try it on. Everything should be perfect” Winn said.
”The suit looks amazing. I will go try it on right now” You said.
”Hurry up,” Clark said.
Much later, you come out wearing the suit. Everyone loves it and you check yourself out in the mirror. You rushed and hugged Winn and Brainy.
”Thank you so much!” You said really loud.
”One more thing. Here is your helmet and we are happy that you like it” Brainy said.
”Would my rings be able to work with the suit?” You asked.
There is trouble in uptown, Alex, Clark, and Kara get ready.
”You will find out now,” Winn said.
You put on the helmet and you left with Kara and Clark.
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A Family of Five- Part 3: Sick Day
Calum and Harlowe’s marriage hasn’t always been easy, but it has always been filled with love. This is a collaborative experience with In Sorrow and In Joy. Dad!Calum. Black OC.
CW: Over the course of this series, there are mentions of pregnancy, therapy, and postpartum depression. There is also 18+ Content (Smut)
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No one has my permission to repost my work of fiction. This includes translations as well
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The house is finally silent. Koha’s no longer shouting about needing his lunchbox, Harlowe’s not clicking against the tile floor with her heels, Pepper, Sissy and Jack their three dogs have been taken out, sprawled out across their favorite spots in the living room Jack and Sissy are the latest additions. Jack a german shepherd mix and Sissy is a Cocker Spaniel Corgi mix. They were a two for one deal, only in the sense that the pound warned them that the two had become extremely attached to each other. So much so that they could not go to separate foster homes. 
Calum can only blame himself for the dog additions. Koha had Pepper and they grew up together. So of course, Calum wanted Esha to grow up with a dog. So they went looking at the same local shelter from where they got Pepper from. That’s how they ran across Jack and Sissy. Esha was stoked to have a dog she could cuddle with. This of course meant that him and Harlowe were outnumbered, though the dogs did help when one of the kids is hurt in another room. They could run and get the attention of Calum or Harlowe to come to the rescue. Of course, the crying also indicated that. But the dogs loved the kids and they best was naptime when they Pepper lays down first, Koha and Esha curled up near each other and Jack and Sissy outlining them. Calum has too many photos of the same scene from multiple different times they curled up together. 
Esha whines a little from the couch; Calum walks over, running his palm over her forehead. Normally, she would be off to daycare. However, she had a fever last night and it hadn’t broken yet either. Calum usually drops Esha off, every morning at the same time, with the same kisses, pressed into both cheeks and a big hug. Harlowe’s job and Koha’s private school are in the same direction. Esha’s daycare is a bit of an offshoot, which Harlowe could easily do.  However, Esha prefers Calum to drive her. Calum loves it too, her dancing in her carseat, her singing along to the radio. His little baby girl always excited to show him something new that she learned. It’s time for just them. 
Though the house wasn’t too chaotic, Calum did feel like he was constantly running around. He was constantly moving, more things added to this To-Do List and never enough time just to enjoy the moment. The moments he has with Esha though on the fifteen minute drive are what keeps him going some days. He loves Harlowe, Koha, and the dogs. But there’s nothing quite like seeing Esha smile, even as he’s dropping her off in front of her preschool There’s the way her tiny hand takes his, and the way she grins, waving at all her friends still close to his side that makes all that chaos still; Calum feels at peace.
Right now though, his little slice of heaven is sick. Esha stirs from her half sleeping state at the feel of a hand on her face, groaning a little. “How you feeling, baby?” Cal asks softly. 
She shrugs. “Still hurt a little.”
He nods. “Okay, give it some more time before the meds kick in.” Her cup is empty thankfully. She drank all of her water. 
He tucks the blanket higher up around her, stroking softly over her cheek and bonnet. “I’m sorry you’re sick, baby girl,” he whispers, watching her eyes flutter close. Jack walks over, jumps up onto the couch and settles down at her feet. Pepper keeps watch from the floor with Sissy. Calum scratches over their heads, happy to see them being gentle with her in her present state.
Calum washes the dishes from breakfast, squeezes in a quick work out and after his shower, wakes Esha again. She pushes up away from the pillow, a small ‘hmmph’ falling over her lips. She looks just like Harlowe waking up. The same squint and the matching satin bonnets. “I know, baby, I know. But I have to keep fluids in you.”
Esha takes the cup from her father’s hand, still blinking back sleep from her eyes. There’s no sass, no remark. God, he hates seeing his baby girl like this. Thankfully, she doesn’t get sick often. When she does, it’s like someone has pulled her plug. There’s no power, no life to her almost. She falls back into the cushion, sipping away at her cup. Calum stands, picking her up, before settling into the sofa with Esha in his lap. She snuggles into his chest, though he put her in light pj’s, he can feel the warmth seeping from her body. 
He’s already adjusted the AC some to help her stay cool. “Can we watch Moana?” she mumbles against him. 
“Of course sweetheart. We’ll start if after lunch, okay?”
Esha nods. “Love you, Daddy.”
“Love up too, baby girl.” When she’s fast asleep, yet again, Calum brings the blanket back around her body. He can wait to fix her soup just a tad bit, not wanting to disturb her sleep too much. Softly, he hums a few songs to her sleeping body. 
Calum doesn’t even realize he’s fallen asleep until the feelings of nails against his scalp stir him awake. Harlowe’s smiling down at him. “I came by just to see how see she’s holding up. And I’m come back to both of y’all passed out on the couch,” she chuckles.
Calum sighs. “Hadn’t intended to fall asleep.”
She kisses his forehead. “I’ll fix some soup and then be on my way.”
The sounds of Harlowe’s work around the kitchen sends a shiver down Calum’s spine. He rests his head into the cushions, listening to the soft sounds of metal pots and pans clinking against each other. Esha’s not so warm against him; he’s not sure if it’s just because he’s gotten used to her. Gingerly he places the back of his hand to her forehead. She’s not as warm. Readjusting her, he stands, holding his sick child to his chest. 
They’ll be leaving soon. It’s, of course, going to be tricky with the dogs and the house still here in California. Calum’s tempted to just keep the house since it’s paid for as a vacation home. They can retire here during the school breaks. Maybe they can rent it out through an agency so it’s not just sitting unoccupied all the time. Harlowe’s got a couple uni’s that are interested in her already, which is a good sign because she was worried about finding work. 
Calum watches Harlowe. She’s still in the heels from this morning. It’s a shock she makes this long anymore in the shoes. The heels are a good sign though. Today’s a good day so far. Bad days don’t see heels. Bad days don’t see skirts, or fancy blouses. Calum thinks part of her recovery and stability is linked to going back to work. She can’t help her students if she’s not thinking straight. She can’t enjoy the worlds they’re creating and she can’t help them shape those worlds if all she has is a fog on her shoulder. 
It was hard, before on the maternity leave for Harlowe. It was the same old same old. Day in and day out it was just her bedroom, just the kitchen, and occasionally the outdoors. She didn’t really have a goal, just a muddled sameness marked up rising and fallings of the sun. There was Koha and Esha and Calum for sure. But part of her had taken them for granted, that of course they would be there. She was a mother, she was a wife. These people were in her life for good. 
The thing is, life is fragile and it took realizing that her students wouldn’t be able to see her on campus to know that she couldn’t take anyone or anything for granted. Just because Calum was here now didn’t mean he would have to stick this out. Te Koha had already taken too much of her illness into his soul, she couldn’t crush her own child with her heaviness, with her burden. 
“Don’t you have a class to be teaching?” Cal asks. He remembers now that her schedule shouldn’t allow her to be here. He blames the post nap fog. 
“That was last semester, babe. I redid it so I start teaching at 9, go until 12. Break for lunch for an hour and some change. Then my last class ends goes from 2 to 3:30.”
“That’s right,” he hums, still trying to shake the sleep from him. Harlowe glances over her shoulder a smirk on her face. He knows what she’s thinking. “Don’t say it.”
She holds her hands up in defense. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”
“But you were thinking it. You’re always thinking it.”
“You just love her, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Her face says it all though how tightly Esha has Calum wrapped around her tiny finger. It doesn’t matter though. As long as his baby girl knows how much he loves her, it doesn’t matter what Harlowe or anyone else things, or says, or doesn’t say. He’d go through Hell for her, and come back, only to go through it again if he had too. Nothing would stop him from taking care of his daughter. 
Pepper walks over, whining, pointing to the door. “I’ll take her,” Harlowe says, sliding out from in front of the stove. 
As he stirs the soup, Esha starts to wake, groaning. He sets her onto the counter. Calum’s still impressed that he can hold her with one arm. Esha’s getting bigger with every passing second. It scares him a little when he won’t be able to hold her like this anymore. When she’ll be too big and want nothing more than to run through the streets, just as wild as she’s bound to be. She holds onto the blanket, asking, “Chicken noodle soup?”
“Of course. It’s your favorite.”
“Can I have some water?”
Calum hums with a nod, opening the fridge. The back door opens and Esha smiles at up at her mom. “Hi, Momma.”
“Hey, baby. How you feeling?”
“Why you not at school?”
“Came by to see how you’re doing.” Harlowe presses a quick kiss to her forehead. Calum watches them. This is the Harlowe he knew was buried under her fog. This is the Harlowe Koha knew. The new meds seem to be helping. The idea of moving is still scary, but necessary. This place has run its course. Besides, Calum’s worried. New meds always work and then she stops taking them. He can’t do this alone, taking care of two kids, three dogs and his wife. He needs an extra pair of hands to help him out, especially when Harlowe slips. She doesn’t listen to just anybody. Her family’s no help. But Momma Joy has always managed to slip through her guard and keeps her on the right take. 
“Daddy can take care of me,” Esha retorts. 
“You’re definitely feeling better,” Harlowe laughs. “I know Papa Bear can. Momma’s just a worrier, you know.”
“Love you,” she whispers as her mom wraps her up in a hug. 
“Love you too. I’ve got a meeting, so I should probably get back soon.” Harlowe turns to Calum, sliding her hands around his waist. “Want me to pick something up for dinner?”
“I’ll cook. Don’t worry.”
With a nod, she slides away, but not before lightly patting his butt through the sweatpants. “Gross, Momma!” Esha huffs, noting the contact. 
“Do you call Papa Bear out like this?” Harlowe teases, waving as she exits the house. 
“Yes, I do!” the little girl calls to her mother’s back, laughing. These are his two girls, constantly teasing each other. 
Soup finally warmed, Esha sits at the table, taking small spoonfuls to her mouth. Her little legs dangle high above the floor. She crosses her eyes, sucking on a noddle in response to Calum’s face. He laughs, eyes closing, the skin around them crinkling too. Esha beams at the sound; she puffs out her chest a little. The laughter is because of her doing. 
“Do you want to take your hair down?” he asks, after calming from his laugh spell. 
Calum waits until she finishes all the bits of her soup, before they start racing to see who can drink the broth down the fastest. Esha winds up getting more on her pj’s than actually in her stomach. “Look at this mess,” Calum tsks, helping her down at of the chair. “Messy little one, aren’t you?”
“You were beating me. I had to win!”
He nods, waving her towards the stairs, a smile tugging on his lips. “Clearly winning involves dumping half the broth down your shirt.”
“Uh huh, it does.” He cleans her off, sliding her into clean pj’s. She climbs onto the sofa, while Calum cleans the dishes. She’s clutches the DVD cover for Moana, waiting. Calum’s not sure how she hasn’t grown sick of the movie yet. But she watches it with the same eager and awe as the first time she’s laid eyes on it. Calum pulls the plug on the drain, washing his hands off again. 
Esha climbs into his lap right at the start of the movie, she holds a juice pack in her hands, eyes glued to the screen. “You gotta do the singing parts, Daddy,” she states. 
“I know,” he nods, chuckling, “I know.” The singing parts also include the choreography too. During ‘You’re Welcome’, Esha joins her father, dancing around the living room. Both of them know it so well, they barely pay attention to the screen.
When Harlowe returns that afternoon with Koha, she can hear singing before she fully crosses the threshold. Her first guess is Moana, but the further they get into the house, it’s not. It’s Princess and the Frog. Calum’s dancing around during The Shadow Man’s man song. Koha drops his backpack in the foyer, running to join in. Normally, they would try to keep the kids separate if they’re sick. Clearly it is not going to work this time. 
Everyone settles in to finish the rest of the movie before Calum stands to start dinner. Esha watches from the bar counter, also scribbling over copy paper. Koha chats about his day, going over his homework with Harlowe. The house slowly fills with a white noise of sizzling, laughter and paws clicking. 
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calpalirwin · 5 years
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Summary: You were just a girl in a bar when Ashton Irwin literally bumped into you. His interest in you, although charming, also made you question if he was serious. After all, in what world did a man like that pursue a woman like you?
Pairings: Y/N and Ashton
And away, and away we go!
Part 1
You sighed as you set down your phone for the millionth time. You don’t know why you kept checking it. It’s not like you were waiting for anybody. No, you had made the decision to come out alone, to try and enjoy yourself without feeling the pressure to put on a face. After all, despite being old enough to drink, bars weren’t your scene. You weren’t bound to run into anyone you knew here, which had been the whole point of you challenging yourself to do something outside of your wheelhouse.
You took a small sip of your drink, wincing at the taste. Even with the extra glass of Coke you were slowly pouring into your whiskey soda to drown out the taste, the whiskey was still a tad strong for your liking. Bars weren’t your thing for a reason, you reminded yourself as you took another bitter sip. 
So there you were, staring at a still mostly full whiskey soda, in a bar, in downtown LA, on a Friday night, wondering just what the hell you thought you were doing when a loud giggle pierced your ears. The giggle was followed by a body bumping into your shoulder. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you turned to your intruder. “Shit, sorry, love,” the man giggled with an accent you couldn’t place as you weren’t sure if it was actually an accent or not. One of his large hands came to rest gently on your shoulder, as if making his apology more sincere, and you took notice of the heart tattoo on his wrist.
“Whatever,” you answered shortly, eyeing the man standing behind you- a polka dot button down that showed off part of his chest and more tattoos on his large arms, black jeans, and boot-clad feet- with misplaced annoyance. A part of you knew he didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of your bad mood. It wasn’t his fault you were in an envious spiral and questioning every life decision you ever made. A single shock of reddish brown hair laid across his forehead, stopping just above the pair of hazel eyes that were constantly changing colors under the lights that stared at you with a puzzled expression, no doubt confused that you weren’t already drooling over him. You decided to stare back, narrowing your eyes for added effect. In any other situation this man would be an intimidating piece of eye candy. Someone that you would sputter some nonsense at with a girlish giggle of your own, smitten that a guy like that had his hand on your shoulder. But tonight, he was just somebody who wouldn’t stop staring at you, and good, God could he fucking stop?! You turned your glare to his hand that was still on your shoulder. “Ya mind?” you all but snapped.
He pulled his hand back from your shoulder and used it to brush the single shock of hair back from his face, only for it to return to its rightful place as soon as his hand fell. “Oh, feisty. I like it.” He smiled, revealing the dimple in his cheek.
“Not feisty,” you shot back, choosing to feed your annoyance rather than risk succumbing to the schoolgirl antics you felt bubbling up inside of you. A crush was the last thing you needed right now. “Just have better things to do,” you added, this time with no annoyance in your tone, just numb indifference.
“Oh, like sitting by yourself?” he teased, clearly enjoying the back and forth.
“Says you.”
He nodded in head in the direction of a booth with 3 men who were equally as large and handsome as he was, and 2 girls with more beauty in their little fingers than you possessed in your whole body. “I’m actually here with friends.”
You waved your hand dismissively, “Well, by all means, I wouldn’t want to keep you.”
He leaned in close to whisper in your ear, “Maybe I want to be kept.” His breath was warm as it grazed by your neck, causing you to shudder.
“Trust me, I’m not that interesting.”
“Cute girl alone at a bar? Isn’t that how all the interesting stories start out?”
“I’m not alone,” you said, your senses on high alert. Never let a guy knew you were alone, c’mon quick, say your friend’s in the bathroom, no, say your boyfriend’s on his way! Your mouth opened to tell him your lie, any lie, but no words came out.
His brows furrowed together. “You are alone, huh?”
Against your better judgement, you nodded. Then, “But, it was my choice. And people know where I am.”
He chuckled and nodded his head back to over where his friends were. “Well, why don’t you join us? You’d be surprised at the type of creeps that hang around bars.”
You looked over at his friends. The girls gave you the sense that it was a safe choice, certainly safer than telling him no or staying by yourself. There was something else you couldn’t quite figure out, almost like you knew them. But couldn’t remember from where. You stood up, putting your phone in your back pocket before reaching for your drinks. “Okay, Sir Giggle, I’ll join you and your friends,” you told him.
“Sir Giggle?” he giggled.
“If the name fits,” you answered.
He led you across the bar to his booth, and when his friends looked at you and back at him in question, he answered their unspoken question. “Guys this is… uh… shit…” he giggled as he shot you an apologetic look.
“Y/N,” you said, as you took the seat Sir Giggle was offering you.
“Y/N,” he smiled, both of you liking the way it sounded rolling off his lips. “Y/N this is, Luke, his girlfriend, Sierra, Mike, and his fiancee, Crystal, and that’s Cal.”
They all smiled and offered a small wave as their names were called- first the blonde haired boy, then a dark-haired girl, followed by another blonde boy and blonde girl, and then the dark haired boy- as your brain finally clicked as to why they all seemed familiar, an unintended “Oh, shit…” escaping your lips.
“Is something wrong?” Sir Giggle, better known as Ashton Fuckin Irwin, asked you.
“No. Nothing’s wrong. Just… holy shit, I know you. Well, I don’t know you. I mean… holy shit,” you began to ramble. “Sorry, I didn’t mean… I’m sure you get that all the time… shit… holy fuck, I mean, hi, God, sorry!”
Ashton giggled which caused everyone else to laugh a little, including you. “It’s fine. Cute actually.”
Did Ashton Irwin just call your fangirling cute? No. Fucking. Way. You blushed and ducked your head. “No, it’s actually really stupid. I mean, your just people. People go out to bars. It’s what people do. Normal people.” You were rambling again.
“Normal, Ash, you hear that? We’re normies,” Calum said with a grin.
“Well, Mike probably is,” you put in. “I mean, Michael. Mike? Mikey? Michael. Like you like stuff my friends like. Videogames, nerdy stuff, the likes.”
Michael chuckled, “I think that makes me a nerd, actually. And Mike’s fine. Mikey works too, I’m not picky.”
“Not a nerd,” you smiled. “A punk nerd. Cuz you’re in a… nevermind, bad joke.”
Michael laughed anyway, “Punk nerd, I like it. Got a nice ring to it.”
“Well… I like Mean Girls,” Luke spoke up.
“Oh, my God, shut up, Luke!” Michael said loudly with a roll of his eyes.
Everybody laughed at Michael’s fake-annoyance, and as you laughed with them you felt more at ease. Star status or not, people were just people.
“So, what do you do?” Crystal asked you.
“Oh, I’m a teaching assistant. But I’m finishing school so I can become a teacher,” you answered.
“Picked you a college girl, huh, Ash?” Calum asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“I didn’t…” Ashton started to protest from his seat next to you before turning to you to gauge your reaction. “I wasn’t… it was an accident, swear. So, college, huh?”
You smiled gently at him, accident or not, you were now glad he had quite literally bumped into you. This was quickly becoming one of the best nights of your life. “Yeah, I’m gonna be a senior this year. Finally.”
“What do you mean, aren’t you excited?” Ashton asked.
“No, I am. I just… well, college has taken me longer than most, so I feel a little behind the curve sometimes is all.”
“Well, it’s not a race,” Sierra spoke up. “People do things in their own way and time.”
“I guess that’s true,” you nodded. “As long as you get where you’re going, doesn’t matter the pace, right?”
“Wait… so how old are you then?” Ashton blurted. His eyes went wide as the girls glared at him, so he began to backpedal on his question “Shit… I just mean… since you said college has taken you longer than most… Aren’t most college seniors like 21 or 22?”
You nodded, “Generally, yeah. But, I’m 25.”
“Shit, no way! I just turned 25 a few weeks ago,” Ashton told you.
“I know,” you mumbled, cheeks blushing.
“Wait,” Michael asked, leaning forward. “Are you recently 25, like old man Ash? Or…?”
“My birthday was back in December, so I’m older.”
“Isn’t the band’s birthday in December?” Luke asked.
“It’s actually on my birthday,” you admitted, blushing again. “The 3rd.” It had been a fun fact you learned when you became a fan of their work, which regrettably wasn’t all that long ago.
“No shit?” Ashton asked you.
“No shit,” you repeated, cheeks still burning.
As the night wore on, the drunker everyone but you and Ashton became. You weren’t that much of a drinker, and Ashton was on a sober streak of his own. When closing time came around, Ashton offered to walk you to your car.
“A little big for a tiny thing like you, don’t ya think?” he asked, nodding at your truck.
You shrugged. You personally thought the truck was on the small side. “It gets the job done.”
He chuckled. “Text me when you get to where you’re going so I know you got there safe.”
“I don’t have your number,” you pointed out.
“Aw, love, all you had to do was ask,” he teased.
You let a small chuckle of your own as you exchanged numbers. “Thanks. For tonight. It was… nice.”
“We should do it again sometime, then.”
“Well, you have my number,” you told him.
“That I do. Drive safe, love.”
“You, too, Ash,” you said, blushing at the way he called you “Love.”
You watched as he sauntered over to his own car a few spots over, taking a quiet delight in how he waited for you to pull out of the parking lot before he pulled out of his spot. Whether you were misreading his signs or not, there was no denying that he was a guy who looked out for others. And that was never a bad thing in your book.
Your phone pinged while you were still driving down the freeway, your phone sending an automatic text back to the sender. Your phone pinged again and you stole a quick glance at the contact and smiled to yourself.
Once you were safely inside your apartment, you opened your phone to check the texts:
Hey, it’s Ash. I just got in.
I’m driving.
Dang, love, just where do you live?
I’m driving
You quickly shot back a quick text. I live in LA, just not the actual city, lol. Night, Ash.
Glad you’re safe. Sleep well, love. was the quick response back.
You fell asleep, a smile on your face.
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calpalirwin · 5 years
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A/N: Anon request- Can you write a short fic where your the love interest in a music video for them and you play all of their girlfriend but they dunno ur cheating then they corner you. Ig it could be to like Midnight and then after the shoot u find urself falling for Ashton.
I fell for him during the shoot, but I think the overall idea is still there. Hope you like it! Feel free to give me feedback, guys
And away, and away we go!
I tried to settle my nerves as I walked towards the set. Trying to make it big in LA as an actress was about to pay off. Okay, so a music video wasn’t necessarily the big time I had imagined for myself, but it was a well-known band.
I had dressed simply in jeans and a t-shirt with slip-on shoes, not bothering to do too much appearance wise, knowing production would turn me into the heartthrob leading lady the music video was having me play.
Yeah, my first big time was the love interest in a music video where I was everybody’s love interest. And a cheater… Great, I was creating a bad girl rep. Well, better the girl that screws everyone over than gets screwed over herself.
“So, you’re the girl, huh?” a voice said behind me.
I turned, pressing a hand to my mouth to covering my chewing, hurriedly swallowing the chips I had just crammed in there. “Mmm, mhm,” I mumbled. “Sorry, hi,” I said to the tall man standing before me. Even if I didn’t recognize him, which I did, the drumsticks clenched in one fist was a dead giveaway. “I’m Y/N. You must be Ashton,” I said, dusting my chip crumbs off my fingers on my jeans before I offered him my hand to shake.
“Ash is fine,” he said, shaking my hand. “Everyone calls me that.”
“Nice to meet you, Ash,” I smiled, feeling my heart race in my chest. I was a lucky girl to play the love interest to this cutie and his equally cute band mates.
“Chips, huh?” he smirked, reaching past me to grab a small handful and put them in his own mouth.
“Eating helps calm my nerves.”
He swallowed and then let out a giggle I was all too familiar with. “Good. We need more actresses who can eat.”
“The industry's tough, and eating disorders are no laughing matter.”
“I wasn’t suggesting otherwise. It’s just normally I spend a lot of time making sure the girls in our videos are eating.”
“Oh, that’s very big brother-y of you. But, I’m good, thanks.”
“Cool. And for the record, you don’t need to be nervous. You’re not shooting any scenes today.”
“I’m not?”
He gave a shake of his head, the single brown lock not obeying the confines of hair product swaying wildly. “Nah, we’re playing the song a few times to get the different angles, figure out which shots were gonna use. Then, tomorrow we’ll do the acting bit.”
I frowned, pulling a script out of my back pocket, flipping through it. “I think I’m supposed to be dancing in those shots.”
He brought a hand to his mouth in thought. “Hmm, maybe. Either way, 1.) don’t be nervous and 2.) you should come out with us tonight when we wrap from the day.”
“Hang out with you? And the rest of your band? Really?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, why not? Builds better on-screen chemistry.”
There was no arguing with that logic. I wanted to do a good job on this, so I’d get more jobs in the future. Plus, it was an offer to hang out with 5SOS. No way I was passing that up.
“Hey, we’re gonna roll out,” Ashton told me, once we were done for the day.
I wiped a hand across my mouth to catch the water that had spilled out from my too big of a sip of water. “Cool, um, text me the address, and I’ll meet you guys there.”
He scoffed. “Nah, c’mon.”
“I…” I pointed in the direction of my car. “I…”
“They’re making you drive here every day? Cheap fucks… No. I’m putting you up in the hotel with us.”
“I don’t live far…”
“I don’t care. We sometimes work long hours, and you already look exhausted. You’re not driving home every day to get a few hours of sleep when you can stay with us across the street.”
It was true. After dancing around to them playing the same song, even my dancer’s body was wiped. But, his offer was too much. I’d never be able to afford to pay for a hotel for however long this took, and I wasn’t the type to accept help I couldn’t repay “Ashton, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’s Ash, and I know I don’t have to. I want to. Now, c’mon, love interest, let’s hit the town.”
If he kept looking at me like that, my feelings were going to transfer off-screen real fast.
“You move gracefully,” Calum told me as we sat on the floor of the hotel room a few nights later. “Like it feels natural when I spin you around in our scenes. You’re a nice change of pace from other girls we’ve worked with.”
I laughed, thinking back to earlier. All my scenes with the boys had been different, highlighting the boys’ individual personalities. All of my playful bed scenes with Luke transformed into whatever scene I had with the other boys: dancing with Calum, videogaming with Mike, and a view of the city with Ashton. Each was sensual and playful in it’s own way, and they all transformed into the same sad shot of the boys rolling over in bed hoping to find me. “Thanks,” I said, “You got some moves yourself, Cal.”
“Is that part of your training or whatever? Like they teach that in actress school?” Mike asked.
I laughed. Actress school. “I mean, I majored in theatre arts. But, I went to a regular college. I didn’t go to like Juilliard, or NYADA, or something. Just a regular state school. But, yeah. Part of that education was dance based. Ballet, tap, modern,” I said, checking off all the types of dancing I had done, “Your basic stage stuff.”
“Ballet?” Luke asked.
“Yes, not all of us are magically gifted at lifting our long ass legs in the air while wearing skinny jeans. Some of us have to work at it.”
The blue-eyed blond laughed. It was a cute laugh. He was cute. They were all cute. But my interest was locked on the hazel-eyes man with the boyish giggle.
“Alright, Y/N,” the director was telling me. “You just locked eyes with all your boyfriends, and they’re realizing that they’ve all been dating you, and that you’ve been playing all of them.”
“So, am I scared?”
“Play it however it feels right to you.”
“10-4, boss man,” I said.
“Alright, places!”
I jumped in place on my mark, shaking out my nerves. This was it. I had been given complete creative control over my character. And she was gonna go for the plot twist that hopefully would translate my on-screen love affair into an off-screen one. 
“And action!”
The last chords of the song rang out and the boys- after sharing a look mixed with confusion, then anger- moved from their stage setup and across the floor to me. 
I offered a waggle of my fingers as all four men stalked towards me, an “oops?” smile on my lips.
They either glared, rolled their eyes, or crossed their arms as they stopped in front of me.
I shot a wink at them before I closed the distance between Ashton and me. I jumped a little to get my arms around his neck, my legs wrapping around his waist as I planted a kiss on those lips I’d been thinking of kissing for days.
For not expecting this move, Ashton responded in an instant, one arm wrapping under my ass and the other across my back to hold me to him, which is what I expected would happen. What I didn’t expect was for him to kiss me back, his tongue opening my mouth to mingle with mine.
“Alright, cut!” someone called out, but Ashton and I didn’t care. We we’re busy.
“Ashton! Y/N!”
We broke apart then, me still in his arms, both of us breathless and giggling. “Well, that wasn’t in my script,” Ashton told me.
“Improv, my dear boy,” I told him, leaning out of his arms to dip towards the floor, able to support my weight with just my legs around the waist.
“Whoa, there,” he said, dipping with me and bringing us both up, but still not setting me down on my own feet, which was more than fine by me. I liked being in his arms.
“He’s right, Y/N. That wasn’t in the script,” the director was telling me.
“But, we’re keeping it right?” Mike asked, already watching the scene play over on one of the screens.
“Yeah, this shot is gold, mate,” Calum told him.
“Our faces are perfect,” Luke said.
Ashton carried us over to look for ourselves. 
I saw myself wink before my body leapt forward at Ashton, his hands instinctively catching me. The shock on his face melted into something that looked like relief, as my lips attached to his, his body relaxing into the kiss. The shock on the other boys’ faces was pure disbelief and then a small shrug of acceptance. It was the perfect unscripted shot. “Oh, that’s going in the finished product,” Ashton said.
The director sighed.
“You said play whatever felt right,” I told him, refusing to let him make me feel bad for my choice. “Showing that I chose one of them felt right. So I chose.”
“You chose? Or your character chose?” Ashton smirked at me.
“Kiss me again off camera, and find out,” I winked.
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