#a squishy w/ some nervous and unprepared dads
the--highlanders · 7 years
📔 for Ronan or 🛍️ for Anne, please? :3
📔  -  Looking up names.
Jamiepressed his ear to the seal pup’s side, smiling as he heard himsnoring. “He’s asleep, Doctor.”
“Oh,good.” The Doctor emerged from the cupboard, his arms full ofblankets. “Do you think he’s going to be cold?”
Turningto see the size of the Doctor’s bundle, Jamie burst into laughter.“No’ with that lot, he isn’t.”
TheDoctor huffed, dropping the blankets into Jamie’s lapunceremoniously. “You can pick one and tuck him in, then.”
“Aye,alright.” Jamie sorted through the blankets with his free hand fora moment, searching for the one that looked the warmest. The pupstirred at the motion, blinking sleepily. “What’re we going taename him?”
“Well,we cannae just keep talking about him like this. He needs a name.”
“Oh.Yes, I suppose you’re right. He’s too young to know his name,isn’t he?” The Doctorpeered down into the pup’s dark eyes, as if expecting him to revealthe answer. “If he even had one at all.” He scratched at thepup’s stomach gently, receiving several pleased honks in return.“Oh, you like that, do you?”
TheDoctor seemed altogether too calm about this, Jamie thoughtfrustratedly. “How can we name him without even talking to him?He’s only wee, he cannae tell us if he likes it or not! We have taegive him a name he’ll have for the rest of his life.”
“Hecan always change it later if he likes,” the Doctor reassured him.“Nobody decided that I was going to be ‘Doctor’ forever when Iwas born, after all.”
“Itdoesnae sound so bad when ye put it like that, but…” Jamiestruggled to define his worry enough to properly express it. “Whatif we give him the wrong name?”
“Wewon’t.” The Doctor patted his knee comfortingly. “Now, whatabout -” He let out an astonishing array of clicks, squeaks, andhonks, too fast for Jamie to follow, let alone replicate.
“Yewant to name him that?”
“Ithought it was a lovely name.” The Doctor looked a little put out.
Asudden inspiration struck Jamie. “What about Rònan?”
“Aye.Little seal.”
TheDoctor chuckled. “Well, he certainly is.” The pup squeaked andwriggled in Jamie’s arms, as if in agreement. “I think he likesit, too.”
“Rònanit is, then.” Jamie smiled at the Doctor for a moment. “Come on,little seals. Let’s get you two tae bed.”
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