#a universal constant - jacob wheeler
theyearoftheking · 5 years
Book Fourteen: Pet Sematary
“Sometimes people have to do things that just seem right. They seem right in their hearts, I mean. And if they do those things and then end up not feeling right, full of questions and sort of like they got indigestion, only inside their heads instead of their guts, they think they made a mistake...”
“Death is a mystery, and burial is a secret...”
So, it’s official guys: the world has become a Stephen King novel. We’re dealing with a worldwide pandemic like The Stand, and we’re all quarantined like The Shining. It’s kinda bizarre. 
So how did yours truly deal with the news of the impending apocalypse? 
I packed my bags and headed to New Orleans with my pals.
No, I wasn’t one of the people taking advantage of $30 flights a week out... we had booked this trip months ago, and the warnings were not as dire even early last week. But I will say, if the world is ending, I want to be in NOLA when it happens. Frosty drink, po boy... mama will be feeling no pain. 
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And now I’m back home, drinking lemon water and trying to heal my liver after all the damage that was done last week. Oh, in the midst of all the debauchery, I managed to finish two Steve books. The first one was Pet Sematary; which was kind of ironic, considering one of our NOLA adventures was a cemetery tour. Here for your viewing pleasure is Nicholas Cage’s future place of burial. Rich people, am I right?
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But while at the cemetery, we met a few charming Constant Readers from Bangor! They mentioned seeing Steve just a few weeks ago at the grocery store. It’s a good thing I don’t live in Bangor, I would have less than zero chill. But our new friends from Maine were lovely to talk to. 
On the surface, Pet Sematary is the story of the Creed family moving to Ludlow, Maine. Louis got a new job working at the university medical center, and his wife Rachel is down for the adventure. They have two kids, the precocious Ellie, and baby Gage (ugh. Even that name); and their cat Churchill. Upon their arrival in Ludlow, they meet their new neighbors: Jud and Norma Crandall. The Crandalls are a little older, but take to the Creed crew right away. 
Ludlow seems like a nice place. According to Jud, rabies seems like the biggest issue plaguing the entire state of Maine. “Lots of rabies in Maine now. There was a big old St. Bernard went rabid downstate a couple of years ago and killed four people. That was a hell of a thing...”
My post-it note for this page reads, “Cujo, bitches!” 
One afternoon, Jud takes the family on a hike, and shows them the old pet sematary right near their property. Later on at home, Rachel loses her shit. She doesn’t think children should be exposed to death, and it leads to a big ass fight. Louis is a doctor, and doesn’t think children should be sheltered from death. If they’re old enough to understand how babies are made, they’re old enough to understand how death works. But Rachel has some PTSD over the childhood death of her sister Zelda, and she’s never dealt with it. So her strategy is to brush the entire topic under the rug. At one point she tells Louis, “There’s nothing natural about death. Nothing. You as a doctor should know that.” 
Rachel, girl. Death is just about as natural as it gets. 
Thanksgiving rolls around, and Rachel takes the kids to see her asshole parents in Chicago, leaving Louis at home... where Churchill the cat ends up smooshed by an eighteen wheeler. Jud decides to take Louis on a little adventure, and shows him the burial ground behind the pet sematary, where whatever you bury comes back to life. 
I know. It’s a reallllly bad idea. Have these people not seen Practical Magic? Do they not understand how bringing back the dead never works out? Ugh. Idiots. 
Sidenote: if you haven’t seen Practical Magic, take advantage of quarantine time and go watch it. It’s late 1990′s Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, and it’s basically the story of me and my sister. Kind of, but not really. 
So, Churchill comes back, but smellier and creepier; and it has Louis wondering why he brought him back from the dead in the first place. Even Ellie isn’t digging the new Church, and tells Louis she thinks she’ll be okay when he dies for good. So, mission accomplished? We’ll just refer to that as the weirdest damn parenting hack ever. 
Life continues on, until the horrible day when Gage is playing outside with Louis, and also gets smooshed by an eighteen wheeler. It’s a horrible tragedy, and the family is broken. Rachel is inconsolable, Ellie clutches a Polaroid of her and Gage, and Louis can’t make sense of the tragedy. But you already know what he’s thinking...
After the funeral, he sends Rachel and Ellie back to Chicago with Rachel’s (still) asshole parents; and begins the arduous process of burying Gage at the burial grounds. He knows better... he saw first hand what happened to Church after his resurrection. But he’s undeterred. He had visions of Gage becoming an Olympic swimmer, and will stop at nothing to bring his son back. 
Spoiler: it’s a shit show. Gage comes back from the burial grounds, swipes a knife from Louis’s doctor bag and kills Jud with it. He didn’t just come back a little smelly, or a little different... he came back as a Chucky doll. Back when Chucky was evil, before he became a comedic foil. 
Meanwhile in Chicago, Ellie is losing her shit, and having horrible premonitions that things are going terribly wrong in Ludlow. She finally convinces Rachel to go back home. Rachel knows something is wrong, but has no idea what Louis is really up to. I’m guaranteeing, “digging up dead son’s body, hauling it across town in the car, lugging it up to the burial ground, and waiting for him to come back to life” wasn’t in her top ten concerns.
 As she’s driving, she is trying her damnedest to stay awake, and sees a sign for one of our favorite towns in Maine, “Jerusalem’s Lot, she thought randomly, what an odd name. Not a pleasant name, for some reason... Come and sleep in Jerusalem.” 
Rachel gets home, and makes her way over to Jud’s house, where she finds his dead body, and is then killed by Gage, pretending to be her crazy, dead sister. Louis is forced to kill Gage, and then he buries Rachel up on the burial ground as well. The final lines of the book are, “A cold hand fell on Louis’s shoulder. Rachel’s voice was grating, full of dirt. Darling, it said.”
Meh. A mediocre ending to a decent book. I was curious why Louis brought Rachel back to life... he saw how terribly wrong it went with both Church and Gage... was he waiting for Rachel to kill him? Was he hoping that since he buried her sooner than Gage, she’d be more of a “normal zombie?” Unclear. 
But one thing is clear: I need to read The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs. It’s been referenced at least a million times up until this point, and I have no excuses now that I’m living the quarantined life. 
While the book was fine, I did think the topic of handling death with children was still relevant. It’s about as controversial a topic as it gets. Do we discuss it with children, or give them the line about pets/grandparents/old people moving to a farm and living there forever? How do we explain the afterlife? Where do people go when they die? A lot of times, adults don’t have good answers to these questions, and they don’t know how to communicate this uncertainty to children. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with letting children know adults don’t have all the answers. We don’t know what happens when someone dies, and won’t know until we die ourselves. In my experience, kids kinda like knowing you don’t have all the answers either, but you’ll be there as a sounding board, and a safe place for them to confide their fears. Honest conversations like this could have been helpful for Rachel, and prevented this whole story from happening in the first place. Maybe? 
I don’t know. 
We did have one Dark Tower reference, “No more did he walk like a gunslinger; now his walk was the slow, careful walk of the convalescent...” 
And later on, Ellie thinks Church smells like, “ka-ka...” I can’t imagine it was ka for Church to get smooshed by a truck and brought back to life, but who the hell knows. I guess we all have a foggy, but bigger purpose. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 14
Total Dark Tower References: 10
Book Grade: C+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
Different Seasons: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
The Dead Zone: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
Danse Macabre: B-
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Christine: D
Next up is Cycle of the Werewolf, which I have some thoughts about...
Until next time, Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
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Adrenaline: (isolation of) John Jacob Abel, U.S., 1897.
Aerosol can: Erik Rotheim, Norway, 1926.
Air brake: George Westinghouse, U.S., 1868.
Air conditioning: Willis Carrier, U.S., 1911.
Airship: (non-rigid) Henri Giffard, France, 1852; (rigid) Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Germany, 1900.
Aluminum manufacture: (by electrolytic action) Charles M. Hall, U.S., 1866.
Anatomy, human: (De fabrica corporis humani, an illustrated systematic study of the human body) Andreas Vesalius, Belgium, 1543; (comparative: parts of an organism are correlated to the functioning whole) Georges Cuvier, France, 1799–1805.
Anesthetic: (first use of anesthetic—ether—on humans) Crawford W. Long, U.S., 1842.
Antibiotics: (first demonstration of antibiotic effect) Louis Pasteur, Jules-François Joubert, France, 1887; (discovery of penicillin, first modern antibiotic) Alexander Fleming, England, 1928; (penicillin’s infection-fighting properties) Howard Florey, Ernst Chain, England, 1940.
Antiseptic: (surgery) Joseph Lister, England, 1867.
Antitoxin, diphtheria: Emil von Behring, Germany, 1890.
Appliances, electric: (fan) Schuyler Wheeler, U.S., 1882; (flatiron) Henry W. Seely, U.S., 1882; (stove) Hadaway, U.S., 1896; (washing machine) Alva Fisher, U.S., 1906.
Aqualung: Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Emile Gagnan, France, 1943.
Aspirin: Dr. Felix Hoffman, Germany, 1899.
Astronomical calculator: The Antikythera device, first century B.C., Greece. Found off island of Antikythera in 1900.
Atom: (nuclear model of) Ernest Rutherford, England, 1911.
Atomic theory: (ancient) Leucippus, Democritus, Greece, c. 500 B.C.; Lucretius, Rome c.100 B.C.; (modern) John Dalton, England, 1808.
Atomic structure: (formulated nuclear model of atom, Rutherford model) Ernest Rutherford, England, 1911; (proposed current concept of atomic structure, the Bohr model) Niels Bohr, Denmark, 1913.
Automobile: (first with internal combustion engine, 250 rpm) Karl Benz, Germany, 1885; (first with practical high-speed internal combustion engine, 900 rpm) Gottlieb Daimler, Germany, 1885; (first true automobile, not carriage with motor) René Panhard, Emile Lavassor, France, 1891; (carburetor, spray) Charles E. Duryea, U.S., 1892.
Autopilot: (for aircraft) Elmer A. Sperry, U.S., c.1910, first successful test, 1912, in a Curtiss flying boat.
Avogadro’s law: (equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules) Amedeo Avogadro, Italy, 1811.
Bacteria: Anton van Leeuwenhoek, The Netherlands, 1683.
Balloon, hot-air: Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier, France, 1783.
Barbed wire: (most popular) Joseph E. Glidden, U.S., 1873.
Bar codes: (computer-scanned binary signal code):
(retail trade use) Monarch Marking, U.S. 1970; (industrial use) Plessey Telecommunications, England, 1970.
Barometer: Evangelista Torricelli, Italy, 1643.
Bicycle: Karl D. von Sauerbronn, Germany, 1816; (first modern model) James Starley, England, 1884.
Big Bang theory: (the universe originated with a huge explosion) George LeMaitre, Belgium, 1927; (modified LeMaitre theory labeled “Big Bang”) George A. Gamow, U.S., 1948; (cosmic microwave background radiation discovered, confirms theory) Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson, U.S., 1965.
Blood, circulation of: William Harvey, England, 1628.
Boyle’s law: (relation between pressure and volume in gases) Robert Boyle, Ireland, 1662.
Braille: Louis Braille, France, 1829.
Bridges: (suspension, iron chains) James Finley, Pa., 1800; (wire suspension) Marc Seguin, Lyons, 1825; (truss) Ithiel Town, U.S., 1820.
Bullet: (conical) Claude Minié, France, 1849.
Calculating machine: (logarithms: made multiplying easier and thus calculators practical) John Napier, Scotland, 1614; (slide rule) William Oughtred, England, 1632; (digital calculator) Blaise Pascal, 1642; (multiplication machine) Gottfried Leibniz, Germany, 1671; (important 19th-century contributors to modern machine) Frank S. Baldwin, Jay R. Monroe, Dorr E. Felt, W. T. Ohdner, William Burroughs, all U.S.; (“analytical engine” design, included concepts of programming, taping) Charles Babbage, England, 1835.
Calculus: Isaac Newton, England, 1669; (differential calculus) Gottfried Leibniz, Germany, 1684.
Camera: (hand-held) George Eastman, U.S., 1888; (Polaroid Land) Edwin Land, U.S., 1948.
“Canals” of Mars:Giovanni Schiaparelli, Italy, 1877.
Carpet sweeper: Melville R. Bissell, U.S., 1876.
Car radio: William Lear, Elmer Wavering, U.S., 1929, manufactured by Galvin Manufacturing Co., “Motorola.”
Cells: (word used to describe microscopic examination of cork) Robert Hooke, England, 1665; (theory: cells are common structural and functional unit of all living organisms) Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, 1838–1839.
Cement, Portland: Joseph Aspdin, England, 1824.
Chewing gum: (spruce-based) John Curtis, U.S., 1848; (chicle-based) Thomas Adams, U.S., 1870.
Cholera bacterium: Robert Koch, Germany, 1883.
Circuit, integrated: (theoretical) G.W.A. Dummer, England, 1952; (phase-shift oscillator) Jack S. Kilby, Texas Instruments, U.S., 1959.
Classification of plants: (first modern, based on comparative study of forms) Andrea Cesalpino, Italy, 1583; (classification of plants and animals by genera and species) Carolus Linnaeus, Sweden, 1737–1753.
Clock, pendulum: Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1656.
Coca-Cola: John Pemberton, U.S., 1886.
Combustion: (nature of) Antoine Lavoisier, France, 1777.
Compact disk: RCA, U.S., 1972.
Computers: (first design of analytical engine) Charles Babbage, 1830s; (ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, first all-electronic, completed) 1945; (dedicated at University of Pennsylvania) 1946; (UNIVAC, Universal Automatic Computer, handled both numeric and alphabetic data) 1951.
Concrete: (reinforced) Joseph Monier, France, 1877.
Condensed milk: Gail Borden, U.S., 1853.
Conditioned reflex: Ivan Pavlov, Russia, c.1910.
Conservation of electric charge: (the total electric charge of the universe or any closed system is constant) Benjamin Franklin, U.S., 1751–1754.
Contagion theory: (infectious diseases caused by living agent transmitted from person to person) Girolamo Fracastoro, Italy, 1546.
Continental drift theory: (geographer who pieced together continents into a single landmass on maps) Antonio Snider-Pellegrini, France, 1858; (first proposed in lecture) Frank Taylor, U.S.; (first comprehensive detailed theory) Alfred Wegener, Germany, 1912.
Contraceptive, oral: Gregory Pincus, Min Chuch Chang, John Rock, Carl Djerassi, U.S., 1951.
Converter, Bessemer: William Kelly, U.S., 1851.
Cosmetics: Egypt, c. 4000 B.C.
Cosamic string theory: (first postulated) Thomas Kibble, 1976.
Cotton gin: Eli Whitney, U.S., 1793.
Crossbow: China, c. 300 B.C.
Cyclotron: Ernest O. Lawrence, U.S., 1931.
Deuterium: (heavy hydrogen) Harold Urey, U.S., 1931.
Disease: (chemicals in treatment of) crusaded by Philippus Paracelsus, 1527–1541; (germ theory) Louis Pasteur, France, 1862–1877.
DNA: (deoxyribonucleic acid) Friedrich Meischer, Germany, 1869; (determination of double-helical structure) Rosalind Elsie Franklin, F. H. Crick, England, James D. Watson, U.S., 1953.
Dye: (aniline, start of synthetic dye industry) William H. Perkin, England, 1856.
Dynamite: Alfred Nobel, Sweden, 1867.
Electric cooking utensil: (first) patented by St. George Lane-Fox, England, 1874.
Electric generator (dynamo): (laboratory model) Michael Faraday, England, 1832; Joseph Henry, U.S., c.1832; (hand-driven model) Hippolyte Pixii, France, 1833; (alternating-current generator) Nikola Tesla, U.S., 1892.
Electric lamp: (arc lamp) Sir Humphrey Davy, England, 1801; (fluorescent lamp) A.E. Becquerel, France, 1867; (incandescent lamp) Sir Joseph Swann, England, Thomas A. Edison, U.S., contemporaneously, 1870s; (carbon arc street lamp) Charles F. Brush, U.S., 1879; (first widely marketed incandescent lamp) Thomas A. Edison, U.S., 1879; (mercury vapor lamp) Peter Cooper Hewitt, U.S., 1903; (neon lamp) Georges Claude, France, 1911; (tungsten filament) Irving Langmuir, U.S., 1915.
Electrocardiography: Demonstrated by Augustus Waller, 1887; (first practical device for recording activity of heart) Willem Einthoven, 1903, Dutch physiologist.
Electromagnet: William Sturgeon, England, 1823.
Electron: Sir Joseph J. Thompson, England, 1897.
Elevator, passenger: (safety device permitting use by passengers) Elisha G. Otis, U.S., 1852; (elevator utilizing safety device) 1857.
E = mc2: (equivalence of mass and energy) Albert Einstein, Switzerland, 1907.
Engine, internal combustion: No single inventor. Fundamental theory established by Sadi Carnot, France, 1824; (two-stroke) Etienne Lenoir, France, 1860; (ideal operating cycle for four-stroke) Alphonse Beau de Roche, France, 1862; (operating four-stroke) Nikolaus Otto, Germany, 1876; (diesel) Rudolf Diesel, Germany, 1892; (rotary) Felix Wankel, Germany, 1956.
Evolution: (organic) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, France, 1809; (by natural selection) Charles Darwin, England, 1859.
Exclusion principle: (no two electrons in an atom can occupy the same energy level) Wolfgang Pauli, Germany, 1925.
Expanding universe theory: (first proposed) George LeMaitre, Belgium, 1927; (discovered first direct evidence that the universe is expanding) Edwin P. Hubble, U.S., 1929; (Hubble constant: a measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding) Edwin P. Hubble, U.S., 1929.
Falling bodies, law of: Galileo Galilei, Italy, 1590.
Fermentation: (microorganisms as cause of) Louis Pasteur, France, c.1860.
Fiber optics: Narinder Kapany, England, 1955.
Fibers, man-made: (nitrocellulose fibers treated to change flammable nitrocellulose to harmless cellulose, precursor of rayon) Sir Joseph Swann, England, 1883; (rayon) Count Hilaire de Chardonnet, France, 1889; (Celanese) Henry and Camille Dreyfuss, U.S., England, 1921; (research on polyesters and polyamides, basis for modern man-made fibers) U.S., England, Germany, 1930s; (nylon) Wallace H. Carothers, U.S., 1935.
Frozen food: Clarence Birdseye, U.S., 1924.
Gene transfer: (human) Steven Rosenberg, R. Michael Blaese, W. French Anderson, U.S., 1989.
Geometry, elements of: Euclid, Alexandria, Egypt, c. 300 B.C.; (analytic) René Descartes, France; and Pierre de Fermat, Switzerland, 1637.
Gravitation, law of: Sir Isaac Newton, England, c.1665 (published 1687).
Gunpowder: China, c.700.
Gyrocompass: Elmer A. Sperry, U.S., 1905.
Gyroscope: Léon Foucault, France, 1852.
Halley’s Comet: Edmund Halley, England, 1705.
Heart implanted in human, permanent artificial:Dr. Robert Jarvik, U.S., 1982.
Heart, temporary artificial: Willem Kolft, 1957.
Helicopter: (double rotor) Heinrich Focke, Germany, 1936; (single rotor) Igor Sikorsky, U.S., 1939.
Helium first observed on sun: Sir Joseph Lockyer, England, 1868.
Heredity, laws of: Gregor Mendel, Austria, 1865.
Holograph: Dennis Gabor, England, 1947.
Home videotape systems (VCR): (Betamax) Sony, Japan, 1975; (VHS) Matsushita, Japan, 1975.
Ice age theory: Louis Agassiz, Swiss-American, 1840.
Induction, electric: Joseph Henry, U.S., 1828.
Insulin: (first isolated) Sir Frederick G. Banting and Charles H. Best, Canada, 1921; (discovery first published) Banting and Best, 1922; (Nobel Prize awarded for purification for use in humans) John Macleod and Banting, 1923; (first synthesized), China, 1966.
Intelligence testing: Alfred Binet, Theodore Simon, France, 1905.
Interferon: Alick Isaacs, Jean Lindemann, England, Switzerland, 1957.
Isotopes: (concept of) Frederick Soddy, England, 1912; (stable isotopes) J. J. Thompson, England, 1913; (existence demonstrated by mass spectrography) Francis W. Ashton, 1919.
Jet propulsion: (engine) Sir Frank Whittle, England, Hans von Ohain, Germany, 1936; (aircraft) Heinkel He 178, 1939.
Kinetic theory of gases: (molecules of a gas are in a state of rapid motion) Daniel Bernoulli, Switzerland, 1738.
Laser: (theoretical work on) Charles H. Townes, Arthur L. Schawlow, U.S., N. Basov, A. Prokhorov, U.S.S.R., 1958; (first working model) T. H. Maiman, U.S., 1960.
Lawn mower: Edwin Budding, John Ferrabee, England, 1830–1831.
LCD (liquid crystal display): Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland, 1970.
Lens, bifocal: Benjamin Franklin, U.S., c.1760.
Leyden jar: (prototype electrical condenser) Canon E. G. von Kleist of Kamin, Pomerania, 1745; independently evolved by Cunaeus and P. van Musschenbroek, University of Leyden, Holland, 1746, from where name originated.
Light, nature of: (wave theory) Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1678; (electromagnetic theory) James Clerk Maxwell, England, 1873.
Light, speed of: (theory that light has finite velocity) Olaus Roemer, Denmark, 1675.
Lightning rod: Benjamin Franklin, U.S., 1752.
Locomotive: (steam powered) Richard Trevithick, England, 1804; (first practical, due to multiple-fire-tube boiler) George Stephenson, England, 1829; (largest steam-powered) Union Pacific’s “Big Boy,” U.S., 1941.
Lock, cylinder: Linus Yale, U.S., 1851.
Loom: (horizontal, two-beamed) Egypt, c. 4400 B.C.; (Jacquard drawloom, pattern controlled by punch cards) Jacques de Vaucanson, France, 1745, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, 1801; (flying shuttle) John Kay, England, 1733; (power-driven loom) Edmund Cartwright, England, 1785.
Machine gun: (hand-cranked multibarrel) Richard J. Gatling, U.S., 1862; (practical single barrel, belt-fed) Hiram S. Maxim, Anglo-American, 1884.
Magnet, Earth is: William Gilbert, England, 1600.
Match: (phosphorus) François Derosne, France, 1816; (friction) Charles Sauria, France, 1831; (safety) J. E. Lundstrom, Sweden, 1855.
Measles vaccine: John F. Enders, Thomas Peebles, U.S., 1953.
Metric system: revolutionary government of France, 1790–1801.
Microphone: Charles Wheatstone, England, 1827.
Microscope: (compound) Zacharias Janssen, The Netherlands, 1590; (electron) Vladimir Zworykin et al., U.S., Canada, Germany, 1932–1939.
Microwave oven: Percy Spencer, U.S., 1947.
Motion, laws of: Isaac Newton, England, 1687.
Motion pictures: Thomas A. Edison, U.S., 1893.
Motion pictures, sound: Product of various inventions. First picture with synchronized musical score: Don Juan, 1926; with spoken dialogue: The Jazz Singer, 1927; both Warner Bros.
Motor, electric: Michael Faraday, England, 1822; (alternating-current) Nikola Tesla, U.S., 1892.
Motorcycle: (motor tricycle) Edward Butler, England, 1884; (gasoline-engine motorcycle) Gottlieb Daimler, Germany, 1885.
Moving assembly line: Henry Ford, U.S., 1913.
Neptune: (discovery of) Johann Galle, Germany, 1846.
Neptunium: (first transuranic element, synthesis of) Edward M. McMillan, Philip H. Abelson, U.S., 1940.
Neutron: James Chadwick, England, 1932.
Neutron-induced radiation: Enrico Fermi et al., Italy, 1934.
Nitroglycerin: Ascanio Sobrero, Italy, 1846.
Nuclear fission: Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, Germany, 1938.
Nuclear reactor: Enrico Fermi, Italy, et al., 1942.
Ohm’s law: (relationship between strength of electric current, electromotive force, and circuit resistance) Georg S. Ohm, Germany, 1827.
Oil well: Edwin L. Drake, U.S., 1859.
Oxygen: (isolation of) Joseph Priestley, 1774; Carl Scheele, 1773.
Ozone: Christian Schönbein, Germany, 1839.
Pacemaker: (internal) Clarence W. Lillehie, Earl Bakk, U.S., 1957.
Paper China, c.100 A.D.
Parachute: Louis S. Lenormand, France, 1783.
Pen: (fountain) Lewis E. Waterman, U.S., 1884; (ball-point, for marking on rough surfaces) John H. Loud, U.S., 1888; (ball-point, for handwriting) Lazlo Biro, Argentina, 1944.
Periodic law: (that properties of elements are functions of their atomic weights) Dmitri Mendeleev, Russia, 1869.
Periodic table: (arrangement of chemical elements based on periodic law) Dmitri Mendeleev, Russia, 1869.
Phonograph: Thomas A. Edison, U.S., 1877.
Photography: (first paper negative, first photograph, on metal) Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, France, 1816–1827; (discovery of fixative powers of hyposulfite of soda) Sir John Herschel, England, 1819; (first direct positive image on silver plate, the daguerreotype) Louis Daguerre, based on work with Niepce, France, 1839; (first paper negative from which a number of positive prints could be made) William Talbot, England, 1841. Work of these four men, taken together, forms basis for all modern photography. (First color images) Alexandre Becquerel, Claude Niepce de Saint-Victor, France, 1848–1860; (commercial color film with three emulsion layers, Kodachrome) U.S., 1935.
Photovoltaic effect: (light falling on certain materials can produce electricity) Edmund Becquerel, France, 1839.
Piano: (Hammerklavier) Bartolommeo Cristofori, Italy, 1709; (pianoforte with sustaining and damper pedals) John Broadwood, England, 1873.
Planetary motion, laws of: Johannes Kepler, Germany, 1609, 1619.
Plant respiration and photosynthesis: Jan Ingenhousz, Holland, 1779.
Plastics: (first material, nitrocellulose softened by vegetable oil, camphor, precursor to Celluloid) Alexander Parkes, England, 1855; (Celluloid, involving recognition of vital effect of camphor) John W. Hyatt, U.S., 1869; (Bakelite, first completely synthetic plastic) Leo H. Baekeland, U.S., 1910; (theoretical background of macromolecules and process of polymerization on which modern plastics industry rests) Hermann Staudinger, Germany, 1922.
Plate tectonics: Alfred Wegener, Germany, 1912–1915.
Plow, forked: Mesopotamia, before 3000 B.C.
Plutonium, synthesis of: Glenn T. Seaborg, Edwin M. McMillan, Arthur C. Wahl, Joseph W. Kennedy, U.S., 1941.
Polio, vaccine: (experimentally safe dead-virus vaccine) Jonas E. Salk, U.S., 1952; (effective large-scale field trials) 1954; (officially approved) 1955; (safe oral live-virus vaccine developed) Albert B. Sabin, U.S., 1954; (available in the U.S.) 1960.
Positron: Carl D. Anderson, U.S., 1932.
Pressure cooker: (early version) Denis Papin, France, 1679.
Printing: (block) Japan, c.700; (movable type) Korea, c.1400; Johann Gutenberg, Germany, c.1450 (lithography, offset) Aloys Senefelder, Germany, 1796; (rotary press) Richard Hoe, U.S., 1844; (linotype) Ottmar Mergenthaler, U.S., 1884.
Probability theory: René Descartes, France; and Pierre de Fermat, Switzerland, 1654.
Proton: Ernest Rutherford, England, 1919.
Prozac: (antidepressant fluoxetine) Bryan B. Malloy, Scotland, and Klaus K. Schmiegel, U.S., 1972; (released for use in U.S.) Eli Lilly & Company, 1987.
Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud, Austria, c.1904.
Pulsars: Antony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell Burnel, England, 1967.
Quantum theory: (general) Max Planck, Germany, 1900; (sub-atomic) Niels Bohr, Denmark, 1913; (quantum mechanics) Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Germany, 1925.
Quarks: Jerome Friedman, Henry Kendall, Richard Taylor, U.S., 1967.
Quasars: Marten Schmidt, U.S., 1963.
Rabies immunization: Louis Pasteur, France, 1885.
Radar: (limited to one-mile range) Christian Hulsmeyer, Germany, 1904; (pulse modulation, used for measuring height of ionosphere) Gregory Breit, Merle Tuve, U.S., 1925; (first practical radar—radio detection and ranging) Sir Robert Watson-Watt, England, 1934–1935.
Radio: (electromagnetism, theory of) James Clerk Maxwell, England, 1873; (spark coil, generator of electromagnetic waves) Heinrich Hertz, Germany, 1886; (first practical system of wireless telegraphy) Guglielmo Marconi, Italy, 1895; (first long-distance telegraphic radio signal sent across the Atlantic) Marconi, 1901; (vacuum electron tube, basis for radio telephony) Sir John Fleming, England, 1904; (triode amplifying tube) Lee de Forest, U.S., 1906; (regenerative circuit, allowing long-distance sound reception) Edwin H. Armstrong, U.S., 1912; (frequency modulation—FM) Edwin H. Armstrong, U.S., 1933.
Radioactivity: (X-rays) Wilhelm K. Roentgen, Germany, 1895; (radioactivity of uranium) Henri Becquerel, France, 1896; (radioactive elements, radium and polonium in uranium ore) Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Pierre Curie, France, 1898; (classification of alpha and beta particle radiation) Pierre Curie, France, 1900; (gamma radiation) Paul-Ulrich Villard, France, 1900.
Radiocarbon dating, carbon-14 method: (discovered) 1947, Willard F. Libby, U.S.; (first demonstrated) U.S., 1950.
Radio signals, extraterrestrial: first known radio noise signals were received by U.S. engineer, Karl Jansky, originating from the Galactic Center, 1931.
Radio waves: (cosmic sources, led to radio astronomy) Karl Jansky, U.S., 1932.
Razor: (safety, successfully marketed) King Gillette, U.S., 1901; (electric) Jacob Schick, U.S., 1928, 1931.
Reaper: Cyrus McCormick, U.S., 1834.
Refrigerator: Alexander Twining, U.S., James Harrison, Australia, 1850; (first with a compressor device) the Domelse, Chicago, U.S., 1913.
Refrigerator ship: (first) the Frigorifique, cooling unit designed by Charles Teller, France, 1877.
Relativity: (special and general theories of) Albert Einstein, Switzerland, Germany, U.S., 1905–1953.
Revolver: Samuel Colt, U.S., 1835.
Richter scale: Charles F. Richter, U.S., 1935.
Rifle: (muzzle-loaded) Italy, Germany, c.1475; (breech-loaded) England, France, Germany, U.S., c.1866; (bolt-action) Paul von Mauser, Germany, 1889; (automatic) John Browning, U.S., 1918.
Rocket: (liquid-fueled) Robert Goddard, U.S., 1926.
Roller bearing: (wooden for cartwheel) Germany or France, c.100 B.C.
Rotation of Earth: Jean Bernard Foucault, France, 1851.
Royal Observatory, Greenwich: established in 1675 by Charles II of England; John Flamsteed first Astronomer Royal.
Rubber: (vulcanization process) Charles Goodyear, U.S., 1839.
Saccharin: Constantine Fuhlberg, Ira Remsen, U.S., 1879.
Safety pin: Walter Hunt, U.S., 1849.
Saturn, ring around: Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1659.
“Scotch” tape:Richard Drew, U.S., 1929.
Screw propeller: Sir Francis P. Smith, England, 1836; John Ericsson, England, worked independently of and simultaneously with Smith, 1837.
Seismograph: (first accurate) John Milne, England, 1880.
Sewing machine: Elias Howe, U.S., 1846; (continuous stitch) Isaac Singer, U.S., 1851.  
Solar energy: First realistic application of solar energy using parabolic solar reflector to drive caloric engine on steam boiler, John Ericsson, U.S., 1860s.
Solar system, universe: (Sun-centered universe) Nicolaus Copernicus, Warsaw, 1543; (establishment of planetary orbits as elliptical) Johannes Kepler, Germany, 1609; (infinity of universe) Giordano Bruno, Italian monk, 1584.
Spectrum: (heterogeneity of light) Sir Isaac Newton, England, 1665–1666.
Spectrum analysis: Gustav Kirchhoff, Robert Bunsen, Germany, 1859.
Spermatozoa: Anton van Leeuwenhoek, The Netherlands, 1683.
Spinning: (spinning wheel) India, introduced to Europe in Middle Ages; (Saxony wheel, continuous spinning of wool or cotton yarn) England, c.1500–1600; (spinning jenny) James Hargreaves, England, 1764; (spinning frame) Sir Richard Arkwright, England, 1769; (spinning mule, completed mechanization of spinning, permitting production of yarn to keep up with demands of modern looms) Samuel Crompton, England, 1779.
Star catalog: (first modern) Tycho Brahe, Denmark, 1572.
Steam engine: (first commercial version based on principles of French physicist Denis Papin) Thomas Savery, England, 1639; (atmospheric steam engine) Thomas Newcomen, England, 1705; (steam engine for pumping water from collieries) Savery, Newcomen, 1725; (modern condensing, double acting) James Watt, England, 1782.
Steamship: Claude de Jouffroy d’Abbans, France, 1783; James Rumsey, U.S., 1787; John Fitch, U.S., 1790. All preceded Robert Fulton, U.S., 1807, credited with launching first commercially successful steamship.
Stethoscope: René Laënnec, France, 1819.
Sulfa drugs: (parent compound, para-aminobenzenesulfanomide) Paul Gelmo, Austria, 1908; (antibacterial activity) Gerhard Domagk, Germany, 1935.
Superconductivity: (theory) Bardeen, Cooper, Scheiffer, U.S., 1957.
Symbolic logic: George Boule, 1854; (modern) Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, England, 1910–1913.
Tank, military: Sir Ernest Swinton, England, 1914.
Tape recorder: (magnetic steel tape) Valdemar Poulsen, Denmark, 1899.
Teflon: DuPont, U.S., 1943.
Telegraph: Samuel F. B. Morse, U.S., 1837.
Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell, U.S., 1876.
Telescope: Hans Lippershey, The Netherlands, 1608; (astronomical) Galileo Galilei, Italy, 1609; (reflecting) Isaac Newton, England, 1668.
Television: (Iconoscope–T.V. camera table), Vladimir Zworkin, U.S., 1923, and also kinescope (cathode ray tube), 1928; (mechanical disk-scanning method) successfully demonstrated by J.K. Baird, England, C.F. Jenkins, U.S., 1926; (first all-electric television image), 1927, Philo T. Farnsworth, U.S; (color, mechanical disk) Baird, 1928; (color, compatible with black and white) George Valensi, France, 1938; (color, sequential rotating filter) Peter Goldmark, U.S., first introduced, 1951; (color, compatible with black and white) commercially introduced in U.S., National Television Systems Committee, 1953.
Thermodynamics: (first law: energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another) Julius von Mayer, Germany, 1842; James Joule, England, 1843; (second law: heat cannot of itself pass from a colder to a warmer body) Rudolph Clausius, Germany, 1850; (third law: the entropy of ordered solids reaches zero at the absolute zero of temperature) Walter Nernst, Germany, 1918.
Thermometer: (open-column) Galileo Galilei, c.1593; (clinical) Santorio Santorio, Padua, c.1615; (mercury, also Fahrenheit scale) Gabriel D. Fahrenheit, Germany, 1714; (centigrade scale) Anders Celsius, Sweden, 1742; (absolute-temperature, or Kelvin, scale) William Thompson, Lord Kelvin, England, 1848.
Tire, pneumatic: Robert W. Thompson, England, 1845; (bicycle tire) John B. Dunlop, Northern Ireland, 1888.
Toilet, flush: Product of Minoan civilization, Crete, c. 2000 B.C. Alleged invention by “Thomas Crapper” is untrue.
Tractor: Benjamin Holt, U.S., 1900.
Transformer, electric: William Stanley, U.S., 1885.
Transistor: John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, William B. Shockley, U.S., 1947.
Tuberculosis bacterium: Robert Koch, Germany, 1882.
Typewriter: Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden, U.S., 1867.
Uncertainty principle: (that position and velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time) Werner Heisenberg, Germany, 1927.
Uranus: (first planet discovered in recorded history) William Herschel, England, 1781.
Vaccination: Edward Jenner, England, 1796.
Vacuum cleaner: (manually operated) Ives W. McGaffey, 1869; (electric) Hubert C. Booth, England, 1901; (upright) J. Murray Spangler, U.S., 1907.
Van Allen (radiation) Belt: (around Earth) James Van Allen, U.S., 1958.
Video disk: Philips Co., The Netherlands, 1972.
Vitamins: (hypothesis of disease deficiency) Sir F. G. Hopkins, Casimir Funk, England, 1912; (vitamin A) Elmer V. McCollum, M. Davis, U.S., 1912–1914; (vitamin B) McCollum, U.S., 1915–1916; (thiamin, B1) Casimir Funk, England, 1912; (riboflavin, B2) D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick, U.S., 1926; (niacin) Conrad Elvehjem, U.S., 1937; (B6) Paul Gyorgy, U.S., 1934; (vitamin C) C. A. Hoist, T. Froelich, Norway, 1912; (vitamin D) McCollum, U.S., 1922; (folic acid) Lucy Wills, England, 1933.
Voltaic pile: (forerunner of modern battery, first source of continuous electric current) Alessandro Volta, Italy, 1800.
Wallpaper: Europe, 16th and 17th century.
Wassermann test: (for syphilis) August von Wassermann, Germany, 1906.
Wheel: (cart, solid wood) Mesopotamia, c.3800–3600 B.C.
Windmill: Persia, c.600.
World Wide Web: (developed while working at CERN) Tim Berners-Lee, England, 1989; (development of Mosaic browser makes WWW available for general use) Marc Andreeson, U.S., 1993.
Xerography: Chester Carlson, U.S., 1938.
Zero: India, c.600; (absolute zero temperature, cessation of all molecular energy) William Thompson, Lord Kelvin, England, 1848.
Zipper: W. L. Judson, U.S., 1891.  
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knightsims · 7 years
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Week 20 of Crystal Valley BACC is finally over, so here’s a summary of everything that happened (warning: it’s really freaking long).
Leliana gave birth to their fourth child, Cassandra, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Malavai moved to Eris University.
Josephine turned into a teenager and entered a relationship with Austin Jones. 
Thane turned into a child.
Michael finally died after a couple of days of defying Grimmy.
John almost froze to death by sleeping on a bench in the snow.
Piper met and befriended a vampire, and was turned into one herself.
They adopted a kitten called Ally, who then turned into a full-grown cat.
Devlin turned into a child.
Hall II:
Elena gave birth to their first child, Sinead, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Connor went on an outing with some friends, where he saw his sort-of cousin, Orion Hansen. 
Danny, the Halls’ dog, died.
Elena became pregnant for a second time.
Elena got into a fight with a townie.
Grimmy and the Hula Zombies came for Donovan.
Elena gave birth to their second daughter, Natalya.
Somerset II:
Aurora had twins, Brienne and Carlisle, who turned into toddlers later in the week.
Bean, the cat, got into a fight with a stray.
They adopted a second cat, Alice.
They purchased the services of a maid.
Aurora became pregnant again.
James went into aspiration failure due to changing diapers. 
They moved into a new home due to the old one being buggy.
Taliesin turned into a toddler and then a child.
ACR struck again, leaving Patricia with her third unplanned pregnancy, to which she eventually gave birth to Thomas.
Cressida became friends with Abigail Jasper.
The twins turned into teenagers, with Cressida becoming a Family/Fortune sim and Raphael becoming a Knowledge/Pleasure.
Asher turned into an elder.
The children got into private school.
Thomas turned into a toddler.
Hall III:
Heaven Sellwood, a close friend of Gwendolyn’s, moved in due to the ROS roll requiring a new roommate.
ACR struck, resulting in Gwendolyn falling pregnant with triplets, Athena, Persephone and Ares.
The triplets turned into toddlers.
Due to his abduction the week before, Christian gave birth to alien-baby Lyra, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Emilia, also pregnant at the same time, gave birth to baby Kaleb, who also turned into a toddler later in the week.
Alecto and Blaine, the twins, turned into toddlers and then children later in the week.
Elizabeth used the genie lamp and wished for money, and then promptly used it as she set half the kitchen on fire and had to replace some things.
Elizabeth gave birth to Aidan.
They adopted a puppy called Lemon.
Orion and Kea moved back to Crystal Valley from Eris University.
Kea befriended an alpha wolf and was bitten, turning her into a werewolf.
Grimmy and the Hula Zombies came for Charlie.
The ROS roll stated that Pepper Leigh and Malcolm Fraser would be getting a roommate or two, so both Adrian Campbell and Verity Amundson, Pepper and Malcolm’s respective partners, moved in.
They adopted a male cat, Sweets, in hopes that he and Biddy would have kittens.
Malcolm and Verity moved out at the end of the week.
The ROS roll meant that they lost over 70% of their money.
Caitlin Terry stole the newspaper.
They adopted an adult cat, Heidi.
William died while painting outside (I think it was due to catching a cold and not resting), but Gretchen beat Grimmy and brought him back to life.
They went on a family outing to the new park in front of their house.
Austin Jones, Brandi Reeve, and Yusef Xander came over for a sleepover.
The quadruplets moved to Eris University, leaving Emily and Morgan alone at home.
Morgan was abducted by aliens, but as he’s an elder, he didn’t come back with a ‘gift’.
Logan turned into an elder.
Ava and Anthony got into private school.
Ariel gave birth to a single puppy, Dana.
Logan got abducted by aliens, with Marissa watching without care.
Anthony turned into a teenager and became a Knowledge/Fortune sim.
The family received a genie lamp.
Ava moved to Eris University.
Olivia set the study on fire by attempting to repair the broken computer.
The repoman came and stole some cookbooks from the kitchen.
Megan moved to Eris University, with Austin moving too at the end of the week.
Warren turned into a teenager and became a Family/Pleasure sim.
Austin asked Josephine Somerset to be his girlfriend.
Ezra turned into a child.
The boys had a ‘sleepover’ and slept on mattresses in the lounge.
They adopted a small dog named Dakota, who immediately became Warren’s best friend.
Emmy continued to sell cars to townies at her car lot.
Lightning set the telescope on fire.
Emmy and Jacob turned into elders.
Emmy became an evil witch, and summoned a familiar called Midnight.
Caitlin set the kitchen on fire.
Caitlin moved to Eris University.
Jacob summoned the genie and wished for Peace of Mind.
Leonard II:
They moved to a new house because the previous one wasn’t big enough.
Emmaline restored a car.
The headmaster was impressed and all the children got into private school.
Darian and Joanna turned into children.
They received a genie lamp from the matchmaker.
Reuben was electrocuted while trying to fix the tv.
Kea Hansen turned Katherine into a werewolf.
Travis turned into a teenager and became a Pleasure/Family sim.
Honour’s brother, Hunter Mills, was given Leo, while Aaron Somerset was given Mac, leaving the family with three dogs instead of the original five.
Honour summoned the genie and wished for money.
Honour went on an outing with some townie friends.
Max and Honour got engaged.
Max went on a midnight hike and was chased home by bees.
Both Honour and Max turned into elders.
Travis moved to Eris University.
Tara summoned a familiar named Umbra.
They adopted a proper cat named Goddess to fulfill the ROS event of a large pet adoption.
Jamison turned into a toddler and then a child later in the week.
Hayden befriended Blaine Alistair.
Hayden turned into a teenager and became a Popularity/Romance sim.
Tara went on an outing with some of her townie friends.
Flynn and Tara got married.
Hayden started a ‘relationship’ with a townie named Rose.
Eva (and Isobel) entered a polyamorous relationship with Erin, a previous townie, as the ROS roll required a pregnancy.
Erin befriended a stray dog.
Due to the ROS roll, both Aveline and Mathias lost their jobs and became bankrupt, meaning the family had to move into a tiny apartment building and start over.
Mathias found a new job as the postman, like his father before him.
Abigail befriended Jamison Kane.
Aveline gave birth to baby Margot, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Abigail turned into a teenager and became a Romance/Knowledge sim.
Henry and Rebekah turned into toddlers.
Kal, Ryan’s alien son, turned into a teenager and became a Fortune/Romance sim.
Sasha and Sammy tried for puppies, which resulted in Xena, Andy and Muppet.
Ryan and Adelaide got engaged and then threw a wedding party.
Isobel Peterson, Adelaide’s sister, was sprayed by a skunk at the wedding.
Adelaide had another fight with her townie enemy.
After throwing Reagan Mills out after she cheated on him, Anton stayed in their old home.
Reagan came over at least three times a day to kick over the trash can.
Anton befriended Piper Charleston, who turned him into a vampire.
Having moved on from Reagan, Anton started a relationship with townie Ivy Scott.
Mills II:
Reagan moved into her own place after being caught cheating by her ex-boyfriend, Anton Dean, and thrown out.
She was abducted by aliens as per the ROS roll, and came back with a little ‘gift’.
Reagan, the Romance sim that she is, started sleeping with townies all over the place.
She had a small party and invited over her two siblings, Honour and Hunter Mills.
She gave birth to alien-baby Altair.
Marina bought Demi’s, the restaurant once owned (and named after) the late Demi Hall.
Joseph went into aspiration failure.
Marina became pregnant and gave birth to baby Seth.
Lilly turned into a teenager and became a Fortune/Popularity sim.
Matthew turned into a child.
Joseph turned into an elder.
Lisette, already pregnant from the week before, gave birth to twins, Griffin and Keiran, who then turned into toddlers later in the week.
Lisette continued to run her bakery.
Uni II:
Claire and Harrison entered a relationship, while Carmen entered a relationship with a dormie named Zaltrarrio Jeffries.
Everyone graduated with honours and returned to Crystal Valley.
Uni III:
The Baxter quadruplets, along with their respective significant others, moved into a dorm in Eris University.
The llama and cow mascots got into constant fights in the dorm, much to the horror of Skye.
Skye turned out to be much better at the ElectroDance Sphere than any of her brothers.
Alton finds a girlfriend in dormie Regina Greaves.
Each quadruplet then moved into separate student housing with their respective partners.
Uni IV:
Malavai Somerset moved to Eris University and into his own private student house.
He found a girlfriend in Heidi Ebadi, who then moved in.
He had a fight with the cow mascot after he insulted Heidi and made her cry.
Lightning set the garden on fire.
Uni V:
Travis Springsteen and Caitlin Terry moved into a dorm together.
Caitlin was constantly rejected by pretty dormies, while Travis impressed, and consequently woohooed with, every single one.
Travis made an enemy in one of the other dormies who was also vying for the attention of the ladies.
Travis had a number of aspiration failures.
Travis (and a number of the dormies) kept passing out in the sun.
Caitlin befriended a professor over constant mutual drinking at the bar.
Uni VI:
Megan Jones and Ava Black moved into a private student house together, as they were quite good friends as teenagers.
Megan became an evil witch.
The ROS roll determined that they were to have another roommate so Stacy Andersen moved in.
Ava started flirting with a professor, who Stacy then had a fight with.
Many things happened over the course of Week 20 and I applaud you for a) reading this far down and b) sticking with me as I posted the hundreds of screenshots. Thanks for reading, and be prepared for Week 21 because some shit goes down that even I wasn’t anticipating <3
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
Science Quotes from Famous Scientists about Life and Death
Looking for the best science quotes?
Science impacts many aspects of our lives. Simply put, without it, we wouldn’t be enjoying many of the things that make our modern world possible. From the houses that we live in, the food that we eat, the cars that we drive, to our favorite electronic gadgets, science and the technologies it has spawned make our lives easier.
Throughout history, the world has produced great scientific minds who have had an invaluable influence on society. Driven by constant curiosity and motivated to find truth, these men and women can be a great source of inspiration.
The science quotes below cover many areas, including scientific findings, philosophy and the world around us. Whether you’re eager to learn more about the world, or you’re motivated towards betterment, we have all the inspiration you need.  From Isaac Newton to Albert Einstein, you’ll find drops of wisdom from some of the most brilliant scientific minds the world has ever witnessed.
Enjoy these enlightening science quotes from some of the best scientists in the history of mankind.
  Science quotes from famous scientists about life and death
  1.) “Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” – Carl Sagan
  2.) “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” ― Isaac Asimov
  3.) “The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” – Thomas Berger
  4.) “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” ― Albert Einstein
  5.) “Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” – Immanuel Kant
  6.) “Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death.” – William Blake
  7.) “Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.” – Stephen Hawking
  8.) “Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.” –  Oscar Wilde
  9.) “It is strange that only extraordinary men make the discoveries, which later appear so easy and simple.” – Georg C. Lichtenberg
  10.) “Progress is made by trial and failure; the failures are generally a hundred times more numerous than the successes; yet they are usually left unchronicled.” – WILLIAM RAMSAY
  Science quotes for students
  11.) “The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” – Edward Teller
  12.) “Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” – Wernher von Braun
  13.) “I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” – Isaac Newton
  14.) “Actually, everything that can be known has a Number; for it is impossible to grasp anything with the mind or to recognize it without this.” – PHILOLAUS
  15.) “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.”- Galileo Galilei
  16.) “Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein
  17.) “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”– Neil deGrasse Tyson
  18.) “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”― Marie Curie
  19.) “By ‘life,’ we mean a thing that can nourish itself and grow and decay.” – Aristotle
  20.) “Shall I refuse my dinner because I do not fully understand the process of digestion?” – Oliver Heaviside
  Enlightening Science quotes
  21.) “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” ― Isaac Newton
  22.) “Science is the acceptance of what works and the rejection of what does not. That needs more courage than we might think.” – JACOB BRONOWSKI
  23.) “I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.” ― Richard P. Feynman
  24.) “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: If there is any reaction, both are transformed.” — C.G. Jung
  25.) “The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.” ― Carl Sagan
  26.) “The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.” – Albert Einstein
  27.) “Science is the knowledge of consequences, and dependence of one fact upon another.” – Thomas Hobbes
  28.) “There are three stages in scientific discovery. First, people deny that it is true, then they deny that it is important; finally, they credit the wrong person.” ― Bill Bryson
  29.) “Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.” – John Dewey
  30.) “We know very little, and yet it is astonishing that we know so much, and still more astonishing that so little knowledge can give us so much power.” ― Bertrand Russell
  Science quotes for teachers
  31.) “Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  32.) “Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.” ― Dan Brown
  33.) “Aerodynamically the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.”- Mary Kay Ash
  34.) “You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself.” – Galileo
  35.) “I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” – Albert Einstein
  36.) “Modern science has been a voyage into the unknown, with a lesson in humility waiting at every stop. Many passengers would rather have stayed home.” – Carl Sagan
  37.) “An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature’s answer.” – MAX PLANCK
  38.) “Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” – Edwin Powell Hubble
  39.) “The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions.” ― Claude Levi-Strauss
  40.) “Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.” ― Victor Stenger
  Other great science quotes
  41.) “Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it.” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  42.) “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
  43.) “Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.” – Adam Smith
  44.) “There is no law except the law that there is no law.” – John Archibald Wheeler
  45.) “Rockets are cool. There’s no getting around that.”- Elon Musk
  46.) “Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” ― Stephen Hawking
  47.) “Science is vastly more stimulating to the imagination than the classics.” – J. B. S. HALDANE
  48.) “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” — Albert Einstein 49.) “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” ― Thomas A. Edison 50.) “In scientific work, those who refuse to go beyond fact rarely get as far as fact.” – Thomas Huxley
  Which of these science quotes was your favorite?
  Overall, science impacts us every moment of our lives. Whether it’s the electronic gadgets we seem addicted to, the food we consume, the houses we live in, or the medication we seek when ill, science forms the basis of all human activity.
Although they may not be the kind of people you would initially look to for inspiration, there’s a lot of wisdom to be gained from scientists. So hopefully, these quotes have enlightened you and motivated you to reach your goals.
Did you enjoy these science quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? We would love to hear all about in the comment section below.
The post Science Quotes from Famous Scientists about Life and Death appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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mindthump · 6 years
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The Power of Anomalies https://ift.tt/2wslwUd
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Progress in science is sometimes triggered by surprises. Data collection resembles gathering of new pieces in a jigsaw puzzle and placing them together. Sometimes one of the pieces does not quite fit. It is natural for scientists to instinctively argue that such a piece does not belong; perhaps it is an artifact driven by uncertainties in the data or a misinterpretation of the experiment. This might indeed be the case in most instances. But every now and then, an anomaly of this type signals a real discrepancy from expectations, either a violation of a highly respected but incomplete law of nature—namely an exception to the rule, or an unexpected surprise—signaling the possibility of “new physics.”
One of the well-known historical examples involves the discovery of the Planck spectrum of blackbody radiation, which could not have been explained by classical physics and which ushered in quantum mechanics. The anomaly was declared by the British physicist Lord Kelvin in 1900 as one of the two remaining dark clouds obscuring “the beauty and clearness of the dynamical theory” before its revolutionary role in the development of modern physics was recognized. A more recent example involves quasicrystals, which represent a state of solids that violates translational symmetry. Their accidental discovery by Dan Shechtman in 1982 was discredited for decades since it violated textbook assumptions, but its significance was eventually recognized by the Nobel Prize Committee in 2011.
An example for a current unresolved anomaly involves the reported discrepancy between the measured values of the Hubble constant H0 (the expansion rate of the universe) in the local universe (based on observations of supernovae) and in the universe just 400,000 years after the big bang (as measured from the brightness anisotropies of the cosmic background radiation). If real, this anomaly might signal the existence of a sterile neutrino; a form of decaying dark matter; a growing dark energy or something else. Another current example involves the anomalously strong absorption of electromagnetic radiation by hydrogen atoms during the cosmic dawn, as measured by the EDGES experiment, which might potentially indicate some form of interaction between ordinary matter and dark matter.
Most anomalies are found to be associated with faulty interpretations or systematic errors in the experiments. Recent examples for such outcomes involve the experimental claims for faster-than-light neutrinos and unusually strong gravitational waves from cosmic inflation. However, some anomalies appear resilient to scrutiny and flag new discoveries.
Daring scientists who pursue an anomalous perspective that deviates from the mainstream dogma serve as agents of progress. In response to their claims, highly reputable but conservative leaders of the scientific community are irritated and attempt to prove them wrong, a process by which a new truth may be revealed. For example, when Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin suggested in her Radcliffe-Harvard PhD defense in 1925 that the sun is made mostly of hydrogen rather having the same composition as the Earth, the highly respected director of the Princeton University Observatory, Henry Norris Russell, argued that she must be wrong and dissuaded her from including this conclusion in her published thesis.
As he attempted to prove her wrong in subsequent years, he realized instead that she was right. In another case, when Jacob Bekenstein suggested in 1973 that black holes may have an entropy proportional to the area of their horizons, his PhD adviser, John Wheeler, told him that his idea is “crazy enough that it might be right.” Stephen Hawking tried to prove Bekenstein wrong, but he ultimately fulfilled Wheeler’s prophecy and discovered Hawking radiation, his most important scientific result. The moral of these examples is that scientists should not be so hasty to dismiss frogs based on a first impression, since what is intended to be a “kiss of death” can turn one of them into Prince Charming.
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What Year Was This Invented?
Adrenaline: (isolation of) John Jacob Abel, U.S., 1897.
Aerosol can: Erik Rotheim, Norway, 1926.
Air brake: George Westinghouse, U.S., 1868.
Air conditioning: Willis Carrier, U.S., 1911.
Airship: (non-rigid) Henri Giffard, France, 1852; (rigid) Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Germany, 1900.
ALS: NE1 Gene link to ALS - Landers and Jan Veldink of University Medical Center Utrecht led the study involving 11 countries, 2016
Aluminum manufacture: (by electrolytic action) Charles M. Hall, U.S., 1866.
Anatomy, human: (De fabrica corporis humani, an illustrated systematic study of the human body) Andreas Vesalius, Belgium, 1543; (comparative: parts of an organism are correlated to the functioning whole) Georges Cuvier, France, 1799–1805.
Anesthetic: (first use of anesthetic—ether—on humans) Crawford W. Long, U.S., 1842.
Antibiotics: (first demonstration of antibiotic effect) Louis Pasteur, Jules-François Joubert, France, 1887; (discovery of penicillin, first modern antibiotic) Alexander Fleming, England, 1928; (penicillin’s infection-fighting properties) Howard Florey, Ernst Chain, England, 1940.
Antiseptic: (surgery) Joseph Lister, England, 1867.
Antitoxin, diphtheria: Emil von Behring, Germany, 1890.
Appliances, electric: (fan) Schuyler Wheeler, U.S., 1882; (flatiron) Henry W. Seely, U.S., 1882; (stove) Hadaway, U.S., 1896; (washing machine) Alva Fisher, U.S., 1906.
Aqualung: Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Emile Gagnan, France, 1943.
Aspirin: Dr. Felix Hoffman, Germany, 1899.
Astronomical calculator: The Antikythera device, first century B.C., Greece. Found off island of Antikythera in 1900.
Atom: (nuclear model of) Ernest Rutherford, England, 1911.
Atomic theory: (ancient) Leucippus, Democritus, Greece, c. 500 B.C.; Lucretius, Rome c.100 B.C.; (modern) John Dalton, England, 1808.
Atomic structure: (formulated nuclear model of atom, Rutherford model) Ernest Rutherford, England, 1911; (proposed current concept of atomic structure, the Bohr model) Niels Bohr, Denmark, 1913.
Automobile: (first with internal combustion engine, 250 rpm) Karl Benz, Germany, 1885; (first with practical high-speed internal combustion engine, 900 rpm) Gottlieb Daimler, Germany, 1885; (first true automobile, not carriage with motor) René Panhard, Emile Lavassor, France, 1891; (carburetor, spray) Charles E. Duryea, U.S., 1892.
Automated Teller Machine (ATM): Long Island Branch of Chemical Bank
Autopilot: (for aircraft) Elmer A. Sperry, U.S., c.1910, first successful test, 1912, in a Curtiss flying boat.
Avogadro’s law: (equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules) Amedeo Avogadro, Italy, 1811.
Bacteria: Anton van Leeuwenhoek, The Netherlands, 1683.
Balloon, hot-air: Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier, France, 1783.
Barbed wire: (most popular) Joseph E. Glidden, U.S., 1873.
Bar codes: (computer-scanned binary signal code):
(retail trade use) Monarch Marking, U.S. 1970; (industrial use) Plessey Telecommunications, England, 1970.
Barometer: Evangelista Torricelli, Italy, 1643.
Bicycle: Karl D. von Sauerbronn, Germany, 1816; (first modern model) James Starley, England, 1884.
Big Bang theory: (the universe originated with a huge explosion) George LeMaitre, Belgium, 1927; (modified LeMaitre theory labeled “Big Bang”) George A. Gamow, U.S., 1948; (cosmic microwave background radiation discovered, confirms theory) Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson, U.S., 1965.
Blackberry, 2002
Blood, circulation of: William Harvey, England, 1628.
Boyle’s law: (relation between pressure and volume in gases) Robert Boyle, Ireland, 1662.
Braille: Louis Braille, France, 1829.
Bridges: (suspension, iron chains) James Finley, Pa., 1800; (wire suspension) Marc Seguin, Lyons, 1825; (truss) Ithiel Town, U.S., 1820.
Bullet: (conical) Claude Minié, France, 1849.
Calculating machine: (logarithms: made multiplying easier and thus calculators practical) John Napier, Scotland, 1614; (slide rule) William Oughtred, England, 1632; (digital calculator) Blaise Pascal, 1642; (multiplication machine) Gottfried Leibniz, Germany, 1671; (important 19th-century contributors to modern machine) Frank S. Baldwin, Jay R. Monroe, Dorr E. Felt, W. T. Ohdner, William Burroughs, all U.S.; (“analytical engine” design, included concepts of programming, taping) Charles Babbage, England, 1835.
Calculus: Isaac Newton, England, 1669; (differential calculus) Gottfried Leibniz, Germany, 1684.
Camera: (hand-held) George Eastman, U.S., 1888; (Polaroid Land) Edwin Land, U.S., 1948.
“Canals” of Mars:Giovanni Schiaparelli, Italy, 1877.
Carpet sweeper: Melville R. Bissell, U.S., 1876.
Car radio: William Lear, Elmer Wavering, U.S., 1929, manufactured by Galvin Manufacturing Co., “Motorola.”
Cells: (word used to describe microscopic examination of cork) Robert Hooke, England, 1665; (theory: cells are common structural and functional unit of all living organisms) Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, 1838–1839.
Cement, Portland: Joseph Aspdin, England, 1824.
Chewing gum: (spruce-based) John Curtis, U.S., 1848; (chicle-based) Thomas Adams, U.S., 1870.
Cholera bacterium: Robert Koch, Germany, 1883.
Circuit, integrated: (theoretical) G.W.A. Dummer, England, 1952; (phase-shift oscillator) Jack S. Kilby, Texas Instruments, U.S., 1959.
Classification of plants: (first modern, based on comparative study of forms) Andrea Cesalpino, Italy, 1583; (classification of plants and animals by genera and species) Carolus Linnaeus, Sweden, 1737–1753.
Clock, pendulum: Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1656.
Coca-Cola: John Pemberton, U.S., 1886.
Combustion: (nature of) Antoine Lavoisier, France, 1777.
Compact disk: RCA, U.S., 1972.
Computers: (first design of analytical engine) Charles Babbage, 1830s; (ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, first all-electronic, completed) 1945; (dedicated at University of Pennsylvania) 1946; (UNIVAC, Universal Automatic Computer, handled both numeric and alphabetic data) 1951.
Computer mouse: Doug Engelbart, 1962
Concrete: (reinforced) Joseph Monier, France, 1877.
Condensed milk: Gail Borden, U.S., 1853.
Conditioned reflex: Ivan Pavlov, Russia, c.1910.
Conservation of electric charge: (the total electric charge of the universe or any closed system is constant) Benjamin Franklin, U.S., 1751–1754.
Contagion theory: (infectious diseases caused by living agent transmitted from person to person) Girolamo Fracastoro, Italy, 1546.
Continental drift theory: (geographer who pieced together continents into a single landmass on maps) Antonio Snider-Pellegrini, France, 1858; (first proposed in lecture) Frank Taylor, U.S.; (first comprehensive detailed theory) Alfred Wegener, Germany, 1912.
Contraceptive, oral: Gregory Pincus, Min Chuch Chang, John Rock, Carl Djerassi, U.S., 1951.
Converter, Bessemer: William Kelly, U.S., 1851.
Cordless Tools, 1961
Cosmetics: Egypt, c. 4000 B.C.
Cosamic string theory: (first postulated) Thomas Kibble, 1976.
Cotton gin: Eli Whitney, U.S., 1793.
Crossbow: China, c. 300 B.C.
Cyclotron: Ernest O. Lawrence, U.S., 1931.
Deuterium: (heavy hydrogen) Harold Urey, U.S., 1931.
Disease: (chemicals in treatment of) crusaded by Philippus Paracelsus, 1527–1541; (germ theory) Louis Pasteur, France, 1862–1877.
DNA: (deoxyribonucleic acid) Friedrich Meischer, Germany, 1869; (determination of double-helical structure) Rosalind Elsie Franklin, F. H. Crick, England, James D. Watson, U.S., 1953.
Dye: (aniline, start of synthetic dye industry) William H. Perkin, England, 1856.
Dynamite: Alfred Nobel, Sweden, 1867.
Ebola Vaccine: Canadian Government, 2016
Electric cooking utensil: (first) patented by St. George Lane-Fox, England, 1874.
Electric generator (dynamo): (laboratory model) Michael Faraday, England, 1832; Joseph Henry, U.S., c.1832; (hand-driven model) Hippolyte Pixii, France, 1833; (alternating-current generator) Nikola Tesla, U.S., 1892.
Electric lamp: (arc lamp) Sir Humphrey Davy, England, 1801; (fluorescent lamp) A.E. Becquerel, France, 1867; (incandescent lamp) Sir Joseph Swann, England, Thomas A. Edison, U.S., contemporaneously, 1870s; (carbon arc street lamp) Charles F. Brush, U.S., 1879; (first widely marketed incandescent lamp) Thomas A. Edison, U.S., 1879; (mercury vapor lamp) Peter Cooper Hewitt, U.S., 1903; (neon lamp) Georges Claude, France, 1911; (tungsten filament) Irving Langmuir, U.S., 1915.
Electrocardiography: Demonstrated by Augustus Waller, 1887; (first practical device for recording activity of heart) Willem Einthoven, 1903, Dutch physiologist.
Electromagnet: William Sturgeon, England, 1823.
Electron: Sir Joseph J. Thompson, England, 1897.
Elevator, passenger: (safety device permitting use by passengers) Elisha G. Otis, U.S., 1852; (elevator utilizing safety device) 1857.
E = mc2: (equivalence of mass and energy) Albert Einstein, Switzerland, 1907.
Engine, internal combustion: No single inventor. Fundamental theory established by Sadi Carnot, France, 1824; (two-stroke) Etienne Lenoir, France, 1860; (ideal operating cycle for four-stroke) Alphonse Beau de Roche, France, 1862; (operating four-stroke) Nikolaus Otto, Germany, 1876; (diesel) Rudolf Diesel, Germany, 1892; (rotary) Felix Wankel, Germany, 1956.
Evolution: (organic) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, France, 1809; (by natural selection) Charles Darwin, England, 1859.
Exclusion principle: (no two electrons in an atom can occupy the same energy level) Wolfgang Pauli, Germany, 1925.
Expanding universe theory: (first proposed) George LeMaitre, Belgium, 1927; (discovered first direct evidence that the universe is expanding) Edwin P. Hubble, U.S., 1929; (Hubble constant: a measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding) Edwin P. Hubble, U.S., 1929.
Falling bodies, law of: Galileo Galilei, Italy, 1590.
Fermentation: (microorganisms as cause of) Louis Pasteur, France, c.1860.
Fiber optics: Narinder Kapany, England, 1955.
Fibers, man-made: (nitrocellulose fibers treated to change flammable nitrocellulose to harmless cellulose, precursor of rayon) Sir Joseph Swann, England, 1883; (rayon) Count Hilaire de Chardonnet, France, 1889; (Celanese) Henry and Camille Dreyfuss, U.S., England, 1921; (research on polyesters and polyamides, basis for modern man-made fibers) U.S., England, Germany, 1930s; (nylon) Wallace H. Carothers, U.S., 1935.
Frozen food: Clarence Birdseye, U.S., 1924.
Gene transfer: (human) Steven Rosenberg, R. Michael Blaese, W. French Anderson, U.S., 1989.
Geometry, elements of: Euclid, Alexandria, Egypt, c. 300 B.C.; (analytic) René Descartes, France; and Pierre de Fermat, Switzerland, 1637.
Gravitation, law of: Sir Isaac Newton, England, c.1665 (published 1687).
Gunpowder: China, c.700.
Gyrocompass: Elmer A. Sperry, U.S., 1905.
Gyroscope: Léon Foucault, France, 1852.
Halley’s Comet: Edmund Halley, England, 1705.
Heart implanted in human, permanent artificial:Dr. Robert Jarvik, U.S., 1982.
Heart, temporary artificial: Willem Kolft, 1957.
Helicopter: (double rotor) Heinrich Focke, Germany, 1936; (single rotor) Igor Sikorsky, U.S., 1939.
Helium first observed on sun: Sir Joseph Lockyer, England, 1868.
Heredity, laws of: Gregor Mendel, Austria, 1865.
Holograph: Dennis Gabor, England, 1947.
Home videotape systems (VCR): (Betamax) Sony, Japan, 1975; (VHS) Matsushita, Japan, 1975.
Ice age theory: Louis Agassiz, Swiss-American, 1840.
Induction, electric: Joseph Henry, U.S., 1828.
Insulin: (first isolated) Sir Frederick G. Banting and Charles H. Best, Canada, 1921; (discovery first published) Banting and Best, 1922; (Nobel Prize awarded for purification for use in humans) John Macleod and Banting, 1923; (first synthesized), China, 1966.
Intelligence testing: Alfred Binet, Theodore Simon, France, 1905.
Interferon: Alick Isaacs, Jean Lindemann, England, Switzerland, 1957.
iPhone, 2007
iPod, 2001
Isotopes: (concept of) Frederick Soddy, England, 1912; (stable isotopes) J. J. Thompson, England, 1913; (existence demonstrated by mass spectrography) Francis W. Ashton, 1919.
Jet propulsion: (engine) Sir Frank Whittle, England, Hans von Ohain, Germany, 1936; (aircraft) Heinkel He 178, 1939.
Kinetic theory of gases: (molecules of a gas are in a state of rapid motion) Daniel Bernoulli, Switzerland, 1738.
Laser: (theoretical work on) Charles H. Townes, Arthur L. Schawlow, U.S., N. Basov, A. Prokhorov, U.S.S.R., 1958; (first working model) T. H. Maiman, U.S., 1960.
Lawn mower: Edwin Budding, John Ferrabee, England, 1830–1831.
LCD (liquid crystal display): Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland, 1970.
Lens, bifocal: Benjamin Franklin, U.S., c.1760.
Leyden jar: (prototype electrical condenser) Canon E. G. von Kleist of Kamin, Pomerania, 1745; independently evolved by Cunaeus and P. van Musschenbroek, University of Leyden, Holland, 1746, from where name originated.
Light, nature of: (wave theory) Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1678; (electromagnetic theory) James Clerk Maxwell, England, 1873.
Light, speed of: (theory that light has finite velocity) Olaus Roemer, Denmark, 1675.
Lightning rod: Benjamin Franklin, U.S., 1752.
Locomotive: (steam powered) Richard Trevithick, England, 1804; (first practical, due to multiple-fire-tube boiler) George Stephenson, England, 1829; (largest steam-powered) Union Pacific’s “Big Boy,” U.S., 1941.
Lock, cylinder: Linus Yale, U.S., 1851.
Loom: (horizontal, two-beamed) Egypt, c. 4400 B.C.; (Jacquard drawloom, pattern controlled by punch cards) Jacques de Vaucanson, France, 1745, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, 1801; (flying shuttle) John Kay, England, 1733; (power-driven loom) Edmund Cartwright, England, 1785.
Machine gun: (hand-cranked multibarrel) Richard J. Gatling, U.S., 1862; (practical single barrel, belt-fed) Hiram S. Maxim, Anglo-American, 1884.
Magnet, Earth is: William Gilbert, England, 1600.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Inventor not established, 1973
Match: (phosphorus) François Derosne, France, 1816; (friction) Charles Sauria, France, 1831; (safety) J. E. Lundstrom, Sweden, 1855.
Measles vaccine: John F. Enders, Thomas Peebles, U.S., 1953.
Metric system: revolutionary government of France, 1790–1801.
Microphone: Charles Wheatstone, England, 1827.
Microscope: (compound) Zacharias Janssen, The Netherlands, 1590; (electron) Vladimir Zworykin et al., U.S., Canada, Germany, 1932–1939.
Microwave oven: Percy Spencer, U.S., 1947.
Motion, laws of: Isaac Newton, England, 1687.
Motion pictures: Thomas A. Edison, U.S., 1893.
Motion pictures, sound: Product of various inventions. First picture with synchronized musical score: Don Juan, 1926; with spoken dialogue: The Jazz Singer, 1927; both Warner Bros.
Motor, electric: Michael Faraday, England, 1822; (alternating-current) Nikola Tesla, U.S., 1892.
Motorcycle: (motor tricycle) Edward Butler, England, 1884; (gasoline-engine motorcycle) Gottlieb Daimler, Germany, 1885.
Moving assembly line: Henry Ford, U.S., 1913.
Multiple Sclerosis genetic link: University of British Columbia, 2016
Music synthesizer: Robert Moog, 1964
Neptune: (discovery of) Johann Galle, Germany, 1846.
Neptunium: (first transuranic element, synthesis of) Edward M. McMillan, Philip H. Abelson, U.S., 1940.
Neutron: James Chadwick, England, 1932.
Neutron-induced radiation: Enrico Fermi et al., Italy, 1934.
Nitroglycerin: Ascanio Sobrero, Italy, 1846.
Nuclear fission: Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, Germany, 1938.
Nuclear reactor: Enrico Fermi, Italy, et al., 1942.
Ohm’s law: (relationship between strength of electric current, electromotive force, and circuit resistance) Georg S. Ohm, Germany, 1827.
Oil well: Edwin L. Drake, U.S., 1859.
Oxygen: (isolation of) Joseph Priestley, 1774; Carl Scheele, 1773.
Ozone: Christian Schönbein, Germany, 1839.
Pacemaker: (internal) Clarence W. Lillehie, Earl Bakk, U.S., 1957.
Paper China, c.100 A.D.
Parachute: Louis S. Lenormand, France, 1783.
Pen: (fountain) Lewis E. Waterman, U.S., 1884; (ball-point, for marking on rough surfaces) John H. Loud, U.S., 1888; (ball-point, for handwriting) Lazlo Biro, Argentina, 1944.
Periodic law: (that properties of elements are functions of their atomic weights) Dmitri Mendeleev, Russia, 1869.
Periodic table: (arrangement of chemical elements based on periodic law) Dmitri Mendeleev, Russia, 1869.
Phonograph: Thomas A. Edison, U.S., 1877.
Photography: (first paper negative, first photograph, on metal) Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, France, 1816–1827; (discovery of fixative powers of hyposulfite of soda) Sir John Herschel, England, 1819; (first direct positive image on silver plate, the daguerreotype) Louis Daguerre, based on work with Niepce, France, 1839; (first paper negative from which a number of positive prints could be made) William Talbot, England, 1841. Work of these four men, taken together, forms basis for all modern photography. (First color images) Alexandre Becquerel, Claude Niepce de Saint-Victor, France, 1848–1860; (commercial color film with three emulsion layers, Kodachrome) U.S., 1935.
Photovoltaic effect: (light falling on certain materials can produce electricity) Edmund Becquerel, France, 1839.
Piano: (Hammerklavier) Bartolommeo Cristofori, Italy, 1709; (pianoforte with sustaining and damper pedals) John Broadwood, England, 1873.
Planetary motion, laws of: Johannes Kepler, Germany, 1609, 1619.
Plant respiration and photosynthesis: Jan Ingenhousz, Holland, 1779.
Plastics: (first material, nitrocellulose softened by vegetable oil, camphor, precursor to Celluloid) Alexander Parkes, England, 1855; (Celluloid, involving recognition of vital effect of camphor) John W. Hyatt, U.S., 1869; (Bakelite, first completely synthetic plastic) Leo H. Baekeland, U.S., 1910; (theoretical background of macromolecules and process of polymerization on which modern plastics industry rests) Hermann Staudinger, Germany, 1922.
Plate tectonics: Alfred Wegener, Germany, 1912–1915.
Plow, forked: Mesopotamia, before 3000 B.C.
Plutonium, synthesis of: Glenn T. Seaborg, Edwin M. McMillan, Arthur C. Wahl, Joseph W. Kennedy, U.S., 1941.
Polio, vaccine: (experimentally safe dead-virus vaccine) Jonas E. Salk, U.S., 1952; (effective large-scale field trials) 1954; (officially approved) 1955; (safe oral live-virus vaccine developed) Albert B. Sabin, U.S., 1954; (available in the U.S.) 1960.
Positron: Carl D. Anderson, U.S., 1932.
Pressure cooker: (early version) Denis Papin, France, 1679.
Printing: (block) Japan, c.700; (movable type) Korea, c.1400; Johann Gutenberg, Germany, c.1450 (lithography, offset) Aloys Senefelder, Germany, 1796; (rotary press) Richard Hoe, U.S., 1844; (linotype) Ottmar Mergenthaler, U.S., 1884.
Probability theory: René Descartes, France; and Pierre de Fermat, Switzerland, 1654.
Proton: Ernest Rutherford, England, 1919.
Prozac: (antidepressant fluoxetine) Bryan B. Malloy, Scotland, and Klaus K. Schmiegel, U.S., 1972; (released for use in U.S.) Eli Lilly & Company, 1987.
Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud, Austria, c.1904.
Pulsars: Antony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell Burnel, England, 1967.
Quantum theory: (general) Max Planck, Germany, 1900; (sub-atomic) Niels Bohr, Denmark, 1913; (quantum mechanics) Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Germany, 1925.
Quarks: Jerome Friedman, Henry Kendall, Richard Taylor, U.S., 1967.
Quasars: Marten Schmidt, U.S., 1963.
Rabies immunization: Louis Pasteur, France, 1885.
Radar: (limited to one-mile range) Christian Hulsmeyer, Germany, 1904; (pulse modulation, used for measuring height of ionosphere) Gregory Breit, Merle Tuve, U.S., 1925; (first practical radar—radio detection and ranging) Sir Robert Watson-Watt, England, 1934–1935.
Radio: (electromagnetism, theory of) James Clerk Maxwell, England, 1873; (spark coil, generator of electromagnetic waves) Heinrich Hertz, Germany, 1886; (first practical system of wireless telegraphy) Guglielmo Marconi, Italy, 1895; (first long-distance telegraphic radio signal sent across the Atlantic) Marconi, 1901; (vacuum electron tube, basis for radio telephony) Sir John Fleming, England, 1904; (triode amplifying tube) Lee de Forest, U.S., 1906; (regenerative circuit, allowing long-distance sound reception) Edwin H. Armstrong, U.S., 1912; (frequency modulation—FM) Edwin H. Armstrong, U.S., 1933.
Radioactivity: (X-rays) Wilhelm K. Roentgen, Germany, 1895; (radioactivity of uranium) Henri Becquerel, France, 1896; (radioactive elements, radium and polonium in uranium ore) Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Pierre Curie, France, 1898; (classification of alpha and beta particle radiation) Pierre Curie, France, 1900; (gamma radiation) Paul-Ulrich Villard, France, 1900.
Radiocarbon dating, carbon-14 method: (discovered) 1947, Willard F. Libby, U.S.; (first demonstrated) U.S., 1950.
Radio signals, extraterrestrial: first known radio noise signals were received by U.S. engineer, Karl Jansky, originating from the Galactic Center, 1931.
Radio waves: (cosmic sources, led to radio astronomy) Karl Jansky, U.S., 1932.
Razor: (safety, successfully marketed) King Gillette, U.S., 1901; (electric) Jacob Schick, U.S., 1928, 1931.
Reaper: Cyrus McCormick, U.S., 1834.
Refrigerator: Alexander Twining, U.S., James Harrison, Australia, 1850; (first with a compressor device) the Domelse, Chicago, U.S., 1913.
Refrigerator ship: (first) the Frigorifique, cooling unit designed by Charles Teller, France, 1877.
Relativity: (special and general theories of) Albert Einstein, Switzerland, Germany, U.S., 1905–1953.
Revolver: Samuel Colt, U.S., 1835.
Richter scale: Charles F. Richter, U.S., 1935.
Rifle: (muzzle-loaded) Italy, Germany, c.1475; (breech-loaded) England, France, Germany, U.S., c.1866; (bolt-action) Paul von Mauser, Germany, 1889; (automatic) John Browning, U.S., 1918.
Rocket: (liquid-fueled) Robert Goddard, U.S., 1926.
Roller bearing: (wooden for cartwheel) Germany or France, c.100 B.C.
Rotation of Earth: Jean Bernard Foucault, France, 1851.
Royal Observatory, Greenwich: established in 1675 by Charles II of England; John Flamsteed first Astronomer Royal.
Rubber: (vulcanization process) Charles Goodyear, U.S., 1839.
Saccharin: Constantine Fuhlberg, Ira Remsen, U.S., 1879.
Safety pin: Walter Hunt, U.S., 1849.
Saturn, ring around: Christian Huygens, The Netherlands, 1659.
“Scotch” tape:Richard Drew, U.S., 1929.
Screw propeller: Sir Francis P. Smith, England, 1836; John Ericsson, England, worked independently of and simultaneously with Smith, 1837.
Seismograph: (first accurate) John Milne, England, 1880.
Sewing machine: Elias Howe, U.S., 1846; (continuous stitch) Isaac Singer, U.S., 1851. 
Smoke detector: Randolph Smith and Kenneth House, 1969
Solar energy: First realistic application of solar energy using parabolic solar reflector to drive caloric engine on steam boiler, John Ericsson, U.S., 1860s.
Solar system, universe: (Sun-centered universe) Nicolaus Copernicus, Warsaw, 1543; (establishment of planetary orbits as elliptical) Johannes Kepler, Germany, 1609; (infinity of universe) Giordano Bruno, Italian monk, 1584.
Spectrum: (heterogeneity of light) Sir Isaac Newton, England, 1665–1666.
Spectrum analysis: Gustav Kirchhoff, Robert Bunsen, Germany, 1859.
Spermatozoa: Anton van Leeuwenhoek, The Netherlands, 1683.
Spinning: (spinning wheel) India, introduced to Europe in Middle Ages; (Saxony wheel, continuous spinning of wool or cotton yarn) England, c.1500–1600; (spinning jenny) James Hargreaves, England, 1764; (spinning frame) Sir Richard Arkwright, England, 1769; (spinning mule, completed mechanization of spinning, permitting production of yarn to keep up with demands of modern looms) Samuel Crompton, England, 1779.
Star catalog: (first modern) Tycho Brahe, Denmark, 1572.
Steam engine: (first commercial version based on principles of French physicist Denis Papin) Thomas Savery, England, 1639; (atmospheric steam engine) Thomas Newcomen, England, 1705; (steam engine for pumping water from collieries) Savery, Newcomen, 1725; (modern condensing, double acting) James Watt, England, 1782.
Steamship: Claude de Jouffroy d’Abbans, France, 1783; James Rumsey, U.S., 1787; John Fitch, U.S., 1790. All preceded Robert Fulton, U.S., 1807, credited with launching first commercially successful steamship.
Stethoscope: René Laënnec, France, 1819.
Sulfa drugs: (parent compound, para-aminobenzenesulfanomide) Paul Gelmo, Austria, 1908; (antibacterial activity) Gerhard Domagk, Germany, 1935.
Superconductivity: (theory) Bardeen, Cooper, Scheiffer, U.S., 1957.
Symbolic logic: George Boule, 1854; (modern) Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, England, 1910–1913.
Tank, military: Sir Ernest Swinton, England, 1914.
Tape recorder: (magnetic steel tape) Valdemar Poulsen, Denmark, 1899.
Teflon: DuPont, U.S., 1943.
Telegraph: Samuel F. B. Morse, U.S., 1837.
Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell, U.S., 1876.
Telescope: Hans Lippershey, The Netherlands, 1608; (astronomical) Galileo Galilei, Italy, 1609; (reflecting) Isaac Newton, England, 1668.
Television: (Iconoscope–T.V. camera table), Vladimir Zworkin, U.S., 1923, and also kinescope (cathode ray tube), 1928; (mechanical disk-scanning method) successfully demonstrated by J.K. Baird, England, C.F. Jenkins, U.S., 1926; (first all-electric television image), 1927, Philo T. Farnsworth, U.S; (color, mechanical disk) Baird, 1928; (color, compatible with black and white) George Valensi, France, 1938; (color, sequential rotating filter) Peter Goldmark, U.S., first introduced, 1951; (color, compatible with black and white) commercially introduced in U.S., National Television Systems Committee, 1953.
Thermodynamics: (first law: energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another) Julius von Mayer, Germany, 1842; James Joule, England, 1843; (second law: heat cannot of itself pass from a colder to a warmer body) Rudolph Clausius, Germany, 1850; (third law: the entropy of ordered solids reaches zero at the absolute zero of temperature) Walter Nernst, Germany, 1918.
Thermometer: (open-column) Galileo Galilei, c.1593; (clinical) Santorio Santorio, Padua, c.1615; (mercury, also Fahrenheit scale) Gabriel D. Fahrenheit, Germany, 1714; (centigrade scale) Anders Celsius, Sweden, 1742; (absolute-temperature, or Kelvin, scale) William Thompson, Lord Kelvin, England, 1848.
Three point seat belt: Nils Bohlin, 1957
Tire, pneumatic: Robert W. Thompson, England, 1845; (bicycle tire) John B. Dunlop, Northern Ireland, 1888.
Toilet, flush: Product of Minoan civilization, Crete, c. 2000 B.C. Alleged invention by “Thomas Crapper” is untrue.
Tractor: Benjamin Holt, U.S., 1900.
Transformer, electric: William Stanley, U.S., 1885.
Transistor: John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, William B. Shockley, U.S., 1947.
Tuberculosis bacterium: Robert Koch, Germany, 1882.
Typewriter: Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden, U.S., 1867.
Uncertainty principle: (that position and velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time) Werner Heisenberg, Germany, 1927.
Uranus: (first planet discovered in recorded history) William Herschel, England, 1781.
Vaccination: Edward Jenner, England, 1796.
Vacuum cleaner: (manually operated) Ives W. McGaffey, 1869; (electric) Hubert C. Booth, England, 1901; (upright) J. Murray Spangler, U.S., 1907.
Van Allen (radiation) Belt: (around Earth) James Van Allen, U.S., 1958.
Video disk: Philips Co., The Netherlands, 1972.
Vitamins: (hypothesis of disease deficiency) Sir F. G. Hopkins, Casimir Funk, England, 1912; (vitamin A) Elmer V. McCollum, M. Davis, U.S., 1912–1914; (vitamin B) McCollum, U.S., 1915–1916; (thiamin, B1) Casimir Funk, England, 1912; (riboflavin, B2) D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick, U.S., 1926; (niacin) Conrad Elvehjem, U.S., 1937; (B6) Paul Gyorgy, U.S., 1934; (vitamin C) C. A. Hoist, T. Froelich, Norway, 1912; (vitamin D) McCollum, U.S., 1922; (folic acid) Lucy Wills, England, 1933.
Voltaic pile: (forerunner of modern battery, first source of continuous electric current) Alessandro Volta, Italy, 1800.
Wallpaper: Europe, 16th and 17th century.
Wassermann test: (for syphilis) August von Wassermann, Germany, 1906.
Wheel: (cart, solid wood) Mesopotamia, c.3800–3600 B.C.
Windmill: Persia, c.600.
World Wide Web: (developed while working at CERN) Tim Berners-Lee, England, 1989; (development of Mosaic browser makes WWW available for general use) Marc Andreeson, U.S., 1993.
Xerography: Chester Carlson, U.S., 1938.
Zero: India, c.600; (absolute zero temperature, cessation of all molecular energy) William Thompson, Lord Kelvin, England, 1848.
Zipper: W. L. Judson, U.S., 1891.  
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