#a v. good bean
moeblob · 5 months
I vote for Argenti! I hope you feel better soon!
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Thank you ! I do feel much better (though I admit I hurt a little for very much my fault reasons but it's mostly manageable through light pain meds).
Take an Argenti o7 I got lazy and didn't draw the roses I was gonna draw to the left so there is now a wide open blank spot.
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crimsoncountess · 11 months
currently sobbing over sam hallucinating luke because he represents sam's inner consciousness and guilt. luke knows which path sam and cate are headed, and he's urging sam to realize how wrong it is. however, the moment sam refused to listen to luke and closed the door on him, he also closed off his last shred of compassion. even when luke told him he loves him, sam still ignored him and proceeded to go with cate...
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fitzrove · 7 days
former classmate shared several PETAcore instagram posts w their own caption going "here are a few good reasons that your plate should never have meat or milk products on it" SHUT UPPP<333
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borom1r · 8 months
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call-me-pup2 · 28 days
6’4 here love a good size kink
Size kink is v fun
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saint--claire · 4 months
It's been a long few days, but Beans is now thriving in her new role as a 2.8 kilogram baby gummy shark 🦷🦈
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inkedberries · 2 years
Yeah it would be like the world's worst buddy cop character it'd be great!! mogami IS so tragic and sad, and shigeo is so traumatized but does still understand him. the dynamic is so grim but I love the idea of shigeo having to admit he needs help and the only one he can call on is someone he has such a tentative 'allyship' with
i honestly would like to think of them as something close to friends. like how dimple is with shigeo. lol another evil spirit to hang around him😂
the thing with mogami arc that i absolutely LOVE and think of 24/7 is how mogami found minori. i mean, i like to come up with a story on how mogami found and possessed minori.
imma be talking about suicide under the cut so feel free to uh just not read it if you're uncomfy about it.
so it is understandable that the chapters about mogami arc deal with suicide. the loss of hope to the point of seeing death as the only escape from it. and it's interesting to note that mogami *knows* there's an afterlife.
and even more interesting to note is that the preface of mogami arc is the story of the ghost family that shigeo hesitated on exorcising bc they really weren't doing anything wrong! they were just a family having a peaceful life together until they pass on. why are living ppl treating them this way? shigeo empathized with the ghost family GREATLY because to him both the living and the dead are on the same plane of existence. he sees spirits on a daily basis. he co-exists with them. so you see the great divide and otherness of shigeo being a psychic here. i really wish we could have explored more of that in the series but i digress.
now to mogami.
he is the same as shigeo as having lived and co-existed with the living and the dead. but i assume the people around mogami who used and urged him to use his powers for their benefit did not concern themselves with what mogami feels about it. and i doubt mogami was open to expressing his feelings of doubt and the conflict he feels inside him. he needed the money. i think he'd only probably warn them about the dangers of evil spirits but nothing about his feelings about it, if that makes sense.
he sucks it up and does one unspeakable thing after another because he is DESPERATE!!! his mother's condition worsens and not even his showbizz money was enough to pay expenses to save his mother who i ASSUME is his only support system throughout his life. i mean who else would you kill for? and when she dies, who is there to blame? her son who killed for her.
lol you could IMAGINE what that could do to mogami. the only person he has ever felt safe with. the only person he trusted that only sees him as mogami keiji, not the world's greatest psychic of the 20th century. and what's more is that mogami doesn't blame his mother for making him feel like absolute shit. he doesn't blame his mother for blaming him for her death, no. he blames the people who used him. he blames the people who pushed him to the brink of self-destruction. he blames the people who dismissed his warnings and belittled the effect of the spirit world to the land of the living.
he goes on at the end of his life as wanting to be the vessel of revenge and hatred for the people who suffered under exploitation and oppression, like how he was treated when he was in showbizz or even maybe throughout his childhood. i think the term was, he wanted to be the grudge of the world????? something emo like that lmao. he self-appointed himself as something like judge and jury. he does whatever he see fit to the people who torment others for their own amusement.
now enter minori.
why did mogami possess minori?
now please hear my proposal...
you see how minori treated shigeo in mogamiland? it was mentioned time and time and again that the way minori bullies shigeo and controls the class with her status and wealth is something she does on the regular. she targets other people the way she targets shigeo.
and please imagine that these children that she targets on the regular, her classmates, are not psychic. are not strong willed and as kind and as resolved like shigeo. they can read the room, they are self-aware. they know when they are being talked down to and why they are being talked down to. they think of themselves as being lesser. they think to themselves i dont want to go to school anymore. they tell their parents that they dont want to go to school anymore. and what do their parents say?
"you're just being sensitive."
now i know i dont have to hold your hand to lead you to where this is going. imagine how many of her classmates tried to commit suicide on the rooftop of their school. or at home. because of her.
it was enough for mogami to show up.
and throughout mogami arc we see mogami trying so hard to convince shigeo that minori isn't worth saving. that the thinking of "people can change" is naive and immature. that he's afraid that someone as powerful as shigeo will be used the same way as he was when he was alive.
we can read the line "...to prevent you from going the same path as me" as something mogami said to shigeo. mogamiland was mogami's bootcamp on trying to open shigeo's eyes to the principle of "kindess isn't always the answer" which shigeo debunked in world domination arc but i digress lmao
but you know what happened in the end? shigeo FORGAVE minori. even after all that. AND!!! he picked up a different lesson from mogamiland which is to appreciate the people who help him, inspire him to change and to become a better person. which is something mogami never did. that's their difference, i feel. and i think that's the reason why mogami respected shigeo's decision in the end. because he saw how strong shigeo's character is. he even tried to give shigeo advice in world domination arc!!!
so yeah i think there is a mutual respect between the two of them. lol even in the fanbook under mogami's section, shigeo was the only person who could say nice things about mogami.
so yeah. i think they would make great friends if given the chance.
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cheapcheapfaker · 5 months
the thing about having a kid is that anyone can do it. and I don’t mean that strictly in the “dumbest people you know are rawdogging another future faux hawked -ayden into the world” sense, though it must be touched upon considering I read a review for a baby toy where the mom rated it one star because she couldn’t clip it onto the stroller handle so it faced the baby. I still got the sloth toy because it’s cute. And It’s a clip. It definitely faces inward. Insane a clip is too advanced an instrument to figure out but people still manage to figure out how to keep a tiny helpless grub of a newborn alive. This is not a superiority chant but an anxiety relieving one— if they can keep a baby alive, you can too.
But. My point. And it’s a point I do have to remind myself. Is anyone can have a kid. There’s no limit. Country, culture, religion, politics, personality. You’ll read and overhear stuff and worry, why don’t i feel this way, why hasn’t this been my experience, why isn’t this something i want, and not realize that person is just— an entirely different beast than you that has very little in common other than birthing your own creature. And diversity is a good thing. One isn’t right while the other is wrong. (Except clip lady. I worry for her.) But there’s no one size fits all. Someone else’s parenthood journey is going too look much different than mine. that’s okay.
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ssolessurvivor · 8 months
@agent-scotch continued [x]
Little had he ever anticipated when he answered an ad in the paper that he'd land himself here. The man standing there made him, not necessarily nervous, but more aware of the discretion of the situation at hand. Who he may end up working for, should this even go well in the first place. Either way, he felt distinctly underdressed in his jeans and a leather jacket, one on the newer side, with a henley underneath. Something to lend comfort to the scarring on his neck, nothing constricting.
That would've made this even more intense.
Logan straightens in his seat when the woman comes out from the kitchen doors: he could tell instantly she had little time to spare, either willingly or just that she felt as if she didn't want to waste any. Nothing he wasn't used to already with a mild military twinge to it. Watching her pour cream in her coffee and stirring, he wondered if this was really a good idea.
He pressed on either way.
"Seems like you need someone who knows when to exercise caution but also how to read a room. Always sit facing the door." He wasn't, currently, but he was facing a door, which made him feel a little better. Plus, he could see the reflections in the glass. "I'm comfortably carrying, if necessary: I feel I have an ample background from my time in the military. Confidentiality comes with the territory."
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xamassed · 6 months
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⟬ meme / @tsukuharuko ⟭
🔥 back at ya, for Tamaki >:3 (though Haruko would probably be like "WHAT ABOUT FATGUM?! WHAT DOES HE THINK OF ME?!")
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With his hood yanked far over his face, it was difficult to understand his rapid-fire mutterings. But, if one listened closely, they might catch a few snippets that sounded vaguely like compliments. "H—Haruko is — uhm — she's — pretty. Please, don't tell her I said that!"
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And though he's not there to answer, he does think that she's adorable in the most innocent of ways. Most civilians were so long as they stayed as considerate as she was.
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moeblob · 6 months
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Deacon willing to help people but doesn't recognize people so he doesn't remember what he did for who. So he just agrees and is like cool don't mention it then they mention it and he's like uhhhhhh.
However, that's other humans. He can identify the deities much easier because they have a unique glow. Like can actively tell Ymber "oh Lady Fulj just entered the city" and Ymber is like how the heck did you sense her that far away when I can't sense her that far away. It actually takes a while for Ymber to realize Deacon really doesn't know any of his coworkers and who he's talking to.
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raraeavesmoriendi · 9 months
on this day I would just like to announce my eternal love and gratitude for noise canceling headphones
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ladydbzelle · 7 months
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Ship Dynamic of Nash and Menat ~ <3
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Kokichi only gained Gonta's trust just to use him.
Even the Ultimate Kokichi Stan/theorist, oumakokichi on Tumblr, said that Gonta and Ouma's relationship is inherently abusive. WHEN THE ULTIMATE KOKICHI STAN/ANALYST SAYS THAT, AT LEAST TRY TO PAY ATTENTION.
"Gonta is someone who trusts others implicitly, always tries to see the best in people, and is kind, gentle, and compassionate. Throughout earlier chapters, but especially in Chapter 4, Ouma comes down hard on him, insults him, and tells him to "stop moping" or "focusing on what he can't do" and while these things are likely the same kind of act that he put on in order to force Himiko to confront the promise she made to Tenko, it still doesn't change the fact that he says pretty awful things to Gonta in order to achieve these results."
"To try and ship Gonta and Ouma in a romantic fashion or anything similar is just...really not good. Gonta doesn't deserve to be put in any kind of shipping dynamic where he's going to be seen as anything less than equal, and there's really no way to deny that Ouma doesn't see him as an equal, but as a piece to be moved on a gameboard. This is something really important to be remembered with most ships, in my opinion, but with this one in particular I'll just say that it does really make me uncomfortable that people would want to make this kind of treatment into something "cutesy" or "shippy" when it's really not supposed to be, and not portrayed as such by the game." (Lunarin64art: "This sign can't stop me because I can't read".)
"An undeniable part of why he relies on Gonta probably comes down to the fact that yes, he does see him as one of the more easily manipulated members of the group. As one of the only characters whose reaction is to trust even Ouma implicitly, rather than to assume that he's lying, Gonta and his sweet, trusting disposition mean that whenever Ouma does have a plan that needs being done, he always has a pretty accessible, physically strong member of the group to rely on. This is pretty evident with the fact that he knew Gonta looked large and intimidating enough to round up all the members of the group into the entomology lab while Ouma himself was off trying to collect evidence."
In any good Virtual Simulation AU everyone is alive and well except Kokichi, because Miu, Maki or (the best option) Gonta put him off life support before he could wake and that fucker died as he deserved. Everyone was happy he died and absolutely no one mourned him.
You REALLY thought Kokichi would ACTUALLY INFORM Gonta about the Bugvac? When Kokichi NEEDED to keep Gonta's self-esteem as low as possible so that he would be easier to manipulate. Of course he wouldn't show Gonta anything that could make him believe in himself. What a stupid pile of filth you are.
"He never treats Gonta the way he did on chp4 on any other part of the game." 
Okay, how about Kokichi telling Gonta that if he keeps being so gullible it would get him killed while PLANNING to get him killed since Day 1, being a shit to Gonta in their pre-Free Time Events in Chapter 2, manipulating Gonta into kidnapping everyone by telling him that his classmates hate bugs (Which was a part of Kokichi's plan to get rid of Ryoma and Kirumi by letting Kirumi kill Ryoma, so Kokichi basically made Gonta indirectly cause two people's deaths)? Kokichi telling Gonta "nothing good ever happens when you try to help" in Chapter 3? Kokichi constantly calling Gonta an idiot?
" I also find it strange how there are still people who actually think that Ouma didn't care about Gonta. That was legitimately one of his most obvious lies in the entire game. His end talk with Kaito wouldn't make any sense otherwise, nor his interactions with Gonta on TDP and DRS." 
His interactions with Gonta in TDP and DRS don't show that he cares for him in the slightest. Aside from Ouma's graduation event, where he slightly regrets abusing Gonta for three years, there's literally no indication that he, in any way, cares about Gonta. Where's it? When he tells Gonta that he's going to kill someone by playing volleyball (TDP)? When he banters with Junko while Gonta just stands here as a prop - he only came to see Junko, who is his bestie, not to protect Gonta from her or stuff, Gonta was never the main objective here (TDP). Two neutral interactions with Gonta where he just farts around without doing or saying anything that would imply he gives a shit about Gonta? (Summer Camp) And two more interactions with Gonta that feature Gonta mostly serving as a mediator between him and the other characters without Ouma ever once doing anything in return for Gonta? (Summer Camp) His every single interaction with Gonta is abusive. Gonta cares about Kokichi and tries to put actual effort into their "friendship". Kokichi just uses him for his own benefit and doesn't give Gonta anything in return.
ok. and? I'm not replying to your other 6 anons. you're putting way too much energy into nothing. it's almost like Danganronpa isn't canon IN canon. and anything can happen. idc what a Kokichi expert says. just because one person puts on a big boy hat and does amazing work to analyze the character doesn't mean I need to care. like they are right. I've never said it wasn't abusive. i like that blog and they are right on many accounts but im allowed to have my own perspective on the characters and plot. people are allowed to do that. but you, the anon, the one using another person's words to justify, clearly have no nuanced takes and a deep-seeded hate for kokichi. if you think JUNKO has any emotions that Kokichi somehow lacks and that he DESERVES DEATH then anything else you said is null to me. maybe you should listen to the kokichi stan about why they stan them. because you're clearly just using another's words to fuel your hate. danganronpa isn't real. irl or in canon. none of it matters. let people ship what they want.
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stingslikeabee · 11 months
"that feels so good."
prompts for touch-starved muses . accepting
'That feels so good'. Now, these were common words heard at the Honey Bee Inn, as it should be the case with any pleasure house that hoped to have a good reputation. Only, in that particular instance, there was nothing remotely sexual about the interactions in one of the many suites of the brothel, even if they happened to house Melissa and Reno - arguably two people more than able to use their looks in their favor and turn their fair share of heads.
They were making good use of one of the tub, however - Melissa was washing Reno's hair with the utmost care and patience, as if the Turk was visiting a first-class beauty parlor from topside. The inn had a variety of amenities at the disposal of their guests, but renting a suite didn't come with the owner and whatever little spa treatments she was in a mood to give.
Those were perks unlocked by sincere friendships - well, as much as a Turk could afford to have. Their partnership was a fruitful one for both sides: it didn't hurt for any of the trademark suits from Shinra to have access to good intel gathered from all sorts of inebriated patrons, and it was more than fine for Melissa to have some unofficial protection when said suits were ostensibly visiting the premises.
It didn't often cross into a personal territory - but Reno was just too irresistible, wasn't he? There was something about the redhead that was hard to ignore, a mix of grace and lethality like a natural predator. Fitting for a trained assassin... And just the type of person that the madame felt comfortable to be around, as ridiculous as it could sound. Reno had no reason to hurt her - or any of the girls. As long as that remained true, the Turk was her best friend.
And by Shiva, Melissa had missed having that - a friend. Another soul to trade gossip with for sport, to lazy around in satin robes while sipping champagne and eating junk food and just being able to relax because, for once, Reno didn't need her taking care of him. The inn proprietress was no surrogate mother or older sister - she was just a friend.
Of the doting kind and willing to spoil him, of course.
"It better feel fantastic - I'm not this nice to just any pretty face dripping with charisma, I'll have you know," Melissa feigned indignation, but there was hardly anything about their interactions that supported the mock offense. Besides, the fact that they were looking at each other upside down made it all inherently funnier and the madame was the first one to crack, grinning at the Turk below her and removing herself out of his line of sight just to have a better angle to work with his scalp.
A few more minutes of the brunette massaging his head followed - the grand finish for the most luxurious treatment the redhead had been afforded in a good while. Melissa then grabbed a towel and offered it to Reno, helping him to a sitting position and out of the bathroom so he could properly towel himself dry and style the flaming tresses to his preferences.
"Now, in exchange for this lovely little treatment, I expect nothing but the best gossip from Shinra. It's so dull when it's board meeting season topside - the executives disappear and their minions are locked up at the office with endless overtime," Melissa sighed dramatically, fetching a pair of glasses which had been ready for them, "It feels like everyone is working for a change - and not just Director Tuesti."
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projectmischa · 1 year
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I don’t make comics like at all so this was my first attempt at one LOL
Lorelai met and made some friends in the woods, one being a grouchy hermit of a vampire named Alharic, and the other being a bubbly, but also extremely flirty lady named Willow. Alharic is ace and has little patience for them flirty shenanigans LOL
Alharic and Willow don’t belong to me. Both of them are characters owned by people I met on the V Rising Discord server and we along with a bunch of other people just draw a bunch of art of all our vampires interacting XD I don’t know their socials outside of the server tho unfortunately ;0;
This is older art, I haven’t been active in a hot minute but I wanna make some more art soon when I have the time >w< also I just wanted to share my goofy lil comic cause im proud of it
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