#a wip thrown into the Abyss
myfanfic-urfantrash · 2 years
On A Scale Of One To Wine How Are You A Venti?
Diluc X Venti
CW: Mentions of alcohol. THIS IS AN UNFINISHED PIECE
A/N: Title make no sense but it’s funny to me so we keep it. Is this set in the same universe as my fic “Sea Foam and Lava Rock”? Nah not in the slightest. Is does still DiluVen? Yes! :D
Under the read more cause it’s a mess
One of the things Diluc plans for is theft. His family wine and fruit are famous for their quality, that many rival brands or even those desiring to make a quick buck would try to steal.
The problem was that his thief had good taste. Another was that they left all sorts of odd...treasures in place of the stolen goods. Pearls, gold, jewelry, and more that must've been found on the sea floor.
Of all the things Diluc expected to be pilfering through his merchandise, he didn’t expect it to be a mermaid of all things.
Rats? Sure.
A stowaway? Possibly.
A mermaid? Not a chance. 
Mermaids weren’t real and if they were they must have kept well hidden and steered clear of human activity, especially if those legends of humans hunting mermaids had any merit.
But here they were anyway, with a pale thin webbed hand holding a rather expensive bottle of grape wine and a half eaten apple in the other. The light of his lantern reveals their iridescent teal tail, half dipped into the sea below the dock.
Now he doesn’t know much about mermaids- again they weren’t real so why would he bother- but clearly- and he’s making a guess here- but he could definitely be wrong.
Mermaids live for thousands of years if he remembers right, so despite them looking so young they could be anywhere from twenty to a thousand years plus.
Their confidence though admirable is foolish. Diluc knows that even if he's not the sort to capture or harm a creature - again they didn't exist until just now- if those tales were true shouldn't they be more careful?
Diluc’s eyes scan the docks, quiet as usual this time of night, not a soul except for the occasional light from the look outs. His eyes look back down at the mermaid- merman? He doesn't know if human gender terms even apply at this point.
Their curious yet mesmerizing teal eyes glimmer in the lanterns light as they chew their stolen apple slowly.
He needs to deal with them, mermaid-merman-whatever, he might not be strapped for cash but profit loss is profit loss.
-------- End
Thanks for reading! Not sure if I’ll ever continue this piece but if I ever do here’s my notes below I guess???
OG Idea:
Little merman Venti gets caught in Diluc’s net after stealing one apple too many from his ship, Diluc let’s him go only to be stuck with a merman who keeps flirting with him poorly...but is it really poor flirting when it’s working even with the language barrier? (if this ain’t a cute comedy I will riot and fight you(me))
Of course this did not happen but this little thing inspired “Seafoam and Lava Rock” and honestly I just wanted to see some cute merVenti and Diluc that’s really why I wrote those.
vvvv what I wanted to write to continue the current fic but didn’t cause brain hurty for a whoooooooooooole year+ D:
< What Happens Summed Up: Venti confesses to not having enough to eat because the sailors have fished far too much/are too close for comfort and how he's been hungry for a while and saw that the humans eat these fruits and such and diluc is like ugh I guess I'll feed you now can you like transform or something or is that a- o holy shit you have legs and are very naked oh my god...then they stay together for a while as venti decides to be a singer for his ship since he does work part time as a bard for some ships but got thrown over for insulting the captain for being a buffoon and braggart with no actual claim that or just make it him irritating Zhongli cause that’s funnier and then it’s just cute fluff forever I just want them to be happy and hold hands very softly at the end with like a cute promise or something I’m not crying you(me) are every second you’re(me again) not writing this aaaaaaaaaaaa ;v; >
<A line that’s suppose to be in the story vvvv
Curse my bleeding heart-
"Alright you can stay”
And he begins to cheer [insert bard talking grumpy bird man here]
If I ever decide to finish this well...you’ll all know cause I will make a nice post :D
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raevulsix · 1 year
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So I had lost the OG file of this & thrown this WIP into the Abyss of forgotten things but I just remembered to finish it finally- maybeee. Here’s Tech.
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nyxronomicon · 8 months
this was supposed to be porn but i wrote almost 3000 words of plot and they don't even kiss! anyway just bc i like you here's the entire wip
send me a wip and i'll post something about it!
jing yuan x stellaron hunter!reader
cw: enemies to lovers vibe (though i never got to the lovers part lol), lots of swearing, reader is sarcastic & pessimistic, mentions of suicide (falling to death)
Captured. It was honestly kind of embarrassing. Of course, the same fate has befallen Kafka and Blade, but that was expected. Your role was to stay unseen, to let them distract the general while you carried out your part of the plan.
That soft smirk on his face when you literally bumped into him. You instantly wished you were paying more attention to where you were going rather than making sure you weren't followed. Then maybe you could have avoided getting caught. Although he looked a little different from the photo, this was undoubtedly Jing Yuan, the General of the Xianzhou Luofu.
"Oh?" He chuckled. "And who might you be?" The iron grip on your wrist suggested this was a rhetorical question, not that you were going to answer. He just smiled, your silence answering the question just as well as your words could have.
"I'm afraid I'll have to take you into custody." His smile was almost apologetic. It was infuriating. He was infuriating. You opted to continue your silence, seeing how this was uncharted territory.
He was gentle with you despite the fact that you were an intergalactic criminal. It was odd, to say the least. This wasn't the first time you were caught like this, but it was by far the most pleasant. He simply boarded a starskiff with you, taking you to aeons know where. You weren't even cuffed, not that there was anywhere you could run to at this point.
You watched your captor as the starskiff glided through the air. You'd seen pictures of him in the briefing, but none of them did him justice. He was incredibly hot, his long silver hair flowing gently in the breeze, framing his strong jaw and that stupid smirk he still wore. Your eyes trailed down his form, noting muscles that could only be maintained with daily training. Despite the situation, you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about how attractive he was.
Maybe if you hadn't chosen this life, you could have found someone noble like him to spend your days with.
You shook off those thoughts, reminding yourself that you weren't bound and could make a run for it as soon as you docked. You needed a game plan. You didn't really know where you were, but you could get help from HQ if only you could escape. So as you felt the starskiff slow and the cloud knights busy themselves by hitching it to the dock, you jumped off the boat and ran.
You bolted down the only path you could find, but were quickly met with a dead end and the voice of the general.
"You didn't really think it would be that easy to escape, did you?" He chuckled. You looked over the ledge to the fall below, not realizing he'd approached you from behind until you felt his body against yours. He grabbed your wrists in one hand, easily restraining you with his strength. Not that there was much of a point in making a run for it again.
"I guess I should have figured there would be nowhere to go from here." You finally spoke.
"Don't worry." You could hear the smile in his voice as he firmly pushed the back of your head with his spare hand, forcing your gaze down to the foggy abyss. "Falling would be a fate far worse than what we have to offer here."
"Is this not a prison?" You hissed back at him.
"It is. But at least you’ll live. And I promise this is better than the other prisons you’ve been to." So he did know you. He didn't just stumble upon you by accident, he was looking for you. It was no wonder how he captured the other two so easily.
General Jing Yuan had thrown you in a cell days ago. You hadn’t spoken to a soul since, only knowing the hands that brought you meals three times a day. Admittedly, the cell was much nicer than any of your past prison stints, although the others had their gaps in security that this one just didn’t seem to have. Even if you made it out, Jing Yuan made it clear that you’d need a starskiff to get anywhere.
You were stuck.
Not knowing the status of the other Stellaron Hunters made this all worse, and none of them knew what happened to you, either.
Not that they could help you if they did.
You sighed.
The silence of the cell was deafening.
You heard footsteps. The droll pacing of whatever poor Cloud Knight guarded these cells, most likely. You laid back on the hard cot trying not to think about how dismal the situation was.
"Bored already?" A familiar voice spoke through your cell door. Your eyes darted to the small opening where you could see locks of silver hair spilling over Cloud Knight armor.
"Did you come to keep me company, General?" Your voice was hoarse. Apparently, that happens when you don’t use it. "Pretty sure that’s against the rules." You watched the window, your only glimpse of the outside world.
"Is it?" He chuckled and leaned down, his eyes finding yours through the bars. "Luckily, I’m the one making the rules here." He sported another infuriating smirk.
"Fuck off." You scoffed, looking at the ceiling.
"Come now," He tsked at you. "You’re leaving me hanging after I came all the way out here to visit you?"
"You just want to know what the Stellaron Hunters are planning, right?" You sighed. "I’m not a snitch."
"I never accused you of such." He was so nonchalant. You wished there was a warning in his file about how punchable he was.
"Then what could you possibly have come here for?" You glanced back at the window momentarily before looking up again.
"Kafka seems to have escaped." Jing Yuan smiled.
"She did?!" You immediately sat up, staring at his infuriating grin.
"We were wondering if you have any information to offer. We can make a deal." He was completely unreadable. He seemed all too casual about this, but he was like that about everything, from what you could tell.
"What kind of deal?" You knew you shouldn’t even ask, but you were feeling lonely and bored with no one to talk to, so you just wanted to extend the conversation.
"So you have information that might be valuable to us, then?" Jing Yuan stood again, his chest taking up the window as it did when he first spoke.
"I might." You said too much. Still, you didn’t really plan to say anything more.
"Good." He chuckled. "We’ll keep you here a bit longer, then. And how stupid do you think we are? Let Kafka escape?" His laugh was heartier now. "Yeah, right."
"You lied." You hissed, trudging up to the little window to get a good look at him.
"You trusted me." That fucking smile was maddening. You wanted to strangle him. "That was your first mistake." He paused for a moment, clearly imperceptive of the growing fury on the other side of the cell door. Either that or completely apathetic. "Well, I guess your first mistake was watching your back instead of your front." He sauntered down the hall with one last quip. "Made my job a lot easier, though."
Time didn’t really mean anything to you anymore. You could count the meals, but there was no point. Jing Yuan visited you occasionally, but there was no pattern to it from what you could tell. He mentioned a while ago that Kafka and Blade were gone, so you were all alone here. Today felt especially quiet until you heard the familiar gait of the general.
"I’m tired, Jing Yuan." You said when you heard the footsteps stop at your door. You didn’t even need to look to know it was him. "How long have I been here?"
"Do you really want to know?" He was already bent to look through the window, seeing you laying on the cot like usual. You thought for a minute.
"Yes." You looked at him through the window, seeing an empathetic smile. Something about it always ignited your anger again. He was holding you here for no reason. He never even questioned you about your activity. You couldn’t even remember what crime you committed other than being a Stellaron Hunter.
"Its new year’s today." He watched your expression carefully. Two months. You’d been in captivity for two months. "I thought you might appreciate the company."
"Liar." You’d taken to calling him a liar whenever he extended an olive branch. It was more of a reminder to yourself not to take him at face value.
"C’mon." He chuckled. "That was one time. Can’t I feel a little empathy for my favorite prisoner on a holiday?"
"Favorite prisoner?" You scoffed. "What kind of title is that?"
"You don’t like it?" He tilted his head, reminding you how badly you wanted to strangle him.
"Yeah. I love being reminded how trapped in this hellhole I am." Your voice dripped with sarcasm. He chuckled again, each time it got more grating.
"I brought you something." Jing Yuan was as unreadable as ever.
"How generous of you." You sat up on the cot, hoping it was something to eat other than dry rice.
You watched as the general pulled out a pair of fancy handcuffs with a wide grin, holding them in front of the window. They were intricately carved, but still unmistakably sturdy.
"You’re kidding." You sighed.
"I’m not." Jing Yuan always seemed so amused, you wanted to wipe that smirk off his stupid face. Was he purposefully trying to anger you? There’s no way it wasn’t intentional at this point. "The fireworks are in an hour. I thought I’d take you to the roof to see them."
"Pass." You scowled.
"I thought you were dying to get out of here." He grinned. "This might be your last chance for a while."
"What’s that supposed to mean?"
"You’re wanted on a lot of planets. That’s gotten your case caught up in quite a bit of bureaucracy. It could be months before there are any changes to your situation, and it’s likely it’ll only get worse." He lowered the cuffs out of your view, looking directly at you through the barred window. "I’m afraid this will be your last chance for fresh air for a while."
You looked at him, weighing your options. As much as you loathed the thought of spending the new year with him, you felt like you were going insane in that room. Maybe later you could headbutt him or something just for the satisfaction.
"Why are you doing this?" You finally asked, wondering if he had an ulterior motive.
"It would be a shame for you to miss the new year." He simply smiled. What a stupid reason. There was a dash of melancholy to his voice that you couldn’t quite place, like maybe taking you out like this would mean more to him than it did to you.
You wanted to reject him on principle, but he was right. You hadn’t been outside in two months and you were desperate for a change in scenery. He seemed so empathetic towards you, maybe you could even inspire him to do this again. Or give you better food. Aeons, the things you’d do for better food…
"Fine." You muttered. You could hear the metal latches shift as Jing Yuan unlocked your cell door. This was the first time you’d seen it open since getting thrown in here. He casually walked over to you, opening the handcuffs. You stood, begrudgingly allowing him to cuff you.
The metal was cold on your skin, a sharp contrast to the heat of his body. You hadn’t been this close to another person in months. It was like you forgot what it felt like to touch someone. The brush of his fingers on your skin… you hated to admit it to yourself but it felt really nice. Warm. Inviting.
He finished cuffing your hands behind your back and wrapped a hand around your elbow. "Shall I escort you?" He chuckled, his good spirits as infuriating as ever.
"I can walk just fine." You tugged your arm away from him.
"So be it." He shrugged. "I’ll note that there are Cloud Knights stationed throughout the jail, so there’s no point in trying to escape."
"Yeah, yeah." You rolled your eyes.
He tried to make idle chatter on the way to the rooftop, but you were busy taking in the new scenery. The halls were empty and labyrinthine, and even as you tried to memorize the route, it got jumbled in your mind.
You arrived at an elevator, which Jing Yuan called using his fingerprints. Just another insurmountable barrier to your escape.
"You're not listening to me." He said when you got in.
"No." You scoffed. "I don't really like you."
He feigned offense at your words. "I'm your only regular visitor and you don't like me?" The general pouted.
"You're the one who locked me up." You sighed, leaning against the elevator door. "You don't get to be my friend and my captor."
"I see." He laughed that infuriating laugh again. It was like everything you said was a joke. Like he never took you seriously. And yet…
You stomped on his foot. As he recoiled away, you closed the space between you, getting in his face.
"Is this a fucking joke to you?" You growled. Despite having him cornered in the elevator, he was still taller than you. Stronger than you. And he knew it too with the nonchalant smile he wore, even now. "What am I, your little trophy prisoner? The Stellaron Hunter left behind?"
"The Stellaron Hunter left behind…" Jing Yuan repeated your words. "I guess Elio knew this would happen to you, too." The elevator door opened to a small room.
"Whatever the reason, it couldn’t be helped." You shrugged. His tone made you more irate than usual. Maybe you were feeling defensive. The thought had crossed your mind many times in that cell, but you remembered Elio’s words. His gentle tone, his unshakeable confidence, and an intimate focus on you and your worries accompanied them. In time, you will know that this, too, is destiny’s plan.
"Do you really believe that there’s nothing they could do?" Jing Yuan spoke, unlocking the door in front of him. He opened it, the soft natural light spilling in. The air smelled so different, so fresh. You almost wanted to forgive the general for dragging Elio through the mud.
"Maybe they’ll pluck me right off this rooftop. I’m sure Elio knows we’re here." You hissed, glaring at him as he held the door open for you. "Maybe I’ll jump. Destiny is a cruel mistress, as they say." You smirked, wondering what would happen to Jing Yuan if you died because of such a frivolous activity.
He laughed.
The fucking General of the goddamn Xianzhou Luofu laughed at your escape plan.
The sound grated on your ears. Did he have any idea how annoying he was? It was so patronizing how little he thought of you. Just the idea that Destiny’s Slave would come back for you was funny to him, and you were facing a life sentence if not the death penalty! How sick and cruel destiny was to make you spend what could very well be your last moments outside with a man like him.
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mi-i-zori · 21 days
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Run, Boy, Run (Unfinished)
CoD - König
SYNOPSIS : Despite the gruesome news flashing on his television screen, König goes on a walk in the middle of the night. Surely, nothing could go wrong.
WARNINGS : König’s past (bullying), anxiety. This isn’t a good mental health night for the guy, so maybe don’t read if it’s the same for you.
Author’s Note : I wanted to write this for @ghouljams ‘ King Killer Challenge, but got stuck in a writing stump not long after, and I’ve been having a hard time getting out of it. I don’t think I’ll ever finish this, but I guess it’d be sad to simply leave it in a dusty corner of my WIPs. Hope you like it !
I do not allow anyone to re-publish, re-use and/or translate my works, be it here or on any other platform, including AI.
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In König’s mind, winter nights possess a charm he has never been able to describe.
When the world slows down, lit up only by artificial lights of which the colours fail to compare to the natural glow of the moon, his heart finds a rhythm even his subconscious tends to forget. The wind seems to freeze every single thing it touches, and it’s as if time itself had decided to slow down, mesmerised by the very idea of resting. König has always struggled to do the same. Instead, he fights constantly against a choir of ghostly laughs, so similar to the cold lingering outside his window. As a whole, it is all somber and strange ; not unlike the ice that keeps devouring the foundations of his being.
It’s familiar, almost. Frighteningly so.
Yet he finds himself unable to find even an ounce of comfort on such a stage of déjà-vu. The spectres’ wails, lost in the invisible abyss hidden behind his own carcass, refuse to cease. The dark circles lining his face keep getting deeper as his eyes fall onto the semi-darkness of his apartment ; the cacophony of his thoughts is so dense it has become impossible to decipher.
He barely has the courage to turn on the lamp standing next to his couch, the light defining his tired profile so bright despite the thick lampshade muffling its glow. A small table holds a box of pills in front his silent judgment, akin to a frightened servant bowing in front of their beloved king.
A bitter taste coats König’s tongue, and he can’t seem to pinpoint its source - the infusion he drank a few moments ago, or the nauseating sight standing in front of him.
His gaze is heavy as he focuses on the sleeping pills. The very idea of ingesting one of them in order to spend a peaceful night is tempting ; he already did it multiples times before, although the nature of the pills he once used to take was much different. He would do anything to tame his nightmares ; but his time in the army changed him. He can no longer stand the feeling of vulnerability gnawing at his insides whenever he wakes up after following his doctor’s orders. The need to keep a hand in every single aspect of his existence only gets stronger each time, ruining the few hours of rest he accumulated while unconscious. What was meant to appease his mind only made things worse, and he can’t afford to succumb to the loss of control looming over his horizon.
The memory of his trembling reflection in the mirror, of the stranger sharing his face looking back at him with eyes painted red with fear, anger and exhaustion, launches a trembling assault down his spine - a series of painful shivers he only suffers from when lost on the battlefield of his thoughts. The little pills are crushed under the iron of his grasp, only finding their salvation at the bottom of the trash can.
A new weight falls upon his chest at the thought, tearing a sign from his lips. He raises a hand to the back of his neck, hoping to find a little bit of clean air among the pollution of his mind and lungs. His memories bounce around the walls of his skull, set free by an endless asthaenia. Akin to a crowd of gladiators thrown in their favourite arena, they lunge towards him, ready to bring him down in order to save their own lives. Usually, he would face them with ice in his eyes and steel in his veins - but not now.
The midnight news ramble once more about a peculiar and terrifying series of accidents haunting the streets of the neighbourhood. But König doesn’t care about the wide fatal wounds found on the victims of what only seems to be a monster, nor about the wild thoughts of Pale Crawlers a bunch of idiots like to spread on the internet. To him, this only sounds like a bunch of gang fights, or robberies that turned badly, hidden behind a crude story for children. So, without even thinking about it twice, he throws a simple leather jacket on his shoulders, in the pockets of which he stores his keys and phone. As if anyone would be suicidal enough to even try to corner someone of his stature.
They did, though, a fearful voice in his head rumbles, multiple times. The memory of his school years is littered with mockeries and hits ; bruises and broken bones ; whispers and side glances. Though reaching his current height also came with a small share of admiration, it didn’t stop the usual bullies - it even encouraged them instead, prompting them to rally more people to their « monster hunt ».
The front door of the building quickly makes way for the usual chill coating the city’s winter nights, pushing the hurtful visions aside. The soldier shivers behind his black surgical mask, mumbling about how he will never get used to his civilian clothes. The small rectangle of polypropylene leaves him feeling naked against a world of which he only wishes to avoid the gaze ; but he still decides to make his way down the barely lit street, silent under the glow of the moon.
If his own mind keeps threatening to break the ice on which he tries to find shelter, perhaps a cold winter night could help him strengthen it.
He doesn’t really have a destination in mind. Instead, he lets his legs carry him slowly while he focuses on his surroundings. If he happens to cross paths with a few cars, the majority of the streets is still empty. His heartbeat echoes in their silence, and he can’t help but notice how different they sound from the usual noise crowding the corridors of a military base. He starts counting the lights paving his way, but quickly decides to stop as the shadows they create play with his tired eyes, each one following an unexpected dance on the sides of his vision. He fights himself to ignore them, and it’s only when his jaw starts aching that he realises how tense he is, his demons immediately laughing at his pitiful state.
You’re such a big guy, they cackle, an erratic choir in the back of his head, yet you’re afraid of a few shadows ?
- Pathetic, he mumbles, and hisses once noticing how easily their voices mix with his.
The war machine he has become is not made for living in such a normal, peaceful environment. If there once was a time when he saw silence as a form of salvation, he now only sees it as the calm before the storm, a veil hiding an inevitable danger. The gruesome news reports spewed by his TV monitor suddenly make an appearance in his mind, as if trying to mock him further. He forces himself to burn them over and over, ignoring the way the shadows seem to erratically creep closer to his own.
Through the barred up display window of a nearby store, a clock strikes two in the morning. König stops for a moment to read it, blinded by the eclectic signals of a neon sign. The light assaults his eyes like a wildfire raging in a forest during summer, and he only looks away once it drags a tear along his cheek. It burns only for a second before dying on the synthetic fabric covering his face - but the frost comes back quickly, and a part of him regrets not thinking about wearing a scarf.
He tends to forget more and more about such things, he realises. As if he didn’t have the strength to care for himself anymore.
He stays here for a moment, blinking the light away in the middle of the sidewalk, before finally resuming his walk.
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sodaliteskull · 3 months
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Writeblr Reintro
Now that I am free from tumblr purgatory, and actually have some free time, I figured I may as well reintroduce myself!
I'm Steph, legal adult and she/they queer living in the mildest climate in Canada. I write pretty much exclusively sci-fi and fantasy, and I fill my casts of characters out with mostly ladies because I am really tired of hearing about dudes! I have five main WIPs I'm rotating around in my mind at any given moment:
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The Silent Island of Crow intro post A forum RP currently being reworked into book formatting, it's about a bunch of weirdos getting up to shenanigans and dealing with threats from their pasts and elsewhere. Started really juvenile and grew to be more serious in tone, jarringly so, but there's still some interesting kernels in there...
The Island of Crows intro post ...So my best friend and I are taking those kernels and making something that's a little more consistent and in line with where our writing skills are now! Currently in the planning stages, but the core of it will remain the same: A bunch of weirdos getting up to shenanigans on an island they've all been pulled to for one reason or another.
The Starcrossed Cycle intro post The solo adventures of some of the characters I am going to be bringing to the Island of Crows, before they actually get there. Iradurel is a criminal frozen in time, and Ryla is the monster hunter that finds and frees her. The two of them will come to realize that this is not the first time they've been pulled into each other's orbits.
Abyssal Scrutiny intro post Look, I saw Power Rangers at a formative age, so super sentai shit is always at the back of my mind! So this is my take on the genre, where a group of people are granted powers from a mysterious source, in order to fight against eldritch abominations in some sort of parallel realm. Only, as Morgan uncovers, there is more going on than just fighting monsters of the day.
The Moons of Boryarlta intro post This started life with the intent of being a lesbian rewrite of a mecha anime, but has spiralled into an unholy hodgepodge of sci-fi genre nonsense. Stuck in a dead end job just trying to make rent, Cass didn't think she'd ever have the chance to leave her hometown, let alone her planet. But then she's captured and thrown into a gladiator arena on another world, and her life just gets weirder from there.
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Beyond those, I have a couple random ideas that are percolating, so I may have more to add in the future. But for on here, I am always down for tag games (lol just late to respond to them!), love to hear about all the weird shit that people are writing about outside of the traditional publishing scene, and reblog a lot of images and words that remind me of my WIPs (I try to keep my tagging system organized). Gimme a follow if any of that sounds like your cup of tea!
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meanlesbean · 1 year
For the WIP game 3, 18 and 11
For Cadence chapter 2:
3. Who's your favorite character for this chapter/fic?
So even though this fic is Twilight POV, and therefore very Twilight-centric, I am 100% writing this because I wanted more Time (including younger Time) content, and I have 20+ years of brainrot about Ocarina of Time to get outta me. So uhh my favorite LU boy is Time. by a longshot (lol). And that holds true for this fic. But the plot I came up with does not work at all with Time as the POV character, so it turned into a Twilight & Time relationship fic as well.
When it comes to the fic, it feels unfair to choose between Mask and Time, but I'll choose Mask because he is a delight to write. For this chapter in particular, I'll pick Hyrule, because he ended up with a lot of good dialogue.
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?
Previously answered, but I'll give you another. In the current outline for chapter 4 (estimate, don't hold me to this, chapter 3's outline is already so incredibly long) we have a Plot Critical Fishing Trip that I'm excited to write.
18. Share the scene you just wrote, written from another character’s POV.
Snippet of Mask's POV at the beginning of the Grown-Up Talk scene. Disclaimer that Mask should not be taken as a super reliable source for so many reasons, one being that he is 11. This also has zero editing so don't judge it too harshly. This now has some editing but nowhere near what I do for posted chapters. Anyway, bone apple teeth:
The one with the pink hair pulls the prissy guy away. “Finally,” Link mutters to Epona, and he gets about five full seconds to himself before there's another one taking prissy guy’s place.  
It’s the skinny kid, the only one with enough magic to cause a problem besides the wolf and him—the other one. Skinny kid's magic tastes like the waters from a fairy fountain. It’s rolling off of him in waves even though the healing session’s stopped, the tips of his fingers still glowing a faint green. He’s young, but he should have better control by now. 
Link unwinds another braid from Epona’s mane. Her coat and hooves look nice enough, but he’s going to have words with the wolf about mane lengths and stupid hairstyles. His fingers catch on another tangle. Maybe he should just cut her mane himself. 
The kid is talking at him now, but Link looks past him to the clearing’s edge where the wolf is arguing with pinky and prissy. It’s problem number two on his list, and not something he can deal with until he has a chance to talk with the other guy.
Problem number one is laying across the lap of the guy with the white cape. There’s no mistaking the sword even in its sheath. The guy is running his fingers over its etchings in a circular rhythm, back and forth, back and forth. Stupid, holding that sword like it’s some kind of security blanket. 
Unlike you?
Stupid, shut up. 
Something sharp flicks his forehead and drops in his lap. A still-green acorn sits in the curve of his tunic. He glares up at the skinny kid, gets another mouthful of fairy water, and flings the acorn back at his stupid face.
The kid dodges, but Link still gets him in the shoulder. Should’ve thrown it harder. 
“Fuck off,” he says.
Skinny kid smirks. “Managed to get your attention, didn’t I?”
“Managed to piss me off is what you did.” He sinks his fingers in the soil, clenches his teeth so he won’t start pulling up clumps of dirt and pelting him with it. 
“The rancher explained who we are, right?” the skinny kid asks.
“Yeah,” Link says. The dirt digs under his nails. He can feel the eyes of the other one on him. He wants a rock in his fist to throw, he wants to stop choking on fairy water, he wants to stick his hands in the ground and turn this whole clearing into an abyss, he—
He bites at the inside of his cheek until he tastes blood. 
Idiots, every single one of them.
And you?
Especially me, shut up.
The skinny kid is still talking. “You don’t want to learn about any of the other heroes?” 
Link can’t help but make a face. “No?”
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stardustandash · 1 month
Hello sweet prince, thank you for the ask <3
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
There are so many fic concepts in my brain and so little time and energy to write... Three that I can think of off the top of my head are:
I often think about but will likely never go back to writing my Dragon Age Inquisiton fic "The Sun and The Stars" where my two Inquisitors that I hc as siblings (whichever one survived the backstory became Inquistor in that playthrough) are thrown into an adventure together after Wren Lavellan goes through the Here Lies the Abyss mission. It was basically trying to find a way to send her back through the Fade to her own timeline while they each got closure about the other's death. I didn't get very far, and it's unfinished bones are still up on ao3.
Anything Horizon Zero Dawn. It's my favourite game of all time, yet I find writing for it hard? Or writing within the fandom hard? There's a lot of horny shippers and its just a kinkmato for me. Anyway, lots of h/c fic concepts in my brain about that one, mostly dealing with Aloy learning to accept help from others.
The true concept behind "There Could Still Be Something Left". While I love it, that is not the fic I intended to write. What I wanted was memory-loss Cal retracing his steps/trying to escape by reading his own echoes. I could not figure out how to do it, so we got that fic instead.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Here's a little bit of softness from the secret zine piece.
As she approaches Echo shifts to stand in front of her. “All pre-flight checks are complete.” “Thanks, Echo,” says Omega. “I had to make sure everything was in working order. Precious cargo going aboard after all,” he says with a wink.
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
sickfic, emotional hurt/comfort, post-series
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light-lanterne · 2 years
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as wheeler slowly calmed down and managed to force his lungs into a rhythmic pattern that matched hopper’s own, it finally became clear that mike was, quite literally, one foot away from falling into the abyss.
mature || chaptered || ongoing || 158k words
a semi canon-compliant character study of mike wheeler, his unaddressed trauma and his relationship with will byers, told through the eyes of a very tired jim hopper who can’t help but to become attached to the boy who keeps dating his children.
🌷 link: archiveofourown.org/works/39981135 🌷 extras: docs | ch6 🌷 wip wednesday: tba 🌷 art: ch2/ch3 (by @paladibun)
read full summary, tags and warnings below:
It’s a year after the gate to the Upside Down was closed for the last time, and the people of Hawkins are trying to readjust to normal life. Some of them went to college, some others are just finishing high school, and all of them are trying to figure out how to move forward after fighting to stay alive for so long. For the most part, they are doing fine. And Jim Hopper couldn’t be happier: he married the woman of his dreams, his daughter is safe and happy, and he has two amazing boys to look after now.
There’s only one pesky little problem in his life. Someone he sometimes wishes he could have thrown through the gate right before it closed, never to be seen again: Mike Wheeler, who has somehow managed to sneak into his life again and, even worse, who Hopper has started to not hate.
What has his life come to?
outsider pov, post-canon, crime and investigations, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, unreliable narrator, good parent hopper, coming out, mike needs a hug
mental health struggles (anxiety, depression, ptsd), underage smoking and drinking, referenced drug use, self-destructive tendencies, period-typical homophobia and references to canon violence
(all of these will be repeated at the beginning of the chapters where they apply)
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ell-vellan · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
A preview of the next chapter I'm working on - Bull's POV of escaping the Nightmare in Here Lies the Abyss, ~600 words. Cw for language.
Tagging @thebookworm0001, @thegoblinwitchqueen , and anyone who has something they'd like to share ❤️
"Oh, shit," Bull repeated, this time out loud. Ignoring the cacophony of pain from dozens of wounds, he groaned and regained a battle stance. Survival instincts taking over even as his mind raced to take stock of the situation.
Alive, but not safe, not yet. "You think that pain will make you stronger?" Bull suppressed a deep, repulsed shudder at the echoing memory, still too fresh to ignore. The voice that had boomed through his marrow, shaken his bones, stuck like a barbed arrow in his brain. Didn’t matter now, not here. The demon was on the other side of that rift where it belonged. And where it would fucking stay, as soon as the Inquisitor slammed the door shut behind them. They'd fallen back into the middle of the battle, the courtyard full of their forces up against the Wardens. His sword was still in his hand – somehow he'd kept hold of it despite everything. The sounds of clashing steel and distant shouts, the heat and choking smoke roared into focus, drowning out the remnants of creepy Fade dissonance still buzzing in his ears. Shriveled, drained bodies of Grey Wardens sacrificed to blood magic lay strewn at their feet. The air smelled of blood and ash and fear-sweat, but it was real. He could deal with this variety of hell just fine. The others who'd survived the Fade scattered around him like so many broken toys, disoriented and shell-shocked: Solas, Sera, Hawke… A slow, dawning horror began to creep in as he realized. The Inquisitor wasn't among them. "Come on, El," Bull muttered, eyes on the giant rift. He thought of every time she'd thrown herself recklessly into battle, every self-sacrificing impulse he knew her to possess. "Damn it. Don't do this. Come on." And then the Inquisitor came flying through the rift as if violently thrown. As if he'd spoken it into being. She skidded along the ground, bloodied and gasping, but moving, alive. Alive. Relief flushed through Bull's extremities, making him weak with it. El coughed and pushed herself up with effort. Her head lifted, and she found him in the crowd, their gazes locked. Time froze for an instant. Something flashed between them then – shared terror turned relief. Grateful recognition that somehow, they'd both survived. Then a grim determination lit her eyes, and the Inquisitor rose to her feet, staff held tight in her hand. Their job wasn't over yet. Inquisition forces and enemy Wardens began backing away, their mouths agape, shocked into temporary ceasefire at the arrival of the Inquisitor through the rift. “Do you think you can fight me? I am your every fear come to life! I am the Veiled hand of Corypheus himself! The demon army you fear? I command it. They are bound all through me!” Voices in his head. Demonic roars, skittering clicks like nails on wood, shouts at his back. Bull hadn’t waited around to see what had happened to the Warden. He hadn't needed to. The Inquisitor raised her left hand into the air, the Anchor glowing green and crackling. Cullen had shouted her name from the ramparts, and now every eye was on her as she closed her fist and yanked at some magical, invisible tether. Instantly the demons and abominations in the yard fell like puppets with their strings cut, their essence sucked back to the Fade. Freed of his influence, the mage Wardens possessed by Corypheus stared dumbly at each other as if rudely shoved out of sleep. It was over. Just like that. A chorus of victorious cheers rang out from their forces, carrying high into the night. Meanwhile Bull scanned the surroundings for any sign of his Chargers. You jackasses better be alive, or I'm gonna be pissed.
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jurygarroth · 1 year
Okay so going w the genshin au first since I am Bad at scifi stuff and I need to stew on the mafia au
Do you have any like specific already laid out ideas for it? Like, “this aphmau thing goes in this spot” world-building sorta stuff (ex: in my wip au the Jo9 was the Fatui Harbingers)
yeeees the Jo9 is also the Harbinger equivalent for mine, Aphmau is the traveler and the Shadow Knights are the Abyss Order. I assigned the archons like this w/ Hyria thrown in the mix
Irene the Hydro Archon of Creation
Shad the Electro Archon of Destruction
Enki the Cryo Archon of Knowledge
Menphia the Pyro Archon of Passion
Esmund the Geo Archon of Protection
Kul’zak the Anemo Archon of Freedom
Hyria the Witch of Irminsul (Dendro)
there's no Dendro "archon", the Dendro seat is for the caretaker of the Irminsul tree
some of my favorite playable character assignments: Garroth is an anemo shielder (sword). Vylad is a dendro bow user with a poisoning gimmick. KC is an electro catalyst and summons electro dolls
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achilleid · 2 years
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EPYLLION { wip intro }
audience: new adult, adult (explicit violence and sexual content) genre: dark fantasy pov: trio third person limited, past tense rep: bisexual characters, gay characters, transgender character, character with emotional intensity disorder, multiple characters of color inspo: shadow of the colossus, gangs of new york, bloodborne, shadow and bone, final fantasy pinterest board: link spotify link: link tag list (+/-): @ladywithalamp @bebewrites @faelanvance @reowrites @pinespittinink @cream-and-tea @flowerprose @touchingmadness @measlywritingblog @inkingfireplace @muddshadow
Prologue and first four chapters: link
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Born without power in a land that covets nothing else, Shio Moravek has been outcasted and ostracized since the moment she was declared to be an illuni. "Moonless". One who can not manipulate the threads of reality to her will. Her position as the grand general's daughter provided her with protection, protection that vanishes in one night of bloodshed that will shake the foundation of her world to its hollow core— again.
Argo is a wonder of Eldred making, the last remaining walled city built by the precurser race that came before. The final bastien of safety in a world of monsters and darkness, the city is Mavros' shining jewel... and the world's most desired conquest. The armistice between Mavros and the neighboring Illyrius has held true since the marraige of the Illyrian Emperor's daughter to the Mavronian king, an armistice that trembles on the brink of destruction. Outside the walls of the ancient city, the world has all but ended. The Eldred, in their hubris and desire for more power, had thrown the world to the edge of an abyss. A rift in the fabric of reality shattering the land and pouring out unnatural creatures and foul, incurable diseases that poisons what little remains to rot. And beneath? Beneath the hollows of this dying earth lays the Below. As mysterious as it is deep, it has held the secrets of the extinct Eldred for centuries, entombed in shadow. This is a world that has ended. A world shuddering its final death rattle while those lucky few cling to its last remaining life raft.
☾ Main POV Characters ☽
Shio Moravek; eldest daughter to Leos Moravek, the grand general of Mavros. Raised on duty and expectation in equal measure, Shio has always strived to be what she was expected to be— until the day she failed her testing and was proven to be an illuni. With her background mired in rumor, the proud and cold nobles of her homeland have shunned and rejected her all her life. Through her father's friendship with the king, she was admitted to the prestigious Anthea College to study spherence despite having no sphere of her own.
Leonores "Nell" Moravek; youngest daughter to Leos Moravek and the second most powerful spherest to be born in a century. Having inheirited her father's kineti abilities, much is also expected of Nell and her future as a protector of her homeland. Unlike her sister, Nell chaves beneath the chains of honor and duty, wishing instead for a freedom she may never be afforded.
Enoch Volkov; The thief lord's boy. The king's bastard. All Enoch's life, his parent's titles have proceeded his own identity— an identity no one is keen to let him forget. All his life he has been treated as a chip to cash, a favor to call in, ignoring at all times the gnawing desire in his chest to be more. To be the heir to a destiny of his own making... a wish he may grow to regret.
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ashilrak · 2 years
hi! Do you have any fics you've really enjoyed lately? Any pairing is fine with me!!!
Hi! I haven't actually be reading that much fic lately, but I'm always down to rec some fic. I've recced a few of these authors as a whole before, but am trying to avoid fics I've already recced in the past. This is in no way a comprehensive list 🥰
alone at the edge of the universe by Sarcastic_Metaphor (T, WIP)
The sea is not unlike the abyss; it is deadly, destructive. It hides secrets in its depths and threatens even those that know it well. The sea easily swallows life with no trace left behind. The sea can be quite similar to oblivion. But when the mood strikes them, both the oceans and the abyss can be tempted to create life instead. (Or, an AU where Percy is born a little less human and a little more otherworldly than healthy. With powers he was never meant to have, and a third parent he never wanted, the life that the fates planned for him will be thrown vastly off course.) Title from the song Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical.
Awake, Awake, You Children Bold by @mrthology (G, WIP)
Sally knew on their way to Montauk that this would be the last time. She could feel it in her bones and see it in the curious look in Percy's eyes that his childhood was reaching its end. She could not deny that her child was of the divine. She knew now, more than ever, that her son was something extraordinary, something the world had not seen in centuries. Her little hero. Sally wouldn't be able to keep him safe for much longer now. ——————— Or, Sally and Percy throughout the years, for better or for worse.
Someone to You by @mrthology (G)
Anna wasn't sure what to think of Percy Jackson, truth be told, having only met him twice. She adored her daughter in law Sally and her little granddaughter, but there was something about Percy that put her on edge. She had no idea what - he was a kind boy, eager to help with his baby sister when most teenagers would run for the hills and clearly adored his mother - but there was just something about him, something about his too-bright eyes that made her feel uneasy. ~~~ Or, Paul's parents are taking care of Estelle for a few days. When picking her up, they meet Percy again as well as his older brother (what was his name? Tri?). At this point, Anna just wants to know what the dad looks like to have kids that look like THIS. Especially when, several days later, they meet the stepmother as well.
A Stone's Throw From The Precipice by @mrthology (M)
“He’s alive, Annabeth,” Chiron said, large hand gripping hers. “Where?” Annabeth demanded, heart beating so fast in her chest it was painful. “Chiron, I need—” “Annabeth,” the centaur repeated, cutting her off. “He should have died. Poseidon prevented that.” Annabeth laughed wildly, tears of joy on her cheeks. alivealiveALIVE. “Of course he did,” she said. “Poseidon loves Percy, he wouldn’t let something happen to him, he’d make sure Percy was seen to by the best healers, and—” Chiron cut her off once more. “Percy should have died, Annabeth,” he said, urging her to sit again. “There was only one way to prevent that. Poseidon turned him into a god.” ~~~ After a devastating injury, Percy is transformed into a God to save his life. He isn't pleased by this development—not in the least, regardless of how happy everyone else is that he's still alive.
the anatomy of a hurricane by barbarianprincess (T, WIP)
The day they tell her the plan, Clarisse thinks it's a joke. She actually barks out a laugh. But that was before. Before she notices how Chiron is shifting on his back hooves. That’s before she looks over at Annabeth and sees the way she’s staring pointedly at the opposite wall. That was before Athena and Hermes shimmer into the Big House. She’s not laughing anymore. (in which annabeth fake dies and clarrise endures and observes the aftermath.)
Uncomfortable Realizations by @anxioustofu (M)
Will didn’t notice at first that there was anything different about how Percy was acting. ------------ In which Will is stressed and Percy just tries to take care of him.
why would you offer a name to the same old tired pain? by @stardustupinlights (E)
He stares at the golden letters now properly stretched out, blinks, and then frowns in confusion. “What the hell?” It takes him a second. And then he almost dies out of embarrassment because he realizes he’s holding a mirror so the words are backwards. Percy blushes at his own stupidity and then scrambles, not knowing how else to do this. He ends up just abusing the fact that he was born flexible and sits down, holding his leg up by pressing his foot against the wall and craning his neck, stretching out the skin of his thigh until he’s able to make it out. Percy’s heart drops to his stomach as he realizes the whole name is in Ancient Greek. -------------------------- “If you don't have a soul,” Hyacinthus started, ever contrarian. “Then what is this?” His fingertips brushed over his hip, where his name laid, the perfect color of Hyacinthus' eyes when the sun started setting. It burned where he touched. “I do not know, but it is not a soul. It could never be.” Hyacinthus smiled, then, cheeky and bright. “Then maybe it's your heart.”
you'll have my rise, you'll have me fall by @mrthology (E)
Percy had no reason to feel anxious and oddly fussy. He was doing well in all his classes, was making strides in therapy, made time for his friends, and was likewise taking time for himself. And he had Apollo, though he knew whatever was between them wasn't serious enough to actually count. But he couldn't seem to shake the odd feeling of anxiety that would come over him at times, no matter what he did. Apollo, at least, seems to have some idea as to what's wrong.
bet you've been a fan of me by @mrthology (E)
"I need your help with something." Annabeth said in a rush. Apollo laughed. "You're asking a god for a favour? No sacrifice? No kneeling? Daring of you." He stepped closer, body exuding so much heat she began to sweat. She looked up at him unflinchingly. "Tell me, Annabeth Chase, what exactly are you asking of me?" She grinned up at him. "How do you feel about fucking Percy while I watch?" ~~~ Or, Percy has a type, Annabeth wants to indulge him, and Apollo is more than happy to help.
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flaggermuser · 2 years
✨ 🧚 WIP FAIRY VISIT - post two or more sentences from a WIP and send it to a few writer friends too 🧚✨
From my Trapper fic
But the Entity - Mother. She’s fickle.
And there is a chance that very soon his favourite little plaything will be thrown into the abyss, never to return.
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
This is a piece of a long oneshot I was working on that I actually just went back to so I could change the era this took place in to use for something else! So this is is the modern meeting of small-town Link and big-city-moving-to-small-town-for-work Zelda. 
I might still go back to this one specifically, especially since most of this info can’t transfer to the earlier era I’m changing it to. I also haven’t edited it, since I’m just in the process of hijacking bits and pieces, so please excuse my dear Aunt Sally. No, wait... that’s not writing... 
“I just can’t believe they sent me here,” Zelda said into her phone. It was tucked between her cheek and her shoulder as she drove down a dirt road. On one side, there was farmland: an extensive few acres of it, from what she could tell. On her other side, trees.
Zelda loved trees. She did! They were a big part of her job, and she had nothing against them. But goddess above, she’d never seen so many trees in her life. Glancing at the clock, she realized that she’d been surrounded by trees for nearly an hour now, overwhelmed by the sight.
A city girl through and through, her entire life had been spent in the bustle of Castle Town: the largest, busiest, most innovative and thriving city in all of Hyrule. She’d gone to the best schools there, and worked at an exclusive corporation.
But they needed her to go somewhere else.
For the sake of the research, she reminded herself as she tried to focus on the phone and not all the trees. Or the mountains that replaced skyscrapers and castles. Or the farms that replaced parks and streets.
On the other end of the receiver were two voices. One was Midna, Zelda’s best friend. The other was Tetra, her older sister. The three of them together were incredibly close, and Midna had even offered to uproot her own life to join Zelda on this rural adventure. But Zelda had told her to hold down the fort; this move wasn’t permanent, and she’d be joining Midna back in their three-bedroom apartment that they all had shared in the heart of Castle Town.
“Are you almost there?” Midna asked, loudly typing something into her computer.
“She’s got to be,” Tetra muttered.
“I think I am.” Zelda looked around, but there were only… more trees. Shocker. “If the moving truck could find this place, then so can I.”
“Does she start work tomorrow?” Tetra asked, clearly directed at Midna.
“No,” Zelda answered for her. “I start Monday. They’re going to send me all the information ‘once I get settled.’”
“At least you know how much they value you,” Midna tried, but it was clearly a forced compliment and a poor attempt to make Zelda feel any better about taking this position. But really, when her boss asked her to take on a special assignment, one that paid double her old salary, she couldn’t resist, no matter how uprooted her life became.
“I know, but it’s—”
Suddenly, there was more than just trees.
A goat stepped into the road, much faster than Zelda ever thought goat could move. She dropped the phone, let out a high-pitched noise of absolute panic, and swerved around the goat. But she swerved off the dirt path, heard a thud, felt the car shake, and immediately slammed the breaks, rearing forward into the steering wheel.
“Sweet Goddess Hylia and all things holy!” she hissed, breathing heavily. Her chest hurt where she’d bounced into the wheel, but it hadn’t nearly been hard enough to cause the airbags to deploy.
Quickly putting the car in park, she shakily unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped outside, shaking out her hands and letting out some nerves before reaching into the car to grab the fallen phone.
“I’m okay,” she said quickly, brushing her hair from her face. “I almost hit a goat.”
“Goddess!” they both breathed. “We thought you were dead! My heart, Zelda!”
“I know, I’m sorry! Look, I hit something. I don’t see any dead animals in the road, but I’m going to hang up so I can look. I’ll call you later.”
The three of them were notorious for never saying ‘goodbye’ on the phone. Really, they didn’t do it in real life either. Even when Zelda left, the last thing Tetra had said was ‘I’ll come up to visit  real soon’, and Midna had said, ‘find me a hottie, or some other excuse to move up there with you.’
So, Zelda hung up with just a promise to call them back, and she hurried down the road to where she’d heard the thud.
It didn’t take much investigating to figure out what had happened: there was a broken fence, splintered and thrown wildly around the area after her apparent impact with it, and a frayed rope on the ground. And a sign that said “fence broken”. Helpful.
Zelda glanced back at the goat, unmoved by anything that had just occurred. It was meandering through the road, boredly exploring an area that it didn’t seem interested in. Perhaps the trees felt familiar to it.
Zelda groaned and took a picture of the fence before trying to get the internet on her phone so she could look up the local police number to report that she’d damaged property.
No internet connection.
“Great,” she muttered, turning to take a picture of the goat before it could move. Then, she headed back to her car, just to make sure there was no innocent animal underneath. She flipped the flashlight on and ducked down.
Zelda groaned, but not because there was a dead animal. No, it wasn’t an animal that was dead; it was her tire. There was a giant piece of the broken fence impaled into the rubber, and thanks to her rolling a few feet away, it was in there good.
“Of course. Of course!” Zelda yelled into the abyss, not even earning a curious glance from the goat.
Grabbing her phone, she was blinded by the light she’d left on and turned it around so she could look up the tow company immediately but was met by the same message. No internet connection.
Rolling her eyes, she scrolled to Midna’s name and pressed call.
Silence. Not even ringing.
Zelda checked the corner of the screen, struck first by her red battery life, and second by the device bars desperately looking for a connection.
“I was just talking to them!” she yelled at the phone, as if it cared that she’d had service moments ago. It gave her the urge to throw the phone, but she wasn’t that angry yet.
Instead, she turned her camera on, took a picture of her impaled tire in case the insurance company would need it, and then took several pictures of the goat just for fun, praying that it didn’t charge at her or whatever goats did.
She continued observing the goat without anything else to do until a car headed down the road. She stood and began to wave her arms wildly, but the car drove right past her.
“Jerk,” she muttered, pushing her hair back and returning to sit. But it wasn’t long until a pickup truck slowed down before she could even get back out of the car. She breathed a sigh of relief when they stopped and rolled down the window.
“Everything alright, Miss?”
“Not really,” she sighed, looking at her car sympathetically. She gestured to her tire.
“Got a spare? I got a jack if you need it.”
His voice was accented with the local dialect, which made her feel a little at ease. At least this was someone who’s likely be familiar with the area and could tell her how far away she was.
She had to admit, she’d spoken to one of her coworkers on the phone and had also become enamored with her accent, though it wasn’t from around here either. Zelda had a feeling she was just a sucker for anything that wasn’t the harsh poshness of the Castle Town accent, where every letter pronounced, every syllable attempting to be heard. It was a hard accent, and a cold one. The ones around here was warm and inviting.
Of course, it would make her stick out anytime she opened her mouth, which she didn’t really want.
Castle Town was posh, for sure. A town for the rich and the well-off, or those in school or at work. So Zelda knew a thing or two about stranger danger, and the deeply rooted nerves she felt when she saw the man unbuckle his seatbelt from her peripheral vision bubbled up. She had an escape route planned: toward the broken fence. She wasn’t being kidnapped on her first day in town. But he didn’t get out. He just leaned across the seat to the open window.
Finally, she looked at him, and her breath caught. Well, he certainty matched his voice. Something tired and alert all at once. His blonde hair was long and tied back into a ponytail, falling out in the front so his bangs messily framed his face, bringing her attention to his piercing blue eyes.
Oh yeah, this was the kind of guy they warned you about in Castle Town. Too pretty for their own good. She’d have talked to him in a crowded bar for sure. But out here…?
She glanced back at her car, breaking her distracted trance, trying to remember what he’d asked. “Oh, uh, no. I took everything out of the car to fit my things. I figured I’d take my chances for not getting a flat, but surprise, surprise, a goat wants me dead.”
“Where you going? I can give you a lift if you want. You can get Daruk out here tomorrow morning to tow it wherever you need to go.”
“Oh,” she breathed. Don’t get into a car with someone you just met unless someone knows who they are or where you’re going. “Yeah, I was actually just going to ask if I could borrow your phone? Mine isn’t getting service. I can just call my tow company that I’m enrolled with.”
He nodded and reached across his passenger seat before handing her a phone out the window. She half expected it to be something old and rustic, like this whole place, but it was new and modern and almost exactly like hers. She’d just assumed the small town didn’t have the newest phones. What a stupid assumption.
“Mind if I just look up their number first?” she asked before randomly clicking around on a strange man’s phone.
“Go for it.”
She did and listened to all the automated options. The man was bobbing his head to some music she couldn’t hear. A car came down the road, stopping and honking, despite the fact that they could clearly go around him.
The man rolled his eyes and backed into the breakdown lane behind Zelda’s car, though she was thankful he still didn’t get out
It was only when Zelda’s eyes widened in either shock or horror at whatever she’d heard over the phone that he leaned his head back out the window curiously.
She walked up to him and handed the phone back. “Thanks.”
“Three hours to get out here.” Zelda’s misery was palpable.
“Where are you going, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“Some little village called Ordon”
He smirked and leaned back in his seat. “I’m headed there as well. Want a ride? We can get Daruk out here sooner to just tow your car in if he knows he’ll just be headed back into town. It’s not far.”
“Oh, I don’t know… not that I don’t appreciate it, but I don’t know you.”
He reached his hand out the window. “Link. I live in Ordon. Work too. Nice to meet you”
“Zelda,” she said, taking his hand.
“Here,” he said, pulling out his wallet and handing her a business card. “So you don’t think I’m lying. But I do have to get to work at some point, so if you want that ride…”
“I just don’t want you to be a kidnapping murderer and kill me, you know?”
He grinned, suppressing a chuckle.
Zelda crossed her arms. “Don’t laugh at my potential murder.”
Gesturing to his phone still in her hand. “You can keep that with you the whole ride so you can call the cops on me if you think I’m kidnapping you.”
Toying with the phone, she took another look at her car. “Okay. Just let me grab my bag.”
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pen-of-roses · 3 years
OC Study: Conor
Eternal WIP Tag List: @concealeddarkness13 @occultanti-heroes
[Let me know if you want to be added or taken off! Hopefully more of these will be on the way!]
What do you fear...
The crashing of the waves draws him back, as it always has. A constant beat that underscores every waking of moment of his existence. Only louder now that he stands on the ledge overlooking the sea tonight. Real now. Made worse by that incessant need to jump when one is faced with danger. It would be so easy after all, to give into it, just one little step and—
He’s stronger than that pull. There’s enjoying life, and then there’s taking unnecessary risks. And he won’t be a fool and fall to such foolish feelings. He controls them after all. Spins his lovely yarns and pulls just the right strings to get everyone to play their parts as he wants. He has the control. The power. And nothing has that power over him.
Not even this abyssal cursed fear!
No, he won’t be afraid of the waves below. Not the taste of salt in the air, or the spray the winds press to his face. Not the sound of them crashing into the rocks and each other growing louder and louder and louder—
Laughter cuts through. Sharp and clear like a knife. And familiar, far too familiar sounding. Like—but no, they wouldn’t be here. But maybe—there's no trill of happiness surrounding, or the harsh undercut of a lie. It could be...  
“Reine? Ly?” He turns, but there’s no one there. Only the empty darkness tinted green.  
Which can’t be right. Shouldn’t be right. He’d been doing something, he’d been—
“We can’t stay here, can’t keep doing this. You know that.” He knew that voice. That was—but there was no one around.
“You’re right, we’ll have to go. And...and leave him behind.”
No that was years ago. Years. Decades. Centuries, that wasn’t—they already left. Abandoned him. Discarded him.  
He was alone now. And had been for too long.
He didn’t need them.
Didn’t want them.
“I’ll be back in the morning.”
“You can’t stay here.”
He turned and turned and turned, but there was no one. Just this darkness and the waves and the cliff and no one.
Just him.
This wasn’t right, no couldn’t be right. Think, stay in control, and don’t panic. Follow the sound of—
Something hit him and he was falling.
Falling too quickly into the crashing waves, and reaching for the edge of a ship but it was gone. Gone too quickly, replaced by more waves. That burned his throat as he screamed. And choked. Everything was dark and cold and which way is up. Too much water. Can’t swim.
She saved him before, she would save him again. But no, there was nothing.
And he couldn’t breathe, already taking too much, still choking, still drowning.
He was drowning again and there was—
And where else would you be...
A hand grabs his shoulder, accompanied by a too loud voice in his ear, “There you are! You’re missing all the fun out here!” The slurred words are set to the melody of giddiness achieved almost solely through intoxication.
As if to prove the point, when he turns towards the man—the name he’s already forgotten but the easiest to get an invite from—the smell of alcohol just a touch too strong. Likely from the “accidental” spill still lingering on his jacket. Such a travesty. The information had been well worth the effort.  
Music trails after him from the building, a heady mix of the band that’s playing and the joy and determination and frustrations of the guests hoping for deals and funding. Any moment now and—ah there it was, the trill of anger and disbelief.
A shout followed from the second level. Then another.
He grinned as he took the offered arm, “Seems the fun has only just begun, and I’d hate to miss it.”
Confusion hummed for the briefest moment from the other as they walked closer, his brow knitting together for a moment. It was quickly replaced by more of the earlier giddiness and excitement as they stepped into the crowded and brightly lit ballroom.  
“What were you doing out there anyway?”
“Reminiscing of times long past.” The smile comes easily, as do the words. Not a lie, rarely a lie. He had been lost to his own memories out there. But what had drawn him out there in the first place, that crashing that was now being drowned out by the beautiful symphony of emotions around him...well perhaps it was a testament to how much he’d already drunk that he had given in for the short time.
No matter.
His trap had already been set and he only needed to watch the finale.
Still—his eyes caught on the charming smile and challenging tilt of a head—a little fun and indulgence before then as an extra reward for all his hard work was surely deserved.
His current partner was swept into a conversation, the perfect distraction to slip away.
This was his world after all. And everyone here, riding their highs of business well done—except of course the poor man who just found out about his business being stolen out from under him, truly what a shame—mixed with food and drinks and pleasant atmosphere—for about five or ten more minutes if character assessments were right—were just such easy pickings.
A smile and a drink in hand, he joined the one who had called him over. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before?”
“I rarely do repeat shows. Ruins the fun really. Now why has no one else attempted to take up your attentions that you turn to a stranger?”
There was a chorus of excitement behind him as a nearby group whispered—which didn’t mean much when they still had to hear each other over the noise—of rumors and talk of who was who. Could prove useful in the coming hours.
“Well here with someone, but...” The words trail off and the sharp whistle of bitterness replace them as their eyes tracked to someone a ways off. In an important sounding conversation. What a pity it would be if it was interrupted. It had been too long since a drink got thrown in someone’s face around him after all.
“Oh don’t tell me they dared to leave such a beauty alone. That simply won’t do. No, in fact,” he leaned in, offering his arm, smile growing sharper as they took it, “I’d be more than willing to help you prove how wrong that was. Shall we?”
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moonlitdiane · 3 years
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Hello! I moved from my old blog, @dianethus​ to here, you can probably call this a re-intro!
Diane | 18 | Filipino-Chinese | She/They | Pansexual | Scorpio | xNTP | Neurodivergent | Psychology Major | Graphic Designer | Practicing Wiccan
I’ve been trying to write since I was around 12 years old with silly little k-pop and percy jackson fanfics. Even though I cringe now whenever I think about the things I wrote, I still believe it was a necessary phase that all writers have to go through to become better.
I mainly write for the #OwnVoice movement that focuses on the South East Asian experience and especially the experience of being queer in an Asian environment. I aim to give the queers of Asian history whose stories never got to be told a voice. I write to expose the world to Philippine Mythology and the stories passed down from ancestor to ancestor. I also aim to conjure up nostalgic imagery in the readers' minds.
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low fantasy. I'm not that really good at world building but I'm in love with the idea of everyday magic.
angst. I'm SORRY but writing and describing pain is a different kind of joy for me.
found family. I'm gay.
cosmic motifs.
enemies to lovers. oh for someone to see all my worst parts and still fall in love with me. also consider: childhood friends to enemies to lovers.
religious trauma & guilt. I went to a catholic school what did you expect?
The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified.
Evil Is Sexy.
Trapped In Another World. I want to be Isekai-d so bad.
Song Fic. Most of my titles are actually song lyrics or my basic outlines follow the structure of a song.
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“Slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl,”
Somewhere In Limasawa Street is a queer historical fiction story set in 1898 when the Philippine-American war is just beyond the horizons and 19 year old mestiza, Lucena Candella is in the middle of a war with herself. Sheltered and painfully aloof, she meets brave but brash, Urduja Kalangitan, who is as emotionally aware as a rock and who happens to be the Revolutionary Army's best gunman—maybe that's what pulled quiet Lucena to her.
Between paper planes, porcelains, and battle scars, Lucena slowly learns to love, and that scared her. It scared her because she wasn't allowed to love that woman with the scarred smile and wild hair.
This is my main WIP and my passion project. I really wanted to write something that I can dedicate to the queers of history, the indigenous and people of color whose queerness is never told.
The title is a reference to Limasawa Street by folk pop band, Ben&Ben, I actually used the album and a few singles as inspiration for the plot. 
WIP Playlist. This story will be unapologetically Filipino.
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“Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil,”
The Devil’s Choir is a low fantasy story following the adventures of seven unlikely friends who just want to go apeshit and run away from their shitty town. That is until they’re thrown into a you-need-to-save-the-whole-world mess without their written consent. Lucifer and Dionysus show up at their door step, dragging them head first into an abyss that even the Gods refuse to fall into. A war between the golden age and the future, it’s now up to this peculiar gang to save the world from the real threat.
The seven deadly sins but make them moody teenagers. this story has gone through so much revising for years! Found family, enemies to lovers, and unwilling heroes? check.
Unintentionally a copy of American Gods. It was too late until I realized the plot was kind of similar to American Gods. Help. 
WIP Playlist. I smell chaos, don’t you?
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“It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.”
Manila Encounters is a paranormal urban fantasy story unfolding right in the pearl of the orient seas. When the clock strikes 3 AM and the lights of the skyscrapers turn dark—when the city sleeps, the monsters roam free. Deep between the alley ways of Manila city, look out for kids with a certain glow and bite behind their smiles. Look for the ones with sunkissed tans who speak in tongues. Look for the ones whose feet barely dip into murky bay waters and fingertips grazing moonlight. 
A dummy’s guide to Filipino folklore. Manila Encounters was inspired by a hashtag on Twitter of the same name where people wrote their own twist to Filipino urban legends and folk stories.
Oh great, another Percy Jackson rip-off. the main characters are demi-gods or descendants of Gods. Original, I know.
WIP Playlist. driving at midnight sort of vibe.
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"You may forget but let me tell you this: someone in some future time will think of us."
And I Love her is a queer romance story about a girl who just recently moved into an old but well maintained cottage in some seaside town in Europe—and she finds in the middle of dusty furniture and underneath cobwebs, a rotary telephone sitting there unused for decades. It rings unexpectedly one day and what greets her is a soft voice belonging to someone who lived 60 years ago.
a dreamnotfound fanfic inspired this. and the South Korean horror film, The Call. 
gay yearning agenda. so much yearning. so much. I’m projecting.
WIP Playlist. My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand, taking mine, but it's been promised to another
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A selected list of fics from my AO3 account. It’s gay.
I drowned a long time ago. Sakusa Kiyoomi isn’t in love. He’s devoted. Serial Killer AU.
Maaaring bang magkunwaring akin ka pa? A Tagalog Haikyuu fic based on the movie, Camp Sawi.
Marupok na puso ko. A Tagalog Haikyuu fic where they do the Filipino thing and get drunk.
My good puppy. My first try at writing smut. Jesus Christ.
Be my mistake. Where Kuroo Tetsurou calls up Tsukishima Kei one last time.
Make it hurt. The two times Atsumu Miya saw the entire universe behind Sakusa Kiyoomi’s eyes.
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I still have a lot of stories that I hope to finish, I find it hard to discard or erase story ideas. So I hope one day, you can all watch me finish this list.
We Don’t Belong Here / Viva La Filipinas / Luna De Sangre Conspiracy / Lilith and Lysander’s Guide To Immortal Godparents / Lonely Hearts Club / A Lady’s Guide to Princes and Principles / Attack Block / Empty Thrones /  A Double Take / Stupid Cupid / Idle Town / Alice? / The 30 Day Deal / Lost Stars / The Apocalypse Program / Heartstrings  / Disastrously Danae
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