#a wolf + vampires polycule
yuri-is-online · 9 months
Just rewatched twilight! It's worse than i remember!
Why does Bella twitch so much?
Why does Bella blink so much?
Why does Bella deliberately ignore the red flags?
Why is Edward exhaling every line?
Why does he always look so constipated?
Why is Edward so God damn creepy?
Oh go I am so glad you gave me an excuse to say more about Twilight.
95% of the movie is close ups of the actor's faces. And all the main couple does is stare at each other in a field and talk about how Bella wants to be a vampire. They don't go out on dates, they don't talk about hobbies, they just don't do a n y t h i n g. For some goddman reason all of New Moon takes place in the woods for no real reason because I don't know if any of the characters like being in the woods. Neither Bella or Edward have personalities, Jacob has one but the author gets in the way of it because she has an agenda. She wants Edward and Bella to be together at the end of the series so she has to give all the complicated parts of humanity to her side characters so they don't get in the way of that.
I watched the movie with two friends of mine and we were trying to brainstorm ideas on how to fix it and we kept coming back to how boring the over all premise is. My one friend was less interested in the romance and more interested in the world building, the other wanted Alice and Jasper to form a polycule with Bella, but we all wanted Bella to have... something. Interests, hobbies, a fucking reason to be in the woods. My proposal was that she's really into bugs and is always out there collecting beetles and shit, she just needs to have an interest other than Edward but again. If she has those it gets in the way of the author's main goal.
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polydamnory · 16 days
Poly Shaw Pack Headcanons
Sometimes when David says something kind of snappy or rude to Angel (tsunderes gonna tsundere), Darlin will just come up, pick Angel up, and walk away saying “nope. Mate privileges revoked” - doesn’t matter if Angel isn’t bothered by it, he was mean
Milo HAS borrowed that choke collar from Baaabe and used it on Asher 👀👀👀
Almost all of them have tried their hand at teaching Asher how to cook - none have succeeded
Asher and Angel both keep getting caught late night gaming by the others, and David. Is. Not. Happy about it.
Sweetheart doesn’t purposefully sneak up on/startle Darlin the way they do Milo - they know that due to Darlin’s past trauma, they’re a lot more likely to lean more towards the fight part of fight or flight instincts, as well as just not wanting to accidentally trigger them in general
The non-shifter mates will go on a group date just the four of them once a month - the shifters do too but most of the time they just end up playing video games together (Asher) or spending some time in their wolf forms
Milo and Angel are both huge dorks for Aggro and baby him excessively
When Darlin gets really touch starved (which is most of the time), the rest of the polycule just kind of pile on top of them
Baaabe and David learned how to cook some of the dishes Sam’s grandmother used to make for him to help him feel better on the anniversary of her death - Darlin tried to help but got kicked out of the kitchen
Asher and Sweetheart occasionally team up to fuck with Milo (also Christian lol)
Angel moves around in their sleep a lot so whoever’s closest to them in bed have to be the ones to essentially smother them to keep them from accidentally kicking or punching somebody in their sleep
Solar Solstices are TOUGH with them all staying together, but thankfully the four non-shifters can team up to tackle it - Baaabe’s on cooking duty, Angel’s the one keeping David and Darlin from getting up out of bed (they are NOT above sitting on you, Darlin, stop it!), and Sweetheart and Sam team up to do some sleeping or healing magic - it doesn’t help much, but it’s something. They typically end up watching movies or playing some easy video games that at least keep them laying/sitting down for a majority of the day. EDIT: the lovely @darlin-collins (sorry for the at) has pointed out to me that both stealth’s AND vampires are negatively affected by the sun bound solstice so I guess Angel and Baaabe are gonna have to fight for their fucking lives lol
The mates groupchat still exists and Asher begs to be let in it like once a week
Darlin kind of wants to be included in it too but refuses to admit it
Asher and Angel can both dress like total gremlins and it physically pains Milo to have to see it
Baaabe has dommed most of the others at some point
Sam took a bit to feel comfortable asking to feed on any of them other than Darlin, and even then he still typically goes to them first if he’s feeling hungry - he doesn’t really have a favorite, it's just that in that regard he feels the most comfortable with them specifically
Asher will shift and comfort any and all of them in his wolf form like he does for Baaabe - he has to do it a lot for Sweetheart, their job has them stressed
David often feels like he’s babysitting a bunch of toddlers because even when they were just friends, the stupid shit this group would get themselves caught up in is insane - the fact that none of them have been arrested yet is a miracle in itself. No, Sam is not an exception.
Darlin, Milo and Angel are all terrible with horror movies (this is canon) and David sometimes likes to choose one he knows will particularly get them when it’s his pick for movie night just to fuck with them
I feel like some of these could technically apply outside the context of the polycule, and you know what, yeah that too
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thetickleeraven · 1 month
Ticklish Tank
BG3 - Tav x Halsin x Astarion polycule
Summary: Tav is a strong, almost stoic leader and the tank of the party. Halsin, Tav, and Astarion are relaxing in a clearing in the forest when the two discover that Tav is ticklish. Tav is they/them, class and race unspecified but said to be a tank. [THIS IS A TICKLE FIC]
its literally been 11 months from my last fic and they may very well be my last tickle fic. idk we'll see how i feel. REMINDER THAT THIS BLOG WILL BE DELETED WITHIN THIS YEAR AND ALL MY FICS WILL BE ON AO3 FOREVER.
The forest clearing is cool and quiet. In it stand three lovers: A druid, Halsin, admiring the beauty of nature at night; Astarion, a vampire basking in the moonlight; and Tav, a strong tank of a leader admiring the images of both their partners.
As Tav eyes the pale elf, Halsin approaches them from behind to wrap them in a hug.
The hug is a welcome surprise, as usual. However, not as usual, Halsin lays his hands on Tav's sides and notices them tense. He moves his hands down a bit and Tav begins squirming, cringes, and eventually jerks out of his hold with a smile giving away the reason.
Halsin is amused by Tav’s reaction. "Are you truly so sensitive that you couldn’t stand it?"
"What can’t they stand?" Astarion turns his attention to the two, curiosity piqued at the mention of their stoic leader presumably having some sort of weakness.
Tav's eyes widens knowing the last person who should know is Star.
"Our partner is just ticklish. That is all."
"Oh. That’s ‘all’ is it?" Astarion is suddenly predatory. Grinning like a wolf who happened on its prey. "I think we've just discovered our entertainment for the night."
"I-I'm not really ticklish." Tav curses inwardly for the stammer. "I'm just a little sensitive there, is all.
"Beloved, you and I both know that smile of yours gives it away. There is no need to be shy. Being ticklish is natural for you."
"No, I was smiling because you were hugging me, nothing more." They hold their hands up to defend theirself. They frustratingly couldn't wipe the smile off their face and a flurry of butterflies in their stomach, knowing what was probably coming.
"Oh, really now? is that why you're smiling still? With those pretty eyes of yours wide as saucers?" Astarion is stalking closer like an owlbear about to pounce.
Tav tries to suppress their smile as they slowly back away, and it almost works, until they see Astarion's fingers curl into claws. The knowledge that those swift thieving fingers would soon be prodding and poking all over Tav's (unfortunately) severely ticklish body was enough to swarm their belly with butterflies, almost tickling them from the inside out.
"I, myself, would love to hear you laugh. Throughout all our travels I don't think we've heard so much as a chuckle of you." Halsin muses.
"Yeah, you can keep dreaming." Tav turns to run, Astarion quick to follow. They dash through the clearing, Tav occasionally jumping over bushes or weaving through tress in order to get Astarion off their tail, though the elf is much too agile to be deterred that easily.. Halsin smiles, watching his lovers chase and play in the vast harmony of nature. It fills his heart, but he can't resist the thought of Tav laughing and beaming in the moonlight. With a wave of his hand, vines grow from the ground, tripping Tav in the middle of their chase, sending them flailing to the ground. Astarion leaps over the vines and skids to a stop, quickly dropping down to the ground and straddling their partner. Halsin quickly approaches the two, knowing the vampire, while capable, has no chance of holding down Tav on their own. He kneels next to the crown of Tav's head and wrestles their arms to the ground, holding them with his bear-like strength.
"This is ridiculous! I'm not even ticklish so this is a waste of time!" Tav protests, hoping somehow, against all odds, they can talk their way out of this.
"No amount of time spent touching your body is ever a waste of time." Halsin says.
"I must agree with our druid, darling. If you're not ticklish, well, you just get to enjoy having your lovers' hands all over you." Astarion raises his hands above Tav, fingers twitching as if they had a mind of their own just begging to make Tav squeal.
Tav feels their heart pumping and face heating up.
Their panic is interrupted by Halsin's low rumbling chuckle. "Red is a wonderful color on you, love."
"Oh, look. Our little pet is blushing, how disgustingly adorable."
"If you're just gonna compliment me, there's much more fun things we could be doing together." Tav tries to sound suave, hoping some flirtation and faux confidence could change their partners' minds to something else that doesn't involve them laughing their ass off.
"I agree. There is something fun we could be doing." Astarion smirks, a familiar flirty smirk that makes Tav think that maybe they've successfully deflected to that something else. Just as they're about to sigh in relief, Astarion's fingers dive towards their exposed ribs and start dancing and skittering across them, Tav's thin night shirt barely doing anything to dull the sensations.
Tav jolts violently and immediately chomps down on the inside of their cheek to keep from smiling or, gods forbid, giggling.
The scowl they planned to keep stays for about 2 seconds before morphing into a bright smile despite their best efforts.
Astarion has a look of unmatched glee at the strong reaction, knowing this is just the very beginning.
"Tav, it is alright to laugh. Don't fight your instincts. Just let it out." Halsin says with the fondest of smiles.
"It's like you don't know them at all. They're so focused on being a strong and great leader. They'd never give up so easily. Especially to something as silly and juvenile as tickling, am I correct?" Astarion says in that infuriatingly teasy tone only he can muster while his fingers continue to torment Tav's upper body.
"You are right, Astarion. They are notoriously stubborn."
"Remember how they said they weren't ticklish? So sure of theirself?"
"I do remember, yes." Halsin chuckles.
"Well..." Astarion coos in a sing-song voice as he puts more pressure in his pokes and prods. Tav's body instantly starts jerking and jolting side-to-side despite Tav trying to keep still and smooth their expression to nonchalance. However much they try, their eyes still crinkle, their smile still beam, their laugh lines still show.
"I suspect they might have been lying." Halsin raises an eyebrow with a radiant smile of his own as he gazes down at one of his loves.
"It's almost as if..." Astarion's fingers skitter up and down Tav's body, searching, hungry, for a good spot. "...they'll start laughing any second now."
Tav can't help it, when his fingers venture a little too high they let out a few very quick high-pitched giggles before chomping down on their lip.
The two ticklers expressions brighten victoriously.
"What's this? Is thiiiiiiis a good spot?" The vampire circles his index fingers around the hollows of Tav's armpits. Tav's eyes practically bug out of their skull and their frame begins shaking with barely contained laughter.
"I'd say so." Halsin says.
"Well then... I'd better not do this then!" Astarion, the evil EVIL bastard, begins scribbling his fingers across each armpit and poor poor Tav can't resist any longer. They explode into loud laughter interspersed with little fits of giggles before descending right back into helpless cackling. They yank on their arms and kick their feet, but nothing can stop those two.
Astarion grins a sadistic... yet somehow fond grin. Halsin's expression meanwhile melts into the sappiest and most endearing lovestruck look an elf could possibly muster.
"OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHAHAHAHADS!" Tav fights hard, bucking, jerking, yanking, everything they can, but their partners didn't seem to care.
"What a lovely laugh you have there darling, though I could do with a lower volume." Astarion teases whilst his digits continue their mirthful torment.
"I have another idea." Halsin says with a smirk of his own.
"Oh, do tell." The rogue lifts his hands, mercifully giving Tav time to breathe.
"Y-You guys..." Tav takes a breath. "...are the worst."
"Careful what you say, darling. You might not like what comes next."
Tav bites their lip and resigns theirself to just catching their breath.
"Now, what was your idea?"
Halsin wordlessly waves his hand and lets the vines hold down Tav's wrists so he's handsfree.
"Oh hells, I can't take both of you." Tav whines.
"Oh, our poor leader, completely helpless. And they admit to not being able to take it? Now this is a side of you I could get used to."
Tav turns their face away, feeling it heat up again, though they're sure it was already red enough from the torture they just endured.
Halsin's form suddenly shifted and changed... he was using wildshape.
And the shape he chose?
The dire raven.
At first Tav didn't know where this was going. A bird? Why would a bird be the form to torture them?
"Oh, you are brilliant at this." Astarion giggles and reaches to the bird's wings who stretched them out for him. He then plucks...
Oh no.
The vampire now holds two long feathers, one in each hand.
Dread pools in Tav's gut along with another storm of butterflies.
Halsin shifts back to his elf form and lightly slides his fingertips across Tav's ribs. Tav can't hope to hold back, they're already broken. Tired helpless giggles spill from their mouth, causing both their tormentors to chuckle at the sight.
"You're a beautiful sight, indeed." Halsin continues gently sliding his fingers across Tav's body, lighting up their nerves like a cantrip.
"I wonder how you'll fare against these two little feathers? Surely the great Tav can take it, can't they?" The bastard slowly lowers the feathers... inching them closer to their underarms.
"No... no no noho nohoho-" Tav is positively giddy with anticipation, eyes glued to those damn things as they came closer... and closer...
"Tickle tickle, little pet." He begins fluttering the feathers agonizingly quick all across those two tickle spots.
Tav doesn't explode into laughter this time, rather bursts into a hysterical fit of unstoppable giggling. They shake, wiggle, and squirm as much as they can with a vampire straddling them and vines tight around their wrists.
"Gohohohods NOhohoho! Ihi- Ihihihi cahahahahan't!"
"Can't what, beautiful?"
Tav elects not to respond, instead succumbing to the giggle fit completely, almost sinking into the ground as they accept their mirthful fate.
It's almost relaxing. Despite the instinctive fighting their body does of its own accord, laughing uncontrollably is... soothing in some sort of way.
That is until Tav feels Halsin taking off their boots.
"NO! Nohoho no no NO! Hahahalsin Ihi swehehear on all Gohods in this realm ihihif you do thihihis Ihi wihihil kihihihick you!"
Astarion full on laughs at that, still not letting up on those godsdamned feathers. "Is this really all it takes? To get you to beg? To fall completely under our mercy?"
"I'll start soft. If you truly cannot take this, I think we'll know." Halsin laughs, knowing Tav has much more fight in them than what's being observed on this night.
All Halsin does is drag one fingertip from the heel to the toes.
"FUHUCK nohohohohahahaha! Hahahalsin!" Tav screeches, kicking as much as they can muster given the circumstances.
Astarion laughs hard, dropping the feathers to hold his stomach in sadistic cackling. "Yohohou're soho dead."
Halsin picks up one of the feathers and twirls it in his fingers. Tav had no idea the peaceful druid could be so cruel to his lover.
"Do it." Astarion snickers.
They truly were the metaphorical angel and devil on Halsin's shoulders. Torture Tav at their worst spot? Or let them go?
"Let's see if you can hold on a little more, then we'll let you go." Halsin says with a villainous smirk.
Devil it is.
All he does... all this elf does is start fluttering the feather over the arch of Tav's bare foot.
And in turn Tav begins thrashing uncontrollably, cackling and screeching helplessly. Tears of mirth are flying off their red hot face as its whipped from side to side and hiccups and wheezes litter their forceful laughs. The vines nearly snap from the tension. "STOHOHOHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE!"
At that, the feather is dropped and Astarion, partially having been bucked off, is sitting on the grass to the side. After a few moments the vines are released and Tav curls into a ball, frantically rubbing the sensations on their soles away.
"Apologies, Tav. I believe... I believe I went too far." Halsin bows his head, regret evident.
"Oh, come off it. Sure it got a little extreme in the end but they were obviously enjoying it up until then." Astarion scoffs, though not without a sly smirk decorating his features.
"I... I was not-" Tav starts to object but is cut off with a quick fit of giggles as Astarion flutters his fingers just under their arm.
"Oh, you absolutely were. Don't even try to deny it."
Tav lays on their back, utterly exhausted. "...Was it that obvious?"
The two ticklers laugh.
"You could've made it clear in the beginning that it would make you uncomfortable. You know as well as we do that we would've listened."
"Plus those vines? With enough effort you could've snapped those before we brought out the feathers." Astarion snarks.
Tav shivers at the mention of those feathers. Gods they could practically still feel them.
Astarion snorts at their reaction.
"I believe we've disproved your lie." Halsin says smugly.
"Do it say it aloud, darling. You know we'd love to hear it."
Tav feels the return of those butterflies.
"Fine. I'm extremely ticklish. Happy?"
"Quite." Astarion pokes Tav's underarm, causing even more giggles. "I do hope you're aware this will become a regular occurrence now."
"I'd have to agree. This was most enjoyable... for everyone involved." Halsin nods.
"No more tonight." Tav yawns. "I'm more tired than when we fought that entire goblin camp in one day." They say groggily, eyes slowly falling.
Halsin chuckles and wildshapes into his bear form, laying on his side so his two lovers could lay on his warm furry body and fall asleep.
"Night night, Tav. Who knows what will await you come morning." Astarion sings.
Tav doesn't even respond, already out for the night.
And so the polycule slumbers for whatever awaits them tomorrow. (Probably more tickling)
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crysoon · 2 years
poorly describing things in redacted: groups edition
shaw pack: giant polycule with subunit pairs
solaire clan: several bitchless ankle biters and vincent
damn squad: 4 losers and their living intrusive thoughts friend gavin
mates trio: evil third graders
wolf boys trio: david and his gay parole officers
vampire villains trio (quinn, adam, alexis): be crime, do gay
vamp trio (sam, vincent, lovely): babygirl whores
the main shaw pack fours (dav, ash, milo, darlin): first graders with access to free will (and david)
elementals: mental hospital patients candidates
daemons: six yrs olds with murderous tendencies and caelum
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Come one, come all, join me in my batshit crazy idea!
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Welcome to the idea I probably should have kept locked away with my Matt Jackson/Brody King timefuckery fic.
Will you choose to fill it out based on fics you've already written? Will you write new ones based on a Bingo that speaks to you? Will you cross fandoms, or stay in one? Will you do what I plan on doing and try to hit blackout with all new fics in wrestleverse? It's all up to you!
My only request is that you tag me if you play the bingo game so that I can share in your Bingo adventures :)
O5: 5+1 - Communicable Horniness, HangMox
B3: Hurt/Comfort - Work at a Smile, Go for a Ride, MoxMatt
G5: Superpowers - I'm Not Immune to You, ClaudioNick
N5: A/B/O - Pulling the Tide to My Body, MoxSeth
G4: PWP - Hurt Me So Good, HangMatt
N3: Free Space (smut) - Run It Like a Circus, MattAustin
B1: Body swap - Our Skin Connects and Makes a Shrine, DannYuta
B5: Fluff/Schmoop - Lightning in a Bottle, HangNick
G1: Coffeeshop AU - No More Hesitations, KrisWillow
G2: Royalty/Regency AU - You Play the Love (I'll Play the Lead), ClaudioNick and MoxMatt
I4: Crack - Kiss is Cosmic, KrisRuby
I5: Time loop/time travel - I Still Got Your Name on Your Tongue, HangMox
I1: Hatesex - What's in Your Hands, ClaudioNick
N4: Marriage Fic - Honey, to Say the Least, You're a Doggone Beast, ClaudiYoots
B4: Sex Pollen - Now Our Bodies Interlock, EddieRicky
O3: Pornstar AU - A Little Bit Camera Shy (But You're Still a Star), DannYuta
I3: Werewolves/Vampires AU - Hungry Like the Wolf, ClaudiYoots
O1: Snowed In/Huddle for Warmth - Like a Photo That's Been Overexposed, TayaAnna
N1: Only One Bed - Light Me Up like a Moonbeam, KrisWillow
I2: Magic AU - I'm Only Human (You Are Something Magic), Breynolds and Gen
N2: Tentacle Fic - Do Something Wicked To Me, HangMatt
B2: Fake Dating/Fakeout Makeouts - Part Time Soulmate, Full Time Problem, DannYuta
O4: Sexworkers AU - A Proposition (If You Want It), RickyDanny
O2: Kid/Baby/Pregnancy Fic - A Few Little Love Affairs, HangMox
G3: Amnesia - Supernatural, Cocky, - House of Black polycule/ensemble
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lycanlovebites · 5 months
intro post
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is strictly an 18+ blog! •I’m Wolf•transmasc•boyliker (gay + acespec)
•I’m a werewolf, angel, and vampire (otherkin). Call me a fruit bat the way I’m gay and a vampire
•I got that dog in me (undiagnosed autism and adhd. Also therianthropy)
•I like writing, drawing, and rotating the same 5 fictional characters in my brain 24/7
• kinks/things I’m into•
-monsterfucker stuff/teratophilia -biting/vampires
-sexualizing catholic priests/hierophilia
-petplay (my sideblog for this is here)
I would like to clarify that I’m not religious and especially not Christian. I just enjoy the themes and motifs. I just enjoy sexualizing clerical celibacy. And enjoying stained glass.
•-my SFW art blog is @mossymenagerieart
-suggestive/18+ art blog is @lycanlovebitesart
-otherkin blog (aka my ‘main blog’) is @corvidcanidae
-my actual main blog is @corvidtrinkets (I don’t post stuff there, it’s basically an archive where I save silly stuff for my friends. Just mentioning it here if I follow you that corvidtrinkets and mossymenagerieart and corvidcanidae = lycanlovebites)
•my cohost account is here, where I will post my art and writing, especially explicit stuff where I’ll be free from the censors of tumblr.
•as well as this being a kink blog it’s also just a beastiary where I collect pretty creatures and people and art and catalogue them like a wizard.
-beast tag
-werewolf tag
-vampire tag
-pretty people tag
-mermaid tag
-unicorn tag
-Angel tag
-divinity tag
-demon tag
-knight tag
-dogboy posting
-wolf caught on trailcam <- my selfie tag
-bloodlust boyfriends <- my t4t werewolf x vampire oc tag
-catholicsonas <- my silly demon x priest x angel ocs polycule
-Dolleyes or Dollface <- me and my friends magnus archives ocs
I am very normal about the book What Manner of Man by stjohnstarling (lying) (I post fanart about it) I have a ToyHouse account but I need to update it with all my new characters! For now, please enjoy my other delightful characters :]
🪽art and such you probably follow me for here that I’m moving to post on my alt art account🪽⬇️
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Grimwood Gays
What if Ghoul School was about Shaggy teaching the daughters of a polycule consisting of some of the greatest monsters of all time?
Count Dracula - An eccentric but distinguished vampire with a flair for the dramatic, Dracula loves to play up the theatrics of being a creature of the night. He’s a huge flirt, who especially loves to playfully tease the Wolfman, bickering in a loving sort of way. His daughter Sibella is his little princess, and he has a hard time telling her no. Overall, he may be a bit cliche at times, but he’s a loving partner and father.
The Wolfman - The bear of the dad group, the Wolfman has a love for all things manly, especially football, wrestling and hunting! Despite his tough exterior, he’s a loving partner and father who’s always up for a hug, he’s also a Papa Wolf through and through, always ready to protect those he loves. He’s very close to his daughter, Winnie, the two do everything together, and he couldn’t be prouder of her strength.
Frankenteen - A dedicated scientist, Frankenteen is an even-tempered and kind man who sometimes gets a *little* too into his experiments. He loves to craft and build things with his partners, especially gifts for their daughters. Though he may do a lot of groaning and growling, he is a caring man who loves to conduct experiments with his daughter, Elsa.
The Mummy - Described by the girls as their ‘hippie dad’, the mummy is typically the one keeping things chill and relaxed around the house. While typically nonchalant, he is very protective of his family and will curse anyone who messes with them. He loves his beauty sleep, and despises cats. He loves spending time with his daughter Tanis, being the guest of honor at many of her tea parties.
The Phantom -  A fun-loving and mischievous spirit with a taste for music and cracking jokes. His vocal inflection has the tendency to make anything he says sound sinister, but he’s a kind soul. He loves to serenade his partners and always delights in performing with his daughter Phantasma and the rest of their family.
The Lagoon Creature -  The suavest of the bunch, The Lagoon Creature can make any of his partners weak in the knees with little more than a look. He knows just what you say and it’s hard not to feel breathless around him. He’s the most proficient at girl-dadding, always up to go for a shopping trip or offer advice.
The Martian -  An overall nice and jovial fellow, the Martian isn’t particularly inclined to act terrifying, though he enjoys the sounds of screams. He has unique way of speaking and expressing himself, which is something that only makes his partners love him even more. He’s always up to learning new things about Earth, though he can be a bit awkward socially, a trait he shares with his daughter.
Godzilla -  A true gentle giant, Godzilla is never one to go out of his way to scare people, though he can’t help doing so anyway. He’s also a massive geek with a love of anime and film culture, just like King Kong and Mothra, his lifelong best friends. He’s also one of the best at girl-dadding, and helps his daughter in becoming a ballerina. He may not be the roughest guy around, but lord help you if you mess with his family. Overall, he’s a big guy with an even bigger heart!
More will be coming soon, but this is just to give you and idea of the dads and how they interact with each other. Thank you to Weeby for helping with the summary and writing the lore with me! Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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limetimo · 7 months
RAB fics i read (Feb 24)
you do it naturally (move me, baby) by Anonymous James/Reglus/BArty smut (kinky)
At The Library(english version) - (Bartylus Oneshot) ABO by Fanfiqueiro__00 Bartylus ABO smut (sweet)
i must sin by Anonymous james/regulus/barty smut (vampire barty)
Heart of the Lion by PhantomGrimalkin Remus/regulus, plot and smut, trans regulus, v nice
Pavane for a Dead Prince by redsuit Regulus died when he was 9 and then again when he was 18. I'm assuming his debt to Death will be paid when he destroys horcruxes? Bartylus but im suspecting Jegulus endgame (no, i did not look at the tags too closely). we stan Pandora
PS. I Hate You by SnarkyMagpie ♥♥♥ the best friend' brother trope we know and love, beautiful execution
Mortal Once More by SheOfTheBookAndSong regulus takes snape's place in the narrative
So Determined to Drag Him Back by KrisKikstorky part of Regulus/Voldemort ABO series, Regulus isn't in this one chapter but im screaming none the less. smut
Pillow Talk by cywscross soft post-war regulus with owen from fast and furious
The Wolf and the Woodsman by PhantomGrimalkin little red rding hood retelling with Prince!Regulus and werewolf/woodsman remus
Harry Potter and the Year That Should Have Been Normal by 3andaHalfGayWizardsinaTrenchcoat in 1995 harry died by voldemort as per mysterious penpal's instructions and got his godfather back from the veil thank to the mysterious RAB panpal
Stop Worrying And Hold Me Again by adore_via0 soft bartylus sleepover
Best Part of Waking Up by starling011, TemieTem remus/sirius/ragulus smut with plot
The Campaign by Wouldntyouliketoknowweatherboy04 This is super interesting! In bull-headed attempt at proving his parents wrond about him, Sirius is running for the Mayor of London. Regulus somehow ended up disowned and living with his boyfriend James, James' ex gf Lily and their son Harry, Lily's gf Mary, and their friend Remus and Remus' son Teddy. When Sirius gets cornered by the papparazzis in front of the polycule's house it somehow leads to the 7 scroundels moving into Sirius' house for publicity. Will the forced proximity help the brothers recconect? Will Sirius heed Snape's advice and date Remus for clout? really excited for this one
Blue Bird (bluebird) by LoonyHarr1son jegulus with good slytherins, the gryffindors forget about james' b-day
Crazy Ex-Boyfriend by AmethystHeart2421 This was really good! Remus stalks his long-time crush Sirius (and ends up sleeping with the little brother instead)
the golden king by maladaptivewriting needs no itroduction, regulus dies then goes to school with golden trio and then and then and then
Past Zero Hour by anonymsly !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ !!!!!
all I want by Zazzander Regulus is an alpha with a bg heart and a bigger pack
Twisting Fate by Anonymous time travellig sirius
unremarkable days. by sadgorl sirius si fighting custody battle for regulus and falling apart at the seams
Why You Should Run Away To Brazil (A “Guide?” By James Potter) by Charliemaraudersfan86 james finds out he's bipolar and doesn't handle it really well. but its ok his boyfriends are willing to wait
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd squib-ified regulus takes custody of harry ect very good very nice
Gods Under Broken Skies by IndigoIrisis regulus dies and goes back in time with no fucks to give
Contractual Courtship by Killaurey I'M HYPED regulus/lily
White lies take all of the color from you by strawberrywinedrunk regulus got preggo, lived, and now his daughter is causing mischief at hogwarts and voldemort is back and oh well. Very good
The ache of knowing everything was gonna change by strawberrywinedrunk carna accidentally time travels to marauders era and accidentally pulls her dad along. oh well they'll just kick voldy's ass sooner
Don't go Icarus, don't forget your father by White_marigold unlce barty explains to harry that he can't be adopted because nobody would give a baby to a transitioning teenage single mother already struggling with one baby
Pegasus and chai by White_marigold james finds out he's a dad... to twins....
If We Have Each Other by aithusarosekiller Regulus has a bad day and a bit of a public meltdown and outs his secret relationship with james to sirius
Thinking Of You by aithusarosekiller remus/regulus, cute
The Ice Feels Colder Without You by FlowerLikeLotus teenage regulus faceplants on ice, gets disowned, moves in with his also disowned brother, dates teh brother's best friend, goes back to ice skating
i love to wake up next to you (i love to hold you close) by CanYouHearMyFear jegulus smut (watersports)
on behalf of the good dark by FiresFromOurHearts the series where draco is reincarnated regulus
Fated to Fall by ouzell soulmates jegulus au
Darker than Black by mariesanasz
Little Stars Server Birthday & Holiday Fics smut on top of smut on top of smut ft black bros incest
so give me all you've got (i can take it) by JohnnysLittleMonster, Sagiko_AKA_RegulusBlackKinnieBITFW james survived voldemort, regulus and pandora took care of teh horcruxes
‘Cause Boy We’re Gold by Disco_serpant fare dating bartylus
Late by cassiopeiablack1994 way too late sirisu and james realise that they're totally in romantic and sexual love with each other, hurting their spouses in the process. future regulily
Creamy Italian by starling011 bartylus smut
Hot for Teacher by starling011, TemieTem regulus has a really bad divorce, moves to wales colose with his brother, and starts falling in love with the local adorable teacher james
Death is an Art - I am an Artist by Narratiuncula regulus dies but death thinks he was cool doing it, and sends him to another universe to be reborn as a child of Hades. Regulus is now a diAngelo, the older brother to Nico and Bianca (PJO)
When the sun sets by northernnovel regulus and james fake date so that james would notice regulus§
I Wish You Would by earthmoonstars musicians au fake dating to real dating regulus
How to live (when you've long been dead) by DisorganizedKitten Danny Fenton crossover (regulus adopts danny)
Seven Months Away by DisorganizedKitten for AnOceanOfQuietThoughts It'd be nice if Regulus could just kill Voldemort and go home to his (doubtiously aquired) children instead of sitting in endless meetings... Barty is here to make sure that Voldemort never stands between a Regulus and a baby.
you flower, you feast. by Salviaqueer T4T regulily smut
Uncharted by bonafake Reg and lily meet on the way to prongsfoot wedding
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mr-laveau · 1 year
Cu-wip-osity tag game >:D
@cash-n-prizes really told me to get my ass in gear and WELL, here I am so here we go!
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them, and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Tagging: there are too many people to tag and i don’t talk to that many people sooooo whoever wants can tag in. Trust me, I cannot tag that many people for this.
And Then there were three - SH, Angel & Baaabe
Roses n’ Thorns - Darlin/Quinn (past) - Darren(Darlin) used to be in a band with Quinn called Rose n’ Thorns. Yes, I did in fact write Darr being in a band with Quinn into his actual backstory, fuck timelines and canon, I do what I want.
Spell slot - Lovely(electro)/Vincent
Gotcha bitch! - Darlin/pack - poly Shaw pack - Darren (Darlin) has a breakdown when the pack throws him a surprise birthday party
In the face of eternity - Lovely(Vampire)
Who’s ya daddy? - SH/Milo (ft. Colm) - Sadhil (SH) realizes that he and Milo have daddy issues, except SH used to work for Milo’s daddy.
Pretty Girl(gn) Walk - Angel/Darlin/David(minor)
Self-portrait - Gavin/FL - Gavin has too many hobbies but this new one is fun.
Stellar Collapse - Starlight
Fed to the Wolves - David/Darlin
The importance of Couch sharing - Poly Shaw Pack - David/Darlin/Asher/Milo
Backup Generator - DAMN Polycule & Lovely(Vampire)/Vincent
Extra Lessons - Sam/FL/Darlin
Come Back to Haunt - David & SH
Do you have an appointment? - Sam/FL - R18
Hate to see em leave, Love to watch em go - Poly Shaw pack - Asher/Milo/David/Darlin - Asher and Milo talk about David & Darren (Darlin) behind their backs but they’re specifically talking about their behinds - R18
Sweet Dreams (are made of this) - Sunshine/Elliott
Dahlia Empowered Records & Profiles Department - audio project - Magnus Archives parody but make it Redacted
Honestly…no - David/Darlin
A Pack of Idiots - Poly Shaw Pack:
"I'm in love with Asher." David said. The room went quiet after that as Sadhil and Milo's eyes locked onto their alpha in disbelief–more specifically disbelief in the fact that David actually said the very thing that everyone in the pack would joke about when they saw him and his beta together in any capacity. The key word there being 'joked' because no one actually expected it to be true. Sadhil had the mind to question the statement further but got beat to the opportunity to speak. "Well no shit, Sherlock." Darren replied. "Took you that long to figure out?" Now eyes were going back and forth between Tank and David, the bigger wolf looking at the usually quiet shifter in bewilderment as they met his gaze with nonchalance. The investigator could already feel the tensions rising and if they knew both of their fellow pack members well enough then there'd be more to this. "What do you mean, long enough?" "–Darr means," Milo is the one to speak up this time, cutting off Tank from making anymore frank remarks and riling the other man up, "that we can all tell." "What?”
Running Memories - Darlin focused
Can You Roll a Charisma Check? - Lasko/Listener (pre-canon listener) - Lasko finds out that someone new has joined his DnD group and he’s definitely gonna have to roll high if he wants to impress them
Out for Blood - Sam/Darlin - R18
What if we all dated each other? - DAMN Polycule
In-Spectre - Yes I know that’s name of an anime, I’m being funny - SH/Milo:
"Why don't I take you dancin' some time?"  "You got two feet shorter than myself there, toots. You think you can keep up?" Sadhil smirks.
Bad Dog - (Dom) Darlin/ Sam - R18:
"Course not." The vampire huffs. "I know you better than that Darlin." "Do you really, doc?" Darren smiles as crosses his arms and slowly strides over to Sam from across the bar with a sly grin. "Because I know for a fact that there's a side to me you haven't met yet and he wants to make you beg like a hungry mutt." Sam Collins has never in his life wanted anything more than just to let his mate have their way with him right now. He doesn't have time to question why when the one thing racing in his mind is to let Darren use and abuse him like a bone for his wolf to chew on, and he'll be damned if he doesn't let tonight be the night for that to happen. "Where?" "As much as I would like to fuck you in one of the stalls here, I want your ass on a bed where I can have it to myself tonight."
Broke Back Mountain - Sam/Huxley
Ghostly Touches - Lasko/SH/Milo - R18
Don’t Hold Your Breath - DAMN Polycule
Two Birds - David/Darlin
Worth of Chance - SH & Colm
Sway - Vincent/Lovely 
Heart Strings - Asher/Baaabe/Darlin
Keeping Track of Things 1 & 2 - Darlin/Sam (feat. BE & Fred) 
Reset Button - Lovely(Vampire) & Sam
Ghosted - SH/Sam/Darlin
Parks & Recreation - Darlin/David
Anyways, have fun~
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
Wips ask game
Rules: Post the names of the documents/files of your WIPs, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs (I'm not doing that - anyone who wants can join in and say I tagged you).
I was tagged by @wisecrackingeric-2 <3
Only adding resident evil fic wips because 1. There's a lot, and 2. It's all I'm interested in talking about rn. And I would LOVE to talk about any of these
Re8 crack fic
Rose dlc fix it fic
Ada x alice wip
Heisenwintersfield fic (aka Ethan's polycule)
Serennedy time travel fic
The One Series (it's a serennedy series broken into 4 fics. 2 are already posted. Idk how much I'll tell about the other 2 bc it's a surprise but we'll see)
Serennedy vampire au
Serennedy medieval au
Serennedy fair au
Serennedy Luis shapeshift au (based off that one hc that Luis is the wolf)
Serennedy Las Plagas smut fic
Again I'm not tagging anyone but if you see this and wanna join in, you can say I tagged you <3
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soft-bellied-tannies · 11 months
Supernatural Buffet
Chubtober Day 20 is mixing both of fatguarddog's prompts for today - bloodsucker and buffet! I love any opportunity for vampire Yoongi so enjoy this little idea draft turned drabble lol.
Read here or on AO3!
The pack…coven…supernatural polycule, whatever you prefer, was a rare one. Seven different supernatural creatures in a happy, committed relationship was quite odd, but it worked well for them.
Witch Jin, dryad Namjoon, elf Hoseok, siren Jimin, djinn Taehyung, werewolf Jungkook, and the focus of this story, vampire Yoongi. 
Yoongi typically fed from ethically sustained blood bags or from one of his mates when he needed a more fulfilling feed. However, with a major birthday coming up, his mates surprised him with what Jin joking referred to as a “supernatural buffet”. 
With planning and preparation, all six of them ensured that they were fully hydrated with an extra nutritional shot Jin whipped up for all of them.
Yoongi had never fed from more than one mate in one night, but the thought alone was enough to have his fangs threatening to spring from his mouth the second they explained his special gift. 
They all got comfortable and set the atmosphere of the bedroom with low lighting and gentle jazz music from Taehyung’s collection on the record player. Knowing that they all had different effects on him, Yoongi chose the order of his mates with intention. 
He started with Jungkook, knowing the wolf’s blood typically gave him energy and enthusiasm - both the perfect start for his long, intimate night. The youngest climbed into the vampire’s lap without hesitation, fully removing his shirt and gently scenting Yoongi’s neck before baring his own for the first bite. 
Yoongi had to use restraint to pull away from Jungkook’s neck to leave room for five more bites. He tenderly ran his hands up and down the wolf’s back as he went more lax in Yoongi’s lap.
It was only a matter of minutes before Jungkook was ready to move, his metabolism and healing abilities allowing him to regain his energy quickly. 
Namjoon and Taehyung were the next two with more time in between than Jungkook’s quick feed. The dryad’s blood had a much more earthy taste, almost like a savory meal before Yoongi got a near sugar rush from the djinn’s sweet and vibrant taste.
Yoongi knew both of them would need time to recover and with all six on the menu that evening, the vampire could take less from each of them. 
Although, Yoongi would admit that halfway through, he was already more than full. He rarely ate to fullness, just enough to get by for at least a few days. He felt his stomach working hard to process his large intake as the fabric of his sweater was hugging his bloated middle. 
He thought about asking for a little break to breathe and digest, but Yoongi knew that waiting longer would only make it harder to keep eating later.
Waving Hoseok over next seemed like the best option, the honey-like sweetness and bright flavor were supposed to be a pick-me-up. 
Yoongi was likely too full for that pick-me-up as he simply felt more content and stuffed with another round of feeding. Hoseok always was the most fatigued by feeding, typically laying on Yoongi’s shoulder as he let his energy build back up, but the vampire simply could not wait even longer to finish his feast. He needed to get to the last feed as quickly as possible for multiple reasons. 
Jungkook, already feeling good as new, accepted the nod from Yoongi before lifting Hoseok from the vampire’s lap and carrying him over to the loveseat for a cuddle session with Taehyung. Jin then took Hoseok’s place, knowing from the start that Yoongi would save Jimin for his dessert. 
The witch moved his cardigan aside and exposed his skin, stealing a quick kiss from Yoongi’s lips as the taste of residual blood had not bothered him for many years now. Jin leaned farther into him, knowing that the vampire was weighed down by the biggest feed of his life. 
“Just take a little, Yoon. Wouldn’t want you getting sick,” Jin whispered quietly, stealing one more kiss before feeling Yoongi’s teeth break his skin. He let Yoongi cut it off with only a few mouthfuls, hearing the groans the vampire was letting out to push through. 
Jin was able to move from his little blood loss, climbing off Yoongi’s lap with ease. He took a new spot on Namjoon’s lap, seeing that all their mates were now fixated on the look of relief and anticipation on Yoongi’s face as he watched Jimin walk toward him. 
The siren knew from the start that he would be last, his blood having an almost euphoric effect on the vampire. Yoongi often had to feed from Jimin when he had time to rest and recover because the siren’s blood left him in a high-like state for hours after a feed - an absolutely incredible feeling that Yoongi treasured.
Jimin tenderly massaged Yoongi’s taut stomach, wincing at the lack of give in the vampire’s skin. He heard the pleasured moans from his mate and continued his motions until he brought Yoongi’s mouth to his neck. 
“Go ahead, babe; take as much as you want,” Jimin directed quietly, having taken a potion from Jin and a long swim in their lake to prepare for the evening. He didn’t always let Yoongi feed without a limit, but it was a special night and the vampire had little room, if any left so Jimin figured it couldn’t hurt to let him have his fill. 
Obscene noises came from Yoongi’s mouth as he latched onto the siren’s neck and fed as if he was starved. It was an effect that Jimin’s blood would never cease to have for him and he ate and ate well beyond what room he had left. The siren’s soft hands continued to relieve some pressure on his midsection allowing him to take more than he intended.
Yoongi seemed to be nearly knocked out before he even removed his teeth from Jimin’s neck. The siren tenderly pulled him away, resting the vampire’s head on the stack of pillows below him and running a hand through Yoongi’s hair. He accepted the silk handkerchief from Jin and cleaned the streaks running down the vampire’s chin and neck. 
Jimin went to climb off the bed, allowing Jin to fully adjust Yoongi and tuck him in when he was hit with a dizzy spell and felt Jungkook’s strong arms catch. The siren shared a glance with Jin and glanced at Yoongi, “I guess he took more than I thought. He’s going to be hurting in the morning.” 
Jungkook carried Jimin to Taehyung where the siren instantly dozed off on the djinn’s shoulder, assuming the other’s would clean up from their amazing night. They placed Jimin and Hoseok on either side of Yoongi, all three feeling the heaviest of the evening’s effects, and turned in for the night. 
When Yoongi woke up, he was joined in bed only by Jimin who seemed to still be out of it. He thought back to the night before and had a bit of guilt knowing that he was overtaken by his blood lust for his mates, definitely overfeeding from the siren. 
One thing Yoongi also realized after processing who was next to him was the fact that he still felt completely and overly full. His hand found his stomach and it felt like he hadn’t digested a single bit from his buffet-style feed the night before. He had never been so bloated in his life, not even thinking this was possible for vampires to experience. 
Other things would be learned from this experience as well like the fact that vampires can actually manage to gain weight when the right combination of blood was consumed. His impressive feed left him with a new layer of pudge on his lower stomach when the bloat finally settled - a change to his immortal body that hadn’t happened in centuries. 
Yoongi didn’t particularly care, especially when his mates kept telling him that he looked so adorable with a little more weight on his frame. Some of his old outfits were a tight squeeze, but having six mates meant he wasn’t short on clothes to share. 
What Yoongi did care about was the fact that his body was itching to feed like that again. Sure, his normal hunger was still there and his mates returned to their normal feeding schedule aside from Jimin. Yoongi had to explain to the siren that he really needed to monitor himself, immense guilt from literally draining life from his beloved partner. 
After three months and deciding the physical changes be damned, Yoongi grew desperate and asked his mates for a repeat. He explained the fulfilling and euphoric sensation he experienced on top of the urge for that intensely genuine intimacy.
His mates wanted nothing more than his happiness and if feeding from them in that way brought him happiness, they would gladly do it again. 
Jin prepared nutritional supplements that were particular for each of their needs including a special mixture for Jimin to try to avoid the drain he felt during the first experience.
It had taken some convincing for Yoongi to feed from Jimin again, but between his immense desire for all six of them again and Jimin’s ever-strong and genuine reassurance, the vampire’s excitement and confidence in his restraint had returned. 
This practice became a monthly occurrence, completely changing Yoongi’s years-old feeding schedule. He was now getting more than he ever needed in that one night and the physical consequences that came with that new feeding style were well worth it. 
Each feed resulted in that small pudgy tummy developing into more and more of a belly, a bit of weight seeming to stick around from whatever combination of effects his mates’ various blood types had on his body. He played around with the arrangement and made a few discoveries. 
Witch and wolf blood back to back caused intense bloating that lasted even longer than his typical feed bloating stuck around. Starting with djinn blood seemed to maximize his stomach space as if it were granting a wish for increased capacity.
Alternating between dryad and elf blood had the most lovely, umami taste as if he were eating a robust meal. And, as always, siren blood was saved for last as it closed out each feed with the most lovely, warm feeling. 
Yoongi had completely done away with blood bags, nearly disgusted by the impersonal and plastic taste that he put up with for years. Single feeds were just not enough anymore, constantly wanting and craving for more once he started a feeding session.
On top of all those changes, the intimacy and bond between him and his mates was stronger than ever. 
The vampire wouldn’t call it an addiction perse but it certainly was a preference that changed the course of his life. He wasn’t even sure if he had the ability to lose the weight now that it was added onto his typically unchanging body and honestly, he had no interest in finding out.
His mates surely didn’t care if he was growing himself an impressively rotund potbelly so why should he?
He had learned all the tips and tricks now, knowing which order was the most visible on his waistline and what was simply long-term bloating…or maybe that’s just what he told himself.
All he knew, that birthday “supernatural buffet” as Jin called was one of the best nights of his long life and he had no intention of changing it now. 
Yoongi would gladly let Jin create a stockpile of supplements and ask Taehyung and Hoseok to size up his entire wardrobe as many times as needed if it meant he could enjoy the delicious taste of his mates. 
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mayarab · 11 months
WIP List (Tag Game)
I was tagged by @the-grim-and-sanguine - You can see their post here!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The Queen & the Demon
Just Another City
Chaos Magic Kaijus
Guardiãs de Primália
Better! Twilight aka Vampires in Rio
Conto Avantesma
Continuação de Journey Home / A Caminho de Casa
Contos Andarilhos
D&D Romance
Fantasy Heist
Space Adventure
O Santuário de Liara
Queer Greek Myths + Fairytale Retellings
Melting Pot of Ideas
Crônicas de Irhullan
Foi por Acaso
Swordswoman & her Wizard GF
Shape-shifter & Hunter
Demissexuais & Dinos + 2 Girls, Music, Books and Internet
Story Engine Anthology
The Golden Queen
A Garota e o Dragão
Demon Soul
A/B/O but with actual wolf social structure
Chaotic God + Necromancy + Chaotic MC
Bruxas Latinas + Witches in Saquarema
Isekai Scout
The Untamed x Inuyasha
Portal Book
CdZ inpired Mess
Hunted Siblings
Kingdom Hearts x OUaT
Chosen One Academy
Daughter of the Chosen One
Magic People
Isekai Brazuka
Anna & Milla
Mage & Prince
Warylk AU (Makhy lives)
Warylk Coffe Shop AU (Gods Edition v1 - with powers)
Warylk Coffe Shop AU (Gods Edition v2 - no powers)
Pimpim Café
Garotas Mágicas RPG
O Sonho de Nina
Ace of Cakes
To Be Human
I Heal Hearts
Escola Mágica + Criaturas Sobrenaturais
Inuyasha Mermaid AU
Year of the OTP 2023 InuKag
The Heart of the Miko
Memory Loss
Shikon Strike Force
Inuyasha dies and KagMirSan try to bring him back
Inuyasha HighSchool AU
Kagome MD
SessSan KindergartenGod
InuKagMirSan Polycule
Inuyasha x Pokémon
Prophetic Dreams
Inuyasha Beauty & the Beast
A hanyou birthed by a female Youkai
Inuyasha Retelling Sequel
Polyam Kag/San
ATLA: Twin Avatars
Inuyasha VTuber
Inuyasha sends a video masturbating to Kagome by mistake
Inuyasha + Sell Your Haunted House
Inuyasha + FFVII Remake
Inukag song fic - Give your heart a break - Demi Lovato
Viking Punk
Whimsical Life
On the Shoulders of Giants
Esperanthya 5e Setting
Sparkles & Wonder
Azure Garden
Witch’s Workshop 2.0
Digital Deckbuilding Card Game
DnD Character Creator
Match 3 Mobile-style game SEM MONETIZAÇÃO AGRESSIVA
Runeterra Hack
Assexualidade e Esteriótipos
tags: @artemis-devotee @anisaanisa @ruddcatha @razdazberry @atelierwriting @akiwitch @mauvelilywilliams @bia-sa @ninaescreve @autielivros @saphoblin
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lunaslogs · 5 months
Here's a list of series/franchises I desperately need to re-watch or start watching. Feel free to take inspo!
Star Wars (my childhood fr, I'm an Anakin defender)
Transformers, the movies and the original series (BORN TO BE A DECEPTICON, FORCED TO BE AN AUTOBOT also someone please give my boy Starscream a break)
The Tinkerbell movies (SILVERMIST >>)
Literally anything Dylan O' Brien is in (I've been on a DOB binge and it's starting to get concerning)
My Babysitter's A Vampire, the movie and the show (I have a type and it's dorks. Ask my partners, they'll tell you)
She-Ra and The Princesses of Power (my girlfriend has been begging me to watch this and I promised I would so Lili if you see this, I'm keeping my promise)
Julie And The Phantoms (hopelessly praying for a second season that we know damn well we aren't getting)
Pretty Little Liars (I started it but I didn't finish it)
Teen Wolf: The Movie (I've avoided it because of all of the hate I've seen of people saying it completely screws with the OG canon and now I don't know if I should watch it)
Schmigadoon (I'd re-watch it with my friend just to traumatize her with Aaron Tveit's pants, she's absolutely terrified of how high rise they are on him)
To All The Boys I've Loved Before Trilogy (Jordan Fisher.)
The entire TVDU (I'm never getting over Enzo's death)
Back To The Future Trilogy (MARTY MCFLY IS JUST THAT GUY also thank you Broadway gods for casting Casey Likes in the musical)
Riverdale (my guilty pleasure and canonically one of the few shows I actually see inputting a polycule and not using it to mock polyamorous people or make the butt of the joke. Obviously not the best representation but it's Riverdale so...)
Ghostbusters 1, 2, Afterlife, and Frozen Empire (can you tell I was raised with 80's/90's movies?)
This is Luna, logging off!
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meerawrites · 6 months
please tell me more about oscar's martyr complex!!
Of course anon!! I would love to:
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It’s not as destructive as it could potentially be.
It spawns from a place of good intentions but, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
He’s a sharpshooter and pianist and he takes these talents as a confirmation of his status as some kind of saint or martyr.
While I the author hope it never happens (outside of RP situations), the werewolf Latino Oscar Morris is not beyond dying for a cause, he just needs to work past some of the bi c.atholic trauma and decide on one.
Don’t take it as a sign of weakness. A wolf won't ever be a pet.
If you talk nonsense about Catherine (Marian's gf and sire) or Marian (my self-insert vampire) or me… you bet he's challenging you to a duel, or… rather, he would if he was real. I’m convinced this 1920s gothic polycule of bi-disaster people of global majority are my only original characters that would actually be my best friends IRL, partially cause Catherine is fractionally based on my first real-life best friend, a black girl who I still write pen pal letters too who stood up to my bullies (the white privileged rich kids who hated me for being brown, bookish & ~closeted bi~ etc, etc), and Oscar’s based on my first guy friend who you guessed it, a Latino boy I met at Sunday school (back when that was a thing in my life and c.atholic school had not ruined things for me).
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My Dracula Polycule 'Verse Headcanons:
Jonathan Harker: Human + a touch of vampire. Fed on by Dracula and his wives, though not enough to leave him an actual vampire. Resulted in him possessing super strength and white hair. Can also climb very well. Father to Quincey Harker. Married to Mina Harker. In a relationship with Quincey Morris.
Mina Harker: Human + a touch of vampire. Fed on by Dracula, though not enough to leave her an actual vampire. Resulted in her possessing low key psychic abilities, and a slight sensitivity to sunlight. Mother to Quincey Harker. Married to Jonathan Harker. In a relationship with Lucy Westenra.
Jack Seward: Human. Trans. Married to Arthur Holmwood. In a relationship with Quincey Morris and Lucy Westenra.
Arthur Holmwood: Human. Richest, so everyone lives in his house. Married to Jack Seward. In a relationship with Quincey Morris and Lucy Westenra.
Quincey Morris: Ghost/Poltergeist. Dead. Came back in a non-corporeal form. Takes effort to remain visible as a ghost, so often present only as a poltergeist, frequently communicating via blackboard and chalk, occasionally by morse code. In a relationship with Jonathan Harker, Jack Seward, Arthur Holmwood, and Lucy Westenra.
Lucy Westenra: Vampire. Un-dead. Fed on by Dracula. Complete transformation into vampire, sharp fangs and everything. Cannot come into contact with sunlight, can only consume blood, avoids garlic, crucifixes etc. Has learnt to control her vampire, though will go a bit gremlin-y if thirsty or acting particularly vampire-y. May or may not have the ability to turn into a dog. In a relationship with Mina Harker, Jack Seward, Arthur Holmwood, and Quincey Morris.
Abraham Van Helsing: Werewolf. Turns into a bipedal furry-type wolf every full moon. Learnt to control the wolf, as Lucy has learnt to control the vamp. Finds vampires frustratingly annoying, but also low key Lucy's closest friend. Aro/Ace. May be in a queerplatonic relationship with everyone except Quincey Harker, obvs.
Quincey Harker: Who tf knows honestly? Probably has some powers but nobody quite knows what yet, but his birth may have brought Mr Morris back from the dead. Though nobody's quite sure of this, it'd have to be a damn weird coincidence otherwise. Son of Jonathan and Mina Harker. Godson of Jack Seward and Arthur Holmwood. He's also like three.
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captain-lonagan · 2 years
okay my top 4 members of the anti-dracula polycule are
1. Mina Harker: she knows all she documents all and she listens earnestly and tries to understand even the most batshit of circumstances. was ready to pull out a shotgun the second she finished reading jonathan’s journal
2. Jonathan Harker: the original blorbo, the #1 mina fan, somehow survived living with the count for months and also trekked across wolf-infested transylvanian wilderness with zero supplies. assistant documenter of all events, acquired the uhaul receipts with dracula’s Actual Address, tried to bash the count’s skull in with a shovel once and is ready and roaring to do so again
3. Quincey Morris: he saw a massive bat lingering around lucy’s window every night she lost blood and now he shoots every bat he sees on sight. he’s got the spirit. also he’s the kindest cowboy and the bestest of besties
4. Van Helsing: he’s got the knowledge and the ability to kill a vampire but he’s trying to bench MVP #1 Greatest Character Mina Harker just because she’s a woman so he goes to spot 4 instead of spot 3
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