#a word of encouragement
hellenhighwater · 7 months
hey you're doing a great job, just remember: a semicolon can be used to combine two sentences where you might otherwise use a period; this allows you to create longer and longer run-on sentences
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felineandhustle · 2 months
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chloeworships · 10 months
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Jesus and Peter walking on water was a MIRACLE. A miracle turnaround will occur. Have faith and BELIEVE in that.
The neon yellow lights represent God’s light 🕯️ in the darkness 🕎 = HOPE
Don’t doubt, claim the victory - with God it’s already yours. Your name won’t be forgotten, your courage and bravery will be remembered forever
I heard “marines” today as well — Whatever is being planned now, God said it’s not time yet. He is trying to save lives including someone by the name of Christina and those in the military on water. This is crucial. Wait. This could also be a travel advisory.
The goblets also stand for a CELEBRATION 🍾 Prepare for victory.
Someone in the military is going to find love 💕🥰
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Now the goblets weren’t exactly like this but the colour was the SAME GORGEOUS 🏆
The roots - I was told to share this.
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Yom Kippur = the day of the previous attack two years prior.
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disabled-bug · 2 months
I’m so proud of people living with chronic health conditions. That shit is HARD. Idk who needs to hear this, but if no one else has said it: I’m proud of you. You’re sticking it out through so much pain and grief. That’s no small feat.
Every small thing you do for yourself health adds up. The grief is heavy and it comes from a place of love. The grief knows the pain is wronging you.
I’m proud of you. I hope on the good days you can be proud of yourself.
Keep going.
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rawhoneybliss · 4 months
You're about to experience something that will feel like a fairytale. You will feel so blessed to know that it is actually happening to you. You deserve this.
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themindofastrid · 6 months
Life isn't about getting and having, it's about giving and being.
— Kevin Kruse
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morganbritton132 · 9 days
There comes a time in every Robins life where they realize that crying will actually get them out of this.
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ink-and-oceans · 7 months
I had never believed in the happy ending type of love. The only love I knew gave me nervous butterflies and inflicted pain. Somehow I've made it here to tell you that I was wrong. Love isn't supposed to be that way. The love you deserve is warm and safe and easy. That love is out there waiting for you.
tara love / i think i know what love is now
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agirlwithglam · 4 months
unique compliments to give people <3
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because ordinary compliments are just.. ordinary. have some fun with these <3
i love your personality
you give off main character vibes
you're literally an inspiration
being around you makes me feel happy
you have such amazing manners
you're the type of person my mother/ father/ family member would like.
i love how you're so independent
you're like such a girlboss
i love you're style
you remind me of: [favourite actor/ person/ celebrity + tell them why]
You make me feel safe and loved
I love your energy
You have a pretty smile
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felineandhustle · 5 months
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godslove · 5 months
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mrbigbrother · 2 years
A word of encouragement to Lindsay Ellis
good evening Lindsey Ellis, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am the opposite of everything you likely ever believed in. I lean right from the center, i don't like anything or anybody, I'm not a published author, my youtube channel is small and it sucks.
I am unfunny, not good looking,have a cringe sense of humor, not exceptionally good at a certain skill, not relatable, and take myself way too seriously.
But here i am writing you this public letter. And it's something that I would like to do more of because there are a few youtubers that i have some condolences to give over the death of what was, and a word of encouragement to what can still be, and still is. so let's get into it.
Lindsey Ellis, even if the likelihood of you actually taking time to read this in its entirety is slim, it will still be here. it has been one hell of a ride huh? I remember your time on that website that we do not talk about anymore and should not be named but it rhymes with Flannel Possum. Those were the days huh! at least before the dark times. of course for some, those were the dark times. But this isn't about rehashing the past. No, it's about moving forward. I just wanted to make clear that I have followed your content from the very beginning. I was an angsty teenager who could recite whole George Carlin stand ups from memory in those days, and it was kind of nice hearing others echoing the same sort of "i wasn't born with enough middle fingers" kind of attitude that got me through those times. I feel very much the same still. Yet more humble. the post-cvid world feels like it's 100 years away from the year 2019, when i had stumbled upon Lindsey's channel and recognized her as "hey it's the Nostalg…"
It was a good feeling after the whole #changethechannel. I was gearing up to try and start pursuing writing, and I found the publishing videos you made to be among my favorites that i often still refer to when navigating that labyrinth.
Addressing the bullshit: I mean, i liked the Hobbit movies. I don't think Jk Rowling is a bad person. (she just wrote bad books that I don't understand why adults read them.) So there are plenty of times that I would disagree with you, even strongly on various matters. But you don't have to agree with every opinion someone might have. King Diamond once said that even Christians and Satanists can be just as good of friends if they wanted. And that's what i live by. I'll always hear you out and try to see it from your perspective. And at the very least show respect for it. that is the complete opposite of the current age of discourse.
You were bullied off of the internet for no discernibly good reason. There isn't a good enough reason to do that. Not over an opinion. At this point, Twitter is the fucking Antichrist. It did just like an antichrist would: it connected us all. Now we're receiving the mark of the beast, and the world nears catastrophic doom as we march toward the canyon looking down at our digital tombs, plunging us deeper into the comforts of a new dark age…people need to get off of the internet and just live fucking life.
And Lindsey, I will always, always, respect your decision to do just that. Because this shit is really ruining lives dude. Goddamn, the best thing we ever created is now killing us. Who'da thought right?
The bullshit that you were put through happened and there is no undoing it. There is no need to undo it. You just need to embrace the haters that come from all directions. from the angry incels that stalk your channel, to all of the other angry left wing incels that turned on you the minute they smelled blood in the water, because that's all these self righteous people are: They are the kind that don't get laid and have lots of anger and resentment that ultimately leads to them eating each other, and even eating at themselves. (insert clip of orson welles shark monologue from Lady From Shanghai.)
And i am sorry Lindsey. I mourn with you. It wasn't your fault. Twitter is a lot like The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: It was just your turn fam. Everyone who watches your channel (your real audience), all know what your convictions are and how much they mean to you. But the wounded animal that you tried to help, can and will only bite and maw you to shreds if it can. Its brutal. It's not fair. and it's the truth.
so, where does that leave us, as in you and the audience that I speak for…it leaves us in the same place we are always going to be found at: at our desks and work benches, typing our lives away and shaking our heads at the melodrama in the same damn spirit of George Carlin, Harlan Ellison (and for me) my grandmother who too held her middle fingers up to this world before she died. Only if we are up to it.
the world doesn't get better. you get better.
And Lindsey, from one Tennessee borne to another: I might not be saying this with the right words so forgive me, I'm just a stranger who gets a kick out of your work on my beloved YouTube, that i have had to watch fall into the same spammy soulless content it always does. But your career is an interesting one. Youtube is a lot more interesting, with you in it.
But hey, What do i know. I'm just another late twenties asshole that will linger around who ever will have me until i'm told to fuck off. And the people who dogpiled on you with their unearned moral superiority, just like they have so many others…well you sure told them to fuck off, and that takes a big pair of proverbial balls. That's what I respect. And my word of encouragement to you, is that I genuinely miss your channel and i am not the only one; There's a lot more people who miss you too.
I'm not asking you to come back. But if and when I see you at it again, it will put a smile on my face. (thanos vibe)
From a Fan, and a friend, I wish you well Lindsey Ellis.
Ta Ta - Jake
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rawhoneybliss · 1 year
This is your sign. It's time to focus on you. REALLY focus on you. Your self-growth is your priority. It means everything. Put your attention on what's good for you. Stop playing around. You know you have what it takes to manifest those things that you can't stop thinking about. It's time to take yourself more serious. You deserve it. Blessings will follow.
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themindofastrid · 2 months
Love like there’s no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, love again.
— Max Lucado
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