ypipie · 1 year
toy 🥏🪀
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funnier-as-a-system · 7 months
sorry if you've answered this before, what is the treble clef like symbol on your pfp and banner?
It's the treblesand! It's a combination of the treble clef and ampersand symbol, meant to represent harmony and manyness, and is my personal favorite symbol of plurality.
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orange-orchard-system · 5 months
Hi, I would like you guys' input on something if you're comfortable
Is it bad/rude that as a singlet I want to be plural? I'm not trying to romantacize it or anything (heck I was hyperfixated on DID and did a lot of research on it for like a year straight), I understand probably better than most singlets the struggles, but I can't help feeling a soul-deep sense of longing just towards the idea in general
Probably influenced by the fact that I'm a lot more identity fluid than most singlets but yeah... I want to be plural so badly and I'm really conflicted cause isn't that like... Rude?
No, it is not rude at all. In fact, this is what drives some people to become plural!
See, plurality is something that can be achieved purposely through practices such as tulpamancy. Tulpamancy is the practice of creating other headmates, consciousnesses, or persons (the term used to explain the process differs depending on preference and text; the general term for these created beings is "tulpa(s)") to live alongside their creator in their body/mind. It can be done unintentionally, but if you want to become plural, then you'd probably be looking into resources for intentional tulpamancy. If this sounds like it interests you – whether that means you just want to learn more or you think you might want to create a tulpa – then I'd recommend some of @eeveecraft's resources on the subject. A masterpost of them can be found here, but I'd particularly recommend their Tulpamancy Guide and the FAQ for their guide. Although the tulpa community is not one-to-one connected with the wider plural community, tulpamancy is still recognized as a practice that can allow someone to become plural, typically through repeated interactions with an imagined entity until it begins to form its/their own autonomy and sense of self [and become real, or their own person]. The community also has a great number of resources for bettering communication between headmates, creating innerworlds, and the like.
However, before you jump into any practices like tulpamancy, I do want to let you know that what you describe is a very common experience for those who already are plural and just don't know it yet. Before discovering their plurality, many systems describe having an undescribable connection with the plural community or longing to be plural. Considering you mention having an especially fluid identity, perhaps this is an angle you should look into? It may be possible that your longing is something closer to subconscious recognition, or a desire to be open with yourself and others about plurality that you're suppressing. Maybe this isn't the case and you really are a singlet, but I see this often enough that it felt prudent to suggest it.
I recommend trying out some basic exercises, such as seeing how it feels to call yourself plural, tracking your identity and preferences for any patterns, and practicing talking to any headmates you might have, especially before you take that step of making a tulpa (assuming you're interested in doing so). Tulpamancy can be a delicate process, and it's better to go into it with an understanding of your mental situation (and if you have any pre-existing headmates) than not. (I mean, hey, who knows? Maybe you have some unintentionally created tulpas hanging around your head. Probably best to check before you go making another one, don't you think?)
But, again, even if you're not plural, wanting to be plural isn't rude. Some say it is, but, eh, I don't really agree. I don't think wanting to be plural is the same as erasing our struggles or romanticizing our disorders or whatever. Being plural can be a wonderful thing, and I don't blame anyone for wanting to partake in plural joy. The only thing to consider is that if you're looking to become a created system (a person or system that caused their own plurality), you need to make sure you're prepared and have enough time and patience to manage any hiccups that might come up. For instance, there might be identity confusion or conflicts in the early stages of headmate creation. Tulpamancy resources and spaces typically offer advice on these kinds of troubles, but it's good to go over them and make sure you know what you're getting into before you start. After all, even if a created headmate isn't the same as a baby, bringing someone into this world is still a big commitment. Make sure to make that commitment responsibly.
In short, no, wanting to be plural is not rude. It would be rude to claim our struggles aren't that bad or that a disorder like DID isn't that big of a deal, but wanting to be something that can bring positive change to someone's life is not. You might want to investigate the possibility that you're already plural, but even if you're not, I don't take wanting to be plural – in a way, wanting to be like me – as an insult. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they say!
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wsdanon · 5 months
hmmm mike and felps bonding perhaps? For wip game?
okay you know what you can have my whole wip for this fic \o/! i'll put it under the cut--it's supposed to end with mike helping felps dye his hair and them talking about things other than just pac but pac is a focal point of this first bit here
(context is: this is a few years after fuga where they've met up again and are on good terms, but it's maybe still a little shaky)
since this is a solid amount of words despite being a wip, reblogs are appreciated \o/
"Would you keep a secret from Pac for me?" Felps asks.
"No." Mike doesn't even need to think about it. "Probably not."
"Hm. Okay." Felps nods to himself, like this is what he expected. "Would you… not tell him something for me, then?"
This makes Mike set down what he was messing with. He turns to Felps. Who looks nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"Like… if he doesn't ask, you don't tell?"
Mike does have to think about this one. He draws his consideration away from where his and Pac's thoughts usually mingle, and Pac sends him a curious feeling, but doesn't prod.
"Sure." He settles on, turning back to his project. "But keep in mind, he'll probably ask."
Felps doesn't say anything else. But he doesn't leave, either. Mike looks up at him again.
"So… were you going to tell me something?" He prods, and Felps sighs defeatedly.
"Yeah, okay." Another sigh. "I really like Pac."
"Well, I'd hope so." Mike frowns. "I thought we were all friends at this point."
"We are." Felps confirms, as he rests his chin on his palm--his elbow propped up on the table. And his expression is troubled, but there's something else to it--a combination Mike sees on Pac frequently. Things click into place. "But I really like Pac."
"Oh, you mean romantically?"
"Yeah." Felps shifts his hand in an attempt to cover his face, but his blush still shines through. Mostly because Mike is looking for it. "I think so."
"Huh. You know, I thought you and Cell were--" Mike cuts himself off as the embarrassment on Felps' face quickly disappears and gives way to disinterested surprise. His eyebrows raise, while his hand shifts again--falling into a thoughtful position. Mike continues, "Well, I guess I'm the last person who should be making those kinds of assumptions, huh?"
"We are kind of like you and Pac." Felps agrees.
But he doesn't sound committed to the idea, so Mike silently disagrees. Besides, no one can be like him and Pac--they literally share a brain.
"So, you and Cell aren't dating, and you like Pac romantically." Mike recaps.
"I think so?"
The question in his response has Mike briefly looking down at his project in despair. He's not getting this done any time soon.
Pac prods at him, confused, and Mike waves him off. He wants to at least try to honour Felps' request, and that means he can't have Pac stumbling across his thoughts right now in an attempt to see if he's okay.
"Why did you come to me for this?" Mike asks. "I'm shit with romance."
"And you think Cell would be better?"
"Okay, good point." Then he frowns. "Wait, hold on. Wasn't Cell exes with some of the guys in prison? JV and Guaxinim, at least, right?"
"Mike," Felps says with a tone that he's about to say something obvious, "I'm not going to tell Cell I'm into his ex."
"Pac and Cell aren't…" He trails off. Even with the link between them now, Mike isn't sure what Pac and Cell are, let alone what they aren't. Which is mostly because their relationship is so confusing Pac himself isn't even sure. "Whatever, that's not the point. I just don't know what you expect me to do."
"Nothing." Felps picks at the peeling paint on the table absently. "I just wanted to tell someone."
Felps seems kind of in despair, too, right now. So, Mike forgives him for interrupting his workflow, and attempts to throw him a bone.
"Look, I'll try and keep this from getting to Pac." Mike offers. "But, like…" He taps at his head.
"Yeah, I get it." Felps smiles at him. "Thanks."
There's a high chance that Felps becomes Pac's crush for the month, and Mike can do a bit of matchmaking. Or, equally as likely, someone else will catch Felps' eye and it won't matter anymore. Either way, Mike would say he only has a month tops to keep his promise.
Which is… manageable. Maybe. He doesn't try to keep things from Pac often.
"If Pac started dating me… would I be dating you, too?" Felps asks, drawing little lines with his finger on the table to demonstrate the connection.
And the honest answer is yeah, probably. For all intents and purposes. But people don't always really like that answer.
"I mean… kinda? If you're okay with that?" Mike shrugs. "I don't know, man, it wouldn't be the same thing."
"That sounds cool."
And he sounds genuine. Mike goes back to his project, but he doesn't get too into it in case Felps wants to continue the conversation.
"Can I paint your nails?" Felps asks.
And, okay, not what he was expecting.
"I'm kind of doing something." Mike says, gesturing to the project. "Maybe, uh… later?"
"I have green."
Felps pulls out a bottle of nail polish, and sets it on the table between them. Mike stares at it. It is indeed green--a nice bright green.
"Okay, sure."
Mike moves his project to the side, and holds his hands out. Felps' hands are warm. The nail polish isn't.
He's quick in his movements, but focused fully on his task. Mike lets his fingers be moved for better angles, and shakes his hand to dry it when Felps starts on the other.
"So, what are you making?" Felps asks.
"Something to help with the mobility for Pac's prosthesis." He wants to gesture around and explain the mechanics, but he doesn't think Felps would get it, and his nail polish is still too wet for him to feel comfortable touching things. "Once I get this right, I'll probably try to open up shop for custom orders. Then hopefully we won't need to rob banks for more money."
"Aw." Felps pouts. "But robbing banks is fun."
"Weren't you a cop?"
"I was a prison guard." Felps shrugs. "And that was just so I could hang out with Cell after he got arrested."
Mike laughs.
"And then he killed you."
Felps' hands twitch like a mostly contained flinch.
"It wasn't my favourite time with him, no."
"It's fine."
"It wasn't my favourite time with him, either."
This time Felps laughs.
"No, I guess not."
He finishes up the last nail, and packs the polish away. Mike kind of misses the casual intimacy of it, but shakes his hands out to try and dry the nail polish quicker.
"You know, Pac falls for people pretty easily." Mike says. "If you flirt with him, he'll probably reciprocate."
"Oh, thank you, but I don't really mind." Felps shrugs. "I just like being around him."
"Me too."
And this is where I got to \o/ I've had this written up for ages, but I've never had time and motivation to go back and finish it oops. hope you enjoyed!
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redemn · 2 months
handsome stranger with his hat pulled all the way down, obscuring his handsome face, leaning against a nearby wall handsomely (definitely not javier) " and what do you think about don javier escuella? i hear he's in town... are you worried? "
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to  the  handsome  stranger   (  who  is  definitely  not  javier  )  with  his  hat  pulled  all  the  way  down  ,      obscuring  his  handsome  face  and  addressing  him  so  handsomely  ,      arthur  only  gazes  .      for  quite  a  long  time  ,      hiding  the  faintest  little  flicker  of  a  smile  that  threatens  to  expose  his  every  thought  ,      in  the  flinch  of  his  nostrils  and  the  quick  puff  of  air  that  escapes  his  nostrils  and  the  wrinkle  pressed  into  his  cheek  .
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❝        he's  in  town  ,      huh  ?      well  when  was  someone  gonna  tell  me  that  ?      if  i'd  known  he'd  come  to  town  ,      i  would'a  done  better  not  to  be  'round  this  place  .      heard  he's  got  a  mean  shot  and  a  meaaan  eye  towards  anyone  wanna  try  squarin'  up  with  him  .        ❞      he  takes  a  wander  just  a  little  closer  to  the  handsome  stranger  ,      the  back  of  his  hand  pressed  against  his  mouth  for  a  moment  before  coming  away  again  ,      unable  to  wipe  that  smile  from  his  lips  ,      or  that  way  it  tints  his  voice  as  he  speaks  again  .        ❝        f'you  ask  me  ,      i'd  say  i  might  even  want  to  try  squarin'  up  with  him  .      seems  like  the  cold  sort  ,      won't  take  nothin'  from  no  one  .      a  slippery  little  bastard  .      catch  him  ,      and  he  goes  right  through  your  fingers  .            might  be  fun  tryin'  to  catch  him  myself  .        ❞        two  more  footsteps  ,      until  he  comes  to  rest  on  one  shoulder  against  the  wall  next  to  this  handsomely  leaning  stranger  .      who  is  ,      of  course  ,      definitely  not  javier  .        ❝        i'd  say  you  oughta  be  careful  .      in  case  he  comes  searchin'  for  people  with  his  full  name  in  their  mouths  .        ❞
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pluralprompts · 8 months
hey um. i don’t have the ability to explain myself like that other system does but um. as a ramcoa survivor i really don’t agree with them. i don’t think it’s tone deaf to depict false memories in fiction. um. i think that’s normal actually and i feel bad that they’re clearly um. clearly triggered by it but i don’t think that their triggers should determine all of what can be depicted in all of fiction. i think you could just put a trigger warning on it for false memories and it would be okay. i think it’s harmful to say um that you can’t ever write about a type of abuse. that’s bad. okay um sorry thank you goodbye
Since to my knowledge I've never been through this sort of thing, I don't believe I have the right to weigh in on such a matter, but I'll post this ask to show your/another RAMCOA system's opinion differs. I think this may be a case where I'm going to err on the side of caution as I don't know much about RAMCOA communities or what the general consensus is, but I appreciate your input on the matter.
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carnagebleda · 1 month
me after I developed agoraphobia and my brain basically broke: idk bro what if my w.riting sucks.
me when I actually write: is like being held by an old friend.
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aroallo-culture-is · 10 months
aroallo culture is apparently inspiring others to make/order merch and driving business to an etsy shop
-the merch anon (as I see I've been dubbed lol)
(ALSO i got inspired to make something after sending that first culture submission in, I'll share it when I'm done!)
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heirbane · 5 months
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does your muse believe in hell?
No. Yes. It's complicated. As a nation, Garlemald respects no gods and prays to no one when they go into battle; as individuals, the price of a burial - or pyre, as they do in their forced lands, the grounds too frozen for even a casket - often tells how merciful a person's journey to the afterlife will be. As a young boy, Gaius watched his mother burn both his brother and his father with nothing to take on their journey but each other. She had no flowers or fruit to give them succor as they tread the aetherial sea. They had nothing, and it was her biggest regret, one that weighed on her until she followed them into the dark.
Gaius does not believe in hell. He doesn't believe in gods, Hydaelyn or otherwise. They are things that weaker mortals beg for to make sense of their life. When his mother died, barely a year into his military service, however ... he sent fruit. He sent flowers. He paid for her name to be immortalized upon a stone that created the foundation of the Empirical palace.
She had suffered enough, he thought. He was fifteen years old.
After all he has seen since - merciless death, child abuse, racism unto it's most inhumane - he still disbelieves in it all. If the gods were true, wouldn't they have felt pity by now? Was this truly balance, to watch his troops suffer and perish?
What god saw his children suffer abandonment, and gave them to Valens?
Even now, at the end of the world, he struggles to truly face it all. To resent them is an emotion he has long since trampled under decades of military regime and training. To feel lost in the dark - to believe that, maybe, had he begged to a god, they may have listened - ... it churns the water of his constitution, muddying it all.
Maybe Hydaelyn existed. Maybe Solus had always beckoned forth death. Maybe something supernatural had occurred to keep him alive and wandering the earth. He isn't sure.
(He has thanked her just once. Just once, a man peering at the edges of death, awakening after Terncliff's blasphemy tore him asunder. He had never feared death. He had never feared dying. To do so was an honor for the Empire: he had done his duty.
And maybe he had, as a soldier. But as a man - as a father - he still had yet to live, and the horror of living despite having been nearly disemboweled had him looking at the moon and praying.
Maybe she no longer lived. Maybe she was gone for good, as the Warrior spoke. But something had aligned. Something had intervened, over and over and over, an act he could not deny.)
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what’s your muse relationship with fire? are they afraid of it, or do they find it fascinating?
Gaius does not fear fire, or so he'd state. He still puts kindling to flame, parchment to ceruleum lighter, letting the paper come but a blink from his fingers before he will throw it into a campsite. Sitting aside one causes him no issue, even if he is not one to take the closest bench.
He doesn't fear fire. He fears the sound and the smell most of all, and often had to escape camp during his first few nights alongside Severa and Valdeaulin. Cooking caught game, the fat popping and sizzling, upsets him to a point where he scarcely is aware of being within his own body.
He does not claim to have a weak stomach, but cooking flesh of any variety has him violently ill, and the smell that clings to his clothes afterwards, when he attempts to find some solace in sleep, simply rips him back into a synthetic suit.
(Even on nights summers after, when he can peer at a campfire and kick dirt, watching the flames pop, it is that experience that brands him still: awakening in the middle of the night with his arm numb under his body, hyperventilating, suffocating. It matters not if he is campside or have cooked supper in a wood-burning stove.)
It has rendered him almost incapable in situations where fire is the overwhelming enemy: had he been in Thavnair during the sky fall, it would have been his own ghosts that kept him from helping others, regardless of his stance on the matter.
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@erthlyheavn said: i just wanted a word or two with you, if you don't mind. - Liv to Holly!
⚔️ Jack Dialogue Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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"Two seconds, please," the deerfolk called from somewhere inside her shop. Despite the rough outward appearance of the Fourteen Points - appearing as little more than an old yet somehow well-maintained roadside autobody shop for stragglers whose vehicles had broken down on the mostly deserted stretch of rural highway it sat near - the interior was remarkably different. Fresh paint, metallic trimmings, and digital lighting gave it the appearance of some almost futuristic science lab.
Beyond the counter, the workspace was populated with grand machines, tables with various robotic parts and lab sets, and a plethora of whiteboards and chalkboards covered edge to edge in various scribbles ranging from scientific formulas and mathematic equations, to what seemed like junk-part lists and reminders to pick up menial things like groceries. From a small circular device resting on the counter near the visitor appeared a holographic projection of what looked like some kind of android.
"It's not polite to keep guests waiting, Holly," came a voice with a distinctly British accent beneath a robotic filter.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, Cas--" her jab at her AI companion was cut off by an abrupt crashing sound followed by a triumphant, "Got it!"
After another moment of listening to metal drag against the floor, finally - finally - Holly appeared from around the corner, pulling off her scuffed and oil-stained gloves and pushing a stray lock of her hair out of her face. She smiled at her visitor, the lopsided grin somewhere between sheepish and just plain friendly.
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"Sorry about the wait. What can I do for ya, love?"
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wilczmin · 1 year
it’s so funny how roach says “twerk” to geralt like it’s nothing in the good year of 1272
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penddraig · 11 months
[a note slid under his door, written in dark red ink, in a delicate hand] Were you trying to hide from me, Howl? You’ll have to do better than that. xo
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the wizard breezes down the stairs at calcifer's behest,   somewhat surprised that someone could have managed to breach his magic to send a note beneath the door.   they were usually delivered by postman.   besides that,   his doors are all well protected,   and anything physical would have slid into an empty house in porthaven,   or an abandoned shop in market chipping,   or a dark building in kingsbury.
the note isn't difficult to spot,   a white square upon the wooden floor.   howl moves down the few steps to the doorway,   swiping it up.   he unfolds it curiously,   absentmindedly climbing back into the main room,   where he stops the moment he spots the red ink.   the king's men don't write to him in red ink,   nor do they send him letters that aren't clearly addressed as from the king's court.
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he quickly realises what a mistake he's made to even touch this letter.   it's a short two sentences,   but it's enough to send the icy thorn of dread straight through his chest.   horrified,   the skin of his forearm crawling as though he's been poisoned by some terrible demon ( and with her,   she may as well be ! ),   howl crushes the paper in his fingers with frightful urgency,   balling it up as tightly as he can.   he brings his fist up to his mouth,   breathing through a small opening in his fingers.   in his palm,   the paper melts,   and a moment later    as he suspected    he feels the sharp sting of something burning and stabbing into his hand and bleeding into the tendons of his fingers.   with his strength most concentrated in his arm,   he sends a wave of dispossession magic through his hand before it can do any more damage.   if he had thrown this to calcifer to burn,   it would have poisoned it.   perhaps it might have even killed him.      [ killed them both.   ]
❝    calcifer,    ❞    he murmurs,   sounding defeated.   he looks to the hearth with a tear sitting at the corner of his eye.    ❝    please move the castle.   anywhere,   in any direction.   just make sure it's away from the chipping valley,   porthaven,   kingsbury.   hell,   send it to high norland,   i don't care.   just flee.    ❞    weakly,   he lifts his hand,   staring at the blackened veins,   inflamed skin,   and trembling fingers.   he can't quite seem to find his control over it.   he makes his sluggish way toward the stairs,   stuffing his arm against his body.    ❝    i need to prepare.    ❞
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funnier-as-a-system · 7 months
Heyy I'm that game concept anon! Wanted to say that it's been absolutely lovely to read about different systems' experiences!! Nice to see we're not alone lol. I'm usually pretty confident in what we have going on, and people around us (in college) somehow are... supportive, even tho they don't understand what I'm talking about like half the time, but that moment bent me out of shape a little. Glad to report that I'm now back into the proper confident shape yeehaw :)
Also in my first ask I somehow failed to mention this, but the whole deal with the "romantic connotations" was literally just my teacher making it up himself. Like as much as I wanted to show my relationship with my husband/co-host one for one, I wasn't originally going to make the game characters have a romantic relationship. Cuz platonic relationships are very important too! And overall the goal was to show how alters should have better in-sys communication and collective problem-solving, when possible (and NOT bully each other for 'stealing' each other's life, and NOT bully the persecutors for being mean without trying to figure out why they're mean and without trying to help them, and NOT bully other alters for acting like they do without learning their reasoning, like we did, unfortunately.) I guess husband's 'Protective husband' energy was just too intense for the teacher to handle lol. But NOW I do want to incorporate in-sys dating. We'll see how it goes, I guess.
(also please take care!! That's a lot of asks to have wow. Hope you're doing well!)
Hey there!! It's great to hear from you again!
I'm really glad you're feeling better after what happened. So, your professor was just seeing romance where there wasn't any, huh? Feels like a common theme with professors whenever someone writes about any kind of close relationship – maybe it's due to amatonormativity, or maybe in this case it's just your husband's "protective husband energy", as you say, haha. But I'm happy to hear that you've continued working on your project with passion, and that you have people who support you!
I'm also happy to learn more about this game concept you're working on, because it sounds very cool! Everything that you list are important things for systems to learn, though I find many systems struggle to learn them when they first discover their plurality. As we said to a friend once, with how strongly the idea of "one body = one self = one life" is cemented into everyday narratives, it's difficult to unpack that and accept that your body and life may not be only your own, thus making it difficult to accept your system and respect your headmates. Of course, this doesn't excuse rude or cruel behavior between system members, but it's a common reason we've found for conflicts that occur shortly after syscovery. So, I find the fact that you're not just acknowledging but showing these conflicts and the process of improving relationships (with the word "relationships" being used in a general sense here) between headmates in your game to be a very good thing!
Thank you very much for the follow-up – and for the concern, haha! We'll be alright, but I think we'll soon have to create a specific tag for all these asks about intrasystem relationships. Maybe "datenight musings" will work? Hm, we'll workshop it.
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nymfaia-archive · 10 months
.・✧ : Terra is quite petite, at a few inches over five foot ( ~160 cm) and barely scraping into 110 pounds. As the game classifies her as just over 18, I can see her still growing into her body, especially once taken from the Empire's hold and given proper meals and nutrients. As the Empire only needed her for her destructive purposes, they kept her just healthy enough to be useful, but not enough that she could turn her abilities on them in return.
By the end of the game, I do think she grew another inch or two and put on a few pounds, especially with the resurgence of her trance ability. However, I still think she's on the petite side... when she's humanoid.
.・✧ : As she is biracial, with her heritage including a magical being, she is decidedly not as conventionally pretty as Celes (or... anyone in the party, honestly). Her father, a guardian spirit with horns, talons, and furred joins, gave his daughter her colors: her mother gifted her slight stature and more traditional features.
In his summon spirit sprite, Maduin has much darker skin and purple hair when compared to his in-game character sprite, where his palette is closer to Terra's. I think his coloration changes based on the magic power he exerts, and on a day-to-day basis, he's still tan but with turquoise hair.
When Terra is in her attempted Esper form, we can see his magic color mirrored there, too: bathed in pink/purple and covered with tufts of similarly hued fur, with her locks forming two make-shift horns at the front of her head.
.・✧ : Going into her trace ability is exhausting, especially as she is learning how to control the magic. She is almost always ferociously hungry after attempts to use it, and sleeps as if she is dead to the world. As she gets better at using it herself, instead of under Empirical control, the energy needed doesn't take as much of a toll.
.・✧ : Her memory of her time spent in Empire captivity is... spotty, at best, whether by the grace of her amnesia or by her mind keeping her history purposefully vague. When she was first found by Locke, he dubbed her Tina, a name that tasted familiar in her mind but not quite a perfect fit. It was not until a member of the Empirical army called her by her true name - Terra - that things began to click into place.
.・✧ : Terra is covered in scars. She doesn't remember the origin of most of them - not that she would want to. She is aware that the vast majority of them came from her time under the slave crown, as the Empire fought to find ways to emulate her magical ability, only curving their experiments and torturous methods when it began to weaken her constitution.
(Locke is a fantastic liar, and has conjured up stories for her to use for the ones that are the most obvious: some mirroring his adventures, some just gently straying from a possible truth, and others downright silly. But she appreciates them, painting a new story, a new life over the one she doesn't wish to remember any further.)
.・✧ : Terra has memories of Celes, bits and pieces and snippets of her voice, memories that cause her to feel closer to the woman than the other way around. Celes remembers Terra as the Empire bid her to, and now sees her through a wash of guilt. The closer Terra becomes, the harder Celes pushes.
.・✧ : Terra is a being made from love that many believe shouldn't have existed: as a result, she is a blindingly bright light in the dark, a streak of naive, stubborn innocence that refuses to be muffled. Her parents love, regardless of boundary or species, was what had birthed her existence: what was life without love? It was the Empire, she knew, and she strives to push away the memories of her youth with new ones, fond and loving and true.
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wsdanon · 7 months
Heyo! I would love to hear about your new au if you'd like to talk about it? I hope everything goes well and alright with what you described <3
hi \o/ just quickly it might not even happen but if it does I will be okay all up it will just be a bit shit for a little bit
onto the au: I’ve been inspired by some art pieces I’ve seen with the basics—vampire!pac/vampire hunter!fit. I won’t go too into the plot in case I do end up writing it (or even just sections of it to post as wips) but here we go I’ll put it under a cut
i think the big thing to me is that fit is a vampire hunter because it pays well. it’s not because he hates them or has a grudge against them or wants to protect people or anything. maybe he enjoys the fight a little but it’s mostly about the money. also maybe not when he first started but by the time the au starts he has ramon so you know he needs to provide for ramon!
i don’t really have anything against “guy who hates vampires and kills them learns not to hate vampires by falling in love with one” stories but it’s not something I’m particularly interested in writing so the motivation of money (specifically money for ramon) is important to me and I think fits fit’s (lol) character better anyway
pac and mike are vampires who were turned by cellbit ages ago when they were escaping from prison together. I like to think through the whole losing his leg thing pac got turned somehow and then mike got cellbit to turn him too so he wouldn’t have to be without pac/pac wouldn’t have to be without him. (Sidenote: I think pac is kind of upset he couldn’t turn mike but mike was panicking a little so… cellbit)
at the time of the au they all live together with felps who is like… the “human” they all feed from. he’s their special little guy and boyfriend (fuga four are all in an established polycule by this point to me) felps is a saint in this au \o/ but it doesn’t really effect those three* it mostly just means he can heal pretty fast/regenerate blood pretty fast so they don’t have to go feed from the townsfolk. they used to though! especially cellbit. but it just ended up being way too much negative attention and they figured out they could feed from felps fine so they decided to stick with that. Richarlyson is also with them \o/
(*there’s probably some way I can fill in the plot hole of vampires being repelled by holy things but still able to feed from a saint but I haven’t figured that out yet. Right now I would say it’s probably because he’s not a proper saint in my headcanons)
also this will probably be exposition if I write it at all so I’ll mention it here: but the thing that kicks off the plot is felps is kidnapped for a month so they have to go feed on townspeople again and that prompts someone to hire a vampire hunter aka fit
the dynamic between fit and Pac here is very much onesided enemies to lovers as in: fit is very insistent to himself that he’s just here to do his job. pac is certain they are living out an enemies to lovers plotline and is having fun flirting with someone who’s trying to kill him because it’s pac so of course he is. and with how fit keeps reacting to his flirting it just confirms it in his mind that this is the path they’re on. pac is right anyway it definitely is enemies to lovers and despite the attempts at professionalism fit is very much falling for Pac
i think from here on it gets into more plot stuff so I’ll leave it here for now \o/ thank you for the ask!
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vendettavalor · 9 months
// Puss and Kitty respectively rn:
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