gho2ty · 6 months
ii'm 2emii-new here, 2o, what ii2 'mafiia'?
oh ab2olutely all good. mafiia a2 a game come2 iin many form2 and play2tyle2 and even name2. they all work iin the 2ame day/niight round cycle2 and wiith the 2ame general wiin condiitiion2.
the epiicmafiia ver2iion of iit ii2 onliine, text-ba2ed, and the ho2t ii2 allowed two cu2tomiize the role2 iinvolved.
you get a group of people, then they all wiill be a22iigned role2 randomly.
2ome of the2e are good (town) role2 that can eiither do nothiing or have 2ome 2ort of actiion at niight (thii2 can be 2aviing 2omeone iif they were two get attacked that niight, iinve2tiigatiing role2 of other2, or many other thiing2) and ultiimately they need two be able two get riid of all the mafiia member2 (and 2ometiime2 3rd party member2) two wiin.
on the other 2iide, 2ome wiill be a22iigned bad (mafiia), where each niight they vote two attack 2omeone and iif that per2on ii2 not 2aved by another then by morniing they are dead. theiir goal ii2 two eiither kiill off all the town or otherwii2e make theiir votiing block large enough that there ii2 no way for town two wiin a daytiime vote.
each day cycle iit ii2 up two the town two fiigure out who the 2ecret mafiia ii2 and they get the chance two kiill off one per2on by the end of the day, iin hope2 two have gotten riid of the mafiia.
there2 al2o the mentiioned 3rd party role2, whiich come iin many flavor2 and 2peciial wiin condiitiion2. 2ometiime2 they kiill, 2ometiime2 they dont. 2ometiime2 they can wiin wiith town, 2ometiime2 they need town two kiill them two wiin, or other thiing2. theyre wiild card2 wiith 2peciifiic goal2 two make the game more iintere2tiing.
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designatedkilljoy · 1 year
Nepeta post explosion
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he got caught up iin the explo2iion..
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grafitti-translator · 8 months
<3< Guezz wh0 wantz t0 k1ll me :3
I ju27 2aw 7he po27 I 7hink you're 7alking abou7
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badlydrawnsollux · 1 year
Sorry about the pregnancy boss
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it2 fiine.
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two2ome · 2 years
Have you tried they/them pussy yet
lol, ii wii2h: the 2equel.
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securitycapecreature · 3 months
you're getting such a good grade in mutuallegiance this quarter
7hank you!!!! I fell behind bu7 i caugh7 up ye27erday and ill 7ry 7o main7ain!!
(youre al2o doing grea7!!! ^^)
Thank you!!!! I fell behind but i caught up yesterday and I'll try to maintain!!
(youre also doing great!!! ^^)
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2eem2 liike iive been the buzz of the blog2.
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caliiborn anon PLEA2E 2END ME ONE OF YOUR DUMBA22 A2K2 /LH
@gam8ligant @soupygremlin @kankri-and-the-altertits @grim-arachnidz reblog thii2 po2t 2o he can 2ee iit
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double-ended · 5 months
2ometiime2, ii get a2k2 ii dont giive a 2hiit about. b2 about human2 or gender or whatever. 2ometiime2 ii get a2k2 that get me pi22ed.
and 2ometiime2
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ii get a2k2 that iim legally not allowed to 2ay anything about
but ii wiill tell you that ii 2aw thii2 and griinned.
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aayyyy party iin the home2tuck confe22iional remiind2 me of when oliipop stiill an2werd my a2k2
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shittydrawnsollux · 11 months
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TA: a2k2 open (asks open)
TA: hone2tly thii2 ii2 2tupid but what el2e am ii doiing. (honestly this is stupid but what else am i doing.)
TA: iin2piired by @badlydrawnjohn, @shitty-davesprite-daily, @awfullydrawnkarkat and a few other2 or whatever. (inspired by ... and a few others or whatever.)
// my main is @faetism, mod account is @bdfae :)
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gho2ty · 4 months
Send 🎵 for a song my muse associates with your muse
obliigatory enchanted 2ong
and then al2o maybe thii2?
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designatedkilljoy · 11 months
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Cutely gives you t)(ese 383
2PARKLEE !!!!!!! }:B!!!!!1!!1!1!1!!
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grafitti-translator · 8 months
...1 pro. you are fun to tease -🧱
I72 my irre2i27ible chari2ma, you've fallen 27raigh7 in7o i7
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badlydrawnerisolsprite · 11 months
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[2iigh. ii don't knoww wwhy ii thought thii2 wwa2 a good iidea but... here wwe are.]
[a2k2 are open, ii gue22]
run by @a-cat-in-toffee
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foxgloveelectrosis · 2 months
Ufh. Well. 1’m on bedre2t today, mate2pr1t AND mo1ra1l’2 order2. Tra1tor2, both of them >:(
2o… a2k2?
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