#a8out me
spiderdyke 1 year
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WARNING!! i say and reclaim the d slur, if that makes you uncomforta8le, feel free to 8lock or not interact
i would also prefer if you didnt follow me if youre a minor, thanks ::::)
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- VRISKA (20)
she/her, it/its, we8/we8s, 8/8s (eight/eights), luck/lucks, dy/dykes
fictive (introject) of vriska serket in an OSDD system
m8sprits with terezi <3
fictive/introject heavy
8ody is white + an adult
8asic dni criteria
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other vriska fictives feel free to interact idrc ::::)
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arachnidsgrippysocks 1 month
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fuck gender that shits too hard
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neuroviolentgraves 7 days
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Selfqueer is a blankqueer term for when you only take stances/sides on discourse that affects you personally, only speaking for yourself. Selfqueer is not inherently for or against anything, as all stances are up to the individual who uses it
(Thx @theworldsworstnightmares for the flag & name idea ur so real 鈽濓笍)
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smallknowingjester 1 year
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:33 < every dancestor in 1 place!!! also known aaaaas the most self indulgent thing ive ever made who ch33red!^_^ click fur quality :3
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spider8itten 1 month
transmisogyny is so silly and dum8 8ecause so many people will post on this site like "ooo I love a MEAN 8ITCH I wanna get STEPPED on" 8ut then they meet a socially unpleasant tgirl and end up suicide 88ing her
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redraw of THIS thing
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on a side note anyone want to start tum8lr 8eef wih me or something? i'm 8ored and i want something to 8e mad a8out that's not youtu8e shorts.
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gendertrickster 8 months
if you think you're the number one burning down the house fan, you're wrong, it's victoria. if you think you're the number two burning down the house fan, you're wrong, it's me
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8aeddel-vriska 1 year
It's honestly so disappointing that Homestuck fans chomp at the 8it to call essentially minor/side characters who are honestly inconsequential to the overall plot like Nepeta trans, 8ut staying dead fucking silent when Vriska is explicitly st8d to 8e a trans woman. It makes every headcanon from TMEs I see about her just 8oil down to an aggressively cis/AFA8 stock character of "8itchy white mean girl". Her character in reality is so much more fascin8ing than that.
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electrasp8der 6 months
@ everyonme pleaaase su8 to my youtu8e channel guys. im so mcuh funnier on there
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marsti 2 months
the reality of 8eing someone who draws 8oth vriska and dirk a lot is i get 8oth tum8lr user sysmed-8aeddel and transmisogyny-soft8oy re8logging my posts <usernames i made up 8ut it's REALLY not that far off from the kind of people i see in my notes sometimes> and in 8oth cases i just kinda sit here like. glad you like my art 8ut. im not sure you want me on your 8log. are you lost.
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num8skull 2 years
The 8est part a8out this we8site is how every8ody will cre8 pro8lems for themselves and then play the victim a8out it almost immedi8tely.
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dum8ass 1 year
May8e I have gone soft.
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arachnidsgrippysocks 5 months
whos ready for a shameless ponystuck post soon!!!!!!!!
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neuroviolentgraves 5 days
Ngl i feel like using cis-IDs when one has transitioned sort of creates a divide 8etween transids and cisids and m8kes it seem like you're only REALLY your ids if you pass as them. Using "cis" for transitioned transids puts cisids on a pedestal in a w8y, 8ecause a lot of people want to transition. I think those who've transitioned in their transids should have more pride for calling themselves trans. No one is any less "really their ids" for 8eing trans and i feel like using the term "cis" for those who have transitioned or pass as cis perpetu8s the opposite. I know this is worded weirdly 8ut i hope ppl get what i mean 8y this
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smallknowingjester 1 year
:33 < i havent stopped thinking a8out this clip since he uploaded this video!! i have NEVER heard him sound like this!!!!
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cornflowercanine 1 year
i just got may8e the 8est url on the entire planet universe 8ut i cant fucking 8rag a8out it 8ecause i plan to jump ship to entirely diff 8logs altogether. cries
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