cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Memories of Summer Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 忆夏之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
References are made to the following unreleased and likely cancelled content, so please read them before this date, or you might get lost at certain parts:
> R&S - Stunning Young Idol
> R&S - Youthhood
> Greenhouse Date (IMPORTANT)
There’s a call BEFORE the date: here
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[ This date was released in CN on 21 October 2020 ]
[ PRESENT - Location: MC’s house ]
MC: All right, I’ve read through the scrapbook. Are you satisfied now? 
Kiro and I are sitting shoulder to shoulder, flipping to the last page of the scrapbook. 
Kiro : Did you leave something out? 
MC: Hm? Did I miss out an itinerary?
Kiro takes up a pen. In the blank space on the page, he draws a slightly crooked, but adorable teddy bear. 
Next to it, he draws a speech bubble: “I have a secret to tell you!”
[ FLASHBACK - Location: MC’s house ]
“I have a secret to tell you”...
MC: ...
While absent-mindedly having my breakfast, I ponder on what Kiro’s “secret” could be.
A few days ago, I suddenly received a call from Kiro while he was filming outdoors. We agreed that today would be left entirely up to his arrangements.
"Ding dong--”
MC: Coming, coming!
I run over and pull the door open. Behind the door stands Kiro, wearing a baseball cap and looking very relaxed. Several strands of golden coloured hair disobediently curl upwards underneath the brim of his hat. 
When he sees me, he immediately reveals a happy smile. 
Kiro: Miss Chips, are you ready? We can set out!
MC: You haven’t told me where we’re going?
Kiro: Since it’s a secret, how could I divulge it from the start?
He shakes his head firmly, and even uses his fingers to make a ‘X’ in front of his mouth.
Kiro: This time, I’m not going to soften my heart and divulge it to you first!
MC: All right...
Seeing how he’s rarely this serious, all you can do is smile and agree.
This “secret” - it’s probably a visit to another secret haunt to view the scenery, right? 
Kiro: You definitely wouldn’t be able to guess it this time!
He blinks and grabs one of my hands, his tone as lively as a dancing musical note.
Your mood is also influenced by his, and the corners of your lips involuntarily tug upwards. 
MC: I’ll just wait and see then?
Kiro: In the name of donuts, I guarantee that you’ll definitely like it!
Even though the sky outside the window is filled with dark clouds, Kiro’s smiling face seems to light up all of the gloom.
No matter where we go, and no matter what view we see, as long as we’re together, it’s good enough.
--At least, that’s what I initially thought.
[ Location: Kiro’s car ]
MC: Where exactly are we going? 
When I notice the car gradually ambling onto an empty trail in the outskirts, the confusion in my heart becomes more evident.
Pattering raindrops continuously pelt onto the window of the car. Outside the window are large plains of greenery which are being cleansed by the rain. 
Kiro turns his head to look at me, and it’s as though his eyes are filled with stars. 
Kiro: Miss Chips, I once promised that I’d give you a garden belonging just to us. 
Along with Kiro’s voice, a small garden teeming with blooming flowers appears in our line of sight.
It’s only after a few seconds that I finally internalise the meaning of his words, and my eyes widen.
MC: W...what do you mean? Are you saying...
Kiro: That’s right. This garden belongs to us now. 
Without waiting for me to continue guessing, he nods in acknowledgement. 
Kiro: When I was filming, a friend said he wanted to dispose of a small garden. So I bought it from him.
MC: But... but...
Even after several “but”s, I still can’t think of what to say. Should I rebuke him for squandering money to buy this garden, or tell him that he didn’t have to take my words literally back then?
Meanwhile, Kiro animatedly introduces the garden to me. 
Kiro: Even though the garden isn’t large, it’s pretty near the city. And it has a very beautiful glass greenhouse! The first time I saw the photograph, I felt it was very suited for us. When we’re free next time, we can have a vacation here. This is a “secret haunt” belonging to the two of us!
Noticing that I haven’t responded even after a while, Kiro slows down.
Kiro: What’s wrong, Miss Chips? You don’t like it?
MC: I...
Kiro stares at me anxiously, as though the moment I shake my head, his eyes would reveal a grieved expression.
When I think about his kind intentions, my heart softens. 
MC: I like it very much. Really, I’m incredibly happy!
His blue eyes are once again ignited with a radiant light. Kiro suddenly chuckles and leans over. 
Before I can react, I feel a gentle sensation on my cheek. When his lips make contact with my cheek before pulling away, there’s a soft sound.
Kiro: It’s great that you like it.
MC: [blushing] ...
In contrast to my stunned state with my mouth hanging open slightly, he looks especially at ease.
Kiro: Miss Chips, what’s wrong? 
MC: [blushing] N-nothing.
You face away, trying to ignore the lingering sensation of that gentle touch. But your heart rate is unable to calm down.
And you don’t notice the widening smile on Kiro’s lips.
While talking, the car reaches its destination.
Kiro: We’re here! Let’s get out of the car!
Kiro leaves the car first, holding an umbrella. Then, he walks over to my side and pulls the door open. 
[ Location: Forested area ]
Damp air accompanies the summer wind. Not too far off, the garden, which sits in the midst of mountains and forests, is reminiscent of a scenery framed in a painting.
Purplish-blue morning glories climb and entwine around bamboo fences, embellishing the curtain of drizzling rain with heart-stirring vibrance. 
MC: How beautiful...
The anticipation I harbour for the garden has reached its peak. Similarly, Kiro also pulls me towards it in anticipation. 
[ Location: Garden ]
When we draw nearer, we discover that the garden doesn’t seem to have been tended to for an extremely long time. Even the glass greenhouse is filled with junk, and is in disarray. 
The image in our heads - a small, romantic, yet beautiful garden flourishing with blooming flowers - is shattered in an instant. 
Kiro: Why does it look completely from what I imagined...
Kiro walks around the garden, frowning as he looks at me apologetically.
Kiro: I’m sorry, Miss Chips. I should have asked someone to tidy the place properly before bringing you here. 
MC: There’s no need to apologise. 
I place my hands on both sides of his face. Before he can react, I knead his cheeks with my palms. 
Kiro: ...mm?
MC: I think it’d be even more meaningful if we decorate the garden ourselves. We can write our names on this garden together.
Kiro is stunned for a moment, his eyes widening slightly. Then, a smile appears on his face. 
Kiro: Miss Chips, you’re right! This is a garden belonging to us.
I originally thought that tidying up the greenhouse would be an insipid affair. But I didn’t expect that we’d turn it into a treasure hunt. 
Kiro: Miss Chips, look at what I found!
Peering in his direction, I see Kiro squatting in front of a large paper box filled with various bits and bobs. In his hand is a beautiful glass bottle. 
Along with the swaying of the bottle, the glass beads in it channel tinkling sounds.
MC: It’s ramune!
[Trivia] Ramune is a Japanese carbonated soft drink
I lean over, realising that the box contains several more of such bottles. They’ve been washed and stored away by the original owner.
MC: Last time, I couldn’t bear to throw the bottles away after drinking them. But I’d always get sprayed whenever I open them...
Just recalling the uncontrollable spurting leaves me with a twinge of lingering trepidation. 
Kiro: It’s actually very simple. Press down on the cap for a while longer, and wait for the fizziness to go away before removing your finger from it. When I was schooling, I’d buy this whenever summer arrived.
Kiro sounds very familiar with it, his eyes brimming with longing.
His words also transport me back to my earlier years: summer days, late afternoons, and ice-cold ramune.
MC: Looks like we’re the same. Actually, it doesn’t taste that good, but the way to open it is really interesting!
Kiro and I exchange a glance, and we burst into laughter. 
Kiro: Actually... I still think cola tastes better!
While chatting, we clear out the soda bottles together. There are still various things in the box: lego toys with missing parts, incomplete jigsaw puzzles...
And a metal box filled with tiny paper slips. The words on the slips are unclear, but you can vaguely read them--
“Lend me your homework”, “Why is teacher dismissing class late again”, “Let’s go home together after school”, “I’m on cleaning duty today”...
MC: Pfft...
As I flip through the slips of paper, I laugh without restraint. Curious, Kiro takes a look at the slips. 
Kiro: Oh, they’re short notes! How nostalgic. Many people used to give me short notes during class last time too!
MC: Eh, really? 
I cast him a doubtful glance. Kiro pretends to be indignant as he looks at me, eyes wide.
Kiro: Of course - I’m Kiro! But I didn’t respond to every single note... apart from yours. I’ll always keep the notes you write to me.
After saying this, he suddenly makes a fist with one hand and places it on his other palm.
Kiro: Oh yes, I have to find a box for them when I get home too!
I pause for a while, unable to think of any important notes you wrote to him.
MC: You’re referring to those normal memos, right? 
Kiro: They’re still memories belonging to us. 
He cuts me off. His eyes sparkle, reminiscent of a little squirrel which has found a pine cone.
Kiro: I can remember all the important things, but it’s more difficult to remember the more trivial ones. But every minute and every second with you - I don’t want to forget them. They could even be left as family heirlooms!
MC: How could they be family heirlooms...
Kiro: Of course they can! Next time, we’ll tell them that the box contains the dribs and drabs belonging to me and the cutest girl in the world. Each note records a story. And each story is an important treasure. 
I open my mouth, but forget how to speak.
In his voice, I seem to envisage a scene from the future. 
My heart beats rapidly. I hurriedly lower my head, leafing through a random sketchbook in my hand. 
The sketchbook contains a drawing of a girl’s side profile done in clean brush strokes. As I flip through the following pages, I find that the entire book contains the same person in different situations. 
Kiro: Ohh, he definitely has a secret crush on her!
Miss Chips: Yeah, this should be very precious to him.
The thin sketchbook in your hands seems to shoulder the weight of memories. You carefully place it at the side, prepared to return it to its owner. All of a sudden, you hear Kiro speak.
Kiro: Miss Chips, have I ever told you about my high school days? 
You shake your head, recollecting the interviews and articles written about him before he returned to the country.
MC: I know a little. You attended high school in America, and even formed a band. Then, you successfully signed on with Warner Brothers... In the end, you entered Berkeley University with excellent results. All the articles said that you were an exceptionally serious and hardworking person. 
Kiro: So you already knew about it... However, I wasn’t necessarily that “sweet boy” mentioned in the articles!
The corners of his lips tug upwards, his expression carrying with it an almost imperceptible playfulness and ease.
Kiro: At that time, I was actually a little rebellious. I was filled with curiosity about the world, and wanted to try everything. 
Kiro: My band also tried all sorts of styles, because it’d be so boring if we only stuck to one! 
Kiro: You definitely didn’t know that I secretly played truant. Pei En and I... ah, he was my bandmate. When we had performances, we’d often go out to have fun behind our agent’s back. 
Kiro: I even researched how to sneak donuts into the performance venue...
The Kiro he’s talking about is a little foreign, but my curiosity is stirred up.
The Kiro of back then - was he really like that? 
Kiro: ...but there was one thing I didn’t try back then. 
With this, he suddenly stops and looks at me. 
MC: What was it? 
I blink in puzzlement. With a smile curling up his lips, he suddenly leans close to my ear. His lips brush against my ear, and I can almost feel their ridges. 
Kiro: I didn’t try liking a person. Do you think it’s because I hadn’t met you yet?
Every syllable, accompanied by his breath, rushes into my ear. 
The citrusy scent from the soda bottles lingers in the air - sour and sweet, just like those young and inexperienced years. 
My free hand is gripped by Kiro.
Subconsciously, I tighten my hold on his fingers, and I respond without much thought. 
MC: [blushing] At that time... you should have been studying!
Kiro: ...you’re right. 
The warm atmosphere vanishes in an instant. Kiro releases a sigh and fumes slightly, but it disappears quickly. 
Kiro: [sighs] Miss Chips, you’re really slow. 
He mutters something softly, but I pretend not to hear him and continue clearing out the items with my head lowered. My face feels like its burning.
Very soon, the junk in the greenhouse are cleared away. Kiro is currently tidying the messy wires, and I’m carrying an umbrella and the items to be disposed, leaving the greenhouse. 
MC: I’m heading out to throw the rubbish away. 
It’s still drizzling outside. By the time I toss the rubbish at the crossing, the drizzle grows heavier. As such, I follow a small trail and run back.
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Passing through the stone path to the garden, I turn at a bend and step across a puddle. When I lift my head, I see Kiro sitting at the glass pavilion.
He’s barefoot, gazing at the path I had set out on, as though waiting for me to return.
Rain patters continuously around the pavilion. The morning glories which entwine around it are encased with water vapour.
Everything is hazy. Only his colours are especially distinct.
He doesn’t seem to care at all when the water droplets pelt onto him. He looks happy and content.
MC: Kiro!
My voice shatters the picture-like image before me. Kiro whips his head around in response, shock flashing across his features. 
Kiro: Eh? Miss Chips, why did you appear from this side?
MC: Because it’s much nearer. Were you waiting for me? 
With a sound of acknowledgement, Kiro raises something in his hand happily, showing it off as though he found a treasure. 
Kiro: Look at what I found! 
In his hand is a harmonica, and the logo on it looks incredibly familiar.
MC: In junior middle high, I think I had a harmonica with the same brand...
I walk over to the pavilion. Like Kiro, I remove my shoes and squeeze underneath the tiny pavilion with him, our shoulders touching.
Kiro pulls me even closer, preventing water from the eaves from pelting onto my shoulder.
The pattering water droplets continuously pelt onto our bare feet. The relaxing and cooling sensation enters the depths of our hearts.
The rain persists even after a while. Kiro and I are hiding in the pavilion. Coincidentally, we have a full, unobstructed view of the entire garden.
I take a careful look at the harmonica in his hand. It has been washed clean, and the marks of years gone by linger on its body.
MC: Does it still work?
Kiro: Mm, I just tried it. It still makes sounds. 
With this, Kiro looks at me confidently.
Kiro: I said that I wasn’t good at playing the harmonica before. Afterwards, I specially practised it! This time, I’ll definitely play it even more amazingly than the last time!
MC: Cough cough. Actually, I didn’t mention this the last time - when I learnt the harmonica in junior high, the teacher complimented me for having a natural talent!
After saying this, I have a twinge of guilt. Because since then, it’s been a long time since I even touched a harmonica.
Kiro: Really? Miss Chips, you’re amazing!
Kiro’s eyes are shining as he looks at me. I lift up my chin ‘modestly’.
MC: I was so-so.
Kiro: Boasting might make your nose grow longer.
I subconsciously touch the tip of my nose, but react in time.
MC: It’d only grow longer when you tell a lie, right?
Kiro: Is that so? 
He elongates his words, widening his eyes and pretending to be silly. 
Kiro: In that case, I’ll play a song first to get the ball rolling.
Without much preparation, Kiro brings the harmonica to his lips. After adjusting his breathing, he blows the first note. 
My eyes widen in astonishment, not expecting that he really meant it when he said he “wasn’t good at playing it.”
Noticing my expression, Kiro arches one of his brows, as though telling me not to underestimate him.
At this moment, several musical notes form a smooth melody.
It’s a tune I’ve never heard before. Along with the rhythm created by the rain, it drifts over in a tranquil and mellifluous manner.
Kiro has his head half lowered, his lips moving from time to time along the harmonica. His expression has turned quiet, as though immersing himself in the world of music. 
Every time I see such a Kiro, I’ll always feel that he genuinely loves music with a fiery passion.
Soon, the melody ends. Before I fully extricate myself from the music, Kiro is already turning towards me with a satisfied look on his face.
Kiro: How was it? It’s a new song I’ve been trying recently.
MC: Hold on... are you really not good at it 
Kiro: After we performed together the other time, I re-discovered the joy in it!
He chuckles. He uses a tissue to wipe the harmonica clean, then hands it to me. 
Kiro: Now it’s your turn, Miss Chips.
MC: I’ll start off by saying that it’s been many years since I last played. 
I speak timidly, taking the harmonica.
MC: Let me see... I’ll play “Farewell” then.
Kiro nods. He holds his chin with a hand, his clear eyes gazing at me, waiting for my performance seriously.
I take a deep breath, placing my lips on the harmonica, which still has his lingering warmth on it. After a moment of hesitation, I blow the first note. 
I subconsciously look at Kiro’s expression. There isn’t a hint of ridicule in his eyes. Instead, they are filled with encouragement and trust. 
Hence, I continue pressing on, completing the simple melody.
Originally thinking that I had more or less forgotten it, memories from the past slowly surface before my eyes, enabling the melody to become fluent gradually.
My eyes flutter shut as well, basking in the delight of the moment where music and memories interlace.
After playing the final note, Kiro starts applauding.
Kiro: I didn’t expect Miss Chips to play so well even after such a long time!
Every time Kiro compliments someone, he’s always especially sincere. Seeing his awe and commendation, I start to feel embarrassed.
MC: Actually, I only know how to play a few songs...
Kiro: That’s already very amazing! Sometimes, I think about how great it’d be if I could travel through time.
MC: Why do you say that? 
Kiro: Because that way, I’d be able to know you in junior middle high.
He doesn’t seem to be joking. His gaze is focused on me, as though imagining how I looked like in junior middle high.
Kiro: Then, I’d be your seat mate, and give you lots of little notes during class. In summer, I’d buy two bottles of ice-cold ramune and wait for you before heading home together...
Kiro: [sighs] I really want to participate in your past: junior middle high, high school, university... all those long years.
Kiro: Fortunately, I can still participate in your present and future. 
His voice merges with the flavour of summer, and the sound of my heart beating against my chest resembles the song of cicadas, unable to be halted.
Unable to control my emotions, I instinctively want to avert my eyes. At the same time, however, I don’t want to keep avoiding things out of embarrassment like I did earlier.
I’m at a loss, so I simply lift the edges of my lips, giving him a small smile.
MC: All right, we’ll start from our garden.
And it’d span across the rest of our lives. From now till the future, everything will be given to him.
Kiro: Mm, I’ve got it!
Kiro beams with joy. He takes one of my hands in his and grips it tightly, as though he’ll never let go again.
By this time, the rain has already stopped. The summer heat in the air has long since dissipated, leaving behind the freshness of rain. 
This tiny greenhouse isn’t very exquisite, but the wilfully growing plants give it a rustic charm. After the rain, the lush flowers appear vibrant.
We step out of the pavilion and into the garden. Only now do I truly feel like this garden belongs to us.
Kiro: What type of flowers should we plant next time? What do you like? Roses... daisies... freesias...
MC: They’re all fine. We can plant different types of flowers. This way, there’ll be flowers blooming in every season. We can even buy a glass tea set so we can sit in the greenhouse and appreciate the flowers over tea.
Kiro: We’ll also have a rocking chair. When we’re old, we can sit here and enjoy the moment.
Based on the garden in our imagination, we start conceptualising and planning how it’d look like in the future.
When we reach the glass greenhouse, I look at the empty door and realise that something is missing.
Kiro: Over here, we need to hang a door plate.
Suddenly, Kiro retrieves a small wooden board from behind the door. Not knowing when he did it, the wooden board already has our names written on it. 
-- Kiro’s & Miss Chips’ Garden.
MC: When did you prepare this? 
Kiro: When you left just now. Now, I’ll leave the important task of hanging up the door plate to you!
Looking at the familiar handwriting on the wooden board, there’s a heaviness in a certain area in my heart. Perhaps that area already stores a flourishing garden filled with blooming flowers.
I tiptoe, hanging the wooden board on a nail, then look at it from left to right.
MC: Done!
Satisfied, I clap my hands together and turn around. Taken by surprise, I see a bouquet of white freesias, their petals dotted with water droplets.
The other end of the bouquet is held by Kiro. His eyes contain a bright smile. 
Kiro: Miss Chips, this is for you. This is the first bouquet in our garden!
He pauses for a while, his tone turning serious. 
Kiro: Next time, all the flowers here will be given to you, and only you.
My mouth hangs open. My heart rate speeds up in an unnatural manner. The blooming flowers seem to replicate the splendour of midsummer.
[Trivia] White freesias symbolise purity and innocence, and are the most popular wedding flowers because they are symbolic of the purity of the bride as well as the trust between the couple :’D
I take the freesias, which have been tied together simply with a ribbon, holding them to my chest like a treasure.
MC: I like it very much, thank you!
Kiro: I really want to do one thing right now!
Kiro suddenly stretches out his arms, bringing both me and the flowers into his arms. The summer-like heat encases me in an instant. 
While I’m still at a loss, I feel my feet being lifted off the ground as Kiro carries and spins me around several times.
MC: Whoa, hold on!
Kiro: [laughs] I can’t wait any longer!
He chuckles while setting me down. His eyes are filled with the colours of unconcealed happiness. Then, he offers his hand to me. 
Kiro: Do you still remember the dance we did before? 
I recall the “dance” we did the last time in a greenhouse, where I was spun around till I was dizzy. I shake my head vigorously.
MC: I don’t remember!
Kiro: Liar.
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Seeing his slightly aggrieved expression, I smile and place my hand gently on his palm. Then, he playfully hooks his fingers with mine.
All of a sudden, the dark clouds accumulated in the sky are blown away by the wind. Rays of light from afar reach us, illuminating the entire garden.
The scintillating light dances on the tips of Kiro’s golden coloured hair, and my vision is completely taken over by his smiling face. 
It can no longer hold anything else.
Kiro: Let’s dance!
I’m pulled closer to Kiro, and he takes my head, lifting it over my head.
MC: Are we going to dance right here? 
I can’t help but laugh. Cooperating with him, I tiptoe and twirl around. Then, he draws me into his arms.
Kiro leans his chin on my shoulder. The breath he exhales stirs up stray hairs on the side of my neck.
I can’t see the expression on his face, but hear his incredibly gentle voice in my ear, imbued with overwhelming sweetness.
Kiro: Miss Chips--
[ PRESENT - Location: MC’s house ]
Kiro: All right, that should be it. The only thing left is to paste that photograph we took at the garden. Hmm... we can also consider making dried flowers using the flowers in every season, and keep them here...
Kiro sets down the pen, casting an earnest look at the mostly empty book, as though he has come to a decision.
My gaze lingers on the phrase he just wrote down.
The adorable teddy bear is waving at me from the book. The speech bubble is drawn seriously, and there’s an arrow pointing at the next page.
The ink left behind by Kiro has yet to dry completely. His voice in my memory and the short phrase blend together, creating a drawn out sweetness in my heart. 
“Miss Chips, will you give your future to me?”
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Kiro’s Post: The person who sees this message can make a wish.
MC: Why do you suddenly want to fulfil people’s wishes?
Kiro: Because I want to know what your wish is!
Kiro’s Post: The person who sees this message can make a wish.
MC: Could I wish for three more wishes?
Kiro: If it’s Miss Chips, even a thousand or ten thousand wishes are okay.
Kiro’s Post: The person who sees this message can make a wish.
MC: Looks like I’m the first one?
Kiro: Mm! Actually, you’re the only one.
Call after the date: here
141 notes · View notes