#aaaa i just realized both titles end with the word (me)
pandoa · 2 years
okay so, you have really interesting titles here... I mean, at least what I can imagine the stories are about. For tentative titles, they're really good! I wanted to ask about "The Phantom of Ramshackle" *organ sounds* but I actually got curious about Cater's "Every Piece of Me". Cater is a okay character for me but I love imagining he seeing reader having this moment of "I love all of you, Cater" its just <3333
ahhh cater's fic <33 cater was one of the first twst characters that caught my eye when i started the game so this idea stemmed from me crying over the fact that cater seems to often put up some sort of facade around others, like a mask he uses to hide from the people around him.
my idea for this was to mainly focus on cater's internal conflict with the developing feelings he has for the reader. what if you only liked him for his usual cheery personality? what would he do if he knew you were only there for his little facade? or even worse, what if you had seen through his false exterior and wished to stay? to take apart each and every mask he placed on himself and reveal the true side of the young man, cater diamond? the side he hoped to keep hidden away, especially from you? and what if... he had let you see for yourself, the real, genuine parts of his personality?
this will all be in cater's pov. sprinkle in a little angst but with some fluff or comfort at the end. i honestly have no concrete draft for this yet except for the small brainstorming portion i wrote jotting down all of my ideas for this fic lol. idk when i'll actually write this tho- all i know is that i want to work on it and i will eventually~
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bread-bird-writes · 2 years
oh my god I just realized you’re THAT bread_bird. it’s an honor!! anyway for the ask game: 2, 3, 4, 11, 15 (Seeing Ghosts), 27, 30, 32, 44?
I have never done one of these so here goes:
2. Usually, one day is a writing day and one day is a reading day. Writing’s all-consuming for me, so I probably end up writing more than I read, but I’ve cleared entire tags before by pure accident.
3. Gosh, any fic that I really like or emotionally effects me really pushes me into that mood. Things will spur me into action and remind me that, hey! Maybe I should be writing! Fic in generally really gets me, y’know?
4. FUCK- HEY WAIT- I have a favorite fic/few fics picked out for every single fandom I’ve ever written for, and then some. It’s INSANELY difficult to pick for some fandoms, mostly Sonic and Danganronpa, so here’s a couple that are my undisputed favorites from the fandoms they’re from! ‘Untouchable’ by pollutedstar, ‘Amaranthus’ by Archadian_Skies, and ‘All’s Fair in Love and War’ by AEpixie7.
11. Very rarely do I put actual thought into them. I’ll plunk a line from the middle of the story into the title box and call it a day, unless I previously had some sort of wild, insane moment of clarity and had a good idea for a title.
15. AW THAT’S SO NICE- my personal favorite is actually my least read fic, The Corn and His Deer. It’s based off of an eight-minute clip from The October Monologues done by the Faceless Old Woman in Welcome to Night Vale, and I wrote the whole thing on one plane ride. I had to type in the character tag manually. I adore it, that one was all for me.
27. I like to try! I’ll tag stuff, of course, and in my longer works, I really do need to get better about marking which chapters are upsetting or sexual. I mark the sexual ones well, but sometimes I forget that something I was completely neutral about when I wrote it could upset someone. Certain stuff ALWAYS gets tagged, though, as long as I remember I put it in there. People are always welcome to ask me to tag something or to point out that I forgot a wanting, and I’ll definitely fix it!
30. I’d like to let you know that I started working on this at way too early of an hour where I am, and for this bullet, I just put down ‘No! Ratio!’ I have a couple fics I could do this for, but this is the one I know will be finished soon-ish. So. Anyway. Here’s the bit!
Calmly, carefully, Stone got back into the car, drove to the nearby lake, and hurled his phone into it as hard as he possibly could.
He stopped. Waited. Realized that it was both waterproof and essential, unique tech, tech that was now sitting at the bottom of Green Hills’ most possible lake. It could wash up onshore at any time.
Thirty minutes later, he dragged himself out of the lake, phone in hand, and climbed back into the car. By two in the morning, Stone finally collapsed into bed, still soaked and reeking of lake water. (Some stuff cut for plot reasons don’t worry about it)
Two hours after that, his alarm went off. He really needed to make better choices on his sleeping habits, he decided, or at least the habits that included jumping into a lake and having to rush a shower before he resumed his old life for the first time in 250 days.
32. I promise you that I tried; it led to me staring blankly at my AO3 page for twenty minutes. So! In exchange, I can tell you my three favorite (posted) scenes I’ve written even though that changes with the wind, which would be the hypothermia scene from Total Apathy, the epilogue from Proximal Development, and the scene of Mondo and Taka watching trial 3 in Everybody Wants to Rule the World.
44. Okay, so I’m American, right? That’s probably pretty obvious, I’ve written a marching band AU, for god’s sake, but why is Google docs so insistent on keeping me in my lane? Sometimes, British English has better spellings. When I write a word like ‘traveling’ and spell it with the British spelling, two L’s, who cares? Why is that any of their business? Grey is clearly the superior spelling between grey and gray! Those convey two different things! I’ll spell ‘color’ like ‘colourgh’ for all I care! Language is fake and we made it up for notes! Also, Times New Roman sure is a font, so is Arial, but I think everybody deserves to have a fun little font to write in, even if it’s effectively the same as those, specifically to have a favorite font. It adds character.
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krabstick32 · 4 years
Corduroy Dreams
Pairing: Giyuu & Reader Synopsis: There was no mishap, no death, no tragic accident to speak of. They were only two people, who felt lonely even when they had each other.
Tags/warnings: angst. relationship problems.
A/N: something short and angsty that I wrote instead of doing homework UwU. Online classes are killing me, so as a coping mechanism, I did the fun thing and churned this out in an hour or so (so apologies for any mistakes/inconsistencies _:(´□`」 ∠):_ )!!! And yes, the title is from the song Corduroy Dreams by Rex Orange County. (try listening to it while reading, and try to listen to the lyrics. You’ll understand why i named this corduroy dreams)
I hope you enjoy!! or not since, you know, this is my try on angst after all... but i hope u still enjoy uwu
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For the first time in a while, Giyuu feels your hand—warm, soft, and familiar—reach out to tug at his jacket. You pull him aside to a quiet area in the park and lead him to take a seat. Besides the two of you, there was no one else, save for the occasional passerby who was barely even close enough to hear the conversation you were about to start.
“You’re no longer happy.” It wasn’t a question - there was nothing questionable about something that was so painfully obvious.
Not with you, he wants to say. He wants to salvage what he can, but he could see it. He could see how your eyes didn’t light up the way it used to and he’s aware that this relationship was failing. There was nothing else he could do.
“I am.” But not with you, he itched to add. He was unhappy that your happiness no longer included him, but he couldn’t say what he wanted, not when you were looking at him like this. “And so are you.”
Maybe this was it. No, this was it. There was no coming back from this conversation, and that’s why he never started it. He was too much of a coward to instigate it, and perhaps the only regret he had when it came to this relationship was that he pushed that responsibility onto you.
He was aware that this relationship has been failing—both of you tried to save it after all. There wasn’t an exact moment where he could pinpoint when it started. All he knew was that despite making plans and meet-ups, you two started seeing each other less and less, until it left you both on this date, unhappy and feeling heavy with what was about to come.
“I’m sorry.”
There didn’t need to be any more questions. Giyuu knew you were faithful, and you knew he never strayed. It was just a matter of letting go and accepting that this was going nowhere.
“I know. I’m sorry too.” You turn from your seat on the bench and Giyuu has never felt so far away from you, even though there was only a foot of distance in between. 
He still loved you. He still loved you so, so much. But when you were no longer happy with him, he wouldn’t be able to bear the thought that you no longer wanted to be in this relationship. So, if his only regret when it came to you was that you were the one who started this, he’ll lessen your burden and be the one to end it. “I… I guess this is it?”
“I guess this is it.” Your hands turn white from how hard you’ve been clenching them into fists, and he could see them trembling slightly. Any other day and he would’ve taken them in his own—you always liked it when he held them. Right now, he kept his hands to himself.
“We’re breaking…”  His throat closes at the word breaking, because he could feel his own heart already breaking. But he clears his throat and pushes on, because you deserve a clean break. You deserve to have a clear stand between all of this. “We’re breaking up, huh?”
“Okay.” You answer, and look at him when the silence starts to feel unbearable.
“I’m sorry Giyuu.”
“I’m sorry too, (y/n)”
You stand, and turn to look at him. He gives you a small smile—he knows you could see through it. Instead of addressing the heavy atmosphere, you smile at him, and he realizes that this would be the last time you’d smile for him.
“Thank you, Giyuu. I really loved you.”
Loved. Past tense.
“...Yeah. Thanks for the past few years too. I hope you find someone who’ll make you happy.”
You bend down a little and pull him into a hug. He’ll miss this, he’ll miss you, but letting you go was the right thing to do. Your happiness is what he wishes for the most in the world, and if that was no longer with him, then he hopes you find it with yourself or someone else.
The hug ends entirely too soon for Giyuu’s taste, and you give him another small smile before you turn on your heels to hide the tears clouding your eyes. Even if this relationship no longer brought you the joy it did the first few years, leaving him still hurt because you still cared for him even if you didn’t necessarily love him anymore. Breaking things off when you no longer had feelings for him was the kindest thing you could do - he deserved that much.
From the bottom of your heart, you apologized that you couldn’t give your all to him, and wished that someone else would, in your place.
“I’ll see you around, yeah?”
Giyuu nods, but then speaks when he realizes you can’t see him with your back turned. “See you.”
Your shoes clack against the pavement and it sounds like it’s echoing through the park as you leave him be.
He watches your back, and he watches as you get on the cab. He beats down the feeling of wanting to chase after you, but this was already hard enough. So he stays put on the park bench that he’ll hate for the rest of his life, and buries his head in his hands.
For the first time in a while, Giyuu cries.
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a/n: I mostly do Giyuu fluff but I procrastinated real bad and made this mess instead but aaaa, this is my first angst fic so I hope I did good? I’ve also never been in a relationship, let alone a break-up before so this has been me, winging it the entire time lmao
i’m currently working on a request, but im still trying to think up of a good premise for it, so its going a little slow. But to the anon who requested it, dw bb!! i am working on it, it just might take a while
anywayzz, i hope i made u sad. u can come yell at me in my ask box if you need any tissues (or if you have any requests uwu)
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it’s hard to breathe, but that’s alright
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Prompt: panic attack
Whumpee: Malcolm Bright
Fandom: Prodigal Son
For: @quirkykayleetam​
aaaa hope u like this!!! the title is from cradles by sub urban, and this is set after the events of the finale! hope it’s ok!!! 
It had been just over a month since...that day. Malcolm was doing...okay wasn’t really the right word (his sister had been arrested for murder, and his father figure had been stabbed and nearly died, after all), but fine. Yes. He was fine. He had definitely not been throwing himself into work to avoid thinking about, well, pretty much everything that wasn’t work. Definitely not.
There was a case to work right now, anyway. A case which needed a profiler. And it had been a month. He didn’t need to take any more time to ‘process.’ Never mind the fact that Gil and Dani and JT and Edrisa and his mother and practically everyone else in his life had advised him to do just that. There was work to be done.
The case was a tricky one-two people were dead already, killed in wildly different, bloody ways. They had both been fairly wealthy, and they had belonged to the same church. However, not a single regular member of the church had any information, and nearly all of them had alibis-both victims had been killed during the main service, two Sundays apart. 
Malcolm had been building up a profile all week, and he had made some serious progress that had Gil reluctantly admitting that yes, it was good that Malcolm was here instead of at home doing nothing but thinking of being here. They had a fairly small list of suspects now, and currently, Malcolm was talking with Dani about how they might whittle that list down further.
But before the two could really get to discussing the suspects, Gil poked his head into the room and announced that there’d been another murder, which wasn’t confirmed to be connected to the case, but which surely was, given what was known about the victim.
“It’s not Sunday…” Malcolm thought aloud, as he, Gil, and Dani hurried outside. “Our killer’s changing up his ritual…”
On the drive to the crime scene, Malcolm tried to work out why the killer would have deviated from what had been his routine-perhaps this had simply been an opportunity that was too good to pass up, or maybe it was some obscure Christian holiday that the killer felt a connection to, or maybe the killings being on Sundays had been merely coincidental…
They pulled up in front of the crime scene, a small apartment building with sturdy brick steps and a penthouse at the top-the victim’s home, Malcolm assumed, given the financial status of the two previous victims.
Before they went into the building, Gil pulled Malcolm aside, gesturing to the rest of his team to go on ahead. 
“What?” Malcolm asked, impatient to get inside and analyze the scene.
“The man had his throat cut,” Gil said. “I just want you to be careful, okay? If you’re uncomfortable about-”
“I’m fine, Gil,” Malcolm interrupted. He’d seen people with their throats cut before. Most recently Nicholas Endicott, his mind supplied. His blood on Ainsley’s face, the look in her eyes when she realized what she’d done…
He shook his head slightly, as though his brain was an etch-a-sketch and he could stop his train of thought just like that. He was fine. Fine.
The two of them entered the building, and, just as Malcolm suspected, took the elevator up to the penthouse. 
Inside, everyone else had already gotten to work. Crime scene techs were poking around in the main living area, and a line of bright yellow police tape sectioned off one of the bedrooms. Malcolm could faintly hear JT saying something inside. 
Malcolm stepped towards the door, and was just about to duck under the tape when Gil stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. Malcolm whirled to face him, irritated. It’s fine, he reminded himself. “I already said I’m fine, Gil. Really.”
Concern was painted over the older man’s face. “I know, kid. I also know you’re not. Be careful.”
“You already told me that,” Malcolm replied, and ducked beneath the tape, Gil following close behind.
“Malcolm!” Edrisa’s voice came from a corner, where she was hunched over a body mostly obstructed from view by the bed. She stood up, a smile on her face, but she looked surprised. Worried. Why did everyone seem so worried about him? He was fine. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be here-but never mind! You’ve gotta see this, it’s wild…”
Malcolm walked over to where the body was. As more of it came into view, he reminded himself to be calm. He was fine. He’d seen plenty of people with their throats cut. He was fine.
Malcolm saw the body, the blood pooling around the man’s neck, the bloodied knife that had to have been the murder weapon lying across his chest, its blade glistening scarlet, and was decidedly not fine. 
He backed up instinctively, and then kept backing up. He smacked into Gil, who reached out for him, but Malcolm spun around and ran the rest of the way out of the room. He had to get out...he needed…
He couldn’t think. He could barely breathe. Some small part of his mind registered that he was still in a crime scene and that he couldn’t disturb the evidence. A larger part of his mind registered that he was about to have a panic attack, and that he needed out. He made it halfway down the stairwell before he collapsed on a landing, curling into himself. Stop stop stop stop...Ainsley, Gil, blood, blood everywhere, bloody knives, bloody bodies, the hospital, the living room, all of it too much, too much, too much-
A hand softly touched his knee, and he jerked backwards. His breathing was uneven and ragged and he just wanted to scream, or collapse, or...he couldn’t focus, couldn’t think, everything was toomuchtoomuchtoomuch-
A warm presence settled down next to him, not touching him, not trying to even talk to him, just there.
One clear thought made its way to the front of his racing mind. Gil. It had to be Gil sitting next to him on the landing. It couldn’t be anyone else. Gil. Gil was alive and okay and he could make it stop. He could fix it.
Malcolm flung himself sideways, burying his face in Gil’s neck. A pair of arms wrapped loosely around him, holding him to the earth. A hand rubbed circles into his back. 
He tried to focus on the things he could sense. Gil’s arms, of course. The faint sound of traffic on the street, mostly masked by the sound of his own deep, ragged breaths. Those breaths picked up the scent of Gil-the cologne he always wore, layered with the faint scent of spices and something thick and heavy like smoke. He’d been in this position many times before, coming down from a panic attack with Gil’s arms around him, breathing in the scent that would eventually smell like home. 
He shifted a little, turning his face so it was no longer buried in Gil’s neck, but instead so that his left cheek was pressed into Gil’s chest. He stared at the wall and tried to even out his breathing. Gil said nothing, simply holding Malcolm, grounding him, until he felt ready to talk.
After some time, Malcolm felt a sense of order begin to come back to his mind. Gil was alive. He was alive, and he was okay, which resolved about half of Malcolm’s panic. He took a deep, steady breath, and became suddenly aware that he was crying. 
As soon as he realized this fact, he realized that he couldn’t stop, and suddenly he was sobbing. Gil’s arms tightened around him slightly, and a hand ran gently through his hair. He cried for what felt like hours, though in reality it was only minutes. He ended his sobs with a soft hiccup and a “sorry” which was muffled into the fabric of Gil’s jacket. 
“It’s okay, kid.”
“I’m not.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”
“‘S not your fault.”
“No.” Malcolm took another deep breath. “It all would have come out anyway.”
An understanding nod. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Not now, I mean. I will...I’ll talk about it. Just, just later.”
“Okay,” Gil said, and gently shifted Malcolm off of his shoulder. He stood up, and offered Malcolm a hand. “Let’s get you home.”
“The crime scene-” Malcolm tried to protest.
“The crime scene is in good hands. And you are too, alright?” Gil shuffled his feet, hand still extended. “Anytime you want to talk, I’m here.” 
Malcolm nodded, and finally took Gil’s hand. “Thanks.” You almost weren’t here, he thought, and then tried to stop thinking of it. He’d had enough panic for one day.
“Anytime.” Gil wrapped an arm loosely around Malcolm’s shoulders and guided him the rest of the way down the stairs. As though he could read Malcolm’s mind, he added, “I’m always gonna be here for you, okay? Always.”
Malcolm nodded and mustered up a smile that felt almost genuine. Gil wasn’t going anywhere, and Malcolm wasn’t okay, but Gil knew this now, he knew this and he wasn’t leaving. And Ainsley was still in trouble, but Gil was alive, and Gil could help. Gil could make it okay. 
Everything was going to be okay. Not today, and not tomorrow, and maybe not for a long time. But it would be. One day, everything would be fine.
Yet again i have written a terrible ending but i hope this is ok apart from that!!!! Thanks so much for reading!
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gaybabymisfits-blog · 7 years
aaaaa, do you think you could write something based on your "Partners in Crime" Jackeoff headcanon? because holy /shit/
Pair: Jack x Geoff {Jackeoff}
Prompt/My Headcanon: “Partners In Crime” by Set It Off ft Ash Costello is a good Jackeoff song. Imagine them just starting out, trying to rob a bank. Their first heist together and of course the cops get called. They get cornered and yell that they’ll never take them alive because, well, they’re partners in crime.
Word Count: 1,740 (whoops i got carried away)
Title: Partners In Crime (wow what a shocker)
Jack was kicked out of her house at an early age and lived on the streets. Over the years she learned to fend for herself and how to survive on her own. Until one night she couldn’t defend herself.
A group of large men had cornered her in an alley, throwing transphobic slurs and other insults at her. One of them pulled out a knife and the others followed suit, grabbing their concealed weapons. Jack closed her eyes and accepted her fate. This was how she was going to die.
But death never came. She didn’t even get stabbed or hit. Instead she heard five gunshots and then there were a pair of arms around her waist. Jack looked up at the random stranger who had saved her life.
“Holy balls, are you alright?” The man had quite the mustache on his face and he was wearing a suit. She gave the man a shrug in response. She didn’t like talking much since her voice wasn’t very feminine at the moment. One day she hopes she can start transitioning, but a girl can only dream.
The man didn’t seem satisfied with her answer so he lifted her up off the ground and carried her to his car. He put her in the passenger seat and buckled her in, getting in the driver’s seat shortly after. No more words were exchanged as they traveled to what Jack could only assume was this mystery man’s apartment.
Once inside the building the two finally introduced themselves.
“So, uh, I’m Geoff. Sorry for kinda just taking you to my place without asking. You just looked like you could need some help.” Geoff awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
Jack cleared her throat and attempted to make her voice sound as feminine as possible. “I’m Jack. Well, thanks for looking out for me. No one’s ever done that before.” Her voice got distant and she tried to push her thoughts of her parents away and focused on Geoff again.
She noticed the confused look on his face but it quickly changed to what she could only describe as realization and he smiled. It was nice to not have to explain herself for once. She gave a sigh of relief and chuckled.
“So, Geoff. Do you have a spare room? Or like a couch? I’m exhausted and would really like to sleep somewhere that’s not an alley.” She quickly put her hand over her mouth, she said more than she wanted. The look on Geoff’s face hurt her to look at and she nearly bolted out of the front door but something inside begged her to stay.
“Are you trying to tell me you’ve been sleeping on the streets? For how long? No, that doesn’t matter. You live here now. I have a spare room you can crash in, Jack. Please stay here, I couldn’t bare seeing a pretty girl out on the streets of Los Santos by herself, especially not now. The crime rate is ridiculous.”
Geoff was complimenting her looks and was pleading with Jack to stay, so she did. And that was the best decision she made in a long time. the next morning she woke up to a gunshot and a string of curse words from the kitchen.
Turns out her new roommate had been cleaning his gun that he used last night to protect Jack but he forgot to empty the clip and turn the safety on. Now there was a hole in the hardwood floor. Jack tried her best to pissed at the man for waking her but all she could do was laugh.
A few months passed and the two finally realized they had been sneaking off to do small thefts here and there. They decided they could work better as a team. Geoff still snuck out at night when Jack was sleeping to rob some people. He was trying his best to get some money saved up so he could surprise Jack with the estrogen shots she needed to help transition.
That had been going on for a couple of weeks and Geoff realized he was screwed. He had fallen head over heels in love for this fiery redhead he saved off the streets. She was the person that kept him stable when he got out of control on their little heists. Geoff absolutely adored how she looked in his old Hawaiian shirt she stole because she needed something to wear. It was big on her so she tied it up in the front and it showed off a bit of stomach.
That night at dinner Geoff made her favourite food and decided he was finally going to tell her how he felt. Jack looked lovely as always and it made him even more nervous than before. If he didn’t tell her now he was going to end up blurting it out on a heist and that would definitely not be good.
“So, Jack. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something… something important to me.” Geoff spoke with a shaky voice and Jack tilted her head to the side. A piece of hair fell into her face and it took everything in Geoff to not reach over and put it behind her ear.
“I’m not good with words but, well, I like you Jack.”
She gave him a sweet smile. “I like you too Geoff, now can you hurry up and ask me out? My steak’s getting cold.”
They both laughed and the rest was history. Jack and Geoff quickly became one of the most powerful criminal duos in Los Santos. The news reporters even went as far as calling their crimes works of art, in a sick and twisted way.
Their heists got bigger and better and with more money meant they upgraded everything they could. Plus, Geoff finally had enough to get Jack her shots just in time for her birthday, it was a very emotional day.
One morning over breakfast, Geoff came up with the brilliant idea to rob the Maze Bank. Jack nearly spit her coffee at him.
“Geoff are you fucking serious? Some of the biggest gangs can’t even successfully rob that place, and you expect us to do it?”
He just smirked at her and fuck, she can’t resist that smug motherfucker. “Let’s do it.”
After a week of planning they finally had everything they needed to do possibly the biggest heist either of them will ever pull. Covered from head to toe in weaponry and body armour, they entered the building.
Geoff was the one to make his little speech as he called it in planning. “Everybody freeze, nobody move! Put the money in the bad or we will shoot. Just, empty of the vault and then me and my doll will be on our way.”
Of course everything goes to shit but they expected it to happen. Two criminals trying to rob the biggest and most powerful bank in the entire city was a disaster waiting to happen. Jack made a run to the vault and attempted to get even just a little bit of cash but the cops were faster.
They had the building surrounded and they had to scream to communicate over the sirens outside and the alarm going off inside the bank. The redhead quickly returned by her lover’s side and pulled out her weapon.
“Geoff, I’m scared. What if we don’t make it out? What if they catch us? What are we going to do?!” Her voice - which was much more feminine than when they first met - was shaky. She’s never been in a situation like this before but Geoff has.
“Babe, don’t worry. It’s gonna be okay, now don’t you quit on me! We can make it out of here.” His words helped calm her down. For a bit there, nothing happened. No cops entered the bank and it was eerily quiet now. Suddenly the radio from the police car burst to life in a fit of static and there was a cop talking to the couple.
“This is the Los Santos Police Department. Put your weapons down and come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded!”
Neither of them dared to move, their feet were glued to the floor. Jack was too terrified to attempt to say anything so she looked at her boyfriend.
“You’ll never take us alive! We’re the best damn criminals in the city! We’re partners in crime and you can never destroy us.” Geoff’s voice was stern and cold, Jack wasn’t sure if she was scared of him or attracted to him more in that moment.
The radio spoke again. “Alright, ready men? Aim..Fire!” The sound was horrifying. Bullets shot through the doors and windows and one of them ricocheted off the wall outside and hit the gas tank of the police car parked next to it. The building was quickly engulfed in flames.
Geoff quickly got on the ground and pulled his girlfriend down with him. He layed on top of her to try and protect her but it was no use. The building was a lost cause. It was crumbling and no one was doing anything to stop it. Almost as if the police were trying to say ‘if we can’t arrest you, we’ll just kill you.’
Jack was crying at this point. She didn’t want her life to end like this, burned alive in a bank. But she was with the love of her life and that fact comforted her a bit. She finally managed to get enough strength to talk to Geoff.
“So, guess the papers are gonna say this is the night young love died but hey, at least we’re gonna be buried by each other’s side. “ She laughed and it was the kind of morbid humour she used when she was trying to hide her feelings. Everything was written on her face though.
“Yeah, maybe I bit off more than I could chew with this. I didn’t want it to end like this Jack. I’m sorry. I love you so much.” Geoff reached down for his lover’s face and cupped her cheeks that were now smeared with tears and mascara.
“I love you too, Geoff. Here’s to the best damn crime duo Los Santos will ever see.” She kissed him roughly and closed her eyes as the beam above them broke and fell on top of them.
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kpop-drabble · 7 years
I only want to taste some ice cream loving [wonpil]
Anonymous said "Could you write a precious Wonpil fluff where you work at a ice cream shop and you two have like a lock eye moment where its like woah my heart is break dancing, so he begins to visit the shop often to make small talk until he finally decides to ask you out on a date! I don't really know what else to add to it but something just fluff as heck"
Pairing : Wonpil x Reader Word Count : 2,167 A/N : aaaa, thank you so much for the request i love wonpil so this was so fun 2 write; i hope this was up to your 'fluff as heck' standards owo. im not like 100% abt the ending bc i was like IDK HOW 2 END THIS so that was born. also i couldnt find a good title bc i usually do lyrics but did u kno all ice cream lyrics r abt blowjobs bc i was Thrown Tf Off. and im also considering writing a sequel just of the date and make it extra fluffy but idk, we'll see. tell me if you'd read that. again than you for the request and support ilu so very much.
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"He's checking you out." Is probably the last thing you'd like to hear during your eight hour shift for two reasons. One: you're not necessarily great at saying no and you've got many blocked messages from people that asked for your number to prove. Two: The main demographic for the icecream shop that you worked in consisted of either small groups of children coming to celebrate their win in whatever sports they persue or large, rowdy groups of pre-teens that probably had to borrow money from their parents for this outing with friends. The second one was one that you feared most, as pre-teens are very easily persuaded by their group of friends to act out, which has lead to the couple of times you've actually managed to nicely say no to someone. And its overall just odd to be hit on by an overly confident prepubescent person while their group of friends egged him on and watching with eyes of a hawk. With these two factors in mind, instead of delving into Jae's teasing words, you keep your back towards the store and keep your circular montions going as you wiped down the counter for an unnecessarily long amount of time. "I said-" Jae started, much louder than before, as if he didn't know that you chosen to ignore him and instead were oblivious to his words due to the murmur of several conversations happening within the small icecream shop, "He's checking you out."
"Must you insist-" "I know most times its for gags when I say this, but there is a guy, who looks to be our age, blantantly staring over at you over his banana split," Jae cut you off short, you only lifted your head momentarily to look over at where Jae stood, head turned to look in what you assumed was the general direction of the customer that he spoke of, "He's got icecream on his chin." He offhandedly commented, his hand absentmindedly raising to rub at his own chin before he was turning his eyes to you. Your eyes held nothing but unamusement as you kept Jae's stare, a silent conversation held between you two before you were bowing your head to look back down at the cloth you held loosely against the metal table top, "Is he cute at least?" Jae was silent for a moment, most likely pondering his words before you could vaguely hear his hum as he came up with an appropriate response, "Personally, no." He started, your eyes already beginning to roll before he could continue on, "But objectively speaking, if I were to look at it from your point of view," You turned your head once more to watch as Jae cocked his head to the side, eyes narrowing in on the customer before he was shaking his head up and down with confidence, "Then yes i suppose he is okay." "'Okay'," You huffed out, turning on the heel of your sneaker so you could face Jae completely, eyes strained to keep forward instead of looking off to where Jae had been staring, "Should I- like, make eye contact?" "No, you dont want to look desperate," He immediately quirked up, eyes finally dragging away from how he had been blatantly staring to meet yours once more. You had half a mind to be annoyed before he was continuing on, "Just make it casual, act cool." Act cool, you recounted the words in your head as Jae turned away from you to tend to a couple customers that have been staring helplessly at the menu for coming up to a minute now. Act cool You weren't necessarily sure what 'acting cool' would consist of, so you just gradually began to move your way to the counter near the side of the shop that Jae had made clear the customer was, your hands halfheartedly working over the top of the counter to collect dust and melted ice cream.
Act cool You lifted your head as nonchalantely as you possibly could, head only tilted enough so you could look up through your lashes. The sight before you was much like every other day, near the door sat a couple, two spoons and one cup of icecream between the two of them. Disgusting. Somewhere in the middle was a family, the parents fussing over the childrens messy clothes as the icecream readily melted on the cone and dripped down their small pudgy hands. And against the furthest wall was a group of three boys that looked to be around Jae and your own age, two of them rowdier as they talked over each other. And then there was him amongst the loud talking group of three. Large dark eyes, the colour holding a large resemblance to a rich dark chocolate, were locked on you. His lips were a dark pink from the chill of the icecream and had a sheer coating of wetness that made them look glossy. And as Jae had mentioned, a small gallop of icecream sat in the center of his chin, slowly inching down leaving a slug like trail in its wake. There wasn't any coherant words that you could come up with on the spot to explain the swoop in your stomach at the sudden lock of eyes across the room, there was no logical reasoning for the butterflies clouding your chest and yet it was there, and growing much denser every passing second your eyes stayed connected with the soft depths of the boys. It was almost like a daze passed as the boy across the rooms lashes fluttered, glints in his eyes from reflected light dimming as he came to and realized that you had noticed him watching. Rouge coloured the tops of his cheek bones and his wet lips parted as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out and even if it had the distance between the two of you would have prevented you from making it out. With embarrassment seeping into every pore making itself prominent, he turned away from your locked stare and looked at the table with a petrified look in his eyes. You let out a breath from your parted lips, the feeling in your chest lessening but the tightness lingered as you turned to look at Jae. You dont know how long he had been watching, but the lopsided smirk on his lips was telling enough. "Oh, shut up." Regular customers aren't an uncommon occurance when you work in an ice cream shop, in fact the city that it's located in isn't that big which leads you to be able to greet at least a handful of customers by name everytime they came in. But prior to the fateful day where you locked eyes with the customer, you hadn't seen him around the shop before. Which made you more hyper aware of every time he came in, something that was becaming near weekly. Sometimes he'd return with the group of boys that you had seen him with the first time and sometimes he'd come alone accompanied only by his phone which he dug his nose into as he ate (hiding behind the screen of his phone hardly masked each time his eyes dragged away to look up at where you stood behind the counter). But unlike the changing of the group in which he comes with, there are certain things that dont change. He orders the same banana split with extra sprinkles and caramel sauce, and he sits at the table against the wall. Much like other regulars that you've come accostumed to, you had fallen into the same habit each time the boy walked into the shop. After his third visit you began to press in his order before he had made it to the counter and after his sixth visit his name was brought up in the casual conversation you both held as you put in his order, and thus started your greetings on a first name basis. No matter how regular of a customer that he'd become, the butterflies stayed persistent each time the bell above the door chimmed and you were met with soft waves of brown hair and a perminent bright smile. Today was no different.
"Wonpil, its a shock to see you here on a Tuesday," You joked casually as the stranger approached the counter, your fingers already moving across the cash register to press in his order. "Thought I'd shake up the schedule a little and come a day earlier than usual," He shot right back with only minor hesitation, his confidence levels much higher than the first couple encounters that you two had prior. He held an embarrassing innocence around him the first time you both had actually held a casual conversation as he was ordering; which lead him to ponder over his responses for a little too long which inturn would inevitably paint his cheeks scarlet. Overtime you could see him becoming more comfortable and confident in your short conversations, but the innocence that you were first met with was still apparent each time you looked over in his direction and caught his already lingering stare. "Getting a little wild this week," You said on a soft laugh, looking up at him once you had finished processing the banana split, met with confident eyes that glinted from the dull light of the icecream shop and a bright toothy smile to match. "Yes I'm feeling unnaturally wild today, I might even switch up my order," You smacked your palm down onto the metal table top, going along with his over the top playfulness on this sudden change in what seemed to be his new schedule. "Unnaturally wild indeed!" You cooed, fingers swiftly moving over the cash register to delete the previous banana split you had put in, fingers lingering over the keys as you waited, "Then what should I get you today?" There was a seconds pause in the conversation, your head still bowed to look at the cash register as you waited for what you assumed was him making up his mind on what else he could try within the shop. "A simple chocolate dip would suffice," He spoke, his voice slow and thought out as if he was stalling to keep from saying something, but you put no thought into it as you put in his new order. You were about to open your mouth to ring out the new cost before Wonpil's voice was heard once more cutting your sentence off before it could begin, "And a date," Your fingers froze over the cash registers buttons, eyes flickering up to meet his own. The brown swirls completely drained of their confident light and were heavy with something boardering the line between embarrassment and dread. "Maybe?" He tacked on when you hadn't answered him, his voice coming out in a waver and nervous, reminding you of the boy who avoided direct eye contact and rung his fingers everytime he talked to you on the first day you had officially met.
You couldnt help the small embarrassed smile from crossing your lips as your cheeks heated up to an uncomfortably warm temperature, sure enough to leave a glow of red in its wake. You momentarily averted your gaze to the windows leading out to the sidewalk, trying to collect yourself and tame your wildly beating heart. You slowly began to nod your head in response, eyes dragging towards where Wonpil still stood before you, eyes hooded and calculated as he watched each movement you had done in response to his request. "We'll be getting a new delivery of dates at 6pm, when my shift ends," You said, hoping he'd understand your hints and that the playful response was to go along with his ice cream and date order. Wonpil blinked at you for a moment, whether it be because he was in shock or because he was trying to understand what you had said, but in no time his eyes were lighting up to their original confidentfilled brightness, the toothy smile quirking up his lips no matter how hard he tried to tamper it down as to not look too excited, "Then I will be back at 6pm sharp to.. uh.. pick up my date." You nodded quickly, clearing your throat in attempt to push the butterflies back down into your stomach so you could properly speak, "It'll be 2.50 for the cone, though." He stared at you for a moment longer before his smile turned embarrassed and his hand rose to scratch at the back of his neck, "I dont actually- necessarily want icecream today. In fact I'm kind of sick of it." "Then why did you keep coming back each week?" "It was a good excuse to come back and be able to see you." And just as the first time your eyes met across the room, your stomach swooped without clear explanation as to why and the butterflies returned with vengeance.
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strawbunny-slime · 7 years
Sooo~ ENTIRELY too long ago (sorry!! aaaa), @shyflowerfairy and @alexcutecolly both mentioned me in one of those cool facts-about-yourself challenges, which you can find the veeeeeery first version of here! Without any further ado, five just-whatever facts about me!
1. My favorite story right now is this young-adult comic called Goodbye to Halos! It’s suuuuper cool omg and I don’t want to spoil too much about it, but it’s got some gorgeous art, wonderful writing, and maaaybe one of the most beautiful, influential analyses of love as a concept that I’ve ever read? And also the main character is a trans girl and I maaay or may not have a crush on like...75 to 90 percent of the characters introduced in it. I can’t exactly recommend it to anyone under 18, but if you’re over 18 and you want a story about a trans girl in a city full of queer folk trying to find out more about her place in a world of cool magic, go looking for it!! (And also check out Portside Stories while you’re at it; it’s an abandoned webcomic by the same author, Valerie Halla, and it’s responsible for me coming to grips with my gender identity!!)
2. I’m polyamorous! I’ve got like four girlfriends, maybe five?, they all know each other and love each other a whole ton, and while I haven’t asked them about it before now, I am 110% certain they would all be okay with me ending up in relationships with other folks! (Which is why I can have four girlfriends & also flirt with like 5 different people here. =u=)
3. I first got into Pokemon when my brother decided to try Pokemon Platinum. He made it all the way to the Distortion World, then got stuck on one of the puzzles there. I took over to try to solve it for him aaaaaand I never gave it back. It’s kind of sad - I bet he’d still play the series if I hadn’t stolen Platinum from him! But he doesn’t seem to mind, for whatever that’s worth. ‘^^
4. I don’t ironically like anything! Either I genuinely like a thing or I genuinely dislike a thing. I used to pretend like I ironically like a few things most folks hate - a few main-series Sonic titles, chiefly - but somewhere along the line (Valerie Halla, the artist I mentioned in question 1, might have had something to do with this), I sorta dropped the “ironically” bit. And honestly, I’ve been happier ever since! Sure, I’m bound to get some weird looks when I say I really, honestly do like Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (considered one of the worst games in the entire franchise), but I’ve come to realize it’s way more fun to just own an interest than to pretend not to have it at all. (This is one of the reasons why I also think cringe culture needs to hurry up and die - folks shouldn’t be mocked for trying to own an interest in something! Especially when most of those folks are kids?? Like seriously what the fuck)
5. For as chipper and peppy as I try to be (those are fun words, actually, wow), I’m actually kind of a nervous wreck when ya get ta know me. I have a lot of insecurities that I’m trying to work my way through, or rationalize somehow so that I can at least own those, too, instead of pretending they don’t exist. Most of them are silly, attention-seeking insecurities, too, to be honest - I’m always worried when I see my follower count drop, and I’m a little disheartened that I don’t get a constant flood of asks for Sweetheart anymore, and honestly? For as embarrassed as I am to have it? I’m a little miffed that only like three people asked for info about my lewd alt?? I dunno, I dunno, aaaah!! Point is I am cheerful and happy to talk to folks and offer advice but also I am insecure and if we’re good enough friends I may accidentally dump like 20 things on you at once, whoops!!
Okay, that last one was kind of a downer! Let’s get a sixth, just to keep things a lil happier around here.
6. I must have mentioned this before, but this isn’t actually my first Tumblr account! Up ‘til about a year ago, I had a main account that was kinda steeped in sociopolitical activism and discourse, and it wasn’t bad, don’t get me wrong, but when my account ended up being like...99% full of no-extra-commentary reblogs, with, at best, 0.5% commentary and 0.5% stuff I made on my own? I sorta decided to try to make this one as a creative writing project, and to get more acquainted with my, shall we say, interests. In an ironic twist, I logged into this one for the first time, and I just...never logged out! The old one’s been gathering dust for...a year now, almost? And I don’t ever plan to go back to it, either. I’ve got a nice mix of topics to discuss here, from g/t and vore to venting to that sociopolitical activism I mentioned. It’s way more fun here, and I have all y’all to thank for that!! <3
Now for the tricky part - tagging 10 of my followers! Off the top of my head (ignore this if you’ve already done this challenge): @giantessfeferi @tinyinumason @somedaynotsoon @voracioussinner @ayasebunny @talltails @petite-pocket-bee @j-anne-bonne @gt-flufftimes @gtanddragons !! (and @so-very-small omg I should’ve included them here aaa)
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universal-kin-help · 8 years
hi, its T! tysm for the readings, they were so helpful & accurate! i have some follow ups, if its ok? could i have cards pulled for how fyodor/dazai each affected me, how i died, and how i wronged oda? and could i ask Kiru 1) if fyodor/dazai truly cared about me? 2) if i was ever physically intimate with either of them? (if thats not ok for any reason, im sorry & pls ignore!) thanks again, sorry for this being even longer lol [this is a resend btw, if u see a similar ask just delete this! ty!]
Aaaa my favorite anon!! You’re always welcome for more requests!!
Also, I’m sorry to inform but Kiru was stolen today. I used Juno instead. I really hope you don’t mind!!
For Fyodor’s effect on you, I pulled the card titled Ancient Power Mysteries. This card symbolizes a time in your life where you become excessively creative and open, and begin a healing journey. I think he may have opened your eyes to a whole new world of art, showing you things you’d never seen or heard before, leaving gentle kiss marks on the wounds of your soul and heart with his kind words and actions. Music also became very important to you at this time, and you two most likely often danced together, from what I feel.
For Dazai’s effect, I pulled Lady of the Stars. This card communicates that the deities reached out to you at one point in time to help you realize your surroundings and the characteristics of the others around you.I believe Dazai’s betrayal opened your eyes to how cruel people could be, and you became much more cautious and wary about any relationship you entered, be it good or bad.
For how you died, I pulled the card called Cartouche. This card speaks of how your talents as a speaker yourself will improve and guide you, but only if you let go of any unforgiving nature you hold. I feel as if you didn’t do this, and ended up saying something you shouldn’t have, possibly centered around Dazai. Someone got upset and caused you great harm, and sadly, I have a feeling they were trying to stop the others in pure regret and utter horror of their past and present. In other words, Dazai had tried to save you, but had not succeeded. 
For how you wronged Oda, I pulled Proper Burial for Freedom. This card is a symbol that you need to let go of something that’s time had come around, to let the land of the dead collect it and move on. The vibes that I get from this tell me that there’s a large possibility you’d killed someone Oda held dear (possibly on accident, possibly not) and he couldn’t let go or ever look at you the same. I’m very sorry.
For the pendulum, Juno says that both Fyodor and Dazai cared for you deeply, and that you got physically intimate with both more than once. 
I hope these are helpful! Come back whenever!!
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