#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa going feral
pegging-satan · 10 months
I’ll cry dude it’s not like Toji didn’t care about his son it was that he wasn’t in a position to take care of Megumi because of his job and selling him off seemed like the lesser of the two evils, but when he fought Gojo, who managed to kill him, he realised that there is actually a better alternative, and he made his decision, he knew that Gojo will go get his kid, or at least had faith in him because he recognised him as being a good person, and who better to entrust ur kid than the strongest sorcerer in history, and even when Megumi was fighting Toji and Toji realised that that’s his son he stepped back cos he didn’t want to harm him and then asked what his name was and when Megumi said Fushiguro he killed himself with a smile because he knew that his dying wish had come true and that he could rest easy now like. All that care and love was just hidden underneath the uncaring facade and cool attitude but like that’s the thing about fathers they hide the extent of their care from everyone but you can see it in their actions and like this just proves that Toji did in fact want the best for his son, and he knew he couldn’t provide him with the life he deserved which is why he did what he did
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lostjunjiitofan · 1 month
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
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These are just the base sketches *strofaris's pose is probably going to change
But I wanted to make sure these worked (as In, do they look like they're supposed to?)
I finally got more free time and the art block decided to be nice and not pop up again when I tried to draw them
I cant tell you how excited I am this is literally the first time anyone has ever done art of them I love them so so so so so so so much AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is incredile you got their vibes down so well and then the SURPRISE YORI MY BELOVED APPRENTICE AUGH
I need to work on RS project again I love them all so much,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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crackheadcalledc · 10 months
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“ Can we have Jack? “
“ We have Jack at home. “
meanwhile jack at home:
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 11 months
Luis ramble time
I think my favorite thing about Luis has to be the idea that his religious trauma led him to become homophobic but not in the sense of how it normally is. I think he internalized it as he grew up in a Catholic setting and became more interested in other people. This is why I believe he probably wouldn't have kissed Leon,,he will flirt and make flirty gestures but I don't really believe he'd full on go for it. I think it's more believable that he would've felt guilty because we all know one thing Luis still holds dear is his religion.
To me Luis is bisexual and when he met Leon it made him remember those odd feeling but he was to afraid to express them both from fear of loosing Leon and the feeling of being sinful. (this comes from someone who connects to Luis in these regards,,dw I came to terms with myself awhile ago!) And just like everything else in his life he ran away from it and ultimately..
He never let himself feel those emotions nor tell Leon
BUT YOURE SO RIGHT YOU HAVE A BIT BEAUTIFUL BRAIN IT HURTS SM,,,,,,,, I think you’re absolutely right but I wanted to add my own headcannons too cuz I think it could be a very very interesting discussion!!!!!! I’ve put my thoughts under the cut so it doesn’t clog up peoples dashboards!!!!
I couldn’t agree more I think it’d be pretty safe ro say Luis has a FAIR BIT of internalised homophobia from his religious upbringing (now I wanna clarify that I don’t have any religious trauma like, at all, I wasn’t brought up relifious but I have TONS of friends who’ve gone through it so I’ve done my best to understand it best I can!!!!) and where my headcannon sliiiiiiiightly differs from yours is that I think Luis probably would have come to terms with his own queerness by the time he’s working with Umbrella
Obviously he’s already very flamboyant and VERRRRYYY flirty w both men and women and he’s clearly confident in himself- but what a lot of people seem to forget that the lovely @blveherb and @possessionisamyth have gone into detail about is that Luis is an immigrant, and if you look at literally any piece of history from before like,,,, roughly around the 80’s queer and immigrant history were REALLY intertwined, like, the two communities would often be at the same places or facing the same struggles at the same time etc and obviously white historians haven’t done us any favours with preserving this history (and ALSO also i am WHITE AS ALL HELL so im obviously not in a position to be speaking on topics that i dont fully understand/havent affected me which is why i ask that if anyone is more knowledgable on the topic please do elaborate on it!!!!!!!)((also it’s obviously very very important not to try and take away focus from or erase poc history when talking about queer history!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
So I don’t think it would be much of a stretch to say that Luis, after leaving Valdelobos and ending up wherever he did, would have also discovered the queer community as a whole just by virtue of being apart of a minority (again, this isn’t something that’s ever even remotely effected me so please if I’ve made any mistakes or if anyone wants to point anything out do so!!!!) also I just imagine that, in general, Luis would’ve been grateful for any kind of community to fall back on after he left his own- how old he was when he left is unknown obviously but I can’t imagine being barely even an adult discovering the big wide world for the first time after spending your entire life in a tiny rural catholic village would’ve been easy which is why communities like that are so important (also you could absolutely go into how Umbrella would’ve fed that need for a community even further in a young naive Luis but that’s getting ahead of the subject)
Also somewhat on and off topic but M A A N Y historians have pointed out that Don Quixote is a pretty queer fricken book. That’s an entirely different discussion in and of itself but the whole book itself, the relationship between Alonso and Sancho, the history itself surrounding the book etc can leave a lot of queer interpretations to be read (and @highball66 has pointed out that while not specifically a term used for gay men, in some areas ‘Sancho’ has been used to refer to ‘the other guy in the relationship’, ie the man the husband is sleeping with etc) ((AND also it’s just,, kinda hard to analyse super old books through the lens of the LGBTQ+ community as we understand it roday- Kaz Rowe on YouTube has some good videos on the topic I can’t reccomend enough!!!!))
And so I personally like to imagine that by the time he returns BACK to Valdelobos, he’s probably come to terms with it- but like most traumas, returning to the place where it all started and manifested probably would’ve brought up those same feelings of internalised homophobia like you’ve said; which is why he’s so afraid to confess to Leon. Even if he KNOWS he’s come to terms with his identity n such, that doesn’t mean that returning to the place where it all started doesn’t bring back up those old feelings (also him returning home in the manor that he does just makes my theory/headcannon that he’s Trans go WILD but I’m saving that for ANOTHER DAY)
‘He holds Religion very Close to him’ GOD YOURE SO RIGHT ABT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like even if he doesn’t still believe in god or anything his upbringing still effects him!!!!!!!!!!!!! He still always does the sign of the cross whenever he sees a dead body and obviously that classic catholic guilt and need to repent follows his every actions alongside just, y’know, the average amount of guilt people would feel in his situation BCNEHENDJDND so can you imagine how much WORSE he’d feeling going BACK to Valdelobos and meeting LEON and having all those feelings and fears come up again???????????? OUGH WHY MAKE ME THINK ABT THIS OP /lh
AND and, like you mentioned, Luis always has this reoccurring theme of thinking he has more time than he actually has and that he can run away from anything. It’s honestly so so so very tragic; and just the idea of that cycle repeating AGAIN in something SO PERSONAL (ie, his love for Leon) is just,,,,,,,,,, o u g h it’s so heartbreaking man why would you say that I am strangling you /jjjjjjjj
Luis always thinks he has more time to fix his mistakes, to be a better person- and even when he starts to realise he doesn’t, he still holds out hope. He thinks, ‘tomorrow I’ll tell Leon’, but he never gets that opportunity.
And finally this one is purely self indulgent but I’ve always pictured Luis as being the kind of person to just be happy labelling himself as ‘queer’ cuz it’s quick and convinient but BISEXUAL LUIS SL TRUE
(Also obligatory ‘these are just headcannons/theories/analysis nobody is saying these are CANNON this is just an observation’ message!!!!!!!)
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unsettlingcreature · 4 months
RIGHT OK SO thoughts. i have them.
It's beautiful. I want to see more of Minrathous and Tevinter in general, I am SO excited for the environments and buildings and- (muffled screaming).
Also Minrathous? Do you know who else might be in Minrathous? 🥺🥺🥺 i'm sorry i just want to see dorian again. But also, I hope we'll see Maevaris too! So badly!
edit: actually, I realised what the started segment where you run through the city with demons Fucking Shit up reminds me of! The scene in Origins where you are running across the bridge to get to the beacon at the battle of Ostagar! Having to ignore the carnage around you as you push forwards because the end goal is ultimately more important...
I love that we get a background for our Rook that seems to actually come up outside of the rare dialogue option. And speaking of dialogue, I like that we're keeping the dialogue wheel with contextual icons! I'm not a massive fan of the UI but it's by no means bad.
As they walked through the streets of Minrathous, I was for some reason reminded of Assassin's Creed. But once combat began, I was reminded of Shadow of Mordor...? I think it was the switching between blade and bow.
I can already tell that the combat is not really my thing. I'll cope. I'll suffer through it. I will say that it looks very fluid and makes me hope that we'll get a similar flow of combat (for rogues at least) similar to DA2 (which I think has the best dual-wielding combat of the three games imo). I'll probably still pick a mage for my first playthrough but rogues are tempting me.
The warning lines for ranged attacks is... interesting! I've seen something similar in a few games and it'll definitely make dodging a lot easier to figure out timings, even if I personally hate dodge-heavy combat. Again, I'll cope.
The music... oh my god, it's beautiful. As they approached the ritual site, you could hear the same motifs that were present in the Tresspasser's soundtrack (specifically Dark Solas Theme) (I go feral whenever I hear those strings btw). Very excited by the music, even the song that was present for the countdown before it started was beautiful!
Some of the dialogue was a bit... quippy. It was way better than the character reveal though. For the most part, it felt fine but then now and then I'd pull a face at a cheesy line or the odd sentence that felt stilted to me.
I didn't realise Neve was an amputee! I love the stylised prosthetic. I definitely need to get around to reading the comics.
The new direction with demons is interesting. They seem to be going more wraith-like, with even the pride demon no longer have legs and just kind of floating. The fiery dog-like are what I assume are meant to be rage demons? I actually love them, far more than the weird blobby things we've seen in past games.
The facial expressions are very good. Definitely not having the same issue as ME:A. Honestly, the animation in general is brilliant. I enjoyed watching Rook dart about during combat and his movement was very fun.
Whenever the pride demon teleported away just as Rook went to strike, I kept thinking "nah that would piss me off so much".
Seeing Varric approach Solas, I was like haha wow, imagine if they killed off Varric really early on in the game. I don't think Bioware would but it did genuinely put me on edge for a moment. Destroying Bianca though... Nah, somehow that's worse. Where's he going to get another one? :(
Also, hi Venatori! You're still around after ten years? Fucking hell, you'd think they'd have given up considering Corypheus was dunked on over a decade ago. Learn to take the L.
Finally, that shout from Solas as the ritual was disrupted... I think it's the angriest I've heard him, at least put against how he was in Inquisition. Also are we going to talk about the purple eyes? I think I'd like to talk about the purple eyes. Solas could get it. WHAAAAAT WHO SAID THATTTTT, THAT'S WILDDDDDDD...
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askmindhms · 2 months
{Going feral bc they ate souls trident HELP}
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sentofight · 2 months
ooc. because bear said let edea rage ... im thinking about what would really trigger that out of her. we've seen her lose a lot of people during the game but she didn't lose sight of what made her go on her journey (yes, it was painful but she had to brave it.) obvious reason would be coming in touch with her friends and loved ones but i still can't see her drop that nice attitude and go full YOU ARE HERBY TO BE BEHEADED, YOU WHO ON THE BLACK SIDE OF THE WORLD.
i'm trying to think of situations which would make her flip. the most thing that would instantly trigger her is probably ... questioning justice. yes, the world is not black and white to her anymore but justice is still justice no matter what. if someone is trying to bend the rules to hurt others or take advantage and in doing so provoking her, calling her out for her 'limited outlook', maybe challenge her to stop them she might blow some steam on them. justice is meant to protect others, not to hurt them. she does not take kindly to people abusing their authority to cause trouble for others (looks at ominas). Oh, it would add layer of anger if provoking was so good you trash the victims and blame them that they are weak etc maybe even say it is some sort of natural order??? bro. you are not gonna get the mrrgrgrgrgr you gonna skip to 'i'll teach you what real justice is' and zing her quick draw of her katana to slice you off.
what else ... OH. HARD WORKING PEOPLE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM SHE LOVES HARD WORKING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE YOU BULLY THEM YOU GONNA GET ANGY EDY AT YOU. not feral tho but you know very angry. she hates it when she sees someone flaunting their status or money and saying they are better and dis others who are trying their best with their own skills and talents. as a hard worker herself, she would prooooooooobably................ lose it a tiny bit if someone 'compared' her to that kind of folks you know... nonononono you didnt just say she is using papa's title to get into the sky knights and all that. mhm buddy you fricked up. still, not enough to need someone to hold her back you know?
i guess i need to reread some convos, lines and watch some videos i said i will watch about praying brage because edy is the new vestal of wind sdkfjsdlfk i should. sadly that game is no longer available..darn my luck wa.
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"the church on ruby road" thoughts + reactions
(tumblr is broken so i cant delete this space without breaking the post :))
"you saw a ladder in the sky and you thought, yeah, ill give that a go, babes" rose tyler CALL OUT
"what's the problem with hanging on? it's all the friction and the weight and the burns. so i got rid of that" and that's why u are still Fucked Up doc. this is NOT how u do rehab!!!
"learn the lenguage" eyes emoji "coincidence is what makes the baby tasty" EYES EMOJI
"it sitches you in. it weaves you into the day. you become all complicated and knotted and vivid"
"it's like a tapestry, it's gorgeous" self congratulating ur own writing, russel? sldkfjsdlkfj
"like the best, like wow" 13 and ‘fam’ walked so 15 could run
"a screwdriver needs screws" (so whenever the screwdriver works it, it works by resonating articulations and undoing binding agents, but it cannot do “untangling”)
VENTILAITON SHAFTS!!!! (my "this new era is the cartoon era" meta is born)
"amazing!" "no it's not" nothing changes lol
this feels *so* wilderness years (positive)
the MASTER knot you say....………………………...
"i've got no one" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"it's not magic, it's a lenguage, like a different form of physics" he’s coping about the “little” salt mistake still...
damn 15/ruby chemistry is so good….. can't wait for it all to go up in flames. And tragedy. Flaming tragedy.
"but only one of them stayed" mirror...? QUICK someone count how many companions have there been and if it's 33?????
im having sm emotions wtf
honestly ppl thinking rtd would retcon this were so hilariously off-base lol as if there's anything more of a catnip-plot for a soap opera writer than a “figure out parental origins” plotline
follow the crack... the crack in time and space...
it bothered me that in the special they used so much contemporary colorful theatrical lighting, that didnt fit the "grounded" doctordonna era at al, but it works much better here in that we're properly in the color ncuti era
"dont say that" aggggggggggggg
(ppl forgeting about ruby feels kinda clara coded / foreshadowing?)
"then why are you crying?" im going feral
"i will fix this" rtd voice: he will make it worse
oohh, the hubris in this ep was the arrogance of the doctor saying "they are NOT time travellers" sdklfj
baby catching... xena coded
blue / gold motif my beloved!!!
its a wonderful life~
"everything i do just makes it happen" -> "maybe im the bad luck"
"where are you goin now?" nbd just ruby going to buy some bread at the same store as yaz
this was so wholesome t.t i really enjoyed that!! it has some lore implications and long-run stuff but mostly i’m really glad to finally get some new stories/a new vibe. I really enjoyed the glimpse we got of ruby’s family world and also love that both mine and 15’s reactions was “i’ve only had ruby for half an hour but if something happened to her i’d murder everyone here and then myself probably”. her wardrobe is beyond iconic.
besides the “biggest family in the world” parallel, the bb photos in the fridge give me like… TTC’s o"ther lost incarnations are their siblings vibe". Or, every "other time lord is technically the doctor’s children" vibe.
aesthetically, i really enjoyed this one. Specially The Big Scene (13-era blue/gold motif my beloved). This is one i see myself rewatching in the future just for the feel-good feel of it. the goblin number was fun! a clever parody of how much of pop uses “baby” and sweets-related metaphors for the sake of romance and here it becomes all for the sake of cannibalism lol (big brown eyes, caramelise~). 15/ruby being *so in* tune is cute+fun (and slightly sus). promising start to the new era.
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ribbon-paws · 2 years
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musubiki · 3 years
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shima-draws · 4 years
Shurara: We’re going after the Keroro Platoon. All of them have several varying weaknesses, so be sure to target those
Shurara: Except for their leader Keroro
Shurara: He only has one weakness
Shurara: And it’s the human Fuyuki Hinata
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Iichako was my first ship in the series. I loved them so much when they touched hands so Tenya could show how much of a good leader he is (this might explain why I went FERAL when BKDK did the hand thing in Heroes Rising). From the very beginning I will admit I didn't ship Deku with Uraraka at ALL until Aoyama called out Uraraka on crushing on Deku and I went "oooohhhhh a canon crush?"
Also Iichako are textbook definition of opposites attract. Uraraka is round (hence Round Face) and pink while Tenya is square (robot mannerisms) and blue. Uraraka would be the cliche of the quirky popular girl while Tenya is the cliche of the nerd that follows rules to the T.
- Tenya unknowingly spoils Uraraka because she just mentions stuff she wants on the offhand that any rich kid would think is like buying lunch. So as a good friend he shall get this for Urarakam It's only when Deku mentions a notebook he wants and saving up for Tenya went "Midoriya-kun, I can't spend my family's money on a notebook you can easily get."
- Also its Canon that Tenya thinking Uraraka wanted to be a hero for money was admirable which shows he loves family which was obvi but it makes Tenya happy
- This made him happy when Tensei said he approves of Uraraka saying "I like that girl. She probably loosen up your gears a bit".
- Since they have very different backgrounds it shows in their dates. Tenya would take Uraraka on a fancy date in a restaurant while Uraraka takes him to like movie or a mall trip or even a fair with street food.
- But they love experiencing new things with the other. Uraraka loves it when Tenya was baffled at the cheap knick knacks in stores while Tenya smiles when Uraraka just looks so happy seeing fancy food and just digs in.
- Its also Canon that Tenya can make Uraraka laugh, which at first was unintentionally but he tries to find ways to make her laugh that he buys a joke book but his delivery is so monotone she just bursts out laughing.
- They have designated themselves as Deku's school parents (Tsu is the Aunt/Sister, while Todoroki is the protective best friend that's practically family) so they had a shovel talk with Bakugou.
- It went like this
OCHA: Bakugou what your intentions toward our son?
BAKU: Hah? Who the fuck are you talking about?
IIDA: Language, and we're talking about Midoriya-kun. We want to make sure you won't hurt him
BAKU: Wait... Are giving me that damn shovel talk? You ain't his parents
OCHA: How dare you! We're his parents here! And you watch it Bakugou! I can float your ass to the moon then drop you! *points to Iida* And I know my husband will not hesitate to murder you if provoked!
TODO, out of nowhere: Its true.
- i might make that short fic if you like
- The hardest thing that for Iida in this relationship was to upgrade Uraraka-kun to Ochako-chan. He was embarrassed and flustered when Uraraka then called him Tenya-kun. This was even harder than admitting that he liked Uraraka and wanted to date her.
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marmarbeans · 3 years
I AM IN MIIISERYYYYY(Spoilers for Wolfman of Wulvershire. If you haven’t seen it yet, get ready to scream.)
Never have I ever wanted the WORST thing ever possible to happen to someone other than Everett. That blonde, arrogant little bitch of a twink can go fuck himself with the sharpest knife and mauled by elves for all I fucking care. I know it's harsh, but I don't care. I want him to SUFFER. I could kinda care less about Briana cos she was a bitch and I lowkey don't like her cos she was mean to Carina(who also deserves better.) The way that blonde little cunt had my boi Ren locked up had me ready to stab a bitch. Had my boi locked up like a feral werewolf. I'm about 99.9% sure he was set up cos We didn't see Ren with any black gloves on, did we? No. I haven't despised an arrogant little blonde twink since Lucio, and I still hate that little goat bitch. We're just gonna have to wait for next Tuesday's chapter to see what happens next. But I guarantee that it's gonna get more heated from here.
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blahblahwritings · 6 years
Wild Ride.
Words: 2414
Warnings: Smut. Oral. Thigh-riding. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids).
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The Saturday night breeze washed over your form, sending your black skirt dancing as you waited for your date to arrive. You kept shifting your weight from one foot to the other every minute or so as you fiddled with the owl ring on your finger, impatient to see him again. No matter how long you had been with him, you always got butterflies before you both met, fluttering around your insides relentlessly.
You heard him before you saw him, his bike rumbling in the distance and getting louder as he turned the corner of your apartment building. He slowed to a stop in front of you, handing you a helmet before helping you onto the seat behind him.
“Evenin’, Doll, you're lookin’ gorgeous as usual.” He complimented through the built in headset. At this point you were glad to be behind him as you turned a dark shade of red, strikingly similar to your chosen collared jumper. You wrapped your arms around his waist and let out a small girlish giggle at his words, feeling the smirk he had without even having to see it. After setting off from the apartment, you were outside an old fashioned diner within ten minutes.
Swinging yourself off the bike, you turned to him, lifting the helmet from your head before quickly trying to fix your hair. He stopped your movements with a gentle hand on your wrist.
“You look wonderful, you don’t need to worry.” He reassured with a small smile and a kiss on your forehead. How did his hair stay intact after taking his helmet off? He looked fantastic. Linking arms, you both walked into the diner and took a boothe in the corner away from any prying eyes, the neon pink lighting from the open sign outside set the mood rather well as you scanned the menus.
“Hello, my name is Rose, I’ll be your waitress for this evening. Can I start by getting you two any drinks?” A short, dark-skinned girl in a yellow apron asked, in a bubbly tone. You couldn’t help but smile at her happy nature as Bucky ordered you both a chocolate milkshake each. The waitress sauntered off to collect the drinks, leaving you both to continue looking at the menu.
“I think I’m going to get the steak and vegetables, Doll. You know what you want?” He asked, eyes peering over the menu, flicking down to your deep red lips only for a second as you looked back at him, eyebrow quirked. “Probably the Empire State Burger with fries.” You said with a smirk. Bucky chuckled. “That’s my girl” He tucked the menus back into the holder with the sauces before turning back to you, an unreadable expression on his face, the corner of his mouth curved upwards in a slight smirk. God he always looked to hot when he did that.
Rose walked back over with the two shakes, setting them on the table with two napkins, taking out her pen and pad. “Are you ready to order?” She asked, eyes crinkling as she grinned at the two of you. “Yeah,” Bucky started, a small smile on his face. “I’ll have the steak and vegetables please.” He finished, turning to you and leaning forwards on the table. The waitress turned to you. “And you?” she asked. “I’ll have the-” You stopped, feeling Bucky’s hand on your knee underneath the table. “Uhh- the Empire State Burger and fries, please.” His hand snaked further up your leg, tickling the inside of your thighs. “Alrighty, I’ll be back with your order shortly. If you need anything just call me over.” She explained, once again going off to place your orders. You let out a small squeak as the cool metal of his hand left the warmth of your thighs.
Turning to him, the look in your eyes said stop but your body was thinking the opposite. His smirk only grew at the blush on your cheeks knowing exactly what he was doing and how to get you all flustered. The two of you chatted back and forth for a while before your food arrived, sipping on the milkshakes as you chowed down. Every so often, his foot would brush against yours or his knee would make its way between your legs and you’d stop all movements and chewing. He on the other hand, would act none the wiser as you grew more and more needy throughout the evening, craving his touch. As you finished your food, he asked for the bill, paying for you both and leaving a handsome tip.
Leaving the diner, he handed you your helmet again and you climbed onto the bike behind him, an idea coming forwards in your head. It was your turn. He started up the bike and you wrapped your arms around him again but this time, a little lower, around his hips. As he pulled away from the curb, you shifted your position so you were flat against his back. With one hand, you traced patterns through the fabric of his jacket just above his pants and you could tell he felt it by the way you felt him tense up. Then you decided to step it up a bit by moving your hand further down, lightly palming him through his pants. At this, he sped up, the revving of the bike sending vibrations straight through you. It felt like forever but you were home in five minutes because of how fast he drove.
Sliding off the back, you took off your helmet, shaking out your hair as he took off his own. You kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for the date and slowly walked up the steps to the door of your apartment building, shaking your hips a little more than was probably necessary. As you unlocked the door at the front, you heard booted footsteps following and you smirked knowingly to yourself, pushing it open and getting in the lift.
As the doors closed behind you, he pushed you against the mirrored walls with your back to him. Leaning down, he growled in your ear. “You think that little stunt you pulled back there was funny? Huh?” His voice was low and you could feel it in his chest against your back. “And did you think you could just kiss me on the cheek and go home for the night?” He asked, letting out a dark chuckle as he pulled your hips toward him, grinding his impressive bulge against your ass. A whimper escaped your parted lips as you watched him in the mirrors, his eyes almost black in the dimly lit lift, his hair a mess around his face. You felt the heat of his flesh hand roaming up your back as the cold metal of his other arm grabbed your ass before lifting up your skirt, rubbing you through your panties. A shudder ran through your body as you arched into his touch. Then he was gone.
The elevator doors opened and you moved to fix your appearance as he gripped your wrist, dragging you to the door of your apartment. Fumbling for your keys you somehow managed to unlock and open your door through his attacks on your neck.
Once inside, he slammed you up against the door, wasting no time in throwing off his jacket as you dropped your bag, desperately clawing at his shoulders. He attached his mouth to yours in a fierce kiss as he unzipped your skirt, the fabric dropping to your feet and you stepped out of it and your heels. Breaking the kiss, you pulled at the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and over his head, he tossed it to the side. Your hands roamed the muscles of his abdomen, making their way down to the belt of his jeans as he lifted the jumper and shirt over your head in one swift tug, re-attaching your lips. Your hands were hasty as you unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his legs, palming him through his boxers. Pulling away with a hiss he gripped your wrist stopping you. A smirk found its way onto your lips as you sank to your knees in front of him in nothing but your lace bra and panties.
You looked up at him as you pulled off his boxers, revealing his throbbing member. Slowly, you began pumping him, teasing his length as you kissed all around the area he needed you most. A feral growl left his throat as you kissed the tip of his cock before taking him into your mouth inch by inch. Your tongue swirled around his shaft and his metal hand shot into your hair while he threw his head back in pleasure. His hips bucked as you used your hand to grip what you couldn’t take into your mouth. His metal hand guided your head and pulled at your hair making you groan around him. You could tell that he was getting close from his short quick breaths and he stopped you, pulling out of your mouth and bringing you up to kiss him with fervent desperation.
“Jump.” He commanded between kisses. So you obeyed, wrapping your legs around his waist as he caught you, walking to the bedroom. Throwing you onto the bed, he made quick work of your bra, tossing it god knows where before attacking your breasts, pulling one nipple between his teeth whilst teasing the other with his hand. You gasped, feeling the resulting wetness pool between your legs, rubbing your thighs together for some much needed friction wasn’t enough. You arched into his body hovering above you as he swapped nipples, satisfied at your reactions and your legs parted, his knee making its way between just enough so you could grind down on his bare thigh.
Bringing you up to straddle his lap, he began sucking on your neck, biting that sweet spot he knew drove you insane, leaving you a panting mess as you continued to rub your clothed pussy against his thigh, angling yourself to give your clit more attention. His hands travelled down to your hips, pushing and pulling you as you rocked against him, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“B-Bucky-“ You couldn’t finish your sentence as his metal hand started hastily rubbing your clit. One of your hands flew to his hair, pulling as the other scratched dark red lines into his shoulders and back. Your head spun as your eyes fluttered closed, the dam breaking and ecstasy coursing through your veins. Your body spasmed against him as he cooed words of encouragement in your ear as you came back down. He left a trail of soft, gentle kisses from behind your ear to the base of your neck and back up to your lips, laying you back down on the bed.
If you had been coherent, you would have realised the sudden change in pace and atmosphere from desperate and rough to slow and loving as he kissed his way down the valley of your breasts, licking and sucking as he went all the way to the hem of your panties. He looked up at you with adoration as he slid them down your legs, taking in the sight of your dripping wet cunt, the smell of your arousal intoxicating him as he kissed up your thighs. He intertwined his flesh hand with one of your own, using the strength of his metal one to keep your hips in place as he licked a stripe up your folds.
“Doll, you taste so damn good, you look so pretty all blissed out, sweetheart.” He murmured as he went down on you, lapping up the juices as his tongue swirled around your clit. A strangled moan was the only response you could produce as your free hand gripped the sheets beneath you. His ministrations became faster and faster before he let go of your hips, pushing a metal finger into your entrance, pumping it in and out of you. He soon added another as your groans and cries of pleasure kept falling from your mouth, free hand now moving to his hair, asking him to hurry up and let you finish but he had other ideas. Just as you were about to come he backed away, the absence of his touch bringing you out of your haze only to find him above you again, his cock lined up with your entrance as he gazed down at you. You wrapped your legs around his hips to bring him closer just as he plunged himself deep inside you in one thrust, not giving you time to adjust to his size as he set the pace.
“Fuck, Bucky, oh god, please, harder.” You begged causing his pace to falter only slightly before he started slamming into you, the headboard knocking repeatedly off the walls of your apartment which your neighbour would likely complain about in the morning but you really couldn’t care less at this point. He brought one of your knees over his shoulder, bringing you to the perfect angle as he hit your g-spot so perfectly with each thrust you were seeing stars, only hearing the sick slapping of skin against skin and bumping of the headboard as your second orgasm ripped through you.
“Fuck, babygirl, that’s it.” He said through gritted teeth, so close to his own release as you tensed around him, body arching into his own as he toyed with your clit, helping you ride it out. It only took the feeling of your fingernails digging into his biceps to bring him over the edge. As he finished inside you, he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, leaving sloppy kisses before slowly pulling out of you. The warmth of his body retreated for only a few moments, being replaced with a warm cloth as he cleaned you and himself up, ghosting his lips over your skin as he went, keeping you grounded.
Throwing the cloth into the wash basket, he pulled you into his chest, curling around you as you hummed in appreciation, teetering on the edge of sleep. His fingers drew small circles on your tummy and hips, dropping you into a deep slumber.
“I love you, Doll” He whispered, beginning to nod off himself but not before you made a noise akin to a reply. He huffed out a small chuckle, finally joining you in your sleep.
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